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Akka Persistence Webinar
by Patrik Nordwall

opt-in at-least-once delivery
semantics between actors
recover application state after a crash
Akka 2.3.0 Release

"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-experimental" % "2.3.0"

Martin Krasser

Twitter: mrt1nz

Github: krasserm


September 2013 - February 2014 

contractor for Typesafe
Awesome work, Martin!
storing structure
Line Item
storing state transitions
Added 2
Added 2
Info Added
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Domain Events
• things that have completed, facts
• immutable
• verbs in past tense
• CustomerRelocated
• CargoShipped
• InvoiceSent
“State transitions are an important part of our problem
space and should be modeled within our domain.”  
Greg Young, 2008
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
• Bullet-proof auditing and historical tracing
• Support future ways of looking at data
• Performance and scalability
• Testability
• Reconstruct production scenarios
• No object-relational impedance mismatch
• Nice fit with actors
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Command Sourcing Event Sourcing
write-ahead-log derive events from a command
same behavior during recovery as
normal operation
external interaction can be problematic
only state-changing behavior during
persisted before validation events cannot fail
allows retroactive changes to the
business logic
fixing the business logic will not
affect persisted events
naming: represent intent, imperative naming: things that have completed,
verbs in past tense
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Consistency boundary
• An actor is a consistency boundary
• DDD Aggregate
• No distributed transactions
• eventually consistent
• compensating actions
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Life beyond Distributed Transactions:
an Apostate’s Opinion
Position Paper
Pat Helland
“In general, application developers simply do not implement
large scalable applications assuming distributed transactions.”  
Pat Helland



Building Blocks
import akka.persistence.{ Persistent, Processor }
class MyProcessor extends Processor {
def receive = {
case Persistent(payload, sequenceNr) =>
// message successfully written to journal
case other =>
// message not written to journal
val processor = context.actorOf(Props[MyProcessor],

name = "myProcessor")
processor ! Persistent("foo") // will be journaled
processor ! "bar" // will not be journaled
class InvoiceService extends Processor {
var invoices = Map.empty[String, Invoice]
def receive: Receive = {
case Persistent(CreateInvoice(id), _) =>
invoices = invoices.updated(id, Invoice(id))
class InvoiceService extends Processor {
var invoices = Map.empty[String, Invoice]
def receive: Receive = {
case Persistent(CreateInvoice(id), _) =>
invoices = invoices.updated(id, Invoice(id))
case Persistent(AddInvoiceItem(id, item), _) =>
invoices.get(id) match {
case Some(inv) =>
invoices = invoices.updated(id, inv.addItem(item))
case None => // TODO
case GetInvoice(id) =>
sender() ! invoices.getOrElse(id, "not found: " + id)
case Persistent(SendInvoiceTo(id, address), _) =>
// TODO send to the invoice printing service
case class CreateInvoice(invoiceId: String)
case class AddInvoiceItem(invoiceId: String, invoiceItem: InvoiceItem)
case class SendInvoiceTo(invoiceId: String, to: InvoiceAddress)
case class GetInvoice(invoiceId: String)
case class Invoice(id: String,
items: IndexedSeq[InvoiceItem] = Vector.empty) {
def addItem(item: InvoiceItem): Invoice =
copy(items = items :+ item)
case class InvoiceItem(description: String, count: Int,
amount: BigDecimal)
case class InvoiceAddress(name: String, street: String, city: String)
Processor Identifier

override def processorId = "my-stable-processor-id"
Default is actor path without address

Don’t use anonymous processors
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
• Automatic recovery on start and restart
• Stashing until recovery completed
• Failure handling with supervisor strategy
• Might want to delete erroneous messages
What about side effects during replay?
Processor with Channel
val printingChannel = context.actorOf(Channel.props(),
name = "printingChannel")
val printingDestination = context.system / "printingService"
def receive: Receive = {
case p @ Persistent(SendInvoiceTo(id, address), _) =>
// send to the invoice printing service
invoices.get(id) match {
case Some(inv) =>
printingChannel ! Deliver(p.withPayload(
PrintingOrder(inv, address)), printingDestination)
invoices -=
case None => // TODO
class PrintingService extends Actor {
def receive = {
case p @ ConfirmablePersistent(payload, sequenceNr, redeliveries) =>
// ...
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
• Incoming messages (commands) are not persisted
• Steps:
1. Validate command
2. Create domain event and explicitly persist it
3. Update internal state, by applying the event
4. External side effects
• During recovery the internal state is updated by applying the events
• no external side effects
class BlogPost extends EventsourcedProcessor {
override def receiveCommand: Receive = ???

override def receiveRecover: Receive = ???
object BlogPost {
case class AddPost(author: String, title: String)
class BlogPost extends EventsourcedProcessor {
override def receiveCommand: Receive = ???

override def receiveRecover: Receive = ???
object BlogPost {
case class AddPost(author: String, title: String)
class BlogPost extends EventsourcedProcessor {
import BlogPost._
override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
case AddPost(author, title) =>
persist(PostAdded(author, title)) { evt =>
state = state.updated(evt)
override def receiveRecover: Receive = ???
object BlogPost {
case class AddPost(author: String, title: String)
sealed trait Event
case class PostAdded(author: String, title: String) extends Event
private case class State(author: String, title: String) {
def updated(evt: Event): State = evt match {
case PostAdded(author, title) => copy(author, title)
class BlogPost extends EventsourcedProcessor {
import BlogPost._
private var state = State("", “")
override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
case AddPost(author, title) =>
persist(PostAdded(author, title)) { evt =>
state = state.updated(evt)
override def receiveRecover: Receive = ???
object BlogPost {
case class AddPost(author: String, title: String)
case class ChangeBody(body: String)
case object Publish
sealed trait Event
case class PostAdded(author: String, title: String) extends Event
case class BodyChanged(body: String) extends Event
case object PostPublished extends Event
private case class State(author: String, title: String,
body: String, published: Boolean) {
def updated(evt: Event): State = evt match {
case PostAdded(author, title) => copy(author, title)
case BodyChanged(b) => copy(body = b)
case PostPublished => copy(published = true)
class BlogPost extends EventsourcedProcessor {
import BlogPost._
private var state = State("", "", "", false)
override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
case AddPost(author, title) =>
if (state.body == "" && author != "" && title != "")
persist(PostAdded(author, title)) { evt =>
state = state.updated(evt)
case ChangeBody(body) =>
if (!state.published)
persist(BodyChanged(body)) { evt =>
state = state.updated(evt)
case Publish =>
if (!state.published)
persist(PostPublished) { evt =>
state = state.updated(evt)
// call external web content service ...
override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
case evt: Event => state = state.updated(evt)
class MyProcessor extends Processor {
var state: Any = _
def receive = {
case "snap" => saveSnapshot(state)
case SaveSnapshotSuccess(metadata) => // ...
case SaveSnapshotFailure(metadata, reason) => // ...
class MyProcessor extends Processor {
var state: Any = _
def receive = {
case "snap" => saveSnapshot(state)
case SaveSnapshotSuccess(metadata) => // ...
case SaveSnapshotFailure(metadata, reason) => // ...
case SnapshotOffer(metadata, offeredSnapshot) => state = offeredSnapshot
case Persistent(payload, _) => // ...
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
• replays Persistent messages from a Processor’s journal
• query side of CQRS
• features
• auto-update interval
• Update message
• limit
• may store its own snapshots
class InvoiceCounter extends View {
import InvoiceCounter._
override def processorId: String = "/user/invoiceService"
override def autoUpdateInterval = 10.seconds
var count = 0L
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case Persistent(payload: SendInvoiceTo, _) =>
count += 1
case _: Persistent =>
case GetInvoiceCount =>
sender ! InvoiceCount(count)
object InvoiceCounter {
case object GetInvoiceCount
case class InvoiceCount(count: Long)



Building Blocks
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
At-least-once delivery
sender destination
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
At-least-once delivery
sender destination
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
• re-deliver messages until confirmed
• application level confirmation
• different semantics
• duplicates may be received
• message order not retained
• after a crash and restart messages are still delivered
• listener for RedeliverFailure notifications
• recommendation: one destination per channel 

exception: replies via channel
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Channel vs. PersistentChannel
• Channel
• use from Processor
• in-memory
• PersistentChannel
• standalone usage
• conceptually: processor + channel
• persist messages before delivering
• reply ack when persisted
• more advanced delivery flow control
Processor with Channel
class MyProcessor extends Processor {
val channel = context.actorOf(Channel.props(), name = "myChannel")
def receive = {
case p @ Persistent(payload, _) =>
val destination = context.system / "myDestination"
channel ! Deliver(p.withPayload("output msg"), destination)
class MyDestination extends Actor {
def receive = {
case p @ ConfirmablePersistent(payload, sequenceNr, redeliveries) =>
// ...
class Endpoint extends Actor {
val channel = context.actorOf(PersistentChannel.props(
PersistentChannelSettings(redeliverInterval = 3.seconds, redeliverMax = 10,
replyPersistent = true)), name = "myChannel")
val destination = context.system / "jobManager"
import context.dispatcher
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5.seconds)
def receive = {
case job: Job =>
(channel ? Deliver(Persistent(job), destination)) map {
case _: Persistent => "OK: " +
} recover {
case e => "FAILED: " +
} pipeTo sender()
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
• pluggable, Akka serialization
• application life-cycle, versioning
• don’t use default Java serialization
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Journal and snapshot store
• pluggable
• LevelDB shipped with Akka – local files
• Community
• Cassandra
• DynamoDB
• HBase
• MapDB
• MongoDB
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
• simple way of migrating/moving stateful actors in a cluster
• distributed journal
• shared LevelDB journal for testing
• single writer per event stream
• cluster singleton
• cluster sharding
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Cluster Singleton
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Cluster Singleton
role: backend-1 role: backend-1
role: backend-2 role: backend-2
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Cluster Sharding
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Cluster Sharding



id:17 ShardHome:17  -­‐>  node2
17  -­‐>  node2
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Cluster Sharding
sender region



ShardHome:17  -­‐>  node2
17  -­‐>  node2
17  -­‐>  node2
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Cluster Sharding
sender region



17  -­‐>  node2
17  -­‐>  node2
17  -­‐>  node2
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Cluster Sharding
sender region



17  -­‐>  node2
17  -­‐>  node2
17  -­‐>  node2
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Cluster Sharding
sender region



17  -­‐>  node2
17  -­‐>  node2
17  -­‐>  node2
Cluster Sharding
val idExtractor: ShardRegion.IdExtractor = {
case cmd: Command => (cmd.postId, cmd)
val shardResolver: ShardRegion.ShardResolver = msg => msg match {
case cmd: Command => (math.abs(cmd.postId.hashCode) % 100).toString
typeName = BlogPost.shardName,
entryProps = Some(BlogPost.props()),
idExtractor = BlogPost.idExtractor,
shardResolver = BlogPost.shardResolver)
val postRegion: ActorRef = 

val postId = UUID.randomUUID().toString
postRegion ! BlogPost.AddPost(postId, author, title)



Building Blocks
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Next step
• Documentation
• Typesafe Activator
• Mailing list
• Migration guide from Eventsourced
Akka  Persistence  Webinar
Akka in Action
• All registrants for this webinar qualify for a free E-Book PDF subset of
Akka in Action by Raymond Roestenburg, Rob Bakker and Rob Williams.
Additionally, you will qualify for the Typesafe discount and can save 40%
on the full book.
©Typesafe 2014 – All Rights Reserved

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Akka persistence webinar

  • 1. Akka Persistence Webinar by Patrik Nordwall
  • 2. opt-in at-least-once delivery semantics between actors recover application state after a crash
  • 3. Akka 2.3.0 Release 
 "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-experimental" % "2.3.0"
 <dependency> <groupId>com.typesafe.akka</groupId> <artifactId>akka-persistence-experimental_2.10</artifactId> <version>2.3.0</version> </dependency>
  • 4. Martin Krasser
 Twitter: mrt1nz
 Github: krasserm Eventsourced
 September 2013 - February 2014 
 contractor for Typesafe Awesome work, Martin!
  • 6. storing state transitions Cart Created Added 2 Socks Added 2 Shirts Shipping Info Added
  • 7. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Domain Events • things that have completed, facts • immutable • verbs in past tense • CustomerRelocated • CargoShipped • InvoiceSent “State transitions are an important part of our problem space and should be modeled within our domain.”   Greg Young, 2008
  • 8. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Benefits • Bullet-proof auditing and historical tracing • Support future ways of looking at data • Performance and scalability • Testability • Reconstruct production scenarios • No object-relational impedance mismatch • Nice fit with actors
  • 9. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Command Sourcing Event Sourcing write-ahead-log derive events from a command same behavior during recovery as normal operation external interaction can be problematic only state-changing behavior during recovery persisted before validation events cannot fail allows retroactive changes to the business logic fixing the business logic will not affect persisted events naming: represent intent, imperative naming: things that have completed, verbs in past tense
  • 10. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Consistency boundary • An actor is a consistency boundary • DDD Aggregate • No distributed transactions • eventually consistent • compensating actions
  • 11. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Life beyond Distributed Transactions: an Apostate’s Opinion Position Paper Pat Helland “In general, application developers simply do not implement large scalable applications assuming distributed transactions.”   Pat Helland http://www-­‐
  • 13. Processor import akka.persistence.{ Persistent, Processor } ! class MyProcessor extends Processor { def receive = { case Persistent(payload, sequenceNr) => // message successfully written to journal case other => // message not written to journal } } val processor = context.actorOf(Props[MyProcessor],
 name = "myProcessor") ! processor ! Persistent("foo") // will be journaled processor ! "bar" // will not be journaled
  • 14. Processor class InvoiceService extends Processor { var invoices = Map.empty[String, Invoice] ! def receive: Receive = { case Persistent(CreateInvoice(id), _) => invoices = invoices.updated(id, Invoice(id)) } }
  • 15. Processor class InvoiceService extends Processor { var invoices = Map.empty[String, Invoice] ! def receive: Receive = { case Persistent(CreateInvoice(id), _) => invoices = invoices.updated(id, Invoice(id)) ! case Persistent(AddInvoiceItem(id, item), _) => invoices.get(id) match { case Some(inv) => invoices = invoices.updated(id, inv.addItem(item)) case None => // TODO } ! case GetInvoice(id) => sender() ! invoices.getOrElse(id, "not found: " + id) ! case Persistent(SendInvoiceTo(id, address), _) => // TODO send to the invoice printing service } }
  • 16. Processor case class CreateInvoice(invoiceId: String) case class AddInvoiceItem(invoiceId: String, invoiceItem: InvoiceItem) case class SendInvoiceTo(invoiceId: String, to: InvoiceAddress) case class GetInvoice(invoiceId: String) ! case class Invoice(id: String, items: IndexedSeq[InvoiceItem] = Vector.empty) { def addItem(item: InvoiceItem): Invoice = copy(items = items :+ item) } ! case class InvoiceItem(description: String, count: Int, amount: BigDecimal) ! case class InvoiceAddress(name: String, street: String, city: String)
  • 17. Processor Identifier 
 override def processorId = "my-stable-processor-id" Default is actor path without address
 /user/top/myProcessor Don’t use anonymous processors
  • 18. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Processor • Automatic recovery on start and restart • Stashing until recovery completed • Failure handling with supervisor strategy • Might want to delete erroneous messages
  • 19. What about side effects during replay?
  • 20. Processor with Channel val printingChannel = context.actorOf(Channel.props(), name = "printingChannel") val printingDestination = context.system / "printingService" ! def receive: Receive = { case p @ Persistent(SendInvoiceTo(id, address), _) => // send to the invoice printing service invoices.get(id) match { case Some(inv) => printingChannel ! Deliver(p.withPayload( PrintingOrder(inv, address)), printingDestination) invoices -= case None => // TODO } } class PrintingService extends Actor { def receive = { case p @ ConfirmablePersistent(payload, sequenceNr, redeliveries) => // ... p.confirm() } }
  • 21. Akka  Persistence  Webinar EventsourcedProcessor • Incoming messages (commands) are not persisted • Steps: 1. Validate command 2. Create domain event and explicitly persist it 3. Update internal state, by applying the event 4. External side effects • During recovery the internal state is updated by applying the events • no external side effects
  • 22. EventsourcedProcessor class BlogPost extends EventsourcedProcessor { override def receiveCommand: Receive = ???
 override def receiveRecover: Receive = ??? }
  • 23. EventsourcedProcessor object BlogPost { case class AddPost(author: String, title: String) } ! class BlogPost extends EventsourcedProcessor { override def receiveCommand: Receive = ???
 override def receiveRecover: Receive = ??? }
  • 24. object BlogPost { case class AddPost(author: String, title: String) } ! class BlogPost extends EventsourcedProcessor { import BlogPost._ ! override def receiveCommand: Receive = { case AddPost(author, title) => persist(PostAdded(author, title)) { evt => state = state.updated(evt) } } ! override def receiveRecover: Receive = ??? } EventsourcedProcessor
  • 25. EventsourcedProcessor object BlogPost { case class AddPost(author: String, title: String) ! sealed trait Event case class PostAdded(author: String, title: String) extends Event ! private case class State(author: String, title: String) { def updated(evt: Event): State = evt match { case PostAdded(author, title) => copy(author, title) } } } ! class BlogPost extends EventsourcedProcessor { import BlogPost._ private var state = State("", “") ! override def receiveCommand: Receive = { case AddPost(author, title) => persist(PostAdded(author, title)) { evt => state = state.updated(evt) } } ! override def receiveRecover: Receive = ??? }
  • 26. EventsourcedProcessor object BlogPost { case class AddPost(author: String, title: String) case class ChangeBody(body: String) case object Publish ! sealed trait Event case class PostAdded(author: String, title: String) extends Event case class BodyChanged(body: String) extends Event case object PostPublished extends Event ! private case class State(author: String, title: String, body: String, published: Boolean) { ! def updated(evt: Event): State = evt match { case PostAdded(author, title) => copy(author, title) case BodyChanged(b) => copy(body = b) case PostPublished => copy(published = true) } } }
  • 27. EventsourcedProcessor class BlogPost extends EventsourcedProcessor { import BlogPost._ private var state = State("", "", "", false) ! override def receiveCommand: Receive = { case AddPost(author, title) => if (state.body == "" && author != "" && title != "") persist(PostAdded(author, title)) { evt => state = state.updated(evt) } case ChangeBody(body) => if (!state.published) persist(BodyChanged(body)) { evt => state = state.updated(evt) } case Publish => if (!state.published) persist(PostPublished) { evt => state = state.updated(evt) // call external web content service ... } } ! override def receiveRecover: Receive = { case evt: Event => state = state.updated(evt) } }
  • 28. Snapshots class MyProcessor extends Processor { var state: Any = _ def receive = { case "snap" => saveSnapshot(state) case SaveSnapshotSuccess(metadata) => // ... case SaveSnapshotFailure(metadata, reason) => // ... } }
  • 29. Snapshots class MyProcessor extends Processor { var state: Any = _ def receive = { case "snap" => saveSnapshot(state) case SaveSnapshotSuccess(metadata) => // ... case SaveSnapshotFailure(metadata, reason) => // ... ! case SnapshotOffer(metadata, offeredSnapshot) => state = offeredSnapshot case Persistent(payload, _) => // ... } }
  • 30. Akka  Persistence  Webinar View • replays Persistent messages from a Processor’s journal • query side of CQRS • features • auto-update interval • Update message • limit • may store its own snapshots
  • 31. View class InvoiceCounter extends View { import InvoiceCounter._ override def processorId: String = "/user/invoiceService" override def autoUpdateInterval = 10.seconds ! var count = 0L ! def receive: Actor.Receive = { case Persistent(payload: SendInvoiceTo, _) => count += 1 case _: Persistent => case GetInvoiceCount => sender ! InvoiceCount(count) } } ! object InvoiceCounter { case object GetInvoiceCount case class InvoiceCount(count: Long) }
  • 33. Akka  Persistence  Webinar At-least-once delivery sender destination $
  • 34. Akka  Persistence  Webinar At-least-once delivery sender destination $ ok $ ok
  • 35. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Channels • re-deliver messages until confirmed • application level confirmation • different semantics • duplicates may be received • message order not retained • after a crash and restart messages are still delivered • listener for RedeliverFailure notifications • recommendation: one destination per channel 
 exception: replies via channel
  • 36. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Channel vs. PersistentChannel • Channel • use from Processor • in-memory • PersistentChannel • standalone usage • conceptually: processor + channel • persist messages before delivering • reply ack when persisted • more advanced delivery flow control
  • 37. Processor with Channel class MyProcessor extends Processor { val channel = context.actorOf(Channel.props(), name = "myChannel") ! def receive = { case p @ Persistent(payload, _) => val destination = context.system / "myDestination" channel ! Deliver(p.withPayload("output msg"), destination) } } ! class MyDestination extends Actor { def receive = { case p @ ConfirmablePersistent(payload, sequenceNr, redeliveries) => // ... p.confirm() } }
  • 38. PersistentChannel class Endpoint extends Actor { val channel = context.actorOf(PersistentChannel.props( PersistentChannelSettings(redeliverInterval = 3.seconds, redeliverMax = 10, replyPersistent = true)), name = "myChannel") val destination = context.system / "jobManager" ! import context.dispatcher implicit val timeout = Timeout(5.seconds) ! def receive = { case job: Job => (channel ? Deliver(Persistent(job), destination)) map { case _: Persistent => "OK: " + } recover { case e => "FAILED: " + } pipeTo sender() } }
  • 39. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Serialization • pluggable, Akka serialization • application life-cycle, versioning • don’t use default Java serialization
  • 40. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Journal and snapshot store • pluggable • LevelDB shipped with Akka – local files • Community • BDB • Cassandra • DynamoDB • HBase • MapDB • MongoDB
  • 41. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Cluster • simple way of migrating/moving stateful actors in a cluster • distributed journal • shared LevelDB journal for testing • single writer per event stream • cluster singleton • cluster sharding
  • 43. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Cluster Singleton A B C D role: backend-1 role: backend-1 role: backend-2 role: backend-2
  • 45. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Cluster Sharding sender id:17 region
 node-­‐1 coordinator region
 node-­‐2 region
 node-­‐3 GetShardHome:17 id:17 ShardHome:17  -­‐>  node2 17  -­‐>  node2
  • 46. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Cluster Sharding sender region
 node-­‐1 coordinator region
 node-­‐2 region
 node-­‐3 id:17 id:17 GetShardHome:17 ShardHome:17  -­‐>  node2 id:17 17  -­‐>  node2 17  -­‐>  node2
  • 47. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Cluster Sharding 17 sender region
 node-­‐1 coordinator region
 node-­‐2 region
 node-­‐3 id:17 id:17 17  -­‐>  node2 17  -­‐>  node2 17  -­‐>  node2
  • 48. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Cluster Sharding 17 sender region
 node-­‐1 coordinator region
 node-­‐2 region
 node-­‐3 17  -­‐>  node2 17  -­‐>  node2 17  -­‐>  node2 id:17
  • 49. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Cluster Sharding 17 sender region
 node-­‐1 coordinator region
 node-­‐2 region
 node-­‐3 17  -­‐>  node2 17  -­‐>  node2 17  -­‐>  node2 id:17
  • 50. Cluster Sharding val idExtractor: ShardRegion.IdExtractor = { case cmd: Command => (cmd.postId, cmd) } ! val shardResolver: ShardRegion.ShardResolver = msg => msg match { case cmd: Command => (math.abs(cmd.postId.hashCode) % 100).toString } ClusterSharding(system).start( typeName = BlogPost.shardName, entryProps = Some(BlogPost.props()), idExtractor = BlogPost.idExtractor, shardResolver = BlogPost.shardResolver) val postRegion: ActorRef = 
 ClusterSharding(context.system).shardRegion(BlogPost.shardName) ! val postId = UUID.randomUUID().toString postRegion ! BlogPost.AddPost(postId, author, title)
  • 52. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Next step • Documentation • • • • Typesafe Activator • • • • Mailing list • • Migration guide from Eventsourced •
  • 53. Akka  Persistence  Webinar Akka in Action • All registrants for this webinar qualify for a free E-Book PDF subset of Akka in Action by Raymond Roestenburg, Rob Bakker and Rob Williams. Additionally, you will qualify for the Typesafe discount and can save 40% on the full book.
  • 54. ©Typesafe 2014 – All Rights Reserved