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Sixtfi Scmester B.E. Degrc.
Heat and Mass Transfer
a. Srare the laws goremins lhEe basic.ndes olheatt.dnstcr.
b. Wnle lhe 3 D hert conduction eqotion r Crnesian co-ordinale sysretu.
Note.l.A ieo FIt Efit tltestiors, s.letli'tg
at t 6t Two quenions l/o", ea.h part.
2. Usz lru,sler data hant book ad steah tabt.s
.. A tunra.e has a oomposite $allcotrstNctcd ol a ftfiacrory nalerial for lhc tnside layer and
xn insulali4 marenal on neoutside.The loral w! lhicknc$ n tjoirdlo 60 cm.Ihe neb
lcfraeralurc orthd gases wnhin lhe tumre is 850t, $e exrenrt ambienr lemperxtue n
lo'C rnd Le inrerhce reinperarur is 500t. The thetuat conduc iries of rstiacroN and
n.rknp1.e.rl.-  ' f.noul$i, I tt...o|btrFd u-.1 ,..o he
rr'.l: b) .ot., .on no rJi.o l.r.eer. rF". J
,100  ,
r,nd rn.n
^.1di) Therequieddrickrc$.leachmdrcri0l.
ii) Thcrate loss ro ann.stheE iskwmr.
iii)The Icnrperatlrq ollhe eitenal and intemrl$daces.
Derive an expEssion tbr cnrlcal rhicknes or6utrlion tor a clrindcr.
, ... ru' t.o.. rJ i ,ua'ron....r-r..rl,teq'..,n1.r.i,pp.,
Find the rmountofhcrr hnsfered lnough an ircn fin ofdrickncs oa5
and $idrh 100 cm. Also. dere.nine lhe temperarft dillirence -B'ar rhc
atnospheric reoperatm o, 23.C md hase remperdure ot iin to
Kr, =50 wrm-K, h = lO w/m:-K.
a DclineBiotnumberanJerpLlinnssigninca.ce, (02 lrrrt
b Dcrive an exDLession lbr$e instmhncous and t rathearnoyinrcmsotdeproductofBiol
nunrbera.d Fouier nufrbei is on. dimensioml txnsient heat.ondkii.n
c Aluninlum md ot5.ur diamerer and I tuere lona ar 200"C is suddenty erposed ro a
per mclre lerglh ol$e md I trmuis atier re cyliider is exposed ro lhe environDrcnr -propenies orAr p = 27i]i] kEmr. C, =g(]()rKG K, K = 2tj }r/jn K. h = 500 rvimr-K,
! = 3.5x10
'.'gdtr.en.ion r.v..dc-c" .pr( o. rt,.'nq ts.e' n_ro.r q ol,.u
a bU L J roe or i -., .o n.' I
pieor crJr, _r.
-n"dr .0rr t...0c..f,( totrSiFoi. .,.-,r o
.rLJ.o. li.c lo.!  h.'.e,0.tror.n. r.eo, rx",pc..i. Ei,."0n..
rinenaric!isd.osiryolt0- n:/s..a;utar:
i) Soutrdary laycrrhickness al the iriddte.fpklc.
n) She0r$mss !llle Diddle orplare ]nd
ili)rri.rion d s or oncsidcollhe plare
lsl), ,0M863
-, *--,f io"
o-., o' o,r,
o *
Tyo horizonl.l slem pipos laving l00 rm md ]00 nm are so lald irr i boiler house dr.r
rhe ,nulual heal hnnir may be neEl.dcd The surlace tenpeBture oi each ol rhc scanl
piDesis475C lfthe lempeatuE olthe anrbient h r5!c. calc(ldc thc mro.l herr
!"nslirc.-e[]c1ent md hear losscs pclnetrc lctr8rh olthoplpes
Deine slanron numberand explain irs physical signlfi.ance. (0,llerk,
fr .'h"
Anara rchaemrure 0120". ilo*s overa flal plaleat I ms. The plat is 30chx25.ft Fnrd
lhe heal los per hour llair llow n paraliel 1o 50 cnr side ofthe p ale. lf25 cm sidc is keDt
pacilel to the an noN, Nhar uill be rh. erftrt on hcal lBnsler? TempemruE ollhe plale is
100'C. (o3}I!rkr)
a. Deile expLe$ion for IMTD olparllcl llor heal exch -qer.
Srale me asunprions
made. (r0r!*o
b A heat exchdEer is used loi coolinC oil xl 130"C mins water avaihbl. al 25'C. The nrass
flow nles oloil d ualerare2.5 kss and 1.2 kgh Espedively.llrhe bear crchxngo h,s
l6 nrr area avlilobLe for heat tansler. Calculale tlE oulld renpentrcs.l oit anJ rxlu tu!
ii) Counrer uov amnsemenr.
Take Cp," I =l900J]KO K, Cp,,.,.., =4184
a Explxi. rhe influence olthe non-condcnsable gdses in condcnsalion proless (0.1llrln
b. Dilrercnliale benveen lhe mechlnnm olfilnsise td dropwisc .onde.in1nn1. ExpLain rhy
drop...ecotrder.diotr'prefenedoer lln."-e-ro" . o'
c. A meral-.lid heatng elenenr ol l0 hn diaherer dd olcmissniry 0.r2 is submer-gcd in r
war$barh honzonrally. llrhc sunb.c rcnpcrarurc ofrhe meral is 260t undcr nudv boilin!
condiiions, csalculate the po$er dissDalloi per unn len8dr ollhc hctucr. ArnLme ihrt rhe
*alers exposed to atmosphen. pres re and E at unilom tcmpemxrc.
a. Explain biely dre conceptofblackbody.
b Stute dnd expla,n ihe tollovi.glarvs:
i) Stelan B.lund la$.
iy) wiens .tisplaccmcnr la$.
c. C.lcnlaE rhc ner mdi.m hcxr crhaiee per tur arta for lwo lmee parallel
renlrreBtL'Es o1427'C md 2lt Especlively. Takc € ,brhol and co planes to
06 6!e.tively.1la po lish ed aluninium sh ie ld is placed betReen rhem, find rlre
redudidn in rhe herttm.sler giren E tur shield 0.04.
Sixth Semestcr B.E. Dcsree Examination. Dec.20l:l/JaD.2015
Compuler lntegrated Manufacturing
ote. Answr a,t FlyLfttt q@stio s.MIe.t satteast
IIBLAI x Detine Cn{ Explain hoq lleiible rromrlion N
Nrar Marhs:100
Two qnzstio, frot" cact pot.
difcrcnliared Eom prolmmmablc
automlrion. (05 Nkrkg
b DelincnranuiacturinC lead rine and opcr0!.n ride RepEsen hemnarhqnarica y
c A, avc*ge or 10 neR orde6 h saned rhroleh a cerain ra"""
co.sisE of an ave.rec ?5 plns ro be pb.essed thrcuqh 3 nachmes in rhe facroN Thc
'per".or" c e.r..t'trcro - tt"' ..:rr D t jno ooe* .o . , , e .r. , e" .,b(
l0 hh and the EquiEd setup he r 5h6 TbeE wffe ?l] *llkslaltons in rhe fr.tory The
planloperalcs l75hL/mo0th. Derermine i) 'lanuhctunng lead rinre ii) Planr lapaliry
iirUrlzdrion r) orkrnprures i) Tlrraro.
2 a. Whardo trou mdeNlad by aurotured linelti$fie vaious syDrbols used toftpEsent
an auroftared io* tine. (06rkrk,
b. Dl iarenti rrc be Neen In line dd Rot.ryconfigunrion srslens. (06rfkt
c. Whar aE Tftnsllr mechmisins: [tar aE ns r]pesl Wnh a neal skerh, cptlii ceneva
Rheel lmnsft r mcchonism.
Ditirentirle beueen UpprBouid Approach and Lo*er BouDd Appnach.
Bnclll, eaplain rhe conceprol nrantral Asembly liDe, wirh x skelch.
A tanslermachine hr. six ndlons thar lun(ion as fir lors I
In addilion, Ttusler Time is 0.13 frii Aerage dosnrime peroccunen.e = 8 tuin. Sol!e
rhe pmblem rssurnDrg lhat uhen s,ridn hreakdown o(us. the *orkpans nusl be
remoed. Derennhe :,) Proponior Doe.line ii) Avemge a uat prodrction atc
a. Dolinelhc aollosingrcnDs: i) Mininuh Ddonalwork rlerert ii) tsalancc dclav
'', , ..k'ae i., Pr eoe. ,g'{ Os!", 
Connrtrd ihc pr1edcn.. dirgaD. Dercnnine rhe number ot sorkrnlions Equired b
pmc.s all rhc Lyo eleDr..s Li* rdked posnional veighr meilod. Ako detennrne
,] s 9
3 6 6 l
Wirh near sketches, explaln Honzontaland Venical escrpenrenl d placementdeliccs.
(03 rrtu)
Wnat arc Auiomared Cuidcd vehicles? List $e qres oIACV's wnte a nole on yehicle
griddce rechnologyrdopied in Acv. o, rrr*,
DefiDe CAPP. {nh block dias8m, explain vaianttype ofCAPP system. (03v.*,
Bneflyexplain the tundandbl concepls ofMRP. (06vr*r)
whatis Capacity ?lanning? Explain how capacity planning is gmerally acmmplished.
a. What are pEpaolory tunctions? Wite d nore on cuter ndius compensalim. (06nrrk)
b. Difercntiate beNen Absolute and IncEnenlal co oidinare syrrem. (04 }lr*,
c. ThedesiEd conponenl paft is show inng. Q7G). wit a miuat pait ptugrmne ro tom
the ptufile ofde pan shoNn. Use Rough Tuming Cycle dd Finislr cycle. Assume suitable
pDcesspammeles 00ur*,
a. Wnh a neat skerch, explain robot conliguElion.
b. whal are End ctrcdon? Explain lhe laiious g,pes ofgrippes available.
c Definc tne followi.g
J Rc.o.r.'o- iir Reper,brl u i i, 'arloao.
Silrh Scmerrer a.E. Degree Examin.tion. Dcc.20l.l Jan.20l5
Design of Machine Elements - ll
Mlx' Marksrl00
otc:1. A,stuet Ftt E lutl rluestiohs, seledits
at t.ast rwo q".!1io s l,oh each patt
7, Use oJdesian data ha d hook peu,ilka,
3, t.hsi,s.!ata, ila rtua! be suhabb asettel.
Fi!.e! (,)
b A solid shali ol l2s mm diamder is to be prcscd inror slccliangcnhicnhBsmouBide
diameler!f150 mDr and l.ngrh.l100 mnr TdleE=210GPa,v 0:l Ddtrtuine.
il PrcsuEheiwe.i htrli,trdh,lt
ii) PropersizeofboE,ifmainunsresdoesnotexreed 160{Pa
iii) Force ftquned to press rhe pans 1!gelher. A*ume p = 0 I 6rpress lit
iy) Torquc capacny olprqss ft.
Sele.iaV-beldivelo rmrnn l8 k$ al1500 rpnr romofierpulieyt onai750Iptu The
dia ofstuallerpulley is 100 hft. The cenh dnkice is 2lirnes the diaherfioll.rgcr p01lcy.
Sclcdanunberoltrieopesftqunedlobeusedsithadrumdiareleiotl to.r.r A load
of30 kN h ro be lined by:5 inn dimcrsr 6x7tupes fotu a heighr 01450 m.rcr. A
elociry of 15 mfcc h b bc raincd in l0 sccond. A$trme the skip seighr ro bc 30% ol
DeEmine de dinrensions ol I secion, sholri ln Flg. Ql
nreses art numcncally equal nputo bending, gilen b. +b l
la) ln whicn maxinun fibre
= 120 m (r0 rlllrk,
loidcqacayard lircrorolsllcly 016. noMlrk,
a. A nee end ola losion spring doflecc through 60'ehen subjecred ro r lorquc oi6 -m.
The rllowable nrcss in de spinsmalerlaln 400 MPa and rc spnDs index is 6. Deremine
de $neduDEterandrh.nuD$erof.lG irc n:ms. Take ! = 206.8xl()rNrmmi
b. A BcLlcville sprins Dade ilm 5 nnn lhick seel sheei halnlc otrlside diarnetcr r50 mm and
inside dimeler 70 m. The heient oi lhe spitrs is l0 nrm. UsinC y = 01,
E= 20,10'MPa. Find i) Ihe denectiom ofspitrg. ii) Ihe load the sping car car]
,ii) Stess ai dre ouiercdse
limn dr ma nufnrc$afihcimcrcdaecro450MP!. o,Nh[,
Desig x ran of slrur gear to trmsmit 40 kW al 4000 lpm ofpinion ro rhe eear 800 Dm
Sclc.l Ch6m,un Nickclrrcellorbolh gears. Assume pinion as 20 and seni.e tucrol
!s l.5 Derenine dynamic ldad. ver loid and reco,nmend BllN vahes. A$ume c=2011
A 2.1rcclh.nsr neel gea! pin,on (6, = 51.r MPr) driles a high gmd! Cl lcr hrling
(or. = 3l 4Pa) 50 rcelh Th. rcclh rre 20'tulldeprh inrolute in lhe noanxl plane. Thc helix
angle ir 45' Nomal module N 3 hh Frd d1c aii powerrh can be lm$ited by drese
geaE ara pinion spccd ol5 00 Am. Asume liceNidrh 6 l01ifres nomrlmldule md scant
lubricllion c{ =l25. lmlxrl,
Deng! a pxi olnirrd bevel geaN ro rmnsnn 9 hW ,t 1200 rpm. The pnch lnre eloritj ol
geris mtexceed l5 n sec (t2 rrarks)
A hnrdened sleel wonn al 1250 rpm trrnhits ponrr ro a phosphor btunze gear *irh ,
lmisfrnsion iatio ofl:o r l. The .enlre dnldce n 200 mnr Delennnre the inpur pocr
ldpeiD lsrme0 .t: FDT
Desisn a cone clulch ro ransmir 15 klv at 1200 am. Asuhe semi cone anllc 0; 12 5".
.o cllicienr olftirtion for lining 0.,1and ! =0 2 MPa. (0!yrrLt
A single bmJ brake shoM in Fis Q6 (b) a ro bc desisned b sro, 6. rolation ola shan
rmnsmitrins ! pouer oi45 LW al a raled speed ols00 IIm Selectng suirxble nalenals
i) Dinensons ofr.langularctuss ecnon olbmd.
il) Dimensions* secrion oibEk letr (Asn'he hr = I b,)
iii) Diafr eler oltuIcNn pin.
Assune i, = 1.5 dp. bexring $ress d6: l0 MPa
a. A tuU j.umalbcanreolle.!r[ 100.m d
ot 2 5 kN .r 600 +in VhI viscosil) oil
tmpenture ro 60!c . The tuoh tenpdrrure
6. Dcicmlne de po$er lo$ lor a Pcrofbexriig I
radial .leannce n 0.05 min. Speed o1{hejoumal
and betri.Aop.nliig lempeuruF h60!C.
lnciouhlldidmeler.lS0 mm sufn.ns I load
should be used i. li'nil ri. beding surlicc
is 20'C and rhc clearaice iatl. k 0 001 R.
($ riG)
00 mu in dian.rf md 150 nm 1on8. The
is 1000 rpn. The lrbncating oil is SAI10
a. Listard cxtlain the fundions ofparrs olinrenal conbunion ensine 0{ rkrk,
b. Design a can ftn tunk i_vpe pni.n tn. lbur (rcle inrcna] combuslion enainc tnr rhe
lollovins dila: Cylirder borc = 150 nh, Stoke = 200 mm. Indurrd ,nean cJlcclive
tre$ut = 6 br. Iuel consumption 4 kg,tr,Maximungaspresurc=5 MPa.
Higher.aloi6c rrluc.ftucl= 4100 K.,/kg. Speed olcngine = 600 Dr. ctricien.y= 759'!. Allowable sre$ ior piston = l0 N,mnr:,
A11oable tmsile eies forpiston nng = 90 MPa,
Allo*able bendif8 strcs in piston pin = 80 MPa
i ,/
B.E. Degrec Examinetion, Dec.20l:l/Jan.2015
Finite Ele]nent Melhods
Notet l. Atil'er FIVE fuu questions, kL.tiia
leaslftro qt.sno sfota aLh Pan.
2.Mitshtpdata n, tuirablr be assut'c.l.
i ObrainaequilibriumequalioDsolalDelast(bodysubjecEdloabodylorce. (03Nl"rkt
b. Dn(ss the lypes olclcmenls based.nseoneq (06Nlirk,
c Explai.lhe general dcscrilxion olfinnc clemenrmedrod (06M!rk,
Derire an expressio! loi Tolal porenrial enegy ol.n
traclion lorB and a poinl lbrce
Using Ralcilht Rirz nelbod lind a defledion oi a
$Lrj.cted ro r uniromny dislibured load orpi N/h
ehnicbody subjecred ro body loi.e.
sirnply supporled b.xm ol lenBh L
a Wilean inrerpolalion polynomirl tor lre.r, qu.dmic atrd cubicelenlcnr. 06lLrkt
b. Obtanr an expre$ion ror a nmin displ@emenr madx ora recrdetrlxrclement. (,ar*rld
a. Dercnnins the nodal dhplaceneDls, reachonr.and slre$es lor the t_ig Q'1 (x) usnrs pcnahy
alrlrmach Take E =ll0 GPr, Area=250mfr'. (lzvr*n
Fie Qa(b)
r rind the shape lunctionsora2 D quadilateral quadrallc 19 nodcd) elcmcni
b Wnh a skelch deine lso. Submd Strpcr pammelic elemenb
Find lhe nodal dGplacqnenl, sysleh shos. in rie. Q,1 (b). Txke
60 k^l
16D raq 159a' o.tzl^
a Oblain an erpie$ion tursrinne$ mafix oralrus etemenr
t :,*Ul,*':*.n*a.i"
i,,t'.'-ii,l,l,liiii ii"-..' ",.",
ln rr
loadins shoM in Fig. Q? (b), delermine
ol rhe midpoinis ol lhe disdbuled
(0nvr r)
rhc slores ar 2 and 3 and lhe
loxd. Trke E 200 CPa.
r Dkcuss ne denvation ofone dimensionxl hearmnsferin ihin nlms. (03 rh*,
b. A conposile Nall co.sisls of3 m enah shoM in Fis. Q8 (b) The outci rctuperalure is
T" =20'C, dei.mine lhe lenpeEtuF dislriburion in lne sdl Co.vcdion hed tmslcr
rakcs place at inaer sudace with T" =300"c Iakeh=25{i!rc,Area=lnr
Fig. Q8 (b)
Sixth Semestcr Degrcc . Dec.201.l/.1, n.201 s
Mechatronics & Microprocessor
ntet Arswo FrE.fill qnestions, s?lztiitry
at least Ill'O q znidl ftort ea.L Dar.
x. Delirome.hatraDils Lislhe adanragesanddLaJranlaeesotmc.haronics, (0.1)k,t,
b. hplantbricll) elemeDr ol.losed loo0 corrllsy(cn*irhacxajnpte. (0s vlrkt
c Ertllir irh rie block diagmn. hoR a fticrcpro..n.r control s)-sem is used ro controtthc
iir.N.Cand erpolure in iD aurotu!. cameE.
b. nG rtrd evlain non pcnunentnmsrel rpe D( nolo^ $rh (h.r 1 ! JLlnnr.
r Definesignalcondrrring.$hdxerlrftcc$ilrfo.sigDatcond ionirg (0{hrk,
b Eplain balxncc mode ol*heat ione bridge od henc! deduc. rhe erp;snon rbr !Iu!c tn
ourpuroluge. (rurrrd,
c wirh Lrlock diagran. erplain dara lcquisirjon slner. (6rhrk,
fla.I:&J Terlo .. (.or pF
l0. ..e rpr' D. OP OP dd D -q3.e.
1,1 .., blt dd.^
x. DeiDcrhe lolloiirgrems: i) Hystrcsiscftdr ii) Accuialy
h nhil is hall ellecl'l Ertlrin rhe prlrcipte othrtteIIed*trb rear skcrch
c Exflain how seDsing is achiced by rn incrernentat oprc,l cncoder. qiirc ns
a Nhd is a acnrlol) Nrnre an! btrrnnpofi!trtsol rarc $ritclrcs aid eplair
L wh ffe nncro-conrole6l Di:ringurh benyec. , micrc-ptucesor and micro cotrnoles
b Epla,n M a neatskerh. The rniennl tu.hneduc ol.tntet g.r, ,r,"r"n...rr"r.ll:ll::i3
, Brc).-.0'.r r.G..
'o'J 1rn..or.."U .edD.30.(
o '"..ap.uJr r '.hrp1-,o8or. rti.,or.r, n n.^ n.,,,
:.:u l('o.i.t., .nnt.,n. .o I
rol.i"', lo! ! ..', , r.tjcbhr,.0r"..
L t r rc ]i,
,0arr oi p< ron rcd tj CpL
Dnr tr!trnh beneen Nnu.rion.l.Le,nmchine.vctc dT $aE.
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examiraiion,Dcc.20l4lJan.2015
Non - Traditional Machining
Tine I h,s. Nlax. Mafts:100
otet Arstr.t ah! tlvEttll qkestior!, seLcturA a ean TWO.luesaions jioh each Pdtr
. L(l the mc.nvcnlional ma.hi rg pm.c$.s und.r Nchanical cnergy thcnnxl ard
cheni.rl ocrgy.alegorr
DifiereDi{c belveen ...veilionrl (adnionil) and non trdilio.rl
'',! ,l c.Lge. ' dd . d n
orcl'" '11 r rl
Lisr oul rhc.onnnonly us.d !!$cs ii L$cr beamDxchining
EIlail re principlc nEpsinvoed in cheDiral millins ro producc pockes and cotrrou6.
. ivake a conparison bcrye.n tidirionrl md ion rriditional nacirininc
co$. pllc ion. scope, dx.hme tnre ,nJ limir ions.
a. vhnl rre$etuvanhg.sanddBddvmlagerof USM1
b 'ith a iear rkelch, cxpbi'r the pnnciple sorlingofUS'l
a. llorvdoeiASMdrllerlrohconrenrionals?ndbhnln8prolesl
b ihar aredreditircnllpesolabiasivesused iD ASM?
! Stut aid dxplaiii $c *orking a.d pnnciple orabra!r.lcl nrachlnins
o. lvhal arc rhe addlages and dhadlanuecs olECI,l?
b rvhrlfterhelacroGlholinnuencesoridalionoiECM1
.. Eplam the principl. olclcct6 chemi.rl gnnding. rvilh a neal sketch.
Ln1otrr dre mai.rappli!oriotrsolCHM Furlher pscess applicarion relared ro nnproving tlE
n Nrm. son,e olrhe dictcdnc duid..o$nlonly used in LD4. Name some oftheiool mateial
nscd in [D]vr (06 rkrks)
b.!I.r elhebxlcrequncnreirsolrhedielecticnuidusedinEDM? (0{uark,
. Wilh trholp olDearskelch,cxtlxin *e cu1 elecbical discharse nrachiDine. (r0Mri{t
a Extlair the brsi. p..ciple olPA,U 101rr t
b Unh aneal sketh.explili the *orki,ig.fPA-1 Lin. rhc ldvanhacs and lin,naions ol
Pdl p.occss (16hrk,

' '-
1.. 1,oona" ,uo.r .'. nqlir r, .e!r.00 beail i I e.tu1 J( .
E.ol.' !' J,, .'. !l'.. 1...tuo B.".' 1 :.,' "g'ld i I o.' i,..d"u.rSe. r) r,rL.,

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  • 1. L^ S,^ t'tr US Sixtfi Scmester B.E. Degrc. Heat and Mass Transfer E a !tj aa ai ii a. 1a 5: z a. Srare the laws goremins lhEe basic.ndes olheatt.dnstcr. b. Wnle lhe 3 D hert conduction eqotion r Crnesian co-ordinale sysretu. Note.l.A ieo FIt Efit tltestiors, s.letli'tg at t 6t Two quenions l/o", ea.h part. 2. Usz lru,sler data hant book ad steah tabt.s .. A tunra.e has a oomposite $allcotrstNctcd ol a ftfiacrory nalerial for lhc tnside layer and xn insulali4 marenal on neoutside.The loral w! lhicknc$ n tjoirdlo 60 cm.Ihe neb lcfraeralurc orthd gases wnhin lhe tumre is 850t, $e exrenrt ambienr lemperxtue n lo'C rnd Le inrerhce reinperarur is 500t. The thetuat conduc iries of rstiacroN and n.rknp1.e.rl.- ' f.noul$i, I tt...o|btrFd u-.1 ,..o he rr'.l: b) .ot., .on no rJi.o l.r.eer. rF". J ,100 , ^".do-q€no.'..de6.'to r,nd rn.n ^.1di) Therequieddrickrc$.leachmdrcri0l. ii) Thcrate loss ro ann.stheE iskwmr. iii)The Icnrperatlrq ollhe eitenal and intemrl$daces. Derive an expEssion tbr cnrlcal rhicknes or6utrlion tor a clrindcr. , ... ru' t.o.. rJ i ,ua'ron....r-r..rl,teq'..,n1.r.i,pp., Find the rmountofhcrr hnsfered lnough an ircn fin ofdrickncs oa5 and $idrh 100 cm. Also. dere.nine lhe temperarft dillirence -B'ar rhc atnospheric reoperatm o, 23.C md hase remperdure ot iin to Kr, =50 wrm-K, h = lO w/m:-K. a DclineBiotnumberanJerpLlinnssigninca.ce, (02 lrrrt b Dcrive an exDLession lbr$e instmhncous and t rathearnoyinrcmsotdeproductofBiol nunrbera.d Fouier nufrbei is on. dimensioml txnsient heat.ondkii.n c Aluninlum md ot5.ur diamerer and I tuere lona ar 200"C is suddenty erposed ro a per mclre lerglh ol$e md I trmuis atier re cyliider is exposed ro lhe environDrcnr -propenies orAr p = 27i]i] kEmr. C, =g(]()rKG K, K = 2tj }r/jn K. h = 500 rvimr-K, ! = 3.5x10 tnlr/s. '.'gdtr.en.ion r.v..dc-c" .pr( o. rt,.'nq ts.e' n_ro.r q ol,.u a bU L J roe or i -., .o n.' I pieor crJr, _r. -n"dr .0rr t...0c..f,( totrSiFoi. .,.-,r o .rLJ.o. li.c lo.! h.'.e,0.tror.n. r.eo, rx",pc..i. Ei,."0n.. rinenaric!isd.osiryolt0- n:/s..a;utar: i) Soutrdary laycrrhickness al the iriddte.fpklc. n) She0r$mss !llle Diddle orplare ]nd ili)rri.rion d s or oncsidcollhe plare lsl), ,0M863 " -, *--,f io" ", o-., o' o,r, "., o *
  • 2. l0ttE63 Tyo horizonl.l slem pipos laving l00 rm md ]00 nm are so lald irr i boiler house dr.r rhe ,nulual heal hnnir may be neEl.dcd The surlace tenpeBture oi each ol rhc scanl piDesis475C lfthe lempeatuE olthe anrbient h r5!c. calc(ldc thc mro.l herr !"nslirc.-e[]c1ent md hear losscs pclnetrc lctr8rh olthoplpes Deine slanron numberand explain irs physical signlfi.ance. (0,llerk, fr .'h" Anara rchaemrure 0120". ilo*s overa flal plaleat I ms. The plat is 30chx25.ft Fnrd lhe heal los per hour llair llow n paraliel 1o 50 cnr side ofthe p ale. lf25 cm sidc is keDt pacilel to the an noN, Nhar uill be rh. erftrt on hcal lBnsler? TempemruE ollhe plale is 100'C. (o3}I!rkr) a. Deile expLe$ion for IMTD olparllcl llor heal exch -qer. Srale me asunprions made. (r0r!*o b A heat exchdEer is used loi coolinC oil xl 130"C mins water avaihbl. al 25'C. The nrass flow nles oloil d ualerare2.5 kss and 1.2 kgh Espedively.llrhe bear crchxngo h,s l6 nrr area avlilobLe for heat tansler. Calculale tlE oulld renpentrcs.l oit anJ rxlu tu! ii) Counrer uov amnsemenr. Take Cp," I =l900J]KO K, Cp,,.,.., =4184 a Explxi. rhe influence olthe non-condcnsable gdses in condcnsalion proless (0.1llrln b. Dilrercnliale benveen lhe mechlnnm olfilnsise td dropwisc .onde.in1nn1. ExpLain rhy drop...ecotrder.diotr'prefenedoer lln."-e-ro" . o' c. A meral-.lid heatng elenenr ol l0 hn diaherer dd olcmissniry 0.r2 is submer-gcd in r war$barh honzonrally. llrhc sunb.c rcnpcrarurc ofrhe meral is 260t undcr nudv boilin! condiiions, csalculate the po$er dissDalloi per unn len8dr ollhc hctucr. ArnLme ihrt rhe *alers exposed to atmosphen. pres re and E at unilom tcmpemxrc. a. Explain biely dre conceptofblackbody. b Stute dnd expla,n ihe tollovi.glarvs: i) Stelan B.lund la$. iy) wiens .tisplaccmcnr la$. c. C.lcnlaE rhc ner mdi.m hcxr crhaiee per tur arta for lwo lmee parallel renlrreBtL'Es o1427'C md 2lt Especlively. Takc € ,brhol and co planes to 06 6!e.tively.1la po lish ed aluninium sh ie ld is placed betReen rhem, find rlre redudidn in rhe herttm.sler giren E tur shield 0.04.
  • 3. t0ME51 Sixth Semestcr B.E. Dcsree Examination. Dec.20l:l/JaD.2015 Compuler lntegrated Manufacturing 2 2 1] ::gl' 5i a4 /.' ote. Answr a,t FlyLfttt q@stio s.MIe.t satteast IIBLAI x Detine Cn{ Explain hoq lleiible rromrlion N Nrar Marhs:100 Two qnzstio, frot" cact pot. difcrcnliared Eom prolmmmablc automlrion. (05 Nkrkg b DelincnranuiacturinC lead rine and opcr0!.n ride RepEsen hemnarhqnarica y c A, avc*ge or 10 neR orde6 h saned rhroleh a cerain ra""" ",.h ,.""thtt;,ti1Hl co.sisE of an ave.rec ?5 plns ro be pb.essed thrcuqh 3 nachmes in rhe facroN Thc 'per".or" c e.r..t'trcro - tt"' ..:rr D t jno ooe* .o . , , e .r. , e" .,b( l0 hh and the EquiEd setup he r 5h6 TbeE wffe ?l] *llkslaltons in rhe fr.tory The planloperalcs l75hL/mo0th. Derermine i) 'lanuhctunng lead rinre ii) Planr lapaliry iirUrlzdrion r) orkrnprures i) Tlrraro. 2 a. Whardo trou mdeNlad by aurotured linelti$fie vaious syDrbols used toftpEsent an auroftared io* tine. (06rkrk, b. Dl iarenti rrc be Neen In line dd Rot.ryconfigunrion srslens. (06rfkt c. Whar aE Tftnsllr mechmisins: [tar aE ns r]pesl Wnh a neal skerh, cptlii ceneva Rheel lmnsft r mcchonism. Ditirentirle beueen UpprBouid Approach and Lo*er BouDd Appnach. Bnclll, eaplain rhe conceprol nrantral Asembly liDe, wirh x skelch. A tanslermachine hr. six ndlons thar lun(ion as fir lors I I I 1 lil In addilion, Ttusler Time is 0.13 frii Aerage dosnrime peroccunen.e = 8 tuin. Sol!e rhe pmblem rssurnDrg lhat uhen s,ridn hreakdown o(us. the *orkpans nusl be remoed. Derennhe :,) Proponior Doe.line ii) Avemge a uat prodrction atc (r(,11rrk, a. Dolinelhc aollosingrcnDs: i) Mininuh Ddonalwork rlerert ii) tsalancc dclav '', , ..k'ae i., Pr eoe. ,g'{ Os!", b.TherablebelowshowsrheeleDUrriine.ndprD.cdencercl.iionshjps.C!cknnreist()min. Connrtrd ihc pr1edcn.. dirgaD. Dercnnine rhe number ot sorkrnlions Equired b pmc.s all rhc Lyo eleDr..s Li* rdked posnional veighr meilod. Ako detennrne ,] s 9 3 6 6 l .t,s
  • 4. i0ME6t Wirh near sketches, explaln Honzontaland Venical escrpenrenl d placementdeliccs. (03 rrtu) Wnat arc Auiomared Cuidcd vehicles? List $e qres oIACV's wnte a nole on yehicle griddce rechnologyrdopied in Acv. o, rrr*, DefiDe CAPP. {nh block dias8m, explain vaianttype ofCAPP system. (03v.*, Bneflyexplain the tundandbl concepls ofMRP. (06vr*r) whatis Capacity ?lanning? Explain how capacity planning is gmerally acmmplished. (06vr*r) a. What are pEpaolory tunctions? Wite d nore on cuter ndius compensalim. (06nrrk) b. Difercntiate beNen Absolute and IncEnenlal co oidinare syrrem. (04 }lr*, c. ThedesiEd conponenl paft is show inng. Q7G). wit a miuat pait ptugrmne ro tom the ptufile ofde pan shoNn. Use Rough Tuming Cycle dd Finislr cycle. Assume suitable pDcesspammeles 00ur*, FieQT(c) a. Wnh a neat skerch, explain robot conliguElion. b. whal are End ctrcdon? Explain lhe laiious g,pes ofgrippes available. c Definc tne followi.g J Rc.o.r.'o- iir Reper,brl u i i, 'arloao. KT
  • 5. l0MFi62 Silrh Scmerrer a.E. Degree Examin.tion. Dcc.20l.l Jan.20l5 Design of Machine Elements - ll Mlx' Marksrl00 otc:1. A,stuet Ftt E lutl rluestiohs, seledits at t.ast rwo q".!1io s l,oh each patt 7, Use oJdesian data ha d hook peu,ilka, 3, t.hsi,s.!ata, ila rtua! be suhabb asettel. 2 !:= ,j 2,) ai E Fi!.e! (,) b A solid shali ol l2s mm diamder is to be prcscd inror slccliangcnhicnhBsmouBide diameler!f150 mDr and l.ngrh.l100 mnr TdleE=210GPa,v 0:l Ddtrtuine. il PrcsuEheiwe.i htrli,trdh,lt ii) PropersizeofboE,ifmainunsresdoesnotexreed 160{Pa iii) Force ftquned to press rhe pans 1!gelher. A*ume p = 0 I 6rpress lit iy) Torquc capacny olprqss ft. Sele.iaV-beldivelo rmrnn l8 k$ al1500 rpnr romofierpulieyt onai750Iptu The dia ofstuallerpulley is 100 hft. The cenh dnkice is 2lirnes the diaherfioll.rgcr p01lcy. O0[Isrk, Sclcdanunberoltrieopesftqunedlobeusedsithadrumdiareleiotl to.r.r A load of30 kN h ro be lined by:5 inn dimcrsr 6x7tupes fotu a heighr 01450 m.rcr. A elociry of 15 mfcc h b bc raincd in l0 sccond. A$trme the skip seighr ro bc 30% ol DeEmine de dinrensions ol I secion, sholri ln Flg. Ql nreses art numcncally equal nputo bending, gilen b. +b l la) ln whicn maxinun fibre = 120 m (r0 rlllrk, -f loidcqacayard lircrorolsllcly 016. noMlrk, a. A nee end ola losion spring doflecc through 60'ehen subjecred ro r lorquc oi6 -m. The rllowable nrcss in de spinsmalerlaln 400 MPa and rc spnDs index is 6. Deremine de $neduDEterandrh.nuD$erof.lG irc n:ms. Take ! = 206.8xl()rNrmmi (03^rran b. A BcLlcville sprins Dade ilm 5 nnn lhick seel sheei halnlc otrlside diarnetcr r50 mm and inside dimeler 70 m. The heient oi lhe spitrs is l0 nrm. UsinC y = 01, E= 20,10'MPa. Find i) Ihe denectiom ofspitrg. ii) Ihe load the sping car car] ,ii) Stess ai dre ouiercdse limn dr ma nufnrc$afihcimcrcdaecro450MP!. o,Nh[,
  • 6. l0ME62 Desig x ran of slrur gear to trmsmit 40 kW al 4000 lpm ofpinion ro rhe eear 800 Dm Sclc.l Ch6m,un Nickclrrcellorbolh gears. Assume pinion as 20 and seni.e tucrol !s l.5 Derenine dynamic ldad. ver loid and reco,nmend BllN vahes. A$ume c=2011 IDI A 2.1rcclh.nsr neel gea! pin,on (6, = 51.r MPr) driles a high gmd! Cl lcr hrling (or. = 3l 4Pa) 50 rcelh Th. rcclh rre 20'tulldeprh inrolute in lhe noanxl plane. Thc helix angle ir 45' Nomal module N 3 hh Frd d1c aii powerrh can be lm$ited by drese geaE ara pinion spccd ol5 00 Am. Asume liceNidrh 6 l01ifres nomrlmldule md scant lubricllion c{ =l25. lmlxrl, Deng! a pxi olnirrd bevel geaN ro rmnsnn 9 hW ,t 1200 rpm. The pnch lnre eloritj ol geris mtexceed l5 n sec (t2 rrarks) A hnrdened sleel wonn al 1250 rpm trrnhits ponrr ro a phosphor btunze gear *irh , lmisfrnsion iatio ofl:o r l. The .enlre dnldce n 200 mnr Delennnre the inpur pocr ldpeiD lsrme0 .t: FDT Desisn a cone clulch ro ransmir 15 klv at 1200 am. Asuhe semi cone anllc 0; 12 5". .o cllicienr olftirtion for lining 0.,1and ! =0 2 MPa. (0!yrrLt A single bmJ brake shoM in Fis Q6 (b) a ro bc desisned b sro, 6. rolation ola shan rmnsmitrins ! pouer oi45 LW al a raled speed ols00 IIm Selectng suirxble nalenals i) Dinensons ofr.langularctuss ecnon olbmd. il) Dimensions* secrion oibEk letr (Asn'he hr = I b,) iii) Diafr eler oltuIcNn pin. Assune i, = 1.5 dp. bexring $ress d6: l0 MPa a. A tuU j.umalbcanreolle.!r[ 100.m d ot 2 5 kN .r 600 +in VhI viscosil) oil tmpenture ro 60!c . The tuoh tenpdrrure 6. Dcicmlne de po$er lo$ lor a Pcrofbexriig I radial .leannce n 0.05 min. Speed o1{hejoumal and betri.Aop.nliig lempeuruF h60!C. lnciouhlldidmeler.lS0 mm sufn.ns I load should be used i. li'nil ri. beding surlicc is 20'C and rhc clearaice iatl. k 0 001 R. ($ riG) 00 mu in dian.rf md 150 nm 1on8. The is 1000 rpn. The lrbncating oil is SAI10 01!I!rk, a. Listard cxtlain the fundions ofparrs olinrenal conbunion ensine 0{ rkrk, b. Design a can ftn tunk i_vpe pni.n tn. lbur (rcle inrcna] combuslion enainc tnr rhe lollovins dila: Cylirder borc = 150 nh, Stoke = 200 mm. Indurrd ,nean cJlcclive tre$ut = 6 br. Iuel consumption 4 kg,tr,Maximungaspresurc=5 MPa. Higher.aloi6c rrluc.ftucl= 4100 K.,/kg. Speed olcngine = 600 Dr. ctricien.y= 759'!. Allowable sre$ ior piston = l0 N,mnr:, A11oable tmsile eies forpiston nng = 90 MPa, Allo*able bendif8 strcs in piston pin = 80 MPa 2.fl
  • 7. *),--- :;;:il. i ,/ >a,y l0ME6:l B.E. Degrec Examinetion, Dec.20l:l/Jan.2015 Finite Ele]nent Melhods 3- 24 ,t ,.- a2 :-: =4 Notet l. Atil'er FIVE fuu questions, kL.tiia leaslftro qt.sno sfota aLh Pan. 2.Mitshtpdata n, tuirablr be assut'c.l. i ObrainaequilibriumequalioDsolalDelast(bodysubjecEdloabodylorce. (03Nl"rkt b. Dn(ss the lypes olclcmenls based.nseoneq (06Nlirk, c Explai.lhe general dcscrilxion olfinnc clemenrmedrod (06M!rk, Derire an expressio! loi Tolal porenrial enegy ol.n traclion lorB and a poinl lbrce Using Ralcilht Rirz nelbod lind a defledion oi a $Lrj.cted ro r uniromny dislibured load orpi N/h ehnicbody subjecred ro body loi.e. (031u!rk, sirnply supporled b.xm ol lenBh L (r1nlsrk, a Wilean inrerpolalion polynomirl tor lre.r, qu.dmic atrd cubicelenlcnr. 06lLrkt b. Obtanr an expre$ion ror a nmin displ@emenr madx ora recrdetrlxrclement. (,ar*rld a. Dercnnins the nodal dhplaceneDls, reachonr.and slre$es lor the t_ig Q'1 (x) usnrs pcnahy alrlrmach Take E =ll0 GPr, Area=250mfr'. (lzvr*n Fie Qa(b) !!BI=-E r rind the shape lunctionsora2 D quadilateral quadrallc 19 nodcd) elcmcni b Wnh a skelch deine lso. Submd Strpcr pammelic elemenb Find lhe nodal dGplacqnenl, sysleh shos. in rie. Q,1 (b). Txke (03Mr*s) 60 k^l 16D raq 159a' o.tzl^ 5
  • 8. a Oblain an erpie$ion tursrinne$ mafix oralrus etemenr t :,*Ul,*':*.n*a.i" i,,t'.'-ii,l,l,liiii ii"-..' ",.", l0}IE64 ln rr loadins shoM in Fig. Q? (b), delermine ol rhe midpoinis ol lhe disdbuled (0nvr r) rhc slores ar 2 and 3 and lhe loxd. Trke E 200 CPa. Fis.Q7(bl r Dkcuss ne denvation ofone dimensionxl hearmnsferin ihin nlms. (03 rh*, b. A conposile Nall co.sisls of3 m enah shoM in Fis. Q8 (b) The outci rctuperalure is T" =20'C, dei.mine lhe lenpeEtuF dislriburion in lne sdl Co.vcdion hed tmslcr rakcs place at inaer sudace with T" =300"c Iakeh=25{i!rc,Area=lnr 4,t1 Fig. Q8 (b)
  • 9. t0tE65 Sixth Semestcr Degrcc . Dec.201.l/.1, n.201 s Mechatronics & Microprocessor ntet Arswo FrE.fill qnestions, s?lztiitry at least Ill'O q znidl ftort ea.L Dar. 2 ,, .Z 1a ?! = =.. PART A x. Delirome.hatraDils Lislhe adanragesanddLaJranlaeesotmc.haronics, (0.1)k,t, b. hplantbricll) elemeDr ol.losed loo0 corrllsy(cn*irhacxajnpte. (0s vlrkt c Ertllir irh rie block diagmn. hoR a fticrcpro..n.r control s)-sem is used ro controtthc iir.N.Cand erpolure in iD aurotu!. cameE. b. nG rtrd evlain non pcnunentnmsrel rpe D( nolo^ $rh (h.r 1 ! JLlnnr. (10l,rk, r Definesignalcondrrring.$hdxerlrftcc$ilrfo.sigDatcond ionirg (0{hrk, b Eplain balxncc mode ol*heat ione bridge od henc! deduc. rhe erp;snon rbr !Iu!c tn ourpuroluge. (rurrrd, c wirh Lrlock diagran. erplain dara lcquisirjon slner. (6rhrk, fla.I:&J Terlo .. (.or pF l0. ..e rpr' D. OP OP dd D -q3.e. 1,1 .., blt dd.^ x. DeiDcrhe lolloiirgrems: i) Hystrcsiscftdr ii) Accuialy h nhil is hall ellecl'l Ertlrin rhe prlrcipte othrtteIIed*trb rear skcrch c Exflain how seDsing is achiced by rn incrernentat oprc,l cncoder. qiirc ns a Nhd is a acnrlol) Nrnre an! btrrnnpofi!trtsol rarc $ritclrcs aid eplair iii) ir) .( =t j 1,5 ) ), e) 2l D 5 (rr (i5 141 ( i) L wh ffe nncro-conrole6l Di:ringurh benyec. , micrc-ptucesor and micro cotrnoles b Epla,n M a neatskerh. The rniennl tu.hneduc ol.tntet g.r, ,r,"r"n...rr"r.ll:ll::i3 , Brc).-.0'.r r.G.. 'o'J 1rn..or.."U .edD.30.( o '"..ap.uJr r '.hrp1-,o8or. rti.,or.r, n n.^ n.,,, :.:u l('o.i.t., .nnt.,n. .o I rol.i"', lo! ! ..', , r.tjcbhr,.0r".. L t r rc ]i, 'r ,0arr oi p< ron rcd tj CpL Dnr tr!trnh beneen Nnu.rion.l.Le,nmchine.vctc dT $aE.
  • 10. r0ME665 /. !a 4a ai a: Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examiraiion,Dcc.20l4lJan.2015 Non - Traditional Machining Tine I h,s. Nlax. Mafts:100 otet Arstr.t ah! tlvEttll qkestior!, seLcturA a ean TWO.luesaions jioh each Pdtr IA.BLI . L(l the mc.nvcnlional ma.hi rg pm.c$.s und.r Nchanical cnergy thcnnxl ard cheni.rl ocrgy.alegorr DifiereDi{c belveen ...veilionrl (adnionil) and non trdilio.rl .'. '',! ,l c.Lge. ' dd . d n 'gP. orcl'" '11 r rl Lisr oul rhc.onnnonly us.d !!$cs ii L$cr beamDxchining !IB.L-E EIlail re principlc nEpsinvoed in cheDiral millins ro producc pockes and cotrrou6. . ivake a conparison bcrye.n tidirionrl md ion rriditional nacirininc co$. pllc ion. scope, dx.hme tnre ,nJ limir ions. a. vhnl rre$etuvanhg.sanddBddvmlagerof USM1 b 'ith a iear rkelch, cxpbi'r the pnnciple sorlingofUS'l a. llorvdoeiASMdrllerlrohconrenrionals?ndbhnln8prolesl b ihar aredreditircnllpesolabiasivesused iD ASM? ! Stut aid dxplaiii $c *orking a.d pnnciple orabra!r.lcl nrachlnins o. lvhal arc rhe addlages and dhadlanuecs olECI,l? b rvhrlfterhelacroGlholinnuencesoridalionoiECM1 .. Eplam the principl. olclcct6 chemi.rl gnnding. rvilh a neal sketch. Ln1otrr dre mai.rappli!oriotrsolCHM Furlher pscess applicarion relared ro nnproving tlE n Nrm. son,e olrhe dictcdnc duid..o$nlonly used in LD4. Name some oftheiool mateial nscd in [D]vr (06 rkrks) b.!I.r elhebxlcrequncnreirsolrhedielecticnuidusedinEDM? (0{uark, . Wilh trholp olDearskelch,cxtlxin *e cu1 elecbical discharse nrachiDine. (r0Mri{t a Extlair the brsi. p..ciple olPA,U 101rr t b Unh aneal sketh.explili the *orki,ig.fPA-1 Lin. rhc ldvanhacs and lin,naions ol Pdl p.occss (16hrk, ' '- 1.. 1,oona" ,uo.r .'. nqlir r, .e!r.00 beail i I e.tu1 J( . E.ol.' !' J,, .'. !l'.. 1...tuo B.".' 1 :.,' "g'ld i I o.' i,..d"u.rSe. r) r,rL.,