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The Teaching of
      Head, General Education
The Goal:

The seminar will focus on how second
language teaching is perceived and taught by
teachers of English. There will be sharing of
effective strategies in order to teach the
English language based on the
Communication Arts 1-4 courseware.
Moreover, workshop will be incorporated
to equip teachers with necessary rules to
teach the four basic skills: reading, writing,
speaking and listening.
I.   Language: The Bedrock of Communication Arts
II. Teaching Communication as Art and Skill
III. The Teaching of Listening
IV. The Teaching of Speaking
V. The Teaching of Reading
VI. The Teaching of Speaking
I.   Language: The Bedrock of Communication
     Human beings need to communicate thoughts and
     feelings to others of their kind. The message s may be
     expressed, or transmitted, and received through any of
     the perception channels: visual (sight), auditory
     (hearing), olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste), and
     tactile (touch). It is this need to share ideas which
     gave rise to language. Thus, language is defined as the
     expression or communication of thoughts and feelings
     by means of vocal sounds and written symbols, and
     communication of vocal sounds and written symbols,
     and the communication of such sounds to which
     meanings attributed.
I.1.   How language is developed?
 Anthropology
 History
 Psychology
 Sociology
 Science
 Technology

Q: What then are the relevant implications of these to
language learning and teaching (communication arts?)
I.2.   Language Learning Theories

   Naturalists/Innatists
   Nativists
   Behaviorists
   Structuralists
   Constructivists

Q: In what manner these various language theories over
times transpired into LESL and TESL?
II.1. Teaching Communication as Art and Skill

The term communication arts of language arts
encompasses a wide range of school activities
designed to help students become
knowledgeable about language so that they
can use it effectively. Communication arts
suggest that language learning involves artistic
as well as functional skills.

Q: What makes the teaching and learning of
communication considered as an art and skill?
II.2. Classifications of ComArts

 Communication arts can be classified according

 1. The task involved – listening, speaking,
    reading, and writing
 2. The role of the individual – receiving
    (reception) or expressing (production) a
 3. The manner of communication – oral, non-
    verbal, or written
Q: How come the teaching of grammar was not classified
in ComArts?
II.3. Measures of Communication Competence
   (Beebe and Beebe, 2004)

1. The message should be
   understood by the communicator.
2. The message should achieve the
   intended effect the communicator
   intended it to be understood.
3. The message should be ethical.

Q: …Hence, what essentially measures now one‘s
communication competence?
II.3. The Importance of Communication
(Source: Winsor; Curtis; Stephens, “National Preferences in Business Communication
Education: A Survey Update, “Journal of the Association of Communication Administration 3

  Rank/Order          Factors Most Important in Helping Graduating College
                      Students Obtain Employment (Factors/Skills Evaluated)

           1          Oral (Speaking Communication)
           2          Written communication skills
           3          Listening ability
           4          Enthusiasm
           5          Technical competence

Q: What does this finding had to tell our classroom
teachers and students as well?
II.4. Five Basic Characteristics of
 1. Inescapable – it is everywhere
 2. Irreversible -- never loops back on itself
 3. Complicated – there are really at least six ―people‖

 1.   Who you think you are;
 2.   Who you think the other person is;
 3.   Who you think the other person thinks you are;
 4.   Who the other person thinks /she is;
 5.   Who the other person thinks you are; and
 6.   Who the other person thinks you think he or she is.

Q: How these six ―people‖ affect a learner‘s
communication competence?
II.4. Five Basic Characteristics of
4. Emphasizes content and relationships – for it offers
cues about the emotions, attitudes, and amount of
power and control the speaker directs towards others;
how something is said

5. Governed by rules – learned as to either obligated,
preferred, or prohibited in certain contexts based on
experience, by observing, and interacting with others

Q: Considering these characteristics, what relevant
language learning theory a ComArt teacher must
II.5. 5 Basic Communication Principles

Principle One: Be aware of your
communication with yourself and others
Principle Two: Effectively use and interpret
verbal messages
Principle Three: Effectively use and interpret
nonverbal messages
Principle Four: Listen and respond thoughtfully
to others
Principle Five: Appropriately adapt messages

Q: What do behaviorism and constructivism had to
say with these communication principles?
II.6. Barriers to Effective Communication

Physical Barriers - environment, background noise, etc.

Language - When a person uses inappropriate words while
conversing or writing, it could lead to misunderstanding between
the sender and a receiver.

Emotions - few of the emotional interferences include hostility,
anger, resentfulness and fear.

Lack of Subject Knowledge – the receiver could misunderstand
your message.

Stress –for at the time of stress, our psychological frame of mind
depends on our beliefs, experiences, goals and values.

Q: Rank as to which of these largely agitate you, and
your student‘s communication performance?
II.7. Essential Characteristics of a
       Communication Arts Teacher

1. Is competent user of the language?
2. Has the ability to interact with students?
3. Has the healthy interest in literature?
4. Has a positive attitude toward the
   communication arts curriculum?
5. Applies various methods approaches and
   strategies of teaching?

Reflective Teaching: Refer to these characteristics as
you honestly rate yourself as to : ―No – Sometimes –
II.8. Pedagogical Implications of Language Learning Studies to
the Teaching of Communication Arts

4. Other recommendations come from Bassano (1986), who recognizes
that students have different needs, preferences, beliefs, learning styles,
and educational backgrounds, but argues that the imposition of change
upon these factors can lead to negative reactions.
5. Bernat and Inna Gvozdenko (2010) offers teachers six steps towards
dealing with student beliefs:

1. become aware of students' past classroom experiences and their assumptions
   about language learning;
2. build students' confidence;
3. begin where the students are and move slowly;
4. show them achievement;
5. allow for free choice as much as possible; and
6. become aware of the students' interests and concerns, their goals and

Q: What best supports Bassano‘s recommendations? How do
you see these six steps being doable (or not doable) in your own class?
II.8. Pedagogical Implications of Language Learning Studies to
the Teaching of Communication Arts

1. Horwitz (1999) points out that while teachers cannot tailor instruction to
     each belief of each student, and must out of necessity deal with groups of
     students, the investigation of beliefs which inform different behaviors in
     the language classroom is useful in making teachers aware of different
     learner types that need to be accommodated.

2.    Wenden (1986) proposes that if we are to discover what characterizes
     successful language learning, we need to discover what students believe or
     know about their learning and provide activities that would allow
     students to examine these beliefs and their possible impact on how they
     approach learning.

3.    Discovering students' attitudes and beliefs is possible, as it is generally
     accepted that language learners are capable of bringing this knowledge to
     consciousness and articulating it (Willing, 1988; Kalaja, 2003; Hosenfeld, 2003)

Q: What must be the role of a ComArt teacher in facilitating
these implications to ELT? In what way he could he perform it?
II.9. Approaches and Methods of English
Language Teaching and Learning
Approach – is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language
teaching and learning. It describes the nature of the subject matter to be taught. It
is the level at which assumptions and beliefs about something to be learned are
specified. (Ex: Communicative approach; Audio-lingual approach; Whole
Language Approach; CALP; CALLA)

Method – is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material.
No part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the selected
approach. It is the level at which theory is built into practice and choices are made
about the particular skills and content to be taught, and the order by which the
content will be presented. (Ex: Direct method; Grammar Translation Method;
Total Physical Response Method…)

Technique – is the level at which classroom procedures are described. It is the
medium of implementation. (Ex: song parody; song analysis; round-table
discussion; buzz session…)

Q: How does my understanding of these ELT principles help
me in achieving my goal in Communication Arts?
II.10. Common Methods and Approaches in TESL

1. Grammar Translation Method
Goals: To read literature in the target language.
        To memorize grammar rules and vocabulary of the target


     Grammar is taught deductively.
     The students‘ native language is used to explain new items
    in the target language and to enable comparisons between
    the FL and the student‘s native language.
     The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language
Q: On whose set of students do you think GTM is relevant (or
irrelevant)? Why? What specific learning task would you likely
give them?
II.10. Common Methods and Approaches in TESL

2. Direct Method
Goals: To communicate in the target language.


 There are extensive drills in listening, imitating, and speaking so that the
  students‘ use of the different forms of the language becomes second nature to
 The emphasis is on correct pronunciation and grammar.
 There is no memorization of grammar rules.
 Grammar is taught inductively by generalizing from examples.

(Ex: The teacher corrects grammar errors made by the students and briefly
explains why such corrections are necessary; or, The teacher asks questions in the
target language on the passages read, to which the students reply in complete

Q: What do you think is the strenght and weakness of this
II.10. Common Methods and Approaches in TESL

3. Oral-Situational Approach
Goals: To utilize the target language in real situation.


    One of its main characteristics is that new language points are
    introduced and practiced situationally.

    Situational language teaching adopts an inductive approach to
    the teaching of grammar.
    Explanation is therefore discouraged, and the learner is
    expected to deduce the meaning of a particular structure or
    vocabulary item from the situation in which it is presented
Q: How oral-situational approach can be carried through in
business writing and answering job interviews?
II.10. Common Methods and Approaches in TESL

4. Audio-lingual Approach
Goals: To use the target language communicatively.
        To master the target language enabling the students to use it
        automatically as new habits are formed and native language
        habits are overcome.


 The native language is not used in the classroom.
Grammar is induced from models.
The students interact through chain drills of role playing, in dialogs,
and at the teacher‘s direction.
Pronunciation is taught from the beginning, often with minimal pair
Q: How does my understanding of these ELT principles help
me in achieving my goal in Communication Arts?
II.10. Common Methods and Approaches in TESL

5. Communicative Approach
Goals:    To become communicatively competent
          To use the language appropriate for a given social context

 Activities are highly communicative; speakers have a choice of what to say and how
to say it; feedback from listeners will determine if the purpose is achieved.
Authentic materials are used as text.
Grammar and vocabulary that the students learn follow from the function, the
situational context, and the roles of the interlocutors.
The teacher is the facilitator of the students‘ learning.
Errors of form are tolerated and are seen as a natural outcome of the development of
communication skills.
Activities are often carried out by the students in small groups.
The use of the native language is accepted when feasible.
Translation may be used when needed.
Informal evaluation is done by the teacher in his role as adviser/communicator.

Q: Is this approach ‗traditional‘ or ‗improved‘? What language
theory supports this LT approach? Considering this approach,
how would you facilitate extemporaneous speech in your class?
III. The Teaching of Listening
A. Why Teach Listening?

According to study conducted by Learning Ally (2011), listening is the
foundation of language; it is the brick and mortar of learning. Listening is
an interactive, interpretive process that requires us to:

Tap into prior knowledge
Organize the content
Regulate our listening speed and processing
Interpret meaning
Recognize the whole and the parts of the information
Respond accordingly.
Speaking proficiency is dependent to a well-developed listening skill.
Writing skill is enhanced through effective listening.
Developing listening skill is essential to higher academic and
professional success.

   Q: Why do you think listening is the most neglected and
   underdeveloped skill in teaching communication arts?
III. The Teaching of Listening
B. Classifications/Levels of Listening

1. Informational Listening – occurs as people understand, remember, and
   respond to the content of an oral communication.
2. Analytical Listening – when listeners methodically examine words, ideas,
   and nonverbal components. The listen to identify the main idea and
   subordinate ideas; establish the relationships between ideas; generalize
   from the ideas; distinguish between fact and fantasy or fact and opinion;
   identify speaker‘s feelings or points of view; and interpret various speech
   elements such as varying intonations, pitch, tones, tempo, or volume of
   the voice.
3. Critical Judgmental Listening – this occurs when people make decisions
   about the rightness or wrongness, harmfulness or harmlessness of facts and
   ideas, and the way both facts and ideas have been presented.
4. Appreciative Listening – occurs when people listen to enjoy, and
   understand the moods expressed in stories, poems, plays, and music, and
   conjure mental pictures through picturesque language.

     Your Task: Plan a classroom activity that develops each level of
III. The Teaching of Listening
B. Four Stages of Listening

Identification – perception of sounds and phrases, identifying these
directly and holistically with their meanings.

Identification and selection without retention – listening for the pleasure
of comprehension, extracting, sequential meanings without being
expected to demonstrate comprehension through active use of language.

Identification and guided selection with short-term retention – students
are given some prior indication of what they are to listen for; they
demonstrate their comprehension immediately in some active fashion.

Identification and selection with long term retention – students
demonstrate their comprehension, or use the material they have
comprehended, after the listening experience has been completed.

     Q: How can the fourth stage be achieved as your class listens to
     a panel discussion-- ―The most sought-after jobs today‖
III. The Teaching of Listening
C. Two Basic Levels of Listening

The Level of Recognition – which refers to recognizing
automatically the phonological, syntactic, and semantic codes of
the language. Here, student has to learn phonological codes
(phonemes; rhythm; stress; intonation patterns; and emotional
overtones and variations); syntactic code (word classes; word
order; and interrelationship of words); and semantic code (word
meaning; connotation; culture; idioms; expletives; clichés;
colloquialisms; pauses; and fillers)

The Level of Selection – which refers to the listener‘s ability to
select what is important for retention.

Your task: Propose a language-learning activity that develops
these two levels of listening.
III. The Teaching of Listening
D. Suggested Listening Activities

Task 1: Discriminating Critical English Sounds. Listen to these words. On your
answer sheet, write the number of distinct sounds you heard on each word series.

          (Input: mate—myth—meat--mate) = 3
          (Input: lip—leaf—lipped--left—lift—lipped) = 4

Task 2: Identifying news details. Listen to the newscaster as he reports the news
for the day. On your answer sheet, answer the given questions.

Task 3. Discriminating Ungrammatically-Constructed Expressions. Listen to each
expression. On your answer sheet, tell whether each statement is CORRECT or
INCORRECT as far as correct grammar is concern.

Task 4. Music appreciation. Listen to the music being played. Interpret the mood
or message of the song using crayons or water color.

Q: What variations can you make out of these suggested
listening activities considering the need and level of learners?
III. The Teaching of Listening
D. Assessing Listening Skill

You can use post-listening activities to check comprehension, evaluate
listening skills and use of listening strategies, and extend the knowledge
gained to other contexts. A post-listening activity may relate to a pre-
listening activity, such as predicting; may expand on the topic or the
language of the listening text; or may transfer what has been learned to
reading, speaking, or writing activities.

In order to provide authentic assessment of students' listening
proficiency, a post-listening activity must reflect the real-life uses to which
students might put information they have gained through listening.
It must have a purpose other than assessment
It must require students to demonstrate their level of listening
comprehension by completing some task.

Q: What assessment device and tool would you plan to assess
your student‘s listening skill?
IV. The Teaching of Speaking
 A. Elements in the Teaching of Speaking
1.   Speech
a.    Elements of Human Voice –types of voice; pitch; rhythm;
   tempo; volume; tone; pitch; texture…
b. Process of Sounds Production -- accent; pronunciation;
   articulation; enunciation; phrasing; blending/linking

2. Oral/Nonverbal Communication
a. Individual – reporting; monologs; story-telling;
   impromptu; extemporaneous speeches; oration
b. Dyads – dialogs, interviews, etc.
c. Grouping – speech choir; chamber theater; role
   playing; dramatization; short skit; panel and round
   table discussions; buzz session; brainstorming;
   charade, etc.
B. Proficiency Levels in Speaking
1. Native speaker -- (mother tongue) someone who
   has spoken the language from at least the age of 5;
   understands essentially everything in the language:
   all vocabulary, complicated grammatical structures,
   cultural differences, and dialects.
2. Debater -- (fluent) can participate in extended
   conversations; understand the language when
   spoken normally, figure out meaning of words
   within context, debate; has good accent…
3. Conversationalist-- (advanced) has the ability to
   converse about fairly abstract ideas, state opinions,
   read newspapers; can reorganize sentences in order
   to communicate and figure out the majority of
   vocabulary within the context.
B. Proficiency Levels in Speaking
3. Survivor -- (intermediate) converses using
   basic vocabulary; uses the present, past, and
   future tenses more or less correctly; can
   survive in an immersion situations– ordering
   foods; giving and receiving
   directions/instructions, etc.
4. Novice -- (beginner) has extremely limited
   vocabulary and grammar, understands very
   little of the language when spoken
   normally; may find difficulty in oral
Think about: What is mine and most of my students proficiency level
in speaking? What factors possibly influence this level type? What
effort/s do I make to improve/sustain such level?
C. Speaking Test Assessment Focus
Considering various entry levels, speaking skills can be
  assessed as to whether the speaker is able to, but
  not limited to:
    describing, giving opinions, giving personal
    information, stating (dis) likes and preferences,
    commenting, asking for information or
    descriptions, (dis) agreeing, exchanging opinions,
    deciding, suggesting, selecting, comparing,
    contrasting, planning, persuading, interrupting
    politely, expressing future uncertainty or possibility,
    asking or giving advice, speculating and deducing
    hypothetical processes, etc.

Your Task: Plan a particular communicative activity that assess
speaker‘s various speaking abilities. What tool you think is effective?
V. The Teaching of Reading
 A. The Reading Theories
 A.1. Linguistic theories
 a. Top-down theory/model
 b. Bottom-up theory/model

 A.2. The sociolinguistic theory
 a. The role of schema

 A.3. The cognitivist theory
 a. The interactive model
Q: What could be the pedagogical implications of these
assumptions in the teaching of reading in an ESL class?
B. Components of Teaching Reading

1. Developing Word Power or Vocabulary

2. Developing Reading Comprehension

3. Reading-Study Skills Connection

Strategies in Developing Word Power or

Word games; charades; structural analysis
  (processes of word formation; roots;
   context clues, etc.)
2. Strategies in Developing Reading
Story grammar
Sentence completion
Semantic webbing
Sun mapping
Concept mapping
Fishbone technique
Cloze procedure technique
Think-aloud technique
Skills in Reading
1. Critical reading – a technique
   for discovering information and
   ideas within a text
2.Critical thinking – a technique
   for evaluating information and
   ideas for deciding what to
   accept and believe
3.Appreciative reading – for
   pleasure reading
Strategies for Reading Comprehension
1. Identify the purpose in reading
2. Use graphemic rules and patterns to aid in botom-up
    decoding (for beginning level learners)
•          “short” vowel sound in VC patterns (bat, him, leg,
    wish, etc.)
• “long” vowel sound in VCe (final silent e) patterns (late,
    time, bite, etc.)
• “long” vowel sound in VV patterns (seat, coat, etc.)
• distinguishing “hard” c and g from “soft” c and g (cat vs.
    city, game vs. gem, etc.)
3. Use efficient silent reading techniques for relatively rapid
    comprehension (for intermediate to advanced levels)
4. Skimming – consists of quickly running one’s eyes
    across a whole text (an essay, article, or chapter for
    example) to get the gist
5. Scanning – quickly searching for some particular piece
    of information (looking for names or dates, to find a
    definition of a key concept)
VI. The Teaching of Writing
A. Components of Teaching Writing
A.1.    Linguistic structures
a.     Morphological (word forms)
b.     Syntactics (word order)
c.     Semantics (word meaning)
d.     Pragmatics (word function)

A.2. Mechanics
a. Orthography (standard spelling)
b. Punctuations

A.4. Styles and Formats
a. Indentions, spacing, paragraphs, keyboarding,
   margins, etc.
VI. The Teaching of Writing
A. Strategies in Teaching Writing

1. The Conceptual Approach

2. The Process Approach
B. Writing Activities/Tasks
1.    Diary
2.    Precis
3.    Introductions
4.    Speeches
5.    Journalism-based writing (news stories, editorial…)
6.    Journals
7.    Accomplishing forms/sheets
8.    Captions
9.    Essays
10.   Product labels
11.   Creative arts-based writing (scripts; dialogs)
12.   Reviews (book or movie reviews)
13.   Annotated bibliography
14.   Term papers/research papers
C. Assessing Writing Output

1. Portfolio assessment

2. Peer critiquing

3. Self assessment

4. Use of specialized rubric
The Teaching of
      Head, General Education

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Communication arts seminar for sti by michael m. magbanua

  • 1. The Teaching of COMMUNICATION ARTS MICHAEL M. MAGBANUA, MA Head, General Education Presenter
  • 2. The Goal: The seminar will focus on how second language teaching is perceived and taught by teachers of English. There will be sharing of effective strategies in order to teach the English language based on the Communication Arts 1-4 courseware. Moreover, workshop will be incorporated to equip teachers with necessary rules to teach the four basic skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening.
  • 3. CONTENTS I. Language: The Bedrock of Communication Arts II. Teaching Communication as Art and Skill III. The Teaching of Listening IV. The Teaching of Speaking V. The Teaching of Reading VI. The Teaching of Speaking
  • 4. I. Language: The Bedrock of Communication Arts Human beings need to communicate thoughts and feelings to others of their kind. The message s may be expressed, or transmitted, and received through any of the perception channels: visual (sight), auditory (hearing), olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste), and tactile (touch). It is this need to share ideas which gave rise to language. Thus, language is defined as the expression or communication of thoughts and feelings by means of vocal sounds and written symbols, and communication of vocal sounds and written symbols, and the communication of such sounds to which meanings attributed.
  • 5. I.1. How language is developed?  Anthropology  History  Psychology  Sociology  Science  Technology Q: What then are the relevant implications of these to language learning and teaching (communication arts?)
  • 6. I.2. Language Learning Theories  Naturalists/Innatists  Nativists  Behaviorists  Structuralists  Constructivists Q: In what manner these various language theories over times transpired into LESL and TESL?
  • 7. II.1. Teaching Communication as Art and Skill The term communication arts of language arts encompasses a wide range of school activities designed to help students become knowledgeable about language so that they can use it effectively. Communication arts suggest that language learning involves artistic as well as functional skills. Q: What makes the teaching and learning of communication considered as an art and skill?
  • 8. II.2. Classifications of ComArts Communication arts can be classified according to— 1. The task involved – listening, speaking, reading, and writing 2. The role of the individual – receiving (reception) or expressing (production) a message 3. The manner of communication – oral, non- verbal, or written Q: How come the teaching of grammar was not classified in ComArts?
  • 9. II.3. Measures of Communication Competence (Beebe and Beebe, 2004) 1. The message should be understood by the communicator. 2. The message should achieve the intended effect the communicator intended it to be understood. 3. The message should be ethical. Q: …Hence, what essentially measures now one‘s communication competence?
  • 10. II.3. The Importance of Communication (Source: Winsor; Curtis; Stephens, “National Preferences in Business Communication Education: A Survey Update, “Journal of the Association of Communication Administration 3 (1997). Rank/Order Factors Most Important in Helping Graduating College Students Obtain Employment (Factors/Skills Evaluated) 1 Oral (Speaking Communication) 2 Written communication skills 3 Listening ability 4 Enthusiasm 5 Technical competence Q: What does this finding had to tell our classroom teachers and students as well?
  • 11. II.4. Five Basic Characteristics of Communication 1. Inescapable – it is everywhere 2. Irreversible -- never loops back on itself 3. Complicated – there are really at least six ―people‖ involved: 1. Who you think you are; 2. Who you think the other person is; 3. Who you think the other person thinks you are; 4. Who the other person thinks /she is; 5. Who the other person thinks you are; and 6. Who the other person thinks you think he or she is. Q: How these six ―people‖ affect a learner‘s communication competence?
  • 12. II.4. Five Basic Characteristics of Communication 4. Emphasizes content and relationships – for it offers cues about the emotions, attitudes, and amount of power and control the speaker directs towards others; how something is said 5. Governed by rules – learned as to either obligated, preferred, or prohibited in certain contexts based on experience, by observing, and interacting with others Q: Considering these characteristics, what relevant language learning theory a ComArt teacher must employ?
  • 13. II.5. 5 Basic Communication Principles Principle One: Be aware of your communication with yourself and others Principle Two: Effectively use and interpret verbal messages Principle Three: Effectively use and interpret nonverbal messages Principle Four: Listen and respond thoughtfully to others Principle Five: Appropriately adapt messages Q: What do behaviorism and constructivism had to say with these communication principles?
  • 14. II.6. Barriers to Effective Communication Physical Barriers - environment, background noise, etc. Language - When a person uses inappropriate words while conversing or writing, it could lead to misunderstanding between the sender and a receiver. Emotions - few of the emotional interferences include hostility, anger, resentfulness and fear. Lack of Subject Knowledge – the receiver could misunderstand your message. Stress –for at the time of stress, our psychological frame of mind depends on our beliefs, experiences, goals and values. Q: Rank as to which of these largely agitate you, and your student‘s communication performance?
  • 15. II.7. Essential Characteristics of a Communication Arts Teacher 1. Is competent user of the language? 2. Has the ability to interact with students? 3. Has the healthy interest in literature? 4. Has a positive attitude toward the communication arts curriculum? 5. Applies various methods approaches and strategies of teaching? Reflective Teaching: Refer to these characteristics as you honestly rate yourself as to : ―No – Sometimes – Yes‖.
  • 16. II.8. Pedagogical Implications of Language Learning Studies to the Teaching of Communication Arts 4. Other recommendations come from Bassano (1986), who recognizes that students have different needs, preferences, beliefs, learning styles, and educational backgrounds, but argues that the imposition of change upon these factors can lead to negative reactions. 5. Bernat and Inna Gvozdenko (2010) offers teachers six steps towards dealing with student beliefs: 1. become aware of students' past classroom experiences and their assumptions about language learning; 2. build students' confidence; 3. begin where the students are and move slowly; 4. show them achievement; 5. allow for free choice as much as possible; and 6. become aware of the students' interests and concerns, their goals and objectives. Q: What best supports Bassano‘s recommendations? How do you see these six steps being doable (or not doable) in your own class? Why?
  • 17. II.8. Pedagogical Implications of Language Learning Studies to the Teaching of Communication Arts 1. Horwitz (1999) points out that while teachers cannot tailor instruction to each belief of each student, and must out of necessity deal with groups of students, the investigation of beliefs which inform different behaviors in the language classroom is useful in making teachers aware of different learner types that need to be accommodated. 2. Wenden (1986) proposes that if we are to discover what characterizes successful language learning, we need to discover what students believe or know about their learning and provide activities that would allow students to examine these beliefs and their possible impact on how they approach learning. 3. Discovering students' attitudes and beliefs is possible, as it is generally accepted that language learners are capable of bringing this knowledge to consciousness and articulating it (Willing, 1988; Kalaja, 2003; Hosenfeld, 2003) Q: What must be the role of a ComArt teacher in facilitating these implications to ELT? In what way he could he perform it?
  • 18. II.9. Approaches and Methods of English Language Teaching and Learning Approach – is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning. It describes the nature of the subject matter to be taught. It is the level at which assumptions and beliefs about something to be learned are specified. (Ex: Communicative approach; Audio-lingual approach; Whole Language Approach; CALP; CALLA) Method – is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material. No part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. It is the level at which theory is built into practice and choices are made about the particular skills and content to be taught, and the order by which the content will be presented. (Ex: Direct method; Grammar Translation Method; Total Physical Response Method…) Technique – is the level at which classroom procedures are described. It is the medium of implementation. (Ex: song parody; song analysis; round-table discussion; buzz session…) Q: How does my understanding of these ELT principles help me in achieving my goal in Communication Arts?
  • 19. II.10. Common Methods and Approaches in TESL 1. Grammar Translation Method Goals: To read literature in the target language. To memorize grammar rules and vocabulary of the target language Characteristics:  Grammar is taught deductively.  The students‘ native language is used to explain new items in the target language and to enable comparisons between the FL and the student‘s native language.  The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language practice. Q: On whose set of students do you think GTM is relevant (or irrelevant)? Why? What specific learning task would you likely give them?
  • 20. II.10. Common Methods and Approaches in TESL 2. Direct Method Goals: To communicate in the target language. Characteristics:  There are extensive drills in listening, imitating, and speaking so that the students‘ use of the different forms of the language becomes second nature to them.  The emphasis is on correct pronunciation and grammar.  There is no memorization of grammar rules.  Grammar is taught inductively by generalizing from examples. (Ex: The teacher corrects grammar errors made by the students and briefly explains why such corrections are necessary; or, The teacher asks questions in the target language on the passages read, to which the students reply in complete sentences.) Q: What do you think is the strenght and weakness of this method?
  • 21. II.10. Common Methods and Approaches in TESL 3. Oral-Situational Approach Goals: To utilize the target language in real situation. Characteristics: One of its main characteristics is that new language points are introduced and practiced situationally. Situational language teaching adopts an inductive approach to the teaching of grammar. Explanation is therefore discouraged, and the learner is expected to deduce the meaning of a particular structure or vocabulary item from the situation in which it is presented Q: How oral-situational approach can be carried through in business writing and answering job interviews?
  • 22. II.10. Common Methods and Approaches in TESL 4. Audio-lingual Approach Goals: To use the target language communicatively. To master the target language enabling the students to use it automatically as new habits are formed and native language habits are overcome. Characteristics:  The native language is not used in the classroom. Grammar is induced from models. The students interact through chain drills of role playing, in dialogs, and at the teacher‘s direction. Pronunciation is taught from the beginning, often with minimal pair drills. Q: How does my understanding of these ELT principles help me in achieving my goal in Communication Arts?
  • 23. II.10. Common Methods and Approaches in TESL 5. Communicative Approach Goals: To become communicatively competent To use the language appropriate for a given social context Characteristics:  Activities are highly communicative; speakers have a choice of what to say and how to say it; feedback from listeners will determine if the purpose is achieved. Authentic materials are used as text. Grammar and vocabulary that the students learn follow from the function, the situational context, and the roles of the interlocutors. The teacher is the facilitator of the students‘ learning. Errors of form are tolerated and are seen as a natural outcome of the development of communication skills. Activities are often carried out by the students in small groups. The use of the native language is accepted when feasible. Translation may be used when needed. Informal evaluation is done by the teacher in his role as adviser/communicator. Q: Is this approach ‗traditional‘ or ‗improved‘? What language theory supports this LT approach? Considering this approach, how would you facilitate extemporaneous speech in your class?
  • 24. III. The Teaching of Listening A. Why Teach Listening? According to study conducted by Learning Ally (2011), listening is the foundation of language; it is the brick and mortar of learning. Listening is an interactive, interpretive process that requires us to: Tap into prior knowledge Organize the content Regulate our listening speed and processing Interpret meaning Recognize the whole and the parts of the information Respond accordingly. Speaking proficiency is dependent to a well-developed listening skill. Writing skill is enhanced through effective listening. Developing listening skill is essential to higher academic and professional success. Q: Why do you think listening is the most neglected and underdeveloped skill in teaching communication arts?
  • 25. III. The Teaching of Listening B. Classifications/Levels of Listening 1. Informational Listening – occurs as people understand, remember, and respond to the content of an oral communication. 2. Analytical Listening – when listeners methodically examine words, ideas, and nonverbal components. The listen to identify the main idea and subordinate ideas; establish the relationships between ideas; generalize from the ideas; distinguish between fact and fantasy or fact and opinion; identify speaker‘s feelings or points of view; and interpret various speech elements such as varying intonations, pitch, tones, tempo, or volume of the voice. 3. Critical Judgmental Listening – this occurs when people make decisions about the rightness or wrongness, harmfulness or harmlessness of facts and ideas, and the way both facts and ideas have been presented. 4. Appreciative Listening – occurs when people listen to enjoy, and understand the moods expressed in stories, poems, plays, and music, and conjure mental pictures through picturesque language. Your Task: Plan a classroom activity that develops each level of listening.
  • 26. III. The Teaching of Listening B. Four Stages of Listening Identification – perception of sounds and phrases, identifying these directly and holistically with their meanings. Identification and selection without retention – listening for the pleasure of comprehension, extracting, sequential meanings without being expected to demonstrate comprehension through active use of language. Identification and guided selection with short-term retention – students are given some prior indication of what they are to listen for; they demonstrate their comprehension immediately in some active fashion. Identification and selection with long term retention – students demonstrate their comprehension, or use the material they have comprehended, after the listening experience has been completed. Q: How can the fourth stage be achieved as your class listens to a panel discussion-- ―The most sought-after jobs today‖
  • 27. III. The Teaching of Listening C. Two Basic Levels of Listening The Level of Recognition – which refers to recognizing automatically the phonological, syntactic, and semantic codes of the language. Here, student has to learn phonological codes (phonemes; rhythm; stress; intonation patterns; and emotional overtones and variations); syntactic code (word classes; word order; and interrelationship of words); and semantic code (word meaning; connotation; culture; idioms; expletives; clichés; colloquialisms; pauses; and fillers) The Level of Selection – which refers to the listener‘s ability to select what is important for retention. Your task: Propose a language-learning activity that develops these two levels of listening.
  • 28. III. The Teaching of Listening D. Suggested Listening Activities Task 1: Discriminating Critical English Sounds. Listen to these words. On your answer sheet, write the number of distinct sounds you heard on each word series. (Input: mate—myth—meat--mate) = 3 (Input: lip—leaf—lipped--left—lift—lipped) = 4 Task 2: Identifying news details. Listen to the newscaster as he reports the news for the day. On your answer sheet, answer the given questions. Task 3. Discriminating Ungrammatically-Constructed Expressions. Listen to each expression. On your answer sheet, tell whether each statement is CORRECT or INCORRECT as far as correct grammar is concern. Task 4. Music appreciation. Listen to the music being played. Interpret the mood or message of the song using crayons or water color. Q: What variations can you make out of these suggested listening activities considering the need and level of learners?
  • 29. III. The Teaching of Listening D. Assessing Listening Skill You can use post-listening activities to check comprehension, evaluate listening skills and use of listening strategies, and extend the knowledge gained to other contexts. A post-listening activity may relate to a pre- listening activity, such as predicting; may expand on the topic or the language of the listening text; or may transfer what has been learned to reading, speaking, or writing activities. In order to provide authentic assessment of students' listening proficiency, a post-listening activity must reflect the real-life uses to which students might put information they have gained through listening. It must have a purpose other than assessment It must require students to demonstrate their level of listening comprehension by completing some task. Q: What assessment device and tool would you plan to assess your student‘s listening skill?
  • 30. IV. The Teaching of Speaking A. Elements in the Teaching of Speaking 1. Speech a. Elements of Human Voice –types of voice; pitch; rhythm; tempo; volume; tone; pitch; texture… b. Process of Sounds Production -- accent; pronunciation; articulation; enunciation; phrasing; blending/linking 2. Oral/Nonverbal Communication a. Individual – reporting; monologs; story-telling; impromptu; extemporaneous speeches; oration b. Dyads – dialogs, interviews, etc. c. Grouping – speech choir; chamber theater; role playing; dramatization; short skit; panel and round table discussions; buzz session; brainstorming; charade, etc.
  • 31. B. Proficiency Levels in Speaking 1. Native speaker -- (mother tongue) someone who has spoken the language from at least the age of 5; understands essentially everything in the language: all vocabulary, complicated grammatical structures, cultural differences, and dialects. 2. Debater -- (fluent) can participate in extended conversations; understand the language when spoken normally, figure out meaning of words within context, debate; has good accent… 3. Conversationalist-- (advanced) has the ability to converse about fairly abstract ideas, state opinions, read newspapers; can reorganize sentences in order to communicate and figure out the majority of vocabulary within the context.
  • 32. B. Proficiency Levels in Speaking 3. Survivor -- (intermediate) converses using basic vocabulary; uses the present, past, and future tenses more or less correctly; can survive in an immersion situations– ordering foods; giving and receiving directions/instructions, etc. 4. Novice -- (beginner) has extremely limited vocabulary and grammar, understands very little of the language when spoken normally; may find difficulty in oral conversations. Think about: What is mine and most of my students proficiency level in speaking? What factors possibly influence this level type? What effort/s do I make to improve/sustain such level?
  • 33. C. Speaking Test Assessment Focus Considering various entry levels, speaking skills can be assessed as to whether the speaker is able to, but not limited to: describing, giving opinions, giving personal information, stating (dis) likes and preferences, commenting, asking for information or descriptions, (dis) agreeing, exchanging opinions, deciding, suggesting, selecting, comparing, contrasting, planning, persuading, interrupting politely, expressing future uncertainty or possibility, asking or giving advice, speculating and deducing hypothetical processes, etc. Your Task: Plan a particular communicative activity that assess speaker‘s various speaking abilities. What tool you think is effective?
  • 34. V. The Teaching of Reading A. The Reading Theories A.1. Linguistic theories a. Top-down theory/model b. Bottom-up theory/model A.2. The sociolinguistic theory a. The role of schema A.3. The cognitivist theory a. The interactive model Q: What could be the pedagogical implications of these assumptions in the teaching of reading in an ESL class?
  • 35. B. Components of Teaching Reading 1. Developing Word Power or Vocabulary 2. Developing Reading Comprehension 3. Reading-Study Skills Connection Strategies in Developing Word Power or Vocabulary Word games; charades; structural analysis (processes of word formation; roots; context clues, etc.)
  • 36. 2. Strategies in Developing Reading Comprehension Story grammar Sentence completion Semantic webbing Sun mapping Concept mapping Fishbone technique Diagrams Flowcharts Models Sketching Cloze procedure technique Think-aloud technique
  • 37. Skills in Reading 1. Critical reading – a technique for discovering information and ideas within a text 2.Critical thinking – a technique for evaluating information and ideas for deciding what to accept and believe 3.Appreciative reading – for pleasure reading
  • 38. Strategies for Reading Comprehension 1. Identify the purpose in reading 2. Use graphemic rules and patterns to aid in botom-up decoding (for beginning level learners) • “short” vowel sound in VC patterns (bat, him, leg, wish, etc.) • “long” vowel sound in VCe (final silent e) patterns (late, time, bite, etc.) • “long” vowel sound in VV patterns (seat, coat, etc.) • distinguishing “hard” c and g from “soft” c and g (cat vs. city, game vs. gem, etc.) 3. Use efficient silent reading techniques for relatively rapid comprehension (for intermediate to advanced levels) 4. Skimming – consists of quickly running one’s eyes across a whole text (an essay, article, or chapter for example) to get the gist 5. Scanning – quickly searching for some particular piece of information (looking for names or dates, to find a definition of a key concept)
  • 39. VI. The Teaching of Writing A. Components of Teaching Writing A.1. Linguistic structures a. Morphological (word forms) b. Syntactics (word order) c. Semantics (word meaning) d. Pragmatics (word function) A.2. Mechanics a. Orthography (standard spelling) b. Punctuations A.4. Styles and Formats a. Indentions, spacing, paragraphs, keyboarding, margins, etc.
  • 40. VI. The Teaching of Writing A. Strategies in Teaching Writing 1. The Conceptual Approach 2. The Process Approach
  • 41. B. Writing Activities/Tasks 1. Diary 2. Precis 3. Introductions 4. Speeches 5. Journalism-based writing (news stories, editorial…) 6. Journals 7. Accomplishing forms/sheets 8. Captions 9. Essays 10. Product labels 11. Creative arts-based writing (scripts; dialogs) 12. Reviews (book or movie reviews) 13. Annotated bibliography 14. Term papers/research papers
  • 42. C. Assessing Writing Output 1. Portfolio assessment 2. Peer critiquing 3. Self assessment 4. Use of specialized rubric
  • 43.
  • 44. The Teaching of COMMUNICATION ARTS MICHAEL M. MAGBANUA, MA Head, General Education Presenter