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           การพูดและเขียนประโยคโดยเลือกใช Present simple ในสวนของ Verb to
be ( is am are ) เปนการเรียนรูการสรางประโยคพืนฐาน นอกจากผูเ รียนไดเรียนรู
                                              ้
คําศัพท และโครงสรางของประโยคแลวแลว ยังไดฝก ทักษะการพูด อาน เขียน และ
สามารถนําความรูไปใช ศึกษาตอ ในระดับชันที่สูงขึ้น และมีเจตคติที่ดีตอการเรียน
1.      นักเรียนบอกความหมายและหนาที่ของ Verb to be
        ในโครงสรางของ Present simple ไดถูกตอง
2.       ระบุการเลือกใช is / am / are (Verb to be) กับ ประธานไดถกตอง
3.       นักเรียนสามารถใช Verb to be กับ
        - ประโยคบอกเลา
        - ประโยคปฏิเสธ
        - ประโยคคําถาม
4.       นักเรียนเห็นความสําคัญในการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ และรวมกิจกรรม
                    แบบฝกเสริมทักษะภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 5
                              เรื่อง verb to be ( is am are )
๑. แบบทดสอบชุดนี้มีทั้งหมด 10 ขอ
๒.ใหนักเรียนเขียนเครื่องหมายกากบาท (×) ทับขอ a , b , c, d ที่เห็นวา ถูกตองที่สุดเพียง
    1. Jack ........... a student.                       6.A dog the cage.
       a. is                                               a. are
       b. am                                               b. am
       c. are                                              c. were
       d. were                                             d. is
    2.Sopha and I..................friends.              7.................. Rich and Gun singers?
       a. is                                               a. Is
       b. am                                               b. Am
       c. are                                              c. Are
       d. was                                              d. Was behind the chair?            8.Pam is a girl. She..........a boy.
       a. Is                                               a. is
       b. Am                                               b. isn't
       c. Are                                              c. are
       d. Were                                             d. aren't
    4...........I a farmer?                              9.Sutee is a doctor. He............ a teacher.
       a. Is                                               a. isn't
       b. Isn’t                                            b. aren't
       c. Are                                              c. are
       d. Am                                               d. is
    5.The the town Hall.   10.They.......... carpenters. They aren't
       a. is                                                barber.
       b. am                                               a. is
       c. are                                              b. isn't
       d. was                                              c. are
                                                           d. aren't

    1.          a
    2.          c
    3.          a
    4.          d
    5.          c
    6.          d
    7.          b
    8.          a
    9.          d
    10.         c

  เพื่อนๆ ทําถูกกี่ขอคะ
Verb to be

           มีความหมายวา เปน, อยู, คือ
is , am, are
          คํานามเอกพจน (มีหนึ่งเสมอ) ใชกริยา is
          คํานามพหูพจน (มีมากกวาหนึ่ง) ใชกริยา are

ประธาน               เอกพจน              พหูพจน
บุรุษที่ 1        I ใชกริยา am      We ใชกริยา are

บุรุษที่ 2      You ใชกริยา are     You ใชกริยา are
บุรุษที่ 3       He ใชกริยา is      They ใชกริยา are
                 She ใชกริยา is
                  It ใชกริยา is
เชน        A fish is orange.
                 The cats are fat.
                 Min and Tom are tall.
                 You are a student.
                 He is a teacher.
                เมือตองการทําเปนประโยคปฏิเสธ ใหเติม
     “not” แปลวา “ไม” หลังคํากริยา is, am, are
                เมื่อตองการทําเปนประโยคคําถาม ใหใช Is,
     Am, Are วางไวหนาประโยค แลวเติมเครืองหมาย ? ไว
                                               ่
   ประโยคบอกเลา               ประโยคปฏิเสธ              ประโยคคําถาม

A fish is orange.       A fish is not orange.       Is a fish orange ?
The cats are fat.       The cats are not fat.       Are the cats fat ?
Min and Tom are tall.   Min and Tom are not tall.   Are Min and Tom tall ?
You are a student.      You are not a student.      Are you a student ?
He is a teacher.        He is not a teacher.        Is he a teacher ?
การตอบประโยคคําถามที่ขึ้นตนดวย Is, Am, Are มี 2 วิธี คือ
           1.ตอบรับ ใช Yes
           2.ตอบปฏิเสธ ใช No
                  ขอควรจํา ถาถาม You ตองตอบ I
                    ถาม I ตองตอบ You
     ประโยคคําถาม               การตอบรับ                 การตอบปฏิเสธ
Is a fish orange ?       •Yes, it is.               • No, it is not.
                         oYes. It is orange.        o No. It is not orange.

Are the cats fat ?       •Yes, they are.            • No, they are not.
                         oYes. They are fat.        o No.They are not orange.

Are Min and Tom tall ? •Yes, They are.              •No, they are not.
                       oYes. They are tall.         o No.They are not tall.

Are you a student ?      •Yes, I am.                •No, I am not.
                         oYes. I am a student.      o No. I am not a student.

Is he a teacher ?        •Yes, he is.               • No, he is not.
                         oYes. He is a teacher.     o No. He is not a teacher.

                                               • การตอบแบบสัน
                                               o การตอบเต็มประโยค
Exercise 1


1. They are _________                 6. I am not     __________
2. I am     _________                 7. She is not ___________
3. He is not _________                8. Mary is      ___________
4. It is    _________                 9. We are       __________
5. We are not _________                10. They are not ________

Exercise 2

      ใหเติม        is, am   หรือ   are   ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1.          I                                   Sombat.

2.          She                                                Nuan.

3.              This                                          a telephone.

4.              These                          trees.

5.              It                             a butterfly.

6.              She                                           a nurse.

7.              I                                             a man.

8.              A bird                                        flying.

9.              An ant                                        slow.

10.             You and I                      friends.
Exercise 3

ใหเติม   is , am   หรอ
                      ื   are   ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1. I                                 a boy.
2. He                                a boy.
3. She                               a girl.
4. They                              boys.
5. We                                girls.
6. You                               a girl.
7. He                                tall.
8. She                               short.
9. They                              tall.
10. We                               short.

Exercise 4

                     ใหเปลี่ยนประโยคตอไปนีเ้ ปนประโยคปฏิเสธ

1.That is a book.
2.This is a pencil.
3.Those are boys.
4.These are girls.
5.You are a doctor.
6.I am a student.
7.He is a teacher.
8.She is a nurse.
9.We are in school.
10. They are tigers.


1.I ( is, am, are ) in school.
2.My friends ( is, am, are ) waiting for a bus.
3.Geese ( is, am, are ) on the farm.
4.It ( is, am, are ) a green leaf.
5.We ( is, am, are ) carpenters.
6.They ( is, am, are ) papayas.
7.It ( is, am, are ) an empty bottle.
8.The dogs ( is, am, are ) big.
9.This exercise ( is, am, are ) easy.
10.These glasses ( is, am, are ) old.
Exercise 6
                        Exercise 6
1.She is a teacher.
2.They are students.
3.You are a student.
4.These are cats.
5.Those are dogs.
6.This is an apple.
7.That is a pineapple.
8.He is a fireman.
9.She is a good girl.
10. He is a bus driver.
Exercise 7 7


1.Is she a nurse? (Yes.)
2.Are you at the door? (No.)
3.Are they dogs? (No.)
4.Is he Mr. Sombat? (No.)
5.Am I a student? (Yes.)
6.Are you a postman? (No.)
7. Are they students? (yes.)
8. Is he in the bus? (No.)
Exercise 8

               ใหเติม is am are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

                               Hello, my name (1) ________ Maria.
                         I (2) ___________5 years old.
                         It (3)_________ my birthday today.
                         I (4) ____________ very happy.
                         All my friends (5) __________ here today.

     This is Jack. He (6) _________ my brother.
Jack (7)__________ 14 years old.
 His hobby (8)_____________ playing the guitar.
My brother has brown hair and black eyes.
He(9) ___________ short. Jack (10) ____________ a tall boy.
Exercise 9

       Read the letter and then answer the questions.

  Dear, students
     My name is Joy Walsh. I’m 11 years old. I’m sixth grade here in Alberta.
  Can you guess where Alberta is? It’s in Canada.
     My class wants to e-mail students in other countries. The students in my
  class are 12 or 13 years old. We all like sports. Our favorite sports are
  hockey, skiing, and snowboarding. We also like movies and music.
    If you want to write to my class, go to In your e-
  mail, please tell us where you are from, your age, and your favorite things to
     I hope to read your e-mail soon!

1.What’s the writer’s name?
2.Where is she from?
3.What is her nationality?
4. How old are the students in her class?
5.What sports do they like?

                         Answer these questions

1. What’s your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where are you from?
4. What’s your nationality?
     = _______________________________________________________________
5. What’s your address?
6. What’s your telephone number?
    = ________________________________________________________________
7. What is your favorite fruit?
8. How tall are you?
9. What is your pet?
10. When is you birthday ?

Answer Exercise 1


1. They are _________                  6. I am not       I’m not
2. I am       I’m
             _________                 7. She is not She’s not / She isn’t
3. He is not _________ He isn’t
             He’s not /                8. Mary is        Mary’s
4. It is      It’s
            _________                  9. We are           We’re
5. We are not _________We aren’t
              We’re not /               10. They are not They’re not / They aren’t

Answer Exercise 2

       ใหเติม        is, am   หรือ        are   ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1.           I                 am                     Sombat.

2.           She                      is                             Nuan.

3.               This                 is                            a telephone.

4.               These         are                   trees.

5.               It             is                   a butterfly.

6.               She                 is                             a nurse.

7.               I               am                                 a man.

8.               A bird                     is                      flying.

9.               An ant                    is                       slow.

10.              You and I            are            friends.
Answer Exercise 3

ใหเติม   is , am   หรอ
                      ื   are   ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1. I      am                         a boy.
2. He     is                         a boy.
3. She    is                         a girl.
4. They      are                     boys.
5. We         are                    girls.
6. You        are                    a girl.
7. He         is                     tall.
8. She        is                     short.
9. They        are                   tall.
10. We         are                   short.

Answer Exercise 4

                     ใหเปลี่ยนประโยคตอไปนีเ้ ปนประโยคปฏิเสธ

1. That is a book.
                    That is not a book.
2. This is a pencil.
                     This is not a pencil.
3. Those are boys.
                     Those are not boys.
4. These are girls.
                      These are not girls.
5. You are a doctor.
                      You are not a doctor.
6. I am a student.
                       I am not a student.
7. He is a teacher.
                       He is not a teacher.
8. She is a nurse.
                       She is not a nurse.
9. We are in school.
                       We are in school.
10. They are tigers.
                        They are not tigers.
Answer Exercise 5


 1.I ( is, am, are ) in school.
 2.My friends ( is, am, are ) waiting for a bus.
 3.Geese ( is, am, are ) on the farm.
 4.It ( is, am, are ) a green leaf.
 5.We ( is, am, are ) carpenters.
 6.They ( is, am, are ) papayas.
 7.It ( is, am, are ) an empty bottle.
 8.The dogs ( is, am, are ) big.
 9.This exercise ( is, am, are ) easy.
 10.These glasses ( is, am, are ) old.
Answer Exercise 6

1.She is a teacher.
                     Is she a teacher ?
2.They are students.
                     Are they students ?
3.You are a student.
                    Are you a student ?
4.These are cats.
                     Are these cats ?
5.Those are dogs.
                     Are those dogs ?
6.This is an apple.
                     Is this an apple ?
7.That is a pineapple.
                     Is that a pineapple ?
8.He is a fireman.
                      Is he a fireman ?
9.She is a good girl.
                       Is she a good girl ?
10. He is a bus driver.
                       Is he a bus driver ?
Answer Exercise 7


1.Is she a nurse? (Yes.)
      Yes, she is.                    .
2.Are you at the door? (No.)
      No, I’m not.                    .
3.Are they dogs? (No.)
      No, They aren’t.                .
4.Is he Mr. Sombat? (No.)
      No, he isn’t.                   .
5.Am I a student? (Yes.)
      Yes, you are.                   .
6.Are you a postman? (No.)
       No, I’m not.                   .
7. Are they students? (yes.)
       Yes, they are.                 .
8. Is he in the bus? (No.)
        No, he isn’t.                 .
Answer Exercise 8

               ใหเติม is am are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

                               Hello, my name (1) ________ Maria.
                         I (2) ___________5 years old.
                         It (3)_________ my birthday today.
                         I (4) ____________ very happy.
                         All my friends (5) __________ here today.

     This is Jack. He (6) _________ my brother.
Jack (7)__________ 14 years old.
 His hobby (8)_____________ playing the guitar.
My brother has brown hair and black eyes.
          is                             is
He(9) ___________ short. Jack (10) ____________ a tall boy.
Answer Exercise 9

       Read the letter and then answer the questions.

  Dear, students
     My name is Joy Walsh. I’m 11 years old. I’m sixth grade here in Alberta.
  Can you guess where Alberta is? It’s in Canada.
     My class wants to e-mail students in other countries. The students in my
  class are 12 or 13 years old. We all like sports. Our favorite sports are
  hockey, skiing, and snowboarding. We also like movies and music.
    If you want to write to my class, go to In your e-
  mail, please tell us where you are from, your age, and your favorite things to
     I hope to read your e-mail soon!

1.What’s the writer’s name?
2.Where is she from?
3.What is her nationality?
4. How old are the students in her class?
        12 Or 13
5.What sports do they like?
    hockey, skiing, and snowboarding
Answer Exercise 2

                        Answer these questions

1. What’s your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where are you from?
4. What’s your nationality?
     = _______________________________________________________________
5. What’s your address?
6. What’s your telephone number?
    = ________________________________________________________________
7. What is your favorite fruit?
8. How tall are you?
9. What is your pet?
10. When is you birthday ?

                    แบบฝกเสริมทักษะภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 5
                              เรื่อง verb to be ( is am are )
๑. แบบทดสอบชุดนี้มีทั้งหมด 10 ขอ
๒.ใหนักเรียนเขียนเครื่องหมายกากบาท (×) ทับขอ a , b , c, d ที่เห็นวา ถูกตองที่สุดเพียง
    1. Jack ........... a student.                       6.A dog the cage.
       a. is                                               a. are
       b. am                                               b. am
       c. are                                              c. were
       d. were                                             d. is
    2.Sopha and I..................friends.              7.................. Rich and Gun singers?
       a. is                                               a. Is
       b. am                                               b. Am
       c. are                                              c. Are
       d. was                                              d. Was behind the chair?            8.Pam is a girl. She..........a boy.
       a. Is                                               a. is
       b. Am                                               b. isn't
       c. Are                                              c. are
       d. Were                                             d. aren't
    4...........I a farmer?                              9.Sutee is a doctor. He............ a teacher.
       a. Is                                               a. isn't
       b. Isn’t                                            b. aren't
       c. Are                                              c. are
       d. Am                                               d. is
    5.The the town Hall.   10.They.......... carpenters. They aren't
       a. is                                                barber.
       b. am                                               a. is
       c. are                                              b. isn't
       d. was                                              c. are
                                                           d. aren't

    1.          a
    2.          c
    3.          a
    4.          d
    5.          c
    6.          d
    7.          b
    8.          a
    9.          d
    10.         c

  เพื่อนๆ ทําถูกกี่ขอคะ
                                     ํ                                                      คะแนนที่

ชื่อ........................................เลขที.่ ...............ชั้น..................
                         ก                 ข                   ค                 ง











สมเดช สีแลง และคณะ. แนวทางการจัดทําผลงานทางวิชาการและตัวอยางผลงานวิชาการ
      (2550).นครสวรรค : หจก.ริมปงการพิมพ.
เสาวภา อทม. (2550). แบบทดสอบ เรื่อง V. to be. [ออนไลน]. แหลงที่มา :
           ุ ุ
      /bookr2/saowapa/t05.html [5 ธันวาคม 2550].
อรพินท จวงพันธ. (2550). แบบทดสอบ เรื่อง V. to be. [ออนไลน]. แหลงที่มา : http://www.
                                                                   /bookr2/aurapin/t01.html [10 ธันวาคม 2550].
Raymond Murphy (1997). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press.
Victoria-Ladybug. (2008). [online]. Available :
     [2008, March 9].

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Verb to_..

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  • 2. จุดประสงคปลายทาง นักเรียนมีความสามารถในการใชภาษาอังกฤษได ถูกตองตามหลักภาษา จุดประสงคนําทาง 1. นักเรียนบอกความหมายและหนาที่ของ Verb to be ในโครงสรางของ Present simple ไดถูกตอง 2. ระบุการเลือกใช is / am / are (Verb to be) กับ ประธานไดถกตอง ู 3. นักเรียนสามารถใช Verb to be กับ - ประโยคบอกเลา - ประโยคปฏิเสธ - ประโยคคําถาม 4. นักเรียนเห็นความสําคัญในการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ และรวมกิจกรรม อยางสนุกสนาน
  • 3. แบบทดสอบกอนเรียน แบบฝกเสริมทักษะภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 5 เรื่อง verb to be ( is am are ) คําชี้แจงในการทําแบบทดสอบ ๑. แบบทดสอบชุดนี้มีทั้งหมด 10 ขอ ๒.ใหนักเรียนเขียนเครื่องหมายกากบาท (×) ทับขอ a , b , c, d ที่เห็นวา ถูกตองที่สุดเพียง  ขอเดียว 1. Jack ........... a student. 6.A dog the cage. a. is a. are b. am b. am c. are c. were d. were d. is 2.Sopha and I..................friends. 7.................. Rich and Gun singers? a. is a. Is b. am b. Am c. are c. Are d. was d. Was behind the chair? 8.Pam is a girl. She..........a boy. a. Is a. is b. Am b. isn't c. Are c. are d. Were d. aren't 4...........I a farmer? 9.Sutee is a doctor. He............ a teacher. a. Is a. isn't b. Isn’t b. aren't c. Are c. are d. Am d. is 5.The the town Hall. 10.They.......... carpenters. They aren't a. is barber. b. am a. is c. are b. isn't d. was c. are d. aren't
  • 4. เฉลยแบบทดสอบกอนเรียน 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. d 10. c เพื่อนๆ ทําถูกกี่ขอคะ
  • 5. Verb to be มีความหมายวา เปน, อยู, คือ is , am, are รูปประโยค คํานามเอกพจน (มีหนึ่งเสมอ) ใชกริยา is คํานามพหูพจน (มีมากกวาหนึ่ง) ใชกริยา are คําสรรพนาม ประธาน เอกพจน พหูพจน บุรุษที่ 1 I ใชกริยา am We ใชกริยา are บุรุษที่ 2 You ใชกริยา are You ใชกริยา are บุรุษที่ 3 He ใชกริยา is They ใชกริยา are She ใชกริยา is It ใชกริยา is
  • 6. เชน A fish is orange. The cats are fat. Min and Tom are tall. You are a student. He is a teacher. เมือตองการทําเปนประโยคปฏิเสธ ใหเติม ่ “not” แปลวา “ไม” หลังคํากริยา is, am, are เมื่อตองการทําเปนประโยคคําถาม ใหใช Is, Am, Are วางไวหนาประโยค แลวเติมเครืองหมาย ? ไว  ่ ทายประโยค ประโยคบอกเลา ประโยคปฏิเสธ ประโยคคําถาม A fish is orange. A fish is not orange. Is a fish orange ? The cats are fat. The cats are not fat. Are the cats fat ? Min and Tom are tall. Min and Tom are not tall. Are Min and Tom tall ? You are a student. You are not a student. Are you a student ? He is a teacher. He is not a teacher. Is he a teacher ?
  • 7. การตอบประโยคคําถามที่ขึ้นตนดวย Is, Am, Are มี 2 วิธี คือ 1.ตอบรับ ใช Yes 2.ตอบปฏิเสธ ใช No ขอควรจํา ถาถาม You ตองตอบ I ถาม I ตองตอบ You ประโยคคําถาม การตอบรับ การตอบปฏิเสธ Is a fish orange ? •Yes, it is. • No, it is not. oYes. It is orange. o No. It is not orange. Are the cats fat ? •Yes, they are. • No, they are not. oYes. They are fat. o No.They are not orange. Are Min and Tom tall ? •Yes, They are. •No, they are not. oYes. They are tall. o No.They are not tall. Are you a student ? •Yes, I am. •No, I am not. oYes. I am a student. o No. I am not a student. Is he a teacher ? •Yes, he is. • No, he is not. oYes. He is a teacher. o No. He is not a teacher. หมายเหตุ • การตอบแบบสัน ้ o การตอบเต็มประโยค
  • 8. Exercise 1 ใหนักเรียนเขียนอยูในรูปยอ  1. They are _________ 6. I am not __________ 2. I am _________ 7. She is not ___________ 3. He is not _________ 8. Mary is ___________ 4. It is _________ 9. We are __________ 5. We are not _________ 10. They are not ________ เสร็จแลวทําแบบฝกตอไปนะคะ
  • 9. Exercise 2 ใหเติม is, am หรือ are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง 1. I Sombat. 2. She Nuan. 3. This a telephone. 4. These trees. 5. It a butterfly. 6. She a nurse. 7. I a man. 8. A bird flying. 9. An ant slow. 10. You and I friends.
  • 10. Exercise 3 ใหเติม is , am หรอ ื are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง 1. I a boy. 2. He a boy. 3. She a girl. 4. They boys. 5. We girls. 6. You a girl. 7. He tall. 8. She short. 9. They tall. 10. We short. งายมากเลยใชไหมครับ
  • 11. Exercise 4 ใหเปลี่ยนประโยคตอไปนีเ้ ปนประโยคปฏิเสธ 1.That is a book. ____________________________________________________________. 2.This is a pencil. ____________________________________________________________. 3.Those are boys. ____________________________________________________________. 4.These are girls. ____________________________________________________________. 5.You are a doctor. ____________________________________________________________. 6.I am a student. ____________________________________________________________. 7.He is a teacher. ____________________________________________________________. 8.She is a nurse. ____________________________________________________________. 9.We are in school. ____________________________________________________________. 10. They are tigers. ____________________________________________________________.
  • 12. Exercise55 Exercise ใหขีดเสนใตคํากริยาทีถูกตอง ่ 1.I ( is, am, are ) in school. 2.My friends ( is, am, are ) waiting for a bus. 3.Geese ( is, am, are ) on the farm. 4.It ( is, am, are ) a green leaf. 5.We ( is, am, are ) carpenters. 6.They ( is, am, are ) papayas. 7.It ( is, am, are ) an empty bottle. 8.The dogs ( is, am, are ) big. 9.This exercise ( is, am, are ) easy. 10.These glasses ( is, am, are ) old.
  • 13. Exercise 6 Exercise 6 ใหเปลียนประโยคตอไปนี้เปนประโยคคําถาม ่ 1.She is a teacher. ____________________________________________________________. 2.They are students. ____________________________________________________________. 3.You are a student. ____________________________________________________________. 4.These are cats. ____________________________________________________________. 5.Those are dogs. ____________________________________________________________. 6.This is an apple. ____________________________________________________________. 7.That is a pineapple. ____________________________________________________________. 8.He is a fireman. ____________________________________________________________. 9.She is a good girl. ____________________________________________________________. 10. He is a bus driver. ____________________________________________________________.
  • 14. Exercise 7 7 Exercise ใหตอบคําถามตอไปนี้ 1.Is she a nurse? (Yes.) . 2.Are you at the door? (No.) . 3.Are they dogs? (No.) . 4.Is he Mr. Sombat? (No.) . 5.Am I a student? (Yes.) . 6.Are you a postman? (No.) . 7. Are they students? (yes.) . 8. Is he in the bus? (No.) .
  • 15. Exercise 8 ใหเติม is am are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง Hello, my name (1) ________ Maria. I (2) ___________5 years old. It (3)_________ my birthday today. I (4) ____________ very happy. All my friends (5) __________ here today. This is Jack. He (6) _________ my brother. Jack (7)__________ 14 years old. His hobby (8)_____________ playing the guitar. My brother has brown hair and black eyes. He(9) ___________ short. Jack (10) ____________ a tall boy.
  • 16. Exercise 9 Read the letter and then answer the questions. Dear, students My name is Joy Walsh. I’m 11 years old. I’m sixth grade here in Alberta. Can you guess where Alberta is? It’s in Canada. My class wants to e-mail students in other countries. The students in my class are 12 or 13 years old. We all like sports. Our favorite sports are hockey, skiing, and snowboarding. We also like movies and music. If you want to write to my class, go to In your e- mail, please tell us where you are from, your age, and your favorite things to do. I hope to read your e-mail soon! Joy 1.What’s the writer’s name? _________________________________________________________________ 2.Where is she from? _________________________________________________________________ 3.What is her nationality? _________________________________________________________________ 4. How old are the students in her class? __________________________________________________________________ 5.What sports do they like? ___________________________________________________________________
  • 17. Exercise10 Answer these questions 1. What’s your name? =_______________________________________________________________ 2. How old are you? =_______________________________________________________________ 3. Where are you from? =_______________________________________________________________ 4. What’s your nationality? = _______________________________________________________________ 5. What’s your address? =________________________________________________________________ 6. What’s your telephone number? = ________________________________________________________________ 7. What is your favorite fruit? =_________________________________________________________________ 8. How tall are you? =__________________________________________________________________ 9. What is your pet? =__________________________________________________________________ 10. When is you birthday ? =__________________________________________________________________ ไมเขาใจถามคุณครูนะครับ
  • 18. Answer Exercise 1 ใหนักเรียนเขียนอยูในรูปยอ  They’re 1. They are _________ 6. I am not I’m not __________ 2. I am I’m _________ 7. She is not She’s not / She isn’t ___________ 3. He is not _________ He isn’t He’s not / 8. Mary is Mary’s ___________ 4. It is It’s _________ 9. We are We’re __________ 5. We are not _________We aren’t We’re not / 10. They are not They’re not / They aren’t ________ เสร็จแลวทําแบบฝกตอไปนะคะ
  • 19. Answer Exercise 2 ใหเติม is, am หรือ are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง 1. I am Sombat. 2. She is Nuan. 3. This is a telephone. 4. These are trees. 5. It is a butterfly. 6. She is a nurse. 7. I am a man. 8. A bird is flying. 9. An ant is slow. 10. You and I are friends.
  • 20. Answer Exercise 3 ใหเติม is , am หรอ ื are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง 1. I am a boy. 2. He is a boy. 3. She is a girl. 4. They are boys. 5. We are girls. 6. You are a girl. 7. He is tall. 8. She is short. 9. They are tall. 10. We are short. งายมากเลยใชไหมคะ
  • 21. Answer Exercise 4 ใหเปลี่ยนประโยคตอไปนีเ้ ปนประโยคปฏิเสธ 1. That is a book. That is not a book. ____________________________________________________________. 2. This is a pencil. This is not a pencil. ____________________________________________________________. 3. Those are boys. Those are not boys. ____________________________________________________________. 4. These are girls. These are not girls. ____________________________________________________________. 5. You are a doctor. You are not a doctor. ____________________________________________________________. 6. I am a student. I am not a student. ____________________________________________________________. 7. He is a teacher. He is not a teacher. ____________________________________________________________. 8. She is a nurse. She is not a nurse. ____________________________________________________________. 9. We are in school. We are in school. ____________________________________________________________. 10. They are tigers. They are not tigers. ____________________________________________________________.
  • 22. Answer Exercise 5 ใหขีดเสนใตคํากริยาทีถูกตอง ่ 1.I ( is, am, are ) in school. 2.My friends ( is, am, are ) waiting for a bus. 3.Geese ( is, am, are ) on the farm. 4.It ( is, am, are ) a green leaf. 5.We ( is, am, are ) carpenters. 6.They ( is, am, are ) papayas. 7.It ( is, am, are ) an empty bottle. 8.The dogs ( is, am, are ) big. 9.This exercise ( is, am, are ) easy. 10.These glasses ( is, am, are ) old.
  • 23. Answer Exercise 6 ใหเปลียนประโยคตอไปนี้เปนประโยคคําถาม ่ 1.She is a teacher. Is she a teacher ? ____________________________________________________________. 2.They are students. Are they students ? ____________________________________________________________. 3.You are a student. Are you a student ? ____________________________________________________________. 4.These are cats. Are these cats ? ____________________________________________________________. 5.Those are dogs. Are those dogs ? ____________________________________________________________. 6.This is an apple. Is this an apple ? ____________________________________________________________. 7.That is a pineapple. Is that a pineapple ? ____________________________________________________________. 8.He is a fireman. Is he a fireman ? ____________________________________________________________. 9.She is a good girl. Is she a good girl ? ____________________________________________________________. 10. He is a bus driver. Is he a bus driver ? ____________________________________________________________.
  • 24. Answer Exercise 7 ใหตอบคําถามตอไปนี้ 1.Is she a nurse? (Yes.) Yes, she is. . 2.Are you at the door? (No.) No, I’m not. . 3.Are they dogs? (No.) No, They aren’t. . 4.Is he Mr. Sombat? (No.) No, he isn’t. . 5.Am I a student? (Yes.) Yes, you are. . 6.Are you a postman? (No.) No, I’m not. . 7. Are they students? (yes.) Yes, they are. . 8. Is he in the bus? (No.) No, he isn’t. .
  • 25. Answer Exercise 8 ใหเติม is am are ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง is Hello, my name (1) ________ Maria. am I (2) ___________5 years old. is It (3)_________ my birthday today. am I (4) ____________ very happy. are All my friends (5) __________ here today. is This is Jack. He (6) _________ my brother. is Jack (7)__________ 14 years old. is His hobby (8)_____________ playing the guitar. My brother has brown hair and black eyes. is is He(9) ___________ short. Jack (10) ____________ a tall boy.
  • 26. Answer Exercise 9 Read the letter and then answer the questions. Dear, students My name is Joy Walsh. I’m 11 years old. I’m sixth grade here in Alberta. Can you guess where Alberta is? It’s in Canada. My class wants to e-mail students in other countries. The students in my class are 12 or 13 years old. We all like sports. Our favorite sports are hockey, skiing, and snowboarding. We also like movies and music. If you want to write to my class, go to In your e- mail, please tell us where you are from, your age, and your favorite things to do. I hope to read your e-mail soon! Joy 1.What’s the writer’s name? Joy _________________________________________________________________ 2.Where is she from? Canada _________________________________________________________________ 3.What is her nationality? Canadain _________________________________________________________________ 4. How old are the students in her class? 12 Or 13 __________________________________________________________________ 5.What sports do they like? hockey, skiing, and snowboarding ___________________________________________________________________
  • 27. Answer Exercise 2 Answer these questions 1. What’s your name? =_______________________________________________________________ 2. How old are you? =_______________________________________________________________ 3. Where are you from? =_______________________________________________________________ 4. What’s your nationality? = _______________________________________________________________ 5. What’s your address? =________________________________________________________________ 6. What’s your telephone number? = ________________________________________________________________ 7. What is your favorite fruit? =_________________________________________________________________ 8. How tall are you? =__________________________________________________________________ 9. What is your pet? =__________________________________________________________________ 10. When is you birthday ? =__________________________________________________________________ อยูในดุลยพินิจของครู
  • 28. แบบทดสอบหลังเรียน แบบฝกเสริมทักษะภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 5 เรื่อง verb to be ( is am are ) คําชี้แจงในการทําแบบทดสอบ ๑. แบบทดสอบชุดนี้มีทั้งหมด 10 ขอ ๒.ใหนักเรียนเขียนเครื่องหมายกากบาท (×) ทับขอ a , b , c, d ที่เห็นวา ถูกตองที่สุดเพียง  ขอเดียว 1. Jack ........... a student. 6.A dog the cage. a. is a. are b. am b. am c. are c. were d. were d. is 2.Sopha and I..................friends. 7.................. Rich and Gun singers? a. is a. Is b. am b. Am c. are c. Are d. was d. Was behind the chair? 8.Pam is a girl. She..........a boy. a. Is a. is b. Am b. isn't c. Are c. are d. Were d. aren't 4...........I a farmer? 9.Sutee is a doctor. He............ a teacher. a. Is a. isn't b. Isn’t b. aren't c. Are c. are d. Am d. is 5.The the town Hall. 10.They.......... carpenters. They aren't a. is barber. b. am a. is c. are b. isn't d. was c. are d. aren't
  • 29. เฉลยแบบทดสอบหลังเรียน 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. d 10. c เพื่อนๆ ทําถูกกี่ขอคะ
  • 30. กระดาษคาตอบ ํ คะแนนที่ ได ชื่อ........................................เลขที.่ ...............ชั้น.................. ขอ  ก ข ค ง 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • 31. บรรณานุกรม สมเดช สีแลง และคณะ. แนวทางการจัดทําผลงานทางวิชาการและตัวอยางผลงานวิชาการ (2550).นครสวรรค : หจก.ริมปงการพิมพ. เสาวภา อทม. (2550). แบบทดสอบ เรื่อง V. to be. [ออนไลน]. แหลงที่มา : ุ ุ /bookr2/saowapa/t05.html [5 ธันวาคม 2550]. อรพินท จวงพันธ. (2550). แบบทดสอบ เรื่อง V. to be. [ออนไลน]. แหลงที่มา : http://www.  /bookr2/aurapin/t01.html [10 ธันวาคม 2550]. Raymond Murphy (1997). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press. Victoria-Ladybug. (2008). [online]. Available : [2008, March 9].