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Spring 2.5 Framework

     Dhaval P. Shah

My Introduction

       6.5+ years of experience in developing/supporting
        enterprise applications

       SCJP 1.4

       SCWCD 1.4


    Spring Jump start

    Core Spring

    Spring AOP

    Spring JDBC

    Spring Transaction


     Core Java

     JDBC

     JNDI

     Basic usage of IDE

What this training is not -

     An expert in Spring

     Having detailed discussion on all the topics of Spring

Spring jump start

      Why Spring?

      Spring overview
          Lightweight

          IOC

          Aspect Oriented

          Container

          Framework

Spring jump start [Contd.]

      Spring Modules

      Spring overview
          Lightweight

          IOC

          Aspect Oriented

          Container

          Framework


DI / IoC
       Brief history about DI
           Dependency Inversion: Precursor to Dependency Injection

           What is DI?

           DI Vs IOC

       Types of IOC
           Dependency Pull

           Contextualized Dependency Lookup (CDL)

       Types of DI
           Constructor

           Setter
Types of IOC

Types of IOC [Contd.]

   2. Contextualized Dependency Lookup

   public class ContextualizedDependencyLookup
     implements ManagedComponent {
     private Dependency dep;

       public void performLookup(Container container)
           this.dep = (Dependency)container.get


Types of DI

   1. Constructor Dependency

   public class ConstructorInjection {

       private Dependency dep;

       public ConstructorInjection(Dependency dep) {
           this.dep = dep;

Types of IOC [Contd.]

   2. Setter Dependency

   public class SetterInjection {

       private Dependency dep;

       public void setMyDependency(Dependency dep) {
                 this.dep = dep;

Injection Vs Lookup

      Disadvantages of Lookup
          Need to obtain handler of Registry to interact

          Classes are dependent on classes & interfaces of IOC container

          Testing in isolation from container becomes difficult

      Advantages of Injection
          Minimal impact on existing code

          Classes are completely decoupled from IOC container

          Testing becomes much more easier

Setter Injection Vs Constructor Injection


Dependency Injection with Spring

      Hello World example - [HelloWorldMainApp]

      Beans & Bean Factories –

      Setter DI example –

      Constructor DI example – [Main]
          Constructor confusion example – [ConstructorConfusionDemo]

Injecting Beans

Injecting bean using Bean Alias

Bean Factory Nesting

   BeanFactory parent = new XmlBeanFactory(new

   BeanFactory child = new XmlBeanFactory(new
     "./com/src/conf/beans.xml"), parent);

Understanding Bean Naming

Bean Instantiation Modes

      Singleton

      Non-Singleton

Bean Instantiation Modes [Contd.]
      Non-Singleton Instantiation Modes
       Mode         Description
       Prototype    Every call to the getBean() method returns a new
                    instance of the bean.
       request      Every call to the getBean() method in a web
                    application will return a unique instance of the
                    bean for every HTTP request. This behavior is only
                    implemented in the WebApplicationContext and its
       session      Calls to the getBean() method will return a unique
                    instance of the bean for every HTTP Session. Just
                    like request, this scope is only available in
                    WebApplicationContext and its subinterfaces.
       global       The getBean() calls will return a unique instance of
       session      the bean for the global HTTP session in a portlet
                    context. Just like request and session scopes, this
                    instantiation mode is only supported in
                    WebApplicationContext and its subinterfaces. 22
Bean Instantiation Modes [Contd.]

      Choosing an instantiation mode
          Singleton
                   Shared objects with no state
                   Shared objects with read only state
                   Shared objects with shared state
                   High throughput objects with writable state

          Non-Singleton
                   Objects with writable state
                   Objects with private state

   Bean scope example – [ScopeDemo]

Resolving Dependencies

   <bean id="A"
     class="com.apress.prospring.ch4.BeanA" depends-

   <bean id="B"

Auto wiring your Beans
      Spring supports 4 modes of auto wiring
          byName
          byType
          Constructor
          Autodetect

   Auto wiring example – [AutowiringDemo]

      When to use

Checking Dependencies

      Spring has 3 modes for dependency checking
          simple

          object

          all

      Example

   <bean id="simpleBean1"

Bean Inheritance

Life Cycle of Spring Bean

Life Cycle of Spring Bean [Contd.]
      BeanFactoryPostProcessor
          Executes after spring has finished constructing BeanFactory but
           before BeanFactory constructs beans
      BeanFactoryPost-Processors of Spring
    Post-                 Description
    AspectJWeavingE This post-processor registers AspectJ’s
    nabler          ClassPreProcessorAgentAdapter to be used in
                    Spring’s LoadTimeWeaver

    CustomAutowire        This one allows you to specify annotations, in
    Configurer            addition to @Qualifier, to indicate that a bean is a
                          candidate for automatic wiring.

    CustomEditorCon This registers the PropertyEditor implementations
    figurer         that Spring will use in attempts to convert string
                    values in the configuration files to types required
                    by the beans.
Life Cycle of Spring Bean [Contd.]
      BeanFactoryPost-Processors of Spring
    Post-          Description
    CustomScop     Use this post-processor to configure custom scopes (in
    eConfigurer    addition to singleton, prototype, request, session, and
                   globalSession) in the configuration file. Set the scopes
                   property to a Map containing the scope name as key
                   and the implementation of the Scope interface as value.
    PreferencesP This post-processor will replace the values in beans'
    laceholderCo properties using JDK 1.4’s Preferences API. The
    nfigurer     Preferences API states that it will try to resolve a value
                 first from user preferences (Preferences.userRoot()),
                 then system preferences (Preferences.systemRoot()),
                 and finally from a preferences file.
    PropertyPlac   This post-processor will replace values of properties
    eholderConfi   with values loaded from the configured properties file, if
    gurer          the values follow certain formatting rules (by default, $
                   {property-name}).                                   30
Life Cycle of Spring Bean [Contd.]
      BeanFactoryPost-Processors of Spring
    Post-           Description
    PropertyOverr This post-processor will replace values of beans’
    ideConfigurer properties from values loaded from the specified
                  properties file. It will search the properties file for a
                  property constructed from the bean name and
                  property: for property a of bean x, it will look for x.a in
                  the properties file. If the property does not exist, the
                  post-processor will leave the value found in the
                  configuration file.
    ServletContex   This post-processor extends
    tPropertyPlac   PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer; therefore, it replaces
    eholderConfig   beans’ properties if they follow the specified naming
    urer            convention. In addition to its superclass, this processor
                    will load values from context-param entries of the
                    servlet that is hosting the application.
Life Cycle of Spring Bean [Contd.]

      BeanPostProcessor of Spring has 2 methods
          postProcessBeforeInitialization

          postProcessAfterInitialization

   Spring Life Cycle example – [LifeCycleDemo,

Spring’s ApplicationContext

      Its an interface same as BeanFactory

      ApplicationContext Vs BeanFactory

      Implementation of ApplicationContext
          ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
          FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
          XmlWebApplicationContext

Spring’s built-in Property Editors
   Property Editor    Reg. by   Description
   ByteArrayPropert      Y      This PropertyEditor converts a String value
   yEditor                      into an array of bytes.
   ClassEditor           Y      The ClassEditor converts from a fully
                                qualified class name into a Class instance.
                                When using this PropertyEditor, be careful
                                not to include any extraneous spaces on
                                either side of the class name when using
                                XmlBeanFactory, because this results in a
   CustomBooleanEd       N      This customizable editor for Boolean values
   itor                         is intended to be used in UI-centric code,
                                where it can parse different String
                                representations of Boolean values; for
                                example, “Yes”/ “No” or “Ano”/“Ne”.

Spring’s built-in Property Editors [Contd.]
  Property         Reg. by Description
  Editor           Default

  CustomCollecti     N     This PropertyEditor can be used to create any
  onEditor                 type of the Java Collections framework or an
  CustomDateEd       N     Just like the CustomBooleanEditor, this
  itor                     PropertyEditor is typically used in the
                           controller’s initBinder method to enable the
                           application to parse dates entered in a
                           localespecific format to a java.util.Date.
  FileEditor         Y     The FileEditor converts a String file path into a
                           File instance. Spring does not check to see if
                           the file (or directory) exists.
  CustomNumbe        N     This PropertyEditor converts a String into an
  rEditor                  Integer, a Long, a BigDecimal, or any other
                           Number subclass.
Spring’s built-in Property Editors [Contd.]
   Property        Reg. by   Description
   Editor          Default
   LocaleEditor       Y      The LocaleEditor converts the String
                             representation of a locale, such as en-GB, into
                             a java.util.Locale instance.
   PatternEditor      Y      This ResourceEditor converts a regular
                             expression (passed in as a String) into a
                             java.util.regex.Pattern instance.
   StringTrimme       N      The StringTrimmerEditor can be used to trim
   rEditor                   nonempty Strings and to transform each
                             empty String into null.
   InputStreamE       Y      This editor will convert a String into an
   ditor                     InputStream. Note that this PropertyEditor is a
                             not reflective; it can only convert String to
                             InputStream, not the other way around.
                             Internally, the conversion is achieved by
                             instantiating a temporary ResourceEditor for a
                             Resource.                                36
Spring’s built-in Property Editors [Contd.]

  Property         Reg. by   Description
  Editor           Default
  PropertiesEdit      Y      PropertiesEditor converts a String in the
  or                         format key1=value1n key2=value2n
                             keyn=valuen into an instance of java.util.
                             Properties with the corresponding properties
  StringArrayPr       Y      The StringArrayPropertyEditor class converts a
  opertyEditor               comma-separated list of String elements into a
                             String array.
  URLEditor           N      The URLEditor converts a String representation
                             of a URL into an instance of


Spring AOP

      AOP background

Spring AOP [Contd.]
      AOP Concepts
          Aspect
          Advice
          JoinPoint
          PointCut
          Target
          Introduction
          Proxy
          Weaving
               Compile time
               Classload time
               Runtime

      Types of AOP
          Static AOP
          Dynamic AOP

Types of Advice

        Advice Name       Interface
        Before            org.springframework.aop.Meth
        After Returning   org.springframework.aop.After
        Around            org.aopalliance.intercept.Metho
        Throws            org.springframework.
        Introduction      org.springframework.aop.

The Pointcut Interface
    public interface Pointcut {
      ClassFilter getClassFilter ();
      MethodMatcher getMethodMatcher();

    public interface ClassFilter{
      boolean matches(Class clazz);

    public interface MethodMatcher{
      boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass);
      boolean isRuntime();
      boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass,
          Object[] args);
Types of Pointcut
 Implementation     Description
 org.springframewo The ComposablePointcut class is used to compose two or more pointcuts together with operations such as
 mposablePointcut union() and intersection().
 org.springframewo The ControlFlowPointcut is a special case pointcut that matches all methods within the control flow of
 ntrolFlowPointcut another method, that is, any method that is invoked
                   either directly or indirectly as the result of another
                   method being invoked.
 org.springframewo The JdkRexepMethodPointcut allows you to define pointcuts using JDK 1.4 regular expression support.
 RegexpMethodPoin This class requires JDK 1.4 or higher.
 org.springframewo The AnnotationMatchingPointcut class is used for
 rk.aop.Annotation creating Java 5 annotated pointcuts.
Types of Pointcut [Contd.]
 Implementation       Description
 org.springframework Using the NameMatchMethodPointcut, you can create a pointcut that performs simple matching
 atchMethodPointcut against a list of method names.
 org.springframework The StaticMethodMatcherPointcut class is intended
 .aop.StaticMethodM as a base for building static pointcuts.
 org.springframework The DynamicMethodMatcherPointcut class is a
 .aop.DynamicMetho convenient superclass for building dynamic
 dMatcherPointcut    pointcuts that are aware of method arguments at
 org.springframework The AspectJExpressionPointcut convenient class is
 .aop.AspectJExpressi used for defining pointcuts using AspectJ expression
 onPointcut           language. Note that only method execution
                      pointcuts can be defined, as Spring AOP does not
                      support other AspectJ pointcuts in the current
                      version.                                        44

Concepts in Spring Data Access Support
      Understanding Spring’s DataAccessException
          You are not forced to handle DataAccessException
          Spring classifies exception for you

Concepts in Spring Data Access Support [Contd.]
 Exception              Description
 CleanupFailureDataA An operation completes successfully, but an
 ccessException      exception occurs while cleaning up database
                     resources (e.g., closing a Connection).
 DataAccessResource     A data access resource fails completely, such as not
 FailureException       being able to connect to a database.
 DataIntegrityViolatio An insert or update results in an integrity violation,
 nException            such as a violation of a unique constraint.
 DataRetrievalFailure   Certain data could not be retrieved, such as not
 Exception              finding a row by primary key.
 DeadlockLoserDataA The current process was a deadlock loser.
 IncorrectUpdateSem When something unintended happens on an update,
 anticsData-        such as updating more rows than expected. When
 AccessException    this exception is thrown, the operation’s transaction
                    has not been rolled back.
Concepts in Spring Data Access Support [Contd.]
 Exception              Description
 InvalidDataAccessAp A data access Java API is used incorrectly, such as
 iUsageException     failing to compile a query that must be compiled
                     before execution.
 InvalidDataAccessRe A data access resource is used incorrectly, such as
 sourceUsage         using bad SQL grammar to access a relational
 Exception           database.
 OptimisticLockingFai   There is an optimistic locking failure. This will be
 lureException          thrown by ORM tools or by custom DAO
 TypeMismatchDataA      There is a mismatch between Java type and data
 ccessException         type, such as trying to insert a String into a
                        numeric database column.
 UncategorizedDataA     Something goes wrong, but a more specific
 ccessException         exception cannot be determined.

JDBC Data Access Support
      Using JDBCTemplate

JDBC Data Access Support [Contd.]
      Operations of JDBCTemplate
          JdbcTemplate.execute
          JdbcTemplate.query
          JdbcTemplate.update
          JdbcTemplate.batchUpdate



Spring Transaction

      What is TRANSACTION?

      Types of Transaction
          Local Transaction
          Global Transaction

      Properties of Transaction
          Atomicity
          Consistency
          Isolation
          Durability

TransactionDefinition interface

   public interface TransactionDefinition {
     int getPropagationBehavior();
     int getIsolationLevel();
     int getTimeout();
     boolean isReadOnly();

Spring’s Transaction Isolation levels
 Isolation Level   Description
 ISOLATION_DEF     Use the default isolation level of the underlying data-
 AULT              store.
 ISOLATION_REA     Allows you to read changes that have not yet been
 D_UNCOMMITTE      committed. May result in dirty reads, phantom reads,
 D                 and non-repeatable reads.
 ISOLATION_REA     Allows reads from concurrent transactions that have
 D_COMMITTED       been committed. Dirty reads are prevented, but
                   phantom and non-repeatable reads may still occur.
 ISOLATION_REP     Multiple reads of the same field will yield the same
 EATABLE_READ      results, unless changed by the transaction itself. Dirty
                   reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented by
                   phantom reads may still occur.
 ISOLATION_SERI This fully ACID-compliant isolation level ensures that
 ALIZABLE       dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads
                are all prevented. This is the slowest of all isolation
                levels because it is typically accomplished by doing full
                table locks on the tables involved in the transaction.
Spring’s Transaction Propagation Behavior

    Propagation   What does it mean
    PROPAGATION   Spring will use an active transaction if it exists. If
    _REQUIRED     not, Spring will begin a new transaction.
    PROPAGATION   Spring will use an active transaction; if there is
    _SUPPORTS     no active transaction, Spring will not start a new
    PROPAGATION   Spring will use an active transaction; if there is
    _MANDATORY    no active transaction, Spring will throw an
    PROPAGATION   Spring will always start a new transaction. If an
    _REQUIRES_N   active transaction already exists, it is suspended.

Spring’s Transaction Propagation Behavior [Contd.]
    Propagation   What does it mean
    PROPAGATION Spring will not execute the code in an active
    _NOT_SUPPOR transaction. The code always executes non-
    TED         transactionally and suspends any existing
    PROPAGATION   This always executes nontransactionally even if
    _NEVER        an active transaction exists. It throws an
                  exception if an active transaction exists.
    PROPAGATION   This runs in a nested transaction if an active
    _NESTED       Transaction exists. If there is no active
                  transaction, the code runs as if
                  is set.

Left overs’ !

     Spring - Hibernate
     Spring - Webservice
     Spring schedulers
     Spring email
     Spring MVC
     Spring – UnitTesting/TDD
     ....
     ...
     ..
     List goes on & on . . . :D



      Spring –

      Inversion of Control -

      Spring in Action – Walls, Breidenbach

Personal Information

  E-mail   :




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Spring training

  • 1. Spring 2.5 Framework Dhaval P. Shah 1
  • 2. My Introduction  6.5+ years of experience in developing/supporting enterprise applications  SCJP 1.4  SCWCD 1.4 2
  • 3. Agenda  Spring Jump start  Core Spring  Spring AOP  Spring JDBC  Spring Transaction 3
  • 4. Pre-requisites  Core Java  JDBC  JNDI  Basic usage of IDE 4
  • 5. What this training is not -  An expert in Spring  Having detailed discussion on all the topics of Spring 5
  • 6. Spring jump start  Why Spring?  Spring overview  Lightweight  IOC  Aspect Oriented  Container  Framework 6
  • 7. Spring jump start [Contd.]  Spring Modules  Spring overview  Lightweight  IOC  Aspect Oriented  Container  Framework 7
  • 9. DI / IoC  Brief history about DI  Dependency Inversion: Precursor to Dependency Injection  What is DI?  DI Vs IOC  Types of IOC  Dependency Pull  Contextualized Dependency Lookup (CDL)  Types of DI  Constructor  Setter 9
  • 11. Types of IOC [Contd.] 2. Contextualized Dependency Lookup public class ContextualizedDependencyLookup implements ManagedComponent { private Dependency dep; public void performLookup(Container container) { this.dep = (Dependency)container.get Dependency("myDependency"); } } 11
  • 12. Types of DI 1. Constructor Dependency public class ConstructorInjection { private Dependency dep; public ConstructorInjection(Dependency dep) { this.dep = dep; } } 12
  • 13. Types of IOC [Contd.] 2. Setter Dependency public class SetterInjection { private Dependency dep; public void setMyDependency(Dependency dep) { this.dep = dep; } } 13
  • 14. Injection Vs Lookup  Disadvantages of Lookup  Need to obtain handler of Registry to interact  Classes are dependent on classes & interfaces of IOC container  Testing in isolation from container becomes difficult  Advantages of Injection  Minimal impact on existing code  Classes are completely decoupled from IOC container  Testing becomes much more easier 14
  • 15. Setter Injection Vs Constructor Injection  15
  • 16. Dependency Injection with Spring  Hello World example - [HelloWorldMainApp]  Beans & Bean Factories –  Setter DI example – [SetterDependencyInjectionMainApp]  Constructor DI example – [Main]  Constructor confusion example – [ConstructorConfusionDemo] 16
  • 18. Injecting bean using Bean Alias 18
  • 19. Bean Factory Nesting BeanFactory parent = new XmlBeanFactory(new FileSystemResource("./com/src/conf/parent.xml")); BeanFactory child = new XmlBeanFactory(new FileSystemResource( "./com/src/conf/beans.xml"), parent); 19
  • 21. Bean Instantiation Modes  Singleton  Non-Singleton 21
  • 22. Bean Instantiation Modes [Contd.]  Non-Singleton Instantiation Modes Mode Description Prototype Every call to the getBean() method returns a new instance of the bean. request Every call to the getBean() method in a web application will return a unique instance of the bean for every HTTP request. This behavior is only implemented in the WebApplicationContext and its subinterfaces. session Calls to the getBean() method will return a unique instance of the bean for every HTTP Session. Just like request, this scope is only available in WebApplicationContext and its subinterfaces. global The getBean() calls will return a unique instance of session the bean for the global HTTP session in a portlet context. Just like request and session scopes, this instantiation mode is only supported in WebApplicationContext and its subinterfaces. 22
  • 23. Bean Instantiation Modes [Contd.]  Choosing an instantiation mode  Singleton  Shared objects with no state  Shared objects with read only state  Shared objects with shared state  High throughput objects with writable state  Non-Singleton  Objects with writable state  Objects with private state Bean scope example – [ScopeDemo] 23
  • 24. Resolving Dependencies <bean id="A" class="com.apress.prospring.ch4.BeanA" depends- on=“B"/> <bean id="B" class="com.apress.prospring.ch4.BeanB"/> 24
  • 25. Auto wiring your Beans  Spring supports 4 modes of auto wiring  byName  byType  Constructor  Autodetect Auto wiring example – [AutowiringDemo]  When to use 25
  • 26. Checking Dependencies  Spring has 3 modes for dependency checking  simple  object  all  Example <bean id="simpleBean1" class="“ dependency-check="simple"> 26
  • 28. Life Cycle of Spring Bean 28
  • 29. Life Cycle of Spring Bean [Contd.]  BeanFactoryPostProcessor  Executes after spring has finished constructing BeanFactory but before BeanFactory constructs beans  BeanFactoryPost-Processors of Spring Post- Description Processors AspectJWeavingE This post-processor registers AspectJ’s nabler ClassPreProcessorAgentAdapter to be used in Spring’s LoadTimeWeaver CustomAutowire This one allows you to specify annotations, in Configurer addition to @Qualifier, to indicate that a bean is a candidate for automatic wiring. CustomEditorCon This registers the PropertyEditor implementations figurer that Spring will use in attempts to convert string values in the configuration files to types required by the beans. 29
  • 30. Life Cycle of Spring Bean [Contd.]  BeanFactoryPost-Processors of Spring Post- Description Processors CustomScop Use this post-processor to configure custom scopes (in eConfigurer addition to singleton, prototype, request, session, and globalSession) in the configuration file. Set the scopes property to a Map containing the scope name as key and the implementation of the Scope interface as value. PreferencesP This post-processor will replace the values in beans' laceholderCo properties using JDK 1.4’s Preferences API. The nfigurer Preferences API states that it will try to resolve a value first from user preferences (Preferences.userRoot()), then system preferences (Preferences.systemRoot()), and finally from a preferences file. PropertyPlac This post-processor will replace values of properties eholderConfi with values loaded from the configured properties file, if gurer the values follow certain formatting rules (by default, $ {property-name}). 30
  • 31. Life Cycle of Spring Bean [Contd.]  BeanFactoryPost-Processors of Spring Post- Description Processors PropertyOverr This post-processor will replace values of beans’ ideConfigurer properties from values loaded from the specified properties file. It will search the properties file for a property constructed from the bean name and property: for property a of bean x, it will look for x.a in the properties file. If the property does not exist, the post-processor will leave the value found in the configuration file. ServletContex This post-processor extends tPropertyPlac PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer; therefore, it replaces eholderConfig beans’ properties if they follow the specified naming urer convention. In addition to its superclass, this processor will load values from context-param entries of the servlet that is hosting the application. 31
  • 32. Life Cycle of Spring Bean [Contd.]  BeanPostProcessor of Spring has 2 methods  postProcessBeforeInitialization  postProcessAfterInitialization Spring Life Cycle example – [LifeCycleDemo, SimpleBeanDemo] 32
  • 33. Spring’s ApplicationContext  Its an interface same as BeanFactory  ApplicationContext Vs BeanFactory  Implementation of ApplicationContext  ClassPathXmlApplicationContext  FileSystemXmlApplicationContext  XmlWebApplicationContext 33
  • 34. Spring’s built-in Property Editors Property Editor Reg. by Description Default ByteArrayPropert Y This PropertyEditor converts a String value yEditor into an array of bytes. ClassEditor Y The ClassEditor converts from a fully qualified class name into a Class instance. When using this PropertyEditor, be careful not to include any extraneous spaces on either side of the class name when using XmlBeanFactory, because this results in a ClassNotFoundException. CustomBooleanEd N This customizable editor for Boolean values itor is intended to be used in UI-centric code, where it can parse different String representations of Boolean values; for example, “Yes”/ “No” or “Ano”/“Ne”. 34
  • 35. Spring’s built-in Property Editors [Contd.] Property Reg. by Description Editor Default CustomCollecti N This PropertyEditor can be used to create any onEditor type of the Java Collections framework or an array. CustomDateEd N Just like the CustomBooleanEditor, this itor PropertyEditor is typically used in the controller’s initBinder method to enable the application to parse dates entered in a localespecific format to a java.util.Date. FileEditor Y The FileEditor converts a String file path into a File instance. Spring does not check to see if the file (or directory) exists. CustomNumbe N This PropertyEditor converts a String into an rEditor Integer, a Long, a BigDecimal, or any other Number subclass. 35
  • 36. Spring’s built-in Property Editors [Contd.] Property Reg. by Description Editor Default LocaleEditor Y The LocaleEditor converts the String representation of a locale, such as en-GB, into a java.util.Locale instance. PatternEditor Y This ResourceEditor converts a regular expression (passed in as a String) into a java.util.regex.Pattern instance. StringTrimme N The StringTrimmerEditor can be used to trim rEditor nonempty Strings and to transform each empty String into null. InputStreamE Y This editor will convert a String into an ditor InputStream. Note that this PropertyEditor is a not reflective; it can only convert String to InputStream, not the other way around. Internally, the conversion is achieved by instantiating a temporary ResourceEditor for a Resource. 36
  • 37. Spring’s built-in Property Editors [Contd.] Property Reg. by Description Editor Default PropertiesEdit Y PropertiesEditor converts a String in the or format key1=value1n key2=value2n keyn=valuen into an instance of java.util. Properties with the corresponding properties configured. StringArrayPr Y The StringArrayPropertyEditor class converts a opertyEditor comma-separated list of String elements into a String array. URLEditor N The URLEditor converts a String representation of a URL into an instance of 37
  • 39. Spring AOP  AOP background 39
  • 40. Spring AOP [Contd.]  AOP Concepts  Aspect  Advice  JoinPoint  PointCut  Target  Introduction  Proxy  Weaving  Compile time  Classload time  Runtime  Types of AOP  Static AOP  Dynamic AOP 40
  • 41. Types of Advice Advice Name Interface Before org.springframework.aop.Meth odBeforeAdvice After Returning org.springframework.aop.After ReturningAdvice Around org.aopalliance.intercept.Metho dInterceptor Throws org.springframework. aop.ThrowsAdvice Introduction org.springframework.aop. IntroductionInterceptor 41
  • 42. The Pointcut Interface public interface Pointcut { ClassFilter getClassFilter (); MethodMatcher getMethodMatcher(); } public interface ClassFilter{ boolean matches(Class clazz); } public interface MethodMatcher{ boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass); boolean isRuntime(); boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass, Object[] args); 42 }
  • 43. Types of Pointcut Implementation Description Class org.springframewo The ComposablePointcut class is used to compose two or more pointcuts together with operations such as mposablePointcut union() and intersection(). org.springframewo The ControlFlowPointcut is a special case pointcut that matches all methods within the control flow of ntrolFlowPointcut another method, that is, any method that is invoked either directly or indirectly as the result of another method being invoked. org.springframewo The JdkRexepMethodPointcut allows you to define pointcuts using JDK 1.4 regular expression support. RegexpMethodPoin This class requires JDK 1.4 or higher. tcut org.springframewo The AnnotationMatchingPointcut class is used for rk.aop.Annotation creating Java 5 annotated pointcuts. MatchingPointcut 43
  • 44. Types of Pointcut [Contd.] Implementation Description Class org.springframework Using the NameMatchMethodPointcut, you can create a pointcut that performs simple matching atchMethodPointcut against a list of method names. org.springframework The StaticMethodMatcherPointcut class is intended .aop.StaticMethodM as a base for building static pointcuts. atcherPointcut org.springframework The DynamicMethodMatcherPointcut class is a .aop.DynamicMetho convenient superclass for building dynamic dMatcherPointcut pointcuts that are aware of method arguments at runtime. org.springframework The AspectJExpressionPointcut convenient class is .aop.AspectJExpressi used for defining pointcuts using AspectJ expression onPointcut language. Note that only method execution pointcuts can be defined, as Spring AOP does not support other AspectJ pointcuts in the current version. 44
  • 46. Concepts in Spring Data Access Support  Understanding Spring’s DataAccessException  You are not forced to handle DataAccessException  Spring classifies exception for you 46
  • 47. Concepts in Spring Data Access Support [Contd.] Exception Description CleanupFailureDataA An operation completes successfully, but an ccessException exception occurs while cleaning up database resources (e.g., closing a Connection). DataAccessResource A data access resource fails completely, such as not FailureException being able to connect to a database. DataIntegrityViolatio An insert or update results in an integrity violation, nException such as a violation of a unique constraint. DataRetrievalFailure Certain data could not be retrieved, such as not Exception finding a row by primary key. DeadlockLoserDataA The current process was a deadlock loser. ccessException IncorrectUpdateSem When something unintended happens on an update, anticsData- such as updating more rows than expected. When AccessException this exception is thrown, the operation’s transaction has not been rolled back. 47
  • 48. Concepts in Spring Data Access Support [Contd.] Exception Description InvalidDataAccessAp A data access Java API is used incorrectly, such as iUsageException failing to compile a query that must be compiled before execution. InvalidDataAccessRe A data access resource is used incorrectly, such as sourceUsage using bad SQL grammar to access a relational Exception database. OptimisticLockingFai There is an optimistic locking failure. This will be lureException thrown by ORM tools or by custom DAO implementations. TypeMismatchDataA There is a mismatch between Java type and data ccessException type, such as trying to insert a String into a numeric database column. UncategorizedDataA Something goes wrong, but a more specific ccessException exception cannot be determined. 48
  • 49. JDBC Data Access Support  Using JDBCTemplate 49
  • 50. JDBC Data Access Support [Contd.]  Operations of JDBCTemplate  JdbcTemplate.execute  JdbcTemplate.query  JdbcTemplate.update  JdbcTemplate.batchUpdate 50
  • 53. Spring Transaction  What is TRANSACTION?  Types of Transaction  Local Transaction  Global Transaction  Properties of Transaction  Atomicity  Consistency  Isolation  Durability 53
  • 54. TransactionDefinition interface public interface TransactionDefinition { int getPropagationBehavior(); int getIsolationLevel(); int getTimeout(); boolean isReadOnly(); } 54
  • 55. Spring’s Transaction Isolation levels Isolation Level Description ISOLATION_DEF Use the default isolation level of the underlying data- AULT store. ISOLATION_REA Allows you to read changes that have not yet been D_UNCOMMITTE committed. May result in dirty reads, phantom reads, D and non-repeatable reads. ISOLATION_REA Allows reads from concurrent transactions that have D_COMMITTED been committed. Dirty reads are prevented, but phantom and non-repeatable reads may still occur. ISOLATION_REP Multiple reads of the same field will yield the same EATABLE_READ results, unless changed by the transaction itself. Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented by phantom reads may still occur. ISOLATION_SERI This fully ACID-compliant isolation level ensures that ALIZABLE dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads are all prevented. This is the slowest of all isolation levels because it is typically accomplished by doing full table locks on the tables involved in the transaction. 55
  • 56. Spring’s Transaction Propagation Behavior Propagation What does it mean Behavior PROPAGATION Spring will use an active transaction if it exists. If _REQUIRED not, Spring will begin a new transaction. PROPAGATION Spring will use an active transaction; if there is _SUPPORTS no active transaction, Spring will not start a new one. PROPAGATION Spring will use an active transaction; if there is _MANDATORY no active transaction, Spring will throw an exception. PROPAGATION Spring will always start a new transaction. If an _REQUIRES_N active transaction already exists, it is suspended. EW 56
  • 57. Spring’s Transaction Propagation Behavior [Contd.] Propagation What does it mean Behavior PROPAGATION Spring will not execute the code in an active _NOT_SUPPOR transaction. The code always executes non- TED transactionally and suspends any existing transaction. PROPAGATION This always executes nontransactionally even if _NEVER an active transaction exists. It throws an exception if an active transaction exists. PROPAGATION This runs in a nested transaction if an active _NESTED Transaction exists. If there is no active transaction, the code runs as if TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED is set. 57
  • 58. Left overs’ !  Spring - Hibernate  Spring - Webservice  Spring schedulers  Spring email  Spring MVC  Spring – UnitTesting/TDD  ....  ...  ..  List goes on & on . . . :D 58
  • 60. Resources/References  Spring –  Inversion of Control -  Spring in Action – Walls, Breidenbach 60
  • 61. Personal Information E-mail : : : 61

Editor's Notes

  1. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  2. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  3. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  4. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  5. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  6. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  7. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  8. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  9. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  10. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  11. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  12. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  13. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  14. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  15. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  16. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  17. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  18. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  19. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  20. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  21. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  22. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  23. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  24. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  25. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  26. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  27. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  28. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  29. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  30. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  31. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  32. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  33. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  34. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  35. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  36. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  37. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  38. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  39. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  40. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  41. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  42. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  43. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  44. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  45. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  46. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  47. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  48. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  49. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  50. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  51. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  52. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based
  53. Spring MVC – a single shared controller instance handles a particular request type - controllers, interceptors run in the IoC container - allows multiple DispatcherServlets that can share an “application context” - Interface based not class-based