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[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 1
1. OOppeenn aa nneeww WWoorrdd DDooccuummeenntt:
Start Microsoft Office Word 2007 Office Button (click) New Blank
document Create(click).
2. SSeett tthhee ppaappeerr ssiizzee ttoo AA44:
Click Page Layout Tab In the Page Setup group, click Size A4(click).
3. SSeett mmaarrggiinn ttoo TToopp:: 00..55””,, BBoottttoomm:: 00..55””,, LLeefftt:: 00..55””,, RRiigghhtt 00..44””,, aanndd GGuutttteerr ppoossiittiioonn ttoo
lleefftt aanndd ttoo 00..22””:
Click Page Layout Tab In the Page Setup group, click Margins Custom Margins (click)
Margins (click) set margin as follow
Ok (click).
4. SSeett oorriieennttaattiioonn ttoo ppoorrttrraaiitt:
Click Page Layout Tab In the Page Setup group, click Orientation Portrait
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
5. IInnsseerrtt hheeaaddeerr aanndd ffooootteerr,, WWrriittee aa ddooccuummeenntt ttiittllee ““MMiiccrroossoofftt ooffffiiccee wwoorrdd 22000077”” iinn
hheeaaddeerr aanndd iinn ffooootteerr ppuutt ppaaggee nnuummbbeerr:
Click Insert Tab In the Header & Footer group, click Header Edit Header
Type a document title ”Microsoft office word 2007” in header Double click on
Click Insert Tab In the Header & Footer group, click Footer Click “Conservative”
Design from the gallery.
6. TTyyppee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg TTeexxtt:
Research has shon that people who use the Microsoft office system today perform
specific tasks with their favorite application. One person produces a quarterly income
statement in Microsoft Office Word; another writes the company newsletter in Microsoft
Office Word; another create a presentations for the monthly sales meeting. The all use
Microsoft Office Outlook for e-mail; some use it to create tasks; other use Office Outlook
with Business Contact Manager to track sales leads, contacts, and accounts for their
small business. But research has also shown that most of us only certain features. We
don‟t often venture out into the unknown, try new things, or explore the full capabilities of
the programs.
a) SSaavvee tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt iinn ddeesskkttoopp aanndd nnaammee AAssssgg11MMSSOOffffiiccee..ddooccxx:
After type the following text
Click Office Button Save (click) In the File name text box, type name of the
file-“Assg1MSOffice” Desktop (click) Save (click).
b) CClloossee tthhee ddooccuummeenntt:
Click Office Button Close (click).
c) NNooww ooppeenn tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt:
Start Microsoft Office Word 2007 Office Button (click) Open (click)
Desktop (click) Click on file name “Assg1MSOffice” Open (click).
7. SSeett ffoonntt ooff tthhee ddooccuummeenntt ttoo CCoonnssttaannttiiaa,, ssiizzee 1111:
Select the whole text Click Home Tab Click Font (Button “A”) to choose
font face “Constantia” and click Font (Button “B”) to select the font size “11”.
8. CChhaannggee tthhee ffoonntt ooff ““MMiiccrroossoofftt ooffffiiccee WWoorrdd”” ttoo BBoolldd:
Select the following text -“Microsoft office Word” Press Ctrl+B (from keyboard).
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
9. SSeett ddrroopp ccaapp ffoorr tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt,, ““RR”” ffoorr tthhee ““RReesseeaarrcchh””,, aanndd sseett iitt ffoorr ttwwoo lliinneess:
Click on the 1st
line (Research has…….) Click Insert Tab In the text group, click
Drop Cap Drop Cap Options… Click Dropped under position and set Lines to
Drop: 2 OK (click).
10. FFiinndd tthhee wwoorrdd „„MMiiccrroossoofftt‟‟ aanndd rreeppllaaccee iitt wwiitthh „„MMSS‟‟:
Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Find Type „Microsoft‟ beside Find
Word Reading Highlight (click) Highlight All (click) Replace (click)
Type „MS‟ beside Replace with Replace All (click)
11. SSeett ppaarraaggrraapphh ssppaacciinngg ttoo bbeeffoorree 00 pptt && 1100 pptt:
Select all of the text before proceeding Select the "Home" menu. In the Paragraph
section, click on the little box to the right of Paragraph. A dialog box will appear
Click on the "Indents and Spacing" tab. Look for the Spacing section toward the bottom.
The Before and After boxes on the left side are for the amount of space before and after
each paragraph. Set 0 in the Before box and 10 in the After box, this is about the right
amount of spacing between paragraphs OK(click).
12. CCooppyy aabboovvee tteexxtt && ppaasstt iitt aatt aa nneeww ppaarraaggrraapphh:
Select all text, press Ctrl+C from keyboard Place the curser just after the last the
paragraph press Enter from keyboard press Ctrl+V from keyboard.
13. MMaakkee SSoommee SSppeelllliinngg mmiissttaakkee aatt tthhee nneeww ppaarraaggrraapphh((uussiinngg rreeppllaaccee ttooooll)):
a) Shown shon
b) Another another
c) Research research
Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Replace Type „Shown‟ beside
Find What Type „shon‟ beside Replace with Replace All (click), b and c
same as.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
14. NNooww ccoorrrreecctt tthhoossee mmiissttaakkeess uussiinngg ““SSppeelllliinngg && GGrraammmmaarr”” ttoooollss:
Select the word (shon) Right click on Select word Spelling…(click)
Auto correct (click) yes (click).
15. CCooppyy tthhee ““AAssssgg11MMSSOOffffiiccee..ddooccxx”” ttoo aannootthheerr llooccaattiioonn,, ooppeenn tthhee ddooccuummeenntt ffrroomm
bbootthh llooccaattiioonn,, aanndd
Select the file Right click Copy Open D: Drive from my computer and
right click Paste after that open the document from both location (Desktop &
D: drive) by using double click.
a) PPllaaccee tthhee ccuurrssoorr jjuusstt aafftteerr tthhee ffiirrsstt ppaarraaggrraapphh aanndd iinnsseerrtt aa bbllaannkk ppaaggee iinn oonnee
Place the curser just after the first the paragraph Click Insert Tab In the
Page group, click Blank Page.
b) PPllaaccee tthhee ccuurrssoorr jjuusstt aafftteerr tthhee ffiirrsstt ppaarraaggrraapphh aanndd iinnsseerrtt aa ppaaggee bbrreeaakk iinn aannootthheerr
Place the curser just after the first the paragraph Click Insert Tab In the
Page group, click Page Break.
c) NNooww ddiiffffeerreennttiiaattee bbeettwweeeenn tthheemm((WWhhaatt hhaappppeenneedd??)):
After click Blank
page we show
that the first
paragraph show
in 1st
page and
rest portion of text
appear in last
after the blank
On the other hand after
click Page break we
show that the first paragraph
show in 1st
page and rest
portion of text appear in last
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 2
1. OOppeenn aa nneeww wwoorrdd ddooccuummeenntt aanndd wwrriittee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg tteexxtt aass iitt iiss:
After write the following text Select the text, Ctrl+c Click Page Layout Tab
In the Page Setup group, click Columns Three (click) press Enter repeatedly at
The end of the last line press Ctrl+v press Enter repeatedly at the end of the
last line press Ctrl+v.
2. TTyyppee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ddooccuummeenntt aass iitt iiss:
Item Cost/unit Total Cost
Surf Excel 30 180.00
Lux 18 36.00
Park Avenue 36 216.00
Lotus 72 1440.00
Click View Tab In the Document Views group, click Print Layout
a) The tab selector button. Click to cycle through all the types of tab stops
b) Tab stops positioned along the horizontal ruler
set tabs by clicking the tab selector at the left end of the ruler until it displays the
type of tab(Left Tab) and then clicking the ruler at the location Center Tab and Right
Tab have done by same process.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Type „Item‟ from keyboard Press Tab from keyboard Type „Cost/unit‟
Then press Tab Type „Total Cost‟ Press Enter Type the rest portion as
Same process Select Item, Cost/unit and Total Cost press Ctrl+U from keyboard.
3. TTyyppee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg:
a) Microsoft CorporationTM
At fast type the following „Microsoft CorporationTM‟ After that just select „TM‟ and
Click Home Tab In the Font group, click Superscript.
b) A2
At first type the following „A2+B2=(A+B) -2AB‟ After that just select as follow
Click Home Tab In the Font group, click Superscript.
4. TTyyppee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg.
sammilani mahavidyalaya,then change it to a) SAMMILANI MAHAVIDYALAYA,
b) Sammilani Mahavidyalaya ,c) sAMMILANI mAHAVIDYALAYA(using change case):
At first type the following „sammilani mahavidyalaya„ select the following
Click Home Tab In the Font group, click Change case Click the
a)UPPERCASE b)Capital each word c)tOGGLE cASE
Change case
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
5. KKeeeepp ‟‟SSaammmmiillaannii MMaahhaavviiddyyaallaayyaa‟‟ ttoo SSppiicckk CCoonntteenntt,, tthheenn kkeeeepp „„MMiiccrroossoofftt
CCoorrppoorraattiioonn‟‟ aallssoo ttoo SSppiicckk CCoonntteenntt tthheenn aatt nneeww lliinnee:
After using change case select the following Click Home Tab In the Font
group, click Change case Click the
a)UPPERCASE b)Capital each word c)tOGGLE cASE
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 3
1. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee:
Name of the
Actual Amount Quantity VAT(%) Total Amount
Pen 15 10 4 156
Note Book 10 5 6 53
Scale 12 20 12 268.8
Eraser 5 25 12 140
CCaallccuullaattee ttoottaall aammoouunntt uussiinngg ffuunnccttiioonn && aauuttoo ssuumm:
Click Insert Tab In the Tables group, click Table Insert table (click) Type „5‟
beside the Number of columns and also type „5‟ beside the Number of rows OK (click)
now type the following data place cursor under the Total Amount
Click Layout Tab In the Data group, click Formula type the following formula
Under Formula =(B2*C2)+(B2*C2)*D2/100 OK(click)
Actual Amount denote by B2, Quantity denote by C2 and VAT denote by D2
Total amount of Note Book, Scale and Eraser is done by same process.
2. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee:
Salary Gross Comm
Isha 6000 6000 500
Anju 10000 12000 800
Rahul 15000 18000 1200
Suman 12000 14000 900
NNooww iinnsseerrtt aa bbeerr cchhaarrtt ffrroomm tthhoossee ddaattaa
After create the table, select the table Click Insert Tab In the lllustrations group,
click Chart Bar (click) OK (click)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
3. WWrriittee aa lleetttteerr ttoo aatt lleeaasstt ssiixx ffrriieennddss iinnvviittiinngg tthheemm ttoo jjooiinn yyoouurr bbiirrtthhddaayy ppaarrttyy.. ((TThhee
bbooddyy ooff tthhee lleetttteerr mmuusstt bbee ssaammee ffoorr aallll ffrriieennddss)):
1. a) On the Mailings tab, click Start Mail Merge, and then click Step by Step Mail Merge
Wizard. The Mail Merge task pane appears.
b) In the Mail Merge task pane, click to select Letters under Select document type.
c ) Click Next: Starting document.
2. a) Under Select starting document, Choose Use The document
b) Click Next: Select recipients
3. a) Under Select recipients,Choose Type a new list, and then click Create to type the
six friends names (Kamal, Atish, Purnendu, Giri, Biblob & Ramesh) and address into
the New Address List dialog box by click new entry. Then click OK and save it.
b) Click Next: Write your letter.
Writing the following latter,
Dear Kamal
Bankura - 722102
You will be glad to know that my birthday falls on 21st Aug. and this time I am
planning to celebrate it at home. There is going to be a small tea party in the
evening after 7 P.M. Also, there will be a dance and music program. I am going
to invite all my friends and relatives. I strongly desire that you should also come
on my birthday and grace the occasion with your presence. I hope that you will
not reject my invitation. Do reach in time.
Your faithfully
Sonarpur Jaydip
4. a) Under Write your letter, choose other fields from my Address List, click the More
Items option to select the field(First_Name, Address_Line_1 & ZIP_Code)
b) Click Next: Preview your letter.
5. a) Click Next: Complete the merge to continue.
6. a) Under Complete the merge, Click Print and select All and after that click OK.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 1
1. OOppeenn aa nneeww EExxcceell WWoorrkkbbooookk:
Click Start button Programs Microsoft office Microsoft office Excel 2007
2. EEnntteerr tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ddaattaa iinnttoo SShheeeett 11:
Enter the following data, select cell A1 Click Home Tab In the Paragraph group,
Click Center (icon).
a) EEnntteerr aa nneeww ccoolluummnn bbeettwweeeenn cchheemm.. AAnndd mmaatthh nnaammeedd EEnngg aanndd iinnsseerrtt ffoolllloowwiinngg ddaattaa
ffrroomm cceellll DD22 ttoo DD66 aass ((6622,,5555,,7711,,5511 && 6655)):
Select column „E‟ Right click on column „E‟ Insert and insert following data from
cell D2 to D6 as (62,55,71,51 & 65).
b) EEnntteerr aa nneeww rrooww bbeettwweeeenn AAkkaasshh && BBiiddiisshhaa nnaammeedd MMiillaann aanndd iinnsseerrtt ffoolllloowwiinngg ddaattaa
PPhhyysscc__8822,, CChheemm__7799,, MMaatthh__8844 && EEnngg__6688:
Select row „4‟ Right click on row „4‟ insert and insert following data
Physc_82, Chem_79, Math_84 & Eng_68.
c) GGiivvee aa bboorrddeerr ttoo oonnllyy tthhee ddaattaa aarreeaa:
Select the data Click Home Tab In the Font group, click (icon)
All Borders(click)
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
d) CChhaannggee FFoonntt ssttyyllee ooff aallll nnaammeess aanndd nnuummbbeerrss ttoo BBooookkmmaann OOlldd SSttyyllee,, SSiizzee 1144,, FFiirrsstt
lleetttteerr ooff eevveerryy nnaammee ffiilleedd BBoolldd aanndd SSeett ssoommee ssuuiittaabbllee bbaacckkggrroowwnn ccoolloouurr ffoorr ddiiffffeerreenntt
cceellllss.. SSeett ssaammee ccoolloorr ffoorr ssaammee ttyyppee ooff cceellllss)):
Select the whole data Click Home Tab In the Font group ,Click Font to choose
font face “Bookman Old Style” and click Font Size to select the font size “11”
Select First letter of every name filed press Ctrl+B Select the Same type of
Cell Click Home Tab In the Font group, click Fill Color(icon) and choose any
suitable colour by click.
e) SSeett aalliiggnnmmeenntt ooff eeaacchh cceellll ccoonntteenntt ttoo cceenntteerr ffrroomm bbootthh hhoorriizzoonnttaall && vveerrttiiccaall:
Select the whole data Click Home Tab In the Paragraph group, click Paragraph
(show the Paragraph dialog box) Alignment Set center from both horizontal &
Vertical OK(click).
f) SSaavvee tthhiiss EExxcceell wwoorrkkbbooookk aass EExxcceellAAssssgg11..xxllssxx iinn ddeesskkttoopp:
Click Office Button Save (click) In the File name text box, type name of the file-
„ExcelAssg1‟ Desktop (click) Save (click).
g) DDeelleettee aallll iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn‟‟ss ooff bbootthh PPaallllaabb aanndd PPhhyysscc ffrroomm tthhee ttaabbllee ((DDeelleettee bbootthh rrooww
aanndd ccoolluummnn)):
Select cell „2‟ Right click on cell „2‟ Delete Select column „B‟ Right
click on column „B‟ Delete.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 2
1. OOppeenn aa nneeww EExxcceell WWoorrkkbbooookk aanndd EEnntteerr 2255 nnuummbbeerrss iinn aa ccoolluummnn wwiitthh tthhee sseeqquueennccee:
Click Office Button New (click) Blank Workbook Create (click).
Click on cell „A1‟,and just type „2‟ Click on cell „A2‟,and type =A1+3
Click Copy Pointer of cell „A2‟ and drag it up to cell „A25‟.
2. NNooww sswwiittcchh ttoo SShheeeett 22 aanndd eenntteerr ffoolllloowwiinngg nnuummbbeerrss iinn aa rrooww oorr ccoolluummnn uussiinngg tthhee
pprrooppeerr ffuunnccttiioonn aanndd AAuuttoo ffiillll.. 22,, 33,, 55,, 99,, 1177,, ………….... ,, 551133:
Switch to Sheet 2 by a click in Sheet 2(icon)
Click on cell „A1‟,and just type „2‟ Click on cell „A2‟,and type =(A1*2)-1 Click
Copy Pointer of cell „A2‟ and drag it up to cell „A10‟.
3. SSaavvee tthhiiss wwoorrkkbbooookk EExxcceellAAssssgg22..xxllssxx:
Click Office Button Save (click) In the File name text box, type name of the file-
„ExcelAssg2‟ Desktop (click) Save (click).
4. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg EExxcceell ttaabbllee:
5. CCaallccuullaattee ttoottaall uussiinngg AAuuttoo SSuumm:
Click on cell „F2‟ Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Auto Sum icon
Sum (click) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „F2‟ and drag it up to cell „F7‟.
6. TThheenn ccaallccuullaattee AAvveerraaggee aanndd GGrraaddee.. CCoonnddiittiioonnss ooff ggrraaddeess aarree aass ffoolllloowwiinnggss:
Avg>=90 „O‟
Avg>=80 „A‟
Avg>=70 „B‟
Avg>=60 „C‟
Avg>=50 „D‟
Avg<=50 „FAIL‟
UUssiinngg ffuunnccttiioonn ttoo ccaallccuullaattee ggrraaddee:
Click on cell „G2‟ Type the following formula =AVERAGE(C2:E2) Enter
Click Copy Pointer of cell „G2‟ and drag it up to cell „G7‟.
Click on cell „H2‟ Type the following formula
=IF(G2>90,"O",IF(G2>80,"A",IF(G2>70,"B ",IF(G2>60,"C",IF(G2>50,"D","FAIL")))))
Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „G2‟ and drag it up to cell „G7‟.
Here, Avg denoted by G2 and Grade denoted by H2
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 3
Calculate the following table:
a) For D.A. Basic>=10000 Basic×8%
b) For D.A. Basic>=8000 Basic×6%
c) For D.A. Basic<=8000 Basic×4%
Click on cell „D2‟ Type the following formula
=IF(C2>=10000,C2*8/100,IF(C2>=8000,C2*6/100,C2*4/100)) Enter Click
Copy Pointer of cell „D2‟ and drag it up to cell „D8‟.
b) For H.R.A. Whose address is Kolkata or Asansol and Basic≥10000, Basic ×7.5%,
otherwise Basic×5%:
Click on cell „E2‟ Type the following formula
Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „E2‟ and drag it up to cell „E8‟.
c) For total salary : Basic+D.A.+H.R.A.
Click on cell „F2‟ Type the following formula =SUM(C2:E2) Enter
Click Copy Pointer of cell „F2‟ and drag it up to cell „F8‟.
d) For Yearly Salary : Total×12
Click on cell „G2‟ Type the following formula =F2*12 Enter Click
Copy Pointer of cell „G2‟ and drag it up to cell „G8‟.
Here, Basic denoted by C2 and D.A. denoted by D2
Here, H.R.A. denoted by E2 and Address & Basic denoted by B2 & C2
Here, Total Salary denoted by F2 and Basic & H.R.A. denoted by C2 & E2
Here, Yearly Salary denoted by G2 and Total Salary denoted by F2
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
e) For Income Tax : Y.S. up to 50 000 No Tax
Y.S. for 50 000 1 00 000 Y.S.×5%
Y.S. for 1 00 000 1 50 000 Y.S.×10%
Y.S. for above 1 50 000 Y.S.×15%
Click on cell „H2‟ Type the following formula =IF(G2<=50000,0,IF(G2<=
+0+2500+5000))) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „H2‟ and drag it up to cell „H8‟.
f) To calculate P.F. : (Total Salary×20%) + (Basic×30%)
Click on cell „I2‟ Type the following formula =(F2*20/100)+(C2*30/100)
Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „I2‟ and drag it up to cell „I8‟.
g) Monthly net Salary {Total Salary-(I.T./12+P.F.)
Click on cell „F2‟ Type the following formula =F2-(H2/12+I2) Enter Click
Copy Pointer of cell „F2‟ and drag it up to cell „F8‟.
Here, P.F. denoted by I2 and Total Salary & Basic denoted by F2 & C2
Here, Yearly Salary denoted by G2 and I.T. denoted by H2
Here, Total Salary denoted by F2 and I.T. & P.F. denoted by H2 & I2
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 4
1. IInnsseerrtt aa lliinnee cchhaarrtt ffoorr tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ddaattaa:
At 1st
create this data Select this data Click Insert Tab In the Charts group,
click line chose a Style(like line) by click.
2. Insert aa ppiiee cchhaarrtt ffoorr aabboovvee ttaabbllee aanndd ccoommppaarree ssccoorree ddoonnee bbyyee VViirraatt && GGaammvviirr ooff
MMaattcchh 55..TThhee ssttrruuccttuurree sshhoouulldd bbee lliikkee tthhiiss:
Select columns F1,F2&F3 Click Insert Tab In the Charts group, click pie
and chose a Style(like pie) by click Click Design Tab In the Chart Latouts group,
click Layout 1 Select % box and drag it outside like picture, edit the text like(add name)
Click outside of working area.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
3. IInnsseerrtt aa ccoolluummnn cchhaarrtt ffoorr tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee:
((uussee DDoocc,, WWiinnddoowwss,, WWoorrdd && AAvvgg.. ffiieellddss oonnllyy ffoorr tthhee cchhaarrtt,, && sseett tthhee ffiieelldd ccoolloorr ooff AAvvgg.. iinn
tthhee cchhaarrtt aass bbllaacckk..))
Select Doc, Windows, Word & Avg. fields Click Insert Tab In the Charts group,
click column and chose a Style(like column) by click Click Avg. column in the chart
Click Home Tab In the Font group, click Fill Color and chose black by click.
4. IInnsseerrtt aa bbaarr cchhaarrtt ffrroomm tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee:
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
a) CCoommppaarree tthhee rreessuulltt ooff aallll ssuubbjjeecctt SSttuuddeenntt wwiissee:
Select the table Click Insert Tab In the Charts group, click bar and chose a
Style (like bar) by click.
b) CCoommppaarree tthhee rreessuulltt ooff aallll ss ssttuuddeenntt SSuubbjjeecctt wwiissee:
After a) right click on the chart click Select Data… Switch Row/Column
(click) OK(click).
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 5
1. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee:
a) CCaallccuullaattee ttoottaall uussiinngg AAuuttoo SSuumm:
Click on cell „D2‟ Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Auto Sum icon
Sum (click) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „D2‟ and drag it up to cell „D21‟.
b) SSoorrtt tthhee ttaabbllee bbyy ttoottaall:
Select the table Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Sort and Filter icon
Custom Sort Chose Total (Beside Sort by) OK (click).
c) SShhooww ttoopp tthhrreeee rreessuullttss:
Select the table Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Sort and Filter icon
Filter Total (showing all) icon Number Filters Top 10… Select
3(in place of 10) OK (click).
d) SShhooww rreessuulltt bbeettwweeeenn 112200 aanndd 9911 iinncclluuddiinngg bbootthh ooff tthheemm:
Click Total (showing all) icon Number Filters Between.. Type 120 & 91
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
e) SShhooww rreessuulltt ggrreeaatteerr tthheenn 112299 aanndd lleessss tthheenn 6611:
Click Total (showing all) icon Number Filters Greater Than and type „129‟
OK (click).
Click Total (showing all) icon Number Filters Less Than and type „61‟
OK (click).
2. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee iinn aa nneeww sshheeeett,, ccaallccuullaattee ttoottaall sseellll aanndd rreennaammee tthhee sshheeeett
as MMaarrkkeettiinngg.. NNooww ggoo bbaacckk ttoo ddeeffaauulltt sshheeeett aanndd ccaallccuullaattee aavveerraaggee sseellll iinn tthhiiss sshheeeett
uussiinngg ddaattaa ooff sshheeeett nnaammee MMaarrkkeettiinngg:
After creating the table in Sheet 2, click on cell ‟B7‟ type the formula =SUM(B3:B6)
Right click on Sheet 2(name) Rename (click) type from keyboard
„Marketing‟ Enter Now go back to default Sheet (Sheet 1) Enter the
formula in cell‟A1‟ for calculate average sell in this sheet using data of sheet name
Marketing is =AVERAGE(Marketing!B3:B6) Enter.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 1
1. CCrreeaattee aann AAcccceessss ddaattaabbaassee ffiillee nnaammeedd SSTTUUDDEENNTT__DDBB..aaccccddbb,, aanndd ssaavvee iitt iinn ddrriivvee „„DD‟‟::
Start Microsoft Office Access 2007 Click Blank Database Type „STUDENT_DB‟
Under File Name Click (Icon) My Computer(Click) Double click on
Local Disk(D:) OK(Click) Create (Click).
2. NNooww ccrreeaattee aa ttaabbllee nnaammeedd ““ssttddttaabb””..GGoo ttoo „„DDeessiiggnn VViieeww‟‟ && ccrreeaattee ffoolllloowwiinngg ffiieellddss::
a) SSN(Primary Key) , b) Std_name , c) Std_DOB , d)Std_ph/mb , e) Marks_1st
_y ,
_y , g) Marks_3rd
_y , h)Total_marks , i)Average , j)Grade , k)Pass
Select corresponding data type for every field as per requirement.
Insert at least five records, and then calculate their Total_marks, Average, Grade
(If Avg>80,then “A”, Avg>60,then “B”, Avg>40,then “C” otherwise “FAIL”.(Using
update query)
Right click on „Table1:Table‟ Design View(Click) Type table name “stdtab”
OK(Click) Now Create the following fields as follow
Click Close icon Yes(Click).
After insert at least five records,
To calculate their Total_marks:
Click Create Tab In the Other group, click Query Wizard Simple Query Wizard
(Click) OK Click on >> icon Next Next Modify the query design
(Select) Finish(Click).
From Design Tab go to Query Type group, click Update
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
From Design Tab go to Results group, click Run massage[you are about to
update 5 row(s)] Yes or No Yes(Click) Double click on stdtab:Table(to view the
„Average‟, „Grade‟ and „Pass‟ are also done by same process.
For Average:
Type the following formula [Total_marks]/18 .
For Grade:
Type the following formula IIF([Average]>80,"A",IIF([Average]>60,"B",IIF([Average]>40,
"C","FAIL"))) .
For Pass:
Type the following formula IIF([Grade]="A",YES,IIF([Grade]="B",YES,IIF([Grade]="C",
YES,NO))) .
3. NNooww sshhooww iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ooff tthhoossee ssttuuddeennttss wwhhoossee nnaammee ssttaarrttss wwiitthh „„AA‟‟ oorr „„MM‟‟..((UUssiinngg
sseelleecctt qquueerryy)):
Right click on stdtab Query Design view(Click) From Design Tab go to Query
Type group, click Select
4. SShhooww tthhee nnaammee,, ddaattee ooff bbiirrtthh aanndd ggrraaddee ooff tthhoossee ssttuuddeennttss wwhhoo hhaavvee ppaasssseedd tthhee
Right click on stdtab Query Design view(Click) From Design Tab go to Query
Type group, click Select disable the show under every field by one click only except
name, date of birth and grade Type the following LIKE YES in Criteria of the field
(Pass) Run(Click).
5. IImmppoorrtt aa ttaabbllee ffrroomm MMSS OOffffiiccee EExxcceell ffiillee:
Click External Data Tab In the Import group, click Excel Browse(Click) Select
ExcelAssg2.xlsx from Local Disk(D:) Open(Click) OK(Click) Click Next
Click Next Click Next Click Next Set the name of the table to Std_2012
and click Finish In the last page of the wizard, click Close Double-click the
Std_2012 table to open it.
6. IImmppoorrtt aa ttaabbllee ffrroomm MMSS OOffffiiccee AAcccceessss ffiillee:
Click External Data Tab In the Import group, click Access Browse(Click) Select
STUDENT_kd.accdb from My Documents Open(Click) OK(Click) Select
All(Click) OK(Click) click Close Double-click the table name(job) to open it.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 2
1. CCrreeaattee ttwwoo ddiiffffeerreenntt EEmmppllooyyeeee ttaabbllee nnaammeedd eemmpp__jjoobb aanndd eemmpp__aaddddrreessss:
For the first table fields are „Emp_ID‟ , „Emp_name‟ , „Designation‟ , „Salary‟ &
„Bonus‟. And for the second table Fields are „Emp_ID‟ , „Date_of_birth‟ , „Date_of_jo
ining‟ „City/Town‟, „Address_line_1‟ , „Address_line_2‟ & „PIN‟. Where, „Emp_ID‟ of
both tables is the Primary key. Use look up wizard for designatation {MD, MGR,
Officer, Clerk} and City/town {Asansol, Bankura, Bardwan, Darjeeling, Howrah,
Kalna, Kolkata} field. Condition for bonus : If address is Asansol or Bankura,
Darjeeling then Salary×7,if address is Burdwan or kalna then Salary×5%,otherwise
Click Create Tab In the Tables group, click Table Right click on „Table1:Table‟
Design View(Click) Type table name “emp_job” OK(Click) Now Create the
following fields as follow
Select „Lookup Wizard‟ from data type of Designation Select „I will Type in the values
that I want‟ Next(Click) Type the following {MD, MGR, Officer, Clerk} one by one
under Col1 Next(Click) Finish(Click) Click Close Yes(Click).
Click Create Tab In the Tables group, click Table Right click on „Table1:Table‟
Design View(Click) Type table name “emp_address” OK(Click) Now Create
the following fields as follow
Select „Lookup Wizard‟ from data type of City/Town Select „I will Type in the values
that I want‟ Next(Click) Type the following { Asansol, Bankura, Bardwan, Kalna,
Darjeeling, Howrah, Kolkata } one by one under Col1 Next(Click) Finish(Click)
Click Close Yes(Click).
After insert at least six records
Create a relationship between these two tables(Question No.-2 of Assignment 2)
To calculate their Bonus:
Double click on „emp_job‟ table
Click Create Tab In the Other group, click Query Wizard Simple Query Wizard
(Click) OK Click on >> icon Next Next Modify the query design
(Select) Finish(Click).
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
From Design Tab go to Query Type group, click Update
Type the following Formula IIF([City/Town]= “Asansol” OR “Bankura” OR “Darjeeling”,
[Salary]*7/100,IIF([City/Town]= “Burdwan” OR “Kalna”,[Salary]*5/100,[Salary]*3/100))
From Design Tab go to Results group, click Run OK(Click) massage[you
are about to update 6 row(s)] Yes or No Yes(Click) Double click on emp_job:
Table(to view the result).
„Total_Salary‟ done by same process.
For Total_Salary:
Type the following formula [Salary]+[Bonus] .
2. NNooww ccrreeaattee aa rreellaattiioonnsshhiipp bbeettwweeeenn tthheessee ttwwoo ttaabblleess aanndd sshhooww tthhee rreessuulltt ooff aallll
eemmppllooyyeeee ccoonnttaaiinniinngg tthheeiirr nnaammee,, ddeessiiggnnaattiioonn,, ttoottaall ssaallaarryy && hhoommee ttoowwnn:
Click Create Database Tools In the Show/Hide group, click Relationship
Select „emp_job‟ Add(Click) Select „emp_address‟ Add(Click)
Close(Click) Double click on „Emp_ID‟ of „emp_job‟ table Create New(Click)
Select the following
OK(Click) Create Click Close Yes(Click).
Right click on „emp_job Query‟ Design view(Click) From Design Tab go to
Query Type group, click Select Place the (√)icon in row(show) of column (name,
designation, total salary & home town only) Show table Select „emp_address‟
Add(Click) Close Select „City/Town‟ from „emp_address‟ table and drag it
Into empty Field Run(Click) .
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
3. SShhooww tthhee rreessuulltt ooff tthhoossee ssttuuddeennttss wwhhoo hhaavvee ggoott aa jjoobb.. SShhooww tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ffiieellddss::
SSttdd__nnaammee,, AAvveerraaggee,, CCiittyy//TToowwnn,, DDeessiiggnnaaaattiioonn,, TToottaall SSaallaarryy:
Click Create Database Tools In the Show/Hide group, click Relationship
Show table(Click) Select „stdtab‟ Add(Click) Close(Click) Double click
on „Emp_name‟ of „emp_job‟ table Create New(Click) Select the following
OK(Click) Create Click Close Yes(Click)
Right click on „emp_job Query‟ Design view(Click) From Design Tab go to
Query Type group, click Select Show table Select „stdtab‟
Add(Click) Close Select „City/Town‟ from „emp_address‟ table and drag it
Into empty Field Place the (√)icon in row(show) of column (Std_name, Average,
City/Town, Designaation, Total Salary only) Run(Click) .
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 1
1. HHooww ttoo ooppeenn TTaallllyy:
Click on Start button All Programs Tally 9 Tally 9 Release 2(Click).
2. CCrreeaattee aa ccoommppaannyy aanndd nnaammeedd SS..RR..BB CCoo.. :
After open Tally 9 Company Info Create Company
The Company Creation screen appears as shown:
Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
3. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg LLeeddggeerr wwiitthh tthheeiirr cclloossiinngg bbaallaannccee:
Profit & Loss
Sundry Creditors:-
Bappa & Co.
Raja & Co.
Bills Payable
Plant & Machinery
Sundry Debtors:-
Suman & Co.
Central Bank
Closing Stock
Total 650000 Total 650000
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create
Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
All ledgers are also done by same process except Profit & Loss and Cash.
Ledger Name Under Maintainbala
nces bill-by-
Inventory values
Bappa & Co. Sundry Creditors Yes Yes 50000
Raja & Co. Sundry Creditors Yes Yes 75000
Bills Payable Current Liabilities --- No 25000
Loan Loans(Liability) --- No 100000
Plant & Machinery Fixed Assets --- No 80000
Furniture Fixed Assets --- No 50000
Building Fixed Assets --- No 125000
Suman & Co. Sundry Debtors Yes No 150000
Central Bank Bank Accounts --- --- 80000
After Create all Ledgers Press Esc(from Keyboard) Alter chose „Cash‟ from
List of Ledgers Type the opening balance Rs.120000 Enter Press „Y‟ from
keyboard. Profit & Loss balance(Rs.100000) enter by same process.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
4. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg cclloossiinngg ssttoocckk:
Stock Item Under Quantity Per Total
Key Board
DVD Writer
Raw Materials
Raw Materials
Raw Materials
Raw Materials
150 pcs
200 pcs
2000 pcs
500 pcs
(i) Stock Groups Creation:
Gateway of Tally Inventory Info. Stock Groups Create
Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
(ii) Units of Measure Creation:
Gateway of Tally Inventory Info. Units of Measure Create
Press „y‟ from keyboard.
(iii) Stock Item Creation:
Gateway of Tally Inventory Info. Stock Item Create
Press „Y‟ from keyboard. Stock Item(Key Board, DVD Writer & SMPS) also done by
same process.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
5. HHooww ttoo ddeelleettee aa LLeeddggeerr eennttrryy:
Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Alter Select the ledger
(Which you want to delete) by using Enter Press „Alt+D‟ from keyboard
Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
6. HHooww ttoo SShhuutt aa CCoommppaannyy:
Gateway of Tally Alt+F3(Company Info.) SHut Company Select the
Company (Which you want to Shut) by using Enter.
7. HHooww ttoo CChheecckk PPuurrcchhaassee RReeggiisstteerr:
Gateway of Tally Display Account Books Purchase Register Press
Enter on the required month to view Purchase Transactions for a month.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
Assignment 2
11.. MMaaddee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg VVoouucchheerr EEnnttrryy::
Date Particulars Amount
Cash paid to Bappa & Co. 30000
Cash withdrawn from Central Bank for office use 25000
Purchase 40 pcs Mouse @Rs.150 from Raja & Co. on credit
Cash received from our customer Suman & Co. 75000
Sold 40 pcs SMPS @Rs.550 to Subrata Traders on Credit
Purchase 20pcs Key Boards @Rs.220 in Cash.
 Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F5‟ from keyboard
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
 Press „F4‟ from keyboard
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
 Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create
Ledger Name Under Inventory values
Credit Purchase Purchase Accounts Yes ---
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F9‟ from keyboard
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
 Press „F6‟ from keyboard
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
 Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create
Ledger Name Under Maintainbalances
Inventory values
Subrata Traders Sundry Debtors Yes No ---
Credit Sales Sales Accounts --- Yes ---
Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F8‟ from keyboard
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
 Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create
Ledger Name Under Inventory values
Purchase Purchase Yes ---
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F9‟ from keyboard
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
2. HHooww ttoo DDeelleettee aa CCoommppaannyy:
Gateway of Tally Alt+F3(Company Info.) Alter Select the Company (Which
you want to delete) by using Enter Press „Alt+D‟ Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
3. WWhhaatt iiss tthhee pprroocceessss ttoo cchheecckk ddeettaaiillss ooff ttrraannssaaccttiioonn:
Gateway of Tally Display Day Book Press „Alt+F1‟ (Details) from keyboard.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
4. MMaaddee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg VVoouucchheerr EEnnttrryy:
Date Particulars Amount
Rent paid to our Landlord 12000
Salary paid to our office staff 5000
Interest on loan @10% paid only 3 months
 Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create
Ledger Name Under Inventory values
Rent Indirect Expenses No ---
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F5‟ from keyboard
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
 Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create
Ledger Name Under Inventory values
Staff Salary Indirect Expenses No ---
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F5‟ from keyboard
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
 Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create
Ledger Name Under Inventory values
Interest on loan Indirect Expenses No ---
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F5‟ from keyboard
Calculate the Interest on Loan by using calculator (Ctrl+N) Enter Press „Y‟
from keyboard.
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
5. PPuurrcchhaassee VVoouucchheerr ((SSiinnggllee VVaatt RRaattee)):
Item Qty Rate Vat Vat
Total Amount
HDD 50Pcs 2000 / Pcs @4% 4000 104000
MONITOR 10Pcs 4200 / Pcs @4% 1680 43680
RAM 40Pcs 750 / Pcs @4% 1200 31200
 Gateway of Tally Press „F11‟(Company Features) Statutory & Taxation
Set both Enable Value assed Tax(Yes) and Set/Alter VAT Details(Yes) Select
State-West Bengal, Type of Dealer-Regular Enter(Repeatedly) Press „Y‟ from
 Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create
Ledger Name Under Type of
Method of
Used in
VAT INPUT Duties &
No ---
VAT Output
VAT @4%
No ---
VAT Adjustment Duties &
Sale Sales
Sales @
Yes Yes ---
Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Alter Select the Ledger
(Purchase) Set Used in VAT Returns (Yes) VAT/Tax Class-Purchases @ 4%.
 Gateway of Tally Inventory Info. Stock Item Create
Name(Stock Item) Under Units Quantity
HDD Raw Materials pcs ---
MONITOR Raw Materials pcs ---
RAM Raw Materials pcs ---
 Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F9‟ from keyboard
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
6. SSaalleess VVoouucchheerr ((SSiinnggllee VVaatt RRaattee)):
Item Qty Rate Vat Vat
Total Amount
HDD 50Pcs 2400 / Pcs @4% 4800 124800
MONITOR 10Pcs 4800 / Pcs @4% 1920 49920
RAM 40Pcs 1000 / Pcs @4% 1600 41600
[Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013]
 Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F8‟ from keyboard
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
7. WWhhaatt iiss tthhee pprroocceessss ttoo cchheecckk VVaatt CCoommppuuttaattiioonn :
Gateway of Tally Display Statutory Report VAT Reports VAT
Computation VAT Payable (Rs.1440).
 VAT Adjustment:
Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F5‟ from keyboard
Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.

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Daily Lesson Plan in Mathematics Quarter 4

Information technology practical 2013

  • 1. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 1 Assignment 1 1. OOppeenn aa nneeww WWoorrdd DDooccuummeenntt: Start Microsoft Office Word 2007 Office Button (click) New Blank document Create(click). 2. SSeett tthhee ppaappeerr ssiizzee ttoo AA44: Click Page Layout Tab In the Page Setup group, click Size A4(click). 3. SSeett mmaarrggiinn ttoo TToopp:: 00..55””,, BBoottttoomm:: 00..55””,, LLeefftt:: 00..55””,, RRiigghhtt 00..44””,, aanndd GGuutttteerr ppoossiittiioonn ttoo lleefftt aanndd ttoo 00..22””: Click Page Layout Tab In the Page Setup group, click Margins Custom Margins (click) Margins (click) set margin as follow Ok (click). 4. SSeett oorriieennttaattiioonn ttoo ppoorrttrraaiitt: Click Page Layout Tab In the Page Setup group, click Orientation Portrait (click).
  • 2. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 2 5. IInnsseerrtt hheeaaddeerr aanndd ffooootteerr,, WWrriittee aa ddooccuummeenntt ttiittllee ““MMiiccrroossoofftt ooffffiiccee wwoorrdd 22000077”” iinn hheeaaddeerr aanndd iinn ffooootteerr ppuutt ppaaggee nnuummbbeerr: Click Insert Tab In the Header & Footer group, click Header Edit Header Type a document title ”Microsoft office word 2007” in header Double click on Document. & Click Insert Tab In the Header & Footer group, click Footer Click “Conservative” Design from the gallery. 6. TTyyppee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg TTeexxtt: Research has shon that people who use the Microsoft office system today perform specific tasks with their favorite application. One person produces a quarterly income statement in Microsoft Office Word; another writes the company newsletter in Microsoft Office Word; another create a presentations for the monthly sales meeting. The all use Microsoft Office Outlook for e-mail; some use it to create tasks; other use Office Outlook with Business Contact Manager to track sales leads, contacts, and accounts for their small business. But research has also shown that most of us only certain features. We don‟t often venture out into the unknown, try new things, or explore the full capabilities of the programs. a) SSaavvee tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt iinn ddeesskkttoopp aanndd nnaammee AAssssgg11MMSSOOffffiiccee..ddooccxx: After type the following text Click Office Button Save (click) In the File name text box, type name of the file-“Assg1MSOffice” Desktop (click) Save (click). b) CClloossee tthhee ddooccuummeenntt: Click Office Button Close (click). c) NNooww ooppeenn tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt: Start Microsoft Office Word 2007 Office Button (click) Open (click) Desktop (click) Click on file name “Assg1MSOffice” Open (click). 7. SSeett ffoonntt ooff tthhee ddooccuummeenntt ttoo CCoonnssttaannttiiaa,, ssiizzee 1111: Select the whole text Click Home Tab Click Font (Button “A”) to choose font face “Constantia” and click Font (Button “B”) to select the font size “11”. B A 8. CChhaannggee tthhee ffoonntt ooff ““MMiiccrroossoofftt ooffffiiccee WWoorrdd”” ttoo BBoolldd: Select the following text -“Microsoft office Word” Press Ctrl+B (from keyboard).
  • 3. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 3 9. SSeett ddrroopp ccaapp ffoorr tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt,, ““RR”” ffoorr tthhee ““RReesseeaarrcchh””,, aanndd sseett iitt ffoorr ttwwoo lliinneess: Click on the 1st line (Research has…….) Click Insert Tab In the text group, click Drop Cap Drop Cap Options… Click Dropped under position and set Lines to Drop: 2 OK (click). 10. FFiinndd tthhee wwoorrdd „„MMiiccrroossoofftt‟‟ aanndd rreeppllaaccee iitt wwiitthh „„MMSS‟‟: Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Find Type „Microsoft‟ beside Find Word Reading Highlight (click) Highlight All (click) Replace (click) Type „MS‟ beside Replace with Replace All (click) 11. SSeett ppaarraaggrraapphh ssppaacciinngg ttoo bbeeffoorree 00 pptt && 1100 pptt: Select all of the text before proceeding Select the "Home" menu. In the Paragraph section, click on the little box to the right of Paragraph. A dialog box will appear Click on the "Indents and Spacing" tab. Look for the Spacing section toward the bottom. The Before and After boxes on the left side are for the amount of space before and after each paragraph. Set 0 in the Before box and 10 in the After box, this is about the right amount of spacing between paragraphs OK(click). 12. CCooppyy aabboovvee tteexxtt && ppaasstt iitt aatt aa nneeww ppaarraaggrraapphh: Select all text, press Ctrl+C from keyboard Place the curser just after the last the paragraph press Enter from keyboard press Ctrl+V from keyboard. 13. MMaakkee SSoommee SSppeelllliinngg mmiissttaakkee aatt tthhee nneeww ppaarraaggrraapphh((uussiinngg rreeppllaaccee ttooooll)): a) Shown shon b) Another another c) Research research Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Replace Type „Shown‟ beside Find What Type „shon‟ beside Replace with Replace All (click), b and c same as.
  • 4. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 4 14. NNooww ccoorrrreecctt tthhoossee mmiissttaakkeess uussiinngg ““SSppeelllliinngg && GGrraammmmaarr”” ttoooollss: Select the word (shon) Right click on Select word Spelling…(click) Auto correct (click) yes (click). 15. CCooppyy tthhee ““AAssssgg11MMSSOOffffiiccee..ddooccxx”” ttoo aannootthheerr llooccaattiioonn,, ooppeenn tthhee ddooccuummeenntt ffrroomm bbootthh llooccaattiioonn,, aanndd Select the file Right click Copy Open D: Drive from my computer and right click Paste after that open the document from both location (Desktop & D: drive) by using double click. a) PPllaaccee tthhee ccuurrssoorr jjuusstt aafftteerr tthhee ffiirrsstt ppaarraaggrraapphh aanndd iinnsseerrtt aa bbllaannkk ppaaggee iinn oonnee ddooccuummeenntt: Place the curser just after the first the paragraph Click Insert Tab In the Page group, click Blank Page. b) PPllaaccee tthhee ccuurrssoorr jjuusstt aafftteerr tthhee ffiirrsstt ppaarraaggrraapphh aanndd iinnsseerrtt aa ppaaggee bbrreeaakk iinn aannootthheerr ddooccuummeenntt: Place the curser just after the first the paragraph Click Insert Tab In the Page group, click Page Break. c) NNooww ddiiffffeerreennttiiaattee bbeettwweeeenn tthheemm((WWhhaatt hhaappppeenneedd??)): After click Blank page we show that the first paragraph show in 1st page and rest portion of text appear in last page(3rd page) after the blank page(2nd page). On the other hand after click Page break we show that the first paragraph show in 1st page and rest portion of text appear in last page(2nd page). a a b a Vs
  • 5. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 5 Assignment 2 1. OOppeenn aa nneeww wwoorrdd ddooccuummeenntt aanndd wwrriittee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg tteexxtt aass iitt iiss: After write the following text Select the text, Ctrl+c Click Page Layout Tab In the Page Setup group, click Columns Three (click) press Enter repeatedly at The end of the last line press Ctrl+v press Enter repeatedly at the end of the last line press Ctrl+v. 2. TTyyppee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ddooccuummeenntt aass iitt iiss: Item Cost/unit Total Cost Surf Excel 30 180.00 Lux 18 36.00 Park Avenue 36 216.00 Lotus 72 1440.00 Click View Tab In the Document Views group, click Print Layout a) The tab selector button. Click to cycle through all the types of tab stops b) Tab stops positioned along the horizontal ruler set tabs by clicking the tab selector at the left end of the ruler until it displays the type of tab(Left Tab) and then clicking the ruler at the location Center Tab and Right Tab have done by same process.
  • 6. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 6 Type „Item‟ from keyboard Press Tab from keyboard Type „Cost/unit‟ Then press Tab Type „Total Cost‟ Press Enter Type the rest portion as Same process Select Item, Cost/unit and Total Cost press Ctrl+U from keyboard. 3. TTyyppee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg: a) Microsoft CorporationTM At fast type the following „Microsoft CorporationTM‟ After that just select „TM‟ and Click Home Tab In the Font group, click Superscript. b) A2 +B2 =(A+B)2 -2AB At first type the following „A2+B2=(A+B) -2AB‟ After that just select as follow Click Home Tab In the Font group, click Superscript. 4. TTyyppee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg. sammilani mahavidyalaya,then change it to a) SAMMILANI MAHAVIDYALAYA, b) Sammilani Mahavidyalaya ,c) sAMMILANI mAHAVIDYALAYA(using change case): At first type the following „sammilani mahavidyalaya„ select the following Click Home Tab In the Font group, click Change case Click the a)UPPERCASE b)Capital each word c)tOGGLE cASE Change case Superscript
  • 7. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 7 5. KKeeeepp ‟‟SSaammmmiillaannii MMaahhaavviiddyyaallaayyaa‟‟ ttoo SSppiicckk CCoonntteenntt,, tthheenn kkeeeepp „„MMiiccrroossoofftt CCoorrppoorraattiioonn‟‟ aallssoo ttoo SSppiicckk CCoonntteenntt tthheenn aatt nneeww lliinnee: After using change case select the following Click Home Tab In the Font group, click Change case Click the a)UPPERCASE b)Capital each word c)tOGGLE cASE
  • 8. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 8 Assignment 3 1. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee: Name of the Item Actual Amount Quantity VAT(%) Total Amount Pen 15 10 4 156 Note Book 10 5 6 53 Scale 12 20 12 268.8 Eraser 5 25 12 140 CCaallccuullaattee ttoottaall aammoouunntt uussiinngg ffuunnccttiioonn && aauuttoo ssuumm: Click Insert Tab In the Tables group, click Table Insert table (click) Type „5‟ beside the Number of columns and also type „5‟ beside the Number of rows OK (click) now type the following data place cursor under the Total Amount Click Layout Tab In the Data group, click Formula type the following formula Under Formula =(B2*C2)+(B2*C2)*D2/100 OK(click) Actual Amount denote by B2, Quantity denote by C2 and VAT denote by D2 Total amount of Note Book, Scale and Eraser is done by same process. 2. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee: Salary Gross Comm ission Isha 6000 6000 500 Anju 10000 12000 800 Rahul 15000 18000 1200 Suman 12000 14000 900 NNooww iinnsseerrtt aa bbeerr cchhaarrtt ffrroomm tthhoossee ddaattaa After create the table, select the table Click Insert Tab In the lllustrations group, click Chart Bar (click) OK (click) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
  • 9. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 9 3. WWrriittee aa lleetttteerr ttoo aatt lleeaasstt ssiixx ffrriieennddss iinnvviittiinngg tthheemm ttoo jjooiinn yyoouurr bbiirrtthhddaayy ppaarrttyy.. ((TThhee bbooddyy ooff tthhee lleetttteerr mmuusstt bbee ssaammee ffoorr aallll ffrriieennddss)): 1. a) On the Mailings tab, click Start Mail Merge, and then click Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard. The Mail Merge task pane appears. b) In the Mail Merge task pane, click to select Letters under Select document type. c ) Click Next: Starting document. 2. a) Under Select starting document, Choose Use The document b) Click Next: Select recipients 3. a) Under Select recipients,Choose Type a new list, and then click Create to type the six friends names (Kamal, Atish, Purnendu, Giri, Biblob & Ramesh) and address into the New Address List dialog box by click new entry. Then click OK and save it. b) Click Next: Write your letter. Writing the following latter, Dear Kamal Kenduadihi, Bankura - 722102 You will be glad to know that my birthday falls on 21st Aug. and this time I am planning to celebrate it at home. There is going to be a small tea party in the evening after 7 P.M. Also, there will be a dance and music program. I am going to invite all my friends and relatives. I strongly desire that you should also come on my birthday and grace the occasion with your presence. I hope that you will not reject my invitation. Do reach in time. Your faithfully Sonarpur Jaydip Mathurapur(w) Kolkata-700150 Date:09.08.2012 4. a) Under Write your letter, choose other fields from my Address List, click the More Items option to select the field(First_Name, Address_Line_1 & ZIP_Code) b) Click Next: Preview your letter. 5. a) Click Next: Complete the merge to continue. 6. a) Under Complete the merge, Click Print and select All and after that click OK.
  • 10. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 10 Assignment 1 1. OOppeenn aa nneeww EExxcceell WWoorrkkbbooookk: Click Start button Programs Microsoft office Microsoft office Excel 2007 (click). 2. EEnntteerr tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ddaattaa iinnttoo SShheeeett 11: Enter the following data, select cell A1 Click Home Tab In the Paragraph group, Click Center (icon). a) EEnntteerr aa nneeww ccoolluummnn bbeettwweeeenn cchheemm.. AAnndd mmaatthh nnaammeedd EEnngg aanndd iinnsseerrtt ffoolllloowwiinngg ddaattaa ffrroomm cceellll DD22 ttoo DD66 aass ((6622,,5555,,7711,,5511 && 6655)): Select column „E‟ Right click on column „E‟ Insert and insert following data from cell D2 to D6 as (62,55,71,51 & 65). b) EEnntteerr aa nneeww rrooww bbeettwweeeenn AAkkaasshh && BBiiddiisshhaa nnaammeedd MMiillaann aanndd iinnsseerrtt ffoolllloowwiinngg ddaattaa PPhhyysscc__8822,, CChheemm__7799,, MMaatthh__8844 && EEnngg__6688: Select row „4‟ Right click on row „4‟ insert and insert following data Physc_82, Chem_79, Math_84 & Eng_68. c) GGiivvee aa bboorrddeerr ttoo oonnllyy tthhee ddaattaa aarreeaa: Select the data Click Home Tab In the Font group, click (icon) All Borders(click)
  • 11. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 11 d) CChhaannggee FFoonntt ssttyyllee ooff aallll nnaammeess aanndd nnuummbbeerrss ttoo BBooookkmmaann OOlldd SSttyyllee,, SSiizzee 1144,, FFiirrsstt lleetttteerr ooff eevveerryy nnaammee ffiilleedd BBoolldd aanndd SSeett ssoommee ssuuiittaabbllee bbaacckkggrroowwnn ccoolloouurr ffoorr ddiiffffeerreenntt cceellllss.. SSeett ssaammee ccoolloorr ffoorr ssaammee ttyyppee ooff cceellllss)): Select the whole data Click Home Tab In the Font group ,Click Font to choose font face “Bookman Old Style” and click Font Size to select the font size “11” Select First letter of every name filed press Ctrl+B Select the Same type of Cell Click Home Tab In the Font group, click Fill Color(icon) and choose any suitable colour by click. e) SSeett aalliiggnnmmeenntt ooff eeaacchh cceellll ccoonntteenntt ttoo cceenntteerr ffrroomm bbootthh hhoorriizzoonnttaall && vveerrttiiccaall: Select the whole data Click Home Tab In the Paragraph group, click Paragraph (show the Paragraph dialog box) Alignment Set center from both horizontal & Vertical OK(click). f) SSaavvee tthhiiss EExxcceell wwoorrkkbbooookk aass EExxcceellAAssssgg11..xxllssxx iinn ddeesskkttoopp: Click Office Button Save (click) In the File name text box, type name of the file- „ExcelAssg1‟ Desktop (click) Save (click). g) DDeelleettee aallll iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn‟‟ss ooff bbootthh PPaallllaabb aanndd PPhhyysscc ffrroomm tthhee ttaabbllee ((DDeelleettee bbootthh rrooww aanndd ccoolluummnn)): Select cell „2‟ Right click on cell „2‟ Delete Select column „B‟ Right click on column „B‟ Delete.
  • 12. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 12 Assignment 2 1. OOppeenn aa nneeww EExxcceell WWoorrkkbbooookk aanndd EEnntteerr 2255 nnuummbbeerrss iinn aa ccoolluummnn wwiitthh tthhee sseeqquueennccee: Click Office Button New (click) Blank Workbook Create (click). Click on cell „A1‟,and just type „2‟ Click on cell „A2‟,and type =A1+3 Click Copy Pointer of cell „A2‟ and drag it up to cell „A25‟. 2. NNooww sswwiittcchh ttoo SShheeeett 22 aanndd eenntteerr ffoolllloowwiinngg nnuummbbeerrss iinn aa rrooww oorr ccoolluummnn uussiinngg tthhee pprrooppeerr ffuunnccttiioonn aanndd AAuuttoo ffiillll.. 22,, 33,, 55,, 99,, 1177,, ………….... ,, 551133: Switch to Sheet 2 by a click in Sheet 2(icon) Click on cell „A1‟,and just type „2‟ Click on cell „A2‟,and type =(A1*2)-1 Click Copy Pointer of cell „A2‟ and drag it up to cell „A10‟. 3. SSaavvee tthhiiss wwoorrkkbbooookk EExxcceellAAssssgg22..xxllssxx: Click Office Button Save (click) In the File name text box, type name of the file- „ExcelAssg2‟ Desktop (click) Save (click). 4. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg EExxcceell ttaabbllee: 5. CCaallccuullaattee ttoottaall uussiinngg AAuuttoo SSuumm: Click on cell „F2‟ Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Auto Sum icon Sum (click) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „F2‟ and drag it up to cell „F7‟. 6. TThheenn ccaallccuullaattee AAvveerraaggee aanndd GGrraaddee.. CCoonnddiittiioonnss ooff ggrraaddeess aarree aass ffoolllloowwiinnggss: Avg>=90 „O‟ Avg>=80 „A‟ Avg>=70 „B‟ Avg>=60 „C‟ Avg>=50 „D‟ Avg<=50 „FAIL‟ UUssiinngg ffuunnccttiioonn ttoo ccaallccuullaattee ggrraaddee: Click on cell „G2‟ Type the following formula =AVERAGE(C2:E2) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „G2‟ and drag it up to cell „G7‟. Click on cell „H2‟ Type the following formula =IF(G2>90,"O",IF(G2>80,"A",IF(G2>70,"B ",IF(G2>60,"C",IF(G2>50,"D","FAIL"))))) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „G2‟ and drag it up to cell „G7‟. Here, Avg denoted by G2 and Grade denoted by H2 Grade
  • 13. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 13 Assignment 3 Calculate the following table: Condition: a) For D.A. Basic>=10000 Basic×8% b) For D.A. Basic>=8000 Basic×6% c) For D.A. Basic<=8000 Basic×4% Click on cell „D2‟ Type the following formula =IF(C2>=10000,C2*8/100,IF(C2>=8000,C2*6/100,C2*4/100)) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „D2‟ and drag it up to cell „D8‟. b) For H.R.A. Whose address is Kolkata or Asansol and Basic≥10000, Basic ×7.5%, otherwise Basic×5%: Click on cell „E2‟ Type the following formula =IF(AND(OR(B2="KOLKATA",B2="ASANSOL"),C2>=10000),C2*7.5/100,C2*5/100) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „E2‟ and drag it up to cell „E8‟. c) For total salary : Basic+D.A.+H.R.A. Click on cell „F2‟ Type the following formula =SUM(C2:E2) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „F2‟ and drag it up to cell „F8‟. d) For Yearly Salary : Total×12 Click on cell „G2‟ Type the following formula =F2*12 Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „G2‟ and drag it up to cell „G8‟. Here, Basic denoted by C2 and D.A. denoted by D2 Here, H.R.A. denoted by E2 and Address & Basic denoted by B2 & C2 Here, Total Salary denoted by F2 and Basic & H.R.A. denoted by C2 & E2 Here, Yearly Salary denoted by G2 and Total Salary denoted by F2
  • 14. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 14 e) For Income Tax : Y.S. up to 50 000 No Tax Y.S. for 50 000 1 00 000 Y.S.×5% Y.S. for 1 00 000 1 50 000 Y.S.×10% Y.S. for above 1 50 000 Y.S.×15% Click on cell „H2‟ Type the following formula =IF(G2<=50000,0,IF(G2<= 100000,(G2-50000)*5/100+0,IF(G2<=150000,(G2-100000)*10/100+0+2500,(G2-150000)*15/100 +0+2500+5000))) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „H2‟ and drag it up to cell „H8‟. f) To calculate P.F. : (Total Salary×20%) + (Basic×30%) Click on cell „I2‟ Type the following formula =(F2*20/100)+(C2*30/100) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „I2‟ and drag it up to cell „I8‟. g) Monthly net Salary {Total Salary-(I.T./12+P.F.) Click on cell „F2‟ Type the following formula =F2-(H2/12+I2) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „F2‟ and drag it up to cell „F8‟. Here, P.F. denoted by I2 and Total Salary & Basic denoted by F2 & C2 Here, Yearly Salary denoted by G2 and I.T. denoted by H2 Here, Total Salary denoted by F2 and I.T. & P.F. denoted by H2 & I2
  • 15. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 15 Assignment 4 1. IInnsseerrtt aa lliinnee cchhaarrtt ffoorr tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ddaattaa: At 1st create this data Select this data Click Insert Tab In the Charts group, click line chose a Style(like line) by click. 2. Insert aa ppiiee cchhaarrtt ffoorr aabboovvee ttaabbllee aanndd ccoommppaarree ssccoorree ddoonnee bbyyee VViirraatt && GGaammvviirr ooff MMaattcchh 55..TThhee ssttrruuccttuurree sshhoouulldd bbee lliikkee tthhiiss: Select columns F1,F2&F3 Click Insert Tab In the Charts group, click pie and chose a Style(like pie) by click Click Design Tab In the Chart Latouts group, click Layout 1 Select % box and drag it outside like picture, edit the text like(add name) Click outside of working area.
  • 16. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 16 3. IInnsseerrtt aa ccoolluummnn cchhaarrtt ffoorr tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee: ((uussee DDoocc,, WWiinnddoowwss,, WWoorrdd && AAvvgg.. ffiieellddss oonnllyy ffoorr tthhee cchhaarrtt,, && sseett tthhee ffiieelldd ccoolloorr ooff AAvvgg.. iinn tthhee cchhaarrtt aass bbllaacckk..)) Select Doc, Windows, Word & Avg. fields Click Insert Tab In the Charts group, click column and chose a Style(like column) by click Click Avg. column in the chart Click Home Tab In the Font group, click Fill Color and chose black by click. 4. IInnsseerrtt aa bbaarr cchhaarrtt ffrroomm tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee:
  • 17. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 17 a) CCoommppaarree tthhee rreessuulltt ooff aallll ssuubbjjeecctt SSttuuddeenntt wwiissee: Select the table Click Insert Tab In the Charts group, click bar and chose a Style (like bar) by click. b) CCoommppaarree tthhee rreessuulltt ooff aallll ss ssttuuddeenntt SSuubbjjeecctt wwiissee: After a) right click on the chart click Select Data… Switch Row/Column (click) OK(click).
  • 18. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 18 Assignment 5 1. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee: a) CCaallccuullaattee ttoottaall uussiinngg AAuuttoo SSuumm: Click on cell „D2‟ Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Auto Sum icon Sum (click) Enter Click Copy Pointer of cell „D2‟ and drag it up to cell „D21‟. b) SSoorrtt tthhee ttaabbllee bbyy ttoottaall: Select the table Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Sort and Filter icon Custom Sort Chose Total (Beside Sort by) OK (click). c) SShhooww ttoopp tthhrreeee rreessuullttss: Select the table Click Home Tab In the Editing group, click Sort and Filter icon Filter Total (showing all) icon Number Filters Top 10… Select 3(in place of 10) OK (click). d) SShhooww rreessuulltt bbeettwweeeenn 112200 aanndd 9911 iinncclluuddiinngg bbootthh ooff tthheemm: Click Total (showing all) icon Number Filters Between.. Type 120 & 91 (Click).
  • 19. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 19 e) SShhooww rreessuulltt ggrreeaatteerr tthheenn 112299 aanndd lleessss tthheenn 6611: Click Total (showing all) icon Number Filters Greater Than and type „129‟ OK (click). & Click Total (showing all) icon Number Filters Less Than and type „61‟ OK (click). 2. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttaabbllee iinn aa nneeww sshheeeett,, ccaallccuullaattee ttoottaall sseellll aanndd rreennaammee tthhee sshheeeett as MMaarrkkeettiinngg.. NNooww ggoo bbaacckk ttoo ddeeffaauulltt sshheeeett aanndd ccaallccuullaattee aavveerraaggee sseellll iinn tthhiiss sshheeeett uussiinngg ddaattaa ooff sshheeeett nnaammee MMaarrkkeettiinngg: After creating the table in Sheet 2, click on cell ‟B7‟ type the formula =SUM(B3:B6) Right click on Sheet 2(name) Rename (click) type from keyboard „Marketing‟ Enter Now go back to default Sheet (Sheet 1) Enter the formula in cell‟A1‟ for calculate average sell in this sheet using data of sheet name Marketing is =AVERAGE(Marketing!B3:B6) Enter.
  • 20. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 20 Assignment 1 1. CCrreeaattee aann AAcccceessss ddaattaabbaassee ffiillee nnaammeedd SSTTUUDDEENNTT__DDBB..aaccccddbb,, aanndd ssaavvee iitt iinn ddrriivvee „„DD‟‟:: Start Microsoft Office Access 2007 Click Blank Database Type „STUDENT_DB‟ Under File Name Click (Icon) My Computer(Click) Double click on Local Disk(D:) OK(Click) Create (Click). 2. NNooww ccrreeaattee aa ttaabbllee nnaammeedd ““ssttddttaabb””..GGoo ttoo „„DDeessiiggnn VViieeww‟‟ && ccrreeaattee ffoolllloowwiinngg ffiieellddss:: a) SSN(Primary Key) , b) Std_name , c) Std_DOB , d)Std_ph/mb , e) Marks_1st _y , f)Marks_2nd _y , g) Marks_3rd _y , h)Total_marks , i)Average , j)Grade , k)Pass Select corresponding data type for every field as per requirement. Insert at least five records, and then calculate their Total_marks, Average, Grade (If Avg>80,then “A”, Avg>60,then “B”, Avg>40,then “C” otherwise “FAIL”.(Using update query) Right click on „Table1:Table‟ Design View(Click) Type table name “stdtab” OK(Click) Now Create the following fields as follow Click Close icon Yes(Click). After insert at least five records, To calculate their Total_marks: Click Create Tab In the Other group, click Query Wizard Simple Query Wizard (Click) OK Click on >> icon Next Next Modify the query design (Select) Finish(Click). From Design Tab go to Query Type group, click Update
  • 21. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 21 From Design Tab go to Results group, click Run massage[you are about to update 5 row(s)] Yes or No Yes(Click) Double click on stdtab:Table(to view the result). „Average‟, „Grade‟ and „Pass‟ are also done by same process. For Average: Type the following formula [Total_marks]/18 . For Grade: Type the following formula IIF([Average]>80,"A",IIF([Average]>60,"B",IIF([Average]>40, "C","FAIL"))) . For Pass: Type the following formula IIF([Grade]="A",YES,IIF([Grade]="B",YES,IIF([Grade]="C", YES,NO))) . 3. NNooww sshhooww iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ooff tthhoossee ssttuuddeennttss wwhhoossee nnaammee ssttaarrttss wwiitthh „„AA‟‟ oorr „„MM‟‟..((UUssiinngg sseelleecctt qquueerryy)): Right click on stdtab Query Design view(Click) From Design Tab go to Query Type group, click Select Run(Click). 4. SShhooww tthhee nnaammee,, ddaattee ooff bbiirrtthh aanndd ggrraaddee ooff tthhoossee ssttuuddeennttss wwhhoo hhaavvee ppaasssseedd tthhee eexxaammiinnaattiioonn: Right click on stdtab Query Design view(Click) From Design Tab go to Query Type group, click Select disable the show under every field by one click only except name, date of birth and grade Type the following LIKE YES in Criteria of the field (Pass) Run(Click). 5. IImmppoorrtt aa ttaabbllee ffrroomm MMSS OOffffiiccee EExxcceell ffiillee: Click External Data Tab In the Import group, click Excel Browse(Click) Select ExcelAssg2.xlsx from Local Disk(D:) Open(Click) OK(Click) Click Next Click Next Click Next Click Next Set the name of the table to Std_2012 and click Finish In the last page of the wizard, click Close Double-click the Std_2012 table to open it. 6. IImmppoorrtt aa ttaabbllee ffrroomm MMSS OOffffiiccee AAcccceessss ffiillee: Click External Data Tab In the Import group, click Access Browse(Click) Select STUDENT_kd.accdb from My Documents Open(Click) OK(Click) Select All(Click) OK(Click) click Close Double-click the table name(job) to open it.
  • 22. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 22 Assignment 2 1. CCrreeaattee ttwwoo ddiiffffeerreenntt EEmmppllooyyeeee ttaabbllee nnaammeedd eemmpp__jjoobb aanndd eemmpp__aaddddrreessss: For the first table fields are „Emp_ID‟ , „Emp_name‟ , „Designation‟ , „Salary‟ & „Bonus‟. And for the second table Fields are „Emp_ID‟ , „Date_of_birth‟ , „Date_of_jo ining‟ „City/Town‟, „Address_line_1‟ , „Address_line_2‟ & „PIN‟. Where, „Emp_ID‟ of both tables is the Primary key. Use look up wizard for designatation {MD, MGR, Officer, Clerk} and City/town {Asansol, Bankura, Bardwan, Darjeeling, Howrah, Kalna, Kolkata} field. Condition for bonus : If address is Asansol or Bankura, Darjeeling then Salary×7,if address is Burdwan or kalna then Salary×5%,otherwise Salary×3%. Click Create Tab In the Tables group, click Table Right click on „Table1:Table‟ Design View(Click) Type table name “emp_job” OK(Click) Now Create the following fields as follow Select „Lookup Wizard‟ from data type of Designation Select „I will Type in the values that I want‟ Next(Click) Type the following {MD, MGR, Officer, Clerk} one by one under Col1 Next(Click) Finish(Click) Click Close Yes(Click). Click Create Tab In the Tables group, click Table Right click on „Table1:Table‟ Design View(Click) Type table name “emp_address” OK(Click) Now Create the following fields as follow Select „Lookup Wizard‟ from data type of City/Town Select „I will Type in the values that I want‟ Next(Click) Type the following { Asansol, Bankura, Bardwan, Kalna, Darjeeling, Howrah, Kolkata } one by one under Col1 Next(Click) Finish(Click) Click Close Yes(Click). After insert at least six records Create a relationship between these two tables(Question No.-2 of Assignment 2) To calculate their Bonus: Double click on „emp_job‟ table Click Create Tab In the Other group, click Query Wizard Simple Query Wizard (Click) OK Click on >> icon Next Next Modify the query design (Select) Finish(Click).
  • 23. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 23 From Design Tab go to Query Type group, click Update Type the following Formula IIF([City/Town]= “Asansol” OR “Bankura” OR “Darjeeling”, [Salary]*7/100,IIF([City/Town]= “Burdwan” OR “Kalna”,[Salary]*5/100,[Salary]*3/100)) From Design Tab go to Results group, click Run OK(Click) massage[you are about to update 6 row(s)] Yes or No Yes(Click) Double click on emp_job: Table(to view the result). „Total_Salary‟ done by same process. For Total_Salary: Type the following formula [Salary]+[Bonus] . 2. NNooww ccrreeaattee aa rreellaattiioonnsshhiipp bbeettwweeeenn tthheessee ttwwoo ttaabblleess aanndd sshhooww tthhee rreessuulltt ooff aallll eemmppllooyyeeee ccoonnttaaiinniinngg tthheeiirr nnaammee,, ddeessiiggnnaattiioonn,, ttoottaall ssaallaarryy && hhoommee ttoowwnn: Click Create Database Tools In the Show/Hide group, click Relationship Select „emp_job‟ Add(Click) Select „emp_address‟ Add(Click) Close(Click) Double click on „Emp_ID‟ of „emp_job‟ table Create New(Click) Select the following OK(Click) Create Click Close Yes(Click). Right click on „emp_job Query‟ Design view(Click) From Design Tab go to Query Type group, click Select Place the (√)icon in row(show) of column (name, designation, total salary & home town only) Show table Select „emp_address‟ Add(Click) Close Select „City/Town‟ from „emp_address‟ table and drag it Into empty Field Run(Click) .
  • 24. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 24 3. SShhooww tthhee rreessuulltt ooff tthhoossee ssttuuddeennttss wwhhoo hhaavvee ggoott aa jjoobb.. SShhooww tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ffiieellddss:: SSttdd__nnaammee,, AAvveerraaggee,, CCiittyy//TToowwnn,, DDeessiiggnnaaaattiioonn,, TToottaall SSaallaarryy: Click Create Database Tools In the Show/Hide group, click Relationship Show table(Click) Select „stdtab‟ Add(Click) Close(Click) Double click on „Emp_name‟ of „emp_job‟ table Create New(Click) Select the following OK(Click) Create Click Close Yes(Click) Right click on „emp_job Query‟ Design view(Click) From Design Tab go to Query Type group, click Select Show table Select „stdtab‟ Add(Click) Close Select „City/Town‟ from „emp_address‟ table and drag it Into empty Field Place the (√)icon in row(show) of column (Std_name, Average, City/Town, Designaation, Total Salary only) Run(Click) .
  • 25. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 25 Assignment 1 1. HHooww ttoo ooppeenn TTaallllyy: Click on Start button All Programs Tally 9 Tally 9 Release 2(Click). 2. CCrreeaattee aa ccoommppaannyy aanndd nnaammeedd SS..RR..BB CCoo.. : After open Tally 9 Company Info Create Company The Company Creation screen appears as shown: Press „Y‟ from keyboard. 3. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg LLeeddggeerr wwiitthh tthheeiirr cclloossiinngg bbaallaannccee: LIABILITIES AMOUNTS ASSETS AMOUNTS Capital Profit & Loss Sundry Creditors:- Bappa & Co. Raja & Co. Bills Payable Loan 300000 100000 50000 75000 25000 100000 Plant & Machinery Furniture Building Sundry Debtors:- Suman & Co. Cash Central Bank Closing Stock 80000 50000 125000 150000 120000 80000 45000 Total 650000 Total 650000
  • 26. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 26 Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create Press „Y‟ from keyboard. All ledgers are also done by same process except Profit & Loss and Cash. Ledger Name Under Maintainbala nces bill-by- bill Inventory values affected Amount(Rs.) Bappa & Co. Sundry Creditors Yes Yes 50000 Raja & Co. Sundry Creditors Yes Yes 75000 Bills Payable Current Liabilities --- No 25000 Loan Loans(Liability) --- No 100000 Plant & Machinery Fixed Assets --- No 80000 Furniture Fixed Assets --- No 50000 Building Fixed Assets --- No 125000 Suman & Co. Sundry Debtors Yes No 150000 Central Bank Bank Accounts --- --- 80000 After Create all Ledgers Press Esc(from Keyboard) Alter chose „Cash‟ from List of Ledgers Type the opening balance Rs.120000 Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard. Profit & Loss balance(Rs.100000) enter by same process.
  • 27. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 27 4. CCrreeaattee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg cclloossiinngg ssttoocckk: Stock Item Under Quantity Per Total Mouse Key Board DVD Writer SMPS Raw Materials Raw Materials Raw Materials Raw Materials 20 50 5 44 150 pcs 200 pcs 2000 pcs 500 pcs 3000 10000 10000 22000 (i) Stock Groups Creation: Gateway of Tally Inventory Info. Stock Groups Create Press „Y‟ from keyboard. (ii) Units of Measure Creation: Gateway of Tally Inventory Info. Units of Measure Create Press „y‟ from keyboard. (iii) Stock Item Creation: Gateway of Tally Inventory Info. Stock Item Create Press „Y‟ from keyboard. Stock Item(Key Board, DVD Writer & SMPS) also done by same process.
  • 28. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 28 5. HHooww ttoo ddeelleettee aa LLeeddggeerr eennttrryy: Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Alter Select the ledger (Which you want to delete) by using Enter Press „Alt+D‟ from keyboard Press „Y‟ from keyboard. 6. HHooww ttoo SShhuutt aa CCoommppaannyy: Gateway of Tally Alt+F3(Company Info.) SHut Company Select the Company (Which you want to Shut) by using Enter. 7. HHooww ttoo CChheecckk PPuurrcchhaassee RReeggiisstteerr: Gateway of Tally Display Account Books Purchase Register Press Enter on the required month to view Purchase Transactions for a month.
  • 29. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 29 Assignment 2 11.. MMaaddee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg VVoouucchheerr EEnnttrryy:: Date Particulars Amount Cash paid to Bappa & Co. 30000 Cash withdrawn from Central Bank for office use 25000 Purchase 40 pcs Mouse @Rs.150 from Raja & Co. on credit Cash received from our customer Suman & Co. 75000 Sold 40 pcs SMPS @Rs.550 to Subrata Traders on Credit Purchase 20pcs Key Boards @Rs.220 in Cash.  Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F5‟ from keyboard Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.  Press „F4‟ from keyboard Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.  Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create Ledger Name Under Inventory values affected Amount(Rs.) Credit Purchase Purchase Accounts Yes --- Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard. Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F9‟ from keyboard Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
  • 30. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 30  Press „F6‟ from keyboard Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.  Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create Ledger Name Under Maintainbalances bill-by-bill Inventory values affected Amount(Rs.) Subrata Traders Sundry Debtors Yes No --- Credit Sales Sales Accounts --- Yes --- Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F8‟ from keyboard Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.  Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create Ledger Name Under Inventory values affected Amount(Rs.) Purchase Purchase Yes --- Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard. Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F9‟ from keyboard Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard. 2. HHooww ttoo DDeelleettee aa CCoommppaannyy: Gateway of Tally Alt+F3(Company Info.) Alter Select the Company (Which you want to delete) by using Enter Press „Alt+D‟ Press „Y‟ from keyboard. 3. WWhhaatt iiss tthhee pprroocceessss ttoo cchheecckk ddeettaaiillss ooff ttrraannssaaccttiioonn: Gateway of Tally Display Day Book Press „Alt+F1‟ (Details) from keyboard.
  • 31. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 31 4. MMaaddee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg VVoouucchheerr EEnnttrryy: Date Particulars Amount Rent paid to our Landlord 12000 Salary paid to our office staff 5000 Interest on loan @10% paid only 3 months  Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create Ledger Name Under Inventory values affected Amount(Rs.) Rent Indirect Expenses No --- Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard. Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F5‟ from keyboard Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.  Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create Ledger Name Under Inventory values affected Amount(Rs.) Staff Salary Indirect Expenses No --- Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard. Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F5‟ from keyboard Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.  Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create Ledger Name Under Inventory values affected Amount(Rs.) Interest on loan Indirect Expenses No --- Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard. Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F5‟ from keyboard Calculate the Interest on Loan by using calculator (Ctrl+N) Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.
  • 32. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 32 5. PPuurrcchhaassee VVoouucchheerr ((SSiinnggllee VVaatt RRaattee)): Item Qty Rate Vat Vat Amount Total Amount HDD 50Pcs 2000 / Pcs @4% 4000 104000 MONITOR 10Pcs 4200 / Pcs @4% 1680 43680 RAM 40Pcs 750 / Pcs @4% 1200 31200  Gateway of Tally Press „F11‟(Company Features) Statutory & Taxation Set both Enable Value assed Tax(Yes) and Set/Alter VAT Details(Yes) Select State-West Bengal, Type of Dealer-Regular Enter(Repeatedly) Press „Y‟ from keyboard.  Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Create Ledger Name Under Type of Duty/Tax VAT/Tax Class Inventory values affected Method of Calculation Used in VAT Returns Amount (Rs.) VAT INPUT Duties & Taxes VAT Input VAT @4% No --- VAT OUTPUT Duties & Taxes VAT Output VAT @4% No --- VAT Adjustment Duties & Taxes VAT Not Applicable No On VAT Rate --- Sale Sales Accounts Sales @ 4% Yes Yes --- Gateway of Tally Accounts info. Ledgers Alter Select the Ledger (Purchase) Set Used in VAT Returns (Yes) VAT/Tax Class-Purchases @ 4%.  Gateway of Tally Inventory Info. Stock Item Create Name(Stock Item) Under Units Quantity HDD Raw Materials pcs --- MONITOR Raw Materials pcs --- RAM Raw Materials pcs ---  Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F9‟ from keyboard Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard. 6. SSaalleess VVoouucchheerr ((SSiinnggllee VVaatt RRaattee)): Item Qty Rate Vat Vat Amount Total Amount HDD 50Pcs 2400 / Pcs @4% 4800 124800 MONITOR 10Pcs 4800 / Pcs @4% 1920 49920 RAM 40Pcs 1000 / Pcs @4% 1600 41600
  • 33. [Sammilani Mahavidyalaya] [Practical-2013] 33  Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F8‟ from keyboard Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard. 7. WWhhaatt iiss tthhee pprroocceessss ttoo cchheecckk VVaatt CCoommppuuttaattiioonn : Gateway of Tally Display Statutory Report VAT Reports VAT Computation VAT Payable (Rs.1440).  VAT Adjustment: Gateway of Tally Accounts Voucher Press „F5‟ from keyboard Enter Press „Y‟ from keyboard.