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The most common- and logical-advice to high school
students deciding what course to take up is “take what
you’re interested in and what you’re good at”.
Unfortunately, a number of people don’t know what
would interest them or what they could be good at.
Without realizing it, some might actually have the
passion and aptitude for something they dismissed as
boring simply because they didn’t check it out first.
Aeronautical Engineering

 Chemical Engineering

 Civil Engineering

  Electrical Engineering

 Geodetic Engineering

  Industrial Engineering

  Mechanical Engineering
Description: Provides a solid
training in the fundamentals of
engineering and to familiarize the
students with the science of          AERONAUTICAL
aeronautics and principles of         ENGINEERING
Yrs. Of completion: 4 years
Qualifications: High degree of
intelligence, interest and aptitude
for Math and Science, ability for
detailed work, patience and
Employment: Civic Aeronautics
Administration, Philippine Air
Force, airlines, college aviation
agencies, private corporations
Description: Teach the fundamentals of
Math, Physics, Organic and Inorganic
Yrs. Of completion: 5 years
Qualifications: Physical fitness,
considerable aptitude for math and
science, patience, concentration,
perseverance and creativity..
Employment: Chemical manufacturing
industries, government agencies, college
and universities and research institutions.
Others go to private practice as
consultants in pollution control

Description: Design and maintenance of public works; techniques of
explanatory investigation and land surveys.
Yrs. Of completion: 5 years
Qualifications: high degree of intelligence, high aptitude in math and
physics, physically strong and fit to perform strenuous jobs, possess
creative ability and must also be cost-conscious.
Employment: construction and structural firms, teaching, supervision,
acts a s foremen, project engineers.
Description:     studies    the    sources    of
electrical energy, the control distribution
and proper use of electrical power, and the
knowledge of wire and wireless communication
Yrs. Of completion: 5 years
Qualifications: Good in math and fluent in
English, physically fit.
Employment:   manufacturing   firms  that   deal
with   electrical   and  electronic   equipment,
power companies and utilities, aircraft and
parts business machines and professional and
scientific equipment, telephone, telegraph,
electric light and power agencies, government
Description: generation, control and use of
electrons; covers the field of communications
processing, transmitting and receiving information;
deals with electronic components, devices and
equipments;     familiarize the    students   with
engineering fundamentals to promote professional

competence in electronics
Yrs. Of completion: 5 years
Qualifications: must excel in math and science, patient and
Employment: technician, sales engineer, computer system
analyst, field service engineer, production supervisor,
maintenance and operations engineer, teacher or researcher,
broadcasting and communications stations, government
agencies, airlines, manufacturing agencies, computer
companies, schools, universities and hospitals
Description: develop the student’s
ability to perform surveying and
mapping work; intensive training on
the use, care and maintenance of all
surveying equipments
Yrs. Of completion: 3 years
Qualifications: aptitude for math
and the physical sciences, must be a
keen observer an have a good
spatial aptitude, neat worker and
have patience to perform detailed
Employment: private engineering
firms, various departments of the
Description: equip the student with a balanced knowledge of
science, engineering and management:: to contribute effectively
to the functions of engineering in the areas of production,
operation, plant engineering and marketing
Yrs. Of completion: 5 years
Qualifications: good aptitude in math and the social sciences, be
physically fit, creative, have the ability to communicate well,
pleasing personality
Employment: big establishments with various departments:
product development and marketing, data processing, systems
design, personnel administrations, corporate planning, project
evaluation and plan lay-out; also in banks, government agencies
and in schools
Description: train the students to
deal with power and the machines
used to generate power and apply it
for useful purposes; knowledge in
basic sciences and math to design,
manufacture, improve, maintain and
operate machinery
Yrs. Of completion: 5 years
Qualifications: good in math, science
and English; physically fit and
industrious; aptitude for mechanics
as well as good eye-hand
Employment: government programs
of expansion of industry to meet a
fast        growing       population;
automotive, refrigeration and power
industries;           manufacturing;
government agencies, schools and
engineering firms
Description: trains the student to be aware of the
infrastructure needs of a man and to find a solution that
is architecturally, structurally and aesthetically sound;
therefore        covers  architectural    and     landscape
arrangements connected with residential, commercial
and utility buildings, public recreation areas, schools and
Yrs. Of completion: 4-5 years
Qualifications: creativity, artistic inclination, drawing
ability, skill in math
Employment: private and public agencies, in big
architectural firms and schools; abroad
Banking & Finance
Dscrip n aim to p p
 e tio :        s       re are th stu n fo th
                                 e de t r e
b sin ss wrld an train h to b a skillfu
 u e       o       d          im       e           l
acco n g p
    u tin ractitio e
Y O co p tio : 4 y ars
 rs. f mle n e
Qalificatio s: go d h d in m , mst b
 u         n      o      an         ath     u      e
kn w dge le in b sin ss law an tax n an
  o le ab            u e       s d        atio    d
b sin ss an e n m
 u e        d co o ics, p sse th ab
                             o ss     e ility to
co mn
  mu icate wll, h an an tical m d, dilige ce
              e     ave      aly      in        n ,
dedicatio , ke n in re in b sin ss adm istratio ,
         n e te st             u e       in      n
co mn se se
  mo n
E p y e t: e p y d in b sin ss an in strial firm
 mlo mn mlo e             u e     d du            s,
sch o
   o ls, b ks an fin cial in tio s, m in
           an      d      an      stitu n      in g
in strie go e mn age cie C A care r o p b
  du s, v rn e t          n s P-        e f u lic
acco n g p
    u tin ractice s
Description: provide the students with a broad,
solid cultural foundation and the fundamental
knowledge of the skills and attitudes that go into a
career in business administration; trains the
students to think analytically about the financial
requirements of business firms
Yrs. Of completion: 4 years
Qualifications: knowledgeable in money matters
and in business administration; good in math,
imaginative mentally alert, able to make and
evaluate objectively financial plans
Employment: banks and financial institutions; work
in    business   firms,     government     agencies,
manufacturing firms, hospitals, schools, stock
brokerage firms and insurance

                       BANKING & FINANCE
Dscrip n te e th stu n th d lin n e d fo th
 e tio : ach s e de ts e iscip e e de r e
m age e t o e e p b o p te e te rise train th mto b
 an mn f ith r u lic r riva n rp s;                 s e       e
skillfu an e
       l d fficie t b sin ss mn ge an p
                  n u e a a rs d ractitio e     n rs
Y O co p tio : 4 y a
 rs. f mle n e rs
Qalifica n go d co mn se se ap ro
 u      tio s:   o      mo       n    p ach to p b m b
                                                    ro le s, e
in re d in th d ve p e t an e ctive u o p y
  te ste       e e lo mn d ffe            se f h sical an h m
                                                         d u an
re u s, b o se n an p rsp ctive o p o le actio s an
  so rce e b rva t d e e                  f e p ’s       n d
sh u b ab to co mn
  o ld e le         mu icate e ctive
                              ffe ly
E p y e t: e e tive p d ctio mn rs, p cu mn o rs,
 mlo mn x cu s, ro u n a age                 ro re e t ffice
su e iso p rso n l m age b ch m a rs, sa s m age in
  p rv rs, e n e an rs, ran an ge                le an rs
b ks, co o n m age e t co su t co p ie co mrcial
 an      rp ratio s, an mn n ltan man s, me
e lish e ts, go rn e t o s, sch o h sp
 stab mn         ve mn ffice         o ls, o itals an b sin ss
                                                       d u e
Dscrip n aim to p vide th stu n w skills o re arch
 e tio :        s    ro      e de ts ith            f se ,
an sis, de n akin co mn
  aly       cisio -m g, mu icatio an imle e ta n in th
                                 n d p mn tio                  e
fu ctio al are s o m tin an sa s mn mn h lp th m
  n n          a f arke g d le a age e t; e s e
u de n th p ce o p d cin an m tin go d an se s
 n rsta d e ro ss f ro u g d arke g o s d rvice
in th co n
      e u try
Y O co p tio : 4 y a
 rs. f mle n e rs
Qalifica n mst h th d e de
 u       tio s: u ave e riv , cisive e cre
                                         n ss,     ativity th
                                                          , e
ability to so e p b m in re in p o le an th ir activitie
              lv ro le s, te st    ep       d e               s,
p ficie cy in o l an w n E glish a d th ap d fo file
 ro n            ra d ritte n       n e titu e r               d
E p y e t: sy m an sts, m age e e tive assistan a u t
 mlo mn ste aly             an rs x cu              ts, cco n
e e tiv s, sale e , p d ctio assista ts, re a e
 x cu e          smn ro u n         n        se rch rs, p bu lic
re n mn fie re re n e jo an ly te e mdia
  latio s e , ld p se tativ s, b a sts, ach rs, e
d cto in ad rtisin a n s an sale de artmn e gage in
 ire rs         ve   g ge cie d     s p e ts n d
distrib tio a d m u re
       u n n an factu
Description: aims to help the student deal with people from all
walks of life to develop his own emotional, psychological and
intellectual capabilities
Yrs. Of completion: 4 years
Qualifications: must be genuinely interested in people, have a
sense of commitment, have the intelligence to cope with
problems, have emotional maturity, have good human relations
and possess good health
Employment: social workers, analysts, community workers,
counselors, teachers, supervisors, medical social workers and
industrial social workers
Dscrip n aim to te th stu n to th k-critically to
 e tio : s            ach e e t       in
e ab h to gain a de p r in t in th n re o m ,
 n le im               e e sigh to e atu f an
o th gs an o valu s
 f in d f           e
Y O co p tio : 4 y ars
 rs. f mle n e
Qalificatio s: ab
 u         n ility to th k ab
                          in stractly in re in th
                                     , te st         e
h m itie an so
 u an s d cial scie ce a lo o co mn se se an
                         n s,    t f mo n            d
facility o e p ssio
          f x re n
E p y e t: gradu s u ally p rsu law b sin ss, th o gy
 mlo mn          ate su       u e , u e         e lo
o o e h m scie ce te in
 r th r u an n s; ach g
Dscrip n p p s th stu n fo care rs in p b
 e tio : re are           e     de t      r      e         u lic
ad in tio ; ke p o e in rmd ab u th so ty th go rn e t
  m istra n e s n fo e o t e cie , e ve mn
an th wrld to fe l re o sib fo th m an to active
  d e o ,             e sp n le r e , d                       ly
particip in th se affa
        ate     e     irs
Y O co p tio : 4 y ars
 rs. f mle n e
Qalifica n in re in go rn e t p litics, b p p d fo a life
 u       tio s: te st      ve mn o            e re are r
o stu y re g an re arch h th ab
 f d , adin d se , ave e ility to an ze p litical   aly o
p b m an so e th min p n e tly e p ss h se wll
 ro le s d lv e de e d n , x re im lf e
E p y e t: re arch rs, co su ts, le
 mlo mn se e              n ltan     gislativ aid to co gre e ,
                                             e s       n ssmn
sta mme o co gre n co m e b d t an sts, to rist
   ff e b rs f n ssio al mitte s, u ge aly                 u
gu e ste ard p rso n l assistan o in stigato in go rn e t
  id s, w , e n e               ts r ve          rs     ve mn
o in u
 r d stry
Description: trains the student to understand and appreciate the
complexities of human behavior and teaches him the tools by which to
understand such complexities
Yrs. Of completion: 4 years
Qualifications: emotionally stable, socially mature, able to deal
effectively with people, genuinely interested in mankind, able to do
detailed and independent work, and able to communicate well, must
be patient, sensitive, and with a high degree of intelligence, diligence
and good health
Employment: guidance counselors, researcher, social worker, teacher,
placement bureau officer, psychometrician, analyst, group dynamics
leader an supervisor; he may find work in industrial firms, mental
hospitals, correctional institutions, community health centers and
development organizations, schools, government agencies, research
clinics and hospitals
Dscrip n p vid s th stu e t w train g in co mn
 e tio : ro e e d n ith                    in      mu icatio as a
scie ce an art an a se ; aim to te ch th mth e ical an
    n ,            d      rvice      s     a   e e th            d
so sign
  cial     ifican a wll as th re o sib
                 ce s e          e sp n ility in th u o vario s
                                                   e se f       u
co mn
  mu icatio md th P ss, rad , Tle n an F
             n e ia: e re           io e visio d ilm
Y O co p tio : 4 y ars
 rs. f mle n e
Qalifica n mst h a go d grasp o th lan age sh u h
 u       tio s: u ave          o         f e gu s, o ld ave
th ab
  e ility an in re in fie wrk, b ab to p t u w o d
                  te st        ld o       e le      u p ith d
h u mst b p
 o rs, u e ractical, im a an cre ; mst b ale an
                             agin tive d ative u e rt d
p n a ab to co mn
 atie t, n le        mu icate wll e
E p y e t: jo rn
 mlo mn          u alists, ad rtisin m r, re arch r, p b
                               ve      g ajo      se e       u lic
re n o r o b ad m r
  latio s ffice r ro cast ajo
Dscrip n aim to p p an tra fu re h sch o te e
 e tio : s            re are d in tu igh o l ach rs,
su e iso an sch o ad in to stu e ts u d rgo p
  p rv rs d o l m istra rs;                dn ne          ractical
te in e p rie ce
  ach g x e n s
Y O co p tio : 4 y a
 rs. f mle n e rs
Qalifica n ave
 u      tio s:    rage in llige ce h a ke n u de din an
                         te n , ave          e n rstan g d
in re in th ad le n mst b e o n
  te st        e o sce t, u e mtio ally m re to gu e th
                                                atu        id e
y u g, mst h th d sire to te o e h a go d co mn o
 o n u ave e e                   ach th rs, ave      o ma d f
th lan a , n t to mn y co scio s, b t h mre co ce fo th
  e gu ge o o o e n u u ave o                         n rn r e
d ve p e t o th y u g
 e lo mn f e o n
E p y e t: te e
 mlo mn         ach rs, su e rs, adm istrato
                           p rviso        in      rs, p fe n
                                                        ro ssio al
le e o h sch o lib
  ad rs f igh o ls, rarian re a e cle re p n
                                  s, se rch rs, rk ce tio ists
an fie su e iso
  d ld p rv rs
Description: aims to produce teachers for the elementary grade
level; it gives cultural and professional training to perspective
elementary school teachers who will guide future citizens
Yrs. Of completion: 4 years
Qualifications: average intelligence, high degree of initiative, good
command of language of instruction, dedication and love for
Employment: teachers
Culinary Arts and
Hotel & Restaurant Management
Dscrip n de w th de lo mn o n ce
 e tio : als ith e ve p e t f e ssary an                  d
ade u te n an m age
   q ate ch ical d an rial skills an kn w dge as
                                           d o le
wll as fo atio o de le attitu fo th se wo
 e          rm n f sirab                de r o h
wu like to e gage in th o e n o co mrcial an
 o ld            n          e p ratio f me                d
in tio al fo d an lo g facilitie
  stitu n o d dgin                    s
Y O co p tio : 4 y ars
 rs. f mle n e
E p y e t: m age e e tive h u ke p rs, fo d an
 mlo mn an rs, x cu                 o se e e        o     d
b ve
 e rage dire rs, re ran o n rs, le re an
               cto       stau t we              isu       d
re atio co su ts, h sp
  cre n n ltan o itality e cato airlin cre ,
                                    du rs,          e w
fo d sty
  o     list, e e tive ch fs, fast fo d o n rs, in p n n
               x cu      e           o we         de e de t
cate rs, lu u lin r cre
    re      x ry e       w
Dscrip n de w p du an se s o re to th
 e tio : als ith ro cts d rvice ffe d                e
activitie o p rso s trave g to an stay g in p s
         s f e n         lin        d     in     lace
o tside th ir u al e viro mn an ze p cip s o
 u         e su n n e t; aly s rin le f
an ro o gy so lo , e n m m tin h ry an
  th p lo , cio gy co o ics, arke g, isto           d
e viro mn scie ce
 n n e tal       n
Y O co p tio : 4 y ars
 rs. f mle n e
E p y e t: re rvatio age ts, fligh cre , gro n cre ,
 mlo mn       se    n n           t     w ud w
fro t de staff, to r o
   n sk             u ffice staff, co ve tio se
                                        n n n rvice
m age in n co su ts, adve
 an rs, ce tive n ltan          rtisin p b re n
                                      g, u lic latio s
age ts, m t an sale re arch rs, b k p rso n l
   n arke d s se e an e n e
Description: aims to equip the
              student with dental knowledge
               and basic medical science, and
             with the skill and experience in a
                specialized field such as in the
                        case of children’s teeth
                   Yrs. Of completion: 6 years

DENTISTRY      Qualifications: keen interest in
                    dental health, good visual
              memory, excellent judgment of
                  space and shape, delicacy of
                      touch, manual dexterity,
                      confidence and patience
            Employment: usually works in the
                   hospital or private practice
Description: aims to equip the
          student with the intellectual
          competence, attitudes and skills
          necessary for future positions of
          leadership in nursing education,
          public heath nursing and nursing
          Yrs. Of completion: 4 years
          Qualifications: patience, simplicity,
          alertness, a high degree of
          intelligence, a lot of common
          sense, a desire to serve humanity,
          able to follow orders properly,

          mental health and physical stamina
          Employment:          nurses        in
          government hospitals, clinics here
          and abroad
Dscrip n aim to te th stu n th lab rato
 e tio :        s         ach e de ts e o ry
p ce re u d in th diagn sis, stu an tre e t, as
 ro du s se            e      o     dy d atmn
wll as p ve tio o d ase
 e       re n n f ise
Y O co p tio : 4 y ars
 rs. f mle n e
Qalificatio s: dilige t, p n p y
 u         n          n atie t, h sically fit, re le
                                                 liab ,
co p rative an accu ; mst h a ke n in re an
  oe           d      rate u ave         e te st d
ap de in th n ral scie ce ste n rve an a stro g
  titu        e atu          n s; ady e s d          n
de to m tain th h alth o m kin
  sire     ain       e e       f an d
E p y e t: mdical re arch rs, an sts, md re s,
 mlo mn        e           se e      aly      e      p
se tarie to p y
  cre s         h sician te e lab rato assistan
                        s, ach rs, o ry           ts
Description: provides the

           student with the knowledge of
           the legal requirements,
           associations and scientific
           techniques necessary for the
           profession; covers the study of
           drugs and other chemical
           substances used in the practice
           of medicine
           Yrs. Of completion: 4 years
           Qualifications: must be
           scientifically inclined, diligent
           and intelligent; must have the
           ability to communicate
           effectively to compound and
           dispense medicine
           Employment: researchers,
           writers, retail men, med reps,
           members of medical team
Dscrip n in lve in re ab
 e tio :        vo d          h ilitatin  g
individu w h dicap o disab ; u s
        als ith an       r      ility se
p rp se l activitie th are man gfu
 u o fu            s at          e in l
o th h p te tial b n fits in ach vin
 r at ave o n          ee           ie g
fu ctio al o tco e
  n n u m
Y O co p tio : 4 y ars
 rs. f mle n e
E p y e t: wrk at h sp
 mlo mn        o        o itals, clin  ics,
h m h alth age cie sch o an sp cial
 oe e            n s,    ol d e
e catio , day tre e t, wrksh p
 du n                 atmn        o o,
in tio s, co mn
  stitu n        mu ity mn e tal h alth
ce te su e d livin
  n rs, p rvise       g
Description: aims to achieve
               independence and restoration of
            function through the use of physical
           agents, exercises, and other physical
PHYSICAL          modes of treatment; the art of
THERAPY    restoring a maximal level of function
                      to individuals with physical
                     Yrs. Of completion: 4 years
                 Employment: work at hospitals,
              outpatient clinics or offices, skilled
             nursing facilities, homes, education
                or research centers, schools and
               playgrounds, hospices, corporate
                   and industrial health centers,
           athletic facilities, fitness centers and
                          sports training facilities
Dscrip n p vide train g
 e tio : ro s         in
fo so are an sy m
  r ftw       d ste
de lo mn e p se th stu n
  ve p e t; x o e de ts
in diffe n ap ro e an
  to     re t p ach s d
sty in de lo in p gram
   le     ve p g ro
Y O co p tio : 4 y ars
 rs. f mle n -5 e
E p y e t: p je le r,
 mlo mn ro ct ade
sy man st/de e datab
  ste aly sign r,        ase
adm istrato datab de e
    in     r,    ase sign r,
p grame wb de e
 ro mr, e sign r
Dscrip n fo m age
 e tio : r an rial side o co p te late
                             f mu r-re d
activitie fo se o th e ctive m age e t o
         s; cu d n e ffe        an mn f
re u s- p o le m e an co p te facilitie h n
  so rce e p , on y d mu r             s, e ce
m y o th su je
 an f e b cts are e gage o acco n g,
                        n d n            u tin
p je n stim s/fe ility stu s an th like
 ro ctio /e ate asib      die d e
Y O co p tio : 4 y ars
 rs. f mle n -5 e
E p y e t: p je le r, datab adm ., datab
 mlo mn ro ct ade          ase   in          ase
de e fin cial an st/au r, p grame
  sign r, an     aly dito ro mrs
Dscrip n stu n are train d to b wll ve d in th
 e tio : de ts            e     e e     rse       e
practical an te n kn w o o in
            d ch ical o -h e n stallatio / se p o
                                        n t-u f
co p te an co p te n twrks; sp cial skills in de
  mu rs d mu r e o              e             clu
tro b sh o g an re airs o h are co p n n
   u le o tin d p        f ardw    mo e ts
Y O co p tio : 4 y ars
 rs. f mle n -5 e
E p y e t: p je le r, n twrk adm ., LA adm .,
 mlo mn ro ct ade e o               in    N in
co p te e gin e p grame
  mu r n e r, ro mr

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Career Course Catalogue

  • 1. The most common- and logical-advice to high school students deciding what course to take up is “take what you’re interested in and what you’re good at”. Unfortunately, a number of people don’t know what would interest them or what they could be good at. Without realizing it, some might actually have the passion and aptitude for something they dismissed as boring simply because they didn’t check it out first.
  • 2. Aeronautical Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering ECE Geodetic Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Architecture
  • 3. Description: Provides a solid training in the fundamentals of engineering and to familiarize the students with the science of AERONAUTICAL aeronautics and principles of ENGINEERING flight. Yrs. Of completion: 4 years Qualifications: High degree of intelligence, interest and aptitude for Math and Science, ability for detailed work, patience and perseveration. Employment: Civic Aeronautics Administration, Philippine Air Force, airlines, college aviation agencies, private corporations
  • 4. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Description: Teach the fundamentals of Math, Physics, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry. Yrs. Of completion: 5 years Qualifications: Physical fitness, considerable aptitude for math and science, patience, concentration, perseverance and creativity.. Employment: Chemical manufacturing industries, government agencies, college and universities and research institutions. Others go to private practice as consultants in pollution control
  • 5. CIVIL ENGINEERING Description: Design and maintenance of public works; techniques of explanatory investigation and land surveys. Yrs. Of completion: 5 years Qualifications: high degree of intelligence, high aptitude in math and physics, physically strong and fit to perform strenuous jobs, possess creative ability and must also be cost-conscious. Employment: construction and structural firms, teaching, supervision, acts a s foremen, project engineers.
  • 6. Description: studies the sources of electrical energy, the control distribution and proper use of electrical power, and the knowledge of wire and wireless communication radio. Yrs. Of completion: 5 years Qualifications: Good in math and fluent in English, physically fit. Employment: manufacturing firms that deal with electrical and electronic equipment, power companies and utilities, aircraft and parts business machines and professional and ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING scientific equipment, telephone, telegraph, electric light and power agencies, government agencies
  • 7. Description: generation, control and use of electrons; covers the field of communications processing, transmitting and receiving information; deals with electronic components, devices and equipments; familiarize the students with engineering fundamentals to promote professional ECE competence in electronics
  • 8. Yrs. Of completion: 5 years Qualifications: must excel in math and science, patient and resourceful Employment: technician, sales engineer, computer system analyst, field service engineer, production supervisor, maintenance and operations engineer, teacher or researcher, broadcasting and communications stations, government agencies, airlines, manufacturing agencies, computer companies, schools, universities and hospitals
  • 9. Description: develop the student’s ability to perform surveying and mapping work; intensive training on the use, care and maintenance of all surveying equipments Yrs. Of completion: 3 years Qualifications: aptitude for math and the physical sciences, must be a keen observer an have a good spatial aptitude, neat worker and have patience to perform detailed work. Employment: private engineering firms, various departments of the
  • 10. Description: equip the student with a balanced knowledge of science, engineering and management:: to contribute effectively to the functions of engineering in the areas of production, operation, plant engineering and marketing Yrs. Of completion: 5 years Qualifications: good aptitude in math and the social sciences, be physically fit, creative, have the ability to communicate well, pleasing personality Employment: big establishments with various departments: product development and marketing, data processing, systems design, personnel administrations, corporate planning, project evaluation and plan lay-out; also in banks, government agencies and in schools
  • 11. Description: train the students to deal with power and the machines used to generate power and apply it for useful purposes; knowledge in basic sciences and math to design, manufacture, improve, maintain and operate machinery Yrs. Of completion: 5 years Qualifications: good in math, science and English; physically fit and industrious; aptitude for mechanics as well as good eye-hand coordination. Employment: government programs of expansion of industry to meet a fast growing population; automotive, refrigeration and power industries; manufacturing; government agencies, schools and engineering firms
  • 12. Description: trains the student to be aware of the infrastructure needs of a man and to find a solution that is architecturally, structurally and aesthetically sound; therefore covers architectural and landscape arrangements connected with residential, commercial and utility buildings, public recreation areas, schools and churches Yrs. Of completion: 4-5 years Qualifications: creativity, artistic inclination, drawing ability, skill in math Employment: private and public agencies, in big architectural firms and schools; abroad
  • 14. Dscrip n aim to p p e tio : s re are th stu n fo th e de t r e b sin ss wrld an train h to b a skillfu u e o d im e l acco n g p u tin ractitio e nr Y O co p tio : 4 y ars rs. f mle n e Qalificatio s: go d h d in m , mst b u n o an ath u e kn w dge le in b sin ss law an tax n an o le ab u e s d atio d b sin ss an e n m u e d co o ics, p sse th ab o ss e ility to co mn mu icate wll, h an an tical m d, dilige ce e ave aly in n , dedicatio , ke n in re in b sin ss adm istratio , n e te st u e in n co mn se se mo n E p y e t: e p y d in b sin ss an in strial firm mlo mn mlo e u e d du s, sch o o ls, b ks an fin cial in tio s, m in an d an stitu n in g in strie go e mn age cie C A care r o p b du s, v rn e t n s P- e f u lic acco n g p u tin ractice s
  • 15. Description: provide the students with a broad, solid cultural foundation and the fundamental knowledge of the skills and attitudes that go into a career in business administration; trains the students to think analytically about the financial requirements of business firms Yrs. Of completion: 4 years Qualifications: knowledgeable in money matters and in business administration; good in math, imaginative mentally alert, able to make and evaluate objectively financial plans Employment: banks and financial institutions; work in business firms, government agencies, manufacturing firms, hospitals, schools, stock brokerage firms and insurance BANKING & FINANCE
  • 16. Dscrip n te e th stu n th d lin n e d fo th e tio : ach s e de ts e iscip e e de r e m age e t o e e p b o p te e te rise train th mto b an mn f ith r u lic r riva n rp s; s e e skillfu an e l d fficie t b sin ss mn ge an p n u e a a rs d ractitio e n rs Y O co p tio : 4 y a rs. f mle n e rs Qalifica n go d co mn se se ap ro u tio s: o mo n p ach to p b m b ro le s, e in re d in th d ve p e t an e ctive u o p y te ste e e lo mn d ffe se f h sical an h m d u an re u s, b o se n an p rsp ctive o p o le actio s an so rce e b rva t d e e f e p ’s n d sh u b ab to co mn o ld e le mu icate e ctive ffe ly E p y e t: e e tive p d ctio mn rs, p cu mn o rs, mlo mn x cu s, ro u n a age ro re e t ffice su e iso p rso n l m age b ch m a rs, sa s m age in p rv rs, e n e an rs, ran an ge le an rs b ks, co o n m age e t co su t co p ie co mrcial an rp ratio s, an mn n ltan man s, me e lish e ts, go rn e t o s, sch o h sp stab mn ve mn ffice o ls, o itals an b sin ss d u e firms
  • 17. Dscrip n aim to p vide th stu n w skills o re arch e tio : s ro e de ts ith f se , an sis, de n akin co mn aly cisio -m g, mu icatio an imle e ta n in th n d p mn tio e fu ctio al are s o m tin an sa s mn mn h lp th m n n a f arke g d le a age e t; e s e u de n th p ce o p d cin an m tin go d an se s n rsta d e ro ss f ro u g d arke g o s d rvice in th co n e u try Y O co p tio : 4 y a rs. f mle n e rs Qalifica n mst h th d e de u tio s: u ave e riv , cisive e cre n ss, ativity th , e ability to so e p b m in re in p o le an th ir activitie lv ro le s, te st ep d e s, p ficie cy in o l an w n E glish a d th ap d fo file ro n ra d ritte n n e titu e r d wrk o E p y e t: sy m an sts, m age e e tive assistan a u t mlo mn ste aly an rs x cu ts, cco n e e tiv s, sale e , p d ctio assista ts, re a e x cu e smn ro u n n se rch rs, p bu lic re n mn fie re re n e jo an ly te e mdia latio s e , ld p se tativ s, b a sts, ach rs, e d cto in ad rtisin a n s an sale de artmn e gage in ire rs ve g ge cie d s p e ts n d distrib tio a d m u re u n n an factu
  • 18.
  • 19. Description: aims to help the student deal with people from all walks of life to develop his own emotional, psychological and intellectual capabilities Yrs. Of completion: 4 years Qualifications: must be genuinely interested in people, have a sense of commitment, have the intelligence to cope with problems, have emotional maturity, have good human relations and possess good health Employment: social workers, analysts, community workers, counselors, teachers, supervisors, medical social workers and industrial social workers
  • 20. Dscrip n aim to te th stu n to th k-critically to e tio : s ach e e t in e ab h to gain a de p r in t in th n re o m , n le im e e sigh to e atu f an o th gs an o valu s f in d f e Y O co p tio : 4 y ars rs. f mle n e Qalificatio s: ab u n ility to th k ab in stractly in re in th , te st e h m itie an so u an s d cial scie ce a lo o co mn se se an n s, t f mo n d facility o e p ssio f x re n E p y e t: gradu s u ally p rsu law b sin ss, th o gy mlo mn ate su u e , u e e lo o o e h m scie ce te in r th r u an n s; ach g
  • 21. Dscrip n p p s th stu n fo care rs in p b e tio : re are e de t r e u lic ad in tio ; ke p o e in rmd ab u th so ty th go rn e t m istra n e s n fo e o t e cie , e ve mn an th wrld to fe l re o sib fo th m an to active d e o , e sp n le r e , d ly particip in th se affa ate e irs Y O co p tio : 4 y ars rs. f mle n e Qalifica n in re in go rn e t p litics, b p p d fo a life u tio s: te st ve mn o e re are r o stu y re g an re arch h th ab f d , adin d se , ave e ility to an ze p litical aly o p b m an so e th min p n e tly e p ss h se wll ro le s d lv e de e d n , x re im lf e E p y e t: re arch rs, co su ts, le mlo mn se e n ltan gislativ aid to co gre e , e s n ssmn sta mme o co gre n co m e b d t an sts, to rist ff e b rs f n ssio al mitte s, u ge aly u gu e ste ard p rso n l assistan o in stigato in go rn e t id s, w , e n e ts r ve rs ve mn o in u r d stry
  • 22.
  • 23. Description: trains the student to understand and appreciate the complexities of human behavior and teaches him the tools by which to understand such complexities Yrs. Of completion: 4 years Qualifications: emotionally stable, socially mature, able to deal effectively with people, genuinely interested in mankind, able to do detailed and independent work, and able to communicate well, must be patient, sensitive, and with a high degree of intelligence, diligence and good health Employment: guidance counselors, researcher, social worker, teacher, placement bureau officer, psychometrician, analyst, group dynamics leader an supervisor; he may find work in industrial firms, mental hospitals, correctional institutions, community health centers and development organizations, schools, government agencies, research clinics and hospitals
  • 24. Dscrip n p vid s th stu e t w train g in co mn e tio : ro e e d n ith in mu icatio as a n scie ce an art an a se ; aim to te ch th mth e ical an n , d rvice s a e e th d so sign cial ifican a wll as th re o sib ce s e e sp n ility in th u o vario s e se f u co mn mu icatio md th P ss, rad , Tle n an F n e ia: e re io e visio d ilm Y O co p tio : 4 y ars rs. f mle n e Qalifica n mst h a go d grasp o th lan age sh u h u tio s: u ave o f e gu s, o ld ave th ab e ility an in re in fie wrk, b ab to p t u w o d te st ld o e le u p ith d h u mst b p o rs, u e ractical, im a an cre ; mst b ale an agin tive d ative u e rt d p n a ab to co mn atie t, n le mu icate wll e E p y e t: jo rn mlo mn u alists, ad rtisin m r, re arch r, p b ve g ajo se e u lic re n o r o b ad m r latio s ffice r ro cast ajo
  • 25.
  • 26. Dscrip n aim to p p an tra fu re h sch o te e e tio : s re are d in tu igh o l ach rs, su e iso an sch o ad in to stu e ts u d rgo p p rv rs d o l m istra rs; dn ne ractical te in e p rie ce ach g x e n s Y O co p tio : 4 y a rs. f mle n e rs Qalifica n ave u tio s: rage in llige ce h a ke n u de din an te n , ave e n rstan g d in re in th ad le n mst b e o n te st e o sce t, u e mtio ally m re to gu e th atu id e y u g, mst h th d sire to te o e h a go d co mn o o n u ave e e ach th rs, ave o ma d f th lan a , n t to mn y co scio s, b t h mre co ce fo th e gu ge o o o e n u u ave o n rn r e d ve p e t o th y u g e lo mn f e o n E p y e t: te e mlo mn ach rs, su e rs, adm istrato p rviso in rs, p fe n ro ssio al le e o h sch o lib ad rs f igh o ls, rarian re a e cle re p n s, se rch rs, rk ce tio ists an fie su e iso d ld p rv rs
  • 27. Description: aims to produce teachers for the elementary grade level; it gives cultural and professional training to perspective elementary school teachers who will guide future citizens Yrs. Of completion: 4 years Qualifications: average intelligence, high degree of initiative, good command of language of instruction, dedication and love for students Employment: teachers
  • 28. Culinary Arts and Hotel & Restaurant Management
  • 29. Dscrip n de w th de lo mn o n ce e tio : als ith e ve p e t f e ssary an d ade u te n an m age q ate ch ical d an rial skills an kn w dge as d o le wll as fo atio o de le attitu fo th se wo e rm n f sirab de r o h wu like to e gage in th o e n o co mrcial an o ld n e p ratio f me d in tio al fo d an lo g facilitie stitu n o d dgin s Y O co p tio : 4 y ars rs. f mle n e E p y e t: m age e e tive h u ke p rs, fo d an mlo mn an rs, x cu o se e e o d b ve e rage dire rs, re ran o n rs, le re an cto stau t we isu d re atio co su ts, h sp cre n n ltan o itality e cato airlin cre , du rs, e w fo d sty o list, e e tive ch fs, fast fo d o n rs, in p n n x cu e o we de e de t cate rs, lu u lin r cre re x ry e w
  • 30. Dscrip n de w p du an se s o re to th e tio : als ith ro cts d rvice ffe d e activitie o p rso s trave g to an stay g in p s s f e n lin d in lace o tside th ir u al e viro mn an ze p cip s o u e su n n e t; aly s rin le f an ro o gy so lo , e n m m tin h ry an th p lo , cio gy co o ics, arke g, isto d e viro mn scie ce n n e tal n Y O co p tio : 4 y ars rs. f mle n e E p y e t: re rvatio age ts, fligh cre , gro n cre , mlo mn se n n t w ud w fro t de staff, to r o n sk u ffice staff, co ve tio se n n n rvice m age in n co su ts, adve an rs, ce tive n ltan rtisin p b re n g, u lic latio s age ts, m t an sale re arch rs, b k p rso n l n arke d s se e an e n e
  • 31.
  • 32. Description: aims to equip the student with dental knowledge and basic medical science, and with the skill and experience in a specialized field such as in the case of children’s teeth Yrs. Of completion: 6 years DENTISTRY Qualifications: keen interest in dental health, good visual memory, excellent judgment of space and shape, delicacy of touch, manual dexterity, confidence and patience Employment: usually works in the hospital or private practice
  • 33. Description: aims to equip the student with the intellectual competence, attitudes and skills necessary for future positions of leadership in nursing education, public heath nursing and nursing administration Yrs. Of completion: 4 years Qualifications: patience, simplicity, alertness, a high degree of intelligence, a lot of common sense, a desire to serve humanity, able to follow orders properly, Nursing mental health and physical stamina Employment: nurses in government hospitals, clinics here and abroad
  • 34. Dscrip n aim to te th stu n th lab rato e tio : s ach e de ts e o ry p ce re u d in th diagn sis, stu an tre e t, as ro du s se e o dy d atmn wll as p ve tio o d ase e re n n f ise Y O co p tio : 4 y ars rs. f mle n e Qalificatio s: dilige t, p n p y u n n atie t, h sically fit, re le liab , co p rative an accu ; mst h a ke n in re an oe d rate u ave e te st d ap de in th n ral scie ce ste n rve an a stro g titu e atu n s; ady e s d n de to m tain th h alth o m kin sire ain e e f an d E p y e t: mdical re arch rs, an sts, md re s, mlo mn e se e aly e p se tarie to p y cre s h sician te e lab rato assistan s, ach rs, o ry ts
  • 35. Description: provides the PHARMACY student with the knowledge of the legal requirements, associations and scientific techniques necessary for the profession; covers the study of drugs and other chemical substances used in the practice of medicine Yrs. Of completion: 4 years Qualifications: must be scientifically inclined, diligent and intelligent; must have the ability to communicate effectively to compound and dispense medicine Employment: researchers, writers, retail men, med reps, members of medical team
  • 36. Dscrip n in lve in re ab e tio : vo d h ilitatin g individu w h dicap o disab ; u s als ith an r ility se p rp se l activitie th are man gfu u o fu s at e in l o th h p te tial b n fits in ach vin r at ave o n ee ie g fu ctio al o tco e n n u m Y O co p tio : 4 y ars rs. f mle n e E p y e t: wrk at h sp mlo mn o o itals, clin ics, h m h alth age cie sch o an sp cial oe e n s, ol d e e catio , day tre e t, wrksh p du n atmn o o, in tio s, co mn stitu n mu ity mn e tal h alth e ce te su e d livin n rs, p rvise g
  • 37. Description: aims to achieve independence and restoration of function through the use of physical agents, exercises, and other physical PHYSICAL modes of treatment; the art of THERAPY restoring a maximal level of function to individuals with physical disorders Yrs. Of completion: 4 years Employment: work at hospitals, outpatient clinics or offices, skilled nursing facilities, homes, education or research centers, schools and playgrounds, hospices, corporate and industrial health centers, athletic facilities, fitness centers and sports training facilities
  • 38.
  • 39. Dscrip n p vide train g e tio : ro s in fo so are an sy m r ftw d ste de lo mn e p se th stu n ve p e t; x o e de ts in diffe n ap ro e an to re t p ach s d sty in de lo in p gram le ve p g ro Y O co p tio : 4 y ars rs. f mle n -5 e E p y e t: p je le r, mlo mn ro ct ade sy man st/de e datab ste aly sign r, ase adm istrato datab de e in r, ase sign r, p grame wb de e ro mr, e sign r COMPUTER SCIENCE
  • 40. Dscrip n fo m age e tio : r an rial side o co p te late f mu r-re d activitie fo se o th e ctive m age e t o s; cu d n e ffe an mn f re u s- p o le m e an co p te facilitie h n so rce e p , on y d mu r s, e ce m y o th su je an f e b cts are e gage o acco n g, n d n u tin p je n stim s/fe ility stu s an th like ro ctio /e ate asib die d e Y O co p tio : 4 y ars rs. f mle n -5 e E p y e t: p je le r, datab adm ., datab mlo mn ro ct ade ase in ase de e fin cial an st/au r, p grame sign r, an aly dito ro mrs INFORMATION MANAGEMENT
  • 41. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Dscrip n stu n are train d to b wll ve d in th e tio : de ts e e e rse e practical an te n kn w o o in d ch ical o -h e n stallatio / se p o n t-u f co p te an co p te n twrks; sp cial skills in de mu rs d mu r e o e clu tro b sh o g an re airs o h are co p n n u le o tin d p f ardw mo e ts Y O co p tio : 4 y ars rs. f mle n -5 e E p y e t: p je le r, n twrk adm ., LA adm ., mlo mn ro ct ade e o in N in co p te e gin e p grame mu r n e r, ro mr