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III Illln;II:'"!:" 01 "1" II::" LII "lll'l.lde 348 of th.· (:,,"st;itlll.ion 0(' rndi:t, I.he followiIlJ'. I.r:,",;I:iI.I""
in f'~III:ldl "('I.h,, (;"VI'I'IIIII"ld. N"l.iI·wation, No. MW..'. IOI:lI·1:W/CI?-'2()!i/f,aIJ-7, dated I.lw :11'<1 M:m'll
'201~. pld"i~;ji(,d ill 1./", "·I(/II'I/(/slll('o Governnwl/{ (;,,:d{.·. I'arl. 1· 1., g,lra-ordiu(uy I;: Ilf·I'Pil.v
)lfddl"III'cI ",,<1..1' !.II!' :1Ii1.ilol'iI.y "f II,,· <:overnor.
J 1 . J,,,1 It ell I!'> I Il l.r.
i)epllty Secretary to GDV,!rlllllnlll..
Mad:lIll (':1111:1 /(.11:111. Ilutatlll:l 1t:ljl:III'1I (:h"wl(.
MaIJLI'alaYil, M'II"I>:II ·100 O;i2, dal."d I.lw :in, M:m'" :W),L
/1/( ),!'!f?fCATIO/l/
(1.1 1'. 1 I".' W• •:1.:1-1 (:'r, l!)·-H:l.
'II 1 ',- ](1 1:U4:lOfCR-:L05/J.;-J h-7.-Wlwrc::ls, by fhe Covernment Notification, Industries,
E .I'll!.r ; lid !-'lIMIII r I>c p:ll:tm u t, MWA-:2L003/C.R. 119/Lab-7, dated the 14th May 2007, the(J
GO ·!'1Ir.lcul II • ; ha ~ revi:-'ed Uw minimum rates of wages payable to the employees
e 	 . :- .~'_. ill :I .~ inoll I.ry .lIgagpd ill schf.'dlded ..~mpJoyment viz" Employment in engineering
Illflnher :1(; ill parI. I of ;;chedule to the Minimum W:1gl,,; .Ad;, HHH (XI
,."ff:I'I·"d I." ;(:; "t.h. : ~ ,lid. srhntillind "11l1'1"'yIIH'II'''} ill 1.1" . St.;".,' til'
1·1;1I'111':1:-':ILI':1 ;
And whereas, the Governmenl. or Maharu::lilr'll, having reviewed the minillllJlll raks oj
w:Jges payable to the employees employed m said scheduled employment, considers it
necessary to revise them further.
Now , t.herefore, in exercise of the pawns "()l1ferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of
sl>d.illll :1 I'P:-;o with sub-section (21 "j' i'i.'ction f) ,,1' !'ItPo Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (Xl of 1948), .
ill it;.; IlpplieatlOn to the State of M:1h"l'ashtl'a, tll' (;"vcl'Ilment of Mahal'ashtra, after considering
all till' Il!presentations receiv(~d I,, it. ill rc,.;ped of' till! proposal published in the Government
NoLific:dion, lndustries, Energy "lid Labour D.,p;II·l.llltmt, No. MWA-2012/6/CR-9/LAB-7, dated
Lite ItJL; Ma y 2012, and after CO,J:i,;lting the AdvHall'y Boaru, hereby )'('vises, with effect from
:lrd Mal ell 2014, the minimum r:d.I!!'; of wagei' p;l.Yahk to the emploYCl'H employed in the said
:-;clwdukd l:lllployrnent and reiixv,; them, as ,;,,1 Old. ill mlumn (3) of l.Iw Schedule appended
I)(>rpjn ,, ~ , liP minimum rates or W;II!CS pav,'lhl., to t.lw class of employoes nH'ntioned against
lhem in column (2) of the said SdwJulc:-
-Minimum ratet; (If w;.;ges
(per month basic rates in rupp-c.,-!
Zone-J :0one-IJ ;,one-lIJ 

I II (2) (3) 

- - _ .-	 .. -----~
Skill.,d 7,800 7,600 7,200 

.) ;-"' "li -c:killed 7,100 6,9IH) 6,500 

} 1 II s killed 6,600 G,4()( I 6,000 

~ ' --'- ---- '- ­
E.l.:planation.-For the purposes 0: "hi" nc~_: ~ ~ _:::. -­
Zone~l.-It shall comprise of the arE:!a~ :' ~':=--f ~_:::"'::-. ~::e lirnits of all tlH:~ IIv1uIucqJal
Corporations, Cantonment areas an.d Indu::ltric( :::~~ ?-::::.:..::.. :J! Kilometers redius from all
~he :'Iunicipal Corporations limit;
'0' Zone·Il.-It she.:.: compnse of the area;; :3..":;:;;: -:-:::...:..:: :::e :imits of all " A " and" B"
Grade :,Ju.-..:cipal Cou....~cil,s. .
:~:aIt- whie:-. Mt: not inc.uci8d III
Zon8-l and Z()~e·II
(d) the- ~ninimum rate~ of daily "age ~ ?,=,yuLle Lo an tllI1ploYGl:' ernplvy(;d un daily WU~t~ ,;
~hHll he compu1.erl by ctivldmg the miHlm U;'l rates of monthly wages fixed for the class of
employees to which he belongs by twenty 3:'., the quotiem bemg stepped upto the nearest
paLsa ;
t e} the mimmum rates of hourly ""age! ?ayble to part-time employee shall be (;omputed
b~' dividing the daily rates of minimum wfiges applicable to the concerned class of employees
oy eig::t hours with 15 per cent rise in it f':-.C. quotient being stepped upto the nearest paisa:
c~ cr_f :r.ini!-::u..'T: !'a~es of wages shall:l0 inclusive of payment of remU!:1eratio!: ::c. res;:",,::
- . ,
-~ ·.': =ea~:~· c.a:; :: ~e~:
g ::-.f: r.:::-j:::-.:.: :-a,,,s Dr wages shall (Qnsist of basic rates, the cOSt of h'ing ".llrJ·.';::::::E-.
the cash value of cO:l.cessions, if any;
th..l 3 ':killcd p!~:pl.~}y00 ~:~ 'J!l.'? -.t,rho ~. : :a p .'~ .... :.. of.' '/,.'orkin.·~ L!ff'ici.c :::.tly, CXGl" .:;:;n:.:·icle! ..tbit:
independent judgement and discharging his duties respomibly :
(ij a semi·skilled emplo~'ee is one, wi:? does ...·ork gen.e!"all~· of a well defined routinE
::E::-.~rc . "::--.E-F:=' ::-:e :-:-.ajor rt:~ui:'E::1f!1t is not so mueh of the .iudgement. skills and dexterity.
-:::-..:.: 0: ?!"e;f-",r c.:s;:!;.arge of d'.:.:ies assigned to hi::1 for a relatively narrow job and important
:::",~: ~ ::)":,-s 2t:-", ;::ac.e by others. H:s york is thus li:-:1ited to the performance of routine operation
. - ..:::-:::eC scope :
J an ·.m-skilled employee is one who does operations that involve the performance uf ­
.ol:np:e duties which requi!'E- exercise of littlE- c·r .10 independent judgement or previou:,
experience, although a famibu-ity with the occupa:.iGnal environment is necessary. His vv()rk
may thus require, in addition to physical exertior.. familiarity with a variety of artides or
The average consumer Price Index Number in respect of ten centres in the State of
Maharashtra for wm'hng ('hs£ (1!n;'i S.;:clc._ "C01 ~ lOv) shull b~, i,htl C()~t of i.;iving -iri.dCe.'_
-Number applicable to the employees employed i.ll the said scheduled employment. The Competent.
~ 	 Authority appointed by the Government shall,. after the expiry of every six months commencing
on the first d.:1Y of Janua~y and the first day of July, calculate the average of the Cost. of Liv ing
Index Number applicable to the said employe;;s fur these six months and ascertain the rise of
::;uch average over 190 points. For snch rise of every point, spe(;ial ullowan(;8 (hereillafter
refE:l'!'ed to as " the Cost of Living Allowance -',' payable to the employees in the said s(;heduled
employment for each of the six months imm~diately following six l1l0nth~ in ltl.::ij)e<C L vi whil:b
such average has been calculated at the rate (If Rs. 28.00 per month in respect of all the zones.
2. The Cosl. ,01' , ,j,llIl~ Allowance com.putecl :1: : :.!ill·".e:"j,j ::1,,,11 I", cI,'cl:ln,d I,y !.III! (:"",, ...1."1<1
Authority by lIo1.ific::<I.j'l/l ill the Official Gazeti,· III !.III' /;,, :1 "", ,1, "f" .flily wlwlI Slwll all"w:II«,"
is payahlc for ":wh 011.11<' rnonths from July to 11e-""lId"'l :",d 1.1 ... /;,,;1. wenk or ,1:lflll:I'-V wl","III
.-;uch allow:IIW,' i~; 1':ly:d,II' lill' ()3ch of the monU,,: 1/11//1 .I;/I/I':'/", I." ,'11111" :
Provided I.I;d., 1.11<' ( :t1l1ll'cl.< :nl Authority shall '/,,,,1: ,/",, 1.1,, : (:",:1. oj' I ,ivill/j Allowance pay;]I"'
lfl resped of L1w 1>l'l"iclIl fnllil 1.he dale of" or 1.1,,' ral.,' Ill' lIlinilll.UIll wages Lo the cnn 01
December or June, :I,e; !.I(, '::IS!' may be, inlln('di:d.c.-i.y :d'ter t1w said date with effect from will' I,
the minimlilll rates or W:I~~"S arf.) fixed .
() :-l. I(AII'I)'l"
1)"1'"1." ,'-;I""I"'I·:lI"Y lo (;overnnwlI!..
: {
".'~~ HUR.~M JAGANNATH GOSA.", " '" ':"'1, ' ~" !,', ; , ,. ' ',f ,  ' I',I Nr-,H:NT I'!.J."TP:',
."' , :, ,,]I. ':". ~ 'I' i.P I 'r<N'I'HIt PHF:~'S. 21 .A NI·:' I .-.I I ~ . ~ IJ :--I! 1"1," r :11tIINI ItOAD. MUMIAI 400004 t .. . j iii) .., -' : 1.• 1:';' :J:hJ) .:·rGRATI.:: OFGOVfJlNMENT PJU:-': .1:"
' ! ' r~,.~: "~.·' !I" t ·l l l1l.1 '~ ITln~, ~ l -:'. , ~'~:TA,I~ ....: "., :-' • It,I;:"! HUAD, MLlHOAI '1dO 004 , fn ...; », .. ' id,SIi C I.A..  JAGANNA1'H GOSAVl.
_....... ·---­
f F £5;/ & Lahuur L([w fmcfifione!'
To, 	 May 15, 2014
Mis Vidarbha Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd
Sub.:- Revision of Minimum Rates of Wages applicable to
Dear Sir,
I am pleased to inform you that, the Government of Maharashtra,
Ind ustries, Energy & Labour Depa rtment, Mantralaya, Mumbai
vide Notification No,MWA-1013 / 430/ C.R.-205 / Lab-7, dated 3rd
March, 2014 has revised Minimum Rates of Wages applicable to
"Employment in Engineering Industry" w.e.f. 03,03.2014.
Accordingly, the Revised Rates of Basic and D.A. for the period
03.03.2014 to 30.06.2014 are as under:­
Category Zone-I
(Now includes
Hingna MIDC)
Basic + DA
Basic + DA
Basic + DA
Skilled 7800 +1624.00 =
7600 +1624.00
= 9224.00
7200 +1624.00 =
Semi-Skilled 7100 +1624.00 =
6900 +1624.00
= 8524.00
6500 +1624.00 =
Un-Skilled 6600 +1624.00 =
6400 +1624.00
= 8024.00
6000 +1624.00 =
The details of Zones are given below for your ready reference:
(8) 	 Zone I - Shall comprise of the areas falling within the
limits of all the Municipal Corporations, Contonment
areas and Industrial areas within 20 K.M. radius from all
the Municipal Corporations limit within the State of
(b) 	 Zone II - Shall comprise of the areas falling within the
Limits of all "A" & "B" Grade Municipal Councils within the
State of Maharashtra,
(cl 	 Zone 111- Shall comprise of all other areas in the State of
Maharashtra which are not included in Zone-I and Zone-II.
You are requested to kindly take a note of revised Minimum rates
of Wages and arrange to pay the difference of Minimum Wages
from March 2014 onwards. You are also requested to deduct PF &
ESI Contributions from the difference amount pay90able to the
employees and send deta ils for preparing PF & ESI Challans.
Thanking you,
Yours 	Caithfu lly,
! L
(Din h Kawad~)

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Notification minimum wages

  • 1. III Illln;II:'"!:" 01 "1" II::" LII "lll'l.lde 348 of th.· (:,,"st;itlll.ion 0(' rndi:t, I.he followiIlJ'. I.r:,",;I:iI.I"" in f'~III:ldl "('I.h,, (;"VI'I'IIIII"ld. N"l.iI·wation, No. MW..'. IOI:lI·1:W/CI?-'2()!i/f,aIJ-7, dated I.lw :11'<1 M:m'll '201~. pld"i~;ji(,d ill 1./", "·I(/II'I/(/slll('o Governnwl/{ (;,,:d{.·. I'arl. 1· 1., g,lra-ordiu(uy I;: Ilf·I'Pil.v )lfddl"III'cI ",,<1..1' !.II!' :1Ii1.ilol'iI.y "f II,,· <:overnor. J 1 . J,,,1 It ell I!'> I Il l.r. D. S. RAJPUT, i)epllty Secretary to GDV,!rlllllnlll.. INDl1STItII';S, I';NI.:JC( ~y AND LABOllH.I)«;I'AftTMENT Mad:lIll (':1111:1 /(.11:111. Ilutatlll:l 1t:ljl:III'1I (:h"wl(. MaIJLI'alaYil, M'II"I>:II ·100 O;i2, dal."d I.lw :in, M:m'" :W),L /1/( ),!'!f?fCATIO/l/ (1.1 1'. 1 I".' W• •:1.:1-1 (:'r, l!)·-H:l. 'II 1 ',- ](1 1:U4:lOfCR-:L05/J.;-J h-7.-Wlwrc::ls, by fhe Covernment Notification, Industries, E .I'll!.r ; lid !-'lIMIII r I>c p:ll:tm u t, MWA-:2L003/C.R. 119/Lab-7, dated the 14th May 2007, the(J GO ·!'1Ir.lcul II • ; ha ~ revi:-'ed Uw minimum rates of wages payable to the employees e . :- .~'_. ill :I .~ inoll I.ry .lIgagpd ill schf.'dlded ..~mpJoyment viz" Employment in engineering Illflnher :1(; ill parI. I of ;;chedule to the Minimum W:1gl,,; .Ad;, HHH (XI ,."ff:I'I·"d I." ;(:; "t.h. : ~ ,lid. srhntillind "11l1'1"'yIIH'II'''} ill 1.1" . St.;".,' til' 1·1;1I'111':1:-':ILI':1 ; And whereas, the Governmenl. or Maharu::lilr'll, having reviewed the minillllJlll raks oj w:Jges payable to the employees employed m said scheduled employment, considers it necessary to revise them further. Now , t.herefore, in exercise of the pawns "()l1ferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of sl>d.illll :1 I'P:-;o with sub-section (21 "j' i'i.'ction f) ,,1' !'ItPo Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (Xl of 1948), . ill it;.; IlpplieatlOn to the State of M:1h"l'ashtl'a, tll' (;"vcl'Ilment of Mahal'ashtra, after considering all till' Il!presentations receiv(~d I,, it. ill rc,.;ped of' till! proposal published in the Government NoLific:dion, lndustries, Energy "lid Labour D.,p;II·l.llltmt, No. MWA-2012/6/CR-9/LAB-7, dated Lite ItJL; Ma y 2012, and after CO,J:i,;lting the AdvHall'y Boaru, hereby )'('vises, with effect from :lrd Mal ell 2014, the minimum r:d.I!!'; of wagei' p;l.Yahk to the emploYCl'H employed in the said :-;clwdukd l:lllployrnent and reiixv,; them, as ,;,,1 Old. ill mlumn (3) of l.Iw Schedule appended I)(>rpjn ,, ~ , liP minimum rates or W;II!CS pav,'lhl., to t.lw class of employoes nH'ntioned against lhem in column (2) of the said SdwJulc:- Sch.,~"IIl.e -Minimum ratet; (If w;.;ges (per month basic rates in rupp-c.,-! Zone-J :0one-IJ ;,one-lIJ I II (2) (3) - - _ .- .. -----~ Skill.,d 7,800 7,600 7,200 .) ;-"' "li -c:killed 7,100 6,9IH) 6,500 } 1 II s killed 6,600 G,4()( I 6,000 ~ ' --'- ---- '- ­
  • 2. /"aj E.l.:planation.-For the purposes 0: "hi" nc~_: ~ ~ _:::. -­ Zone~l.-It shall comprise of the arE:!a~ :' ~':=--f ~_:::"'::-. ~::e lirnits of all tlH:~ IIv1uIucqJal Corporations, Cantonment areas an.d Indu::ltric( :::~~ ?-::::.:..::.. :J! Kilometers redius from all ~he :'Iunicipal Corporations limit; '0' Zone·Il.-It she.:.: compnse of the area;; :3..":;:;;: -:-:::...:..:: :::e :imits of all " A " and" B" Grade :,Ju.-..:cipal Cou....~cil,s. . :~:aIt- whie:-. Mt: not inc.uci8d III Zon8-l and Z()~e·II (d) the- ~ninimum rate~ of daily "age ~ ?,=,yuLle Lo an tllI1ploYGl:' ernplvy(;d un daily WU~t~ ,; ~hHll he compu1.erl by ctivldmg the miHlm U;'l rates of monthly wages fixed for the class of employees to which he belongs by twenty 3:'., the quotiem bemg stepped upto the nearest paLsa ; t e} the mimmum rates of hourly ""age! ?ayble to part-time employee shall be (;omputed b~' dividing the daily rates of minimum wfiges applicable to the concerned class of employees oy eig::t hours with 15 per cent rise in it f':-.C. quotient being stepped upto the nearest paisa: c~ cr_f :r.ini!-::u..'T: !'a~es of wages shall:l0 inclusive of payment of remU!:1eratio!: ::c. res;:",,:: - . , -~ ·.': =ea~:~· c.a:; :: ~e~: g ::-.f: r.:::-j:::-.:.: :-a,,,s Dr wages shall (Qnsist of basic rates, the cOSt of h'ing ".llrJ·.';::::::E-. the cash value of cO:l.cessions, if any; th..l 3 ':killcd p!~:pl.~}y00 ~:~ 'J!l.'? -.t,rho ~. : :a p .'~ .... :.. of.' '/,.'orkin.·~ L!ff'ici.c :::.tly, CXGl" .:;:;n:.:·icle! ..tbit: independent judgement and discharging his duties respomibly : (ij a semi·skilled emplo~'ee is one, wi:? does ...·ork gen.e!"all~· of a well defined routinE ::E::-.~rc . "::--.E-F:=' ::-:e :-:-.ajor rt:~ui:'E::1f!1t is not so mueh of the .iudgement. skills and dexterity. -:::-..:.: 0: ?!"e;f-",r c.:s;:!;.arge of d'.:.:ies assigned to hi::1 for a relatively narrow job and important :::",~: ~ ::)":,-s 2t:-", ;::ac.e by others. H:s york is thus li:-:1ited to the performance of routine operation . - ..:::-:::eC scope : J an ·.m-skilled employee is one who does operations that involve the performance uf ­ .ol:np:e duties which requi!'E- exercise of littlE- c·r .10 independent judgement or previou:, experience, although a famibu-ity with the occupa:.iGnal environment is necessary. His vv()rk may thus require, in addition to physical exertior.. familiarity with a variety of artides or goods. APPENDIX The average consumer Price Index Number in respect of ten centres in the State of Maharashtra for wm'hng ('hs£ (1!n;'i S.;:clc._ "C01 ~ lOv) shull b~, i,htl C()~t of i.;iving -iri.dCe.'_ -Number applicable to the employees employed i.ll the said scheduled employment. The Competent. ~ Authority appointed by the Government shall,. after the expiry of every six months commencing on the first d.:1Y of Janua~y and the first day of July, calculate the average of the Cost. of Liv ing Index Number applicable to the said employe;;s fur these six months and ascertain the rise of ::;uch average over 190 points. For snch rise of every point, spe(;ial ullowan(;8 (hereillafter refE:l'!'ed to as " the Cost of Living Allowance -',' payable to the employees in the said s(;heduled employment for each of the six months imm~diately following six l1l0nth~ in ltl.::ij)e<C L vi whil:b such average has been calculated at the rate (If Rs. 28.00 per month in respect of all the zones.
  • 3. " 2. The Cosl. ,01' , ,j,llIl~ Allowance com.putecl :1: : :.!ill·".e:"j,j ::1,,,11 I", cI,'cl:ln,d I,y !.III! (:"",, ...1."1<1 Authority by lIo1.ific::<I.j'l/l ill the Official Gazeti,· III !.III' /;,, :1 "", ,1, "f" .flily wlwlI Slwll all"w:II«," is payahlc for ":wh 011.11<' rnonths from July to 11e-""lId"'l :",d 1.1 ... /;,,;1. wenk or ,1:lflll:I'-V wl","III .-;uch allow:IIW,' i~; 1':ly:d,II' lill' ()3ch of the monU,,: 1/11//1 .I;/I/I':'/", I." ,'11111" : Provided I.I;d., 1.11<' ( :t1l1ll'cl.< :nl Authority shall '/,,,,1: ,/",, 1.1,, : (:",:1. oj' I ,ivill/j Allowance pay;]I"' lfl resped of L1w 1>l'l"iclIl fnllil 1.he dale of" or 1.1,,' ral.,' Ill' lIlinilll.UIll wages Lo the cnn 01 December or June, :I,e; !.I(, '::IS!' may be, inlln('di:d.c.-i.y :d'ter t1w said date with effect from will' I, the minimlilll rates or W:I~~"S arf.) fixed . () :-l. I(AII'I)'l" 1)"1'"1." ,'-;I""I"'I·:lI"Y lo (;overnnwlI!.. : { - ".'~~ HUR.~M JAGANNATH GOSA.", " '" ':"'1, ' ~" !,', ; , ,. ' ',f , ' I',I Nr-,H:NT I'!.J."TP:', ."' , :, ,,]I. ':". ~ 'I' i.P I 'r<N'I'HIt PHF:~'S. 21 .A NI·:' I .-.I I ~ . ~ IJ :--I! 1"1," r :11tIINI ItOAD. MUMIAI 400004 t .. . j iii) .., -' : 1.• 1:';' :J:hJ) .:·rGRATI.:: OFGOVfJlNMENT PJU:-': .1:" ' ! ' r~,.~: "~.·' !I" t ·l l l1l.1 '~ ITln~, ~ l -:'. , ~'~:TA,I~ ....: "., :-' • It,I;:"! HUAD, MLlHOAI '1dO 004 , fn ...; », .. ' id,SIi C I.A.. JAGANNA1'H GOSAVl.
  • 4. _....... ·---­ D. V. KAWADE lc!,'()('u/r:' f F £5;/ & Lahuur L([w fmcfifione!' To, May 15, 2014 Mis Vidarbha Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd NAGPUR Sub.:- Revision of Minimum Rates of Wages applicable to scheduled HEAD OF "ENGINEERING INDUSTRY" Dear Sir, I am pleased to inform you that, the Government of Maharashtra, Ind ustries, Energy & Labour Depa rtment, Mantralaya, Mumbai vide Notification No,MWA-1013 / 430/ C.R.-205 / Lab-7, dated 3rd March, 2014 has revised Minimum Rates of Wages applicable to "Employment in Engineering Industry" w.e.f. 03,03.2014. Accordingly, the Revised Rates of Basic and D.A. for the period 03.03.2014 to 30.06.2014 are as under:­ Category Zone-I (Now includes Hingna MIDC) Basic + DA Zone-II Basic + DA Zone-III Basic + DA Skilled 7800 +1624.00 = 9424.00 7600 +1624.00 = 9224.00 7200 +1624.00 = 8824.00 Semi-Skilled 7100 +1624.00 = 8724.00 6900 +1624.00 = 8524.00 6500 +1624.00 = 8124.00 Un-Skilled 6600 +1624.00 = 8224.00 6400 +1624.00 = 8024.00 6000 +1624.00 = 7624.00 The details of Zones are given below for your ready reference: (8) Zone I - Shall comprise of the areas falling within the limits of all the Municipal Corporations, Contonment areas and Industrial areas within 20 K.M. radius from all the Municipal Corporations limit within the State of Maharashtra. (b) Zone II - Shall comprise of the areas falling within the Limits of all "A" & "B" Grade Municipal Councils within the State of Maharashtra, (cl Zone 111- Shall comprise of all other areas in the State of Maharashtra which are not included in Zone-I and Zone-II. You are requested to kindly take a note of revised Minimum rates of Wages and arrange to pay the difference of Minimum Wages from March 2014 onwards. You are also requested to deduct PF & ESI Contributions from the difference amount pay90able to the employees and send deta ils for preparing PF & ESI Challans. Thanking you, Yours Caithfu lly, J ! L tir~ (Din h Kawad~) Advocate