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Towards a Smarter Bash
Barbara Blackburn
200 wpm = 200 * 5 * 8 / 60   = 133 bits/s
Towards a Smarter Bash
Howard Stephen Berg
25,000 wpm
he's a freak
2000 wpm = 1.3 kbits/s
Towards a Smarter Bash
V22.bis = Blazing Fast
For 1988
2:rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsAXrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 2rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5@; B2222XXXXXXXXXXXXX22XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXhi 2sXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2h@@A,@@#A92XXXXXXXXXX2Xh22XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3i 2rXX22222222222222222252222222S#@@@@@@922222222225ShX3@S2222222222222222222222X22222222222222222222222222XXi 2rX2222222222222222225HA522222Ss3B##A5:2X222222H&#MH  @522222222222222222S2##X2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222iBX,A2S5525Ssrrri;iX22222Xi5@@@@@@@@S222222222222225##@  #i522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222XB@S G#Hh9525SSSSSr922222X2;i2#@@@@#2S222222222225525@@@si#3522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222225@@@@@@@Hh2222223ri3222223ri2isS22isS22222225555A#ASiG@@@@@#A52222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222SiH@@@@M;sX222223rXX2222X5r925Ssssi5222222223h2H  @iis2B##ASh52222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222225issiiir;X22222X5r9222223rSX225SS2222222225AM@@@,5@M5isrs;:s522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222225Siii2rs322222Xsi3222222r3X25h#A355522222XrX@@@@@@#SS55r;XX222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222222Xr2X222223r5X22223si322i@; &hh322222Xr;2H#MA2i52Xrs9X2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222222Xr32222223r2X22223rXX22#@#;M@@MA5222Xs;Srrrri523rs9X22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222X5r9222222Xr32222XSr922i&@@@@@@A:2222XirXSSS5223sr9X222222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222Xir922222X2r322223riX222iSGHHG2s;X2223ssX22222X5r325222222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222X5r922223rXX225SisrrrSss32223siX22252S:hHMAS22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222XSr9222X5r9222255SS553r5X2229r5X22XAAHh3 ;@i22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223riX22222XSr3222Xis92222222222Xr32222XrX22XsA@@@M5@@AS2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222229riX22222XSr32223rSX222222222Xir9222X5r922X;iA@@@@@@XS2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222X5r92223r2X2222222223r5X2223si3225;3:ihG95iS22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223is32222X32rh3X3Xr3X2222222222r322223r2X2XssX;SsrsiS2225X2222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222Xir9X9GAA&Gs&hGA9SBA&h3XX2223si3222X5r9229r25r355522555&A#SS2222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222X5sH9i;.  .:r59&AG3X3rXX2223ri3222r&2rXX222292#, #&X5222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222h&:.  ,s9H2ihX222XrXX2XiiH. hX222##@@AA@@#i222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222222&5  ;hHhX2Xis9223i5  &h22XiiM@@@@@#55222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222Gr  ,3H99;2X223;  :B322Xrri5GAh5sS2222222222X22222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222Gr  ,  :H2s922XX  ;#9XXX;XSirrri52222222222253X222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222235  ..  iA322&;  5HAH5XA32555222222222222X 53222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222G  :  3GX2A  ,,.:r2A9X22XXXXX22222XX ;AX22222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222Gr  :  ,  AX93;  h&&G3XGAA9XXXXM: :HX22222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222&  .,  ,  XG9iM  H;  ;3AA&3:  :HX22222222Xi 2rX222222222222222X3  :  .,  SH5i#A  SA222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222223A5.  :  :  sMrX&M#r  .B9222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222223&##G;  .,  ,.  :  rAsh9GB#&5r:,,.  .H&X222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222X9A2:SA3r.  :;;.  .,  .,  .233X3GhsH@@@@@@,  ;,  r#AX2222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222X3A5.  rXGXs:.  ;  .:  5M9X39;iH&&&AB@  H@@M2;.  ,;X##GX22222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222X9A#G;  ;i3hhX5s;:,. .: .....,;,.  rAHXSr393X9AM, r@AAB#@@###@@#A3X222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222XX9GA##&s.  .,,,,..,..  .r  .... ;,  .;9iHAA&3s  ,#G339hGAAAAGh3X22222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222XXX9h&H###&S;.  :  ..;  ..  :,  :#GX222XXXXXXX22222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222XX39hGAH####AXs;;.  ,.  :, .  s#GX2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222222XXX39hG&AB#@@##BG2i;:;  .  .  . .;H#GX22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rXG9XX2X2S222222G9XX2X2S22222XGh333h3Xh&AHM#@@@##MAX5isr,,;:,...  ,:r3#@#&XX2X2S222222G9XX2X2S222222G9X2X3i 2iA;iH32S2ASi529&;iH32S2ASi529G;iH32S2H5S23AHrX#HA&B@MB##@@2H@@BAM@MB#MBA;SA32S2ASi52hG:SA32S2ASi52hh:SH325S 5.  s2&@@@h5i:  r2A@@@h5i:  r2A@@@h5s:  .s3H@@@A35;  ,2H#@@@HXi:  s2A@@@h5s:  sXA@@@h5s:  sXHH 3, ..:3@@@@@@@G: ..:3@@@@@@@G, ..:3@@@@@@@h, ..:3@@@@@@@G:..,:h@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@M @M#####MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBH
Other Criticisms?
Towards a Smarter Bash
The Truth about UNIX:  the user interface is horrid (1981)
Inconsistent Syntax & Usage Names do not map to Functionality Feedback only occurs on Error High Cognitive Load
He was absolutely correct
For 1981.
Bash 4.0 file.delete directory.delete ...
alias”touch” alias  file.delete=”rm” alias”stat” alias”mkdir” alias directory.delete=”rmdir” alias”stat” ...
Mnemonics = Bash Completion
Alert Only On Error He was wrong ;)
Written by Monkeys on Crack? Snopes says True.
A computer shall not harm your work or, through inactivity, allow your work to come to harm.
function rm() {   mv $* ${TMP_DIR}/. } set -C
A computer shall not waste your time or require you to do more work than is strictly necessary
Shannon's Law bits/s = frequency * log (1+S/N) N = our typing error rate
shopt -s dirspell  shopt -s cdspell set completion-ignore-case on
To get any lazier,  we need to do some real work
Huffman Coding Vary storage size inversely  with frequency
sort .bash_history |    awk '{ print $1 }' |    uniq -c | sort -rn | less Create tiny aliases  for the most common
me$ cd /var/tmp me$ ls
cd() {   builtin cd "$@"   # list first bunch of entries   directory.contents.wide | head  }
me$ chmod 0 lamers_file me$ ls -l lamers_file
[[ ${PS1} = “” ]] && return   file_change() {   IFS=   $@   shift   for f in "$*" ; do   if file.is_file "${f}"; then "${f}"   fi   done }
mv()  { file_change  command mv  "$@"; } chmod() { file_change  command chmod "$@"; } chown() { file_change  command chown "$@"; } touch() { file_change  command touch "$@"; }
Smart Prompts know that attention is precious
Seeing is believing?
sane_prompt() {   export PROMPT_LAST_CMD_EXIT_CODE=$?    history -a    prompt_screen_shelltitle    local pkts=$( prompt_pad  ${TEXT_RED} prompt_network_loss )   # wifi, directory size   # SVN/CVS/GIT repo status   # disk usage, cpu usage, …   PS1="${hms}${box}${disk}${cpu}${wifi}${pkts}${dirsize}${repo}${err}${wd}"   [[ ${#PS1} -gt ${PROMPT_MAX_LENGTH} ]] &&  PS1="${PS1}"   export PS1="${PS1}${sigil}${TEXT_BLACK} "   export PROMPT_PREVIOUS_TIME=${SECONDS} } export PROMPT_COMMAND=sane_prompt
What about the Third Law?
sane_prompt() {   ...   # disabled by operator?   [[ -e ${PROMPT_KILL_FILE} ]] && return   # box too busy, be nice   local load=$( cpu_usage_as_int )   [[ ${load} -gt ${PROMPT_LOAD_MAX} ]] && {    echo CPU LOAD ABOVE ${PROMPT_LOAD_MAX}    return    }   ... }
2:rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsAXrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 2rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5@; B2222XXXXXXXXXXXXX22XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXhi 2sXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2h@@A,@@#A92XXXXXXXXXX2Xh22XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3i 2rXX22222222222222222252222222S#@@@@@@922222222225ShX3@S2222222222222222222222X22222222222222222222222222XXi 2rX2222222222222222225HA522222Ss3B##A5:2X222222H&#MH  @522222222222222222S2##X2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222iBX,A2S5525Ssrrri;iX22222Xi5@@@@@@@@S222222222222225##@  #i522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222XB@S G#Hh9525SSSSSr922222X2;i2#@@@@#2S222222222225525@@@si#3522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222225@@@@@@@Hh2222223ri3222223ri2isS22isS22222225555A#ASiG@@@@@#A52222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222SiH@@@@M;sX222223rXX2222X5r925Ssssi5222222223h2H  @iis2B##ASh52222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222225issiiir;X22222X5r9222223rSX225SS2222222225AM@@@,5@M5isrs;:s522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222225Siii2rs322222Xsi3222222r3X25h#A355522222XrX@@@@@@#SS55r;XX222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222222Xr2X222223r5X22223si322i@; &hh322222Xr;2H#MA2i52Xrs9X2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222222Xr32222223r2X22223rXX22#@#;M@@MA5222Xs;Srrrri523rs9X22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222X5r9222222Xr32222XSr922i&@@@@@@A:2222XirXSSS5223sr9X222222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222Xir922222X2r322223riX222iSGHHG2s;X2223ssX22222X5r325222222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222X5r922223rXX225SisrrrSss32223siX22252S:hHMAS22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222XSr9222X5r9222255SS553r5X2229r5X22XAAHh3 ;@i22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223riX22222XSr3222Xis92222222222Xr32222XrX22XsA@@@M5@@AS2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222229riX22222XSr32223rSX222222222Xir9222X5r922X;iA@@@@@@XS2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222X5r92223r2X2222222223r5X2223si3225;3:ihG95iS22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223is32222X32rh3X3Xr3X2222222222r322223r2X2XssX;SsrsiS2225X2222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222Xir9X9GAA&Gs&hGA9SBA&h3XX2223si3222X5r9229r25r355522555&A#SS2222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222X5sH9i;.  .:r59&AG3X3rXX2223ri3222r&2rXX222292#, #&X5222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222h&:.  ,s9H2ihX222XrXX2XiiH. hX222##@@AA@@#i222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222222&5  ;hHhX2Xis9223i5  &h22XiiM@@@@@#55222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222Gr  ,3H99;2X223;  :B322Xrri5GAh5sS2222222222X22222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222Gr  ,  :H2s922XX  ;#9XXX;XSirrri52222222222253X222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222235  ..  iA322&;  5HAH5XA32555222222222222X 53222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222G  :  3GX2A  ,,.:r2A9X22XXXXX22222XX ;AX22222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222Gr  :  ,  AX93;  h&&G3XGAA9XXXXM: :HX22222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222&  .,  ,  XG9iM  H;  ;3AA&3:  :HX22222222Xi 2rX222222222222222X3  :  .,  SH5i#A  SA222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222223A5.  :  :  sMrX&M#r  .B9222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222223&##G;  .,  ,.  :  rAsh9GB#&5r:,,.  .H&X222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222X9A2:SA3r.  :;;.  .,  .,  .233X3GhsH@@@@@@,  ;,  r#AX2222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222X3A5.  rXGXs:.  ;  .:  5M9X39;iH&&&AB@  H@@M2;.  ,;X##GX22222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222X9A#G;  ;i3hhX5s;:,. .: .....,;,.  rAHXSr393X9AM, r@AAB#@@###@@#A3X222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222XX9GA##&s.  .,,,,..,..  .r  .... ;,  .;9iHAA&3s  ,#G339hGAAAAGh3X22222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222XXX9h&H###&S;.  :  ..;  ..  :,  :#GX222XXXXXXX22222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222XX39hGAH####AXs;;.  ,.  :, .  s#GX2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222222XXX39hG&AB#@@##BG2i;:;  .  .  . .;H#GX22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rXG9XX2X2S222222G9XX2X2S22222XGh333h3Xh&AHM#@@@##MAX5isr,,;:,...  ,:r3#@#&XX2X2S222222G9XX2X2S222222G9X2X3i 2iA;iH32S2ASi529&;iH32S2ASi529G;iH32S2H5S23AHrX#HA&B@MB##@@2H@@BAM@MB#MBA;SA32S2ASi52hG:SA32S2ASi52hh:SH325S 5.  s2&@@@h5i:  r2A@@@h5i:  r2A@@@h5s:  .s3H@@@A35;  ,2H#@@@HXi:  s2A@@@h5s:  sXA@@@h5s:  sXHH 3, ..:3@@@@@@@G: ..:3@@@@@@@G, ..:3@@@@@@@h, ..:3@@@@@@@G:..,:h@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@M @M#####MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBH
Towards a Smarter Bash
echo | sed 's// /g' |  each word printf '”%02x:”' {}
Any Ruby Fans Here?
each() {   ...   if [[ "$1" = "word" ]]; then   shift   while read line; do   for word in ${line}; do   eval "${@//amp;quot;${word}amp;quot;}"    done   done   fi }
Completion = Speed
export TWITS=”${HOME}/.twits” twit() {   url=""   __add() {    grep -q ^$1 ${TWITS} ||    echo $1 >> ${TWITS}   }   for word in $*; do   [[ '@' = "${word/[^@]*/}" ]] && __add ${word}   done   output=$(curl -v -n -d status="$*" ${url} 2>&1)   [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo ${output} } complete_twit() {   local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}   COMPREPLY=( $( grep -i ${cur} ${TWITS} ) ) } complete -F complete_twit twit
Future Work
# bash 4.0 error trapping command_not_found_handle() {   local cmd="$*"   read -p "errors> "   -e   -i "${cmd}" cmd   ${cmd} }
Towards a Smarter Bash
Towards a Smarter Human

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  • 2. HCI
  • 5.  
  • 7. 200 wpm = 200 * 5 * 8 / 60 = 133 bits/s
  • 12. 2000 wpm = 1.3 kbits/s
  • 16. 2:rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsAXrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 2rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5@; B2222XXXXXXXXXXXXX22XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXhi 2sXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2h@@A,@@#A92XXXXXXXXXX2Xh22XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3i 2rXX22222222222222222252222222S#@@@@@@922222222225ShX3@S2222222222222222222222X22222222222222222222222222XXi 2rX2222222222222222225HA522222Ss3B##A5:2X222222H&#MH @522222222222222222S2##X2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222iBX,A2S5525Ssrrri;iX22222Xi5@@@@@@@@S222222222222225##@ #i522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222XB@S G#Hh9525SSSSSr922222X2;i2#@@@@#2S222222222225525@@@si#3522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222225@@@@@@@Hh2222223ri3222223ri2isS22isS22222225555A#ASiG@@@@@#A52222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222SiH@@@@M;sX222223rXX2222X5r925Ssssi5222222223h2H @iis2B##ASh52222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222225issiiir;X22222X5r9222223rSX225SS2222222225AM@@@,5@M5isrs;:s522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222225Siii2rs322222Xsi3222222r3X25h#A355522222XrX@@@@@@#SS55r;XX222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222222Xr2X222223r5X22223si322i@; &hh322222Xr;2H#MA2i52Xrs9X2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222222Xr32222223r2X22223rXX22#@#;M@@MA5222Xs;Srrrri523rs9X22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222X5r9222222Xr32222XSr922i&@@@@@@A:2222XirXSSS5223sr9X222222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222Xir922222X2r322223riX222iSGHHG2s;X2223ssX22222X5r325222222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222X5r922223rXX225SisrrrSss32223siX22252S:hHMAS22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222XSr9222X5r9222255SS553r5X2229r5X22XAAHh3 ;@i22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223riX22222XSr3222Xis92222222222Xr32222XrX22XsA@@@M5@@AS2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222229riX22222XSr32223rSX222222222Xir9222X5r922X;iA@@@@@@XS2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222X5r92223r2X2222222223r5X2223si3225;3:ihG95iS22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223is32222X32rh3X3Xr3X2222222222r322223r2X2XssX;SsrsiS2225X2222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222Xir9X9GAA&Gs&hGA9SBA&h3XX2223si3222X5r9229r25r355522555&A#SS2222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222X5sH9i;. .:r59&AG3X3rXX2223ri3222r&2rXX222292#, #&X5222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222h&:. ,s9H2ihX222XrXX2XiiH. hX222##@@AA@@#i222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222222&5 ;hHhX2Xis9223i5 &h22XiiM@@@@@#55222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222Gr ,3H99;2X223; :B322Xrri5GAh5sS2222222222X22222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222Gr , :H2s922XX ;#9XXX;XSirrri52222222222253X222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222235 .. iA322&; 5HAH5XA32555222222222222X 53222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222G : 3GX2A ,,.:r2A9X22XXXXX22222XX ;AX22222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222Gr : , AX93; h&&G3XGAA9XXXXM: :HX22222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222& ., , XG9iM H; ;3AA&3: :HX22222222Xi 2rX222222222222222X3 : ., SH5i#A SA222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222223A5. : : sMrX&M#r .B9222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222223&##G; ., ,. : rAsh9GB#&5r:,,. .H&X222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222X9A2:SA3r. :;;. ., ., .233X3GhsH@@@@@@, ;, r#AX2222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222X3A5. rXGXs:. ; .: 5M9X39;iH&&&AB@ H@@M2;. ,;X##GX22222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222X9A#G; ;i3hhX5s;:,. .: .....,;,. rAHXSr393X9AM, r@AAB#@@###@@#A3X222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222XX9GA##&s. .,,,,..,.. .r .... ;, .;9iHAA&3s ,#G339hGAAAAGh3X22222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222XXX9h&H###&S;. : ..; .. :, :#GX222XXXXXXX22222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222XX39hGAH####AXs;;. ,. :, . s#GX2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222222XXX39hG&AB#@@##BG2i;:; . . . .;H#GX22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rXG9XX2X2S222222G9XX2X2S22222XGh333h3Xh&AHM#@@@##MAX5isr,,;:,... ,:r3#@#&XX2X2S222222G9XX2X2S222222G9X2X3i 2iA;iH32S2ASi529&;iH32S2ASi529G;iH32S2H5S23AHrX#HA&B@MB##@@2H@@BAM@MB#MBA;SA32S2ASi52hG:SA32S2ASi52hh:SH325S 5. s2&@@@h5i: r2A@@@h5i: r2A@@@h5s: .s3H@@@A35; ,2H#@@@HXi: s2A@@@h5s: sXA@@@h5s: sXHH 3, ..:3@@@@@@@G: ..:3@@@@@@@G, ..:3@@@@@@@h, ..:3@@@@@@@G:..,:h@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@M @M#####MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBH
  • 19.  
  • 20. The Truth about UNIX: the user interface is horrid (1981)
  • 21. Inconsistent Syntax & Usage Names do not map to Functionality Feedback only occurs on Error High Cognitive Load
  • 22. He was absolutely correct
  • 25. file.delete directory.delete ...
  • 26. alias”touch” alias file.delete=”rm” alias”stat” alias”mkdir” alias directory.delete=”rmdir” alias”stat” ...
  • 27. Mnemonics = Bash Completion
  • 28. Alert Only On Error He was wrong ;)
  • 29. Written by Monkeys on Crack? Snopes says True.
  • 30.  
  • 31.  
  • 32. A computer shall not harm your work or, through inactivity, allow your work to come to harm.
  • 33. function rm() { mv $* ${TMP_DIR}/. } set -C
  • 34. A computer shall not waste your time or require you to do more work than is strictly necessary
  • 35. Shannon's Law bits/s = frequency * log (1+S/N) N = our typing error rate
  • 36. shopt -s dirspell shopt -s cdspell set completion-ignore-case on
  • 37. To get any lazier, we need to do some real work
  • 38. Huffman Coding Vary storage size inversely with frequency
  • 39. sort .bash_history | awk '{ print $1 }' | uniq -c | sort -rn | less Create tiny aliases for the most common
  • 40. me$ cd /var/tmp me$ ls
  • 41. cd() { builtin cd "$@" # list first bunch of entries directory.contents.wide | head }
  • 42. me$ chmod 0 lamers_file me$ ls -l lamers_file
  • 43. [[ ${PS1} = “” ]] && return file_change() { IFS= $@ shift for f in "$*" ; do if file.is_file "${f}"; then "${f}" fi done }
  • 44. mv() { file_change command mv "$@"; } chmod() { file_change command chmod "$@"; } chown() { file_change command chown "$@"; } touch() { file_change command touch "$@"; }
  • 45. Smart Prompts know that attention is precious
  • 47. sane_prompt() { export PROMPT_LAST_CMD_EXIT_CODE=$? history -a prompt_screen_shelltitle local pkts=$( prompt_pad ${TEXT_RED} prompt_network_loss ) # wifi, directory size # SVN/CVS/GIT repo status # disk usage, cpu usage, … PS1="${hms}${box}${disk}${cpu}${wifi}${pkts}${dirsize}${repo}${err}${wd}" [[ ${#PS1} -gt ${PROMPT_MAX_LENGTH} ]] && PS1="${PS1}" export PS1="${PS1}${sigil}${TEXT_BLACK} " export PROMPT_PREVIOUS_TIME=${SECONDS} } export PROMPT_COMMAND=sane_prompt
  • 48. What about the Third Law?
  • 49. sane_prompt() { ... # disabled by operator? [[ -e ${PROMPT_KILL_FILE} ]] && return # box too busy, be nice local load=$( cpu_usage_as_int ) [[ ${load} -gt ${PROMPT_LOAD_MAX} ]] && { echo CPU LOAD ABOVE ${PROMPT_LOAD_MAX} return } ... }
  • 50. 2:rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsAXrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 2rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5@; B2222XXXXXXXXXXXXX22XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXhi 2sXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2h@@A,@@#A92XXXXXXXXXX2Xh22XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3i 2rXX22222222222222222252222222S#@@@@@@922222222225ShX3@S2222222222222222222222X22222222222222222222222222XXi 2rX2222222222222222225HA522222Ss3B##A5:2X222222H&#MH @522222222222222222S2##X2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222iBX,A2S5525Ssrrri;iX22222Xi5@@@@@@@@S222222222222225##@ #i522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222XB@S G#Hh9525SSSSSr922222X2;i2#@@@@#2S222222222225525@@@si#3522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222225@@@@@@@Hh2222223ri3222223ri2isS22isS22222225555A#ASiG@@@@@#A52222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222SiH@@@@M;sX222223rXX2222X5r925Ssssi5222222223h2H @iis2B##ASh52222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222225issiiir;X22222X5r9222223rSX225SS2222222225AM@@@,5@M5isrs;:s522222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222225Siii2rs322222Xsi3222222r3X25h#A355522222XrX@@@@@@#SS55r;XX222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222222Xr2X222223r5X22223si322i@; &hh322222Xr;2H#MA2i52Xrs9X2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222222Xr32222223r2X22223rXX22#@#;M@@MA5222Xs;Srrrri523rs9X22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222X5r9222222Xr32222XSr922i&@@@@@@A:2222XirXSSS5223sr9X222222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222Xir922222X2r322223riX222iSGHHG2s;X2223ssX22222X5r325222222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222X5r922223rXX225SisrrrSss32223siX22252S:hHMAS22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222XSr9222X5r9222255SS553r5X2229r5X22XAAHh3 ;@i22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223riX22222XSr3222Xis92222222222Xr32222XrX22XsA@@@M5@@AS2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222229riX22222XSr32223rSX222222222Xir9222X5r922X;iA@@@@@@XS2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223si322222X5r92223r2X2222222223r5X2223si3225;3:ihG95iS22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222223is32222X32rh3X3Xr3X2222222222r322223r2X2XssX;SsrsiS2225X2222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222Xir9X9GAA&Gs&hGA9SBA&h3XX2223si3222X5r9229r25r355522555&A#SS2222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222X5sH9i;. .:r59&AG3X3rXX2223ri3222r&2rXX222292#, #&X5222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222h&:. ,s9H2ihX222XrXX2XiiH. hX222##@@AA@@#i222222222222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222222&5 ;hHhX2Xis9223i5 &h22XiiM@@@@@#55222222222222222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222222Gr ,3H99;2X223; :B322Xrri5GAh5sS2222222222X22222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222Gr , :H2s922XX ;#9XXX;XSirrri52222222222253X222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222235 .. iA322&; 5HAH5XA32555222222222222X 53222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222G : 3GX2A ,,.:r2A9X22XXXXX22222XX ;AX22222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222Gr : , AX93; h&&G3XGAA9XXXXM: :HX22222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222& ., , XG9iM H; ;3AA&3: :HX22222222Xi 2rX222222222222222X3 : ., SH5i#A SA222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222223A5. : : sMrX&M#r .B9222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222223&##G; ., ,. : rAsh9GB#&5r:,,. .H&X222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222X9A2:SA3r. :;;. ., ., .233X3GhsH@@@@@@, ;, r#AX2222222222Xi 2rX2222222222222222X3A5. rXGXs:. ; .: 5M9X39;iH&&&AB@ H@@M2;. ,;X##GX22222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222X9A#G; ;i3hhX5s;:,. .: .....,;,. rAHXSr393X9AM, r@AAB#@@###@@#A3X222222222222Xi 2rX22222222222222222XX9GA##&s. .,,,,..,.. .r .... ;, .;9iHAA&3s ,#G339hGAAAAGh3X22222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222XXX9h&H###&S;. : ..; .. :, :#GX222XXXXXXX22222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222XX39hGAH####AXs;;. ,. :, . s#GX2222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rX222222222222222222222222XXX39hG&AB#@@##BG2i;:; . . . .;H#GX22222222222222222222222222222Xi 2rXG9XX2X2S222222G9XX2X2S22222XGh333h3Xh&AHM#@@@##MAX5isr,,;:,... ,:r3#@#&XX2X2S222222G9XX2X2S222222G9X2X3i 2iA;iH32S2ASi529&;iH32S2ASi529G;iH32S2H5S23AHrX#HA&B@MB##@@2H@@BAM@MB#MBA;SA32S2ASi52hG:SA32S2ASi52hh:SH325S 5. s2&@@@h5i: r2A@@@h5i: r2A@@@h5s: .s3H@@@A35; ,2H#@@@HXi: s2A@@@h5s: sXA@@@h5s: sXHH 3, ..:3@@@@@@@G: ..:3@@@@@@@G, ..:3@@@@@@@h, ..:3@@@@@@@G:..,:h@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@@@@@@h, ..:9@@M @M#####MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBBBBBM#######MBH
  • 52.  
  • 53.  
  • 54. echo | sed 's// /g' | each word printf '”%02x:”' {}
  • 55. Any Ruby Fans Here?
  • 56. each() { ... if [[ "$1" = "word" ]]; then shift while read line; do for word in ${line}; do eval "${@//amp;quot;${word}amp;quot;}" done done fi }
  • 58. export TWITS=”${HOME}/.twits” twit() { url="" __add() { grep -q ^$1 ${TWITS} || echo $1 >> ${TWITS} } for word in $*; do [[ '@' = "${word/[^@]*/}" ]] && __add ${word} done output=$(curl -v -n -d status="$*" ${url} 2>&1) [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo ${output} } complete_twit() { local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} COMPREPLY=( $( grep -i ${cur} ${TWITS} ) ) } complete -F complete_twit twit
  • 60. # bash 4.0 error trapping command_not_found_handle() { local cmd="$*" read -p "errors> " -e -i "${cmd}" cmd ${cmd} }
  • 63.