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超絶技巧  Ruby Programming Esoteric, Obfuscated Ruby Programming 遠藤侑介 Yusuke Endoh
Who am I? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Esoteric Programming ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],alias|send;$stdin=GC | &quot;%p?&quot;%def# FALSE.gets();(8  |  64).chr+232424. to_s(25)+&quot;, &quot;+%w|w !  |  *&quot;orlc&quot;. next<<012|| (c).Yusuke end;&quot;oh, 2009&quot;  |  &quot;stegano-X.&quot;[0,4].reverse d,be=&quot;whydoes&quot;,&quot;crypto&quot;;:make.  |'eams',be.delete(d) puts “Hello, world!” #!../s/grb -eh http://
Esoteric Programming Language (esolang) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],+++++++++[>++++++++>++++++++++ +>+++++<<<]>.>++.+++++++..+++. >-.------------.<++++++++.---- ----.+++.------.--------.>+. Hello world in brainf**k
Theme: Enjoy esolang with Ruby! ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
1. Hello world with __ Character-only
Hello world with Number only ,[object Object],require &quot;1234567890&quot; 3168058133690614704472525542553548167675787479850929569348012322294505786632921189012284531906696218369564670777459615871118090530
実装  internal ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Hello world with number only
ゲーデル数による符号化  Gödel numbering Hello world with number only
黒魔術  Ruby’s black magic ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Hello world with number only
Hello, world with underscore only require &quot;_&quot; ____ _ _____ ____ __ ____ ____ __ ___ ____ __ __ _ ______ _____ ___ _ _ ___ _____ ______ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ ____ __ __ ___ _ ______ ___ ____ __ ______ ____ _ ____ ____ __ _ ____ _ _ ___ _____ _____ _ ______ ____ _ ______ _____
実装  internal ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Hello world with underscore only
なぜ  6  進数? why base-6? Hello world with underscore only
Hello world with  purely  Alphabet only ,[object Object],class  String def  inspect concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  concat  concat concat  concat  size concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  concat  concat concat  concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  concat  concat concat  concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  size concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  concat  concat  concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end eval  self exit  end  end copyright MMX Yusuke Endoh  p String nil class  String def  inspect concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  concat  size concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end concat  begin  dup  ensure  replace  String  nil concat  concat  concat  concat concat  concat  size concat  size concat begin size ensure replace String nil end end
実装  internal ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Hello world with purely alphabet only
対「文字制約」まとめ summary of anti-character constraints  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
2. Ruby for Quine in ASCII-art
Quine  とは  What’s Quine? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],eval s=&quot;puts'eval s='+s.inspect&quot;
山手 Quine  Yamanote Quine ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],z=27;eval$s=%w!c,s=[&quot;H+{K}8k->dXNpv-cD~@?(zhAi~>JOv<-;A(]oH+MFKs*+KOB825i$%QX9~P=HC{iIlj*Sh# v=3U62LhUXhtnCx^{F=nuTtGG}@85_(xVvIWQ|Vllp[Gt22x&`^K3*ui;IW@O9-(`Z6V_T.E]%WHXYGa{O9A#msMgV{5 R3XS/dxI8zM)XrbFom,$Msj8>=ca#i.yOqM-gtf2xH  T#2VYW9Koq.)IjS:&n3f6$Q/@4-8m_[(HxaP>n*b]Ih/3`3T uG-C~3Bn)d.PSdX8  uvtft?;j%bsM^v&h  NcaFzv7)uyD=lkc+eYn5&dN/%.|o@pD|BPi+a`rJCgg>?AE; W~){4l9}&quot;,&quot;_m?PM(N5L  <',.ht}f8B|*o8|Qg?:v  '(@LY'1^KvIm8twKZHvU@:&FS)r[N1?t9k26*=tiLQw<Tq$l ]V1@Z3hnQ:cQ'b)>])-p  }r'U[8hN  7`j6SW  r-ZW  m2  3n<ZaJ  %C%g  @@+DABEERjKj5Yt~&>xL ~8BN`L#u?tE+CH$wM%*J  px[D;A  t%se'c  waI.  R;  FIn(  VUVq{0  6c  Y]'1EV  sqNd_V1yp8&quot;].map{| s|n=0;s.unpack(&quot;C*&quot;)  .map{|  c|n=n*  91+(  c-1)%9  2};n};  e=  &quot;z=#{z  =($*[i=0]?(z+1):z- 1)%29};eval$s=%w&quot;<<3  3<<$s[  0,903]  *3;1  4.  time  s{|y|b  =&quot;  &quot;;n=f=  proc{|w|b<<e[i,w]; i+=w};t=s;f[4];z.dow  nto(0){|  a|a<1&  &6.t  imes  {|x|  y>1&&y<12&&c[n*60+y* 6-x-67]>0?(b<<32<<32):f[2]}while(0<n=(t/=38)%38)};f[4];y>12&  &b[-28,28]=&quot;&quot;<<33<<&quot;*''#..(c). Yusuke.Endoh.2010&quot;;puts(b)}#c,s=[&quot;H+{K}8k->dXNpv-cD~@?  (zhAi~>JOv<-;A(]oH+MFKs*+KOB825i $%QX9~P=HC{iIlj*Sh#v=3U62LhUXhtnCx^{F=nuTtGG}@85_(xVvIWQ|Vllp[Gt22x&`^K3*ui;IW@O9-(`Z6V_T.E] %WHXYGa{O9A#msMgV{5R3XS/dxI8zM)XrbFom,$Msj8>=ca#i.yOqM-gtf2xHT#2!*''#..(c).Yusuke.Endoh.2010 t=&quot;+,m-n./mAm0o1p23a4q56r7sBt89u-t-1:v;A<w4x=y1z>[?]A^@CD_ CD_EsF`GHmIJbKa*l&quot;;eval$s=%w{F=%q{ceY8#<DvO1=x&t9CSOqMYkzH U.kCpz+Vo8hB.1AF&tq21+$/IrMY]U.aDd!-1y!4MMGQm6m?bYh($QMYpX s4g,x1UlbNKH?>NzbisMn?sT@m3,F.Abb`xW!r%'%Ybee>xkUfjf[(*^Nd Xo_&quot;@hQh%Fx*q[iB7EM&quot;suSG8GVOIzceg/O=4CL,d[-k]twgVP`&wcfaT` 2M)j8sFY?(HKzOrVCHO_694[Uq8g  @i/i;tMBG#;-;B]rV[])`3'<os^. OV(SA<=ok%m[iV#qt[&dJ7SIdB;/  VUnVIrH;hEJ*QWD&quot;E+5)gfrmD&quot;#E XlNVv1j)^^  bCi_gw+s-V J<?fWdtbnxRgJm4J.yHO_ay2e%rc  Tj]ALVU'`V=]]W;x&9MP&g5zAVHR ?B,SZA+!_[0f!TUCv$Hin?-G7hAL  BW6w1x+F#%@FZ<7!9;vNxsj6HW_O Ao)H5cv`Ves-BQ&quot;Z  =K$_[o]Can(;1cJp HV<:4x2,AnZgqvsy  >VWDZdF-+^  46Z^Z@<>1<  cJ3E4GYSqGg7$ocX 88=*`RVO*WskDY-#  uj$t3$XP#U  IH]regXHa_  >sta`lbL+=J3sL3e BYxm/a0]lV1?M4WA  u7jCGk`UBzB#*gOJ wHu#gQst^XB0VXjT  imG<qb[s!*  S#&quot;:,frD+N  wn=nI<u;#dw*Y?&quot;8 B#G[%YT$mvLd<gUd  lN^6#bZX$S  a#owd125V!  4d+zL5)I;JD-ToJ&quot; uN?h9Braq+dG4Nr[  ynH,hS?nk4JD^/.q KS&kW@(62e]xb0j2(;4X[ROR2W  Ifjf^3vhJ5jb5&quot;sJ(4b6Ek1?Vx %s$^.yD.SY$':h[zd$D7o$n:  Zp  F=  2bHENRzBQhsd_7Im*HZG3xcx t#KdN4D3tEG%#F[1pbo_6C  y;kI  &quot;Z`:  ]^-/]HnWCrJ^=JBA9%gyIr %Xe,D'&Lmb:S<o_(b4VJ  ji*bc#  G'#ig:  AQR[vp>>Jn;Mf$KRBf&7 [%X34447R.0v&quot;Uz/4F  &quot;6Q+0>+1  N3OLCeMn  ;8TQ>BHCW1&quot;;KrW,%P `C?@?)fz>c3B;r  8Q&quot;QCjmU&quot;3  SXd1Jt1qI;  &quot;G7HLO$I*6=fCC o!G6CSm1a]  S(S#d#sa#2lXP&  4$L&quot;^ir8_BEmkS  vA!f@p!$A6 pE@#u%5QJda>[dT>cc4bYcAY)6uF  9%1C4f?GWDcZR`n,%>JrTqK$eHG2 W)B__.[JP+@2qlsWxug,O60@Nkj6VU#Gqp[fC%XOc`:C!-hbr3C0Dz2aLL RI%*4&Lto'OJxHohC=*H#sc][4ZwId0O,R]s<]D#ykgKY7Oc1`heSG/Xxj LA2aiV!<Q;8G/!8>GlX^T4P-/.oIyvR>kPyJ;lXD1r8n5gHPeuA4%j8*0> Iu^>CRxHz3HYX*#n,t_EjxBRbgFH  kj:PmmNq3MA10LXwbAW&S^/0_x,H 4d5&quot;_9>K!n6*b(ij`:HQRKf]EJoM  NwY>5Si'd#'5BuS8[sF`_[bf9Z<W vdK3HiV+1L.jL*%;&g.G#?S5:Xh$  /gWw#1U-lHTo&quot;?_dxYHC&UGLa)yn %zdU1KPkrE  wXsKbTBBix xh=#es7os:-9<`3Olf(!YN!hK?1a,2UMJ^`IC)oc8Z/TipLWy(%p0qUZoO ;W#bB%8=9CZvoU$eG;kXt[hewZnV!(B(u-[L3)l,6C%3.?u?znQyMgw31s [s4Ne+XNPNcpmuaJ<]  Hd:/;va-yp4)mU.&Vr Z@*N3mTZX)0]%^]0d6  a'@njg`2DJ;stf^WTr  3y%gWte5;+Q>ZbENlv rK!4M=y6IQ27&IJm>n  w57+;)s=Foy<4pdw5i  lSDhJRyao%_Wx+[lx6 D8Goea3uRPpunFulWq  0*3GoGaJyAHF$#bJca  5&Z0K'r[o,K*&quot;/^jv6 m08,PTZy$g?eX[aN4j  J]AkXcV72;!};f=0;F  .unpack(&quot;C*&quot;).map{ |c|f=f*89+((c-2)%9  0-1)};require'zlib ';t=t.split*&quot;&quot;;$*[0]?(t[/([*  -K]+.)([*-K]+.)$/];t=$2+$`+s =$1):(s=t[/.+?[L-z]/];t=$'+s  );f=Zlib::Inflate.inflate(Ma rshal.dump(f)[7..-1]  );S=%{  t=&quot;#  {t}&quot;;eval$s=%w{#$s}* &quot;&quot;;%|}+F*9;P=proc{pu  ts(S.s  lice!(0,  58));P};P[][][][s. upcase.unpack(&quot;C*&quot;  ).map{|c  |c-=c>92?4  3:42;;P[][][20.t imes{|n|puts((&quot;%  029b&quot;%(&quot;  &quot;+f[60*c+3*n  ,3]).unpack(&quot;N &quot;)[0]).gsub(  /./){$&<&quot;1&quot;?  (S.slice!(0,2)  ):(32.chr*2) })}]}][];puts(*[&quot;+&quot;+&quot;-&quot;*  25,&quot;|,##,(c),Yusuke,Endoh,20 09&quot;.split(&quot;,&quot;).join(32.chr)].map{|l|S.slice!(0,32)+l})}*&quot;&quot; ;%|ceY8#<DvO1=x&t9CSOqMYkzHU.kCpz+Vo8hB.1AF&tq21+$/IrMY]U. aDd!-1y!4MMGQm6m?bYh($QMYpXs4g,x1UlbNKH?>NzbisMn?sT@m3,F.A bb`xW!r%'%Ybee>xkUfjf[(*^NdXo_&quot;@+------------------------- hQh%Fx*q[iB7EM&quot;suSG8GVOIzceg/O=4| ## (c) Yusuke Endoh 2009
実装  internal ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Yamanote Quine z=27;eval$s=%w!c,s=[ &quot;H+{K}8k->dXNpv-cD~@?(zhAi~>JOv<-;A(]oH+MFKs*+KOB825i$%QX9~P=HC{iIlj*Sh# v=3U62LhUXhtnCx^{F=nuTtGG}@85_(xVvIWQ|Vllp[Gt22x&`^K3*ui;IW@O9-(`Z6V_T.E]%WHXYGa{O9A#msMgV{5 R3XS/dxI8zM)XrbFom,$Msj8>=ca#i.yOqM-gtf2xH  T#2VYW9Koq.)IjS:&n3f6$Q/@4-8m_[(HxaP>n*b]Ih/3`3T uG-C~3Bn)d.PSdX8  uvtft?;j%bsM^v&h  NcaFzv7)uyD=lkc+eYn5&dN/%.|o@pD|BPi+a`rJCgg>?AE; W~){4l9}&quot; , &quot;_m?PM(N5L  <',.ht}f8B|*o8|Qg?:v  '(@LY'1^KvIm8twKZHvU@:&FS)r[N1?t9k26*=tiLQw<Tq$l ]V1@Z3hnQ:cQ'b)>])-p  }r'U[8hN  7`j6SW  r-ZW  m2  3n<ZaJ  %C%g  @@+DABEERjKj5Yt~&>xL ~8BN`L#u?tE+CH$wM%*J  px[D;A  t%se'c  waI.  R;  FIn(  VUVq{0  6c  Y]'1EV  sqNd_V1yp8&quot; ]. map{| s|n=0;s.unpack(&quot;C*&quot;)  .map{|  c|n=n*  91+(  c-1)%9  2};n};   e=  &quot;z=#{z  =($*[i=0]?(z+1):z- 1)%29};eval$s=%w&quot;<<3  3<<$s[  0,903]  *3; 1  4.  time  s{|y|b  =&quot;  &quot;;n=f=  proc{|w|b<<e[i,w]; i+=w};t=s;f[4];z.dow  nto(0){|  a|a<1&  &6.t  imes  {|x|  y>1&&y<12&&c[n*60+y* 6-x-67]>0?(b<<32<<32):f[2]}while(0<n=(t/=38)%38)};f[4];y>12&  &b[-28,28]=&quot;&quot;<<33 <<&quot;*''#..(c). Yusuke.Endoh.2010&quot;;puts(b)}#c,s=[&quot;H+{K}8k->dXNpv-cD~@?  (zhAi~>JOv<-;A(]oH+MFKs*+KOB825i $%QX9~P=HC{iIlj*Sh#v=3U62LhUXhtnCx^{F=nuTtGG}@85_(xVvIWQ|Vllp[Gt22x&`^K3*ui;IW@O9-(`Z6V_T.E] %WHXYGa{O9A#msMgV{5R3XS/dxI8zM)XrbFom,$Msj8>=ca#i.yOqM-gtf2xHT#2 !*''#..(c).Yusuke.Endoh
アスキーアートでプログラムを書く How to write “shaped” Ruby program ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Yamanote Quine eval %w( pu ts “ H i” ).join## eval %w(( ).join %w(foo bar) [“foo”, “bar”]
圧縮  compression ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Yamanote Quine デコーダ小  shorter decoder データ大  longer data データ小  shorter data デコーダ大  longer decoder data size (about) decoder ~  10 bytes No compression ~  100 bytes String#to_i(36)  ~  500 bytes Base64  More Zlib + pack
15quzzle ,[object Object],eval$s=%w[b=0 x40e1359a76cb d8f2;i=(m=0.. 15).find{|i|1 >b&m=15<<4*i} ;t=m|n=m<<4*o =(&quot;AdABrBlBAu A&quot;=~/(.)#{ARG V*''}/||04| |0)-4;(n<1||n >1<<64||[255< <12]&[t>>040| |___________2 |__________15 |___________8 |__________13 |0,t>>16,t]!= [])?t=0:i+=o; ;s=&quot;eval$s=%% w[b=0x%016x&quot;% (b^=t.&b|m&b> >o*4)+$s.gsub (/(_++)+/ ,'')[/;.*/]+&quot; ]*''||0&quot;<<92| |1;z=s=s.scan (/.{13}/);3.t imes{|j|s[(i| |__________11 |__________12 |___________6 |___________7 |0)/4*8+i+j*4 ,0]=m=(z=32.c hr)*13};c=b;4 .times{puts(( 0..3.times{pu ts((s.slice!( 0,4)*z).rstri p)}).map{j=c% 16;c/=16;;(0| |0)<(j)?&quot;|&quot;+j .to_s.rjust(1 2,&quot;_&quot;):m}*(z| |__________10 |___________9 |___________5 |___________3 |0),z)};b==0x fedcba9876543  21&&(&quot;%b&quot;%&quot;1t v7c1th0wylel7 3ba35knw3t&quot;.t  o_i(36)).tr(&quot; 01&quot;,&quot;.#&quot;).sca n(/.{25}/){pu  ts$&}]*''||0|___________1 |__________14  |___________4
tic-tac-toe (○× ゲーム) ,[object Object],[object Object],s=&quot;n='  '[0,2] ######  d|=1<<  ##  ##  $*[0]. ##  ##  to_i-1  ##  ##  ;m,i=[ ##  ##  f=proc  ##  {|b|a= ##  ##  [];[73  ##  ##  ,7,84, ######  273,56  ##  ##  ,146,&quot; proc{|  t|[t*= &quot;&quot;,s].map{|u|u.gsub!(35.chr,&quot;&quot;)};d=0032205;eval(s+t)}[ %w(448,292].find{|m|b&m==m}?1:9.times{|i|b&(513<<i)<1& &a<<[-f[1<<i|b>>9|b<<9][0],i]}&&a.min||0}][0][d];s='s= &quot;'+s.s  plit*' ##  ##  '+'&quot;pr  ##  ##  oc{|t|  ###### ##  ##  [t*=&quot;&quot;  ##  ##  ,s].ma  ##  ## ##  p{|u|u  ##  .gsub!  ##  ## ##  ##  (  ##  ##  r,&quot;&quot;)}  ##  ## ##  ##  ;d=0%0  ##  ##  6o;eva  ###### l(s+t)  }[%%w( '%d|=512<<i;s<<t+&quot;)]&quot;;27.times{|y|i=y/10;y%=10;puts(y> 6?s.slice!(0,54):(0..4).map{|x|x&1>0?(i+=3;s.slice!(0, 6)):62[y]<1?n*7:n+(y*5-5...y*5).map{|j|1105[j-7]<1&&d[ i]|d[i  +9]>0& ######  &~j&59  81[j/2 ##  ##  ]^d[i]  >0?35. ##  ##  chr*2:  n;}*&quot;&quot; ##  ##  +n}*&quot;&quot;  )}||__ ######  (c).Y.  Endoh. _2009_  ____)]
Quine Reversi ,[object Object],[object Object],1;BEGIN{eval$t=%q(eval(%w(d=&quot;(a,b=b,a;#{c=&quot;(r=l='' ;6  4.  ti  me  s{  |n  |p  =2  << n+  n/  8;  v=  '.  .8  6.  41  7. 5.9...32'[((n%8*2-7).*n/8*2-7).abs%19,1];#{o=&quot;m=0; (a  |b  )&  p>  0|  |9  .t  im  es {|  s|  e,  q=  0,  p;  (e  |=  q) while(q<<=s*9%26-10)&b>0;a&q>0&&m|=e};&quot;}l>v||m>0&& (l  <v  &&  (l  ,r  =v  ,[  ])  ;r <<  p)  };  p=  r[  00  00  00  00 0000])&&(&quot;}#{w=o+&quot;b^=m;a^=m|p)&quot;};a,b=b,a;p)&quot;;z=32. ch  r;  c+  =&quot; () |'  'u  nt  il  ($ ><  <'  ?'  +( () |' /';  z)  ;g  et s)=~/^[A-H][1-8]$/&&(p=1<<$&.tr('A-H','0-7').to_i( 9)  ;#  {o  }'  '; () ;m  >0  );  &quot;+ w;  b,  a=  (' /'; () ;2  57  )<  <3 2,1025<<31;puts&quot;<<Reversi>>&quot;;loop{i=f=g=0;puts(*(&quot; A&quot;  ..  &quot;H  &quot;)  .m  ap  {|  x|  9. ti  me  s{  x+  =&quot;  :&quot;  <<  32  +a [i+=1]*47+b[i]*56};x}<<[z,*1..8]*z);eval(c+&quot;&&(c,d =d  ,c  )|  |&quot;  +d  )|  |(  72  .t im  es  {f  +=  a&  1;  a/  =2  ;g +=b&1;b/=2};puts&quot;O:#{f},X:#{g}&quot;,f<g&&&quot;youmdon'tmde se  rv  em  qu  in  e&quot;  .t  r(  &quot;m &quot;,  z)  ||  &quot;R  ev  er  si    1; BEGIN{eval$t=%q(#$t)}&quot;;exit)}#(c)Y.Endoh'10)*''))}
Merry Quine-mas ,[object Object],[object Object],open(&quot;/dev/dsp&quot;,&quot;wb&quot;){|h|s=%q{d=[&quot;-KQW[UZbgu*HNT+]TNOOOTZ+cZTUUUUUZbagmssUZbagm ss+wmpgja+KQW[dfnu&quot;,&quot;-KEKOINV[W*HBH+QHBCCCHN+WNHIIIIINVU[aUUINVU[aUU+YOR[^I+KEK OXZbW&quot;,&quot;-W[acg vsc*TZ`+eaaaaa--vucavuca+eadsvs+W[dgvrtc&quot;,&quot;-K991LIL77777dIIIII-- LKKILKKI+Mad[  ^U+K991LHJK&quot;].map{|l|l.unpack(&quot;C*&quot;).map{|c|[(c/6-4)*12/7-8,&quot;012 35b&quot;[c%6,1].  hex]}*4};y=32.chr;l=&quot;@&quot;+[(m=&quot;Jnx4sn3sgd1&quot;)+&quot;vnqkc!6sgd2Lnqc4gz r4bnld;6/Ld  s2dzqsg6qd2@bdhud6gdq2Khmf;77/Lds2du4@dqx4gdzqs6oqd2@ozqd4ghl 4qnnl,+Amc  2gdz++2  @udm  4z  mc  2gdz  4@+u  dm  2zm c2mz+@stqd+r  hmf&quot;,m+&quot;E  zq  sg  !6sgd2Sz  u4@h  nt  q4qd  hfm  r;  6/Ld s2ldm6sgdhq  2rnmfr6d  l  2  @o  knx  ;77/  Wghkd2  ehdkc r4zmc4eknn  cr,6qnb  jr  ,2  gh  kkr,4zmc  4okz  hm  r+Rd  2@odz  s+2+,6 qd2@odzs6  +sgd2r  ntmc+@  hm  f+  inx&quot;  ,&quot;  Nn4l  nqd3k  ds1rhm r6zmc2rn  4@qqnvr4fqnv,6/Nnq2sgnqmr6hm2@edrs6sgd2fqntmc;77/Hd2bnldr4 sn4lzjd  6Hhr2ak  d4@rrh  mfr4eknv+Fzq2zr+2+,6ezq2zr,6+sgd2btqr d+hr+entmc  &quot;,&quot;Hd4qtkdr3s  gd1  vnqkc6vhsg2sqtsg4zmc4fqzbd,6/Amc2lzjdr6 sgd2mz6@s  hnmr2oqnud77/ T  gd2fk  n4@q  hdr4  ne6Hh  r2qhfg s4@dntr4  @mdrr,+Amc2v  nm+2+6@  cd  qr,  2v  nm6  +@cdqr2ne+Hh r+knud&quot;  ].map{|a|  a ,b,c,e,  *  f  =a.  sp  lit&quot;  +&quot;;[a,c =b+c+f  *&quot;2&quot;,c  ,b+  e+f*&quot;4  &quot;+  &quot;.  8/  /&quot;]*&quot;6/&quot;  }.join .tr(&quot;  a-z  /&quot;,&quot;b-  za n&quot;).gs  ub  (/^/  ,&quot;  #&quot;<<32) ;c=0;640.tim  es{|w|c<1&&(l=~/(@)?(.*?)()/m;($>.<<$1?$2:y+$2).flush;l=$';c =eval$3);c-=  1;a=[128]*z=1200;4.times{|j|t,n=d[j].pop;f=0.3456*2**(t/12.0-j /2);(n>0?(d[  j]<<[t,n-1];z):800).times{|i|t>-3&&a[i]+=16*Math.sin(f.*w*z+i) }};(h.<<a.pack&quot;C*&quot;).flush};puts(s.gsub(/./){&quot;!&quot;>$&?&quot;#&quot;:y}+%(open(&quot;/dev/dsp#{&quot; (c)Y.Endoh2009&quot;;'&quot;,'}&quot;wb&quot;){|h|s=%q{#{s}};eval(s.split*&quot;&quot;)}))};eval(s.split*&quot;&quot;)}
qng  と  qif ,[object Object],png gif
Quine relay ,[object Object],[object Object]
Quine relay ,[object Object],[object Object]
対「文字配置制約」まとめ summary of anti-shape constraints  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
結論  conclusion ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
最後に  aside ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
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超絶技巧 Ruby プログラミング - Esoteric, Obfuscated Ruby Programming

  • 1. 超絶技巧 Ruby Programming Esoteric, Obfuscated Ruby Programming 遠藤侑介 Yusuke Endoh
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. 1. Hello world with __ Character-only
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. ゲーデル数による符号化 Gödel numbering Hello world with number only
  • 10.
  • 11. Hello, world with underscore only require &quot;_&quot; ____ _ _____ ____ __ ____ ____ __ ___ ____ __ __ _ ______ _____ ___ _ _ ___ _____ ______ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ ____ __ __ ___ _ ______ ___ ____ __ ______ ____ _ ____ ____ __ _ ____ _ _ ___ _____ _____ _ ______ ____ _ ______ _____
  • 12.
  • 13. なぜ 6 進数? why base-6? Hello world with underscore only
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. 2. Ruby for Quine in ASCII-art
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. 実行に 5 分かかる Quine Quine that takes five minutes 0;BEGIN{eval((q=%q!;;;;;;;;;;m=0;&quot;t%t{{ix~z~oQec6wJJ:}8:='uaZNui3iT.*zTPZAg|ehncOt_R+PZygXY^pQr(8|ad1=WL P&m|:,~'hhy>c%9]c+c^3q3za?Mav:@;&<uIcrU,(qK6*y/SabA}(ELSn^VDTtX0y,#]-,lX#o3xEM0zNu#,EOH]ztbB]Ej5g:*S1:;6 hJH7G=OoZts_Vg'G/E1[;CF^G$N/lzn.|`LTCh{>{U34gHz~ZbPt,8w?'yJ?Szux+6(V1=kvbQkU&<zs`4*:L)S`|t:Rt_yW16^pY95u b2[W9blchB)023X81n7JhmD?~l#GrjF:}WI^,T13SbN;^X2WOayWs~,)j>=Um.|-{d'l0z<Z[WXD`K,xV{pL{4hJao4z(:P8;<x**2#6 mL4`+[aYYzR[&vx*JEU67hE>;dKzSPC9n]T,Lu>CtxZ{tSuuEKDS}^7mh3LZV:P+Zf-csJ-=`+^d:rK|Dj,bG-4Qn2o?Ef9mXkH`YAKA EJ[A:s#WaEcM.&DEwG#XhM3R*1i-l-cl-3<){DME(cq1GNwMcc2BKqHT)=<y8WV*(K_pGLE^?4NDbaV+8B'Xuh`ZzduwqT_rFwjFj)M) WgYs8S'*9c+&3~AC7K2f0&7YOMA[_:l[1uDq?'I5'KiWG+&YKlQ;}1)zBdFVy~3Uu[hNvw}NxT^HY1i?`&tP'r(W(n=dJ_AfU_{{1iS~ <LzKnkZ1ZSB&;;N*$VcL].'D6(s::-|pXSW<GGNXtpY+,b R-MYxp^#y@lBfG)9MDEr,L509}OZWy8fXH~bX1HzM'N}J] L)N:5(2NWq`2VH#nUm]^H9]_P;`]IJHk*i^j:rf4E 1#yA}0<U-O,PISL8<^?sPJvf.sIA`#Coq,P,EVg; V'Yet5j<$Z^#h?8oeem1zaP>VtNG3;=:Khz jgS7n2ef17V]kV8B(50Dno3WTQ3*)hF`$wy Ft3|=2Yd+Me~3z@Ph$?M8S'n3jPrx:jI m?uytDnmtlaU<`4cjabeY@zI~3yvAws $AZ]M*ZbArb4kq5_W4PszXwj8RLA^# ,9ZO @]rG=PbS+7N*`@y7sn4Zb}XMypQ(f 3@)e/`vqWH{}g(JVLtu==Y_jfE4 rb9:2 IbtTwxj#Wz8jY-SeM[SJY}|f), Sl#?_uj|?X5OYiEhZi{(RHL) *[dW/J_a sOQ/q eHq /]Q5~ %hmi>U,[p:`IaL@@f'~FDh_KV/ .EN&H'-k}hgaNn?{BkVM(OQ 7zp|=<0WYUk}^} %5JkYDEQUmK2@ LmEm* Ki#eyJpov(8EO9~l@&ECU;-dzE 9Ag@u~nu|`:_83Z(M^fGON 9<|~Q^;D7}b&wnW `)3 &<_BD FLJUkj<2zDI6y bUDl) a%rr O8>S.BXD#V`'gq,d=Z{'< tW[fE1+/eX^fP6J&u6=f @iZ>D 2vzjyF o7Q&q -c?XpT 's_t_ )Uk+C =N5&X rT#u /;U$hbmz@4)uHLjGo9H vW&kzm{0[y,>{7`RX&H b`HkY T}Hu69 o[yfd g}Clt2 '@e* {4eGf 7*,Do`HQ_{ oCz&F`W)91(-'1Pbli} 44:s{bD<<qNa-y'#l[ Q?zvy geK-?8bV .lh: 0p&<Q :|xp LM&n) rnp=^$D Ps^]6's:K6TA{/D{5 f<wvH#/Vq<9[uPa@V Y6~4:_*<h?+'t @G.O :Ru] =Ej0F K1gu%g XkTSH$ i)PKOxgNb;`M`gJL q-2~`y.}+9%ff5&( .g;`=(5+^7^' ?EsR> C7H_ pxzv5G=K0xd8+ bfPR. +E@P*t>$tzSrUe3 NO2yTSkK9q/k@Rs ZJG_^Q B'FAnM =2eXJ T`6?oa }U95T@JvPN5K J/d% h;(b4-cJN`,tEOo c?X66q^MP+a_QF[ 5n^dco %tQ[LH ^TR~9*yVtPB$W Bo,) C1D 1R/}D` /(kn$#0-i/Pk]u ACqIo.j'y`L.X' fHlU, j=t8/) I|xiqhB>=te y22sJ~Q zlaYK`J<U8uGK jRpO9)0#V~pv6 x{),{ 2Z|UAX5 P]tXO{ ;w'E1 P #`U( Dqi> &;^=4PDCVQ4^0 ,_4Tiqx(]~nef 7d2m' M+_e^l ,`gsM )aTH $Zg{c9uQ<+Rc3 2X4ChjpzkE+Z- :cY9V B@S46) jA7|S(CR}REd bB5sX:pL3dodV W_bFEhR<94w K*,D@$3G1< @mA9 4#&6s7&.1l] #=8Q 4kxPFMgc-2q+ <y:OWs_?keS) (wOjXU@{SV QvxR<u8Yc%T uG4T NDAiLmq-^ily U*c- K)M:8ASo9Fwx ev)DkF]t)P}0 OmZ]9/#/>HO k #wlr, A+Fc jGh2_ 53|o{ lzGS .S/48<%.kMMu 5[rl98M[dF6c *ubR~JkG^,ii 1miOE&QUxV k*Zv 8B0>+ roF8 2bnI M`9%ZQCa66)^ q_DBDTh_R$<y <[)e_ li,i^f NM<c<1PS(;Zp Zx6LV fK%yN opqc `y?+ tGKuv[Poogc? 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