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•    The branch of knowledge that deals with industrial arts, applied
     science, or engineering

•    The terminology of an art or science

•    A technological process, invention, method, or the like and some of
     the ways in which a social group provides themselves with the
     material objects of their civilization

•    Embedded in the definition is the notion of knowledge.

•    Key to economic progress and technology development is
     knowledge and it spans several levels of development
      it is the outcome of social construction.

•   Individuals / Groups develop ideas, theories, or perspectives. This tacit
    knowledge may be derived from their experiences, experimentation, or

•   The second level consists of tacit knowledge that is verified through
    scientific process of experimentation.

•    Finally, there is a level of development where the knowledge is put to use –
    physically embodied in products, services, or procedures.

    The development is the outcome of human beings actively making
    choices, individually and collectively.

•   Opportunity :- Technology development takes place when human
    beings perceive an opportunity for improvement due to either intrinsic or
    economic reasons.

•   Appropriability:- Where technology development is due to economic
    motives, individuals need assurance for a reasonable benefit / profit

•   Transferability:- Technology or knowledge transfer is not smooth. There
    may be distortions in communication.

•   Resources:- Technology development consumes resources – money,
    time and people. Resources are needed to exploit a technology

    Management of technology links engineering, science, and management
    disciplines to plan, to develop, and to implement technological
    capabilities to shape and accomplish the strategic and operations goals of
    an organization.

•   The emphasis in the management of technology is to accomplish goals of
    an organization

•   Technology management focuses on the development of
    technological capabilities and its deployment in products and processes

•   Technology management within organizations is linked to other
    management functions such as marketing or manufacturing.

• Business firms are defined by the markets they serve. Who are the customers?
• Market based perspective tends to underplay the role of the internal capabilities
  of the firm.

• The bundle of resources and capabilities are the principal strength of an
  organization for defining its identity.
• The internal resources and capabilities provide the foundation to withstand
  uncertainties and changes in the external environment.


•   Effectiveness of a firm is dependent on how it successfully interfaces with
    the environment.
•   To develop ideas about the management of technology within an open
    system view, four major concepts are employed.

                   The firm as a value chain

                   Industries as competitive domains

                   Forms of technological change

                   Value creation and competitive advantage.
•   The value chain help the firm deliver products and services to its customers.

•   Customers conception of value is satisfaction of their need. The value delivered is the
    superiority of the product relative to the price paid in comparison to other competitors.

•   The firms conception of value is the value it creates for the stock holders. The value
    appropriated should exceed the opportunity cost of capital.

•   Every firm is a collection of activities performed to design, produce, market, develop,
    and support its product. The value chain comprise of these activities.

•   Value chain consist of two sets of activities – primary and secondary.

•   Primary activities – inbound logistics, operations, marketing, outbound logistics, and

•   Secondary activities – procurement, technology development, human resource
    management, and firms’ infrastructure.
•   An industry represents a group of firms that offer similar products or
    services to customers. These domains are the competitive domains

•   Industries may have different key competitive resources. These can be
    grouped into three categories.

    Capacity – driven industries – Physical capital investments are relatively
    large in relation to cost or value added.

    Customer driven industries – investments in brands or customer relations
    generally account for a large part of the cost or value added.

    Knowledge driven industries – investments in R & D tend to account for a
    large part of the cost or value added.
Process Technology
•   Process technology pertains to the techniques of producing and marketing goods and

•   It includes work methods, equipments, distribution, and logistics. It is embedded in a
    firms’ value chain.

•   Process technology refers to the way an organization conducts its business.

•   It can reduce cost, or cycle time and improve quality of the product

•   It is less visible in the marketplace. It can be concealed from competitors

Product Technology
•   Refers to the elements of technology embodied in the goods and services of a firm.
    Changes in product technology could range from minor refinements to entirely new

•   Change in product technology add new features or provide superior substitutes for
    existing products.

•   Product technology refers to the output of an organization.

•   It is visible

•   The firm that possess a competitive advantage yield a higher rate of profit. It
    is the ability to create for its customers value that exceeds the firms’ cost of
    creating a product.

•   Value (use, esteem, exchange, and cost)) is what the customers are willing
    to pay

•   Competitive advantage is the key to long term value creation.

•   Competitive advantage is the major objective behind management of
    technology decisions.
Task Environment: -
Refers to the set of customers, suppliers, competitors, and other
environmental agencies directly related to the firm. It is more or less specific
to a firm and is not necessarily shared by its competitors.

Industry / Competitive Environment:-
It is comprised of a firm and its competitors functioning in the same industry.
At this level, environmental factors directly affect all competitors in the same

General or Macro environment:-
Macro environment affects almost all industries. There are four major segments
in the macro environment
These are: Social

•   A major segment of the macro environment

•   Primarily influencing the management of technology

•   Technology environment is most visible because
       - It brings new products process, and materials
       - It directly impacts every aspect of the society
       - It alters the rules of global trade and competition

•   It is composed of institutions that participate in the creation of new
    knowledge and application of that knowledge.

•   Technology development – creation and application of knowledge

•   Changes in technological environment is due to
          - Induced Changes
          - Autonomous Changes

Induced Changes
   - Induced changes represent the technological consequences created by
     social, political, or economic forces.
     e.g. – influence of demographics and lifestyles

Autonomous Changes
   - influence of independent actions of technology developers in their quest
     for competitive advantage
   - independent of forces in other macro environmental segments.
   - Autonomous changes in technology are drivers of social and economic
     - Resource allocated to technology development
     - Changing location of manufacturing facilities
     - Rise of multinationals
     - Comparative advantage of nations

Time Compression
      - Shortened product life cycles
      - Shortened development times
      - Decreasing payback period

Technology Integration
      - Combining technologies to develop new products
      - Combining technologies to commercialize products.
•   To remake, to make new, or to alter
•   Invention – a new combination of pre existing knowledge
•   Innovation – A firm producing goods or service or using a system or
    procedure that is new to it, makes an innovation
•   Invention – if present – is part of the process of innovation
•   Therefore, innovation includes both
        - Technological change new to both enterprise and the economy
        - A change that has diffused into the economy and is adopted by the
•   Innovation refers both to the output and the process of arriving at a
    technologically feasible solution to a problem triggered by a technological
    opportunity or customer need

Process – the process by which organizations arrive at a technical solution
Output – The output of the process of Innovation.
• Components of innovation
  1. A hardware component, consisting of
  the material or physical aspects of the
   2. A software component, consisting of
  the information base that is needed to use
  the innovation
   3. An evaluation information component,
  consisting of the information that is useful
  for decisions related to the adoption of the
• 4 important points about components of an
1. If any component of a specific innovation is
   changed, other components will need to be
2. The hardware and software components are
   intrinsic to the technological innovation
3. All innovations contain hardware and software
   components, they may differ in terms of which
   component is dominant
4. The 3rd component – the evaluation information
   component – is not intrinsic to technology. It
   evaluates usefulness to the firm.

•   Market factors – due to market demands and needs

•   Input factors - rising costs of inputs, trigger innovations aimed at reducing
    the use of expensive inputs

•   Autonomous Innovation – when organizations try to shape the environment
    to its desired direction

•   Market – Pull is the advancement of technology oriented primarily toward a
    specific market need, and only secondarily toward increased technical

•   Technology Push is the advancement of technology oriented primarily
    toward increased technical performance, and only secondarily toward
    specific market needs.
Market – Pull and Technology Push
•   Market pull innovations tend to occur when the customers are
    technologically sophisticated and are excellent sources of ideas for
•   Technology push innovations require the firm to have direct
    experience with users to create successful applications of new
    technology. The firm generate the ideas about the innovation.
•   Market pull innovations tend to occur more frequently in case of
    older technologies, whereas technology push innovations tend to
    occur in new and emerging technologies.
•   In case of push, technical information resides among the innovators,
    and the users are likely to be technically unsophisticated.
•   Market pull innovations are often incremental innovations because
    an established market that informs the need bases its perception of
    opportunity on known technologies. Conversely, technology push is
    often the major source of breakthrough innovations.
Types of Innovation
•   Incremental Innovation - These innovations represent minor
    improvements of changes to the elements of an existing product or
    organizational technologies and practices. Their ini8tiation and
    implementation require little new organizational knowledge.
•   Modular Innovations – These innovations refer to significant changes in
    elements of products, organizational practices, and technologies without
    significant changes to the existing configuration of the elements. Only the
    new components of the of the system needs to be understood.
•   Architectural Innovations – These innovations use existing organizational
    practices and technologies but reconfigure them in new or different ways.
    Thus, their initiation require and organizational knowledge of how existing
    components are to be configured into a new system. No significant new
    knowledge is required.
•   Radical Innovations – These innovations represent revolutionary changes
    that require clear departures from existing organizational practices and
    technologies. Significant new knowledge concerning components and
    configuration is required.
Technology Evolution
 Refers to the changes in the performance characteristics of a specific technology over time

  Six major characteristics or dynamics of
   technological change
1. S curve of technology evolution
2. Technology Progression
3. Levels of technology development
4. Technology change agents
5. Evolutionary characteristics of technological
6. Uncertainty and technological insularity
S Curve – 4 Stages

1st Stage –Emergence – when technology has come into
    existence but shows little improvement in its
    performance characteristic
2nd Stage – Rapid Improvement – when the performance
    characteristic improves at an accelerating pace
3rd Stage – Declining improvement - when the pace of
    improvement declines
4th Stage – Maturity – when further improvements become
    very difficult to achieve
Technology Progression
• Technology progression describes the process by which
  new technologies emerge to make existing technologies
  obsolete. Whereas technology evolution describes the
  incremental improvements in existing technologies,
  technology progression refers to radical breakthroughs
  that produce new technologies. Technology progression
  may be described using a series of S curves.
• Radical breakthroughs generally appear to be a matter of
• Technological progression is also the result of an
  accumulation of relevant know-how or learning.
  Technological change or breakthroughs occurring without
  a history of unsuccessful efforts is rare.
Levels of Technology Development
• From basic research to commercialization, development
  activities take place at many levels – in areas such as
  development, engineering, and operations.
• A different level of technical skill and business orientation
  is needed for each.
• Radical innovations often appear as a matter of chance
  – this is partly because these innovations often require
  integrating developments from a number of levels
• The synthesis resulting from the integration of
  developments then gives the appearance of a radical
Technology Change Agents

• The agents or creators of technological
  change are almost innumerable and vary
  significantly across the levels of
  technological change.
• Independent entrepreneurs, business
  firms, and some governmental agencies
  play leading roles in applied research to
Evolutionary Characteristics of
           Technological Change
• The coexistence of different types of
  innovations- incremental, modular, architectural,
  and radical – and the simultaneous development
  of innovations at multiple levels by numerous
  change agents bestow evolutionary
  characteristics on technological development.

• Thus, technological developments can be
  broken down into a series of small steps.
Uncertainty and Technological Insularity
•   The evolutionary character of technological change suggests that
    the individuals and firms that are engaged in solving technical
    problems face a great degree of uncertainty during innovation.
•   Uncertainty is coped up by engaging in a process of learning –
    gathering information from technological environment,
    experimentation, and imitation.
•   The search for or dissemination of technical information embedded
    in an innovation is governed by the principle of technological
•   This principle suggests that a characteristic feature of technical
    know-how is that it is not easily transmitted.
•   Thus, the know-how acquired in the development of one innovation
    may not be fully transferable to the development of another
     – first hand knowledge is not easily transferred.
     – technical and scientific information in early stages of research is
     – New know-how and knowledge is not easily accepted
• Diffuse means to spread in all directions
• Diffusion is the process by which an
  innovation is propagated through certain
  channels over time among the units of a
• 4 major elements in the definition
   - Innovation
   - Propagation
   - Time
   - System
•   Innovation: A technical solution is considered to be an innovation
    when it is new or perceived as new by the individual or the unit of
    adoption. It does not matter whether or not an idea is objectively
    new or measured by the lapse of time since its use of discovery.
•   Propagation: Propagation refers to the spread of an innovation
    beyond its inventor. Propagation is the result of a decision to adopt
    an innovation by an individual or a firm. An innovation presents an
    uncertain situation to an adopter, and hence the decision to adopt is
    to some extent influenced by the communication process between
    the adopter and the individual who has innovated.
•   Time: The time dimension is involved in diffusion, because it takes
    time for individuals or firms to decide to adopt an innovation. Not all
    adopters adopt an innovation at the same time.
•   System: A system is a set of interlinked units that participate in the
    diffusion process. The members of units of a system may be
    individuals, informal groups, or organizations.
• Diffusion refers only to adoption but not to imitation




                                            Demand –Side

   When a firm innovates, two different groups of players respond to
  the innovation. One group, the customers, makes decisions to adopt
  or not to adopt the innovation. Diffusion refers to adoption decisions
  of this kind. The second group (competitors) may decide to copy the
  innovation to compete with the innovating firm. This is imitation.
Dynamics of Diffusion
• Innovations propagate through a population of
  consumers in the market over time. Not all
  individuals or firms comprising the market adopt
  an innovation at the same time; rather, they
  adopt sequentially over time. This is what we
  mean by the dynamics of diffusion.
• 3 major characteristics of the dynamics of
     - The S curve of diffusion
     - Reinventing during diffusion
     - Mechanisms of diffusion.
The S curve of Diffusion
•   One facet of the dynamics of diffusion is the manner in which the
    total number of adopters of an innovation, individuals or firms,
    changes over time.
                                      Cumulative number of adoptions

                No. of customers
                                           Frequency of Adoption


•   4 major stages in the diffusion history of an innovation
     1. Emergence characterized by a slow advance
     2. A rapid growth phase
     3. A slow growth phase
     4. Maturity – diffusion almost comes to a halt due to saturation or
Reinvention during diffusion
•  Many innovations change over the course of their diffusion history.
   Reinvention refers to the dynamic by which an innovation is changed or
   modified by the users as they adopt and use it.
• 4 ways in which reinvention occurs during diffusion.
  - Improvement in its functional aspects. Changes in the design and
   performance characteristics of an innovation are a prerequisite for its further
   adoption beyond those who have already adopted. These changes require a
   more detailed specification of the user’s requirements; some of the
   requirements will be known only during its initial use by the potential
  - As an innovation diffuses through a consumer population, a standard
   model of innovation may emerge and speed the adoption process. This is in
   case of process innovation
  - The widespread diffusion of innovations often requires development of
   complementary products.
  - Changes in an innovation make possible new applications, thereby
   facilitating its adoption beyond the originally conceived scope of its
Mechanisms of Diffusion
• The reason for S shaped curve of diffusion of innovation is due to the
  two mechanisms by which an innovation propagates through an adopter
    - Technology Substitution
    - Bandwagon Effect
Technology Substitution: The key to the propagation of an innovation
  through the adopter population is by technology substitution.
  Technology substitution refers to the actual substitution of a new
  technique for the old. As new technology outpaces the old technology in
  terms of its performance characteristics, the diffusion of an innovation is
  expected to take place at a rapid rate.
Bandwagon Effect: It is useful for explaining the speed of diffusion. It
  focuses on the dynamic by which later adopters, in their decision to
  adopt an innovation, imitate the behavior of earlier adopters. The
  experience with the use of an innovation increases as each successive
  member in the potential adopter population adopts it. The adoption of
  an innovation beyond the early stage of diffusion is the result of human
  interaction through interpersonal or interorganizational networks.
A Model of Innovation Adoption
                                         Communication Channels
 Problem                 Technology                Solution
Recognition               Selection              Development

Knowledge                 Attitude               Decision                                 Configuration
                         Formation                                      Implementation

                            Relative Advantage
                                Trial ability
Characteristics of the
Decision Making
Unit:                                                       Rejection
2. Personality
3. Communication
A Model of Innovation Adoption
•   Diffusion involves two different groups of players
    1. Firms that may be employing adoption as a way of problem solving
    2. Consumers who may simply be buying a product or service.

•   The decision process that leads either an individual or a firm to adopt an
    innovation involves 5 steps
      1. Awareness: An individual or firm is exposed to an innovation’s
    existence and gains some understanding of how it functions.
      2. Attitude: An individual or firm forms a favorable or an unfavorable
    attitude toward innovation
      3. Decision: This stage consists of the activities of an individual or firm
    that lead to the choice of adopting or rejecting the innovation
      4. Implementation: This occurs when an individual or firm puts an
    innovation into use
      5. Confirmation: This occurs when an individual or firm seeks the
    reinforcement of an innovation decision that has already been made,
    but the unit may reverse the decision if exposed to conflicting messages
    about the innovation

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Tech 1

  • 2. TECHNOLOGY: DEFINITION AND CHARACTERISTICS • The branch of knowledge that deals with industrial arts, applied science, or engineering • The terminology of an art or science • A technological process, invention, method, or the like and some of the ways in which a social group provides themselves with the material objects of their civilization • Embedded in the definition is the notion of knowledge. • Key to economic progress and technology development is knowledge and it spans several levels of development and it is the outcome of social construction.
  • 3. LEVELS OF DEVELOPMENT • Individuals / Groups develop ideas, theories, or perspectives. This tacit knowledge may be derived from their experiences, experimentation, or imagination. • The second level consists of tacit knowledge that is verified through scientific process of experimentation. • Finally, there is a level of development where the knowledge is put to use – physically embodied in products, services, or procedures.
  • 4. TECHNOLOGY AS SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED The development is the outcome of human beings actively making choices, individually and collectively. • Opportunity :- Technology development takes place when human beings perceive an opportunity for improvement due to either intrinsic or economic reasons. • Appropriability:- Where technology development is due to economic motives, individuals need assurance for a reasonable benefit / profit • Transferability:- Technology or knowledge transfer is not smooth. There may be distortions in communication. • Resources:- Technology development consumes resources – money, time and people. Resources are needed to exploit a technology opportunity.
  • 5. MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY Management of technology links engineering, science, and management disciplines to plan, to develop, and to implement technological capabilities to shape and accomplish the strategic and operations goals of an organization. • The emphasis in the management of technology is to accomplish goals of an organization • Technology management focuses on the development of technological capabilities and its deployment in products and processes • Technology management within organizations is linked to other management functions such as marketing or manufacturing.
  • 6. PERSPECTIVES IN TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT MARKET BASED VIEWS • Business firms are defined by the markets they serve. Who are the customers? • Market based perspective tends to underplay the role of the internal capabilities of the firm. RESOURCE BASED VIEWS • The bundle of resources and capabilities are the principal strength of an organization for defining its identity. • The internal resources and capabilities provide the foundation to withstand uncertainties and changes in the external environment. TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FOCUSES ON BOTH – DEVELOPING CAPABILITIES AND DEPLOYING THEM IN VARIOUS MARKETS.
  • 7. FIRMS VIEWED AS OPEN SYSTEM SETS OF INTERRELATED ACTIVITIES THAT INTERFACE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT – CUSTOMERS, COMPETITORS, GOVERNMENT, LABOR MARKETS, SUPPLIERS, ETC. • Effectiveness of a firm is dependent on how it successfully interfaces with the environment. • To develop ideas about the management of technology within an open system view, four major concepts are employed. The firm as a value chain Industries as competitive domains Forms of technological change Value creation and competitive advantage.
  • 8. THE FIRM AS A VALUE CHAIN • The value chain help the firm deliver products and services to its customers. • Customers conception of value is satisfaction of their need. The value delivered is the superiority of the product relative to the price paid in comparison to other competitors. • The firms conception of value is the value it creates for the stock holders. The value appropriated should exceed the opportunity cost of capital. • Every firm is a collection of activities performed to design, produce, market, develop, and support its product. The value chain comprise of these activities. • Value chain consist of two sets of activities – primary and secondary. • Primary activities – inbound logistics, operations, marketing, outbound logistics, and services. • Secondary activities – procurement, technology development, human resource management, and firms’ infrastructure.
  • 9. INDUSTRIES AS COMPETITIVE DOMAINS • An industry represents a group of firms that offer similar products or services to customers. These domains are the competitive domains • Industries may have different key competitive resources. These can be grouped into three categories. Capacity – driven industries – Physical capital investments are relatively large in relation to cost or value added. Customer driven industries – investments in brands or customer relations generally account for a large part of the cost or value added. Knowledge driven industries – investments in R & D tend to account for a large part of the cost or value added.
  • 10. FORMS OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE Process Technology • Process technology pertains to the techniques of producing and marketing goods and services. • It includes work methods, equipments, distribution, and logistics. It is embedded in a firms’ value chain. • Process technology refers to the way an organization conducts its business. • It can reduce cost, or cycle time and improve quality of the product • It is less visible in the marketplace. It can be concealed from competitors Product Technology • Refers to the elements of technology embodied in the goods and services of a firm. Changes in product technology could range from minor refinements to entirely new products • Change in product technology add new features or provide superior substitutes for existing products. • Product technology refers to the output of an organization. • It is visible
  • 11. VALUE CREATION AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE • The firm that possess a competitive advantage yield a higher rate of profit. It is the ability to create for its customers value that exceeds the firms’ cost of creating a product. • Value (use, esteem, exchange, and cost)) is what the customers are willing to pay • Competitive advantage is the key to long term value creation. • Competitive advantage is the major objective behind management of technology decisions.
  • 12. LEVELS OF ENVIRONMENT Task Environment: - Refers to the set of customers, suppliers, competitors, and other environmental agencies directly related to the firm. It is more or less specific to a firm and is not necessarily shared by its competitors. Industry / Competitive Environment:- It is comprised of a firm and its competitors functioning in the same industry. At this level, environmental factors directly affect all competitors in the same industry. General or Macro environment:- Macro environment affects almost all industries. There are four major segments in the macro environment These are: Social Economic Political Technological
  • 13. TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT • A major segment of the macro environment • Primarily influencing the management of technology • Technology environment is most visible because - It brings new products process, and materials - It directly impacts every aspect of the society - It alters the rules of global trade and competition • It is composed of institutions that participate in the creation of new knowledge and application of that knowledge. • Technology development – creation and application of knowledge
  • 14. CHANGES IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT • Changes in technological environment is due to - Induced Changes - Autonomous Changes Induced Changes - Induced changes represent the technological consequences created by social, political, or economic forces. e.g. – influence of demographics and lifestyles Autonomous Changes - influence of independent actions of technology developers in their quest for competitive advantage - independent of forces in other macro environmental segments. - Autonomous changes in technology are drivers of social and economic change
  • 15. CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT Globalization - Resource allocated to technology development - Changing location of manufacturing facilities - Rise of multinationals - Comparative advantage of nations Time Compression - Shortened product life cycles - Shortened development times - Decreasing payback period Technology Integration - Combining technologies to develop new products - Combining technologies to commercialize products.
  • 16. INNOVATION • To remake, to make new, or to alter • Invention – a new combination of pre existing knowledge • Innovation – A firm producing goods or service or using a system or procedure that is new to it, makes an innovation • Invention – if present – is part of the process of innovation • Therefore, innovation includes both - Technological change new to both enterprise and the economy - A change that has diffused into the economy and is adopted by the firm • Innovation refers both to the output and the process of arriving at a technologically feasible solution to a problem triggered by a technological opportunity or customer need Process – the process by which organizations arrive at a technical solution Output – The output of the process of Innovation.
  • 17. • Components of innovation 1. A hardware component, consisting of the material or physical aspects of the innovation 2. A software component, consisting of the information base that is needed to use the innovation 3. An evaluation information component, consisting of the information that is useful for decisions related to the adoption of the innovations.
  • 18. • 4 important points about components of an innovation 1. If any component of a specific innovation is changed, other components will need to be changed 2. The hardware and software components are intrinsic to the technological innovation 3. All innovations contain hardware and software components, they may differ in terms of which component is dominant 4. The 3rd component – the evaluation information component – is not intrinsic to technology. It evaluates usefulness to the firm.
  • 19. DRIVERS OF INNOVATION • Market factors – due to market demands and needs • Input factors - rising costs of inputs, trigger innovations aimed at reducing the use of expensive inputs • Autonomous Innovation – when organizations try to shape the environment to its desired direction
  • 20. PROCESS OF INNOVATION • Market – Pull is the advancement of technology oriented primarily toward a specific market need, and only secondarily toward increased technical performance. • Technology Push is the advancement of technology oriented primarily toward increased technical performance, and only secondarily toward specific market needs.
  • 21. Market – Pull and Technology Push • Market pull innovations tend to occur when the customers are technologically sophisticated and are excellent sources of ideas for innovation. • Technology push innovations require the firm to have direct experience with users to create successful applications of new technology. The firm generate the ideas about the innovation. • Market pull innovations tend to occur more frequently in case of older technologies, whereas technology push innovations tend to occur in new and emerging technologies. • In case of push, technical information resides among the innovators, and the users are likely to be technically unsophisticated. • Market pull innovations are often incremental innovations because an established market that informs the need bases its perception of opportunity on known technologies. Conversely, technology push is often the major source of breakthrough innovations.
  • 22. Types of Innovation • Incremental Innovation - These innovations represent minor improvements of changes to the elements of an existing product or organizational technologies and practices. Their ini8tiation and implementation require little new organizational knowledge. • Modular Innovations – These innovations refer to significant changes in elements of products, organizational practices, and technologies without significant changes to the existing configuration of the elements. Only the new components of the of the system needs to be understood. • Architectural Innovations – These innovations use existing organizational practices and technologies but reconfigure them in new or different ways. Thus, their initiation require and organizational knowledge of how existing components are to be configured into a new system. No significant new knowledge is required. • Radical Innovations – These innovations represent revolutionary changes that require clear departures from existing organizational practices and technologies. Significant new knowledge concerning components and configuration is required.
  • 23. Technology Evolution Refers to the changes in the performance characteristics of a specific technology over time Six major characteristics or dynamics of technological change 1. S curve of technology evolution 2. Technology Progression 3. Levels of technology development 4. Technology change agents 5. Evolutionary characteristics of technological change 6. Uncertainty and technological insularity
  • 24. S Curve – 4 Stages 1st Stage –Emergence – when technology has come into existence but shows little improvement in its performance characteristic 2nd Stage – Rapid Improvement – when the performance characteristic improves at an accelerating pace 3rd Stage – Declining improvement - when the pace of improvement declines 4th Stage – Maturity – when further improvements become very difficult to achieve
  • 25. Technology Progression • Technology progression describes the process by which new technologies emerge to make existing technologies obsolete. Whereas technology evolution describes the incremental improvements in existing technologies, technology progression refers to radical breakthroughs that produce new technologies. Technology progression may be described using a series of S curves. • Radical breakthroughs generally appear to be a matter of chance • Technological progression is also the result of an accumulation of relevant know-how or learning. Technological change or breakthroughs occurring without a history of unsuccessful efforts is rare.
  • 26. Levels of Technology Development • From basic research to commercialization, development activities take place at many levels – in areas such as development, engineering, and operations. • A different level of technical skill and business orientation is needed for each. • Radical innovations often appear as a matter of chance – this is partly because these innovations often require integrating developments from a number of levels • The synthesis resulting from the integration of developments then gives the appearance of a radical breakthrough.
  • 27. Technology Change Agents • The agents or creators of technological change are almost innumerable and vary significantly across the levels of technological change. • Independent entrepreneurs, business firms, and some governmental agencies play leading roles in applied research to commercialization
  • 28. Evolutionary Characteristics of Technological Change • The coexistence of different types of innovations- incremental, modular, architectural, and radical – and the simultaneous development of innovations at multiple levels by numerous change agents bestow evolutionary characteristics on technological development. • Thus, technological developments can be broken down into a series of small steps.
  • 29. Uncertainty and Technological Insularity • The evolutionary character of technological change suggests that the individuals and firms that are engaged in solving technical problems face a great degree of uncertainty during innovation. • Uncertainty is coped up by engaging in a process of learning – gathering information from technological environment, experimentation, and imitation. • The search for or dissemination of technical information embedded in an innovation is governed by the principle of technological insularity. • This principle suggests that a characteristic feature of technical know-how is that it is not easily transmitted. • Thus, the know-how acquired in the development of one innovation may not be fully transferable to the development of another innovation. – first hand knowledge is not easily transferred. – technical and scientific information in early stages of research is expensive – New know-how and knowledge is not easily accepted
  • 30. DIFFUSION • Diffuse means to spread in all directions • Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is propagated through certain channels over time among the units of a system. • 4 major elements in the definition - Innovation - Propagation - Time - System
  • 31. Innovation: A technical solution is considered to be an innovation when it is new or perceived as new by the individual or the unit of adoption. It does not matter whether or not an idea is objectively new or measured by the lapse of time since its use of discovery. • Propagation: Propagation refers to the spread of an innovation beyond its inventor. Propagation is the result of a decision to adopt an innovation by an individual or a firm. An innovation presents an uncertain situation to an adopter, and hence the decision to adopt is to some extent influenced by the communication process between the adopter and the individual who has innovated. • Time: The time dimension is involved in diffusion, because it takes time for individuals or firms to decide to adopt an innovation. Not all adopters adopt an innovation at the same time. • System: A system is a set of interlinked units that participate in the diffusion process. The members of units of a system may be individuals, informal groups, or organizations.
  • 32. • Diffusion refers only to adoption but not to imitation Supply-Side Competitors Imitation Innovation Diffusion Consumers Demand –Side When a firm innovates, two different groups of players respond to the innovation. One group, the customers, makes decisions to adopt or not to adopt the innovation. Diffusion refers to adoption decisions of this kind. The second group (competitors) may decide to copy the innovation to compete with the innovating firm. This is imitation.
  • 33. Dynamics of Diffusion • Innovations propagate through a population of consumers in the market over time. Not all individuals or firms comprising the market adopt an innovation at the same time; rather, they adopt sequentially over time. This is what we mean by the dynamics of diffusion. • 3 major characteristics of the dynamics of diffusion. - The S curve of diffusion - Reinventing during diffusion - Mechanisms of diffusion.
  • 34. The S curve of Diffusion • One facet of the dynamics of diffusion is the manner in which the total number of adopters of an innovation, individuals or firms, changes over time. Cumulative number of adoptions No. of customers Frequency of Adoption Time • 4 major stages in the diffusion history of an innovation 1. Emergence characterized by a slow advance 2. A rapid growth phase 3. A slow growth phase 4. Maturity – diffusion almost comes to a halt due to saturation or replacement
  • 35. Reinvention during diffusion • Many innovations change over the course of their diffusion history. Reinvention refers to the dynamic by which an innovation is changed or modified by the users as they adopt and use it. • 4 ways in which reinvention occurs during diffusion. - Improvement in its functional aspects. Changes in the design and performance characteristics of an innovation are a prerequisite for its further adoption beyond those who have already adopted. These changes require a more detailed specification of the user’s requirements; some of the requirements will be known only during its initial use by the potential adopters. - As an innovation diffuses through a consumer population, a standard model of innovation may emerge and speed the adoption process. This is in case of process innovation - The widespread diffusion of innovations often requires development of complementary products. - Changes in an innovation make possible new applications, thereby facilitating its adoption beyond the originally conceived scope of its application.
  • 36. Mechanisms of Diffusion • The reason for S shaped curve of diffusion of innovation is due to the two mechanisms by which an innovation propagates through an adopter population - Technology Substitution - Bandwagon Effect Technology Substitution: The key to the propagation of an innovation through the adopter population is by technology substitution. Technology substitution refers to the actual substitution of a new technique for the old. As new technology outpaces the old technology in terms of its performance characteristics, the diffusion of an innovation is expected to take place at a rapid rate. Bandwagon Effect: It is useful for explaining the speed of diffusion. It focuses on the dynamic by which later adopters, in their decision to adopt an innovation, imitate the behavior of earlier adopters. The experience with the use of an innovation increases as each successive member in the potential adopter population adopts it. The adoption of an innovation beyond the early stage of diffusion is the result of human interaction through interpersonal or interorganizational networks.
  • 37. A Model of Innovation Adoption Communication Channels Problem Technology Solution Implementation Recognition Selection Development Knowledge Attitude Decision Configuration Formation Implementation Adoption Relative Advantage Compatibility Complexity Trial ability Characteristics of the Observability Decision Making Unit: Rejection 1.Socioeconomic Factors 2. Personality Variables 3. Communication Behavior
  • 38. A Model of Innovation Adoption • Diffusion involves two different groups of players 1. Firms that may be employing adoption as a way of problem solving 2. Consumers who may simply be buying a product or service. • The decision process that leads either an individual or a firm to adopt an innovation involves 5 steps 1. Awareness: An individual or firm is exposed to an innovation’s existence and gains some understanding of how it functions. 2. Attitude: An individual or firm forms a favorable or an unfavorable attitude toward innovation 3. Decision: This stage consists of the activities of an individual or firm that lead to the choice of adopting or rejecting the innovation 4. Implementation: This occurs when an individual or firm puts an innovation into use 5. Confirmation: This occurs when an individual or firm seeks the reinforcement of an innovation decision that has already been made, but the unit may reverse the decision if exposed to conflicting messages about the innovation