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  End of
 Chapter 4
s Live?”
We are going to assign ELECTRONS
their own addresses. Where to they live?

 Each electron in an atom has its own
Just like ships in the ocean use
L___________ and L___________ to describe
 their positions, we are going to assign
      electrons their own positions.
First, what are your coordinates?
You are…
…somewhere in the universe.
…in the _________ _____ galaxy
…on the planet _______
…in the __________ hemisphere
…on the _______ _______ continent
…in the country of The ______ _______
…in the state of __________
…in __________ county
…in the municipality of _________
…on __________ Road
…_____ McMurray Road
…in the ___ Wing
…on the _____ floor
…in room ______
…sitting in row ____ and in the _____ seat
You will notice that no two students share the same seat at the same time.
This is called Pauli’s Exclusion Principle ,
                but we will talk about that later.
We need to know where each electron is
 in each atom so we can make chemical
           bonds in Chapter 6.
This is going to take a while so you have
             to play along.
You have a job to do.
  Your job is assign people their spot in a bomb shelter. This bomb
  shelter has many levels that reach deep into the ground and can
                       hold thousands of people.
You must have a system so we know where every person is and they
                 are spread out as evenly as possible.
Since this bomb shelter has so many levels we are going to place the
 people who get there first in to the rooms that are easiest to reach.
      That is part of our system. It is called the AUF-BAU
    PRINCIPLE. Auf Bau, in the German language, means,
                            “Building Up.”
This bomb shelter has a weird shape, a lot
 of different levels and a lot of different
              types of rooms.
This bomb shelter has a weird shape, a lot
 of different levels and a lot of different
              types of rooms.
          This is our bomb
Bomb Shelter
Bomb Shelter
This is the first level, it is the easiest to reach so the first people to arrive will be placed here.
Bomb Shelter
  First Level
  Second Level
Bomb Shelter
  First Level
  Second Level
   Third Level
Bomb Shelter
     First Level
    Second Level
     Third Level
    Fourth Level
     Fifth Level
     Sixth Level
   Seventh Level

 Sixth Level (annex)
Seventh Level (annex)
Bomb Shelter
       Next, each area of this bomb shelter has different shaped rooms or areas.
      These areas are called sublevels or shapes.
                       We are going to call each area by a letter.

Bomb Shelter
               This is the “s” area.


Bomb Shelter
               This is the “p” area.


Bomb Shelter
               This is the “d” area.


Bomb Shelter
               This is the “f” area.


This is what an “s”
room looks like. It is
      a sphere.
This is what an “p” room
looks like. It is a peanut
  (some people call it a dumbbell shape.)
The “p” shape can also
 fall along the “y-axis”
It can also fall along the
All of these are “p”
shapes, they just face
 different directions.
We will be using the “d”
shapes and the “f” shapes
     but they are too
mathematically difficult to
sketch so we will skip that
One small detail before we start.
The “s” shape looks like a sphere so
no matter which way you turn it, it is
          always the same.
 When you are playing pool, does it
  matter which way the cue ball is
oriented or facing when you break?
 No, you just put it where you want it
               and hit it.
    The “s” shape has one unique
orientation along the x, y, and z axis.
As we saw, the “p” shape can fall
along the x-axis, the y-axis, or the
The “p” shape has three orientations
     along the x, y, and z axis.
The “d” shape has five orientations
     along the x, y, and z axis.

     And the “f” shape has seven
orientations along the x, y, and z axis.

 You have to just take this on faith.
Shape   Orientations or Positions
  s                1

 p                 3

 d                 5

  f                7
Back to placing people in our bomb shelter.
       Each orientation or position can hold two people so…..
          Shape      Orientations   Two People     Total Number
                     or Positions   per Position   of People per
            s             1             x2              2
            p             3             x2              6
            d             5             x2              10
            f             7             x2              14

“s” holds 2, “p” holds 6, “d” holds 10, “f” holds 14

         Say that three times to yourself.
Bomb Shelter
We have to backtrack to make one
           final point
Bomb Shelter
1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area
Bomb Shelter
1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area
2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape
Bomb Shelter
1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area
2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape
3rd Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, and a “d” shape
Bomb Shelter
1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area
2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape
3rd Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, and a “d” shape
4th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape
Bomb Shelter
1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area
2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape
3rd Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, and a “d” shape
4th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape
5th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also.
Bomb Shelter
1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area
2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape
3rd Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, and a “d” shape
4th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape
5th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also.
6th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also.
Bomb Shelter
1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area
2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape
3rd Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, and a “d” shape
4th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape
5th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also.
6th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also.
7th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also.

       Energy Level       Shape        Number of     Total Number
                                       People per    of People per
                                         Shape        Energy Level
            1         s                   s=2             2
            2         s and p          s=2 and p=6        8
            3         s, p, and d       s=2, p=6,         18
            4         s, p, d, and f   s=2, p=6,          32
                                       d=10, and

1st energy level holds 2, the 2nd energy level holds
8, the 3rd energy level holds 18, and the 4th energy
                  level holds 32…
                    …2, 8, 18, 32
          Say that three times to yourself.
Bomb Shelter
Now it gets good.
Bomb Shelter
 The only thing is that we are not talking
  about people in a bomb shelter we are
going to discuss electrons in elements on
            the Periodic Table.
Periodic Table

Periodic Table
      Let’s start at the beginning, with hydrogen, H.
1st   H How many electrons does it have? ____

Periodic Table
      Let’s start at the beginning, with hydrogen, H.
1st   H How many electrons does it have? _1__

What are the coordinates of that electron?
What are the coordinates of that electron?
This is how we are going to write it on the test.
What are the coordinates of that electron?
This is how we are going to write it on the test.
First, write the energy level where the electron is found…. 1
What are the coordinates of that electron?
This is how we are going to write it on the test.
First, write the energy level where the electron is found…. 1
Add the shape where the electron is found…                  1s
What are the coordinates of that electron?
This is how we are going to write it on the test.
First, write the energy level where the electron is found…. 1
Add the shape where the electron is found…                  1s
Show the number of electrons as a superscript…              1s1
What are the coordinates of that electron?
This is how we are going to write it on the test.
First, write the energy level where the electron is found…. 1
Add the shape where the electron is found…                  1s
Show the number of electrons as a superscript…              1s1

So                    H = 1s1
Periodic Table
             Now for Helium, He.
1st   How many electrons does it have? ___   He

Periodic Table
             Now for Helium, He.
1st   How many electrons does it have? _2_   He

Helium He

Write the energy level first….1
Helium He

Write the energy level first….   1
Add the shape…                   1s
Helium He

Write the energy level first…. 1
Add the shape…                 1s
Show the number of electrons as a superscript 1s2
Helium He

Write the energy level first…. 1
Add the shape…                 1s
Show the number of electrons as a superscript 1s2

So             He = 1s2
Periodic Table
                Now for Lithium, Li.
1st      How many electrons does it have? ___
2nd Li

Periodic Table
                Now for Lithium, Li.
1st      How many electrons does it have? _3_
2nd Li

Lithium Li

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Lithium Li

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Lithium Li

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape
holds as a superscript                        1s2

Note: “s” only holds 2 electrons. It is now filled.

Where does the next electron go?
Lithium Li

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape
holds as a superscript                        1s2

Note: “s” only holds 2 electrons. It is now filled.

Where does the next electron go?

In the second energy level, which also has an “s”
Lithium Li

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape
holds as a superscript                        1s2

Note: “s” only holds 2 electrons. It is now filled.

Where does the next electron go?

In the second energy level, which also has an “s”
So, since lithium has three electrons their
coordinates are Li = 1s22s1
Periodic Table
             Next is beryllium, Be.
1st    How many electrons does it have? ___
2nd   Be

Periodic Table
             Next is beryllium, Be.
1st    How many electrons does it have? _4_
2nd   Be

Beryllium Be

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Beryllium Be

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Beryllium Be

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape
holds as a superscript                        1s2

Where do the next two electrons go?
Beryllium Be

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape
hold as a superscript                        1s2

Where do the next two electrons go?

Again, in the second energy level, which also has
an “s” shape, which can hold up to two electrons.
Beryllium Be

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape
can holds as a superscript                    1s2

Where do the next two electrons go?

Again, in the second energy level, which also has
an “s” shape, which can hold up to two electrons.

Since beryllium has four electrons their
coordinates are Be = 1s22s2
Periodic Table
      Next is Boron, B. This is the end, sort of.
1st    How many electrons does it have? ___
2nd                                B

Periodic Table
      Next is Boron, B. This is the end, sort of.
1st    How many electrons does it have? _5_
2nd                                B

Boron B

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Boron B

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Boron B

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape
holds as a superscript                        1s2

Where do the next two electrons go?
Boron B

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape
holds as a superscript                        1s2

The next two electrons go in the 2s2 orbital just like
the beryllium.
Boron B

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape
holds as a superscript                        1s2

The next two electrons go in the 2s2 orbital just like
the beryllium. So far we have 1s22s2
Boron B

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape
holds as a superscript                        1s2

The next two electrons go in the 2s2 orbital just like
the beryllium. So far we have 1s22s2
We have a 5th electron, where does it go?

It stays in the 2nd energy level but since the “s”
shape is full it goes into the “p” shape.
Boron B

Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
Add the shape…                               1s
Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape
holds as a superscript                        1s2

The next two electrons go in the 2s2 orbital just like
the beryllium. So far we have 1s22s2
We have a 5th electron, where does it go?

It stays in the 2nd energy level but since the “s”
shape is full it goes into the “p” shape.

So     B = 1s22s22p1
Now for the shortcuts.
Now for the shortcuts.
On your paper number down 1 through 7.
Now for the shortcuts.
On your paper number down 1 through 7.

Now for the shortcuts.
Add an “s” after each number.

Now for the shortcuts.
After 2s add a “2p”. Repeat for 3s through 7s.

             2s 2p
             3s 3p
             4s 4p
             5s 5p
             6s 6p
             7s 7p
Now for the shortcuts.
After 3p add a 3d. Repeat for 4p through 7p.

            2s 2p
            3s 3p 3d
            4s 4p 4d
            5s 5p 5d
            6s 6p 6d
            7s 7p 7d
Now for the shortcuts.
After 4d add a 4f. Repeat all the way down.

           2s 2p
           3s 3p 3d
           4s 4p 4d 4f
           5s 5p 5d 5f
           6s 6p 6d 6f
           7s 7p 7d 7f
Now for the shortcuts.
Add diagonal lines like in the diagram.

         2s 2p
         3s 3p 3d
         4s 4p 4d 4f
         5s 5p 5d 5f
         6s 6p 6d 6f
         7s 7p 7d 7f
This is the
Auf Bau Chart – “Building Up”

     2s 2p
     3s 3p 3d
     4s 4p 4d 4f
     5s 5p 5d 5f
     6s 6p 6d 6f
     7s 7p 7d 7f
Auf Bau Chart
This is how it works. We are just going to read the chart,
 follow the arrows, and assign coordinates to all of the
                  electrons in an atom.

                                      Energy       Shape    Electrons
                 1s                    Level               per Shape
                                        1      s           s=2
                 2s 2p
                                        2      s           s=2
                 3s 3p 3d                      p           p=6

                 4s 4p 4d 4f            3      s           s=2
                                               P           p=6
                 5s 5p 5d 5f                   d           d=10
                                        4      s           s=2
                 6s 6p 6d 6f                   P           p=6
                 7s 7p 7d 7f                   d           d=10
                                               f           f=14
This is the end of part one.

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Electron Coordinates in Atoms

  • 1. Lesson Five End of Chapter 4 “Where do Electron s Live?”
  • 2. We are going to assign ELECTRONS their own addresses. Where to they live? Each electron in an atom has its own coordinates.
  • 3. Just like ships in the ocean use L___________ and L___________ to describe their positions, we are going to assign electrons their own positions.
  • 4. First, what are your coordinates? You are… …somewhere in the universe. …in the _________ _____ galaxy …on the planet _______ …in the __________ hemisphere …on the _______ _______ continent …in the country of The ______ _______ …in the state of __________ …in __________ county …in the municipality of _________ …on __________ Road …_____ McMurray Road …in the ___ Wing …on the _____ floor …in room ______ …sitting in row ____ and in the _____ seat You will notice that no two students share the same seat at the same time. This is called Pauli’s Exclusion Principle , but we will talk about that later.
  • 5. We need to know where each electron is in each atom so we can make chemical bonds in Chapter 6. This is going to take a while so you have to play along.
  • 6. You have a job to do. Your job is assign people their spot in a bomb shelter. This bomb shelter has many levels that reach deep into the ground and can hold thousands of people. You must have a system so we know where every person is and they are spread out as evenly as possible.
  • 7. Since this bomb shelter has so many levels we are going to place the people who get there first in to the rooms that are easiest to reach. That is part of our system. It is called the AUF-BAU PRINCIPLE. Auf Bau, in the German language, means, “Building Up.”
  • 8. This bomb shelter has a weird shape, a lot of different levels and a lot of different types of rooms.
  • 9. This bomb shelter has a weird shape, a lot of different levels and a lot of different types of rooms. This is our bomb shelter
  • 11. Bomb Shelter This is the first level, it is the easiest to reach so the first people to arrive will be placed here.
  • 12. Bomb Shelter First Level Second Level
  • 13. Bomb Shelter First Level Second Level Third Level
  • 14. Bomb Shelter First Level Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level Sixth Level Seventh Level Sixth Level (annex) Seventh Level (annex)
  • 15. Bomb Shelter Next, each area of this bomb shelter has different shaped rooms or areas. These areas are called sublevels or shapes. We are going to call each area by a letter. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 16. Bomb Shelter This is the “s” area. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 17. Bomb Shelter This is the “p” area. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 18. Bomb Shelter This is the “d” area. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 19. Bomb Shelter This is the “f” area. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 20. This is what an “s” room looks like. It is a sphere.
  • 21. This is what an “p” room looks like. It is a peanut shape. (some people call it a dumbbell shape.)
  • 22. The “p” shape can also fall along the “y-axis”
  • 23. It can also fall along the “z-axis”
  • 24. All of these are “p” shapes, they just face different directions.
  • 25. We will be using the “d” shapes and the “f” shapes but they are too mathematically difficult to sketch so we will skip that part.
  • 26. One small detail before we start. The “s” shape looks like a sphere so no matter which way you turn it, it is always the same. When you are playing pool, does it matter which way the cue ball is oriented or facing when you break? No, you just put it where you want it and hit it. The “s” shape has one unique orientation along the x, y, and z axis.
  • 27. As we saw, the “p” shape can fall along the x-axis, the y-axis, or the z-axis. The “p” shape has three orientations along the x, y, and z axis.
  • 28. The “d” shape has five orientations along the x, y, and z axis. And the “f” shape has seven orientations along the x, y, and z axis. You have to just take this on faith.
  • 29. Shape Orientations or Positions s 1 p 3 d 5 f 7
  • 30. Back to placing people in our bomb shelter. Each orientation or position can hold two people so….. Shape Orientations Two People Total Number or Positions per Position of People per Shape s 1 x2 2 p 3 x2 6 d 5 x2 10 f 7 x2 14 “s” holds 2, “p” holds 6, “d” holds 10, “f” holds 14 Say that three times to yourself.
  • 31. Bomb Shelter We have to backtrack to make one final point
  • 32. Bomb Shelter 1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area
  • 33. Bomb Shelter 1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area 2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape
  • 34. Bomb Shelter 1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area 2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape 3rd Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, and a “d” shape
  • 35. Bomb Shelter 1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area 2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape 3rd Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, and a “d” shape 4th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape
  • 36. Bomb Shelter 1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area 2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape 3rd Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, and a “d” shape 4th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape 5th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also.
  • 37. Bomb Shelter 1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area 2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape 3rd Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, and a “d” shape 4th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape 5th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also. 6th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also.
  • 38. Bomb Shelter 1st Level only holds an “s” shaped area 2nd Level holds an “s” shape and a “p” shape 3rd Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, and a “d” shape 4th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape 5th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also. 6th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also. 7th Level holds an “s” shape, a “p” shape, a “d” shape and an “f” shape, also. 6th 7th
  • 39. So… Energy Level Shape Number of Total Number People per of People per Shape Energy Level 1 s s=2 2 2 s and p s=2 and p=6 8 3 s, p, and d s=2, p=6, 18 d=10 4 s, p, d, and f s=2, p=6, 32 d=10, and f=14 1st energy level holds 2, the 2nd energy level holds 8, the 3rd energy level holds 18, and the 4th energy level holds 32… …2, 8, 18, 32 Say that three times to yourself.
  • 40. Bomb Shelter Now it gets good.
  • 41. Bomb Shelter The only thing is that we are not talking about people in a bomb shelter we are going to discuss electrons in elements on the Periodic Table.
  • 43. Periodic Table Let’s start at the beginning, with hydrogen, H. 1st H How many electrons does it have? ____ 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 44. Periodic Table Let’s start at the beginning, with hydrogen, H. 1st H How many electrons does it have? _1__ 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 45. What are the coordinates of that electron?
  • 46. What are the coordinates of that electron? This is how we are going to write it on the test.
  • 47. What are the coordinates of that electron? This is how we are going to write it on the test. First, write the energy level where the electron is found…. 1
  • 48. What are the coordinates of that electron? This is how we are going to write it on the test. First, write the energy level where the electron is found…. 1 Add the shape where the electron is found… 1s
  • 49. What are the coordinates of that electron? This is how we are going to write it on the test. First, write the energy level where the electron is found…. 1 Add the shape where the electron is found… 1s Show the number of electrons as a superscript… 1s1
  • 50. What are the coordinates of that electron? This is how we are going to write it on the test. First, write the energy level where the electron is found…. 1 Add the shape where the electron is found… 1s Show the number of electrons as a superscript… 1s1 So H = 1s1
  • 51. Periodic Table Now for Helium, He. 1st How many electrons does it have? ___ He 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 52. Periodic Table Now for Helium, He. 1st How many electrons does it have? _2_ He 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 53. Helium He Write the energy level first….1
  • 54. Helium He Write the energy level first…. 1 Add the shape… 1s
  • 55. Helium He Write the energy level first…. 1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons as a superscript 1s2
  • 56. Helium He Write the energy level first…. 1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons as a superscript 1s2 So He = 1s2
  • 57. Periodic Table Now for Lithium, Li. 1st How many electrons does it have? ___ 2nd Li 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 58. Periodic Table Now for Lithium, Li. 1st How many electrons does it have? _3_ 2nd Li 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 59. Lithium Li Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
  • 60. Lithium Li Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s
  • 61. Lithium Li Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape holds as a superscript 1s2 Note: “s” only holds 2 electrons. It is now filled. Where does the next electron go?
  • 62. Lithium Li Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape holds as a superscript 1s2 Note: “s” only holds 2 electrons. It is now filled. Where does the next electron go? In the second energy level, which also has an “s” shape.
  • 63. Lithium Li Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape holds as a superscript 1s2 Note: “s” only holds 2 electrons. It is now filled. Where does the next electron go? In the second energy level, which also has an “s” shape. So, since lithium has three electrons their coordinates are Li = 1s22s1
  • 64. Periodic Table Next is beryllium, Be. 1st How many electrons does it have? ___ 2nd Be 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 65. Periodic Table Next is beryllium, Be. 1st How many electrons does it have? _4_ 2nd Be 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 66. Beryllium Be Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
  • 67. Beryllium Be Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s
  • 68. Beryllium Be Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape holds as a superscript 1s2 Where do the next two electrons go?
  • 69. Beryllium Be Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape hold as a superscript 1s2 Where do the next two electrons go? Again, in the second energy level, which also has an “s” shape, which can hold up to two electrons.
  • 70. Beryllium Be Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape can holds as a superscript 1s2 Where do the next two electrons go? Again, in the second energy level, which also has an “s” shape, which can hold up to two electrons. Since beryllium has four electrons their coordinates are Be = 1s22s2
  • 71. Periodic Table Next is Boron, B. This is the end, sort of. 1st How many electrons does it have? ___ 2nd B 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 72. Periodic Table Next is Boron, B. This is the end, sort of. 1st How many electrons does it have? _5_ 2nd B 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6th 7th
  • 73. Boron B Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1
  • 74. Boron B Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s
  • 75. Boron B Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape holds as a superscript 1s2 Where do the next two electrons go?
  • 76. Boron B Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape holds as a superscript 1s2 The next two electrons go in the 2s2 orbital just like the beryllium.
  • 77. Boron B Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape holds as a superscript 1s2 The next two electrons go in the 2s2 orbital just like the beryllium. So far we have 1s22s2
  • 78. Boron B Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape holds as a superscript 1s2 The next two electrons go in the 2s2 orbital just like the beryllium. So far we have 1s22s2 We have a 5th electron, where does it go? It stays in the 2nd energy level but since the “s” shape is full it goes into the “p” shape.
  • 79. Boron B Write the energy level for the 1st electron….1 Add the shape… 1s Show the number of electrons that the “s” shape holds as a superscript 1s2 The next two electrons go in the 2s2 orbital just like the beryllium. So far we have 1s22s2 We have a 5th electron, where does it go? It stays in the 2nd energy level but since the “s” shape is full it goes into the “p” shape. So B = 1s22s22p1
  • 80. Now for the shortcuts.
  • 81. Now for the shortcuts. On your paper number down 1 through 7.
  • 82. Now for the shortcuts. On your paper number down 1 through 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • 83. Now for the shortcuts. Add an “s” after each number. 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s
  • 84. Now for the shortcuts. After 2s add a “2p”. Repeat for 3s through 7s. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 4p 5s 5p 6s 6p 7s 7p
  • 85. Now for the shortcuts. After 3p add a 3d. Repeat for 4p through 7p. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 5s 5p 5d 6s 6p 6d 7s 7p 7d
  • 86. Now for the shortcuts. After 4d add a 4f. Repeat all the way down. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4f 5s 5p 5d 5f 6s 6p 6d 6f 7s 7p 7d 7f
  • 87. Now for the shortcuts. Add diagonal lines like in the diagram. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4f 5s 5p 5d 5f 6s 6p 6d 6f 7s 7p 7d 7f
  • 88. This is the Auf Bau Chart – “Building Up” 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4f 5s 5p 5d 5f 6s 6p 6d 6f 7s 7p 7d 7f
  • 89. Auf Bau Chart This is how it works. We are just going to read the chart, follow the arrows, and assign coordinates to all of the electrons in an atom. Energy Shape Electrons 1s Level per Shape 1 s s=2 2s 2p 2 s s=2 3s 3p 3d p p=6 4s 4p 4d 4f 3 s s=2 P p=6 5s 5p 5d 5f d d=10 4 s s=2 6s 6p 6d 6f P p=6 7s 7p 7d 7f d d=10 f f=14
  • 90. This is the end of part one.
  • 91. End