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Duct Tape Religion War
At the beginning…
     end;      // CellText := str;    except      // Gabriele non t'ha beccato, Gigi neppure, a chi toccherà?    end; end;
while   ((! found ) && ( pos  < ( fileContent . Length  -   6))) { byteData  =   new   byte[6]; Array . Copy ( fileContent ,  pos ,  byteData ,   0,   6); pos  =  pos  +   6; str_byteData  =  enc . GetString ( byteData ); if   ( str_byteData . Contains ( &quot;s&quot; )) { posE_byteData  =  str_byteData . IndexOf ( &quot;s&quot; ); pos  =  pos  + ( posE_byteData  -   6); Array . Copy ( fileContent ,  pos ,  byteData ,   0,   6); pos  =  pos  +   6; if   ( byteData [0] ==   0x73)   // 's' { if   ( byteData [1] ==   0x74)   // 't' { if   ( byteData [2] ==   0x72)   // 'r' { if   ( byteData [3] ==   0x65)   // 'e' { if   ( byteData [4] ==   0x61)   // 'a' { if   ( byteData [5] ==   0x6D)   // 'm' { found  =   true; break; } else { if   ( byteData [5] ==   0x73) { pos  =  pos  -   1; } } }
function TfrmPreviewTrascr.DBToLinear(DB: Double): Double; begin    //Result := Power(10, DB/20)*1;    Result := Power(10, DB / 100) * 1; { TODO : trovare la relazione corretta }    //LisyLabel4.Caption := Format('%.2f:%.2f', [DB, Result] ); end;
Kent Beck gave Tdd to programmers!
The Three Laws of TDD
The Three Laws of TDD   1 - You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass.
The Three Laws of TDD   1 - You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass. 2 - You are not allowed to write any more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail; and compilation failures are failures.
The Three Laws of TDD   1 - You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass. 2 - You are not allowed to write any more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail; and compilation failures are failures. 3 - You are not allowed to write any more production code than is sufficient to pass the one failing unit test.
TDD Cycle
TDD Cycle
TDD Cycle
TDD Cycle
TDD Cycle
TDD Cycle
TDD Cycle
TDD Cycle
TDD Cycle
TDD Cycle
TDD Cycle
Is that the end of our problems?
I’m a programmer, not a tester!
My code it’s difficult to test!
It’s a trivial, doesn’t need a test!
I’ve no time to make automatic tests!
It’s about specifications
Sapir-Whorf hypotesis “ there is a systematic relationship between the grammatical categories of the language a person speaks and how that person both understands the world and behaves in it.”
The Challenge
for ( var  i =  1 ; i <=  100 ; i++){    var  output = i +  &quot;: &quot; ;    if (i %  3  ==  0 ) output +=  &quot;fizz&quot; ;    if (i %  5  ==  0 ) output +=  &quot;buzz&quot; ;   console.log(output); }   48 sec
for ( var  i =  1 ; i <=  100 ; i++){    var  output = i +  &quot;: &quot; ;    if (i %  3  ==  0 ) output +=  &quot;fizz&quot; ;    if (i %  5  ==  0 ) output +=  &quot;buzz&quot; ;   console.log(output); }   But it’s wrong!
puts   ( 1 . .100 ). map   { | n |   '1' * n + &quot;:#{n}  &quot;   }. join . gsub ( /^(1{5})*:/,'Buzz').gsub(/^(1{3})*:/,'Fizz').gsub(/.*:|(z)+/ , '' ) WTF?!?!!
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; import   junit . framework . Assert ; import   org . junit . Test ; import   biz . scalzo . tdd . Fizzbuzzer ; public class   FizzbuzzTest   { @Test public   void   testForOne (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;1&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 )); } }
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class   Fizzbuzzer   { public   String   count ( int   i ) { return   null ; } }
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class   Fizzbuzzer   { public   String   count ( int   i ) { return   &quot;1&quot; ; } }
@Test public   void   testForTwo (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;2&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 2 )); }
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class   Fizzbuzzer   { public   String   count ( int   i ) { return   Integer . toString ( i ); } }
@Test public   void   testForThree (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Fizz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 3 )); }
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class   Fizzbuzzer   { public   String   count ( int   i ) { if   ( i   ==   3 ) return   &quot;Fizz&quot; ; return   Integer . toString ( i ); } }
@Test public   void   testForFour (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;4&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 4 )); }
@Test public   void   testForFive (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Buzz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 5 )); }
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class   Fizzbuzzer   { public   String   count ( int   i ) { if   ( i   ==   3 ) return   &quot;Fizz&quot; ; if   ( i   ==   5 ) return   &quot;Buzz&quot; ; return   Integer . toString ( i ); } }
@Test public   void   testForSix (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Fizz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 6 )); }
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class   Fizzbuzzer   { public   String   count ( int   i ) { if   ( i   %   3   ==   0 ) return   &quot;Fizz&quot; ; if   ( i   ==   5 ) return   &quot;Buzz&quot; ; return   Integer . toString ( i ); } }
@Test public   void   testForSeven (){ Assert . assertEquals ( “7&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 7 )); }
@Test public   void   testForEight (){ Assert . assertEquals ( “8&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 8 )); }
@Test public   void   testForNine (){ Assert . assertEquals ( “Fizz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 9 )); }
@Test public   void   testForTen (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Buzz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 10 )); }
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class   Fizzbuzzer   { public   String   count ( int   i ) { if   ( i   %   3   ==   0 ) return   &quot;Fizz&quot; ; if   ( i   %   5   ==   0 ) return   &quot;Buzz&quot; ; return   Integer . toString ( i ); } }
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class   Fizzbuzzer   { public   String   count ( int   number ) { if   ( isMultipleOf ( number ,   3 )) return   &quot;Fizz&quot; ; if   ( isMultipleOf ( number ,   5 )) return   &quot;Buzz&quot; ; return   Integer . toString ( number ); } private   boolean   isMultipleOf ( int   number ,   int   multiple ) { return   number   %   multiple   ==   0 ; } }
@Test public   void   testForFifteen (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;FizzBuzz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 15 )); }
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class   Fizzbuzzer   { public   String   count ( int   number ) { if   ( isMultipleOf ( number ,   3 ) &&   isMultipleOf ( number ,   5 )) return   &quot;FizzBuzz&quot; ; if   ( isMultipleOf ( number ,   3 )) return   &quot;Fizz&quot; ; if   ( isMultipleOf ( number ,   5 )) return   &quot;Buzz&quot; ; return   Integer . toString ( number ); } private   boolean   isMultipleOf ( int   number ,   int   multiple ) { return   number   %   multiple   ==   0 ; } }
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class   Fizzbuzzer   { public   String   count ( int   number ) { String   fizzOrBuzz   =   fizz ( number ) +   buzz ( number ); return   fizzOrBuzz . equals ( &quot;&quot; )   ?   Integer . toString ( number ) :   fizzOrBuzz ; } private   boolean   isMultipleOf ( int   number ,   int   multiple ) { return   number   %   multiple   ==   0 ; } private   String   fizz ( int   number ) { return   isMultipleOf ( number ,   3 )   ?   &quot;Fizz&quot;   :   &quot;&quot; ; } private   String   buzz ( int   number ) { return   isMultipleOf ( number ,   5 )   ?   &quot;Buzz&quot;   :   &quot;&quot; ; } }
package   biz . scalzo . tdd ; import   junit . framework . Assert ; import   org . junit . Test ; import   biz . scalzo . tdd . Fizzbuzzer ; public class   FizzbuzzTest   { @Test public   void   testForOne (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;1&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 )); } @Test public   void   testForTwo (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;2&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 2 )); } @Test public   void   testForThree (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Fizz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 3 )); } @Test public   void   testForFive (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Buzz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 5 )); } @Test public   void   testForSix (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Fizz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 6 )); }
@Test public   void   testForSeven (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;7&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 7 )); } @Test public   void   testForEight (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;8&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 8 )); } @Test public   void   testForNine (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Fizz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 9 )); } @Test public   void   testForTen (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Buzz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 10 )); } @Test public   void   testForFifteen (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;FizzBuzz&quot; ,   new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 15 )); } }
Bdd Way
Bdd Way Test method names  should  be sentences
package   biz . scalzo . bdd ; import   java . util . ArrayList ; import   java . util . List ; import   org . junit . Test ; import static   org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ; import static   org . hamcrest . Matchers .*; public class   AFizzbuzzer   { @Test public   void   shouldYellOneForOne () { assertThat ( new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 ),   is ( equalTo ( &quot;1&quot; ))); } }
package   biz . scalzo . bdd ; import   java . util . ArrayList ; import   java . util . List ; import   org . junit . Test ; import static   org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ; import static   org . hamcrest . Matchers .*; public class   AFizzbuzzer   { @Test public   void   shouldYellOneForOne () { assertThat ( new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 ),   is ( equalTo ( &quot;1&quot; ))); } }
Bdd Way the class  should  do something
package   biz . scalzo . bdd ; import   java . util . ArrayList ; import   java . util . List ; import   org . junit . Test ; import static   org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ; import static   org . hamcrest . Matchers .*; public class   AFizzbuzzer   { @Test public   void   shouldYellOneForOne () { assertThat ( new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 ),   is ( equalTo ( &quot;1&quot; ))); } }
package   biz . scalzo . bdd ; import   java . util . ArrayList ; import   java . util . List ; import   org . junit . Test ; import static   org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ; import static   org . hamcrest . Matchers .*; public class   AFizzbuzzer   { @Test public   void   shouldYellOneForOne () { assertThat ( new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 ),   is ( equalTo ( &quot;1&quot; ))); } }
@Test public   void   shouldYellTwoForTwo () { assertThat ( new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 2 ),   is ( equalTo ( &quot;2&quot; ))); }
@Test public   void   shouldYellFizzForMultipleOfThree () { int []   fizzers   = {   3 ,   6 ,   9 ,   12 ,   18   }; for   ( int   fizzer   :   fizzers ) { assertThat ( new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( fizzer ),   is ( equalTo ( &quot;Fizz&quot; ))); } }
@Test public   void   shouldYellBuzzForMultipleOfFive () { int []   buzzers   = {   5 ,   10   }; for   ( int   buzzer   :   buzzers ) { assertThat ( new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( buzzer ),   is ( equalTo ( &quot;Buzz&quot; ))); } }
@Test public   void   shouldYellFizzBuzzForMultipleOfThreeAndFive () { int []   fizzBuzzers   = {   15 ,   30 ,   45 ,   60   }; for   ( int   fizzBuzzer   :   fizzBuzzers   ) { assertThat ( new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( fizzBuzzer ),   is ( equalTo ( &quot;FizzBuzz&quot; ))); } }
@Test public   void   shouldYellTheNumberForNotMultipleOfThreeOrFive () { for   ( int   plainNumber   :   plainNumbers ()) { assertThat ( new   Fizzbuzzer (). count ( plainNumber ),   is ( equalTo ( Integer . toString ( plainNumber )))); } } private   List < Integer >   plainNumbers () { List < Integer >   numbers   =   new   ArrayList < Integer >(); for   ( int   i   =   1 ;   i   <=   100 ;   i ++) numbers . add ( i ); for   ( int   i   =   1 ;   i   <   35 ;   i ++) numbers . remove ( new   Integer ( i   *   3 )); for   ( int   i   =   1 ;   i   <   25 ;   i ++) numbers . remove ( new   Integer ( i   *   5 )); return   numbers ; }
Fathers of Bdd
The Ruby Way to Bdd
$ :. unshift File . join ( File . dirname ( __FILE__ ), *% w [..   lib ]) require   &quot;fizzbuzzer&quot; describe   &quot;Fizzbuzzer&quot;   do it   &quot;should yell one for one&quot;   do Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( 1 ). should   ==   '1' end end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
it   &quot;should yell two for two&quot;   do Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( 2 ). should   ==   '2' end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
it   &quot;should yell Fizz for three&quot;   do Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( 3 ). should   ==   'Fizz' end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
it   &quot;should yell Fizz for multiple of three&quot;   do [ 3 ,   6 ,   9 ,   12 ]. each   do   | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should   ==   'Fizz' end end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
it   &quot;should yell Buzz for multiple of five&quot;   do [ 5 ,   10 ]. each   do   | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should   ==   'Buzz' end end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
it   &quot;should yell FizzBuzz for multiple of three and five&quot;   do [ 15 ,   30 ,   45 ]. each   do   | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should   ==   'FizzBuzz' end end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
it   &quot;should yell the number itself for non multiple of three or five&quot;   do ( 1 . .100 ). select   { | n |   n   %   3   !=   0   &&   n   %   5   !=   0 }. each   do   | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should   ==   number . to_s end   end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
class   Fixnum def   fizzbuzzed ? &quot;FizzBuzz&quot;   if self   %   3   ==   0   &&   self   %   5   ==   0 end def   fizzed ? &quot;Fizz&quot;   if self   %   3   ==   0 end def   buzzed ? &quot;Buzz&quot;   if self   %   5   ==   0 end end class   Fizzbuzzer def   count ( number ) number . fizzbuzzed ? ||   number . fizzed ? ||   number . buzzed ? ||   number . to_s end end fizzbuzzer.rb
describe   &quot;Fizzbuzzer&quot;   do it   &quot;should yell one for one&quot;   do Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( 1 ). should   ==   '1' end it   &quot;should yell two for two&quot;   do Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( 2 ). should   ==   '2' end it   &quot;should yell Fizz for multiple of three&quot;   do [ 3 ,   6 ,   9 ,   12 ]. each   do   | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should   ==   'Fizz' end end it   &quot;should yell Buzz for multiple of five&quot;   do [ 5 ,   10 ]. each   do   | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should   ==   'Buzz' end end it   &quot;should yell FizzBuzz for multiple of three and five&quot;   do [ 15 ,   30 ,   45 ]. each   do   | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should   ==   'FizzBuzz' end end it   &quot;should yell the number itself for non multiple of three or five&quot;   do ( 1 . .100 ). select   { | n |   n   %   3   !=   0   &&   n   %   5   !=   0 }. each   do   | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should   ==   number . to_s end end end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
As a  [role] I want  [feature] So that  [benefit]   Story
Scenario 1: Title Given  [context]  And  [some more context]... When  [event] Then  [outcome]  And  [another outcome]  Scenario Acceptance Criteria
Cucumber fizzbuzzer.feature fizzbuzzer_steps.rb
Feature :   perfect fizzbuzzing As a inattentive counter I want an automatic Fizzbuzzer So that I can win Fizzbuzz Championsip fizzbuzzer.feature
Scenario :  manage fizz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask  for  a multiple of  3 Then Fizzbuzzer yells  'Fizz' fizzbuzzer.feature
require   &quot;fizzbuzzer&quot; Given  &quot;a Fizzbuzzer&quot;   do @fizzbuzzer   =  Fizzbuzzer . new end When  &quot;I ask for a multiple of $m&quot;   do   | m | @result   = [ 1 ,   2 ]. map  { | base | @fizzbuzzer . count ( base * eval ( m ). to_i ) } end Then  &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells '$yell'&quot;   do   | yell | @result . each  do   | result | result . should  ==  yell end end fizzbuzzer_steps.rb
Scenario :  manage buzz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask  for  a multiple of  5 Then Fizzbuzzer yells  'Buzz' Scenario :  manage fizzbuzz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask  for  a multiple of  3 * 5 Then Fizzbuzzer yells  'FizzBuzz' fizzbuzzer.feature
Scenario :  manage plain numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask  for  a plain number Then Fizzbuzzer yells the number itself fizzbuzzer.feature
When  &quot;I ask for a plain number&quot;   do @expected   = ( 1 . .100 ). select  { | n |  n  %   3   !=   0   &&  n  %   5   !=   0 } @result   =   @expected . each  do   | number | @fizzbuzzer . count ( number ). to_i end end Then  &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells the number itself&quot;   do @result . should  ==   @expected end fizzbuzzer_steps.rb
Scenario Outline :  manage plain numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask  for   '<number>' Then Fizzbuzzer yells  '<result>' Examples : |  number  |  result  | |   1   |   1   | |   2   |   2   | |   3   |   Fizz  | |   4   |   4   | |   5   |   Buzz  | |   6   |   Fizz  | fizzbuzzer.feature
When  &quot;I ask for '$m'&quot;   do   | number | @result   =   @fizzbuzzer . count ( number . to_i ) end Then   &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells '$yell'&quot;   do   | yell | @result . each   do   | result | result . should   ==   yell end end fizzbuzzer_steps.rb
neat, isn’t it?
Back to Java
Where it all started
jbehave manage_fizzbuzzer
Feature :  perfect fizzbuzzing As a inattentive counter I want an automatic Fizzbuzzer So that I can win Fizzbuzz Championsip Scenario :  manage fizz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask  for  a multiple of  3 Then Fizzbuzzer yells  'Fizz' Scenario :  manage buzz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask  for  a multiple of  5 Then Fizzbuzzer yells  'Buzz' Scenario :  manage fizzbuzz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask  for  a multiple of  15 Then Fizzbuzzer yells  'FizzBuzz' manage_fizzbuzzer
Scenario :  manage plain numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask  for  a plain number Then Fizzbuzzer yells the number itself Scenario :  manage plain numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask  for   '[number]' Then Fizzbuzzer yells  '[yell]' Examples : |  number  |  yell  | |   1   |   1   | |   2   |   2   | |   3   |   Fizz  | |   4   |   4   | |   5   |   Buzz  | |   6   |   Fizz  | manage_fizzbuzzer
package  biz . scalzo . jbehave ; import  org . jbehave . scenario . Scenario ; public class  ManageFizzbuzzer  extends  Scenario  { public   ManageFizzbuzzer () { super ( new   ManageFizzbuzzerSteps ()); } }
import  biz . scalzo . bdd . Fizzbuzzer ; public class  ManageFizzbuzzerSteps  extends  Steps  { private  Fizzbuzzer fizzbuzzer ; private   List < String >  results ; private   List < String >  expected ; private   String  result ; @BeforeScenario public   void   setUp () { expected  =   new   ArrayList < String >(); results  =   new   ArrayList < String >(); }
@ Given ( &quot;a Fizzbuzzer&quot; ) public   void   startFizzbuzzer () { fizzbuzzer  =   new   Fizzbuzzer (); } @ When ( &quot;I ask for a multiple of $divisor&quot; ) public   void   askForMultipleOf ( int  divisor ) { for   ( int  number  =   1 ;  number  <   3 ; ++ number ) results . add ( fizzbuzzer . count ( number  *  divisor )); } @ Then ( &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells '$yell'&quot; ) public   void   checkYell ( String  yell ) { for   ( String  result  :  results ) { assertThat ( result ,   is ( equalTo ( yell ))); } }
@ When ( &quot;I ask for a plain number&quot; ) public   void   askForPlainNumbers () { for   ( int  i  =   1 ;  i  <=   100 ;  i ++) if   ( i  %   3   !=   0   &&  i  %   5   !=   0 ) expected . add ( Integer . toString ( i )); for   ( String  number  :  expected ) results . add ( fizzbuzzer . count ( Integer . parseInt ( number ))); } @ Then ( &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells the number itself&quot; ) public   void   yellsNumberItself () { for   ( int  i  =   0 ;  i  <  expected . size ();  i ++) { assertThat ( results . get ( i ),   is ( equalTo ( expected . get ( i )))); } }
@ When ( &quot;I ask for '[number]'&quot; ) public   void   askFor ( @ Named ( &quot;number&quot; )   int  number ) { result  =  fizzbuzzer . count ( number ); } @ Then ( &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells '[yell]'&quot; ) public   void   checkResult ( @ Named ( &quot;yell&quot; )   String  yell ) { assertThat ( result ,   is ( equalTo ( yell ))); }
Other Frameworks
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Other Frameworks
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Other Frameworks
Bdd is about specifications
Homework practice_game_of_life
Feature: Evolving a living cell    In order to create a functioning rules engine    As a programmer of Conway's Game of Life    I can evolve a single living cell      Scenario: Living cell with 0 neighbors dies      Given the following setup        | . | . | . |        | . | x | . |        | . | . | . |      When I evolve the board      Then the center cell should be dead      Scenario: Living cell with 1 neighbor dies      Given the following setup        | . | x | . |        | . | x | . |        | . | . | . |      When I evolve the board      Then the center cell should be dead      Scenario: Living cell with 2 neighbors lives      Given the following setup        | . | x | . |        | . | x | x |        | . | . | . |      When I evolve the board      Then the center cell should be alive      Scenario: Living cell with 3 neighbors lives      Given the following setup        | x | x | x |        | . | x | . |        | . | . | . |      When I evolve the board      Then the center cell should be alive
Start Bdd now!
? ? ? ? ? ?

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E-Vehicle_Hacking_by_Parul Sharma_null_owasp.pptx
E-Vehicle_Hacking_by_Parul Sharma_null_owasp.pptxE-Vehicle_Hacking_by_Parul Sharma_null_owasp.pptx
E-Vehicle_Hacking_by_Parul Sharma_null_owasp.pptx

Bdd: Tdd and beyond the infinite

  • 4.  
  • 5.     end;     // CellText := str;   except     // Gabriele non t'ha beccato, Gigi neppure, a chi toccherà?   end; end;
  • 6. while ((! found ) && ( pos < ( fileContent . Length - 6))) { byteData = new byte[6]; Array . Copy ( fileContent , pos , byteData , 0, 6); pos = pos + 6; str_byteData = enc . GetString ( byteData ); if ( str_byteData . Contains ( &quot;s&quot; )) { posE_byteData = str_byteData . IndexOf ( &quot;s&quot; ); pos = pos + ( posE_byteData - 6); Array . Copy ( fileContent , pos , byteData , 0, 6); pos = pos + 6; if ( byteData [0] == 0x73) // 's' { if ( byteData [1] == 0x74) // 't' { if ( byteData [2] == 0x72) // 'r' { if ( byteData [3] == 0x65) // 'e' { if ( byteData [4] == 0x61) // 'a' { if ( byteData [5] == 0x6D) // 'm' { found = true; break; } else { if ( byteData [5] == 0x73) { pos = pos - 1; } } }
  • 7. function TfrmPreviewTrascr.DBToLinear(DB: Double): Double; begin   //Result := Power(10, DB/20)*1;   Result := Power(10, DB / 100) * 1; { TODO : trovare la relazione corretta }   //LisyLabel4.Caption := Format('%.2f:%.2f', [DB, Result] ); end;
  • 8.  
  • 9.  
  • 10. Kent Beck gave Tdd to programmers!
  • 11. The Three Laws of TDD
  • 12. The Three Laws of TDD 1 - You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass.
  • 13. The Three Laws of TDD 1 - You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass. 2 - You are not allowed to write any more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail; and compilation failures are failures.
  • 14. The Three Laws of TDD 1 - You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass. 2 - You are not allowed to write any more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail; and compilation failures are failures. 3 - You are not allowed to write any more production code than is sufficient to pass the one failing unit test.
  • 26. Is that the end of our problems?
  • 27. I’m a programmer, not a tester!
  • 28. My code it’s difficult to test!
  • 29. It’s a trivial, doesn’t need a test!
  • 30. I’ve no time to make automatic tests!
  • 32. Sapir-Whorf hypotesis “ there is a systematic relationship between the grammatical categories of the language a person speaks and how that person both understands the world and behaves in it.”
  • 34. for ( var i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i++){   var output = i + &quot;: &quot; ;   if (i % 3 == 0 ) output += &quot;fizz&quot; ;   if (i % 5 == 0 ) output += &quot;buzz&quot; ;   console.log(output); } 48 sec
  • 35. for ( var i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i++){   var output = i + &quot;: &quot; ;   if (i % 3 == 0 ) output += &quot;fizz&quot; ;   if (i % 5 == 0 ) output += &quot;buzz&quot; ;   console.log(output); } But it’s wrong!
  • 36. puts ( 1 . .100 ). map { | n | '1' * n + &quot;:#{n} &quot; }. join . gsub ( /^(1{5})*:/,'Buzz').gsub(/^(1{3})*:/,'Fizz').gsub(/.*:|(z)+/ , '' ) WTF?!?!!
  • 37. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; import junit . framework . Assert ; import org . junit . Test ; import biz . scalzo . tdd . Fizzbuzzer ; public class FizzbuzzTest { @Test public void testForOne (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;1&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 )); } }
  • 38. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class Fizzbuzzer { public String count ( int i ) { return null ; } }
  • 39. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class Fizzbuzzer { public String count ( int i ) { return &quot;1&quot; ; } }
  • 40. @Test public void testForTwo (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;2&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 2 )); }
  • 41. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class Fizzbuzzer { public String count ( int i ) { return Integer . toString ( i ); } }
  • 42. @Test public void testForThree (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Fizz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 3 )); }
  • 43. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class Fizzbuzzer { public String count ( int i ) { if ( i == 3 ) return &quot;Fizz&quot; ; return Integer . toString ( i ); } }
  • 44. @Test public void testForFour (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;4&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 4 )); }
  • 45. @Test public void testForFive (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Buzz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 5 )); }
  • 46. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class Fizzbuzzer { public String count ( int i ) { if ( i == 3 ) return &quot;Fizz&quot; ; if ( i == 5 ) return &quot;Buzz&quot; ; return Integer . toString ( i ); } }
  • 47. @Test public void testForSix (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Fizz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 6 )); }
  • 48. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class Fizzbuzzer { public String count ( int i ) { if ( i % 3 == 0 ) return &quot;Fizz&quot; ; if ( i == 5 ) return &quot;Buzz&quot; ; return Integer . toString ( i ); } }
  • 49. @Test public void testForSeven (){ Assert . assertEquals ( “7&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 7 )); }
  • 50. @Test public void testForEight (){ Assert . assertEquals ( “8&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 8 )); }
  • 51. @Test public void testForNine (){ Assert . assertEquals ( “Fizz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 9 )); }
  • 52. @Test public void testForTen (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Buzz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 10 )); }
  • 53. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class Fizzbuzzer { public String count ( int i ) { if ( i % 3 == 0 ) return &quot;Fizz&quot; ; if ( i % 5 == 0 ) return &quot;Buzz&quot; ; return Integer . toString ( i ); } }
  • 54. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class Fizzbuzzer { public String count ( int number ) { if ( isMultipleOf ( number , 3 )) return &quot;Fizz&quot; ; if ( isMultipleOf ( number , 5 )) return &quot;Buzz&quot; ; return Integer . toString ( number ); } private boolean isMultipleOf ( int number , int multiple ) { return number % multiple == 0 ; } }
  • 55. @Test public void testForFifteen (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;FizzBuzz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 15 )); }
  • 56. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class Fizzbuzzer { public String count ( int number ) { if ( isMultipleOf ( number , 3 ) && isMultipleOf ( number , 5 )) return &quot;FizzBuzz&quot; ; if ( isMultipleOf ( number , 3 )) return &quot;Fizz&quot; ; if ( isMultipleOf ( number , 5 )) return &quot;Buzz&quot; ; return Integer . toString ( number ); } private boolean isMultipleOf ( int number , int multiple ) { return number % multiple == 0 ; } }
  • 57. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; public class Fizzbuzzer { public String count ( int number ) { String fizzOrBuzz = fizz ( number ) + buzz ( number ); return fizzOrBuzz . equals ( &quot;&quot; ) ? Integer . toString ( number ) : fizzOrBuzz ; } private boolean isMultipleOf ( int number , int multiple ) { return number % multiple == 0 ; } private String fizz ( int number ) { return isMultipleOf ( number , 3 ) ? &quot;Fizz&quot; : &quot;&quot; ; } private String buzz ( int number ) { return isMultipleOf ( number , 5 ) ? &quot;Buzz&quot; : &quot;&quot; ; } }
  • 59. package biz . scalzo . tdd ; import junit . framework . Assert ; import org . junit . Test ; import biz . scalzo . tdd . Fizzbuzzer ; public class FizzbuzzTest { @Test public void testForOne (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;1&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 )); } @Test public void testForTwo (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;2&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 2 )); } @Test public void testForThree (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Fizz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 3 )); } @Test public void testForFive (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Buzz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 5 )); } @Test public void testForSix (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Fizz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 6 )); }
  • 60. @Test public void testForSeven (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;7&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 7 )); } @Test public void testForEight (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;8&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 8 )); } @Test public void testForNine (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Fizz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 9 )); } @Test public void testForTen (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;Buzz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 10 )); } @Test public void testForFifteen (){ Assert . assertEquals ( &quot;FizzBuzz&quot; , new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 15 )); } }
  • 61.  
  • 63. Bdd Way Test method names should be sentences
  • 64. package biz . scalzo . bdd ; import java . util . ArrayList ; import java . util . List ; import org . junit . Test ; import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ; import static org . hamcrest . Matchers .*; public class AFizzbuzzer { @Test public void shouldYellOneForOne () { assertThat ( new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 ), is ( equalTo ( &quot;1&quot; ))); } }
  • 65. package biz . scalzo . bdd ; import java . util . ArrayList ; import java . util . List ; import org . junit . Test ; import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ; import static org . hamcrest . Matchers .*; public class AFizzbuzzer { @Test public void shouldYellOneForOne () { assertThat ( new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 ), is ( equalTo ( &quot;1&quot; ))); } }
  • 66. Bdd Way the class should do something
  • 67. package biz . scalzo . bdd ; import java . util . ArrayList ; import java . util . List ; import org . junit . Test ; import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ; import static org . hamcrest . Matchers .*; public class AFizzbuzzer { @Test public void shouldYellOneForOne () { assertThat ( new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 ), is ( equalTo ( &quot;1&quot; ))); } }
  • 68. package biz . scalzo . bdd ; import java . util . ArrayList ; import java . util . List ; import org . junit . Test ; import static org . hamcrest . MatcherAssert . assertThat ; import static org . hamcrest . Matchers .*; public class AFizzbuzzer { @Test public void shouldYellOneForOne () { assertThat ( new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 1 ), is ( equalTo ( &quot;1&quot; ))); } }
  • 69. @Test public void shouldYellTwoForTwo () { assertThat ( new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( 2 ), is ( equalTo ( &quot;2&quot; ))); }
  • 70. @Test public void shouldYellFizzForMultipleOfThree () { int [] fizzers = { 3 , 6 , 9 , 12 , 18 }; for ( int fizzer : fizzers ) { assertThat ( new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( fizzer ), is ( equalTo ( &quot;Fizz&quot; ))); } }
  • 71. @Test public void shouldYellBuzzForMultipleOfFive () { int [] buzzers = { 5 , 10 }; for ( int buzzer : buzzers ) { assertThat ( new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( buzzer ), is ( equalTo ( &quot;Buzz&quot; ))); } }
  • 72. @Test public void shouldYellFizzBuzzForMultipleOfThreeAndFive () { int [] fizzBuzzers = { 15 , 30 , 45 , 60 }; for ( int fizzBuzzer : fizzBuzzers ) { assertThat ( new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( fizzBuzzer ), is ( equalTo ( &quot;FizzBuzz&quot; ))); } }
  • 73. @Test public void shouldYellTheNumberForNotMultipleOfThreeOrFive () { for ( int plainNumber : plainNumbers ()) { assertThat ( new Fizzbuzzer (). count ( plainNumber ), is ( equalTo ( Integer . toString ( plainNumber )))); } } private List < Integer > plainNumbers () { List < Integer > numbers = new ArrayList < Integer >(); for ( int i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i ++) numbers . add ( i ); for ( int i = 1 ; i < 35 ; i ++) numbers . remove ( new Integer ( i * 3 )); for ( int i = 1 ; i < 25 ; i ++) numbers . remove ( new Integer ( i * 5 )); return numbers ; }
  • 74.  
  • 76. The Ruby Way to Bdd
  • 77. $ :. unshift File . join ( File . dirname ( __FILE__ ), *% w [.. lib ]) require &quot;fizzbuzzer&quot; describe &quot;Fizzbuzzer&quot; do it &quot;should yell one for one&quot; do Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( 1 ). should == '1' end end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
  • 78. it &quot;should yell two for two&quot; do Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( 2 ). should == '2' end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
  • 79. it &quot;should yell Fizz for three&quot; do Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( 3 ). should == 'Fizz' end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
  • 80. it &quot;should yell Fizz for multiple of three&quot; do [ 3 , 6 , 9 , 12 ]. each do | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should == 'Fizz' end end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
  • 81. it &quot;should yell Buzz for multiple of five&quot; do [ 5 , 10 ]. each do | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should == 'Buzz' end end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
  • 82. it &quot;should yell FizzBuzz for multiple of three and five&quot; do [ 15 , 30 , 45 ]. each do | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should == 'FizzBuzz' end end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
  • 83. it &quot;should yell the number itself for non multiple of three or five&quot; do ( 1 . .100 ). select { | n | n % 3 != 0 && n % 5 != 0 }. each do | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should == number . to_s end end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
  • 85. class Fixnum def fizzbuzzed ? &quot;FizzBuzz&quot; if self % 3 == 0 && self % 5 == 0 end def fizzed ? &quot;Fizz&quot; if self % 3 == 0 end def buzzed ? &quot;Buzz&quot; if self % 5 == 0 end end class Fizzbuzzer def count ( number ) number . fizzbuzzed ? || number . fizzed ? || number . buzzed ? || number . to_s end end fizzbuzzer.rb
  • 86. describe &quot;Fizzbuzzer&quot; do it &quot;should yell one for one&quot; do Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( 1 ). should == '1' end it &quot;should yell two for two&quot; do Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( 2 ). should == '2' end it &quot;should yell Fizz for multiple of three&quot; do [ 3 , 6 , 9 , 12 ]. each do | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should == 'Fizz' end end it &quot;should yell Buzz for multiple of five&quot; do [ 5 , 10 ]. each do | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should == 'Buzz' end end it &quot;should yell FizzBuzz for multiple of three and five&quot; do [ 15 , 30 , 45 ]. each do | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should == 'FizzBuzz' end end it &quot;should yell the number itself for non multiple of three or five&quot; do ( 1 . .100 ). select { | n | n % 3 != 0 && n % 5 != 0 }. each do | number | Fizzbuzzer . new . count ( number ). should == number . to_s end end end fizzbuzzer_spec.rb
  • 90. As a [role] I want [feature] So that [benefit] Story
  • 91. Scenario 1: Title Given [context] And [some more context]... When [event] Then [outcome] And [another outcome] Scenario Acceptance Criteria
  • 94. Feature : perfect fizzbuzzing As a inattentive counter I want an automatic Fizzbuzzer So that I can win Fizzbuzz Championsip fizzbuzzer.feature
  • 95. Scenario : manage fizz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask for a multiple of 3 Then Fizzbuzzer yells 'Fizz' fizzbuzzer.feature
  • 96. require &quot;fizzbuzzer&quot; Given &quot;a Fizzbuzzer&quot; do @fizzbuzzer = Fizzbuzzer . new end When &quot;I ask for a multiple of $m&quot; do | m | @result = [ 1 , 2 ]. map { | base | @fizzbuzzer . count ( base * eval ( m ). to_i ) } end Then &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells '$yell'&quot; do | yell | @result . each do | result | result . should == yell end end fizzbuzzer_steps.rb
  • 97. Scenario : manage buzz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask for a multiple of 5 Then Fizzbuzzer yells 'Buzz' Scenario : manage fizzbuzz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask for a multiple of 3 * 5 Then Fizzbuzzer yells 'FizzBuzz' fizzbuzzer.feature
  • 98. Scenario : manage plain numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask for a plain number Then Fizzbuzzer yells the number itself fizzbuzzer.feature
  • 99. When &quot;I ask for a plain number&quot; do @expected = ( 1 . .100 ). select { | n | n % 3 != 0 && n % 5 != 0 } @result = @expected . each do | number | @fizzbuzzer . count ( number ). to_i end end Then &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells the number itself&quot; do @result . should == @expected end fizzbuzzer_steps.rb
  • 100. Scenario Outline : manage plain numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask for '<number>' Then Fizzbuzzer yells '<result>' Examples : | number | result | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | Fizz | | 4 | 4 | | 5 | Buzz | | 6 | Fizz | fizzbuzzer.feature
  • 101. When &quot;I ask for '$m'&quot; do | number | @result = @fizzbuzzer . count ( number . to_i ) end Then &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells '$yell'&quot; do | yell | @result . each do | result | result . should == yell end end fizzbuzzer_steps.rb
  • 104. Where it all started
  • 105. jbehave manage_fizzbuzzer
  • 106. Feature : perfect fizzbuzzing As a inattentive counter I want an automatic Fizzbuzzer So that I can win Fizzbuzz Championsip Scenario : manage fizz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask for a multiple of 3 Then Fizzbuzzer yells 'Fizz' Scenario : manage buzz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask for a multiple of 5 Then Fizzbuzzer yells 'Buzz' Scenario : manage fizzbuzz numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask for a multiple of 15 Then Fizzbuzzer yells 'FizzBuzz' manage_fizzbuzzer
  • 107. Scenario : manage plain numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask for a plain number Then Fizzbuzzer yells the number itself Scenario : manage plain numbers Given a Fizzbuzzer When I ask for '[number]' Then Fizzbuzzer yells '[yell]' Examples : | number | yell | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | Fizz | | 4 | 4 | | 5 | Buzz | | 6 | Fizz | manage_fizzbuzzer
  • 108. package biz . scalzo . jbehave ; import org . jbehave . scenario . Scenario ; public class ManageFizzbuzzer extends Scenario { public ManageFizzbuzzer () { super ( new ManageFizzbuzzerSteps ()); } }
  • 109. import biz . scalzo . bdd . Fizzbuzzer ; public class ManageFizzbuzzerSteps extends Steps { private Fizzbuzzer fizzbuzzer ; private List < String > results ; private List < String > expected ; private String result ; @BeforeScenario public void setUp () { expected = new ArrayList < String >(); results = new ArrayList < String >(); }
  • 110. @ Given ( &quot;a Fizzbuzzer&quot; ) public void startFizzbuzzer () { fizzbuzzer = new Fizzbuzzer (); } @ When ( &quot;I ask for a multiple of $divisor&quot; ) public void askForMultipleOf ( int divisor ) { for ( int number = 1 ; number < 3 ; ++ number ) results . add ( fizzbuzzer . count ( number * divisor )); } @ Then ( &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells '$yell'&quot; ) public void checkYell ( String yell ) { for ( String result : results ) { assertThat ( result , is ( equalTo ( yell ))); } }
  • 111. @ When ( &quot;I ask for a plain number&quot; ) public void askForPlainNumbers () { for ( int i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i ++) if ( i % 3 != 0 && i % 5 != 0 ) expected . add ( Integer . toString ( i )); for ( String number : expected ) results . add ( fizzbuzzer . count ( Integer . parseInt ( number ))); } @ Then ( &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells the number itself&quot; ) public void yellsNumberItself () { for ( int i = 0 ; i < expected . size (); i ++) { assertThat ( results . get ( i ), is ( equalTo ( expected . get ( i )))); } }
  • 112. @ When ( &quot;I ask for '[number]'&quot; ) public void askFor ( @ Named ( &quot;number&quot; ) int number ) { result = fizzbuzzer . count ( number ); } @ Then ( &quot;Fizzbuzzer yells '[yell]'&quot; ) public void checkResult ( @ Named ( &quot;yell&quot; ) String yell ) { assertThat ( result , is ( equalTo ( yell ))); }
  • 114.
  • 115.
  • 117. Bdd is about specifications
  • 120. Feature: Evolving a living cell    In order to create a functioning rules engine    As a programmer of Conway's Game of Life    I can evolve a single living cell      Scenario: Living cell with 0 neighbors dies      Given the following setup        | . | . | . |        | . | x | . |        | . | . | . |      When I evolve the board      Then the center cell should be dead      Scenario: Living cell with 1 neighbor dies      Given the following setup        | . | x | . |        | . | x | . |        | . | . | . |      When I evolve the board      Then the center cell should be dead      Scenario: Living cell with 2 neighbors lives      Given the following setup        | . | x | . |        | . | x | x |        | . | . | . |      When I evolve the board      Then the center cell should be alive      Scenario: Living cell with 3 neighbors lives      Given the following setup        | x | x | x |        | . | x | . |        | . | . | . |      When I evolve the board      Then the center cell should be alive
  • 122.  
  • 123. ? ? ? ? ? ?

Editor's Notes

  1. si usa un semplice template per testare le classi. ogni classe ha un suo test case e aiuta a rimanere focalizzati
  2. la classe ‘dovrebbe’ non ‘deve’ fare qualcosa in modo da indicare un comportamento possibile: se c’è un errore potrebbe essere un bug oppure potrebbe essere che quel comportamento non è più di quella classe
  3. conversazione. rspec per sviluppatori. vecchio sogno che gli stakeholders possano scrivere direttamente le specifiche. si può avere un linguaggio di più alto livello
  4. conversazione