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Manage To Lead:
Seven Truths to Help You
Change the World

Peter F. DiGiammarino
National Association of Corporate Directors
November 13, 2013

Copyright 2013 IntelliVen, LLC and Peter F. DiGiammarino.
All rights reserved. Quotation, reproduction or transmission is prohibited
without written permission from IntelliVen, LLC and Peter F. DiGiammarino
First: Get Loose
It isn‟t easy to do.

• Why is it hard for some
people to connect nine
dots with four straight
lines without retracing
or lifting their writing
• Because it requires a
change in the way they
usually think.
Three-line solutions require a change
in perspective.

One-line solutions push norms even further.
You can change perspective. In non-Euclidian
geometry all lines are the same line and connect at

Change the Problem
• Imagine we are an organization that connects dots and
lines are our cost.
• How would we maximize dot-connectedness while
minimizing lines to make the most profit?

12 points of
connection with
no lines

16 points of
connection with
no lines

21 points of
connection with
no lines

The Seven Truths are powerful.

• Management and leadership work together.
• The truths are simple…disarmingly simple.
• They facilitate change on any level of system:

Personal (e.g., weight loss)
Team (e.g., work better together)
Company (e.g., enter a new market)
Town (e.g., improve attractiveness to commuters who bike)
Country (e.g., overthrow a dictator)

• Each truth drives action.
Long-term performance and growth comes with continuous and
balanced development of actions in accord with all seven truths.

Truth. An organization exists
to solve a problem for people.


Get Clear
Know whose problem
you solve, how, and how




Natural personal
hygiene products

Global consumers committed
to a more sustainable world

To get quality products that fit lifestyle
and values at a fair price

What does ___________ provide, for
whom, and why?



Truth. It takes a team.


Get Aligned
Decide what kind of
leader to be and collect
Draw a stick-figure of a leader in action.
Discuss it with a person sitting next to you.
Share one with the full group.
The Leader’s Job
Set Direction

Align Resources

Motivate Action

The Leader’s Job

In other words,
a leader…

communicates and
drives to achieve

…a vision.

Decide what kind of leader to be.
SERGEANT: follow me

HERDER: get along

ICON: team carries leader

HERO: leader carries team

TEACHER: come along

LEAGUE: team of leaders

Tell a person sitting next to you what
resonates with you about the six leadership
Note that: consistency and predictability add
to the odds of success.
Select the style to use based on:
- Mission,
- Talent,
- Timing, and
- Leader orientation.
Align leaders for synergy.

Team of leaders

Each leader has
aligned followers.

Each leader‟s team
is pulling in the
same direction.

Team of aligned teams all
pulling in the same direction
creates a force to be
reckoned with.

Align Leaders for Success
3-7 top execs aligned to accomplish
objectives as a cohesive unit:


with established relationships
with desire, drive, capacity, and competence
with complementary skills and compatible orientations
with instinct and innate drive to work with each other
who give credit for success to everyone else
who are driven to grow and empower others over time

Core Leadership Group

Leadership Community
Truth. Context matters.


Plan Change
Decide what must
change, why, and how.
The Dream
The Reality

At each step, what the
organization must do
next to stay on track is
different in some
important way than what
has been done to be
successful up to that
Adapted from Catlin & Cookman
Group's Building the Profit Spiral ®

Turbulence requires action.
There are three choices of action in the face of growth and
changing internal and/or external circumstances.
No change: Most of the time, no change
is the right answer; constant change
would be chaos and could be disastrous.


Change a little: Always changing only a
little leads to “creeping incrementalism”
and eventual vulnerability.


Change a lot: From time to time you
need to change a lot because if you
always do only what you have done to be
successful up to now, you will surely fail


Adapted from Catlin &
Cookman Group's Building
the Profit Spiral ®
Leadership must determine
what is most important to
change next.

What must
change next?

What must
change next?

What must
change next?

Executive off-sites often end with a
list of initiatives.

…but do any get completed?

Change Framework
Core leaders, the management team, and future leaders can use the
Change Framework to determine what to change next.
Case for Change
What really good things happen if we change?
What really bad things happen if we do not change?

Current State

Target State

How things
are now.

How things will be
after the change.

What must be done to achieve the Target State.

What will be hard about implementing the
actions needed to achieve the target state?

Truth. It pays to pay attention.


Do & Review
Take action.
Review what happens.
Do & Review Cycle

Goal Achieved?

results as


Define Success





Study like orgs

Set what
to track


Set goal for

Verify goal
is still right



To do differently
going forward



Determine significance Determine why actual
and impact
differs from projection


what occurred
Truth. No leader succeeds alone.


Get Help
Build a board. Retain
experts. Get a coach.
Support Structure for Success

Accountability Board

Subject Matter Experts

Peer Group

Core Leadership Group

Executive Coach
Leadership Community

Inside the organization
Outside the organization

Truth. Growth is good.


Grow to increase value,
impact, and opportunity.
With growth in size and complexity,
add just enough structure to stay effective.
Your Co
Growth leads
to less
without some
increase in






Systems & Process Maturity



Government Agency

Electric Utility


Someone from IBM might run Your Co into the
ground with too much structure too soon.
Your Co





Systems & Process Maturity



Government Agency


Electric Utility

With growth in size and complexity,
add just enough structure to stay effective.
Your Co
Growth leads
to less
without some
increase in



Add just enough
structure to
maintain or



• Larger organizations need
more structure.


• In small organizations each
person does a lot of different
• With growth, people need to
specialize and processes and
systems are required to get
things done well.


Systems & Process Maturity



Government Agency

Electric Utility


Truth. It‟s OK to do what you
like and are good at.


Act intentionally,
persist variously.
Doing too many things lowers the
odds of success for each of them.



• Working on many things should increase
the odds that something goes right.
• If nothing goes right, you can blame it on
being too busy.
• Time is spent based on interrupts from
email, texts, tweets, calls, conversations,
knocks on the door, etc.
• Often feel like a “hero”.





• Goals are not met because each gets too
little time, attention, and effort.
• Work real hard but get little done.
• Get tired, lose confidence, feel ineffective.
• Inflated sense of self importance.

Focus increases the odds of success.



Sort projects in priority order.
Spend all time on highest priority project until one more
hour does not raise the odds of success. Assign the rest
to others, stop doing, or defer.
Guarantee that if things don‟t work out another project
will be assigned…and if that one doesn„t work out yet
another will be assigned and so on.
If six projects fail then it may be time to look for another
With limited resources, don‟t try to get everything right
but be sure to get something right!


Personal Strategy
Distance from center =>
how developed one is
in that dimension of life



House Stuff



Personal Strategy


Connecting the dots
shows where a person
is at a point in time.



House Stuff




Personal Strategy
Dashed lines show
where a person
would like to be
along each


Flow is achieved
as one works hard
to make progress
in a specific



House Stuff


In order to increase the odds of happiness and top
performance learn what people like and what they are
good at so they can be aligned with what they want.
Many people want to do something other
than what they like and what they are
good at because they believe others
think that something else is more valued.




The leader’s job is to ask people to do
what they like and what they are good at
and also to show them that what they are
good at and like are indeed valued so that
they will WANT to do it.




Long-term performance and growth comes with continuous and
balanced development of actions in accord with all seven truths.

Work Session: Get Clear
Truth. An organization exists
to solve a problem for people.


Get Clear
Know whose problem
you solve, how, and how

What does ___________ provide, for
whom, and why?



What provides:

WHAT: Career coaching for women unwilling to settle for anything less than
career happiness. Help women figure out 1) what they really want to do in
terms of work...and 2) how to get off the couch and do it. 1-on-1 coaching
and large scale group coaching programs, tailored honest, supportive, and
objective guidance as well as worksheets, videos, and training materials
designed to help them take a leap forward in their careers.


WHO: Women ages 25-55, who want to wake up and feel happy when they
think about work. College educated, smart, and motivated- but trapped or
stuck in a job, and are wondering why they can't seem to figure their way
out of it. Too old for "mentoring" and too young/not on the right path for
executive coaching.


WHY: We spend over 3,000 hours a year at work - and if you don't like
what you do you are often miserable. With the changing structure of
corporations, the limited safety net, and the boost from technology, there is
less reason to stay in a job you don't like - and more push to find out what
will really make you happy. The Revolutionary Club is all about helping you
find YOUR career happiness.
What provides:
Answers: WHAT

Answers: WHO

Answers: WHY


WHAT: Career coaching for women unwilling to settle for anything less than
career happiness. Help women figure out 1) what they really want to do in
terms of work...and 2) how to get off the couch and do it. 1-on-1 coaching
and large scale group coaching programs, tailored honest, supportive, and
objective guidance as well as worksheets, videos, and training materials
designed to help them take a leap forward in their careers.
Answer: WHY


WHO: Women ages 25-55, who want to wake up and feel happy when they
think about work. College educated, smart, and motivated- but trapped or
stuck in a job, and are wondering why they can't seem to figure their way
out of it. Too old for "mentoring" and too young/not on the right path for
executive coaching.


WHY: We spend over 3,000 hours a year at work - and if you don't like
what you do you are often miserable. With the changing structure of
corporations, the limited safety net, and the boost from technology, there is
less reason to stay in a job you don't like - and more push to find out what
will really make you happy. The Revolutionary Club is all about helping you
find YOUR career happiness.
What Executive Partner provides:
Answers: WHY

Starts to Answer: WHAT.
What kind of coaching?

• WHAT: Organizational growth results by taking a results driven
approach to understand their understanding their organizational
Answer: WHY
culture in terms of mission, involvement and adaptability. We help
leaders develop themselves and others through executive coaching
and action learning to simultaneously solve organizational challenges.
We integrate executive teams during transitions, such as on-boarding.
Any for...
particular size, stage, geography
• WHO: leaders in organizations at the C-Suite level Here we need to know what
What does it mean for an organization to be agile?

customers believe not what
you believe.

• WHY : To help organizations stay agile to meet both the functional
and people systems in the organization. We believe that
understanding organization culture identifies the implicit mindset of
how leaders in organizations realize the potential or limit the potential
of its members
Work Session Instructions

• Open up the W-W-W you submitted ahead of the session.

• With one or two others sitting with you:
– Walk through your W-W-W.
– Invite clarifying questions and suggestions for improvement.
– Switch roles.

• Prepare to share with the full group:
– An example of one upgrade you made during the exercise.
– What you noticed from the exercise.

• Those with no W-W-W or with no one to work with:
– Study the W-W-W on the next slides.
– List at least three ways it could be improved.
What Haines Centre provides for whom, and
WHAT: Powerful yet easy-to-use solutions to help you set and reach
organizational goals faster and more effectively in this competitive world,
based on our Systems Thinking Approach (TM).
WHO: Leaders who envision success for their organizations and
themselves, and strive to achieve it with the support and engagement of
key stakeholders.
WHY: Thinking and acting strategically to achieve success is challenging
in today‟s competitive, information-rich world. And it will only get harder
in the future. We can help you sort it out, make sound decisions and act
on them consistently to reach and exceed your goals.

What WGL Holdings, Inc. provides:

• WHAT: A portfolio of clean and efficient energy solutions such as
natural gas service and distribution, solar PV, solar thermal, electricity
supply (both conventional and renewable), combined heat and power,
fuel cells, and energy efficiency.
• WHO: Natural gas distribution is for customers in the DC metro area.
Competitive natural gas and electricity supply in the mid-atlantic, and
Distributed generation and energy efficiency on a nation-wide scale.
• WHY: To help customers save money, reduce their carbon footprint,
and simplify the complex energy choices available to them.

What ASP NorCal provides for whom, and
WHAT: learning and sharing opportunities about the MOST
relevant, cutting-edge approaches to effective strategy
development and deployment
WHO: Organizations, Entrepreneurs and Strategy
Professionals in the SF Bay Area
WHY: enhance individual and organizational success by
improving the quality and effective alignment of
organizational strategy and operations
What WorldFish incubator provides for
whom, and why.


WHAT: Technology to improve efficiency of aquaculture. Assistance to connect
fledgling businesses to grow. Learning platform for sharing of series and creating wider
WHAT: Technological input to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact. It
also provides assistance on how to plan, organise and structure fledgling businesses
into an investor ready state.


WHO: Poor farmers and actors in value chains for aquaculture products
WHO: Poor farmer producers and other disadvantaged actors in aquaculture and other
aquatic related supply chains.


WHY: Improve food security. Provide a route to lift the poor and disadvantaged out of
poverty in a sustainable way.
WHY: To improve food security and provide a route to lift the poor & disadvantaged
permanantly out of poverty in a sustainable way.



• Share one example of an upgrade to your
• What did you notice when working with others on
your W-W-W?
– There was room for improvement.
– It is harder than expected to sort out and articulate a
clear W-W-W.
– It is worth the trouble to improve it.




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Front-matter, chapter on Inkling


PDF of today‟s slides

CEO advising, coaching, training
Management Team Workshops


Manage to Lead Workbook


Strategy Development
Contracting and Governance
Culture Development
Interactive, digital title from Inkling
Softcover or e-Book from Amazon

Manage to Lead Course

Teacher Training (if interest)

Manage to Lead Templates
Thank you.

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Manage to Lead: Seven Truths to Help You Change the World

  • 1.
  • 2. Manage To Lead: Seven Truths to Help You Change the World Peter F. DiGiammarino National Association of Corporate Directors November 13, 2013 Copyright 2013 IntelliVen, LLC and Peter F. DiGiammarino. All rights reserved. Quotation, reproduction or transmission is prohibited without written permission from IntelliVen, LLC and Peter F. DiGiammarino
  • 3. First: Get Loose It isn‟t easy to do. • Why is it hard for some people to connect nine dots with four straight lines without retracing or lifting their writing implement? • Because it requires a change in the way they usually think. 3
  • 4. Three-line solutions require a change in perspective. 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. One-line solutions push norms even further. You can change perspective. In non-Euclidian geometry all lines are the same line and connect at infinity! 6
  • 7. Change the Problem • Imagine we are an organization that connects dots and lines are our cost. • How would we maximize dot-connectedness while minimizing lines to make the most profit? 12 points of connection with no lines 16 points of connection with no lines 21 points of connection with no lines 7
  • 8. The Seven Truths are powerful. • Management and leadership work together. • The truths are simple…disarmingly simple. • They facilitate change on any level of system: • • • • • Personal (e.g., weight loss) Team (e.g., work better together) Company (e.g., enter a new market) Town (e.g., improve attractiveness to commuters who bike) Country (e.g., overthrow a dictator) • Each truth drives action. 8
  • 9. Long-term performance and growth comes with continuous and balanced development of actions in accord with all seven truths. 9
  • 10. Truth. An organization exists to solve a problem for people. Action. Get Clear Know whose problem you solve, how, and how well.
  • 11. provides… WHAT for… WHOM WHY Natural personal hygiene products Global consumers committed to a more sustainable world To get quality products that fit lifestyle and values at a fair price 11
  • 12. What does ___________ provide, for whom, and why? ____________ provides… WHAT for… WHO WHY 12
  • 13. Truth. It takes a team. Action. Get Aligned Decide what kind of leader to be and collect followers.
  • 14. Draw a stick-figure of a leader in action. Discuss it with a person sitting next to you. Share one with the full group.
  • 15. The Leader’s Job Set Direction Align Resources Motivate Action 3
  • 16. The Leader’s Job In other words, a leader… • • • • • develops holds nurtures communicates and drives to achieve …a vision. 3 16
  • 17. Decide what kind of leader to be. SERGEANT: follow me HERDER: get along ICON: team carries leader HERO: leader carries team TEACHER: come along LEAGUE: team of leaders 17
  • 18. Tell a person sitting next to you what resonates with you about the six leadership styles.
  • 19. Note that: consistency and predictability add to the odds of success. Select the style to use based on: - Mission, - Talent, - Timing, and - Leader orientation.
  • 20. Align leaders for synergy. Team of leaders Each leader has aligned followers. Each leader‟s team is pulling in the same direction. Team of aligned teams all pulling in the same direction creates a force to be reckoned with. 20
  • 21. Align Leaders for Success 3-7 top execs aligned to accomplish objectives as a cohesive unit: Boss • • • • • • with established relationships with desire, drive, capacity, and competence with complementary skills and compatible orientations with instinct and innate drive to work with each other who give credit for success to everyone else who are driven to grow and empower others over time Leader Core Leadership Group Leadership Community Workers 21
  • 22. Truth. Context matters. Action. Plan Change Decide what must change, why, and how.
  • 24. The Reality At each step, what the organization must do next to stay on track is different in some important way than what has been done to be successful up to that point. Adapted from Catlin & Cookman Group's Building the Profit Spiral ® 24
  • 25. Turbulence requires action. There are three choices of action in the face of growth and changing internal and/or external circumstances. No change: Most of the time, no change is the right answer; constant change would be chaos and could be disastrous. GROWTH Change a little: Always changing only a little leads to “creeping incrementalism” and eventual vulnerability. TRANSFORM TURBULENCE Change a lot: From time to time you need to change a lot because if you always do only what you have done to be successful up to now, you will surely fail (eventually). DEATH SPIRAL Adapted from Catlin & Cookman Group's Building the Profit Spiral ® 25
  • 26. Leadership must determine what is most important to change next. What must change next? TRANSFORM TURBULENCE What must change next? TRANSFORM TURBULENCE What must change next? TRANSFORM TURBULENCE 26
  • 27. Executive off-sites often end with a list of initiatives. …but do any get completed? 27
  • 28. Change Framework Core leaders, the management team, and future leaders can use the Change Framework to determine what to change next. Case for Change What really good things happen if we change? What really bad things happen if we do not change? Current State Target State How things are now. How things will be after the change. What must be done to achieve the Target State. Barriers What will be hard about implementing the actions needed to achieve the target state? 28
  • 29. Truth. It pays to pay attention. Action. Do & Review Take action. Review what happens.
  • 30. Do & Review Cycle Start Goal Achieved? Are results as expected? No Define Success Annual Cycle Monthly Cycle Are observations correct? Yes Study like orgs Set what to track Exception Process Set goal for measures Quarterly Cycle Verify goal is still right What‟s next? NOW WHAT? To do differently going forward SO WHAT? WHY? Determine significance Determine why actual and impact differs from projection WHAT? Determine what occurred
  • 31. Truth. No leader succeeds alone. Action. Get Help Build a board. Retain experts. Get a coach.
  • 32. Support Structure for Success Boss Accountability Board Subject Matter Experts Peer Group Leader Core Leadership Group Executive Coach Leadership Community Inside the organization Outside the organization Workers 32
  • 33. Truth. Growth is good. Action. Grow Grow to increase value, impact, and opportunity.
  • 34. With growth in size and complexity, add just enough structure to stay effective. Your Co Growth leads to less effectiveness without some increase in structure. X0 Effectiveness HIGH IBM Accenture Apple X1 Systems & Process Maturity LOW HIGH Government Agency Dot.Com Electric Utility LOW 34
  • 35. Someone from IBM might run Your Co into the ground with too much structure too soon. Your Co X0 X1 Effectiveness HIGH IBM Accenture Systems & Process Maturity LOW HIGH Government Agency Dot.Com Electric Utility X2 LOW 35
  • 36. With growth in size and complexity, add just enough structure to stay effective. Your Co Growth leads to less effectiveness without some increase in structure. X0 X2 Add just enough structure to maintain or increase effectiveness. Effectiveness HIGH • Larger organizations need more structure. IBM Accenture Apple • In small organizations each person does a lot of different things. • With growth, people need to specialize and processes and systems are required to get things done well. X1 Systems & Process Maturity LOW HIGH Government Agency Dot.Com Electric Utility LOW 36
  • 37. Truth. It‟s OK to do what you like and are good at. Action. Focus Act intentionally, persist variously.
  • 38. Doing too many things lowers the odds of success for each of them. PROJECTS 1 2 PROs • Working on many things should increase the odds that something goes right. • If nothing goes right, you can blame it on being too busy. • Time is spent based on interrupts from email, texts, tweets, calls, conversations, knocks on the door, etc. • Often feel like a “hero”. … 3 n CONs • Goals are not met because each gets too little time, attention, and effort. • Work real hard but get little done. • Get tired, lose confidence, feel ineffective. • Inflated sense of self importance. 38
  • 39. Focus increases the odds of success. PROJECTS … • • • 1 • • Sort projects in priority order. Spend all time on highest priority project until one more hour does not raise the odds of success. Assign the rest to others, stop doing, or defer. Guarantee that if things don‟t work out another project will be assigned…and if that one doesn„t work out yet another will be assigned and so on. If six projects fail then it may be time to look for another job. With limited resources, don‟t try to get everything right but be sure to get something right! 39
  • 40. Spouse Personal Strategy Distance from center => how developed one is in that dimension of life Friends Reading Civic Golf SELF House Stuff Work Yoga Exercise Spiritual 40
  • 41. Spouse Personal Strategy Friends Connecting the dots shows where a person is at a point in time. Reading Civic Golf SELF House Stuff Work Yoga Exercise Spiritual 441 1
  • 42. Spouse Personal Strategy Dashed lines show where a person would like to be along each dimension. Friends Flow is achieved as one works hard to make progress in a specific area. Reading Civic Golf SELF House Stuff Work Yoga Exercise Spiritual 42
  • 43. In order to increase the odds of happiness and top performance learn what people like and what they are good at so they can be aligned with what they want. Many people want to do something other than what they like and what they are good at because they believe others think that something else is more valued. Good At Like Want Value The leader’s job is to ask people to do what they like and what they are good at and also to show them that what they are good at and like are indeed valued so that they will WANT to do it. Good At Like Want Value 43
  • 44. Long-term performance and growth comes with continuous and balanced development of actions in accord with all seven truths. 44
  • 46. Truth. An organization exists to solve a problem for people. Action. Get Clear Know whose problem you solve, how, and how well. 46
  • 47. What does ___________ provide, for whom, and why? ____________ provides… WHAT for… WHO WHY 47
  • 48. What provides: • WHAT: Career coaching for women unwilling to settle for anything less than career happiness. Help women figure out 1) what they really want to do in terms of work...and 2) how to get off the couch and do it. 1-on-1 coaching and large scale group coaching programs, tailored honest, supportive, and objective guidance as well as worksheets, videos, and training materials designed to help them take a leap forward in their careers. • WHO: Women ages 25-55, who want to wake up and feel happy when they think about work. College educated, smart, and motivated- but trapped or stuck in a job, and are wondering why they can't seem to figure their way out of it. Too old for "mentoring" and too young/not on the right path for executive coaching. • WHY: We spend over 3,000 hours a year at work - and if you don't like what you do you are often miserable. With the changing structure of corporations, the limited safety net, and the boost from technology, there is less reason to stay in a job you don't like - and more push to find out what will really make you happy. The Revolutionary Club is all about helping you find YOUR career happiness. 48
  • 49. What provides: Answers: WHAT Answers: WHO Answers: WHY • WHAT: Career coaching for women unwilling to settle for anything less than career happiness. Help women figure out 1) what they really want to do in terms of work...and 2) how to get off the couch and do it. 1-on-1 coaching and large scale group coaching programs, tailored honest, supportive, and objective guidance as well as worksheets, videos, and training materials designed to help them take a leap forward in their careers. Answer: WHY • WHO: Women ages 25-55, who want to wake up and feel happy when they think about work. College educated, smart, and motivated- but trapped or stuck in a job, and are wondering why they can't seem to figure their way out of it. Too old for "mentoring" and too young/not on the right path for executive coaching. • WHY: We spend over 3,000 hours a year at work - and if you don't like what you do you are often miserable. With the changing structure of corporations, the limited safety net, and the boost from technology, there is less reason to stay in a job you don't like - and more push to find out what will really make you happy. The Revolutionary Club is all about helping you find YOUR career happiness. 49
  • 50. What Executive Partner provides: Answers: WHY Starts to Answer: WHAT. What kind of coaching? • WHAT: Organizational growth results by taking a results driven approach to understand their understanding their organizational Answer: WHY culture in terms of mission, involvement and adaptability. We help leaders develop themselves and others through executive coaching and action learning to simultaneously solve organizational challenges. We integrate executive teams during transitions, such as on-boarding. Any for... particular size, stage, geography • WHO: leaders in organizations at the C-Suite level Here we need to know what What does it mean for an organization to be agile? customers believe not what you believe. • WHY : To help organizations stay agile to meet both the functional and people systems in the organization. We believe that understanding organization culture identifies the implicit mindset of how leaders in organizations realize the potential or limit the potential of its members 50
  • 51. Work Session Instructions • Open up the W-W-W you submitted ahead of the session. • With one or two others sitting with you: – Walk through your W-W-W. – Invite clarifying questions and suggestions for improvement. – Switch roles. • Prepare to share with the full group: – An example of one upgrade you made during the exercise. – What you noticed from the exercise. • Those with no W-W-W or with no one to work with: – Study the W-W-W on the next slides. – List at least three ways it could be improved.
  • 52. What Haines Centre provides for whom, and why. WHAT: Powerful yet easy-to-use solutions to help you set and reach organizational goals faster and more effectively in this competitive world, based on our Systems Thinking Approach (TM). WHO: Leaders who envision success for their organizations and themselves, and strive to achieve it with the support and engagement of key stakeholders. WHY: Thinking and acting strategically to achieve success is challenging in today‟s competitive, information-rich world. And it will only get harder in the future. We can help you sort it out, make sound decisions and act on them consistently to reach and exceed your goals. 52
  • 53. What WGL Holdings, Inc. provides: • WHAT: A portfolio of clean and efficient energy solutions such as natural gas service and distribution, solar PV, solar thermal, electricity supply (both conventional and renewable), combined heat and power, fuel cells, and energy efficiency. for... • WHO: Natural gas distribution is for customers in the DC metro area. Competitive natural gas and electricity supply in the mid-atlantic, and Distributed generation and energy efficiency on a nation-wide scale. • WHY: To help customers save money, reduce their carbon footprint, and simplify the complex energy choices available to them. 53
  • 54. What ASP NorCal provides for whom, and why. WHAT: learning and sharing opportunities about the MOST relevant, cutting-edge approaches to effective strategy development and deployment WHO: Organizations, Entrepreneurs and Strategy Professionals in the SF Bay Area WHY: enhance individual and organizational success by improving the quality and effective alignment of organizational strategy and operations 54
  • 55. What WorldFish incubator provides for whom, and why. • • WHAT: Technology to improve efficiency of aquaculture. Assistance to connect fledgling businesses to grow. Learning platform for sharing of series and creating wider impact WHAT: Technological input to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact. It also provides assistance on how to plan, organise and structure fledgling businesses into an investor ready state. • • WHO: Poor farmers and actors in value chains for aquaculture products WHO: Poor farmer producers and other disadvantaged actors in aquaculture and other aquatic related supply chains. • WHY: Improve food security. Provide a route to lift the poor and disadvantaged out of poverty in a sustainable way. WHY: To improve food security and provide a route to lift the poor & disadvantaged permanantly out of poverty in a sustainable way. • 55
  • 56. Wrap-up • Share one example of an upgrade to your W-W-W. • What did you notice when working with others on your W-W-W? – There was room for improvement. – It is harder than expected to sort out and articulate a clear W-W-W. – It is worth the trouble to improve it.
  • 57. Offerings Free Fee-based • Subscribe to IntelliVen blog • • • Follow @intelliven • IntelliVen templates • Front-matter, chapter on Inkling • PDF of today‟s slides CEO advising, coaching, training Management Team Workshops – – – – • Manage to Lead Workbook – – • Strategy Development Initiative-to-Action Contracting and Governance Culture Development Interactive, digital title from Inkling Softcover or e-Book from Amazon Manage to Lead Course – – Classroom Teacher Training (if interest) 57
  • 58. Manage to Lead Templates

Editor's Notes

  1. Thank you for that very nice introduction. I greatly appreciate it.  It is a pleasure to be here with you all and I look forward to our time together.While my name is Peter DiGiammarino, most people call me PeterD and you are welcome to as well. I introduce myself as a professional CEO who has run organizations over 30 years that collectively generated more than $1B in economic value and social impact.  Along the way I read as many management and leadership books as I could get my hands on to get whatever edge there was to be had.  While I don’t regret the time spent with any of them as they were uniformly, individually and collectively, enormously helpful, I found that reading was one thing and turning what was read into action was often left for me to figure out.If I had known everything I know now from the beginning, the organizations I led would have performed even better and grown even more and even faster.  According to the Small Business Administration, less than half of all startups make it five years and accoryding to Capers Jones, among others, over 90% yof all initiatives never produce their intended results across organizations of all sizes and stages of maturity up to and including most notably Healthcare.Gov.  It doesn't have to be this way and the world would be better off if the success rate were higher.Leaders, future leaders, and those who help and support leaders have open and easy access to popular leadership and management content via relatively inexpensive texts, open lectures (such as this one), and now also to Massive Open Online Courses (or MOOCS) but usability is not so easy to access. Manage to Lead bridges the gap between intake and use. As such, Manage to Lead is not a book to read.  It is a book to USE. Students, clients, subscribers, followers, and readers numbering now over a thousand tell me the material is not just helpful, but game-changing...often the difference between success and failure of their organizations to perform and grow.Over the next hour we will review ~50 slides that present an overview of a game-plan for performance and growth that, while it doesn't guarantee success, changes the odds profoundly in its favor. 
  2. Run time: 10:30-11:00
  3. Run time: 10:30-11:00
  4. Run time: 10:30-11:00
  5. We start with a few words about the seven truths which, taken as a whole, are really quite powerful.Some ask: “Do I need to be a better manager?” or “Do I need to be a better leader?”The 7 truths show that doing things that look like management works with leadership and in that sense you really can Manage to Lead.Each truth is really quite simple…some say disarmingly simple.  Academics point out that the truths apply equally well at any “level of system” which is OD terminology that means they apply to:an individual trying to do something like, say, get fit, to a group of people who want to accomplish something important as a team, to a company trying to enter a new market or rollout a new product, a township trying to improve its attractiveness, and even to a country campaigning to over through a dictator.It is in this context that the truths help you change the world whatever your world happens to be. There is structure to the truths in that each drives clear and specific action. We will look at each truth and the action it drives and also an introduction to how to carry out that action.Finally, all the truths are present and active all the time. They are not steps or stages. You and your organization should assess where you are in light of each truth all the time and try to progress towards ever more clarity and maturity of action on each.
  6. Fred Nader introduced me to this model. A leader sets a direction represented in the first figure by the target with a bull's-eye in the middleThen the leader aligns resources – i.e., gets a collection of followers all looking at the same targetThen the leader motivates action that progresses towards that target. Another way to say it is that a leader develops, holds, nurtures, communicates and drives to achieve a vision - not really any different. It is like Harry Potter- the leader is holding and looking at a map that is always changing, making sense of it, and navigating the course accordingly
  7. A leader sets a direction represented in the first figure by the target with a bull's-eye in the middleThen the leader aligns resources – i.e., gets a collection of followers all looking at the same targetThen the leader motivates action that progresses towards that target. Another way to say it is that a leader develops, holds, nurtures, communicates and drives to achieve a vision - not really any different. It is like Harry Potter- the leader is holding and looking at a map that is always changing, making sense of it, and navigating the course accordingly
  8. 6 different versions of a leader through my journey. They are all right and all wrong. Have to look at the team, yourself, and the model.Come on team I’ll show you the way. Problem the leader can get so far out they lose the team. The leader driving the team…can be tiring and wear out the teamTeam carrying the leader…the leader needs to do some work tooThe leader carrying the team- hero model. Doesn’t last, doesn't scale. Leader clearing the way- a leader consciously letting leaders grow their way. A team of leaders each with their own team all headed in the same direction
  9. Run time: 9:30-10:30The leaders job is just another job- There are lots of things that need to get done and the leader is just another thing that has to get done. Small group at the top no less than 3 no more than 7. Have to be do-sell-grow and one person can’t do it, two, still not enough, more than seven is too much. Each leader has their aligned resources all headed in the same direction. It is amazing how much gets done when we don’t worry about who gets credit.
  10. Run time: 9:30-10:30Here is you as the leader, know what you are trying to do, try to build and develop a team1st. Thing to do is build the leadership team- executive committee2nd the executive team works within a larger community. To grow the organization, grow the leaders a level down- this is how the organization scales.
  11. Run time: 10:45-11:45Describe the current state, how things are todayWhat really good things happen if we change/bad thingsIf we did this and the good things happened what would the future be likeWhat would be hard about getting from today to futureThe first three things can happen before the offsite- could talk to the team before and find out 1,2,3 roll that out in the offsite. Show the responses and where there are similar responses. In the offsite get everyone on the same page for 1,2,3If the leader thinks they already know all of this what would you say? How do you know that? Want to verify it?
  12. Run time: 9:30-10:30Here is you as the leader, know what you are trying to do, try to build and develop a team1st. Thing to do is build the leadership team- executive committee2nd the executive team works within a larger community. To grow the organization, grow the leaders a level down- this is how the organization scales.
  13. Many people talk about focus. Here is how to actually do it!
  14. Run time: 11:30-12:00