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Performance Comparisons of Dynamic Languages
on the Java Virtual Machine
Michael Galpin, eBay
The Critical Factor When Choosing JVM Language?
The End
Not Just Speed.
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E xp                              agea
                Not Just Speed.




I’m a Liar
Three Algorithms & Six Languages

• Prime Number Sieve           • Groovy

• Case Insensitive Word Sort   • JRuby

• Reversible Numbers           • Jython

                               • Clojure

                               • Scala

                               • Fan
Three Algorithms & Six Languages

• Prime Number Sieve           • Groovy

• Case Insensitive Word Sort   • JRuby

• Reversible Numbers           • Jython

                               • Clojure

                               • Scala

                               • Fan
Prime Number Sieve
public class Primes {
    final private List<Integer> primes;
    private final int size;

    public Primes(int n){
        size = n;
        primes = new ArrayList<Integer>(n);

    private void init(){
        int i=2;
        int max = calcSize();
        List<Boolean> nums = new ArrayList<Boolean>(max);
        for (int j=0;j<max;j++){
        while (i < max && primes.size() < size){
            int p = i;
            if (nums.get(i)){
                 int j = 2*p;
                 while (j < max - p){
                     j += p;
            i += 1;

    public int last(){
        return primes.get(primes.size()-1);

    private int calcSize(){
        int max = 2;
        while ((max/Math.log(max)) < size && max < Integer.MAX_VALUE && max > 0){
            max *=2;
        return max;
class RubyPrimes
  attr_accessor :cnt, :primes

  def initialize(n)
    @primes =,0)
    @cnt = 0
    i = 2
    max = calcSize
    nums =,true)
    while (i < max && @cnt < @primes.length)
      p = i
      if (nums[i])
        @primes[@cnt] = p
        @cnt += 1
        (p .. (max/p)).each{ |j| nums[p*j] = false }
      i += 1

  def calcSize
    max = 2
    max = max * 2 while ( max/Math.log(max) < @primes.length)

  def last
    @primes[@cnt -1]
class PyPrimes(object):
    __slots__ = ['cnt','primes','size']

    def __init__(self,n):
        self.primes = n*[0]
        self.cnt = 0
        self.size = n
        i = 2
        max = self.calcSize()
        nums = max*[True]
        while i < max and self.cnt < self.size:
            p = i
            if nums[i]:
                self.primes[self.cnt] = p
                self.cnt += 1
                for j in xrange(p, max/p):
                    nums[p*j] = False
            i+= 1

    def calcSize(self):
        max = 2
        while max/log(max) < self.size:
            max = max *2 # this makes the sieve too big, but fast
        return max

    def last(self):
        return self.primes[self.cnt - 1]
Time / Java Time
class ScalaPrimes(val size:Int){
  val primes = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
  var cnt = 0
  def last = primes(primes.size - 1)

    def init {
      var i = 2
      val max = calcSize
      val nums = new ArrayBuffer[Boolean]
      for (i<-0 until max) nums += true
      while (i < max && cnt < size){
        val p = i
        if (nums(i)){
          primes += p
          cnt += 1
          (p until max/p).foreach((j) => nums.update(p*j,false))
        i += 1
    def calcSize = {
      var max = 2
      while ( (max/log(max)) < size && max < MAX_VALUE && max > 0) {
        max *= 2
class Primes {
  Int[] primes := Int[,]
  Int size

    new make(Int n) {
      size = n
      primes.capacity = n

    private Void init() {
      i := 2
      max := calcSize
      nums := Bool[,]
      nums.fill(true, max)
      while (i < max && primes.size < size) {
        p := i
        if (nums[i])
          j := 2*p;
          while (j < max - p) {
            nums[j] = false
            j += p;
        i += 1;

        Int last() { primes.last }

        private Int calcSize() {
          max := 2
          while ((max.toFloat/max.toFloat.log).toInt < size && max < 0x7fff_ffff && max > 0) {
             max *=2; // memory inefficient, but fast
          return max;
Time / Java Time
Word Sort
public class WordSort {
    private final File dataFile;
    private final List<String> words;

    public WordSort(String fileName){
        dataFile = new File(fileName);
        int idx = fileName.lastIndexOf(quot;/quot;);
        String name = fileName.substring(idx+1, fileName.length() - 4);
        int numWords = Integer.parseInt(name);
        words = new ArrayList<String>(numWords);

    public List<String> getSortedWords(){
        if (words.size() > 0){
            return words;
        try {
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dataFile));
                 String line;
                 while ( (line = reader.readLine()) != null){
                     for (String string : line.split(quot; quot;)){
            } finally {
            Collections.sort(words, new Comparator<String>(){
                 public int compare(String s, String s1) {
                     return s.toLowerCase().compareTo(s1.toLowerCase());
            return words;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
public class GroovyWordSort {
  File dataFile
  List words = []

    public GroovyWordSort(fileName){
      dataFile = new File(fileName)

    def sortedWords(){
      if (!words){
        dataFile.eachLine{it.tokenize().each {words.add(it) }}
        words = words.sort{w,w1 -> w.toLowerCase() <=> w1.toLowerCase()}
class RubyWordSort

  def initialize(fileName)
    @dataFile =
    @words =

  def sortedWorts
    if (@words.length == 0)
      @dataFile.each_line{ |line| line.split(' ').each{ |word| @words << word}}
      @words = @words.sort{ |w,w1| w.upcase <=> w1.upcase }

class PyWordSort(object):

    def __init__(self, fileName):
        print quot;init quot; + fileName
        self.dataFile = open(fileName)
        self.words = []

    def sortedWords(self):
        if len(self.words) == 0:
            for line in self.dataFile:
                for word in line.split():
            self.words.sort(lambda w,w1: cmp(w.lower(), w1.lower()))
        return self.words
(defn word-sort [file-name]
    (with-open [r (new (new
      (sort-by #(.toLowerCase #^String %)
               (mapcat #(.split #^String % quot; quot;) (line-seq r)))))
class ScalaWordSort(fileName:String){
  lazy val sortedWords = {
    Source.fromFile(dataFile).getLines.foreach(_.split(quot; quot;).foreach(words ::= _))
    words.sort(_.toLowerCase < _.toLowerCase)
  val dataFile = new File(fileName)
  var words:List[String] = Nil
class WordSort {
  File? dataFile

    once Str[] getSortedWords() {
      words := Str[,]
      dataFile.eachLine |line| { words.addAll(line.split) }
      return words.sort |a, b| { a.compareIgnoreCase(b) }

Time / Java Time
Reversible Numbers
WTF is a Reversible Number?

Some positive integers n have the property that the sum [ n + reverse(n) ] consists entirely of odd
(decimal) digits. For instance, 36 + 63 = 99 and 409 + 904 = 1313. We will call such numbers
reversible; so 36, 63, 409, and 904 are reversible. Leading zeroes are not allowed in either n or

There are 120 reversible numbers below one-thousand.
public class Reversible {
    final int max;
    final int numReversible;

    public Reversible(int max){
        this.max = max;
        this.numReversible = this.countReversible();

    public int countReversible(){
        if (numReversible > 0){
            return numReversible;
        int cnt = 0;
        for (int i=11;i<=max;i++){
            if (reversible(i)) {
        return cnt;

    private boolean reversible(int n){
        return allOdd(reverse(n));

    private boolean allOdd(int n){
        String str = Integer.toString(n);
        for (int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
            int m = Character.digit(str.charAt(i),10);
            if (m % 2 == 0) return false;
        return true;

    private int reverse(Integer n){
        char[] digits = n.toString().toCharArray();
        char[] rev = new char[digits.length];
        for (int i=digits.length-1;i>=0;i--){
            rev[i] = digits[digits.length -i-1];
        return n + Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(rev));
public class GroovyReversible {
  final Integer max
  final Integer numReversible = 0

    public GroovyReversible(max){
      this.max = max
      this.numReversible = this.countReversible()

    def countReversible(){
      numReversible ?: (11..max).findAll{reversible(it)}.size()

    def reversible(n){

    def allOdd(n){
      n.toString().toList().collect {it.toInteger()}.every{it % 2 == 1}

    def reverse(n){
      n + n.toString().toList().reverse().join().toInteger()
class RubyReversible
  def initialize(max)
    @max = max
    @numReversible = nil

  def allOdd(n)
    digits = n.to_s.split(//)
    digits.length =={|c| c.to_i}.select{|i| i % 2 == 1}.length

  def reverse(n)
    n + n.to_s.reverse.to_i

  def reversible(n)

  def countReversible()
    @numReversible ||= (11..@max).select{|i| reversible(i)}.length
class PyReversible(object):
    __slots__ = ['max','numReversible']

    def __init__(self, max):
        self.max = max
        self.numReversible = self.countReversible()

    def countReversible(self):
        return len([i for i in xrange(11,self.max+1) if self.reversible(i)])

    def allOdd(self,n):
        for ch in str(n):
            if int(ch) % 2 != 1:
                return False
        return True

    def reverse(self,n):
        return n + int(str(n)[::-1])

    def reversible(self,n):
        return self.allOdd(self.reverse(n))
(defn all-odd? [n]
  (every? odd? (map #(Integer. (str %)) (str n))))

(defn reverse-num [n]
  (+ n (Integer. (apply str (reverse (str n))))))

(defn reversible-num? [n]
  (all-odd? (reverse-num n)))

(defn count-reversible [rev-max]
  {:max rev-max
   :num-reversible (count (filter reversible-num? (range 11 rev-max)))})
class ScalaReversible(max:Int){
  lazy val numReversible = (11 to max).filter(reversible(_)).size
  def reverse(n:Int)=n + parseInt(n.toString.reverse)
  def allOdd(n:Int) =,10)).forall(_ % 2 == 1)
  def reversible(n:Int) = allOdd(reverse(n))
class Reversible {
  Int max

    once Int   countReversible() {
      cnt :=   0
      for (i   := 11; i<=max; i++) if (reversible(i)) cnt++
      return   cnt

    private Bool reversible(Int n) {

    private Bool allOdd(Int n) {
      n.toStr.all |char| { char.isOdd }

    private Int reverse(Int n) {
      n + n.toStr.reverse.toInt

Time / Java Time
So What Now?

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Performance Comparisons of Dynamic Languages on the Java Virtual Machine

  • 1. Performance Comparisons of Dynamic Languages on the Java Virtual Machine Michael Galpin, eBay @michaelg
  • 2. The Critical Factor When Choosing JVM Language?
  • 4.
  • 7. Stability ne ss sive res Man E xp agea bility Not Just Speed. Comm To ol y Jo s unity
  • 10. Three Algorithms & Six Languages • Prime Number Sieve • Groovy • Case Insensitive Word Sort • JRuby • Reversible Numbers • Jython • Clojure • Scala • Fan
  • 11. Three Algorithms & Six Languages • Prime Number Sieve • Groovy • Case Insensitive Word Sort • JRuby • Reversible Numbers • Jython • Clojure • Scala • Fan
  • 13. public class Primes { final private List<Integer> primes; private final int size; public Primes(int n){ size = n; primes = new ArrayList<Integer>(n); init(); } private void init(){ int i=2; int max = calcSize(); List<Boolean> nums = new ArrayList<Boolean>(max); for (int j=0;j<max;j++){ nums.add(true); } while (i < max && primes.size() < size){ int p = i; if (nums.get(i)){ primes.add(p); int j = 2*p; while (j < max - p){ nums.set(j,false); j += p; } } i += 1; } } public int last(){ return primes.get(primes.size()-1); } private int calcSize(){ int max = 2; while ((max/Math.log(max)) < size && max < Integer.MAX_VALUE && max > 0){ max *=2; } return max; } }
  • 14. class RubyPrimes attr_accessor :cnt, :primes def initialize(n) @primes =,0) @cnt = 0 i = 2 max = calcSize nums =,true) while (i < max && @cnt < @primes.length) p = i if (nums[i]) @primes[@cnt] = p @cnt += 1 (p .. (max/p)).each{ |j| nums[p*j] = false } end i += 1 end end def calcSize max = 2 max = max * 2 while ( max/Math.log(max) < @primes.length) max end def last @primes[@cnt -1] end end
  • 15. class PyPrimes(object): __slots__ = ['cnt','primes','size'] def __init__(self,n): self.primes = n*[0] self.cnt = 0 self.size = n i = 2 max = self.calcSize() nums = max*[True] while i < max and self.cnt < self.size: p = i if nums[i]: self.primes[self.cnt] = p self.cnt += 1 for j in xrange(p, max/p): nums[p*j] = False i+= 1 def calcSize(self): max = 2 while max/log(max) < self.size: max = max *2 # this makes the sieve too big, but fast return max def last(self): return self.primes[self.cnt - 1]
  • 16. Time / Java Time
  • 17. class ScalaPrimes(val size:Int){ val primes = new ArrayBuffer[Int] var cnt = 0 init def last = primes(primes.size - 1) private def init { var i = 2 val max = calcSize val nums = new ArrayBuffer[Boolean] for (i<-0 until max) nums += true while (i < max && cnt < size){ val p = i if (nums(i)){ primes += p cnt += 1 (p until max/p).foreach((j) => nums.update(p*j,false)) } i += 1 } } def calcSize = { var max = 2 while ( (max/log(max)) < size && max < MAX_VALUE && max > 0) { max *= 2 } max } }
  • 18. class Primes { Int[] primes := Int[,] Int size new make(Int n) { size = n primes.capacity = n init } private Void init() { i := 2 max := calcSize nums := Bool[,] nums.fill(true, max) while (i < max && primes.size < size) { p := i if (nums[i]) { primes.add(p) j := 2*p; while (j < max - p) { nums[j] = false j += p; } } i += 1; } } Int last() { primes.last } private Int calcSize() { max := 2 while ((max.toFloat/max.toFloat.log).toInt < size && max < 0x7fff_ffff && max > 0) { max *=2; // memory inefficient, but fast } return max; } }
  • 19. Time / Java Time
  • 21. public class WordSort { private final File dataFile; private final List<String> words; public WordSort(String fileName){ dataFile = new File(fileName); int idx = fileName.lastIndexOf(quot;/quot;); String name = fileName.substring(idx+1, fileName.length() - 4); int numWords = Integer.parseInt(name); words = new ArrayList<String>(numWords); } public List<String> getSortedWords(){ if (words.size() > 0){ return words; } try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dataFile)); try{ String line; while ( (line = reader.readLine()) != null){ for (String string : line.split(quot; quot;)){ words.add(string); } } } finally { reader.close(); } Collections.sort(words, new Comparator<String>(){ public int compare(String s, String s1) { return s.toLowerCase().compareTo(s1.toLowerCase()); } }); return words; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
  • 22. public class GroovyWordSort { File dataFile List words = [] public GroovyWordSort(fileName){ dataFile = new File(fileName) } def sortedWords(){ if (!words){ dataFile.eachLine{it.tokenize().each {words.add(it) }} words = words.sort{w,w1 -> w.toLowerCase() <=> w1.toLowerCase()} } words } }
  • 23. class RubyWordSort def initialize(fileName) @dataFile = @words = end def sortedWorts if (@words.length == 0) @dataFile.each_line{ |line| line.split(' ').each{ |word| @words << word}} @words = @words.sort{ |w,w1| w.upcase <=> w1.upcase } end @words end end
  • 24. class PyWordSort(object): def __init__(self, fileName): print quot;init quot; + fileName self.dataFile = open(fileName) self.words = [] def sortedWords(self): if len(self.words) == 0: for line in self.dataFile: for word in line.split(): self.words.append(word) self.words.sort(lambda w,w1: cmp(w.lower(), w1.lower())) return self.words
  • 25. (defn word-sort [file-name] (with-open [r (new (new file-name))] (sort-by #(.toLowerCase #^String %) (mapcat #(.split #^String % quot; quot;) (line-seq r)))))
  • 26. class ScalaWordSort(fileName:String){ lazy val sortedWords = { Source.fromFile(dataFile).getLines.foreach(_.split(quot; quot;).foreach(words ::= _)) words.sort(_.toLowerCase < _.toLowerCase) } private val dataFile = new File(fileName) var words:List[String] = Nil }
  • 27. class WordSort { File? dataFile once Str[] getSortedWords() { words := Str[,] dataFile.eachLine |line| { words.addAll(line.split) } return words.sort |a, b| { a.compareIgnoreCase(b) } } }
  • 28. Time / Java Time
  • 30. WTF is a Reversible Number? Some positive integers n have the property that the sum [ n + reverse(n) ] consists entirely of odd (decimal) digits. For instance, 36 + 63 = 99 and 409 + 904 = 1313. We will call such numbers reversible; so 36, 63, 409, and 904 are reversible. Leading zeroes are not allowed in either n or reverse(n). There are 120 reversible numbers below one-thousand.
  • 31. public class Reversible { final int max; final int numReversible; public Reversible(int max){ this.max = max; this.numReversible = this.countReversible(); } public int countReversible(){ if (numReversible > 0){ return numReversible; } int cnt = 0; for (int i=11;i<=max;i++){ if (reversible(i)) { cnt++; } } return cnt; } private boolean reversible(int n){ return allOdd(reverse(n)); } private boolean allOdd(int n){ String str = Integer.toString(n); for (int i=0;i<str.length();i++){ int m = Character.digit(str.charAt(i),10); if (m % 2 == 0) return false; } return true; } private int reverse(Integer n){ char[] digits = n.toString().toCharArray(); char[] rev = new char[digits.length]; for (int i=digits.length-1;i>=0;i--){ rev[i] = digits[digits.length -i-1]; } return n + Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(rev)); } }
  • 32. public class GroovyReversible { final Integer max final Integer numReversible = 0 public GroovyReversible(max){ this.max = max this.numReversible = this.countReversible() } def countReversible(){ numReversible ?: (11..max).findAll{reversible(it)}.size() } def reversible(n){ allOdd(reverse(n)) } def allOdd(n){ n.toString().toList().collect {it.toInteger()}.every{it % 2 == 1} } def reverse(n){ n + n.toString().toList().reverse().join().toInteger() } }
  • 33. class RubyReversible def initialize(max) @max = max @numReversible = nil end def allOdd(n) digits = n.to_s.split(//) digits.length =={|c| c.to_i}.select{|i| i % 2 == 1}.length end def reverse(n) n + n.to_s.reverse.to_i end def reversible(n) allOdd(reverse(n)) end def countReversible() @numReversible ||= (11..@max).select{|i| reversible(i)}.length @numReversible end end
  • 34. class PyReversible(object): __slots__ = ['max','numReversible'] def __init__(self, max): self.max = max self.numReversible = self.countReversible() def countReversible(self): return len([i for i in xrange(11,self.max+1) if self.reversible(i)]) def allOdd(self,n): for ch in str(n): if int(ch) % 2 != 1: return False return True def reverse(self,n): return n + int(str(n)[::-1]) def reversible(self,n): return self.allOdd(self.reverse(n))
  • 35. (defn all-odd? [n] (every? odd? (map #(Integer. (str %)) (str n)))) (defn reverse-num [n] (+ n (Integer. (apply str (reverse (str n)))))) (defn reversible-num? [n] (all-odd? (reverse-num n))) (defn count-reversible [rev-max] {:max rev-max :num-reversible (count (filter reversible-num? (range 11 rev-max)))})
  • 36. class ScalaReversible(max:Int){ lazy val numReversible = (11 to max).filter(reversible(_)).size private def reverse(n:Int)=n + parseInt(n.toString.reverse) def allOdd(n:Int) =,10)).forall(_ % 2 == 1) def reversible(n:Int) = allOdd(reverse(n))
  • 37. class Reversible { Int max once Int countReversible() { cnt := 0 for (i := 11; i<=max; i++) if (reversible(i)) cnt++ return cnt } private Bool reversible(Int n) { allOdd(reverse(n)) } private Bool allOdd(Int n) { n.toStr.all |char| { char.isOdd } } private Int reverse(Int n) { n + n.toStr.reverse.toInt } }
  • 38. Time / Java Time

Editor's Notes