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                             Web 2.0

                               QCon Beijing 2010
About Me
• Python
• 2002             Python
• 2004
•   Python is a programming language that lets you
    work more quickly and integrate your systems more
    effectively. You can learn to use Python and see
    almost immediate gains in productivity and lower
    maintenance costs. (via
Languages in


    Python                      3%
Why Python?
• Hello World: 1
• Hello World: 1
•            :1
• Hello World: 1
•            :1
•         :1
• Hello World: 1
•            :1
•         :1
•         :3
: 13
: 13
import os
from collections import defaultdict

d = defaultdict(int)

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'):
    for filename in filenames:
        path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
        ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
        d[ext] += len(list(open(path)))

for ext, n_lines in d.items():
    print ext, n_lines
• Pythonic
    1. svn ci
    2. svn up
    3. restart
• Web
• Battery Included:             200+
• PyPI: 9613 packages currently
• /            /    /     /         /   /
• easily extensible

Just kidding :-p
Web Server
Web Server
• python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Web Server
• python -m SimpleHTTPServer      

import web

urls = (
    '/(.*)', 'hello'
app = web.application(urls, globals())

class hello:
    def GET(self, name):
        if not name:
             name = 'World'
        return 'Hello, ' + name + '!'

if __name__ == "__main__":

import flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello(name):
    if not name:
        name = 'World'
    return 'Hello, ' + name + '!'

if __name__ == "__main__":
Why so many Python
  web frameworks?
• Because you can write your own
  framework in 3 hours and a total of 60
  lines of Python code.
def cube(x):
    >>> cube(10)
    return x * x

def _test():
    import doctest

if __name__ == "__main__":

from cube import cube

def test_cube():
    result = cube(10)
    assert result == 1000

>>> from numpy import *
>>> A = arange(4).reshape(2, 2)
>>> A
array([[0, 1],
       [2, 3]])
>>> dot(A, A.T)
array([[ 1, 3],
       [ 3, 13]])

$ ipython -pylab
In [1]: X = frange(0, 10, 0.1)
In [2]: Y = [sin(x) for x in X]
In [3]: plot(X, Y)

$ ipython -pylab
In [1]: X = frange(0, 10, 0.1)
In [2]: Y = [sin(x) for x in X]
In [3]: plot(X, Y)


$ python --no-site-packages mydevenv
$ cd mydevenv
$ source bin/activate
(mydevenv)$ paster create -t new9 helloworld

cdef extern from "math.h"
    double sin(double)

cdef double f(double x):
    return sin(x*x)
>>> import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to
break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.               
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the
temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and
preferably only one --obvious way
to do it.
Although that way may not be           Python
obvious at first unless you're Dutch.    
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than
*right* now.                            
If the implementation is hard to
explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to        
explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great
idea -- let's do more of those!
Simple is better than
class HelloWorld
        public static void main(String args[])
           System.out.println("Hello World!");
Simple is better than

    print "Hello World!"
Readability counts
Readability counts

•           {}   end
Readability counts

•                  {}   end
•                 (except "@" for
Readability counts

•                    {}   end
•                  (except "@" for

if limit is not None and len(ids)>limit:
    ids = random.sample(ids, limit)
• There (should be) Only One Way To Do It.
• vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More
  Than One Way To Do It)
 • There (should be) Only One Way To Do It.
 • vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More
    Than One Way To Do It)

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
b = []
for i in range(len(a)):
 • There (should be) Only One Way To Do It.
 • vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More
    Than One Way To Do It)

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
b = []
for i in range(len(a)):
 • There (should be) Only One Way To Do It.
 • vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More
    Than One Way To Do It)

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]       b = []
b = []                    for x in a:
for i in range(len(a)):
 • There (should be) Only One Way To Do It.
 • vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More
    Than One Way To Do It)

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]       b = []
b = []                    for x in a:
for i in range(len(a)):
• There (should be) Only One Way To Do It.
• vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More
  Than One Way To Do It)

     b = [x*2 for x in a]
Python                                                            C
• svn
• svn
•       (   list)
• svn
•           (   list)
•       +
• svn
•                    (   list)
•       +
•           parser
MEMCACHED_ADDR = ['localhost:11211']

from local_config import *
MEMCACHED_ADDR = ['localhost:11211']

from local_config import *

                                   MEMCACHED_ADDR = [
MEMCACHED_ADDR = ['localhost:11211']

from local_config import *

            exec                   MEMCACHED_ADDR = [
class GroupUI(object):
    def new_topic(self, request):
            return new_topic_ui(
            request.response.set_status(403, "Forbidden")
            return error_403_ui(msg="                 ")

    def join(self, request):

class Group(object):
    def can_post(self, user):

    def can_join(self, user):
        return not
class GroupUI(object):
    @check_permission('post', msg="               ")
    def new_topic(self, request):
        return new_topic_ui(

    @check_permission('join', msg="          ")
    def join(self, request):

class Group(object):
    def can_post(self, user):

    def can_join(self, user):
        return not
def print_before_exec(func):
    def _(*args, **kwargs):
        print "decorated"
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return _

def double(x):
    print x*2

def print_before_exec(func):
    def _(*args, **kwargs):
        print "decorated"
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return _
def double(x):                         20
    print x*2

class check_permission(object):
    def __init__(self, action, msg=None):
        self.action = action
        self.msg = msg

   def __call__(self, func):
       def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs):
           f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action)
           if f(req.user):
                return func(ui, *args, **kwargs)
           raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action,
       return _
class check_permission(object):
    def __init__(self, action, msg=None):
        self.action = action
        self.msg = msg

    def __call__(self, func):
        def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs):
            f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action)
            if f(req.user):
                 return func(ui, *args, **kwargs)
            raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action,
        return _
class check_permission(object):
    def __init__(self, action, msg=None):
        self.action = action
        self.msg = msg

   def __call__(self, func):
       def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs):
           f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action)
           if f(req.user):
               return func(ui, *args, **kwargs)
           raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action,
       return _
class check_permission(object):
    def __init__(self, action, msg=None):
        self.action = action
        self.msg = msg

   def __call__(self, func):
       def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs):
           f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action)
           if f(req.user):
                return func(ui, *args, **kwargs)
           raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action,
       return _
class check_permission(object):
    def __init__(self, action, msg=None):
        self.action = action
        self.msg = msg

   def __call__(self, func):
       def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs):
           f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action)
           if f(req.user):
                return func(ui, *args, **kwargs)
           raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action,
       return _
class check_permission(object):
    def __init__(self, action, msg=None):
        self.action = action
        self.msg = msg

   def __call__(self, func):
       def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs):
           f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action)
           if f(req.user):
                return func(ui, *args, **kwargs)
           raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action,
       return _
class GroupUI(object):
    @check_permission('post', msg="               ")
    def new_topic(self, request):
        return new_topic_ui(

    @check_permission('join', msg="          ")
    def join(self, request):

class Group(object):
    def can_post(self, user):

    def can_join(self, user):
        return not
def send_notification_mail(email, subject, body):
    msg = MSG_SEND_MAIL + '0' + email + '0' + subject + '0' + body

def async_worker():
    msg = mq.get()
    msg = msg.split('0')
    cmd = msg[0]
    if cmd == MSG_SEND_MAIL:
        email, subject, body = msg[1:]
        fromaddr = ''
        email_body = make_email_body(fromaddr, email, subject, body)
        smtp = smtplib.SMTP('mail')
        smtp.sendmail(fromaddr, email, email_body)
    elif cmd == MSG_xxxx:
    elif cmd == MSG_yyyy:
def send_notification_mail(email, subject, body):
    fromaddr = ''
    email_body = make_email_body(fromaddr, email, subject,
    smtp = smtplib.SMTP('mail')
    smtp.sendmail(fromaddr, email, email_body)
def async(func):
    mod = sys.modules[func.__module__]
    fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__
    mod.__dict__[fname] = func
    def _(*a, **kw):
        body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw))
    return _

def async_worker():
    modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get())
    mod = sys.modules[modname]
    mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
def async(func):
    mod = sys.modules[func.__module__]
    fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__
    mod.__dict__[fname] = func
    def _(*a, **kw):
        body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw))
    return _

def async_worker():
    modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get())
    mod = sys.modules[modname]
    mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
def async(func):
    mod = sys.modules[func.__module__]
    fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__
    mod.__dict__[fname] = func
    def _(*a, **kw):
        body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw))
    return _

def async_worker():
    modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get())
    mod = sys.modules[modname]
    mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
def async(func):
    mod = sys.modules[func.__module__]
    fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__
    mod.__dict__[fname] = func
    def _(*a, **kw):
        body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw))
    return _

def async_worker():
    modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get())
    mod = sys.modules[modname]
    mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
def async(func):
    mod = sys.modules[func.__module__]
    fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__
    mod.__dict__[fname] = func
    def _(*a, **kw):
        body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw))
    return _

def async_worker():
    modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get())
    mod = sys.modules[modname]
    mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
def async(func):
    mod = sys.modules[func.__module__]
    fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__
    mod.__dict__[fname] = func
    def _(*a, **kw):
        body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw))
    return _

def async_worker():
    modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get())
    mod = sys.modules[modname]
    mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
def async(func):
    mod = sys.modules[func.__module__]
    fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__
    mod.__dict__[fname] = func
    def _(*a, **kw):
        body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw))
    return _

def async_worker():
    modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get())
    mod = sys.modules[modname]
    mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
def async(func):
    mod = sys.modules[func.__module__]
    fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__
    mod.__dict__[fname] = func
    def _(*a, **kw):
        body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw))
    return _

def async_worker():
    modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get())
    mod = sys.modules[modname]
    mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
• cache   (SQL,   , etc)
def get_latest_review_id():
    review_id = mc.get('latest_review_id')
    if review_id is None:
        review_id = exc_sql("select max(id) from review")
        mc.set('latest_review_id', review_id)
    return review_id
def get_latest_review_id():
    return exc_sql("select max(id) from review")
def cache(key):
    def deco(func):
        def _(*args, **kwargs):
            r = mc.get(key)
            if r is None:
                 r = func(*args, **kwargs)
                 mc.set(key, r)
            return r
        return _
    return deco
def cache(key):
    def deco(func):
        def _(*args, **kwargs):
            r = mc.get(key)
            if r is None:
                r = func(*args, **kwargs)
                mc.set(key, r)
            return r
        return _
    return deco
cache key

def get_review(id):
    key = 'review:%s' % id
    review = mc.get(key)
    if review is None: # cache miss
        id, author_id, text = exc_sql("select id, author_id,
text from review where id=%s", id)
        review = Review(id, author_id, text)
        mc.set(key, review)
    return review
cache key

def get_review(id):
    id, author_id, text = exc_sql("select id, author_id,
text from review where id=%s", id)
    return Review(id, author_id, text)
def cache(key_pattern, expire=0):
    def deco(f):
        arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f)
        if varargs or varkw:
            raise Exception("not support varargs")
        gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults)

       def _(*a, **kw):
           key = gen_key(*a, **kw)
           r = mc.get(key)
           if r is None:
                r = f(*a, **kw)
                mc.set(key, r, expire)
           return r
       return _
   return deco
def cache(key_pattern, expire=0):
    def deco(f):
        arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f)
        if varargs or varkw:
            raise Exception("not support varargs")
        gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults)

       def _(*a, **kw):
           key = gen_key(*a, **kw)
           r = mc.get(key)
           if r is None:
                r = f(*a, **kw)
                mc.set(key, r, expire)
           return r
       return _
   return deco
def cache(key_pattern, expire=0):
    def deco(f):
        arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f)
        if varargs or varkw:
            raise Exception("not support varargs")
        gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults)

       def _(*a, **kw):
           key = gen_key(*a, **kw)
           r = mc.get(key)
           if r is None:
                r = f(*a, **kw)
                mc.set(key, r, expire)
           return r
       return _
   return deco
>>> import inspect
>>> def f(a, b=1, c=2):
...     pass
>>> inspect.getargspec(f)
ArgSpec(args=['a', 'b', 'c'], varargs=None, keywords=None,
defaults=(1, 2))
>>> def f(a, b=1, c=2, *args, **kwargs):
...     pass
>>> inspect.getargspec(f)
ArgSpec(args=['a', 'b', 'c'], varargs='args', keywords='kwargs',
defaults=(1, 2))
def cache(key_pattern, expire=0):
    def deco(f):
        arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f)
        if varargs or varkw:
            raise Exception("not support varargs")
        gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults)

       def _(*a, **kw):
           key = gen_key(*a, **kw)
           r = mc.get(key)
           if r is None:
                r = f(*a, **kw)
                mc.set(key, r, expire)
           return r
       return _
   return deco
def cache(key_pattern, expire=0):
    def deco(f):
        arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f)
        if varargs or varkw:
            raise Exception("not support varargs")
        gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults)

       def _(*a, **kw):
           key = gen_key(*a, **kw)
           r = mc.get(key)
           if r is None:

                r = f(*a, **kw)
                mc.set(key, r, expire)
           return r        • str.format in python 2.6:
                                '{id}'.format(id=1) => '1'
       return _
   return deco             • dict(zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3]))
                                => {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
def cache(key_pattern, expire=0):
    def deco(f):
        arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f)
        if varargs or varkw:
            raise Exception("not support varargs")
        gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults)

       def _(*a, **kw):
           key = gen_key(*a, **kw)
           r = mc.get(key)
           if r is None:

                r = f(*a, **kw)
                mc.set(key, r, expire)
           return r        • str.format in python 2.6:
                                '{id}'.format(id=1) => '1'
       return _
   return deco             • dict(zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3]))
                                => {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
def cache(key_pattern, expire=0):
    def deco(f):
        arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f)
        if varargs or varkw:
            raise Exception("not support varargs")
        gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults)

       def _(*a, **kw):
           key = gen_key(*a, **kw)
           r = mc.get(key)
           if r is None:
                r = f(*a, **kw)
                mc.set(key, r, expire)
           return r
       return _
   return deco
• feed       feed
class Feed(object):
    def get_entries(self, limit=10):
        ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=
%s order by id desc limit %s", (, limit))
        return [Entry.get(id) for id in ids]

class FeedCollection(object):
    def get_entries(self, limit=10):
        mixed_entries = []
        for feed in self.feeds:
            entries = feed.get_entries(limit=limit)
            mixed_entries += entries
        mixed_entries.sort(key=lambda e:, reverse=True)
        return mixed_entries[:10]
class Feed(object):
    def get_entries(self, limit=10):
        ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=
%s order by id desc limit %s", (, limit))
        return [Entry.get(id) for id in ids]

class FeedCollection(object):
    def get_entries(self, limit=10):
        mixed_entries = []
        for feed in self.feeds:
            entries = feed.get_entries(limit=limit)
            mixed_entries += entries
        mixed_entries.sort(key=lambda e:, reverse=True)
        return mixed_entries[:10]
class Feed(object):
    def get_entries(self, limit=10):
        ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=
%s order by id desc limit %s", (, limit))
        return [Entry.get(id) for id in ids]

class FeedCollection(object):
    def get_entries(self, limit=10):
        mixed_entries = []
        for feed in self.feeds:
            entries = feed.get_entries(limit=limit)
            mixed_entries += entries
        mixed_entries.sort(key=lambda e:, reverse=True)
        return mixed_entries[:10]
class Feed(object):
    def get_entries(self, limit=10):
        ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=
%s order by id desc limit %s", (, limit))
        return [Entry.get(id) for id in ids]

class FeedCollection(object):
    def get_entries(self, limit=10):
                                         len(self.feeds) * limit
        mixed_entries = []
        for feed in self.feeds:
            entries = feed.get_entries(limit=limit)
            mixed_entries += entries
        mixed_entries.sort(key=lambda e:, reverse=True)
        return mixed_entries[:10]
class Feed(object):
    def get_entries(self, limit=10):
        ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=
%s order by id desc limit %s", (, limit))
        return [Entry.get(id) for id in ids]

class FeedCollection(object):
                                                  Entry.get =
    def get_entries(self, limit=10):
                                        len(self.feeds-1) * limit
        mixed_entries = []
        for feed in self.feeds:
            entries = feed.get_entries(limit=limit)
            mixed_entries += entries
        mixed_entries.sort(key=lambda e:, reverse=True)
        return mixed_entries[:10]
iterator and generator
def fib():
    x, y = 1, 1
    while True:
        yield x
        x, y = y, x+y

def odd(seq):
    return (n for n in seq if n%2)

def less_than(seq, upper_limit):
    for number in seq:
        if number >= upper_limit:
        yield number

print sum(odd(less_than(fib(), 4000000)))
•   count([n]) --> n, n+1, n+2

•   cycle(p) --> p0, p1, ... plast, p0, p1, ...

•   repeat(elem [,n]) --> elem, elem, elem, ...
    endless or up to n times

•   izip(p, q, ...) --> (p[0], q[0]), (p[1],
    q[1]), ...

•   islice(seq, [start,] stop [, step]) -->
    elements from seq[start:stop:step]

•   ... and more ...
class Feed(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        start_id = sys.maxint
        while True:
            entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where
feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id))
            if not entry_ids:
            for entry_id in entry_ids:
                yield Entry.get(entry_id)
            start_id = entry_ids[-1]

class FeedCollection(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds])

   def get_entries(self, limit=10):
       return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
class Feed(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        start_id = sys.maxint
        while True:
            entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where
feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id))
            if not entry_ids:
            for entry_id in entry_ids:
                yield Entry.get(entry_id)
            start_id = entry_ids[-1]

class FeedCollection(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds])

   def get_entries(self, limit=10):
       return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
class Feed(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        start_id = sys.maxint
        while True:
            entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where
feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id))
            if not entry_ids:
            for entry_id in entry_ids:
                yield Entry.get(entry_id)
            start_id = entry_ids[-1]

class FeedCollection(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds])

   def get_entries(self, limit=10):
       return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
class Feed(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        start_id = sys.maxint
        while True:
            entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where
feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id))
            if not entry_ids:
            for entry_id in entry_ids:
                yield Entry.get(entry_id)
            start_id = entry_ids[-1]

class FeedCollection(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds])

   def get_entries(self, limit=10):
       return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
class Feed(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        start_id = sys.maxint
        while True:
            entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where
feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id))
            if not entry_ids:
            for entry_id in entry_ids:
                yield Entry.get(entry_id)
            start_id = entry_ids[-1]

class FeedCollection(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds])

   def get_entries(self, limit=10):
       return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
class Feed(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        start_id = sys.maxint
        while True:
            entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where
feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id))
            if not entry_ids:
            for entry_id in entry_ids:                              =
                yield Entry.get(entry_id)
                                                len(self.feeds) * 5 ~
            start_id = entry_ids[-1]
                                             len(self.feeds)*5 + limit -5
class FeedCollection(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds])

    def get_entries(self, limit=10):
        return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
class Feed(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        start_id = sys.maxint
        while True:
            entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where
feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id))
            if not entry_ids:
            for entry_id in entry_ids:
                yield Entry.get(entry_id)
            start_id = entry_ids[-1]                Entry.get =
                                              0 ~ len(self.feeds)-1
class FeedCollection(object):
    def iter_entries(self):
        return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds])

   def get_entries(self, limit=10):
       return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
decorator   generator
class User(object):
    def __init__(self, id, username, screen_name, sig): = id
        self.username = username
        self.screen_name = screen_name
        self.sig = sig

user = User('1002211', 'hongqn', 'hongqn', "
cPickle vs. marshal
$ python -m timeit -s '
> from user import user
> from cPickle import dumps, loads
> s = dumps(user, 2)' 
> 'loads(s)'
100000 loops, best of 3: 6.6 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s '
> from user import user
> from marshal import dumps, loads
> d = (, user.username, user.screen_name, user.sig)
> s = dumps(d, 2)' 'loads(s)'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.9 usec per loop
cPickle vs. marshal
$ python -m timeit -s '
> from user import user
> from cPickle import dumps, loads
> s = dumps(user, 2)' 
> 'loads(s)'

100000 loops, best of 3: 6.6 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s '
> from user import user
> from marshal import dumps, loads
> d = (, user.username, user.screen_name, user.sig)
> s = dumps(d, 2)' 'loads(s)'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.9 usec per loop
cPickle vs. marshal
$ python -m timeit -s '
> from user import user
> from cPickle import dumps, loads
> s = dumps(user, 2)' 
> 'loads(s)'

100000 loops, best of 3: 6.6 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s '
> from user import user
> from marshal import dumps, loads
> d = (, user.username, user.screen_name, user.sig)
> s = dumps(d, 2)' 'loads(s)'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.9 usec per loop
cPickle vs. marshal
$ python -c timeit
> import cPickle, marshal
> from user import user
> print "pickle:", len(cPickle.dumps(user, 2))
> print "marshal:", len(marshal.dumps((, 
>           user.username, user.screen_name, user.sig), 2))'
pickle: 129
marshal: 74

cPickle vs. marshal
$ python -c timeit
> import cPickle, marshal
> from user import user
> print "pickle:", len(cPickle.dumps(user, 2))
> print "marshal:", len(marshal.dumps((, 
>           user.username, user.screen_name, user.sig), 2))'
pickle: 129
marshal: 74

from collections import namedtuple

User = namedtuple('User', 'id username screen_name sig')

user = User('1002211', 'hongqn', 'hongqn', sig="

-> 'hongqn'
class User(tuple):
    __metaclass__ = NamedTupleMetaClass
    __attrs__ = ['id', 'username', 'screen_name', 'sig']

user = User('1002211', 'hongqn', 'hongqn', sig="

s = marshal.dumps(user.__marshal__())
from operator import itemgetter

class NamedTupleMetaClass(type):
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dict):
        assert bases == (tuple,)
        for i, a in enumerate(dict['__attrs__']):
            dict[a] = property(itemgetter(i))
        dict['__slots__'] = ()
        dict['__marshal__'] = tuple
        dict['__load_marshal__'] = classmethod(tuple.__new__)
        dict['__getnewargs__'] = lambda self: tuple(self)
        argtxt = repr(tuple(attrs)).replace("'", "")[1:-1]
        template = """def newfunc(cls, %(argtxt)s):
    return tuple.__new__(cls, (%(argtxt)s))""" % locals()
        namespace = {}
        exec template in namespace
        dict['__new__'] = namespace['newfunc']
        return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict)
•        request.get_environ(key)
    • e.g.
      --> request.remote_addr
•            __get__, __set__
    class Descriptor(object):
        def __get__(self, instance, owner):
            return 'descriptor'

    class Owner(object):
        attr = Descriptor()

    owner = Owner()
    owner.attr --> 'descriptor'
• classmethod
• staticmethod
• property
     class C(object):
         def get_x(self):
             return self._x
         def set_x(self, x):
             self._x = x
         x = property(get_x, set_x)
class environ_getter(object):
    def __init__(self, key, default=None):
        self.key = key
        self.default = default

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
        if obj is None:
            return self
        return obj.get_environ(self.key, self.default)

class HTTPRequest(quixote.http_request.HTTPRequest):
    for key in ['HTTP_REFERER', 'REMOTE_ADDR',
                 'SERVER_NAME', 'REQUEST_URI', 'HTTP_HOST']:
        locals()[key.lower()] = environ_getter(key)
    del key
class environ_getter(object):
    def __init__(self, key, default=None):
        self.key = key
        self.default = default

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
        if obj is None:
            return self
        return obj.get_environ(self.key, self.default)

class HTTPRequest(quixote.http_request.HTTPRequest):
    for key in ['HTTP_REFERER', 'REMOTE_ADDR',
                'SERVER_NAME', 'REQUEST_URI', 'HTTP_HOST']:
        locals()[key.lower()] = environ_getter(key)
    del key
•   urllib.urlopen   socks
Monkey Patch
import httplib

orig_connect = httplib.HTTPConnection.connect

def _patched_connect(self):
    if HOSTS_BLOCKED.match(
        return _connect_via_socks_proxy(self)
        return orig_connect(self)

def _connect_via_socks_proxy(self):

httplib.HTTPConnection.connect = _patched_connect

• Pythonic!

• Pythonic!
• Avoid gotchas

• Pythonic!
• Avoid gotchas

• Unicode / Character Encoding

• Pythonic!
• Avoid gotchas

• Unicode / Character Encoding
• GIL (Global Interpreter Lock)

• Pythonic!
• Avoid gotchas

• Unicode / Character Encoding
• GIL (Global Interpreter Lock)
• Garbage Collection
•         :Vim / Emacs / Ulipad
•           : subversion / mercurial / git
• wiki/          /          : Trac
•           : Bitten
• CPython
• CPython

• Unlanden-Swallow
• CPython

• Unlanden-Swallow

• Stackless Python
• CPython

• Unlanden-Swallow

• Stackless Python

• IronPython
• CPython

• Unlanden-Swallow

• Stackless Python

• IronPython

• Jython
• CPython

• Unlanden-Swallow

• Stackless Python

• IronPython

• Jython
• PyPy
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Python于Web 2.0网站的应用 - QCon Beijing 2010

  • 1. Python Web 2.0 QCon Beijing 2010
  • 2. About Me • Python • 2002 Python • 2004 Python • people/hongqn/ • •
  • 3. Python • Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. You can learn to use Python and see almost immediate gains in productivity and lower maintenance costs. (via
  • 4. Languages in C 27% Javascript 12% C++ Python 3% 58% (Pyrex/R/Erlang/Go/Shell) 1%
  • 6.
  • 8. • Hello World: 1 • :1
  • 9. • Hello World: 1 • :1 • :1
  • 10. • Hello World: 1 • :1 • :1 • :3
  • 11.
  • 12. : 13
  • 13. : 13 import os from collections import defaultdict d = defaultdict(int) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'): for filename in filenames: path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] d[ext] += len(list(open(path))) for ext, n_lines in d.items(): print ext, n_lines
  • 15. 1. svn ci 2. svn up 3. restart
  • 17. • Battery Included: 200+ • PyPI: 9613 packages currently • / / / / / / /... • easily extensible
  • 21.
  • 23. Web Server • python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • 24. Web Server • python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • 25. import web urls = ( '/(.*)', 'hello' ) app = web.application(urls, globals()) class hello: def GET(self, name): if not name: name = 'World' return 'Hello, ' + name + '!' if __name__ == "__main__":
  • 26. Flask import flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/<name>") def hello(name): if not name: name = 'World' return 'Hello, ' + name + '!' if __name__ == "__main__":
  • 27. WSGI
  • 28. Why so many Python web frameworks? • Because you can write your own framework in 3 hours and a total of 60 lines of Python code. • Why_so_many_Python_web_frameworks
  • 29. doctest def cube(x): """ >>> cube(10) 1000 """ return x * x def _test(): import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__ == "__main__": _test()
  • 30. nose from cube import cube def test_cube(): result = cube(10) assert result == 1000
  • 31. numpy >>> from numpy import * >>> A = arange(4).reshape(2, 2) >>> A array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) >>> dot(A, A.T) array([[ 1, 3], [ 3, 13]])
  • 32. ipython $ ipython -pylab In [1]: X = frange(0, 10, 0.1) In [2]: Y = [sin(x) for x in X] In [3]: plot(X, Y)
  • 33. ipython $ ipython -pylab In [1]: X = frange(0, 10, 0.1) In [2]: Y = [sin(x) for x in X] In [3]: plot(X, Y)
  • 34. virtualenv python $ python --no-site-packages mydevenv $ cd mydevenv $ source bin/activate (mydevenv)$ paster create -t new9 helloworld
  • 35. Pyrex/Cython cdef extern from "math.h" double sin(double) cdef double f(double x): return sin(x*x)
  • 37. >>> import this The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.   Although practicality beats purity. Errors should never pass silently. Unless explicitly silenced.  
  • 38. In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. Although that way may not be Python obvious at first unless you're Dutch.   Now is better than never. Although never is often better than *right* now.   If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. If the implementation is easy to   explain, it may be a good idea. Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
  • 39. Simple is better than complex class HelloWorld { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }
  • 40. Simple is better than complex print "Hello World!"
  • 43. Readability counts • {} end • (except "@" for decorators)
  • 44. Readability counts • {} end • (except "@" for decorators) if limit is not None and len(ids)>limit: ids = random.sample(ids, limit)
  • 45. TOOWTDI • There (should be) Only One Way To Do It. • vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More Than One Way To Do It)
  • 46. TOOWTDI • There (should be) Only One Way To Do It. • vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More Than One Way To Do It) a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] b = [] for i in range(len(a)): b.append(a[i]*2)
  • 47. TOOWTDI • There (should be) Only One Way To Do It. • vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More Than One Way To Do It) a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] b = [] for i in range(len(a)): b.append(a[i]*2)
  • 48. TOOWTDI • There (should be) Only One Way To Do It. • vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More Than One Way To Do It) a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] b = [] b = [] for x in a: for i in range(len(a)): b.append(x*2) b.append(a[i]*2)
  • 49. TOOWTDI • There (should be) Only One Way To Do It. • vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More Than One Way To Do It) a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] b = [] b = [] for x in a: for i in range(len(a)): b.append(x*2) b.append(a[i]*2)
  • 50. TOOWTDI • There (should be) Only One Way To Do It. • vs. Perlish TIMTOWTDI (There Is More Than One Way To Do It) b = [x*2 for x in a]
  • 52. Python C
  • 56.
  • 58. • svn • ( list)
  • 59. • svn • ( list) • +
  • 60. • svn • ( list) • + • parser
  • 62. MEMCACHED_ADDR = ['localhost:11211'] from local_config import * MEMCACHED_ADDR = [ 'frodo:11211', 'sam:11211', 'pippin:11211', 'merry:11211', ]
  • 63. MEMCACHED_ADDR = ['localhost:11211'] from local_config import * .py exec MEMCACHED_ADDR = [ 'frodo:11211', 'sam:11211', 'pippin:11211', 'merry:11211', ]
  • 64.
  • 65. class GroupUI(object): def new_topic(self, request): if return new_topic_ui( else: request.response.set_status(403, "Forbidden") return error_403_ui(msg=" ") def join(self, request): if ... class Group(object): def can_post(self, user): return def can_join(self, user): return not
  • 66. class GroupUI(object): @check_permission('post', msg=" ") def new_topic(self, request): return new_topic_ui( @check_permission('join', msg=" ") def join(self, request): ... class Group(object): def can_post(self, user): return def can_join(self, user): return not
  • 67. decorator def print_before_exec(func): def _(*args, **kwargs): print "decorated" return func(*args, **kwargs) return _ @print_before_exec def double(x): print x*2 double(10)
  • 68. decorator def print_before_exec(func): def _(*args, **kwargs): print "decorated" return func(*args, **kwargs) return _ decorated @print_before_exec def double(x): 20 print x*2 double(10)
  • 69. class check_permission(object): def __init__(self, action, msg=None): self.action = action self.msg = msg def __call__(self, func): def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs): f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action) if f(req.user): return func(ui, *args, **kwargs) raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action, self.msg) return _
  • 70. class check_permission(object): def __init__(self, action, msg=None): self.action = action self.msg = msg def __call__(self, func): def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs): f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action) if f(req.user): return func(ui, *args, **kwargs) raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action, self.msg) return _
  • 71. class check_permission(object): def __init__(self, action, msg=None): self.action = action self.msg = msg def __call__(self, func): def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs): f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action) if f(req.user): return func(ui, *args, **kwargs) raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action, self.msg) return _
  • 72. class check_permission(object): def __init__(self, action, msg=None): self.action = action self.msg = msg def __call__(self, func): def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs): f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action) if f(req.user): return func(ui, *args, **kwargs) raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action, self.msg) return _
  • 73. class check_permission(object): def __init__(self, action, msg=None): self.action = action self.msg = msg def __call__(self, func): def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs): f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action) if f(req.user): return func(ui, *args, **kwargs) raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action, self.msg) return _
  • 74. class check_permission(object): def __init__(self, action, msg=None): self.action = action self.msg = msg def __call__(self, func): def _(ui, req, *args, **kwargs): f = getattr(ui.perm_obj, 'can_' + self.action) if f(req.user): return func(ui, *args, **kwargs) raise BadPermission(ui.perm_obj, self.action, self.msg) return _
  • 75. class GroupUI(object): @check_permission('post', msg=" ") def new_topic(self, request): return new_topic_ui( @check_permission('join', msg=" ") def join(self, request): ... class Group(object): def can_post(self, user): return def can_join(self, user): return not
  • 76.
  • 77. def send_notification_mail(email, subject, body): msg = MSG_SEND_MAIL + '0' + email + '0' + subject + '0' + body mq.put(msg) def async_worker(): msg = mq.get() msg = msg.split('0') cmd = msg[0] if cmd == MSG_SEND_MAIL: email, subject, body = msg[1:] fromaddr = '' email_body = make_email_body(fromaddr, email, subject, body) smtp = smtplib.SMTP('mail') smtp.sendmail(fromaddr, email, email_body) elif cmd == MSG_xxxx: ... elif cmd == MSG_yyyy: ...
  • 78. @async def send_notification_mail(email, subject, body): fromaddr = '' email_body = make_email_body(fromaddr, email, subject, body) smtp = smtplib.SMTP('mail') smtp.sendmail(fromaddr, email, email_body)
  • 79. def async(func): mod = sys.modules[func.__module__] fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__ mod.__dict__[fname] = func def _(*a, **kw): body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw)) mq.put(body) return _ def async_worker(): modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get()) __import__(modname) mod = sys.modules[modname] mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
  • 80. def async(func): mod = sys.modules[func.__module__] fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__ mod.__dict__[fname] = func def _(*a, **kw): body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw)) mq.put(body) return _ def async_worker(): modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get()) __import__(modname) mod = sys.modules[modname] mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
  • 81. def async(func): mod = sys.modules[func.__module__] fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__ mod.__dict__[fname] = func def _(*a, **kw): body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw)) mq.put(body) return _ def async_worker(): modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get()) __import__(modname) mod = sys.modules[modname] mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
  • 82. def async(func): mod = sys.modules[func.__module__] fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__ mod.__dict__[fname] = func def _(*a, **kw): body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw)) mq.put(body) return _ def async_worker(): modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get()) __import__(modname) mod = sys.modules[modname] mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
  • 83. def async(func): mod = sys.modules[func.__module__] fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__ mod.__dict__[fname] = func def _(*a, **kw): body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw)) mq.put(body) return _ def async_worker(): modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get()) __import__(modname) mod = sys.modules[modname] mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
  • 84. def async(func): mod = sys.modules[func.__module__] fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__ mod.__dict__[fname] = func def _(*a, **kw): body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw)) mq.put(body) return _ def async_worker(): modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get()) __import__(modname) mod = sys.modules[modname] mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
  • 85. def async(func): mod = sys.modules[func.__module__] fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__ mod.__dict__[fname] = func def _(*a, **kw): body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw)) mq.put(body) return _ def async_worker(): modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get()) __import__(modname) mod = sys.modules[modname] mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
  • 86. def async(func): mod = sys.modules[func.__module__] fname = 'origin_' + func.__name__ mod.__dict__[fname] = func def _(*a, **kw): body = cPickle.dumps((mod.__name__, fname, a, kw)) mq.put(body) return _ def async_worker(): modname, fname, a, kw = cPickle.loads(mq.get()) __import__(modname) mod = sys.modules[modname] mod.__dict__[fname](*a, **kw)
  • 87. • cache (SQL, , etc)
  • 88. def get_latest_review_id(): review_id = mc.get('latest_review_id') if review_id is None: review_id = exc_sql("select max(id) from review") mc.set('latest_review_id', review_id) return review_id
  • 89. @cache('latest_review_id') def get_latest_review_id(): return exc_sql("select max(id) from review")
  • 90. def cache(key): def deco(func): def _(*args, **kwargs): r = mc.get(key) if r is None: r = func(*args, **kwargs) mc.set(key, r) return r return _ return deco
  • 91. def cache(key): def deco(func): def _(*args, **kwargs): r = mc.get(key) if r is None: r = func(*args, **kwargs) mc.set(key, r) return r return _ return deco
  • 92. cache key def get_review(id): key = 'review:%s' % id review = mc.get(key) if review is None: # cache miss id, author_id, text = exc_sql("select id, author_id, text from review where id=%s", id) review = Review(id, author_id, text) mc.set(key, review) return review
  • 93. cache key decorator @cache('review:{id}') def get_review(id): id, author_id, text = exc_sql("select id, author_id, text from review where id=%s", id) return Review(id, author_id, text)
  • 94. def cache(key_pattern, expire=0): def deco(f): arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f) if varargs or varkw: raise Exception("not support varargs") gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults) def _(*a, **kw): key = gen_key(*a, **kw) r = mc.get(key) if r is None: r = f(*a, **kw) mc.set(key, r, expire) return r return _ return deco
  • 95. def cache(key_pattern, expire=0): def deco(f): arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f) if varargs or varkw: raise Exception("not support varargs") gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults) def _(*a, **kw): key = gen_key(*a, **kw) r = mc.get(key) if r is None: r = f(*a, **kw) mc.set(key, r, expire) return r return _ return deco
  • 96. def cache(key_pattern, expire=0): def deco(f): arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f) if varargs or varkw: raise Exception("not support varargs") gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults) def _(*a, **kw): key = gen_key(*a, **kw) r = mc.get(key) if r is None: r = f(*a, **kw) mc.set(key, r, expire) return r return _ return deco
  • 97. inspect.getargspec >>> import inspect >>> def f(a, b=1, c=2): ... pass ... >>> inspect.getargspec(f) ArgSpec(args=['a', 'b', 'c'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(1, 2)) >>> >>> >>> def f(a, b=1, c=2, *args, **kwargs): ... pass ... >>> inspect.getargspec(f) ArgSpec(args=['a', 'b', 'c'], varargs='args', keywords='kwargs', defaults=(1, 2))
  • 98. def cache(key_pattern, expire=0): def deco(f): arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f) if varargs or varkw: raise Exception("not support varargs") gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults) def _(*a, **kw): key = gen_key(*a, **kw) r = mc.get(key) if r is None: r = f(*a, **kw) mc.set(key, r, expire) return r return _ return deco
  • 99. def cache(key_pattern, expire=0): def deco(f): arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f) if varargs or varkw: raise Exception("not support varargs") gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults) def _(*a, **kw): key = gen_key(*a, **kw) r = mc.get(key) if r is None: hint: r = f(*a, **kw) mc.set(key, r, expire) return r • str.format in python 2.6: '{id}'.format(id=1) => '1' return _ return deco • dict(zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3])) => {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
  • 100. def cache(key_pattern, expire=0): def deco(f): arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f) if varargs or varkw: raise Exception("not support varargs") gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults) def _(*a, **kw): key = gen_key(*a, **kw) r = mc.get(key) if r is None: hint: r = f(*a, **kw) mc.set(key, r, expire) return r • str.format in python 2.6: '{id}'.format(id=1) => '1' return _ return deco • dict(zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3])) => {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
  • 101. def cache(key_pattern, expire=0): def deco(f): arg_names, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(f) if varargs or varkw: raise Exception("not support varargs") gen_key = gen_key_factory(key_pattern, arg_names, defaults) def _(*a, **kw): key = gen_key(*a, **kw) r = mc.get(key) if r is None: r = f(*a, **kw) mc.set(key, r, expire) return r return _ return deco
  • 102. • feed feed entry_id
  • 103. class Feed(object): def get_entries(self, limit=10): ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id= %s order by id desc limit %s", (, limit)) return [Entry.get(id) for id in ids] class FeedCollection(object): def get_entries(self, limit=10): mixed_entries = [] for feed in self.feeds: entries = feed.get_entries(limit=limit) mixed_entries += entries mixed_entries.sort(key=lambda e:, reverse=True) return mixed_entries[:10]
  • 104. class Feed(object): def get_entries(self, limit=10): ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id= %s order by id desc limit %s", (, limit)) return [Entry.get(id) for id in ids] class FeedCollection(object): def get_entries(self, limit=10): mixed_entries = [] for feed in self.feeds: entries = feed.get_entries(limit=limit) mixed_entries += entries mixed_entries.sort(key=lambda e:, reverse=True) return mixed_entries[:10]
  • 105. class Feed(object): def get_entries(self, limit=10): ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id= %s order by id desc limit %s", (, limit)) return [Entry.get(id) for id in ids] class FeedCollection(object): def get_entries(self, limit=10): mixed_entries = [] for feed in self.feeds: entries = feed.get_entries(limit=limit) mixed_entries += entries mixed_entries.sort(key=lambda e:, reverse=True) return mixed_entries[:10]
  • 106. class Feed(object): def get_entries(self, limit=10): ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id= %s order by id desc limit %s", (, limit)) return [Entry.get(id) for id in ids] class FeedCollection(object): = def get_entries(self, limit=10): len(self.feeds) * limit mixed_entries = [] for feed in self.feeds: entries = feed.get_entries(limit=limit) mixed_entries += entries mixed_entries.sort(key=lambda e:, reverse=True) return mixed_entries[:10]
  • 107. class Feed(object): def get_entries(self, limit=10): ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id= %s order by id desc limit %s", (, limit)) return [Entry.get(id) for id in ids] class FeedCollection(object): Entry.get = def get_entries(self, limit=10): len(self.feeds-1) * limit mixed_entries = [] for feed in self.feeds: entries = feed.get_entries(limit=limit) mixed_entries += entries mixed_entries.sort(key=lambda e:, reverse=True) return mixed_entries[:10]
  • 108. iterator and generator def fib(): x, y = 1, 1 while True: yield x x, y = y, x+y def odd(seq): return (n for n in seq if n%2) def less_than(seq, upper_limit): for number in seq: if number >= upper_limit: break yield number print sum(odd(less_than(fib(), 4000000)))
  • 109. itertools • count([n]) --> n, n+1, n+2 • cycle(p) --> p0, p1, ... plast, p0, p1, ... • repeat(elem [,n]) --> elem, elem, elem, ... endless or up to n times • izip(p, q, ...) --> (p[0], q[0]), (p[1], q[1]), ... • islice(seq, [start,] stop [, step]) --> elements from seq[start:stop:step] • ... and more ...
  • 110. class Feed(object): def iter_entries(self): start_id = sys.maxint while True: entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id)) if not entry_ids: break for entry_id in entry_ids: yield Entry.get(entry_id) start_id = entry_ids[-1] class FeedCollection(object): def iter_entries(self): return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds]) def get_entries(self, limit=10): return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
  • 111. class Feed(object): def iter_entries(self): start_id = sys.maxint while True: entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id)) if not entry_ids: break for entry_id in entry_ids: yield Entry.get(entry_id) start_id = entry_ids[-1] class FeedCollection(object): def iter_entries(self): return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds]) def get_entries(self, limit=10): return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
  • 112. class Feed(object): def iter_entries(self): start_id = sys.maxint while True: entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id)) if not entry_ids: break for entry_id in entry_ids: yield Entry.get(entry_id) start_id = entry_ids[-1] class FeedCollection(object): def iter_entries(self): return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds]) def get_entries(self, limit=10): return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
  • 113. class Feed(object): def iter_entries(self): start_id = sys.maxint while True: entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id)) if not entry_ids: break for entry_id in entry_ids: yield Entry.get(entry_id) start_id = entry_ids[-1] class FeedCollection(object): def iter_entries(self): return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds]) def get_entries(self, limit=10): return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
  • 114. class Feed(object): def iter_entries(self): start_id = sys.maxint while True: entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id)) if not entry_ids: break for entry_id in entry_ids: yield Entry.get(entry_id) start_id = entry_ids[-1] class FeedCollection(object): def iter_entries(self): return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds]) def get_entries(self, limit=10): return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
  • 115. class Feed(object): def iter_entries(self): start_id = sys.maxint while True: entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id)) if not entry_ids: break for entry_id in entry_ids: = yield Entry.get(entry_id) len(self.feeds) * 5 ~ start_id = entry_ids[-1] len(self.feeds)*5 + limit -5 class FeedCollection(object): def iter_entries(self): return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds]) def get_entries(self, limit=10): return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
  • 116. class Feed(object): def iter_entries(self): start_id = sys.maxint while True: entry_ids = exc_sqls("select id from entry where feed_id=%s and id<%s order by id desc limit 5", (, start_id)) if not entry_ids: break for entry_id in entry_ids: yield Entry.get(entry_id) start_id = entry_ids[-1] Entry.get = 0 ~ len(self.feeds)-1 class FeedCollection(object): def iter_entries(self): return imerge(*[feed.iter_entries() for feed in self.feeds]) def get_entries(self, limit=10): return list(islice(self.iter_entries(), limit))
  • 117. decorator generator
  • 118.
  • 119. class User(object): def __init__(self, id, username, screen_name, sig): = id self.username = username self.screen_name = screen_name self.sig = sig user = User('1002211', 'hongqn', 'hongqn', " ")
  • 120. cPickle vs. marshal $ python -m timeit -s ' > from user import user > from cPickle import dumps, loads > s = dumps(user, 2)' > 'loads(s)' 100000 loops, best of 3: 6.6 usec per loop $ python -m timeit -s ' > from user import user > from marshal import dumps, loads > d = (, user.username, user.screen_name, user.sig) > s = dumps(d, 2)' 'loads(s)' 1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.9 usec per loop
  • 121. cPickle vs. marshal $ python -m timeit -s ' > from user import user > from cPickle import dumps, loads > s = dumps(user, 2)' > 'loads(s)' 7 100000 loops, best of 3: 6.6 usec per loop $ python -m timeit -s ' > from user import user > from marshal import dumps, loads > d = (, user.username, user.screen_name, user.sig) > s = dumps(d, 2)' 'loads(s)' 1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.9 usec per loop
  • 122. cPickle vs. marshal $ python -m timeit -s ' > from user import user > from cPickle import dumps, loads > s = dumps(user, 2)' > 'loads(s)' 7 100000 loops, best of 3: 6.6 usec per loop $ python -m timeit -s ' > from user import user > from marshal import dumps, loads > d = (, user.username, user.screen_name, user.sig) > s = dumps(d, 2)' 'loads(s)' 1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.9 usec per loop
  • 123. cPickle vs. marshal $ python -c timeit ' > import cPickle, marshal > from user import user > print "pickle:", len(cPickle.dumps(user, 2)) > print "marshal:", len(marshal.dumps((, > user.username, user.screen_name, user.sig), 2))' pickle: 129 marshal: 74 43%
  • 124. cPickle vs. marshal $ python -c timeit ' > import cPickle, marshal > from user import user > print "pickle:", len(cPickle.dumps(user, 2)) > print "marshal:", len(marshal.dumps((, > user.username, user.screen_name, user.sig), 2))' pickle: 129 marshal: 74 43%
  • 125. namedtuple from collections import namedtuple User = namedtuple('User', 'id username screen_name sig') user = User('1002211', 'hongqn', 'hongqn', sig=" ") user.username -> 'hongqn'
  • 126. __metaclass__ class User(tuple): __metaclass__ = NamedTupleMetaClass __attrs__ = ['id', 'username', 'screen_name', 'sig'] user = User('1002211', 'hongqn', 'hongqn', sig=" ") s = marshal.dumps(user.__marshal__()) User.__load_marshal__(marshal.loads(s))
  • 127. from operator import itemgetter class NamedTupleMetaClass(type): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dict): assert bases == (tuple,) for i, a in enumerate(dict['__attrs__']): dict[a] = property(itemgetter(i)) dict['__slots__'] = () dict['__marshal__'] = tuple dict['__load_marshal__'] = classmethod(tuple.__new__) dict['__getnewargs__'] = lambda self: tuple(self) argtxt = repr(tuple(attrs)).replace("'", "")[1:-1] template = """def newfunc(cls, %(argtxt)s): return tuple.__new__(cls, (%(argtxt)s))""" % locals() namespace = {} exec template in namespace dict['__new__'] = namespace['newfunc'] return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict)
  • 129. request.get_environ(key) • e.g. request.get_environ('REMOTE_ADDR') --> request.remote_addr
  • 130. descriptor • __get__, __set__ __delete__ class Descriptor(object): def __get__(self, instance, owner): return 'descriptor' class Owner(object): attr = Descriptor() owner = Owner() owner.attr --> 'descriptor'
  • 131. descriptor • classmethod • staticmethod • property class C(object): def get_x(self): return self._x def set_x(self, x): self._x = x x = property(get_x, set_x)
  • 132. class environ_getter(object): def __init__(self, key, default=None): self.key = key self.default = default def __get__(self, obj, objtype): if obj is None: return self return obj.get_environ(self.key, self.default) class HTTPRequest(quixote.http_request.HTTPRequest): for key in ['HTTP_REFERER', 'REMOTE_ADDR', 'SERVER_NAME', 'REQUEST_URI', 'HTTP_HOST']: locals()[key.lower()] = environ_getter(key) locals() del key
  • 133. class environ_getter(object): def __init__(self, key, default=None): self.key = key self.default = default def __get__(self, obj, objtype): if obj is None: return self return obj.get_environ(self.key, self.default) class HTTPRequest(quixote.http_request.HTTPRequest): for key in ['HTTP_REFERER', 'REMOTE_ADDR', 'SERVER_NAME', 'REQUEST_URI', 'HTTP_HOST']: locals()[key.lower()] = environ_getter(key) del key
  • 134. urllib.urlopen socks
  • 136. import httplib orig_connect = httplib.HTTPConnection.connect def _patched_connect(self): if HOSTS_BLOCKED.match( return _connect_via_socks_proxy(self) else: return orig_connect(self) def _connect_via_socks_proxy(self): ... httplib.HTTPConnection.connect = _patched_connect
  • 137. Python
  • 139. Python • Pythonic! • Avoid gotchas
  • 140. Python • Pythonic! • Avoid gotchas • Unicode / Character Encoding
  • 141. Python • Pythonic! • Avoid gotchas • Unicode / Character Encoding • GIL (Global Interpreter Lock)
  • 142. Python • Pythonic! • Avoid gotchas • Unicode / Character Encoding • GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) • Garbage Collection
  • 143. :Vim / Emacs / Ulipad • : subversion / mercurial / git • wiki/ / : Trac • : Bitten
  • 145. Python Implementations • CPython
  • 146. Python Implementations • CPython • Unlanden-Swallow
  • 147. Python Implementations • CPython • Unlanden-Swallow • Stackless Python
  • 148. Python Implementations • CPython • Unlanden-Swallow • Stackless Python • IronPython
  • 149. Python Implementations • CPython • Unlanden-Swallow • Stackless Python • IronPython • Jython
  • 150. Python Implementations • CPython • Unlanden-Swallow • Stackless Python • IronPython • Jython • PyPy
  • 151. Q &A