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                                    TRENDS 2011

Juan Carlos Alcaide Casado
CONTENTS /   1. The 10 principles of the new
             2. Latest trends in market research
             3. Environment
             4. Society values
             5. Emerging socio-cultural trends,
                  consumption and innovation
             6. The relation between incremental
                   innovations, two strategic focuses
                   and eleven marketing trends
             7. Marketing: Obsession with metrics
             8. A new way of existence, marketing
                   managed and thought
Trends videos

           1   “Marketing 1.5”

       2       Change
               “is being written now”
1. / The 10
     principles of the
     new marketing
10 principles of the new marketing

1.  Recognize that now the consumer has the power.
2.  Develop the offer directly only at the target of this product or service.
3.  Design marketing strategies from the customer point of view.
4.  Focus on how to distribute/deliver the product, not in the product itself.
5.  Go to the customer to create more value together: the role of the company
    has changed.
6. Use new ways to reach the customer with your messages.
7. Develop metrics and analyze ROI (Return on Investment)
8. Develop high tech. marketing.
9. Focus on long-term activities
10. Look at marketing as a whole.
10 “new” principles of the new
marketing 3.0

1. Love your customers and respect the competition.
2. Be sensitive to the need to change and show you are ready.
3. Look after your name and be sure of who you are.
4. All customers are different; focus first on the ones who bring the most
5. Always offer a good package at a fair price.
6. Show that you are always available and welcome.
7. Find customers, keep them and make them grow.
8. Whatever your business, it’s a service business.
9. Keep improving your business process in terms of quality, cost and
10. Collect relevant information, but use your common sense before taking
the final decision.
Product-market strategies:
5 different approaches

From segment to niche
•Find the appropriate niche for product/service customized to customer.

Focus of attention on strategies
•Focus on consumer, the competitors, the distribution channels.

Products/services objectives
•Each product/service with a clear objective within the overall company.

Market coverage
•Selective coverage: niches progressively smaller and customized.

•Global Marketing.
Marketing Mix Strategies
In the sixties                 In the eighties                 In the future

Competition based on the                                        Competition on quality, design,
                               Competition based on price
different characteristics of                                    service and the creation of
                               segments or on the price itself.
the products.                                                   market value.
                               Prices based on the
Price based on costs.                                          Prices based on perceived value.
The suppliers and          The suppliers and                   The suppliers and
intermediaries are company intermediaries are company “        intermediaries are company
“adversaries”.             cost factors”.                      “external partners”.

General sales network.         Differentiated networks.        Multiple sales networks.

High pressure sales.           Transactional sale.             Relational sale.

                             Strong investment in sales        Communications directed to
Strong global investments in
                             promotions directed to            defined objective groups that
                             specific segments.                are strategically coordinated.
Focus the management

Step 1: Focus the management on 5 areas:

                                                Make the
  Focus on the                   Strengthen    search for
                  Take actions                               efficiency
      best                        customer        new
                 to keep them.                               by driving
   customers.                     relations.   customers
                                                            down costs.

Step 2: Customer portfolio management using the
DSDC principle (Different Strategies for Different
2. / New trends in
     market research
New trends in market research

Consumers and customers   saturated

Consumers and customers   power
New techniques in responding to new
             Market research on
                the internet.

              Market forecasts

               Observation of


                 New tools
Market research on the Internet

The INTERNET will be the determining factor in the future of research.

Influence in three directions             A bigger pile to
                                              look for
                                        information within
                                        everybody’s reach.

                        It is changing                   Flexibility to make
                       commercial and                       contact with
                     social relationships.               millions of people.
In primary research


  Quantitative: sample problem
  •The total of network users do not represent the potential customer of a particular research project.
  •There are customers without access to the Internet who are not included in the sample
  •Research by Estudios IT saw that the results of online and offline samples are the same, but the former
  are cheaper.
  •INTERNET validity for field work.
INTERNET benefits

                Faster & cheaper

                  More sincere
                  More precise
                (avoiding errors)

        You can use images and multimedia

                Real-time results.
Secondary information sources

 The existing resources on Internet have multiplied the secondary
 information sources infinitely compared to what was available a little
 while ago.
Market forecasts

   Based on taking advantage of
   the Knowledge found spread                                        The limitation on the
   about in different areas of the                                   nature of the system:
   company.          Collect    this
   knowledge and aggregate it to                                     predict future system
   obtain a general view as a result                                    events that are
   of greater                                                        concrete and specific

                                       Everybody in the company
                                       who has an opinion on the
                                        topic of the investigation
Trend observation or Coolhunting

                             - The diary, in which the observer, all
                             through the day, notes the events or
                               situations that have caught their
       Detect relevant        attention and which respond to the
        social values               objectives of the study.
                                 - The records that are micro-
   and translate them into      capsules of information that are
     consumer trends.                 organized by theme.
                             - Photos, as they represent a graphic
                               testimony and are therefore very
                             explicative of those trends which are
                                   becoming more common.
Anthropological analysis

•Consumer life experience dimension that allows the interpretation and comprehension of the
socio-cultural meaning of the act of consumption.
•Establish communication and marketing strategies.

•The human being is not just “homo-consumer”. The way that people interact with products
and service in the buying area is influenced by different life styles, education, life experiences,
origins and trajectories, both as individuals or families.

•Auto-observation or anthropological panel
•Participant observation
•Resultant interactions
3. / Enviroment
The moment in which we live

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY (economic notes march 2011- CECA)

    The first quarter confirms the recovery of the world economy. 5.0% growth
     in 2010
    Rocketing oil prices.
    U.S.A. growth.
    Euro zone growth 2% at the end of 2010.
    1.6% growth in 2011.
The moment in which we live

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY (economic notes march 2011- CECA)

    0.6% year-on-year growth in the last quarter 2010
    GDP fell 0.1% in 2010 and forecast for 0.8% in 2011 and 1.4% in 2012.
    Deficit reduction 9.2% of GDP in 2010.
    Unemployment around 4.3 million and forecast to reach 20.7% in 2011.
    3.6% inflation (+0.3 in February).
The moment in which we live


Life expectancy: 78.37 M, 84,59 W

Births 497,365 vs deaths 395,612.

Birth rate: 1.4 children. Average age of mother 30.98

Average household: 2.4

Unemployment rate: 20.33%
Marketing re-orientation

                                 In 3 areas

  Introduce the use of   Focus marketing activities on    Adopt the concept of
   marketing metrics.       concrete objectives with      zero base budgeting.
                         guaranteed results; especially
                         direct and guerilla marketing.

                     Development of zero base budgeting
                         (not squandering resources)
Sales management: productivity

 Increase controls and the use of productivity indicators: now that
 “what is not measured cannot be improved”.

 Automation of sales management:
                       SAVE YOUR CUSTOMERS”

  Without customers you
  will not have the oxygen
  you need to stay alive: sales.
Principal effects of the economic crisis
on companies
  1    Market contraction

  2    Reduced sales

  3    Lower profitability

  4    Increase in bad debts and age of debt

  5    Reduction in sources of finance

  6    Reduction in cash flow

  7    Increased competition

  8    Greater pressure from large competitors

  9    Loss of market share

 10    Limits on growth possibilities

  11   Loss of overseas markets

  12   Psychological effects
“Winning” companies used a focused
Focus involves concentrating on one or a few specific
and concrete areas, organization activities,
disposable resources (financial, human, etcetera) and
the strategic measures they take.

Compensate for less income with initiatives to
activate sales: doesn’t work in 95% of cases.

                Total customer orientation (TCO)
“Winning” companies used a focused
 In the area of marketing

                             Adopt a more strategic
      Refocus the company                               Refocus marketing
                               vision to manage
        on the customer.                                    activities.

             Restructure marketing        Focus not just on
            budgets according to the    marketing efficacy but
              crisis situation of the    also on marketing
                      market.                efficiency.
What did the winners do to manage their prices?

  Don’t reduce prices until all the available alternatives at their
  proposal had been used up in order to avoid doing so.

  When forced to lower prices it was always accompanied by
  associated approaches or measures in function of the direct and
  proportional cost and expenses savings that they had achieved (not

  They always had in mind that in periods of crisis it is more important
  to maintain cash flow than to create profitability.
4 / Society’s values
Structural change (characteristics)

                       Maintenance of                  •Fall in illiteracy.      Increase in
   Older population        level of     Fewer youth.     •Increase in          proportion of
                        replacement                       university          salaried workers

                          Fall in the
                       importance of                    Increase in
                      agriculture and                     foreign
                                        mobility of
                         increase in                    population
Structural change (characteristics)

All of this is due, in part, to a change in the structure of the family.

          Children are
                                            People getting
         being born to                                            High divorce
                          Fewer marriages. married are older
        parents who are                                              rate.
                                             than before.

                                               Accelerating emptying of
                                              Spanish households, the 5
           Increase in birth rate outside
                                                  person homes are
                                            disappearing, as single person
                                                homes are increasing
Weak values in hard times

Research study done by Observatorio de
valores directed by Javier Elzo y Ángel
Castiñera, with the collaboration of ESADE
Weak values in hard times

We are witnessing a cultural transformation:

From a
traditional society           Modern society

                             From a modern society   Postmodern society
Weak values in hard times

1.   Individualism and freedom of rights

We live a great contradiction between values and deeds

Value: Social cohesion
                                           Deed: Inordinate individualism
Weak values in hard times

A society…

              Free in rights and customer
              That wants to fulfill the senses
              Accepts most private conduct
              Tolerate and accepts any kind of behavior
Weak values in hard times

2. Plastic and relational family

Principal transformations:
      Plastic family
      Weaker structure
      Becomes a relational family
Weak values in hard times

3. Human equality and symmetry of roles
                       The same rights and
                     obligations for each sex
                    both at home and at work
Weak values in hard times

4. Decline of “productivism”

     More value is given to leisure time and social relations than work.
     Work as an instrumental factor.
     No assumption of responsibilities
     Disaffection between company and worker
Weak values in hard times

5. Leisure as a value and as customer association

     The main value is leisure and human relations
     The associated passive participation increases
     Except the unions
Weak values in hard times

6. Disaffection with politicians but not with politics

        A deep democratic sentiment is retained as a value
        Institutional and political crisis
        Discontent is propagated by networking.
Weak values in hard times

7. Immigration

     The number of immigrants is perceived as too high
     Spanish society shows itself to be open to immigrants
Weak values in hard times

8. 5 citizen typologies

  •Traditionalist and rule bound, socially involved and favors the imposition of
  traditional values in exchange for social cohesion and in detriment of social
  •People who defend authority, social order and traditions.
  •Against state intervention in the economy but not liberal in their personal
  •They represent 28% of the population and are in decline.
Weak values in hard times

8. 5 citizen typologies

  •Social libertarians.
  •Critical with socially repressive order, more egalitarian and liberal in rights and
  •Usually young, not religious and identify with concepts such as: ecology,
  pacifism, alternative globalization, human rights, fair relations between North-
  South, etc.
  •They represent 20% of the population and are static in number.
Weak values in hard times

8. 5 citizen typologies

  Civic individualists
  •More influenced by postmodern individualism, although they still maintain
  certain collectivist tendencies, which leads to them having a civic conscience.
  •Liberal as far as rights and customs are concerned and apply a moderate
  market liberalization.
  •They represent 25% of the population and are in slight decline.
Weak values in hard times

8. 5 citizen typologies

  Pragmatic individualists
  •Very individualistic, but people of order who adopt social norms. Very
  materialistic, they like to live well and in order to do so they adapt to the
  •Little social involvement, they only defend their own interests.
  •They represent 17% of the population and are growing fast.
Weak values in hard times

8. 5 citizen typologies

  Egocentric individualists
  •Radically individualist and hedonistic. Only concerned with their personal
  enjoyment abandoning any kind of moral duty.
  •Focused on the present, they live for the day and look to gain a personal
  advantage out of any circumstance.
  •They are against restrictive social order and a high level of social
  •They represent 10% of the population and are growing.
5 / Emerging socio-
    cultural and
    consumption trends
    and opportunities for

1. Desk research:
•   Recovery and redevelopment of materials and concepts accumulated by DOXA and by
    the Services Marketing Institute applicable to this project.
•   Work online coolhunting and specific bibliography.
•   Analysis of information provided by the company.

• Four focus groups with insurance customers.

• Three focus groups with company employees with different profiles.

• DOXA + SMI (2010)
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

1. Consumer empowerment
•   Strong familiarity with marketing, sales, promotions and advertising
•   They are not “innocent” or credulous.
•   Psychological filters and defense mechanisms against what is promised.
•   Wide access to product and service information.
•   Before buying they compare features, prices, quality, etc.
•   Ever more demanding. They demand quality, guarantees, post sales service,
    solutions to their problems.
Actual situation           The future

                       Buying criteria          Innovation

                       Loss of loyalty

The customer is
progressively                               Customer orientation
better informed       Need for multi-
                      channel integration

                       Need to reinforce    The measured price
                       customer contact
Research by our consultancy (S.M.I) and Doxa

  “Trends in relationships
  between service companies
  and their users”

      A new type of customer has arisen and, as a consequence, a new
       relational approach between service customers and their users.
                                                     THE BEE CUSTOMER
The bee customer

                   •Distrustful, cautious
                   •Hyper informed
                   •Not resigned
                   •Bad tempered
                   •Prickly, irascible
                   •Someone has to pay…
Principal conclusions

  Customers are aware of their power and demand power:
  There is a search for “essential” values: a solid culture of corporate social
  responsibility (CSR).
  People are looking for customization in all kinds of services.
  There are new segments that require a different treatment: invalids, tourists
  and immigrants.
  Offer services “to women” and, of course to the so called “pink” market
  composed of homosexuals.
  Customers are tired of the traditional loyalty marketing ploys and seek greater
Principal conclusions

  They demand agility and expect a capacity to respond.
  They require a radical transparency.
  They want information and professional advice, because they feel powerless
  when in doubt.
  They reject relational communication. They want clear and detailed
  communication, customized and emotionally positive with practical and
  useful information.
  They don’t want the Internet to replace paper, but to complement it.
  Information must avoid fear, uncertainty and doubt (fud) through service
  systems that are not robotic, customized and friendly, online or not.
  The true key to loyalty is the customer experience in the moment they use the
  There is a clear tendency towards low cost.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

2. Worldwide Web and new forms of participation:

The customer wants to be listened to and at the same time to be given solutions
to their problems where they can enter into contact, receiving the right and
adequate service, that the company faces up to and deals with their claims or
complaints and also that they take into account their opinions. To do this they
use some customer-facing tools such as a consulting channel for customers to
enter their opinions and suggestions (telephone and email). 24-hour free
telephone, web, complaints, reclaims, opinions, suggestions, focus groups,
surveys to understand emerging requests, innovation opportunities. This allows
the company to have a greater knowledge and management of their customer
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

2. Worldwide Web and new forms of participation:

• Ever more connected amongst themselves through social networks, blogs,
 forums, common interest groups, SMS, etc.
• They are not just receivers of messages, but also editors, producers of message,
 contents and meanings.
• They transmit their positive and negative experiences to other consumers.
• A time of very intense communication. For the young it is a field of
 communication and experimentation on a large scale, but for many adults it is
 an overload of “noise” and technological saturation.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

2. Worldwide Web and new forms of participation:


    • The El Corte Inglés web-site, where it states “the customer is always right”.

    • comunitae, one assumes that it will be a bank in which it is the actual users
      who firstly decide if they want to be solicited for loans or investments. From
      there and with certain security measures, such as risk analysis, etc., it is the
      investor who decides through bidding what investments they will keep and how
      much and where they wish to invest.

    • The Banco Sabadell, in collaboration with IBM, is launching Banco Sabadell
      Labs, an initiative to explore together the possibilities of the Web 2.0 in the
      finance sector. On the site under the caption “Banco Sabadell, thinking ahead”,
      at the moment there are advertisements for a couple of feeds for investors and
      for the press and the location of their office and cash machine network in
      Google Maps
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

2. Worldwide Web and new forms of participation:

    • Telefónica’s web page where there is a space to resolve doubts, reclaims, frequently
      asked questions. Etc.

    There are spaces in the page where the customer can interact with customer facing staff with a special font.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

3. Distrust, dissatisfaction, reaction:
A strategic opportunity for services companies: take ownership of the territory available
through RADICAL TRANSPARENCY, generating incremental innovations around:
    •Security and Confidence
    •Perception of honesty
    •Feeling of protection

       Example: AXA       Radical transparency:
                          •Sufficient information.
                          •Simplified information, easy to understand.
                          •Honest and preventive information.
                          •Explain very clearly what is included and what is excluded from the policy.
                          •A charter of service commitments.
                          •Advice on ways top optimize costs/benefits/coverage.
                          •Customers will value having a password which enables consultations
                          online about contract characteristics, information, history and accident
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

4. Proliferation. Excess of offers and saturation of what is new:

• Extreme   proliferation of brands, products, services and features. Too many
• Feeling of freedom and ease to select and/or change, but also a feeling of
 saturation and stress.
• Somuch choice produces a paradoxical effect of indifference to brands or
 products. It reduces the capacity to surprise and interest in what is new or a
 new feature.
• Almost everything that is sold is sold as something new.
• Against this over saturation many consumers prefer what is simple, austere and
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

5. Responsible consumer, demand for values:

• Preference for products or services that embody values (respect for the
  environment, social responsibility, sustainability, etc.).
• Rejection of exaggerated consumerism, the depredation of natural resources,
• Rejection of the “abuse” of the motor car as a symbol of a hyper-consumerist
  society that is irrational and wasteful.
• Due to the economic crisis a new culture of saving and austerity.
• A gradual implantation of consumer habits and treatment of residuals that is
  more respectful to the environment.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

5. Responsible consumer, demand for values:

 Cause marketing acts as an important tool to generate awareness and help for
 community problems. When using this concept, the company can meet its social
 responsibility obligations, and at the same time attract consumers and increase
 sales. For many companies, social marketing is synonymous with philanthropy.
 Reserve a specific sum from your budget to support NGO’s or some philanthropic
 association and with this calm your social conscience. What we want from cause
 marketing is that this philanthropy or social action has a major impact, and at the
 same time, results in benefits for the business.
 You have to think strategically, choose a single cause to gain major influence and
 identity and work together with a diversity of social organizations. That a company
 chooses a cause, implies that this should form a part of their strategic objectives and
 involve all areas, above all, responsible for bringing in help and donations and also in
 marketing so that the cause can be integrated into its strategy.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

6. The culture of me, the spiritual and the natural

• The wish to “give oneself pleasures”, allow oneself deserved rewards. Claim the
 right to pleasure, the quality if life, freedom and personal autonomy, the search
 for hedonistic satisfactions. Individualism. The search for personal identity and
• Care of the body and the soul, interest in emotional stability, wellbeing, balance,
 inner peace, personal harmony, fulfillment, spirituality. Consumption as a
 source of physical, psychological and “playful” pleasure.
• The wish to reduce the fast pace of life and dedicate time to to the mind, to the
• Valuing of a form of life that is more “simple”, “natural”, “true”, balanced.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

6. The culture of me, the spiritual and the natural

    •Patagonia. Coherence.

    •Starbucks: They promise us: the best coffee, price and service in the world (a touch of
    romance, accessible luxury, an oasis of peace and spontaneous social interaction). Bank
    example: Deutsche Bank office (with a shop in the office, creating a more relaxed
    commercial atmosphere), bank office with a cafeteria or internet access (Caja Navarra,

    •Caja Navarra: with their new business model, the civic bank. It promotes continuous
    interaction with its customers beyond mere bank transactions putting at their disposal
    in some branches (called ‘canchas’) places to study, meet customers, do events,
    connect to the internet. Also the customer decides where the social fund money goes
    by choosing the project they want to support.

    •COATO. “Ecological agriculture”
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

7. Demand for personalization, customization:

This is about a company being able to adapt personally to the customer, to the
society that makes up its demand and the real needs that these have, and what is
more showing this adaptation to the market. There is an extraordinary Me
Culture, and people seek personalization, “customization” and “tuning - your
choice” in all kinds of services. Companies must show a concern to adapt to
• Expectation that products and services adapt to the individual needs of the
• Non acceptance of being boxed into standard formulas, “white coffee for
• Self-affirmation of the individual, of autonomy, of personal freedom.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

7. Demand for personalization, customization:


   • The Caixa allows you to choose the design of your credit card and even
     offers you the opportunity to put your own photograph on it with a choice
     between 5 different financial arrangements.

   • Examples of tuning cars, mobile phones, cases, fixings, badges and above
     all, imagine downloads, tones, games, answering.

   • The Barcelona brand Demano, allows the customer to choose the product
     and the “cloth” (Recycled PVC advertising banner) as part of their choice.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

7. Demand for personalization, customization:

     Adidas uses a CS4 interface with adobe ilustrador where they combine
     clothes with all the possible color patterns for a group of samples and
     apply all the variations. An example of process standardization to achieve
     mass personalization
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

8. Globalization, multiculturalism:

• Intense contact with foreigners, immigrants, products and ideas from other
• Globalization of markets, accessibility, contact and interest in exotic and ethnic
 products that are culturally different.
• Accustomed to new, different and innovative products and services. The
 novelties have now been transformed into something everyday, and a routine
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

9. New protagonism for women:

• Accumulative changes in the identity and role of women. They work outside the
 home, have a high level of education, have a strong social and cultural life,
 intense contact with communication media, technological innovation and the
 vanguard in products, services and forms of commercialization.
• At this moment a new big change: occupying leadership positions.
• Women are an important driver in perception changes, election criteria, values,
 sensibilities and responsibility criteria.
• New forms of social, productive and emotional intelligence.
• These changes also indirectly occur in men.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

9. New protagonism for women:

Companies should become active, in an impartial
way, in organizations that are involved in defending
consumer rights and make themselves able to react
to a society creating transparent organizations with
active participation by consumers seeking equality
between the consumer and the market. Not taking
aggressive positions but on the contrary adapting
company strategy to reflect the interests of
consumers and develop information systems to
measure customer satisfaction.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

10. Effects of the economic crisis:

• Reinforces the trend towards a more austere
  consumption, demand for the best price, a more selective
  attitude to products and services following rational
  criteria, cost savings, avoiding or cutting back on
  avoidable purchases, etc.
• Readjustment of budgets to reduce costs, without
  renouncing quality of life expectations.
• Feelings of insecurity and the desire for security
  (economy, employment, home, law, medicine, against
  insurance companies, against third-parties, etc.).
• Changing buying, consumption, and service use habits.
The end of the middle class?
>>A new social order in a global economy

Massimo Gaffi y Edoardo Narduzzi:

Europe: disappearance of the middle class
Transformation to a potential mass class.

There is appearing a new polarized social system, with a reduced technocratic
class that is getting increasingly rich at one extreme, and at the other a social
tumult without class where the former middle and lower classes are mixed, with a
capacity for consumption which is increasingly limited and whose pattern
revolves around low cost services and articles. A social class that is happy to eat
in low cost chain restaurants, fly EasyJet and assemble their own furniture.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

11. Buying and consumption habits will change:

• Impulse purchases will decline. Greater care with the cost/benefit ratio.
• They will choose quality brands at a lower cost. Many will only look for cheaper
• Within the same company or group, substitution by secondary cheaper brands.
• Private labels will become stronger.
• There will be a maximum vigilance of the quality of commercial relationships.
• People will buy in smaller quantities.
• Maximum advantage of offers, promotions and sales.
• Choice of more long-lasting products and the postponement of replacements
  and renewals.
• Elimination of many products and services considered not really necessary.
Actual socio-cultural and
consumption trends

12. Some specific expenditures will reduce:

• Automobiles.
• Housing.
• Furniture and house fittings.
• House repairs and maintenance.
• Clothes and shoes.
• Perfumes beauty products.
• Leisure activities.
• Eating out.
• Holiday trips (reduction of number and length of journeys).
• All risks insurance, third-party instead.
Resulting changes

Consumer behavior: 30% pure low cost according TNS (12/09)

• Consumer requires that companies adapt to their needs.
• A significant proportion of demand for specific services normally reserved for higher
• Families that live by squeezing the credit card...
• hybrid consumer:
            Fly with Vueling to a 6 star hotel with spa...
• Savvy shopper:
            I am an experienced and intelligent customer
• Cheap&chic:
• Back to basics
• Massification of luxury
Some trends in Travel

Hunting for           •    There is a continuous and growing number of people who will forgo quality and features
offers                     in exchange for a reduction in price
                      •    This group is made up mostly of young people who use the internet
                      •    The media attention devoted to the rich and famous will increase peoples’ expectations
More for less         •    They will start to demand prime category products at accessible prices

Interest in           •    43% of customers interviewed say «I am always trying to improve my health». Free time
health and well-           is an vital opportunity to improve wellbeing and find an escape valve from frenetic lives
being                 •    Health tourism will grow to avoid long waiting lists for treatment

A taste for           •    Tailored solutions and personalized products and services put in doubt the «one size fits
personalization            all» mentality: more and more customers in developed markets insist on tailored

Sustainable           •    Responsible travel consists in improving the planet at the same time as enjoying the
                           culture visited. Increasingly more travelers want to travel with the idea contribute to
                           cultural sustainable development of the place visited and protection of its environment

                       •    The multiplicity of demand and offer creates a modern customers with a kaleidoscopic
Multiple lives
                       •    The same person has many different roles in their daily life, that at the same time create
                            different needs and demands

The economy of        •    Modern customers want to enjoy life to the maximum. As their buying power increases,
experience                 their material needs are progressively more satisfied, experiences are valued more than
                   Source: Tribus Travel Report 2007 (Consultant to Henley Centre HeadlightVision for Amadeus)
Social macro trends
                                             Civilization based on
                                        Human knowledge duplicates
                                           more rapidly every day.
                                         Actually, human knowledge                    Civilization based on
                                         duplicates every 7 years. In                       the “Mega”
       An urban world                      2040, it is expected to                   Technological projects
     Increasingly more                    duplicate every 3 months                  will move to humankind
    citizens of the earth                                                              to almost unlimited
  alone but not growing.                                                            dimensions: Skyscrapers,
  Higher buildings to gain                                                               nanotechnology,
       space but with                                                                       nanorobots
    increasingly smaller           SOCIAL MACROTRENDS

                                                                       Plural civilization
                            A world of old
                                people                             Globalization will develop
                        In 2050, there will be
                      more than 2,000 million                         a plural civilization
                      inhabitants of the world                      adapted to models and
                         older than 60 and of                         standards that are
                       these 20% will be older                      worldwide, creating and
                                than 80                             ethnic and cultural mix

                        Source: Study “The customer and distribution in Spain, 10 year perspective” (BNP PARIBAS)
Individual trends
                                   “Save our    Cocooning
                     Demolition                                                    Fantasy
                      Of idols                                                    adventures

        Vigilante                                                                                 Pleasure
        customer                                                                                  revenge

 Down Aging                        TENDENCIAS INDIVIDUALES                                              Indulgences

       Being alive                                                                               Anchorage

                     Cashing Out                                                  Ergonomics

                                    99 lives                      Feminine
                                               Emancipation        thought

                                                  Source: Trends research S. XXI Instituto de Empresa (España)
What are customer tendencies? (1/4)

                      Definition                                            Examples

                Seeking protection against an                  Development of videoclubs, online
                environment progressively more                 banking, teleworking, internet
  Cocooning     aggressive: Delinquency, pollution,            shopping, private neighborhoods
                traffic, agglomerations: “Home safe

                A trend to form clans. People seek             Increase of clubs, associations
                comfort and support with people                intermediaries, libraries with reading
  Clannning     who share values and beliefs                   areas, closed neighborhoods with
                                                               neighbors admitted by vote,
                                                               confidence, viral marketing and word
                                                               of mouth
                How to escape stress and boredom,              Virtual reality games, “war games”,
  Fantasy       search for excitement and stimulus             simulated ski slopes, “gastronomic
  adventures    with risk-free adventures                      adventures”, development of an
                                                               urban explorer

               Some rebel customers, tired of being            The pleasure of the forbidden will
               told what is good will appear                   bring: increase in alcohol
  Pleasure     indifferent to or breakers of the rules         consumption, heavy meals (pizzas,
  revenge                                                      hot dogs, pastas), a return to
                                                               moderate smoking,..

                                                      Source: Trends research S. XXI Instituto de Empresa (Spain)
What are customer tendencies? (2/4)

                      Definition                                           Examples

                Busy or stressed customers seek                  “I deserve it” culture leads to: short
                rapid gratification and a trend to               trips to exotic locations or to hotels
                self-reward with little vices and                with personality, buying at the
                gifts                                            delicatessen,..

                 Return to spiritual roots of the past.          Rise of orientalismo, tai chi, yoga,
                 After materialism we move to the                astrology, return to spiritual
  Anchorage      spiritual with touches of mysticism             retreats, Satanism, genealogy,…
                 and the appearance of new

                 As a reaction to feeling                        Models and intelligent products
                 disconnected and isolated in an era             that know their owner, on line
                 of “depersonalized”information, a               newspapers chosen at will, internet
                 search for tailored products and                blogs and, in general, direct
                 services                                        personalized marketing

                Feminine thought is influencing a                Shops that accept unused products
                way of looking at business moving                as payment, animal carrier that fits
                from a hierarchical model to                     under the airplane seat,…
 thought        another that is more relational,
                sensitive and responsible

                                                     Source: Trends research S. XXI Instituto de Empresa (Spain)
What are customer tendencies? (3/4)

                    Definition                                           Examples

                Men reject their traditional roles              Men are sensitive too, they can
                and with new attitudes “starting to             cry, iron, cook. Homosexuals
                be what they want to be”                        receive less prejudice coming into
                                                                the light (importante segment)

                You have to take on multiple roles              Increase in importance of
                in order to fight time pressures                technologies that save time: Card
 99 lives       maximizing efficiency at all times              readers on motorways, urban
                                                                bicycle systems

                Customers progressively more
                                                                People revise their priorities and
                stressed and spent seek fulfillment
                                                                start their own business, job
 Cashing Out    and satisfaction in ways of life that
                                                                security ceases to make sense,
                are more simple
                                                                return to rural life,...

                Recognition of the importance of                Meditation, non-traditional
                wellbeing. Not just seeking a                   therapies, acupuncture, herbalism,
 Being alive    longer life but also aids to a better           virtual surgery, communal farms
                quality of life                                 for self consumption

                                                   Source: Trends research S. XXI Instituto de Empresa (Spain)
What are customer tendencies? (4/4)

                        Definition                                        Examples

                  Nostalgic for the carefree days of          Tendency towards immature conduct
 Down Aging       infancy and thinking that everything        ignoring social conventions, infant
                  in the past was better look for             schools for adults, nostalgia TV,
                  symbols of adolescence                      traditional brands,..

                                                              There is mistrust of the power of big
                  More demanding customer,
 Vigilant                                                     companies, exerting influence
                  tendency to syndicate and to protest
 customer                                                     through pressure groups, parents
                  exerting pressure when they are not
                                                              who fight for the future of their
                  in agreement

                  Skeptical customers topple idols in         Rejection of big companies as being
 Toppling idols   the worlds of business and                  dangerous to the individual, anarchic
                  government institutions. The bigger         posture, fight against supposed
                  the institution, the greater the            government conspiracies,…

                   Customers worried about the fate of        Development of the idea “Think
 “Save our         the planet, environment and                green”, volunteers, electric cars,
 society”          education                                  recycling,..

                                                    Source: Trends research S. XXI Instituto de Empresa (Spain)
6 / The relationship
   innovations, two
   strategic focuses
   and eleven
   marketing trends

Link the incremental innovations to a coherent vision and in the medium-term
through two strategic focuses:

Focus 1: Company 2.0. Allows you to have a framework process engine for incremental

Focus 2: Reputation. The trustworthy company. Allows you to have a topic engine for
          incremental innovations.

          •   Both together will aim for a differentiated profile in the medium and long
          •   Both together will aim for incremental innovations that are not obsolete or
              diluted in reality.
• Customers are not the same and they are changing their forms of behavior at the
Increase the           same pace as the change in technology
emphasis on the
                     • Insurance companies that want to capture customer segments will have to adapt
customer               to the new situation through knowledge of the customer

                      • The key to knowing the customer is the distributors, in which case you should
                        implement systems that allow the distributor see the customer across all the life
Better tools            cycle and across all the channel interactions
                      • Investment in these systems should be made very selectively working together
                        with the intermediaries

                     • The lack of integrated multi-channel strategies is endangering the idea that some
Multi-channel          insurance companies can put the customer at the centre
strategies           • The strategy that is integrated multi-channel avoids wasted resources on
                       redundant information

                      • There is a need for system flexibility that allows information flow, so reducing cost
Change of               as much as time
technology to more    • This will improve transparency and uniformity for the sales force and the
flexible systems        distribution network

                     • The globalization of the value chain is being used to reduce costs and to increase
Operational            improve quality both in services and sales
efficiency           • Outsourcing the IT service and other support functions (HR, accounts…). A multi-
                       country service can be centralized in one country
COMPANY 2.0                      REPUTATION
                            Trustworthy company


Strategic focus 1  COMPANY 2.0

            CEM                       PERMISSION MARKETING

+ CRM 2.0                                  INFORMAL
    WEB 2.0
         Socialbookmarking    +++   COMMUNICATION
         RSS                        FLUID
+                                   FUNCTIONAL
    = CEM     = COMPANY 2.0         FLEXIBLE
Strategic focus 2  REPUTATION/Trustworthy

“The image of companies is not
good, nor close, nor transparent.
They are perceived as distant, too
powerful, arrogant, untrustworthy                                      Strategic company opportunity: take
and even cheating with the use of                                      ownership of this available territory,
                                                                       creating with incremental
small print in contracts.                                              innovations…
The general sensation of mistrust                                      •Security
and the frequent existence of
                                                                       •Confidence / Credibility / Perception
negative experiences are certain                                        of honesty
facts. ”                                                               •Feeling of protection
   (Phrases taken from a blog, 100% coherent with what is repeatedly
                                          expressed in focus groups)
The principles of customer orientation

                                                           • Customers become active participants in the redesign of
                                                             products, packaging, pricing or product development
                                 Active dedication
                                 to the customer
                                                           • Through this we achieve greater success in the
         1.Customers                                         introduction of new products and a more rapid
           are active                                        development cycle
                                                           • It is no longer enough for companies to be driven by
                                                             demand. If we do this we can satisfy needs but we will
                                 Satisfaction of             never achieve fast growth
                                 Customer needs            • This growth is achieved through identifying non explicit
                                                             needs and anticipating them in advance (qualitative /
                                                             disruptive jump)

2.Companies      3.Orientation
                  towards                                  • We must use the moments of truth (buying moment) to
 must identify
                  customer       Orientation towards the     create brand loyalty
 hidden needs                    customer sales
                  experience                               • It is fundamental that in the moment of buying, the
                                 experience, not the
                                                             customer reviews the whole range of our products

                                                     Source: Customer oriented innovation (Forrester Research 2005)
1. Personalization / CEM

• Relational privileges (length of custom, number of cars…).
• Adapt insurance / age of vehicle.
• Adapt insurance price / value of vehicle through time.
• Innovate in customer loyalty based on “financial leverage” of
  insured (stable income for n years).
• Insure the person, not the car.
• Joint personalized contract for all policies

                      Customers have a repetitive
                           and recurring need for
                              customization and
1. Personalization

• Possibility of personal proactive offers
• Personal “managers” (not brokers). Personalized and ethical consultancy.
• Audiovisual systems (Promoting personalization, transparency and intimacy.)
• Have an Avatar like Ikea.

                                                    • A la carte insurance.
                                                    • Pay as You Drive.
                                                    • Customization or tuning.
                                                    • Etc.

 Personalization                 Personalized
 “avatar”                        management
2. Contractual transparency

• Enough information.

• Simplified information, easy to understand.

• Honest and open information.

• Explain clearly what is included and what is not included in the policy.

• Service commitment charter.

• Advice on how to optimize costs/benefits/coverage.

• Customers will value a password to be able to consult on the net the contract
  features, information, history and statistics on incidents.
3. Systematic listening to customers:

•   Consulting channel, opinions and suggestions (telephone and e-mail).

•   24-hour telephone (free number).

•   Place on the Web for questions, complaints and suggestions.

•   Periodical consultations with actual customers (focus groups and surveys)
    to detect emerging demands, Innovation opportunities, suggestions, etc.
4. “We have rights”: customer-centered

                                     EMPHASIZE AGILITY
                               INNOVATE THE CAPACITY TO
                            Luxury cars and express service

 …the right
 To have…
                            Idea of PROTECTION – EMPATHY
                               AND EXTREMELY PROACTIVE
5. Customization + “acquired rights”

Apparent radical customization //Mass customization
It is about a personalized adaptation by the company for the customer, and to
the society that makes up its demand and the real needs that this presents, at
the same time showing this adaptation to the market. There is a strong Me
Culture, and it seeks personalization, “customization” and “tuning-your choice” in
all kinds of service. Companies must be prepared to show a concern to adapt to
5. Customization + “acquired rights”

     Possible evolution of the
   bonus-malus model, given
    that the current system is
  deficient or to a certain extent
    used up by the customers.

                                     Offering some other kind of added
                                     value, beyond economic
                                     •To loyal customers
                                     •To customers without claims
                                     •To valuable customers
6. Proactive communication (1 of 6)

Customer communication must not be just sales. This trend is based on the idea
that of every three messages only one is a sales message. Customers reject
relational communication because they are fed up with sales messages. They
want clear and detailed communication, personalized and which creates an
emotional link with practical and useful information.

They don’t want the internet as a paper substitute, but as a complement
(newsletters, invoices, etc). They want an internet that is both reactive and
proactive. To be able to consult web-sites that are rich in practical content and
which also send them interesting things without them having to ask for it. They
want a “measured” use of the telephone (it is generally a nuisance, unless you
are called by a “known agent”), a friendly internet with valuable information, and
personalization with care and support in moments of usage (”moments of truth”)
of the service.
6. Proactive communication (2 of 6)

• About rights and features: protection/security.

• Personalization of the contents

• Offering interesting advice

• Making references to values: quality of life, solidarity, sustainability, respect,
  honesty, environment, social responsibility and social cohesion.

• Doing customer experience management surveys.

• Communication with stakeholders that are coherent with the predominant
  social values.
6. Proactive communication (3 of 6)

• Customer experience manager

• Insured day events

• Insurance encyclopedia

• Show price comparison tables. Better that they use ours than an intermediary.

• Imitate the consumer (radical transparency)

• Explain what we do with the money.

• Show “they do what they preach and they preach what they do”

• In any event lots of internet!
6. Proactive communication (4 of 6)

  “MEASURED” TELEPHONE   Analyze the form and timing of

  FRIENDLY INTERNET      Signs of caring.
                         Too much and too tiring.

  +++ CARE AND
  PERSONALIZATION         Communicate about VALUE:
                         •Not sales (e.g.. Eroski Consumer)
                         •Not excessive.
                         •VERY Segmented.

                          Combine paper and e-mail
6. Proactive communication (5 of 6)

Other ideas:
• Periodical information (prevention and other segmented issues) to
• Free seminars and workshops (prevention, etc) for customers.
• Insurance and service manuals for customer use.
• Occasional phone calls from managers just to ask “how are we doing?”

        The sleeping dragon will wake up, whether it is our company that
         wakes it or not..

Coherent with ethics, transparency and credibility
6. Proactive communication (6 of 6)

            CRM 1.0      TO    2.0
            WEB 1.0

        Mobile phone          1.   SMS not sales people.
                              2. Service information, about an incident,
                                 administration, etc.
       Call me button         3.-Innovate on the Web and make publicity out of it

     Video-conferences        PERSONALIZATION
                              4.- Use video-conferences
                              MORE RELIABLE SERVICE = TRUSTWORTHY
7. “The experiential”

...Feelings, emotions, thoughts, coherent with the best price, as the
    economic crisis will bring on a tendency towards low cost in all
    sectors and sub-sectors.

• Experiential marketing allows the customer to experience different feelings or
  relive feelings that that they like or are pleasurable through products, goods
  and services from a company or service. This is achieved generating
  experiences through perceptions, feelings, thoughts, actions and relations.

        •   Walt Disney is a case of a quality, service and experience model.
            Disney is a combination of experiences not just lots of movies and
            theme parks.“Disney is the Entertainment”, and the brand is aware of
            its influence in the world of children, in the “holístic” perception
            (Magic Kingdom) which they have of it.
7. “Experiential”

Achieve differentiation
• Customer experience managers?

• Customer - assessor relationship?                               Much more comfortable
•   Treatment when recording an incident.
                                                                    Create a differential,
•   When communicating with the repair shop (comarketing)            positive experience,
•   When using the “advantages”.                                   worthy of being talked
•   Online channels should be a big support.                             about to others.

• Interactive Communication = Greater and better relations.
                                                                     Beyond comparison.

• Advantages and privileges (incremental benefits and
  excellence considerations) IN THE REPAIR SHOP for certain

• Joint cobranding actions with repair shops to loyalize good

• Actions to improve daily life (e.g. Unión Fenosa, Banesto: el
The 4 pillars of emotional branding


    Relation   Vision    Imagination
What is Experiential Marketing?

Traditional marketing dealt with the RATIONAL
  left hemisphere of the brain

EMK seeks the EMOTIONAL connection
  right hemisphere of the brain



                                Experiential marketing

                                                   Operations and
                  Branding                          experience =

EXPERIENCE        Circumstance or event lived through by a person
                  The fact of having felt, known or witnessed something by

EMOTION           Change of mood, intense and fleeting, pleasant, expectant
                  interest with which you take part in something
SENSATION         senses

FEELINGS          Affective mood produced by events that impress you.

LIFE EXPERIENCE   The fact of living or being alive
                  The fact of experiencing something and its content
EMK, synonymous concepts


Sensorial Marketing                      ... of pleasure and sensorial

Life Experience Marketing                … in events and happenings worthy of
                                         being talked about

Emotional Marketing                      …to generate affection towards the
                                         brand… feelings

Dynamic Marketing, Guerilla Marketing,   … not to use conventional mass
Viral Marketing, and so on (BTL)         marketing
We seek…

 Pleasure, enjoyment

 Simple, comfortable, easy to use and to do business

 Mythical

 Mystical

 Church                  Authentic, cool
 Legend

 Adventure
The experiential matrix

                                 Experiential matrix
               Comunica-    Visual    Product                 Spatial   Websites and
     EM                                              co-                               Personal
                 tions     Identity   presence              environment   others






Source: Schmitt, 1999
8. Co-marketing

Comarketing: Customers want companies to cooperate to offer “real
advantages” from alliances.

A strategy generally used to unite efforts and achieve ”doing more with less".
These type of actions are also used to access validated databases, e.g. A bank, in
exchange for a customer benefit, paid for by the company that gains the benefit
of the database access. Co-marketing is a practice by which two different
companies cooperate to obtain a joint benefit or to look for synergies such as
reducing costs.
8. Co-marketing

• “Bannering” actions and “shop within a shop” Explore all the possibilities to be
  present in…
        • Garage workshops
        • Commercial Centers (Automobiles)
        • Car Salesrooms
           … and similar locations.
          Review innovations of mutual interest.

• Evaluate possible partners for joint prevention measures.
8. Co-marketing

Telepizza y Coca-Cola:

 Have launched a joint promotion in which for
every liter of Coca-cola on a customers’ order,
Telepizza gives them a 1900 edition bottle
(Hutchinson type), like the original bottle from
the beginning of the 20th. century. The
promotion is supported by a campaign, by
Delvico, which appears on televisión, radio,
internet and has merchandising support at
points of sale.
9. Lead a “cause” which is socially beneficial?


•The OBRA SOCIAL of The Canaries Savings Bank (corporate message:
“The Canaries Savings Bank, for the benefit of the people of the

•Companies orient their social cause activities as a fundamental factor in
their raison d’être. The Canaries Savings Bank and the Adecco
Foundation have signed a collaborative agreement through which both
organizations will take a set of joint actions to promote the employment
and social integration of people with disabilities.
9. Lead a “cause” which is socially beneficial?


EGARSAT is a company that collaborates
with the Social Security to cover issues that
derive from industrial accidents and
professional illnesses, coverage of the
economic contribution for temporary
absence from work, and common
measures to prevent accidents.
10. The new segments

It is estimated that in 2060, this segment will account for 29.9%
 of the population.

Predominant segment.

Value of the senior: on average they can remain a customer for
 25 years.

From the age of 55 they experience a change and feel the need
 to plan for their old age.

      • They feel good, they feel young.
      • Active leisure.
      • Healthy but afraid of illness.
      • Buying power.
      • Looking for best Quality-price ratio.
      • High expectations when buying.
      • Users of basic technology.
      • Value the “face to face”
Multicultural Mk (cross-cultural)

• Since the year 2000 Spain has had one of the
  highest rates of immigration in the world.

• Immigrants now represent 12.2% of the population.

• 2010 was the first year with a negative
  immigration index.

• Second wave in 2015.
Multicultural Mk (cross-cultural)

Rank               Origin     Population       %age of all foreigners
  1    Ibero-America               1,500,785                    36.21%
 2     Western Europe                872,694                    21.06%
 3     Eastern Europe                735,506                    17.75%
 4     North Africa                  614,436                    14.82%
 5     Sub-Saharan Africa            170,843                     4.12%
 6     Far East                      132,474                     3.20%
 7     Indian Sub-Continent           69,006                     1.66%
  8    North America                  27,292                     0.66%
  9    Middle East                    18,094                     0.44%
 10    Oceania                         2,363                     0.06%
Multicultural Mk (cross-cultural)

• Average age 32.83 (in 2004).

• 30% unemployed.

• Occupation (2005)
Services (59%)
Construction (21%)
Industry (12%)
Agriculture (8%)

• The rate of remittances
abroad is growing.
Multicultural Mk (cross-cultural)

          • Culture defines buying behavior.
          • Each element of a culture conditions the MK.

Company needs:
     • Empathetic attitude towards other cultures.
     • Be culturally neutral
     • Don’t assume transferability from one culture to another.
     • Involve people from other cultures in the decisions.
     • Multicultural practices in 2.0 interactivity.
Multicultural Mk (cross-cultural)

Opportunities according to needs

                                             Get a
     Stage 3                               Mortgage               20%
     (From 5th year onwards)               Buy a car
                                       Finance children's
                                         Pension plans
     Stage 2
     (Up to 5th year)                 Send money (more)
                                       Bring over family
                                  Consolidate work      Micro
                                  consumer credit Rent or buy     80%
     Stage 1                       Work information & advice
     ( Up to 2nd year)         Process and manage documentation
                                          Send money
Generational Mk

Most interesting generation groups:

     •   Generation X
     •   Generation Y
     •   Einstein generation
     •   Millennium generation.
Generational Mk

Generation X (born between 1961 and 1979)

         The 1st generation educated to university level and with
          international experience.

         Drivers of flexibility and conciliation.

         Entrepreneurs. They value personal initiative and are skeptical
          about big companies.
Generational Mk

MK characteristics of generation X:

      •   Culturally active.
      •   Worried about the environment.
      •   Value RSC companies.
      •   Less materialistic.
      •   Looking for experiences.
      •   Want quality of life.
      •   Not prepared to sacrifice happiness fro promotion.
      •   Have caught up with Baby Boomers as main consumer group.
Generational Mk

Generation Y (born between 1980 and 1994)

      The 1st generation that always lived with information technology.

      Comfortable and prosperous infancy.

      More individualistic than previous generations.
Generational Mk

MK characteristics of generation Y:

Developing their preferences and purchasing patterns.
Their world: Internet, mobile phones and videogames.
Access to a great deal of information and communication.
Intelligent, lively and objective.
Ecological and defenders of good causes.
Brand aware.
Always connected.
Will spend more than the baby boomers.
Generational Mk

The Einstein generation (born after 1988)

      • They cross over with generation Y.
      • They seek authenticity and express their views clearly.
      • They like to win respect through their own efforts.
      • The most important thing is to be happy, enjoy life and develop
        yourself as a person.
      • Concept of honor as the end goal and success.
Generational Mk

The millennium or net generation (born at end of C20.)

       •   Born with a mouse and a computer screen.
       •   They are forming, but are aware of a loss of values.
       •   Hyper connected and globalized.
       •   Used to spending a lot of time alone.
       •   Educated, technically aware and multicultural.
       •   Strong influence on the decisions of their parents who feel guilty about
           leaving them on their own.
Femenine Mk

Women represent 80% of consumption.

She is a more intelligent buyer and more aware of promotions, loyalty
 plans and prizes than men.
Femenine Mk

•They are multi-role women - work-life and family life.
•Their interests are professional ones as well as being related to the
 home and the children.
•They are looking for products that give them privileges, not as mothers,
 but as women.
•They have decision-making power and independence in matters of
•Much more analytical consumers than men.
11. New channels and marketing automation

There should be effort to embrace Marketing, sales and IT
Orientating the company towards innovation for the customer requires a realignment where
the customer defines the product and the processes. This cannot happen overnight but there
are 4 points to adopt to move in this direction

                        • There should be an increase in efforts to adopt quantitative techniques to study
Increase efforts with     information and intensify efforts in developing the area of Business Intelligence
the Data Base           • Many companies have already developed b.d.m projects so they can study an infinite
                          number of variables, sales preferences, loyalty indices or the working of promotions

Introduce customer      • When the flow of information is standardized, there are improvements in sales and
metrics to analyze        operations
profitability           • When data from distributors is combined with customer data, it creates a greater
                          consensus in what are the profitability objectives and how to achieve them
                        • The sales / accounts team must play a vital role in the design and execution of point of
Involve the sales         sale and distribution strategies
                        • At the same time they must be involved in segmentation and promotion design

                        • The IT team must be involved and not isolated as they have to achieve a harmonization
Use IT to develop         and global synchronization of the company data
quantitative projects
                        • The IT must work together with everybody to achieve these objectives
Integral framework for automation

  Linked to the cheapening of technological applications thanks to changes in
  company management, as well as new paradigms for the management of
       Ensure customer profitability.
       Exploit the growth potential of each customer
       Improve the capacity to negotiate with each customer.
       Increase the ability to adapt products and services to the customer.
       Adopting the concept of customer share, supplanting the old analysis
         model based on market share.
Integral framework for automation

Technology has enabled decision support systems as a result of a better
understanding of the environment, and especially, of each individual customer.

Automation of marketing, through the creation of:

•Information systems based on the processing of large quantities of information that can be
stored (hard and soft).
•Flexible and accessible databases.
•Information integration processes from multiple repositories.
•Support processes to clean up and enrich data (DB, normalization, etcetera).
•Maintenance systems and data structure descriptions.
•Methodologies for strategic business analysis.
•Systems of data capture that are easy to use.
•Statistical processes that are easy to use with a good deductive capacity.
•Processes to capture and maintain customer relationships.
•Integration of technology and Internet functionality in the new customer-company
Benefits of automation

The approached and tools of marketing automation allow the measurement and
tangible quantification of the impact that marketing actions have on company
financial performance, all of it in an automatic and reliable manner.
Others are:
        •Facilitate the creation of multi-channel and multi-phase marketing and sales
        •Improve the coordination of campaign implementation across the whole company
        due to the database management systems accessed online.
        •Strengthen marketing activity performance thanks to the number of reports,
        analysis and statistics that the information systems generate.
        •Reduce costs and increase ROI of marketing activities through having greater
        knowledge available from customer databases.
Functionality of automation of
                                                                        Campaign design:
Customer database constantly updated:                                   - Objectives
- Transactions                                                          - Segments
- Contacts                                                              - Profiles
- History                                                               - Audience
- Etcetera                                                              - Channels
                                                                        - Steps and phases
                                                                        - Trials
                                                                        - Etcetera
                                        Real- measurement of campaign

                                        - Channel analysis
 Customer database analysis:            - Response reports
 - Segmentation                                                          Campaign execution:
                                        - Analytical measurement
 - Profiles                             - Results
 -- Lifetime value                                                       - Personalization
                                        - ROI
 -- Profitability                                                        - Multi-channel integration
                                        - Reports
 -- Answers-                                                             - Follow up
                                        - Sales activities
                                                                         - Responses
 -Modeling                              - Call center
 -- Etc.                                                                 - Data Capture
                                        - Etcetera
                                                                         - Etcetera
Trends in the digital world

1.   Blossoming of the Tablet PC.
        •   They open a world of new uses and give
            fluidity to existing experiences.
        •   Big expansion.

2. Digital invades shops and restaurants.
      •     Tablets are a great sales aid to product
      •     They fit into the physical sale.
      •     Invasion of digital signature.
Trends in the digital world

 3. Generalized eCommerce.
      •    Without fear
      •    Social use

 4. Everything connected to the internet.
      •    Internet 3.0

 3. Television connected.
       •    The end of traditional programming for
            AND ….
Trends in the digital world

6. Need for “guides”.
     •    For Internet search.

7. Augmented reality.

6. Digitalization of personal documents, culture and media
      •    eInvoices
      •    e-book, electronic press.

7. Decrease in the influence of advertising.
Trends in the mobile phone world

In Spain there are some 60 million mobiles (110% penetration).
In 2011 50% will have access to Internet via mobile.
Trends in the mobile phone world

According to the study “Mobile applications: downloads and use” done
 by The Cocktail Analysis, 82% of the telephones in Spain connected to
 the Internet are smart-phones (the rest are 3G).

59% connect to the Internet daily via mobile.

Most frequent uses:
       • 50% consult e-mail daily
       • 36% daily on social networks (67% minimum of once a week)
       • On-line purchasing is the least used.
Trends in the mobile phone world
Trends in the mobile phone world
Trends in the mobile phone world
Trends in the mobile phone world
Customer contact

                                         •In some countries, they are expanding these
                                          contacts at times of insurance contract renewal
                                         •There is an opportunity for distributors with points
                                          of sale that bring the customer closer with Internet
                                          installed so the customer can consult
                                         •It is necessary to orient the business towards
                                          “customer experience” creating a relationship with
                                          products that cover the whole life cycle and adapts
                                          to them

• The most important thing in the customer interaction is to know how to transmit the
  “value offered” so that distributors and insurers need to know how to win the customer
  in the moment of truth
• This is not always going to be done in the same way, given that the same contact with
  two different customers can receive different evaluations. If done properly these
  contacts can cement a profitable relationship
7 / Marketing
    Obsession with
Why is there pressure on the marketing

  The large number of activities that seem to be a waste.

  The costs of marketing are very high and going up.

  A lack of accountability on the part of marketing to justify the productivity of
  their spend.

  Marketing functions are not generating big or important ideas to develop the

  Marketing functions are too focused on the short-term.

  Marketing functions are not worried enough about their true assets: brand,
  consumers and customers, service quality, intellectual capital, reputation and
  company image.
New criteria

 The money dedicated to marketing
 activities = investment.

 The “king” criteria to evaluate an investment is ROI (return on investment).
 From hence comes the concept of marketing accountability, which has two

   Accountability as the responsibility that the marketing manager has for
    the end result of his activities.
   Accountability, in the sense that these activities must have a clear
    financial justification.
Key metrics for marketing accountability

         Metric               Calculation                                   Purpose
1 Unit margin          Unit price minus unit cost. Determine the value of incremental sales.
                                                   Act as a guide to fix prices and the decisions on
                                                   promotional activities.

2 Margin (%)           Unit margin as a %age of     Compare the margins between different products, sizes,
                       unit price.                  presentations.
                                                    Determine the value of incremental sales.
                                                    Act as a guide to fix prices and the decisions on
                                                    promotional activities.

3 Channel margin       Channel profits as a %age ofEvaluate the added value of the channels in relation to
                       channel end price.          sale price.
                                                   Calculate the effect that price changes have on each level
                                                   or stage of the channel in final prices and the
                                                   corresponding margins of each or other levels in the same
                                                   channel or supply chain.
4 Average unit price   Total income by total unit   Understand how the average price is affected by price
                       sales.                       changes o the product mix.
Key metrics for marketing accountability

        Metric                        Calculation                                  Purpose
5 Variable and fixed Classify costs in two categories: those that Understand how costs are affected by sales
  costs              change with volume (variable) and those      volumes.
                     that don’t (fixed).

6 Marketing costs    Relate those costs that are “marketing      Understand how marketing costs vary
  over sales         spend” against sales volumes.               according to sales.

7 Unit contribution Unit price minus variable unit costs.      Determine the impact on profits of price
                                                               Calculate the sales break-even point.
8 Contribution     Unit contribution divided by unit price.    Determine the impact on profits of changes
  margin(%)                                                    in volumes sold.
                                                               Calculate the sales break-even point.
9 Sales break-even Break-even per unit, divide the fixed costs Indicate approximately the “attraction” and
  point.           by the unit contribution.                   capacity to generate profits from a project or
                   Break-even in income levels, divide the     activity.
                   fixed costs by the contribution margin.
Key metrics for marketing accountability

          Metric                        Calculation                          Purpose
10 Expected profit         Adjust break-even calculation to    Assure that the unit sales targets
                           include profit objective.           enable the company to reach the
                                                               expected rate of return in terms
                                                               of returns on sales, (ROS), ROI or
                                                               other financial measure.
11   Income objective       Convert the expected profit in     Assure that the income objectives
                            terms of income using unit prices. enable the company to reach the
                            Alternatively, combine the cost    rate of return expected in terms
                            data and objectives with the       of returns on sales, (ROS), ROI or
                            information about contribution     other financial measure.
12   Net profit             Sales income minus total costs.    The basic profit equation of a
13   (ROS, return on sales) Net profit as a %age of sales      Calculate the percentage of
                            income.                            income that converts to profits.
14   (ROI, return on        Net profit in relation to the      A measure that calculates how
     investment)            investment necessary to generate well a company is using its assets.
                            those profits.
Key metrics for marketing accountability

           Metric                   Calculation                                Purpose
15 Profit after tax      Operational net profit after     Show profit levels in terms of money (euros).
                         tax less capital costs.          Offers a more net differentiation between the
                                                          levels of return than simple percentages.
16 Time to recoup         Time to recoup the initial      A simple way to calculate the return.
   (payback)              investment.
17 (NPV, net present      The value of future income      Summary of the value of cash flows at different
   value)                 cash flow after deducting the   periods of time.
                          value of money over time.
18 (IRR, internal rate of The discount rate with which
                                                  Usually the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is
   return)                the net present value of an
                                                  compared with the expected rate of return; if
                          investment is zero.     the IRR is greater the investment goes ahead; if
                                                  less it does not.
19 Return on marketing Incremental income         Compare sales generated in terms of income
   investment (ROMI) attributed to marketing over with the costs of marketing to generate these
                       marketing investment.      sales.
                                                  The percentage obtained helps to compare
                                                  between different plans or projects of different
8 / A new way of
    being - manage
    and think
Qualities required of a marketing manager:
general requirement

       The manager must think, firstly, in terms of the
  organization as a whole, and only then about his area of

  The global and integral vision of a company is increasingly
  more important and in reality it is not about how to improve
  ”how I do my work", but to improve ”how the whole company
  does its work”.
Qualities and abilities required of managers
in a 21st. century environment
   1   Ability to learn.
   2   Ability to plan.
   3   Conceptual abilities.
   4   Short, medium and long-term results oriented
   5   Leadership and team management.
   6   Self control
   7   Coherence.
   8   Ability to communicate and motivate.
   9   Ability to make decisions under pressure.
  10   Creativity.
  11   Flexibility.
  12   Cultural sensitivity.
  13   Very capable of compiling and analyzing an increasing flow of information.
  14   Very capable of objective diagnosis of environmental situations.
  15   Efficiency.

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Service marketing trends 2011

  • 1. SERVICE MARKETING TRENDS 2011 Juan Carlos Alcaide Casado
  • 2. CONTENTS / 1. The 10 principles of the new marketing 2. Latest trends in market research 3. Environment 4. Society values 5. Emerging socio-cultural trends, consumption and innovation opportunities 6. The relation between incremental innovations, two strategic focuses and eleven marketing trends 7. Marketing: Obsession with metrics 8. A new way of existence, marketing managed and thought
  • 3. Trends videos
  • 4. Premises 1 “Marketing 1.5” 2 Change “is being written now”
  • 5. 1. / The 10 principles of the new marketing
  • 6. 10 principles of the new marketing 1. Recognize that now the consumer has the power. 2. Develop the offer directly only at the target of this product or service. 3. Design marketing strategies from the customer point of view. 4. Focus on how to distribute/deliver the product, not in the product itself. 5. Go to the customer to create more value together: the role of the company has changed. 6. Use new ways to reach the customer with your messages. 7. Develop metrics and analyze ROI (Return on Investment) 8. Develop high tech. marketing. 9. Focus on long-term activities 10. Look at marketing as a whole.
  • 7. 10 “new” principles of the new marketing 3.0 1. Love your customers and respect the competition. 2. Be sensitive to the need to change and show you are ready. 3. Look after your name and be sure of who you are. 4. All customers are different; focus first on the ones who bring the most benefit. 5. Always offer a good package at a fair price. 6. Show that you are always available and welcome. 7. Find customers, keep them and make them grow. 8. Whatever your business, it’s a service business. 9. Keep improving your business process in terms of quality, cost and delivery. 10. Collect relevant information, but use your common sense before taking the final decision.
  • 8. Product-market strategies: 5 different approaches From segment to niche •Find the appropriate niche for product/service customized to customer. Focus of attention on strategies •Focus on consumer, the competitors, the distribution channels. Products/services objectives •Each product/service with a clear objective within the overall company. Market coverage •Selective coverage: niches progressively smaller and customized. Globalization •Global Marketing.
  • 9. Marketing Mix Strategies In the sixties In the eighties In the future Competition based on the Competition on quality, design, Competition based on price different characteristics of service and the creation of segments or on the price itself. the products. market value. Prices based on the Price based on costs. Prices based on perceived value. competition. The suppliers and The suppliers and The suppliers and intermediaries are company intermediaries are company “ intermediaries are company “adversaries”. cost factors”. “external partners”. General sales network. Differentiated networks. Multiple sales networks. High pressure sales. Transactional sale. Relational sale. Strong investment in sales Communications directed to Strong global investments in promotions directed to defined objective groups that advertising. specific segments. are strategically coordinated.
  • 10. Focus the management Step 1: Focus the management on 5 areas: Make the Create Focus on the Strengthen search for Take actions efficiency best customer new to keep them. by driving customers. relations. customers down costs. secondary. Step 2: Customer portfolio management using the DSDC principle (Different Strategies for Different Customers).
  • 11. 2. / New trends in market research
  • 12. New trends in market research Consumers and customers saturated Consumers and customers power
  • 13. New techniques in responding to new markets Market research on the internet. Market forecasts Observation of trends Anthropological analysis New tools
  • 14. Market research on the Internet The INTERNET will be the determining factor in the future of research. Influence in three directions A bigger pile to look for information within everybody’s reach. It is changing Flexibility to make commercial and contact with social relationships. millions of people.
  • 15. In primary research Qualitative Quantitative: sample problem •The total of network users do not represent the potential customer of a particular research project. •There are customers without access to the Internet who are not included in the sample •Research by Estudios IT saw that the results of online and offline samples are the same, but the former are cheaper. •INTERNET validity for field work.
  • 16. INTERNET benefits Faster & cheaper More sincere interviewee More precise (avoiding errors) You can use images and multimedia Real-time results.
  • 17. Secondary information sources The existing resources on Internet have multiplied the secondary information sources infinitely compared to what was available a little while ago.
  • 18. Market forecasts Market forecast Based on taking advantage of the Knowledge found spread The limitation on the about in different areas of the nature of the system: company. Collect this knowledge and aggregate it to predict future system obtain a general view as a result events that are of greater concrete and specific participation Everybody in the company who has an opinion on the topic of the investigation takes part.
  • 19. Trend observation or Coolhunting Techniques: - The diary, in which the observer, all through the day, notes the events or situations that have caught their Detect relevant attention and which respond to the social values objectives of the study. - The records that are micro- and translate them into capsules of information that are consumer trends. organized by theme. - Photos, as they represent a graphic testimony and are therefore very explicative of those trends which are becoming more common.
  • 20. Anthropological analysis Analysis •Consumer life experience dimension that allows the interpretation and comprehension of the socio-cultural meaning of the act of consumption. •Establish communication and marketing strategies. Consumer •The human being is not just “homo-consumer”. The way that people interact with products and service in the buying area is influenced by different life styles, education, life experiences, origins and trajectories, both as individuals or families. Techniques •Ethnography. •Auto-observation or anthropological panel •Participant observation •Resultant interactions
  • 22. The moment in which we live INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY (economic notes march 2011- CECA)  The first quarter confirms the recovery of the world economy. 5.0% growth in 2010  Rocketing oil prices.  U.S.A. growth.  Euro zone growth 2% at the end of 2010.  1.6% growth in 2011.
  • 23. The moment in which we live INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY (economic notes march 2011- CECA)  0.6% year-on-year growth in the last quarter 2010  GDP fell 0.1% in 2010 and forecast for 0.8% in 2011 and 1.4% in 2012.  Deficit reduction 9.2% of GDP in 2010.  Unemployment around 4.3 million and forecast to reach 20.7% in 2011.  3.6% inflation (+0.3 in February).
  • 24. The moment in which we live SOCIETY Life expectancy: 78.37 M, 84,59 W Births 497,365 vs deaths 395,612. Birth rate: 1.4 children. Average age of mother 30.98 Average household: 2.4 Unemployment rate: 20.33%
  • 25. Marketing re-orientation In 3 areas Introduce the use of Focus marketing activities on Adopt the concept of marketing metrics. concrete objectives with zero base budgeting. guaranteed results; especially direct and guerilla marketing. Development of zero base budgeting (not squandering resources)
  • 26. Sales management: productivity Increase controls and the use of productivity indicators: now that “what is not measured cannot be improved”. Automation of sales management: “TO SAVE YOURSELF FROM THE ECONOMIC CRISIS YOU SHOULD SAVE YOUR CUSTOMERS” Without customers you will not have the oxygen you need to stay alive: sales.
  • 27. Principal effects of the economic crisis on companies 1 Market contraction 2 Reduced sales 3 Lower profitability 4 Increase in bad debts and age of debt 5 Reduction in sources of finance 6 Reduction in cash flow 7 Increased competition 8 Greater pressure from large competitors 9 Loss of market share 10 Limits on growth possibilities 11 Loss of overseas markets 12 Psychological effects
  • 28. “Winning” companies used a focused approach Focus involves concentrating on one or a few specific and concrete areas, organization activities, disposable resources (financial, human, etcetera) and the strategic measures they take. Compensate for less income with initiatives to activate sales: doesn’t work in 95% of cases. Total customer orientation (TCO)
  • 29. “Winning” companies used a focused approach In the area of marketing Adopt a more strategic Refocus the company Refocus marketing vision to manage on the customer. activities. prices. Restructure marketing Focus not just on budgets according to the marketing efficacy but crisis situation of the also on marketing market. efficiency.
  • 30. What did the winners do to manage their prices? Don’t reduce prices until all the available alternatives at their proposal had been used up in order to avoid doing so. When forced to lower prices it was always accompanied by associated approaches or measures in function of the direct and proportional cost and expenses savings that they had achieved (not before). They always had in mind that in periods of crisis it is more important to maintain cash flow than to create profitability.
  • 31. 4 / Society’s values
  • 32. Structural change (characteristics) Qualification Maintenance of •Fall in illiteracy. Increase in Older population level of Fewer youth. •Increase in proportion of replacement university salaried workers education. Fall in the Greater importance of Increase in geographic agriculture and foreign mobility of increase in population workers. industrial
  • 33. Structural change (characteristics) All of this is due, in part, to a change in the structure of the family. Children are People getting being born to High divorce Fewer marriages. married are older parents who are rate. than before. older. Accelerating emptying of Spanish households, the 5 Increase in birth rate outside person homes are marriage. disappearing, as single person homes are increasing
  • 34. Weak values in hard times Research study done by Observatorio de valores directed by Javier Elzo y Ángel Castiñera, with the collaboration of ESADE
  • 35. Weak values in hard times We are witnessing a cultural transformation: From a traditional society Modern society From a modern society Postmodern society
  • 36. Weak values in hard times 1. Individualism and freedom of rights We live a great contradiction between values and deeds Value: Social cohesion Deed: Inordinate individualism
  • 37. Weak values in hard times A society… Free in rights and customer That wants to fulfill the senses Accepts most private conduct Tolerate and accepts any kind of behavior
  • 38. Weak values in hard times 2. Plastic and relational family Principal transformations: Plastic family Weaker structure Becomes a relational family
  • 39. Weak values in hard times 3. Human equality and symmetry of roles The same rights and obligations for each sex both at home and at work
  • 40. Weak values in hard times 4. Decline of “productivism” More value is given to leisure time and social relations than work. Work as an instrumental factor. No assumption of responsibilities Disaffection between company and worker
  • 41. Weak values in hard times 5. Leisure as a value and as customer association The main value is leisure and human relations The associated passive participation increases Except the unions
  • 42. Weak values in hard times 6. Disaffection with politicians but not with politics A deep democratic sentiment is retained as a value Institutional and political crisis Discontent is propagated by networking.
  • 43. Weak values in hard times 7. Immigration The number of immigrants is perceived as too high Spanish society shows itself to be open to immigrants
  • 44. Weak values in hard times 8. 5 citizen typologies Neoconservatives •Traditionalist and rule bound, socially involved and favors the imposition of traditional values in exchange for social cohesion and in detriment of social freedom. •People who defend authority, social order and traditions. •Against state intervention in the economy but not liberal in their personal conduct. •They represent 28% of the population and are in decline.
  • 45. Weak values in hard times 8. 5 citizen typologies Neomodernists •Social libertarians. •Critical with socially repressive order, more egalitarian and liberal in rights and customs. •Usually young, not religious and identify with concepts such as: ecology, pacifism, alternative globalization, human rights, fair relations between North- South, etc. •They represent 20% of the population and are static in number.
  • 46. Weak values in hard times 8. 5 citizen typologies Civic individualists •More influenced by postmodern individualism, although they still maintain certain collectivist tendencies, which leads to them having a civic conscience. •Liberal as far as rights and customs are concerned and apply a moderate market liberalization. •They represent 25% of the population and are in slight decline.
  • 47. Weak values in hard times 8. 5 citizen typologies Pragmatic individualists •Very individualistic, but people of order who adopt social norms. Very materialistic, they like to live well and in order to do so they adapt to the system. •Little social involvement, they only defend their own interests. •They represent 17% of the population and are growing fast.
  • 48. Weak values in hard times 8. 5 citizen typologies Egocentric individualists •Radically individualist and hedonistic. Only concerned with their personal enjoyment abandoning any kind of moral duty. •Focused on the present, they live for the day and look to gain a personal advantage out of any circumstance. •They are against restrictive social order and a high level of social disconnection. •They represent 10% of the population and are growing.
  • 49. 5 / Emerging socio- cultural and consumption trends and opportunities for innovation
  • 50. Methodology 1. Desk research: • Recovery and redevelopment of materials and concepts accumulated by DOXA and by the Services Marketing Institute applicable to this project. • Work online coolhunting and specific bibliography. • Analysis of information provided by the company. • Four focus groups with insurance customers. • Three focus groups with company employees with different profiles. • DOXA + SMI (2010)
  • 51. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 1. Consumer empowerment • Strong familiarity with marketing, sales, promotions and advertising mechanisms. • They are not “innocent” or credulous. • Psychological filters and defense mechanisms against what is promised. • Wide access to product and service information. • Before buying they compare features, prices, quality, etc. • Ever more demanding. They demand quality, guarantees, post sales service, solutions to their problems.
  • 52. Actual situation The future Buying criteria Innovation Loss of loyalty The customer is progressively Customer orientation better informed Need for multi- channel integration Need to reinforce The measured price customer contact
  • 53. Research by our consultancy (S.M.I) and Doxa Institute “Trends in relationships between service companies and their users” A new type of customer has arisen and, as a consequence, a new relational approach between service customers and their users. THE BEE CUSTOMER
  • 54. The bee customer •Distrustful, cautious •Expert •Unbelieving •Impatient •Volatile •Hyper informed •Not resigned •Bad tempered •Prickly, irascible •Someone has to pay…
  • 55. Principal conclusions Customers are aware of their power and demand power: There is a search for “essential” values: a solid culture of corporate social responsibility (CSR). People are looking for customization in all kinds of services. There are new segments that require a different treatment: invalids, tourists and immigrants. Offer services “to women” and, of course to the so called “pink” market composed of homosexuals. Customers are tired of the traditional loyalty marketing ploys and seek greater recognition.
  • 56. Principal conclusions They demand agility and expect a capacity to respond. They require a radical transparency. They want information and professional advice, because they feel powerless when in doubt. They reject relational communication. They want clear and detailed communication, customized and emotionally positive with practical and useful information. They don’t want the Internet to replace paper, but to complement it. Information must avoid fear, uncertainty and doubt (fud) through service systems that are not robotic, customized and friendly, online or not. The true key to loyalty is the customer experience in the moment they use the service. There is a clear tendency towards low cost.
  • 57. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 2. Worldwide Web and new forms of participation: The customer wants to be listened to and at the same time to be given solutions to their problems where they can enter into contact, receiving the right and adequate service, that the company faces up to and deals with their claims or complaints and also that they take into account their opinions. To do this they use some customer-facing tools such as a consulting channel for customers to enter their opinions and suggestions (telephone and email). 24-hour free telephone, web, complaints, reclaims, opinions, suggestions, focus groups, surveys to understand emerging requests, innovation opportunities. This allows the company to have a greater knowledge and management of their customer relations.
  • 58. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 2. Worldwide Web and new forms of participation: • Ever more connected amongst themselves through social networks, blogs, forums, common interest groups, SMS, etc. • They are not just receivers of messages, but also editors, producers of message, contents and meanings. • They transmit their positive and negative experiences to other consumers. • A time of very intense communication. For the young it is a field of communication and experimentation on a large scale, but for many adults it is an overload of “noise” and technological saturation.
  • 59. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 2. Worldwide Web and new forms of participation: Examples: • The El Corte Inglés web-site, where it states “the customer is always right”. • comunitae, one assumes that it will be a bank in which it is the actual users who firstly decide if they want to be solicited for loans or investments. From there and with certain security measures, such as risk analysis, etc., it is the investor who decides through bidding what investments they will keep and how much and where they wish to invest. • The Banco Sabadell, in collaboration with IBM, is launching Banco Sabadell Labs, an initiative to explore together the possibilities of the Web 2.0 in the finance sector. On the site under the caption “Banco Sabadell, thinking ahead”, at the moment there are advertisements for a couple of feeds for investors and for the press and the location of their office and cash machine network in Google Maps
  • 60. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 2. Worldwide Web and new forms of participation: Examples: • Telefónica’s web page where there is a space to resolve doubts, reclaims, frequently asked questions. Etc. There are spaces in the page where the customer can interact with customer facing staff with a special font.
  • 61. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 3. Distrust, dissatisfaction, reaction: A strategic opportunity for services companies: take ownership of the territory available through RADICAL TRANSPARENCY, generating incremental innovations around: •Security and Confidence •Credibility •Perception of honesty •Feeling of protection Example: AXA Radical transparency: •Sufficient information. •Simplified information, easy to understand. •Honest and preventive information. •Explain very clearly what is included and what is excluded from the policy. •A charter of service commitments. •Advice on ways top optimize costs/benefits/coverage. •Customers will value having a password which enables consultations online about contract characteristics, information, history and accident statistics.
  • 62. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 4. Proliferation. Excess of offers and saturation of what is new: • Extreme proliferation of brands, products, services and features. Too many choices. • Feeling of freedom and ease to select and/or change, but also a feeling of saturation and stress. • Somuch choice produces a paradoxical effect of indifference to brands or products. It reduces the capacity to surprise and interest in what is new or a new feature. • Almost everything that is sold is sold as something new. • Against this over saturation many consumers prefer what is simple, austere and basic.
  • 63. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 5. Responsible consumer, demand for values: • Preference for products or services that embody values (respect for the environment, social responsibility, sustainability, etc.). • Rejection of exaggerated consumerism, the depredation of natural resources, etc. • Rejection of the “abuse” of the motor car as a symbol of a hyper-consumerist society that is irrational and wasteful. • Due to the economic crisis a new culture of saving and austerity. • A gradual implantation of consumer habits and treatment of residuals that is more respectful to the environment.
  • 64. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 5. Responsible consumer, demand for values: Cause marketing acts as an important tool to generate awareness and help for community problems. When using this concept, the company can meet its social responsibility obligations, and at the same time attract consumers and increase sales. For many companies, social marketing is synonymous with philanthropy. Reserve a specific sum from your budget to support NGO’s or some philanthropic association and with this calm your social conscience. What we want from cause marketing is that this philanthropy or social action has a major impact, and at the same time, results in benefits for the business. You have to think strategically, choose a single cause to gain major influence and identity and work together with a diversity of social organizations. That a company chooses a cause, implies that this should form a part of their strategic objectives and involve all areas, above all, responsible for bringing in help and donations and also in marketing so that the cause can be integrated into its strategy.
  • 65. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 6. The culture of me, the spiritual and the natural • The wish to “give oneself pleasures”, allow oneself deserved rewards. Claim the right to pleasure, the quality if life, freedom and personal autonomy, the search for hedonistic satisfactions. Individualism. The search for personal identity and self-fulfillment. • Care of the body and the soul, interest in emotional stability, wellbeing, balance, inner peace, personal harmony, fulfillment, spirituality. Consumption as a source of physical, psychological and “playful” pleasure. • The wish to reduce the fast pace of life and dedicate time to to the mind, to the “me”. • Valuing of a form of life that is more “simple”, “natural”, “true”, balanced.
  • 66. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 6. The culture of me, the spiritual and the natural Examples •Patagonia. Coherence. •Starbucks: They promise us: the best coffee, price and service in the world (a touch of romance, accessible luxury, an oasis of peace and spontaneous social interaction). Bank example: Deutsche Bank office (with a shop in the office, creating a more relaxed commercial atmosphere), bank office with a cafeteria or internet access (Caja Navarra, etc…) •Caja Navarra: with their new business model, the civic bank. It promotes continuous interaction with its customers beyond mere bank transactions putting at their disposal in some branches (called ‘canchas’) places to study, meet customers, do events, connect to the internet. Also the customer decides where the social fund money goes by choosing the project they want to support. •COATO. “Ecological agriculture”
  • 67. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 7. Demand for personalization, customization: This is about a company being able to adapt personally to the customer, to the society that makes up its demand and the real needs that these have, and what is more showing this adaptation to the market. There is an extraordinary Me Culture, and people seek personalization, “customization” and “tuning - your choice” in all kinds of services. Companies must show a concern to adapt to anybody. • Expectation that products and services adapt to the individual needs of the customer. • Non acceptance of being boxed into standard formulas, “white coffee for everybody”. • Self-affirmation of the individual, of autonomy, of personal freedom.
  • 68. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 7. Demand for personalization, customization: Examples: • The Caixa allows you to choose the design of your credit card and even offers you the opportunity to put your own photograph on it with a choice between 5 different financial arrangements. • Examples of tuning cars, mobile phones, cases, fixings, badges and above all, imagine downloads, tones, games, answering. • The Barcelona brand Demano, allows the customer to choose the product and the “cloth” (Recycled PVC advertising banner) as part of their choice.
  • 69. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 7. Demand for personalization, customization: Examples: Adidas uses a CS4 interface with adobe ilustrador where they combine clothes with all the possible color patterns for a group of samples and apply all the variations. An example of process standardization to achieve mass personalization
  • 70. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 8. Globalization, multiculturalism: • Intense contact with foreigners, immigrants, products and ideas from other cultures. • Globalization of markets, accessibility, contact and interest in exotic and ethnic products that are culturally different. • Accustomed to new, different and innovative products and services. The novelties have now been transformed into something everyday, and a routine requirement.
  • 71. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 9. New protagonism for women: • Accumulative changes in the identity and role of women. They work outside the home, have a high level of education, have a strong social and cultural life, intense contact with communication media, technological innovation and the vanguard in products, services and forms of commercialization. • At this moment a new big change: occupying leadership positions. • Women are an important driver in perception changes, election criteria, values, sensibilities and responsibility criteria. • New forms of social, productive and emotional intelligence. • These changes also indirectly occur in men.
  • 72. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 9. New protagonism for women: Example: Companies should become active, in an impartial way, in organizations that are involved in defending consumer rights and make themselves able to react to a society creating transparent organizations with active participation by consumers seeking equality between the consumer and the market. Not taking aggressive positions but on the contrary adapting company strategy to reflect the interests of consumers and develop information systems to measure customer satisfaction.
  • 73. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 10. Effects of the economic crisis: • Reinforces the trend towards a more austere consumption, demand for the best price, a more selective attitude to products and services following rational criteria, cost savings, avoiding or cutting back on avoidable purchases, etc. • Readjustment of budgets to reduce costs, without renouncing quality of life expectations. • Feelings of insecurity and the desire for security (economy, employment, home, law, medicine, against insurance companies, against third-parties, etc.). • Changing buying, consumption, and service use habits.
  • 74. The end of the middle class? >>A new social order in a global economy Massimo Gaffi y Edoardo Narduzzi: Europe: disappearance of the middle class Transformation to a potential mass class. There is appearing a new polarized social system, with a reduced technocratic class that is getting increasingly rich at one extreme, and at the other a social tumult without class where the former middle and lower classes are mixed, with a capacity for consumption which is increasingly limited and whose pattern revolves around low cost services and articles. A social class that is happy to eat in low cost chain restaurants, fly EasyJet and assemble their own furniture.
  • 75. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 11. Buying and consumption habits will change: • Impulse purchases will decline. Greater care with the cost/benefit ratio. • They will choose quality brands at a lower cost. Many will only look for cheaper brands. • Within the same company or group, substitution by secondary cheaper brands. • Private labels will become stronger. • There will be a maximum vigilance of the quality of commercial relationships. • People will buy in smaller quantities. • Maximum advantage of offers, promotions and sales. • Choice of more long-lasting products and the postponement of replacements and renewals. • Elimination of many products and services considered not really necessary.
  • 76. Actual socio-cultural and consumption trends 12. Some specific expenditures will reduce: • Automobiles. • Housing. • Furniture and house fittings. • House repairs and maintenance. • Clothes and shoes. • Perfumes beauty products. • Leisure activities. • Eating out. • Holiday trips (reduction of number and length of journeys). • All risks insurance, third-party instead.
  • 77. Resulting changes Consumer behavior: 30% pure low cost according TNS (12/09) • Consumer requires that companies adapt to their needs. • A significant proportion of demand for specific services normally reserved for higher classes. • Families that live by squeezing the credit card... • hybrid consumer:  Fly with Vueling to a 6 star hotel with spa... • Savvy shopper:  I am an experienced and intelligent customer • Cheap&chic: • Back to basics • Massification of luxury
  • 78. Some trends in Travel Hunting for • There is a continuous and growing number of people who will forgo quality and features offers in exchange for a reduction in price • This group is made up mostly of young people who use the internet • The media attention devoted to the rich and famous will increase peoples’ expectations More for less • They will start to demand prime category products at accessible prices Interest in • 43% of customers interviewed say «I am always trying to improve my health». Free time health and well- is an vital opportunity to improve wellbeing and find an escape valve from frenetic lives being • Health tourism will grow to avoid long waiting lists for treatment A taste for • Tailored solutions and personalized products and services put in doubt the «one size fits personalization all» mentality: more and more customers in developed markets insist on tailored solutions Sustainable • Responsible travel consists in improving the planet at the same time as enjoying the culture visited. Increasingly more travelers want to travel with the idea contribute to tourism cultural sustainable development of the place visited and protection of its environment • The multiplicity of demand and offer creates a modern customers with a kaleidoscopic life Multiple lives • The same person has many different roles in their daily life, that at the same time create different needs and demands The economy of • Modern customers want to enjoy life to the maximum. As their buying power increases, experience their material needs are progressively more satisfied, experiences are valued more than possessions Source: Tribus Travel Report 2007 (Consultant to Henley Centre HeadlightVision for Amadeus)
  • 79. Social macro trends Civilization based on intelligence Human knowledge duplicates more rapidly every day. Actually, human knowledge Civilization based on duplicates every 7 years. In the “Mega” An urban world 2040, it is expected to Technological projects Increasingly more duplicate every 3 months will move to humankind citizens of the earth to almost unlimited alone but not growing. dimensions: Skyscrapers, Higher buildings to gain nanotechnology, space but with nanorobots increasingly smaller SOCIAL MACROTRENDS dwellings Plural civilization A world of old people Globalization will develop In 2050, there will be more than 2,000 million a plural civilization inhabitants of the world adapted to models and older than 60 and of standards that are these 20% will be older worldwide, creating and than 80 ethnic and cultural mix Source: Study “The customer and distribution in Spain, 10 year perspective” (BNP PARIBAS)
  • 80. Individual trends “Save our Cocooning Clanning society” Demolition Fantasy Of idols adventures Vigilante Pleasure customer revenge Down Aging TENDENCIAS INDIVIDUALES Indulgences Being alive Anchorage Cashing Out Ergonomics 99 lives Feminine Emancipation thought Source: Trends research S. XXI Instituto de Empresa (España)
  • 81. What are customer tendencies? (1/4) Definition Examples Seeking protection against an Development of videoclubs, online environment progressively more banking, teleworking, internet Cocooning aggressive: Delinquency, pollution, shopping, private neighborhoods traffic, agglomerations: “Home safe home” A trend to form clans. People seek Increase of clubs, associations comfort and support with people intermediaries, libraries with reading Clannning who share values and beliefs areas, closed neighborhoods with neighbors admitted by vote, confidence, viral marketing and word of mouth How to escape stress and boredom, Virtual reality games, “war games”, Fantasy search for excitement and stimulus simulated ski slopes, “gastronomic adventures with risk-free adventures adventures”, development of an urban explorer Some rebel customers, tired of being The pleasure of the forbidden will told what is good will appear bring: increase in alcohol Pleasure indifferent to or breakers of the rules consumption, heavy meals (pizzas, revenge hot dogs, pastas), a return to moderate smoking,.. Source: Trends research S. XXI Instituto de Empresa (Spain)
  • 82. What are customer tendencies? (2/4) Definition Examples Busy or stressed customers seek “I deserve it” culture leads to: short rapid gratification and a trend to trips to exotic locations or to hotels Indulgence self-reward with little vices and with personality, buying at the gifts delicatessen,.. Return to spiritual roots of the past. Rise of orientalismo, tai chi, yoga, After materialism we move to the astrology, return to spiritual Anchorage spiritual with touches of mysticism retreats, Satanism, genealogy,… and the appearance of new religions As a reaction to feeling Models and intelligent products disconnected and isolated in an era that know their owner, on line Ergonomics of “depersonalized”information, a newspapers chosen at will, internet search for tailored products and blogs and, in general, direct services personalized marketing Feminine thought is influencing a Shops that accept unused products way of looking at business moving as payment, animal carrier that fits Feminine from a hierarchical model to under the airplane seat,… thought another that is more relational, sensitive and responsible Source: Trends research S. XXI Instituto de Empresa (Spain)
  • 83. What are customer tendencies? (3/4) Definition Examples Men reject their traditional roles Men are sensitive too, they can and with new attitudes “starting to cry, iron, cook. Homosexuals Emancipation be what they want to be” receive less prejudice coming into the light (importante segment) You have to take on multiple roles Increase in importance of in order to fight time pressures technologies that save time: Card 99 lives maximizing efficiency at all times readers on motorways, urban bicycle systems Customers progressively more People revise their priorities and stressed and spent seek fulfillment start their own business, job Cashing Out and satisfaction in ways of life that security ceases to make sense, are more simple return to rural life,... Recognition of the importance of Meditation, non-traditional wellbeing. Not just seeking a therapies, acupuncture, herbalism, Being alive longer life but also aids to a better virtual surgery, communal farms quality of life for self consumption Source: Trends research S. XXI Instituto de Empresa (Spain)
  • 84. What are customer tendencies? (4/4) Definition Examples Nostalgic for the carefree days of Tendency towards immature conduct Down Aging infancy and thinking that everything ignoring social conventions, infant in the past was better look for schools for adults, nostalgia TV, symbols of adolescence traditional brands,.. There is mistrust of the power of big More demanding customer, Vigilant companies, exerting influence tendency to syndicate and to protest customer through pressure groups, parents exerting pressure when they are not who fight for the future of their in agreement children,.. Skeptical customers topple idols in Rejection of big companies as being Toppling idols the worlds of business and dangerous to the individual, anarchic government institutions. The bigger posture, fight against supposed the institution, the greater the government conspiracies,… mistrust Customers worried about the fate of Development of the idea “Think “Save our the planet, environment and green”, volunteers, electric cars, society” education recycling,.. Source: Trends research S. XXI Instituto de Empresa (Spain)
  • 85. 6 / The relationship between incremental innovations, two strategic focuses and eleven marketing trends
  • 86. Opportunity Link the incremental innovations to a coherent vision and in the medium-term through two strategic focuses: Focus 1: Company 2.0. Allows you to have a framework process engine for incremental innovations. Focus 2: Reputation. The trustworthy company. Allows you to have a topic engine for incremental innovations. • Both together will aim for a differentiated profile in the medium and long term. • Both together will aim for incremental innovations that are not obsolete or diluted in reality.
  • 87. • Customers are not the same and they are changing their forms of behavior at the Increase the same pace as the change in technology emphasis on the • Insurance companies that want to capture customer segments will have to adapt customer to the new situation through knowledge of the customer • The key to knowing the customer is the distributors, in which case you should implement systems that allow the distributor see the customer across all the life Better tools cycle and across all the channel interactions • Investment in these systems should be made very selectively working together with the intermediaries • The lack of integrated multi-channel strategies is endangering the idea that some Multi-channel insurance companies can put the customer at the centre strategies • The strategy that is integrated multi-channel avoids wasted resources on redundant information • There is a need for system flexibility that allows information flow, so reducing cost Change of as much as time technology to more • This will improve transparency and uniformity for the sales force and the flexible systems distribution network • The globalization of the value chain is being used to reduce costs and to increase Operational improve quality both in services and sales efficiency • Outsourcing the IT service and other support functions (HR, accounts…). A multi- country service can be centralized in one country
  • 90. Strategic focus 2  REPUTATION/Trustworthy company GAP “The image of companies is not good, nor close, nor transparent. They are perceived as distant, too powerful, arrogant, untrustworthy Strategic company opportunity: take and even cheating with the use of ownership of this available territory, creating with incremental small print in contracts. innovations… The general sensation of mistrust •Security and the frequent existence of •Confidence / Credibility / Perception negative experiences are certain of honesty facts. ” •Feeling of protection (Phrases taken from a blog, 100% coherent with what is repeatedly expressed in focus groups)
  • 91. The principles of customer orientation • Customers become active participants in the redesign of products, packaging, pricing or product development Active dedication to the customer • Through this we achieve greater success in the 1.Customers introduction of new products and a more rapid are active development cycle innovators • It is no longer enough for companies to be driven by demand. If we do this we can satisfy needs but we will Satisfaction of never achieve fast growth Customer needs • This growth is achieved through identifying non explicit needs and anticipating them in advance (qualitative / disruptive jump) 2.Companies 3.Orientation towards • We must use the moments of truth (buying moment) to must identify customer Orientation towards the create brand loyalty hidden needs customer sales experience • It is fundamental that in the moment of buying, the experience, not the customer reviews the whole range of our products product Source: Customer oriented innovation (Forrester Research 2005)
  • 92. 1. Personalization / CEM • Relational privileges (length of custom, number of cars…). • Adapt insurance / age of vehicle. • Adapt insurance price / value of vehicle through time. • Innovate in customer loyalty based on “financial leverage” of insured (stable income for n years). • Insure the person, not the car. • Joint personalized contract for all policies Customers have a repetitive and recurring need for customization and adaptation
  • 93. 1. Personalization • Possibility of personal proactive offers • Personal “managers” (not brokers). Personalized and ethical consultancy. • Audiovisual systems (Promoting personalization, transparency and intimacy.) • Have an Avatar like Ikea. • A la carte insurance. • Pay as You Drive. • Customization or tuning. • Etc. Personalization Personalized “avatar” management
  • 94. 2. Contractual transparency • Enough information. • Simplified information, easy to understand. • Honest and open information. • Explain clearly what is included and what is not included in the policy. • Service commitment charter. • Advice on how to optimize costs/benefits/coverage. • Customers will value a password to be able to consult on the net the contract features, information, history and statistics on incidents.
  • 95. 3. Systematic listening to customers: • Consulting channel, opinions and suggestions (telephone and e-mail). • 24-hour telephone (free number). • Place on the Web for questions, complaints and suggestions. • Periodical consultations with actual customers (focus groups and surveys) to detect emerging demands, Innovation opportunities, suggestions, etc.
  • 97. 5. Customization + “acquired rights” Apparent radical customization //Mass customization It is about a personalized adaptation by the company for the customer, and to the society that makes up its demand and the real needs that this presents, at the same time showing this adaptation to the market. There is a strong Me Culture, and it seeks personalization, “customization” and “tuning-your choice” in all kinds of service. Companies must be prepared to show a concern to adapt to anybody.
  • 98. 5. Customization + “acquired rights” Possible evolution of the bonus-malus model, given that the current system is deficient or to a certain extent used up by the customers. Offering some other kind of added value, beyond economic •To loyal customers •To customers without claims •To valuable customers
  • 99. 6. Proactive communication (1 of 6) Customer communication must not be just sales. This trend is based on the idea that of every three messages only one is a sales message. Customers reject relational communication because they are fed up with sales messages. They want clear and detailed communication, personalized and which creates an emotional link with practical and useful information. They don’t want the internet as a paper substitute, but as a complement (newsletters, invoices, etc). They want an internet that is both reactive and proactive. To be able to consult web-sites that are rich in practical content and which also send them interesting things without them having to ask for it. They want a “measured” use of the telephone (it is generally a nuisance, unless you are called by a “known agent”), a friendly internet with valuable information, and personalization with care and support in moments of usage (”moments of truth”) of the service.
  • 100. 6. Proactive communication (2 of 6) • About rights and features: protection/security. • Personalization of the contents • Offering interesting advice • Making references to values: quality of life, solidarity, sustainability, respect, honesty, environment, social responsibility and social cohesion. • Doing customer experience management surveys. • Communication with stakeholders that are coherent with the predominant social values.
  • 101. 6. Proactive communication (3 of 6) • Customer experience manager • Insured day events • Insurance encyclopedia • Show price comparison tables. Better that they use ours than an intermediary. • Imitate the consumer (radical transparency) • Explain what we do with the money. • Show “they do what they preach and they preach what they do” • In any event lots of internet!
  • 102. 6. Proactive communication (4 of 6) “MEASURED” TELEPHONE Analyze the form and timing of communications: FRIENDLY INTERNET Signs of caring. Too much and too tiring. +++ CARE AND PERSONALIZATION  Communicate about VALUE: •Not sales (e.g.. Eroski Consumer) •Not excessive. •VERY Segmented.  Combine paper and e-mail
  • 103. 6. Proactive communication (5 of 6) Other ideas: • Periodical information (prevention and other segmented issues) to customers. • Free seminars and workshops (prevention, etc) for customers. • Insurance and service manuals for customer use. • Occasional phone calls from managers just to ask “how are we doing?” The sleeping dragon will wake up, whether it is our company that wakes it or not.. Coherent with ethics, transparency and credibility
  • 104. 6. Proactive communication (6 of 6) TRANSITION MK 1.0 CRM 1.0 TO 2.0 WEB 1.0 Mobile phone 1. SMS not sales people. 2. Service information, about an incident, administration, etc. Call me button 3.-Innovate on the Web and make publicity out of it Video-conferences PERSONALIZATION 4.- Use video-conferences MORE RELIABLE SERVICE = TRUSTWORTHY INSURANCE
  • 105. 7. “The experiential” ...Feelings, emotions, thoughts, coherent with the best price, as the economic crisis will bring on a tendency towards low cost in all sectors and sub-sectors. • Experiential marketing allows the customer to experience different feelings or relive feelings that that they like or are pleasurable through products, goods and services from a company or service. This is achieved generating experiences through perceptions, feelings, thoughts, actions and relations. • Walt Disney is a case of a quality, service and experience model. Disney is a combination of experiences not just lots of movies and theme parks.“Disney is the Entertainment”, and the brand is aware of its influence in the world of children, in the “holístic” perception (Magic Kingdom) which they have of it.
  • 106. 7. “Experiential” Achieve differentiation • Customer experience managers? • Customer - assessor relationship? Much more comfortable processes. • Treatment when recording an incident. Create a differential, • When communicating with the repair shop (comarketing) positive experience, • When using the “advantages”. worthy of being talked • Online channels should be a big support. about to others. • Interactive Communication = Greater and better relations. Beyond comparison. • Advantages and privileges (incremental benefits and excellence considerations) IN THE REPAIR SHOP for certain customers. • Joint cobranding actions with repair shops to loyalize good customers. • Actions to improve daily life (e.g. Unión Fenosa, Banesto: el antenista..)
  • 107. The 4 pillars of emotional branding Emotional Branding Sensory Relation Vision Imagination Experiences
  • 108. What is Experiential Marketing? Traditional marketing dealt with the RATIONAL left hemisphere of the brain EMK seeks the EMOTIONAL connection right hemisphere of the brain EXPERIENTIAL Marketing IS RELATIONAL EXP.
  • 110. EXPERIENCE Circumstance or event lived through by a person The fact of having felt, known or witnessed something by somebody. EMOTION Change of mood, intense and fleeting, pleasant, expectant interest with which you take part in something SENSATION senses FEELINGS Affective mood produced by events that impress you. lovemark LIFE EXPERIENCE The fact of living or being alive The fact of experiencing something and its content
  • 111. EMK, synonymous concepts EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING PROVOKE EXPERIENCES…. Sensorial Marketing ... of pleasure and sensorial enjoyment Life Experience Marketing … in events and happenings worthy of being talked about Emotional Marketing …to generate affection towards the brand… feelings Dynamic Marketing, Guerilla Marketing, … not to use conventional mass Viral Marketing, and so on (BTL) marketing
  • 112. We seek…  Pleasure, enjoyment  Simple, comfortable, easy to use and to do business  Mythical  Mystical  Church Authentic, cool  Legend  Adventure
  • 113. The experiential matrix Experiential matrix ProvExp Brand Comunica- Visual Product Spatial Websites and EM co- Personal tions Identity presence environment others management Sensations Feelings Thoughts Relations Performances Source: Schmitt, 1999
  • 114. 8. Co-marketing Comarketing: Customers want companies to cooperate to offer “real advantages” from alliances. A strategy generally used to unite efforts and achieve ”doing more with less". These type of actions are also used to access validated databases, e.g. A bank, in exchange for a customer benefit, paid for by the company that gains the benefit of the database access. Co-marketing is a practice by which two different companies cooperate to obtain a joint benefit or to look for synergies such as reducing costs.
  • 115. 8. Co-marketing • “Bannering” actions and “shop within a shop” Explore all the possibilities to be present in… • Garage workshops • Commercial Centers (Automobiles) • Car Salesrooms … and similar locations. Review innovations of mutual interest. • Evaluate possible partners for joint prevention measures.
  • 116. 8. Co-marketing Telepizza y Coca-Cola: Have launched a joint promotion in which for every liter of Coca-cola on a customers’ order, Telepizza gives them a 1900 edition bottle (Hutchinson type), like the original bottle from the beginning of the 20th. century. The promotion is supported by a campaign, by Delvico, which appears on televisión, radio, internet and has merchandising support at points of sale.
  • 117. 9. Lead a “cause” which is socially beneficial? Examples: •The OBRA SOCIAL of The Canaries Savings Bank (corporate message: “The Canaries Savings Bank, for the benefit of the people of the Canaries”). •Companies orient their social cause activities as a fundamental factor in their raison d’être. The Canaries Savings Bank and the Adecco Foundation have signed a collaborative agreement through which both organizations will take a set of joint actions to promote the employment and social integration of people with disabilities.
  • 118. 9. Lead a “cause” which is socially beneficial? Example: EGARSAT is a company that collaborates with the Social Security to cover issues that derive from industrial accidents and professional illnesses, coverage of the economic contribution for temporary absence from work, and common measures to prevent accidents.
  • 119. 10. The new segments -Seniors It is estimated that in 2060, this segment will account for 29.9% of the population.
  • 121. Seniors Predominant segment. Value of the senior: on average they can remain a customer for 25 years. From the age of 55 they experience a change and feel the need to plan for their old age.
  • 122. Seniors Characteristics: • They feel good, they feel young. • Active leisure. • Healthy but afraid of illness. • Buying power. • Looking for best Quality-price ratio. • High expectations when buying. • Users of basic technology. • Value the “face to face”
  • 123. Multicultural Mk (cross-cultural) • Since the year 2000 Spain has had one of the highest rates of immigration in the world. • Immigrants now represent 12.2% of the population. • 2010 was the first year with a negative immigration index. • Second wave in 2015.
  • 124. Multicultural Mk (cross-cultural) Rank Origin Population %age of all foreigners 1 Ibero-America 1,500,785 36.21% 2 Western Europe 872,694 21.06% 3 Eastern Europe 735,506 17.75% 4 North Africa 614,436 14.82% 5 Sub-Saharan Africa 170,843 4.12% 6 Far East 132,474 3.20% 7 Indian Sub-Continent 69,006 1.66% 8 North America 27,292 0.66% 9 Middle East 18,094 0.44% 10 Oceania 2,363 0.06%
  • 125. Multicultural Mk (cross-cultural) • Average age 32.83 (in 2004). • 30% unemployed. • Occupation (2005) Services (59%) Construction (21%) Industry (12%) Agriculture (8%) • The rate of remittances abroad is growing.
  • 126. Multicultural Mk (cross-cultural) Aspect: • Culture defines buying behavior. • Each element of a culture conditions the MK. Company needs: • Empathetic attitude towards other cultures. • Be culturally neutral • Don’t assume transferability from one culture to another. • Involve people from other cultures in the decisions. • Multicultural practices in 2.0 interactivity.
  • 127. Multicultural Mk (cross-cultural) Opportunities according to needs Get a Stage 3 Mortgage 20% (From 5th year onwards) Buy a car Finance children's education Pension plans Stage 2 (Up to 5th year) Send money (more) Bring over family Consolidate work Micro consumer credit Rent or buy 80% home Stage 1 Work information & advice ( Up to 2nd year) Process and manage documentation Send money
  • 128. Generational Mk Most interesting generation groups: • Generation X • Generation Y • Einstein generation • Millennium generation.
  • 129. Generational Mk Generation X (born between 1961 and 1979) The 1st generation educated to university level and with international experience. Drivers of flexibility and conciliation. Entrepreneurs. They value personal initiative and are skeptical about big companies.
  • 130. Generational Mk MK characteristics of generation X: • Culturally active. • Worried about the environment. • Value RSC companies. • Less materialistic. • Looking for experiences. • Want quality of life. • Not prepared to sacrifice happiness fro promotion. • Have caught up with Baby Boomers as main consumer group.
  • 131. Generational Mk Generation Y (born between 1980 and 1994) The 1st generation that always lived with information technology. Comfortable and prosperous infancy. More individualistic than previous generations.
  • 132. Generational Mk MK characteristics of generation Y: Developing their preferences and purchasing patterns. Their world: Internet, mobile phones and videogames. Access to a great deal of information and communication. Intelligent, lively and objective. Ecological and defenders of good causes. Brand aware. Always connected. Will spend more than the baby boomers.
  • 133. Generational Mk The Einstein generation (born after 1988) • They cross over with generation Y. • They seek authenticity and express their views clearly. • They like to win respect through their own efforts. • The most important thing is to be happy, enjoy life and develop yourself as a person. • Concept of honor as the end goal and success.
  • 134. Generational Mk The millennium or net generation (born at end of C20.) • Born with a mouse and a computer screen. • They are forming, but are aware of a loss of values. • Hyper connected and globalized. • Used to spending a lot of time alone. • Educated, technically aware and multicultural. • Strong influence on the decisions of their parents who feel guilty about leaving them on their own.
  • 135. Femenine Mk Women represent 80% of consumption. She is a more intelligent buyer and more aware of promotions, loyalty plans and prizes than men.
  • 136. Femenine Mk •They are multi-role women - work-life and family life. •Their interests are professional ones as well as being related to the home and the children. •They are looking for products that give them privileges, not as mothers, but as women. •They have decision-making power and independence in matters of consumption. •Much more analytical consumers than men.
  • 137. 11. New channels and marketing automation There should be effort to embrace Marketing, sales and IT Orientating the company towards innovation for the customer requires a realignment where the customer defines the product and the processes. This cannot happen overnight but there are 4 points to adopt to move in this direction • There should be an increase in efforts to adopt quantitative techniques to study Increase efforts with information and intensify efforts in developing the area of Business Intelligence the Data Base • Many companies have already developed b.d.m projects so they can study an infinite number of variables, sales preferences, loyalty indices or the working of promotions Introduce customer • When the flow of information is standardized, there are improvements in sales and metrics to analyze operations profitability • When data from distributors is combined with customer data, it creates a greater consensus in what are the profitability objectives and how to achieve them • The sales / accounts team must play a vital role in the design and execution of point of Involve the sales sale and distribution strategies teams • At the same time they must be involved in segmentation and promotion design • The IT team must be involved and not isolated as they have to achieve a harmonization Use IT to develop and global synchronization of the company data quantitative projects • The IT must work together with everybody to achieve these objectives
  • 138. Integral framework for automation Linked to the cheapening of technological applications thanks to changes in company management, as well as new paradigms for the management of customers: Ensure customer profitability. Exploit the growth potential of each customer Improve the capacity to negotiate with each customer. Increase the ability to adapt products and services to the customer. Adopting the concept of customer share, supplanting the old analysis model based on market share.
  • 139. Integral framework for automation Technology has enabled decision support systems as a result of a better understanding of the environment, and especially, of each individual customer. Automation of marketing, through the creation of: •Information systems based on the processing of large quantities of information that can be stored (hard and soft). •Flexible and accessible databases. •Information integration processes from multiple repositories. •Support processes to clean up and enrich data (DB, normalization, etcetera). •Maintenance systems and data structure descriptions. •Methodologies for strategic business analysis. •Systems of data capture that are easy to use. •Statistical processes that are easy to use with a good deductive capacity. •Processes to capture and maintain customer relationships. •Integration of technology and Internet functionality in the new customer-company environment.
  • 140. Benefits of automation The approached and tools of marketing automation allow the measurement and tangible quantification of the impact that marketing actions have on company financial performance, all of it in an automatic and reliable manner. Others are: •Facilitate the creation of multi-channel and multi-phase marketing and sales campaigns.. •Improve the coordination of campaign implementation across the whole company due to the database management systems accessed online. •Strengthen marketing activity performance thanks to the number of reports, analysis and statistics that the information systems generate. •Reduce costs and increase ROI of marketing activities through having greater knowledge available from customer databases.
  • 141. Functionality of automation of marketing Campaign design: Customer database constantly updated: - Objectives - Transactions - Segments - Contacts - Profiles - History - Audience - Etcetera - Channels - Steps and phases - Trials - Etcetera Real- measurement of campaign results: - Channel analysis Customer database analysis: - Response reports - Segmentation Campaign execution: - Analytical measurement - Profiles - Results -- Lifetime value - Personalization - ROI -- Profitability - Multi-channel integration - Reports -- Answers- - Follow up - Sales activities - Responses -Modeling - Call center -- Etc. - Data Capture - Etcetera - Etcetera
  • 142. Trends in the digital world 1. Blossoming of the Tablet PC. • They open a world of new uses and give fluidity to existing experiences. • Big expansion. 2. Digital invades shops and restaurants. • Tablets are a great sales aid to product understanding. • They fit into the physical sale. • Invasion of digital signature.
  • 143. Trends in the digital world 3. Generalized eCommerce. • Without fear • Social use 4. Everything connected to the internet. • Internet 3.0 3. Television connected. • The end of traditional programming for ever • HYBRID: TELE-PC-TABLET-SMARTPHONE AND ….
  • 144. Trends in the digital world 6. Need for “guides”. • For Internet search. 7. Augmented reality. 6. Digitalization of personal documents, culture and media • eInvoices • e-book, electronic press. 7. Decrease in the influence of advertising.
  • 145. Trends in the mobile phone world In Spain there are some 60 million mobiles (110% penetration). In 2011 50% will have access to Internet via mobile.
  • 146. Trends in the mobile phone world According to the study “Mobile applications: downloads and use” done by The Cocktail Analysis, 82% of the telephones in Spain connected to the Internet are smart-phones (the rest are 3G). 59% connect to the Internet daily via mobile. Most frequent uses: • 50% consult e-mail daily • 36% daily on social networks (67% minimum of once a week) • On-line purchasing is the least used.
  • 147. Trends in the mobile phone world
  • 148. Trends in the mobile phone world
  • 149. Trends in the mobile phone world
  • 150. Trends in the mobile phone world
  • 151. Customer contact Multi-channel •In some countries, they are expanding these contacts at times of insurance contract renewal •There is an opportunity for distributors with points of sale that bring the customer closer with Internet installed so the customer can consult •It is necessary to orient the business towards “customer experience” creating a relationship with products that cover the whole life cycle and adapts to them • The most important thing in the customer interaction is to know how to transmit the “value offered” so that distributors and insurers need to know how to win the customer in the moment of truth • This is not always going to be done in the same way, given that the same contact with two different customers can receive different evaluations. If done properly these contacts can cement a profitable relationship
  • 152. 7 / Marketing Obsession with metrics
  • 153. Why is there pressure on the marketing function? The large number of activities that seem to be a waste. The costs of marketing are very high and going up. A lack of accountability on the part of marketing to justify the productivity of their spend. Marketing functions are not generating big or important ideas to develop the company. Marketing functions are too focused on the short-term. Marketing functions are not worried enough about their true assets: brand, consumers and customers, service quality, intellectual capital, reputation and company image.
  • 154. New criteria The money dedicated to marketing activities = investment. The “king” criteria to evaluate an investment is ROI (return on investment). From hence comes the concept of marketing accountability, which has two sources:  Accountability as the responsibility that the marketing manager has for the end result of his activities.  Accountability, in the sense that these activities must have a clear financial justification.
  • 155. Key metrics for marketing accountability Metric Calculation Purpose 1 Unit margin Unit price minus unit cost. Determine the value of incremental sales. Act as a guide to fix prices and the decisions on promotional activities. 2 Margin (%) Unit margin as a %age of Compare the margins between different products, sizes, unit price. presentations. Determine the value of incremental sales. Act as a guide to fix prices and the decisions on promotional activities. 3 Channel margin Channel profits as a %age ofEvaluate the added value of the channels in relation to channel end price. sale price. Calculate the effect that price changes have on each level or stage of the channel in final prices and the corresponding margins of each or other levels in the same channel or supply chain. 4 Average unit price Total income by total unit Understand how the average price is affected by price sales. changes o the product mix.
  • 156. Key metrics for marketing accountability Metric Calculation Purpose 5 Variable and fixed Classify costs in two categories: those that Understand how costs are affected by sales costs change with volume (variable) and those volumes. that don’t (fixed). 6 Marketing costs Relate those costs that are “marketing Understand how marketing costs vary over sales spend” against sales volumes. according to sales. 7 Unit contribution Unit price minus variable unit costs. Determine the impact on profits of price changes. Calculate the sales break-even point. 8 Contribution Unit contribution divided by unit price. Determine the impact on profits of changes margin(%) in volumes sold. Calculate the sales break-even point. 9 Sales break-even Break-even per unit, divide the fixed costs Indicate approximately the “attraction” and point. by the unit contribution. capacity to generate profits from a project or Break-even in income levels, divide the activity. fixed costs by the contribution margin.
  • 157. Key metrics for marketing accountability Metric Calculation Purpose 10 Expected profit Adjust break-even calculation to Assure that the unit sales targets include profit objective. enable the company to reach the expected rate of return in terms of returns on sales, (ROS), ROI or other financial measure. 11 Income objective Convert the expected profit in Assure that the income objectives terms of income using unit prices. enable the company to reach the Alternatively, combine the cost rate of return expected in terms data and objectives with the of returns on sales, (ROS), ROI or information about contribution other financial measure. margins. 12 Net profit Sales income minus total costs. The basic profit equation of a company. 13 (ROS, return on sales) Net profit as a %age of sales Calculate the percentage of income. income that converts to profits. 14 (ROI, return on Net profit in relation to the A measure that calculates how investment) investment necessary to generate well a company is using its assets. those profits.
  • 158. Key metrics for marketing accountability Metric Calculation Purpose 15 Profit after tax Operational net profit after Show profit levels in terms of money (euros). tax less capital costs. Offers a more net differentiation between the levels of return than simple percentages. 16 Time to recoup Time to recoup the initial A simple way to calculate the return. (payback) investment. 17 (NPV, net present The value of future income Summary of the value of cash flows at different value) cash flow after deducting the periods of time. value of money over time. 18 (IRR, internal rate of The discount rate with which Usually the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is return) the net present value of an compared with the expected rate of return; if investment is zero. the IRR is greater the investment goes ahead; if less it does not. 19 Return on marketing Incremental income Compare sales generated in terms of income investment (ROMI) attributed to marketing over with the costs of marketing to generate these marketing investment. sales. The percentage obtained helps to compare between different plans or projects of different scope.
  • 159. 8 / A new way of being - manage and think marketing
  • 160. Qualities required of a marketing manager: general requirement The manager must think, firstly, in terms of the organization as a whole, and only then about his area of responsibility. The global and integral vision of a company is increasingly more important and in reality it is not about how to improve ”how I do my work", but to improve ”how the whole company does its work”.
  • 161. Qualities and abilities required of managers in a 21st. century environment 1 Ability to learn. 2 Ability to plan. 3 Conceptual abilities. 4 Short, medium and long-term results oriented 5 Leadership and team management. 6 Self control 7 Coherence. 8 Ability to communicate and motivate. 9 Ability to make decisions under pressure. 10 Creativity. 11 Flexibility. 12 Cultural sensitivity. 13 Very capable of compiling and analyzing an increasing flow of information. 14 Very capable of objective diagnosis of environmental situations. 15 Efficiency.