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is this guy?
Began in the web in 1995

Full CSS sites in 2002
Skills: UX, front-end dev, training

Recently: CSS pattern libraries
I have helped develop HTML/
CSS pattern libraries for very
large sites (media and university
sites) and complex applications
(banking applications).
In some cases, there are literally
hundreds of CSS, SCSS or
LESS ļ¬les to review and
optimise as part of the process.
Moving away from
A few years ago, many front end
developers approached
websites and web applications
as a series of ā€œpagesā€.
Pages were often designed and
built as complete entities. This
meant that page components
were often closely tied to their
relevant pages.
More recently, the focus has
shifted from full page layouts to
re-usable components.
A re-usable component could
be a layout grid structure, a
button, an input, a drop-down, a
menu, a heading, a table, or
even a pullquote.
pattern libraries
HTML/CSS pattern libraries are
used to resolve commonly used
interface components. These
components are created as
HTML and CSS code and
documented, so that they can
be easily re-used as needed.
The terms ā€œstyle guideā€ and
ā€œpattern libraryā€ are often used
A style guide is a set of
standards for implementing the
overall design, and can include
corporate branding, color
schemes, layout and more.
Style guides are used to ensure
uniformity of the design or
ā€œbrandā€ across all aspects of
the website or application.
On the other hand, HTML/CSS
pattern libraries generally
document code components
for all aspects of the website or
On larger web projects, style
guides and HTML/CSS pattern
libraries are generally separate
For smaller web projects, style
guides and pattern libraries are
often combined into one
overall entity.
Pros and
Why use a pattern library at all?

Easier to build sites

Easier to maintain sites

Easier to hand over

Better workļ¬‚ow

Shared vocabulary

Promotes consistency
What are the downsides?

Time-consuming to write

Often done post-project

Serve current need only
pattern libraries
There are a wide range of 

pre-existing pattern libraries
available today.
Some of these pattern libraries
have a simple purpose - such as
responsive grid systems.
Grid-based CSS libraries
1140 CSS Grid
Mueller Grid System
Responsive Grid System

Responsive Grid System

Less Framework

960 Grid System

320 and up
Others are considered full
ā€œframeworksā€ that oļ¬€er a wide
range of components.
These can include:

Reset styles

Grid systems

Typography styles

Browser ļ¬xes

Common user-interface
component styles
Complex CSS libraries






There are some great beneļ¬ts to
using an existing framework:

ready-to-use solution

can pick & choose components

easy implementation

quick prototyping
great for teams
There may also be some

may not suit your project

no need for a complex library

someone elseā€™s conventions
generic look
Bootstrap vs. mid-range website
Bootstrap vs. University data site
Bootstrap vs. Banking application
Should you use a pre-existing
framework? It depends on the
needs of the site and your
team. There is no one answer.
Assuming you want to create
your own CSS pattern library,
how do you go about it?
Abstraction is essential to any
CSS pattern library.
The process involves:

looking for components that may
be repeated within the layout

deļ¬ning their characteristics
creating HTML/CSS patterns
for them
An example:
coloured boxes
These boxes look like they have
similar characteristics. If they
were resolved into a pattern,
this would make our HTML and
CSS more eļ¬ƒcient.
What are the key things to keep
in mind when creating any
Avoid using IDs
All patterns needs to be class-
based so they can appear as
many times as needed within an
HTML document.
/* avoid */!
#signup-box { }!
Avoid naming
based on content
We should avoid naming
patterns based on the content,
as we want to reuse these
patterns often within the layout.
/* avoid */!
.signup { }!
.member { }!
.member-news { }!
.wiki { }!
.support { }!
.database { }!
/* preferred */!
.box { }
Avoid location-
based styles
All patterns should work
regardless of where theyā€™re
placed within the layout.
/* avoid */!
.sidebar .box { }!
.main .box { }!
/* preferred */!
.box { }
Avoid widths
Ideally, patterns should avoid
deļ¬ning widths. Patterns should
be allowed to spread to the
width of any parent container.
/* avoid */!
.box-wide { width: 500px; }!
.box-medium { width: 240px; }!
.box-small { width: 120px; }!
/* preferred */!
.box { /* no width defined */ }
Keep patterns as
simple as possible
Patterns should be deļ¬ned as
simply as possible. Otherwise
they can become restrictive.
! border-bottom: 5px solid #C8C8C8;!
! background-color: #e6e6e6;!
! /* may not be suitable */!
! margin-bottom: 1em;!
Donā€™t undo
Patterns should not be written
to undo other rules. For
example, the <h3> element:
We could be tempted to style
the <h3> element with a
coloured background - as it
looks like this is the ā€œdefaultā€
appearance for all <h3>
/* default style */!
! padding: 1em;!
! color: white;!
! background-color: red;!
But what happens if we needed
to use an <h3> element later,
and it doesnā€™t have a
background-color? We might
have to write a rule to undo our
previous one.
/* default style */!
! padding: 1em;!
! color: white;!
! background-color: red;!
/* undoing default style */!
.no-background !
! padding: 0;!
! color: #000;!
! background-color: none;!
It is best to avoid over-styling
elements or patterns so that
they do not have to be undone
/* default style */!
/* only when background needed */!
! padding: 1em;!
! color: white;!
! background-color: red;!
Avoid dependency
on HTML structure
Patterns should not rely on the
HTML structure. What happens
if the structure changes in some
instances - like a diļ¬€erent
heading level being used?
<div class="box">!
! <h3></h3>!
<div class="box">!
! <h4></h4>!
/* avoid if possible */!
.box h3, .box h4!
! padding: 10px; !
! background-color: orange; !
It is always better to create a
class-based pattern for any
speciļ¬c styling needs.
<div class="box">!
! <h3 class="box-heading"></h3>!
<div class="box">!
! <h4 class="box-heading"></h4>!
/* preferred */!
! padding: 10px; !
! background-color: orange; !
modifiers & descendants
How can we let developers
know that our new class called
ā€œbox-headingā€ relates to the
ā€œboxā€ class?
<div class="box">!
! <h3 class="box-heading"></h3>!
We could use a naming
convention that was originally
deļ¬ned as part of BEM:

And then extended by Nicolas

And then modiļ¬ed slightly
again by Harry Roberts:

This naming convention is based
on the idea that page layouts
can be broken down into a
series of re-usable ā€œmodulesā€.
If a module needs to be modiļ¬ed
or extended, a ā€œmodule
modiļ¬erā€ would be used.
If a module has child elements
that need to be styled, a
ā€œmodule descendantā€ could be
These diļ¬€erent types of class
names need to be relatable and
/* Module */!
.module-name {}!
/* Module modifier*/!
.module-name--modifier-name {}!
/* Module descendant*/!
.module-name__descendant-name {}!
/* Module descendant modifier*/!
.module-name__descendant--modifier {}!
<!-- Module -->!
<div class="box"></div>!
<!-- Module modifier -->!
<div class="box box--alt"></div>!
<!-- Module descendant -->!
<div class="box">!
! <h3 class="box__heading"></h3>!
<!-- Module descendant modifier -->!
<div class="box">!
! <h3 class="box__content
With this naming convention, we
can now add two ā€œmodule
descendantsā€ to our HTML
<!-- Module -->!
<div class="box">!
! <!-- Module descendant -->!
! <h3 class="box__heading"></h3>!
! <!-- Module descendant -->!
! <div class="box__content"></div>!
! margin-bottom: 1em;!
! border-bottom: 5px solid #C8C8C8;!
! background-color: #e6e6e6;!
! margin: 0;!
! padding: 10px 15px;!
! text-transform: uppercase;!
.box__content { margin: 15px; }!
Module modifiers
But what about the boxes that
are very similar, but have some
unique characteristics - like the
decorative cog image?
If we needed to modify or extend
the original module, we would
create a modiļ¬er class name.
<!-- Module modifier -->!
<div class="box box--alt">!
! <h3 class="box__heading"></h3>!
! <div class="box__content"></div>!
However, in this case, we need
to modify the ā€œbox__contentā€
class. We need to create a
ā€œmodule descendant
<!-- Module modifier -->!
<div class="box">!
! <h3 class="box__heading"></h3>!
! <div class="box__content box__content
! padding-right: 100px;!
! background-image: url(cog.png);!
! background-repeat: no-repeat;!
! background-position: 100% 0;!
In one of the boxes, there is a
piece of text that is aligned to
the right. How do we solve this?
We could make it another
module descendant - and
apply this to the link.
.box__link {}!
<div class="box">!
! <h3 class="box__heading"></h3>!
! <div class="box__content">!
! ! <p class="box__link"></p>!
! </div>!
Or we could use a diļ¬€erent type
of class, called a ā€œhelperā€ or
ā€œutilityā€ class.
Nicolas Gallagherā€™s SUIT CSS
includes a set of classes called

/* Utility classes */!
.u-utilityName {}!
<!-- example markup --> !
<article class="Tweet">!
! <a class="u-floatRight"></a>!
! <div class="u-sizeFill">!
! ! <a class="u-linkComplex"></a>!
! </div>!
Bootstrap also uses these types
of classes, but calls them
ā€œhelperā€ classes.

/* Utility classes */!
.text-muted { color: #777; } !
.text-primary { color: #428bca; }!
.text-success { color: #3c763d; }!
<!-- example markup --> !
<p class="text-muted">...</p>!
<p class="text-primary">...</p>!
<p class="text-success">...</p>
These types of classes are
designed to be added to
elements where needed,
without having to resort to
styling elements individually.
/* Helper classes */!
.h-text-right { text-align: right; }!
<!-- example markup --> !
<p class="h-text-right">!
! <a href="#">More</a>!
For front-end developers who
grew up in the ā€œkeep your
markup cleanā€ era, these
classes could be considered
the work of Satan.
Iā€™ve found them to be invaluable
- when you need to add a single
function to an element without
having to create a speciļ¬c class.
Theme classes
In 2011, Jonathan Snook
introduced SMACSS. One of the
key principles is to categorise
CSS rules into ļ¬ve diļ¬€erent

Base - HTML elements

Layout - grids

Module - reusable components

State - states of modules etc

Theme - theming modules etc
These categories are a great way
to break up huge chunks of
CSS rules into manageable
We could use one of these
categories - theme styles - to
deļ¬ne the background-colors
on our headings.
<h3 class="box__heading bgcolor-red"></h3>!
<h3 class="box__heading bgcolor-blue"></h3>!
<h3 class="box__heading bgcolor-orange"></h3>!
<h4 class="box__heading bgcolor-grey"></h4>!
.bgcolor-red, .bgcolor-blue, .bgcolor-
orange, .bgcolor-grey { color: #fff; }!
.bgcolor-red !
{ background-color: #B21F24; }!
.bgcolor-blue !
{ background-color: #1D5980; }!
.bgcolor-orange !
{ background-color: #C56F00; }!
.bgcolor-grey !
{ background-color: #444445; }
Pattern library
Here are some tips on the
overall approach to CSS pattern
Smallest to largest
In mid 2013, Brad Frost
introduced Atomic Design - a
methodology for creating design
systems with ļ¬ve distinct levels
in atomic design.

Atoms - HTML elements

Molecules - groups of atoms

Organisms - groups of molecules

Templates - groups of organisms

Pages - instances of templates
Atomic design deļ¬nes the
process as starting from
smallest components and
building to largest.
Ideally, large components should
not need to be deļ¬ned in a
pattern library as they should
be build up, like lego, from
smaller components.
Class names
Establish a class naming
convention as early as possible
in the process. Then document
this convention and enforce it!
Intuitive class
Make sure any class naming
convention is easy for others to
follow. I have worked on
projects where teams are
constantly changing, so quick
take-up is critical.
Keep it simple
Iā€™ve worked on projects where
the LESS architecture needs to
be mapped out in spreadsheets
in order for teams to understand.
In almost all cases, this was
unnecessary. Keep it as simple
as possible.
Bottom line:
HTML/CSS pattern libraries are
an important tool for anyone
doing CSS today no matter how
large or small your website. Get
out there and get busy!
Russ Weakley

Max Design





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CSS pattern libraries

  • 3. Began in the web in 1995 Full CSS sites in 2002 Skills: UX, front-end dev, training Recently: CSS pattern libraries
  • 4. I have helped develop HTML/ CSS pattern libraries for very large sites (media and university sites) and complex applications (banking applications).
  • 5. In some cases, there are literally hundreds of CSS, SCSS or LESS ļ¬les to review and optimise as part of the process.
  • 7. A few years ago, many front end developers approached websites and web applications as a series of ā€œpagesā€.
  • 8. Pages were often designed and built as complete entities. This meant that page components were often closely tied to their relevant pages.
  • 9. More recently, the focus has shifted from full page layouts to re-usable components.
  • 10. A re-usable component could be a layout grid structure, a button, an input, a drop-down, a menu, a heading, a table, or even a pullquote.
  • 12. HTML/CSS pattern libraries are used to resolve commonly used interface components. These components are created as HTML and CSS code and documented, so that they can be easily re-used as needed.
  • 13. The terms ā€œstyle guideā€ and ā€œpattern libraryā€ are often used interchangeably.
  • 14. A style guide is a set of standards for implementing the overall design, and can include corporate branding, color schemes, layout and more.
  • 15. Style guides are used to ensure uniformity of the design or ā€œbrandā€ across all aspects of the website or application.
  • 16. On the other hand, HTML/CSS pattern libraries generally document code components for all aspects of the website or application.
  • 17. On larger web projects, style guides and HTML/CSS pattern libraries are generally separate entities.
  • 18. For smaller web projects, style guides and pattern libraries are often combined into one overall entity.
  • 20. Why use a pattern library at all? ! Easier to build sites Easier to maintain sites Easier to hand over Better workļ¬‚ow Shared vocabulary Promotes consistency
  • 21. What are the downsides? ! Time-consuming to write Often done post-project Serve current need only
  • 23. There are a wide range of pre-existing pattern libraries available today.
  • 24. Some of these pattern libraries have a simple purpose - such as responsive grid systems.
  • 25. Grid-based CSS libraries 1140 CSS Grid Mueller Grid System Responsive Grid System Responsive Grid System Less Framework 960 Grid System Susy 320 and up
  • 26. Others are considered full ā€œframeworksā€ that oļ¬€er a wide range of components.
  • 27. These can include: ! Reset styles Grid systems Typography styles Browser ļ¬xes Common user-interface component styles
  • 29. There are some great beneļ¬ts to using an existing framework: ! ready-to-use solution can pick & choose components easy implementation quick prototyping great for teams
  • 30. There may also be some downsides: ! may not suit your project no need for a complex library someone elseā€™s conventions generic look
  • 34. Bootstrap vs. Banking application
  • 35. Should you use a pre-existing framework? It depends on the needs of the site and your team. There is no one answer.
  • 36. Assuming you want to create your own CSS pattern library, how do you go about it?
  • 38. Abstraction is essential to any CSS pattern library.
  • 39. The process involves: ! looking for components that may be repeated within the layout deļ¬ning their characteristics creating HTML/CSS patterns for them 1. ! 2. 3.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. These boxes look like they have similar characteristics. If they were resolved into a pattern, this would make our HTML and CSS more eļ¬ƒcient.
  • 44. What are the key things to keep in mind when creating any pattern?
  • 46. All patterns needs to be class- based so they can appear as many times as needed within an HTML document.
  • 49. We should avoid naming patterns based on the content, as we want to reuse these patterns often within the layout.
  • 50. /* avoid */! .signup { }! .member { }! .member-news { }! .wiki { }! .support { }! .database { }! ! /* preferred */! .box { }
  • 52. All patterns should work regardless of where theyā€™re placed within the layout.
  • 53. /* avoid */! .sidebar .box { }! .main .box { }! ! /* preferred */! .box { }
  • 55. Ideally, patterns should avoid deļ¬ning widths. Patterns should be allowed to spread to the width of any parent container.
  • 56. /* avoid */! .box-wide { width: 500px; }! .box-medium { width: 240px; }! .box-small { width: 120px; }! ! /* preferred */! .box { /* no width defined */ }
  • 57. Keep patterns as simple as possible
  • 58. Patterns should be deļ¬ned as simply as possible. Otherwise they can become restrictive.
  • 59. .box! {! ! border-bottom: 5px solid #C8C8C8;! ! background-color: #e6e6e6;! ! /* may not be suitable */! ! margin-bottom: 1em;! }
  • 61. Patterns should not be written to undo other rules. For example, the <h3> element:
  • 62.
  • 63. We could be tempted to style the <h3> element with a coloured background - as it looks like this is the ā€œdefaultā€ appearance for all <h3> elements.
  • 64. /* default style */! h3! {! ! padding: 1em;! ! color: white;! ! background-color: red;! }
  • 65. But what happens if we needed to use an <h3> element later, and it doesnā€™t have a background-color? We might have to write a rule to undo our previous one.
  • 66. /* default style */! h3! {! ! padding: 1em;! ! color: white;! ! background-color: red;! }! ! /* undoing default style */! .no-background ! {! ! padding: 0;! ! color: #000;! ! background-color: none;! }!
  • 67. It is best to avoid over-styling elements or patterns so that they do not have to be undone later.
  • 68. /* default style */! h3! {! }! ! /* only when background needed */! .class-name! {! ! padding: 1em;! ! color: white;! ! background-color: red;! }!
  • 70. Patterns should not rely on the HTML structure. What happens if the structure changes in some instances - like a diļ¬€erent heading level being used?
  • 71. <div class="box">! ! <h3></h3>! <div>! ! <div class="box">! ! <h4></h4>! <div>! ! ! /* avoid if possible */! .box h3, .box h4! {! ! padding: 10px; ! ! background-color: orange; ! }! !
  • 72. It is always better to create a class-based pattern for any speciļ¬c styling needs.
  • 73. <div class="box">! ! <h3 class="box-heading"></h3>! <div>! ! <div class="box">! ! <h4 class="box-heading"></h4>! <div>! ! ! /* preferred */! .box-heading! {! ! padding: 10px; ! ! background-color: orange; ! }!
  • 75. How can we let developers know that our new class called ā€œbox-headingā€ relates to the ā€œboxā€ class?
  • 76. <div class="box">! ! <h3 class="box-heading"></h3>! <div>!
  • 77. We could use a naming convention that was originally deļ¬ned as part of BEM: !
  • 78. And then extended by Nicolas Gallagher: ! front-end-architecture/
  • 79. And then modiļ¬ed slightly again by Harry Roberts: ! getting-your-head-round-bem-syntax/
  • 80. This naming convention is based on the idea that page layouts can be broken down into a series of re-usable ā€œmodulesā€.
  • 81. If a module needs to be modiļ¬ed or extended, a ā€œmodule modiļ¬erā€ would be used.
  • 82. If a module has child elements that need to be styled, a ā€œmodule descendantā€ could be used.
  • 83. These diļ¬€erent types of class names need to be relatable and recognisable.
  • 84. /* Module */! .module-name {}! ! /* Module modifier*/! .module-name--modifier-name {}! ! /* Module descendant*/! .module-name__descendant-name {}! ! /* Module descendant modifier*/! .module-name__descendant--modifier {}!
  • 85. <!-- Module -->! <div class="box"></div>! ! <!-- Module modifier -->! <div class="box box--alt"></div>! ! <!-- Module descendant -->! <div class="box">! ! <h3 class="box__heading"></h3>! </div>! ! <!-- Module descendant modifier -->! <div class="box">! ! <h3 class="box__content box__content--alt"></h3>! </div>!
  • 87. With this naming convention, we can now add two ā€œmodule descendantsā€ to our HTML markup:
  • 88. <!-- Module -->! <div class="box">! ! ! <!-- Module descendant -->! ! <h3 class="box__heading"></h3>! ! ! <!-- Module descendant -->! ! <div class="box__content"></div>! </div>!
  • 89. .box! {! ! margin-bottom: 1em;! ! border-bottom: 5px solid #C8C8C8;! ! background-color: #e6e6e6;! }! ! .box__heading! {! ! margin: 0;! ! padding: 10px 15px;! ! text-transform: uppercase;! }! ! .box__content { margin: 15px; }!
  • 91. But what about the boxes that are very similar, but have some unique characteristics - like the decorative cog image?
  • 92.
  • 93. If we needed to modify or extend the original module, we would create a modiļ¬er class name.
  • 94. <!-- Module modifier -->! <div class="box box--alt">! ! <h3 class="box__heading"></h3>! ! <div class="box__content"></div>! </div>!
  • 95. However, in this case, we need to modify the ā€œbox__contentā€ class. We need to create a ā€œmodule descendant modiļ¬erā€.
  • 96. <!-- Module modifier -->! <div class="box">! ! <h3 class="box__heading"></h3>! ! <div class="box__content box__content ā€”cog"></div>! </div>!
  • 97. .box__content--cog! {! ! padding-right: 100px;! ! background-image: url(cog.png);! ! background-repeat: no-repeat;! ! background-position: 100% 0;! }!
  • 99. In one of the boxes, there is a piece of text that is aligned to the right. How do we solve this?
  • 100.
  • 101. We could make it another module descendant - and apply this to the link.
  • 102. .box__link {}! ! ! ! <div class="box">! ! <h3 class="box__heading"></h3>! ! <div class="box__content">! ! ! <p class="box__link"></p>! ! </div>! </div>! !
  • 103. Or we could use a diļ¬€erent type of class, called a ā€œhelperā€ or ā€œutilityā€ class.
  • 104. Nicolas Gallagherā€™s SUIT CSS includes a set of classes called ā€œutilitiesā€. !
  • 105. /* Utility classes */! .u-utilityName {}! ! ! <!-- example markup --> ! <article class="Tweet">! ! <a class="u-floatRight"></a>! ! <div class="u-sizeFill">! ! ! <a class="u-linkComplex"></a>! ! </div>! </article>!
  • 106. Bootstrap also uses these types of classes, but calls them ā€œhelperā€ classes. !
  • 107. /* Utility classes */! .text-muted { color: #777; } ! .text-primary { color: #428bca; }! .text-success { color: #3c763d; }! ! ! <!-- example markup --> ! <p class="text-muted">...</p>! <p class="text-primary">...</p>! <p class="text-success">...</p>
  • 108. These types of classes are designed to be added to elements where needed, without having to resort to styling elements individually.
  • 109. /* Helper classes */! .h-text-right { text-align: right; }! ! ! ! ! <!-- example markup --> ! <p class="h-text-right">! ! <a href="#">More</a>! </p>!
  • 110. For front-end developers who grew up in the ā€œkeep your markup cleanā€ era, these classes could be considered the work of Satan.
  • 111. Iā€™ve found them to be invaluable - when you need to add a single function to an element without having to create a speciļ¬c class.
  • 113. In 2011, Jonathan Snook introduced SMACSS. One of the key principles is to categorise CSS rules into ļ¬ve diļ¬€erent categories. !
  • 114. Base - HTML elements Layout - grids Module - reusable components State - states of modules etc Theme - theming modules etc
  • 115. These categories are a great way to break up huge chunks of CSS rules into manageable sections.
  • 116. We could use one of these categories - theme styles - to deļ¬ne the background-colors on our headings.
  • 117.
  • 118. <h3 class="box__heading bgcolor-red"></h3>! <h3 class="box__heading bgcolor-blue"></h3>! <h3 class="box__heading bgcolor-orange"></h3>! <h4 class="box__heading bgcolor-grey"></h4>!
  • 119. .bgcolor-red, .bgcolor-blue, .bgcolor- orange, .bgcolor-grey { color: #fff; }! ! .bgcolor-red ! { background-color: #B21F24; }! ! .bgcolor-blue ! { background-color: #1D5980; }! ! .bgcolor-orange ! { background-color: #C56F00; }! ! .bgcolor-grey ! { background-color: #444445; }
  • 121. Here are some tips on the overall approach to CSS pattern libraries.
  • 123. In mid 2013, Brad Frost introduced Atomic Design - a methodology for creating design systems with ļ¬ve distinct levels in atomic design. ! design/
  • 124. Atoms - HTML elements Molecules - groups of atoms Organisms - groups of molecules Templates - groups of organisms Pages - instances of templates
  • 125. Atomic design deļ¬nes the process as starting from smallest components and building to largest.
  • 126. Ideally, large components should not need to be deļ¬ned in a pattern library as they should be build up, like lego, from smaller components.
  • 128. Establish a class naming convention as early as possible in the process. Then document this convention and enforce it!
  • 130. Make sure any class naming convention is easy for others to follow. I have worked on projects where teams are constantly changing, so quick take-up is critical.
  • 132. Iā€™ve worked on projects where the LESS architecture needs to be mapped out in spreadsheets in order for teams to understand. In almost all cases, this was unnecessary. Keep it as simple as possible.
  • 134. Bottom line: HTML/CSS pattern libraries are an important tool for anyone doing CSS today no matter how large or small your website. Get out there and get busy!
  • 135. Russ Weakley Max Design ! Site: Twitter: Slideshare: Linkedin: