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Scene 6
The opening mood of this scene is
downbeat and depressing. Mitch and
Blanche’s date has been a failure.

Blanche’s Double Standards
• Her play-acting emphasises her need
  for make-believe situations (needs to
  pretend she’s proper and moral)
• Her recklessness is also apparent.
  She asks Mitch in French to sleep
  with her and when she speaks to him
  about her old fashioned ideas about
  women’s behaviour she rolls her eyes
Blanche on Love – Light and
         Dark Imagery
• When she fell in love her world was
  consumed by “blinding light” and when her
  husband died, “the searchlight was turned
  off again and never for one moment since
  has there been any light …”
• A lack of light has enabled Blanche to live
  a lie, but without light Blanche has lived
  without a clear view of herself and reality

• Blanche needs Mitch
  as a stabilizing force
  in her life
• If her relationship
  with him fails, she
  faces a world that
  offers few prospects
  for a financially
  challenged, unmarrie
  d, middle aged
  woman                    4
• The polka music: the
  same music was
  playing when Blanche
  told her husband (just
  before his suicide) that
  he disgusted her
• When we hear the
  music in the play it
  shows Blanche is
  escaping into a fantasy
  world and
  remembering her
  greatest regret (guilt)
Scene 7
•   The cheerful mood of Blanche
    singing in the bath and Stella
    arranging the birthday table is
    shattered when Stanley comes in
    with his details about Blanche’s

Her singing of “Paper Moon” – “ it
wouldn’t be make-believe if you
believed in me” – symbolises that
Blanche’s hopes of a future with
Mitch rest in him believing her act.

After Belle Reve
was lost, Blanche
stayed at the
Flamingo Hotel;
they eventually
kicked her out, on
account of the
endless string of
male guests she
She lost her
job teaching
high school
because of an
affair with a
student.        9
•   Mitch knows
    everything – Stanley
    has ruined any
    prospects Blanche had
    for security in her life.
•   Mitch will not marry

Scene Eight
This is a disjointed scene with changes of
mood from embarrassment to violence, to a
pathetic attempt at normality, to Stanley’s
brutality, ending with Stella’s abrupt departure
for the hospital.
Stella’s departure
to the hospital
leaves Blanche
alone in the
apartment for the
next two scenes
with tragic results
• Stanley’s rude table
  manners symbolise his
  primitive qualities and
  desire to upset Blanche
  and Stella
• Stanley smashing the
  plate symbolises his
  potential for violence
• Hates that Blanche still
  thinks she’s superior
• Gift to Blanche – a one
  way ticket back to
  Laurel – symbolises his
  cruel tendencies and his
  vicious nature
• “grunts”, “stalks” –
  remind us of his
  animalistic nature
• He feels that Stella has become
  insubordinate since Blanche arrived.
• Wants to establish his dominance by
  hurting Blanche.
• Stella can’t ask for help with chores or
  criticize – Blanche is giving her “ideas”
Polka Music
After Blanche receives
the bus ticket she hears
the polka again - shows
that she is beginning to
lose control again.
Stanley’s cruel action
has pushed her over the
Scene Nine
Disintegration: Blanche is drinking
heavily and the past (polka music) is
pressing own upon her
• Motivation: surrounded by the
  memories of her dead husband
  and dying members of her
  family, she felt so afraid of
  Death’s proximity that she
  sought the opposite - DESIRE
• To Blanche desire symbolises
  life, youth and everything that
  is pleasant
• Ironically Blanche dies inside as
  a result of her moral decay
“I don’t want realism…"I'll
tell you what I want. Magic!
Yes, yes, magic! I try to give
that to people".
She lies from
weakness, from
immaturity, from a fear of
reality. She tells Mitch that
she speaks of the world as
it ought to be, and as
people would prefer it to
The liquor Blanche drinks
is called “Southern
Comfort”. Blanche has
arrived in the southern
states looking for comfort
but neither the alcohol or
her stay with Stanley and
Stella are giving her any.
Her journey to New
Orleans was her quest for
a new life.
At Laurel (she admits her
• The description of the
   soldiers calling out her
   name from the lawn of
   Belle Reve (lurid and
• The story shows the depths
   of Blanche's loneliness and
   depravity; she sought
   comfort and protection in
   impossible places, with
   men who were only
   interested in one thing.
Alone at Belle Reve, and in all the beds she
frequented - terrifyingly isolated. In her
loneliness, her desires became more and
more difficult to control, and more and
more unhealthy.
• Mitch’s refusal to marry
  Blanche show that she is
  no longer able to escape
  her past
• Mitch hurrying out of the
  apartment represents
  Blanche’s last chance for
  stability in her life
  disappearing – She asks
  him to save her, and he
The Paper Lantern
     • Represents the dressing up
       of reality
     • Mitch tearing down the
       lantern conveys that Stanley
       has already metaphorically
       “turned on the light for
       Mitch”, but now he wants
       the truth for himself.
     • For Blanche light is a cruel
       enemy while darkness is
       kind (normally opposite
The appearance of
the Mexican flower
seller symbolises the
death of Blanche’s
relationship with
Mitch and all the
death that
surrounded her at
Belle Reve.
Scene Ten
This scene is the dramatic climax
of the play
Throughout this scene Williams
uses every means available to
create an atmosphere of
• opening stage directions –
  Blanche’s “soiled and crumpled”
  evening dress and her “scuffed
  silver slippers”
• When she breaks the mirror we
  are reminded that this brings
  bad luck
• When Stanley turns on Blanche
  her terror takes on a visible form:
  “grotesque and menacing”
  shapes close in around her
• the ugly, violent scenes within the
  apartment are mirrored by the
  ugly, violent scenes on the street
• the effect of the “inhuman voices
  likes cries in a jungle” and sinuous
  shadows on the walls around
  Blanche create a shocking visual
  and sound (the horror of a man
  raping his sister-in-law while his
  wife is giving birth to their child)
The Rape
• The way Stanley terrorises Blanche
  by shattering her self-delusions
  parallels and foreshadows his
  physical rape of her
• Animalistic body language –
  “snake”, “springs towards her”. He
  is described as more animal-like
  than human
• The jungle noises symbolise the
  primitive nature of Stanley and
  danger for Blanche
• Stanley is at his most triumphant (
  just before the birth of his son) and
  she is at her most psychologically
  vulnerable - the ultimate act of
• The rape symbolises the final
  destruction of the Old South’s
  genteel fantasy world
  symbolised by Blanche, by the
  cruel but vibrant present
  symbolised by Stanley
• In the new world of the
  South, animal instinct and
  common sense win out over
  lofty ideals and romantic
• Blanche’s silent resignation as
  Stanley carries her to the bed
  indicates the utter defeat of
  her will
• The setting illustrates
Symbolism     that home is not a safe
              option for Blanche
              (danger in the street and
            • The “lurid reflections” on
              the wall - the nightmare
              world that Blanche now
              finds herself in
            • The blue piano music
              symbolises sadness and
              loss. All Blanche’s
              dreams have now been
Our opinion of Stanley has changed greatly from the very
beginning of the play
At the start he is more likeable and down to earth than Blanche.
He lacks her pretension and he represents the new America
where reward is based on merit and good work and not
dependent on being born into fortunate circumstances
Blanche’s attempt to telephone to real world fails – this shows
that she has completely lost touch with reality.
Scene 11 – Differences between the Poker
Scenes            •Stella has been crying
                 •All the poker players apart
                  from Stanley have lost their
                  boisterous good humour
                 •They rise in an act of courtesy
                  when Blanche passes through
                  the room
                 •Stanley again tears down the
                  paper lantern. Blanche cries
                  out as though in physical pain
                  (symbolic replay of the rape).
Why is this scene particularly effective?
                        •Gradually, the audience
                         are made aware that
                         Blanche is being
                         committed to a mental
                         hospital – in the dark,
                         like Blanche
                        •Blanche’s quiet dignity
                         at the end is in sharp
                         contrast to her earlier
                         displays of vanity and
                         fussing over her
• Blanche’s final words, “I have always depended on
  the kindness of strangers” reveals the sad truth that
  there has been very little kindness in Blanche’s life
• Blanche’s behaviour towards the poker players
  conveys the way in which being raped by Stanley has
  scarred her. At the start of the play she performs for
  his friends, by the end she hides from their gaze and
  hopes they won’t notice her
Stella and Blanche
• The roles of the two sisters reverse: Stella admits that she may
  have entered a world of make-believe (she cannot believe
  Blanche’s story about the rape and continue to live with
• Must believe that the story of the rape is the invention of a
  mentally unstable woman. Blanche’s descent into madness
  saves Stella from the truth
• Another poker game (“seven card stud”) is about to commence - a
  symbol of the deception and bluffing that has taken place in the
  Kowalski house
• Everyone is going to move on: as the play ends, Steve is
  dealing a new hand (Blanche is forgotten).
• The image of Stanley and Stella together at the end symbolises
  Stanley has won – he is the triumphant victor
• Their relationship is now based on a series of lies and denial.
Blanche’s constant bathing again           When Blanche arrives at Elysian Fields she
                                           represents her desire to cover up          is wearing white – white suit, gloves,
                                           the past and be perceived as               bodice and pearl necklace and earrings.
                                           somebody else.                             This represents her desire to be someone
                                                                                      else. She wants to be perceived as a lady,
                                                                                      covering the tainted past which is
                                           The spilt coke on Blanche’s skirt in       unknown at the start. She constantly
                                           Scene 5 is representing her stained        associated herself with white, and is
                                           reputation – Blanche’s desire to be        ‘moth-like’ –they are drawn to light, but it
Setting/Location –                         clean is unobtainable, she is soiled,      kills them, just as Blanche is drawn to
Words describing the setting of the                just as her skirt is. Also a       something that destroys her.
play (contained within stage                       sexual image – coke
Directions) reflect Blanche – ‘faded white         frothing over.                    Lighting –
stains’, ‘weathered’, and ‘decay’.                                                   In scene 3, despite her dislike of
                                                                                     lighting, Blanche uses it to her advantage
                                                                                     because she desires Mitch. She produces a
               Elysian Fields –    Title –                  Desire                   coloured paper lantern and asks Mitch to
               paradise for        The theme                                         put it up. This represents her desire for a
  Blanche      heroes after        that                                              fresh start, to recapture her innocence and
 speaks of     death. Is a fresh   dominates the play is                             love.
 her death     start for           contained within the title. Two
    in a       Blanche, and        streetcars –                         Music –
 soliloquy     could find this     ‘Desire’, ‘Cemeteries’ – sums        The blue piano and polka music represent Blanche and
describing     here? But also      up Blanche’s life – desire will      Stanley’s constant need to be in control. Throughout
  how she      linked to death.    lead to death.                       the play, the prominence of both changes. Scene 2 –
 wants to                                                               blue piano plays as Stanley arrives, and grows louder
die – at the                                                            during the confrontation.
  end, she     Sexual Desire – when the sisters speak about
 longs for     sexual desire in Scene 4…                                The colour red –
   death.      Stella: Haven’t you ever ridden on that streetcar        Blanche often wears a red robe and the lantern she
               Blanche: It brought me here – where I’m not              hangs is red. This is the colour of desire, but also blood
               wanted and where I’m ashamed to be.                      and hate – linked to death. An allusion to her as a
                                                                        scarlet woman?
Scene 10 – Blanche is so       Scene 8 – Stanley gives           Scene 1 – Loss of Belle Reve, where Blanche and
desperate to go back in        Blanche a bus ticket back to      Stella grew up. Their past has been taken away.
time her supposedly            Laurel – the one place she can    Blanche finds it hard to let go because Stella has
perfect relationship with      not go, but there is no place     Stanley (her future) whereas Blanche has no real
Alan that she looses it, and   for her in Stanley and Stella’s   future. Past and present clash when Stanley and
starts dressing up. Stanley    future.                           Blanche meet.
mocks her and rapes her.       Scene 9 – Blanche is drinking     Scene 2 –, Stanley wants money for the future of
She can not take refuge in     alone – that is her future. She   his unborn child from the loss of Belle Reve – ‘A
the past anymore.              can not live in the past          man has to take an interest in his wife’s
                               anymore. Mitch is not her         affairs…especially when she is about to have a
   Scene 11 – Stella packs     ‘knight’ anymore.                 baby.’ Stella is moving on from Belle Reve, and
   Blanche’s bags. Poker                                         leaving Blanche behind. There is a challenge
night again – the presents                                       between Stanley and Blanche – new and old.
                                        Past and
  still carries on. Blanche                                      Scene 3 – Poker Night. Stanley resents Mitch’s
  thinks she is going on a              Present
                                                                 interest in Blanche. She sees the potential in him,
    cruise, still stuck in a                                     and asks him to put up the lantern, creating soft
    romantic dream. As         Scene 6 – Mitch and Blanche’s     romantic lighting to make her appear younger. She
  Blanche leaves, Stanley      evening fails because Blanche     is clinging to the past. Stanley and Stella’s
comforts Stella with sex to    has to direct him. The only       relationship is more modern than Blanche’s need to
show that the past has not     thing they have in common is      a chevalier blanc.
     affected them and         death. Her romantic ideals are    Scene 4 – Blanche is left out again, doesn’t
 without Blanche, life will    not working out. Blanche          understand Stanley and Stella’s relationship. Stella
             go on.            opens up about her past…          to Blanche – ‘you are making too much fuss about
  Music – ‘blue piano’ –                                         this.’ Blanche – ‘I don’t understand your
    Stanley – future.          Scene 7 – Blanche’s birthday      indifference.
  ‘varsouviana polka’ –        dinner – she’s getting older.     Scene 5 Blanche’s past catches up with her. Stanley
     Blanche – past.           Mitch finds out about her past    finds out about the Flamingo – scares Blanche.
Transport – Train – Stanley    and it finally catches up with    Blanche’s nature is that of a hopeless romantic, not
         – Future              her when Stanley wins their       self sufficient. She tries to seduce a boy –
  Tram – Blanche – past.       latest battle.                    attempting to recapture her lost youth.
Other characters deceiving themselves                                                                     The Fight Between Fantasy and Reality

•Stella deceives herself. She chooses not to                                                           •The contrast between fantasy and reality is shown
believe her sister –’I couldn’t believe her and                                                             through the contrast between the main
         go on living with Stanley…’                                                                           characters, Stanley and Blanche.
                                                                                                        •Stanley – modern man, blue piano, V Blanche –
  •She reads ‘coloured comics’ – a childish
                                                                                                                 southern belle, varsouviana.
  regression into a black and white fantasy
                    world.                                                                        •The play culminates with Stanley gaining total control
                                                                                                   over Blanche. Reality ultimately triumphs over reality.
•Stanley deceives himself when he says ‘it’s
                                                                                                   •The lantern is a representation of Blanche’s reliance
gonna be alright again between you and me,
                                                                                                  on fantasy to sustain herself. In Scene II, when Stanley
 the way that it was…’ Things can never go
                                                                                                           rips off the lantern (another triumph for
     back to the way they were before.                                                            reality), Blanche cries out ‘as if the lantern was herself’.
 •Mitch lets himself be deceived by Blanche
 about his appearance and their connection’.                      Fanta                            •Abortive telephone calls also show Blanche’s reliance
                                                                                                  on a fantasy – they are her ways of calling to the outside
                                                                                                           for help, and they drag her into reality.

                                                                  sy and
  Signs tat Blanche deceives others
  • Blanche wants ‘magic’ and tells                    Signs that Blanche deceives herself
    ‘what ought to be the truth’.                 •‘My ‘Rosenkavalier’ – creating a fantasy that                    Reasons Blanche deceives herself
                                                           Mitch is her white knight.
•Gives Mitch the impression that she                                                                                 •Her experiences – the death of
       is pure, but is really a cheap             •Paper lantern - ‘I can’t stand a naked bulb’ –                 Alan, loneliness as she cared for dying
seductress (promiscuous past) – e.g..              her looks are fading, and so she can not see                        relatives, loss of Belle Reve.
she ‘moves indolently‘ ‘into the streak                        herself in harsh light.
                                                                                                                 •Age/insecurity ‘my looks are slipping’.
 of light’ so that the men at Stanley’s           •Her plan to escape, formed with ‘kleenex and
   poker night may see her change                 an eyebrow pencil’ – she deceives herself into                     •Loss of chivalric code – men no
                  clothes.                         believing it is more than a superficial fantasy.               longer respect her. ‘Men don’t – don’t
                                                  •Her clothes – ‘not diamonds, but rhinestones                   even admit your existence unless they
     •Lies about Shep Huntleigh
                                                              – next door to glass’.                                     are making love to you –
•Her clothes are a deception – looks                                                                                 loneliness, and a need for human
                                                    •Bathing – trying to make herself feel pure
 fine, but are cheap rhinestone and                                                                                               contact.
                                                  again, bathing helps with this, but it is a façade
     fox fur, nothing luxurious.
                                                                  – does not last.

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"Streetcar Named Desire" Scenes 6-11

  • 1. Scene 6 The opening mood of this scene is downbeat and depressing. Mitch and Blanche’s date has been a failure. 1
  • 2. Blanche’s Double Standards • Her play-acting emphasises her need for make-believe situations (needs to pretend she’s proper and moral) • Her recklessness is also apparent. She asks Mitch in French to sleep with her and when she speaks to him about her old fashioned ideas about women’s behaviour she rolls her eyes 2
  • 3. Blanche on Love – Light and Dark Imagery • When she fell in love her world was consumed by “blinding light” and when her husband died, “the searchlight was turned off again and never for one moment since has there been any light …” • A lack of light has enabled Blanche to live a lie, but without light Blanche has lived without a clear view of herself and reality 3
  • 4. • Blanche needs Mitch as a stabilizing force in her life • If her relationship with him fails, she faces a world that offers few prospects for a financially challenged, unmarrie d, middle aged woman 4
  • 5. • The polka music: the same music was playing when Blanche told her husband (just before his suicide) that he disgusted her • When we hear the music in the play it shows Blanche is escaping into a fantasy world and remembering her greatest regret (guilt) 5
  • 6. Scene 7 • The cheerful mood of Blanche singing in the bath and Stella arranging the birthday table is shattered when Stanley comes in with his details about Blanche’s past 6
  • 7. Symbolism Her singing of “Paper Moon” – “ it wouldn’t be make-believe if you believed in me” – symbolises that Blanche’s hopes of a future with Mitch rest in him believing her act. 7
  • 8. Blanche After Belle Reve was lost, Blanche stayed at the Flamingo Hotel; they eventually kicked her out, on account of the endless string of male guests she entertained. 8
  • 9. She lost her job teaching high school English because of an affair with a seventeen- year-old student. 9
  • 10. Mitch knows everything – Stanley has ruined any prospects Blanche had for security in her life. • Mitch will not marry Blanche. 10
  • 11. Scene Eight This is a disjointed scene with changes of mood from embarrassment to violence, to a pathetic attempt at normality, to Stanley’s brutality, ending with Stella’s abrupt departure for the hospital.
  • 12. Blanche Stella’s departure to the hospital leaves Blanche alone in the apartment for the next two scenes with tragic results (danger)
  • 13. Stanley • Stanley’s rude table manners symbolise his primitive qualities and desire to upset Blanche and Stella • Stanley smashing the plate symbolises his potential for violence
  • 14. • Hates that Blanche still thinks she’s superior • Gift to Blanche – a one way ticket back to Laurel – symbolises his cruel tendencies and his vicious nature • “grunts”, “stalks” – remind us of his animalistic nature
  • 15. • He feels that Stella has become insubordinate since Blanche arrived. • Wants to establish his dominance by hurting Blanche. • Stella can’t ask for help with chores or criticize – Blanche is giving her “ideas”
  • 16. Polka Music After Blanche receives the bus ticket she hears the polka again - shows that she is beginning to lose control again. Stanley’s cruel action has pushed her over the edge.
  • 17. Scene Nine Disintegration: Blanche is drinking heavily and the past (polka music) is pressing own upon her
  • 18. Blanche • Motivation: surrounded by the memories of her dead husband and dying members of her family, she felt so afraid of Death’s proximity that she sought the opposite - DESIRE • To Blanche desire symbolises life, youth and everything that is pleasant • Ironically Blanche dies inside as a result of her moral decay
  • 19. “I don’t want realism…"I'll tell you what I want. Magic! Yes, yes, magic! I try to give that to people". She lies from weakness, from immaturity, from a fear of reality. She tells Mitch that she speaks of the world as it ought to be, and as people would prefer it to
  • 20. The liquor Blanche drinks is called “Southern Comfort”. Blanche has arrived in the southern states looking for comfort but neither the alcohol or her stay with Stanley and Stella are giving her any. Her journey to New Orleans was her quest for a new life.
  • 21. At Laurel (she admits her lies): • The description of the soldiers calling out her name from the lawn of Belle Reve (lurid and chilling) • The story shows the depths of Blanche's loneliness and depravity; she sought comfort and protection in impossible places, with men who were only interested in one thing.
  • 22. Alone at Belle Reve, and in all the beds she frequented - terrifyingly isolated. In her loneliness, her desires became more and more difficult to control, and more and more unhealthy.
  • 23. Mitch • Mitch’s refusal to marry Blanche show that she is no longer able to escape her past • Mitch hurrying out of the apartment represents Blanche’s last chance for stability in her life disappearing – She asks him to save her, and he refuses.
  • 24. The Paper Lantern • Represents the dressing up of reality • Mitch tearing down the lantern conveys that Stanley has already metaphorically “turned on the light for Mitch”, but now he wants the truth for himself. • For Blanche light is a cruel enemy while darkness is kind (normally opposite symbolism)
  • 25. Death The appearance of the Mexican flower seller symbolises the death of Blanche’s relationship with Mitch and all the death that surrounded her at Belle Reve.
  • 26. Scene Ten This scene is the dramatic climax of the play Throughout this scene Williams uses every means available to create an atmosphere of menace:- • opening stage directions – Blanche’s “soiled and crumpled” evening dress and her “scuffed silver slippers” • When she breaks the mirror we are reminded that this brings bad luck
  • 27. • When Stanley turns on Blanche her terror takes on a visible form: “grotesque and menacing” shapes close in around her • the ugly, violent scenes within the apartment are mirrored by the ugly, violent scenes on the street outside • the effect of the “inhuman voices likes cries in a jungle” and sinuous shadows on the walls around Blanche create a shocking visual and sound (the horror of a man raping his sister-in-law while his wife is giving birth to their child)
  • 28. The Rape • The way Stanley terrorises Blanche by shattering her self-delusions parallels and foreshadows his physical rape of her • Animalistic body language – “snake”, “springs towards her”. He is described as more animal-like than human • The jungle noises symbolise the primitive nature of Stanley and danger for Blanche • Stanley is at his most triumphant ( just before the birth of his son) and she is at her most psychologically vulnerable - the ultimate act of cruelty
  • 29. • The rape symbolises the final destruction of the Old South’s genteel fantasy world symbolised by Blanche, by the cruel but vibrant present symbolised by Stanley • In the new world of the South, animal instinct and common sense win out over lofty ideals and romantic notions • Blanche’s silent resignation as Stanley carries her to the bed indicates the utter defeat of her will
  • 30. • The setting illustrates Symbolism that home is not a safe option for Blanche (danger in the street and apartment) • The “lurid reflections” on the wall - the nightmare world that Blanche now finds herself in • The blue piano music symbolises sadness and loss. All Blanche’s dreams have now been destroyed.
  • 31. Our opinion of Stanley has changed greatly from the very beginning of the play At the start he is more likeable and down to earth than Blanche. He lacks her pretension and he represents the new America where reward is based on merit and good work and not dependent on being born into fortunate circumstances Blanche’s attempt to telephone to real world fails – this shows that she has completely lost touch with reality.
  • 32. Scene 11 – Differences between the Poker Scenes •Stella has been crying •All the poker players apart from Stanley have lost their boisterous good humour •They rise in an act of courtesy when Blanche passes through the room •Stanley again tears down the paper lantern. Blanche cries out as though in physical pain (symbolic replay of the rape).
  • 33. Why is this scene particularly effective? •Gradually, the audience are made aware that Blanche is being committed to a mental hospital – in the dark, like Blanche •Blanche’s quiet dignity at the end is in sharp contrast to her earlier displays of vanity and fussing over her appearance
  • 34. • Blanche’s final words, “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers” reveals the sad truth that there has been very little kindness in Blanche’s life • Blanche’s behaviour towards the poker players conveys the way in which being raped by Stanley has scarred her. At the start of the play she performs for his friends, by the end she hides from their gaze and hopes they won’t notice her
  • 35. Stella and Blanche • The roles of the two sisters reverse: Stella admits that she may have entered a world of make-believe (she cannot believe Blanche’s story about the rape and continue to live with Stanley) • Must believe that the story of the rape is the invention of a mentally unstable woman. Blanche’s descent into madness saves Stella from the truth
  • 36. • Another poker game (“seven card stud”) is about to commence - a symbol of the deception and bluffing that has taken place in the Kowalski house • Everyone is going to move on: as the play ends, Steve is dealing a new hand (Blanche is forgotten). • The image of Stanley and Stella together at the end symbolises Stanley has won – he is the triumphant victor • Their relationship is now based on a series of lies and denial.
  • 37. Blanche’s constant bathing again When Blanche arrives at Elysian Fields she represents her desire to cover up is wearing white – white suit, gloves, the past and be perceived as bodice and pearl necklace and earrings. somebody else. This represents her desire to be someone else. She wants to be perceived as a lady, covering the tainted past which is The spilt coke on Blanche’s skirt in unknown at the start. She constantly Scene 5 is representing her stained associated herself with white, and is reputation – Blanche’s desire to be ‘moth-like’ –they are drawn to light, but it Setting/Location – clean is unobtainable, she is soiled, kills them, just as Blanche is drawn to Words describing the setting of the just as her skirt is. Also a something that destroys her. play (contained within stage sexual image – coke Directions) reflect Blanche – ‘faded white frothing over. Lighting – stains’, ‘weathered’, and ‘decay’. In scene 3, despite her dislike of lighting, Blanche uses it to her advantage because she desires Mitch. She produces a Elysian Fields – Title – Desire coloured paper lantern and asks Mitch to paradise for The theme put it up. This represents her desire for a Blanche heroes after that fresh start, to recapture her innocence and speaks of death. Is a fresh dominates the play is love. her death start for contained within the title. Two in a Blanche, and streetcars – Music – soliloquy could find this ‘Desire’, ‘Cemeteries’ – sums The blue piano and polka music represent Blanche and describing here? But also up Blanche’s life – desire will Stanley’s constant need to be in control. Throughout how she linked to death. lead to death. the play, the prominence of both changes. Scene 2 – wants to blue piano plays as Stanley arrives, and grows louder die – at the during the confrontation. end, she Sexual Desire – when the sisters speak about longs for sexual desire in Scene 4… The colour red – death. Stella: Haven’t you ever ridden on that streetcar Blanche often wears a red robe and the lantern she Blanche: It brought me here – where I’m not hangs is red. This is the colour of desire, but also blood wanted and where I’m ashamed to be. and hate – linked to death. An allusion to her as a scarlet woman?
  • 38. Scene 10 – Blanche is so Scene 8 – Stanley gives Scene 1 – Loss of Belle Reve, where Blanche and desperate to go back in Blanche a bus ticket back to Stella grew up. Their past has been taken away. time her supposedly Laurel – the one place she can Blanche finds it hard to let go because Stella has perfect relationship with not go, but there is no place Stanley (her future) whereas Blanche has no real Alan that she looses it, and for her in Stanley and Stella’s future. Past and present clash when Stanley and starts dressing up. Stanley future. Blanche meet. mocks her and rapes her. Scene 9 – Blanche is drinking Scene 2 –, Stanley wants money for the future of She can not take refuge in alone – that is her future. She his unborn child from the loss of Belle Reve – ‘A the past anymore. can not live in the past man has to take an interest in his wife’s anymore. Mitch is not her affairs…especially when she is about to have a Scene 11 – Stella packs ‘knight’ anymore. baby.’ Stella is moving on from Belle Reve, and Blanche’s bags. Poker leaving Blanche behind. There is a challenge night again – the presents between Stanley and Blanche – new and old. Past and still carries on. Blanche Scene 3 – Poker Night. Stanley resents Mitch’s thinks she is going on a Present interest in Blanche. She sees the potential in him, cruise, still stuck in a and asks him to put up the lantern, creating soft romantic dream. As Scene 6 – Mitch and Blanche’s romantic lighting to make her appear younger. She Blanche leaves, Stanley evening fails because Blanche is clinging to the past. Stanley and Stella’s comforts Stella with sex to has to direct him. The only relationship is more modern than Blanche’s need to show that the past has not thing they have in common is a chevalier blanc. affected them and death. Her romantic ideals are Scene 4 – Blanche is left out again, doesn’t without Blanche, life will not working out. Blanche understand Stanley and Stella’s relationship. Stella go on. opens up about her past… to Blanche – ‘you are making too much fuss about Music – ‘blue piano’ – this.’ Blanche – ‘I don’t understand your Stanley – future. Scene 7 – Blanche’s birthday indifference. ‘varsouviana polka’ – dinner – she’s getting older. Scene 5 Blanche’s past catches up with her. Stanley Blanche – past. Mitch finds out about her past finds out about the Flamingo – scares Blanche. Transport – Train – Stanley and it finally catches up with Blanche’s nature is that of a hopeless romantic, not – Future her when Stanley wins their self sufficient. She tries to seduce a boy – Tram – Blanche – past. latest battle. attempting to recapture her lost youth.
  • 39. Other characters deceiving themselves The Fight Between Fantasy and Reality •Stella deceives herself. She chooses not to •The contrast between fantasy and reality is shown believe her sister –’I couldn’t believe her and through the contrast between the main go on living with Stanley…’ characters, Stanley and Blanche. •Stanley – modern man, blue piano, V Blanche – •She reads ‘coloured comics’ – a childish southern belle, varsouviana. regression into a black and white fantasy world. •The play culminates with Stanley gaining total control over Blanche. Reality ultimately triumphs over reality. •Stanley deceives himself when he says ‘it’s •The lantern is a representation of Blanche’s reliance gonna be alright again between you and me, on fantasy to sustain herself. In Scene II, when Stanley the way that it was…’ Things can never go rips off the lantern (another triumph for back to the way they were before. reality), Blanche cries out ‘as if the lantern was herself’. •Mitch lets himself be deceived by Blanche about his appearance and their connection’. Fanta •Abortive telephone calls also show Blanche’s reliance on a fantasy – they are her ways of calling to the outside for help, and they drag her into reality. sy and Signs tat Blanche deceives others Reality • Blanche wants ‘magic’ and tells Signs that Blanche deceives herself ‘what ought to be the truth’. •‘My ‘Rosenkavalier’ – creating a fantasy that Reasons Blanche deceives herself Mitch is her white knight. •Gives Mitch the impression that she •Her experiences – the death of is pure, but is really a cheap •Paper lantern - ‘I can’t stand a naked bulb’ – Alan, loneliness as she cared for dying seductress (promiscuous past) – e.g.. her looks are fading, and so she can not see relatives, loss of Belle Reve. she ‘moves indolently‘ ‘into the streak herself in harsh light. •Age/insecurity ‘my looks are slipping’. of light’ so that the men at Stanley’s •Her plan to escape, formed with ‘kleenex and poker night may see her change an eyebrow pencil’ – she deceives herself into •Loss of chivalric code – men no clothes. believing it is more than a superficial fantasy. longer respect her. ‘Men don’t – don’t •Her clothes – ‘not diamonds, but rhinestones even admit your existence unless they •Lies about Shep Huntleigh – next door to glass’. are making love to you – •Her clothes are a deception – looks loneliness, and a need for human •Bathing – trying to make herself feel pure fine, but are cheap rhinestone and contact. again, bathing helps with this, but it is a façade fox fur, nothing luxurious. – does not last.