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User Engagement
in the Digital World
          Mounia Lalmas
            Yahoo! Labs

A bit about myself
  1999-2008: Lecturer (assistant professor) to Professor at
   Queen Mary, University of London
  2008-2010 Microsoft Research/RAEng Research
   Professor at the University of Glasgow
  2011- Visiting Principal Scientist at Yahoo! Labs

 Research topics
    XML/structured retrieval and evaluation (INEX)
    Quantum theory to model interactive information retrieval
    Aggregated search
    Bridging the digital divide
    Models and measures of user engagement

 Characteristics and measurement

 (my) Vision and focus

 Some results … and ideas

 What next?

 Characteristics and measurement

 (my) Vision and focus

 Some results … and ideas

 What next?
User Engagement – connecting three sides
          User engagement is a quality of the user experience
           that emphasizes the positive aspects of interaction – in
           particular the fact of being captivated by the technology.

          Successful technologies are not just used, they are
           engaged with.

   user feelings: happy, sad,                   user mental states: concentrated, user interactions: click, read
   excited, bored, …                            lost, involved, …                 comment, recommend, buy, …

           The emotional, cognitive and behavioural connection
           that exists, at any point in time and over time, between a
           user and a technological resource

S. Attfield, G. Kazai, M. Lalmas and B. Piwowarski. Towards a science of user engagement (Position Paper),
WSDM Workshop on User Modelling for Web Applications, 2011.
Would a user engage with this web site?

Would a user engage with this web site?

 (art event calendar)
Would a user engage with this web site?

 (e-commerce – skating)
Would a user engage with this web site?

      (music repository)
Would a user engage with this web site?

Characteristics of user engagement (I)
                     •  Users must be focused to be engaged
 Focused attention   •  Distortions in the subjective perception of time used to
                        measure it

                     •  Emotions experienced by user are intrinsically motivating
  Positive Affect    •  Initial affective hook can induce a desire for exploration, active
                        discovery or participation

                     •  Sensory, visual appeal of interface stimulates, promote
    Aesthetics          focused attention
                     •  Linked to design principles (e.g. symmetry, balance, saliency)

                     •  People remember enjoyable, useful, engaging experiences
                        and want to repeat them
   Endurability      •  Reflected in e.g. the propensity of users to recommend an
                        experience/a site/a product
Characteristics of user engagement (II)
                         •  Novelty, surprise, unfamiliarity and unexpected
       Novelty           •  Appeal to user curiosity, encourages inquisitive
                            behavior and promotes repeated engagement

                         •  Richness captures the growth potential of an activity
Richness and control     •  Control captures the extent to which a person is able
                            to achieve this growth potential

                         •  Trust is a necessary condition for user engagement
Reputation, trust and
                         •  Implicit contract among people and entities which is
    expectation             more than technological

Motivation, interests,   •  Difficulties in setting up “laboratory” style experiments
  incentives, and        •  Why should user engage?
Forrester Research – The four I’s
                •  Presence of a user
 Involvement    •  Measured by e.g. number of visitors, time spent

                •  Action of a user
  Interaction   •  Measured by e.g. CTR, online transaction, uploaded
                   photos or videos

                •  Affection or aversion of a user
   Intimacy     •  Measured by e.g. satisfaction rating, sentiment
                   analysis in blogs, comments, surveys, questionnaires

                •  Likelihood a user advocates
  Influence     •  Measured by e.g. forwarded content, invitation to join

                          Measuring Engagement, Forrester Research, June 2008.
Measuring user engagement

 Self-reported    Questionnaire, interview, report,      Subjective,
     product reaction cards	
               user study (lab/online)


 Cognitive        Task-based methods (time spent,        Objective,
     follow-on task)                        user study (lab/(online))

                  Neurological measures (e.g. EEG)       Mostly	

                  Physiological measures (e.g. eye       Scalability	
                  tracking, mouse-tracking)	
 Interaction      Web analytics + “data science”         Objective,
                                            data study
                  Information retrieval metrics + user
Objective measures – Online activities
Proxy of user engagement
Online measures as proxy of user

  measuring user engagement and interpreting metrics is hard!!
Online measures as proxy of user

                                                                                       Multimedia search
                                                                                       activities often driven
                                                                                       by entertainment
                                                                                       needs, not by
                                                                                       information needs
M. Slaney, Precision-Recall Is Wrong for Multimedia, IEEE Multimedia Magazine, 2011.

 Characteristics and measurement

 (my) Vision and focus

 Some results … and ideas

 What next?
What affect user (& site) engagement?

Web page &
site style?

                        Web page &
                        site content?
User engagement… connecting three sides
                         + layout   + links            The three sides
                         + saliency + content
                         + sentimentality, …
                                                        + emotional

                                                        + cognitive

                                                        + behavioral

user engagement                  Measurements and methodologies
within and across site            + online analytics metrics (dwell time, CTR, …)
                                  + complex networks metrics
                                  + new metrics + survival analysis
 + Models of user engagement       + questionnaires, surveys, …
 + Metrics of user engagement      + crowd-sourcing

                                   + biometrics (eye tracking, mouse tracking, …)
User Engagement – connecting three
measurement approaches
                                                               eme   nt
                                                 tio   n engag

              rted e
                              e me
Diagnostic and what we have done
Diagnostic: work exists, but fragmented.
In particular:
o  What and how to measure depend on services and goals
o  Lack of understanding of how to relate subjective and
   objective measures

The rest of this talk:
1.    Models of user engagement
2.    Attention & affect & saliency
3.    Attention & affect & gaze & sentimentality
4.    Attention & affect & mouse tracking (results pending)

 Characteristics and measurement

 (my) Vision and focus

 Some results … and ideas

 What next?
User Engagement – connecting three
measurement approaches
                                                                 me   nt
                                                  tio   ne ngage

                 ted e
Models of user engagement
   Online sites differ concerning their engagement!

          Games                          Search
          Users spend                    Users come
          much time per                  frequently and
          visit                          do not stay long

          Social media                   Special
          Users come                     Users come on
          frequently and                 average once
          stay long

           Service                       News
           Users visit site,             Users come
           when needed                   periodically

     Is it possible to model these differences?
Data and Metrics
Interaction data, 2M users, July 2011, 80 US sites
 Popularity   #Users       Number of distinct users

              #Visits      Number of visits

              #Clicks      Number of clicks

 Activity     ClickDepth   Average number of page views per visit.

              DwellTimeA   Average time per visit

 Loyalty      ActiveDays   Number of days a user visited the site

              ReturnRate   Number of times a user visited the site

              DwellTimeL   Average time a user spend on the site.
              General models                Time-based models
Dimensions                                         weekdays, weekend
                      8 metrics                   8 metrics per time span
#Dimensions               8                                  16

                                    Kernel k-means with
                              Kendall tau rank correlation kernel
               Nb of clusters based on eigenvalue distribution of kernel matrix
                  Significant metric values with Kruskal-Wallis/Bonferonni

(Models)                  6                                  5

                              Analysing cluster centroids = models
Models of user engagement
[6 general]
•  Popularity, activity and loyalty are independent from each other
•  Popularity and loyalty are influenced by external and internal factors
      e.g. frequency of publishing new information, events, personal
•  Activity depends on the structure of the site



media (daily)

                    models based on engagement metrics only
Time-based [5 models]
  Models based on engagement over weekdays and weekend

daily news

             time-based models ≠ general models

             next put all and more together! let machine learning tell you more!
Models of user engagement –
  Recap & Next
   User engagement is complex and standard
    metrics capture only a part of it
   User engagement depends on time (and users)
   First step towards a taxonomy of models of user
    engagement … and associated metrics

   Next
         More sites, more models?
         Interaction between sites (online multi-tasking)
         User demographics, time of the day, geo-location, etc
J. Lehmann, M. Lalmas, E. Yom-Tov and G. Dupret. Models of User Engagement, UMAP 2012.
Online multi-tasking
                                                                 July 2011, 25M sessions
                                                                 avg session length 26mn (sd 44)

                                                                 1.7 Yahoo! sites and 4.9 external
                                                                 (sd 3.1 and 8.6)

                                                                   leaving a site is
                                                                   not a “bad thing!”

(fictitious navigation between sites within an online session)

  users spend more and more of their online session multi-tasking, e.g. emailing,
  reading news, searching for information  ONLINE MULTI-TASKING
          navigating between sites, using browser tabs, bookmarks, etc
          seamless integration of social networks platforms into many services
User Engagement – connecting three
measurement approaches
                                                               me   nt
                                                tio   ne ngage

              rted e
Saliency, attention and positive affect
 How the visual catchiness (saliency) of
  “relevant” information impacts user
  engagement metrics such as focused
  attention and emotion (affect)
   focused attention refers to the exclusion of
   other things
   affect relates to the emotions experienced
   during the interaction
 Saliency model of visual attention
  developed by Itti and Koch
 L. Itti and C. Koch. A saliency-based search mechanism for overt and covert shifts of visual
 attention. Vision Research, 40, 2000.
Manipulating saliency
 non-salient condition
 salient condition

                         Web page screenshot   	
Study design
  8 tasks = finding latest news or headline on celebrity or
   entertainment topic
  Affect measured pre- and post- task using the Positive
   e.g. “determined”, “attentive” and Negative e.g. “hostile”, “afraid”
   Affect Schedule (PANAS)
  Focused attention measured with 7-item focused
   attention subscale e.g. “I was so involved in my news tasks that I
   lost track of time”, “I blocked things out around me when I was
   completing the news tasks” and perceived time
  Interest level in topics (pre-task) and questionnaire
   (post-task) e.g. “I was interested in the content of the web pages”,
   “I wanted to find out more about the topics that I encountered on the
   web pages”
  189 (90+99) participants from Amazon Mechanical Turk
PANAS (10 positive items and 10 negative items)
    You feel this way right now, that is, at the
     present moment
        [1 = very slightly or not at all; 2 = a little; 3 = moderately;
         4 = quite a bit; 5 = extremely]
        [randomize items]
              distressed, upset, guilty, scared, hostile,
              irritable, ashamed, nervous, jittery, afraid
              interested, excited, strong, enthusiastic,
              proud, alert, inspired, determined, attentive,

D. Watson, L.A. Clark, A. Tellegen. Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect:
The PANAS Scales. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 1988.
7-item focused attention subscale
  (part of the 31-item user engagement scale)
    5-point scale (strong disagree to strong agree)
  1.  I lost myself in this news tasks experience
  2.  I was so involved in my news tasks that I lost track of
  3.  I blocked things out around me when I was completing
      the news tasks
  4.  When I was performing these news tasks, I lost track of
      the world around me
  5.  The time I spent performing these news tasks just
      slipped away
  6.  I was absorbed in my news tasks
  7.  During the news tasks experience I let myself go
H.L. O'Brien. Defining and Measuring Engagement in User Experiences with Technology. PhD Thesis, 2008.
Saliency and positive affect
 When headlines are visually non-salient
   users are slow at finding them, report more
   distraction due to web page features, and show a
   drop in affect
 When headlines are visually catchy or salient
   user find them faster, report that it is easy to focus,
   and maintain positive affect

 Saliency is helpful in task performance,
  focusing/avoiding distraction and in
  maintaining positive affect
Saliency and focused attention
 Adapted focused attention subscale from the online
  shopping domain to entertainment news domain

 Users reported “easier to focus in the salient
  condition” BUT no significant improvement in the
  focused attention subscale or differences in
  perceived time spent on tasks

 User interest in web page content is a good
  predictor of focused attention, which in turn is a
  good predictor of positive affect
Saliency and user engagement –
    Recap & Next
   Interaction of saliency, focused attention, and
    affect, together with user interest, is complex
   Next:
         include web page content as a quality of user
         engagement in focused attention scale
         more “realistic” user (interactive) reading
         bio-metrics (mouse-tracking, eye-tracking, facial
         expression, etc)

L. McCay-Peet, M. Lalmas, V. Navalpakkam. On saliency, affect and focused attention, CHI 2012
User Engagement – connecting three
measurement approaches
                                                               me   nt
                                                tio   ne ngage

              rted e
Gaze, sentimentality, interest … and
     user engagement
    News + comments
    Sentiment, interest
    57 users (lab-based)
    Reading task (114)

  Questionnaire (qualitative data)
  Record mouse tracking, eye tracking, facial
   expression, EEG signal (quantitative data)

         Three metrics: gaze, focus attention and positive affect
Interesting content promote users
engagement metrics
 All three metrics:
    focus attention, positive affect & gaze
 What is the right trade-off?
    news is news 
 Can we predict?
    provider, editor, writter, category, genre, visual aids,
     …, sentimentality, …
 Role of user-generated content (comments)
    As measure of engagement?
    To promote engagement?
Lots of sentiments but with
negative connotations!
 Positive effect (and interest, enjoyment and wanted
  to know more) correlates
              Positively () with sentimentality (lots of emotions)
              Negatively () with positive polarity (happy news)

SentiStrenght (from -5 to 5 per word)

   sentimentality: sum of absolute values (amount of sentiments)
   polairity: sum of values (direction of the sentiments: positive vs negative)

M. Thelwall, K. Buckley, G. Paltoglou, Sentiment strength detection for the social web. JASIST, 63,1, 2012.
Effect of comments on user
 6 ranking of comments:
   most replied, most popular, newest
   sentimentality high, sentimentality low
   polarity plus, polarity minus

 Longer gaze on
   newest and most popular for interesting news
   most replied and high sentimentality for non-interesting

 Can we leverage this to prolonge user attention?
Gaze, sentimentality, interest –
      Recap and Next
        Interesting and “attractive” content!
        Sentiment as a proxy of focus attention, positive
         affect and gaze?

        Next
              Larger-scale study
              Other domains (beyond daily news!)

              Role of social signals (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)
              Lots more data: mouse tracking, EEG, facial
I. Arapakis, M. Lalmas, B. Cambazoglu, M.-C. Marcos, J. Jose. Examining User Engagement through the Prism of
Interest, Sentiment and Gaze, Submitted for Publication, 2012.
User Engagement – connecting three
measurement approaches
                                                               me   nt
                                                tio   ne ngage

              rted e
Mouse tracking … and user
    400 users from Amazon Mechanical Turk
    Two domains (BBC and Wikipedia)
    Two tasks (reading and quiz)
    “Normal vs Horrible” interface

  Questionnaires (qualitative data)
  Mouse tracking (quantitative data)
  Interaction data (page view, dwell time)

  Results pending! … Hawthorne Effect!!!!!!!!!!
Mouse tracking … and user engagement
(Taxonomy? Correlation vs Causation? Measurement? … )

 Characteristics and measurement

 (my) Vision and focus

 Some results … and ideas

 What next?
                interac ent

enga ported

digital world

                                     digital libraries

                user engagement
                                  mobile & tablet
Thank you

  Ioannis Arapakis
  Ricardo Baeza-Yates
  Georges Dupret
  Janette Lehmann
  Lori McCay-Peet
  Vidhya Navalpakkam
  David Warnock
  Elad Yom-Tov

  and many others at Yahoo! Labs

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User Engagement Metrics and Models

  • 1. User Engagement in the Digital World Mounia Lalmas Yahoo! Labs Barcelona
  • 2. A bit about myself   1999-2008: Lecturer (assistant professor) to Professor at Queen Mary, University of London   2008-2010 Microsoft Research/RAEng Research Professor at the University of Glasgow   2011- Visiting Principal Scientist at Yahoo! Labs Barcelona  Research topics  XML/structured retrieval and evaluation (INEX)  Quantum theory to model interactive information retrieval  Aggregated search  Bridging the digital divide  Models and measures of user engagement
  • 3. Outline  Characteristics and measurement  (my) Vision and focus  Some results … and ideas  What next?
  • 4. Outline  Characteristics and measurement  (my) Vision and focus  Some results … and ideas  What next?
  • 5. User Engagement – connecting three sides   User engagement is a quality of the user experience that emphasizes the positive aspects of interaction – in particular the fact of being captivated by the technology.   Successful technologies are not just used, they are engaged with. user feelings: happy, sad, user mental states: concentrated, user interactions: click, read excited, bored, … lost, involved, … comment, recommend, buy, … The emotional, cognitive and behavioural connection that exists, at any point in time and over time, between a user and a technological resource S. Attfield, G. Kazai, M. Lalmas and B. Piwowarski. Towards a science of user engagement (Position Paper), WSDM Workshop on User Modelling for Web Applications, 2011.
  • 6. Would a user engage with this web site?
  • 7. Would a user engage with this web site? (content) (art event calendar)
  • 8. Would a user engage with this web site? (aesthetics) (e-commerce – skating)
  • 9. Would a user engage with this web site? (navigation) (music repository)
  • 10. Would a user engage with this web site? (navigation) (photographer)
  • 11. Characteristics of user engagement (I) •  Users must be focused to be engaged Focused attention •  Distortions in the subjective perception of time used to measure it •  Emotions experienced by user are intrinsically motivating Positive Affect •  Initial affective hook can induce a desire for exploration, active discovery or participation •  Sensory, visual appeal of interface stimulates, promote Aesthetics focused attention •  Linked to design principles (e.g. symmetry, balance, saliency) •  People remember enjoyable, useful, engaging experiences and want to repeat them Endurability •  Reflected in e.g. the propensity of users to recommend an experience/a site/a product
  • 12. Characteristics of user engagement (II) •  Novelty, surprise, unfamiliarity and unexpected Novelty •  Appeal to user curiosity, encourages inquisitive behavior and promotes repeated engagement •  Richness captures the growth potential of an activity Richness and control •  Control captures the extent to which a person is able to achieve this growth potential •  Trust is a necessary condition for user engagement Reputation, trust and •  Implicit contract among people and entities which is expectation more than technological Motivation, interests, •  Difficulties in setting up “laboratory” style experiments incentives, and •  Why should user engage? benefits
  • 13. Forrester Research – The four I’s •  Presence of a user Involvement •  Measured by e.g. number of visitors, time spent •  Action of a user Interaction •  Measured by e.g. CTR, online transaction, uploaded photos or videos •  Affection or aversion of a user Intimacy •  Measured by e.g. satisfaction rating, sentiment analysis in blogs, comments, surveys, questionnaires •  Likelihood a user advocates Influence •  Measured by e.g. forwarded content, invitation to join Measuring Engagement, Forrester Research, June 2008.
  • 14. Measuring user engagement Measures   Characteristics   Self-reported Questionnaire, interview, report, Subjective, engagement   product reaction cards   user study (lab/online) Mostly  qualita,ve   Cognitive Task-based methods (time spent, Objective, engagement   follow-on task) user study (lab/(online)) Neurological measures (e.g. EEG) Mostly  quan,ta,ve   Physiological measures (e.g. eye Scalability  an  issue?   tracking, mouse-tracking)   Interaction Web analytics + “data science” Objective, engagement   data study Information retrieval metrics + user models   Quan,ta,ve   Large  scale  
  • 15. Objective measures – Online activities Proxy of user engagement
  • 16. Online measures as proxy of user engagement! measuring user engagement and interpreting metrics is hard!!
  • 17. Online measures as proxy of user engagement! Multimedia search activities often driven by entertainment needs, not by information needs M. Slaney, Precision-Recall Is Wrong for Multimedia, IEEE Multimedia Magazine, 2011.
  • 18. Outline  Characteristics and measurement  (my) Vision and focus  Some results … and ideas  What next?
  • 19. What affect user (& site) engagement? Web page & site style? Web page & site content?
  • 20. User engagement… connecting three sides + layout + links The three sides + saliency + content + sentimentality, … + emotional + cognitive + behavioral user engagement Measurements and methodologies within and across site + online analytics metrics (dwell time, CTR, …) + complex networks metrics + new metrics + survival analysis Goals + Models of user engagement + questionnaires, surveys, … + Metrics of user engagement + crowd-sourcing + biometrics (eye tracking, mouse tracking, …)
  • 21. User Engagement – connecting three measurement approaches eme nt tio n engag interac self- repo rted e ngag e me nt
  • 22. Diagnostic and what we have done Diagnostic: work exists, but fragmented. In particular: o  What and how to measure depend on services and goals o  Lack of understanding of how to relate subjective and objective measures The rest of this talk: 1.  Models of user engagement 2.  Attention & affect & saliency 3.  Attention & affect & gaze & sentimentality 4.  Attention & affect & mouse tracking (results pending)
  • 23. Outline  Characteristics and measurement  (my) Vision and focus  Some results … and ideas  What next?
  • 24. User Engagement – connecting three measurement approaches me nt tio ne ngage interac self-r epor ted e ngag eme nt
  • 25. Models of user engagement Online sites differ concerning their engagement! Games Search Users spend Users come much time per frequently and visit do not stay long Social media Special Users come Users come on frequently and average once stay long Service News Users visit site, Users come when needed periodically Is it possible to model these differences?
  • 26. Data and Metrics Interaction data, 2M users, July 2011, 80 US sites Popularity #Users Number of distinct users #Visits Number of visits #Clicks Number of clicks Activity ClickDepth Average number of page views per visit. DwellTimeA Average time per visit Loyalty ActiveDays Number of days a user visited the site ReturnRate Number of times a user visited the site DwellTimeL Average time a user spend on the site.
  • 27. Methodology General models Time-based models Dimensions weekdays, weekend 8 metrics 8 metrics per time span #Dimensions 8 16 Kernel k-means with Kendall tau rank correlation kernel Nb of clusters based on eigenvalue distribution of kernel matrix Significant metric values with Kruskal-Wallis/Bonferonni #Clusters (Models) 6 5 Analysing cluster centroids = models
  • 28. Models of user engagement [6 general] •  Popularity, activity and loyalty are independent from each other •  Popularity and loyalty are influenced by external and internal factors   e.g. frequency of publishing new information, events, personal interests •  Activity depends on the structure of the site interest-specific periodic media e-commerce media (daily) search models based on engagement metrics only
  • 29. Time-based [5 models] Models based on engagement over weekdays and weekend work-related daily news hobbies, interest-specific weather time-based models ≠ general models next put all and more together! let machine learning tell you more!
  • 30. Models of user engagement – Recap & Next  User engagement is complex and standard metrics capture only a part of it  User engagement depends on time (and users)  First step towards a taxonomy of models of user engagement … and associated metrics  Next  More sites, more models?  Interaction between sites (online multi-tasking)  User demographics, time of the day, geo-location, etc J. Lehmann, M. Lalmas, E. Yom-Tov and G. Dupret. Models of User Engagement, UMAP 2012.
  • 31. Online multi-tasking July 2011, 25M sessions avg session length 26mn (sd 44) 1.7 Yahoo! sites and 4.9 external (sd 3.1 and 8.6) leaving a site is not a “bad thing!” (fictitious navigation between sites within an online session) users spend more and more of their online session multi-tasking, e.g. emailing, reading news, searching for information  ONLINE MULTI-TASKING navigating between sites, using browser tabs, bookmarks, etc seamless integration of social networks platforms into many services
  • 32. User Engagement – connecting three measurement approaches me nt tio ne ngage interac self- repo rted e ngag eme nt
  • 33. Saliency, attention and positive affect  How the visual catchiness (saliency) of “relevant” information impacts user engagement metrics such as focused attention and emotion (affect)  focused attention refers to the exclusion of other things  affect relates to the emotions experienced during the interaction  Saliency model of visual attention developed by Itti and Koch L. Itti and C. Koch. A saliency-based search mechanism for overt and covert shifts of visual attention. Vision Research, 40, 2000.
  • 34. Manipulating saliency non-salient condition salient condition Web page screenshot   Saliency  maps  
  • 35. Study design   8 tasks = finding latest news or headline on celebrity or entertainment topic   Affect measured pre- and post- task using the Positive e.g. “determined”, “attentive” and Negative e.g. “hostile”, “afraid” Affect Schedule (PANAS)   Focused attention measured with 7-item focused attention subscale e.g. “I was so involved in my news tasks that I lost track of time”, “I blocked things out around me when I was completing the news tasks” and perceived time   Interest level in topics (pre-task) and questionnaire (post-task) e.g. “I was interested in the content of the web pages”, “I wanted to find out more about the topics that I encountered on the web pages”   189 (90+99) participants from Amazon Mechanical Turk
  • 36. PANAS (10 positive items and 10 negative items)  You feel this way right now, that is, at the present moment [1 = very slightly or not at all; 2 = a little; 3 = moderately; 4 = quite a bit; 5 = extremely] [randomize items] distressed, upset, guilty, scared, hostile, irritable, ashamed, nervous, jittery, afraid interested, excited, strong, enthusiastic, proud, alert, inspired, determined, attentive, active D. Watson, L.A. Clark, A. Tellegen. Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS Scales. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 1988.
  • 37. 7-item focused attention subscale (part of the 31-item user engagement scale) 5-point scale (strong disagree to strong agree) 1.  I lost myself in this news tasks experience 2.  I was so involved in my news tasks that I lost track of time 3.  I blocked things out around me when I was completing the news tasks 4.  When I was performing these news tasks, I lost track of the world around me 5.  The time I spent performing these news tasks just slipped away 6.  I was absorbed in my news tasks 7.  During the news tasks experience I let myself go H.L. O'Brien. Defining and Measuring Engagement in User Experiences with Technology. PhD Thesis, 2008.
  • 38. Saliency and positive affect  When headlines are visually non-salient  users are slow at finding them, report more distraction due to web page features, and show a drop in affect  When headlines are visually catchy or salient  user find them faster, report that it is easy to focus, and maintain positive affect  Saliency is helpful in task performance, focusing/avoiding distraction and in maintaining positive affect
  • 39. Saliency and focused attention  Adapted focused attention subscale from the online shopping domain to entertainment news domain  Users reported “easier to focus in the salient condition” BUT no significant improvement in the focused attention subscale or differences in perceived time spent on tasks  User interest in web page content is a good predictor of focused attention, which in turn is a good predictor of positive affect
  • 40. Saliency and user engagement – Recap & Next  Interaction of saliency, focused attention, and affect, together with user interest, is complex  Next:  include web page content as a quality of user engagement in focused attention scale  more “realistic” user (interactive) reading experience  bio-metrics (mouse-tracking, eye-tracking, facial expression, etc) L. McCay-Peet, M. Lalmas, V. Navalpakkam. On saliency, affect and focused attention, CHI 2012
  • 41. User Engagement – connecting three measurement approaches me nt tio ne ngage interac self- repo rted e ngag eme nt
  • 42. Gaze, sentimentality, interest … and user engagement   News + comments   Sentiment, interest   57 users (lab-based)   Reading task (114)   Questionnaire (qualitative data)   Record mouse tracking, eye tracking, facial expression, EEG signal (quantitative data) Three metrics: gaze, focus attention and positive affect
  • 43. Interesting content promote users engagement metrics  All three metrics:  focus attention, positive affect & gaze  What is the right trade-off?  news is news   Can we predict?  provider, editor, writter, category, genre, visual aids, …, sentimentality, …  Role of user-generated content (comments)  As measure of engagement?  To promote engagement?
  • 44. Lots of sentiments but with negative connotations!  Positive effect (and interest, enjoyment and wanted to know more) correlates  Positively () with sentimentality (lots of emotions)  Negatively () with positive polarity (happy news) SentiStrenght (from -5 to 5 per word) sentimentality: sum of absolute values (amount of sentiments) polairity: sum of values (direction of the sentiments: positive vs negative) M. Thelwall, K. Buckley, G. Paltoglou, Sentiment strength detection for the social web. JASIST, 63,1, 2012.
  • 45. Effect of comments on user engagement  6 ranking of comments:  most replied, most popular, newest  sentimentality high, sentimentality low  polarity plus, polarity minus  Longer gaze on  newest and most popular for interesting news  most replied and high sentimentality for non-interesting news  Can we leverage this to prolonge user attention?
  • 46. Gaze, sentimentality, interest – Recap and Next  Interesting and “attractive” content!  Sentiment as a proxy of focus attention, positive affect and gaze?  Next  Larger-scale study  Other domains (beyond daily news!)  Role of social signals (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)  Lots more data: mouse tracking, EEG, facial expression I. Arapakis, M. Lalmas, B. Cambazoglu, M.-C. Marcos, J. Jose. Examining User Engagement through the Prism of Interest, Sentiment and Gaze, Submitted for Publication, 2012.
  • 47. User Engagement – connecting three measurement approaches me nt tio ne ngage interac self- repo rted e ngag eme nt
  • 48. Mouse tracking … and user engagement   400 users from Amazon Mechanical Turk   Two domains (BBC and Wikipedia)   Two tasks (reading and quiz)   “Normal vs Horrible” interface   Questionnaires (qualitative data)   Mouse tracking (quantitative data)   Interaction data (page view, dwell time)   Results pending! … Hawthorne Effect!!!!!!!!!!
  • 49. Mouse tracking … and user engagement (Taxonomy? Correlation vs Causation? Measurement? … )
  • 50. Outline  Characteristics and measurement  (my) Vision and focus  Some results … and ideas  What next?
  • 51. tion interac ent em engag self- re enga ported gem ent
  • 52. Outline digital world digital libraries user engagement mobile & tablet
  • 53. Thank you Collaborators Ioannis Arapakis Ricardo Baeza-Yates Georges Dupret Janette Lehmann Lori McCay-Peet Vidhya Navalpakkam David Warnock Elad Yom-Tov and many others at Yahoo! Labs