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Selected Leadership Theories
Trait Theories
Behavioral Approaches
Contingency Approaches
Neocharismatic Approaches
Trait Theory
 The theories that sought personality, social, physical,
or intellectual traits that differentiated leaders from
 The traits are the inherent attributes of the leaders to
keep them distinct from others
 For example, Margaret Thatcher, as the prime minister
of UK, was recognized for her leadership in terms of
her confidence, iron-willed, determined, and decisive.
 A research study was conducted in the 1930s to
study the attributes that differentiate the leaders
from nonleaders.
 A review of 20 different studies identified nearly 80
leadership traits, though the study was not aimed to
identify the leadership traits
 Among the identified traits, only FOUR of them
were common to all cases, which included
personality, social, physical, and intellectual traits.
Trait Theory
 Earliest approach to study leadership
 Used to identify great persons from masses
 Based on the assumption of -
certain traits = success/effectiveness
 The logic of leadership traits is as basic as
height, as complex as intelligence
Trait Theory
How Leaders Differ from Nonleaders?
 According to Kirkpatrick & Locke (1991),
leaders can be distinguished from nonleaders
on the basis of SIX attributes or traits:
 Drive
 Desire to lead
 Honesty and integrity
 Self-confidence
 Intelligence
 Job-relevant knowledge
Important Traits of Effective Leaders
 Personality
 Persuasive
 Persistence
 Patience
 Probity
 Praise giving
 Positive orientation
 People Based
 Possible
 Practical
 Progressive
 Prepared
 Power-building
13 Ps
Personality Factors for Effective Leadership
Capacity Achievement Responsibility Participation Status
Intelligence Scholarship Honesty Activity Socioeconomic
Alertness Knowledge Dependability Sociability Popularity
Verbal facility Athletic
Initiative Cooperation
Originality Personality
Persistence Adaptability
Judgment Aggressiveness Humor
Desire to excel
Criticisms on Trait Theories of Leadership
The belief that personality traits determine the
rate of success of a leader could easily be
challenged because practically it is very hard to
distinguish leaders from non-leaders based on
personality traits
There exists a very thin relationship between
traits and leader’s success
Some traits are achieved by birth
Personality traits without motivation are
worthless for success
It does not look like a theory
“Traits Plus Motivation Equals Leadership”
Behavioral Approaches to Leadership
 Pattern of actions used by different individuals
determines leadership potential
 Examples
– Autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire
– Michigan Studies: Employee centered versus
task centered
Three Approaches to Behavioral Studies
1. Studies Based on Leadership Styles
2. Studies Based on Leadership Dimensions
3. Studies Based on Leadership Grid
1. Studies Based on Leadership Styles
 Lewin, Lippitt, and White are probably the earliest
contributors of leadership study in a scientific manner.
 The authors specialized in leadership styles while
conducting a series of research studies in the 1930s at
the University of Iowa.
 The suggested leadership styles include:
 Autocratic
 Democratic
 Laissez-Faire
 When Quantity of work is important:
 When Quality of work is important:
 When Satisfaction with work is important:
Which is the Best Style?
Autocratic Democratic Laissez Faire
Most Least
Democratic Autocratic Laissez Faire
Best Worst
Democratic Laissez Faire Autocratic
Most Least
Tannenbaum and Schmidt
- Continuum of Leadership Behavior
Autocratic Democratic Laissez-faire
Use of Authority by the Manager
Area of Freedom for Subordinates
Boss- Centered
Subordinate- Centered
Optimal Leadership Style Depends Upon:
1. Forces in the Leader
2. Forces in the Subordinate Group
3. Forces in the Situation
Tannenbaum/Schmidt’s Leadership Continuum
2. Studies Based on Leadership Dimensions
Key Contributions
a. Ohio State University Studies
b. Michigan State University Studies
Ohio State University Studies
Two Dimensions
 Initiating structure: The extent to which a leader
is likely to define and structure his/her role and
roles of subordinates in the search for goal
 Consideration: The extent to which a leader is
likely to have job relationships characterized by
mutual trust, respect for subordinates‘ ideas, and
regard of their feelings
Initiating Structure
– Is task oriented
– Directs subordinate work activities toward goal
– Typically give instructions, spend time planning,
and emphasize deadlines
– Provide explicit schedules of work activities
– Is mindful of subordinates
– Establishes mutual trust
– Provides open communication
– Develops teamwork
Two Dimensions
 Employee Oriented: The leadership dimension in
which the leader emphasizes interpersonal relations;
relationship oriented
 Production Oriented: The leadership dimension in
which the leader emphasizes on technical or task
aspect of the job; result oriented
Michigan State University Studies
Similar to Ohio Studies
Studies Based on Leadership Grid
 Blake and Mouton (1964) represented with the
graphical portrayal of the two dimensional view of
 The authors proposed a managerial grid showing the
key managerial styles of ‗concern for people‘ and
‗concern for production‘
 The grid has been developed in a nine-by-nine matrix
outlining 81 different leadership styles
The Managerial Grid
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Concern for People
The Managerial Grid
Concern for Production
Country Club Management
Thoughtful attention to the needs of people
for satisfying relationships leads to a com-
fortable, friendly organization atmosphere
and work tempo.
1,1 Impoverished Management
Exertion of minimum effort to get required
work done is appropriate to sustain
organization membership.
Team Management
Work accomplishment is from
committed people;
through a “common stake” in
organization purpose leads to
relationships of trust and respect.
Middle-of-the-Road Management
Adequate organization performance is possible
through balancing the necessity to get out work
with maintaining morale of people at a
satisfactory level.
Authority-Compliance 9, 1
Efficiency in operations results from
arranging conditions of work in such a
way that human elements interfere to a
minimum degree.
Leadership Styles
Likert‘s System Four
System I—Exploitive Autocratic
System II—Benevolent Autocratic
System III—Consultative
System IV—Participative Group
Contingency Theories of Leadership
 Leader traits and/or leader behaviors are
important aspects but must be taken in
That is, the situation matters.
Selected Studies on Contingency Approaches
 Fiedler‘s Contingency Theory
 Hersey and Blanchard‘s Situational (Life Cycle)
 House‘s Path-Goal Theory
 Low LPC Score: task-oriented leader
 High LPC Score: relationship-oriented leader
 According to Fiedler, a person is one or the
other - it is a fixed personality trait
A person‘s LPC score correlates with:
 Task structure
 Leader/Member relations
 Leader position power
in terms of group effectiveness
Three Elements of Leadership Situations
 Leader-member relations: refers to group
atmosphere and members‘ attitude toward and
acceptance of the leader
 Task structure: refers to the extent to which tasks
performed by the group are defined, involve
specific procedures, and have clear, explicit goals
 Position power: is the extent to which the leader
has formal authority over subordinates
Task-Oriented (low LPC)
Leader is best when situation either favorable or
Employee-Oriented (high LPC)
Leader is best when situation is moderately
1. Train leaders in needed style
(Fiedler says no)
2. Match the leader with the job
(Fiedler says this is a good start)
3. Engineer the job to fit the manger
(Fiedler says this is the best approach)
Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory
A contingency approach to leadership that links
the leader‘s behavioral style with the task
readiness (maturity) of subordinates.
Also known as ‗life cycle‘ theory.
Situational Leadership
 No single best way to lead
 Focus on maturity or readiness of followers
– Ability and willingness
 Adjust emphasis on task and relationship
behaviors according to the readiness of
followers to perform their tasks
Hersey’s Situational Leadership Model
 Based on
– Style of leadership
 Giving direction (task behaviour)
 Giving motivational support (relationship
– ―Readiness‖ of followers to perform a task
 Ability
 Willingness
Situational Leadership
 Telling: low readiness, untrained and
inexperienced employees
 Selling: low/moderate readiness, trained but
inexperienced employees
 Participating: moderate/high readiness, able but
unwilling, employees skeptical
 Delegating: high readiness, employees ready and
willing to take responsibility
Hersey and
Model Defines
Maturity and
Low task
High task
Low task
High task
Low High
Task Behavior
Style of
High Moderate Low
This person is able
(has the necessary
knowledge and skill)
This person is willing
(has the necessary
confidence and
Maturity of Followers
Psychological maturity
Job maturity
A great deal
Quite a bit
On occasion
 Based on Expectancy Theory of Motivation
 A leader should emphasize either path
clarification or adjust rewards depending on the
factors affecting a person‘s motivation
 Theory assumes people can change their
leadership styles to fit the situation
Situational Contingencies
Three Important Situational Contingencies
in Path-Goal Theory
 The personal characteristics of group
 The work environment
 The situation
Path-goal Theory
 Rooted in Expectancy Theory
 Leader behaviors
– Directive
– Supportive
– Achievement-oriented
– Participative
Path-Goal Model of Leadership
Follower Characteristics
1. Locus of control
2. Authoritarianism
3. Ability
1. Job satisfaction
2. Performance
3. Acceptance of the leader
1. Perceptions
2. Motivation
Environmental Factors
1. Tasks
2. Formal authority system
3. Work group
Leader Behavior Styles
1. Directive
2. Supportive
3. Participative
4. Achievement-oriented
Supportive Leadership
• Reduce boredom
• Make job more
• Increase self-
• Lower Anxiety
• Increase the
intrinsic valence
of work
• Increase effort-
Directive Leadership
Reduce role
Strengthen reward
Increase effort-
reward expectancies
Increase size
of incentives
Increase outcome
valences for task
Path-goal Theory
Causal Variables
Leader Behavior
Intervening Variables
Subordinate expectations
Outcome Variables
Subordinate effort
and satisfaction
Situational Moderator Variables
Characteristics of task and environment
Characteristics of subordinates
Change Leadership
 Transactional Leader: Provides direction
for subordinates to achieve set objectives
(typical ―good manager‖ using position
power & some personal power)
 Transformational Leader: Special ability to
create innovation & change
(charismatic leader within an organization –
high on position & personal power)
Effects of Change Leadership
state of
to attain
(extra effort)
Transformational Leadership
• Idealized Influence
• Inspiration
• Intellectual stimulation
• Individualized
• Contingent reward
• Management by
exception (active or
• Laissez faire
Agreed upon
Broadening and
elevating follower
Characteristics of
Transactional Leadership
 Establishes goals and objectives
 Designs work flow and delegates task
 Negotiates exchange of rewards for effort
 Rewards performance and recognizes
 Searches for deviations from standards and
takes corrective actions
Characteristics of
Transformational Leadership
 Charismatic: Provides vision and a sense of mission,
gains respect and trust, instills pride
 Individualized consideration: Gives personal attention,
and treats each person individually, coaches
 Intellectually stimulating: Promotes learning,
encourages rationality, uses careful problem
 Inspirational: Communicates high performance
expectations, uses symbols to focus efforts, distills
essential purposes
Integrative Framework of
Change Leadership
1. Leader Traits: 13 Ps
2. Success Criteria: Leader power and
leader behavior
3. Situational Variables: Environmental
forces (PEST)
4. Interveining Variables: Subordinate
commitment, dedication, enthusiasm, etc.
Participative Management
 Democratic approach of management
 Employees have autonomy in making and
implementing decisions
 Leader invites wider participation of the subordinates
in making and selling decisions
 Exists high degree of delegation of authority
 Managers listen and value the subordinate
 High degree of customer focus exists
 A move into TQM process climate
Management by Objectives (MBO)
 A management system in which specific performance
goals are jointly determined by employees and their
managers, progress toward accomplishing those goals
is periodically reviewed, rewards are allocated on the
basis of the progress in accomplishing the goals
 Goal achievement is the key of MBO
 Management approach is driven by the nature of
performance objectives and goals
 MBO consists of four elements; goal specificity,
Management by Objectives (MBO)
FOUR Characteristics of MBO
 Goal specificity,
 Participative decision making,
 An explicit time period, and
 Performance feedback.
MBO increases organizational
performance and productivity
Management by Walking Around (MBWA)
 A term used to describe when a manager is out in the
work area, interacting directly with employees, and
exchanging information about what‘s going on.
 MBWA is a management control process which
follows THREE steps:
 Measuring actual performance,
 Comparing actual performance with the standard
performance, and
 Taking managerial actions for further improvement
Management by Exception
 An alternative approach of management when the
other conventional laws management do not work
 Difficult to distinguish from charismatic,
transformational, and transactional leadership
 Examples:
 Use negative reinforcement if positive reinforcement does
not work
 Reward for faulty deeds if punishment does not work
 Do it yourself to let others know how to follow it
 Induce unexpected surprising ways to doing things
Learning Organization
 An organization with exceptional work culture
 The most open type of organization
 An organizational system in which fear of ignorance
and inability is eliminated through relevant training
and development
 People learn through open interactions
 Managers value subordinate problems and their
 Creativity creeps from eternal insights of all members
 A move towards TQM process climate
Key Findings from Leadership Theories
 Transformational leaders inspire higher performance than
do transactional leaders
 Effective leaders must be concerned about accomplishing
the task and relationships
 Effective leaders know when to tell, sell, participate, or
 Effective leaders understand mission and strategy, know
how to implement change, motivate employees to high
performance, and teach effectively
 Effective leaders lead by example and are honest and fair.
They inspire confidence.
Reasons for Derailment of Top Management
Rank the following in order of importance. Choose 1 for the reason you feel is most
important, 2 for next most important, etc.
a) Betrayal of Trust—failure to meet commitments
b) Cold, aloof, arrogant
c) Overdependence on one‘s boss or mentor
d) Insensitive to others: abrasive, intimidating
e) Overmanaging: unable to delegate or build a team
f) Unable to think broadly or strategically - too much attention to
detail and minor technical problems
g) Unable to adapt to a boss with a different style
h) Unable to select and develop an effective staff
i) Overly ambitious—plays politics, pushes too hard to get ahead
j) Failure to handle specific performance problems - failure to handle
problems then not admit the problem, try to cover up or shift blame
Source: ―What Makes a Top Executive‖ by McCall and Lombardo, Psychology Today, February 1983

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Selected theories of leadership

  • 1. Selected Leadership Theories Trait Theories Behavioral Approaches Contingency Approaches Neocharismatic Approaches
  • 2. Trait Theory  The theories that sought personality, social, physical, or intellectual traits that differentiated leaders from nonleaders  The traits are the inherent attributes of the leaders to keep them distinct from others  For example, Margaret Thatcher, as the prime minister of UK, was recognized for her leadership in terms of her confidence, iron-willed, determined, and decisive.
  • 3.  A research study was conducted in the 1930s to study the attributes that differentiate the leaders from nonleaders.  A review of 20 different studies identified nearly 80 leadership traits, though the study was not aimed to identify the leadership traits  Among the identified traits, only FOUR of them were common to all cases, which included personality, social, physical, and intellectual traits. Trait Theory
  • 4.  Earliest approach to study leadership  Used to identify great persons from masses  Based on the assumption of - certain traits = success/effectiveness  The logic of leadership traits is as basic as height, as complex as intelligence Trait Theory
  • 5. How Leaders Differ from Nonleaders?  According to Kirkpatrick & Locke (1991), leaders can be distinguished from nonleaders on the basis of SIX attributes or traits:  Drive  Desire to lead  Honesty and integrity  Self-confidence  Intelligence  Job-relevant knowledge
  • 6. Important Traits of Effective Leaders  Personality  Persuasive  Persistence  Patience  Probity  Praise giving  Positive orientation  People Based  Possible  Practical  Progressive  Prepared  Power-building 13 Ps
  • 7. Personality Factors for Effective Leadership Capacity Achievement Responsibility Participation Status Intelligence Scholarship Honesty Activity Socioeconomic position Alertness Knowledge Dependability Sociability Popularity Verbal facility Athletic accomplishment Initiative Cooperation Originality Personality adjustment Persistence Adaptability Judgment Aggressiveness Humor Self-confidence Desire to excel
  • 8. Criticisms on Trait Theories of Leadership The belief that personality traits determine the rate of success of a leader could easily be challenged because practically it is very hard to distinguish leaders from non-leaders based on personality traits There exists a very thin relationship between traits and leader’s success Some traits are achieved by birth Personality traits without motivation are worthless for success It does not look like a theory “Traits Plus Motivation Equals Leadership”
  • 9. Behavioral Approaches to Leadership  Pattern of actions used by different individuals determines leadership potential  Examples – Autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire – Michigan Studies: Employee centered versus task centered
  • 10. Three Approaches to Behavioral Studies 1. Studies Based on Leadership Styles 2. Studies Based on Leadership Dimensions 3. Studies Based on Leadership Grid
  • 11. 1. Studies Based on Leadership Styles  Lewin, Lippitt, and White are probably the earliest contributors of leadership study in a scientific manner.  The authors specialized in leadership styles while conducting a series of research studies in the 1930s at the University of Iowa.  The suggested leadership styles include:  Autocratic  Democratic  Laissez-Faire
  • 12.  When Quantity of work is important:  When Quality of work is important:  When Satisfaction with work is important: Which is the Best Style? Autocratic Democratic Laissez Faire Most Least Democratic Autocratic Laissez Faire Best Worst Democratic Laissez Faire Autocratic Most Least
  • 13. Tannenbaum and Schmidt - Continuum of Leadership Behavior Autocratic Democratic Laissez-faire Use of Authority by the Manager Area of Freedom for Subordinates Boss- Centered Leadership Subordinate- Centered Leadership
  • 14. Optimal Leadership Style Depends Upon: 1. Forces in the Leader 2. Forces in the Subordinate Group 3. Forces in the Situation Tannenbaum/Schmidt’s Leadership Continuum
  • 15. 2. Studies Based on Leadership Dimensions Key Contributions a. Ohio State University Studies b. Michigan State University Studies
  • 16. Ohio State University Studies Two Dimensions  Initiating structure: The extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his/her role and roles of subordinates in the search for goal attainment  Consideration: The extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for subordinates‘ ideas, and regard of their feelings
  • 17. Initiating Structure – Is task oriented – Directs subordinate work activities toward goal attainment – Typically give instructions, spend time planning, and emphasize deadlines – Provide explicit schedules of work activities Consideration – Is mindful of subordinates – Establishes mutual trust – Provides open communication – Develops teamwork
  • 18. Two Dimensions  Employee Oriented: The leadership dimension in which the leader emphasizes interpersonal relations; relationship oriented  Production Oriented: The leadership dimension in which the leader emphasizes on technical or task aspect of the job; result oriented Michigan State University Studies Similar to Ohio Studies
  • 19. Studies Based on Leadership Grid  Blake and Mouton (1964) represented with the graphical portrayal of the two dimensional view of leadership  The authors proposed a managerial grid showing the key managerial styles of ‗concern for people‘ and ‗concern for production‘  The grid has been developed in a nine-by-nine matrix outlining 81 different leadership styles
  • 20. The Managerial Grid 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Concern for People ConcernforTask (1,9) (9,1) (9,9) (5,5) (1,1)
  • 21. The Managerial Grid High High Low Low Concern for Production ConcernforPeople 1,9 Country Club Management Thoughtful attention to the needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to a com- fortable, friendly organization atmosphere and work tempo. 1,1 Impoverished Management Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership. 9,9 Team Management Work accomplishment is from committed people; interdependence through a “common stake” in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect. 5,5 Middle-of-the-Road Management Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level. Authority-Compliance 9, 1 Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree.
  • 22. Leadership Styles Likert‘s System Four System I—Exploitive Autocratic System II—Benevolent Autocratic System III—Consultative System IV—Participative Group
  • 23. Contingency Theories of Leadership  Leader traits and/or leader behaviors are important aspects but must be taken in context. That is, the situation matters.
  • 24. Selected Studies on Contingency Approaches  Fiedler‘s Contingency Theory  Hersey and Blanchard‘s Situational (Life Cycle) Theory  House‘s Path-Goal Theory
  • 25. LPC: LEAST PREFERRED COWORKER  Low LPC Score: task-oriented leader  High LPC Score: relationship-oriented leader  According to Fiedler, a person is one or the other - it is a fixed personality trait
  • 26. FIEDLER’S CONTINGENCY THEORY OF LEADERSHIP A person‘s LPC score correlates with:  Task structure  Leader/Member relations  Leader position power in terms of group effectiveness
  • 27. Three Elements of Leadership Situations  Leader-member relations: refers to group atmosphere and members‘ attitude toward and acceptance of the leader  Task structure: refers to the extent to which tasks performed by the group are defined, involve specific procedures, and have clear, explicit goals  Position power: is the extent to which the leader has formal authority over subordinates
  • 28. Task-Oriented (low LPC) Leader is best when situation either favorable or unfavorable Employee-Oriented (high LPC) Leader is best when situation is moderately favorable
  • 29. POSSIBLE USES OF FIEDLER’S THEORY 1. Train leaders in needed style (Fiedler says no) 2. Match the leader with the job (Fiedler says this is a good start) 3. Engineer the job to fit the manger (Fiedler says this is the best approach)
  • 30. Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory A contingency approach to leadership that links the leader‘s behavioral style with the task readiness (maturity) of subordinates. Also known as ‗life cycle‘ theory.
  • 31. Situational Leadership  No single best way to lead  Focus on maturity or readiness of followers – Ability and willingness  Adjust emphasis on task and relationship behaviors according to the readiness of followers to perform their tasks
  • 32. Hersey’s Situational Leadership Model  Based on – Style of leadership  Giving direction (task behaviour)  Giving motivational support (relationship behaviour) – ―Readiness‖ of followers to perform a task  Ability  Willingness
  • 33. Situational Leadership  Telling: low readiness, untrained and inexperienced employees  Selling: low/moderate readiness, trained but inexperienced employees  Participating: moderate/high readiness, able but unwilling, employees skeptical  Delegating: high readiness, employees ready and willing to take responsibility
  • 34. Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model Defines Relationship Between Maturity and Four Leadership Styles High relationship Low task High task High relationship Low relationship Low task High task Low relationship M1 M2M3 M4 High Low High Task Behavior RelationshipBehavior Style of Leader ImmatureMaturity Ability Willingness M1M2M3M4 High Moderate Low This person is able (has the necessary knowledge and skill) This person is willing (has the necessary confidence and commitment) Maturity of Followers Psychological maturity Job maturity A great deal 4 Quite a bit 3 Some 2 Little 1 Usually 4 Often 3 On occasion 2 Seldom 1
  • 35. HOUSE’S PATH-GOAL THEORY OF LEADERSHIP  Based on Expectancy Theory of Motivation  A leader should emphasize either path clarification or adjust rewards depending on the factors affecting a person‘s motivation  Theory assumes people can change their leadership styles to fit the situation
  • 36. Situational Contingencies Three Important Situational Contingencies in Path-Goal Theory  The personal characteristics of group members  The work environment  The situation
  • 37. Path-goal Theory  Rooted in Expectancy Theory  Leader behaviors – Directive – Supportive – Achievement-oriented – Participative
  • 38. Path-Goal Model of Leadership Follower Characteristics 1. Locus of control 2. Authoritarianism 3. Ability Outcomes 1. Job satisfaction 2. Performance 3. Acceptance of the leader Followers 1. Perceptions 2. Motivation Environmental Factors 1. Tasks 2. Formal authority system 3. Work group Leader Behavior Styles 1. Directive 2. Supportive 3. Participative 4. Achievement-oriented
  • 39. Supportive Leadership Supportive Leadership • Reduce boredom • Make job more tolerable • Increase self- confidence • Lower Anxiety • Increase the intrinsic valence of work • Increase effort- performance expectancy Increase effort
  • 40. Directive Leadership Directive Leadership Reduce role ambiguity Strengthen reward contingencies Increase effort- performance expectancy Increase performance- reward expectancies Increase subordinate effort Increase size of incentives Increase outcome valences for task success
  • 41. Path-goal Theory Causal Variables Leader Behavior Intervening Variables Subordinate expectations Outcome Variables Subordinate effort and satisfaction Situational Moderator Variables Characteristics of task and environment Characteristics of subordinates
  • 42. Change Leadership  Transactional Leader: Provides direction for subordinates to achieve set objectives (typical ―good manager‖ using position power & some personal power)  Transformational Leader: Special ability to create innovation & change (charismatic leader within an organization – high on position & personal power)
  • 43. Effects of Change Leadership Transactional Leadership Current state of expected subordinate effort Normal expected subordinate performance Transformational Leadership Heightened motivation to attain designed outcome (extra effort) Subordinate performance beyond normal expectations
  • 44. Transformational Leadership Transformational Leadership • Idealized Influence • Inspiration • Intellectual stimulation • Individualized consideration Transactional Leadership • Contingent reward • Management by exception (active or passive) • Laissez faire Performance beyond expectations Agreed upon performance Broadening and elevating follower goals Leader/follower exchange
  • 45. Characteristics of Transactional Leadership  Establishes goals and objectives  Designs work flow and delegates task assignments  Negotiates exchange of rewards for effort  Rewards performance and recognizes accomplishments  Searches for deviations from standards and takes corrective actions
  • 46. Characteristics of Transformational Leadership  Charismatic: Provides vision and a sense of mission, gains respect and trust, instills pride  Individualized consideration: Gives personal attention, and treats each person individually, coaches  Intellectually stimulating: Promotes learning, encourages rationality, uses careful problem solving  Inspirational: Communicates high performance expectations, uses symbols to focus efforts, distills essential purposes
  • 47. Integrative Framework of Change Leadership 1. Leader Traits: 13 Ps 2. Success Criteria: Leader power and leader behavior 3. Situational Variables: Environmental forces (PEST) 4. Interveining Variables: Subordinate commitment, dedication, enthusiasm, etc.
  • 48. Participative Management  Democratic approach of management  Employees have autonomy in making and implementing decisions  Leader invites wider participation of the subordinates in making and selling decisions  Exists high degree of delegation of authority  Managers listen and value the subordinate suggestions  High degree of customer focus exists  A move into TQM process climate
  • 49. Management by Objectives (MBO)  A management system in which specific performance goals are jointly determined by employees and their managers, progress toward accomplishing those goals is periodically reviewed, rewards are allocated on the basis of the progress in accomplishing the goals  Goal achievement is the key of MBO  Management approach is driven by the nature of performance objectives and goals  MBO consists of four elements; goal specificity, participative
  • 50. Management by Objectives (MBO) FOUR Characteristics of MBO  Goal specificity,  Participative decision making,  An explicit time period, and  Performance feedback. MBO increases organizational performance and productivity
  • 51. Management by Walking Around (MBWA)  A term used to describe when a manager is out in the work area, interacting directly with employees, and exchanging information about what‘s going on.  MBWA is a management control process which follows THREE steps:  Measuring actual performance,  Comparing actual performance with the standard performance, and  Taking managerial actions for further improvement
  • 52. Management by Exception  An alternative approach of management when the other conventional laws management do not work  Difficult to distinguish from charismatic, transformational, and transactional leadership approaches  Examples:  Use negative reinforcement if positive reinforcement does not work  Reward for faulty deeds if punishment does not work  Do it yourself to let others know how to follow it  Induce unexpected surprising ways to doing things
  • 53. Learning Organization  An organization with exceptional work culture  The most open type of organization  An organizational system in which fear of ignorance and inability is eliminated through relevant training and development  People learn through open interactions  Managers value subordinate problems and their suggestions  Creativity creeps from eternal insights of all members  A move towards TQM process climate
  • 54. Key Findings from Leadership Theories  Transformational leaders inspire higher performance than do transactional leaders  Effective leaders must be concerned about accomplishing the task and relationships  Effective leaders know when to tell, sell, participate, or delegate  Effective leaders understand mission and strategy, know how to implement change, motivate employees to high performance, and teach effectively  Effective leaders lead by example and are honest and fair. They inspire confidence.
  • 55. Reasons for Derailment of Top Management Rank the following in order of importance. Choose 1 for the reason you feel is most important, 2 for next most important, etc. a) Betrayal of Trust—failure to meet commitments b) Cold, aloof, arrogant c) Overdependence on one‘s boss or mentor d) Insensitive to others: abrasive, intimidating e) Overmanaging: unable to delegate or build a team f) Unable to think broadly or strategically - too much attention to detail and minor technical problems g) Unable to adapt to a boss with a different style h) Unable to select and develop an effective staff i) Overly ambitious—plays politics, pushes too hard to get ahead j) Failure to handle specific performance problems - failure to handle problems then not admit the problem, try to cover up or shift blame Source: ―What Makes a Top Executive‖ by McCall and Lombardo, Psychology Today, February 1983