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Generally speaking, when wild creatures are
                                                                         W      e have a tendency to fall
                                                                                back into the old doctrine
                                                                         of "divine destiny," only now our
             labeled "problem wildlife," that can usually be             frontiers are the lawns of
             translated to mean that they are refusing to                suburbia, our railroads have
                                                                         become vast networks of paved
                recognize human rules and boundaries.
                                                                         highways, and what we are
                                                                         conquering are native plants
                                                                         and animals.

                                                                           It should come as no

            Solving Wildlife                                             surprise that, after we have
                                                                         destroyed most of the habitat
                                                                         and many of the natural
                                                                         predators, wildlife is trying to

               Problems                                                  survive by showing up in our

                           For more nature habitat information              Even for those of us who
                                Visit these helpful websites:            welcome such visitors, there
                                                                         can be concerns as we learn to
                                                                         live together. It is the goal of
         A Plant's Home                                                  WindStar Wildlife Institute to
         A Bird's Home
         A Homesteader's Home                                            encourage people to learn more
                                                                         about the wild inhabitants of
                                                                         their property, because the
                                                                         more we know, the more we can
                                                                         understand their needs and
                                                                         anticipate their behavior.

                                                                            Then, by providing suitable
                                                                         alternatives, we can lessen any
                                                                         negative impact from either

                                                                            Every part of the country has
                                                                         its own wildlife concerns,
                                                                         depending on such factors as
                                                                         climate, concentration of
                                                                         houses, available water, local
                                                                         flora, and even altitude.

                                                                           In this pamphlet we can’t
                                                                         cover all the possible animal
                                                                         visitors that may appear on
                                                                         your property, but all wildlife
                                                                         shares the same need for food,
                                                                         water, cover, and space.

                                                                           If there is a shortage of
                                                                         natural food and you put out

© WindStar Wildlife Institute                                   Page 1                             A Plant's Home
nourishment for your                  concern expressed by people         The best way to prevent
    household pet, you can be sure        who are less knowledgeable        wildlife problems inside your
    that other animals will show up       about wildlife is that such       home is to take preventive
    to share the bounty.                  habitat will attract rats.        steps before problems ever
                                                                            develop. Be sure that any easy
      Putting the food “out of sight"       Studies have been done to       entry points are blocked off.
    in a garage, for example, will not    confirm that this simply is not
    deter an animal focused on            the case (for further details,      This includes chimneys (there
    survival. I did that once for our     visit the Weed Laws site listed   are special caps which let
    cats when we had to be away for       under Internet Resources).        smoke escape but keep birds
    a weekend.                                                              and raccoons out), open areas
                                             Rats are attracted by food.    under decks or stairs (these
       Leaving the door open for          If you fill your bird feeders     can be blocked by lattice
    them also meant leaving it open       with seed that is not             screens or wire mesh), or holes
    for the raccoon and opossum           completely consumed, and let      under eaves which provide
    who were both in residence when       it accumulate and stay on the     access to the attic (wood or
    I returned!                           ground, then you may indeed       insulation can be used to close
                                          attract rats, as well as mice     these openings).
       The first rule for not turning a   and voles and other wildlife.
    wild animal into a nuisance is                                            Trash cans should have
    not to provide access to any            Naturally planted areas,        locking lids, and food should
    household food products. The          however, will also provide seed   never be left in the open. Most
    flip side of that is that you         for birds, but they won’t         wild animals are creatures of
    should provide natural food           attract rodents.                  habit, and once they learn that
    sources in areas that wildlife                                          a certain location will provide
    can visit without causing any           Sometimes animals become        food or shelter, they are likely to
    problems for you.                     so used to people and so          return.
                                          comfortable around houses
       There are many good nature         that the only solution is to        From what we are hearing,
    field guides which will give you      trap them. This should            the animal causing the most
    insights into the habits of each      generally only be handled by a    concerns in suburbia these
    creature and what it likes to         professional wearing the proper   days is the Whitetail Deer. This
    eat, when it is active, and what      protective gear.                  isn’t surprising, since a single
    type of shelter it prefers.                                             deer needs to eat more than
                                            Even something as seemingly     five lbs. of leaves a day.
      The Cooperative Extension           safe as cleaning up after mice
    Service, the State Department         can result in inhaling the
    of Natural Resources, and the         airborne bacteria that cause
    U.S. Agriculture Department all       the dangerous hanta virus.
    offer fact sheets on a variety of
    wildlife, and there are also            Normally the risks from wild
    Internet sites for just about         creatures are relatively low,
    every species.                        and can be minimized by
                                          increasing your knowledge
      When homeowners start               about each species, but it is
    trying to follow basic habitat        safer – and often required by
    replacement practices, such as        law – to have a licensed
    planting wildflower areas, letting    professional involved, if the
    grasses grow taller, or creating      animal must be physically
    brush piles, the most frequent        moved.

© WindStar Wildlife Institute                           Page 2                                         A Plant's Home
Under normal conditions,             landscaped trees and shrubs. It       Deer follow regular pathways,
    deer populations are kept              is only natural that the deer       and will nibble anything that
    under control by predators and         are going to take advantage of      grows along the way. Although
    by food supplies. When there is        what is available and easy to       there are many lists of plants
    less food, females produce             find.                               that are “unattractive" to
    fewer offspring.                                                           deer, that doesn’t mean that
                                             As individuals, we are            they are immune.
      This is true of many other           generally not in a position to do
    species as well. Those deer            what should be done:                  Deer will taste them, even if
    that are weak never get the            reestablish vast tracts of          they are toxic, and then forget
    chance to reproduce because            wilderness inhabited by both        that they didn’t like them and
    wolves or coyotes kill them.           prey and predators.                 will chew on them again.
                                                                               Sometimes they will pull the
       Nature works very effectively         However, that doesn’t             entire newly-planted shrub out
    when there is no human                 necessarily mean that we can’t      of the ground, tossing it away
    interference. Today, however, we       enjoy landscaping our yards. To     once they discover that they
    have removed the natural               protect valuable plantings, you     don’t care for the taste.
    predators, and even when               have to study the habits of the
    native food and habitat are            deer that visit your property,        In addition, taste preferences
    scarce, we provide a wealth of         and know something about deer       seem to vary from region to
    alternatives in the form of            behavior in general.                region, so that what is not
                                                                               preferred by deer in one state
                                                                               might be a favorite snack in
         NATIVE PLANTS RESISTANT TO DEER DAMAGE                                your yard. Notice the location of
                                                                               deer paths and avoid planting
       Perennials                                                              anything vulnerable along their
            Yarrow (Achillea)                                                  route.
            Milkweeds (Asclepias)
            Joe-Pye weed (Eupatorium purpureum)                                  In general, deer don’t like
            Sneezeweed (Helenium)                                              leaves that are fuzzy or plants
            Goldenrod (Solidago)                                               with strong scents. Some
            Ground covers like wild strawberries, May apples, wild ginger,     people have had luck with
                    nodding onions                                             hanging bars of soap or bags of
            Culinary herbs such as sage, tarragon, mint                        unwashed human hair in plants,
                    (including Bee Balm)                                       or applying the fertilizer
                                                                               Milorganite (which must be re-
       Shrubs                                                                  applied after rain).
            Bottlebrush Buckeye (Aesculus parviflora)
            Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium)                                    Other treatments which are
            Holly (Ilex)                                                       sometimes effective are sprays
            Viburnum                                                           combining water with raw eggs
            Juniper (Juniperus)                                                or hot peppers, as well as some
                                                                               commercial preparations.
            Paper birch (Betula papyrifera)                                      However, fences seems to be
            Bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis)                              the most effective deterrent.
            Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)                                 Deer can jump very high, but
            American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)                        they don’t jump wide, and they
            Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum)                                     don’t like to jump when they
            Colorado spruce (Picea pungens)                                    can’t see the barrier.

© WindStar Wildlife Institute                             Page 3                                         A Plant's Home
One WindStar Master Wildlife        carefully considered. It is harder
    Habitat Naturalist has had             to install, is illegal in some
    good success with relatively           localities, and is a definite risk if
    short stakes (about 4' tall)           there are any children in the
    holding up strands of                  area.
    transparent fishing line. The
    deer know that the “fencing" is          Solid fences are effective,
    there but can’t see the actual         because deer won’t see the
    strands well enough to feel safe       plants and won’t jump if they
    if they try to jump it. You will       don’t have a view of what’s on
    need at least two strands, one         the other side. But these are
    high enough (3') for the deer to       costly and sometimes
    feel when they walk up to it, and      unsightly, and may be in
    one low enough (2') so that            violation of neighborhood
    fawns can’t just duck                  covenants.                                Sometimes smearing lithium
    underneath.                                                                    grease on a feeder pole will
                                             According to one gardener in          discourage them, because
       Other gardeners who have not        New York, music is the answer.          raccoons don’t like the feel of it
    wanted to put up really tall           He claims that the deer loved           in their fur.
    fencing (it needs to be at least       classical, but were driven off by
    8' high to discourage jumping)         country and western. While we              If you get permission to catch
    have found that two shorter            are not claiming to favor any           one in a humane trap, bait and
    fences (4'-5'), with one erected       style over another, let us know if      set it off the ground, perhaps
    4 or 5 ft. inside the other, are       you experiment and come to any          on a picnic table or similar
    effective because the deer             conclusions!                            surface, because the bait that
    aren’t given a convenient place                                                you use (dog food, chicken, etc.)
    to land.                                 Raccoons are cute. They are           will also attract skunks if it is
                                           soft and furry and have sweet           at ground level. Trapping skunks
      If possible, construct any           faces. They are also very agile         is definitely better left to
    fencing before doing your              and clever, and this can mean           professionals!
    planting, so that the animals          problems for the homeowner.
    don’t have a chance to realize                                                   Speaking of skunks, they may
    just how tasty the plants                 The most common complaint            also appear at your feeders, but
    inside really are.                     is that they are raiding the bird       only at night. Usually you will
                                           feeders. If allowed to develop a        get a faint whiff in the morning
      Some experts suggest tying           pattern of eating there, they           that lets you know that they
    white strips of fabric to the          can become very bold and hard           were there. If the area is raked
    fence. When they blow in the           to discourage.                          clean and the feeders removed
    wind, they imitate the danger                                                  for a while, they will usually
    signal of the white raised tail of       As soon as you notice a               move on to a different location.
    the deer.                              raccoon at the feeder you
                                           should move the food, at least            Fences also help, because
       If you do opt for taller fencing,   temporarily, or stop filling the        they prefer not to climb. Bury
    it seems to help if it is angled       feeder until the unwelcome              the bottom in the ground so
    30 degrees away from the               visitor stops expecting to find         that they can’t dig under it.
    protected area. This makes             seed there. Suet and                    Sometimes moth balls or rags
    jumping much harder.                   hummingbird feeders can be              soaked in ammonia will
                                           moved to tree branches which            discourage them for a while, but
      Some people choose electric          are too weak to support the             these are usually temporary
    fencing, but that needs to be          weight of a raccoon.                    measures.

© WindStar Wildlife Institute                              Page 4                                             A Plant's Home
Be sure that garbage cans                                            peanuts – in a location removed
    are tightly covered and that no                                         from the bird feeding area and
    food products are left where                                            find that the squirrels are
    they can be reached. The same                                           happy to partake of a better
    advice applies to opossums,                                             meal elsewhere.
    but in that case the fencing
    needs to have an electric wire                                            Growing nut trees provides a
    at the top, because they will                                           source of their favorite foods
    climb quite readily.                                                    as well as beauty for your yard.
                                        are cute, energetic, and            Adding some squirrel nesting
      Raccoons have been known to       entertaining. They can also         boxes can make this alternative
    enter dwellings, where they can     create havoc when they get          area even more attractive to
    do considerable damage with         inside an attic, and often chew     them.
    their strong teeth and clever       the covering off wires,
    hands. Be sure that common          sometimes causing serious             Although relatively rare, some
    entry sites are protected.          fires.                              areas of the country are
    These include any vents, rotten                                         experiencing problems with
    wood, and chimneys.                   In addition to closing the        bears interacting with humans,
                                        common access sites, trim tree      especially as development
      Females will often raise their    branches so that they are 8'-12'    erodes the large expanses of
    young on the fire shelf inside a    from the roof.                      habitat that they need for
    chimney, but after a few weeks                                          survival.
    will lead the youngsters out          To keep squirrels from climbing
    when it is time for weaning, so     power poles or isolated trees,         The main thing to remember
    sometimes patience is the           use a 2'-3' metal collar (with      is that bears locate food by
    best solution.                      springs for growth if on a tree)    scent. Keep any food or
                                        installed about 6' off the          garbage completely enclosed
       Try to provide alternative den   ground.                             and covered tightly. If they are
    sites – hollow logs or rock piles                                       attacking apiaries, electric
    with large spaces are good –           To protect outside wires, slit   fences around the bee hives
    situated away from your             a 2'-3' piece of lightweight        are the best protection.
    house.                              plastic pipe and slip it over the
                                        strands. The squirrels will fall      You may glance at your lawn
      If these are located near a       off when the pipe spins under       one day and find that it is
    water source, that will be even     their weight.                       looking rather “lumpy" due to
    more appealing to the raccoon.                                          the raised tunnels created by
    You may also suffer raccoon           Squirrels raid bird feeders       moles. Although they eat more
    damage to your garden,              mercilessly. There are a number     than their weight every day in
    chicken population, or nesting      of baffles and special “squirrel-   grubs, worms and harmful
    birds.                              proof" feeders on the market,       insects, they can also damage
                                        most of which can eventually be     plants with their constant
       Electric fences work fairly      outsmarted. The most effective      burrowing.
    well in such cases. If a small      seems to be the type with a
    stand of corn is under attack,      counter-weighted bar which            Incredibly, if the soil isn’t too
    wrap individual ears with           closes over the seed when           hard, moles can create shallow
    filament tape or cover them         anything heavier than a small       tunnels at a rate of a foot per
    with plastic bags.                  bird lands on it.                   minute! Sometimes putting
                                                                            mothballs into the tunnels will
      Squirrels are either loved or       Some nature lovers offer          encourage them to move
    hated by homeowners. They           preferred food – such as corn or    elsewhere.

© WindStar Wildlife Institute                          Page 5                                           A Plant's Home
A rather charming folk remedy                                         Providing good food and
    involves sinking empty bottles                                        habitat away from your garden
    into the ground in the tunnel                                         plot is the easiest way to save
    area, with the necks sticking up                                      your plants. They love dill, so a
    a few inches. The wind whistling                                      nice plot of those herbs will
    in the bottles is reported to                                         attract them to another part
    disturb the moles enough to                                           of the yard.
    cause them to leave.
                                                                             Brush piles or thickets
      Because they create visible                                         should be at least 20 ft. wide
    mounds, moles are sometimes                                           if they are to provide
    unfairly blamed for plant                                             protection from predators.
    damage which is actually done
    by voles or shrews, or one of                                           Planting something like
    the other small creatures that                                        blackberry bushes will give them
    uses the mole tunnels for easy                                        cover and will give you a
    access to the roots and                                               delicious crop. Leaving an
    tubers on which they feed.                                            unmowed strip of land along the
                                           Another potential threat to    edge of the thicket will provide
      They can also harm above-          garden plants is the             the rabbits with a healthy food
    ground shrubs and other              woodchuck. You may become        supply.
    plants. Wire mesh around trees,      aware of the presence of one
    embedded about 3" into the soil      of these “ground hogs" when         This can become a transition
    and rising above normal snow         you come out one morning to      zone between your property
    depth, will prevent some of the      enjoy your flower bed and find   edges (where you plant native
    potential damage.                    the blossoms neatly removed      trees and shrubs and
                                         from each plant, leaving a       wildflowers, and where you put
       Since they prefer tall grasses    garden of stems.                 brush piles, snags and rock
    as their habitat, keep unmowed                                        piles) and your cultivated yard
    areas at a distance from               Sometimes their underground    (including your lawn and garden
    cultivated gardens. When using       burrows can also cause           plots).
    mulch, keep it no deeper than 1"-    problems. Fences can help keep
    3". You may have a few more          them out of cultivated areas,      Rabbits don’t like to cross
    weeds, but it will make a less       but they need to be heavy, at    large, unprotected areas, so
    attractive habitat for voles.        least 3' tall, and buried a      having nice rabbit habitat on
                                         minimum of 12" under the         one side of your lawn and your
      Voles make up the largest          ground.                          garden on the other side should
    part of the diet of many                                              keep the two nicely separated.
    predators, including owls, foxes,      Who doesn’t love a sweet,
    and snakes. If you provide           furry rabbit. Well, gardeners      Foxes are primarily a threat
    habitat that these predators         trying to save their crops are   to poultry, waterfowl, and
    favor, they will help to keep the    often not too fond of them.      small animals. They will be
    rodent population under              Fencing is usually effective.    noticed especially in the
    control.                                                              spring, when the parents are
                                           Planting things that they      hunting food for their young.
      Some people even provide           don’t like, such as onions and
    perches for hawks, using an 8'-      foxglove, will sometimes keep      Exclusion fences like the one
    10' pole with a 2'-3' crossbar, to   them out, assuming that there    for woodchucks are generally
    encourage them to hunt in a          are alternate food sources       effective if topped with electric
    desired area.                        available.                       or net wire.

© WindStar Wildlife Institute                          Page 6                                        A Plant's Home
Since even very small openings
                                                                              can serve as entryways, the
                                                                              process may take several weeks
                                                                              as you continue to watch for
                                                                              those individuals which have
                                                                              found a way to return.

                                                                                Put some bat houses in your
                                                                              yard, giving the animals an
                                                                              alternative place to roost away
                                                                              from the house, yet keeping
                                                                              them in the area to eat the

                                                                                If possible, put the bat house
                                                                              on a post a few hundred feet
                                                                              away from the attic, in a very
                                                                              hot location, and erect it before
      A naturalized area, rich in voles     There is some danger of           July.
    and other small creatures, will       rabies, but only if you actually
    give foxes an alternative to          come in contact with an               When you seal your house in
    raiding the chicken coop.             infected bat. The easiest way       the winter, the bats will already
                                          to get them out of the house is     be familiar with the bat house
       Despite their less-than-           to turn on a light and open all     and will use it when they return
    favorable reputation in past          the doors and windows after         in the spring and find that their
    years, people are finally beginning   dark.                               old haunts are no longer
    to realize the value of attracting                                        accessible.
    bats. In addition to being unique       There are also devices which
    (they are the only flying             funnel the bats outside when          Another creature that is
    mammals in the world), they are       they leave to eat, then won’t let   under-appreciated and gets a
    a wonderful natural defense           them return, but even dime-         lot of bad press is the snake.
    against pesky insects, including      sized holes must be sealed or       Many people have what seems
    mosquitoes.                           they will be able to re-enter the   to be almost a genetic
                                          dwelling.                           aversion to them, regardless
      They will each eat more than                                            of whether or not they’re a
    500 flying insects per hour!            Closing openings can be           poisonous variety.
    Unfortunately, most of their          done with caulk, screens,
    preferred roosting places –           insulation, or flashing. Don’t         Snakes avoid, rather than
    caves, old barns, trees with loose    seal up the roosting space          attack humans, and they
    bark – have been destroyed by         between April and August, or        consume large numbers of
    development.                          you might trap the flightless       rodents and insects, helping to
                                          offspring inside.                   keep their populations under
      Problems arise when they                                                control.
    decide to roost inside a house,         The best time to bat-proof
    most commonly in an attic. Their      your house is in November and          Knowing the type of
    droppings (guano) have a terrible     December. By then the young         conditions that attract snakes
    odor and can be hazardous if          bats have started flying, and       allows you to provide similar
    they come in contact with moist       winter roosting hasn’t begun.       habitat in locations that are
    soil because they can harbor the      Wait until after dark, when the     acceptable. Usually when they
    histoplasmosis virus.                 bats will be out feeding.           live near a house they can be

© WindStar Wildlife Institute                            Page 7                                          A Plant's Home
found in a wood pile, gardens            You may find them to be a       to try a scarecrow to protect
    with heavy mulch, junk-filled         problem at bird feeders where      grain crops, red has been found
    basements or garages, or under        they arrive in large numbers,      to be the most effective color for
    tight shrubs up close to              displacing native songbirds.       its clothing.
    foundations.                          They also take over nesting
                                          sites, often killing both the        Folk wisdom suggests hanging
      Keep the close-in area free of      parents and chicks of the          glass wind chimes in the area.
    cover like that, while replacing it   native birds.                      The birds are supposed to dislike
    with rock and brush piles in a                                           the sound of glass hitting glass.
    more distant location, and you          The Minnesota Department
    will be able to coexist more          of Natural Resources                 Remember, however, that birds
    happily on the same property.         recommends “house sparrow          are also eating lots of harmful
                                          brackets" to discourage them       insects in your lawn, garden, and
      Sealing up entry holes will keep    from visiting feeders.             shrubs, so you will come out
    snakes out of your house. There       Encircling the feeder with         ahead if you provide appropriate
    are snake-proof fences, but they      monofilament line seems to         native food plants, water, and
    are quite expensive and are           disrupt them without               nesting sites for them,
    generally used only when there is     interfering with other             encouraging them to remain in
    a high danger from poisonous          species.                           your yard.
                                            Avoid serving millet and           Although it is relatively rare,
      Be sure that you aren’t leaving     bread crumbs to house              sometimes woodpeckers
    out food or anything else that        sparrows, and reduce the           become pests because they
    will attract rodents, which will in   length of feeder perches to        decide to peck into your house
    turn attract snakes. Using piles      1/4" to make it hard for them      rather than into trees.
    of damp burlap bags or towels         to feed. Starlings can be          Generally they are trying to
    to attract them, then scooping        discouraged by not offering        create a nest cavity or to find
    them up with a shovel during          corn, suet, or peanut butter,      insects to eat.
    midday when they are less             which are their preferred
    active, is a fairly easy way to       foods.                               Between the explosion of land
    relocate snakes.                                                         development and our desire to
                                             Although starlings are too      have tidy yards, there are
      Although overlooked by many         large to enter bluebird and
    as a problem, European house          purple martin houses, house
    sparrows (which are actually a        sparrows do so regularly, and
    type of finch) and European           it is recommended that you
    starlings are having negative         remove and destroy their
    effects on native bird                nests to give the native birds
    populations.                          a better chance of survival.
                                          Plans for traps for house
       Since they are non-native          sparrows and starlings can
    species (the starlings having         be found at several Internet
    been brought here in a misguided      sources (see page 10).
    attempt to increase public
    awareness of Shakespeare by             If birds are eating your fruit
    introducing all the birds from        crop, you can stretch black
    that author’s writings, and the       thread through tree branches,
    sparrows as a form of insect          making it hard for the birds to
    control), they are not legally        navigate, or cover the plants
    protected in North America.           with bird netting. If you decide

© WindStar Wildlife Institute                           Page 8                                         A Plant's Home
sometimes few dead trees            generally claim a small pond as     monofilament line across
    around for them.                    its territory and will defend it    small ponds, or frighten the
                                        from any other individuals.         geese away with anchored
      If woodpeckers have chosen                                            helium balloons or strips of
    an unacceptable place to peck,        Once the young are hatched,       red and silver mylar ribbon.
    the easiest solution is to put      the parents will instinctively
    plastic bird netting over that      march them overland to                Although we have been
    area, secured so that it’s tight    another body of water for           focusing on “wildlife," it
    enough that they can’t get          safety.                             should be mentioned that
    behind it.                                                              one of the greatest
                                           Problems usually only occur      “nuisance animals" is the
       Aluminum flashing or wire        if supplemental food is being       popular house cat. They are a
    mesh are other suggestions.         provided for the geese, causing     huge problem in this country,
    Some species will use               them to give up their               taking an enormous toll on
    appropriate nest boxes, but         instinctive migration pattern.      birds and small mammals
    dead trees (also known as                                               such as voles and chipmunks.
    "snags") are the most                 Letting grasses grow longer,
    attractive temptation.              planting alternatives to turf         In addition to the direct
                                        grass, and installing               losses, they are killing the
       If you have a dead tree on       hedgerows as barriers to            basic food sources of larger
    your property, leave it in place.   landing are techniques that         wildlife, such as foxes and
    If it’s in an unsafe location,      sometimes discourage geese.         owls, which are already
    chop it down and move it to a                                           suffering from reduced
    better spot, perhaps anchoring        If large flocks are damaging      habitat.
    it to another tree.                 crops, you can offer alternate
                                        food sources by planting lure          Bells on collars are usually
      Canada geese are not              crops in another area. Farmers      not effective. Surrounding bird
    generally a problem for the         can apply for surplus grain from    feeders with wire mesh can
    average homeowner, since flocks     the Commodity Credit                reduce losses, but the best
    prefer larger expanses of grass     Corporation for this purpose.       treatment is for cats to be
    and water than are found in the                                         kept indoors.
    typical yard.                         To protect ponds, mow to the
                                        water’s edge to eliminate cover,      Having read all of the above
      If you do attract these           install a 3' poultry fence around   information, you may believe
    handsome birds, one pair will       the water, create a grid of         that you are going to walk out
                                                                            the door and find your yard
                                                                            and home under siege from all
                                                                            manner of harmful and
                                                                            aggressive wildlife!

                                                                              This is certainly not the
                                                                            case. Generally speaking, if
                                                                            you work toward preventing
                                                                            access to your home and
                                                                            provide natural planting areas
                                                                            on your property, the wildlife
                                                                            that you attract will bring you
                                                                            hours of enjoyment, and you
                                                                            will be contributing to the
                                                                            protection of biodiversity.

© WindStar Wildlife Institute                         Page 9                                           A Plant's Home

         vantassel.htm (good article on living with wildlife)
         (products sold to control birds)
         (good articles; products to control various nuisance creatures)
         (source of written material and videos for pest control)
         (fact sheets on raccoons, moles, skunks, squirrels, and bats;
         links to other animal-related sites)
         (bat management and conservation; links; do-it-yourself tips)
         (Suggestions for getting rid of house sparrows. Not for the
         (house sparrow controls)
         (Information on various “pests." Although largely negative about
         their presence, it gives good basic information about each
         species. Does not offer solutions.)
         (some prevention suggestions)
                                                                                 This article was written by
                                                                               Maryland Master Wildlife Habitat
         2.html (background on the house sparrow and starling problem)           Naturalist Cathy Gilleland.
         (lots of information on building a bat house; links to other sites)     For more information or for the            name of a Master Wildlife Habitat
                                                                                 Naturalist in your area, please
         (Weed Laws from the EPA; good information on natural
                                                                                   WindStar Wildlife Institute

    Books                                                                          E-mail:
    s  A Guide to Rabbit-Proof Gardening, Janet Thomson                    
    s  Gardening in Deer Country, Vincent Drzewucki, Jr.
    s  Deer Proofing Your Yard and Garden, Rhonda Massingham
    s  Wild About Birds, Carrol Henderson, Minnesota Department of               WindStar Wildlife Institute is a
                                                                               national, non-profit, conservation
       Natural Resources                                                       organization whose mission is to
    s  Bat House Builder’s Handbook, Bat Conservation International               help individuals and families
    s  Beastly Abodes: Homes for Birds, Bats, Butterflies and Other             establish or improve the wildlife
       Backyard Wildlife, Bobbe Needham                                           habitat on their properties.
    s  Woodworking for Wildlife: Homes for Birds and Mammals,
                                                                                 Photography by Cathy Gilleland.
       Carrol Henderson, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

© WindStar Wildlife Institute                            Page 10                                         A Plant's Home

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Solving Wildlife Problems

  • 1. Generally speaking, when wild creatures are W e have a tendency to fall back into the old doctrine of "divine destiny," only now our labeled "problem wildlife," that can usually be frontiers are the lawns of translated to mean that they are refusing to suburbia, our railroads have become vast networks of paved recognize human rules and boundaries. highways, and what we are conquering are native plants and animals. It should come as no Solving Wildlife surprise that, after we have destroyed most of the habitat and many of the natural predators, wildlife is trying to Problems survive by showing up in our backyards. For more nature habitat information Even for those of us who Visit these helpful websites: welcome such visitors, there can be concerns as we learn to live together. It is the goal of A Plant's Home WindStar Wildlife Institute to A Bird's Home A Homesteader's Home encourage people to learn more about the wild inhabitants of their property, because the more we know, the more we can understand their needs and anticipate their behavior. Then, by providing suitable alternatives, we can lessen any negative impact from either side. Every part of the country has its own wildlife concerns, depending on such factors as climate, concentration of houses, available water, local flora, and even altitude. In this pamphlet we can’t cover all the possible animal visitors that may appear on your property, but all wildlife shares the same need for food, water, cover, and space. If there is a shortage of natural food and you put out © WindStar Wildlife Institute Page 1 A Plant's Home
  • 2. nourishment for your concern expressed by people The best way to prevent household pet, you can be sure who are less knowledgeable wildlife problems inside your that other animals will show up about wildlife is that such home is to take preventive to share the bounty. habitat will attract rats. steps before problems ever develop. Be sure that any easy Putting the food “out of sight" Studies have been done to entry points are blocked off. in a garage, for example, will not confirm that this simply is not deter an animal focused on the case (for further details, This includes chimneys (there survival. I did that once for our visit the Weed Laws site listed are special caps which let cats when we had to be away for under Internet Resources). smoke escape but keep birds a weekend. and raccoons out), open areas Rats are attracted by food. under decks or stairs (these Leaving the door open for If you fill your bird feeders can be blocked by lattice them also meant leaving it open with seed that is not screens or wire mesh), or holes for the raccoon and opossum completely consumed, and let under eaves which provide who were both in residence when it accumulate and stay on the access to the attic (wood or I returned! ground, then you may indeed insulation can be used to close attract rats, as well as mice these openings). The first rule for not turning a and voles and other wildlife. wild animal into a nuisance is Trash cans should have not to provide access to any Naturally planted areas, locking lids, and food should household food products. The however, will also provide seed never be left in the open. Most flip side of that is that you for birds, but they won’t wild animals are creatures of should provide natural food attract rodents. habit, and once they learn that sources in areas that wildlife a certain location will provide can visit without causing any Sometimes animals become food or shelter, they are likely to problems for you. so used to people and so return. comfortable around houses There are many good nature that the only solution is to From what we are hearing, field guides which will give you trap them. This should the animal causing the most insights into the habits of each generally only be handled by a concerns in suburbia these creature and what it likes to professional wearing the proper days is the Whitetail Deer. This eat, when it is active, and what protective gear. isn’t surprising, since a single type of shelter it prefers. deer needs to eat more than Even something as seemingly five lbs. of leaves a day. The Cooperative Extension safe as cleaning up after mice Service, the State Department can result in inhaling the of Natural Resources, and the airborne bacteria that cause U.S. Agriculture Department all the dangerous hanta virus. offer fact sheets on a variety of wildlife, and there are also Normally the risks from wild Internet sites for just about creatures are relatively low, every species. and can be minimized by increasing your knowledge When homeowners start about each species, but it is trying to follow basic habitat safer – and often required by replacement practices, such as law – to have a licensed planting wildflower areas, letting professional involved, if the grasses grow taller, or creating animal must be physically brush piles, the most frequent moved. © WindStar Wildlife Institute Page 2 A Plant's Home
  • 3. Under normal conditions, landscaped trees and shrubs. It Deer follow regular pathways, deer populations are kept is only natural that the deer and will nibble anything that under control by predators and are going to take advantage of grows along the way. Although by food supplies. When there is what is available and easy to there are many lists of plants less food, females produce find. that are “unattractive" to fewer offspring. deer, that doesn’t mean that As individuals, we are they are immune. This is true of many other generally not in a position to do species as well. Those deer what should be done: Deer will taste them, even if that are weak never get the reestablish vast tracts of they are toxic, and then forget chance to reproduce because wilderness inhabited by both that they didn’t like them and wolves or coyotes kill them. prey and predators. will chew on them again. Sometimes they will pull the Nature works very effectively However, that doesn’t entire newly-planted shrub out when there is no human necessarily mean that we can’t of the ground, tossing it away interference. Today, however, we enjoy landscaping our yards. To once they discover that they have removed the natural protect valuable plantings, you don’t care for the taste. predators, and even when have to study the habits of the native food and habitat are deer that visit your property, In addition, taste preferences scarce, we provide a wealth of and know something about deer seem to vary from region to alternatives in the form of behavior in general. region, so that what is not preferred by deer in one state might be a favorite snack in NATIVE PLANTS RESISTANT TO DEER DAMAGE your yard. Notice the location of deer paths and avoid planting Perennials anything vulnerable along their Yarrow (Achillea) route. Milkweeds (Asclepias) Joe-Pye weed (Eupatorium purpureum) In general, deer don’t like Sneezeweed (Helenium) leaves that are fuzzy or plants Goldenrod (Solidago) with strong scents. Some Ground covers like wild strawberries, May apples, wild ginger, people have had luck with nodding onions hanging bars of soap or bags of Culinary herbs such as sage, tarragon, mint unwashed human hair in plants, (including Bee Balm) or applying the fertilizer Milorganite (which must be re- Shrubs applied after rain). Bottlebrush Buckeye (Aesculus parviflora) Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) Other treatments which are Holly (Ilex) sometimes effective are sprays Viburnum combining water with raw eggs Juniper (Juniperus) or hot peppers, as well as some commercial preparations. Trees Paper birch (Betula papyrifera) However, fences seems to be Bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis) the most effective deterrent. Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) Deer can jump very high, but American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) they don’t jump wide, and they Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) don’t like to jump when they Colorado spruce (Picea pungens) can’t see the barrier. © WindStar Wildlife Institute Page 3 A Plant's Home
  • 4. One WindStar Master Wildlife carefully considered. It is harder Habitat Naturalist has had to install, is illegal in some good success with relatively localities, and is a definite risk if short stakes (about 4' tall) there are any children in the holding up strands of area. transparent fishing line. The deer know that the “fencing" is Solid fences are effective, there but can’t see the actual because deer won’t see the strands well enough to feel safe plants and won’t jump if they if they try to jump it. You will don’t have a view of what’s on need at least two strands, one the other side. But these are high enough (3') for the deer to costly and sometimes feel when they walk up to it, and unsightly, and may be in one low enough (2') so that violation of neighborhood fawns can’t just duck covenants. Sometimes smearing lithium underneath. grease on a feeder pole will According to one gardener in discourage them, because Other gardeners who have not New York, music is the answer. raccoons don’t like the feel of it wanted to put up really tall He claims that the deer loved in their fur. fencing (it needs to be at least classical, but were driven off by 8' high to discourage jumping) country and western. While we If you get permission to catch have found that two shorter are not claiming to favor any one in a humane trap, bait and fences (4'-5'), with one erected style over another, let us know if set it off the ground, perhaps 4 or 5 ft. inside the other, are you experiment and come to any on a picnic table or similar effective because the deer conclusions! surface, because the bait that aren’t given a convenient place you use (dog food, chicken, etc.) to land. Raccoons are cute. They are will also attract skunks if it is soft and furry and have sweet at ground level. Trapping skunks If possible, construct any faces. They are also very agile is definitely better left to fencing before doing your and clever, and this can mean professionals! planting, so that the animals problems for the homeowner. don’t have a chance to realize Speaking of skunks, they may just how tasty the plants The most common complaint also appear at your feeders, but inside really are. is that they are raiding the bird only at night. Usually you will feeders. If allowed to develop a get a faint whiff in the morning Some experts suggest tying pattern of eating there, they that lets you know that they white strips of fabric to the can become very bold and hard were there. If the area is raked fence. When they blow in the to discourage. clean and the feeders removed wind, they imitate the danger for a while, they will usually signal of the white raised tail of As soon as you notice a move on to a different location. the deer. raccoon at the feeder you should move the food, at least Fences also help, because If you do opt for taller fencing, temporarily, or stop filling the they prefer not to climb. Bury it seems to help if it is angled feeder until the unwelcome the bottom in the ground so 30 degrees away from the visitor stops expecting to find that they can’t dig under it. protected area. This makes seed there. Suet and Sometimes moth balls or rags jumping much harder. hummingbird feeders can be soaked in ammonia will moved to tree branches which discourage them for a while, but Some people choose electric are too weak to support the these are usually temporary fencing, but that needs to be weight of a raccoon. measures. © WindStar Wildlife Institute Page 4 A Plant's Home
  • 5. Be sure that garbage cans peanuts – in a location removed are tightly covered and that no from the bird feeding area and food products are left where find that the squirrels are they can be reached. The same happy to partake of a better advice applies to opossums, meal elsewhere. but in that case the fencing needs to have an electric wire Growing nut trees provides a at the top, because they will source of their favorite foods climb quite readily. as well as beauty for your yard. are cute, energetic, and Adding some squirrel nesting Raccoons have been known to entertaining. They can also boxes can make this alternative enter dwellings, where they can create havoc when they get area even more attractive to do considerable damage with inside an attic, and often chew them. their strong teeth and clever the covering off wires, hands. Be sure that common sometimes causing serious Although relatively rare, some entry sites are protected. fires. areas of the country are These include any vents, rotten experiencing problems with wood, and chimneys. In addition to closing the bears interacting with humans, common access sites, trim tree especially as development Females will often raise their branches so that they are 8'-12' erodes the large expanses of young on the fire shelf inside a from the roof. habitat that they need for chimney, but after a few weeks survival. will lead the youngsters out To keep squirrels from climbing when it is time for weaning, so power poles or isolated trees, The main thing to remember sometimes patience is the use a 2'-3' metal collar (with is that bears locate food by best solution. springs for growth if on a tree) scent. Keep any food or installed about 6' off the garbage completely enclosed Try to provide alternative den ground. and covered tightly. If they are sites – hollow logs or rock piles attacking apiaries, electric with large spaces are good – To protect outside wires, slit fences around the bee hives situated away from your a 2'-3' piece of lightweight are the best protection. house. plastic pipe and slip it over the strands. The squirrels will fall You may glance at your lawn If these are located near a off when the pipe spins under one day and find that it is water source, that will be even their weight. looking rather “lumpy" due to more appealing to the raccoon. the raised tunnels created by You may also suffer raccoon Squirrels raid bird feeders moles. Although they eat more damage to your garden, mercilessly. There are a number than their weight every day in chicken population, or nesting of baffles and special “squirrel- grubs, worms and harmful birds. proof" feeders on the market, insects, they can also damage most of which can eventually be plants with their constant Electric fences work fairly outsmarted. The most effective burrowing. well in such cases. If a small seems to be the type with a stand of corn is under attack, counter-weighted bar which Incredibly, if the soil isn’t too wrap individual ears with closes over the seed when hard, moles can create shallow filament tape or cover them anything heavier than a small tunnels at a rate of a foot per with plastic bags. bird lands on it. minute! Sometimes putting mothballs into the tunnels will Squirrels are either loved or Some nature lovers offer encourage them to move hated by homeowners. They preferred food – such as corn or elsewhere. © WindStar Wildlife Institute Page 5 A Plant's Home
  • 6. A rather charming folk remedy Providing good food and involves sinking empty bottles habitat away from your garden into the ground in the tunnel plot is the easiest way to save area, with the necks sticking up your plants. They love dill, so a a few inches. The wind whistling nice plot of those herbs will in the bottles is reported to attract them to another part disturb the moles enough to of the yard. cause them to leave. Brush piles or thickets Because they create visible should be at least 20 ft. wide mounds, moles are sometimes if they are to provide unfairly blamed for plant protection from predators. damage which is actually done by voles or shrews, or one of Planting something like the other small creatures that blackberry bushes will give them uses the mole tunnels for easy cover and will give you a access to the roots and delicious crop. Leaving an tubers on which they feed. unmowed strip of land along the Another potential threat to edge of the thicket will provide They can also harm above- garden plants is the the rabbits with a healthy food ground shrubs and other woodchuck. You may become supply. plants. Wire mesh around trees, aware of the presence of one embedded about 3" into the soil of these “ground hogs" when This can become a transition and rising above normal snow you come out one morning to zone between your property depth, will prevent some of the enjoy your flower bed and find edges (where you plant native potential damage. the blossoms neatly removed trees and shrubs and from each plant, leaving a wildflowers, and where you put Since they prefer tall grasses garden of stems. brush piles, snags and rock as their habitat, keep unmowed piles) and your cultivated yard areas at a distance from Sometimes their underground (including your lawn and garden cultivated gardens. When using burrows can also cause plots). mulch, keep it no deeper than 1"- problems. Fences can help keep 3". You may have a few more them out of cultivated areas, Rabbits don’t like to cross weeds, but it will make a less but they need to be heavy, at large, unprotected areas, so attractive habitat for voles. least 3' tall, and buried a having nice rabbit habitat on minimum of 12" under the one side of your lawn and your Voles make up the largest ground. garden on the other side should part of the diet of many keep the two nicely separated. predators, including owls, foxes, Who doesn’t love a sweet, and snakes. If you provide furry rabbit. Well, gardeners Foxes are primarily a threat habitat that these predators trying to save their crops are to poultry, waterfowl, and favor, they will help to keep the often not too fond of them. small animals. They will be rodent population under Fencing is usually effective. noticed especially in the control. spring, when the parents are Planting things that they hunting food for their young. Some people even provide don’t like, such as onions and perches for hawks, using an 8'- foxglove, will sometimes keep Exclusion fences like the one 10' pole with a 2'-3' crossbar, to them out, assuming that there for woodchucks are generally encourage them to hunt in a are alternate food sources effective if topped with electric desired area. available. or net wire. © WindStar Wildlife Institute Page 6 A Plant's Home
  • 7. Since even very small openings can serve as entryways, the process may take several weeks as you continue to watch for those individuals which have found a way to return. Put some bat houses in your yard, giving the animals an alternative place to roost away from the house, yet keeping them in the area to eat the mosquitoes. If possible, put the bat house on a post a few hundred feet away from the attic, in a very hot location, and erect it before A naturalized area, rich in voles There is some danger of July. and other small creatures, will rabies, but only if you actually give foxes an alternative to come in contact with an When you seal your house in raiding the chicken coop. infected bat. The easiest way the winter, the bats will already to get them out of the house is be familiar with the bat house Despite their less-than- to turn on a light and open all and will use it when they return favorable reputation in past the doors and windows after in the spring and find that their years, people are finally beginning dark. old haunts are no longer to realize the value of attracting accessible. bats. In addition to being unique There are also devices which (they are the only flying funnel the bats outside when Another creature that is mammals in the world), they are they leave to eat, then won’t let under-appreciated and gets a a wonderful natural defense them return, but even dime- lot of bad press is the snake. against pesky insects, including sized holes must be sealed or Many people have what seems mosquitoes. they will be able to re-enter the to be almost a genetic dwelling. aversion to them, regardless They will each eat more than of whether or not they’re a 500 flying insects per hour! Closing openings can be poisonous variety. Unfortunately, most of their done with caulk, screens, preferred roosting places – insulation, or flashing. Don’t Snakes avoid, rather than caves, old barns, trees with loose seal up the roosting space attack humans, and they bark – have been destroyed by between April and August, or consume large numbers of development. you might trap the flightless rodents and insects, helping to offspring inside. keep their populations under Problems arise when they control. decide to roost inside a house, The best time to bat-proof most commonly in an attic. Their your house is in November and Knowing the type of droppings (guano) have a terrible December. By then the young conditions that attract snakes odor and can be hazardous if bats have started flying, and allows you to provide similar they come in contact with moist winter roosting hasn’t begun. habitat in locations that are soil because they can harbor the Wait until after dark, when the acceptable. Usually when they histoplasmosis virus. bats will be out feeding. live near a house they can be © WindStar Wildlife Institute Page 7 A Plant's Home
  • 8. found in a wood pile, gardens You may find them to be a to try a scarecrow to protect with heavy mulch, junk-filled problem at bird feeders where grain crops, red has been found basements or garages, or under they arrive in large numbers, to be the most effective color for tight shrubs up close to displacing native songbirds. its clothing. foundations. They also take over nesting sites, often killing both the Folk wisdom suggests hanging Keep the close-in area free of parents and chicks of the glass wind chimes in the area. cover like that, while replacing it native birds. The birds are supposed to dislike with rock and brush piles in a the sound of glass hitting glass. more distant location, and you The Minnesota Department will be able to coexist more of Natural Resources Remember, however, that birds happily on the same property. recommends “house sparrow are also eating lots of harmful brackets" to discourage them insects in your lawn, garden, and Sealing up entry holes will keep from visiting feeders. shrubs, so you will come out snakes out of your house. There Encircling the feeder with ahead if you provide appropriate are snake-proof fences, but they monofilament line seems to native food plants, water, and are quite expensive and are disrupt them without nesting sites for them, generally used only when there is interfering with other encouraging them to remain in a high danger from poisonous species. your yard. snakes. Avoid serving millet and Although it is relatively rare, Be sure that you aren’t leaving bread crumbs to house sometimes woodpeckers out food or anything else that sparrows, and reduce the become pests because they will attract rodents, which will in length of feeder perches to decide to peck into your house turn attract snakes. Using piles 1/4" to make it hard for them rather than into trees. of damp burlap bags or towels to feed. Starlings can be Generally they are trying to to attract them, then scooping discouraged by not offering create a nest cavity or to find them up with a shovel during corn, suet, or peanut butter, insects to eat. midday when they are less which are their preferred active, is a fairly easy way to foods. Between the explosion of land relocate snakes. development and our desire to Although starlings are too have tidy yards, there are Although overlooked by many large to enter bluebird and as a problem, European house purple martin houses, house sparrows (which are actually a sparrows do so regularly, and type of finch) and European it is recommended that you starlings are having negative remove and destroy their effects on native bird nests to give the native birds populations. a better chance of survival. Plans for traps for house Since they are non-native sparrows and starlings can species (the starlings having be found at several Internet been brought here in a misguided sources (see page 10). attempt to increase public awareness of Shakespeare by If birds are eating your fruit introducing all the birds from crop, you can stretch black that author’s writings, and the thread through tree branches, sparrows as a form of insect making it hard for the birds to control), they are not legally navigate, or cover the plants protected in North America. with bird netting. If you decide © WindStar Wildlife Institute Page 8 A Plant's Home
  • 9. sometimes few dead trees generally claim a small pond as monofilament line across around for them. its territory and will defend it small ponds, or frighten the from any other individuals. geese away with anchored If woodpeckers have chosen helium balloons or strips of an unacceptable place to peck, Once the young are hatched, red and silver mylar ribbon. the easiest solution is to put the parents will instinctively plastic bird netting over that march them overland to Although we have been area, secured so that it’s tight another body of water for focusing on “wildlife," it enough that they can’t get safety. should be mentioned that behind it. one of the greatest Problems usually only occur “nuisance animals" is the Aluminum flashing or wire if supplemental food is being popular house cat. They are a mesh are other suggestions. provided for the geese, causing huge problem in this country, Some species will use them to give up their taking an enormous toll on appropriate nest boxes, but instinctive migration pattern. birds and small mammals dead trees (also known as such as voles and chipmunks. "snags") are the most Letting grasses grow longer, attractive temptation. planting alternatives to turf In addition to the direct grass, and installing losses, they are killing the If you have a dead tree on hedgerows as barriers to basic food sources of larger your property, leave it in place. landing are techniques that wildlife, such as foxes and If it’s in an unsafe location, sometimes discourage geese. owls, which are already chop it down and move it to a suffering from reduced better spot, perhaps anchoring If large flocks are damaging habitat. it to another tree. crops, you can offer alternate food sources by planting lure Bells on collars are usually Canada geese are not crops in another area. Farmers not effective. Surrounding bird generally a problem for the can apply for surplus grain from feeders with wire mesh can average homeowner, since flocks the Commodity Credit reduce losses, but the best prefer larger expanses of grass Corporation for this purpose. treatment is for cats to be and water than are found in the kept indoors. typical yard. To protect ponds, mow to the water’s edge to eliminate cover, Having read all of the above If you do attract these install a 3' poultry fence around information, you may believe handsome birds, one pair will the water, create a grid of that you are going to walk out the door and find your yard and home under siege from all manner of harmful and aggressive wildlife! This is certainly not the case. Generally speaking, if you work toward preventing access to your home and provide natural planting areas on your property, the wildlife that you attract will bring you hours of enjoyment, and you will be contributing to the protection of biodiversity. © WindStar Wildlife Institute Page 9 A Plant's Home
  • 10. RESOURCES Internet s vantassel.htm (good article on living with wildlife) s (products sold to control birds) s (good articles; products to control various nuisance creatures) s (source of written material and videos for pest control) s (fact sheets on raccoons, moles, skunks, squirrels, and bats; links to other animal-related sites) s (bat management and conservation; links; do-it-yourself tips) s (Suggestions for getting rid of house sparrows. Not for the squeamish!) s (house sparrow controls) s (Information on various “pests." Although largely negative about their presence, it gives good basic information about each species. Does not offer solutions.) s (some prevention suggestions) This article was written by s Maryland Master Wildlife Habitat 2.html (background on the house sparrow and starling problem) Naturalist Cathy Gilleland. s (lots of information on building a bat house; links to other sites) For more information or for the name of a Master Wildlife Habitat s Naturalist in your area, please (Weed Laws from the EPA; good information on natural contact: landscaping) WindStar Wildlife Institute Books E-mail: s A Guide to Rabbit-Proof Gardening, Janet Thomson s Gardening in Deer Country, Vincent Drzewucki, Jr. s Deer Proofing Your Yard and Garden, Rhonda Massingham s Wild About Birds, Carrol Henderson, Minnesota Department of WindStar Wildlife Institute is a national, non-profit, conservation Natural Resources organization whose mission is to s Bat House Builder’s Handbook, Bat Conservation International help individuals and families s Beastly Abodes: Homes for Birds, Bats, Butterflies and Other establish or improve the wildlife Backyard Wildlife, Bobbe Needham habitat on their properties. s Woodworking for Wildlife: Homes for Birds and Mammals, Photography by Cathy Gilleland. Carrol Henderson, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources © WindStar Wildlife Institute Page 10 A Plant's Home