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Understanding the principal methods and techniques used in marketing and public relationships
Whyis it important in marketing to understandingyour clientsand their requirements?
It isveryimportantto understandyouclientsandtheir requirements.The reasonforthisisthatif you
do notfullyunderstandwhatthe clientiswantingandyougoaheadand produce somethingthatyou
th9inktheydesire anditturns outit isnot what theywanttheyare notgoingto pay youand youwill
have spentprecioustime andresourcesfornothing.Doingthiswillmeanthatyourbusinessisnot
goingto be successful andyouare likelytofall intotroublesuchasdebt.Alsoyourreputationis
go0ingto suffer,aspeople will hearthatyouare not great.
Whyis understandingthe market you are working in important? What techniquesandtools could
be usedto helpsomeone understandtheir market?
Understandingthe marketinwhichyouare workinginisalso extremelyimportant.Thisisbecause
differentmarketsworkindifferentways,andsomethingyoumaybe able todo inone marketmay
not be appropriate inanother.Some techniquesandtoolsthatmaybe usedto helpsomeone
understandtheirmarketincludemarketresearchandmarketanalysis.Thisisessentiallywhere you
conduct researchintothe marketyouare lookingatinorder to betterunderstandhow itworksand
analyse the wayinwhichotherpeople workwithinthismarket.
What is a SWOT analysis?Why are theyare theya useful tool?
SWOT standsfor; Strengths,Weaknesses,OpportunitiesandThreats,soaSWOT analysissimply
meansanalysingthe strengths,weaknesses,opportunitiesandthreats.Inorderto carry out a SWOT
analysisyoumustfirstidentifythe objective of the businessventure orproject(butmayalsobe a
place,industryorperson) andidentifythe negativeandpositive,internal andexternal factorswhich
are relevanttoyoumanagingtoachieve the objective.Theyare veryuseful because itallowsyouto
see exactly whatstandsinyourway of achievingyouobjectiveandmakesthingsalotmore simple
and easyto understandandsee where youare.
What is audience profiling?Whatsort of informationmight be includedin an audience profile?
Audience profilingiswhere you arrange yourpotential audience intogroups,similartodemographic
profiling.Ittypicallyinvolvesage bands, location, socialclassandgender. Itallowsyoutoclearlysee
the type of people youare targetingandalsomeansto can more easilylookatotherthingsthatthey
are likelytobe interested.Additionallyitallowsyoutosee how youcan more appropriatelytarget
your audience.
Selecta magazine and findtheir audience profile:
Q magazine:
The audience profile forQispeople whoare youngandaffluent.The circulationis61,485 and
readershipis377,000. The medianage is32, with70% of readersbeingmale and30% beingfemale.
The percentage of people whofitinthe ABC1profile is72%.Q hasthe secondhighestABC1outof
the whole men’s market. Ithasan extremelyhighbrandinfluence score of 73%,whichisgreaterthan
bothGQ and Esquire.
Explainin detail the 4 differentelementsofthe marketing mix.
Product– a product essentiallyhasmanydifferentfactorsthatdictate how successful itwill be.Itis
up to the marketingteamtoconduct researchandcompare theirproductstoexistingproducts.They
do thisto try and estimate howsuccessful theirproductwill be andanywayin whichtheycan
improve theirproductsothat itis more successful.
Price – firstlyprice ishowmuchthe productis goingto cost the customer.Thisisextremelyimportant
and varieswildlydependingonthe targetaudience.How muchyoucan sell a product for while still
maintainingthe highestnumberof salespossible basicallydictateshow muchprofityouare goingto
Promotion – promotionishowyouare goingto promote yourproduct and getit outto the target
audience.Promotionismade upof manythings,advertisingbeingahuge factorof this.Without
promotionyourpotential buyersare notgoingto buythe product, because someonecan’tbuythe
productif theydon’tknowitexists.
Place – thisis where the productisgoingto be available.It needstobe as easyto obtainas possible
for the targetaudience.The harderitis to getholdof the lesslikelythe customerisgoingtobe to
Selecta publication,product or audience and explainthe range of marketing materialsthat they
FACT magazine isaBritishbi-monthlymusicandyouthculture magazine.Itwasfoundedin2003 and
was a printbasedmagazine butin2005 it wentdigital,andby2009 itwas online only.Italsohasits
ownonline TV channel FACTTV.Theyuse internetadvertisementswhichconsistof webbanners and
obviouslytheironlineTV channel isanotherhuge partif theirmarketing.
Provide your own definitionofadvertising.
Advertisingisessentiallythe wayinwhichyoupresentaproduct,or service tothe publicor potential
customers.Itcan come inmanyforms,from printbasedadvertisementwhichmaybe foundin
magazinesof posters,tointernetadvertisementswhichmay be webbanners,aswell asvideoor
What is the purpose ofsponsorship?Support your answer with detailedexamples.
The purpose of sponsorshipisessentiallytogetyourproduct or companyoutto the targetaudience
by usingsomethingelse.Usuallyinordertoreach yourtarget audience youwilluse somethingthat
fitsinand ispopularamong youtargetaudience.Forexample the fuelcompanyShell sponsorracing
events.Thisisdue tothe fact thatit isdirectlylinkedandpeople whowatchracingare more likelyto
be intocars, and shell isknownasan upmarketsuperiorfuel whichmayinfluence peopletobuytheir
What is the purpose ofendorsements?Explaina range of differenttypesofendorsementsand use
Endorsementisessentiallywhensomeone promotesaproductand supportsit.The vast majorityof
the time itis a celebrityorsomeone inthe publiceye because if acelebritypubliclysupportand
promotesa productfansor people wholookuptothat celebrityare largelymore likelytobe
interestedinthe productortry it out.
Some examplesinclude: DavidBeckhamsadvertforH&M,Britney spearsforPepsi,Natalie Portman
for MissDior, EllenDeGeneresforAmericanExpressetc.
Whycould holdingan eventbe a good marketingstrategy? What are some ofthe opportunitiesand
threats of holdingan event?
Holdinganeventmaybe a goodmarketingstrategybecause itisfullycustomisable.WhatImeanby
thisisthat because itis the organisationhostingthe eventtheycancreate an environmentwhichis
perfectforthemor theirproduct/service,makingiteasiertobe perceivedinthe mostpositiveway
possible,whichinturnincreasestheirchance of successandmay boostsales.
What is merchandising?Use detailedexamplestohelpexplain.
Merchandisingis where anorganisationcreatesproductsthatrelate tosomethingtheydo.For
example acompanythatmakesa movie couldreleasemerchandisesuchastoys,posters,tshirtsand
Anothergoodexample of merchandisingwouldbe inthe musicindustry.Itisextremelycommonfor
bandsor artists tohave merchandise available fortheirfans,whetheritisposters,clothing,stickers
or almostanything.Youwouldfinditveryhardto finda successful musicianthatdoesn’thave any
formof merchandise available.
What is the purpose ofa pressrelease?Whatsort of thingsshould a good press release contain?
The main purpose of a pressrelease istoraise awarenessanddraw attentiontosomethingsuchasa
newproduct,or anotherbigthingthat ishappeningwithinabusinessororganisation.A pressrelease
providesinformationtothe mediawiththe aimof reachingthe publicvianewscoverage.
A goodpressrelease shouldcontainthe essential ingredients;who,what,where,whenandwhy.It
mustbe basedonfacts and couldcoverthingssuchas special events,new productsorservices,
What is the purpose ofan electronicmediapack? What sort of things shoulda good electronic
mediapack contain?
An electronicmediapackisa formof digital promotional package.A goodelectronicmediapack
shouldcontain thingssuchas: contact information,ashortbiography,some pictures,quotesfrom
people aboutyourwork, presscoverage,factssuchas statistics, andany linkstoyourwork.
What is the purpose ofa PR briefing?Whyshouldyou create one?Explain some of the areas a brief
The purpose of a PR brief is essentiallytotell aPR companyor departmentwhatyouwantthemto do
whenyouare lookingfora suitable company.Youshouldcreate one sothatyou can find the most
suitable companytorepresentyou. Some of the areasa brief shouldcoverinclude:yourbudgets,
timescales,objectives,marketingpositioningof the businessandshortaswell aslongterm goals.
What is the purpose ofa pressconference?Whymight you holdone? Use specificexamplestohelp
you with your response.
A pressconference bringsreporterstogetherfora story.It isa stagedPR eventwhere anindividual
or organisationpresentsinformationtomembersof the media.The purpose of apressconference
can range fromemergency,promotional orpolitical purposes.Youmightholdone inordertomake
importantannouncementsthatyouwouldlike togetmediacoverage of inthingssuchas
newspapers,TV newsbroadcasts,magazines,blogsetc.some reasonsyoumightholdapress
conference couldbe;unveilinganewadvertisingcampaign,introducinganew product,releasing
companyfinancial statementsetc.
An example of apressconference wouldbe whenthe presidentof Americahostedpressconferences
afterbigeventsthataffectedthe nation,suchasafter 9/11 or hurricane Katrina.
Whycould hand-outs be useful whenmanaging a PR event?
Hand-outscan be veryuseful whenmanagingaPRevent.A hand-outisusuallyapiece printbased
informationwhichisnormallyusedtoaccompanya presentationorsomethingsimilar.Itallowsyou
to provide more detailedinformationthatyoumightnothave beenable toinclude inthe
presentation.Theyare especiallyusefulif yourpresentationiscomplex,astheyallow youtofurther
explainspecificaspectandgo intomore detail aboutcertainpartsof the presentationwhichyou
wouldnotbe able to justusingthe presentation
What are some of the advantages of holdingan interviewinsteadof a press conference?
Some of the advantagesof holdinganinterview asopposedtoa pressconference include;the fact
that itsmore personal betweenyouandthe personinterviewingyoubecause its1on 1 insteadof you
and loadsof otherpeople all tryingtoask youthings.Italsomeansthe personinterviewingyouhasa
chance to ask all the questionswhichtheywouldlike youtoanswer.
Whydo people setup filmand picture opportunities?Use examplestohelp our response.
People setupfilmandpicture opportunitiesbecause itallowssomeonetobe photographedor
filmedinacontrolledenvironmentandcanbe set upso that it islikelytobe perceivedinapositive
lightbythe general public. Photoopportunitiesusuallyinvolve politiciansorcelebrities/publicfigures.
For example MP’smaypartake ina photo opportunitywhenitiscominguptogeneral electionsand
newspapersandothernews sourcesmayuse thisphotowhenwritingaboutthem.
Whyare contacts and networkingimportant in marketingand PR? What kindsof contacts couldbe
useful?Provide detailsofa PR contact from at leastone organisation.
Networkingisimportantwithin marketingandprbecause itisabout collectinginformationand
gettingnamesof newpeople totalkto (contacts).Networkingisnotaboutaskingsomeone forajob,
but bytalkingto people andgatheringenoughinformationyouwill hearof jobopportunities.
Contactsare veryimportantbecause these are the people youknow withinthe industrythatcan help
youout. Theyoftenconsistof mutuallybeneficial relationships,whichessentiallymeanthatbothyou
and yourcontact needto have somethingtooffereachother.Thiscouldbe somethingnow or
somethinginthe future. Anexample of acontact wouldbe VickyConybeerfromErnst& Young. She is
the headof external communications.Ernst&Young isa multinational professionalservicesfirm.It
had fourmainservice linesandshare of revenues; Assurance,tax,advisoryandtransactionadvisory

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Task 3

  • 1. Understanding the principal methods and techniques used in marketing and public relationships Marketing: Whyis it important in marketing to understandingyour clientsand their requirements? It isveryimportantto understandyouclientsandtheir requirements.The reasonforthisisthatif you do notfullyunderstandwhatthe clientiswantingandyougoaheadand produce somethingthatyou th9inktheydesire anditturns outit isnot what theywanttheyare notgoingto pay youand youwill have spentprecioustime andresourcesfornothing.Doingthiswillmeanthatyourbusinessisnot goingto be successful andyouare likelytofall intotroublesuchasdebt.Alsoyourreputationis go0ingto suffer,aspeople will hearthatyouare not great. Whyis understandingthe market you are working in important? What techniquesandtools could be usedto helpsomeone understandtheir market? Understandingthe marketinwhichyouare workinginisalso extremelyimportant.Thisisbecause differentmarketsworkindifferentways,andsomethingyoumaybe able todo inone marketmay not be appropriate inanother.Some techniquesandtoolsthatmaybe usedto helpsomeone understandtheirmarketincludemarketresearchandmarketanalysis.Thisisessentiallywhere you conduct researchintothe marketyouare lookingatinorder to betterunderstandhow itworksand analyse the wayinwhichotherpeople workwithinthismarket. What is a SWOT analysis?Why are theyare theya useful tool? SWOT standsfor; Strengths,Weaknesses,OpportunitiesandThreats,soaSWOT analysissimply meansanalysingthe strengths,weaknesses,opportunitiesandthreats.Inorderto carry out a SWOT analysisyoumustfirstidentifythe objective of the businessventure orproject(butmayalsobe a place,industryorperson) andidentifythe negativeandpositive,internal andexternal factorswhich are relevanttoyoumanagingtoachieve the objective.Theyare veryuseful because itallowsyouto see exactly whatstandsinyourway of achievingyouobjectiveandmakesthingsalotmore simple and easyto understandandsee where youare. What is audience profiling?Whatsort of informationmight be includedin an audience profile? Audience profilingiswhere you arrange yourpotential audience intogroups,similartodemographic profiling.Ittypicallyinvolvesage bands, location, socialclassandgender. Itallowsyoutoclearlysee the type of people youare targetingandalsomeansto can more easilylookatotherthingsthatthey are likelytobe interested.Additionallyitallowsyoutosee how youcan more appropriatelytarget your audience. Selecta magazine and findtheir audience profile: Q magazine: The audience profile forQispeople whoare youngandaffluent.The circulationis61,485 and readershipis377,000. The medianage is32, with70% of readersbeingmale and30% beingfemale. The percentage of people whofitinthe ABC1profile is72%.Q hasthe secondhighestABC1outof the whole men’s market. Ithasan extremelyhighbrandinfluence score of 73%,whichisgreaterthan bothGQ and Esquire.
  • 2. Explainin detail the 4 differentelementsofthe marketing mix. Product– a product essentiallyhasmanydifferentfactorsthatdictate how successful itwill be.Itis up to the marketingteamtoconduct researchandcompare theirproductstoexistingproducts.They do thisto try and estimate howsuccessful theirproductwill be andanywayin whichtheycan improve theirproductsothat itis more successful. Price – firstlyprice ishowmuchthe productis goingto cost the customer.Thisisextremelyimportant and varieswildlydependingonthe targetaudience.How muchyoucan sell a product for while still maintainingthe highestnumberof salespossible basicallydictateshow muchprofityouare goingto make. Promotion – promotionishowyouare goingto promote yourproduct and getit outto the target audience.Promotionismade upof manythings,advertisingbeingahuge factorof this.Without promotionyourpotential buyersare notgoingto buythe product, because someonecan’tbuythe productif theydon’tknowitexists. Place – thisis where the productisgoingto be available.It needstobe as easyto obtainas possible for the targetaudience.The harderitis to getholdof the lesslikelythe customerisgoingtobe to actuallybuyit. Selecta publication,product or audience and explainthe range of marketing materialsthat they use. FACT magazine isaBritishbi-monthlymusicandyouthculture magazine.Itwasfoundedin2003 and was a printbasedmagazine butin2005 it wentdigital,andby2009 itwas online only.Italsohasits ownonline TV channel FACTTV.Theyuse internetadvertisementswhichconsistof webbanners and obviouslytheironlineTV channel isanotherhuge partif theirmarketing. Provide your own definitionofadvertising. Advertisingisessentiallythe wayinwhichyoupresentaproduct,or service tothe publicor potential customers.Itcan come inmanyforms,from printbasedadvertisementwhichmaybe foundin magazinesof posters,tointernetadvertisementswhichmay be webbanners,aswell asvideoor audioadverts. What is the purpose ofsponsorship?Support your answer with detailedexamples. The purpose of sponsorshipisessentiallytogetyourproduct or companyoutto the targetaudience by usingsomethingelse.Usuallyinordertoreach yourtarget audience youwilluse somethingthat fitsinand ispopularamong youtargetaudience.Forexample the fuelcompanyShell sponsorracing events.Thisisdue tothe fact thatit isdirectlylinkedandpeople whowatchracingare more likelyto be intocars, and shell isknownasan upmarketsuperiorfuel whichmayinfluence peopletobuytheir fuels. What is the purpose ofendorsements?Explaina range of differenttypesofendorsementsand use examples.
  • 3. Endorsementisessentiallywhensomeone promotesaproductand supportsit.The vast majorityof the time itis a celebrityorsomeone inthe publiceye because if acelebritypubliclysupportand promotesa productfansor people wholookuptothat celebrityare largelymore likelytobe interestedinthe productortry it out. Some examplesinclude: DavidBeckhamsadvertforH&M,Britney spearsforPepsi,Natalie Portman for MissDior, EllenDeGeneresforAmericanExpressetc. Whycould holdingan eventbe a good marketingstrategy? What are some ofthe opportunitiesand threats of holdingan event? Holdinganeventmaybe a goodmarketingstrategybecause itisfullycustomisable.WhatImeanby thisisthat because itis the organisationhostingthe eventtheycancreate an environmentwhichis perfectforthemor theirproduct/service,makingiteasiertobe perceivedinthe mostpositiveway possible,whichinturnincreasestheirchance of successandmay boostsales. What is merchandising?Use detailedexamplestohelpexplain. Merchandisingis where anorganisationcreatesproductsthatrelate tosomethingtheydo.For example acompanythatmakesa movie couldreleasemerchandisesuchastoys,posters,tshirtsand otherclothingetc. Anothergoodexample of merchandisingwouldbe inthe musicindustry.Itisextremelycommonfor bandsor artists tohave merchandise available fortheirfans,whetheritisposters,clothing,stickers or almostanything.Youwouldfinditveryhardto finda successful musicianthatdoesn’thave any formof merchandise available. PublicRelations: What is the purpose ofa pressrelease?Whatsort of thingsshould a good press release contain? The main purpose of a pressrelease istoraise awarenessanddraw attentiontosomethingsuchasa newproduct,or anotherbigthingthat ishappeningwithinabusinessororganisation.A pressrelease providesinformationtothe mediawiththe aimof reachingthe publicvianewscoverage. A goodpressrelease shouldcontainthe essential ingredients;who,what,where,whenandwhy.It mustbe basedonfacts and couldcoverthingssuchas special events,new productsorservices, milestonesetc. What is the purpose ofan electronicmediapack? What sort of things shoulda good electronic mediapack contain? An electronicmediapackisa formof digital promotional package.A goodelectronicmediapack shouldcontain thingssuchas: contact information,ashortbiography,some pictures,quotesfrom people aboutyourwork, presscoverage,factssuchas statistics, andany linkstoyourwork. What is the purpose ofa PR briefing?Whyshouldyou create one?Explain some of the areas a brief shouldcover. The purpose of a PR brief is essentiallytotell aPR companyor departmentwhatyouwantthemto do whenyouare lookingfora suitable company.Youshouldcreate one sothatyou can find the most suitable companytorepresentyou. Some of the areasa brief shouldcoverinclude:yourbudgets, timescales,objectives,marketingpositioningof the businessandshortaswell aslongterm goals. What is the purpose ofa pressconference?Whymight you holdone? Use specificexamplestohelp you with your response.
  • 4. A pressconference bringsreporterstogetherfora story.It isa stagedPR eventwhere anindividual or organisationpresentsinformationtomembersof the media.The purpose of apressconference can range fromemergency,promotional orpolitical purposes.Youmightholdone inordertomake importantannouncementsthatyouwouldlike togetmediacoverage of inthingssuchas newspapers,TV newsbroadcasts,magazines,blogsetc.some reasonsyoumightholdapress conference couldbe;unveilinganewadvertisingcampaign,introducinganew product,releasing companyfinancial statementsetc. An example of apressconference wouldbe whenthe presidentof Americahostedpressconferences afterbigeventsthataffectedthe nation,suchasafter 9/11 or hurricane Katrina. Whycould hand-outs be useful whenmanaging a PR event? Hand-outscan be veryuseful whenmanagingaPRevent.A hand-outisusuallyapiece printbased informationwhichisnormallyusedtoaccompanya presentationorsomethingsimilar.Itallowsyou to provide more detailedinformationthatyoumightnothave beenable toinclude inthe presentation.Theyare especiallyusefulif yourpresentationiscomplex,astheyallow youtofurther explainspecificaspectandgo intomore detail aboutcertainpartsof the presentationwhichyou wouldnotbe able to justusingthe presentation What are some of the advantages of holdingan interviewinsteadof a press conference? Some of the advantagesof holdinganinterview asopposedtoa pressconference include;the fact that itsmore personal betweenyouandthe personinterviewingyoubecause its1on 1 insteadof you and loadsof otherpeople all tryingtoask youthings.Italsomeansthe personinterviewingyouhasa chance to ask all the questionswhichtheywouldlike youtoanswer. Whydo people setup filmand picture opportunities?Use examplestohelp our response. People setupfilmandpicture opportunitiesbecause itallowssomeonetobe photographedor filmedinacontrolledenvironmentandcanbe set upso that it islikelytobe perceivedinapositive lightbythe general public. Photoopportunitiesusuallyinvolve politiciansorcelebrities/publicfigures. For example MP’smaypartake ina photo opportunitywhenitiscominguptogeneral electionsand newspapersandothernews sourcesmayuse thisphotowhenwritingaboutthem. Whyare contacts and networkingimportant in marketingand PR? What kindsof contacts couldbe useful?Provide detailsofa PR contact from at leastone organisation. Networkingisimportantwithin marketingandprbecause itisabout collectinginformationand gettingnamesof newpeople totalkto (contacts).Networkingisnotaboutaskingsomeone forajob, but bytalkingto people andgatheringenoughinformationyouwill hearof jobopportunities. Contactsare veryimportantbecause these are the people youknow withinthe industrythatcan help youout. Theyoftenconsistof mutuallybeneficial relationships,whichessentiallymeanthatbothyou and yourcontact needto have somethingtooffereachother.Thiscouldbe somethingnow or somethinginthe future. Anexample of acontact wouldbe VickyConybeerfromErnst& Young. She is the headof external communications.Ernst&Young isa multinational professionalservicesfirm.It had fourmainservice linesandshare of revenues; Assurance,tax,advisoryandtransactionadvisory services.