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Dr. Tran Thi Bich Lieu
   Dr. Sarah Mackenzie
What is your creativity quotient?
How and why are Americans so prolific with
 regard to innovations in many fields?
 How do American parents, teachers and
  schools cultivate creativity?
 Should developing creative thinking be a
  priority for Vietnam? If so, how could we
  accomplish this?
How creative are you?
• Please complete the test, count your scores and
  then compare them to the results in the next
• Consider your scores in the various categories.

• In what ways are you creative?

• Please share the factors in your experience that
  encouraged or discouraged your creativity with
  your peer.

Everyone can be creative, but what obstacles
prevent you from being creative?
A contemporary story of creativity
     (and entrepreneurship)
USA – A Country of Important Inventions
 1- 1800
USA: 5            UK: 18          Germany: 5    France: 7      Other countries: 13

USA: 2            UK: 9             German: 3      France: 5    Other countries: 2

USA: 26          UK: 2             German: 8      France: 1     Other countries: 8

USA: 19          UK: 1             German: 1      France: 0    Other countries: 3

  Source: History of inventions
What nurtures creativity and
          inventiveness in the US?

•   Environment/Ethos
•   Policies
•   Investment
•   Education
Environment for creativity

         History: of Discovery and
         Politics: Guarantee of Freedom of
         Expression and Access to
         Demographics: Melting Pot and
young    the American Dream
  •Belief in oneself
  •Tolerance of
  eccentricity (ki di)
  •Risk-taking and
  learning from
  AND Cooperation
  •Focus on the

  If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again!
K-12 Education:Increase America’s talent pool by vastly
improving K–12 science and mathematics education.
(10,000 Teachers, 10 Million Minds)

Higher education: Make the United States the most
attractive      place       for     the      best      and      brightest
students, scientists, and engineers from within the United
States and throughout the world. (Best and Brightest)
(Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century: An
Agenda for American Science and Technology for a Brighter Economic Future)
More Policies
•    Research (Sowing the Seeds): invest in long-term basic
     research to maintain the flow of new ideas that fuel the
     economy, provide security, and enhance the quality of life.

• Economics (Incentives for Innovation): Ensure that the United
    States is the premier place in the world to innovate; invest in
    downstream activities such as manufacturing and marketing; and
    create high-paying jobs based on innovation by such actions as
    modernizing the patent system, realigning tax policies to
    encourage innovation, and ensuring affordable broadband
The Creative Monopoly
  We live in a culture that nurtures competitive
  skills. And they are necessary: discipline, rigor
  and reliability. But it’s probably a good idea to try
  to supplement them with the skills of the creative
  monopolist: alertness, independence and the
  ability to reclaim forgotten traditions.
  Everybody         worries       about      American
  competitiveness. That may be the wrong problem.
  The future of the country will probably be
  determined by how well Americans can succeed
  at being monopolists.
Investment for R&D
  The most innovation   Competition ranking   Ranking by GDP/capita      HDI        Investment(% of GDP)
     Countries 2011
1.Switzerland                   1                      17              11(0,903)   2.99

2.Sweden                        2                      23              10(0904)    3.95($10440.90 mill)

3. Singapore                    3                      5               26(0,866)   2.5

4. Hong Kong (China)            11                     13              13(0,898)

5. Finland                      7                      34              22(0,892)   3.87

6. Denmark                      9                      29              16(0,895)   3.06

7. US                           4                     11              4(0,910)     2.68
8. Canada                       10                     22              6 (0,908)   1.99 ($21047.60 mill)

9. Netherland                   8                      21              3 (0,910)   1.83

10.UK                           12                     37              28(0,863)   1.88 ($33231.20 mill)

11.Iceland                      31                     25              7(0,908)    3.11
Investment in Higher Education
MIT economist and Nobel Laureate Robert Solow
estimates that more than half of America's economic
growth since World War II can be traced to technological
innovation - much of it spawned through government-
funded, university-based research. (Susan Hockfield, a
guest columnist, is president of the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, 2008).
Why education for creativity?
“Human creativity is the ultimate economic
“The future belongs to a very different kind of
                        with a very different kind
                          of mind.…These people
                          – artists, inventors,
                          caregivers, consolers,
                          big picture thinkers –
                          will now reap society’s
                          richest rewards and
                          share its greatest joys.”
Simultaneously, creativity exists in the manager
  as well as in the artist…The more open and
  free form creativity is what the artist
  displays, while the manager, who is creative
  with sales strategies or dealing with people, is
  being creative in a different, more refined and
  focused way. It’s not usually looked upon as
  creativity, but it is. Marshall Barnes
Creative qualities – Can we develop them?
You can't make your child creative, he simply is creative. ~ David Peat

Let them play
Encourage risk-taking
Allow exploration and experimentation;
         cultivate engagement
Support perseverance
          • Recognize all the people
            and experiences that
            made you who you
            are— genius didn’t
            spring spontaneously

          • 10,000 hours to be an
Embrace ambiguity and chaos
Tinkering school ~Gever Tulley
Help them seek intrinsic (not extrinsic)
        rewards (Explore oneself)
As adults we have internalized authority; we have
 roles, models, values that are not are own, goals
 that are placed upon us. All this can destroy
 creativity. The deadline, the writer's block, the
 program's goals - all can kill. By
 contrast, creativity is unconditioned, it is its own
 reward. But external goals, rules, etc. that
 become internalized can destroy creativity and
 cripple the mind. David Peat
Recognize individual “intelligence”
Use the latest brain research
Recent Research Suggests                       Teaching Suggestions

The brain performs many functions              Employ a layered curriculum to reach all kids
simultaneously. Learning is enhanced by a      recognizing that it’s more than just time..
rich environment with a variety of stimuli.    some have to do things, some have to hear,
                                               not enough to read

Learning engages the entire physiology.        Create a sense of community and
Physical development, personal comfort, and    connection with students—when they feel
emotional state affect the ability to learn.   safe the amygdala is less involved and
                                               opportunity for learning is greatly increased.

The search for meaning is innate. The mind's   Motivation and attention come from helping
natural curiosity can be engaged by complex    children find meaning for themselves
and meaningful challenges.

The brain is designed to perceive and          Present information in context (real life
generate patterns.                             science, thematic instruction) so the learner
                                               can identify patterns and connect with
                                               previous experiences.
A school using brain-based learning
Teacher practice and creativity
• Teaching creativity requires that we “go deep” with
  children rather than providing them with more
  information. And, given that human performance is
  not directly teachable, it means setting the
  conditions under which creativity flourishes. It also
  means, as in the case of the modern art example, that
  we may not know creativity until we see it. None of
  these methods fits well with a data-driven,
  standards-based accountability system. Thom Markham
Suggestions for teachers from Thom
• Speak the language of    • Don’t label students as
  creativity.                ―smart.‖
• Emphasize questions      • Encourage open-ended
  and inquiry.               and ―out of the box‖
• Project Based Learning   • Address important, real
• Use breakthrough
  assessments.             • Rubrics with a ―what’s
                             cool‖ category.
Teach to the iceberg
      Below the tip of the iceberg is 90%
        of the human being. Teaching
        creativity requires shifting our
        attention to the process of inner
        discovery, allowing students time
        to reflect, discuss, and
        brainstorm, as well as using
        proven methods for getting the
        creative juices flowing, such as
        mindfulness, meditation, silence,
        or structured interactive exercises.
Focus on the whole child

Kĩ nănggiảngdạyvà đánh giá
  TK 21

Cognitive Skills:
Kĩ năngnhậnthức

Conative skills:
Kĩ năngtự nhận thức
Cognitive Skills:       Kĩ năngnhậnthức
  • Analyzing and utilizing
    Phântíchvàsửdụngthông tin
  • Addressing complex problems
    and issues problem-based
  • Chú trọng các vấn đề phức hợp và
    học tập dựa trên vấn đề
  • Creating patterns and mental
  • Sáng tạo các mẫu, các thiết kế
    và mô hình cảm xúc, trí tuệ

Specific Cognitive      Chi tiếtkĩnăngnhậnthức
Analyzing and           Navigating digital resources (Duyệt các nguồn tài liệu)
Utilizing Information   Identifying common logical errors (Xác định các lỗi logic thông thường)

Addressing              Generating conclusions (Đưa ra kết luận)
Complex                 Presenting and supporting claims (Trình bày và hỗ trợ kết luận)

Problems & Issues       Focus (Tập trung)
ĐặtvàGiảiquyếtvấnđề     Divergent and convergent thinking (Suynghĩgiốngvàkhácnhau)
                        Problem solving protocol (Các bước giải quyết vấn đề)

Creating                Identifying relationships between ideas (Xác định mốiquanhệgiữacácýtưởng)
Patterns and            Creating graphic representations (Trình bày đồ họa)

Mental                  Generating mental images ( hình dung hình ảnh)

Models                  Conducting thought experiments (Tiếnhànhthínghiệmgiảtưởng)
Sángtạomôhìnhvàmẫu      Performing mental rehearsal (Tiếnhànhluyệntập)
Conative skills
                  Kĩ năngtựnhậnthức
• The aspect of mental         Knowledge and
  processes or behavior          Understanding of Self
  directed toward action or      (intrapersonal)
  change and including         Nhận thức và hiểu biết bản
  impulse, desire, volition,     thân
  and striving. Các khía       Knowledge and
  cạnh của quá trình tâm         Understanding of
  lý hoặc hành vi trực tiếp      Others (interpersonal)
  hướng về hành động hay
  sự thay đổi bao gồm ý        Nhận thức và hiểu người
  chí, mong muốn và phấn         khác

Specific Conative Skills
        Kĩ năng tự nhận thức đặc thù

Understanding   Becoming Aware of the power of
and             interpretations
Controlling     Cultivating useful ways of
Oneself         thinking
                (Nuôi dưỡng suy nghĩ tích cực)
Nhận biết và    Avoiding Negative Ways of
kiểm soát bản   thinking
thân            (Tránh suy nghĩ tiêu cực)

Understanding   Perspective taking
and             Cùng tham gia
Interacting     Responsible interaction
with others     Trách nhiệm tương tác
Can we teach creativity in Vietnam?
•   Lão nông lớp bốn và Chiếc máy thái hành tự động ! ( Onion Cutting Machine -
•   Chế tạo máy rửa bát mang thương hiệu Việt Nam (Dish washer: farmer)
•   Máysấytầngsôitạohạt do Việt Nam chếtạo (Drying machine - engineer)
•   Sinh viên chế tạo xe chạy xăng- điện (Car runs by both petrol & electricity by
Please do a SWOT analysis for developing
           creativity in Vietnam

               Strengths     Weaknesses

             Opportunities    Threats
Be creative!
Links for Creativity
• Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing
  and Employing America for a Brighter
  Economic Future

• Creativity definitions
• Factors impacting creativity
• How to develop creativity
US inventions and inventors by years
Invention                                Year   Author

Cộtthulôi                                1752   Benjamin Franklin

Tàungầm                                  1755   David Bushnell

Kínhhaitròng                             1780   Benjamin Franklin

Tàu thủy (gắn động cơ hơi nước, sau đó   1786   John Fitch
được Robert Fulton cải tiến)
Máytỉahạtbông                            1793   Eli Whitney

Chânvịt                                  1084   John Stevens

Máy đánh chữ                             1829   William A.Burt

Nhựatổnghợp Bakelite                            Leo Hendrik Baekeland

Ốngchânkhông 3 cực (triode)                     Lee De Forest
US inventions and inventors by years
Invention                   Year   Author

Máy điều hòa không khí      1911 Willis Carrier

Đèn hơi thủy ngân           1912 Peter Cooper Hewitt

Phươngpháp cracking dầumỏ          William Meriam Burton

Máythusóngvôtuyến (radio)   1913 Ernst Alexanderson, Reginald
                                 Aubrey Fessenden
Súng trường tự động         1916 John Moses Browning

Ống Coolidge                       William David Coolidge[2]

Ống điện tử iconoscope             Vladimir Kosma Zworykin
US inventions and inventors by years
Invention                    Year   Author

Bom hydro                    1952 Edward Teller và Stanislaw Ulam

Pin mặttrời                  1954 Bell Telephone Laboratory

Mạch điện tử tích hợp (IC)   1958 Jack Kilby, Robert Noyce

Diode phátquang (LED)        1962 Diode phátquang (LED)

Hiểnthịtinhthểlỏng (LCD)     1964 George Heimeier

Gene nhântạo                 1970 HarGobind Khorana

Tàuvũtrụ con thoi            1981 NASA

Some samples of US inventions
…steam boat, automobile, stop sign, shredded wheat,
  telephone, submarine, zipper, bottle cap,
  refrigerator, telegraph, tractor, ice cream scoop, the
  internet, i-phone, post-its, computer, TV, video
  games, laser disk, photocopier, traffic lights,
  airplanes, A-bomb, cruise control, remote control,
  microwave oven, electric guitar, deodorant,
  fiberglass, X-ray, beach ball, computer, sunglasses,
  shopping cart, chair lift, Ferris wheel Phillips head
  screw, trampoline, black light, golf cart, toilet
  brush, bubble gum, assembly line, thumb tack, key
  punch, laxative, Teddy Bear, hearing aid, periscope,
  air conditioning, tea bag, banana split…

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Creatity in the US -VN

  • 1. Dr. Tran Thi Bich Lieu (2005-06) Dr. Sarah Mackenzie (2012)
  • 2.
  • 3. Agenda What is your creativity quotient? How and why are Americans so prolific with regard to innovations in many fields?  How do American parents, teachers and schools cultivate creativity?  Should developing creative thinking be a priority for Vietnam? If so, how could we accomplish this?
  • 4. How creative are you? • Please complete the test, count your scores and then compare them to the results in the next slide.
  • 5.
  • 6. • Consider your scores in the various categories. • In what ways are you creative? • Please share the factors in your experience that encouraged or discouraged your creativity with your peer. Everyone can be creative, but what obstacles prevent you from being creative?
  • 7. A contemporary story of creativity (and entrepreneurship)
  • 8. USA – A Country of Important Inventions 1- 1800 USA: 5 UK: 18 Germany: 5 France: 7 Other countries: 13 1801-1850 USA: 2 UK: 9 German: 3 France: 5 Other countries: 2 1901-1950 USA: 26 UK: 2 German: 8 France: 1 Other countries: 8 1951-2000 USA: 19 UK: 1 German: 1 France: 0 Other countries: 3 Source: History of inventions
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. What nurtures creativity and inventiveness in the US? • Environment/Ethos • Policies • Investment • Education
  • 12. Environment for creativity History: of Discovery and Exploration Politics: Guarantee of Freedom of Expression and Access to Information Go West, Demographics: Melting Pot and young the American Dream man!
  • 13. Culture: •Individualism •Belief in oneself •Tolerance of eccentricity (ki di) •Risk-taking and learning from failure •Competitiveness AND Cooperation •Focus on the Future If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again!
  • 14. Policies K-12 Education:Increase America’s talent pool by vastly improving K–12 science and mathematics education. (10,000 Teachers, 10 Million Minds) Higher education: Make the United States the most attractive place for the best and brightest students, scientists, and engineers from within the United States and throughout the world. (Best and Brightest) (Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century: An Agenda for American Science and Technology for a Brighter Economic Future)
  • 15. More Policies • Research (Sowing the Seeds): invest in long-term basic research to maintain the flow of new ideas that fuel the economy, provide security, and enhance the quality of life. • Economics (Incentives for Innovation): Ensure that the United States is the premier place in the world to innovate; invest in downstream activities such as manufacturing and marketing; and create high-paying jobs based on innovation by such actions as modernizing the patent system, realigning tax policies to encourage innovation, and ensuring affordable broadband access.
  • 16. The Creative Monopoly • DAVID BROOKS We live in a culture that nurtures competitive skills. And they are necessary: discipline, rigor and reliability. But it’s probably a good idea to try to supplement them with the skills of the creative monopolist: alertness, independence and the ability to reclaim forgotten traditions. Everybody worries about American competitiveness. That may be the wrong problem. The future of the country will probably be determined by how well Americans can succeed at being monopolists.
  • 17. Investment for R&D The most innovation Competition ranking Ranking by GDP/capita HDI Investment(% of GDP) Countries 2011 1.Switzerland 1 17 11(0,903) 2.99 2.Sweden 2 23 10(0904) 3.95($10440.90 mill) 3. Singapore 3 5 26(0,866) 2.5 4. Hong Kong (China) 11 13 13(0,898) 5. Finland 7 34 22(0,892) 3.87 6. Denmark 9 29 16(0,895) 3.06 7. US 4 11 4(0,910) 2.68 ($312,535.40 mill) 8. Canada 10 22 6 (0,908) 1.99 ($21047.60 mill) 9. Netherland 8 21 3 (0,910) 1.83 10.UK 12 37 28(0,863) 1.88 ($33231.20 mill) 11.Iceland 31 25 7(0,908) 3.11
  • 18. Investment in Higher Education MIT economist and Nobel Laureate Robert Solow estimates that more than half of America's economic growth since World War II can be traced to technological innovation - much of it spawned through government- funded, university-based research. (Susan Hockfield, a guest columnist, is president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008).
  • 19. Why education for creativity?
  • 20. “Human creativity is the ultimate economic resource.”
  • 21. “The future belongs to a very different kind of person… with a very different kind of mind.…These people – artists, inventors, caregivers, consolers, big picture thinkers – will now reap society’s richest rewards and share its greatest joys.”
  • 22. Simultaneously, creativity exists in the manager as well as in the artist…The more open and free form creativity is what the artist displays, while the manager, who is creative with sales strategies or dealing with people, is being creative in a different, more refined and focused way. It’s not usually looked upon as creativity, but it is. Marshall Barnes
  • 23. Creative qualities – Can we develop them?
  • 24. You can't make your child creative, he simply is creative. ~ David Peat HOW DO PARENTS AND TEACHERS NURTURE CREATIVE MINDS?
  • 27. Allow exploration and experimentation; cultivate engagement
  • 28. Support perseverance • Recognize all the people and experiences that made you who you are— genius didn’t spring spontaneously • 10,000 hours to be an expert
  • 31. Help them seek intrinsic (not extrinsic) rewards (Explore oneself) As adults we have internalized authority; we have roles, models, values that are not are own, goals that are placed upon us. All this can destroy creativity. The deadline, the writer's block, the program's goals - all can kill. By contrast, creativity is unconditioned, it is its own reward. But external goals, rules, etc. that become internalized can destroy creativity and cripple the mind. David Peat
  • 33. Use the latest brain research
  • 34. Recent Research Suggests Teaching Suggestions The brain performs many functions Employ a layered curriculum to reach all kids simultaneously. Learning is enhanced by a recognizing that it’s more than just time.. rich environment with a variety of stimuli. some have to do things, some have to hear, not enough to read Learning engages the entire physiology. Create a sense of community and Physical development, personal comfort, and connection with students—when they feel emotional state affect the ability to learn. safe the amygdala is less involved and opportunity for learning is greatly increased. The search for meaning is innate. The mind's Motivation and attention come from helping natural curiosity can be engaged by complex children find meaning for themselves and meaningful challenges. The brain is designed to perceive and Present information in context (real life generate patterns. science, thematic instruction) so the learner can identify patterns and connect with previous experiences.
  • 35. A school using brain-based learning concepts
  • 36. Teacher practice and creativity • Teaching creativity requires that we “go deep” with children rather than providing them with more information. And, given that human performance is not directly teachable, it means setting the conditions under which creativity flourishes. It also means, as in the case of the modern art example, that we may not know creativity until we see it. None of these methods fits well with a data-driven, standards-based accountability system. Thom Markham
  • 37. Suggestions for teachers from Thom Markham • Speak the language of • Don’t label students as creativity. ―smart.‖ • Emphasize questions • Encourage open-ended and inquiry. and ―out of the box‖ thinking. • Project Based Learning • Address important, real questions. • Use breakthrough assessments. • Rubrics with a ―what’s cool‖ category.
  • 38. Teach to the iceberg Below the tip of the iceberg is 90% of the human being. Teaching creativity requires shifting our attention to the process of inner discovery, allowing students time to reflect, discuss, and brainstorm, as well as using proven methods for getting the creative juices flowing, such as mindfulness, meditation, silence, or structured interactive exercises.
  • 39. Focus on the whole child Kĩ nănggiảngdạyvà đánh giá TK 21 Cognitive Skills: Kĩ năngnhậnthức Conative skills: Kĩ năngtự nhận thức producibles/teaching_assessing.aspx
  • 40. Cognitive Skills: Kĩ năngnhậnthức • Analyzing and utilizing information Phântíchvàsửdụngthông tin • Addressing complex problems and issues problem-based learning • Chú trọng các vấn đề phức hợp và học tập dựa trên vấn đề • Creating patterns and mental models • Sáng tạo các mẫu, các thiết kế và mô hình cảm xúc, trí tuệ 40
  • 41. Specific Cognitive Chi tiếtkĩnăngnhậnthức Skills Analyzing and Navigating digital resources (Duyệt các nguồn tài liệu) Utilizing Information Identifying common logical errors (Xác định các lỗi logic thông thường) Phântíchvàsửdụngthông tin Addressing Generating conclusions (Đưa ra kết luận) Complex Presenting and supporting claims (Trình bày và hỗ trợ kết luận) Problems & Issues Focus (Tập trung) ĐặtvàGiảiquyếtvấnđề Divergent and convergent thinking (Suynghĩgiốngvàkhácnhau) Problem solving protocol (Các bước giải quyết vấn đề) Creating Identifying relationships between ideas (Xác định mốiquanhệgiữacácýtưởng) Patterns and Creating graphic representations (Trình bày đồ họa) Mental Generating mental images ( hình dung hình ảnh) Models Conducting thought experiments (Tiếnhànhthínghiệmgiảtưởng) Sángtạomôhìnhvàmẫu Performing mental rehearsal (Tiếnhànhluyệntập) 41
  • 42. Conative skills Kĩ năngtựnhậnthức • The aspect of mental Knowledge and processes or behavior Understanding of Self directed toward action or (intrapersonal) change and including Nhận thức và hiểu biết bản impulse, desire, volition, thân and striving. Các khía Knowledge and cạnh của quá trình tâm Understanding of lý hoặc hành vi trực tiếp Others (interpersonal) hướng về hành động hay sự thay đổi bao gồm ý Nhận thức và hiểu người chí, mong muốn và phấn khác đấu. 42
  • 43. Specific Conative Skills Kĩ năng tự nhận thức đặc thù Understanding Becoming Aware of the power of and interpretations (Cókhảnăngdiễngiải) Controlling Cultivating useful ways of Oneself thinking (Nuôi dưỡng suy nghĩ tích cực) Nhận biết và Avoiding Negative Ways of kiểm soát bản thinking thân (Tránh suy nghĩ tiêu cực) Understanding Perspective taking and Cùng tham gia Interacting Responsible interaction with others Trách nhiệm tương tác 43
  • 44. Can we teach creativity in Vietnam? • Lão nông lớp bốn và Chiếc máy thái hành tự động ! ( Onion Cutting Machine - farmer) • Chế tạo máy rửa bát mang thương hiệu Việt Nam (Dish washer: farmer) • Máysấytầngsôitạohạt do Việt Nam chếtạo (Drying machine - engineer) • Sinh viên chế tạo xe chạy xăng- điện (Car runs by both petrol & electricity by students)
  • 45. Please do a SWOT analysis for developing creativity in Vietnam Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
  • 47. Links for Creativity • • Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future • • =8
  • 48. Conclusion • Creativity definitions • Factors impacting creativity • How to develop creativity
  • 49. US inventions and inventors by years Invention Year Author Cộtthulôi 1752 Benjamin Franklin Tàungầm 1755 David Bushnell Kínhhaitròng 1780 Benjamin Franklin Tàu thủy (gắn động cơ hơi nước, sau đó 1786 John Fitch được Robert Fulton cải tiến) Máytỉahạtbông 1793 Eli Whitney Chânvịt 1084 John Stevens Máy đánh chữ 1829 William A.Burt Nhựatổnghợp Bakelite Leo Hendrik Baekeland Ốngchânkhông 3 cực (triode) Lee De Forest
  • 50. US inventions and inventors by years Invention Year Author Máy điều hòa không khí 1911 Willis Carrier Đèn hơi thủy ngân 1912 Peter Cooper Hewitt Phươngpháp cracking dầumỏ William Meriam Burton Máythusóngvôtuyến (radio) 1913 Ernst Alexanderson, Reginald Aubrey Fessenden Súng trường tự động 1916 John Moses Browning Ống Coolidge William David Coolidge[2] Ống điện tử iconoscope Vladimir Kosma Zworykin
  • 51. US inventions and inventors by years Invention Year Author Bom hydro 1952 Edward Teller và Stanislaw Ulam Pin mặttrời 1954 Bell Telephone Laboratory Mạch điện tử tích hợp (IC) 1958 Jack Kilby, Robert Noyce Diode phátquang (LED) 1962 Diode phátquang (LED) Hiểnthịtinhthểlỏng (LCD) 1964 George Heimeier Gene nhântạo 1970 HarGobind Khorana Tàuvũtrụ con thoi 1981 NASA ….
  • 52. Some samples of US inventions …steam boat, automobile, stop sign, shredded wheat, telephone, submarine, zipper, bottle cap, refrigerator, telegraph, tractor, ice cream scoop, the internet, i-phone, post-its, computer, TV, video games, laser disk, photocopier, traffic lights, airplanes, A-bomb, cruise control, remote control, microwave oven, electric guitar, deodorant, fiberglass, X-ray, beach ball, computer, sunglasses, shopping cart, chair lift, Ferris wheel Phillips head screw, trampoline, black light, golf cart, toilet brush, bubble gum, assembly line, thumb tack, key punch, laxative, Teddy Bear, hearing aid, periscope, air conditioning, tea bag, banana split…

Editor's Notes

  1. Art and Economics majors at Bowdoin CollegeGirl friends made them needlepoint belts.Did independent studies to research the productNo one was selling finished needlepoint products at the high quality and affordable price that we were looking for.We searched for nearly a year to find a group of stitchers and a producer Employ and provide opportunities for over 2,000 people in 16 villages in Vietnam near Hanoi.Se set up headquarters in Austin’s parents’ attic in Bethesda, Maryland.The company grew so moved into a new warehouse/officeWorking space increased as has inventory. Men’s belts, but expanded into women’s belts, children’s belts, dog collars, cummerbunds, key fobs, and now wallets, flasks, headbands, and coin purses. In 2008 created a collegiate line comprised of schools from around the country. Create custom patterns for anyone.
  2. Where did these stats come from? What kind of inventions—numbers seem low?
  3. conducts experiment with students to show how time can be detected as a dimension connected with space just as relativity theory predicts, simultaneously proving British physicist, Julian Barbour, PhD wrong that time does not exist. Marshall Barnes conducts experiment with students to show how time can be detected as a dimension connected with space just as relativity theory predicts.
  4. A video Peat The whole essence of the infant is creative--leaning to walk, leaning to talk, word games, songs, play. Imagine creating a world of your imagination and playing with it for hours on end. Physicists I have talked to say that creating a theory is just like that--it is a play of ideas within the mind. Playing with mud, your food, with fabrics, with paints-- this is totally natural to the child and something that Picasso could do this all his life. Dressing up, playing jokes, play-fighting--it's all an immense energy of the mind. It is hard to stop creativity in a young child. Creativity is an energy that constantly bubbles out of a child, even if he or she is forced to sit at a school desk for hours on end. You can't make your child creative, it simply is creative. The most difficult thing in the world is to get out of the way and let this creativity happen. Because creativity is such an organic, undefined thing, and because I find a certain (minimal) level of structure generally net positive, I think to foster the kind of thinkers we want our children to be, begins by understanding that our thoughts feelings and ideas should not necessarily be imparted on them, but rather there to help if a child asks. This is an incredibly difficult thing for anyone (including teachers, but repeat: anyone) to do. But it’s also a “start small” approach that we can build on as teachers become more comfortable giving more freedom….
  5. When students know they can explore and take risks safely, they are better able to connect disparate information and develop insights, she said."Every creative person knows that failure is part of the process," Ms. Carson said. "You learn from failure, you learn from mistakes, and every idea you generate is not going to be a great idea, … but the more ideas you generate, the more likely it is that some of them will succeed.”(It's said that the test of a really good mathematician is how many bad proofs they produce!) The teacher and the parent must develop courage and creativity.
  6. Waldorf and Montessori philosophies in schools: In second grade, students standing in a circle learned language skills by repeating verses after the teacher, while simultaneously playing catch with bean bags. It’s an exercise aimed at synchronizing body and brain. The school acknowledges that early-grade students may not score well on standardized tests because, it says, it does not drill them on that type of a math and reading curriculum.
  7. Asians and math….rice farming much more effort and stick to itivenessre
  8. A VideoGeverTulleydùngnhữnghìnhảnhvànhữngđoạnphimhấpdẫnđểnóivềnhữngbàihọcquýgiámàtrẻemhọctạiTrườngChếTạo ( Tinkering School ). Khiđượcđưachocôngcụ, nguyênliệuvàhướngdẫn, bọntrẻthậtsángtạokhitạoranhữngchiếcthuyền, nhữngchiếccầuvàxetrượtsiêutốcđộcnhấtvônhị.
  9. In "Science, Order and Creativity" David Bohm and David Peat tell Desmond Morris's story of the chimps that loved to play with paint and produced some very interesting patterns of form and colour. But once the chimps were rewarded they lost interest in their paintings and began to produce the minimum acceptable. Seeking reward can be a significant block--knowing that something you or your friends are doing is valuable and then trying to repeat it. Children loose the fun of painting and begin to look at what their fellows are doing--this can be an important phase in leaning, or it can be the first step to becoming over compliant to external values and rules.
  11. A movie