resourcecentree canada mergers and acquisitions employment resourcecentref intellectual property british columbia due diligence law litigation copyright investing in canada employment and labour legal mergers & acquisitions real estate estate planning copyright law china fmc fraser milner casgrain due diligence mining companies due diligence process due diligence checklist acquiring business in business in canada obtaining permits in british columbia developing land in british columbia pipeda federal privacy law cleantech wills copyright modernization act securities resourcecentre risk management tax insurance quebec cross-border labour law oil and gas doing business in canada human resources class actions edgar sedar breach notification insolvency investment canada act arbitration employment law technology energy toronto estates wealth management doris bonora death power of attorney legal information commercial transactions section 37 immigration canadian employment shareholders and shares employment cases federal budget canada not-for-profit corporations act proxy overtime alberta how to protect your trademark privacy law letter of intent privacy commissioner of canada alternative dispute resolution climate change greenhouse gas bia venture capital social media policies twitter frenchtag mergers privacy occupational safety and health employment contracts class certification motions certification test class proceedings act anti-spam commercial leasing securities regulation and issuances protecting directors and officers confidentiality agreements special committee eligible investor duty of fairness social media canada labour code restrictive covenants cross border data flow pipa provincial privacy law personal information protection and electronic doc privacy act cleantech programs clean energy bankruptcy construction canadian employment law 101 for us legal & hr competition act media and entertainment industries in canada take-over bids mediation adr wrongful dismissal incorporation business dentons law firm global combination shawna vogel canadian taxation mnp yasmeen nizam international tax foreign workers patent trademark commercial agreements protecing intellectual property technology law marlon rajakaruna rob mcdonald intellectual property law e-commerce data governance tim banks mobile mobile commerce security matrimonial property act estate litigation matrimonial property facilities regulation responsible energy development act oil navigable waters gas environmental assesment fisheries wealth planning deal points farm tax planning tax planning indemnities escrow risk apportionment representat ihag commercial litigation intrawest corporation advertising assessment economic customer acquisitions acquisition contracts technology startups digital age payments credit card cheques currency letter of credit banking lawyer law financial serv hydrolics natural gas hydraulic fracturing water gdp ip due diligence business law ip disputes cnca not-for-profit corporations act resource user-generated content brand director liability expert witnesses government class action trends issuers tsx initial public offering labour disputes debt equity pre-money valuation term sheets resour chinese investment finance financing mining plan nord exploration and first nations plan nord aboriginals business right enforcement of bonds bonds belvedere bond market bondholders bondholder activism international bar association annual conference investing in china investing in canda construction; condominums; condo; glass relocation rights leases greater toronto area condominiums relocation leases real estate law planning act real estate act paiement carte de credit paypal internet digital civil risk fmc law iiroc mark evans regulatory proceedings senior investors elderly investors labour market labour labour laws employment laws business immigration work permits resource centree articles of incorporation legal person public company shareholders agreement limited liability partnership sole proprietorship corporate structure employee foreign investment inclusion diversity negotiation tools negotiation tactics team negotiation negotiation litigation holds certification decisions canadian securities class actions spoliation trends in class actions document retention document retention policies securities cases limitation periods bill 198 tax credits sr&ed cch thin capitalization dividends foreign affiliate rules transfer pricing finance 88(1)(d) charities capital cost allowance tax analysis budget 2012 mupp pension law slater steel ncp smep benefit plans prpp smepp pension plans mepp somepp pension governance not for profit competition law compliance competition bureau competition law not-for-profit corporations regional innovation centres sources of funding sjif angel investors cleantech funding feddev ontario oce government funding sdtc nextgen biofuels fund sdtc tech fund eodf iaf ontrario network of excellence cleantech ontario etf clean technologies idf categories of lobbyists public office holders lobbying act lobbying lobbyists' code of conduct lobbyists accessability for ontarians with disabilities act customer service standards industry canada nfp act uncitral mediation issues arbitration neutrality unsolicited offers income tax shale gas health canada anti-spam techniques class action ontario emission reduction wind energy double n earthmovers ltd. v. edmonton northrop grumman overseas services corp. v. cana telezone inc. v. canada public construction procurement procurement almon equipment ltd. v. canada contract twitter rules user name for sale twitter trade-mark policy twitter impersonation policy user name squatting twitter criteria canada revenue agency tax litigation stock option plans phantom stock plan share purchase plans taxation employee share purchase plan stock bonus plan original equipment manufacturer development agreement open source ip indemnity safe harbour act var agreements license end user license agreements licensing representatons and warranties m&a agreements legal counsel ownership issues disability insurance toronto stock exchange contracts emissions trading western climate initiative creditor trustee tax credit visual effects dirigeants dentreprises bankruptcy and insolvency act asset sales companies creditors' arrangement act ccaa income tax act floating charge insolvency law workers compensation linkedin dooced blogs limitless defamation facebook social media and the workplace unions and organizations investissements au québec financement culture entrepreneuriale au québec économie québécoise placements privés secteur minier marchés publics de capitaux système financier du québec public capital markets quebec financial system corporate executives quebec economy financing considerations quebec entrepreneurship mining sector quebec small cap companies private placements in public companies social environment mining standards guidelines qualified persons certificate for a qualified person consent form example ni 43-101 cbm guidelines resource road act oil and gas activities act coal bed gas act coal bed methane extraction cbm acquisitions and policies special warrants mjds offerings seed capital sarbanes oxley ni 43‐101 reports british columbia history mto mineral titles online mining in british columbia canadian mining law mining mining finance mining law take-overs joint venture finance law corporate vs. partnership roles corporate finance legal due diligence checklist devon’s coleman gas plant water use and oil sands shale gas and cleantech bhp billiton magna international inc. potashcorp fairness opinions hudbay minerals inc. corruption of foreign public officials act laws against bribery of foreign public officials foreign corrupt practices act bribery act provincial nominee programs business immigartion canadian immigration labour and employment law group termination kativik environmental quality commission fonds du plan nord société du plan nord (spn) investissement québec hydro quebec plan nord can-spam casl ccpsa canada consumer product safety act hazardous products act mushroom substratum ltd. and h.v. truong ltd. occupational health and safety public concern for safety in the workplace financial penalties for non-compliance workers compensation act offence act orders for non-compliance administrative penalty inspection report workplace safety duty avoiding bill c-45 charges criminal negligence bill c-45 update just cause overtime agreements contractual overtime length of notice reasons for terminating the employee reasonable notice terminations time off in lieu industries and employees with different overtime r the globex decision termination meeting overtime pay compressed work schedules reference letters for departing employees human rights pennyfeather v. timminco limited franchisee class actions turner v. york university types of motions kafka v. allstate insurance company of canada class actions trends williams v. corporation of the city of toronto securities class action class certifications denied 1992 altering transmission data address harvesting false or misleading representations online commercial electronic message administrative monetary penalties (amps) software installation network re-routing malware and botnets anti-spam legislation spyware phishing identity theft gender quotas women in the workplace statistics for women on boards female board members diverse boards condominuums electricity canwea minera aquiline vs. ima exploration aurizon mines vs. northgate minerals shares vs. cash plan of arrangement take-over bid certicom vs. research in motion ad hoc arbitration arbitration agreement commercial arbitration definition of a close personal friend offering memorandum definition of a close business associate capital raising exemptions soliciting purchasers accredited investor what is a security? trade issuer control person national private placement exemptions reporting issuer private issuer investment contract rfi discretion clause martel building ltd. rfq rfp procurement models compliant bids drafting effective rfp non‐compliant bids effect of a tender rfp’s & tendering privilege clause mjb enterprises hallmarks of a tender tender procurement & tendering bid security tender law fca fctd canada-usa cross-border data transfers phipa social media in workplace social networking policies short-term disability plans termination long-term disability plans fiduciary duties duty to accomodate workplace harassment culpable absenteeism departing employee innocent absenteeism employee harassment managing absenteeism common law obligations guidelines to prevent workplace harassment absenteeism privacy in corporate transaction the civil code of quebec the quebec consumer protection act consumer contracts indemnity provisions commercial contracts the charter of the french language negligent misrepresentation formal contract process tsx minimum listing requirements stub period accrual national securities regulator oil shale mines oilsands mines income trusts personal health information act preparing to sell your business planning to minimize tax on the sale of your busin role of legal counsel in the acquisition process pre-sale due diligence important strategic issues in selling your busines renewable energy cleantech financing lawyers san francisco tendering ip protecting confidential and proprietary property how to conduct a bullet proof harassment investiga develop the procedural script how to document draft the report interview the respondent and witnesses develop the substantive script who should investigate credit checks educationprofessional certification checks background checking key differences us vs canadian employment law bc film and television tax credits structuring for visual effects work in bc dave eligibility requirements film production and visual effects in british colu canadian indigenous tax credits production services tax credit pstc acquisition of canadian resource companies media & entertainment industries in canada outside the traditional litigation process provincially regulated employers acquire a canadian business how to buy a company acquiring a company acquisition of a canadian business acquiring canadian company buying canadian business merger how to acquire a company acquisition hostile takeover shareholder agreements financing business valuation startups tech guides global forum renewable laws establish aquisition acquire
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