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Functional Programming is not about
Complicated Things
A presentation by Michael Langford (@mj_langford)
By separating the calculation part of
computing from the action part of
computing, we are able to write simpler
programs and shorter programs
Let us start off gently
A monad is just a monoid in the
category of endofunctors
Lets start again
This is Angus and Jessica
Angus Drives a 2004
Chevy Cavalier
Angus Drives a 2004
Chevy Cavalier
27 MPG
Jessica Drives a 2003
Acura MDX
Jessica Drives a 2003
Acura MDX
17 MPG
They each drive 1000 miles a month
They have a baby on the way
Who should get a car upgrade?
4 Angus (27 MPG Cavalier) wants 2014 Ford Fusion
Hybrid [44 MPG]
4 Jessie (17 MPG MDX) wants 2012 Hyundai Santa Fe
[21 MPG]
Who saves more gas?
Who is right?
4 (Angus 27->44) 11 MPG difference
4 (Jessie 17->21) 4 MPG difference
Who is right?
4 (Angus 27->44)
4 (Jessie 17->21) <- She's right
The math is presented poorly on car dealership stickers
to make larger, more expensive cars seem cheaper than
they are.
Pay attention to:
Then the number you're counting fits with your intuition,
your mental model of how to think about things
(Angus 3.7 -> 2.4 gal/100) Saving 13 gallons a month
(Jessie 5.9 -> 4.3 gal/100) Saving 16 gallons a month
Jessie was right: The really low MPG of her old SUV
meant there was a lot of low hanging fruit there.
Why this car talk in a functional
programming presentation?
Similar to the big number on car stickers, functional
programming presents useful truth, but practioners
bury it beneath unhelpful math presentations
Similar to Jessica's old 17 MPG SUV, if you aren't using
any functional techniques yet, even small
improvements will give you large returns
Functional Programming Principles:
4 Be Declarative: Say what you want to do, not how to
do it
4 Be Composable: Make function calls easy to chain
4 Isolate side-effect causing code: Separate out code
that does't change things, often by copying data
instead of changing
There are two main flavors of
functional programming
1. Lisp (Clojure, Racket, Scheme, Common Lisp)
2. Typed (Haskell, OCaml, ML)
It's a hybrid language, like Javascript, Objective-C,
Ruby, Scala, Java, etc
It doesn't yet support the full power of all functional
techniques but it does support some of them, which is
why it's even more important to understand the
Because we do not work in a language
that supports full functional style, we
need to know when to stop trying
Discretion: Know when to get the gains and when to not
worry it's not doing what you want and just be
And while some people are
doing some things that are
functional in Swift, many
many people are just doing
rando things
35 different "MAH NEW CUSTUM
OPERATARS!1!!!  >>>> #$ !??=="
Not trying to make fun of people's joy...but that's
4 Not drawing on the rich history of the ideas that
swift brings to the table...most of which are from
somewhere else
4 Of questionable longterm utility: you're not going to
have 35 custom operators in a iOS app
Go somewhere where
functional is the default
way to program and learn
Spanish immersion program for
programming languages
Be a polyglot:
You have more perspective
On to the time share
portion of our
Take a language vacation to one of
these exotic locales
What does a lisp look like:
(defn gal-per-100-mi [mpg]
(->> mpg (/ 1.0) (* 100)))
(println (str (gal-per-100-mi 17) " gal/100"))
What does Clojure (a Lisp) taste like
4 Extremely small syntax
4 Good imperative language to write functional code in
4 Composition is easy
4 Optional typing (annotations)
4 Productive to code in
4 Superb interoperability with the hosting language
What does Clojure taste like
4 Everything is very similar to everything else
4 Easy deployment, easy interop
4 Great happy community
4 Declare what you want, half the time you have to
write only a few lines to get it
4 Great deployment story
4 It's the Caribbean Adventure of programming
Important Clojure (or any Lisp) lesson
4 Programs that are little more than interpreters for
data structures made up arrays and dictionaries are
extremely easy to write and maintain and are pretty
4 That is: Data is more important than code
Important Clojure lesson
4 You can orthoganalize a program far far far further
than people attempt to in typical iOS developement
Important Clojure lesson
4 By making parts of a program self similar
(homoiconic is the math term), you can easily use any
part of the system with any other part
Important Clojure lesson
4 Clearly separate code that changes state from code
that doesn't (side-effect free functions)
4 Side-effect free functions are criminally easy to test
Important Clojure lesson
4 The tools of functional programming require you to
think in a far more stack based, stateless way.
4 Almost all programmers will write better code with a
few weeks to a month of using it
Important Clojure lessons
4 Object Oriented code has a lot of boilerplate and
marshalling of data you don't realize until it's not
Important Clojure lesson
4 Coding in an expressive style is a lot of fun!!!
I'm sold, how do I buy
Purely Functional TV
4 "I dunno nuthin" to data-
driven programming x
4 Teaches higher order functions
just like Swift's
4 Intro Course: $48 $36 (25% off)
4 Intro Course + Web Dev
Course: $72 $54 (25% off)
Clojure Koans
Now meditate on
Assertion failed!
We shall contemplate truth by
testing reality, via equality.
(= __ true)
4 'It eschews "real-world" examples in favor of more
interesting exercises like "assaulting hobbits" and
"tracking glittery vampires"'
4 '_why's guide to Clojure'
_why brought a playful,
fun tone to Ruby in 2005
Right now, the Clojure community is very welcoming and
positive in a similar vein.
Looking for that sparkle, go take a vacation to Clojure
What does a typed language look like:
import Text.Printf
gallonsPer100mi :: Float -> Float
gallonsPer100mi x = (1.0 / x) * 100
main = do
let value = gallonsPer100mi 17.0 ;
printf "%f gal/100n" value
What does Haskell taste like
4 Very strange
4 Statements have no guarantee of sequence
4 Execution is typically lazy
4 Side-effects "not possible" in most parts of the code
4 Requires some pretty esoteric control structures at
times to do "normal" things (this is where monads
come in)
What does Haskell taste like
4 Community loves Modern Algebra, sometimes bad at
explaining without it
4 Powerful type system (GADT)
4 Dependency problems
4 Deployment is getting easier
Lesson from Haskell
4 You can write invalid state out of your application if
you apply strong enough types that model your
domain well enough. (The provably correct ideal)
Lesson from Haskell
4 Exhaustive pattern matching is really really really
worth it (use that swift switch statement folks! [but
not the Objective-C one])
Lesson from Haskell
4 Objective C is not the language with the longest time
to profiency
Lesson from Haskell
4 Monads are really useful in normal programming
languages to manage failable processess (Monads
are how to import some procedural parts into
Haskell...while still satisfying all the functional
Shut up and take my money
Whimsical [LYAH]:
4 It's decent
4 Free on the web
College Course [CIS
4 It's decent and clear
4 Taught over and over and over
again so mature materials for
4 It's just as hard as many
advanced programming classes
4 Free on the web
Deadtree only
Welcome back to Atlanta
Hope you enjoyed that portion of the
timeshare presentation
I can't rewrite your brain
in this "short"
Only you can do that. You
have to go yourself
But we certainly play with
a couple things that you
can easily find in those
other places
First off...a map
Map: Find item in second
set that goes with item in
first set
4 Cow -> Beef
4 Calf -> Veal
4 Pink Goo -> McNuggets
Map is a higher order function
//ObjC using robb/Underscore.m on github
@[@"Bob",@"Lisa",@"Meeti"].map(^NSString *(NSString *name){
return name.uppercaseString;
becomes ["BOB","LISA","MEETI"]
We are mapping all words
to words in the set of all
uppercase letters
Note how I'm declaring what I'm doing
here, not saying how I'm doing it
Map replaces:
NSMutableArray* caps = [NSMutableArray new];
for(NSString* name in @[@"Bob",@"Lisa",@"Meeti"]){
[caps addObject:[name uppercaseString]];
4 Why is map better than this loop? Because you're not
writing out all the ritualistic boilerplate each time.
4 We're doing only one thing at a time. Later
programmers will be able to follow it better.
4 Using a loop might also be otherwise displaying it on
the screen or calling methods on objects which might
be changing state on the screen. (Bad Us)
NSMutableArray* caps = [NSMutableArray new];
for(NSString* name in @[@"Bob",@"Lisa",@"Meeti"]){
NSString* allCaps = [name uppercaseString];
[caps addObject:allCaps];
[myButtons[name] setTitle:allCaps forControlState: UIControlStateNormal];
4 Makes leaky abstractions (this code may behave
unpredictably off the main thread)
Without map and the other higher order functions, we are
living in a Portlandia of Code, where all mappings are
artisanally woven with hand-typed loops, on cherry blue
switches, under the influence of 100% pure honduran
Aeropressed coffee. This imbues our code with charming
That was sarcasm in case that is
Doing things like this by hand is very
error prone
Just like we didn't build things quickly
until we started using interchangable
parts, we don't make code very reliable
or understandable until we make code
that using repeatable very well
controlled higher order functions that
do our everyday tasks for us
Reduce is a higher order function
Obtain a value from a collection according to the passed
in function (think of reducing broth to make a sauce)
["Bob","Lisa","Meeti"].reduce(""){$0 + ", " + $1} // -> "Bob, Lisa, Meeti"`
//again, underscorem
@["Bob",@"Lisa",@"Meeti"].reduce(@"", ^(NSString* x, NSString* y) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat@"%@, %@",x,y];
Turn a collection into a value using the passed in
[5, 10, 15].reduce(25){$0+$1} // -> 55`
//again, underscorem
@[@(5),@(10),@(15)].reduce(25, ^(NSNumber* x, NSNumber* y) {
return @(x.integerValue + y.integerValue));
}).unwrap; -> @(55)
Filter is a higher order function
Return items which pass the test
[5, 10, 15].filter{($0 % 2)==0}
@[@(5),@(10),@(15)].filter(^BOOL(NSNumber* n) {
return (n.integerValue % 2)==0;
These both return an array with just a single 10 in it
There are a LOT of general
purpose higher order
But the fun doesn't end with HOFs
A Monad
4 Are often horribly explained by people who "just got
it they're sure"
4 Are a big poorly understood thing looming over you
when you start Haskell
4 Are not needed in languages (Like ObjC and Swift
(and Clojure)) which have mutable state
4 Are often horribly explained by people who "just got
it they're sure"
4 Are a big poorly understood thing looming over you
when you start Haskell
4 Are not needed in languages (Like ObjC and Swift
(and Clojure)) which have mutable state
4 Monads are a common reasonable way to chain a
certain type of failable event in Haskell
-Remember, Haskell is the moon. Moon has a different
definition of reasonable
4 But they're incredibly useful in non-Haskell
languages too, and worth learning
4 Implementation of the "Maybe" monad from Haskell.
Optionals in Swift are related to the Maybe concept.
4 Useful when nil just isn't cutting it...but you're not in
Swift, so no optionals
NSDictionary *person = @{@"name":@"Homer Simpson", @"address":@{@"street":@"123 Fake St", @"city":@"Springfield"}};
NSString *cityString = [[[Maybe(person) whenNothing:Maybe(@"No person.") else:MapMaybe(person, [person objectForKey:@"address"])]
whenNothing:Maybe(@"No address.")] else:MapMaybe(address, [address objectForKey:@"city"])]
whenNothing:Maybe(@"No city.")] justValue];
4 Very wonderful for writing declarative code in
initialization methods
4 Very nice for handling json validation
4 Some of the new swift "if let" functionality also
does this
4 More on this part
Cyclomatic Complexity
Cyclomatic Complexity
Cyclomatic Complexity is a count of how many code
paths a function has.
It's important because human short term memory only
has 5-8 things it remembers at any one time
You can automatically measure the cyclomatic
complexity of your project by using
terryyin/lizard (Doesn't support Swift yet)
Cyclomatic Complexity is a very useful
4 It's the lower bound on the number of test data
points required to test the function completely
4 Number of if statements + 1 basically
4 Good number? Lizard says 15
4 Cory Bohon (
complexity) says 10.
What does CC have to do with FP?
4 Turns out you tend to write really low CC code when
you're using a functional style
4 Most of this falls out of the fact your execution of
actions and specification of which actions to do are
very separated
Links of Interest
Clojure Videos:
Clojure Koans:
Clojure Brave:
Haskell Book (Whim.):
Haskell Book (Serious):
Haskell Course:
Sources and References
Every resource recommended in here, and all included
links and these:
Thinking in Clojure (Book)
What is a Monad
Introduction to Haskell
Sources and References
Why Functional Programming Matters
Don't be scared of functional programming
The Functional Way Video
You could have invented monads
Functional Principles for OO Development
Links of Interest
Lizard (Cyc Counter)
Creative Commons Licensed Pictures Attributions:
Michael Langford

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Functional programming is not about complicated things

  • 1. Functional Programming is not about Complicated Things A presentation by Michael Langford (@mj_langford)
  • 2. TL;DR By separating the calculation part of computing from the action part of computing, we are able to write simpler programs and shorter programs
  • 3. Let us start off gently
  • 5. Monads A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors
  • 6.
  • 8. This is Angus and Jessica
  • 9. Angus Drives a 2004 Chevy Cavalier
  • 10. Angus Drives a 2004 Chevy Cavalier 27 MPG
  • 11. Jessica Drives a 2003 Acura MDX
  • 12. Jessica Drives a 2003 Acura MDX 17 MPG
  • 13. They each drive 1000 miles a month
  • 14. They have a baby on the way
  • 15. Who should get a car upgrade? 4 Angus (27 MPG Cavalier) wants 2014 Ford Fusion Hybrid [44 MPG] 4 Jessie (17 MPG MDX) wants 2012 Hyundai Santa Fe [21 MPG] Who saves more gas?
  • 16. Who is right? 4 (Angus 27->44) 11 MPG difference 4 (Jessie 17->21) 4 MPG difference
  • 17. Who is right? 4 (Angus 27->44) 4 (Jessie 17->21) <- She's right
  • 18. WHY CAN'T YOU TELL? The math is presented poorly on car dealership stickers to make larger, more expensive cars seem cheaper than they are.
  • 20. Why? Then the number you're counting fits with your intuition, your mental model of how to think about things (Angus 3.7 -> 2.4 gal/100) Saving 13 gallons a month (Jessie 5.9 -> 4.3 gal/100) Saving 16 gallons a month Jessie was right: The really low MPG of her old SUV meant there was a lot of low hanging fruit there.
  • 21. Why this car talk in a functional programming presentation? Similar to the big number on car stickers, functional programming presents useful truth, but practioners bury it beneath unhelpful math presentations Similar to Jessica's old 17 MPG SUV, if you aren't using any functional techniques yet, even small improvements will give you large returns
  • 22. Functional Programming Principles: 4 Be Declarative: Say what you want to do, not how to do it 4 Be Composable: Make function calls easy to chain 4 Isolate side-effect causing code: Separate out code that does't change things, often by copying data instead of changing
  • 23. There are two main flavors of functional programming 1. Lisp (Clojure, Racket, Scheme, Common Lisp) 2. Typed (Haskell, OCaml, ML)
  • 24. WHERE IS SWIFT! YOU MUST HAVE LEFT OFF SWIFT? It's a hybrid language, like Javascript, Objective-C, Ruby, Scala, Java, etc It doesn't yet support the full power of all functional techniques but it does support some of them, which is why it's even more important to understand the principles.
  • 25. Because we do not work in a language that supports full functional style, we need to know when to stop trying Discretion: Know when to get the gains and when to not worry it's not doing what you want and just be imperative
  • 26. And while some people are doing some things that are functional in Swift, many many people are just doing rando things
  • 27. 35 different "MAH NEW CUSTUM OPERATARS!1!!! >>>> #$ !??==" Not trying to make fun of people's joy...but that's 4 Not drawing on the rich history of the ideas that swift brings to the table...most of which are from somewhere else 4 Of questionable longterm utility: you're not going to have 35 custom operators in a iOS app
  • 28. Go somewhere where functional is the default way to program and learn Spanish immersion program for programming languages
  • 29. Be a polyglot: You have more perspective
  • 30. On to the time share portion of our presentation Take a language vacation to one of these exotic locales
  • 32. What does a lisp look like: (defn gal-per-100-mi [mpg] (->> mpg (/ 1.0) (* 100))) (println (str (gal-per-100-mi 17) " gal/100")) Clojure
  • 33. What does Clojure (a Lisp) taste like 4 Extremely small syntax 4 Good imperative language to write functional code in 4 Composition is easy 4 Optional typing (annotations) 4 Productive to code in 4 Superb interoperability with the hosting language
  • 34. What does Clojure taste like 4 Everything is very similar to everything else 4 Easy deployment, easy interop 4 Great happy community 4 Declare what you want, half the time you have to write only a few lines to get it 4 Great deployment story 4 It's the Caribbean Adventure of programming
  • 35. Important Clojure (or any Lisp) lesson 4 Programs that are little more than interpreters for data structures made up arrays and dictionaries are extremely easy to write and maintain and are pretty compact 4 That is: Data is more important than code
  • 36. Important Clojure lesson 4 You can orthoganalize a program far far far further than people attempt to in typical iOS developement
  • 37. Important Clojure lesson 4 By making parts of a program self similar (homoiconic is the math term), you can easily use any part of the system with any other part (composability)
  • 38. Important Clojure lesson 4 Clearly separate code that changes state from code that doesn't (side-effect free functions) 4 Side-effect free functions are criminally easy to test
  • 39. Important Clojure lesson 4 The tools of functional programming require you to think in a far more stack based, stateless way. 4 Almost all programmers will write better code with a few weeks to a month of using it
  • 40. Important Clojure lessons 4 Object Oriented code has a lot of boilerplate and marshalling of data you don't realize until it's not there
  • 41. Important Clojure lesson 4 Coding in an expressive style is a lot of fun!!!
  • 42. I'm sold, how do I buy
  • 43. Purely Functional TV 4 "I dunno nuthin" to data- driven programming x 4 Teaches higher order functions just like Swift's 4 langford 4 Intro Course: $48 $36 (25% off) 4 Intro Course + Web Dev Course: $72 $54 (25% off)
  • 44. Clojure Koans Now meditate on ~/clojure-koans/src/koans/ 01_equalities.clj:3 Assertion failed! We shall contemplate truth by testing reality, via equality. (= __ true)
  • 45. 4 'It eschews "real-world" examples in favor of more interesting exercises like "assaulting hobbits" and "tracking glittery vampires"' 4 4 '_why's guide to Clojure'
  • 46. _why brought a playful, fun tone to Ruby in 2005 Right now, the Clojure community is very welcoming and positive in a similar vein. Looking for that sparkle, go take a vacation to Clojure
  • 48. What does a typed language look like: import Text.Printf gallonsPer100mi :: Float -> Float gallonsPer100mi x = (1.0 / x) * 100 main = do let value = gallonsPer100mi 17.0 ; printf "%f gal/100n" value Haskell
  • 49. What does Haskell taste like 4 Very strange 4 Statements have no guarantee of sequence 4 Execution is typically lazy 4 Side-effects "not possible" in most parts of the code 4 Requires some pretty esoteric control structures at times to do "normal" things (this is where monads come in)
  • 50. What does Haskell taste like 4 Community loves Modern Algebra, sometimes bad at explaining without it 4 Powerful type system (GADT) 4 Dependency problems 4 Deployment is getting easier (
  • 51. Lesson from Haskell 4 You can write invalid state out of your application if you apply strong enough types that model your domain well enough. (The provably correct ideal)
  • 52. Lesson from Haskell 4 Exhaustive pattern matching is really really really worth it (use that swift switch statement folks! [but not the Objective-C one])
  • 53. Lesson from Haskell 4 Objective C is not the language with the longest time to profiency
  • 54. Lesson from Haskell 4 Monads are really useful in normal programming languages to manage failable processess (Monads are how to import some procedural parts into Haskell...while still satisfying all the functional guarantees)
  • 55. Shut up and take my money
  • 56. Whimsical [LYAH]: 4 It's decent 4 Free on the web (
  • 57. College Course [CIS 194]: 4 It's decent and clear 4 Taught over and over and over again so mature materials for learning 4 It's just as hard as many advanced programming classes though 4 Free on the web
  • 59. Welcome back to Atlanta Hope you enjoyed that portion of the timeshare presentation
  • 60. I can't rewrite your brain in this "short" presentation Only you can do that. You have to go yourself
  • 61. But we certainly play with a couple things that you can easily find in those other places
  • 63. Map: Find item in second set that goes with item in first set
  • 64. Map: 4 Cow -> Beef 4 Calf -> Veal 4 Pink Goo -> McNuggets
  • 65. Map is a higher order function //swift ["Bob","Lisa","Meeti"].map({$0.uppercaseString}) //ObjC using robb/Underscore.m on github @[@"Bob",@"Lisa",@"Meeti"].map(^NSString *(NSString *name){ return name.uppercaseString; }).unwrap; becomes ["BOB","LISA","MEETI"]
  • 66. We are mapping all words to words in the set of all uppercase letters Note how I'm declaring what I'm doing here, not saying how I'm doing it
  • 67. Map replaces: NSMutableArray* caps = [NSMutableArray new]; for(NSString* name in @[@"Bob",@"Lisa",@"Meeti"]){ [caps addObject:[name uppercaseString]]; } 4 Why is map better than this loop? Because you're not writing out all the ritualistic boilerplate each time. 4 We're doing only one thing at a time. Later programmers will be able to follow it better.
  • 68. 4 Using a loop might also be otherwise displaying it on the screen or calling methods on objects which might be changing state on the screen. (Bad Us) NSMutableArray* caps = [NSMutableArray new]; for(NSString* name in @[@"Bob",@"Lisa",@"Meeti"]){ NSString* allCaps = [name uppercaseString]; [caps addObject:allCaps]; [myButtons[name] setTitle:allCaps forControlState: UIControlStateNormal]; } 4 Makes leaky abstractions (this code may behave unpredictably off the main thread)
  • 69. Without map and the other higher order functions, we are living in a Portlandia of Code, where all mappings are artisanally woven with hand-typed loops, on cherry blue switches, under the influence of 100% pure honduran Aeropressed coffee. This imbues our code with charming imperfections
  • 70. That was sarcasm in case that is unclear. Doing things like this by hand is very error prone
  • 71. Just like we didn't build things quickly until we started using interchangable parts, we don't make code very reliable or understandable until we make code that using repeatable very well controlled higher order functions that do our everyday tasks for us
  • 74. Reduce is a higher order function Obtain a value from a collection according to the passed in function (think of reducing broth to make a sauce) ["Bob","Lisa","Meeti"].reduce(""){$0 + ", " + $1} // -> "Bob, Lisa, Meeti"` //again, underscorem @["Bob",@"Lisa",@"Meeti"].reduce(@"", ^(NSString* x, NSString* y) { return [NSString stringWithFormat@"%@, %@",x,y]; }).unwrap;
  • 75. Reduce Turn a collection into a value using the passed in function [5, 10, 15].reduce(25){$0+$1} // -> 55` //again, underscorem @[@(5),@(10),@(15)].reduce(25, ^(NSNumber* x, NSNumber* y) { return @(x.integerValue + y.integerValue)); }).unwrap; -> @(55)
  • 77. Filter is a higher order function Return items which pass the test [5, 10, 15].filter{($0 % 2)==0} @[@(5),@(10),@(15)].filter(^BOOL(NSNumber* n) { return (n.integerValue % 2)==0; }; These both return an array with just a single 10 in it
  • 78. There are a LOT of general purpose higher order functions But the fun doesn't end with HOFs
  • 80. Monads 4 Are often horribly explained by people who "just got it they're sure" 4 Are a big poorly understood thing looming over you when you start Haskell 4 Are not needed in languages (Like ObjC and Swift (and Clojure)) which have mutable state
  • 81. Monads 4 Are often horribly explained by people who "just got it they're sure" 4 Are a big poorly understood thing looming over you when you start Haskell 4 Are not needed in languages (Like ObjC and Swift (and Clojure)) which have mutable state
  • 82. Monads 4 Monads are a common reasonable way to chain a certain type of failable event in Haskell -Remember, Haskell is the moon. Moon has a different definition of reasonable 4 But they're incredibly useful in non-Haskell languages too, and worth learning
  • 83. 4 Implementation of the "Maybe" monad from Haskell. Optionals in Swift are related to the Maybe concept. 4 Useful when nil just isn't cutting it...but you're not in Swift, so no optionals NSDictionary *person = @{@"name":@"Homer Simpson", @"address":@{@"street":@"123 Fake St", @"city":@"Springfield"}}; NSString *cityString = [[[Maybe(person) whenNothing:Maybe(@"No person.") else:MapMaybe(person, [person objectForKey:@"address"])] whenNothing:Maybe(@"No address.")] else:MapMaybe(address, [address objectForKey:@"city"])] whenNothing:Maybe(@"No city.")] justValue];
  • 84. SVMaybe 4 Very wonderful for writing declarative code in initialization methods 4 Very nice for handling json validation 4 Some of the new swift "if let" functionality also does this 4 More on this part culmination-part-ii
  • 86. Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclomatic Complexity is a count of how many code paths a function has. It's important because human short term memory only has 5-8 things it remembers at any one time You can automatically measure the cyclomatic complexity of your project by using terryyin/lizard (Doesn't support Swift yet)
  • 87. Cyclomatic Complexity is a very useful number 4 It's the lower bound on the number of test data points required to test the function completely 4 Number of if statements + 1 basically 4 Good number? Lizard says 15 4 Cory Bohon ( complexity) says 10.
  • 88. What does CC have to do with FP? 4 Turns out you tend to write really low CC code when you're using a functional style 4 Most of this falls out of the fact your execution of actions and specification of which actions to do are very separated
  • 90. Links of Interest Clojure Videos: Clojure Koans: Clojure Brave: Haskell Book (Whim.): Haskell Book (Serious): Haskell Course: fall14/
  • 91. Sources and References Every resource recommended in here, and all included links and these: Thinking in Clojure (Book) What is a Monad Introduction to Haskell
  • 92. Sources and References Why Functional Programming Matters Don't be scared of functional programming The Functional Way Video You could have invented monads Functional Principles for OO Development
  • 93. Links of Interest SVMaybe Lizard (Cyc Counter) Creative Commons Licensed Pictures Attributions: