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John 9 Verse by Verse Commentary 
Witten and edited by Glenn Pease 
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind 
1As he went along, he saw a man blind from 
1. It was rare to come across one who was blind from birth. Many became blind in 
later life, but to be blind from birth was so extreme that people assumed that there 
had to be some extreme sin somewhere in the family to account for such a radical 
judgment on a child. 
2. In contrast to chapter 8 where Jesus is rejected and the leaders wanted to stone 
him, this chapter starts off with a scene of Jesus showing divine grace and mercy to 
one that most would not dream of helping, for he was obviously cursed of God to be 
born blind. Pink comments, "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man." How blessed. 
The Savior was not occupied with His own sorrows to the exclusion of those of 
others. The absence of appreciation and the presence of hatred in almost all around 
Him, did not check that blessed One in His unwearied service to others, still less did 
He abandon it. Love "suffereth long," and "beareth all things" (1 Cor. 13). And 
Christ was Love incarnate, therefore did the stream of Divine goodness flow on 
unhindered by all man’s wickedness. How this perfection of Christ rebukes our 
imperfections, our selfishness!" 
3. I share the following paragraph to make it clear that many babies have been born 
blind even in our country due to no sin related activity of the parents. 
"The World Health Organization estimates that about 100,000 children each year 
are born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), a major cause of severe birth 
defects such as blindness, deafness, heart disease, and mental retardation. When 
pregnant mothers get rubella, a highly contagious otherwise-minor illness, the 
results for their babies can be devastating. Most of the 100,000 victims each year are 
in developing nations – although the first nation to eliminate CRS was Cuba, who 
did it in the mid 1990s with an aggressive immunization program. On March 21, 
2005, the United States formally and officially declared itself free of rubella. This is 
a major public health milestone. Rubella peaked in the United States in the mid 
1960s when one epidemic caused an estimated 12.5 million cases of rubella in the 
U.S., leading to 20,000 cases of CRS which according to the CDC was responsible 
for “more than 11,600 babies born deaf, 11,250 fetal deaths, 2,100 neonatal deaths, 
3,580 babies born blind and 1,800 babies born mentally retarded.” Cases of rubella
fell rapidly after the vaccine was introduced in 1969. In 1989, the CDC set a goal of 
eliminating rubella from the United States, and 2005 is the year of celebrating this 
major success." New babies around the world still suffer from this disease. 
4. Blindness was one of the problems that Jesus healed in large numbers. The three 
synoptic gospels describe a variety of individuals, and numbers of the blind being 
healed by Jesus, whereas in John's gospel we have only one record. Examples of 
indefinite numbers include Matthew 21:14 "And the blind and the lame came to 
him in the temple; and he healed them." Luke 7:21 "And in that same hour he 
cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that 
were blind he gave sight." John's Gospel just focuses on this one blind man. 
5. Larry Hiles tells of one man's compassion for the blind that led to his greatest 
honor. He wrote, "The 1964 Philadelphia Phillies will always be known as the team 
that suffered one of the great collapses in sports history. They let a huge division 
lead slip away by losing ten games in a row at the end of the season. Despite the 
collapse, the Phillies season had its share of memorable moments, including a 
perfect game and a ninth-inning home run by a Phillie to win the All-Star Game. 
But the most remarkable moment of the entire season occurred after a game, not 
during it. Clay Dalrymple, a Phillie pitcher, was asked to assist a blind girl who had 
requested a chance to walk out on the field. Dalrymple took the girl to home plate 
where she reached down and felt the plate. Then they walked to first base, second 
base, and third base before ending up at home plate once again. 
While Dalrymple was showing the girl around the bases, he never noticed that the 
fans remaining in the stadium had stopped to watch him and his companion. He just 
assumed that the silence in the stands meant the fans had gone home. But when the 
two of them finally reached home plate, the ballpark erupted. Dalrymple was 
shocked by the applause. When he looked up, he saw thousands of fans giving him a 
standing ovation. Later, Dalrymple told a Sports Illustrated reporter, “It was the 
biggest ovation I ever got.” 
2His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this 
man or his parents, that he was born blind?" 
1. The disciples were products of their time, and they assumed, as was the custom of 
the day, that all tragedy was the result of some sin. They were interested in knowing 
just who did the sin that produced a baby that was born blind. It was a terrible 
tragedy to the parents and the child, and so somebody had to be really guilty of 
something seriously evil. This kind of thinking never goes away, and so even though 
they had the book of Job that should have put an end to this thinking, they are still 
locked into a false view of suffering. The fact is, the parents and grandparents of this 
child may have been far more godly and sin free than the majority of people who
had perfectly normal children. The blindness had nothing to do with any personal 
sin of the child or someone among its relatives. Bad things happen to good people all 
the time, and they have no connection with sin in their lives. These disciples are 
typical of either/or people at this point. They only have two options. Is it the parents 
of the man himself. This type of thinking also leads to many false conclusions in life. 
Quite often their is a third alternative, as is the case here, but people do not consider 
that as an option, and so the choose one of just two and make the wrong choice 
either way. Jesus is constantly rejecting either/or, and black or white issues by giving 
a third way of seeing things. 
1b. James Forbes writes, "Now Jesus was upset with that question they were asking 
him. How disappointing the question was. Had the disciples not heard earlier in the 
day how Jesus was eager to silence the sin patrollers who had brought that woman 
just to judge her? Had he not condemned the judgmental spirit about holding 
traditional understandings so tightly that they are more important than mercy and 
compassion? Hadn't Jesus told the people, "Don't be so zealous for righteousness 
that you are willing to condemn everybody who is different from yourself." So can 
you feel Jesus' disappointment? "Not my own disciples, the ones who have been 
learning from me these years." How could they now be like the canine crew at the 
controls for customs on the conveyer belt where the dogs are sniffing frantically 
trying to find some contraband? Could it be that Jesus' advocates are as blind as his 
adversaries regarding what Jesus stands for and why he had been sent into the 
2. One could answer the question, “Who sinned?” by saying Adam and Eve, for it 
was a fallen world where many bad things can happen because it is fallen due to 
their sin, but this was not what the disciples were getting at. They wanted to see a 
direct link to someone’s sinful acts and this blind child. They wanted to hear that the 
mother had an affair, or that the parents had sex on the Sabbath, or some other 
logical reason for this child being cursed with blindness. They had simplistic minds 
that saw life as black and white, with a clear link between suffering and sin. 
3. A few quotes from my sermon on this passage will illustrate the folly of asking this 
question about anyone's suffering. To read the whole sermon go to 
Show me a simple solution to the problem of suffering, and I will show you a heresy 
that will fit neither the revelation of God, nor the experience of man. The Jews had a 
simple answer to suffering that was superficial. If you are good you will be happy, 
and if you are not happy, you are not good. Simple solutions are none the less the 
most popular and widely held by the intelligent and ignorant alike. Here are the 
disciples of Christ who are hand picked by the Master Himself, and they view 
suffering with the same old worn out theory held by the friends of Job. They 
assume that such a terrible fate as being born blind had to be the result of 
somebody's sin. It was so logical and obvious to them that they did not even see the 
cruelty of it. They are asking, who is guilty for such an awful thing: His parents or
himself. In other words, who do we blame when this horrible reality occurs? What 
kind of parents must they have been to give birth to such a monstrosity as a blind 
baby? Or what kind of a low life scoundrel must he be that God would punish him 
at birth for the sins he foresaw that he would commit? 
We want life to be simple, and we want to have easy answers that give meaning to 
life. We want life to be black and white where the good guys are escaping suffering, 
and the bad guys are getting their due reward of judgment. If life was only like the 
movies, but it is not, and often the real life story has the bad guys getting by with 
murder, and the good guys being the ones getting murdered. So it was with Able, 
John the Baptist, Stephen, and on and on. Simple answers are not always false, but 
they are so often foolish and cruel when applied to specific situations. 
Simple answers are convenient, but they are often worthless or cruel. Harold 
Kushner in his book When Bad Things Happen To Good People writes, "I once read 
of an Iranian folk proverb, ' If you see a blind man, kick him; why should you be 
kinder than God?' In other words, if you see someone who is suffering, you must 
believe that he deserves his fate and that God wants him to suffer. Therefore, put 
yourself on God's side by shunning Him or humiliating Him further. If you try to 
help him, you will be going against God's justice." It is simple solutions like this 
that make so many religious people cruel and without compassion. 
4. These very men would one day be severely persecuted and suffer death that was 
very unjust, and by then they would have learned that suffering is not linked to sin, 
but sometimes suffering is due to not sinning. Had they rejected Christ and not 
preached the Gospel they would not have been imprisoned and killed. They will 
learn that the righteous often suffer the afflictions that even the most wicked do not 
have to endure. They will understand that the world is filled with suffering of all 
kinds that has no relationship to any personal sin of those who suffer. But at this 
stage they are simple minded and accept the common beliefs of their age, that all 
suffering is the punishment for some sin. 
5. A number of commentators, including Calvin, say the Jews at this time believed in 
the transmigration of souls, and that means they believed the sins of a former life 
passed into another body, and that person suffered for those sins of his former life, 
and so even a baby could be suffering for its sins of the past. A later rabbinic work 
states that when a pregnant woman worships in a heathen temple the fetus also 
commits idolatry. This is only one example of how, in rabbinic Jewish thought, an 
unborn child was capable of sinning. Calvin writes, “It was truly monstrous, that so 
gross an error should have found a place among the elect people of God, in the midst 
of which the light of heavenly wisdom had been kindled by the Law and the 
Prophets.” This would explain how they could possibly believe that the man himself 
was the cause of his being born blind. 
6. John MacArthur points out that today we know of medical reasons for why 
children are born blind, and it is due to the sins of the parents. He writes,
"Medically the answer would most likely have been his parents. You say, "What do 
you mean by that?" Just this, gonorrhea, the venereal disease, is in the mother, the 
most common cause of total blindness in the next generation. When the mother is 
infected with gonorrhea, the eyes of the baby can become infected even as it passes 
through the birth canal. This has been a common disease around the world, the 
infection of gonorrhea of newborn babies is very severe. It scars their eyes so that 
they cannot see. For example, in Africa and in the East, there are multiplied 
thousands of blind babies that are born, most of them blinded by gonorrhea." Jesus 
denies that there is any such sin behind this case of blindness. 
7. Intervarsity Press Commentary, “Jesus' statement touches on the theme of 
suffering. There is a sense in which every aspect of our lives, including our own 
suffering, is an occasion for the manifestation of God's glory and his purposes. 
Scripture describes four types of suffering viewed in terms of causes or purposes (cf. 
John Cassian Conferences 6.11): first, suffering as a proving or testing of our faith 
(Gen 22; Deut 8:2; Job); second, suffering meant for improvement, for our 
edification (Heb 12:5-8); third, suffering as punishment for sin (Deut 32:15-25; Jer 
30:15; Jn 5:14); and fourth, suffering that shows forth God's glory, as here in our 
story and later in the raising of Lazarus (Jn 11:4). To these should be added a fifth 
form of suffering, that which comes from bearing witness to Christ, illustrated by 
what happens to this former blind man in being cast out of the synagogue.” 
8. Maclaren wrote, "That is all that the sight of sorrow does for some people. It 
leads to censorious judgments, or to mere idle and curious speculations. Christ lets 
us see what it did for Him, and what it is meant to do for us. 'Neither hath this man 
sinned nor his parents, but he is born blind that the works of God may be made 
manifest in him.' That is to say, human sorrow is to be looked at by us as an 
opportunity for the manifestation through us of God's mercy in relieving and 
stanching the wounds through which the lifeblood is ebbing away. Do not stand 
coldly curious or uncharitably censorious. Do not make miserable men theological 
problems, but see in them a call for service. See in them an opportunity for letting 
the light of God, so much of it as is in you, shine from you, and your hands move in 
works of mercy." 
3"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said 
Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God 
might be displayed in his life. 
1. It must have shocked them to hear Jesus rule out sin as the cause of this tragedy. 
That put a big hole in their theory that all suffering is the result of sin. Sin is not a
part of the big picture here at all. The disciples and Pharisees, and people in general 
with a false view of suffering would look down on this family and this man, for they 
would suspect some sin in their past as the reason for their suffering. This is a sad 
way of seeing suffering people, for it kills compassion and sympathy. Suffering 
people need caring for and encouragement, and not judgment that comes from the 
suspicion that they deserve their misery because of something they have done. 
Pink wrote, "It is so easy to assume the role of judge and pass sentence upon 
another. This was the sin of Job’s friends, recorded for our learning and warning. 
The same spirit is displayed among some of the "Faith-healing" sects of our day. 
With them the view largely obtains that sickness is due to some sin in the life, and 
that where healing is withheld it is because that sin is unconfessed. But this is a very 
harsh and censorious judgment, and must frequently be erroneous. Moreover, it 
tends strongly to foster pride. If I am enjoying better health than many of my 
fellows, the inference would be, it is because I am not so great a sinner as they! The 
Lord deliver us from such reprehensible Phariseeism." 
2. This particular tragedy of blindness was a part of the providence of God in this 
man’s life, so that the special work of God might be put on display in his life, and 
the miraculous and loving work of God was displayed in him being made to see. In 
other words, he was an example of the healing power of God to deal with the most 
difficult problems that life can throw at us. Some people may be blind due to the 
sinful folly of taking drugs that lead to birth defects, but that is not the case here. 
This man is blind for the glory of God, for God intends to show his loving power in 
him by restoring his sight. 
3. Weatherhead wrote, "Jesus says, "Neither did this man sin, nor his parents. But 
that the works of God should be made manifest in him I must work the works of 
him that sent me while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." In 
other words Jesus is saying, "Don't let us argue why the man is blind. Let us make 
him better. It wasn't his own fault or that of his parents; but instead of arguing 
about it, what we must get done before nightfall is the work of God in making him 
better." What Jesus says is: don't argue; get on with the cure. In the cure the work 
of God is made manifest." My comment here is that Jesus is not concerned with the 
cause, but with the cure. When you see suffering do not bother to figure out why it 
exists, but do what you can to eliminate it. You can never know all the why's of 
suffering, but you can focus on the how to make it better, and that is what the Great 
Physician did. 
4As long as it is day, we must do the work of him 
who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can 
1. Jesus knew it was the Sabbath, and that he would be greatly condemned if he 
healed this man, but he says there is an urgent need to work while it is day, for night 
will come and the work will be over. In other words, he will be killed in about 6 
months, and there will be no more opportunity to do works that glorify God, like 
healing a blind man. Jesus is saying I have to do this now, even though it is the 
Sabbath, for it will soon be too late. Jesus is saying he just cannot put this off. He 
has to take the risk of causing serious trouble for himself by healing this man. 
2. Jesus was a man of action. There is a legend about a man sinking into quicksand 
when Confucious came by and remarked, "There is evidence men should stay out of 
such places." Buddha came by and said, "Let that life be a lesson to the rest of the 
world." Mohammed said, "Alas, it is the will of 'Allah." The Hindu said to him, 
"Cheer up friend, you will return to earth in another form." But Jesus came by and 
saw his plight and said, "Give me your hand, brother, and I will pull you out." Jesus 
did not deal with suffering with philosophy or theology, but with work. The disciples 
are focused on the origin of the problem, but Jesus is focused on the outcome. 
Others can sit around and speculate how such a problem ever came to be, but he 
goes to work to solve the problem and set the victum free. 
3. Notice the word "we" in this verse. Jesus includes his disciples, and all believers 
in the work of showing compassion to a suffering world. Barclay wrote, "Any kind 
of suffering is an opportunity to demonstrate the glory of God in our own lives. 
Second, by helping those who are in trouble or in pain, we can demonstrate to others 
the glory of God. Frank Laubach has the great thought that when Christ, who is the 
Way, enters into us "we become part of the Way. God's highway runs straight 
through us." When we spend ourselves to help those in trouble, in distress, in pain, 
in sorrow, in affliction, God is using us as the highway by which he sends his help 
into the lives of his people. To help a fellow-man in need is to manifest the glory of 
God, for it is to show what God is like." Practical Christianity is not in seeking for 
the sin that causes suffering, but in seeking for the cure of the sufferer. The 
Pharisees looked for the sin cause, and this led to condemnation, but Jesus looked 
for the simple cure, and this led to compassion. 
4. Matthew Henry wrote, "The period of his opportunity was at hand, and therefore 
he would be busy; The night comes when no man can work. Note, The consideration 
of our death approaching should quicken us to improve all the opportunities of life, 
both for doing and getting good. The night comes, it will come certainly, may come 
suddenly, is coming nearer and nearer. We cannot compute how nigh our sun is, it 
may go down at noon; nor can we promise ourselves a twilight between the day of 
life and the night of death. When the night comes we cannot work, because the light 
afforded us to work by is extinguished; the grave is a land of darkness, and our 
work cannot be done in the dark. And, besides, our time allotted us for our work 
will then have expired; when our Master tied us to duty he tied us to time too; when 
night comes, call the labourers; we must then show our work, and receive according 
to the things done. In the world of retribution we are no longer probationers; it is
too late to bid when the inch of candle is dropped. Christ uses this as an argument 
with himself to be diligent, though he had no opposition from within to struggle 
with; much more need have we to work upon our hearts these and the like 
considerations to quicken us." 
5. What would you think of a doctor who came upon the scene of a terrible accident, 
where injured people were laying on the ground broken and bleeding, and he did 
not begin immediately giving his attention to how he could help these suffering 
people? What if he began to measure the skid marks, and check the speedometers in 
the cars involved, and did all kinds of investigating of the cause of the accident, but 
did not come to the aid of the victums? Such is the case with people who do all kinds 
of philosophizing about suffering, but do not lift a hand to actually help the 
suffering. Jesus was the Great Physician because his first concern was not with 
speculation, or with investigation, but with compassion for the suffering. He acted to 
heal this man, while others would spend years speculating about why he was blind. 
6. The work of God in the world is to eliminate the defects that come about due to a 
fallen world. G. Campbell Morgan put it forcefully when he wrote, "Every clrippled 
childl is contrary to the willl of God; every mentally deficient man or woman is 
contrary to the will of god; every spiritually inefficient being is contrary to the will 
of God." He is saying that it is God's will to do all we can to eliminate all the defects 
that hinder people from living a normal life. Thank God there are doctors all over 
the world doing just what Jesus did, and they are finding more and more ways to 
prevent and cure the defects that cause people to be born abnormal, or develop 
abnormally. Much has been done, but there is alway more to be done, and it is all 
because it is God's will that it be done. 
7. Mike Fogerson gives some historical examples where putting things off led to the 
night coming when work could be done no more. He wrote, "Billy Graham was at a 
hotel in Seattle, fast asleep when he was awakened with a powerful burden to pray 
for Marilyn Monroe. (The next morning his burden was stronger and he had his 
assistant call Monroe to set up an appointment.) A Monroe’s agent made it difficult. 
She was too busy, she would meet with the Reverend Graham-sometime. "Not now, 
maybe two weeks from now."Two weeks were too little too late. She committed 
D.L. Moody was preaching in Chicago on October 8, 1871. He was preaching a 
message "What will you do with Jesus?" He concluded his sermon by saying, "I 
wish you would seriously consider this subject, for next Sunday we’ll speak about 
the cross. Then I’ll ask you, ‘What will you do with Jesus?’" They concluded the 
service with a hymn, but the hymn never got completed-the roar of the fire engines 
filled the auditorium. The famous Chicago fire of 1871 broke out that very night and 
almost wiped the city off the map. That sermon on the cross never came. Afterward 
Moody often said, "I have never since dared to give an audience a week to think of 
their salvation." It haunted him . How many were ready? How many were hearing 
the voice of God, and would have laid their souls before Christ that evening?"
8. In the year 1269 the Mongal Emperor, Kublai Khan, sent an envoy to Rome 
asking for a hundred missionaries to be sent to his capital in order that his people 
might be taught a better understanding of Christ, and that the East and the West 
might be tied together by religious devotion. All China, Central Asia, and Russia 
were under the rule of the Mighty Kublai Khan... But Rome was too busy. The 
college of Cardinals was quarreling over which one shoud be Pope, and political 
squabbles went on for months. Eventually two Dominican friers were sent, but it 
was too late. The church missed the chance of a lifetime to have impacted half of the 
world for Christ. They did not work while it was day, and the night came when they 
could work no more. 
9. Maclaren has a gem of an insight into the word "must" on the lips of Jesus in this 
text. He wrote, "There are two kinds of 'musts' in our lives. There is the unwelcome 
necessity which grips us with iron and sharpened fangs; the needs-be which crushes 
down hopes and dreams and inclinations, and forces the slave to his reluctant task. 
And there is the 'must' which has passed into the will, into the heart, and has 
moulded the inmost desire to conformity with the obligation which no more stands 
over against us as a taskmaster with whip and chain, but has passed within us and is 
there an inspiration and a joy. He that can say, as Jesus Christ in His humanity 
could, and did say: 'My meat'--the refreshment of my nature, the necessary 
sustenance of my being--'is to do the will of my Father'; that man, and that man 
alone, feels no pressure that is pain from the incumbency of the necessity that 
blessedly rules His life. When 'I will' and 'I choose' coincide, like two of Euclid's 
triangles atop of one another, line for line and angle for angle, then comes liberty 
into the life. He that can say, not with a knitted brow and an unwilling ducking of 
his head to the yoke, 'I must do it,' but can say, 'Thy law is within my heart,' that is 
the Christlike, the free, the happy man." It is not the must of I have to do this, but 
the must of I get to do this that makes doing the will of God life's greatest pleasure. 
10. Great Texts says, "Christ felt this necessity. With Christ it was not, " I may 
if I will " ; not, " I can if I like " ; not the mere possibility and 
the mere potentiality of work, but an imperious necessity "I 
must! He could not help Himself. If we may use such words 
concerning One who was none the less Divine that He was human, 
He was under restraint ; He was bound ; He was compelled. The 
cords which bound Him, however, were the cords of His Deity. 
They were the cords of love which bound Him who is love. " I 
must work." It was because He loved the sons of men so well 
that He could not sit still and see them perish. He could not 
come down from heaven and stand here robed in our mortal 
flesh, and be an impassive, careless, loitering spectator of so much 
evil, so much misery. His heart beat high with desire. He 
thirsted to be doing good, and His greatest and grandest act, 
His sacrifice of Himself, was a baptism with which He had to be 
baptized, and He was straitened until it was accomplished. 
As Christ s followers, this necessity is ours. " We must
work." Christ associates His disciples with Himself in His Divine 
enterprise of mercy. They, too, are commissioned to " destroy the 
works of the devil," and the range of their activity must be co 
extensive with their Lord s. Physical suffering, and all that 
makes for physical suffering unjust conditions of living, insanitary 
dwellings, inadequate and misdirected education, harsh and 
unequal laws, oppressive social conventions all the perennial 
springs of human misery and disgrace are within the sphere of 
that redemptive mission which was Christ s in Palestine nearly 
two millenniums ago, and is Christ s still, wherever His true 
disciples are found." 
If you go back and read item 3 under the first verse you will see that compassion for 
suffering people led to the development of a vaccine that ended the massive number 
of babies being born blind. That is the continuing work of Christ in the world, and 
medical missionaries are carrying on this work all over the world in the name of 
Jesus who was compelled to heal this man born blind. 
5While I am in the world, I am the light of the 
1. What better way to reveal that I am the light of the world than by opening this 
man’s eyes to the light so that he can see for the first time in his life? I cannot let him 
remain in darkness, for I am the light of the world and must let this man see the 
light I bring to all the world. This man would not only see the light of the sun, but he 
would see the light of the Son. As long as he was alive in this world Jesus had to 
bring light to people, and he had to heal this blind man, for giving light was his 
purpose in life. Even Jesus had a limited time to show forth the love and grace of 
God in the world. He had to redeem the time and make every Sabbath count, for 
this is when people would be gathered as on no other day. 
I am the Light. 
I will be kind. 
I will end the night, 
Of this man born blind. 
2. John MacArthur expresses the urgency of Christ this way, "He is still the light 
but He is not in the purest sense in the world physically ministering and He says I've 
only got so much time as long as I'm in the world I'm the light of the world and I've 
got to get at it. The Father put Me here to light this world, now let's go. You've got a 
man here who needs light, let's get at him." "I like that. Don't you like that 
compulsion of Jesus? If anybody could have sat back and depended on sovereignty,
He could, right? Relax, guys, (snap) it's all in My control. No, let's work, let's work, 
we've got a blind man, let's give him light, see. Urgency was in Jesus Christ's 
attitude. And He was God and He knew the end from the beginning and He was in a 
hurry. And so He says I'm the light of the world as long as I'm here. You know, He 
was light physically for this man, wasn't He? He was going to touch those eyes, those 
sightless eyes, those motionless eyes and He was going to open them and recreate 
their sight and that blind man was about to behold the light of day. For the first time 
in his life He'd see the glory of the dawn. He could look at the sky, the sunset, the 
irresistible hills of Jerusalem and the surrounding country and most of all, he could 
see the valleys and the rivers and the people that he loved. He was the light 
physically. But, oh, far beyond that, Jesus was the light of his soul. Jesus was going 
to open his soul. And He did. Over in verse 38 He opened that man's soul. That man 
said to Him, "Lord...what?...I believe," and he fell down and worshiped Him." 
3. Henry points out that Jesus wasted no time in letting his light shine, but went 
right to the task of meeting the need. He wrote, "He did not defer it till he could do 
it either more privately, for his greater safety, or more publicly, for his greater 
honour, or till the sabbath was past, when it would give less offence. What good we 
have opportunity of doing we should do quickly; he that will never do a good work 
till there is nothing to be objected against it will leave many a good work for ever 
undone, Ecclesiastes 11:4, which says, "He that observeth the wind shall not sow; 
and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap." 
6Having said this, he spit on the ground, made 
some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's 
1. Charles W. Holt wrote, "It is a fallacy and misunderstanding to think that God 
always works according to certain clearly defined laws of logic and decorum. It is a 
mistake to think that He cannot deviate from conventional, acceptable methods that 
are easily understood by the majority. Scripture, and life’s experience, show God is 
not limited by anything. These verses are a case in point. 
Peter’s shadow passing over people in the street and their being healed is another. 
Cloths and handkerchiefs from Paul that brings healing to the sick and drives out 
demons is another. 
Jesus used several "unconventional" methods to bring healing. 
1. He touched a leper 
2. He spoke a word while miles away from a sick person 
3. He made a mudpack by spitting upon the clay soil. Placing it upon a man’s eyes 
he told him to go and wash it off. 
4. He forgave a man’s sins to bring healing.
5. He took a dead girl by the hand and raised her from the dead 
6. He stood in front of the tomb of Lazarus and called loudly for the dead to come 
7. He put his fingers in a deaf man’s ears, spit,touched his tongue. 
8. He spit on a blind man’s eyes after leading him out of town. 
9. Jesus stood over Peter’s mother-in-law and rebuked the raging fever. Etc., Etc. 
1B. Spittle was a known medicine in that day, and Jesus was just using something 
that had meaning to the blind man. He could have just said to him to begin seeing, 
or “be healed,” but the man was blind and could not see Jesus. Jesus gave him 
something he could feel on his eyes, and this gave the man a physical reason to have 
faith that something was going to happen. The feel of the mud would stimulate hope 
and expectation. In other words, faith needs some foundation. There has to be some 
evidence to believe, and this mud was just the thing that could give the man hope. 
There was no real healing power in the mud to heal blindness. It was a miracle of 
Christ’s power, but he used the mud as a prop, or what we mean by the use of a 
sugar pill to arouse hope and faith. Calvin wrote, “The intention of Christ was, to 
restore sight to the blind man, but he commences the operation in a way which 
appears to be highly absurd; for, by anointing his eyes with clay, he in some respects 
doubles the blindness Who would not have thought either that he was mocking the 
wretched man, or that he was practicing senseless and absurd fooleries? But in this 
way he intended to try the faith and obedience of the blind man, that he might be an 
example to all.” 
2. William Barclay has several paragraphs on the use of spittle in the ancient world 
that makes it likely that Jesus used it to give the blind man a sense of being treated 
by a doctor. He writes, 
"This is one of two miracles in which Jesus is said to have used spittle to effect a 
cure. The other is the miracle of the deaf stammerer (Mk.7:33). The use of spittle 
seems to us strange and repulsive and unhygienic; but in the ancient world it was 
quite common. Spittle, and especially the spittle of some distinguished person, was 
believed to possess certain curative qualities. Tacitus tells how, when Vespasian 
visited Alexandria, there came to him two men, one with diseased eyes and one with 
a diseased hand, who said that they had been advised by their god to come to him. 
The man with the diseased eyes wished Vespasian "to moisten his eye-balls with 
spittle"; the man with the diseased hand wished Vespasian "to trample on his hand 
with the sole of his foot." Vespasian was very unwilling to do so but was finally 
persuaded to do as the men asked. "The hand immediately recovered its power; the 
blind man saw once more. Both facts are attested to this day, when falsehood can 
bring no reward, by those who were present on the occasion" (Tacitus, Histories 4: 8 
Pliny, the famous Roman collector of what was then called scientific information, 
has a whole chapter on the use of spittle. He says that it is a sovereign preservative 
against the poison of serpents; a protection against epilepsy; that lichens and
leprous spots can be cured by the application of fasting spittle; that ophthalmia can 
be cured by anointing the eyes every morning with fasting spittle; that carcinomata 
and crick in the neck can be cured by the use of spittle. Spittle was held to be very 
effective in averting the evil eye. Perseus tells how the aunt or the grandmother, who 
fears the gods and is skilled in averting the evil eye, will lift the baby from his cradle 
and "with her middle finger apply the lustrous spittle to his forehead and slobbering 
lips." The use of spittle was very common in the ancient world. To this day, if we 
burn a finger our first instinct is to put it into our mouth; and there are many who 
believe that warts can be cured by licking them with fasting spittle. 
The fact is that Jesus took the methods and customs of his time and used them. He 
was a wise physician; he had to gain the confidence of his patient. It was not that he 
believed in these things, but he kindled expectation by doing what the patient would 
expect a doctor to do. After all, to this day the efficacy of any medicine or treatment 
depends at least as much on the patient's faith in it as in the treatment or the drug 
Vincent's N. T. word studies adds this information: "The spittle was regarded as 
having a peculiar virtue, not only as a remedy for diseases of the eye, but generally 
as a charm, so that it was employed in incantations. Persius, describing an old crone 
handling an infant, says: "She takes the babe from the cradle, and with her middle 
finger moistens its forehead and lips with spittle to keep away the evil eye" ("Sat.," 
2, 32, 33). Tacitus relates how one of the common people of Alexandria importuned 
Vespasian for a remedy for his blindness, and prayed him to sprinkle his cheeks and 
the balls of his eyes with the secretion of his mouth ("History," 4, 81). Pliny says: 
"We are to believe that by continually anointing each morning with fasting saliva 
(i.e., before eating), inflammations of the eyes are prevented" ("Natural History," 
28, 7)." 
3. The Intervarsity Commentary adds this note about the spittle not being used 
alone, but by making a sort of clay paste to put on the eye. "But for the healer to 
make clay out of spittle and use it for healing is unusual. John emphasizes this mud 
in the repeated recounting of the event by the former blind man (9:6, 11, 15) and 
also by including it where it is unnecessary (v. 14). K. H. Rengstorf suggests that this 
emphasis may be intended to draw a contrast with Aesculapius, but more likely the 
allusion is to the biblical picture of God as a potter and human beings as clay (for 
example, Job 10:9; Is 45:9; 64:8; Jer 18:6; Sirach 33:13; cf. Rom 9:21). Irenaeus 
picks up this allusion when he interprets this story in the light of the creation of man 
from the ground (Gen 2:7), for "the work of God [cf. Jn 9:3] is the fashioning of 
man" (Against Heresies 5.15.2). Thus, "that which the artificer, the Word, had 
omitted to form in the womb, [namely, the blind man's eyes], He then supplied in 
public, that the works of God might be manifested in him" (Irenaeus Against 
Heresies 5.15.2). In this way Jesus revealed his own glory, "for no small glory was it 
that He should be deemed the Architect of the creation" (Chrysostom In John 56.2). 
This story illustrates the truth revealed in John's prologue that Jesus, the Word, is 
the one through whom all things were made, having in himself the life that is "the
light of men" (1:3-4). While many modern scholars would agree with C. K. Barrett 
that Irenaeus's interpretation is "improbable" (Barrett 1978:358), the association 
with the prologue actually makes it likely--all the more so as this story follows 
directly Jesus' clear expression of his claim to divinity (8:58)." 
4. Jesus was practicing medicine on the Sabbath, and this was a major issue with the 
Pharisees who forbid such things. Jesus said by his acts that it is nonsense to forbid 
healing and doing acts of kindness on the Sabbath. 
5. Jesus used spittle in the healing of a deaf mute (Mark 7:33) and in the healing of a 
blind man (Mark 8:23) “The Marcan spittle miracles seem to have been deliberately 
omitted by Matthew and Luke. The use of spittle was part of the primitive tradition 
about Jesus but left him open to a charge of engaging in magical practice.” 
(Raymond Brown, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN, V. I, p. 372) 
6. Maclaren wrote, "In the other Gospels He heals sometimes because of the 
pleading of the sufferer; sometimes because of the request of compassionate friends 
or bystanders; sometimes unasked, because His own heart went out to those that 
were in pain and sickness. But in John's Gospel, predominantly we have the Son of 
God, who acts throughout as moved by His own deep heart. That view of Christ 
reaches its climax in His own profound words about His own laying down of His life: 
'I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world. Again, I leave the world 
and go unto the Father.' So, not so much influenced by others as deriving motive 
and impulse and law from Himself, He moves upon earth a fountain and not a 
reservoir, the Originator and the Beginner of the blessings that He bears. 
Jesus healed this poor blind man’s eyes 
By a method that comes as quite a surprise. 
He just used the nearest thing he found, 
And spit his saliva out on the ground. 
The end result, you would think, was just crud, 
But Jesus turned it into eye healing mud. 
The blind man could have said, “I feel like a fool.” 
But he obeyed what Jesus said, and washed in the pool. 
That act of obedience changed his whole being, 
For he came home with eyes that were seeing. Glenn Pease 
7"Go," he told him, "wash in the Pool of Siloam" 
(this word means Sent). So the man went and 
washed, and came home seeing.
Jesus the Sent One sent him to the pool of sent. He went and reveals that miracles 
are only possible by the power and grace of God, but sometimes God expects acts of 
cooperation without which the miracle will not happen. He got his miracle because 
he went to sent; adding his consent and content to this awesome event. Had he gone 
home in disbelief in the nonsense of mud on his eye, he would have been blind from 
birth till the day of his death. It is wise when we pray for a miracle to do all that we 
know that may be what is expected of us if we really believe it will happen. In other 
words, we are to assume that God wants us to cooperate and do our part in seeing 
the miracle happen. The spit, the clay, and the water of Siloam may have had no 
power to bring about the miracle, but the obedience of the blind man certainly did. 
1. Many times Jesus heals on the spot with no action called for on the part of those 
healed, but here he sends him away to wash in the well-known pool. Jesus is asking 
this man to demonstrate his faith by action, and the man does just that, and is 
greatly rewarded for his faith in action. He comes home seeing. Notice, the first 
place he goes is to his home to see for the first time the parents who have loved him 
through all these years of blindness. Can you imagine the joyful response of that 
whole family? Henry notes, "The evangelist takes notice of the signification of the 
name, its being interpreted sent. Christ is often called the sent of God, the 
Messenger of the covenant (Malachi 3:1); so that when Christ sent him to the pool of 
Siloam he did in effect send him to himself; for Christ is all in all to the healing of 
souls. Christ as a prophet directs us to himself as a priest. Go, wash in the fountain 
opened, a fountain of life, not a pool." 
2. Calvin points out, “The astonishing goodness of God is displayed in this respect, 
that he comes of his own accord to cure the blind man, and does not wait for his 
prayers to bestow help. And, indeed, since we are by nature averse to him, if he do 
not meet us before we call on him, and anticipate by his mercy us who are plunged 
in the forgetfulness of light and life, we are ruined.” Calvin is pointing out that 
sometimes God answers prayer even before it is uttered. This is relevant to a study 
we will be doing at verse 31 on the prayers of non-believers. 
3. John MacArthur has this comment, "...this is the only miracle in the gospels 
where Jesus is recorded to have healed a congenitally ill person...that is it's the only 
case of somebody born with a disease that Jesus healed. And I believe John makes a 
key thing out of this to show that there's no possibility of criticism that Christ had 
absolute and total divine miracle power to do things without the natural processes, 
without any medical assistance, without any psychological dramatics, pure creative 
4. The Intervarsity Commentary says, "The healing was not effected until the man 
obeyed Jesus' command: Go . . . wash in the Pool of Siloam (9:7). Why didn't Jesus 
just heal him on the spot, as he did others? Why send a blind man, in particular, on 
such a journey? There must be something involved here that contributes to the
revealing of God's work. Perhaps the man's obedience is significant, revealing that 
he shares a chief characteristic of Jesus' true disciples. Like Naaman the Syrian (2 
Kings 5:10-14), this man obeys God's command to go and wash and is healed. Also 
like Naaman, he is able to bear witness to God as a result (2 Kings 5:15). But John's 
parenthetical note that Siloam means Sent (v. 7) suggests more than the man's 
obedience is involved. References to Siloah, the stream associated with the pool of 
Siloam (Shiloah in Gen 49:10 [NIV margin]; Shiloah in Is 8:6), were seen as 
messianic (Genesis Rabbah 98:8; Gen 49:10 in Targum Onqelos; b. Sanhedrin 94b; 
98b). This fits with the emphasis in John's Gospel on Jesus as the one sent from the 
Father, including such an emphasis in the immediate context (8:16, 18, 29, 42; 
10:36). Thus, both the healing itself and the details involved point to Jesus as the 
Messiah. Here is an example of the triumph of the light over the darkness (1:5)." 
5. It is almost shocking how simply this miracle is recorded. He went, he washed, 
and he came home seeing. Henry says it reminded him of Caesar saying, "I came, I 
saw, I conquered." 
6. Bob Deffinbaugh points out, "It is not without significance that Jesus is recorded 
to have performed more miracles of restoring sight than of any other kind of healing 
(cf. Matthew 9:27-31; 12:22f.; 15:30f.; 21:14; Mark 8:22-26; 10:46-52; Luke 
7. Maclaren wrote, "He heals at a distance. We have here a parallel with the story of 
the nobleman's son at Capernaum, which we have already considered. There, too, 
we have the same phenomenon, the healing power sent forth from the Master, and 
operating far away from His corporeal personal presence. This was a test of faith, as 
the use of the clay had been a help to faith. Still He works His healing from afar, 
because to Him there is neither near nor far. In His divine ubiquity, that Son of 
Man, who in His glorified manhood is at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, 
is here and everywhere where there are weakness and suffering that turn to Him; 
ready to help, ready to bless and heal. 'Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end 
of the world.' " 
8. “The pool of Siloam was (and still is) a real place in Jerusalem, at the southern 
end of the tunnel that King Hezekiah built to bring in water to the city when it was 
under seize by the Assyrians. Originally part of King Hezekiah’s tunnel, Siloam was 
excavated in 1880, complete with an inscription enabling its identification.”
9. Ray Stedman tells of his being here, and he wrote, "Last June my youngest 
daughter and I were in Jerusalem, and we walked one afternoon from the temple 
area down the deep declivity of the Kidron ravine to the pool of Siloam. It was a hot, 
dusty afternoon, and there were many obstacles along the way. For a blind man to 
traverse this would be very difficult. He would have to ask for directions and for 
help, and he might easily fall into some of the crevices alongside the road on the way 
down. It was a difficult journey the Lord sent him on, but when he found his way to 
the pool, whose meaning is "Sent," then his eyes would be opened and he would be 
washed and cleansed." What he is illustrating is that it took a great deal of faith on 
the part of the blind man to make this journey, and so he believed Jesus was going 
to heal him, and so it was worth all the effort to get to this difficult place. In other 
words, it was a challenge to see if he really believed, and he did, for he made it. His 
miracle did not come without a price. 
10. W. Hall Harris III in his commentary gives this valuable information that shows 
Jesus was fulfilling prophecy in this special miracle. He writes, "In the OT it is God 
himself who is associated with the giving of sight to the blind (Exod 4:11, Ps 146:8). 
In a number of passages in Isaiah (29:18, 35:5, 42:7) it is considered to be a 
messianic activity: 
Isa 29:17,18—”Is it not yet just a little while before Lebanon will be turned into a 
fertile field, and the fertile field will be considered as a forest? And on that day the
deaf shall hear words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the 
blind shall see…” 
Isa 35:4-5—”Say to those with anxious heart, ‘Take courage, fear not. Behold, your 
God will come with vengeance; the recompense of God will come, but he will save 
you.’ Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be 
Isa 42:6,7—”I am the LORD, I have called you in righteousness, I will also hold you 
by the hand and watch over you, and I will appoint you as a covenant to the people, 
as a light to the nations, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon, 
and those who dwell in darkness from the prison.” 
It is in fulfillment of these prophecies that Jesus gives sight to the blind. As the Light 
of the world he has defeated the darkness (cf. 1:5). Thus the miracle recorded here 
has significance for John as one of the seven “sign-miracles” which he employs to 
point to Jesus’ identity and messiahship. Because light and darkness is such an 
important theme in the Fourth Gospel, the imagery here is particularly significant." 
8His neighbors and those who had formerly seen 
him begging asked, "Isn't this the same man who 
used to sit and beg?" 
1. This blind man was a regular part of the environment, for he sat and begged for a 
living for many years. It was the only occupation he could do, and so a good many 
people were aware of who he was, for they had, no doubt, thrown a coin or two into 
his lap. They are mystified now, for he is not sitting and begging but walking around 
as a normal seeing man. He was a perfect man to receive this miracle, for he had a 
place in the community that many people knew of, and so many would be touched 
by this miracle. He would be the talk of the town. 
9Some claimed that he was. 
Others said, "No, he only looks like him." 
But he himself insisted, "I am the man." 
1. People can never agree on anything, and so here you have two sides to the issue of 
is this really the blind man we have seen for years? There has to be two sides to
every issue it seems, for some know this is the man, for they have paid attention to 
him over the years. Others are not sure, for they never really paid attention and got 
to know him as a person. They felt it could not be the same man, for he was blind 
from birth and nobody that is blind from birth ever sees again, and this guy is 
seeing. How funny is this scene? The man himself has to get into the argument and 
insist that he is the guy that has been sitting and begging for many years. “I am that 
man,” he shouts to the skeptics. “I ought to know who I am, and I am the man.” It is 
a hurorous scene to see this man trying to convince others that he is really the man 
who was blind. He was fighting to prove his identity. The skeptics say, “You have got 
to be kidding. How can you be the man when you are not a blind man?” We don’t 
know all that went on before all the people were convinced, and maybe some went 
home and never did believe he was the same man. 
10"How then were your eyes opened?" they 
1. The believers in the crowd asked him how it could be that he now sees when he 
was always blind from birth? They were more than just curious, for they demanded 
to know how this miracle happened, for it was beyond anything they ever saw, or 
even heard about. 
11He replied, "The man they call Jesus made 
some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go 
to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and 
then I could see." 
1. He was a man of few words, for he told the whole story of his marvelous miracle 
in three sentences, but he had all the basic information that anyone could ask for. He 
had the who, the what, the where, and the how. 
12"Where is this man?" they asked him. 
"I don't know," he said.
He never went back to Jesus, but went on home, and had no idea where Jesus went 
after he put the mud on him and sent him to the pool. It was quite a trip for him, 
and he did not know what happened to Jesus in the meantime. This could have been 
several hours from the time of the mud being applied to the time when he would be 
The Pharisees Investigate the Healing 
13They brought to the Pharisees the man who 
had been blind. 
1. This man is seeing for the first time in his life, and not all that he is seeing this 
first day is beautiful. He is going to see pride and arrogance, and unbelievable 
blindness in the leaders of his people. He is going to see to what lengths men of 
power will go to in order to reject what they do not want to be. He is going to see 
hatred for a man who does only good, and who bring light and love to others. He is 
going to see just how ugly man can be, and so his first day of sight will be far from a 
pleasant one, for he has to see the Pharisees at their worst. 
14Now the day on which Jesus had made the mud 
and opened the man's eyes was a Sabbath. 
1. Calvin has some strong language about why Jesus deliberately chose to do 
miracles on the Sabbath, and thereby provoke the Pharisees. He wrote, “Now it was 
the Sabbath. Christ purposely selected the Sabbath-day, which must have given 
ground of offense to the Jews. He had already found, in the case of the paralytic, 
that this work was liable to slander. Why then does he not avoid the offense -- which 
he could easily have done -- but because the defense malignantly undertaken by men 
would tend to magnify the power of God? The Sabbath-day serves as a whetstone to 
sharpen them, to inquire more eagerly into the whole matter. And yet what 
advantage do they reap from a careful and earnest examination of the question but 
this, that the truth of the Gospel shines more brightly? We are taught by this 
example that, if we would follow Christ, we must excite the wrath of the enemies of 
the Gospel; and that they who endeavor to effect a compromise between the world 
and Christ, so as to condemn every kind of offenses, are altogether mad, since 
Christ, on the contrary, knowingly and deliberately provoked wicked men. We 
ought to attend, therefore, to the rule which he lays down, that they who are blind, 
and leaders of the blind, (Matthew15:14,) ought to be disregarded.”
2. Jesus was not ignorant of the laws of the Sabbath that the Pharisees treasured so 
much, and so his actions here are a direct rejection of their whole system of legalism. 
Barclay gives us this information on the laws of that time. 
"(i) By making clay he had been guilty of working on the Sabbath when even the 
simplest acts constituted work. Here are some of the things which were forbidden on 
the Sabbath. "A man may not fill a dish with oil and put it beside a lamp and put 
the end of the wick in it." "If a man extinguishes a lamp on the Sabbath to spare the 
lamp or the oil or the wick, he is culpable." "A man may not go out on the Sabbath 
with sandals shod with nails." (The weight of the nails would have constituted a 
burden, and to carry a burden was to break the Sabbath.) A man might not cut his 
finger nails or pull out a hair of his head or his beard. Obviously in the eyes of such 
a law to make clay was to work and so to break the Sabbath. 
(ii) It was forbidden to heal on the Sabbath. Medical attention could be given only if 
life was in actual danger. Even then it must be only such as to keep the patient from 
getting worse, not to make him any better. For instance, a man with toothache might 
not suck vinegar through his teeth. It was forbidden to set a broken limb. "If a 
man's hand or foot is dislocated he may not pour cold water over it." Clearly the 
man who was born blind was in no danger of his life; therefore Jesus broke the 
Sabbath when he healed him. 
(iii) It was quite definitely laid down: "As to fasting spittle, it is not lawful to put it 
so much as upon the eyelids." 
15Therefore the Pharisees also asked him how he 
had received his sight. "He put mud on my eyes," 
the man replied, "and I washed, and now I see." 
1. Now his story is even shorter than before, and he has it boiled down to one 
sentence. It was the greatest experience of his life, and he had it summed up in one 
sentence. Some people would have had paragraphs of detail, but he was truly a man 
of few words. 
16Some of the Pharisees said, "This man is not 
from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath." 
But others asked, "How can a sinner do such
miraculous signs?" So they were divided. 
1. Here we have another controversy with two sides. He cannot be from God for he 
does not keep the Sabbath says one side. The others side counters with, how can 
someone not from God do things that only God can do? They could not get everyone 
on the same page, for there were too many questions for a simple answer. The 
doubters had their simple answer: if a man does not keep the Sabbath laws in the 
way we interpret them, he has to be an enemy of God. In other words, those who 
disagree with us are disagreeing with God. They then become the standard by which 
all others are judged. People tend to do this, and are not open to the possibility that 
they might be wrong. It is wise to always keep an open mind to exceptions to your 
legalistic rules. The other side realized that it is hard to conclude that a sinner could 
do such a miraculous thing. They were open to the possibility that Jesus was from 
2 Calvin wrote, “They bring to the Pharisees. The following narrative shows that 
wicked men are so far from profiting by the works of God, that, the 
more they are urged by their power, so much the more are they 
constrained to pour out the venom which dwells within their breasts. 
The restoration of sight to the blind man ought undoubtedly to have 
softened even hearts of stone; or, at least, the Pharisees ought to 
have been struck with the novelty and greatness of the miracle, so as 
to remain in doubt for a short time, until they inquired if it were a 
divine work; but their hatred of Christ drives them to such stupidity, 
that they instantly condemn what they are told that he has done.” 
3. Here we have something of a comedy, for we have blind Pharisees trying to figure 
out how a man born blind has come to be able to see. They have no clue, except the 
obvious one that Jesus is who he claims to be, and can give sight to the blind because 
he is the Son of God. Even among these blind guides of the people you have some 
who see the folly of making Jesus look all bad, for he is able to do what no other 
man has ever done. It is a dilema for these leaders. Some are stubbornly blind, and 
others are seeing slightly, but none are willing to accept the evidence as sufficient to 
prove that Jesus is from God. They have been smacked in the face with a miracle 
beyond any other, and yet they cannot make up their mind if it is God at work in 
him. This is comedy because it is so ridiculous for learned men to be acting so 
stupid. They were so blind that even Jesus could not cure it with such radical 
evidence of God's power. 
4. Edward Markquart wrote, "Some people are forever “the legalists.” Jesus is not 
from God? Why? He doesn’t obey the laws that we think are important. He does not 
fit our understanding, our perceptions, our expectations of what a genuine man of 
God is. Jesus was not from God. Why? He didn’t observe the proper religious rules. 
This narrow logic proves mixed up the Pharisees were. As one Biblical scholar said, 
“They were obsessed with the observances of the law.” They were infatuated with
the intricacies of religious rituals. They were passionate about the particulars of 
little details of the religious law. For some people, that is what it means to be 
religious (keep the religious rules and regulations) and that is what it meant for the 
Jews/Pharisees to be “good, strict Jews.” 
5. Intervarsity Commentary says, "The Pharisees face a dilemma for Jesus' sabbath 
breaking suggests he is not of God whereas his extraordinary power to heal suggests 
he is of God. Some of the Pharisees ask, How can a sinner do such miraculous signs? 
(v. 16). The plural, signs, indicates a larger familiarity with Jesus' activity. Perhaps 
we may assume that we are hearing the voice of Nicodemus, who has already said 
the same thing to Jesus himself (3:2). If so, then the one who came to Jesus at night 
is now sticking up for him once again (7:50-51) while it is day." 
Divided amongst themselves, the Pharisees ask the blind man for his opinion of 
Jesus, given that it was his eyes Jesus had opened (v. 17). It is ironic that these 
Jewish leaders, who are so proud of their possession of the law and their ability to 
evaluate religious claims, are asking this man for his opinion on a religious matter. 
The Christians in John's own day would have loved this verse, since they were being 
persecuted by these same authorities for their loyalty to Jesus. This scene is like an 
underground political cartoon that deflates the self-important persecuting officials." 
6. Pink comments, "A striking contrast is this from what has just been before us. 
These Pharisees had turned their backs upon the Light, and therefore was their 
darkness now even more profound. Devoid of spiritual discernment they were 
altogether incapable of determining what was a right use and lawful employment of 
the Sabbath and what was not. They understood not that "The sabbath was made 
for man" (Mark 2:27), that is, for the benefit of his soul and the good of his body. 
True, the day which God blest at the beginning was to be kept holy, but it was never 
intended to bar out works of necessity and works of mercy, as they should have 
known from the Old Testament Scriptures. In thus finding fault with Christ because 
He had opened the eyes of this blind beggar on the Sabbath day, they did but expose 
their ignorance and exhibit their spiritual blindness." 
17Finally they turned again to the blind man, 
"What have you to say about him? It was your 
eyes he opened." 
The man replied, "He is a prophet." 
1. They asked the healed man what his opinion was of Jesus, and he replied that he 
considered him a prophet. In other words, the power that healed me was from God, 
and it came through this man Jesus. There was no question in his mind that Jesus
was a man of God 
2. Barclay wrote, " They brought the man and examined him. When he was asked 
his opinion of Jesus, he gave it without hesitation. He said that Jesus was a prophet. 
In the Old Testament a prophet was often tested by the signs he could produce. 
Moses guaranteed to Pharaoh that he really was God's messenger by the signs and 
wonders which he performed (Exo.4:1-17). Elijah proved that he was the prophet of 
the real God by doing things the prophets of Baal could not do (1Kgs.18). No doubt 
the man's thoughts were running on these things when he said that in his opinion 
Jesus was a prophet. Whatever else, this was a brave man. He knew quite well what 
the Pharisees thought of Jesus. He knew quite well that if he came out on Jesus' side 
he was certain to be excommunicated. But he made his statement and took his 
stand. It was as if he said: "I am bound to believe in him, I am bound to stand by 
him because of all that he has done for me." Therein he is our great example." 
3 Calvin wrote, "What sayest thou of him? When they ask the blind man what is his 
opinion, they do so, not because they wish to abide by his judgment, or 
set any value on it, but because they hope that the man, struck with 
fear, will reply according to their wish. In this respect the Lord 
disappoints them; for when a poor man disregards their threatenings, 
and boldly maintains that Christ is a Prophet, we ought justly to 
ascribe it to the grace of God; so that this boldness is another 
miracle. And if he so boldly and freely acknowledged Christ to be a 
Prophet, though he did not as yet know that the Lord Jesus [263] was 
the Son of God, how shameful is the treachery of those who, subdued by 
fear, either deny him, or are silent respecting him, though they know 
that he sitteth at the right hand of the Father, and that he will come 
thence to be the Judge of the whole world! Since this blind man did not 
quench a small spark of knowledge, we ought to endeavor that an open 
and full confession may blaze forth from the full brightness which has 
shone into our hearts." 
4. Pink wrote, "He said, He is a prophet." This is not the first time we have had 
Christ owned as "prophet" in this Gospel. In John 4:19 we read that the woman of 
Samaria said to the Savior at the well, "I perceive that thou art a prophet." In John 
6:14 we are told, "Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, 
said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world." Once more, in 
John 7:40 we read, "Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying, 
said, Of a truth this is the prophet." These references are in striking accord with the 
character and theme of this fourth Gospel. A prophet was the mouthpiece of God, 
and the great purpose of John’s Gospel, as intimated in its opening verse, is to 
portray the Lord Jesus as "the Word"!
18The Jews still did not believe that he had been 
blind and had received his sight until they sent for 
the man's parents. 
1. They were still skeptics about the identity of the man. How can this man blind 
from birth be seeing? It could be a hoax, and this is not the blind man at all. They 
needed more proof, and so they sent for the parents. They did not want this miracle 
to be a fact, and so they kept digging in hopes they would find a flaw in the whole 
story, and be able to prove it was all a hoax. 
2. Calvin wrote, "But the Jews did not believe. There are two things here which 
ought to be observed; that they do not believe that a miracle has been 
performed, and that, being wilfully blinded through a perverse hatred 
of Christ, they do not perceive what is manifest. The Evangelist tells 
us that they did not believe. If the reason be asked, there can be no 
doubt that their blindness was voluntary. For what prevents them from 
seeing an obvious work of God placed before their eyes; or, after 
having been fully convinced, what prevents them from believing what 
they already know, except that the inward malice of their heart keeps 
their eyes shut? Paul informs us that the same thing takes place in the 
doctrine of the Gospel; for he says that it is not hidden or obscure, 
except to the reprobate, whose understandings the god of this world hath 
blinded, (2 Corinthians 4:3, 4.)" 
19"Is this your son?" they asked. "Is this the one 
you say was born blind? How is it that now he can 
1. These three questions could reveal a plot to deceive, but the first two they 
answered outright. He is our son, and yes, he was born blind. The third question 
they could not answer because they were not there when he was healed. 
20"We know he is our son," the parents 
answered, "and we know he was born blind. 
1. They were open to identify their son and acknowledge his being blind from birth,
but they were reluctant to go beyond this basic information, for they knew the 
Pharisees could use anything they said against them if they began to praise Jesus as 
the one who gave them back their son as a seeing person. They kept quiet about any 
opinion they had about the miracle, and they were wise to do so. 
2. Henry wrote, "These parents were poor and timorous, and if they had said that 
they could not be sure that this was their son, or that it was only some weakness or 
dimness in his sight that he had been born with, which if they had been able to get 
help for him might have been cured long since, or had otherwise prevaricated, for 
fear of the court, the Pharisees had gained their point, had robbed Christ of the 
honour of this miracle, which would have lessened the reputation of all the rest. But 
God so ordered and overruled this counsel of theirs that it turned to the more 
effectual proof of the miracle, and left them under a necessity of being either 
convinced or confounded." 
21But how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, 
we don't know. Ask him. He is of age; he will 
speak for himself." 
1. Legal age for giving testimony in court was 30, and so this man was 30 at least. He 
was not old, however, for you do not say of an old man that he is of age, for that is 
too conspicuous to mention. Other commentaries say the age 13 was when a boy 
would be considered of age. 
2. Intervarsity Commentary says, "This scene is full of tragedy, for these parents are 
not allowed to give thanks to God for the great thing he has done for their son. They 
must have agonized over his blindness and the begging he was forced into. Now he 
has been miraculously healed, and they must put aside the overwhelming parental 
joy and knuckle under to the goons from the committee for the investigation of un- 
Jewish activity, as it were. The parents' agony would have been very great, given the 
guilt over the possibility that it was their sin that had been responsible for their son's 
blindness. In such a situation Jesus' healing would have far-reaching implications 
concerning God's gracious acceptance of sinful humanity. Not only was their son 
released from the bondage of his blindness and its related life of begging, but they 
and their son would see themselves in a new relation to God. Yet they had to stifle all 
of these feelings of joy and gratitude when they were called in by the authorities for 
22His parents said this because they were afraid 
of the Jews, for already the Jews had decided that 
anyone who acknowledged that Jesus was the 
Christ[a] would be put out of the synagogue. 
1. The parents had an opinion about Jesus, but they kept quiet rather than expose 
themselves to the Pharisees who had threatened people with expulsion from the 
synagogue if they acknowledged Jesus as the Christ. They were being dishonest out 
of fear, and who can blame them? They were not willing to challenge the Pharisees 
and lose their standing in the community. They may have come to believe in Jesus as 
their Messiah, but why tell this to the people who would use it against them? It is 
true that they did not take a stand for Jesus, if they did, in fact, believe in him, but it 
was not a necessary sacrifice, for they could pass the buck to their son to see how he 
would handle the pressure. 
2. Barnes give us an idea of the problem they faced. He writes, “It refers to 
excommunication from the synagogue. Among the Jews there were two grades of 
excommunication; the one for lighter offences, of which they mentioned twenty-four 
causes; the other for greater offences. The first excluded a man for thirty 
days from the privilege of entering a synagogue, and from coming nearer to his 
wife or friends than 4 cubits. The other was a solemn exclusion for ever from the 
worship of the synagogue, attended with awful maledictions and curses, and an 
exclusion from all intercourse with the people. This was called the curse, and so 
thoroughly excluded the person from all communion whatever with his 
countrymen, that they were not allowed to sell to him anything, even the 
necessaries of life (Buxtorf). It is probable that this latter punishment was what 
they intended to inflict if anyone should confess that Jesus was the Messiah; and 
it was the fear of this terrible punishment that deterred his parents from 
expressing their opinion.” 
3. Barclay adds some detail that makes it clear why his parents had such fear. 
"The synagogue authorities had a powerful weapon, the weapon of 
excommunication, whereby a man was shut off from the congregation of God's 
people. Away back in the days of Ezra we read of a decree that whosoever did not 
obey the command of the authorities "his property should be forfeited and he 
himself banned from the congregation" (Ezr.10:8). Jesus warned his disciples that 
their name would be cast out for evil (Lk.6:22). He told them that they would be put 
out of the synagogues (Jn. 16:2). Many of the rulers in Jerusalem really believed in 
Jesus, but were afraid to say so "lest they should be put out of the synagogue" (Jn. 
There were two kinds of excommunication. There was the ban, the cherem
(HSN2764), by which a man was banished from the synagogue for life. In such a 
case he was publicly anathematized. He was cursed in the presence of the people, 
and he was cut off from God and from man. There was sentence of temporary 
excommunication which might last for a month, or for some other fixed period. The 
terror of such a situation was that a Jew would regard it as shutting him out, not 
only from the synagogue but from God. That is why the man's parents answered 
that their son was quite old enough to be a legal witness and to answer his own 
questions. The Pharisees were so venomously embittered against Jesus that they 
were prepared to do what ecclesiastics at their worst have sometimes done--to use 
ecclesiastical procedure to further their own ends." 
4. What we see here is a valid program of God built into the religious system of his 
people to eliminate that which contaminates it. Evil people who pervert the ways of 
God need to be cast out, and false teachers need to be excluded from the people of 
God, and so excommunication is a good thing ordained of God. Yet this good thing 
could be used to hurt people who were innocent of any evil. It was power, and power 
in the hands of tyrants is always used for evil. Good things are never safe when they 
are in the control of those who are not good themselves. 
5 Calvin comes down strong on these parents, but there is little basis for it. We have 
no idea how much they knew, or how convinced they were of who Jesus was. The 
son himself was not yet sure just who Jesus was, and so why do we expect that his 
parents knew more than he did. And why should we expect them to take a stand for 
Jesus which would cost them so dearly when they would just be falling into the 
hands of those who hated Jesus? Here are the comments of Calvin, which I consider 
"By their silence they show their ingratitude; for, having received so 
distinguished a gift of God, they ought to have burned with desire to 
celebrate his name. But, struck with terror, they bury the grace of 
God, as far as lies in their power, with this exception, that they 
substitute in their room, as a witness, their son, who will explain the 
whole matter as it happened, and who will be heard with less prejudice, 
and will be more readily believed. But though they prudently avoid 
danger, and continue this middle path, of testifying indirectly about 
Christ by the mouth of their son, yet this does not prevent the Holy 
Spirit from condemning their cowardice by the mouth of the Evangelist, 
because they fail to discharge their own duty. How much less excuse 
then will they have, who, by treacherous denial, utterly bury Christ, 
with his doctrine, with his miracles, with his power and grace!" 
23That was why his parents said, "He is of age; 
ask him."
1. This statement is recorded twice to make it clear that the parents were not going 
to stick their neck out where the Pharisees could chop it off. They were not eye 
witnesses to the healing, and they did not meet with Jesus, or claim to know 
anything about him. They could quickly see that the Pharisees were on a witch hunt 
against Jesus, and they had no reason to make them angry at themselves. 
24A second time they summoned the man who 
had been blind. "Give glory to God," they said. 
"We know this man is a sinner." 
"Give glory to God," This is a technical term meaning tell the truth! 
1. The man had been kept under watch someplace, and they brought him before the 
Pharisees again. They urge him to give glory to God and denounce this Jesus as a 
sinner. They were so sure that he was such, and they wanted him to feel just like 
they felt about Jesus. When leaders try to impose their feelings about someone on 
other people they are tyrants, and that is what the Pharisees were. They would not 
allow for freedom in this matter. Jesus was a sinner to them, and they made it their 
law that all must agree that he was a sinner. 
2. Barclay wrote, "They did not believe at first that the man had been blind. That is 
to say, they suspected that this was a miracle faked between Jesus and him. Further, 
they were well aware that the law recognized that a false prophet could produce 
false miracles for his own false purposes (Deut.13:1-5 warns against the false 
prophet who produces false signs in order to lead people away after strange gods). 
So the Pharisees began with suspicion. They went on to try to browbeat the man. 
"Give the glory to God," they said. "We know that this man is a sinner." "Give the 
glory to God," was a phrase used in cross-examination which really meant: "Speak 
the truth in the presence and the name of God." When Joshua was cross-examining 
Achan about the sin which had brought disaster to Israel, he said to him: "Give 
glory to the Lord God of Israel, and render praise to him; and tell me now what you 
have done; do not hide it from me" (Josh.7:19)." 
3. Vincent's N. T. Word Studies says, " Give God the praise (dov doxan tw Qew). 
Rev., give glory to God. Compare Josh. vii. 19; 1 Sam. vi. 5. This phrase addressed 
to an offender implies that by some previous act or word he has done dishonor to 
God, and appeals to him to repair the dishonor by speaking the truth. In this case it 
is also an appeal to the restored man to ascribe his cure directly to God, and not to 
4. Intervarsity Commentary says, "They begin their interrogation on a solemn, 
formal note: Give glory to God (v. 24). This is not an invitation to sing a hymn of 
praise for his healing! The expression means the man is being exhorted to confess his 
guilt (cf. Josh 7:19; m. Sanhedrin 6:2). The man has told them the truth, but they 
don't really want the truth, they want their own answer. These people, whom Jesus 
called liars (8:55), are trying to force this man to lie, and they are doing so in the 
name of truth. (Double talk is not an invention of the twentieth century.) The terms 
they use are full of irony. These people who care only for the glory of men, not God 
(12:43; cf. 5:44), are telling him to give glory to God. They are demanding that he 
give glory to God by confessing his sin, but the man has given glory to God by 
bearing witness to Jesus." 
5. Pink wrote, "The passage before us records the persistent efforts of the Pharisees 
to shake the testimony of this one who had received his sight. Their blindness, their 
refusal to be influenced by the most convincing evidence, their enmity against the 
beggar’s Benefactor, and their unjust and cruel treatment of him, vividly forecasted 
the treatment which the Lord Himself was shortly to receive at their hands. On the 
other hand, the fidelity of the beggar, his refusal to be intimidated by those in 
authority, his Divinely-given power to non-plus his judges, his being cast out of 
Judaism, and his place as a worshipper at the feet of the Son of God on the outside, 
anticipated what was to be exemplified again and again in the history of the Lord’s 
disciples following His own apprehension." 
25He replied, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I 
don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but 
now I see!" 
1. They were trying to trap him, but he was wise enough to know that he was not 
qualified to make a judgment on whether he was a sinner or not. All he knew for 
sure was that he was blind, but now he could see. That was a sure thing, and that is 
all he knew for sure. He was not going to make some big profession of belief in Jesus 
as the long awaited Messiah, for he was not stupid. He could see his parents being 
wise in what they would say, and he followed their example. Don’t cooperate with 
evil men by falling into their trap. He just told them what he knew, and that was 
that he had experienced an amazing miracle, and that was the issue they had to deal 
with. In other words, the facts say he was a man of God, and if you disagree, it is up 
to you to explain how he could do a miracle like this. I won’t say it, but the evidence 
is clear to me that he is a man of God, and all I lay before you is this evidence. You 
do with it what you will.
2. He was a plain man blind from birth and so had limited education, and no ability 
to argue theology with these men of learning, but he knew what he had experienced, 
and there was no argument against that. Barclay wrote, ""Say what you like," he 
said, "about this man; I don't know anything about him except that he made me 
able to see." It is the simple fact of Christian experience that many a man may not 
be able to put into theologically correct language what he believes Jesus to be, but in 
spite of that he can witness to what Jesus has done for his soul. Even when a man 
cannot understand with his intellect, he can still feel with his heart. It is better to 
love Jesus than to love theories about him." 
3. Stedman wrote, "That is one of the greatest models of how to bear a witness as a 
believer. Many people are afraid to say anything about the Lord because they think 
they will be dragged into a theological argument that will be over their heads. But 
witness is simply doing what this man did -- saying what Jesus did for you, that is 
all. "Once I was blind, now I can see" -- that is what a witness is. You are the 
world's greatest authority on what happened to you. As someone has well said, "A 
man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with only an argument." 
When you stand on your experience no one can deny what the Lord has done in 
your life. You are a positive, powerful witness for Christ. This man teaches us great 
things in that regard." 
4. Pink wrote, ""One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see." These are 
words which every born-again person can apply to himself. There are many things 
of which the young believer has little knowledge: there are many points in theology 
and prophecy upon which he has no light: but "one thing" he does know—he knows 
that the eyes of his understanding have been opened. He knows this because he has 
seen himself as a lost sinner, seen his imminent danger, seen the Divinely-appointed 
refuge from the wrath to come, seen the sufficiency of Christ to save him. Can a 
man repent and not know it? can he believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to the saving 
of his soul and not know it? can he pass from death unto life, be delivered from the 
power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son, and not 
know it? We do not believe it. The saints of God are a people that "know." They 
know Whom they have believed (2 Tim. 1:12). They know that their Redeemer liveth 
(Job 19:26). They know the), have passed from death unto life (1 John 3:14). They 
know that all things work together for their good (Rom. 8:28). They know that when 
the Lord Jesus shall appear they shall be like Him (1 John 3:2). Christianity treats 
not of theories and hypotheses, but of certainties and realities. Rest not, dear reader, 
till you can say, "One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see." 
26Then they asked him, "What did he do to you? 
How did he open your eyes?"
1. They had nowhere else to go, and so they go back to the same old question. They 
were hoping to catch him in some contradiction that would blow up in his face and 
prove the whole thing was a hoax. 
2 Pink wrote, ""Then said they to him again, What did he to thee? how opened he 
thine eyes?" This illustrates again how that unbelief is occupied with the modus 
operandi rather than with the result itself. How you were brought to Christ—the 
secondary causes, where you were at the time, the instrument God employed—is of 
little moment. The one thing that matters is whether or not the Lord has opened the 
sin-blinded eyes of your heart. Whether you were saved in the fields or in a church, 
whether you were on your knees at a "mourner’s bench" or upon your back in bed, 
is a detail of very little value. Faith is occupied not with the manner in which you 
held out your hand to receive God’s gift, but with Christ Himself! But unbelief is 
occupied with the "how" rather than with the "whom." 
27He answered, "I have told you already and you 
did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? 
Do you want to become his disciples, too?" 
1. This blind man now healed almost blew it here, for he could not resist being a 
smart aleck. He says you guys just don’t listen when I tell you what happened. Why 
do you want to hear it again? Is it because you too want to become his disciples? He 
was being sarcastic, but they took him seriously and did not like his tone. He was not 
blind to their motives, for he could see that they did not want to see the truth. They 
just wanted him to cooperate in trying to bring Jesus down. He could see clearly 
that they could not see who Jesus really was. 
2. His use of the word "too" implies that he is saying, "Do you want to follow this 
man just as I do?" "Are you as convinced as I am that he is a true prophet of God 
worthy of being the godly leader we should all be following?" "Are you so insistent 
in hearing the facts over and over again because you cannot wait to join with his 
disciples, which is exactly how I feel?" He knows this is not the case,and so he is 
being sarcastic. 
3. Pink wrote, "With honest indignation he turns upon his unscrupulous inquisitors 
and refuses to waste time in repeating what he had already told them so simply and 
plainly. It is quite useless to discuss the things of God with those whose hearts are 
manifestly closed against Him. When such people continue pressing their frivolous 
or blasphemous inquiries, only one course remains open, and that is "Answer a fool 
according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit" (Prov. 26:5). This Divine 
admonition,, has puzzled some, because in the preceding verse we are told, Answer 
not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him." But the seeming 
contradiction is easily explained. When God says, "Answer not a fool according to
his folly, lest thou also be like unto him," the meaning is, I must not answer a fool in 
a foolish manner, for this would make me a sharer of his folly. But when God says, 
"Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit," the 
meaning is, that I must answer him in a way to expose his folly, lest he imagine that 
he has succeeded in propounding a question which is unanswerable. This is exactly 
what the beggar did here in the lesson: he answered in such a way as to make 
evident the folly and unbelief of his judges." 
4. Henry wrote, "But it rather seems to be spoken ironically: “Will you be his 
disciples? No, I know you abhor the thoughts of it; why then should you desire to 
hear that which will either make you his disciples or leave you inexcusable if you be 
not?” Those that wilfully shut their eyes against the light, as these Pharisees here 
did, First, Make themselves contemptible and base, as these here did, who were 
justly exposed by this poor man for denying the conclusion, when they had nothing 
to object against either of the premises. Secondly, They forfeit all the benefit of 
further instructions and means of knowledge and conviction: they that have been 
told once, and would not hear, why should they be told it again? Jer_51:9. See 
Mat_10:14. Thirdly, They hereby receive the grace of God in vain. This implied in 
that, “Will you be his disciples? No, you resolve you will not; why then would you 
hear it again, only that you may be his accusers and persecutors?” Those who will 
not see cause to embrace Christ, and join with his followers, yet, one would think, 
should see cause enough not to hate and persecute him and them." 
28Then they hurled insults at him and said, "You 
are this fellow's disciple! We are disciples of 
1. They start calling the man names as they hurl insults at him and accuse him of 
being a disciple of Jesus. It was one of the worst things they could say of him. In 
pride they identify themselves as disciples of Moses, which they considered the 
highest level of loyalty. You are a disciple of this man we don't even know where he 
is from. You are willing to follow an uneducated nobody, but we have the wisdom to 
follow the known leader God appointed for our people. You are an ignorant layman, 
and we are the educated and trained leaders. Do you think we are so stupid that we 
will listen to you? 
2. Pink wrote, "The Greek word signifies that the Pharisees hurled their anathemas 
against him by pronouncing him an execrable fellow. How true to life! Unable to 
fairly meet his challenge, unable to justify their course, they resort to villification. To 
have recourse to invectives is ever the last resort of a defeated opponent. Whenever
you find men calling their opponents hard names, it is a sure sign that their own 
cause has been defeated." 
3. Henry wrote, "For this they scorn and revile him, Joh_9:28. When they could 
not resist the wisdom and spirit by which he spoke, they broke out into a passion, 
and scolded him, began to call names, and give him ill language. See what Christ's 
faithful witnesses must expect from the adversaries of his truth and cause; let them 
count upon all manner of evil to be said of them, Mat_5:11. The method commonly 
taken by unreasonable man is to make out with railing what is wanting in truth and 
First, They taunted this man for his affection to Christ; they said, Thou art his 
disciple, as if that were reproach enough, and they could not say worse of him. “We 
scorn to be his disciples, and will leave that preferment to thee, and such scoundrels 
as thou art.” They do what they can to put Christ's religion in an ill name, and to 
represent the profession of it as a contemptible scandalous thing. They reviled him. 
The Vulgate reads it, maledixerunt eum - they cursed him; and what was their curse? 
It was this, Be thou his disciple. “May such a curse” (saith St. Augustine here) “ever 
be on us and on our children!” If we take our measures of credit and disgrace from 
the sentiment or rather clamours of a blind deluded world, we shall glory in our 
shame, and be ashamed of our glory. They had no reason to call this man a disciple of 
Christ, he had neither seen him nor heard him preach, only he had spoken 
favourably of a kindness Christ had done him, and this they could not bear." 
29We know that God spoke to Moses, but as for 
this fellow, we don't even know where he comes 
1. Barnes forces us to be honest here and not use fellow as a basis for criticism of the 
Pharisees. There is plenty by which they are to be judged without using what is not 
authentic. He writes, "As for this fellow. The word fellow is not in the original. It is 
simply "this." The word fellow implies contempt, which it cannot be proved they 
intended to express." 
2. The whole battle of the Pharisees with Jesus is over the law of Moses. They 
interpret the law as legalists, but Jesus interprets it as one whose focus is on the idea 
that the Sabbath was made for man's good and benefit. It was legitimate to do what 
is good and helpful to those who are suffering on the Sabbath. They hated this idea, 
for it made for exceptions to the rule, and that would lead to a great deal of grace 
and mercy, which would rob them of the right to maintain legalistic control of 
people's lives.
30The man answered, "Now that is remarkable! 
You don't know where he comes from, yet he 
opened my eyes. 
1. This healed blind man is getting bolder by the minute under that onslaught of all 
these questions by the skeptics. He is making a joke of them, for they are the ones in 
the know, and yet here you have a man doing miracles on the same level with Moses, 
and you guys don’t even know where he is from. Do you see why I question your 
intelligence on this matter? Leaders are supposed to be up on what is coming down, 
and you guys don’t seem to have a clue as to who Jesus really is. You would think 
that God would keep leaders like you better informed when he sends someone like 
Jesus into your midst. You guys are really out of the loop on this miracle worker. 
Don't you think this is strange? 
2. Pink wrote, "Quick to seize the acknowledgement of the ignorance as to whence 
Christ came, the beggar turned it against them. Though he spoke in the mildest of 
terms yet the stinging import of his words is evident. It was as though he had said, 
"You who profess yourselves fully qualified to guide the people on all points, and yet 
in the dark on a matter like this!" A poor beggar he might be, and as such cut off 
from many of the advantages they had enjoyed, nevertheless, he knew what they did 
not—he knew that Christ was "of God" (verse 33)! How true it is that God reveals 
things to babes in Christ which He hides from the wise and prudent! hides because 
they are "wise"—wise in their own conceits. Nothing shuts out Divine illumination 
so effectively as prejudice and pride: nothing tends to blind the heart more than 
egotism. "If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a 
fool, that he may be wise" (1 Cor. 3:18); "Proud, knowing nothing" (1 Tim. 6:4)." 
3. Henry wrote, "Those that are ambitious of the favours of God must not be afraid 
of the frowns of men. “See here,” saith Dr. Whitby, “a blind man and unlearned 
judging more rightly of divine things than the whole learned council of the 
Pharisees, whence we learn that we are not always to be led by the authority of 
councils, popes, or bishops; and that it is not absurd for laymen sometimes to vary 
from their opinions, these overseers being sometimes guilty of great oversights.” 
4. So often in history it is the leaders of religion who are the least aware of what God 
is doing in the world around them. Anne Graham Lotz, as the daughter of Billy 
Graham, had a terrible time in her ministry because of the leaders in the church 
who opposed her being a public speaker. She gives us this interesting testimony that 
revolves around this very passage we are studying. She wrote, "God told me to tell 
you that you are supposed to marry me." I received that astonishing bit of 
information on a lined sheet of notebook paper that had food stains on it when I was 
fourteen years of age! It was a personal letter to me from some delusional young 
man that had been forwarded from my father's organization. I remember writing
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4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study
4743323 john-9-my-study

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4743323 john-9-my-study

  • 1. John 9 Verse by Verse Commentary Witten and edited by Glenn Pease Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind 1As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 1. It was rare to come across one who was blind from birth. Many became blind in later life, but to be blind from birth was so extreme that people assumed that there had to be some extreme sin somewhere in the family to account for such a radical judgment on a child. 2. In contrast to chapter 8 where Jesus is rejected and the leaders wanted to stone him, this chapter starts off with a scene of Jesus showing divine grace and mercy to one that most would not dream of helping, for he was obviously cursed of God to be born blind. Pink comments, "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man." How blessed. The Savior was not occupied with His own sorrows to the exclusion of those of others. The absence of appreciation and the presence of hatred in almost all around Him, did not check that blessed One in His unwearied service to others, still less did He abandon it. Love "suffereth long," and "beareth all things" (1 Cor. 13). And Christ was Love incarnate, therefore did the stream of Divine goodness flow on unhindered by all man’s wickedness. How this perfection of Christ rebukes our imperfections, our selfishness!" 3. I share the following paragraph to make it clear that many babies have been born blind even in our country due to no sin related activity of the parents. "The World Health Organization estimates that about 100,000 children each year are born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), a major cause of severe birth defects such as blindness, deafness, heart disease, and mental retardation. When pregnant mothers get rubella, a highly contagious otherwise-minor illness, the results for their babies can be devastating. Most of the 100,000 victims each year are in developing nations – although the first nation to eliminate CRS was Cuba, who did it in the mid 1990s with an aggressive immunization program. On March 21, 2005, the United States formally and officially declared itself free of rubella. This is a major public health milestone. Rubella peaked in the United States in the mid 1960s when one epidemic caused an estimated 12.5 million cases of rubella in the U.S., leading to 20,000 cases of CRS which according to the CDC was responsible for “more than 11,600 babies born deaf, 11,250 fetal deaths, 2,100 neonatal deaths, 3,580 babies born blind and 1,800 babies born mentally retarded.” Cases of rubella
  • 2. fell rapidly after the vaccine was introduced in 1969. In 1989, the CDC set a goal of eliminating rubella from the United States, and 2005 is the year of celebrating this major success." New babies around the world still suffer from this disease. 4. Blindness was one of the problems that Jesus healed in large numbers. The three synoptic gospels describe a variety of individuals, and numbers of the blind being healed by Jesus, whereas in John's gospel we have only one record. Examples of indefinite numbers include Matthew 21:14 "And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them." Luke 7:21 "And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight." John's Gospel just focuses on this one blind man. 5. Larry Hiles tells of one man's compassion for the blind that led to his greatest honor. He wrote, "The 1964 Philadelphia Phillies will always be known as the team that suffered one of the great collapses in sports history. They let a huge division lead slip away by losing ten games in a row at the end of the season. Despite the collapse, the Phillies season had its share of memorable moments, including a perfect game and a ninth-inning home run by a Phillie to win the All-Star Game. But the most remarkable moment of the entire season occurred after a game, not during it. Clay Dalrymple, a Phillie pitcher, was asked to assist a blind girl who had requested a chance to walk out on the field. Dalrymple took the girl to home plate where she reached down and felt the plate. Then they walked to first base, second base, and third base before ending up at home plate once again. While Dalrymple was showing the girl around the bases, he never noticed that the fans remaining in the stadium had stopped to watch him and his companion. He just assumed that the silence in the stands meant the fans had gone home. But when the two of them finally reached home plate, the ballpark erupted. Dalrymple was shocked by the applause. When he looked up, he saw thousands of fans giving him a standing ovation. Later, Dalrymple told a Sports Illustrated reporter, “It was the biggest ovation I ever got.” 2His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" 1. The disciples were products of their time, and they assumed, as was the custom of the day, that all tragedy was the result of some sin. They were interested in knowing just who did the sin that produced a baby that was born blind. It was a terrible tragedy to the parents and the child, and so somebody had to be really guilty of something seriously evil. This kind of thinking never goes away, and so even though they had the book of Job that should have put an end to this thinking, they are still locked into a false view of suffering. The fact is, the parents and grandparents of this child may have been far more godly and sin free than the majority of people who
  • 3. had perfectly normal children. The blindness had nothing to do with any personal sin of the child or someone among its relatives. Bad things happen to good people all the time, and they have no connection with sin in their lives. These disciples are typical of either/or people at this point. They only have two options. Is it the parents of the man himself. This type of thinking also leads to many false conclusions in life. Quite often their is a third alternative, as is the case here, but people do not consider that as an option, and so the choose one of just two and make the wrong choice either way. Jesus is constantly rejecting either/or, and black or white issues by giving a third way of seeing things. 1b. James Forbes writes, "Now Jesus was upset with that question they were asking him. How disappointing the question was. Had the disciples not heard earlier in the day how Jesus was eager to silence the sin patrollers who had brought that woman just to judge her? Had he not condemned the judgmental spirit about holding traditional understandings so tightly that they are more important than mercy and compassion? Hadn't Jesus told the people, "Don't be so zealous for righteousness that you are willing to condemn everybody who is different from yourself." So can you feel Jesus' disappointment? "Not my own disciples, the ones who have been learning from me these years." How could they now be like the canine crew at the controls for customs on the conveyer belt where the dogs are sniffing frantically trying to find some contraband? Could it be that Jesus' advocates are as blind as his adversaries regarding what Jesus stands for and why he had been sent into the world?" 2. One could answer the question, “Who sinned?” by saying Adam and Eve, for it was a fallen world where many bad things can happen because it is fallen due to their sin, but this was not what the disciples were getting at. They wanted to see a direct link to someone’s sinful acts and this blind child. They wanted to hear that the mother had an affair, or that the parents had sex on the Sabbath, or some other logical reason for this child being cursed with blindness. They had simplistic minds that saw life as black and white, with a clear link between suffering and sin. 3. A few quotes from my sermon on this passage will illustrate the folly of asking this question about anyone's suffering. To read the whole sermon go to Show me a simple solution to the problem of suffering, and I will show you a heresy that will fit neither the revelation of God, nor the experience of man. The Jews had a simple answer to suffering that was superficial. If you are good you will be happy, and if you are not happy, you are not good. Simple solutions are none the less the most popular and widely held by the intelligent and ignorant alike. Here are the disciples of Christ who are hand picked by the Master Himself, and they view suffering with the same old worn out theory held by the friends of Job. They assume that such a terrible fate as being born blind had to be the result of somebody's sin. It was so logical and obvious to them that they did not even see the cruelty of it. They are asking, who is guilty for such an awful thing: His parents or
  • 4. himself. In other words, who do we blame when this horrible reality occurs? What kind of parents must they have been to give birth to such a monstrosity as a blind baby? Or what kind of a low life scoundrel must he be that God would punish him at birth for the sins he foresaw that he would commit? We want life to be simple, and we want to have easy answers that give meaning to life. We want life to be black and white where the good guys are escaping suffering, and the bad guys are getting their due reward of judgment. If life was only like the movies, but it is not, and often the real life story has the bad guys getting by with murder, and the good guys being the ones getting murdered. So it was with Able, John the Baptist, Stephen, and on and on. Simple answers are not always false, but they are so often foolish and cruel when applied to specific situations. Simple answers are convenient, but they are often worthless or cruel. Harold Kushner in his book When Bad Things Happen To Good People writes, "I once read of an Iranian folk proverb, ' If you see a blind man, kick him; why should you be kinder than God?' In other words, if you see someone who is suffering, you must believe that he deserves his fate and that God wants him to suffer. Therefore, put yourself on God's side by shunning Him or humiliating Him further. If you try to help him, you will be going against God's justice." It is simple solutions like this that make so many religious people cruel and without compassion. 4. These very men would one day be severely persecuted and suffer death that was very unjust, and by then they would have learned that suffering is not linked to sin, but sometimes suffering is due to not sinning. Had they rejected Christ and not preached the Gospel they would not have been imprisoned and killed. They will learn that the righteous often suffer the afflictions that even the most wicked do not have to endure. They will understand that the world is filled with suffering of all kinds that has no relationship to any personal sin of those who suffer. But at this stage they are simple minded and accept the common beliefs of their age, that all suffering is the punishment for some sin. 5. A number of commentators, including Calvin, say the Jews at this time believed in the transmigration of souls, and that means they believed the sins of a former life passed into another body, and that person suffered for those sins of his former life, and so even a baby could be suffering for its sins of the past. A later rabbinic work states that when a pregnant woman worships in a heathen temple the fetus also commits idolatry. This is only one example of how, in rabbinic Jewish thought, an unborn child was capable of sinning. Calvin writes, “It was truly monstrous, that so gross an error should have found a place among the elect people of God, in the midst of which the light of heavenly wisdom had been kindled by the Law and the Prophets.” This would explain how they could possibly believe that the man himself was the cause of his being born blind. 6. John MacArthur points out that today we know of medical reasons for why children are born blind, and it is due to the sins of the parents. He writes,
  • 5. "Medically the answer would most likely have been his parents. You say, "What do you mean by that?" Just this, gonorrhea, the venereal disease, is in the mother, the most common cause of total blindness in the next generation. When the mother is infected with gonorrhea, the eyes of the baby can become infected even as it passes through the birth canal. This has been a common disease around the world, the infection of gonorrhea of newborn babies is very severe. It scars their eyes so that they cannot see. For example, in Africa and in the East, there are multiplied thousands of blind babies that are born, most of them blinded by gonorrhea." Jesus denies that there is any such sin behind this case of blindness. 7. Intervarsity Press Commentary, “Jesus' statement touches on the theme of suffering. There is a sense in which every aspect of our lives, including our own suffering, is an occasion for the manifestation of God's glory and his purposes. Scripture describes four types of suffering viewed in terms of causes or purposes (cf. John Cassian Conferences 6.11): first, suffering as a proving or testing of our faith (Gen 22; Deut 8:2; Job); second, suffering meant for improvement, for our edification (Heb 12:5-8); third, suffering as punishment for sin (Deut 32:15-25; Jer 30:15; Jn 5:14); and fourth, suffering that shows forth God's glory, as here in our story and later in the raising of Lazarus (Jn 11:4). To these should be added a fifth form of suffering, that which comes from bearing witness to Christ, illustrated by what happens to this former blind man in being cast out of the synagogue.” 8. Maclaren wrote, "That is all that the sight of sorrow does for some people. It leads to censorious judgments, or to mere idle and curious speculations. Christ lets us see what it did for Him, and what it is meant to do for us. 'Neither hath this man sinned nor his parents, but he is born blind that the works of God may be made manifest in him.' That is to say, human sorrow is to be looked at by us as an opportunity for the manifestation through us of God's mercy in relieving and stanching the wounds through which the lifeblood is ebbing away. Do not stand coldly curious or uncharitably censorious. Do not make miserable men theological problems, but see in them a call for service. See in them an opportunity for letting the light of God, so much of it as is in you, shine from you, and your hands move in works of mercy." 3"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. 1. It must have shocked them to hear Jesus rule out sin as the cause of this tragedy. That put a big hole in their theory that all suffering is the result of sin. Sin is not a
  • 6. part of the big picture here at all. The disciples and Pharisees, and people in general with a false view of suffering would look down on this family and this man, for they would suspect some sin in their past as the reason for their suffering. This is a sad way of seeing suffering people, for it kills compassion and sympathy. Suffering people need caring for and encouragement, and not judgment that comes from the suspicion that they deserve their misery because of something they have done. Pink wrote, "It is so easy to assume the role of judge and pass sentence upon another. This was the sin of Job’s friends, recorded for our learning and warning. The same spirit is displayed among some of the "Faith-healing" sects of our day. With them the view largely obtains that sickness is due to some sin in the life, and that where healing is withheld it is because that sin is unconfessed. But this is a very harsh and censorious judgment, and must frequently be erroneous. Moreover, it tends strongly to foster pride. If I am enjoying better health than many of my fellows, the inference would be, it is because I am not so great a sinner as they! The Lord deliver us from such reprehensible Phariseeism." 2. This particular tragedy of blindness was a part of the providence of God in this man’s life, so that the special work of God might be put on display in his life, and the miraculous and loving work of God was displayed in him being made to see. In other words, he was an example of the healing power of God to deal with the most difficult problems that life can throw at us. Some people may be blind due to the sinful folly of taking drugs that lead to birth defects, but that is not the case here. This man is blind for the glory of God, for God intends to show his loving power in him by restoring his sight. 3. Weatherhead wrote, "Jesus says, "Neither did this man sin, nor his parents. But that the works of God should be made manifest in him I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." In other words Jesus is saying, "Don't let us argue why the man is blind. Let us make him better. It wasn't his own fault or that of his parents; but instead of arguing about it, what we must get done before nightfall is the work of God in making him better." What Jesus says is: don't argue; get on with the cure. In the cure the work of God is made manifest." My comment here is that Jesus is not concerned with the cause, but with the cure. When you see suffering do not bother to figure out why it exists, but do what you can to eliminate it. You can never know all the why's of suffering, but you can focus on the how to make it better, and that is what the Great Physician did. 4As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.
  • 7. 1. Jesus knew it was the Sabbath, and that he would be greatly condemned if he healed this man, but he says there is an urgent need to work while it is day, for night will come and the work will be over. In other words, he will be killed in about 6 months, and there will be no more opportunity to do works that glorify God, like healing a blind man. Jesus is saying I have to do this now, even though it is the Sabbath, for it will soon be too late. Jesus is saying he just cannot put this off. He has to take the risk of causing serious trouble for himself by healing this man. 2. Jesus was a man of action. There is a legend about a man sinking into quicksand when Confucious came by and remarked, "There is evidence men should stay out of such places." Buddha came by and said, "Let that life be a lesson to the rest of the world." Mohammed said, "Alas, it is the will of 'Allah." The Hindu said to him, "Cheer up friend, you will return to earth in another form." But Jesus came by and saw his plight and said, "Give me your hand, brother, and I will pull you out." Jesus did not deal with suffering with philosophy or theology, but with work. The disciples are focused on the origin of the problem, but Jesus is focused on the outcome. Others can sit around and speculate how such a problem ever came to be, but he goes to work to solve the problem and set the victum free. 3. Notice the word "we" in this verse. Jesus includes his disciples, and all believers in the work of showing compassion to a suffering world. Barclay wrote, "Any kind of suffering is an opportunity to demonstrate the glory of God in our own lives. Second, by helping those who are in trouble or in pain, we can demonstrate to others the glory of God. Frank Laubach has the great thought that when Christ, who is the Way, enters into us "we become part of the Way. God's highway runs straight through us." When we spend ourselves to help those in trouble, in distress, in pain, in sorrow, in affliction, God is using us as the highway by which he sends his help into the lives of his people. To help a fellow-man in need is to manifest the glory of God, for it is to show what God is like." Practical Christianity is not in seeking for the sin that causes suffering, but in seeking for the cure of the sufferer. The Pharisees looked for the sin cause, and this led to condemnation, but Jesus looked for the simple cure, and this led to compassion. 4. Matthew Henry wrote, "The period of his opportunity was at hand, and therefore he would be busy; The night comes when no man can work. Note, The consideration of our death approaching should quicken us to improve all the opportunities of life, both for doing and getting good. The night comes, it will come certainly, may come suddenly, is coming nearer and nearer. We cannot compute how nigh our sun is, it may go down at noon; nor can we promise ourselves a twilight between the day of life and the night of death. When the night comes we cannot work, because the light afforded us to work by is extinguished; the grave is a land of darkness, and our work cannot be done in the dark. And, besides, our time allotted us for our work will then have expired; when our Master tied us to duty he tied us to time too; when night comes, call the labourers; we must then show our work, and receive according to the things done. In the world of retribution we are no longer probationers; it is
  • 8. too late to bid when the inch of candle is dropped. Christ uses this as an argument with himself to be diligent, though he had no opposition from within to struggle with; much more need have we to work upon our hearts these and the like considerations to quicken us." 5. What would you think of a doctor who came upon the scene of a terrible accident, where injured people were laying on the ground broken and bleeding, and he did not begin immediately giving his attention to how he could help these suffering people? What if he began to measure the skid marks, and check the speedometers in the cars involved, and did all kinds of investigating of the cause of the accident, but did not come to the aid of the victums? Such is the case with people who do all kinds of philosophizing about suffering, but do not lift a hand to actually help the suffering. Jesus was the Great Physician because his first concern was not with speculation, or with investigation, but with compassion for the suffering. He acted to heal this man, while others would spend years speculating about why he was blind. 6. The work of God in the world is to eliminate the defects that come about due to a fallen world. G. Campbell Morgan put it forcefully when he wrote, "Every clrippled childl is contrary to the willl of God; every mentally deficient man or woman is contrary to the will of god; every spiritually inefficient being is contrary to the will of God." He is saying that it is God's will to do all we can to eliminate all the defects that hinder people from living a normal life. Thank God there are doctors all over the world doing just what Jesus did, and they are finding more and more ways to prevent and cure the defects that cause people to be born abnormal, or develop abnormally. Much has been done, but there is alway more to be done, and it is all because it is God's will that it be done. 7. Mike Fogerson gives some historical examples where putting things off led to the night coming when work could be done no more. He wrote, "Billy Graham was at a hotel in Seattle, fast asleep when he was awakened with a powerful burden to pray for Marilyn Monroe. (The next morning his burden was stronger and he had his assistant call Monroe to set up an appointment.) A Monroe’s agent made it difficult. She was too busy, she would meet with the Reverend Graham-sometime. "Not now, maybe two weeks from now."Two weeks were too little too late. She committed suicide. D.L. Moody was preaching in Chicago on October 8, 1871. He was preaching a message "What will you do with Jesus?" He concluded his sermon by saying, "I wish you would seriously consider this subject, for next Sunday we’ll speak about the cross. Then I’ll ask you, ‘What will you do with Jesus?’" They concluded the service with a hymn, but the hymn never got completed-the roar of the fire engines filled the auditorium. The famous Chicago fire of 1871 broke out that very night and almost wiped the city off the map. That sermon on the cross never came. Afterward Moody often said, "I have never since dared to give an audience a week to think of their salvation." It haunted him . How many were ready? How many were hearing the voice of God, and would have laid their souls before Christ that evening?"
  • 9. 8. In the year 1269 the Mongal Emperor, Kublai Khan, sent an envoy to Rome asking for a hundred missionaries to be sent to his capital in order that his people might be taught a better understanding of Christ, and that the East and the West might be tied together by religious devotion. All China, Central Asia, and Russia were under the rule of the Mighty Kublai Khan... But Rome was too busy. The college of Cardinals was quarreling over which one shoud be Pope, and political squabbles went on for months. Eventually two Dominican friers were sent, but it was too late. The church missed the chance of a lifetime to have impacted half of the world for Christ. They did not work while it was day, and the night came when they could work no more. 9. Maclaren has a gem of an insight into the word "must" on the lips of Jesus in this text. He wrote, "There are two kinds of 'musts' in our lives. There is the unwelcome necessity which grips us with iron and sharpened fangs; the needs-be which crushes down hopes and dreams and inclinations, and forces the slave to his reluctant task. And there is the 'must' which has passed into the will, into the heart, and has moulded the inmost desire to conformity with the obligation which no more stands over against us as a taskmaster with whip and chain, but has passed within us and is there an inspiration and a joy. He that can say, as Jesus Christ in His humanity could, and did say: 'My meat'--the refreshment of my nature, the necessary sustenance of my being--'is to do the will of my Father'; that man, and that man alone, feels no pressure that is pain from the incumbency of the necessity that blessedly rules His life. When 'I will' and 'I choose' coincide, like two of Euclid's triangles atop of one another, line for line and angle for angle, then comes liberty into the life. He that can say, not with a knitted brow and an unwilling ducking of his head to the yoke, 'I must do it,' but can say, 'Thy law is within my heart,' that is the Christlike, the free, the happy man." It is not the must of I have to do this, but the must of I get to do this that makes doing the will of God life's greatest pleasure. 10. Great Texts says, "Christ felt this necessity. With Christ it was not, " I may if I will " ; not, " I can if I like " ; not the mere possibility and the mere potentiality of work, but an imperious necessity "I must! He could not help Himself. If we may use such words concerning One who was none the less Divine that He was human, He was under restraint ; He was bound ; He was compelled. The cords which bound Him, however, were the cords of His Deity. They were the cords of love which bound Him who is love. " I must work." It was because He loved the sons of men so well that He could not sit still and see them perish. He could not come down from heaven and stand here robed in our mortal flesh, and be an impassive, careless, loitering spectator of so much evil, so much misery. His heart beat high with desire. He thirsted to be doing good, and His greatest and grandest act, His sacrifice of Himself, was a baptism with which He had to be baptized, and He was straitened until it was accomplished. As Christ s followers, this necessity is ours. " We must
  • 10. work." Christ associates His disciples with Himself in His Divine enterprise of mercy. They, too, are commissioned to " destroy the works of the devil," and the range of their activity must be co extensive with their Lord s. Physical suffering, and all that makes for physical suffering unjust conditions of living, insanitary dwellings, inadequate and misdirected education, harsh and unequal laws, oppressive social conventions all the perennial springs of human misery and disgrace are within the sphere of that redemptive mission which was Christ s in Palestine nearly two millenniums ago, and is Christ s still, wherever His true disciples are found." If you go back and read item 3 under the first verse you will see that compassion for suffering people led to the development of a vaccine that ended the massive number of babies being born blind. That is the continuing work of Christ in the world, and medical missionaries are carrying on this work all over the world in the name of Jesus who was compelled to heal this man born blind. 5While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." 1. What better way to reveal that I am the light of the world than by opening this man’s eyes to the light so that he can see for the first time in his life? I cannot let him remain in darkness, for I am the light of the world and must let this man see the light I bring to all the world. This man would not only see the light of the sun, but he would see the light of the Son. As long as he was alive in this world Jesus had to bring light to people, and he had to heal this blind man, for giving light was his purpose in life. Even Jesus had a limited time to show forth the love and grace of God in the world. He had to redeem the time and make every Sabbath count, for this is when people would be gathered as on no other day. I am the Light. I will be kind. I will end the night, Of this man born blind. 2. John MacArthur expresses the urgency of Christ this way, "He is still the light but He is not in the purest sense in the world physically ministering and He says I've only got so much time as long as I'm in the world I'm the light of the world and I've got to get at it. The Father put Me here to light this world, now let's go. You've got a man here who needs light, let's get at him." "I like that. Don't you like that compulsion of Jesus? If anybody could have sat back and depended on sovereignty,
  • 11. He could, right? Relax, guys, (snap) it's all in My control. No, let's work, let's work, we've got a blind man, let's give him light, see. Urgency was in Jesus Christ's attitude. And He was God and He knew the end from the beginning and He was in a hurry. And so He says I'm the light of the world as long as I'm here. You know, He was light physically for this man, wasn't He? He was going to touch those eyes, those sightless eyes, those motionless eyes and He was going to open them and recreate their sight and that blind man was about to behold the light of day. For the first time in his life He'd see the glory of the dawn. He could look at the sky, the sunset, the irresistible hills of Jerusalem and the surrounding country and most of all, he could see the valleys and the rivers and the people that he loved. He was the light physically. But, oh, far beyond that, Jesus was the light of his soul. Jesus was going to open his soul. And He did. Over in verse 38 He opened that man's soul. That man said to Him, "Lord...what?...I believe," and he fell down and worshiped Him." 3. Henry points out that Jesus wasted no time in letting his light shine, but went right to the task of meeting the need. He wrote, "He did not defer it till he could do it either more privately, for his greater safety, or more publicly, for his greater honour, or till the sabbath was past, when it would give less offence. What good we have opportunity of doing we should do quickly; he that will never do a good work till there is nothing to be objected against it will leave many a good work for ever undone, Ecclesiastes 11:4, which says, "He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap." 6Having said this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's eyes. 1. Charles W. Holt wrote, "It is a fallacy and misunderstanding to think that God always works according to certain clearly defined laws of logic and decorum. It is a mistake to think that He cannot deviate from conventional, acceptable methods that are easily understood by the majority. Scripture, and life’s experience, show God is not limited by anything. These verses are a case in point. Peter’s shadow passing over people in the street and their being healed is another. Cloths and handkerchiefs from Paul that brings healing to the sick and drives out demons is another. Jesus used several "unconventional" methods to bring healing. 1. He touched a leper 2. He spoke a word while miles away from a sick person 3. He made a mudpack by spitting upon the clay soil. Placing it upon a man’s eyes he told him to go and wash it off. 4. He forgave a man’s sins to bring healing.
  • 12. 5. He took a dead girl by the hand and raised her from the dead 6. He stood in front of the tomb of Lazarus and called loudly for the dead to come out. 7. He put his fingers in a deaf man’s ears, spit,touched his tongue. 8. He spit on a blind man’s eyes after leading him out of town. 9. Jesus stood over Peter’s mother-in-law and rebuked the raging fever. Etc., Etc. 1B. Spittle was a known medicine in that day, and Jesus was just using something that had meaning to the blind man. He could have just said to him to begin seeing, or “be healed,” but the man was blind and could not see Jesus. Jesus gave him something he could feel on his eyes, and this gave the man a physical reason to have faith that something was going to happen. The feel of the mud would stimulate hope and expectation. In other words, faith needs some foundation. There has to be some evidence to believe, and this mud was just the thing that could give the man hope. There was no real healing power in the mud to heal blindness. It was a miracle of Christ’s power, but he used the mud as a prop, or what we mean by the use of a sugar pill to arouse hope and faith. Calvin wrote, “The intention of Christ was, to restore sight to the blind man, but he commences the operation in a way which appears to be highly absurd; for, by anointing his eyes with clay, he in some respects doubles the blindness Who would not have thought either that he was mocking the wretched man, or that he was practicing senseless and absurd fooleries? But in this way he intended to try the faith and obedience of the blind man, that he might be an example to all.” 2. William Barclay has several paragraphs on the use of spittle in the ancient world that makes it likely that Jesus used it to give the blind man a sense of being treated by a doctor. He writes, "This is one of two miracles in which Jesus is said to have used spittle to effect a cure. The other is the miracle of the deaf stammerer (Mk.7:33). The use of spittle seems to us strange and repulsive and unhygienic; but in the ancient world it was quite common. Spittle, and especially the spittle of some distinguished person, was believed to possess certain curative qualities. Tacitus tells how, when Vespasian visited Alexandria, there came to him two men, one with diseased eyes and one with a diseased hand, who said that they had been advised by their god to come to him. The man with the diseased eyes wished Vespasian "to moisten his eye-balls with spittle"; the man with the diseased hand wished Vespasian "to trample on his hand with the sole of his foot." Vespasian was very unwilling to do so but was finally persuaded to do as the men asked. "The hand immediately recovered its power; the blind man saw once more. Both facts are attested to this day, when falsehood can bring no reward, by those who were present on the occasion" (Tacitus, Histories 4: 8 1). Pliny, the famous Roman collector of what was then called scientific information, has a whole chapter on the use of spittle. He says that it is a sovereign preservative against the poison of serpents; a protection against epilepsy; that lichens and
  • 13. leprous spots can be cured by the application of fasting spittle; that ophthalmia can be cured by anointing the eyes every morning with fasting spittle; that carcinomata and crick in the neck can be cured by the use of spittle. Spittle was held to be very effective in averting the evil eye. Perseus tells how the aunt or the grandmother, who fears the gods and is skilled in averting the evil eye, will lift the baby from his cradle and "with her middle finger apply the lustrous spittle to his forehead and slobbering lips." The use of spittle was very common in the ancient world. To this day, if we burn a finger our first instinct is to put it into our mouth; and there are many who believe that warts can be cured by licking them with fasting spittle. The fact is that Jesus took the methods and customs of his time and used them. He was a wise physician; he had to gain the confidence of his patient. It was not that he believed in these things, but he kindled expectation by doing what the patient would expect a doctor to do. After all, to this day the efficacy of any medicine or treatment depends at least as much on the patient's faith in it as in the treatment or the drug itself." Vincent's N. T. word studies adds this information: "The spittle was regarded as having a peculiar virtue, not only as a remedy for diseases of the eye, but generally as a charm, so that it was employed in incantations. Persius, describing an old crone handling an infant, says: "She takes the babe from the cradle, and with her middle finger moistens its forehead and lips with spittle to keep away the evil eye" ("Sat.," 2, 32, 33). Tacitus relates how one of the common people of Alexandria importuned Vespasian for a remedy for his blindness, and prayed him to sprinkle his cheeks and the balls of his eyes with the secretion of his mouth ("History," 4, 81). Pliny says: "We are to believe that by continually anointing each morning with fasting saliva (i.e., before eating), inflammations of the eyes are prevented" ("Natural History," 28, 7)." 3. The Intervarsity Commentary adds this note about the spittle not being used alone, but by making a sort of clay paste to put on the eye. "But for the healer to make clay out of spittle and use it for healing is unusual. John emphasizes this mud in the repeated recounting of the event by the former blind man (9:6, 11, 15) and also by including it where it is unnecessary (v. 14). K. H. Rengstorf suggests that this emphasis may be intended to draw a contrast with Aesculapius, but more likely the allusion is to the biblical picture of God as a potter and human beings as clay (for example, Job 10:9; Is 45:9; 64:8; Jer 18:6; Sirach 33:13; cf. Rom 9:21). Irenaeus picks up this allusion when he interprets this story in the light of the creation of man from the ground (Gen 2:7), for "the work of God [cf. Jn 9:3] is the fashioning of man" (Against Heresies 5.15.2). Thus, "that which the artificer, the Word, had omitted to form in the womb, [namely, the blind man's eyes], He then supplied in public, that the works of God might be manifested in him" (Irenaeus Against Heresies 5.15.2). In this way Jesus revealed his own glory, "for no small glory was it that He should be deemed the Architect of the creation" (Chrysostom In John 56.2). This story illustrates the truth revealed in John's prologue that Jesus, the Word, is the one through whom all things were made, having in himself the life that is "the
  • 14. light of men" (1:3-4). While many modern scholars would agree with C. K. Barrett that Irenaeus's interpretation is "improbable" (Barrett 1978:358), the association with the prologue actually makes it likely--all the more so as this story follows directly Jesus' clear expression of his claim to divinity (8:58)." 4. Jesus was practicing medicine on the Sabbath, and this was a major issue with the Pharisees who forbid such things. Jesus said by his acts that it is nonsense to forbid healing and doing acts of kindness on the Sabbath. 5. Jesus used spittle in the healing of a deaf mute (Mark 7:33) and in the healing of a blind man (Mark 8:23) “The Marcan spittle miracles seem to have been deliberately omitted by Matthew and Luke. The use of spittle was part of the primitive tradition about Jesus but left him open to a charge of engaging in magical practice.” (Raymond Brown, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN, V. I, p. 372) 6. Maclaren wrote, "In the other Gospels He heals sometimes because of the pleading of the sufferer; sometimes because of the request of compassionate friends or bystanders; sometimes unasked, because His own heart went out to those that were in pain and sickness. But in John's Gospel, predominantly we have the Son of God, who acts throughout as moved by His own deep heart. That view of Christ reaches its climax in His own profound words about His own laying down of His life: 'I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go unto the Father.' So, not so much influenced by others as deriving motive and impulse and law from Himself, He moves upon earth a fountain and not a reservoir, the Originator and the Beginner of the blessings that He bears. 7. Jesus healed this poor blind man’s eyes By a method that comes as quite a surprise. He just used the nearest thing he found, And spit his saliva out on the ground. The end result, you would think, was just crud, But Jesus turned it into eye healing mud. The blind man could have said, “I feel like a fool.” But he obeyed what Jesus said, and washed in the pool. That act of obedience changed his whole being, For he came home with eyes that were seeing. Glenn Pease 7"Go," he told him, "wash in the Pool of Siloam" (this word means Sent). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.
  • 15. Jesus the Sent One sent him to the pool of sent. He went and reveals that miracles are only possible by the power and grace of God, but sometimes God expects acts of cooperation without which the miracle will not happen. He got his miracle because he went to sent; adding his consent and content to this awesome event. Had he gone home in disbelief in the nonsense of mud on his eye, he would have been blind from birth till the day of his death. It is wise when we pray for a miracle to do all that we know that may be what is expected of us if we really believe it will happen. In other words, we are to assume that God wants us to cooperate and do our part in seeing the miracle happen. The spit, the clay, and the water of Siloam may have had no power to bring about the miracle, but the obedience of the blind man certainly did. 1. Many times Jesus heals on the spot with no action called for on the part of those healed, but here he sends him away to wash in the well-known pool. Jesus is asking this man to demonstrate his faith by action, and the man does just that, and is greatly rewarded for his faith in action. He comes home seeing. Notice, the first place he goes is to his home to see for the first time the parents who have loved him through all these years of blindness. Can you imagine the joyful response of that whole family? Henry notes, "The evangelist takes notice of the signification of the name, its being interpreted sent. Christ is often called the sent of God, the Messenger of the covenant (Malachi 3:1); so that when Christ sent him to the pool of Siloam he did in effect send him to himself; for Christ is all in all to the healing of souls. Christ as a prophet directs us to himself as a priest. Go, wash in the fountain opened, a fountain of life, not a pool." 2. Calvin points out, “The astonishing goodness of God is displayed in this respect, that he comes of his own accord to cure the blind man, and does not wait for his prayers to bestow help. And, indeed, since we are by nature averse to him, if he do not meet us before we call on him, and anticipate by his mercy us who are plunged in the forgetfulness of light and life, we are ruined.” Calvin is pointing out that sometimes God answers prayer even before it is uttered. This is relevant to a study we will be doing at verse 31 on the prayers of non-believers. 3. John MacArthur has this comment, "...this is the only miracle in the gospels where Jesus is recorded to have healed a congenitally ill person...that is it's the only case of somebody born with a disease that Jesus healed. And I believe John makes a key thing out of this to show that there's no possibility of criticism that Christ had absolute and total divine miracle power to do things without the natural processes, without any medical assistance, without any psychological dramatics, pure creative healing." 4. The Intervarsity Commentary says, "The healing was not effected until the man obeyed Jesus' command: Go . . . wash in the Pool of Siloam (9:7). Why didn't Jesus just heal him on the spot, as he did others? Why send a blind man, in particular, on such a journey? There must be something involved here that contributes to the
  • 16. revealing of God's work. Perhaps the man's obedience is significant, revealing that he shares a chief characteristic of Jesus' true disciples. Like Naaman the Syrian (2 Kings 5:10-14), this man obeys God's command to go and wash and is healed. Also like Naaman, he is able to bear witness to God as a result (2 Kings 5:15). But John's parenthetical note that Siloam means Sent (v. 7) suggests more than the man's obedience is involved. References to Siloah, the stream associated with the pool of Siloam (Shiloah in Gen 49:10 [NIV margin]; Shiloah in Is 8:6), were seen as messianic (Genesis Rabbah 98:8; Gen 49:10 in Targum Onqelos; b. Sanhedrin 94b; 98b). This fits with the emphasis in John's Gospel on Jesus as the one sent from the Father, including such an emphasis in the immediate context (8:16, 18, 29, 42; 10:36). Thus, both the healing itself and the details involved point to Jesus as the Messiah. Here is an example of the triumph of the light over the darkness (1:5)." 5. It is almost shocking how simply this miracle is recorded. He went, he washed, and he came home seeing. Henry says it reminded him of Caesar saying, "I came, I saw, I conquered." 6. Bob Deffinbaugh points out, "It is not without significance that Jesus is recorded to have performed more miracles of restoring sight than of any other kind of healing (cf. Matthew 9:27-31; 12:22f.; 15:30f.; 21:14; Mark 8:22-26; 10:46-52; Luke 7:21f.)." 7. Maclaren wrote, "He heals at a distance. We have here a parallel with the story of the nobleman's son at Capernaum, which we have already considered. There, too, we have the same phenomenon, the healing power sent forth from the Master, and operating far away from His corporeal personal presence. This was a test of faith, as the use of the clay had been a help to faith. Still He works His healing from afar, because to Him there is neither near nor far. In His divine ubiquity, that Son of Man, who in His glorified manhood is at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, is here and everywhere where there are weakness and suffering that turn to Him; ready to help, ready to bless and heal. 'Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.' " 8. “The pool of Siloam was (and still is) a real place in Jerusalem, at the southern end of the tunnel that King Hezekiah built to bring in water to the city when it was under seize by the Assyrians. Originally part of King Hezekiah’s tunnel, Siloam was excavated in 1880, complete with an inscription enabling its identification.”
  • 17. 9. Ray Stedman tells of his being here, and he wrote, "Last June my youngest daughter and I were in Jerusalem, and we walked one afternoon from the temple area down the deep declivity of the Kidron ravine to the pool of Siloam. It was a hot, dusty afternoon, and there were many obstacles along the way. For a blind man to traverse this would be very difficult. He would have to ask for directions and for help, and he might easily fall into some of the crevices alongside the road on the way down. It was a difficult journey the Lord sent him on, but when he found his way to the pool, whose meaning is "Sent," then his eyes would be opened and he would be washed and cleansed." What he is illustrating is that it took a great deal of faith on the part of the blind man to make this journey, and so he believed Jesus was going to heal him, and so it was worth all the effort to get to this difficult place. In other words, it was a challenge to see if he really believed, and he did, for he made it. His miracle did not come without a price. 10. W. Hall Harris III in his commentary gives this valuable information that shows Jesus was fulfilling prophecy in this special miracle. He writes, "In the OT it is God himself who is associated with the giving of sight to the blind (Exod 4:11, Ps 146:8). In a number of passages in Isaiah (29:18, 35:5, 42:7) it is considered to be a messianic activity: Isa 29:17,18—”Is it not yet just a little while before Lebanon will be turned into a fertile field, and the fertile field will be considered as a forest? And on that day the
  • 18. deaf shall hear words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see…” Isa 35:4-5—”Say to those with anxious heart, ‘Take courage, fear not. Behold, your God will come with vengeance; the recompense of God will come, but he will save you.’ Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unstopped.” Isa 42:6,7—”I am the LORD, I have called you in righteousness, I will also hold you by the hand and watch over you, and I will appoint you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon, and those who dwell in darkness from the prison.” It is in fulfillment of these prophecies that Jesus gives sight to the blind. As the Light of the world he has defeated the darkness (cf. 1:5). Thus the miracle recorded here has significance for John as one of the seven “sign-miracles” which he employs to point to Jesus’ identity and messiahship. Because light and darkness is such an important theme in the Fourth Gospel, the imagery here is particularly significant." 8His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, "Isn't this the same man who used to sit and beg?" 1. This blind man was a regular part of the environment, for he sat and begged for a living for many years. It was the only occupation he could do, and so a good many people were aware of who he was, for they had, no doubt, thrown a coin or two into his lap. They are mystified now, for he is not sitting and begging but walking around as a normal seeing man. He was a perfect man to receive this miracle, for he had a place in the community that many people knew of, and so many would be touched by this miracle. He would be the talk of the town. 9Some claimed that he was. Others said, "No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted, "I am the man." 1. People can never agree on anything, and so here you have two sides to the issue of is this really the blind man we have seen for years? There has to be two sides to
  • 19. every issue it seems, for some know this is the man, for they have paid attention to him over the years. Others are not sure, for they never really paid attention and got to know him as a person. They felt it could not be the same man, for he was blind from birth and nobody that is blind from birth ever sees again, and this guy is seeing. How funny is this scene? The man himself has to get into the argument and insist that he is the guy that has been sitting and begging for many years. “I am that man,” he shouts to the skeptics. “I ought to know who I am, and I am the man.” It is a hurorous scene to see this man trying to convince others that he is really the man who was blind. He was fighting to prove his identity. The skeptics say, “You have got to be kidding. How can you be the man when you are not a blind man?” We don’t know all that went on before all the people were convinced, and maybe some went home and never did believe he was the same man. 10"How then were your eyes opened?" they demanded. 1. The believers in the crowd asked him how it could be that he now sees when he was always blind from birth? They were more than just curious, for they demanded to know how this miracle happened, for it was beyond anything they ever saw, or even heard about. 11He replied, "The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see." 1. He was a man of few words, for he told the whole story of his marvelous miracle in three sentences, but he had all the basic information that anyone could ask for. He had the who, the what, the where, and the how. 12"Where is this man?" they asked him. "I don't know," he said.
  • 20. He never went back to Jesus, but went on home, and had no idea where Jesus went after he put the mud on him and sent him to the pool. It was quite a trip for him, and he did not know what happened to Jesus in the meantime. This could have been several hours from the time of the mud being applied to the time when he would be seeing. The Pharisees Investigate the Healing 13They brought to the Pharisees the man who had been blind. 1. This man is seeing for the first time in his life, and not all that he is seeing this first day is beautiful. He is going to see pride and arrogance, and unbelievable blindness in the leaders of his people. He is going to see to what lengths men of power will go to in order to reject what they do not want to be. He is going to see hatred for a man who does only good, and who bring light and love to others. He is going to see just how ugly man can be, and so his first day of sight will be far from a pleasant one, for he has to see the Pharisees at their worst. 14Now the day on which Jesus had made the mud and opened the man's eyes was a Sabbath. 1. Calvin has some strong language about why Jesus deliberately chose to do miracles on the Sabbath, and thereby provoke the Pharisees. He wrote, “Now it was the Sabbath. Christ purposely selected the Sabbath-day, which must have given ground of offense to the Jews. He had already found, in the case of the paralytic, that this work was liable to slander. Why then does he not avoid the offense -- which he could easily have done -- but because the defense malignantly undertaken by men would tend to magnify the power of God? The Sabbath-day serves as a whetstone to sharpen them, to inquire more eagerly into the whole matter. And yet what advantage do they reap from a careful and earnest examination of the question but this, that the truth of the Gospel shines more brightly? We are taught by this example that, if we would follow Christ, we must excite the wrath of the enemies of the Gospel; and that they who endeavor to effect a compromise between the world and Christ, so as to condemn every kind of offenses, are altogether mad, since Christ, on the contrary, knowingly and deliberately provoked wicked men. We ought to attend, therefore, to the rule which he lays down, that they who are blind, and leaders of the blind, (Matthew15:14,) ought to be disregarded.”
  • 21. 2. Jesus was not ignorant of the laws of the Sabbath that the Pharisees treasured so much, and so his actions here are a direct rejection of their whole system of legalism. Barclay gives us this information on the laws of that time. "(i) By making clay he had been guilty of working on the Sabbath when even the simplest acts constituted work. Here are some of the things which were forbidden on the Sabbath. "A man may not fill a dish with oil and put it beside a lamp and put the end of the wick in it." "If a man extinguishes a lamp on the Sabbath to spare the lamp or the oil or the wick, he is culpable." "A man may not go out on the Sabbath with sandals shod with nails." (The weight of the nails would have constituted a burden, and to carry a burden was to break the Sabbath.) A man might not cut his finger nails or pull out a hair of his head or his beard. Obviously in the eyes of such a law to make clay was to work and so to break the Sabbath. (ii) It was forbidden to heal on the Sabbath. Medical attention could be given only if life was in actual danger. Even then it must be only such as to keep the patient from getting worse, not to make him any better. For instance, a man with toothache might not suck vinegar through his teeth. It was forbidden to set a broken limb. "If a man's hand or foot is dislocated he may not pour cold water over it." Clearly the man who was born blind was in no danger of his life; therefore Jesus broke the Sabbath when he healed him. (iii) It was quite definitely laid down: "As to fasting spittle, it is not lawful to put it so much as upon the eyelids." 15Therefore the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. "He put mud on my eyes," the man replied, "and I washed, and now I see." 1. Now his story is even shorter than before, and he has it boiled down to one sentence. It was the greatest experience of his life, and he had it summed up in one sentence. Some people would have had paragraphs of detail, but he was truly a man of few words. 16Some of the Pharisees said, "This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath." But others asked, "How can a sinner do such
  • 22. miraculous signs?" So they were divided. 1. Here we have another controversy with two sides. He cannot be from God for he does not keep the Sabbath says one side. The others side counters with, how can someone not from God do things that only God can do? They could not get everyone on the same page, for there were too many questions for a simple answer. The doubters had their simple answer: if a man does not keep the Sabbath laws in the way we interpret them, he has to be an enemy of God. In other words, those who disagree with us are disagreeing with God. They then become the standard by which all others are judged. People tend to do this, and are not open to the possibility that they might be wrong. It is wise to always keep an open mind to exceptions to your legalistic rules. The other side realized that it is hard to conclude that a sinner could do such a miraculous thing. They were open to the possibility that Jesus was from God. 2 Calvin wrote, “They bring to the Pharisees. The following narrative shows that wicked men are so far from profiting by the works of God, that, the more they are urged by their power, so much the more are they constrained to pour out the venom which dwells within their breasts. The restoration of sight to the blind man ought undoubtedly to have softened even hearts of stone; or, at least, the Pharisees ought to have been struck with the novelty and greatness of the miracle, so as to remain in doubt for a short time, until they inquired if it were a divine work; but their hatred of Christ drives them to such stupidity, that they instantly condemn what they are told that he has done.” 3. Here we have something of a comedy, for we have blind Pharisees trying to figure out how a man born blind has come to be able to see. They have no clue, except the obvious one that Jesus is who he claims to be, and can give sight to the blind because he is the Son of God. Even among these blind guides of the people you have some who see the folly of making Jesus look all bad, for he is able to do what no other man has ever done. It is a dilema for these leaders. Some are stubbornly blind, and others are seeing slightly, but none are willing to accept the evidence as sufficient to prove that Jesus is from God. They have been smacked in the face with a miracle beyond any other, and yet they cannot make up their mind if it is God at work in him. This is comedy because it is so ridiculous for learned men to be acting so stupid. They were so blind that even Jesus could not cure it with such radical evidence of God's power. 4. Edward Markquart wrote, "Some people are forever “the legalists.” Jesus is not from God? Why? He doesn’t obey the laws that we think are important. He does not fit our understanding, our perceptions, our expectations of what a genuine man of God is. Jesus was not from God. Why? He didn’t observe the proper religious rules. This narrow logic proves mixed up the Pharisees were. As one Biblical scholar said, “They were obsessed with the observances of the law.” They were infatuated with
  • 23. the intricacies of religious rituals. They were passionate about the particulars of little details of the religious law. For some people, that is what it means to be religious (keep the religious rules and regulations) and that is what it meant for the Jews/Pharisees to be “good, strict Jews.” 5. Intervarsity Commentary says, "The Pharisees face a dilemma for Jesus' sabbath breaking suggests he is not of God whereas his extraordinary power to heal suggests he is of God. Some of the Pharisees ask, How can a sinner do such miraculous signs? (v. 16). The plural, signs, indicates a larger familiarity with Jesus' activity. Perhaps we may assume that we are hearing the voice of Nicodemus, who has already said the same thing to Jesus himself (3:2). If so, then the one who came to Jesus at night is now sticking up for him once again (7:50-51) while it is day." Divided amongst themselves, the Pharisees ask the blind man for his opinion of Jesus, given that it was his eyes Jesus had opened (v. 17). It is ironic that these Jewish leaders, who are so proud of their possession of the law and their ability to evaluate religious claims, are asking this man for his opinion on a religious matter. The Christians in John's own day would have loved this verse, since they were being persecuted by these same authorities for their loyalty to Jesus. This scene is like an underground political cartoon that deflates the self-important persecuting officials." 6. Pink comments, "A striking contrast is this from what has just been before us. These Pharisees had turned their backs upon the Light, and therefore was their darkness now even more profound. Devoid of spiritual discernment they were altogether incapable of determining what was a right use and lawful employment of the Sabbath and what was not. They understood not that "The sabbath was made for man" (Mark 2:27), that is, for the benefit of his soul and the good of his body. True, the day which God blest at the beginning was to be kept holy, but it was never intended to bar out works of necessity and works of mercy, as they should have known from the Old Testament Scriptures. In thus finding fault with Christ because He had opened the eyes of this blind beggar on the Sabbath day, they did but expose their ignorance and exhibit their spiritual blindness." 17Finally they turned again to the blind man, "What have you to say about him? It was your eyes he opened." The man replied, "He is a prophet." 1. They asked the healed man what his opinion was of Jesus, and he replied that he considered him a prophet. In other words, the power that healed me was from God, and it came through this man Jesus. There was no question in his mind that Jesus
  • 24. was a man of God 2. Barclay wrote, " They brought the man and examined him. When he was asked his opinion of Jesus, he gave it without hesitation. He said that Jesus was a prophet. In the Old Testament a prophet was often tested by the signs he could produce. Moses guaranteed to Pharaoh that he really was God's messenger by the signs and wonders which he performed (Exo.4:1-17). Elijah proved that he was the prophet of the real God by doing things the prophets of Baal could not do (1Kgs.18). No doubt the man's thoughts were running on these things when he said that in his opinion Jesus was a prophet. Whatever else, this was a brave man. He knew quite well what the Pharisees thought of Jesus. He knew quite well that if he came out on Jesus' side he was certain to be excommunicated. But he made his statement and took his stand. It was as if he said: "I am bound to believe in him, I am bound to stand by him because of all that he has done for me." Therein he is our great example." 3 Calvin wrote, "What sayest thou of him? When they ask the blind man what is his opinion, they do so, not because they wish to abide by his judgment, or set any value on it, but because they hope that the man, struck with fear, will reply according to their wish. In this respect the Lord disappoints them; for when a poor man disregards their threatenings, and boldly maintains that Christ is a Prophet, we ought justly to ascribe it to the grace of God; so that this boldness is another miracle. And if he so boldly and freely acknowledged Christ to be a Prophet, though he did not as yet know that the Lord Jesus [263] was the Son of God, how shameful is the treachery of those who, subdued by fear, either deny him, or are silent respecting him, though they know that he sitteth at the right hand of the Father, and that he will come thence to be the Judge of the whole world! Since this blind man did not quench a small spark of knowledge, we ought to endeavor that an open and full confession may blaze forth from the full brightness which has shone into our hearts." 4. Pink wrote, "He said, He is a prophet." This is not the first time we have had Christ owned as "prophet" in this Gospel. In John 4:19 we read that the woman of Samaria said to the Savior at the well, "I perceive that thou art a prophet." In John 6:14 we are told, "Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world." Once more, in John 7:40 we read, "Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying, said, Of a truth this is the prophet." These references are in striking accord with the character and theme of this fourth Gospel. A prophet was the mouthpiece of God, and the great purpose of John’s Gospel, as intimated in its opening verse, is to portray the Lord Jesus as "the Word"!
  • 25. 18The Jews still did not believe that he had been blind and had received his sight until they sent for the man's parents. 1. They were still skeptics about the identity of the man. How can this man blind from birth be seeing? It could be a hoax, and this is not the blind man at all. They needed more proof, and so they sent for the parents. They did not want this miracle to be a fact, and so they kept digging in hopes they would find a flaw in the whole story, and be able to prove it was all a hoax. 2. Calvin wrote, "But the Jews did not believe. There are two things here which ought to be observed; that they do not believe that a miracle has been performed, and that, being wilfully blinded through a perverse hatred of Christ, they do not perceive what is manifest. The Evangelist tells us that they did not believe. If the reason be asked, there can be no doubt that their blindness was voluntary. For what prevents them from seeing an obvious work of God placed before their eyes; or, after having been fully convinced, what prevents them from believing what they already know, except that the inward malice of their heart keeps their eyes shut? Paul informs us that the same thing takes place in the doctrine of the Gospel; for he says that it is not hidden or obscure, except to the reprobate, whose understandings the god of this world hath blinded, (2 Corinthians 4:3, 4.)" 19"Is this your son?" they asked. "Is this the one you say was born blind? How is it that now he can see?" 1. These three questions could reveal a plot to deceive, but the first two they answered outright. He is our son, and yes, he was born blind. The third question they could not answer because they were not there when he was healed. 20"We know he is our son," the parents answered, "and we know he was born blind. 1. They were open to identify their son and acknowledge his being blind from birth,
  • 26. but they were reluctant to go beyond this basic information, for they knew the Pharisees could use anything they said against them if they began to praise Jesus as the one who gave them back their son as a seeing person. They kept quiet about any opinion they had about the miracle, and they were wise to do so. 2. Henry wrote, "These parents were poor and timorous, and if they had said that they could not be sure that this was their son, or that it was only some weakness or dimness in his sight that he had been born with, which if they had been able to get help for him might have been cured long since, or had otherwise prevaricated, for fear of the court, the Pharisees had gained their point, had robbed Christ of the honour of this miracle, which would have lessened the reputation of all the rest. But God so ordered and overruled this counsel of theirs that it turned to the more effectual proof of the miracle, and left them under a necessity of being either convinced or confounded." 21But how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, we don't know. Ask him. He is of age; he will speak for himself." 1. Legal age for giving testimony in court was 30, and so this man was 30 at least. He was not old, however, for you do not say of an old man that he is of age, for that is too conspicuous to mention. Other commentaries say the age 13 was when a boy would be considered of age. 2. Intervarsity Commentary says, "This scene is full of tragedy, for these parents are not allowed to give thanks to God for the great thing he has done for their son. They must have agonized over his blindness and the begging he was forced into. Now he has been miraculously healed, and they must put aside the overwhelming parental joy and knuckle under to the goons from the committee for the investigation of un- Jewish activity, as it were. The parents' agony would have been very great, given the guilt over the possibility that it was their sin that had been responsible for their son's blindness. In such a situation Jesus' healing would have far-reaching implications concerning God's gracious acceptance of sinful humanity. Not only was their son released from the bondage of his blindness and its related life of begging, but they and their son would see themselves in a new relation to God. Yet they had to stifle all of these feelings of joy and gratitude when they were called in by the authorities for questioning."
  • 27. 22His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jews, for already the Jews had decided that anyone who acknowledged that Jesus was the Christ[a] would be put out of the synagogue. 1. The parents had an opinion about Jesus, but they kept quiet rather than expose themselves to the Pharisees who had threatened people with expulsion from the synagogue if they acknowledged Jesus as the Christ. They were being dishonest out of fear, and who can blame them? They were not willing to challenge the Pharisees and lose their standing in the community. They may have come to believe in Jesus as their Messiah, but why tell this to the people who would use it against them? It is true that they did not take a stand for Jesus, if they did, in fact, believe in him, but it was not a necessary sacrifice, for they could pass the buck to their son to see how he would handle the pressure. 2. Barnes give us an idea of the problem they faced. He writes, “It refers to excommunication from the synagogue. Among the Jews there were two grades of excommunication; the one for lighter offences, of which they mentioned twenty-four causes; the other for greater offences. The first excluded a man for thirty days from the privilege of entering a synagogue, and from coming nearer to his wife or friends than 4 cubits. The other was a solemn exclusion for ever from the worship of the synagogue, attended with awful maledictions and curses, and an exclusion from all intercourse with the people. This was called the curse, and so thoroughly excluded the person from all communion whatever with his countrymen, that they were not allowed to sell to him anything, even the necessaries of life (Buxtorf). It is probable that this latter punishment was what they intended to inflict if anyone should confess that Jesus was the Messiah; and it was the fear of this terrible punishment that deterred his parents from expressing their opinion.” 3. Barclay adds some detail that makes it clear why his parents had such fear. "The synagogue authorities had a powerful weapon, the weapon of excommunication, whereby a man was shut off from the congregation of God's people. Away back in the days of Ezra we read of a decree that whosoever did not obey the command of the authorities "his property should be forfeited and he himself banned from the congregation" (Ezr.10:8). Jesus warned his disciples that their name would be cast out for evil (Lk.6:22). He told them that they would be put out of the synagogues (Jn. 16:2). Many of the rulers in Jerusalem really believed in Jesus, but were afraid to say so "lest they should be put out of the synagogue" (Jn. 12:42). There were two kinds of excommunication. There was the ban, the cherem
  • 28. (HSN2764), by which a man was banished from the synagogue for life. In such a case he was publicly anathematized. He was cursed in the presence of the people, and he was cut off from God and from man. There was sentence of temporary excommunication which might last for a month, or for some other fixed period. The terror of such a situation was that a Jew would regard it as shutting him out, not only from the synagogue but from God. That is why the man's parents answered that their son was quite old enough to be a legal witness and to answer his own questions. The Pharisees were so venomously embittered against Jesus that they were prepared to do what ecclesiastics at their worst have sometimes done--to use ecclesiastical procedure to further their own ends." 4. What we see here is a valid program of God built into the religious system of his people to eliminate that which contaminates it. Evil people who pervert the ways of God need to be cast out, and false teachers need to be excluded from the people of God, and so excommunication is a good thing ordained of God. Yet this good thing could be used to hurt people who were innocent of any evil. It was power, and power in the hands of tyrants is always used for evil. Good things are never safe when they are in the control of those who are not good themselves. 5 Calvin comes down strong on these parents, but there is little basis for it. We have no idea how much they knew, or how convinced they were of who Jesus was. The son himself was not yet sure just who Jesus was, and so why do we expect that his parents knew more than he did. And why should we expect them to take a stand for Jesus which would cost them so dearly when they would just be falling into the hands of those who hated Jesus? Here are the comments of Calvin, which I consider unjustified. "By their silence they show their ingratitude; for, having received so distinguished a gift of God, they ought to have burned with desire to celebrate his name. But, struck with terror, they bury the grace of God, as far as lies in their power, with this exception, that they substitute in their room, as a witness, their son, who will explain the whole matter as it happened, and who will be heard with less prejudice, and will be more readily believed. But though they prudently avoid danger, and continue this middle path, of testifying indirectly about Christ by the mouth of their son, yet this does not prevent the Holy Spirit from condemning their cowardice by the mouth of the Evangelist, because they fail to discharge their own duty. How much less excuse then will they have, who, by treacherous denial, utterly bury Christ, with his doctrine, with his miracles, with his power and grace!" 23That was why his parents said, "He is of age; ask him."
  • 29. 1. This statement is recorded twice to make it clear that the parents were not going to stick their neck out where the Pharisees could chop it off. They were not eye witnesses to the healing, and they did not meet with Jesus, or claim to know anything about him. They could quickly see that the Pharisees were on a witch hunt against Jesus, and they had no reason to make them angry at themselves. 24A second time they summoned the man who had been blind. "Give glory to God," they said. "We know this man is a sinner." "Give glory to God," This is a technical term meaning tell the truth! 1. The man had been kept under watch someplace, and they brought him before the Pharisees again. They urge him to give glory to God and denounce this Jesus as a sinner. They were so sure that he was such, and they wanted him to feel just like they felt about Jesus. When leaders try to impose their feelings about someone on other people they are tyrants, and that is what the Pharisees were. They would not allow for freedom in this matter. Jesus was a sinner to them, and they made it their law that all must agree that he was a sinner. 2. Barclay wrote, "They did not believe at first that the man had been blind. That is to say, they suspected that this was a miracle faked between Jesus and him. Further, they were well aware that the law recognized that a false prophet could produce false miracles for his own false purposes (Deut.13:1-5 warns against the false prophet who produces false signs in order to lead people away after strange gods). So the Pharisees began with suspicion. They went on to try to browbeat the man. "Give the glory to God," they said. "We know that this man is a sinner." "Give the glory to God," was a phrase used in cross-examination which really meant: "Speak the truth in the presence and the name of God." When Joshua was cross-examining Achan about the sin which had brought disaster to Israel, he said to him: "Give glory to the Lord God of Israel, and render praise to him; and tell me now what you have done; do not hide it from me" (Josh.7:19)." 3. Vincent's N. T. Word Studies says, " Give God the praise (dov doxan tw Qew). Rev., give glory to God. Compare Josh. vii. 19; 1 Sam. vi. 5. This phrase addressed to an offender implies that by some previous act or word he has done dishonor to God, and appeals to him to repair the dishonor by speaking the truth. In this case it is also an appeal to the restored man to ascribe his cure directly to God, and not to Jesus."
  • 30. 4. Intervarsity Commentary says, "They begin their interrogation on a solemn, formal note: Give glory to God (v. 24). This is not an invitation to sing a hymn of praise for his healing! The expression means the man is being exhorted to confess his guilt (cf. Josh 7:19; m. Sanhedrin 6:2). The man has told them the truth, but they don't really want the truth, they want their own answer. These people, whom Jesus called liars (8:55), are trying to force this man to lie, and they are doing so in the name of truth. (Double talk is not an invention of the twentieth century.) The terms they use are full of irony. These people who care only for the glory of men, not God (12:43; cf. 5:44), are telling him to give glory to God. They are demanding that he give glory to God by confessing his sin, but the man has given glory to God by bearing witness to Jesus." 5. Pink wrote, "The passage before us records the persistent efforts of the Pharisees to shake the testimony of this one who had received his sight. Their blindness, their refusal to be influenced by the most convincing evidence, their enmity against the beggar’s Benefactor, and their unjust and cruel treatment of him, vividly forecasted the treatment which the Lord Himself was shortly to receive at their hands. On the other hand, the fidelity of the beggar, his refusal to be intimidated by those in authority, his Divinely-given power to non-plus his judges, his being cast out of Judaism, and his place as a worshipper at the feet of the Son of God on the outside, anticipated what was to be exemplified again and again in the history of the Lord’s disciples following His own apprehension." 25He replied, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!" 1. They were trying to trap him, but he was wise enough to know that he was not qualified to make a judgment on whether he was a sinner or not. All he knew for sure was that he was blind, but now he could see. That was a sure thing, and that is all he knew for sure. He was not going to make some big profession of belief in Jesus as the long awaited Messiah, for he was not stupid. He could see his parents being wise in what they would say, and he followed their example. Don’t cooperate with evil men by falling into their trap. He just told them what he knew, and that was that he had experienced an amazing miracle, and that was the issue they had to deal with. In other words, the facts say he was a man of God, and if you disagree, it is up to you to explain how he could do a miracle like this. I won’t say it, but the evidence is clear to me that he is a man of God, and all I lay before you is this evidence. You do with it what you will.
  • 31. 2. He was a plain man blind from birth and so had limited education, and no ability to argue theology with these men of learning, but he knew what he had experienced, and there was no argument against that. Barclay wrote, ""Say what you like," he said, "about this man; I don't know anything about him except that he made me able to see." It is the simple fact of Christian experience that many a man may not be able to put into theologically correct language what he believes Jesus to be, but in spite of that he can witness to what Jesus has done for his soul. Even when a man cannot understand with his intellect, he can still feel with his heart. It is better to love Jesus than to love theories about him." 3. Stedman wrote, "That is one of the greatest models of how to bear a witness as a believer. Many people are afraid to say anything about the Lord because they think they will be dragged into a theological argument that will be over their heads. But witness is simply doing what this man did -- saying what Jesus did for you, that is all. "Once I was blind, now I can see" -- that is what a witness is. You are the world's greatest authority on what happened to you. As someone has well said, "A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with only an argument." When you stand on your experience no one can deny what the Lord has done in your life. You are a positive, powerful witness for Christ. This man teaches us great things in that regard." 4. Pink wrote, ""One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see." These are words which every born-again person can apply to himself. There are many things of which the young believer has little knowledge: there are many points in theology and prophecy upon which he has no light: but "one thing" he does know—he knows that the eyes of his understanding have been opened. He knows this because he has seen himself as a lost sinner, seen his imminent danger, seen the Divinely-appointed refuge from the wrath to come, seen the sufficiency of Christ to save him. Can a man repent and not know it? can he believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to the saving of his soul and not know it? can he pass from death unto life, be delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son, and not know it? We do not believe it. The saints of God are a people that "know." They know Whom they have believed (2 Tim. 1:12). They know that their Redeemer liveth (Job 19:26). They know the), have passed from death unto life (1 John 3:14). They know that all things work together for their good (Rom. 8:28). They know that when the Lord Jesus shall appear they shall be like Him (1 John 3:2). Christianity treats not of theories and hypotheses, but of certainties and realities. Rest not, dear reader, till you can say, "One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see." 26Then they asked him, "What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?"
  • 32. 1. They had nowhere else to go, and so they go back to the same old question. They were hoping to catch him in some contradiction that would blow up in his face and prove the whole thing was a hoax. 2 Pink wrote, ""Then said they to him again, What did he to thee? how opened he thine eyes?" This illustrates again how that unbelief is occupied with the modus operandi rather than with the result itself. How you were brought to Christ—the secondary causes, where you were at the time, the instrument God employed—is of little moment. The one thing that matters is whether or not the Lord has opened the sin-blinded eyes of your heart. Whether you were saved in the fields or in a church, whether you were on your knees at a "mourner’s bench" or upon your back in bed, is a detail of very little value. Faith is occupied not with the manner in which you held out your hand to receive God’s gift, but with Christ Himself! But unbelief is occupied with the "how" rather than with the "whom." 27He answered, "I have told you already and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples, too?" 1. This blind man now healed almost blew it here, for he could not resist being a smart aleck. He says you guys just don’t listen when I tell you what happened. Why do you want to hear it again? Is it because you too want to become his disciples? He was being sarcastic, but they took him seriously and did not like his tone. He was not blind to their motives, for he could see that they did not want to see the truth. They just wanted him to cooperate in trying to bring Jesus down. He could see clearly that they could not see who Jesus really was. 2. His use of the word "too" implies that he is saying, "Do you want to follow this man just as I do?" "Are you as convinced as I am that he is a true prophet of God worthy of being the godly leader we should all be following?" "Are you so insistent in hearing the facts over and over again because you cannot wait to join with his disciples, which is exactly how I feel?" He knows this is not the case,and so he is being sarcastic. 3. Pink wrote, "With honest indignation he turns upon his unscrupulous inquisitors and refuses to waste time in repeating what he had already told them so simply and plainly. It is quite useless to discuss the things of God with those whose hearts are manifestly closed against Him. When such people continue pressing their frivolous or blasphemous inquiries, only one course remains open, and that is "Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit" (Prov. 26:5). This Divine admonition,, has puzzled some, because in the preceding verse we are told, Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him." But the seeming contradiction is easily explained. When God says, "Answer not a fool according to
  • 33. his folly, lest thou also be like unto him," the meaning is, I must not answer a fool in a foolish manner, for this would make me a sharer of his folly. But when God says, "Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit," the meaning is, that I must answer him in a way to expose his folly, lest he imagine that he has succeeded in propounding a question which is unanswerable. This is exactly what the beggar did here in the lesson: he answered in such a way as to make evident the folly and unbelief of his judges." 4. Henry wrote, "But it rather seems to be spoken ironically: “Will you be his disciples? No, I know you abhor the thoughts of it; why then should you desire to hear that which will either make you his disciples or leave you inexcusable if you be not?” Those that wilfully shut their eyes against the light, as these Pharisees here did, First, Make themselves contemptible and base, as these here did, who were justly exposed by this poor man for denying the conclusion, when they had nothing to object against either of the premises. Secondly, They forfeit all the benefit of further instructions and means of knowledge and conviction: they that have been told once, and would not hear, why should they be told it again? Jer_51:9. See Mat_10:14. Thirdly, They hereby receive the grace of God in vain. This implied in that, “Will you be his disciples? No, you resolve you will not; why then would you hear it again, only that you may be his accusers and persecutors?” Those who will not see cause to embrace Christ, and join with his followers, yet, one would think, should see cause enough not to hate and persecute him and them." 28Then they hurled insults at him and said, "You are this fellow's disciple! We are disciples of Moses! 1. They start calling the man names as they hurl insults at him and accuse him of being a disciple of Jesus. It was one of the worst things they could say of him. In pride they identify themselves as disciples of Moses, which they considered the highest level of loyalty. You are a disciple of this man we don't even know where he is from. You are willing to follow an uneducated nobody, but we have the wisdom to follow the known leader God appointed for our people. You are an ignorant layman, and we are the educated and trained leaders. Do you think we are so stupid that we will listen to you? 2. Pink wrote, "The Greek word signifies that the Pharisees hurled their anathemas against him by pronouncing him an execrable fellow. How true to life! Unable to fairly meet his challenge, unable to justify their course, they resort to villification. To have recourse to invectives is ever the last resort of a defeated opponent. Whenever
  • 34. you find men calling their opponents hard names, it is a sure sign that their own cause has been defeated." 3. Henry wrote, "For this they scorn and revile him, Joh_9:28. When they could not resist the wisdom and spirit by which he spoke, they broke out into a passion, and scolded him, began to call names, and give him ill language. See what Christ's faithful witnesses must expect from the adversaries of his truth and cause; let them count upon all manner of evil to be said of them, Mat_5:11. The method commonly taken by unreasonable man is to make out with railing what is wanting in truth and reason. First, They taunted this man for his affection to Christ; they said, Thou art his disciple, as if that were reproach enough, and they could not say worse of him. “We scorn to be his disciples, and will leave that preferment to thee, and such scoundrels as thou art.” They do what they can to put Christ's religion in an ill name, and to represent the profession of it as a contemptible scandalous thing. They reviled him. The Vulgate reads it, maledixerunt eum - they cursed him; and what was their curse? It was this, Be thou his disciple. “May such a curse” (saith St. Augustine here) “ever be on us and on our children!” If we take our measures of credit and disgrace from the sentiment or rather clamours of a blind deluded world, we shall glory in our shame, and be ashamed of our glory. They had no reason to call this man a disciple of Christ, he had neither seen him nor heard him preach, only he had spoken favourably of a kindness Christ had done him, and this they could not bear." 29We know that God spoke to Moses, but as for this fellow, we don't even know where he comes from." 1. Barnes forces us to be honest here and not use fellow as a basis for criticism of the Pharisees. There is plenty by which they are to be judged without using what is not authentic. He writes, "As for this fellow. The word fellow is not in the original. It is simply "this." The word fellow implies contempt, which it cannot be proved they intended to express." 2. The whole battle of the Pharisees with Jesus is over the law of Moses. They interpret the law as legalists, but Jesus interprets it as one whose focus is on the idea that the Sabbath was made for man's good and benefit. It was legitimate to do what is good and helpful to those who are suffering on the Sabbath. They hated this idea, for it made for exceptions to the rule, and that would lead to a great deal of grace and mercy, which would rob them of the right to maintain legalistic control of people's lives.
  • 35. 30The man answered, "Now that is remarkable! You don't know where he comes from, yet he opened my eyes. 1. This healed blind man is getting bolder by the minute under that onslaught of all these questions by the skeptics. He is making a joke of them, for they are the ones in the know, and yet here you have a man doing miracles on the same level with Moses, and you guys don’t even know where he is from. Do you see why I question your intelligence on this matter? Leaders are supposed to be up on what is coming down, and you guys don’t seem to have a clue as to who Jesus really is. You would think that God would keep leaders like you better informed when he sends someone like Jesus into your midst. You guys are really out of the loop on this miracle worker. Don't you think this is strange? 2. Pink wrote, "Quick to seize the acknowledgement of the ignorance as to whence Christ came, the beggar turned it against them. Though he spoke in the mildest of terms yet the stinging import of his words is evident. It was as though he had said, "You who profess yourselves fully qualified to guide the people on all points, and yet in the dark on a matter like this!" A poor beggar he might be, and as such cut off from many of the advantages they had enjoyed, nevertheless, he knew what they did not—he knew that Christ was "of God" (verse 33)! How true it is that God reveals things to babes in Christ which He hides from the wise and prudent! hides because they are "wise"—wise in their own conceits. Nothing shuts out Divine illumination so effectively as prejudice and pride: nothing tends to blind the heart more than egotism. "If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise" (1 Cor. 3:18); "Proud, knowing nothing" (1 Tim. 6:4)." 3. Henry wrote, "Those that are ambitious of the favours of God must not be afraid of the frowns of men. “See here,” saith Dr. Whitby, “a blind man and unlearned judging more rightly of divine things than the whole learned council of the Pharisees, whence we learn that we are not always to be led by the authority of councils, popes, or bishops; and that it is not absurd for laymen sometimes to vary from their opinions, these overseers being sometimes guilty of great oversights.” 4. So often in history it is the leaders of religion who are the least aware of what God is doing in the world around them. Anne Graham Lotz, as the daughter of Billy Graham, had a terrible time in her ministry because of the leaders in the church who opposed her being a public speaker. She gives us this interesting testimony that revolves around this very passage we are studying. She wrote, "God told me to tell you that you are supposed to marry me." I received that astonishing bit of information on a lined sheet of notebook paper that had food stains on it when I was fourteen years of age! It was a personal letter to me from some delusional young man that had been forwarded from my father's organization. I remember writing