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Hands free and mother free infant care
    (maternal nipple deprivation)
Hands free and mother free infant care
    (maternal nipple deprivation)
Very young babies often loose suction on
their pacifier and let it slip out. Since they
do not yet have the skills to catch it the
baby looses the pacifier and begins to cry.
If you are tired of searching for your baby's
lost soother at night, in the car, or even on
the grocery store floor, then a Pacimal or
Wubbanub could brighten your
day.Pacimals and Wubbanubs are both soft
plush toy animals, with medical grade
silicone pacifiers attached.They are
designed for very young babies (0-6
months) who do not yet have the co-
ordination to find their pacifier and put it
in their mouth. The plush toy makes is easy
for little hands to cling on to and hold
close, and while they are hugging the toy, it
keeps the soother in their mouth and off         “most children like to hug their plush toys
the floor.                                       tummy to tummy, with the head facing
“most children like to
  hug their plush toys
tummy to tummy, with
the head facing them”
The face is only a static lookalike of a human
face but it is inanimate – it is the face of a
flat, expressionless, depressed mother.

There is no possibility of synchrony or reflection
of emotional expression between baby and this
static face.
Maternal nipple deprivation
• Given the commercial pressures exerted on
  young mothers , the family breakdown, the
  increasing lack of cohesion in our society, the
  lack of role models to breastfeed, the
  unpreparedness of many young women to be
  around the clock mothers, is it any wonder
  that human babies exhibit stereotypical
  behaviours just like other mammals when
  there is full or partial maternal nipple
The effect of breastfeeding mothers’
  groups established in the 1960s
Oral Tactile Imprinting
                is a
    genetically determined by
 evolution survival strategy to
latch the infant to the source of
    nutrition and protection -
 it precedes visual attachment
Proximity - Sleeping with baby
Max was confiscated in Faranah. … Once
we got him, he was in such bad physical
condition, that we didn’t think we’d be
able to save him… For the first 2 weeks
at the center he was under 24 hour care
he even slept in the director’s bed.

He’s now come around and each new laugh is a small
Accessed 8/7/2010
Maternal Nipple Deprivation

    Inanimate Pacifiers for furry animals =
Nonpuerperal lactation
  Feedback inhibition of lactation
 Kitten nurses on dogWatch this animal blooper!
         Kitten has a serious craving for fresh
 milk, however, a spayed 5 year old dog probably
   isn't the best source.Views: 11,660Read more:

                        Kittens don't seem to only suckle when theres
                        milk, Bam is an unneutered male, and he
                        adopted two baby girl kittens, slept in a tiny
                        basket with them and let them suckle him til
                        his poor lil man boobies were red! He looked
                        after them when their mum rejected them way
                        too early. Accessed 8/7/2010
Early Human Development
Volume 12, Issue 3, December 1985, Pages 279-284

doi:10.1016/0378-3782(85)90149-5 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI
Copyright © 1985 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
 Cited By in Scopus (2)
 Permissions & Reprints

Spontaneous non-nutritive sucking in continuously fed infants
Jean-Claude Lepecqa, Marie-Thérése Rigoardb and Piero Salzarulo, b

aLaboratoirede Psycho-biologie de I'Enfant, UA 315 CNRS, EPHE Séme Section, Paris, France
bINSERM  U3, Paris, France
Accepted 9 July 1985. Available online 17 March 2004.

In order to investigate the effects of a deprivation of the nutritive sucking (NS) on the activity of non-
nutritive sucking (NNS), we examined 8 infants (ages 1–13 months) continuously fed by intracaval
catheter. They had no NS experience at all from birth. Eight age-matched normally fed infants served
as controls. The infants were examined for a full 24-h period by polygraphic recordings and
behavioural observation. The amount of NNS was computed for the whole 24-h period and
separately for each behavioural state (waking, quiet sleep, paradoxical sleep and ambiguous sleep).
All the continuously fed infants showed a typical pattern of NNS. There were no differences in
amount of NNS between continuously fed and control infants in any behavioural state. These results
suggest that NS does not contribute to the long term maintenance of the NNS activity.
Keywords: oral behaviour, feeding; sleep; infants; total parenteral nutrition

Address all correspondence to: Dr. P. Salzarulo, INSERM U3, 47, Boulevard de l'Hôpital, 75651
Paris Cedex 13, France.

Public Health Nutrition: page 1 of 11 doi:10.1017/S1368980010001953 Chronic disease and infant nutrition: is it significant to public
health? Julie P Smith* and Peta J Harvey Australian Centre for Economic Research on Health, College of Medicine and Health
Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
Mammals can only survive a fixation on the thumb after parturition
if there is human intervention as is given to the human baby.

                                  accessed 11/3/2010

Ultrasound last week. At 12 weeks’ gestational age and a little over
6cm in length, Baby is growing well. His/her favorite pastimes are
thumbsucking (As depicted in this picture).
A study published in the January 2010 issue
of Molecular Psychiatry:

Behaviourists at Cummings School of
Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University
collected blood samples from Dobermans
that exhibited compulsive behaviour, like
blanket-sucking, as well as from
unaffected, healthy Dobermans.. they
teamed up with the Medical Genetics
Program at University of Massachusetts
Medical School for a widespread “genome
association” study.
• The team found that dogs exhibiting more compulsive
  behaviours like sucking their own body parts, were
  more likely to express a CDH2 gene. That gene, located
  on chromosome 7, mediates communication between
  neurons in the brain.

• And what we now know about dogs might help explain
  certain human disorders, like OCD and autism
  spectrum disorder, by examining whether the same
  CDH2 gene is also implicated. Dr Nicholas Dodman, a
  professor at Cummings and the study’s lead
  author, said the CDH2 gene is located in the same area
  – the brain’s hippocampus –in humans and dogs.

Molecular Psychiatry (2010) 15, 8–10;
doi:10.1038/mp.2009. 111A
Canine chromosome 7 locus confers compulsive disorder
N H Dodman1, E K Karlsson2,3,7, A Moon-
Fanelli1,7, M Galdzicka4, M Perloski2, L Shuster5, K Lindblad-
Toh2,6 and E I Ginns4
1Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North

Grafton, MA, USA
2Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA
3FAS Center for Systems Biology, Harvard

University, Cambridge, MA, USA
4University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA
5Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
6Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Uppsala

University, Uppsala, Sweden
Correspondence: NH Dodman, E-mail:
Baby Giraffe uses
Kate's arm as a
Profile About this
blog Read Entry
Picture 5 of 10Read
• The effects of oxytoxin ..
OXYTOCIN: role in breastfeeding
• Controls the expulsion of milk
• Stimulates milk production
• Redistributes heat in the mother’s body to
  warm the breastfeeding baby
• Helps the body release stored nutrients
• Increases the mother’s ability to extract
  nutrition in the digestive process
Oxytocin continued
• Reduces blood pressure and stress hormones
  in the mother
• Creates calm in most breastfeeding women in
  proportion to the oxytocin levels in blood
• Makes the mother more interested in close
  relationships .The more spikes in oxytocin
  content in her blood the more open to
  relationship development she becomes
• Induces social memory and calmness in baby
• Breastfeeding,mediated in part by
  oxytocin, provides not only nutrition for the
  baby, but also allows a new mother to manage
  stress more effectively including the stress of
  birth and infant care
• Breastfeeding women are less reactive to
  physical stressors. There are hormonal
  differences between breast and bottle-feeding
  mothers. The stress hormone cortisol is lower
  in breastfeeding mothers.      (Altemus. Et
  al.,JCEM 1995)
• Bottle-feeding mothers have higher systolic
  blood pressure.
• Bottle-feeding mothers have higher basal
  heart rate.
  (Altemus,et al.,Psychosom.Med. 2001)
Oxytocin in the body
• Oxytocin is a peptide found practically unchanged
  in all mammal species
• Oxytocin is produced in the supraoptic and
  paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus
• Oxytocin is both a hormone which acts in the
  body through the bloodstream and a signaling
  substance in the nervous system.
• The female sex hormone oestrogen can increase
  the number of oxytocin receptors and stimulate
  oxytocin production
Oxytocin and relationships
• Touch releases oxytocin in animals and probably
  in humans
• The release of oxytocin creates emotional bonds
  between people such as mother and child
• Good relationships are important for health
  especially with respect to diseases of the
  cardiovascular system. Breast cancer survival has
  also shown to be longer in women with close
Effects of oxytocin injections on
• The following changes in behaviour have been
  observed in animals (especially rats) after
  oxytocin injections:
• A rapid development of maternal behaviour(even
  in females who have never had babies)
• Stimulated and facilitated mating
• More social contact between individuals
• A calming,even sleep-inducing effect (with high
  doses of oxytocin)
Effects on behavior continued
• Less anxiety, (increased boldness and
  curiosity(with low doses of oxytocin)
• A diminished sensation of pain
• Facilitated learning,even in individuals with
  learning difficulties
• Frightful faces trigger activity in the amygdala. In
  subjects who have sniffed oxytocin there was a
  dramatic reduction suggesting that oxytocin
  mediates trust. Kirsch P et al. J Neurosci 25(49):
  11489-93 2005
• Dorheim et al (2009)”Sleep and depression in
  postpartum women. A population based
  study.” Sleep 32(7) 847-845.
• Their study of 2830 women at 7 weeks
  postpartum found that not exclusively
  breastfeeding is a major risk factor for
• People suffering from depression had
  uncommonly low levels of oxytocin
• Rats treated with oxytocin become calmer and
  less fearful and also increase their social
• Women who before pregnancy had symptoms
  of anxiety and OCD often experience a
  reduction during nursing presumably due to
  oxytocin secretion
• Breastfeeding women have high oxytocin
  levels in their blood during the entire nursing
  period display calmer behaviour and greater
  interest in social interchange with family and
  friends than women who do not nurse
• Monoamines such as serotonin, dopamine
  and noradrenalin act as signalling substances
• Neurons that contain serotonin stimulate the
  release of oxytocin
• This may explain why selective serotonin
  reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) like Prozac increase
  the serotonin level and indirectly increase the
  oxytocin level
• Doan et al (2007) “J Perinatal and Neonatal
  Nursing” 21(3) 200-206, study compared
  sleep of exclusively breastfed infants versus
  those supplemented with formula. Mothers
  who exclusively breastfed slept an average of
  forty minutes longer. Parents of formula fed
  infants had more sleep disturbance.
• Found entirely unchanged in virtually all
  species of mammals
• An ancient evolutionary substance composed
  of nine amino acids
• Traditionally regarded as a female hormone
  associated with birth and breastfeeding
  however released to a similar extent in both
  sexes through pleasant warm and rhythmic
Oxytocin and maternal caregiving
“Does Breastfeeding Protect Against Substantial Child
Abuse and Neglect? A 15-year cohort Study” Strathearn
L. et al, Pediatrics 2009; 123;483

• Oxytocin is a hormone important in childbirth
  and breastfeeding
• Sucking on the mother’s nipples stimulates
  the release of oxytocin
• Oxytocin has important effects in the brain to
  help with long-term child rearing
• Oxytocin brings about a “calm and connected”
Maternal-perpetrated child
• 15 year-7,223 Australian mother infant pair
  cohort study (Strathearn et al 2009)
• 512 substantiated reports of child
  maltreatment which was 4.3% of cohort
• Mothers were almost three times more likely
  to abuse their children if they had been fed on
  artificially manufactured milk
• Breastfeeding decreased the risk of maternal-
  perpetrated child maltreatment.`
• If mothers breastfeed for less than 4 months
  they were more than twice as likely to neglect
  their child compared with mothers who
  breastfed for more than 4 months
• The authors speculated that the abuse
  lowering effects of breastfeeding may be due
  to oxytocin, which reduces anxiety, elevates
  mood, increases maternal
  responsiveness, lowers maternal stress, and
  increases relationship development
Breastfeeding and longterm positive
         effects on children
• 14 year longditudinal study from Western
  Australia. (Oddy et al 2009)
• Longer duration of breastfeeding was
  associated with better child mental health
  assessed by Child Behavior Check List at every
  point up to 14 years. The longer the duration
  of breastfeeding the better the child mental
• The first emotional relationship is formed
  through the infant’s behaviour of sucking and
  this occurs before the predominantly and
  visually dependent period named by J.
  Bowlby as “Attachment”.
• John Bowlby states “Because the human
  infant is born so very immature and is so
  slow to develop, there is no species in which
  attachment behaviour takes so long to
  appear” page 228. “Attachment is altogether
  absent at (human) birth and is not strongly in
  evidence until after an infant is past six
  months” Page 279 “During the first two or
  three months of life the young gorilla lacks
  the strength to clasp its mother’s hair
  securely and receives support from its
  mothers arms” Page 237 Ref. Attachment,
  Penguin, 1978,
• Referred to the autoerotic tactile sucking
  “latchment” of very early infancy preceding
  visual “attachment” by the term cathexis.
Take Home Message
• The connection between the latchment and attachment of the mother
  and the child is crucial to ensure the formation of a secure and lifelong
  bond between them.
• There are numerous beneficial factors associated with the release of
  oxytoxin in both the mother and child.
• The the standard of caregiving is improved significantly, and there is a
  sense of increased closeness within their relationship.
• Such a bond is crucial to to ensure optimal maternal caregiving an
  increased emotional bond, effective nourishment, and an overall sense of
  security and safety within their relationship.

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  • 2. Hands free and mother free infant care (maternal nipple deprivation)
  • 3. Hands free and mother free infant care (maternal nipple deprivation)
  • 4. Very young babies often loose suction on their pacifier and let it slip out. Since they do not yet have the skills to catch it the baby looses the pacifier and begins to cry. If you are tired of searching for your baby's lost soother at night, in the car, or even on the grocery store floor, then a Pacimal or Wubbanub could brighten your day.Pacimals and Wubbanubs are both soft plush toy animals, with medical grade silicone pacifiers attached.They are designed for very young babies (0-6 months) who do not yet have the co- ordination to find their pacifier and put it in their mouth. The plush toy makes is easy for little hands to cling on to and hold close, and while they are hugging the toy, it keeps the soother in their mouth and off “most children like to hug their plush toys the floor. tummy to tummy, with the head facing them”
  • 5. “most children like to hug their plush toys tummy to tummy, with the head facing them”
  • 6. The face is only a static lookalike of a human face but it is inanimate – it is the face of a flat, expressionless, depressed mother. There is no possibility of synchrony or reflection of emotional expression between baby and this static face.
  • 7. Maternal nipple deprivation • Given the commercial pressures exerted on young mothers , the family breakdown, the increasing lack of cohesion in our society, the lack of role models to breastfeed, the unpreparedness of many young women to be around the clock mothers, is it any wonder that human babies exhibit stereotypical behaviours just like other mammals when there is full or partial maternal nipple deprivation.
  • 8. The effect of breastfeeding mothers’ groups established in the 1960s onwards
  • 9. Oral Tactile Imprinting is a genetically determined by evolution survival strategy to latch the infant to the source of nutrition and protection - it precedes visual attachment
  • 12. Proximity - Sleeping with baby Max was confiscated in Faranah. … Once we got him, he was in such bad physical condition, that we didn’t think we’d be able to save him… For the first 2 weeks at the center he was under 24 hour care – he even slept in the director’s bed. He’s now come around and each new laugh is a small victory. Accessed 8/7/2010 ml#Mama
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  • 16. Maternal Nipple Deprivation Inanimate Pacifiers for furry animals = dummy
  • 17. Nonpuerperal lactation Feedback inhibition of lactation Kitten nurses on dogWatch this animal blooper! Kitten has a serious craving for fresh milk, however, a spayed 5 year old dog probably isn't the best source.Views: 11,660Read more: nursing-kitten.html#ixzz0seO5FJ4s Kittens don't seem to only suckle when theres milk, Bam is an unneutered male, and he adopted two baby girl kittens, slept in a tiny basket with them and let them suckle him til his poor lil man boobies were red! He looked after them when their mum rejected them way too early. Accessed 8/7/2010 =1006041615365
  • 18. Early Human Development Volume 12, Issue 3, December 1985, Pages 279-284 doi:10.1016/0378-3782(85)90149-5 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright © 1985 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. Cited By in Scopus (2) Permissions & Reprints Spontaneous non-nutritive sucking in continuously fed infants Jean-Claude Lepecqa, Marie-Thérése Rigoardb and Piero Salzarulo, b aLaboratoirede Psycho-biologie de I'Enfant, UA 315 CNRS, EPHE Séme Section, Paris, France bINSERM U3, Paris, France Accepted 9 July 1985. Available online 17 March 2004. Abstract In order to investigate the effects of a deprivation of the nutritive sucking (NS) on the activity of non- nutritive sucking (NNS), we examined 8 infants (ages 1–13 months) continuously fed by intracaval catheter. They had no NS experience at all from birth. Eight age-matched normally fed infants served as controls. The infants were examined for a full 24-h period by polygraphic recordings and behavioural observation. The amount of NNS was computed for the whole 24-h period and separately for each behavioural state (waking, quiet sleep, paradoxical sleep and ambiguous sleep). All the continuously fed infants showed a typical pattern of NNS. There were no differences in amount of NNS between continuously fed and control infants in any behavioural state. These results suggest that NS does not contribute to the long term maintenance of the NNS activity. Keywords: oral behaviour, feeding; sleep; infants; total parenteral nutrition Address all correspondence to: Dr. P. Salzarulo, INSERM U3, 47, Boulevard de l'Hôpital, 75651 Paris Cedex 13, France.
  • 19. RESULTS ASSOCIATED WITH BREASTFEEDING FAILURE Public Health Nutrition: page 1 of 11 doi:10.1017/S1368980010001953 Chronic disease and infant nutrition: is it significant to public health? Julie P Smith* and Peta J Harvey Australian Centre for Economic Research on Health, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
  • 20. Mammals can only survive a fixation on the thumb after parturition if there is human intervention as is given to the human baby. accessed 11/3/2010 Ultrasound last week. At 12 weeks’ gestational age and a little over 6cm in length, Baby is growing well. His/her favorite pastimes are thumbsucking (As depicted in this picture).
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  • 22. A study published in the January 2010 issue of Molecular Psychiatry: Behaviourists at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University collected blood samples from Dobermans that exhibited compulsive behaviour, like blanket-sucking, as well as from unaffected, healthy Dobermans.. they teamed up with the Medical Genetics Program at University of Massachusetts Medical School for a widespread “genome association” study.
  • 23. • The team found that dogs exhibiting more compulsive behaviours like sucking their own body parts, were more likely to express a CDH2 gene. That gene, located on chromosome 7, mediates communication between neurons in the brain. • And what we now know about dogs might help explain certain human disorders, like OCD and autism spectrum disorder, by examining whether the same CDH2 gene is also implicated. Dr Nicholas Dodman, a professor at Cummings and the study’s lead author, said the CDH2 gene is located in the same area – the brain’s hippocampus –in humans and dogs. • gene-in-dogs-could-help-explain-human-disorders/19343100
  • 24. REFERENCE: Molecular Psychiatry (2010) 15, 8–10; doi:10.1038/mp.2009. 111A Canine chromosome 7 locus confers compulsive disorder susceptibility N H Dodman1, E K Karlsson2,3,7, A Moon- Fanelli1,7, M Galdzicka4, M Perloski2, L Shuster5, K Lindblad- Toh2,6 and E I Ginns4 1Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, MA, USA 2Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA 3FAS Center for Systems Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA 4University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA 5Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA 6Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Correspondence: NH Dodman, E-mail:
  • 25. Baby Giraffe uses Kate's arm as a pacifierBoatubia's Profile About this blog Read Entry Picture 5 of 10Read more: http://blog.travelpod .com/travel- photo/boatubia/worl d_tour/1207244760 /baby-giraffe-uses- katexs-arm-as-a- pacifier.jpg/ ml
  • 26. OXYTOCIN • The effects of oxytoxin ..
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  • 31. OXYTOCIN: role in breastfeeding • Controls the expulsion of milk • Stimulates milk production • Redistributes heat in the mother’s body to warm the breastfeeding baby • Helps the body release stored nutrients • Increases the mother’s ability to extract nutrition in the digestive process
  • 32. Oxytocin continued • Reduces blood pressure and stress hormones in the mother • Creates calm in most breastfeeding women in proportion to the oxytocin levels in blood • Makes the mother more interested in close relationships .The more spikes in oxytocin content in her blood the more open to relationship development she becomes • Induces social memory and calmness in baby
  • 33. BREASTFEEDING • Breastfeeding,mediated in part by oxytocin, provides not only nutrition for the baby, but also allows a new mother to manage stress more effectively including the stress of birth and infant care
  • 34. • Breastfeeding women are less reactive to physical stressors. There are hormonal differences between breast and bottle-feeding mothers. The stress hormone cortisol is lower in breastfeeding mothers. (Altemus. Et al.,JCEM 1995)
  • 35. • Bottle-feeding mothers have higher systolic blood pressure. • Bottle-feeding mothers have higher basal heart rate. (Altemus,et al.,Psychosom.Med. 2001)
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  • 40. Oxytocin in the body • Oxytocin is a peptide found practically unchanged in all mammal species • Oxytocin is produced in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus • Oxytocin is both a hormone which acts in the body through the bloodstream and a signaling substance in the nervous system. • The female sex hormone oestrogen can increase the number of oxytocin receptors and stimulate oxytocin production
  • 41. Oxytocin and relationships • Touch releases oxytocin in animals and probably in humans • The release of oxytocin creates emotional bonds between people such as mother and child • Good relationships are important for health especially with respect to diseases of the cardiovascular system. Breast cancer survival has also shown to be longer in women with close relationships
  • 42. Effects of oxytocin injections on behaviour • The following changes in behaviour have been observed in animals (especially rats) after oxytocin injections: • A rapid development of maternal behaviour(even in females who have never had babies) • Stimulated and facilitated mating • More social contact between individuals • A calming,even sleep-inducing effect (with high doses of oxytocin)
  • 43. Effects on behavior continued • Less anxiety, (increased boldness and curiosity(with low doses of oxytocin) • A diminished sensation of pain • Facilitated learning,even in individuals with learning difficulties • Frightful faces trigger activity in the amygdala. In subjects who have sniffed oxytocin there was a dramatic reduction suggesting that oxytocin mediates trust. Kirsch P et al. J Neurosci 25(49): 11489-93 2005
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  • 50. DEPRESSION • Dorheim et al (2009)”Sleep and depression in postpartum women. A population based study.” Sleep 32(7) 847-845. • Their study of 2830 women at 7 weeks postpartum found that not exclusively breastfeeding is a major risk factor for depression.
  • 51. Depression • People suffering from depression had uncommonly low levels of oxytocin • Rats treated with oxytocin become calmer and less fearful and also increase their social contacts • Women who before pregnancy had symptoms of anxiety and OCD often experience a reduction during nursing presumably due to oxytocin secretion
  • 52. Depression • Breastfeeding women have high oxytocin levels in their blood during the entire nursing period display calmer behaviour and greater interest in social interchange with family and friends than women who do not nurse
  • 53. Depression • Monoamines such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenalin act as signalling substances • Neurons that contain serotonin stimulate the release of oxytocin • This may explain why selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) like Prozac increase the serotonin level and indirectly increase the oxytocin level
  • 54. • Doan et al (2007) “J Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing” 21(3) 200-206, study compared sleep of exclusively breastfed infants versus those supplemented with formula. Mothers who exclusively breastfed slept an average of forty minutes longer. Parents of formula fed infants had more sleep disturbance.
  • 55. Oxytocin • Found entirely unchanged in virtually all species of mammals • An ancient evolutionary substance composed of nine amino acids • Traditionally regarded as a female hormone associated with birth and breastfeeding however released to a similar extent in both sexes through pleasant warm and rhythmic touch
  • 56. Oxytocin and maternal caregiving “Does Breastfeeding Protect Against Substantial Child Abuse and Neglect? A 15-year cohort Study” Strathearn L. et al, Pediatrics 2009; 123;483 • Oxytocin is a hormone important in childbirth and breastfeeding • Sucking on the mother’s nipples stimulates the release of oxytocin • Oxytocin has important effects in the brain to help with long-term child rearing • Oxytocin brings about a “calm and connected” effect
  • 57. Maternal-perpetrated child maltreatment • 15 year-7,223 Australian mother infant pair cohort study (Strathearn et al 2009) • 512 substantiated reports of child maltreatment which was 4.3% of cohort • Mothers were almost three times more likely to abuse their children if they had been fed on artificially manufactured milk • Breastfeeding decreased the risk of maternal- perpetrated child maltreatment.`
  • 58. MATERNAL-PERPETRATED CHILD MALTREATMENT CONTINUED • If mothers breastfeed for less than 4 months they were more than twice as likely to neglect their child compared with mothers who breastfed for more than 4 months • The authors speculated that the abuse lowering effects of breastfeeding may be due to oxytocin, which reduces anxiety, elevates mood, increases maternal responsiveness, lowers maternal stress, and increases relationship development
  • 59. Breastfeeding and longterm positive effects on children • 14 year longditudinal study from Western Australia. (Oddy et al 2009) • Longer duration of breastfeeding was associated with better child mental health assessed by Child Behavior Check List at every point up to 14 years. The longer the duration of breastfeeding the better the child mental health.
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  • 63. • The first emotional relationship is formed through the infant’s behaviour of sucking and this occurs before the predominantly and visually dependent period named by J. Bowlby as “Attachment”.
  • 64. • John Bowlby states “Because the human infant is born so very immature and is so slow to develop, there is no species in which attachment behaviour takes so long to appear” page 228. “Attachment is altogether absent at (human) birth and is not strongly in evidence until after an infant is past six months” Page 279 “During the first two or three months of life the young gorilla lacks the strength to clasp its mother’s hair securely and receives support from its mothers arms” Page 237 Ref. Attachment, Penguin, 1978,
  • 65. SIGMUND FREUD • Referred to the autoerotic tactile sucking “latchment” of very early infancy preceding visual “attachment” by the term cathexis.
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  • 81. Take Home Message • The connection between the latchment and attachment of the mother and the child is crucial to ensure the formation of a secure and lifelong bond between them. • There are numerous beneficial factors associated with the release of oxytoxin in both the mother and child. • The the standard of caregiving is improved significantly, and there is a sense of increased closeness within their relationship. • Such a bond is crucial to to ensure optimal maternal caregiving an increased emotional bond, effective nourishment, and an overall sense of security and safety within their relationship.