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Effects of an Online Teacher Training Course
             Entailing Examples of Practice on Video

             ECER 2012
             Symposium : «How ICT can Improve Teacher Education and Professionalisation ?»

             Florian Meyer, Université de Sherbrooke
             Robert David, Université de Montréal
             Michel Aubé, Université de Sherbrooke

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Table of Content

                   Context and issues
                   Theoretical framework
                   Objectives and
                   research questions
                   Results & Discussion

jeudi 20 septembre 12
jeudi 20 septembre 12
Context of Change

                            Programs of study reform (2001)
                              Competency-based programs
                              General learning domains
                              Teachers as conveyor of culture
                            Pedagogical renewal
                              Transformation of practice
                              New competencies
                            Need to support teachers
                              A long and complex process
                              Need new training strategies

jeudi 20 septembre 12
                   Emergence of training platforms
                   using examples of practice on
                   These videos allow:
                        to enrich the relationship
                        between theory and practice
                        to support modeling practices
                        to offer new opportunities
                   No assessment of the effects
                   of such platforms on the
                   professional development of

jeudi 20 septembre 12
jeudi 20 septembre 12
Training Needs
               Engage in a process of professional development
               Professional competency: exploitation of specific resources
               in order to achieve a result in a particular context, these
               resources are, among others, theoretical knowledge, action
               schemata or knowledge (Le Boterf,2000; Perrenoud, 1998)
               12 competencies required by the Ministère de l’Éducation du
               Loisir et du Sport
               Competency 4 : «To pilot teaching/learning situations that are
               appropriate to the students concerned and to the subject
               content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in
               the programs of study.»
               (Martinet & al., 2001, p. 71)

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Professional competency 4
                   «Creates conditions in which students can engage in
                   meaningful problem situations, tasks or projects, based on
                   their cognitive, emotional and social characteristics» (p. 80)
                   «Guides students in selecting, interpreting and
                   understanding the information provided in the various
                   resources and in understanding the elements of a problem
                   situation or the requirements of a task or project» (p. 81)
                   «Provides students with the resources they need to take part
                   in the learning situations» (p. 80)
                   «Supports student learning by asking questions and
                   providing frequent and relevant feedback to promote the
                   integration and transfer of learning» (p. 81)
                   «Encourages teamwork» (p. 81)
jeudi 20 septembre 12
Online learning platform incorporating
           examples of practice on video

               Zoom sur l’expertise pédagogique (Version 2.3)
jeudi 20 septembre 12
Training course
                   A training course is a series of steps that teachers
                   must follow to gradually develop one or more
                   targeted professional competencies

                   Each step is represented by a web page with a
                   title, a number, an introduction and different
                   sections organizing the content of the step.

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Situation of continuing training

                                   Analysis model
                        (inspired by B. Charlier, 1998, p. 259)
jeudi 20 septembre 12
Situation of continuing training

                                   Analysis model
                        (inspired by B. Charlier, 1998, p. 259)
jeudi 20 septembre 12
Teacher learning
                    The learning relate to knowledge that will allow a teacher to
                    improve or to change practice (Brown & Duguid, 1991) and to
                    act effectively in the widest possible variety of professional
                    situations (Le Boterf, 2000; Perrenoud, 1998).
                    There is learning for a teacher when there is a change of his
                    knowledge structures and construction of new knowledge
                    (Bourgeois & Nizet, 1997; Legendre, 1998).
                    Learning takes place through different cognitive processes that
                    are influenced by the environment and the social context in
                    which a person is, the practice of reference, observations that
                    can be done, models that are proposed, mediation offered by
                    an instructor or more experienced peer, teacher's conceptions
                    or expectations expressed (Cross, 1981; Bruner, 1996).
jeudi 20 septembre 12
Teaching practice change
                Change involving modifications        Factors promoting change
                of (Charlier, 1998) :                (Cauterman, Demailly, Suffys & Bliez-
                        planning decisions           Sullerot, 1999a; Charlier, 1998) :
                        schemes of action              Conditions of practice
                        knowledge implemented             The functioning of the institution
                        actions implemented               The institution's values
                        reflection on the action        Characteristics of the teacher :
                Type 1 : «a little bit more of the        relationship to knowledge
                same» vs type 2 : «a change in            knowledge and know-how
                vision, a                                 his sense of self-efficacy
                reframing» (Watzlawick,
                Weakland & Fisch, 1975;                   personal history
                Charlier, 1998; Bourgeois &               involvement
                Nizet, 1997)                              time organization

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Teacher self-efficacy
                  Belief that a teacher has in his/her ability to perform tasks
                              with a satisfying level of performance

                           Multidimensional model of teacher self-efficacy
                          (based on Tschannen-Moran & al., 1998, p. 228)

jeudi 20 septembre 12
jeudi 20 septembre 12
First objective
                   Describe learning regarding the competency "Pilot" of
                   teachers who have completed a training course targeting
                   this competency and integrating examples of practice on

                   What were the effects of the training on knowledge
                   relating to components of the competency «To pilot
                   teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the
                   students concerned and to the subject content with a view
                   to developing the competencies targeted in the programs
                   of study» among teachers who have followed it?

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Second objective
                   Describe the intentions to change practice
                   regarding the competency "pilot" of teachers who
                   have completed a training course targeting this
                   competency and integrating examples of practice
                   on video.

                   What were the effects of the training on the
                   intentions of changing practice of teachers who
                   have followed it ?

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Third objective
                   Provide possible answers to the question: How
                   to improve the technological training platform
                   incorporating examples of practice on video, to
                   better support the professional development
                   of teachers?

jeudi 20 septembre 12
jeudi 20 septembre 12
Research approach
              Interpretive paradigm where reality is a subjective construct
              dependent on the representations of the participants and the
              researcher (Lessard-Hébert, Goyette & Boutin, 1990) :
                consideration of the evolution of each individual concerned
                according to their point of view and their representations
                delimitation of training situations to evaluate integrating
                multiple interrelated elements

              Deferred evaluation approach (Gabrielli, 1989) :
                centered on persons who have undergone training
                considers the process of learning and change of these
                integrates the "before" the "during" and the "after" the
jeudi 20 septembre 12
A specific training course

               Title : « To pilot teaching/learning situations to
               foster the development of competencies »
               22 steps and a logbook to fill during the

jeudi 20 septembre 12
jeudi 20 septembre 12
Data collection
                              SAMPLING: 6 TEACHERS (5 WOMEN AND 1 MAN).
                                  ALL TEACHING AT THE ELEMENTARY

         Semi-structured interview before           Semi-structured interview before
         training                                   training
               Part 1: Personal Information            Part 1: Part 2 Interview 1 ditto
               Part 2: description, examples and       and feeling of having learned and
               perceived ability for each              capacity development
               component and for the                   Part 2: representation of learning
                                                       Part 3: assessment of the
               Part 3: expectations, concerns          platform and the training
               and intentions regarding the
                                                       Part 4: comments

                                   DIARY COMPLETED BY EACH PERSON

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Data analysis
                   Deductive approach and systematic analysis
                   starting from the analysis model proposed and
                   from the definition of the competency and its

                                               DIMENSION 2
                            DIMENSION 1
                                              INTENTIONS TO
                                             CHANGE PRATICE

                                      DIMENSION 3
                                    TRAINING COURSE

jeudi 20 septembre 12
jeudi 20 septembre 12
Dimension 1a: Understanding

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Dimension 1a: Understanding

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Dimension 1b:
                   Capacity to exemplify

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Dimension 2a:
                   Level of confidence

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Dimension 2b:
                   Validation of practice
                  Participants question their practice after observing
                  videos :
                       Sylvie notes especially that she was inclined to
                       provide answers and information to the students
                       too quickly. She noted that she had a tendency to
                       easily avoid feedback and strategies.
                       France was happy to see that she was doing
                       more relevant things than she thought. She also
                       noted that she was not giving enough positive

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Dimension 3a
                   Appreciation of the videos

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Dimension 3a (suite)
                  Appreciation of the learning course

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Dimension 3b
                   Feeling of having learned

jeudi 20 septembre 12
jeudi 20 septembre 12
                   Learning is related to the observation of videos
                   whose content was accompanied by :
                     specific written definitions
                     targeted questions on elements to be observed
                     in videos
                     additional explanations
                   Learning was less systematic when none of
                   these supplements were present

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Intentions to change practice
                All have expressed intentions of change :
                     inspired by teaching strategies observed
                     inspired by catches of awareness of gaps in their practice
                     formalized thanks to the questions and logbook
                Positive vicarious effect if :
                    identification to the observed teacher
                    identification of the feasibility of what they observe (amplified by the
                    written supplements)
                The videos have validated some aspects of these teachers' practice:
                    willingness to further progress
                    willingness to change their practice
                Some consider to be less competent and to have much to change
                    better understanding of what is this competency
                    risk of discouragement: the course must prepare for this awareness

jeudi 20 septembre 12
To keep in the platform
                  Examples of teachers close to the realities of
                  participants: positive vicarious effect
                  Written content with anchor points: to analyze and
                  exploit videos
                  Written mediating role of the virtual trainer to support the
                  modeling and enriching the vicarious experience
                  Rich and comforting logbook
                  Questions leading teachers to identify possible
                  improvements: rich and developed descriptions
                  Questions designed so they help define listening
                  Light tone, simple and precise vocabulary

jeudi 20 septembre 12
To improve
                Credibility of videos
                    Suggestion: make descriptions more specific and contextualized
                    Suggestion: provide access to resources and documents presented in
                    the videos. But will this promote reflective practice encouraged in the
                    logbook? How? Which ressources ? With what explanations?
                The course seemed too long
                    Have participants been victim of some cognitive overload?
                    How many steps should contain a course?
                Better support engagement in a situation of online training: what is the best
                Reduce the cognitive challenge and insecurity. The observation of practice
                is a complex skill that develops gradually and is not immediately
                developped by all teachers. What is the best form of mediation?
                Reduce the technical constraints: bandwith, applications to install...
                Increase quality of videos: sound, image...

jeudi 20 septembre 12
jeudi 20 septembre 12
       A training course incorporating examples of practice on video and made in a training
       platform such as "Zoom" has a positive effect on the professional development of

         Some avenues and questions for further research:
           Define the effects of this type of training and the conditions under which they
           occur. But how precisely measure the effect? (EdCentric, 2005)
           To what extent these intentions result in meaningful change and what can be
           modified in the course to support this ? (Charlier, Deschryver & Peraya, 2006)
           Identify the best ways to use videos depending on the context of teachers.
           How to further increase the vicarious effect? (Colestock & Sherin, 2009;
           Santagata, 2009)
           How to choose judiciously videos to use? Difficult to predict what people will
           perceive and interpret. (Miller & Zhou, 2007). Derry (2007) suggests working to
           develop standards that would better document and enhance the videos
           Would it be more efficient to follow such a course individually or in a
           group? Why? What would be learnings according to one or the other of
           these forms? (Sherin & van Es, 2009; Borko & al., 2008)

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Recent research
                   About the use of examples of practice on video in a
                   modeling strategy
                     In a distance mode :
                     (Baecher & Kung, 2011); (Fang, 2010); (Lee,
                     Ginsburg & Preston, 2009); (Llinares & Valls, 2010);
                     (Ria & Leblanc, 2011); (Towers & Rapke, 2011)
                     In a hybrid mode :
                     (Marsh, Mitchell & Adamczyk, 2010); (Ria, 2010);
                     (Santagata & Guarino, 2011); (Dieker & al., 2009);
                     (Galvis & Nemirovsky, 2003); (Santagata, 2009);
                     (Santagata, Zannoni & Stigler, 2007);

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Recent research (2)
                   About video clubs
                     In a distance mode
                     (Liu, 2012); (So, Pow & Hung, 2009); (Wu & Kao,
                     In a presence mode
                     (Borko & al., 2008); (Brantlinger, Sherin, Linsenmeier,
                     2011); (Sherin & van ES, 2009); (van Es & Sherin,
                     2008); (van Es & Sherin, 2006); (van Es, 2009); (van
                     Es, 2012);
                     In a hybrid mode
                     (Krammer & al., 2006); (Sherin & Van Es, 2005)

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Recent research (3)
               About video editing as a learning strategy
                        In a distance mode
                        Beardsley, Cogan-Drew & Olivero, 2007); (Calandra & al., 2008);
                        (Heintz & al., 2010); (Kong, 2010); (Lee, Ginsburg & Preston,
                        2009); (Olofsson, Lindberg & Stodberg, 2011); (Rich & Hannafin,
                        2009); (Rosaen, Lundeberg, Cooper, Fritzen & Terpstra, 2008);
                        (Rosaen, Lundeberg, Terpstra, Cooper, Fu & Niu, 2010); (Saxena
                        & Stevens, 2007); (Wu & Kao, 2008)
                        In a presence mode
                        (Brantley-Dias & al., 2008); (Fadde, Aud & Gilbert, 2009); (Zhang,
                        Lundeberg, Koehler & Eberhardt, 2011)
                        In a hybrid mode
                        (Yiong-Hwee & Churchill, 2007); (Bueno de Mesquita & al., 2010);
                        (Yerrick & al., 2005)
jeudi 20 septembre 12
Recent research (4)
                   About the use of scenarized videos as case studies
                     In a distance mode
                     (Chieu, Herbst, Weiss, 2011); (Rosaen, Lundeberg,
                     Terpstra, Cooper, Fu & Niu, 2010); (Schwartz &
                     Hartman, 2007); (Tan,Tan & Wettasinghe, 2011)
                     In a presence mode
                     (Burden & al., 2010); (Zhang, Lundeberg, Koehler &
                     Eberhardt, 2011)

jeudi 20 septembre 12
Thank you very much for
                  your attention !

jeudi 20 septembre 12
jeudi 20 septembre 12

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Effects of an Online Teacher Training Course Entailing Examples of Practice on Video

  • 1. Effects of an Online Teacher Training Course Entailing Examples of Practice on Video ECER 2012 Symposium : «How ICT can Improve Teacher Education and Professionalisation ?» Florian Meyer, Université de Sherbrooke Robert David, Université de Montréal Michel Aubé, Université de Sherbrooke jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 2. Table of Content Context and issues Theoretical framework Objectives and research questions Methodology Results & Discussion Conclusion jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 3. ISSUES CONTEXT AND PROBLEM jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 4. Context of Change Programs of study reform (2001) Competency-based programs General learning domains Teachers as conveyor of culture Pedagogical renewal Transformation of practice New competencies Need to support teachers A long and complex process Need new training strategies jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 5. Problem Emergence of training platforms using examples of practice on video These videos allow: to enrich the relationship between theory and practice to support modeling practices to offer new opportunities No assessment of the effects of such platforms on the professional development of teachers jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 6. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK CONCEPTS & MODELS jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 7. Training Needs Engage in a process of professional development Professional competency: exploitation of specific resources in order to achieve a result in a particular context, these resources are, among others, theoretical knowledge, action schemata or knowledge (Le Boterf,2000; Perrenoud, 1998) 12 competencies required by the Ministère de l’Éducation du Loisir et du Sport Competency 4 : «To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and to the subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study.» (Martinet & al., 2001, p. 71) jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 8. Professional competency 4 «Creates conditions in which students can engage in meaningful problem situations, tasks or projects, based on their cognitive, emotional and social characteristics» (p. 80) «Guides students in selecting, interpreting and understanding the information provided in the various resources and in understanding the elements of a problem situation or the requirements of a task or project» (p. 81) «Provides students with the resources they need to take part in the learning situations» (p. 80) «Supports student learning by asking questions and providing frequent and relevant feedback to promote the integration and transfer of learning» (p. 81) «Encourages teamwork» (p. 81) jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 9. Online learning platform incorporating examples of practice on video Zoom sur l’expertise pédagogique (Version 2.3) jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 10. Training course A training course is a series of steps that teachers must follow to gradually develop one or more targeted professional competencies Each step is represented by a web page with a title, a number, an introduction and different sections organizing the content of the step. jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 11. Situation of continuing training Analysis model (inspired by B. Charlier, 1998, p. 259) jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 12. Situation of continuing training Analysis model (inspired by B. Charlier, 1998, p. 259) jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 13. Teacher learning The learning relate to knowledge that will allow a teacher to improve or to change practice (Brown & Duguid, 1991) and to act effectively in the widest possible variety of professional situations (Le Boterf, 2000; Perrenoud, 1998). There is learning for a teacher when there is a change of his knowledge structures and construction of new knowledge (Bourgeois & Nizet, 1997; Legendre, 1998). Learning takes place through different cognitive processes that are influenced by the environment and the social context in which a person is, the practice of reference, observations that can be done, models that are proposed, mediation offered by an instructor or more experienced peer, teacher's conceptions or expectations expressed (Cross, 1981; Bruner, 1996). jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 14. Teaching practice change Change involving modifications Factors promoting change of (Charlier, 1998) : (Cauterman, Demailly, Suffys & Bliez- planning decisions Sullerot, 1999a; Charlier, 1998) : schemes of action Conditions of practice knowledge implemented The functioning of the institution actions implemented The institution's values reflection on the action Characteristics of the teacher : Type 1 : «a little bit more of the relationship to knowledge same» vs type 2 : «a change in knowledge and know-how vision, a his sense of self-efficacy reframing» (Watzlawick, Weakland & Fisch, 1975; personal history Charlier, 1998; Bourgeois & involvement Nizet, 1997) time organization jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 15. Teacher self-efficacy Belief that a teacher has in his/her ability to perform tasks with a satisfying level of performance Multidimensional model of teacher self-efficacy (based on Tschannen-Moran & al., 1998, p. 228) jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 16. OBJECTIVES RESEARCH QUESTIONS jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 17. First objective Describe learning regarding the competency "Pilot" of teachers who have completed a training course targeting this competency and integrating examples of practice on video. What were the effects of the training on knowledge relating to components of the competency «To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and to the subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study» among teachers who have followed it? jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 18. Second objective Describe the intentions to change practice regarding the competency "pilot" of teachers who have completed a training course targeting this competency and integrating examples of practice on video. What were the effects of the training on the intentions of changing practice of teachers who have followed it ? jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 19. Third objective Provide possible answers to the question: How to improve the technological training platform incorporating examples of practice on video, to better support the professional development of teachers? jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 20. METHODOLOGY APPROACH AND OBJECTS jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 21. Research approach Interpretive paradigm where reality is a subjective construct dependent on the representations of the participants and the researcher (Lessard-Hébert, Goyette & Boutin, 1990) : consideration of the evolution of each individual concerned according to their point of view and their representations delimitation of training situations to evaluate integrating multiple interrelated elements Deferred evaluation approach (Gabrielli, 1989) : centered on persons who have undergone training considers the process of learning and change of these people integrates the "before" the "during" and the "after" the training jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 22. A specific training course Title : « To pilot teaching/learning situations to foster the development of competencies » 22 steps and a logbook to fill during the training jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 24. Data collection SAMPLING: 6 TEACHERS (5 WOMEN AND 1 MAN). ALL TEACHING AT THE ELEMENTARY Semi-structured interview before Semi-structured interview before training training Part 1: Personal Information Part 1: Part 2 Interview 1 ditto Part 2: description, examples and and feeling of having learned and perceived ability for each capacity development component and for the Part 2: representation of learning competency Part 3: assessment of the Part 3: expectations, concerns platform and the training and intentions regarding the Part 4: comments training DIARY COMPLETED BY EACH PERSON WRITTEN ANSWERS TO SOME QUESTIONS ASKED IN THE COURSE jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 25. Data analysis Deductive approach and systematic analysis starting from the analysis model proposed and from the definition of the competency and its components. DIMENSION 2 DIMENSION 1 INTENTIONS TO LEARNING CHANGE PRATICE DIMENSION 3 TRAINING COURSE jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 29. Dimension 1b: Capacity to exemplify jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 30. Dimension 2a: Level of confidence jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 31. Dimension 2b: Validation of practice Participants question their practice after observing videos : Sylvie notes especially that she was inclined to provide answers and information to the students too quickly. She noted that she had a tendency to easily avoid feedback and strategies. France was happy to see that she was doing more relevant things than she thought. She also noted that she was not giving enough positive reinforcement. ... jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 32. Dimension 3a Appreciation of the videos jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 33. Dimension 3a (suite) Appreciation of the learning course jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 34. Dimension 3b Feeling of having learned jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 36. Learning Learning is related to the observation of videos whose content was accompanied by : specific written definitions targeted questions on elements to be observed in videos additional explanations Learning was less systematic when none of these supplements were present jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 37. Intentions to change practice All have expressed intentions of change : inspired by teaching strategies observed inspired by catches of awareness of gaps in their practice formalized thanks to the questions and logbook Positive vicarious effect if : identification to the observed teacher identification of the feasibility of what they observe (amplified by the written supplements) The videos have validated some aspects of these teachers' practice: willingness to further progress willingness to change their practice Some consider to be less competent and to have much to change better understanding of what is this competency risk of discouragement: the course must prepare for this awareness jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 38. To keep in the platform Examples of teachers close to the realities of participants: positive vicarious effect Written content with anchor points: to analyze and exploit videos Written mediating role of the virtual trainer to support the modeling and enriching the vicarious experience Rich and comforting logbook Questions leading teachers to identify possible improvements: rich and developed descriptions Questions designed so they help define listening intentions Light tone, simple and precise vocabulary jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 39. To improve Credibility of videos Suggestion: make descriptions more specific and contextualized Suggestion: provide access to resources and documents presented in the videos. But will this promote reflective practice encouraged in the logbook? How? Which ressources ? With what explanations? The course seemed too long Have participants been victim of some cognitive overload? How many steps should contain a course? Better support engagement in a situation of online training: what is the best way? Reduce the cognitive challenge and insecurity. The observation of practice is a complex skill that develops gradually and is not immediately developped by all teachers. What is the best form of mediation? Reduce the technical constraints: bandwith, applications to install... Increase quality of videos: sound, image... jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 40. CONCLUSION RECENT RESEARCH jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 41. Opening A training course incorporating examples of practice on video and made in a training platform such as "Zoom" has a positive effect on the professional development of teachers. Some avenues and questions for further research: Define the effects of this type of training and the conditions under which they occur. But how precisely measure the effect? (EdCentric, 2005) To what extent these intentions result in meaningful change and what can be modified in the course to support this ? (Charlier, Deschryver & Peraya, 2006) Identify the best ways to use videos depending on the context of teachers. How to further increase the vicarious effect? (Colestock & Sherin, 2009; Santagata, 2009) How to choose judiciously videos to use? Difficult to predict what people will perceive and interpret. (Miller & Zhou, 2007). Derry (2007) suggests working to develop standards that would better document and enhance the videos made. Would it be more efficient to follow such a course individually or in a group? Why? What would be learnings according to one or the other of these forms? (Sherin & van Es, 2009; Borko & al., 2008) jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 42. Recent research About the use of examples of practice on video in a modeling strategy In a distance mode : (Baecher & Kung, 2011); (Fang, 2010); (Lee, Ginsburg & Preston, 2009); (Llinares & Valls, 2010); (Ria & Leblanc, 2011); (Towers & Rapke, 2011) In a hybrid mode : (Marsh, Mitchell & Adamczyk, 2010); (Ria, 2010); (Santagata & Guarino, 2011); (Dieker & al., 2009); (Galvis & Nemirovsky, 2003); (Santagata, 2009); (Santagata, Zannoni & Stigler, 2007); jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 43. Recent research (2) About video clubs In a distance mode (Liu, 2012); (So, Pow & Hung, 2009); (Wu & Kao, 2008) In a presence mode (Borko & al., 2008); (Brantlinger, Sherin, Linsenmeier, 2011); (Sherin & van ES, 2009); (van Es & Sherin, 2008); (van Es & Sherin, 2006); (van Es, 2009); (van Es, 2012); In a hybrid mode (Krammer & al., 2006); (Sherin & Van Es, 2005) jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 44. Recent research (3) About video editing as a learning strategy In a distance mode Beardsley, Cogan-Drew & Olivero, 2007); (Calandra & al., 2008); (Heintz & al., 2010); (Kong, 2010); (Lee, Ginsburg & Preston, 2009); (Olofsson, Lindberg & Stodberg, 2011); (Rich & Hannafin, 2009); (Rosaen, Lundeberg, Cooper, Fritzen & Terpstra, 2008); (Rosaen, Lundeberg, Terpstra, Cooper, Fu & Niu, 2010); (Saxena & Stevens, 2007); (Wu & Kao, 2008) In a presence mode (Brantley-Dias & al., 2008); (Fadde, Aud & Gilbert, 2009); (Zhang, Lundeberg, Koehler & Eberhardt, 2011) In a hybrid mode (Yiong-Hwee & Churchill, 2007); (Bueno de Mesquita & al., 2010); (Yerrick & al., 2005) jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 45. Recent research (4) About the use of scenarized videos as case studies In a distance mode (Chieu, Herbst, Weiss, 2011); (Rosaen, Lundeberg, Terpstra, Cooper, Fu & Niu, 2010); (Schwartz & Hartman, 2007); (Tan,Tan & Wettasinghe, 2011) In a presence mode (Burden & al., 2010); (Zhang, Lundeberg, Koehler & Eberhardt, 2011) jeudi 20 septembre 12
  • 46. Thank you very much for your attention ! jeudi 20 septembre 12