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solving little problems
My First iPhone App
On contract…

  for non-developer…

  who wants to use his own
  developer account.

Presents some challenges.

Only my second Objective-C

  what can I learn?

On app store now (yay!).

Simple idea—audio translation of
silly phrases.

Moderate dataset (4 languages, 202
phrases, 808 audio files).

  May expand later with StoreKit.
Four Things

Core Data

Slow Startup and Progress

Debug Archiving

Build Numbering with git
1. Core Data
               Used for language/phrase
               reference information for easy

               Slightly confusing since I
               know SQL well.

               Lots of work to set up queries.

               Matt Gallagher (Cocoa with
               Love) showed code that helps.
Core Data: one line fetch

I adopted and extended this
code as a category now on
Apple’s Example
NSManagedObjectContext *moc = [self managedObjectContext];
NSEntityDescription *entityDescription = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Employee"
NSFetchRequest *request = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
[request setEntity:entityDescription];

// Set example predicate and sort orderings...
NSNumber *minimumSalary = ...;
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(lastName LIKE[c] 'Worsley') AND (salary > %@)",
[request setPredicate:predicate];

NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"firstName" ascending:YES];
[request setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sortDescriptor]];
[sortDescriptor release];

NSError *error = nil;
NSArray *array = [moc executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
if (array == nil)
    // Deal with error...
Apple’s Example
NSManagedObjectContext *moc = [self managedObjectContext];
NSEntityDescription *entityDescription = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Employee"

NSFetchRequest *request = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
[request setEntity:entityDescription];

// Set example predicate and sort orderings...
NSNumber *minimumSalary = ...;
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(lastName LIKE[c] 'Worsley') AND (salary > %@)",
[request setPredicate:predicate];

NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"firstName" ascending:YES];

[request setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sortDescriptor]];
[sortDescriptor release];

NSError *error = nil;
NSArray *array = [moc executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
if (array == nil)
    // Deal with error...
Matt’s Example

  [[self managedObjectContext]
            withPredicate:@"(lastName LIKE[c] 'Worsley') AND (salary > %@)",

 1 Statement!
   #import “NSManagedObjectContext-EasyFetch.h”


   [[self managedObjectContext]
           predicateWithFormat:@"(lastName LIKE[c] 'Worsley') AND (salary > %@)",

Made a category so it’s easy                       All objects, unsorted (1)
to reuse.
                                                   All objects, sorted (2)
Refactored easy filtering.
                                                   Some objects, unsorted (2)
Added easy sorting.
                                                   Some objects, sorted (4)
How I Use It

 + (NSMutableArray*)fetchAllFromManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*)moc
   return [[[moc fetchObjectsForEntityName:@"DataVersion"] mutableCopy] autorelease];

 + (NSMutableArray*)fetchAllFromManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*)moc
   NSArray* fetched = [moc fetchObjectsForEntityName:@"Language"];
   NSMutableArray* result = [fetched mutableCopy];
   [result release];

     return result;

 + (NSMutableArray*)fetchAllFromManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*)moc
   NSArray* fetched = [moc fetchObjectsForEntityName:@"Phrase" sortByKey:@"phraseId" ascending:YES];
   NSMutableArray* result = [fetched mutableCopy];
   [result release];
   return result;
2. Progress
              Original plan:

                Copy all media files from
                bundle to document area.


                Slow (~20–30 seconds)


                Show a progress monitor.
Created in April 2009

  Matej Bukovinski

Other options exist, such as
Beautiful, but…
…the progress HUD blocked
the application logo

…immediately on launch.


  Move the HUD to a
  different spot, and

  don’t show it unless the
  work takes 2 seconds or
Easy enough…
Added x- and y-offsets

Added a delay-before-showing

   Later changed by Matej to
   be a “grace time”

Pushed back to master and
MBProgressHUD is reasonably
active for a little project.

My version is at
3. Save the dSYM

             Had crashes on the client’s
             iPhone that I couldn’t

             Hadn’t been saving my
             dSYM bundles…so I
             couldn’t symbolicate the
Again, with feeling…

Craig Hockenberry:

  Crash logs have address
  offsets; if you have the
  dSYM bundles, you can
  “symbolicate” to restore
  method names.
Simple script…

if [ $SDK_NAME = "iphoneos2.0" ]; then
    echo "Archiving $CONFIGURATION in $ARCHIVE_ROOT at `date`" >> /tmp/dSYM_Archive.out
    if [ $CONFIGURATION = "Distribution-Free" -o $CONFIGURATION = "Distribution-Paid" -o $CONFIGURATION =
"Distribution-Beta-Free" ]; then
        mkdir -p -v "$ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER" >> /tmp/dSYM_Archive.out
        ARCHIVE_FOLDER="$ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER/`date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S"`"
        echo "Copying $DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH to $ARCHIVE_FOLDER" >> /tmp/dSYM_Archive.out
        cp -R $DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH $ARCHIVE_FOLDER >> /tmp/dSYM_Archive.out
My script…

      function prepare_adhoc_package()
        if [ ${#} -eq 1 ]; then

          mkdir -p "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}"

          if [ -d "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app" ]; then
            cp -rp "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}"
            cp "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app/iTunesArtwork" "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"
            (cd "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"; zip -qr "${BASE_NAME}.ipa" iTunesArtwork Payload)
            for app in "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/*.app"; do
              cp -rp "${app}" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}"
              cp -rp "${app}/iTunesArtwork" "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"

           (cd "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"; zip -qr "${BASE_NAME}.ipa" iTunesArtwork Payload)

          rm -rf "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/iTunesArtwork" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}"

          open "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"

      function archive_dsym_iphoneos()
        case ${CONFIGURATION} in
         *Distribution*) : ;;
         *)         return ;;

          ARCHIVE_DATE=`date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`

          echo "Archiving ${CONFIGURATION} in ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} at ${ARCHIVE_DATE}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out

          mkdir -p -v "${ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out
          echo "Copying ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH} to ${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out
          cp -Rp ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH} ${ARCHIVE_FOLDER} >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out

          case ${CONFIGURATION} in
           *[Bb]eta*) prepare_adhoc_package "${1}" ;;
           *)      return ;;

      case @${SDK_NAME} in
       @iphoneos*) archive_dsym_iphoneos "${1}" ;;
       @*)      : ;;
       @)       echo "Not running under Xcode." ;;
My script…

        function prepare_adhoc_package()
          if [ ${#} -eq 1 ]; then

            mkdir -p "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}"

            if [ -d "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app" ]; then
              cp -rp "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}"
              cp "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app/iTunesArtwork" "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"
              (cd "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"; zip -qr "${BASE_NAME}.ipa" iTunesArtwork Payload)
              for app in "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/*.app"; do
                cp -rp "${app}" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}"

 You can read that, can’t you?
                cp -rp "${app}/iTunesArtwork" "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"

             (cd "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"; zip -qr "${BASE_NAME}.ipa" iTunesArtwork Payload)

            rm -rf "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/iTunesArtwork" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}"

            open "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"

        function archive_dsym_iphoneos()
          case ${CONFIGURATION} in
           *Distribution*) : ;;
           *)         return ;;

            ARCHIVE_DATE=`date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`

            echo "Archiving ${CONFIGURATION} in ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} at ${ARCHIVE_DATE}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out

            mkdir -p -v "${ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out
            echo "Copying ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH} to ${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out
            cp -Rp ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH} ${ARCHIVE_FOLDER} >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out

            case ${CONFIGURATION} in
             *[Bb]eta*) prepare_adhoc_package "${1}" ;;
             *)      return ;;

        case @${SDK_NAME} in
         @iphoneos*) archive_dsym_iphoneos "${1}" ;;
         @*)      : ;;
         @)       echo "Not running under Xcode." ;;

Main features:

  Build adhoc packages.

  Archives dSYM bundles.
One gotcha…
Should be done on every
releasable build.

Needs to run after code signing
for an ad-hoc package to be

Create a wrapper project; make
the original iPhone target a
dependent project.

Add a custom build step that
runs dsym-archiver at the end.
4. git Build Stamps
              Good idea to have build
              stamps in CFBundleVersion
              for error reporting.

                svn uses repository
                revision number

                Updated on every check-

              git doesn’t have a repository
              revision number.
CIMGF to the Rescue?
Marcus Zarra wrote a Perl
script to use the short git
commit sharef in April

  Uses regex replacement.

  Released before the
  iPhone SDK.

  I prefer Ruby.
My Rewrite

Rewrote the basic script to
use Ruby with RubyCocoa.

   I’m too lazy to compile

Info.plist loaded with

Formalized a version class.
iTunes Connect‽
The git SHA reference has
problems on iPhone

  confuses iTunes old/new
  for ad hoc builds.

  iTunes Connect wants
  only incrementing dotted
git Tags
 git doesn’t have
 incrementing revisions

 We can fake it with tags on
 the commits.

   Downside is that
   repeated builds on the
   same commit means a lot
   of tags.
build-number.rb (1/2)


   require 'osx/cocoa'

   # Full implementation at
   class ProgramVersion
    attr_accessor :major, :minor, :patch, :build, :ref, :ref_type
    def <=>(other); …; end
    def self.parse_version(version_string); …; end
    def short_version; …; end
    def long_version; …; end
    def increment_build!; …; end
build-number.rb (2/2)
   # Load the plist
   info_plist = OSX::NSDictionary.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile(path).mutableCopy
   # Get the current HEAD
   current_head = %x(git describe --always).chomp
   # Get the list of build tags and turn them into version numbers.
   build_tags = `git tag -l build-* --contains #{current_head}`.chomp.split($/)! { |tag| ProgramVersion.parse_version(tag.sub(/^build-/, '')) }

   # Get the CFBundleVersion from the plist.
   old_version = ProgramVersion.parse_version(info_plist['CFBundleVersion'])
   # Add the old version to the list of build tags.
   build_tags << old_version.dup
   # Get the largest version we know about for this head.
   new_version = build_tags.max
   # Increment the build number

   puts "Version modified: #{old_version} -> #{new_version}"

   # Set the long version (M.m.p.b)
   info_plist['CFBundleVersion'] = new_version.long_version
   # Set the short version (M.m or M.m.p).
   info_plist['CFBundleShortVersionString'] = new_version.short_version
   # Write the file.
   info_plist.writeToFile_atomically(path, 1)
   # Tag the version
   `git tag build-#{new_version.long_version}`

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solving little problems

  • 2. My First iPhone App On contract… for non-developer… who wants to use his own developer account. Presents some challenges. Only my second Objective-C program… what can I learn?
  • 3. Huh? On app store now (yay!). Simple idea—audio translation of silly phrases. Moderate dataset (4 languages, 202 phrases, 808 audio files). May expand later with StoreKit.
  • 4. Four Things Core Data Slow Startup and Progress Debug Archiving Build Numbering with git
  • 5. 1. Core Data Used for language/phrase reference information for easy update. Slightly confusing since I know SQL well. Lots of work to set up queries. Matt Gallagher (Cocoa with Love) showed code that helps.
  • 6. Core Data: one line fetch I adopted and extended this code as a category now on GitHub: coredata-easyfetch
  • 7. Apple’s Example NSManagedObjectContext *moc = [self managedObjectContext]; NSEntityDescription *entityDescription = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Employee" inManagedObjectContext:moc]; NSFetchRequest *request = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease]; [request setEntity:entityDescription]; // Set example predicate and sort orderings... NSNumber *minimumSalary = ...; NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(lastName LIKE[c] 'Worsley') AND (salary > %@)", minimumSalary]; [request setPredicate:predicate]; NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"firstName" ascending:YES]; [request setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sortDescriptor]]; [sortDescriptor release]; NSError *error = nil; NSArray *array = [moc executeFetchRequest:request error:&error]; if (array == nil) { // Deal with error... }
  • 8. Apple’s Example NSManagedObjectContext *moc = [self managedObjectContext]; NSEntityDescription *entityDescription = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Employee" inManagedObjectContext:moc]; 12+ NSFetchRequest *request = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease]; [request setEntity:entityDescription]; // Set example predicate and sort orderings... NSNumber *minimumSalary = ...; NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(lastName LIKE[c] 'Worsley') AND (salary > %@)", minimumSalary]; [request setPredicate:predicate]; NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"firstName" ascending:YES]; Statements! [request setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sortDescriptor]]; [sortDescriptor release]; NSError *error = nil; NSArray *array = [moc executeFetchRequest:request error:&error]; if (array == nil) { // Deal with error... }
  • 9. Matt’s Example [[self managedObjectContext] fetchObjectsForEntityName:@"Employee" withPredicate:@"(lastName LIKE[c] 'Worsley') AND (salary > %@)", minimumSalary]; 1 Statement!
  • 10. coredata-easyfetch #import “NSManagedObjectContext-EasyFetch.h” … [[self managedObjectContext] fetchObjectsForEntityName:@"Employee" predicateWithFormat:@"(lastName LIKE[c] 'Worsley') AND (salary > %@)", minimumSalary]; Made a category so it’s easy All objects, unsorted (1) to reuse. All objects, sorted (2) Refactored easy filtering. Some objects, unsorted (2) Added easy sorting. Some objects, sorted (4)
  • 11. How I Use It + (NSMutableArray*)fetchAllFromManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*)moc { return [[[moc fetchObjectsForEntityName:@"DataVersion"] mutableCopy] autorelease]; } + (NSMutableArray*)fetchAllFromManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*)moc { NSArray* fetched = [moc fetchObjectsForEntityName:@"Language"]; NSMutableArray* result = [fetched mutableCopy]; [result release]; return result; } + (NSMutableArray*)fetchAllFromManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*)moc { NSArray* fetched = [moc fetchObjectsForEntityName:@"Phrase" sortByKey:@"phraseId" ascending:YES]; NSMutableArray* result = [fetched mutableCopy]; [result release]; return result; }
  • 12. 2. Progress Original plan: Copy all media files from bundle to document area. Problem: Slow (~20–30 seconds) Solution: Show a progress monitor.
  • 14. MBProgressHUD Created in April 2009 Matej Bukovinski MBProgressHUD/ Other options exist, such as DSActivityView developer/dsactivityview
  • 15. Beautiful, but… …the progress HUD blocked the application logo …immediately on launch. Request: Move the HUD to a different spot, and don’t show it unless the work takes 2 seconds or more.
  • 16. Easy enough… Added x- and y-offsets Added a delay-before-showing Later changed by Matej to be a “grace time” Pushed back to master and MBProgressHUD is reasonably active for a little project. My version is at halostatue/MBProgressHUD
  • 17. 3. Save the dSYM Had crashes on the client’s iPhone that I couldn’t reproduce. Hadn’t been saving my dSYM bundles…so I couldn’t symbolicate the logs.
  • 19. Again, with feeling… Craig Hockenberry: symbolicatifination/ Crash logs have address offsets; if you have the dSYM bundles, you can “symbolicate” to restore method names.
  • 20. Simple script… # ARCHIVE_ROOT="$PROJECT_DIR/dSYM_Archive" if [ $SDK_NAME = "iphoneos2.0" ]; then echo "Archiving $CONFIGURATION in $ARCHIVE_ROOT at `date`" >> /tmp/dSYM_Archive.out if [ $CONFIGURATION = "Distribution-Free" -o $CONFIGURATION = "Distribution-Paid" -o $CONFIGURATION = "Distribution-Beta-Free" ]; then ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER="$ARCHIVE_ROOT/$CONFIGURATION" mkdir -p -v "$ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER" >> /tmp/dSYM_Archive.out ARCHIVE_FOLDER="$ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER/`date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S"`" echo "Copying $DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH to $ARCHIVE_FOLDER" >> /tmp/dSYM_Archive.out cp -R $DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH $ARCHIVE_FOLDER >> /tmp/dSYM_Archive.out fi fi
  • 21. My script… #!/bin/bash function prepare_adhoc_package() { if [ ${#} -eq 1 ]; then BASE_NAME="${1}" else BASE_NAME="${PROJECT}" fi PAYLOAD_FOLDER="${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/Payload" mkdir -p "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}" if [ -d "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app" ]; then cp -rp "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}" cp "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app/iTunesArtwork" "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}" (cd "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"; zip -qr "${BASE_NAME}.ipa" iTunesArtwork Payload) else for app in "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/*.app"; do cp -rp "${app}" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}" cp -rp "${app}/iTunesArtwork" "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}" done (cd "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"; zip -qr "${BASE_NAME}.ipa" iTunesArtwork Payload) fi rm -rf "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/iTunesArtwork" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}" open "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}" } function archive_dsym_iphoneos() { case ${CONFIGURATION} in *Distribution*) : ;; *) return ;; esac ARCHIVE_ROOT="${HOME}/projects/dSYMArchive/${PROJECT_NAME}" ARCHIVE_DATE=`date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"` echo "Archiving ${CONFIGURATION} in ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} at ${ARCHIVE_DATE}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER="${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/${CONFIGURATION}" mkdir -p -v "${ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out ARCHIVE_FOLDER="${ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER}/${ARCHIVE_DATE}" echo "Copying ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH} to ${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out cp -Rp ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH} ${ARCHIVE_FOLDER} >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out case ${CONFIGURATION} in *[Bb]eta*) prepare_adhoc_package "${1}" ;; *) return ;; esac } case @${SDK_NAME} in @iphoneos*) archive_dsym_iphoneos "${1}" ;; @*) : ;; @) echo "Not running under Xcode." ;; esac
  • 22. My script… #!/bin/bash function prepare_adhoc_package() { if [ ${#} -eq 1 ]; then BASE_NAME="${1}" else BASE_NAME="${PROJECT}" fi PAYLOAD_FOLDER="${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/Payload" mkdir -p "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}" if [ -d "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app" ]; then cp -rp "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}" cp "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/${BASE_NAME}.app/iTunesArtwork" "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}" (cd "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"; zip -qr "${BASE_NAME}.ipa" iTunesArtwork Payload) else for app in "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/*.app"; do cp -rp "${app}" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}" You can read that, can’t you? cp -rp "${app}/iTunesArtwork" "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}" done (cd "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}"; zip -qr "${BASE_NAME}.ipa" iTunesArtwork Payload) fi rm -rf "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}/iTunesArtwork" "${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}" open "${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}" } function archive_dsym_iphoneos() { case ${CONFIGURATION} in *Distribution*) : ;; *) return ;; esac ARCHIVE_ROOT="${HOME}/projects/dSYMArchive/${PROJECT_NAME}" ARCHIVE_DATE=`date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"` echo "Archiving ${CONFIGURATION} in ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} at ${ARCHIVE_DATE}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER="${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/${CONFIGURATION}" mkdir -p -v "${ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out ARCHIVE_FOLDER="${ARCHIVE_CONFIG_FOLDER}/${ARCHIVE_DATE}" echo "Copying ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH} to ${ARCHIVE_FOLDER}" >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out cp -Rp ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH} ${ARCHIVE_FOLDER} >> /tmp/archive_dsym.out case ${CONFIGURATION} in *[Bb]eta*) prepare_adhoc_package "${1}" ;; *) return ;; esac } case @${SDK_NAME} in @iphoneos*) archive_dsym_iphoneos "${1}" ;; @*) : ;; @) echo "Not running under Xcode." ;; esac
  • 23. dsym-archiver dsym-archiver Main features: Build adhoc packages. Archives dSYM bundles.
  • 24. One gotcha… Should be done on every releasable build. Needs to run after code signing for an ad-hoc package to be usable. Create a wrapper project; make the original iPhone target a dependent project. Add a custom build step that runs dsym-archiver at the end.
  • 25. 4. git Build Stamps Good idea to have build stamps in CFBundleVersion for error reporting. svn uses repository revision number Updated on every check- in. git doesn’t have a repository revision number.
  • 26. CIMGF to the Rescue? Marcus Zarra wrote a Perl script to use the short git commit sharef in April 2008. Uses regex replacement. Released before the iPhone SDK. I prefer Ruby.
  • 27. My Rewrite Rewrote the basic script to use Ruby with RubyCocoa. I’m too lazy to compile MacRuby. Info.plist loaded with dictionaryWithContentsOfFile. Formalized a version class.
  • 28. iTunes Connect‽ The git SHA reference has problems on iPhone projects: Non-contiguous, confuses iTunes old/new for ad hoc builds. iTunes Connect wants only incrementing dotted integers.
  • 29. git Tags git doesn’t have incrementing revisions We can fake it with tags on the commits. Downside is that repeated builds on the same commit means a lot of tags.
  • 30. build-number.rb (1/2) #!/usr/bin/ruby require 'osx/cocoa' … # Full implementation at class ProgramVersion attr_accessor :major, :minor, :patch, :build, :ref, :ref_type def <=>(other); …; end def self.parse_version(version_string); …; end def short_version; …; end def long_version; …; end def increment_build!; …; end end
  • 31. build-number.rb (2/2) # Load the plist info_plist = OSX::NSDictionary.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile(path).mutableCopy # Get the current HEAD current_head = %x(git describe --always).chomp # Get the list of build tags and turn them into version numbers. build_tags = `git tag -l build-* --contains #{current_head}`.chomp.split($/)! { |tag| ProgramVersion.parse_version(tag.sub(/^build-/, '')) } # Get the CFBundleVersion from the plist. old_version = ProgramVersion.parse_version(info_plist['CFBundleVersion']) # Add the old version to the list of build tags. build_tags << old_version.dup # Get the largest version we know about for this head. new_version = build_tags.max # Increment the build number new_version.increment_build! puts "Version modified: #{old_version} -> #{new_version}" # Set the long version (M.m.p.b) info_plist['CFBundleVersion'] = new_version.long_version # Set the short version (M.m or M.m.p). info_plist['CFBundleShortVersionString'] = new_version.short_version # Write the file. info_plist.writeToFile_atomically(path, 1) # Tag the version `git tag build-#{new_version.long_version}`

Editor's Notes

  1. This past October and November, I developed my first production iPhone app. I developed it on contract for a non-developer designer who wanted to use his own developer account. This obviously presents some challenges. It&amp;#x2019;s also only my second Objective-C program. So, what can I learn while I&amp;#x2019;m doing this?