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Trauma notes 2nd test

  • 1. -'l r.c"t l 'n, -,s - o&"<-o"o--t ,r'F !. "tnc-ktttt-.- "Ll tn YriL'L {6fuep I, e.<o 5.,17t,qaLL- T,f A,. 8u- lu nL l*"t^ tlr,^^*h"*---r:-,;.a{)ea)f,c., -9-'}pl.-(,.., -. *Cr*Lr"-+,ly!?.2tq-4t:-+-!rd11:44 -€qf-&.*&n**s Secorrrc"4n 1:rry:r-Zt- -ssaci-&tlar-" -- /^".1o'r',k: - tt,c.f,"L: - &rr..l;1,5
  • 2. ./ L t*"t _ f tt:,2 it-- **Lrr, €..;..L4.ut(/ g,ho ,L ,.U ituzyn, rrlj*Sccr Lr t<- e,&496a- ,1,r1 tLnV -qL t4&e- < c"- ettyl<7/?1t - {'qry ek*'r&--, eaa4afapg-:'s-q, l:os- T^y-rzettez."t> Jt4rLrtrlrsLl--&"- L-tL4'-J* J.tte6ztc;, Q-otu-*spLry g"|-Aue;-a g&&*Lt ---t-
  • 3. *&a, *- eljo,"*-, -.' Q"'i o'' j G11,g_ o_e_-._rpLrrtL /!.urUl.rI.,ui .n urL. - fun-ru,24! - 6nlcs;S -n"L^l go*t l-sslLtt- l-'--,- *:,,€ h-r:sz.t ' Tu1:*Etg<tn-n* -o -.-,'-!u--J-.eeJ & f"*$ye-- -&*ek ,/-"u,rM "- -&L..ku ]zl".,rJep -_-- a.I..*g -.-- c-l .'.e,^ q{c'e}^J"- 1'a el'ua: t/-:1ty zd.&+s -Lr <ge lrt<p <L rqagFee<+*o I J73.UYL..*_=--_ 'wLre:,- (n*el (n*ej..*p ^.nt Ll i - 5e.e.*tl--. b*.ks ,r^ , r,frn -J rZczrcrl=c"l , -liirt *at- tA*- -4*t^uJt<^--,- -€qr-frts-e, .gult*g "&- /, tf{;t4-.c?-t " -fi V:i-al?2 a -ztulhpkS fftc firl(tlz- * :n dr{gc,lte-t$s- - (ta"lr rn /
  • 4. l ihv<; L "V. *ttr,Pz;rh't---tAttt" i- l2of*rto no, ta^nv:. €'f c'c'bnin', ] *9:+ut i*s, - u-/ lagt"sfus-<ra t"*k F-&*s- rAsfe<s -,cr..L--12"'si==- 3-js-tu,'<,-as--E!'-5gd- t"<,v'g<- a)*4u; u-",.6-qat -:r-- -lne<J--sk *L" 5.-l +'r" L-z u,tr)lt U,-r,..r;az. .i - l-re,Ita .- j- 4+.a:lt,eLl;s s{s,,ye<,- '4- P;4tq tL-t r::.,L-t- "st fus,-:gt <Ly*- -( Alr*uu - 6"{2LLr:Leeb--- .'^-=.. - l=..;.,tr:'- lzanuszs-) 'Eha+-,!,.*kJL c./ F <.L,^n 1 dste-- 1lu.z*E:g<. -C
  • 5. Afrbrtud'ks -;r.rr _rtu_qt-e*"_ _ -Q'rrn4ee-s-, <og-"--cap(p4t <Ju--**.rx. .- { @stztns --:tL-_b9&n__ /g=4& *n7 6lo/k^;ze--. -&,*u.---g-"- rlar"r *- t-_g__ J-u.4ars.q-J... &-g_ lc s_;i<t s*__ ictarc- 9vts,JtJtr,9*! _ - tto.1ro I O,t+*rriu /,urrt*Lsrp<-mo-- h lu y!+,+,* *J -4t Est**.<+ --- l-i.t , ktets::-,2 .s- -r"r-La- *+zevl1u4,1s^ JL lus (:EnFo t u. )e-2 --1t ? t cfr:s ck L_ gr7.n_kf-,. s*-,- - a24k tus----LrisEui*_&__rn.*,.u --=_- 1'z sl"-rtg?. $ __-_: _uauz t t_ J. b" .s^ 2k'& j*l : 4:-e4lr:*l _ c.i!,_e.r__f;.r,:g.! : Jt-9ugozF,(tgs _e.rrl et"t lLl:t; a-- -]y,, lyl o a. le * * la4ozlrrzon4. -s-1!a97y!.1 I s fb -rJ t_ ":4:, _S np_ i*d Iublc.,crr,^ 't ttt"stglu-s- y, L 1"i*-, s, - -_ f-ubqu--- _ _!3!9t!!L {..1!tc1z -__ __ _- - _ I -----:- -i e*uq,' 4. &:qleL _Gnensrfu II!, - r2(: tr*'lrL_;;re"A . e,- l'f." .l L ,.5 ,, 1
  • 6. v 4rlJ's -1"yku ,-f lror.-[.):1-c)- ".?ut]e:- t<lc-!9n fr-erdvedg r7q: t2't?'f-z:::t !/-- -- g"t@t4.Qt*,o -- "L -$tefer:te+5 -*to*tyu.t^t - * I-nl:;t:<sls:31g- 3kEh.-lqcs:{-t: --* ' Q:r'rt {z'zt Qr:saae- ^, - 4 ;rEte34'z' ,, - lerit rj*.qoour,- - , !/to LWryt- fr^a-L1rs- ;. - Dlq - f r>t4,i<:::1Q!) t7.CJ^ <*>k:::: &; rl {;,, ,{q u,.},'' t.i Ol,e9n c;f7t<+c:.1 ,byt<ot lttl <,ct-,* L,- tcl",-s2 , - ,"1, 1., i tz.t"at: !- t?ttI*,2 ,y-u*la!csc.o"$as- es4l4' Letartq s*&qlsss<ttklL rlJ * l{*" (.<&co, xediJL'-:a-hert'lts:-a,!t-*"h-k, a zt;o:)- tczs* c-'LJ ce:!--u rr: r q- - * -L3 on-< o4reil -t hyr14,.,2r". Dlzz<.2x, l-hc-'t''. 3 3er;'+ c' s'L --ft:)"s
  • 7. L (ki. " lr,Ftt:::Z:rn ' lo,tnf,un. ,'-,, q'itz/72.1> l"nL, C r,t - : {1c*r}L ..1 /Y'a-vr !:-:ee-r lr'. u".li+s:1,.4c1n , €<on:-ute- t!-e}'fs:z!ha : (,tt-pbxt: -t--ilct, u- I, e,-ctec<.t*- &*Qt!f-s- -{pon.L* n Eay}L-+ I ! t,1:.r_.-J < i_O i ( r.L I luooo-n "otl:rs,n(+.-,L"&oeotka*) - tho.l-, C.-c) fltc-t r/^af ", ', VeLltc..c:t ktn*iyt&w Gtsr.n-at)eta4-J--- =----=_--:- -- ---f-u rbra i ,rF/.*,.-lo-)u .j -l e-t4r<fla5- ;- 4 L *g.,J,-= 7abu,u,*. -*qL-+"tuu
  • 8. w, -i'i L, '4fu.rj!-n'zr,l ._ __ lfz""iE",tt, <,r , lf (t --Tr-t^al&tuh'o 9ek /-<eotk-ge*!a4-e?a* -tls.u,a<--*t--erc4b,(.4* 4o.olnob {::ye,&'ns &l-o* DtFb*,'"2'.*.*,ty--eto-*.taoL ,t<*b*4uiL-<zp!L At"rnlelbs {},1,; 1,.rL^. fl,1,; h' Aon_<-rupo,Zn -1" S 1r"L.-^ rt"Jr,'h -Es.etk Mt**t&*'-- <y<! je - cL eler*t.,.t A.{",ks {,{,2<; tlthihnl--tk <n.- < i 4rrc*u, du-/c- caqt-te.L<<*c:on^-*A-, r:me^-Lt.,:gAn o-
  • 9. ! CS ko c"*- e.lroo)-< ***r*ru6ll,1iia * :, 12,o.*- y <*:lllagu - eb--*.<ttlsr9g., *r,bryL' 9!st -.on$.-;fu s, -,o€*ls.-tt .=ls,c ts.s ,]t-, os*t*<*z h <ry . cL--t/bze.- 'lqa--"1-, 3*:<r;lxq<ea- -- t 8"o'el1.[g,5 - -a-'ae-y- ,gl/* :-- t
  • 10. * .^ .t Ef,tsa.i!'- -kati . Qrltp - 4,,b-t -4V '. lL,&re*s-<4-v-e.,*p!::6 -uA* - t, -*&-r;z dtl--:F<nq. -- 4pn6ts;L Ltf 4qc*4 :,*hl<,, fler 7hr.& lgi:*hs €, - fqlb . ,4*--E1r-l,t l<yas,nes, q.f (<,lqe- - !i4&,ar-r.n_.ji hS &- ltt_<.:"te,-n!- fu.a6ht ,9?E ft<'!t*+ Lllytsteotlo .*L /: t r*oL..u=&r a!-**1,&q.g*o_s, E IF--1s!*x 4puf's.h - suf--eL ?-es .&..ic,r<qt - ?rtf. .54-su9!41l!)/) : !+!de"?. ,,A-- 4sr -e-o--/qtrn* -.j*tryr.l &&-**&"J f.'o*.n '1 &g, nu!" -&Lcz:rn'cL| -h,;-,-Ll/, *ee>u/"-{gi trtryu'r l i-r**,.'J-'b^{<x - -&s*4lg -,* tfr'ztrzr- <'z-lllZL eL 3 lf> e,"j,r:rt ,-&- &rrj l&.e t*&-l-.!n el s-Ao,. - w - ptt_ j<&nur. !:retq p:rtrh<^ 1Y<<jtst -c].ous : Dslei ,7 ,t"grckz. eLj -*-J* ': <p-.,E^-lttt * szt- fkxs:.t - ,fuoe;lploaol les<..t **br* *aztc.*e JJ-a !*p 1- E4nr-n"-o-tu"^, tlte-!g-a!"t . ' ..+ttzllnt:| liza,<aa .l:- tl Eir-l^_ -) I r lJ rfaz /z:4Jt t' l<.,,1 i, <'.,', x S-tl 5<,_z.t Teva .twyr,L<<y aV ryy& u LtszJo.- - - gqskn . _.e-,L <""ctt *t_r:<*btslllL 79ne*g - o*Clz*:>J a q/ - "l ferete-;co..p1v:rzlLs- @ -dL/ *4 - /-*tLiiz*s1a11lnl o--LurLb-ttrr-,-.,-t :|AA c/t- k'"kz -or-,Lra $",r*s _ 3-
  • 11. I L;'rql.r2 (')'n" Lr" i?r, rl'-tt.".* -Ao',ook -oJ lc^ tz.zz,rz-shs.- -tA- kJ"ii-* .--' L* I e / I <>.' ge-re't<-co: s--,-e)*,-*-c-Lr-v-r",1*J- ytt-eA+ t &"-J.' <"frctt t4. xnf. A-!, u r ^ o- - *J--Jalv--/-*EJttattttttt' I o- tc" -Qi<r<ta<ts - (L e"vh t..*t'pteula e=dt'L F,.- r- <-iq ,-L*-lrks tnttras-vn)t,z"e=a-iilt --- f!'Q <o-) P?u'no a /' c'it -*4la-- &.( -L -, -csr'---e*s&p- & ,V-<1 Aptp-r,.*,t "--*-."f. ,k '.' :::f4:- ':Y: & 'Wge a't.fg@t&i€ f-s-6:-xt " !u-e - c*L**=ta*- - Ez** Fl^-"U
  • 12. l-q- ly-zl,ez- attc:k= n J- /o*tsa CLuttCt:' uL /.- * 'L"..n,.'r/r,, / h.rL *abe-,'ar,5, 4l"rJ T2orrnal b,t-,
  • 13. 4s.e*e-J-!:6-a<xd- 9r: lvo*,,1u.^n n,l e,"ni) 4rL' r"',{,-t lu-no '1, k.r,-,n - t?34v-:J&5---__- - -**'rolnJ '.c:L LrTeses- &"! kt tlot t .n--uk 1,, n,rlo -aLr-os--ttukds:J:--ql--<e.i4- troP.r."oJJ - &*+.- i.tit*;---- 9z !* <t-W:- *&ro.r'iL 4.ttrc:t ;i "&Y - l'r-zmuz- ?uh** * At r"to..n;* 1,.-. LlO7" czrztr-IaS F1c/7&tc, { fr<t {t,nrsL*fveaya-"- - -: Pv-{a-r2y tnvy. f^f:4g, + 4L4-,^*,rk- 4 o-,2",- Ll - u"l --^r:( ti L",:::,7:: a;,,'^::Tt: ,
  • 14. I D*lu. Qc-e,t 2-t clb/.:,',-&on 'nl*" a dibzq'- t-rzz*Jrc- --i^a,-e^ ecnLptzuJg4 oM )usie- l*-l+^ lc^ ,.rrL { /o- m;b,u-.ttL L,x c*a.ea !4A-,y t)00) Ttt-"L1t"rh,t* {t> -z fr<,k' &*k-q.,s- -- Iqs !l?dstnk::; ,"L) rTldslc ^ o't, [toa-n-o--+--sL&&"Lre4 ----- .) {tx - A<tza 1t p.14.. - fr.-- flJe..' s,s t]tq*ir., -asLut6L-kn) -'-, Da,o-dc ,',rJ^-u t n'&gLv- €*-d, - Vr:.rzc's rt<lte.S', c:- lql9b- ,bP-J a $bEpel*z-J-' -n F- - DtJ.s -fodt<e!t7'<.s - - E-r*a&-ny*Az- il rt <sro.'sze,- *1.*a.- ,e' r bez---&tzza<al-- _*, a 5e oucko ,L_ ^My,t*cl : fert><>-"-l u2aprlr-r.,, 4[. 1 E+rEd*rL- -- ---L-- Izt---a*a"-e) at-l^t"" tr* -
  • 15. t" 7, n l=z--J!:-tu4s-: ,^ 9,, l'+l('f9l)-,1 _BI)- : 1tgrc-"*- -c-Fee<s-:-J!"1^ lJk{sy4 ) " TfrL*,TtRt/. -o ,^utn]-- &,@e4 W-e*Ap - *'L - sv -t4a rsv s.:'- l-gJE - : * 16
  • 16. 1ra)"utosL<^ ,,-Untr . UUL, d-r^nL 1-)f; lp7_-"uc:a .ka, tt l^ae4 :Ir'- f'7
  • 17. b'oF"tru&-zL "6* €'u8'?-- - -- I ,_ - LeFilhtIS *id9d/rFj.dhw' '*'$l_ tTr^ "."+- J*rJ lu- c^L&*-:*oLt, eoL-rn*.,f,"- E.^*. i*zrit-s1--- F-- -- aJ* rnt+ l.rca" ( c^Lz"r*L Ju.rse or4c;',s t"F*rouJ-"*t -,L !q'" Qlt-e-rnrei]'5--el-&n !so*- - &L "*tt'-"- r, tmQhc,,oc'--* 20-Ltoa d e-
  • 18. $r 9!ttt€'rn"t"t--zL in-{u "'' oln eh ,*ot--{o- r.l- o,- utoLt A <;'qiq/ee '-<a}*'.-u -' n,s,L*.Le, -*t l)..F"s" "{e@gasssal- nM , r, ko. l.'coluS +"&ttns, -Je J*-J.o- L-@&-F'La.*] tx --L'o"*: "- t**T'-
  • 19. (zrr"ul er,s {-cra- vV rT? oscuto t" Cr'ntr".^-l;t,.*Lr1 2. (-o(.r, fl*Jo 3" o 1. Uc"K ulc- rrrA*r) {*zn, llc..,,zt<r tfro Gp-dt lt") curtf-*,54<1")- ,rr-;-gu, fs:"ee-"jn 4v,rk,.r", L-l-ts=ea.o-) - qlrl l'*so i "7 . culr, ,/.u -a :.r-u k:a- c^ f ,L,.^ P^Lrr*o -€1ely! 4.a'l- L t-....,rer-), "Cor;"t) -a r?futF?l *E&,F"q,,s -7o!:e=.,*.HetAcs frn*h,o-" CL+, ,!* f,n l*go,, / Uurklu e Q*:c.,l tlu *+J. bL.,,.cj-s "-Lp^fr;l"i, Jt ho,rl"' .l 4 ?t*L'cl+^ -- ''tui"-'--"-'- 7 (Z XU l 7 Jrrn ErVy* ,':"+"J hr4"V.. /s,o:F.c , l A. i]*J*rJ., ,tsc-c,, tt.t,.s,a^ ,1 Le;,en l. iz1ion Vcac.Lu,. - I L. Arnpe'F-"*r^. F-.--"r,'t&L+*4-*. l