natural language processing information retrieval machine learning named entity recognition nlp sentiment analysis machine translation corpus parsing ner morphology question answering hidden markov model marathi transliteration stemming text mining artificial intelligence wordnet statistical machine translation natural language processing (nlp) vietnamese language processing. hindi semantics n-gram machine transliteration word sense disambiguation unl transfer learning myanmar language text mining. text classifier personality part-of-speech entity extraction hcrf (hierarchical conditional random field) and p visual page segmentation (vips) semi-crf (semi-markov conditional random fields) neural networks topic modeling e-commerce twitter text categorization information extraction hidden markov models abstractive summary hypernymy clustering morphological analysis sentiment pos crf spoken dialog systems domain ontology text classification automatic dialog mechanism phonology phonetic rule based approach performance metrics unknown words opinion mining tagset part-of-speech tagger part-of-speech tagging mfcc ian hmm arabic language speech recognition pre-trained language model and multi-agent. warrant generation heterogeneous data document parser machine comprehension mcgill pain questionnaire. pain assessment adjective scales corpus construction subtractive mountain clustering. medicine intake aid system chatbot indic languages webscrapping. web data html e-retail natural language preprocessing (nlp) convolutional lstm social media grammar based sentence generation automated annotation transformer model recurrent neural networks chunking natural language processing- named entity recognit automatic detection of semantic roles meaning extraction entailments paraphrase cross information domain pseudo users association emotion prediction text-based group emotion-aware recommender system user behavioral analysis job title recognition de-identification evaluation bert dutch gpt-2 ontology graph explainable artificial intelligence (xai) nlp-based chatbot industry 4.0 web 3.0 semantic web pseudo association recommender systems affective computing emotion text mining context-aware glove embeddings language modelling bi-directional lstm networks natural language generation classification backtesting prophet real-world dataset sales forecasting weighted mean rank risk-adjusted model ranking data splitting algorithms supervised learning algorithms gmm model lidar point elevation scheduling parameter em algorithm lidar regular expression. social network analysis election prediction noisy pattern conflict score bangla relation extraction document retrieval. data and knowledge representation internet and web applications parameter extraction mapreduce framework hadoop expectation-maximization correlated topic model topic model arabic sentiment lexicon arabic natural language processing dictionary real-word errors spell checker word segmentation neural architecture conditional random fields sequence labelling myanmar word stemmer word embeddings resume parsing peircean semiotics interactive computation enguage winograd schema challenge natural language understanding and statistics. mathematics bangla language processing translation grammar reference guidelines agreement treebank information retrieva semantic features fake news lexicon based approach sentiwordnet low resource language syllable to word level nmt attention-based nmt language tools tamil tool word level rules bootstrapping. igbo africa languages syllablebased neural architectures bidirectional lstm_crf automatic speech recognition (asr) myanmar speech word-sense disambiguation lexicon-based support vector machine. local binary pattern meitei mayek script handwritten character recognition english language bodo language khasi translated documents bilingual corpus parallel corpora tweets social network sarcasm motor neurons. neuronal network cognitive disorders and therapy wsd. mt manipuri language kolmogorov goodness –of- fit test and smirnov test empirical distribution box- ljung statistic autocorrelation movie synopsis legal text. semantic analysis logic theorem formalism authorship attribution general versatility effectiveness feature selection methods bilstm-crf online judge knowledge named entity recognition lambek calculus pregroup grammar general regression neural networks radial basis function ishant pakmode amit pagrut lstm neural networks tigrinyalanguage morphological segmentation sentiment analysis. code-mix provable machine learning tree directed acyclic graph nonnegative matrix factorization latent dirichlet allocation expert opinion seriation vector space method authorship identification pivot language technique neural machine translation euclidean distance. deep auto encoder autism spectrum disorder formants analysis zero crossing automatic speech recognition example based machine translation turkish sign language restricted boltzmann machines concept mining patent documents document summarization conceptual graphs arabic sentiment analysis colloquial arabic language colloquial jordanian reviews meronymy semantic relation hyponymy holonymy word2vec antonymy semitic languages precision tagging inverted file. recall noun phrase (np) arabic noun phrase extractor (anpe) information retrieval (ir) tokenization anlp & arabic verb inflections nooj analysis of mwes nltk hindi text. mwes multi words labelling syllable formation component cluster ambiguity word segmentation. lexical database syllable database information extraction. question analysis word alignment greater china region dialects identification sentence-level pmi dialects conversation modelling deep learning discourse reputation-based trust score trust score feedback mining supervised knowledge-based unsupervised sentence compression word co-occurrence hand-crafted rules word graph text summarization frame element frame interpreting quality scheduler graphical user interface (gui) python programming similarity edge detection euclidean distance text detection hashtags segmentation mophological valency (mv). tag length minimization strategies (tlms) structured compact tag-set for luganda (sctl) storage efficiency structured tag-set concord number (cn) arabic sentiment classification morphological analysis. textual words lexical databases root pattern conjugator generalized lsa maximum entropy bilingual evaluation understudy latent semantic analysis (lsa) tamil sign language discrete cosine transform signature gesture recognition reversed horizontal projection profile sparse representation affix removal light weight indian languages ranking categorization document pivoted categorization multi label classification single label classification semi automated classification ranked list hard categorization binary classification automatic text classification category pivoted categorization issues techniques & resources challenges sms-based corpus arabic classified ads sublanguages arabic text analysis arabic text recognition system arabic text generation. ancient manuscripts ir visualisation. named entity classification multinomial naïve-bayes classifier test-set training-set development-set automatic summarizer data visualization text to graph converter regular expression word image searching and retrieval keyword spotting word matching word spotting marathi document devanagari script. document image retrieval arabic contextual analysis data science middle eastern languages unicode farsi big data text analysis computational linguistics tone pls geminations tts w3c prosody punjabi xml phonetic dictionary asr acoustic model glsa svd synonym-set named entity recognition (ner). part-of speech (pos) tagging rich semantic graph fst assamese language optical character recognition vertical bar structural features conjunct character header line (shirorekha) social networks event detection tlda burst detection summarization marathi link grammar parser link grammar marathi complex sentences context word synset polysemy words clue words taxonomy extraction ontology learning requirements analysis sibilants auditory transform unvoiced fricative sound non-sibilants. cochlear filter cepstral coefficients mel cepstrum algorithm universalgrammar monitor flowchart maze matrix search counter correcting method feedback automatic vowelization polarity manipuri semantic grammar spoken language understanding avyaya kridanta upasarga upapada morphological analyzer correlation coefficient inter-annotator agreement readability annotator stochastic based tagging part of speech tagging parallel corpus legal texts collecting data english-kazakh corpus crf; pos; chunk; manipuri data record alignment deep web wrapper induction data extraction spam filtering content based filtering image spam named entity recognition; named entity; annotated nepali wordnet; text clustering; particle swarm op phrase structure phrase patterns arabic language tools. 1. introduction question answering system praat. (tts text to speech) modelling and representation of vocal knowledge standard arabic expert system engineering knowledge pos tags & hierarchical hash table dfa machine question – answering engine candidate itemset frequent itemset time consuming support improved apriori apriori syntax google translate semantic tokenization bi-lingual corpora comparative mt quality assessment romanian wordnet bing semantic processing semantic representation cross language information retrieval; transliterat multi words term extraction natural language parsing natural language applications speech recognition. stylistics rhetorical and political speeches. corpus linguistics byzantine greek literature interlingua-based mt example-based mt transfer-based mt devanagari orthography syllable savee database emotion paralinguistic information confidence interval speech subjective evaluation i ndian languages human evaluation semantic adequacy. machine translation evaluation legal translation logical structure of a legal sentence maximum entropy model crfs linguistic and contextual information phrase reordering unification-based grammar taxonomy of nouns probabilistic definite clause grammar probabilistic context-free grammar subcategorization nlization multilingual interlingua support vector machine syllabification cursive arabic - hidden markov models - sliding wi punjabi nlp unl-ization product reviews discourse representation anaphora resolution inter-sentential anaphora disambiguation online newspapers term-frequency inverse-document-frequency recommendation systems genetic algorithm training tables & corpus. name entity recognition syllabification. evaluation measure sense ambiguity page rank algorithm speech transformation dtw hnm nlization. unlization amt eugene nes accuracy f-measure suffix tree clustering browsing arabic web snippets web search engines; formal semantics. voice application vietnamese
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