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©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Tech Spec Overview:
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
What is the OSGi Service
•  A Java framework for developing remotely
deployed service applications, that require:
–  Reliability
–  Large scale distribution
–  Wide range of devices
–  Collaborative
•  Created through collaboration of industry leaders
•  Spec 2.0 publicly available at
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
OSGi Service Platform,
Release 2 Contents
1.  Framework Specification
2.  Package Admin Service Specification
3.  Permission Admin Service Specification
4.  Service Tracker Specification
5.  Log Service Specification
6.  HTTP Service Specification
7.  Device Access Specification
8.  Configuration Admin Service Specification
9.  Metatype Specification
10.  Preferences Service Specification
11.  User Admin Service Specification
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Release 3 Planned Extensions
OSGi Specifications Content
Execution Environment
R3 Preliminary
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
•  Reliable
–  Large-scale deployments fail without extremely high reliability
•  Portable
–  Attract third-party developers to create essential innovative services
•  Dynamic
–  Allow configuration to adapt to user & operator needs over time
•  Secure
–  Protect service providers from each other
–  Guarantee a prescribed quality of service
•  Scalable
–  Members have very different configurations for their deployment of OSGi
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Core Functions
•  Life Cycle Management
–  Install, Start, Stop, Update, Uninstall
•  Registry of services with notifications
•  Package and version management
•  Open remote management architecture
•  Strict separation of specifications and
–  multiple implementations
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Why Java?
•  Portable byte code format
–  Deliverables independent of OS/CPU
•  Security is integral to the language
•  Integrity by not allowing dangerous functions
•  Mature platform
•  Active developer community & broad industry
–  Availability of programmers
–  Large available code base
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Java Issues
•  Integrity
–  Cooperative, not like an OS with guarantees
•  Security
–  Performance intensive
•  Performance cost
•  Size
•  Lack of Resource Management
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Tech Spec Overview:
Framework Spec
Framework Specification
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Framework Entities
•  OSGi environment
•  Framework
•  Bundles
•  Services
•  Filters
•  Events
•  Security
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
OSGi Environment
Operating System
Java VM
Bundle (Application)
Driver Driver Driver
= service interface
exported and imported
by bundles
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
•  Allows applications to share a single Java VM
•  Manages applications
–  Life cycle, Java Packages, Security, Dependencies between
•  Service registry for collaboration
•  Extensive notification mechanism
•  Policy free
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Framework Entities
OSGi Framework
Bundle A
= service, java interface
Bundle B
Bundle C
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
•  A bundle is the deliverable application
–  Like a Windows EXE file
•  A bundle registers zero or more services
–  A service is specified in a Java interface and may be implemented by
multiple bundles
•  Searches can be used to find services registered by
other bundles
–  Query language
•  The Framework itself is represented as the system
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Bundle Specifics
•  A bundle is delivered in a Java ARchive (JAR) file
(zip) containing:
–  Resources to implement zero or more services
–  Manifest with information about the bundle:
•  Dependencies on other resources (Java packages)
•  Name, description, copyrights, vendor, profile, etc.
–  A class that can start/stop the bundle (Bundle Activator)
•  Can also act like a library (E.g. DLL file)
•  Framework can install/update/uninstall bundles
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
•  Framework provides mechanisms, but is
policy free
•  Management policy provided by a bundle
specific to the operator:
–  Called a Management Bundle
•  Management policies made/selected by the
•  Enables standardized OSGi management
bundles from network management vendors
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Management, protocols or API?
Private protocol
for example:
etc.= Bundle
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Collaborative model
•  More than an Applet, MIDlet, Xlet runner
•  Bundles can collaborate through:
–  service objects
–  package sharing
•  A dynamic registry allows a bundle to find
and track service objects
•  Framework fully manages this collaboration
–  Dependencies, security
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Collaborative model
Operating System
OSGi Framework
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Collaborative model
How does OSGi relate to MIDP,
Java TV, Browsers
Operating System
Java Application Manager
No native code
No package management
No collaboration
No management bundles
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Service Specifics
•  A service is an object registered with the
Framework by a bundle to be used by other
•  The semantics and syntax of a service are
specified in a Java interface
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Java Interfaces
Gets (with query) interface
public interface Log {
public void log(String s);
public class SimpleLog implements Log {
public void log(String s) {
System.out.println( s );
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Services continued
•  Different bundles (from different vendors)
can implement the same interface
–  Implementation is not visible to users
–  Allows operator to replace implementations without disrupting
•  OSGi defines a standard set of services
•  Extensive notifications for services life cycles
•  Services have a unique id
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
A Service Defined
Object that
implements a
Java Interface
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Service Registry
•  The Framework Service Registry is available
to all bundles to collaborate with other
•  Requires permission
–  Under operator control
•  Services are associated with properties
–  Query language to find appropriate service
•  Bundles can update the properties
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Service Factories
•  How does a bundle customize a service per
•  The ServiceFactory interface allows a bundle
to return a specific customized service
object for each bundle
•  Framework calls back the factory for service
get and unget methods.
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Service Factories
Framework Bundle
Bundle A
{ }
Bundle B
{ }
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
•  The Framework manages the dependencies
between bundles
•  Bundles that are installed and started will
register services
•  Framework will automatically unregister
services when a bundle stops
•  Event notifications for all important events
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Bundle C
{ }
Bundle A
{ }
Bundle B
{ }
Install A
events: install
events: register
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Bundle C
{ }
Bundle B
{ }
events: uninstall
events: unregister
Bundle A
{ }
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
An example with services
Bundle A
{ }
Events: register, unregister
Bundle C
{ }
Bundle B
{ }
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
How to find a service
•  Framework supports powerful Filter object
•  Syntax based on LDAP string based filters
•  Searches properties registered with a service
–  Common data types, including arrays and vectors
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Filter Syntax
•  Expressions
–  And (&(…)(…)(…))
–  Or (|(…)(…)(…))
–  Not (!(…))
•  Comparisons
–  Less (attr<=9)
–  Greater (attr>=9)
–  Approximate (attr~=osgi)
–  Equals (attr=9)
–  Substring (attr=OSG*i)
–  Presence (attr=*)
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Filter syntax
•  Sub expressions
–  (&(vendor=ERICSSON)(priority>4))
–  (|(vendor~=ERICSSON)(vendor~=Microsoft))
–  (&(objectclass=org.osgi.service.log.Log)(vendor~=IBM))
•  Filter is useful in many contexts
–  Reduces query classes like used in Jini
•  Can be used for application filtering as well
–  Applied widely in OSGi services
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Service Tracker
•  Services register and unregister all the time
•  Onus on the programmer to only use
services that are registered
•  ServiceTracker simplifies this task:
–  Maintains a list of active services
–  Events can be overridden in subclass
•  Used in almost every bundle
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Classpath issues
•  Java applications consists of classes placed in
•  Java searches for a package or class in
different jar files and directories
–  These are usually specified in the CLASSPATH environment
•  Applications can exend this search path
dynamically with so called classloaders
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Classpath issues
•  Java programs are decomposed in packages
•  A class name is always prefixed with the
package name
–  package ericsson.osgi.profiler;
class X {}
–  Is actually class called "ericsson.osgi.profiler.X"
–  Creates globally unique names
•  A Java package is an indivisable unit of a set
of related classes
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
The Classpath in OSGi
•  Each bundle has its own class loader
•  Bundles can only shares packages when:
–  Import and export clauses in the manifest match
–  Have permission to do so for those packages
•  The framework manages the overall CLASSPATH
for bundles
•  Assures that all bundles use the same class
•  Tracks shared usage of packages between
between bundles
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
OSGi Classpath
Bundle A
Export org.osgi.service.log
Import org.osgi.service.http
Bundle B
Export ericsson.osgi
Import org.osgi.service.http
B resolved
A resolved
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Package Admin Service
•  Policy interface to Framework package
•  Uninstalling a bundle will not withdraw
exported packages
–  anymore (this was optional in Release 1)
•  Inspect current state of im- and exporting
•  Cleanup stale exported packages by stopping
and starting the minimum set of bundles
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Native code
•  JAR file contains both Java classes + native
•  Matching of correct operating system,
processor and language
•  Life cycle bound to bundles life cycle
•  Requires Java 1.2 support
•  Notice that JAR format is only delivery format
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Native code
•  Java Supports native code with the "native"
–  public class Native {
public native void test();
•  OSGi has a number of Manifest headers
allowing shared libraries to be included
–  Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Name: NativeCodeTest
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Dependency Management
•  When a bundle stops, it is cleaned up
–  Registered services are removed
–  References to other services removed
•  Bundles can be notified when a service they
depend on is unregistered
•  Class path dependencies are managed
•  Model allows long running applications with
dynamic software updates
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Real code! Hello World
package org.osgi.nursery.hello;
import org.osgi.framework.*;
public class HelloWorld implements BundleActivator {
public void start( BundleContext context ) throws Exception{
System.out.println( "Hello world" );
public void stop( BundleContext context ) throws Exception {
System.out.println( "Goodbye world" );
•  Manifest:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Activator: org.osgi.nursery.hello.HelloWorld
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
To get and register a service
•  public interface GPS {
•  public void foo( BundleContext context ) {
Garmin garmin = new Garmin(…);
Hashtable properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put( "vendor", "garmin" );
ServiceRegistration reg = context.registerService(
properties );
•  public void bar( BundleContext context ) {
ServiceReference ref = context.getService(
GPS.class.getName() );
GPS gps = context.getService( ref );
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
•  OSGi (optionally) uses Java 1.2 Security based on
Permission classes
•  A Permission class defines the semantics of what a
permission means
•  For example: FilePermission
–  Target = directory or file, "/tmp/-"
–  Action = what can be done, READ, WRITE
•  Stack based checking
•  Flexible but very complex and CPU intensive
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
OSGi Security
•  Optional
–  Base Framework API not linked to
•  OSGi uses a single (1) protection domain per
–  Java 2 allows multiple
–  Simpler
•  Framework is, again, policy free
•  Administration is done via the Permission
Admin service
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Java 2 Security overview
Permissions Permission
get stack trace
use minimal permission
Check permission
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Permission Admin Service
•  Framework uses Permission Admin Service to
administer permissions
•  Permissions associated with bundle location
–  Allows setting before bundle is downloaded
•  Synchronous Bundle Listener added so that a
Management Bundle
–  Set the permissions Just In Time
•  (Simple) Serializable format for permissions
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Tech Spec Overview:
Component Specs
Component Specifications
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Content R1, R2, R3
OSGi Specifications Content
Execution Environment
R3 Preliminary
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
org.osgi.service.log v1.1
Log Service
•  Simple and small Log service for operator
•  4 Levels
•  Automatically logs framework events in a
defined way
•  Other bundles can access log history
–  Management bundle
–  Length implementation dependent
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
org.osgi.service.log v1.1
Log Service
a log user a log reader
LogService LogEntry LogListener
a log service
A log entry
A log reader
Log Service Impl. bundle
Log a message
Store a message for retrieval and broadcast
Message log
Send new log entry
Retrieve log
A log
user bundle
A log
using bundle
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
org.osgi.service.http v1.1
Http Service
•  Provides web access to bundles
•  A powerful servlet runner
–  Supports Servlets Version 2.1
•  Very simple to export static pages and files
(like images)
•  Automatically unregisters servlets when
bundle is stopped
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
org.osgi.service.http v1.1
Http Service
Impl. Of Http
Impl. Of
Default impl.
Bundles main
An Http
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
org.osgi.service.device v1.1
Device Access
•  Dynamic device driver download model
•  Plug & Play
–  Plugged in devices identify themselves
–  Device Manager will download appropriate bundle
•  Matching process for best driver
•  Extendable
–  Driver Selector, Driver locator
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Device Access 1.1
A device
References to install
selects attach
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Device Access
7. attach
4. find bundle location
5. Install bundle
2. register
1. Insert camera
9. Select
8. Register camera
10. Show camera
on TV
3. Select device
Driver 6. register
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved v1.0
Configuration Admin Service
•  Configures bundles
–  At startup, or any later moment
•  Maintains a repository of configurations
–  Local
–  Management system
•  Configurations are key/value pairs
–  Typed with Meta Types
•  Can be extended with plugins
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Configuration Admin
Admin impl
Plugin impl
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
org.osgi.service.metatype V1.0
Meta Typing
•  Data Descriptors for generic editors
–  Configurations, Properties
•  Supports
–  Basic types like String, Integer, Byte, Short …
–  Arrays and Vectors
•  Uses LDAP Objectclass, attribute model
•  Can be localized for different languages
•  General validation support
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Meta Typing Class Diagram
1 1..n
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
org.osgi.service.prefs v1.0
Preferences Service
•  Simple hierarchical model like Windows
•  Uses simple hierarchical names
–  /bundle/121/httpport=81
•  Different trees
–  Multiple named trees per bundle
–  One system tree
•  Storage can be local or on management
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
org.osgi.service.prefs v1.0
Preferences Service
root Named or System
c2 /c2
properties /c1/d2
properties /c1/d2/d1/d2
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Preferences Class Diagram
a bundle
Service impl.
Node impl.
Root user nodes
Root system node
User name
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
org.osgi.service.useradmin v1.0
User Admin Service
•  Repository of users
•  Maintains data for authentication and other
–  Private keys, passwords, bio-profile, User Preferences
•  Powerful role based authorization model
–  Users, group of users, and groups of groups
•  Administrative functions
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
User Admin Class Diagram
User admin
Role impl
User impl
Group impl
User name
User Listener
Action impl
Consult for authorization
Has roles
Perform action
Send event
Basic member
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Wire Admin Service (R3)
•  Connects Producer services to Consumer
services via Wire object
•  Wire objects have properties for
Producer ConsumerWire
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Position, Measurement, State
•  Support classes for Wire Admin
•  Position
–  Supports GPS like position
•  Measurement
–  SI measurement system to prevent calculation errors
–  Error calculations
–  Timestamp
•  State
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Start Levels (R3)
•  Allows Management Agent to control startup
/shutdown sequence of installed bundles
•  Supports many levels
•  System service, implemented by Framework
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
URL Stream & Content
•  Manages the URLStreamHandlerFactory and
URLContentHandlerFactory of Java
–  These factories can only be set once so the Framework must
manage them
•  Bundles can register a
URLStreamHandlerService or
•  The Framework will automatically add these
to the standard set
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Universal Plug ‘n Play (R3)
•  Popular UPnP specifications adapted to OSGi
Service Platform
•  Makes it very easy to write a UPnP control
point or device
•  Involves registering a simple UPnPDevice
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Jini (R3)
•  Defined how Jini devices can cooperate with
an OSGi service platform
•  Service Platform very good environment for
Jini services, but
•  Security issues
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
Execution Environment (R3)
•  OSGi defined 2 execution environments
•  Minimal
–  Intended for really small devices
•  Foundation Profile
–  Adapted from JCP’s Foundation Profile
•  Finally!
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
IO Connector Service (R3)
•  Adopted J2ME package
•  Process in JCP is intended to make this
•  Connection type + address selected by a
single string
•  Connection interfaces allows client code to
adapt to different schemes
–  Datagram, Sockets, Servers
©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved
XML Parser Service
•  Allows different bundles to register an XML
•  Supports finding “best” parser for a specific
•  Based on standard Java JAR service

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2005 OSGi Alliance Status - John Barr, Ph.D., Past President, OSGi Alliance; ...
2005 OSGi Alliance Status - John Barr, Ph.D., Past President, OSGi Alliance; ...2005 OSGi Alliance Status - John Barr, Ph.D., Past President, OSGi Alliance; ...
2005 OSGi Alliance Status - John Barr, Ph.D., Past President, OSGi Alliance; ...
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Technical Specification Overview - OSGi World Congress 2002 Workshop Intro - P Kriens

  • 1. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Tech Spec Overview: Introduction Technical Specification Overview Introduction
  • 2. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved What is the OSGi Service Platform? •  A Java framework for developing remotely deployed service applications, that require: –  Reliability –  Large scale distribution –  Wide range of devices –  Collaborative •  Created through collaboration of industry leaders •  Spec 2.0 publicly available at
  • 3. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved OSGi Service Platform, Release 2 Contents 1.  Framework Specification 2.  Package Admin Service Specification 3.  Permission Admin Service Specification 4.  Service Tracker Specification 5.  Log Service Specification 6.  HTTP Service Specification 7.  Device Access Specification 8.  Configuration Admin Service Specification 9.  Metatype Specification 10.  Preferences Service Specification 11.  User Admin Service Specification
  • 4. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Release 3 Planned Extensions (Preliminary) Framework OSGi Specifications Content Execution Environment DeviceManager LogService HttpService R1 UserAdmin ServiceTracker ConfigurationAdmin PreferencesService PackageAdmin PermissionAdmin R2 ConnectorService Position XMLParserService UPnPService JiniService WireAdmin Measurement StartLevel URLHandler R3 Preliminary
  • 5. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Essentials •  Reliable –  Large-scale deployments fail without extremely high reliability •  Portable –  Attract third-party developers to create essential innovative services •  Dynamic –  Allow configuration to adapt to user & operator needs over time •  Secure –  Protect service providers from each other –  Guarantee a prescribed quality of service •  Scalable –  Members have very different configurations for their deployment of OSGi frameworks
  • 6. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Core Functions •  Life Cycle Management –  Install, Start, Stop, Update, Uninstall •  Registry of services with notifications •  Package and version management •  Open remote management architecture •  Strict separation of specifications and implementations –  multiple implementations
  • 7. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Why Java? •  Portable byte code format –  Deliverables independent of OS/CPU •  Security is integral to the language •  Integrity by not allowing dangerous functions •  Mature platform •  Active developer community & broad industry support –  Availability of programmers –  Large available code base
  • 8. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Java Issues •  Integrity –  Cooperative, not like an OS with guarantees •  Security –  Performance intensive •  Performance cost •  Size •  Lack of Resource Management
  • 9. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Tech Spec Overview: Framework Spec Technical Specification Overview Framework Specification
  • 10. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Framework Entities •  OSGi environment •  Framework •  Bundles •  Services •  Filters •  Events •  Security
  • 11. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved OSGi Environment Hardware Bundle Bundle Bundle Operating System OSGi Java VM Bundle (Application) Driver Driver Driver = service interface exported and imported by bundles
  • 12. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Framework •  Allows applications to share a single Java VM •  Manages applications –  Life cycle, Java Packages, Security, Dependencies between applications •  Service registry for collaboration •  Extensive notification mechanism •  Policy free
  • 13. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Framework Entities OSGi Framework Bundle A {} = service, java interface Bundle B {} Bundle C {}
  • 14. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Bundles •  A bundle is the deliverable application –  Like a Windows EXE file •  A bundle registers zero or more services –  A service is specified in a Java interface and may be implemented by multiple bundles •  Searches can be used to find services registered by other bundles –  Query language •  The Framework itself is represented as the system bundle
  • 15. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Bundle Specifics •  A bundle is delivered in a Java ARchive (JAR) file (zip) containing: –  Resources to implement zero or more services –  Manifest with information about the bundle: •  Dependencies on other resources (Java packages) •  Name, description, copyrights, vendor, profile, etc. –  A class that can start/stop the bundle (Bundle Activator) •  Can also act like a library (E.g. DLL file) •  Framework can install/update/uninstall bundles dynamically Bundle
  • 16. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Management •  Framework provides mechanisms, but is policy free •  Management policy provided by a bundle specific to the operator: –  Called a Management Bundle •  Management policies made/selected by the operator •  Enables standardized OSGi management bundles from network management vendors
  • 17. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Local Ethernet Local Powernet Management, protocols or API? Access Net OSGi Environment Management System Private protocol for example: SNMP, CIM, SyncML, etc.= Bundle
  • 18. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Collaborative model •  More than an Applet, MIDlet, Xlet runner •  Bundles can collaborate through: –  service objects –  package sharing •  A dynamic registry allows a bundle to find and track service objects •  Framework fully manages this collaboration –  Dependencies, security
  • 19. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved BundleBundle Collaborative model JAVA Operating System Hardware OSGi Framework Service registry packages packages
  • 20. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Collaborative model How does OSGi relate to MIDP, Java TV, Browsers JAVA Operating System Hardware Java Application Manager Service registry packages packages Midlet, Xlet, or Applet Midlet, Xlet, or Applet No native code No package management (versions!) No collaboration No management bundles
  • 21. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Service Specifics •  A service is an object registered with the Framework by a bundle to be used by other bundles •  The semantics and syntax of a service are specified in a Java interface service
  • 22. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Java Interfaces LogBundle IBM Log Motorola Log implements Gets (with query) interface public interface Log { public void log(String s); } Simple Log public class SimpleLog implements Log { public void log(String s) { System.out.println( s ); } }
  • 23. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Services continued •  Different bundles (from different vendors) can implement the same interface –  Implementation is not visible to users –  Allows operator to replace implementations without disrupting service •  OSGi defines a standard set of services •  Extensive notifications for services life cycles •  Services have a unique id
  • 24. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved A Service Defined Object that implements a Java Interface register get get get events: REGISTERED, UNREGISTERING, MODIFIED
  • 25. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Service Registry •  The Framework Service Registry is available to all bundles to collaborate with other bundles •  Requires permission –  Under operator control •  Services are associated with properties –  Query language to find appropriate service •  Bundles can update the properties
  • 26. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Service Factories •  How does a bundle customize a service per bundle? •  The ServiceFactory interface allows a bundle to return a specific customized service object for each bundle •  Framework calls back the factory for service get and unget methods.
  • 27. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Service Factories Framework Bundle Standard Bundle Factory Bundle A { } Bundle B { }
  • 28. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Dependencies •  The Framework manages the dependencies between bundles •  Bundles that are installed and started will register services •  Framework will automatically unregister services when a bundle stops •  Event notifications for all important events
  • 29. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Dependencies Framework Bundle C { } Bundle A { } Bundle B { } Install A start events: install events: register
  • 30. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Framework Dependencies Bundle C { } Bundle B { } Uninstall stop events: uninstall events: unregister Bundle A { }
  • 31. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved An example with services Registry Bundle A { } register WAP bundle Events: register, unregister Bundle C { } Bundle B { } Publisher get
  • 32. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved How to find a service •  Framework supports powerful Filter object •  Syntax based on LDAP string based filters •  Searches properties registered with a service –  Common data types, including arrays and vectors
  • 33. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Filter Syntax •  Expressions –  And (&(…)(…)(…)) –  Or (|(…)(…)(…)) –  Not (!(…)) •  Comparisons –  Less (attr<=9) –  Greater (attr>=9) –  Approximate (attr~=osgi) –  Equals (attr=9) –  Substring (attr=OSG*i) –  Presence (attr=*)
  • 34. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Filter syntax •  Sub expressions –  (&(vendor=ERICSSON)(priority>4)) –  (|(vendor~=ERICSSON)(vendor~=Microsoft)) –  (&(objectclass=org.osgi.service.log.Log)(vendor~=IBM)) •  Filter is useful in many contexts –  Reduces query classes like used in Jini •  Can be used for application filtering as well –  Applied widely in OSGi services
  • 35. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Service Tracker •  Services register and unregister all the time •  Onus on the programmer to only use services that are registered •  ServiceTracker simplifies this task: –  Maintains a list of active services –  Events can be overridden in subclass •  Used in almost every bundle
  • 36. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Classpath issues •  Java applications consists of classes placed in packages •  Java searches for a package or class in different jar files and directories –  These are usually specified in the CLASSPATH environment variable •  Applications can exend this search path dynamically with so called classloaders
  • 37. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Classpath issues •  Java programs are decomposed in packages •  A class name is always prefixed with the package name –  package ericsson.osgi.profiler; class X {} –  Is actually class called "ericsson.osgi.profiler.X" –  Creates globally unique names •  A Java package is an indivisable unit of a set of related classes
  • 38. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved The Classpath in OSGi •  Each bundle has its own class loader •  Bundles can only shares packages when: –  Import and export clauses in the manifest match –  Have permission to do so for those packages •  The framework manages the overall CLASSPATH for bundles •  Assures that all bundles use the same class •  Tracks shared usage of packages between between bundles
  • 39. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved OSGi Classpath Bundle A Export org.osgi.service.log Import org.osgi.service.http javax.servlet.http Framework org.osgi.framework org.osgi.service.http Bundle B Export ericsson.osgi javax.servlet javax.servlet.http org.osgi.service.log Import org.osgi.service.http B resolved A resolved
  • 40. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Package Admin Service •  Policy interface to Framework package handling •  Uninstalling a bundle will not withdraw exported packages –  anymore (this was optional in Release 1) •  Inspect current state of im- and exporting •  Cleanup stale exported packages by stopping and starting the minimum set of bundles
  • 41. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Native code •  JAR file contains both Java classes + native code •  Matching of correct operating system, processor and language •  Life cycle bound to bundles life cycle •  Requires Java 1.2 support •  Notice that JAR format is only delivery format
  • 42. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Native code •  Java Supports native code with the "native" keyword –  public class Native { public native void test(); } •  OSGi has a number of Manifest headers allowing shared libraries to be included –  Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-Name: NativeCodeTest Bundle-NativeCode: http.dll;os=Win95;processor=x86;os=Solaris;processor=x86;language=en;os=Solaris;processor=x86;language=de;os=Solaris;processor=sparc
  • 43. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Dependency Management •  When a bundle stops, it is cleaned up –  Registered services are removed –  References to other services removed •  Bundles can be notified when a service they depend on is unregistered •  Class path dependencies are managed •  Model allows long running applications with dynamic software updates
  • 44. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Real code! Hello World • package org.osgi.nursery.hello; import org.osgi.framework.*; public class HelloWorld implements BundleActivator { public void start( BundleContext context ) throws Exception{ System.out.println( "Hello world" ); } public void stop( BundleContext context ) throws Exception { System.out.println( "Goodbye world" ); } } •  Manifest: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-Activator: org.osgi.nursery.hello.HelloWorld
  • 45. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved To get and register a service •  public interface GPS { … } •  public void foo( BundleContext context ) { Garmin garmin = new Garmin(…); Hashtable properties = new Hashtable(); properties.put( "vendor", "garmin" ); ServiceRegistration reg = context.registerService( GPS.class.getName(), garmin, properties ); } •  public void bar( BundleContext context ) { ServiceReference ref = context.getService( GPS.class.getName() ); GPS gps = context.getService( ref ); … }
  • 46. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Security •  OSGi (optionally) uses Java 1.2 Security based on Permission classes •  A Permission class defines the semantics of what a permission means •  For example: FilePermission –  Target = directory or file, "/tmp/-" –  Action = what can be done, READ, WRITE •  Stack based checking •  Flexible but very complex and CPU intensive
  • 47. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved OSGi Security •  Optional –  Base Framework API not linked to •  OSGi uses a single (1) protection domain per bundle –  Java 2 allows multiple –  Simpler •  Framework is, again, policy free •  Administration is done via the Permission Admin service
  • 48. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Java 2 Security overview anA aB aC A B C Open file C C B B B A Protection Domain Code Source Permission Collection Permissions Permission File Permissions File Permission Security Manager Access Controller stack foo() bar() open() checkRead(File) check(FilePermission) get stack trace use minimal permission Check permission implies(FilePermission) implies(FilePermission) implies(FilePermission) Policy
  • 49. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Permission Admin Service •  Framework uses Permission Admin Service to administer permissions •  Permissions associated with bundle location –  Allows setting before bundle is downloaded •  Synchronous Bundle Listener added so that a Management Bundle –  Set the permissions Just In Time •  (Simple) Serializable format for permissions
  • 50. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Tech Spec Overview: Component Specs Technical Specification Overview Component Specifications
  • 51. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Content R1, R2, R3 Framework OSGi Specifications Content Execution Environment DeviceManager LogService HttpService R1 UserAdmin ServiceTracker ConfigurationAdmin PreferencesService PackageAdmin PermissionAdmin R2 ConnectorService Position XMLParserService UPnPService JiniService WireAdmin Measurement StartLevel URLHandler R3 Preliminary
  • 52. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved org.osgi.service.log v1.1 Log Service •  Simple and small Log service for operator •  4 Levels –  INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR •  Automatically logs framework events in a defined way •  Other bundles can access log history –  Management bundle –  Length implementation dependent
  • 53. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved org.osgi.service.log v1.1 Log Service a log user a log reader LogService LogEntry LogListener LogReader Service a log service impl. A log entry impl. A log reader impl. Log Service Impl. bundle Log a message Store a message for retrieval and broadcast Message log Send new log entry Retrieve log A log user bundle A log reader using bundle
  • 54. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved org.osgi.service.http v1.1 Http Service •  Provides web access to bundles •  A powerful servlet runner –  Supports Servlets Version 2.1 •  Very simple to export static pages and files (like images) •  Automatically unregisters servlets when bundle is stopped
  • 55. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved org.osgi.service.http v1.1 Http Service Impl. Of Http context Impl. Of servlet HttpContext NameSpace Exception HttpService javax.servlet. Servlet Default impl. HttpContext Resource registration Servlet registration Bundles main code javax.servlet. Request/ Response NameSpace alias An Http Service impl.
  • 56. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved org.osgi.service.device v1.1 Device Access •  Dynamic device driver download model •  Plug & Play –  Plugged in devices identify themselves –  Device Manager will download appropriate bundle •  Matching process for best driver •  Extendable –  Driver Selector, Driver locator
  • 57. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Device Access 1.1 Locator bundle Device Manager Device A device Driver Locator selector bundle Driver Selector Driver References to install selects attach
  • 58. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Device Access IEEE 1394B Interface Network bundle Driver Locator Driver Locator TV 7. attach 4. find bundle location 5. Install bundle 2. register Camera 1. Insert camera 9. Select camera 8. Register camera 10. Show camera on TV 3. Select device Device Manager Sony CCD654 Driver 6. register TV bundle Camera Device
  • 59. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved v1.0 Configuration Admin Service •  Configures bundles –  At startup, or any later moment •  Maintains a repository of configurations –  Local –  Management system •  Configurations are key/value pairs –  Typed with Meta Types •  Can be extended with plugins
  • 60. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Configuration Admin client bundle Configuration Admin impl Configuration Admin Configuration bundle Managed Service client bundle Managed Service Factory Configuration 1 11 0..n Configuration Plugin Plugin impl Configuration Exception
  • 61. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved org.osgi.service.metatype V1.0 Meta Typing •  Data Descriptors for generic editors –  Configurations, Properties •  Supports –  Basic types like String, Integer, Byte, Short … –  Arrays and Vectors •  Uses LDAP Objectclass, attribute model •  Can be localized for different languages •  General validation support
  • 62. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Meta Typing Class Diagram MetaType Provider ObjectClass Definition Attribute Definition 1..n 1 1 1..n Locale PID
  • 63. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved org.osgi.service.prefs v1.0 Preferences Service •  Simple hierarchical model like Windows Registry •  Uses simple hierarchical names –  /bundle/121/httpport=81 •  Different trees –  Multiple named trees per bundle –  One system tree •  Storage can be local or on management system
  • 64. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved org.osgi.service.prefs v1.0 Preferences Service root Named or System c2 /c2 d1 c1 /c1/d2 foo=8 bar=9 lex=‘acme’ d2 d1 d1 foo=8 bar=9 lex=‘acme’ d2 properties /c1/d2 /c1/d2/d1/d2 properties /c1/d2/d1/d2
  • 65. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Preferences Class Diagram BackingStore Exception a bundle Preferences Service Bundle preferences Service impl. Preference Node impl. Preferences nodes0..n 0..n 1 1 0..n 1 1 1 Root user nodes Root system node User name
  • 66. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved org.osgi.service.useradmin v1.0 User Admin Service •  Repository of users •  Maintains data for authentication and other purposes –  Private keys, passwords, bio-profile, User Preferences •  Powerful role based authorization model –  Users, group of users, and groups of groups •  Administrative functions
  • 67. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved User Admin Class Diagram User admin impl UserAdmin Listener UserAdminRole User Group Role impl User impl Group impl UserAdmin Permission User name Request Authenticator User Listener impl. Action impl Authorization UserAdmin Event authenticate Consult for authorization Has roles Perform action Receive events Send event Basic member Required member
  • 68. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Wire Admin Service (R3) •  Connects Producer services to Consumer services via Wire object •  Wire objects have properties for configuration WireAdmin Producer ConsumerWire
  • 69. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Position, Measurement, State •  Support classes for Wire Admin •  Position –  Supports GPS like position •  Measurement –  SI measurement system to prevent calculation errors –  Error calculations –  Timestamp •  State
  • 70. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Start Levels (R3) •  Allows Management Agent to control startup /shutdown sequence of installed bundles •  Supports many levels •  System service, implemented by Framework
  • 71. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved URL Stream & Content •  Manages the URLStreamHandlerFactory and URLContentHandlerFactory of Java –  These factories can only be set once so the Framework must manage them •  Bundles can register a URLStreamHandlerService or ContentHandler •  The Framework will automatically add these to the standard set
  • 72. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Universal Plug ‘n Play (R3) •  Popular UPnP specifications adapted to OSGi Service Platform •  Makes it very easy to write a UPnP control point or device •  Involves registering a simple UPnPDevice service
  • 73. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Jini (R3) •  Defined how Jini devices can cooperate with an OSGi service platform •  Service Platform very good environment for Jini services, but •  Security issues
  • 74. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved Execution Environment (R3) •  OSGi defined 2 execution environments •  Minimal –  Intended for really small devices •  Foundation Profile –  Adapted from JCP’s Foundation Profile •  Finally!
  • 75. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved IO Connector Service (R3) •  Adopted J2ME package •  Process in JCP is intended to make this stand-alone •  Connection type + address selected by a single string •  Connection interfaces allows client code to adapt to different schemes –  Datagram, Sockets, Servers
  • 76. ©1999-2002 OSGi, All Rights Reserved XML Parser Service •  Allows different bundles to register an XML parser •  Supports finding “best” parser for a specific application •  Based on standard Java JAR service