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SSSW2012 – The Ninth Summer School on Ontological Engineering
                      and Semantic Web

Semantic Sensor Networks
(and Social) Semantic Web

                        Oscar Corcho
           (with the help of Jean Paul Calbimonte)

                        Ontology Engineering Group
         Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

This is what my talk is going to be about…



      CQELS                     REST      SPARQL

           Linked Streams                 Linked Data

Was this a Déjà Vu?

• Key differences
    • I am younger (as
      demonstrated on Tuesday)
    • We are both vice-directors
        • But I am vice-director
          of a most important
          organisation (SSSW vs

• Lessons learned:
    • Never let an invited
      speaker speak before you
    • Specially if he is the one
      giving a great tutorial ;-)

Was this a Déjà Vu?

• Hence the title of my talk could perfectly be…

Some work that can be inserted in the picture



                CQELS                       REST      SPARQL

                       Linked Streams                 Linked Data

Data Stream                        COAP
 Systems                          Sensors
Ingredients for the Semantic Sensor Web

Core ontological model

Additional domain ontologies

Guidelines for generation of identifiers

Sensor Web programming interfaces (e.g.,

Query processing engines

AEMET Linked Data (

Semantic Weather (

Some Slovenian city sensors (

Coastal Channel Observatory and other sources

 Flood risk alert:
South East England
                                                 I have to make
                                               sense out of all this

           wave data                               Environmental
                              forecasts              defenses

Should we care? Smart cities

Environmental sensors

      Parking sensors

 11             SmartSantander Project
Some work that can be inserted in the picture



          SPARQL-STR   CQELS                     REST   SPARQL

                            Linked Streams              Linked Data

Data Stream                             COAP
 Systems                               Sensors
Ingredients for the Semantic Sensor Web

Core ontological model

Additional domain ontologies

Guidelines for generation of identifiers

Sensor Web programming interfaces (e.g.,

Query processing engines

Sensor Network Ontologies

 Approximately since 2005: Several proposals
      State of the art on sensor network ontologies in the report below
      Most of them were too project-specific
      Not too much reuse
      No alignment between them
      No ontology design best practices

 2009-2011: W3C SSN-XG incubator group
    Final report:
    SSN Ontology:
    A good number of internal and external references to SSN Ontology
    SSN Ontology paper soon at the Journal of Web Semantics

 2011-__ : W3C SSN Community Group
Overview of the SSN ontology
Overview of the SSN ontology

Deployment                             deploymentProcesPart only        System                                                               OperatingRestriction
                                                                                  hasSubsystem only, some        hasSurvivalRange only
                                              hasDeployment only
             Deployment     deployedSystem only                                                                 hasOperatingRange only

                   deployedOnPlatform only                                                                              Process

                   inDeployment only                                        Device                                                     hasInput only
PlatformSite                                  onPlatform only                      Device                                                                      Process

               Platform                                                                                                    Output
                           attachedSystem only                                                                                         hasOutput only, some

Data                        Skeleton
                                                  isProducedBy some                                               implements some
       hasValue some                                                                                                              sensingMethodUsed only
                                                       detects only
                                                                            SensingDevice                                    observes only
 ObservationValue                             SensorInput
                                                                isProxyFor only
                                                     includesEvent some                                                                            isPropertyOf some
                                                                                                 observedProperty only
                           observationResult only
                                                         observedBy only                                                                           hasProperty only, some

                                             Observation                                                                               FeatureOfInterest
                                                                                       featureOfInterest only

                            MeasuringCapability                                                          ConstraintBlock
                                  hasMeasurementCapability only                      forProperty only
                                                                                                        inCondition only                      inCondition only
                                                      MeasurementCapability                                                  Condition
SSN Ontology. Sensor and environmental properties



           MeasuringCapability                                                                                                                     Communication
                                                 hasMeasurementProperty only
                   MeasurementCapability                                         MeasurementProperty

                            Accuracy               Resolution                  Selectivity                 Frequency              Precision               Latency

             DetectionLimit              Drift                ResponseTime                   Sensitivity          MeasurementRange

           OperatingRestriction                                                                                                       EnergyRestriction

                                                 hasOperatingProperty only
                        OperatingRange                                          OperatingProperty

                                                              EnvironmentalOperatingProperty               MaintenanceSchedule          OperatingPowerRange

                                                  hasSurvivalProperty only
                         SurvivalRange                                            SurvivalProperty

                                                                        EnvironmentalSurvivalProperty            SystemLifetime               BatteryLifetime
SSN Ontology with other Ontologies

A usage example
                               DOLCE                           SWEET

      infrastructure     SSN



                  FOAF                                                   Ordnance

      Flood domain
                                  Role               Coastal                        Additional
                                                    Defences                         Regions

García-Castro R, Corcho O, Hill C. A Core Ontological Model for Semantic Sensor Web
Infrastructures. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems Special
Issue on Sensor Networks, Internet of Things and Machine-to-Machine Communications,
Volume 8, Issue 1, 2013
AEMET Ontology Network (

• 83 classes, 102 object properties, 80 datatype
Let’s now talk about metadata and social stuff



          SPARQL-STR   CQELS                     REST   SPARQL

                            Linked Streams              Linked Data

Data Stream                             COAP
 Systems                               Sensors
Ingredients for the Semantic Sensor Web

Core ontological model

Additional domain ontologies

Guidelines for generation of identifiers

Sensor Web programming interfaces (e.g.,

Query processing engines

(Social) Sensor Metadata

Do we have enough reliable metadata about
sensors and observations?

           NO!!!! People are messy!!!
   Even if they are scientists who do not use

 Let’s start with Swiss people (you know, they
              are always precise ;-))


• Global Sensor Networks, deployment for SwissEx.

   •   28 Deployments, Aprox. 50 sensors in each deployment
   •   More than 1500 sensors
   •   Live updates. Low frequency
   •   Access to all metadata/not all data
• Distributed environment: GSN Davos, GSN Zurich, etc.
   • In each site, a number of sensors available
   • Each one with different schema
• Metadata stored in wiki
                                                                   Sensor observations
   • Federated metadata management:
   •   Jeung H., Sarni, S., Paparrizos, I., Sathe, S., Aberer, K., Dawes, N., Papaioannus, T., Lehning,
       M.Effective Metadata Management in federated Sensor Networks. in SUTC, 2010

                                                                           Sensor metadata
Sensor Metadata






Sensors, Mappings and Queries             26
Sensor Data: Observations

                                Heterogeneity           ?

Sensors, Mappings and Queries     27
Putting some meaning into place
Sensor Metadata

Do we have enough reliable metadata about
sensors and observations?

           NO!!!! People are messy!!!
   Even if they are scientists who do not use

 Let’s start with Swiss people (you know, they
              are always precise ;-))

Swiss are boring… Let’s now move to the rest of
           the world (citizen sensing)

Citizen Sensing: Pachube/COSM


Looking at the Data

          Air Pressure

Classifying Sensor Data

• Idea: given a new time series, find similar ones in a
  set of classified time-series

• Querying time series
   • e.g. find a sub-sequence in a time series database
• Measuring time series similarity
   • e.g. are these time series the same?
• Time series classification
   • e.g. classify heart beat series: normal, murmur, etc
Challenges: Data Summaries

     • Challenges
        • Represent the data
          approximating with fewer
          linear segments:
        • Tradeoff between
          Accuracy vs Numerosity

                    Data buckets

Data summaries: Linear Approximations

• We care about the angles

                                 π/2        a   π/4

     a                c
          d                                       b
              a                                           0

Use the representation for Classifying

•   Linear approximation
•   Compute distribution of the slopes
•   K-nearest neighbour classification
•   Training-Test datasets:
    • SwissExperiment
    • AEMET

Experiments: SwissEx and AEMET


Identifying Sensor Observations
  Take a look at the data
  Machine Learning Techniques
     Time Series Summarization
     Distance Metrics

Work in progress
  Use more of the social tagging information!
  Test in Pachube
Query processing



          SPARQL-STR   CQELS                     REST         SPARQL

                            Linked Streams                    Linked Data

Data Stream                             COAP
 Systems                               Sensors
Ingredients for the Semantic Sensor Web

Core ontological model

Additional domain ontologies

Guidelines for generation of identifiers

Sensor Web programming interfaces (e.g.,

Query processing engines

SPARQL with streaming extensions
Streaming SPARQL
PREFIX fire: <>
SELECT ?WindSpeed
FROM STREAM <http://…/SensorReadings.rdf> WINDOW RANGE 1 MS SLIDE 1 MS
  ?sensor fire:hasMeasurements ?WindSpeed
  FILTER (?WindSpeed<30)

REGISTER QUERY WindSpeedAndDirection AS
PREFIX fire: <>
SELECT ?sensor ?speed ?direction
FROM STREAM <http://…/SensorReadings.rdf> [RANGE 1 MSEC SLIDE 1 MSEC]



SELECT ?windspeed ?tidespeed
 ?WaveObs a ssn:Observation;
            ssn:observationResult ?windspeed;
            ssn:observedProperty sweetSpeed:WindSpeed.Static & Streaming
 ?TideObs a ssn:Observation;
         ssn:observationResult ?tidespeed;
         ssn:observedProperty sweetSpeed:TideSpeed.   Windows
FILTER (?tidespeed<?windspeed)}
                                                      Filters, Functions

                                    Disclaimer: some features NYI

                                    In progress: Benchmarking

Queries to Sensor Data

RSTREAM SELECT id, speed, direction FROM wind [NOW];

                                  Data Stream Management System
Esper QL
SELECT wind_speed FROM min)

                                                Complex Event Processors
GSN RESTful service[0]=wind_sensor&field[0]=wind_speed&

Pachube RESTful service
                                                Sensor Data Middleware

                Querying through ontologies?
Differences among all these systems

• Different Query Expressivity
   • Windows?
   • Union, Filters, Joins?
   • Aggregates, Groups?

• Different delivery & query mechanisms
   • Pull, Push?
   • Continuous queries?, One-off?

• How to merge streaming and static data queries

• Commonalities in RESTful Services

Where is the Data?

                                        wan7         timed    sp_wind
                                timed: datetime PK   1        3.4
Esper                           sp_wind: float
                                                     2        5.6
                                                     3        11.2
                                                     4        1.2
                                                     5        3.1
SNEE                                                 ..       …

      SELECT sp_wind FROM wan7 WHERE sp_wind >10

      SELECT sp_wind FROM wan7 [NOW -5 HOUR] WHERE sp_wind >10

Where is the Data?

GSN server instance

                       ..                       wan7
                       sensor2             timed: datetime PK
     Esper             sensor3             sp_wind: float



Creating Mappings


                                       ssn:Observation                                  ssn:Property
                     ssn:observationResult     Wan7/WindSpeed/Observation{timed}           sweetSpeed:WindSpeed

      wan7                            ssn:SensorOutput
timed: datetime PK                           
sp_wind: float                ssn:hasValue      Wan7/ WindSpeed/ ObsOutput{timed}

                           qudt:numericValue      Wan7/WindSpeed/ObsValue{timed}



• RDB2RDF W3C Group, R2RML Mapping language:
  :Wan4WindSpeed a rr:TriplesMapClass;
    rr:tableName "wan7";
    rr:subjectMap [ rr:template
         rr:class ssn:ObservationValue; rr:graph ssg:swissexsnow.srdf ];
    rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [ rr:predicate ssn:hasQuantityValue ];
    rr:objectMap[ rr:column "sp_wind" ] ];      .

< >
a ssn:ObservationValue
< >
ssn:hasQuantityValue " 4.5"

Querying the Observations
                        SELECT ?waveheight
                        FROM STREAM <>
                        [NOW -10 MINUTES TO NOW STEP 1 MINUTE]
                        WHERE {
                         ?WaveObs a sea:WaveHeightObservation; :22001/ multidata ?vs [0]= wan7 &
                                           field [0]= sp_wind
                                    sea:hasValue ?waveheight; }

:Wan4WindSpeed a rr:TriplesMapClass;     Rewriting       GSN
  rr:tableName "wan7";
                  SPARQLStream                           API
  rr:subjectMap [ rr:template


        rr:class ssn:ObservationValue; rr:graph
ssg:swissexsnow.srdf ];                       Mappings             Query
    rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [                    Processing
rr:predicate ssn:hasQuantityValue ];                                          Sensor
    rr:objectMap[ rr:column "sp_wind" ] ];                                    Network

            [triples]                   translation

                R2RML Mappings

Rewriting to different technologies
  SELECT ?windspeed
  FROM NAMED STREAM <http://swiss->
  WHERE {                                                       Query
  ?WaveObs a ssn:Observation;                                  Rewriting
  ssn:observationResult ?windspeed;
  ssn:observedProperty sweetSpeed:WindSpeed.
  }                                                                           representation

SELECT wind_speed_scalar_av, timed FROM min)
                         Esper (CEP)
   SELECT wan7.wind_speed_scalar_av AS windspeed,
   wan7.timed AS windts FROM wan7[FROM NOW-10
   MINUTES TO NOW]                   SNEE (DSMS)[0]=wan7&
                                                 GSN (Middleware)
                                                           Pachube (Middleware)

Query rewriting

       SELECT ?waveheight
       FROM STREAM <>
       [NOW – 5 HOUR TO NOW]
       WHERE {
        ?WaveObs a ssn:ObservationValue;
                   qudt:numericalValue ?waveheight;
        FILTER (?waveheight>10) }

SELECT sp_wind FROM wan7 [NOW -5 HOUR] WHERE sp_wind >10
Also for RESTful services

• GSN Web Services
  • Compose the query as a URL: :22001/ multidata ?vs [0]= wan7 &
    field [0]= sp_wind &
    from =15/05/2011+05:00:00& to =15/05/2011+10:00:00&
    c_vs [0]= wan7 & c_field [0]= sp_wind & c_min [0]=10

  SELECT sp_wind FROM wan7 [NOW -5 HOUR] WHERE sp_wind >10

Algebra expressions

π timed,     :22001/ multidata ?vs [0]= wan7 &
                      field [0]= sp_wind &
                      from =15/05/2011+05:00:00& to =15/05/2011+10:00:00&
   sp_wind            c_vs [0]= wan7 & c_field [0]= sp_wind & c_min [0]=10

σ sp_wind>10

ω 5 Hour
               SELECT sp_wind FROM wan7 [NOW -5 HOUR] WHERE sp_wind >10


Using the Mappings

                                                                             π timed,
SELECT ?waveheight

 ?WaveObs a ssn:ObservationValue;
            qudt:numericalValue ?waveheight;                                 ω 5 Hour
 FILTER (?waveheight>10) }

            wan7                     ssn:ObservationValue
      timed: datetime PK    qudt:numericalValue   Wan7/WindSpeed/ObsValue{timed}
      sp_wind: float


Algebra construction

              π timed,
windsensor2   σ sp_wind>10

              ω 5 Hour


Static optimization

π timed,       π timed,         π timed,
   sp_wind        windvalue        windvalue

σ sp_wind>10   σ windvalue>10   σ windvalue>10

ω 5 Hour       ω 5 Hour         ω 5 Hour

wan7           windsensor1      windsensor2
The whole picture



          SPARQL-STR   CQELS                     REST          SPARQL

                            Linked Streams                     Linked Data

Data Stream                             COAP
 Systems                               Sensors
In Summary, and for the future

• Use ontologies to query sensor data
   • Using R2RML mappings (as in what I have been presenting)
   • Using native RDF streams (as what Manfred presented on
• Use extensions to SPARQL to handle data streams
   • However, there is a need to standardise all these query
   • There is also a need for good benchmarks
• Different underlying systems can provide support to
  data streams
   • DSMS, CEP, RESTful services
   • What is the best one for each purpose? Again, we need to
     have good benchmarks

Some references

• Sheth A, Henson C, and Sahoo S, Semantic Sensor Web, IEEE
  Internet Computing, 2008.
• Sequeda J, Corcho O. Linked Stream Data: A Position Paper.
  Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Sensor
  Networks, 2009.
• Le-Phuoc D, Parreira JX, Hauswirth M. Challenges in Linked
  Stream Data Processing: A Position Paper. Proceedings of the
  3rd International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks, 2010.
• García-Castro R, Corcho O. Five challenges for the Semantic
  Sensor Web. Semantic Web Journal 1, 2011
• García-Castro R, Corcho O, Hill C. A Core Ontological Model for
  Semantic Sensor Web Infrastructures. International Journal
  on Semantic Web and Information Systems Special Issue on Sensor
  Networks, Internet of Things and Machine-to-Machine
  Communications, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2013
• Calbimonte JP, Jeung H, Corcho O, Aberer K. Enabling Query
  Technologies for the Semantic Sensor Web. International
  Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems Special Issue
  on Sensor Networks, Internet of Things and Machine-to-Machine
  Communications, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2013
SSSW2012 – The Ninth Summer School on Ontological Engineering
                      and Semantic Web

Semantic Sensor Networks
(and Social) Semantic Web

                        Oscar Corcho
           (with the help of Jean Paul Calbimonte)

                        Ontology Engineering Group
         Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Instructions for hands-on session

• It will be focused on understanding how sensor data can be
   • Disclaimer: a bit of cheating (working on historical data from
     weather stations in Spain, and no continuous SPARQL querying)
   • For those interested in hardcore stuff, talk to me later

• Quick instructions
   • Based on the material that you already used for session 2
       • Remember: Javascript, SPARQL queries, etc.
   • Download a zip file from
       • In fact, you will find it already in your desktop as sssw12-ho-
   • Unzip it into /var/www (remember ‘sudoing’ and ‘chowning’ or
   • Go to http://localhost/sssw12-ho-s7/s7.html (instructions)
   • The results will be at http://localhost/sssw12-ho-s7/index.html


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Semantic (Social) Sensor Networks

  • 1. SSSW2012 – The Ninth Summer School on Ontological Engineering and Semantic Web Semantic Sensor Networks (and Social) Semantic Web Oscar Corcho (with the help of Jean Paul Calbimonte) Ontology Engineering Group Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • 2. This is what my talk is going to be about… Application Middleware CQELS REST SPARQL Linked Streams Linked Data COAP Virtual Sensors Sensors
  • 3. Was this a Déjà Vu? • Key differences • I am younger (as demonstrated on Tuesday) • We are both vice-directors • But I am vice-director of a most important organisation (SSSW vs DERI) • Lessons learned: • Never let an invited speaker speak before you • Specially if he is the one giving a great tutorial ;-) 3
  • 4. Was this a Déjà Vu? • Hence the title of my talk could perfectly be… 4
  • 5. Some work that can be inserted in the picture Application Middleware SPARQL-STR CQELS REST SPARQL Linked Streams Linked Data Data Stream COAP Virtual Management Sensors Systems Sensors
  • 6. Ingredients for the Semantic Sensor Web Core ontological model Additional domain ontologies Guidelines for generation of identifiers Sensor Web programming interfaces (e.g., Query processing engines
  • 7. AEMET Linked Data ( 7
  • 9. Some Slovenian city sensors ( 9
  • 10. Coastal Channel Observatory and other sources ( Flood risk alert: South East England Emergency I have to make planner sense out of all this data wave data Environmental forecasts defenses 10
  • 11. Should we care? Smart cities Environmental sensors Parking sensors 11 SmartSantander Project
  • 12. Some work that can be inserted in the picture Application Middleware SPARQL-STR CQELS REST SPARQL Linked Streams Linked Data Data Stream COAP Virtual Management Sensors Systems Sensors
  • 13. Ingredients for the Semantic Sensor Web Core ontological model Additional domain ontologies Guidelines for generation of identifiers Sensor Web programming interfaces (e.g., Query processing engines
  • 14. Sensor Network Ontologies  Approximately since 2005: Several proposals  State of the art on sensor network ontologies in the report below  Most of them were too project-specific  Not too much reuse  No alignment between them  No ontology design best practices  2009-2011: W3C SSN-XG incubator group  Final report:  SSN Ontology:  A good number of internal and external references to SSN Ontology   SSN Ontology paper soon at the Journal of Web Semantics  2011-__ : W3C SSN Community Group
  • 15. Overview of the SSN ontology
  • 16. Overview of the SSN ontology Deployment deploymentProcesPart only System OperatingRestriction hasSubsystem only, some hasSurvivalRange only SurvivalRange DeploymentRelatedProcess hasDeployment only System OperatingRange Deployment deployedSystem only hasOperatingRange only deployedOnPlatform only Process inDeployment only Device hasInput only Input PlatformSite onPlatform only Device Process Platform Output attachedSystem only hasOutput only, some Data Skeleton isProducedBy some implements some Sensor Sensing hasValue some sensingMethodUsed only SensorOutput detects only SensingDevice observes only ObservationValue SensorInput isProxyFor only Property includesEvent some isPropertyOf some observedProperty only observationResult only observedBy only hasProperty only, some Observation FeatureOfInterest featureOfInterest only MeasuringCapability ConstraintBlock hasMeasurementCapability only forProperty only inCondition only inCondition only MeasurementCapability Condition
  • 17. SSN Ontology. Sensor and environmental properties Skeleton Property MeasuringCapability Communication hasMeasurementProperty only MeasurementCapability MeasurementProperty Accuracy Resolution Selectivity Frequency Precision Latency DetectionLimit Drift ResponseTime Sensitivity MeasurementRange OperatingRestriction EnergyRestriction hasOperatingProperty only OperatingRange OperatingProperty EnvironmentalOperatingProperty MaintenanceSchedule OperatingPowerRange hasSurvivalProperty only SurvivalRange SurvivalProperty EnvironmentalSurvivalProperty SystemLifetime BatteryLifetime
  • 18. SSN Ontology with other Ontologies 19
  • 19. A usage example Upper DOLCE SWEET UltraLite SSG4Env infrastructure SSN Schema Service External FOAF Ordnance Survey Flood domain Role Coastal Additional Defences Regions García-Castro R, Corcho O, Hill C. A Core Ontological Model for Semantic Sensor Web Infrastructures. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems Special Issue on Sensor Networks, Internet of Things and Machine-to-Machine Communications, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2013 20
  • 20. AEMET Ontology Network ( • 83 classes, 102 object properties, 80 datatype properties • SROIQ(D)
  • 21. Let’s now talk about metadata and social stuff Application Middleware SPARQL-STR CQELS REST SPARQL Linked Streams Linked Data Data Stream COAP Virtual Management Sensors Systems Sensors
  • 22. Ingredients for the Semantic Sensor Web Core ontological model Additional domain ontologies Guidelines for generation of identifiers Sensor Web programming interfaces (e.g., Query processing engines
  • 23. (Social) Sensor Metadata Do we have enough reliable metadata about sensors and observations? NO!!!! People are messy!!! Even if they are scientists who do not use Twitter Let’s start with Swiss people (you know, they are always precise ;-)) 24
  • 24. SwissEx • Global Sensor Networks, deployment for SwissEx. • 28 Deployments, Aprox. 50 sensors in each deployment • More than 1500 sensors • Live updates. Low frequency • Access to all metadata/not all data • Distributed environment: GSN Davos, GSN Zurich, etc. • In each site, a number of sensors available • Each one with different schema • Metadata stored in wiki Sensor observations • Federated metadata management: • Jeung H., Sarni, S., Paparrizos, I., Sathe, S., Aberer, K., Dawes, N., Papaioannus, T., Lehning, M.Effective Metadata Management in federated Sensor Networks. in SUTC, 2010 Sensor metadata 25
  • 25. Sensor Metadata station location sensors model properties Sensors, Mappings and Queries 26
  • 26. Sensor Data: Observations Heterogeneity ? Integration Sensors, Mappings and Queries 27
  • 27. Putting some meaning into place
  • 28. Sensor Metadata Do we have enough reliable metadata about sensors and observations? NO!!!! People are messy!!! Even if they are scientists who do not use Twitter Let’s start with Swiss people (you know, they are always precise ;-)) Swiss are boring… Let’s now move to the rest of the world (citizen sensing) 29
  • 30. Looking at the Data Air Pressure Temperature 31
  • 31. Classifying Sensor Data • Idea: given a new time series, find similar ones in a set of classified time-series • Querying time series • e.g. find a sub-sequence in a time series database • Measuring time series similarity • e.g. are these time series the same? • Time series classification • e.g. classify heart beat series: normal, murmur, etc 32
  • 32. Challenges: Data Summaries • Challenges • Represent the data approximating with fewer linear segments: • Tradeoff between Accuracy vs Numerosity Data buckets 33
  • 33. Data summaries: Linear Approximations • We care about the angles π/2 a π/4 a c d b a 0 c -π/4 d 34
  • 34. Use the representation for Classifying • Linear approximation • Compute distribution of the slopes • K-nearest neighbour classification • Training-Test datasets: • SwissExperiment • AEMET 35
  • 36. Conclusions Identifying Sensor Observations Take a look at the data Machine Learning Techniques Time Series Summarization Clustering Normalization Distance Metrics Work in progress Use more of the social tagging information! Test in Pachube
  • 37. Query processing Application Middleware SPARQL-STR CQELS REST SPARQL Linked Streams Linked Data Data Stream COAP Virtual Management Sensors Systems Sensors
  • 38. Ingredients for the Semantic Sensor Web Core ontological model Additional domain ontologies Guidelines for generation of identifiers Sensor Web programming interfaces (e.g., Query processing engines
  • 39. SPARQL with streaming extensions Streaming SPARQL PREFIX fire: <> SELECT ?WindSpeed FROM STREAM <http://…/SensorReadings.rdf> WINDOW RANGE 1 MS SLIDE 1 MS WHERE { ?sensor fire:hasMeasurements ?WindSpeed FILTER (?WindSpeed<30) } C-SPARQL REGISTER QUERY WindSpeedAndDirection AS PREFIX fire: <> SELECT ?sensor ?speed ?direction FROM STREAM <http://…/SensorReadings.rdf> [RANGE 1 MSEC SLIDE 1 MSEC] WHERE { … CQELS … 40
  • 40. SPARQL-Stream SELECT ?windspeed ?tidespeed FROM NAMED STREAM <> [NOW-10 MINUTES TO NOW-0 MINUTES] WHERE { ?WaveObs a ssn:Observation; Aggregates ssn:observationResult ?windspeed; ssn:observedProperty sweetSpeed:WindSpeed.Static & Streaming ?TideObs a ssn:Observation; ssn:observationResult ?tidespeed; ssn:observedProperty sweetSpeed:TideSpeed. Windows FILTER (?tidespeed<?windspeed)} Filters, Functions Disclaimer: some features NYI In progress: Benchmarking 41
  • 41. Queries to Sensor Data SNEEql RSTREAM SELECT id, speed, direction FROM wind [NOW]; Data Stream Management System Esper QL SELECT wind_speed FROM min) Complex Event Processors GSN RESTful service[0]=wind_sensor&field[0]=wind_speed& from=15/09/2011+05:00:00&to=15/09/2011+15:00:00 Pachube RESTful service 02T14:01:46Z&end=2011-09-02T17:01:46Z Sensor Data Middleware Querying through ontologies? 43
  • 42. Differences among all these systems • Different Query Expressivity • Windows? • Union, Filters, Joins? • Aggregates, Groups? • Different delivery & query mechanisms • Pull, Push? • Continuous queries?, One-off? • How to merge streaming and static data queries • Commonalities in RESTful Services 44
  • 43. Where is the Data? wan7 timed sp_wind timed: datetime PK 1 3.4 Esper sp_wind: float 2 5.6 3 11.2 GSN 4 1.2 5 3.1 SNEE .. … SELECT sp_wind FROM wan7 WHERE sp_wind >10 SELECT sp_wind FROM wan7 [NOW -5 HOUR] WHERE sp_wind >10 45
  • 44. Where is the Data? GSN server instance .. wan7 sensor1 sensor2 timed: datetime PK Esper sensor3 sp_wind: float … Mappings ssn:Observation 46
  • 45. Creating Mappings ssn:observedProperty ssn:Observation ssn:Property ssn:observationResult Wan7/WindSpeed/Observation{timed} sweetSpeed:WindSpeed wan7 ssn:SensorOutput timed: datetime PK sp_wind: float ssn:hasValue Wan7/ WindSpeed/ ObsOutput{timed} ssn:ObservationValue qudt:numericValue Wan7/WindSpeed/ObsValue{timed} xsd:decimal sp_wind 47
  • 46. R2RML • RDB2RDF W3C Group, R2RML Mapping language: • :Wan4WindSpeed a rr:TriplesMapClass; rr:tableName "wan7"; rr:subjectMap [ rr:template "{timed}"; rr:class ssn:ObservationValue; rr:graph ssg:swissexsnow.srdf ]; rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [ rr:predicate ssn:hasQuantityValue ]; rr:objectMap[ rr:column "sp_wind" ] ]; . < > a ssn:ObservationValue < > ssn:hasQuantityValue " 4.5" 48
  • 47. Querying the Observations SELECT ?waveheight FROM STREAM <> [NOW -10 MINUTES TO NOW STEP 1 MINUTE] WHERE { ?WaveObs a sea:WaveHeightObservation; :22001/ multidata ?vs [0]= wan7 & field [0]= sp_wind sea:hasValue ?waveheight; } Query :Wan4WindSpeed a rr:TriplesMapClass; Rewriting GSN rr:tableName "wan7"; SPARQLStream API rr:subjectMap [ rr:template "{timed}"; Client rr:class ssn:ObservationValue; rr:graph ssg:swissexsnow.srdf ]; Mappings Query rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [ Processing rr:predicate ssn:hasQuantityValue ]; Sensor rr:objectMap[ rr:column "sp_wind" ] ]; Network [tuples] Data [triples] translation R2RML Mappings 49
  • 48. Rewriting to different technologies SELECT ?windspeed FROM NAMED STREAM <http://swiss-> [NOW-10 MINUTE TO NOW-0 MINUTE] WHERE { Query ?WaveObs a ssn:Observation; Rewriting ssn:observationResult ?windspeed; Algebra ssn:observedProperty sweetSpeed:WindSpeed. } representation SELECT wind_speed_scalar_av, timed FROM min) Esper (CEP) SELECT wan7.wind_speed_scalar_av AS windspeed, wan7.timed AS windts FROM wan7[FROM NOW-10 MINUTES TO NOW] SNEE (DSMS)[0]=wan7& field[0]=wind_speed_scalar_av& from=15/05/2011+05:00:00&to=15/05/2011+15:00:00 GSN (Middleware) art=2011-09-02T14:01:46Z&end=2011-09-02T17:01:46Z Pachube (Middleware) 50
  • 49. Query rewriting SELECT ?waveheight FROM STREAM <> [NOW – 5 HOUR TO NOW] WHERE { ?WaveObs a ssn:ObservationValue; qudt:numericalValue ?waveheight; FILTER (?waveheight>10) } SELECT sp_wind FROM wan7 [NOW -5 HOUR] WHERE sp_wind >10
  • 50. Also for RESTful services • GSN Web Services • GSN URL API • Compose the query as a URL: :22001/ multidata ?vs [0]= wan7 & field [0]= sp_wind & from =15/05/2011+05:00:00& to =15/05/2011+10:00:00& c_vs [0]= wan7 & c_field [0]= sp_wind & c_min [0]=10 SELECT sp_wind FROM wan7 [NOW -5 HOUR] WHERE sp_wind >10 ? 52
  • 51. Algebra expressions π timed, :22001/ multidata ?vs [0]= wan7 & field [0]= sp_wind & from =15/05/2011+05:00:00& to =15/05/2011+10:00:00& sp_wind c_vs [0]= wan7 & c_field [0]= sp_wind & c_min [0]=10 σ sp_wind>10 ω 5 Hour SELECT sp_wind FROM wan7 [NOW -5 HOUR] WHERE sp_wind >10 wan7 53
  • 52. Using the Mappings π timed, sp_wind SELECT ?waveheight σ FROM STREAM <> [NOW – 5 HOUR TO NOW] sp_wind>10 WHERE { ?WaveObs a ssn:ObservationValue; qudt:numericalValue ?waveheight; ω 5 Hour FILTER (?waveheight>10) } wan7 wan7 ssn:ObservationValue timed: datetime PK qudt:numericalValue Wan7/WindSpeed/ObsValue{timed} sp_wind: float xsd:datatype sp_wind 54
  • 53. Algebra construction π timed, sp_wind windsensor1 windsensor2 σ sp_wind>10 ω 5 Hour wan7 55
  • 54. Static optimization π timed, π timed, π timed, sp_wind windvalue windvalue σ sp_wind>10 σ windvalue>10 σ windvalue>10 ω 5 Hour ω 5 Hour ω 5 Hour wan7 windsensor1 windsensor2 56
  • 55. The whole picture Application Middleware SPARQL-STR CQELS REST SPARQL Linked Streams Linked Data Data Stream COAP Virtual Management Sensors Systems Sensors
  • 56. In Summary, and for the future • Use ontologies to query sensor data • Using R2RML mappings (as in what I have been presenting) • Using native RDF streams (as what Manfred presented on Tuesday) • Use extensions to SPARQL to handle data streams • However, there is a need to standardise all these query languages • There is also a need for good benchmarks • Different underlying systems can provide support to data streams • DSMS, CEP, RESTful services • What is the best one for each purpose? Again, we need to have good benchmarks 60
  • 57. Some references • Sheth A, Henson C, and Sahoo S, Semantic Sensor Web, IEEE Internet Computing, 2008. • Sequeda J, Corcho O. Linked Stream Data: A Position Paper. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks, 2009. • Le-Phuoc D, Parreira JX, Hauswirth M. Challenges in Linked Stream Data Processing: A Position Paper. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks, 2010. • García-Castro R, Corcho O. Five challenges for the Semantic Sensor Web. Semantic Web Journal 1, 2011 • García-Castro R, Corcho O, Hill C. A Core Ontological Model for Semantic Sensor Web Infrastructures. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems Special Issue on Sensor Networks, Internet of Things and Machine-to-Machine Communications, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2013 • Calbimonte JP, Jeung H, Corcho O, Aberer K. Enabling Query Technologies for the Semantic Sensor Web. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems Special Issue on Sensor Networks, Internet of Things and Machine-to-Machine Communications, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2013
  • 58. SSSW2012 – The Ninth Summer School on Ontological Engineering and Semantic Web Semantic Sensor Networks (and Social) Semantic Web Oscar Corcho (with the help of Jean Paul Calbimonte) Ontology Engineering Group Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • 59. Instructions for hands-on session • It will be focused on understanding how sensor data can be retrieved • Disclaimer: a bit of cheating (working on historical data from weather stations in Spain, and no continuous SPARQL querying) • For those interested in hardcore stuff, talk to me later • Quick instructions • Based on the material that you already used for session 2 • Remember: Javascript, SPARQL queries, etc. • Download a zip file from • In fact, you will find it already in your desktop as sssw12-ho- • Unzip it into /var/www (remember ‘sudoing’ and ‘chowning’ or ‘chmoding’) • Go to http://localhost/sssw12-ho-s7/s7.html (instructions) • The results will be at http://localhost/sssw12-ho-s7/index.html 63

Editor's Notes

  1. - A core ontological model that can be used to describe sensor data streams, including the metadata about the sensor data sources and their observations. We take into account here the ontology developed for this purpose in the context of the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group, which can be considered the current standard to be followed. - A set of additional domain ontologies in the area in which sensors are applied and for which they generate measurements (e.g., if we deal with environmental sensors related to water, then ontologies about different aspects of water will be needed). These ontologies must be aligned with the previous core ontology.Guidelines for the generation of identifiers (in the form of URIs, since this is one of the key ingredients of Linked Data) for sensors, their observations and the features of interest that they observe.Supporting Sensor Web programming interfaces (APIs) that make use of the HTTP protocol for serving the corresponding data whenever the previous URIs are dereferenced. Query processing engines that support extended versions of SPARQL (the query language used for Linked Data) and handle some of the most characteristic aspects of data streams, such as time and/or tuple windows. The management of spatio-temporal extensions of this query language may be also useful in this context.
  2. - A core ontological model that can be used to describe sensor data streams, including the metadata about the sensor data sources and their observations. We take into account here the ontology developed for this purpose in the context of the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group, which can be considered the current standard to be followed. - A set of additional domain ontologies in the area in which sensors are applied and for which they generate measurements (e.g., if we deal with environmental sensors related to water, then ontologies about different aspects of water will be needed). These ontologies must be aligned with the previous core ontology.Guidelines for the generation of identifiers (in the form of URIs, since this is one of the key ingredients of Linked Data) for sensors, their observations and the features of interest that they observe.Supporting Sensor Web programming interfaces (APIs) that make use of the HTTP protocol for serving the corresponding data whenever the previous URIs are dereferenced. Query processing engines that support extended versions of SPARQL (the query language used for Linked Data) and handle some of the most characteristic aspects of data streams, such as time and/or tuple windows. The management of spatio-temporal extensions of this query language may be also useful in this context.
  3. - A core ontological model that can be used to describe sensor data streams, including the metadata about the sensor data sources and their observations. We take into account here the ontology developed for this purpose in the context of the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group, which can be considered the current standard to be followed. - A set of additional domain ontologies in the area in which sensors are applied and for which they generate measurements (e.g., if we deal with environmental sensors related to water, then ontologies about different aspects of water will be needed). These ontologies must be aligned with the previous core ontology.Guidelines for the generation of identifiers (in the form of URIs, since this is one of the key ingredients of Linked Data) for sensors, their observations and the features of interest that they observe.Supporting Sensor Web programming interfaces (APIs) that make use of the HTTP protocol for serving the corresponding data whenever the previous URIs are dereferenced. Query processing engines that support extended versions of SPARQL (the query language used for Linked Data) and handle some of the most characteristic aspects of data streams, such as time and/or tuple windows. The management of spatio-temporal extensions of this query language may be also useful in this context.
  4. - A core ontological model that can be used to describe sensor data streams, including the metadata about the sensor data sources and their observations. We take into account here the ontology developed for this purpose in the context of the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group, which can be considered the current standard to be followed. - A set of additional domain ontologies in the area in which sensors are applied and for which they generate measurements (e.g., if we deal with environmental sensors related to water, then ontologies about different aspects of water will be needed). These ontologies must be aligned with the previous core ontology.Guidelines for the generation of identifiers (in the form of URIs, since this is one of the key ingredients of Linked Data) for sensors, their observations and the features of interest that they observe.Supporting Sensor Web programming interfaces (APIs) that make use of the HTTP protocol for serving the corresponding data whenever the previous URIs are dereferenced. Query processing engines that support extended versions of SPARQL (the query language used for Linked Data) and handle some of the most characteristic aspects of data streams, such as time and/or tuple windows. The management of spatio-temporal extensions of this query language may be also useful in this context.
  5. - A core ontological model that can be used to describe sensor data streams, including the metadata about the sensor data sources and their observations. We take into account here the ontology developed for this purpose in the context of the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group, which can be considered the current standard to be followed. - A set of additional domain ontologies in the area in which sensors are applied and for which they generate measurements (e.g., if we deal with environmental sensors related to water, then ontologies about different aspects of water will be needed). These ontologies must be aligned with the previous core ontology.Guidelines for the generation of identifiers (in the form of URIs, since this is one of the key ingredients of Linked Data) for sensors, their observations and the features of interest that they observe.Supporting Sensor Web programming interfaces (APIs) that make use of the HTTP protocol for serving the corresponding data whenever the previous URIs are dereferenced. Query processing engines that support extended versions of SPARQL (the query language used for Linked Data) and handle some of the most characteristic aspects of data streams, such as time and/or tuple windows. The management of spatio-temporal extensions of this query language may be also useful in this context.
  6. The where clasue for both SPARQL extensions is the same
  7. Addingsemanticsallowsthesearch and exploration of sensor data withoutany prior knowledge of the data sourceUsingtheprinciples of Linked Data facilitatestheintegration of stream data totheincreasingnumber of Linked Data collections