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ISSN: 1983 7402                              ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011

         Systems Concepts Research Applied to Radar
                                                 Antonio Sallum Librelato1 and Osamu Saotome2
                        1 EThICS Engineering - Rua Prof. Maria Lima Cesar, 181, Ap. 12 - CEP 12216-141 - São José dos Campos - SP - Brasil
                 2 Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - Praça Marechal Eduardo Gomes, 50 – Vila das Acácias – São José dos Campos – SP - Brasil

    Abstract  Radar systems are usually based on complex                       Motivations for SCR Applied for Radar Systems:
and critical technologies, and demand solutions to attend                       The project of radar systems, as many other complex and
demanding operational, functional and performance                           critical systems, is submitted to challenging factors presented
requirements, under restrictions of costs and submitted to                  by the current environment, as suggested by [2]. These
harch environments. To create new radar systems, or even                    factors are the main motivations to adopt the SCR method, as
to upgrade existing radars, it is recommended to execute the                follow, in the case of radar systems:
concept phase of the project life cycle. The Systems                            • Increasing radar systems complexities, due to:
Concepts Research (SCR) method was structured by one of                                 More applications and interests on information
the authors1, and is appropriate to obtain the most adequate                            about targets: polarimetry, multi-mode, multi-
radar system concept to attend the needs and requirements.                              target, anti-jamming, countermeasure.
    The objective of this article is to describe the phases,                            New systems and circuits solutions: MIMO, multi-
steps and tasks of the SCR, applied for the definition of a                             radar, phased-array (digital beamforming),
generic radar system, considering the most prominent                                    compact systems.
characteristics of radar systems and their operational                          • Evolving radar technologies changes. as:
environments.                                                                           Solid-state analog components, permitting to
    Keywords  research, assurance, radar.                                              implement new “all solid-state” radars and phased-
                                                                                        array antennas.
                             I. INTRODUCTION                                            Digital converters and processors, permitting to
                                                                                        increase radar signal and data processing
    The references [1], [2], and [3] consider the Systems                               capabilities, to digitally implement radar functions
Concept phase to be executed before the Systems                                         nearer to the antenna, and to reduce the number of
Development phase, and the reference [4] presents the                                   components.
systems and products assurance technologies to be applied                               The Software-Defined Radio (SDR) technology
during all life cycle of the project. The reference [5] method,                         and method, applied to radar systems. [13] [14]
for radar systems analysis, focus on radar requirements,                                [15]
systems architecture and performance parameters, to be                          • Extended systems life cycles, demanding for:
defined before the radar system development.                                            Higher reliability, availability and durable
    Those are the main elements that inspired the creation of                           solutions.
the SCR method, with the addition and integration of the                                Reduced life cycle costs.
systems assurance technologies.                                                 • Shorter technologies life cycles, creating demands for:
                                                                                        Systems upgrading in shorter periods.
    Principles of SCR:                                                                  More versatile solutions.
    The Systems Concepts Research (SCR) method                                  • Constantly changing requirements, creating:
comprises a series of interactive tasks. It will require                                Necessity of intense efforts to understand the
specialized knowledge and skills on management and                                      problem to be solved and to collect and analyze the
engineering of systems, requirements, risks, product                                    requirements.
assurance, costs and project planning and product                                       Necessity of being ready to easily modify the
development. Depending on the specific conditions of                                    solutions during the life cycle.
procurement and supply of systems, the work share between                       • More emphasis on “systems” (versus components),
client and manufacturer (or supplier) will vary. Anyway, the                         driving to:
complete composition of tasks is practically the same.                                  Consider the System Of Systems (SOS) and
    The SCR method brings great benefits on obtaining the                               system concept as part of the project, since the
best solution for the needs, reduction of time and costs,                               beginning.
increase on the system assurance, performance and cost-                                 Define the concept from top (SOS, system) to
effectiveness, and better satisfaction of customers, users and                          down (units, modules, parts), as an integrated line-
producers.                                                                              of-thinking engineering.
A. S. Librelato,, Tel +55-12-39418277. O. Saotome,, Tel +55-12- 39475818.
ISSN: 1983 7402                       ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011

   • Higher overall radar life-cycle costs, driving to:               • Investigations should be done to define why and how
           Use systems and products assurance techniques,                a radar system will satisfy the needs.
           applied during the project, to create solutions with       • What are the evidences of the needs?
           reduced acquisition and support costs.                     • Operational objectives and goals.
           Reduce hardware and increase software solutions.           • Restrictions and suppositions:
   • Increasing demand for mitigation and control of                        Restrictions and suppositions to be imposed to the
        uncertainty and hazard risks during the project,                    radar system, its characteristics, operations and
        mainly when based on new and not well mature                        project, like type of radar, frequency bands, and
        technologies, to obtain higher availability, integrity              transmitted power, sometimes may be known since
        and safety.                                                         the beginning of the project.
   There is a consensus that, by using a methodology like the         • Costs and schedule:
SCR, it is possible to obtain a cost-effectiveness balance                  Costs (life cycle costs, unitary sales costs) and
between the economic (cost and return on investment) and                    schedule are usually assessed at this moment.
technical (performance and assurance) factors. [1] [2] [3] [4]        • Owners, operators, users, actors, responsible, and
                                                                         other interested persons and organizations:
   Phases of the SCR:                                                       Concerning the ownership of the SOS and future
   The SCR method here applied consists of four steps:                      radar system, it is necessary to define who are the
   • NRA - Needs and Requirements Analysis                                  owners, operators, users, and other interested
   • SCE - Systems Concepts Exploration                                     persons and organizations, to well define
   • SCD - System Concept Definition                                        responsibilities and authorities for requirements,
   • SRAA - Systems Risks and Assurance Analysis                            restrictions, and suppositions and other definitions
   The details of each step and tasks, applied for a generic                and eventual modifications.
radar system, are presented in the following.                               Institutions that will approve, qualify or certificate
                                                                            the radar system shall be defined.
                     FOR A RADAR SYSTEM                                NRA3. OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS
                                                                       Mission, profiles and scenarios: [5]
    It starts with the description of the context of the problem       The details of missions, operations and functional
to be solved by using the radar system.                            architectures, interfaces, and environments of the radar
    During this step of SCR, it is highly recommended the          system will be defined according to the following tasks:
intense interaction and understanding between the client and           • Obtain a quantitative statement of the mission of the
developer specialists.                                                     radar system, with:
                                                                              Operational boundaries and limits.
   NRA1. VISION OF PROBLEM                                                    Purpose and applications of the radar system.
   • The problem of the SOS:                                                  Requirements for the primary functions of
        Usually, the radar will be part of a wider system,                    surveillance and tracking.
        the SOS - System Of Systems, composed of                              Additional functions of detection and acquisition
        communications, remote control and operation,                         of targets.
        data and image processing and other the like                          Eventual multifunction and dedication to more
        systems.                                                              than one mission.
        The existing problem of the SOS that is intended                      Distinct profiles and scenarios of the mission,
        to be solved by the use of the radar system shall be                  associated with modes of operation.
        understood.                                                           Additional related functions, as self-testing,
   • Motivation and context of operations:                                    training, and other special tasks.
        What are the operational objectives and goals to be                   Top-level radar system states requirements,
        considered?                                                           covering transportation, storage, disassembling,
        What are the actors and responsible for the radar                     reassembling, and others states.
        system operation?                                              Deployment and usage conditions:
        The context of operations may be more complex                  • Determine the conditions of operational deployment
        than the radar system solely, but certainly it will be             and usage of the radar system:
        based on targets detection and ranging, using radio                   Permanently fixed installation.
        signals.                                                              Temporary fixed installation, being transported (by
   • The problem of the radar system:                                         roadway, waterway or airway) from one site to
        Looks for a radar system that will be operational,                    another.
        functional, feasible, and cost-effective, according                   Mobile installation (ground, air, water, and space
        to the needs.                                                         vehicles).
                                                                       • Determine the type of radar system and application:
   NRA2. NEEDS ANALYSIS                                                       Short range, long range coverage.
ISSN: 1983 7402                       ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011

        Sensing, surveillance, tracking.                             statistical signal fluctuation for the targets. [5] [6] [7]
        Radar transmit-receive techniques (monostatic,               [8]
        bistatic, MIMO).                                         • Characterize what will be considered as clutter,
Operational concepts:                                                depending on what is considered as targets of interest
• Indicate the types and steps of the future operations of           and on the operational environment.
     the radar system, in all their extent and details.          • Define the required performance of clutter and
• Define the repartition and relationship of the                     interference processing by the radar system.
     parameters and operational states between the SOS           • Determine if target tracks history will be required. [6]
     elements.                                                   Number of objects:
Operational environments:                                        • Clarify how many simultaneous objects (targets) the
• Describe and quantify the space and time                           radar system shall process, by surveillance, tracking,
     environmental conditions prevailing during the radar            and processing, considering the timing required for
     system manufacturing, transportation, operation and             those operations.
     maintenance, considering natural and man-made               Threats:
     sources.                                                    • Classify and characterize the expected environment of
Radar system architecture:                                           threats, jammers and other kind of man-made
• Present the top-level composition and architecture of              interference for the radar system operation, according
     the SOS, as well as the composition and architecture            to their natures and origins.
     of the radar system as part of the SOS.                     Radar frequency:
• Describe the basic identification of radar system and          • The frequencies of operation are extremely influent
     subsystems elements and specification of the                    and decisive on the project of radar systems.
     performance requirements and their relationship with        • Sometimes, the desired mission and operational
     the radar system functions.                                     concept determine the frequency band to be adopted
• Present         the    main      physical     requirements         by the future radar [5] [6] [7] [8]. Then, it is only
     characterization of the radar system.                           necessary to know the particular conditions
Interfaces and interoperability:                                     (requirements) about the range of values of the
• Specify the requirements for the internal and external             frequencies and about their selection and variations
     interfaces and interoperability conditions for system           according to mission and operations profiles.
     and subsystems elements.                                    • If the frequency of operation is not pre-defined, it will
• Examine and describe the special interfaces of the                 be necessary to define it as a function of other
     radar system elements and the operational                       requirements and the scope of the system. The
     environment conditions.                                         frequencies permitted to be used by radar systems are
Operational surveillance coverage:                                   established by international, regional and national
• Define the space and time coverage dimensions for the              regulations.
     operational surveillance of the radar.                      • The choice of the radar frequency bands is affected
• Determine the required limits of range, elevation,                 mainly by:
     azimuth and eight from the radar point of view.                    The radar specific applications.
Targets, target cross section, and target models:                       The region of the world where the radar system
• Define and quantify the types, complexities and space                 will be operated.
     and time occurrence and distributions of targets to be             The permitted frequency bands by standards and
     detected, considering:                                             regulations.
        Punctual targets: aircrafts, missiles, vessels,          • The radar operation frequency mainly affects:
        ground vehicles, and other similar.                             The effects on the propagation and attenuation of
        Surface targets: ground (soil, vegetation), sea                 the radar signals on the atmosphere.
        surface.                                                        The backscattering radar cross section of targets,
        Volumetric targets: natural tropospheric structures             clutter and other objects.
        (clouds, precipitations, air turbulences), smoke,               The backscattering power received from targets
        dust, sand, particles, and clusters of insects or               and clutter.
        birds, ionospheric layers.                                      The antenna radiation diagram, main and
• Characterize the speed limits, the minimum separation                 secondary lobes and gain.
     among targets, clusters of targets and targets                     The Doppler frequency as a function of the radial
     behaviors and attitudes relative to the radar.                     velocity of detected targets.
• Describe and quantify the radar cross sections of the                 The sampling decorrelation time of targets.
     targets.                                                           The Doppler radar dilemma.
• Establish models of targets, including microphysical           Processing resources:
     characteristics of the targets and their backscattering     • Describe the types and requirements characteristics of
     response according to the polarization of the incident          the signal and data processing resources of the radar
     radiofrequency signals, and the Swerling classes of             system.
ISSN: 1983 7402                       ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011

System assurance requirements:                                           Ambiguity: the extent to which the accuracy
• Consider, quantify and allocate to the radar system                    parameters can be measured without ambiguity or
    elements, each of the system and product assurance                   the difficulty encountered in resolving any
    requirements, considered all the life cycle of the radar             ambiguity.
    system, operations and environments, comprising:                     Resolution: degree to which two or more targets
       Risks and Cost-Effectiveness.                                     may be separated in one or more spatial
       Configuration Management.                                         coordinates, in radial velocity or acceleration.
       Rights and Penalties of Assurance and Warranties.                 Discrimination: the ability to detect or to track a
       Software Assurance.                                               target echo in the presence of environmental
       Quality Assurance.                                                echoes (clutter).
       Reliability Assurance.                                            Immunity to threat: the capacity to sustain the
       Maintainability.                                                  operations when submitted to electronic
       Safety.                                                           countermeasure or jamming menaces.
       Security.                                                         Immunity to electromagnetic interference: the
       Human Factors.                                                    capacity to sustain the operations when submitted
       Supportability and Logistics.                                     to friendly radiofrequency interference.
       Sustainability.                                            Functional simulation:
       Others, the like.                                          • Create a functional model of the radar system and
       Verification and Validation.                                   subsystems.
• The radar system qualification, acceptance and                  • Create a realistic measurement error model.
    certification conditions and procedures must be also          • Analyze the functioning with the model.
    included.                                                     • Include the performance characteristics in the model
System life cycle and cost elements:                                  and analyze their effectiveness.
• The main life cycle elements are to be established,
    concerning:                                                   NRA5. FEASIBILITY DEFINITIONS
       Date desired to start using the system.                    Evaluation of radar systems currently available solutions:
       Expected duration of the useful life.                      • Collect data about current radar systems, similar to the
       Cycles of operation, maintenance, revision and                 radar system under analysis.
       upgrading of the system.                                   • Assess the details about the used technologies.
       Total cost of ownership (total cost of acquisition         Comparison of radar solutions and radar requirements:
       plus the total cost of operation).                         • Analyze and compare the specifications of the existing
       Number of radar systems to be deployed.                        solutions with the requirements for the new radar
       Logistic support organization.                                 system.
                                                                  Evaluation of feasibility of radar systems functional
NRA4. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS                                      concepts:
Radar system functional concepts: [5]                             • Evaluate if the technologies of the current solutions
• Define the functional modes and parameters, their                   will permit to obtain the required functions and
    repartition and relationship between the SOS                      performances.
    elements.                                                     • Describe the needs for other technologies to attend the
• Establish the role of the radar system on the SOS                   functional concepts.
Functional requirements:                                          NRA6. NEEDS VALIDATION
• Describe the functions of the radar system and                  • Verify the evidences of the needs.
    subsystems.                                                   • Analyze the viability of needs attendance.
Functional allocation to radar subsystems:                        • Validate the needs and systems concepts relationship.
• Allocate the functional requirements to the radar
    system and subsystems.                                       NRA7. OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS
Functional radar performance requirements:                     SYNTHESIS
• Establish the main criteria for measuring the quality of       • Elicit, analyze and validate all radar             system
    performance of the radar system, in adverse                     operational requirements and constraints.
    environments, as [7]:
       Reliability of detection: maximum detection range                    III. SYSTEMS CONCEPTS EXPLORATION
       and probability or percentage of time that the                                FOR A RADAR SYSTEM
       desires targets will be detected.
       Accuracy, measured with respect to target                  Taking the NRA results into account, it is necessary a
       parameter estimates: target range, angular              detailed revision and analysis to consolidate the requirements
       coordinates, range and angular rates and                and constraints, and to prepare a complete and integrated
       accelerations.                                          functional and performance model to be used as a
ISSN: 1983 7402                      ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011

background, and to generate various alternatives of radar                   Evaluate the expected range of noise temperature
system concepts.                                                            from the antenna and other radiofrequency
                                                                            elements of the receiving circuit.
  SCE1. OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS                                            Evaluate the best available technologies to provide
ANALYSIS                                                                    receiver front-end elements (amplifiers, filters,
  • Critical analysis and revision of the radar system                      protections) in the radar system frequency bands,
     operational objectives.                                                with minimum inherent noise factors, to be
  • Detailed revision and analysis of the radar system                      considered in the models.
     operational concept and requirements:                                  Based on the previous evaluations, calculate the
        With diagrams and models.                                           system noise temperature.
        Consolidating them in a complete non ambiguous               • Create a model of the MDS - minimum detectable
        and consistent list, using, if possible, appropriate             signal for the receiving front-end, considering:
        tools.                                                              Frequency bandwidth and form factor of the
  • Feasibility analysis of the radar system operational                    receiver filter.
     requirements:                                                          Frequency bandwidth of the receiver signal, after
        Verify how each of the radar system operational                     filtering.
        requirements could be executed, considering                         Minimum SNR - signal-to-noise ratio at the output
        modes, constraints and functions.                                   of the receiver.
        If any inconsistency arises, turn back to the NRA                   The Boltzmann´s constant.
        step to better understand the concepts and                          Calculate the minimum value of the received radar
        requirements and to remove the inconsistency.                       signal at the receiver input, capable to be
                                                                            processed and detected by the subsequent radar
  SCE2. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS                                            receiver channel circuits.
FORMULATION                                                          Transmitter performance analysis: [5] [7] [8]
  • Derivation of radar subsystems functions and                     • Create a model for the analysis of the performance of
      performance requirements:                                          the radar during transmission, considering:
         Consistently with each function and mode of                        Radar frequencies of operation.
         operation of the radar system, based on the results                Peak power.
         of the previous analysis and reviews of NRA.                       Modulations.
  • Formulation of radar system and subsystems                              Average power.
      performance characteristics:                                          PRF - pulse repetition frequency.
         Develop functional and performance radar models                    Pulsewidths.
         to evaluate the theoretical and practical viability of             Bandwidths.
         accomplishment of the functional performance, by:           Antenna performance analysis: [5] [7] [8]
             Using the radar equation and other relation             • Create a model for the representation and analysis of
             among the characteristics already established.              the performance of the antenna, considering:
             Exploring different radar parameters and                       Antenna technology, format (reflector, phased
             features.                                                      array, aperture, beam forming) and dimensions.
  • Derivation and formulation of radar system and                          Antenna radiation diagram (main lobe, sidelobes,
      subsystems performance characteristics.                               nulls, boresight, and gain).
  General system architecture                                               Antenna beamwidth (pencil beam, fan beam, multi
  • Before exploring the complete solutions of the radar                    beam).
      system, it is recommended to explore the
      radiofrequency front-end of the system, as a basis for        SCE3. IMPLEMENTATION CONCEPTS
      the other radar elements.                                   EXPLORATION
  • The principles and techniques of SDR - software-                • Assessment and analysis of radar technologies and
      defined radio apply also to software-defined radar.               systems possibilities:
      Besides elimination of hardware elements (cost                      Before describing specific complete radar systems,
      reduction, greater reliability, etc), it gives much more            the available technologies of hardware and
      flexibility, increase functionalities, and permit                   software usual for those types of systems must be
      adaptation to environments and missions.                            assessed and evaluated. This will give an updated
  Receiver performance analysis [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]             view of the possibilities, inspire innovations and
  • Create a model of the internal and external losses.                   reinforce the knowledge of systems architecture.
  • Create a model of the noise temperature of the                  Elements of the radiofrequency front-end:
      receiving front-end of the radar, considering:                      Based on the previous analysis about radar type,
         Expected      noise    temperature        environment,           frequency, space resolution, radiation diagram,
         comprising the natural and man-made noise                        mobility, coverage, etc., the type and general
         sources external to the system.                                  dimensions of the antenna and antenna-transceiver
                                                                          coupling circuits can be selected.
ISSN: 1983 7402                      ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011

          Based on the receiver performance analysis,                 • Description, classification and qualification of each
          describe alternatives of receiver front-end (LNA,              radar system alternative.
          filter, COHO, mixer), and analyze the                       • Synthesis of the radar system alternatives performance
          characteristics (gain, dynamic range, MDS, SNR,                requirements.
          band pass, IF, etc) of each solution.
          Considering the radar frequency, antenna gain and                   IV. SYSTEM CONCEPT DEFINITION FOR A
          diagram, space coverage, targets, threats,                                     RADAR SYSTEM
          interferences and atmospheric effects, and losses,
          estimate the minimum transmitter output peak               SCD1. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS
          power.                                                   ANALYSIS
          Describe       the   alternatives     of   transmitter     • Analysis and refinement of performance and
          technologies (solid state, tubes, etc) and solutions          functional requirements of the radar system concept
          (oscillator, linear amplifier, etc), and analyze their        alternatives.
          Define the transmission modulation techniques,             SCD2. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND
          considering the peak and medium power, PRF,              FORMULATION
          detection performance, etc.                                • Definition and simulation of the functional
          Examine the characteristics of the transmitter                components of the radar system concept alternatives.
          driving     signal:    frequency,      power    level,     • Modeling and demonstrations with prototypes of the
          synchronism signals, etc.                                     radar system concept alternatives.
          Define the characteristics of duplexer, antenna
          coupler, RF line, power supplies and control               SCD3. IMPLEMENTATION CONCEPT
          elements.                                                SELECTION
   Elements of the digital processing subsystem:                     • Selection of the preferred radar system concept.
          Up and down converters circuits.
          ADC/DCA circuits.                                          SCD4. CONCEPT VALIDATION AND
          DSP, CPU, FPGA, memories, interfaces.                    DESCRIPTION
          Software modules with radar functions and signal
                                                                     • Modeling of selected radar system concept and its
          processing based on SDR techniques and practices.             environment.
                                                                     • Functional and architectonic specifications of the
   Elements of the visualization and networking subsystem:
                                                                        selected radar system concept.
          Computers, servers, network interfaces, data
                                                                     • Selected radar system concept validation and
          storage technologies, human-systems interface.
          Software for data processing, product generation
          and visualization, radar networking, local and
          remote control and operation.                               SCD5. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT PLANNING
   • Formulation of alternatives of radar implementation              • Planning for the life cycle of the selected radar system
                                                                           Planning for the development.
          Considering the technologies and the functional
          and performance analysis, create alternatives of                 Planning for the production.
          systems concepts possible to be implemented.                     Planning for the support and logistics.
                                                                           Planning for the use.
   • Execution of radar elements proof-of-concepts
                                                                           Planning for the discard and substitution.
          When necessary, construct models or physical
                                                                                V. SYSTEMS RISKS AND ASSURANCE
          elements to be submitted to tests and proof-of-
                                                                                 ANALYSIS FOR A RADAR SYSTEM
          concept evaluation.
   • Evaluation of exequibility of radar system
                                                                      SRAA1. SRAA DURING NRA
                                                                      • Classification of risks of hazards and uncertainties.
   • Evaluation of the performance and the cost-
                                                                      • Definition of analysis criteria.
       effectiveness characteristics of each radar system
                                                                      • Assessment and evaluation of the potential risks for
                                                                         the project, the system, and the operations.
  SCE4. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS                                      • Evaluation of the risks derived if the radar problem
VALIDATION                                                               will not be solved.
  • Definition, integration and validation of the radar               • Assessment, limits characterization, and evaluation of
     system performance characteristics.                                 the main system assurance requirements, comprising:
                                                                            Configuration management, verification and
  SCE5. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS                                            validation, software assurance.
ISSN: 1983 7402                               ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011

        Quality, reliability, maintainability, safety,             It was also possible to demonstrate how to integrate the
        security, human factors, supportability and            risks, cost-effectiveness and assurance analysis to each step
        logistics, sustainability, and other analogous.        of the SCR for a radar system concept.
   • Preliminary evaluation and analysis of the TCO -              The sequence of tasks to select and define the most
      Total Cost of Ownership perceived by the market.         appropriate radar system concept was demonstrated.
   • Go-No Go decision.
   • Evaluation and comparison of risks and system                   [1]    A. Kossiakoff; W. N. Sweet. Systems Engineering - Principles
                                                                            and Practice. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2003.
      assurance parameters of each alternative of system
                                                                     [2]    S. Blanchard. System Engineering Management. 4th ed.
      concept.                                                              Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2008.
   • Assessment of the availability and disclosure of parts          [3]    S. Wasson. System Analysis, Design, and Development -
      and technologies from foreign suppliers.                              Concepts, Principles and Practices. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley,
   • Analysis and evaluation of each trade-off solutions:                   2006.
                                                                     [4]    G. Raheja; A. Allocco. Assurance Technologies Principles and
   • Analysis of viability of accomplishment of the                         Practices. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2006.
      assurance requirements and cost-effectiveness                  [5]    J. Bogush, Jr. Radar and the Atmosphere. Norwood, MA: Artech
      balance.                                                              House, 1989.
   • Go-No Go decision.                                              [6]    M. L. Skolnik. Introduction to Radar Systems. 2nd ed. Tokyo,
   • Recommendations for the mitigation and control of                      Japan: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, 1981.
      risks and for provisioning of systems assurance and            [7]    F. E. Nathanson. Radar Design Principles - Signal Processing and
                                                                            the Environment. 2nd ed. Raleigh, NC: SciTech Pub, 1999.
                                                                     [8]    M. Skolnik, ed. Radar Handbook. 3rd ed. USA: McGraw-Hill,
   SRAA3. SRAA DURING SCD                                            [9]    M. Carpentier. Radars - Bases Modernes 4e ed. Paris: Mason,
   • Detailed analysis, description and recommendation for                  1981.
      mitigation and control of risks, system assurance and          [10]   L. V. Blake "NRL Report 5668 - Antenna and receiver-system
      cost-effectiveness elements of the selected radar                     noise-temperature calculation". U. S. Naval Research Laboratory,
      system concept.                                                       September 19, 1961.
                                                                     [11]   M. Schwartz. Transmissão de informação, modulação e ruído. 2.
   • Final Go-No Go decision.                                               Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Dois, 1979.
                                                                     [12]   M. A. Richards. Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing. USA:
   If the final decision is to proceed with the radar system                McGraw-Hill, 2005.
development, the results obtained during the SCR phase shall         [13]   I. Müürsepp.” Software Radar”, in ELECTRONICS AND
be documented and transferred to the next phase of                          ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, 2008. No. 4(84).
Development of Systems and Products (DSP).                           [14]   Mark Frankford. “Software-Defined Radar for MIMO
                                                                            Applications - Documentation Series V”. The Ohio State
                                                                            University.         Available         at       ftp://esl.eng.ohio-
                        VI. CONCLUSIONS                            Accessed at 31/05/2011.
                                                                     [15]   Lee K. Patton. “A GNU Radio Based Software-Defined Radar”.
   The example of application of the Systems Concepts                       Master Thesis. Department of Electrical Engineering, Wright
Research (SCR) method to the case of a generic radar system                 State University, 2007.
concept was performed and resulted on a careful and                                             >>>>>> = <<<<<<
complete analysis of the problem, the needs and the
operational, functional and performance requirements.

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Systems Concepts Research Applied to Radar Design

  • 1. ISSN: 1983 7402 ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011 Systems Concepts Research Applied to Radar Design Antonio Sallum Librelato1 and Osamu Saotome2 1 EThICS Engineering - Rua Prof. Maria Lima Cesar, 181, Ap. 12 - CEP 12216-141 - São José dos Campos - SP - Brasil 2 Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - Praça Marechal Eduardo Gomes, 50 – Vila das Acácias – São José dos Campos – SP - Brasil Abstract  Radar systems are usually based on complex Motivations for SCR Applied for Radar Systems: and critical technologies, and demand solutions to attend The project of radar systems, as many other complex and demanding operational, functional and performance critical systems, is submitted to challenging factors presented requirements, under restrictions of costs and submitted to by the current environment, as suggested by [2]. These harch environments. To create new radar systems, or even factors are the main motivations to adopt the SCR method, as to upgrade existing radars, it is recommended to execute the follow, in the case of radar systems: concept phase of the project life cycle. The Systems • Increasing radar systems complexities, due to: Concepts Research (SCR) method was structured by one of More applications and interests on information the authors1, and is appropriate to obtain the most adequate about targets: polarimetry, multi-mode, multi- radar system concept to attend the needs and requirements. target, anti-jamming, countermeasure. The objective of this article is to describe the phases, New systems and circuits solutions: MIMO, multi- steps and tasks of the SCR, applied for the definition of a radar, phased-array (digital beamforming), generic radar system, considering the most prominent compact systems. characteristics of radar systems and their operational • Evolving radar technologies changes. as: environments. Solid-state analog components, permitting to Keywords  research, assurance, radar. implement new “all solid-state” radars and phased- array antennas. I. INTRODUCTION Digital converters and processors, permitting to increase radar signal and data processing The references [1], [2], and [3] consider the Systems capabilities, to digitally implement radar functions Concept phase to be executed before the Systems nearer to the antenna, and to reduce the number of Development phase, and the reference [4] presents the components. systems and products assurance technologies to be applied The Software-Defined Radio (SDR) technology during all life cycle of the project. The reference [5] method, and method, applied to radar systems. [13] [14] for radar systems analysis, focus on radar requirements, [15] systems architecture and performance parameters, to be • Extended systems life cycles, demanding for: defined before the radar system development. Higher reliability, availability and durable Those are the main elements that inspired the creation of solutions. the SCR method, with the addition and integration of the Reduced life cycle costs. systems assurance technologies. • Shorter technologies life cycles, creating demands for: Systems upgrading in shorter periods. Principles of SCR: More versatile solutions. The Systems Concepts Research (SCR) method • Constantly changing requirements, creating: comprises a series of interactive tasks. It will require Necessity of intense efforts to understand the specialized knowledge and skills on management and problem to be solved and to collect and analyze the engineering of systems, requirements, risks, product requirements. assurance, costs and project planning and product Necessity of being ready to easily modify the development. Depending on the specific conditions of solutions during the life cycle. procurement and supply of systems, the work share between • More emphasis on “systems” (versus components), client and manufacturer (or supplier) will vary. Anyway, the driving to: complete composition of tasks is practically the same. Consider the System Of Systems (SOS) and The SCR method brings great benefits on obtaining the system concept as part of the project, since the best solution for the needs, reduction of time and costs, beginning. increase on the system assurance, performance and cost- Define the concept from top (SOS, system) to effectiveness, and better satisfaction of customers, users and down (units, modules, parts), as an integrated line- producers. of-thinking engineering. A. S. Librelato,, Tel +55-12-39418277. O. Saotome,, Tel +55-12- 39475818.
  • 2. ISSN: 1983 7402 ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011 • Higher overall radar life-cycle costs, driving to: • Investigations should be done to define why and how Use systems and products assurance techniques, a radar system will satisfy the needs. applied during the project, to create solutions with • What are the evidences of the needs? reduced acquisition and support costs. • Operational objectives and goals. Reduce hardware and increase software solutions. • Restrictions and suppositions: • Increasing demand for mitigation and control of Restrictions and suppositions to be imposed to the uncertainty and hazard risks during the project, radar system, its characteristics, operations and mainly when based on new and not well mature project, like type of radar, frequency bands, and technologies, to obtain higher availability, integrity transmitted power, sometimes may be known since and safety. the beginning of the project. There is a consensus that, by using a methodology like the • Costs and schedule: SCR, it is possible to obtain a cost-effectiveness balance Costs (life cycle costs, unitary sales costs) and between the economic (cost and return on investment) and schedule are usually assessed at this moment. technical (performance and assurance) factors. [1] [2] [3] [4] • Owners, operators, users, actors, responsible, and other interested persons and organizations: Phases of the SCR: Concerning the ownership of the SOS and future The SCR method here applied consists of four steps: radar system, it is necessary to define who are the • NRA - Needs and Requirements Analysis owners, operators, users, and other interested • SCE - Systems Concepts Exploration persons and organizations, to well define • SCD - System Concept Definition responsibilities and authorities for requirements, • SRAA - Systems Risks and Assurance Analysis restrictions, and suppositions and other definitions The details of each step and tasks, applied for a generic and eventual modifications. radar system, are presented in the following. Institutions that will approve, qualify or certificate the radar system shall be defined. II. NEEDS AND REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS FOR A RADAR SYSTEM NRA3. OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Mission, profiles and scenarios: [5] It starts with the description of the context of the problem The details of missions, operations and functional to be solved by using the radar system. architectures, interfaces, and environments of the radar During this step of SCR, it is highly recommended the system will be defined according to the following tasks: intense interaction and understanding between the client and • Obtain a quantitative statement of the mission of the developer specialists. radar system, with: Operational boundaries and limits. NRA1. VISION OF PROBLEM Purpose and applications of the radar system. • The problem of the SOS: Requirements for the primary functions of Usually, the radar will be part of a wider system, surveillance and tracking. the SOS - System Of Systems, composed of Additional functions of detection and acquisition communications, remote control and operation, of targets. data and image processing and other the like Eventual multifunction and dedication to more systems. than one mission. The existing problem of the SOS that is intended Distinct profiles and scenarios of the mission, to be solved by the use of the radar system shall be associated with modes of operation. understood. Additional related functions, as self-testing, • Motivation and context of operations: training, and other special tasks. What are the operational objectives and goals to be Top-level radar system states requirements, considered? covering transportation, storage, disassembling, What are the actors and responsible for the radar reassembling, and others states. system operation? Deployment and usage conditions: The context of operations may be more complex • Determine the conditions of operational deployment than the radar system solely, but certainly it will be and usage of the radar system: based on targets detection and ranging, using radio Permanently fixed installation. signals. Temporary fixed installation, being transported (by • The problem of the radar system: roadway, waterway or airway) from one site to Looks for a radar system that will be operational, another. functional, feasible, and cost-effective, according Mobile installation (ground, air, water, and space to the needs. vehicles). • Determine the type of radar system and application: NRA2. NEEDS ANALYSIS Short range, long range coverage.
  • 3. ISSN: 1983 7402 ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011 Sensing, surveillance, tracking. statistical signal fluctuation for the targets. [5] [6] [7] Radar transmit-receive techniques (monostatic, [8] bistatic, MIMO). • Characterize what will be considered as clutter, Operational concepts: depending on what is considered as targets of interest • Indicate the types and steps of the future operations of and on the operational environment. the radar system, in all their extent and details. • Define the required performance of clutter and • Define the repartition and relationship of the interference processing by the radar system. parameters and operational states between the SOS • Determine if target tracks history will be required. [6] elements. Number of objects: Operational environments: • Clarify how many simultaneous objects (targets) the • Describe and quantify the space and time radar system shall process, by surveillance, tracking, environmental conditions prevailing during the radar and processing, considering the timing required for system manufacturing, transportation, operation and those operations. maintenance, considering natural and man-made Threats: sources. • Classify and characterize the expected environment of Radar system architecture: threats, jammers and other kind of man-made • Present the top-level composition and architecture of interference for the radar system operation, according the SOS, as well as the composition and architecture to their natures and origins. of the radar system as part of the SOS. Radar frequency: • Describe the basic identification of radar system and • The frequencies of operation are extremely influent subsystems elements and specification of the and decisive on the project of radar systems. performance requirements and their relationship with • Sometimes, the desired mission and operational the radar system functions. concept determine the frequency band to be adopted • Present the main physical requirements by the future radar [5] [6] [7] [8]. Then, it is only characterization of the radar system. necessary to know the particular conditions Interfaces and interoperability: (requirements) about the range of values of the • Specify the requirements for the internal and external frequencies and about their selection and variations interfaces and interoperability conditions for system according to mission and operations profiles. and subsystems elements. • If the frequency of operation is not pre-defined, it will • Examine and describe the special interfaces of the be necessary to define it as a function of other radar system elements and the operational requirements and the scope of the system. The environment conditions. frequencies permitted to be used by radar systems are Operational surveillance coverage: established by international, regional and national • Define the space and time coverage dimensions for the regulations. operational surveillance of the radar. • The choice of the radar frequency bands is affected • Determine the required limits of range, elevation, mainly by: azimuth and eight from the radar point of view. The radar specific applications. Targets, target cross section, and target models: The region of the world where the radar system • Define and quantify the types, complexities and space will be operated. and time occurrence and distributions of targets to be The permitted frequency bands by standards and detected, considering: regulations. Punctual targets: aircrafts, missiles, vessels, • The radar operation frequency mainly affects: ground vehicles, and other similar. The effects on the propagation and attenuation of Surface targets: ground (soil, vegetation), sea the radar signals on the atmosphere. surface. The backscattering radar cross section of targets, Volumetric targets: natural tropospheric structures clutter and other objects. (clouds, precipitations, air turbulences), smoke, The backscattering power received from targets dust, sand, particles, and clusters of insects or and clutter. birds, ionospheric layers. The antenna radiation diagram, main and • Characterize the speed limits, the minimum separation secondary lobes and gain. among targets, clusters of targets and targets The Doppler frequency as a function of the radial behaviors and attitudes relative to the radar. velocity of detected targets. • Describe and quantify the radar cross sections of the The sampling decorrelation time of targets. targets. The Doppler radar dilemma. • Establish models of targets, including microphysical Processing resources: characteristics of the targets and their backscattering • Describe the types and requirements characteristics of response according to the polarization of the incident the signal and data processing resources of the radar radiofrequency signals, and the Swerling classes of system.
  • 4. ISSN: 1983 7402 ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011 System assurance requirements: Ambiguity: the extent to which the accuracy • Consider, quantify and allocate to the radar system parameters can be measured without ambiguity or elements, each of the system and product assurance the difficulty encountered in resolving any requirements, considered all the life cycle of the radar ambiguity. system, operations and environments, comprising: Resolution: degree to which two or more targets Risks and Cost-Effectiveness. may be separated in one or more spatial Configuration Management. coordinates, in radial velocity or acceleration. Rights and Penalties of Assurance and Warranties. Discrimination: the ability to detect or to track a Software Assurance. target echo in the presence of environmental Quality Assurance. echoes (clutter). Reliability Assurance. Immunity to threat: the capacity to sustain the Maintainability. operations when submitted to electronic Safety. countermeasure or jamming menaces. Security. Immunity to electromagnetic interference: the Human Factors. capacity to sustain the operations when submitted Supportability and Logistics. to friendly radiofrequency interference. Sustainability. Functional simulation: Others, the like. • Create a functional model of the radar system and Verification and Validation. subsystems. • The radar system qualification, acceptance and • Create a realistic measurement error model. certification conditions and procedures must be also • Analyze the functioning with the model. included. • Include the performance characteristics in the model System life cycle and cost elements: and analyze their effectiveness. • The main life cycle elements are to be established, concerning: NRA5. FEASIBILITY DEFINITIONS Date desired to start using the system. Evaluation of radar systems currently available solutions: Expected duration of the useful life. • Collect data about current radar systems, similar to the Cycles of operation, maintenance, revision and radar system under analysis. upgrading of the system. • Assess the details about the used technologies. Total cost of ownership (total cost of acquisition Comparison of radar solutions and radar requirements: plus the total cost of operation). • Analyze and compare the specifications of the existing Number of radar systems to be deployed. solutions with the requirements for the new radar Logistic support organization. system. Evaluation of feasibility of radar systems functional NRA4. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS concepts: Radar system functional concepts: [5] • Evaluate if the technologies of the current solutions • Define the functional modes and parameters, their will permit to obtain the required functions and repartition and relationship between the SOS performances. elements. • Describe the needs for other technologies to attend the • Establish the role of the radar system on the SOS functional concepts. context. Functional requirements: NRA6. NEEDS VALIDATION • Describe the functions of the radar system and • Verify the evidences of the needs. subsystems. • Analyze the viability of needs attendance. Functional allocation to radar subsystems: • Validate the needs and systems concepts relationship. • Allocate the functional requirements to the radar system and subsystems. NRA7. OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS Functional radar performance requirements: SYNTHESIS • Establish the main criteria for measuring the quality of • Elicit, analyze and validate all radar system performance of the radar system, in adverse operational requirements and constraints. environments, as [7]: Reliability of detection: maximum detection range III. SYSTEMS CONCEPTS EXPLORATION and probability or percentage of time that the FOR A RADAR SYSTEM desires targets will be detected. Accuracy, measured with respect to target Taking the NRA results into account, it is necessary a parameter estimates: target range, angular detailed revision and analysis to consolidate the requirements coordinates, range and angular rates and and constraints, and to prepare a complete and integrated accelerations. functional and performance model to be used as a
  • 5. ISSN: 1983 7402 ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011 background, and to generate various alternatives of radar Evaluate the expected range of noise temperature system concepts. from the antenna and other radiofrequency elements of the receiving circuit. SCE1. OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS Evaluate the best available technologies to provide ANALYSIS receiver front-end elements (amplifiers, filters, • Critical analysis and revision of the radar system protections) in the radar system frequency bands, operational objectives. with minimum inherent noise factors, to be • Detailed revision and analysis of the radar system considered in the models. operational concept and requirements: Based on the previous evaluations, calculate the With diagrams and models. system noise temperature. Consolidating them in a complete non ambiguous • Create a model of the MDS - minimum detectable and consistent list, using, if possible, appropriate signal for the receiving front-end, considering: tools. Frequency bandwidth and form factor of the • Feasibility analysis of the radar system operational receiver filter. requirements: Frequency bandwidth of the receiver signal, after Verify how each of the radar system operational filtering. requirements could be executed, considering Minimum SNR - signal-to-noise ratio at the output modes, constraints and functions. of the receiver. If any inconsistency arises, turn back to the NRA The Boltzmann´s constant. step to better understand the concepts and Calculate the minimum value of the received radar requirements and to remove the inconsistency. signal at the receiver input, capable to be processed and detected by the subsequent radar SCE2. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS receiver channel circuits. FORMULATION Transmitter performance analysis: [5] [7] [8] • Derivation of radar subsystems functions and • Create a model for the analysis of the performance of performance requirements: the radar during transmission, considering: Consistently with each function and mode of Radar frequencies of operation. operation of the radar system, based on the results Peak power. of the previous analysis and reviews of NRA. Modulations. • Formulation of radar system and subsystems Average power. performance characteristics: PRF - pulse repetition frequency. Develop functional and performance radar models Pulsewidths. to evaluate the theoretical and practical viability of Bandwidths. accomplishment of the functional performance, by: Antenna performance analysis: [5] [7] [8] Using the radar equation and other relation • Create a model for the representation and analysis of among the characteristics already established. the performance of the antenna, considering: Exploring different radar parameters and Antenna technology, format (reflector, phased features. array, aperture, beam forming) and dimensions. • Derivation and formulation of radar system and Antenna radiation diagram (main lobe, sidelobes, subsystems performance characteristics. nulls, boresight, and gain). General system architecture Antenna beamwidth (pencil beam, fan beam, multi • Before exploring the complete solutions of the radar beam). system, it is recommended to explore the radiofrequency front-end of the system, as a basis for SCE3. IMPLEMENTATION CONCEPTS the other radar elements. EXPLORATION • The principles and techniques of SDR - software- • Assessment and analysis of radar technologies and defined radio apply also to software-defined radar. systems possibilities: Besides elimination of hardware elements (cost Before describing specific complete radar systems, reduction, greater reliability, etc), it gives much more the available technologies of hardware and flexibility, increase functionalities, and permit software usual for those types of systems must be adaptation to environments and missions. assessed and evaluated. This will give an updated Receiver performance analysis [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] view of the possibilities, inspire innovations and • Create a model of the internal and external losses. reinforce the knowledge of systems architecture. • Create a model of the noise temperature of the Elements of the radiofrequency front-end: receiving front-end of the radar, considering: Based on the previous analysis about radar type, Expected noise temperature environment, frequency, space resolution, radiation diagram, comprising the natural and man-made noise mobility, coverage, etc., the type and general sources external to the system. dimensions of the antenna and antenna-transceiver coupling circuits can be selected.
  • 6. ISSN: 1983 7402 ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011 Based on the receiver performance analysis, • Description, classification and qualification of each describe alternatives of receiver front-end (LNA, radar system alternative. filter, COHO, mixer), and analyze the • Synthesis of the radar system alternatives performance characteristics (gain, dynamic range, MDS, SNR, requirements. band pass, IF, etc) of each solution. Considering the radar frequency, antenna gain and IV. SYSTEM CONCEPT DEFINITION FOR A diagram, space coverage, targets, threats, RADAR SYSTEM interferences and atmospheric effects, and losses, estimate the minimum transmitter output peak SCD1. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS power. ANALYSIS Describe the alternatives of transmitter • Analysis and refinement of performance and technologies (solid state, tubes, etc) and solutions functional requirements of the radar system concept (oscillator, linear amplifier, etc), and analyze their alternatives. characteristics. Define the transmission modulation techniques, SCD2. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND considering the peak and medium power, PRF, FORMULATION detection performance, etc. • Definition and simulation of the functional Examine the characteristics of the transmitter components of the radar system concept alternatives. driving signal: frequency, power level, • Modeling and demonstrations with prototypes of the synchronism signals, etc. radar system concept alternatives. Define the characteristics of duplexer, antenna coupler, RF line, power supplies and control SCD3. IMPLEMENTATION CONCEPT elements. SELECTION Elements of the digital processing subsystem: • Selection of the preferred radar system concept. Up and down converters circuits. ADC/DCA circuits. SCD4. CONCEPT VALIDATION AND DSP, CPU, FPGA, memories, interfaces. DESCRIPTION Software modules with radar functions and signal • Modeling of selected radar system concept and its processing based on SDR techniques and practices. environment. [12] • Functional and architectonic specifications of the Elements of the visualization and networking subsystem: selected radar system concept. Computers, servers, network interfaces, data • Selected radar system concept validation and storage technologies, human-systems interface. description. Software for data processing, product generation and visualization, radar networking, local and remote control and operation. SCD5. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT PLANNING • Formulation of alternatives of radar implementation • Planning for the life cycle of the selected radar system concept: concepts: Planning for the development. Considering the technologies and the functional and performance analysis, create alternatives of Planning for the production. systems concepts possible to be implemented. Planning for the support and logistics. Planning for the use. • Execution of radar elements proof-of-concepts Planning for the discard and substitution. experiments: When necessary, construct models or physical V. SYSTEMS RISKS AND ASSURANCE elements to be submitted to tests and proof-of- ANALYSIS FOR A RADAR SYSTEM concept evaluation. • Evaluation of exequibility of radar system SRAA1. SRAA DURING NRA alternatives. • Classification of risks of hazards and uncertainties. • Evaluation of the performance and the cost- • Definition of analysis criteria. effectiveness characteristics of each radar system • Assessment and evaluation of the potential risks for alternative. the project, the system, and the operations. SCE4. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS • Evaluation of the risks derived if the radar problem VALIDATION will not be solved. • Definition, integration and validation of the radar • Assessment, limits characterization, and evaluation of system performance characteristics. the main system assurance requirements, comprising: Configuration management, verification and SCE5. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS validation, software assurance. SYNTHESIS
  • 7. ISSN: 1983 7402 ITA, 27 a 30 de setembro de 2011 Quality, reliability, maintainability, safety, It was also possible to demonstrate how to integrate the security, human factors, supportability and risks, cost-effectiveness and assurance analysis to each step logistics, sustainability, and other analogous. of the SCR for a radar system concept. • Preliminary evaluation and analysis of the TCO - The sequence of tasks to select and define the most Total Cost of Ownership perceived by the market. appropriate radar system concept was demonstrated. • Go-No Go decision. REFERENCES SRAA2. SRAA DURING SCE • Evaluation and comparison of risks and system [1] A. Kossiakoff; W. N. Sweet. Systems Engineering - Principles and Practice. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2003. assurance parameters of each alternative of system [2] S. Blanchard. System Engineering Management. 4th ed. concept. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2008. • Assessment of the availability and disclosure of parts [3] S. Wasson. System Analysis, Design, and Development - and technologies from foreign suppliers. Concepts, Principles and Practices. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, • Analysis and evaluation of each trade-off solutions: 2006. [4] G. Raheja; A. Allocco. Assurance Technologies Principles and • Analysis of viability of accomplishment of the Practices. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2006. assurance requirements and cost-effectiveness [5] J. Bogush, Jr. Radar and the Atmosphere. Norwood, MA: Artech balance. House, 1989. • Go-No Go decision. [6] M. L. Skolnik. Introduction to Radar Systems. 2nd ed. Tokyo, • Recommendations for the mitigation and control of Japan: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, 1981. risks and for provisioning of systems assurance and [7] F. E. Nathanson. Radar Design Principles - Signal Processing and the Environment. 2nd ed. Raleigh, NC: SciTech Pub, 1999. cost-effectiveness. [8] M. Skolnik, ed. Radar Handbook. 3rd ed. USA: McGraw-Hill, 2008. SRAA3. SRAA DURING SCD [9] M. Carpentier. Radars - Bases Modernes 4e ed. Paris: Mason, • Detailed analysis, description and recommendation for 1981. mitigation and control of risks, system assurance and [10] L. V. Blake "NRL Report 5668 - Antenna and receiver-system cost-effectiveness elements of the selected radar noise-temperature calculation". U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, system concept. September 19, 1961. [11] M. Schwartz. Transmissão de informação, modulação e ruído. 2. • Final Go-No Go decision. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Dois, 1979. [12] M. A. Richards. Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing. USA: If the final decision is to proceed with the radar system McGraw-Hill, 2005. development, the results obtained during the SCR phase shall [13] I. Müürsepp.” Software Radar”, in ELECTRONICS AND be documented and transferred to the next phase of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, 2008. No. 4(84). Development of Systems and Products (DSP). [14] Mark Frankford. “Software-Defined Radar for MIMO Applications - Documentation Series V”. The Ohio State University. Available at ftp://esl.eng.ohio- VI. CONCLUSIONS Accessed at 31/05/2011. [15] Lee K. Patton. “A GNU Radio Based Software-Defined Radar”. The example of application of the Systems Concepts Master Thesis. Department of Electrical Engineering, Wright Research (SCR) method to the case of a generic radar system State University, 2007. concept was performed and resulted on a careful and >>>>>> = <<<<<< complete analysis of the problem, the needs and the operational, functional and performance requirements.