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Chapter 16
      NSAIDs and
COX- 2- Selective Inhibitors

    Je ffre y A. Ka tz , M. D .

       R2 Le e S e un g Il
Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n
          P ro s ta g la n d in P h ys io lo g y
                        Cell membrane phospholipid
   Cell membrane damage                   Phospholipase A2
                            Arachidonic acid

 Cyclooxygenase 1 & 2                                 Lipooxygenase

                   Prostaglandin G2
                                                     Leukotriene B4,

            Prostaglandin H2                         LTC4, LTD4, LTF4

Tissue specific prostaglandins synthase

   Thromboxan A2, Prostacyclin (PGI2), PGD2, PGE2, PGF2
Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n
P ro s ta g la n d in s a n d P a in : P e rip he ra l
                       a c tio n s
 Hyperalgesia 
 (1) sensitize nociceptive sensory nerve endings
      to other mediators (ex. histamine, bradykinin)
 (2) sensitize nociceptors to respond
      to non-nociceptive stimuli (ex. touch)
 PGE2 bind to receptors on nociceptive nerve ending
  phosphokinase action 
  sodium channel permeability & intracellular Na 
  reduction in the firing threshold
  low-intensity stimuli cause pain
Mechanism of Action
  Prostaglandins and Pain : Central actions

 Direct actions at the level of the spinal cord
 - enhance nociception
 - notably at terminals of sensory neurons in dorsal horn
 Enhance pain transmission
 (1) release of neurotransmitter (ex. substance P, glutamate)
     from primary nociceptive afferents 
 (2) sensitivity of second-order neurons
     responsible for nociceptive transmission 
 (3) release of descending inhibitory neurotransmitters 
Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n
    P ro s ta g la n d in s a n d P a in : Ce n tra l
                         a c tio n s
 Both COX-1 and COX-2 are present in CNS
 Intrathecal injection of selective inhibitors
  Inhibition of COX-2 and not COX-1 reduce hyperalgesia
 Inflammatory injury  COX-2 in CNS 
 - IL-6 triggers formation of IL-1β in the CNS
 - IL-1β causes increased production of COX-2 and PGE2
  hyperalgesia
 : humoral response
 : not only in segment of spinal cord of injured area
   but throughout CNS including thalamus & cerebral cortex
Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n
                COX Is o fo rm s

 Type I COX (COX-1)
 : constitutive form
 - GI cytoprotection (prostacyclin)
 - platelet aggregation (thromboxan A2)
 - maintaining of renal blood flow (prostaglandin E2)
 Type II COX (COX-2)
 : inducible form during inflammation
 - inflammation  fever, pain, headache
 - constitutive in brain and renal cortex
 - carcinogenesis
 : both in the periphery and CNS
Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n
               COX Is o fo rm ratio
                         IC50 s
                 mean inhibitory concentration of drug
                  to inhibit COX-2 vs COX-1 by 50%
 Selectivity of various NSAIDs for COX-1 vs COX-2
Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n
           COX Is o fo rm s

 Type III COX (COX-3)
 - genetic modification of COX-1 enzyme
 - present in the brain of dogs and rats
 - may play a role in CNS pain processing ?
Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n
      NS AID An a lg e s ic Ac tio n s

 Inhibit COX
 Inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators
    from neutrophils and macrophages
 Potential action sites in the CNS (in animals)
 (1) reduce hyperalgia evoked by spinal action
     of substance P and NMDA
 (2) reverse the inhibition by prostaglandin
     of descending opioid-mediated pathway
     involved in pain inhibition
 (3) central opioid mechanism
 (4) serotonin and nitric oxide
Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n
          NS AID An a lg e s ic Ac tio n s
 NSAID 가 CNS 에서 작용한다는 간접적인 증거
 - NSAID 는 BBB 를 통과한다
 - COX-2 selective inhibitor 역시 BBB 를 통과한다
 - NSAID 의 해열작용은 hypothalamus 에 대한 작용을
    기초로 한다
 Interindividual variability in pharmacodynamic response
   to NSAIDs
 - 질병의 종류에 따라 진통 효과가 더 좋은 NSAID 가 있고
 - 같은 질병에서도 환자마다 진통 효과가 더 좋은 NSAID 가 있
    진통 작용의 기전이 상당히 다양하고
     각 NSAID 의 화학적 구조에 차이가 있기 때문인 것으로
Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n
       COX- 2 S e le c tivity o f NS AIDs

 Classification of NSAIDs based on COX selectivity
 (1) irreversible inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2
    - aspirin
 (2) reversible competitive inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2
    - ibuprofen
 (3) slower, time-dependent inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2
    - flubiprofen, indomethacin
 (4) selective inhibition of COX-2
    - celecoxib, rofecoxib, valdecoxib, etoricoxib, lumericoxib
P ha rm a c o kin e tic s

 Similar pharmacokinetic characteristics
 - rapidly and extensively absorbed after oral administration
 - high protein binding  very limited tissue distribution
 - metabolized extensively in liver
 - little dependence on renal elimination
 - low clearance
 High protein binding (> 90 %)
 - in the elderly, serum albumin  & free fraction 
     efficacy  & toxicity 
 - interaction with warfarin
    cause significant risk of bleeding
P ha rm a c o kin e tic s

 There are subclasses of the drug with unique features
 Salicylates
   Differences in efficacy between NSAIDs
 (1) dose   half-life 
    (1) pharmacodynamic variability
    time to achieve steady-state blood concentration 
   예 ) 1.5 g/day  days
    (2)3pharmacokinetic differences
         g/day  more than 1 week
     - wide differences in bioavailability and elimination
 (2) displace other NSAIDs (naproxen and phenylbutazone)
        between patients
     from plasma binding sites
    free concentration  & risk of toxicity 
To xic ity
        Ga s tro in te s tin a l to xic ity

 Dyspepsia
 - upper abdominal pain
    in the absence of documented gastric mucosal damage
 - annual prevalence 15%
 - 12 weeks use : 2%-5% stopped NSAID use
                   because of dyspepsia
 GI bleeding and perforation
 - the most frequently reported significant complication
 - 7,000 deaths and 70,000 hospitalizations / year
    in the USA
To xic ity :   Ga s tro in te s tin a l to xic ity
                       S to m a c h

 NSAIDs affect
  - mucus and bicarbonate secretion
  - blood flow
  - epithelial cell turnover and repair
  - mucosal immunocyte function
 Hemorrhagic gastric erosion
 - 발생 부위 : corpus
 - 원인 : topical irritation
 - NSAIDs 복용 기간이 지속되면 acidic irritation 에 위 점막
      적응하여 topical irritation 의 정도가 약화된다고 함
To xic ity tin a l
  To xic ity : Ga s tro in te s       to xic ity
Ga s tro in te s tin a l toa c h ity - S to m a c h
                     S to m xic
   Gastric risk factors ulcer
       Other / duodenal
   - - 발생 첫 3 개월에 궤양 발생이 많다는 보고가 있으나
       투여 부위 : antral and prepyloric lesion
   - 원인 : 없다는 보고도 prostaglandin synthesis
         상관 inhibition of 있음
   - -silent ulceration is common
       H. pylori 가 NSAIDs-related gastropathy 의 위험을 증가시키지도 않
    위내시경으로 진단 받은 NSAIDs-related ulcer 환자의 70% 에서 무
    NSAIDs 가 H.pylori infection 에 영향을 주지도 않음
  Risk factors of NSAIDs gastropathy
  - 60 세 이상
  - prior history of peptic ulcer disease
  - steroid use
  - alcohol use
  - multiple NSAID use
To xic ity : Ga s tro in te s tin a l to xic ity
          S m a ll in te s tin e a n d Co lo n

  Colitis 가 악화되었다는 보고가 있음
  - 관련성이 확실히 밝혀진 것은 아님

  NSAID enteropathy
  - NSAID 관련 소장 질환
  - changes in permeability and protein wasting
  - prevented by use of misoprostol, COX-2 inhibitor
To xic ity : Ga s tro in te s tin a l to xic ity
     P re ve n tio n o f NS AID g a s tro p a thy

 Antacids & enteric coated NSAIDs
 - limited success
 Cimetidine and ranitidine
 - effective in treatment, bur not effective in prevention
 Sucralfate
 - basic aluminum salt of sucrose octasulfate
   forming a complex with proteins at an ulcer base
   stimulating prostaglandin synthesis in gastric mucosa
   promoting gastric mucus secretion
      by a prostaglandin-independent mechanism
 - side effect : low
 - preventive effect : gel formulation 이 효과가 좀 더 나음
To xic ity : Ga s tro in te s tin a l to xic ity
      P re ve n tio n o f NS AID g a s tro p a thy

 Misoprostol
 - synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E1
 - preventive effect : successful
   placebo, sucralfate 와의 비교 연구에서 좀 더 좋은 효과를 보
 - side effect : diarrhea & relatively expensive
   high risk group 환자에게 주로 투여

 Proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole)
 - preventive effect : successful
To xic ity : Re n a l to xic ity
       (1 ) Re d uc tio n in re n a l p e rfus io n

 PGE2 : in the cortex
 PGI2 : in the tubules & medullary interstitial cells
 - act as direct vasodilators
 - attenuate vasoconstrictive effects of angiotensin II,
    renal sympathetic activity, catecholamines
 Prostaglandin regulation of renal blood flow
 - clinically significant in susceptible individuals,
    but not in normal patients
 PGH2 & TXA2 : potential renal vasoconstrictors
 - renal response depend on relative amount of PGE2, PGI2,
    PGH2 and TXA2
To xic ity : Re n a l to xic ity
        (1 ) Re d uc tio n in re n a l p e rfus io n

 Susceptible individual
  : renal prostaglandin-dependent state (RPDS)
 - elevated renal sympathetic nerve and/or angiotensin II activity
     volume depletion, low cardiac output, hepatic cirrhosis
     renal ischemia, aminoglycoside toxicity
     unilateral or subtotal nephrectomy, hypertension, diabetes
 Renal blood flow 
  glomerular filtration rate 
  water and electrolyte reabsorption in proximal tubule 
  antagonize anti-hypertensive therapy
   & exacerbate congestive heart failure
To xic ity   : Re n a l to xic ity
          (2 ) Ac ute    in te rs titia l n e p hritis

        Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis
         acute overdose
        Allergic nephritis
  There is no evidence that COX-2 selective inhibitors confer
        - tubulointerstitial nephritis with proteinuria
    any additional safety benefit in terms of renal toxicity
        - treatment : steroid and dialysis
  : COX-2 is constitutively expressed in the kidney

   (3 ) Min im a l c ha n g e n e p hro tic s yn d ro m e

 Discontinuing the drug typically results in complete remission
  in a few weeks
To xic ity : He m a to lo g ic to xic ity
       (1 ) In hib itio n o f TXA2 fo rm a tio n
 PGH2  TXA2 in platelet : platelet activator, vasoconstrictor
 PGH2  PGI2 in vascular endothelium
   : platelet inhibitor, vasodilator
 When NSAIDs inhibit COX
 - platelet have no nucleus  unable to form additional COX
 - vascular endothelium  able to create more COX
 Irreversible inhibition : aspirin
 - takes 7 to 10 days for platelet to recover
 - BT tend to normalize sooner : uninhibited platelet from BM
 Reversible inhibition : non-aspirin NSAIDs
 - resolve when the drug is mostly eliminated
 - single dose of ibuprofen : 24 hours
To xic ity : He m a to lo g ic to xic ity
          (2 ) In te ra c tio n w ith w a rfa rin

 NSAIDs potentiate anticoagulant activity of warfarin
  displace the protein-bound drug  free from 
  inhibit metabolism by hepatic microsomal enzyme
 - they should used with caution, especially in the elderly

 COX-2 selective inhibitors have no effect on platelet function
    even in supra-therapeutic doses
  : lack of COX-2 in platelet
To xic ity :   He p a tic to xic ity
  Minor increase in hepatic enzymes
  Hepatocellular injury
  Mechanism is not clear
  - seems to be immunologic or metabolic
  - dose-related toxicity : aspirin and acetaminophen

To xic ity :   Effe c ts o n b o n e h e a lin g
  NSAIDs inhibit bone healing?
  - NSAIDs 가 fracture healing 에 영향을 준다는 보고와
     관련이 없다는 상반되는 보고들이 함께 존재
  - 관련이 있다는 보고 중 lumbar fusion fail 보고가 있
  - COX-2 inhibitor 가 non-selective NSAIDs 보다
To xic ity
 As p irin - in d uc e d As thm a

 About 10% of asthmatics
 Not a true allergy, skin test : negative
 Blocking of COX pathway
   lipooxygenase pathway 
   leukotriene C4 and other leukotriene 
   severe bronchospasm
 COX-2 selective inhibitor
 - 이론상 bronchospasm 유발하지 않음
 - 몇몇 연구가 이를 뒷받침하고 있음
S p e c ific Drug s
Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture

 Aspirin
 - dose   elimination half life 
 - peak blood levels a hour after an oral dose
 - Reye’s syndrome : limited use in children
 Diflunisal
 Choline magnesium trisalicylate and salsalate
S p e c ific Drug s
    Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture

 Analgesic and Antipyretic Ceiling effect
 Inhibition central prostaglandin synthesis 증가하다가
                    약물의 농도가 증가할수록 효과도
                      어느 순간부터 농도가 증가해도 효과는
   (endogenous pyrogen)
                     그대로이거나 아주 조금만 증가하는 현상
  direct action 하지만 이 시점 이후에도 부작용은 계속 증가한다
                  on hypothalamic heat-regulating centers
 No significant peripheral prostaglandin synthesis
 Little additional benefit is seen at dose above 650 mg
 Almost entirely metabolized in the liver
 Minor metabolites are responsible for hepatotoxicity
    seen in overdose
S p e c ific Drug s
     Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture

    Acetic Acid Derivatives (1)
  Indomethacin : side effects , clinical use is limited
  Sulindac : relatively lower GI toxicity
  Etodolac : fewer side effects, notable COX-2 selectivity
  Ketorolac : the only parenteral NSAID in USA
 - anti-inflammatory
 - analgesic (naproxen 의 50 배 ), antipyretic (aspirin 의 20
 - for moderate postoperative pain treatment
  : morphin 과 유사한 진통 효과를 보이면서 부작용은 적음
- potential alternative to fentanyl for intra-operative use
- oral ketorolac : GI toxicity 때문에 사용이 제한됨
S p e c ific Drug s
   Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture

 Acetic Acid Derivatives (2)

 Diclofenac : parenteral use in Europe
 - high first-pass effect  low oral bioavailability
 - higher incidence of hepatotoxicity

 Propionic Acid Derivatives

 Ibuprofen, fenoprofen, ketoprofen, flubiprofen, naproxen
S p e c ific Drug s
    Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture

  Oxicam Derivatives
 Piroxicam
 - time to peak concentration  time to achieve steady-state 
 - elimination half-life 
 -  allow once-daily dosing
 Meroxicam

  Pyrazolone Derivatives
 Phenylbutazone
 - very effective antiinflammatory and analgesic
 - aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis
S p e c ific Drug s
 Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture

Anthranilic Acid Derivatives

  Mefenamic acid : severe pancytopenia
  Meclofenamate : a high incidence of GI toxicity


  Nabumetone
  - relative COX-2 selectivity
  - “non-acidic” chemical structure
    : minimal topical injury to the gastric mucosa
Hig hly S e le c tive COX- 2 In hib ito rs
Celecoxib, Rofecoxib, Valdecoxib, Etoricoxib, Lumericoxib

   Do not inhibit COX-1 in supra-therapeutic concentrations
   GI morbidity  & Effects on platelet function 
   Effects on Bone healing ?
   Renal effects : the same as nonselective NSAIDs
   Antiinflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic
   Lower dose for chronic pain & higher dose for acute pain

                  Bioavailability   Half-life
                                             Higher affinity to
      Rofecoxib        0.93         11 hours COX-2 enzyme
      Celecoxib                     17 hoursOnce-daily single dose
     Valdecoxib        0.83         8.11 hours
Hig hly S e le c tive COX- 2 In hib ito rs
Celecoxib, Rofecoxib, Valdecoxib, Etoricoxib, Lumericoxib
  Parecoxib
  - the only parenteral COX-2-selective inhibitor
  - 간에서 valdecoxib 으로 전환되어 작용함
  - ketorolac 과 유사한 효과가 있으면서 부작용은 적음
  Rofecoxib
  - nonfatal MI, hypertension, peripheral edema 등의
       발병률이 증가한다는 보고들이 있음
  - high dose 에서만 증가한다는 보고와 high dose & low
       상관없이 증가한다는 보고들이 함께 공존
  - 기전은 아직 밝혀지지 않음
  - 다른 COX-2 inhibitor 에서는 아직까지 MI 나 HTN 이
       증가한다는 보고는 없었음
Combination Drugs
    In an effort to enhance the efficacy and safety
    Ibuprofen + hydrocodone
    Diclofenac + misoprostol
    Caffeine + aspirin / acetaminophen / ibuprofen

    Role in Acute Pain Management
 NSAIDs play a key role in acute pain management
 Synergy to opioid analgesia
 - 진통 효과 과
 - opioid 투여 용량을 감소시켜서 opioid 로 인한 부작용
Role in Acute Pain Management


 Dose-response relationship up to ceiling effect
  in terms of analgesic efficacy
 For chronic use  the lowest effective dose
 When attempting to decrease postoperative opioid use
  and prevent severe pain  the maximum dose
 - 불충분한 용량 투여 시 진통 효과 onset time 이 훨씬 길어진
 - sedation, nausea, respiratory depression 부작용이 없으므로
    최대 용량을 투여해도 문제가 되지 않는다
Role in Acute Pain Management


 진통제를 수술 전에 주는가 후에 주는가 자체가
   질병의 경과에 크게 중요한 것은 아니나
   환자의 만족도를 고려한다면
   통증 경험 전에 주는 것이 훨씬 좋다

 NSAIDs 는
  sedation 이나 respiratory depression 의 부작용이 없기 때문
    마취 전이나 마취 도중 또는 마취에서 깨어나기 바로 전에
     주어도 괜찮으며
    부분 마취 또는 국소 마취 중 어느 때에 투여해도 괜찮다
Role in Acute Pain Management

 Antiplatelet effect & bleeding
 - 이러한 문제 때문에 수술 전 , 중 , 후에 NSAIDs 투여를
    꺼려 할 수 있다
 - 하지만 COX-2-selective inhibitor 를 투여함으로 해결 가능하

 Renal toxicity
 - 마취로 인한 renal blood flow 감소 , 수술로 인한 출혈 ,
   renal toxic agent (aminoglycoside, radiographic dyes 등 ) 의
    투여는 NSAIDs renal toxicity 의 위험을 증가시킨다
 - 신기능 부전 환자나 single kidney 환자에게는 NSAIDs 투여

 NSAIDs are antihyperalgesic and analgesic compounds
 - cyclooxygenase inhibition  prostaglandin synthesis 
 - largely based on actions in the CNS
 - peripheral mechanism : synergistic
 - analgesic benefits are not necessarily related to
    their anti-inflammatory capabilities
 COX-1 : constitutive
 - protecting GI mucosa, facilitating platelet aggregation
 COX-2 : inducible
 - involved in pain and inflammation

 Nonselective NSAID toxicity
 - NSAIDs gastropathy and gastroduodenal ulcers
 - reduced platelet aggregation
 - aspirin-induced asthma
 Both nonselective NSAID and selective COX-2 toxicity
 - reduced renal function
 - reduced bone healing
 - rare hepatic toxicity
 NSAIDs are extremely effective
    in enhancing opioid analgesia postoperatively
 - reducing opioid requirement
 - providing better pain control

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Ns Sai Ds

  • 1. Chapter 16 NSAIDs and COX- 2- Selective Inhibitors Je ffre y A. Ka tz , M. D . R2 Le e S e un g Il
  • 2. Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n P ro s ta g la n d in P h ys io lo g y Cell membrane phospholipid Cell membrane damage Phospholipase A2 Arachidonic acid Cyclooxygenase 1 & 2 Lipooxygenase Prostaglandin G2 Leukotriene B4, Prostaglandin H2 LTC4, LTD4, LTF4 Tissue specific prostaglandins synthase Thromboxan A2, Prostacyclin (PGI2), PGD2, PGE2, PGF2
  • 3. Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n P ro s ta g la n d in s a n d P a in : P e rip he ra l a c tio n s  Hyperalgesia  (1) sensitize nociceptive sensory nerve endings to other mediators (ex. histamine, bradykinin) (2) sensitize nociceptors to respond to non-nociceptive stimuli (ex. touch)  PGE2 bind to receptors on nociceptive nerve ending  phosphokinase action   sodium channel permeability & intracellular Na   reduction in the firing threshold  low-intensity stimuli cause pain
  • 4. Mechanism of Action Prostaglandins and Pain : Central actions  Direct actions at the level of the spinal cord - enhance nociception - notably at terminals of sensory neurons in dorsal horn  Enhance pain transmission (1) release of neurotransmitter (ex. substance P, glutamate) from primary nociceptive afferents  (2) sensitivity of second-order neurons responsible for nociceptive transmission  (3) release of descending inhibitory neurotransmitters 
  • 5. Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n P ro s ta g la n d in s a n d P a in : Ce n tra l a c tio n s  Both COX-1 and COX-2 are present in CNS  Intrathecal injection of selective inhibitors  Inhibition of COX-2 and not COX-1 reduce hyperalgesia  Inflammatory injury  COX-2 in CNS  - IL-6 triggers formation of IL-1β in the CNS - IL-1β causes increased production of COX-2 and PGE2  hyperalgesia : humoral response : not only in segment of spinal cord of injured area but throughout CNS including thalamus & cerebral cortex
  • 6. Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n COX Is o fo rm s  Type I COX (COX-1) : constitutive form - GI cytoprotection (prostacyclin) - platelet aggregation (thromboxan A2) - maintaining of renal blood flow (prostaglandin E2)  Type II COX (COX-2) : inducible form during inflammation - inflammation  fever, pain, headache - constitutive in brain and renal cortex - carcinogenesis : both in the periphery and CNS
  • 7. Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n COX Is o fo rm ratio IC50 s mean inhibitory concentration of drug to inhibit COX-2 vs COX-1 by 50%  Selectivity of various NSAIDs for COX-1 vs COX-2
  • 8. Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n COX Is o fo rm s  Type III COX (COX-3) - genetic modification of COX-1 enzyme - present in the brain of dogs and rats - may play a role in CNS pain processing ?
  • 9. Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n NS AID An a lg e s ic Ac tio n s  Inhibit COX  Inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators from neutrophils and macrophages  Potential action sites in the CNS (in animals) (1) reduce hyperalgia evoked by spinal action of substance P and NMDA (2) reverse the inhibition by prostaglandin of descending opioid-mediated pathway involved in pain inhibition (3) central opioid mechanism (4) serotonin and nitric oxide
  • 10. Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n NS AID An a lg e s ic Ac tio n s  NSAID 가 CNS 에서 작용한다는 간접적인 증거 - NSAID 는 BBB 를 통과한다 - COX-2 selective inhibitor 역시 BBB 를 통과한다 - NSAID 의 해열작용은 hypothalamus 에 대한 작용을 기초로 한다  Interindividual variability in pharmacodynamic response to NSAIDs - 질병의 종류에 따라 진통 효과가 더 좋은 NSAID 가 있고 - 같은 질병에서도 환자마다 진통 효과가 더 좋은 NSAID 가 있 다 진통 작용의 기전이 상당히 다양하고 각 NSAID 의 화학적 구조에 차이가 있기 때문인 것으로
  • 11. Me c ha n is m o f Ac tio n COX- 2 S e le c tivity o f NS AIDs  Classification of NSAIDs based on COX selectivity (1) irreversible inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 - aspirin (2) reversible competitive inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 - ibuprofen (3) slower, time-dependent inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 - flubiprofen, indomethacin (4) selective inhibition of COX-2 - celecoxib, rofecoxib, valdecoxib, etoricoxib, lumericoxib
  • 12. P ha rm a c o kin e tic s  Similar pharmacokinetic characteristics - rapidly and extensively absorbed after oral administration - high protein binding  very limited tissue distribution - metabolized extensively in liver - little dependence on renal elimination - low clearance  High protein binding (> 90 %) - in the elderly, serum albumin  & free fraction   efficacy  & toxicity  - interaction with warfarin  cause significant risk of bleeding
  • 13. P ha rm a c o kin e tic s  There are subclasses of the drug with unique features  Salicylates  Differences in efficacy between NSAIDs (1) dose   half-life  (1) pharmacodynamic variability  time to achieve steady-state blood concentration  예 ) 1.5 g/day  days 2 (2)3pharmacokinetic differences g/day  more than 1 week - wide differences in bioavailability and elimination (2) displace other NSAIDs (naproxen and phenylbutazone) between patients from plasma binding sites  free concentration  & risk of toxicity 
  • 14. To xic ity Ga s tro in te s tin a l to xic ity  Dyspepsia - upper abdominal pain in the absence of documented gastric mucosal damage - annual prevalence 15% - 12 weeks use : 2%-5% stopped NSAID use because of dyspepsia  GI bleeding and perforation - the most frequently reported significant complication - 7,000 deaths and 70,000 hospitalizations / year in the USA
  • 15. To xic ity : Ga s tro in te s tin a l to xic ity S to m a c h  NSAIDs affect - mucus and bicarbonate secretion - blood flow - epithelial cell turnover and repair - mucosal immunocyte function  Hemorrhagic gastric erosion - 발생 부위 : corpus - 원인 : topical irritation - NSAIDs 복용 기간이 지속되면 acidic irritation 에 위 점막 이 적응하여 topical irritation 의 정도가 약화된다고 함
  • 16. To xic ity tin a l To xic ity : Ga s tro in te s to xic ity Ga s tro in te s tin a l toa c h ity - S to m a c h S to m xic   Gastric risk factors ulcer Other / duodenal - - 발생 첫 3 개월에 궤양 발생이 많다는 보고가 있으나 투여 부위 : antral and prepyloric lesion - 원인 : 없다는 보고도 prostaglandin synthesis 상관 inhibition of 있음 - -silent ulceration is common H. pylori 가 NSAIDs-related gastropathy 의 위험을 증가시키지도 않 :고 위내시경으로 진단 받은 NSAIDs-related ulcer 환자의 70% 에서 무 증상 NSAIDs 가 H.pylori infection 에 영향을 주지도 않음  Risk factors of NSAIDs gastropathy - 60 세 이상 - prior history of peptic ulcer disease - steroid use - alcohol use - multiple NSAID use
  • 17. To xic ity : Ga s tro in te s tin a l to xic ity S m a ll in te s tin e a n d Co lo n  Colitis 가 악화되었다는 보고가 있음 - 관련성이 확실히 밝혀진 것은 아님  NSAID enteropathy - NSAID 관련 소장 질환 - changes in permeability and protein wasting - prevented by use of misoprostol, COX-2 inhibitor
  • 18. To xic ity : Ga s tro in te s tin a l to xic ity P re ve n tio n o f NS AID g a s tro p a thy  Antacids & enteric coated NSAIDs - limited success  Cimetidine and ranitidine - effective in treatment, bur not effective in prevention  Sucralfate - basic aluminum salt of sucrose octasulfate  forming a complex with proteins at an ulcer base  stimulating prostaglandin synthesis in gastric mucosa  promoting gastric mucus secretion by a prostaglandin-independent mechanism - side effect : low - preventive effect : gel formulation 이 효과가 좀 더 나음
  • 19. To xic ity : Ga s tro in te s tin a l to xic ity P re ve n tio n o f NS AID g a s tro p a thy  Misoprostol - synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E1 - preventive effect : successful  placebo, sucralfate 와의 비교 연구에서 좀 더 좋은 효과를 보 임 - side effect : diarrhea & relatively expensive  high risk group 환자에게 주로 투여  Proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole) - preventive effect : successful
  • 20. To xic ity : Re n a l to xic ity (1 ) Re d uc tio n in re n a l p e rfus io n  PGE2 : in the cortex  PGI2 : in the tubules & medullary interstitial cells - act as direct vasodilators - attenuate vasoconstrictive effects of angiotensin II, renal sympathetic activity, catecholamines  Prostaglandin regulation of renal blood flow - clinically significant in susceptible individuals, but not in normal patients  PGH2 & TXA2 : potential renal vasoconstrictors - renal response depend on relative amount of PGE2, PGI2, PGH2 and TXA2
  • 21. To xic ity : Re n a l to xic ity (1 ) Re d uc tio n in re n a l p e rfus io n  Susceptible individual : renal prostaglandin-dependent state (RPDS) - elevated renal sympathetic nerve and/or angiotensin II activity volume depletion, low cardiac output, hepatic cirrhosis renal ischemia, aminoglycoside toxicity unilateral or subtotal nephrectomy, hypertension, diabetes  Renal blood flow   glomerular filtration rate   water and electrolyte reabsorption in proximal tubule   antagonize anti-hypertensive therapy & exacerbate congestive heart failure
  • 22. To xic ity : Re n a l to xic ity (2 ) Ac ute in te rs titia l n e p hritis  Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis  acute overdose  Allergic nephritis  There is no evidence that COX-2 selective inhibitors confer - tubulointerstitial nephritis with proteinuria any additional safety benefit in terms of renal toxicity - treatment : steroid and dialysis : COX-2 is constitutively expressed in the kidney (3 ) Min im a l c ha n g e n e p hro tic s yn d ro m e  Discontinuing the drug typically results in complete remission in a few weeks
  • 23. To xic ity : He m a to lo g ic to xic ity (1 ) In hib itio n o f TXA2 fo rm a tio n  PGH2  TXA2 in platelet : platelet activator, vasoconstrictor  PGH2  PGI2 in vascular endothelium : platelet inhibitor, vasodilator  When NSAIDs inhibit COX - platelet have no nucleus  unable to form additional COX - vascular endothelium  able to create more COX  Irreversible inhibition : aspirin - takes 7 to 10 days for platelet to recover - BT tend to normalize sooner : uninhibited platelet from BM  Reversible inhibition : non-aspirin NSAIDs - resolve when the drug is mostly eliminated - single dose of ibuprofen : 24 hours
  • 24. To xic ity : He m a to lo g ic to xic ity (2 ) In te ra c tio n w ith w a rfa rin  NSAIDs potentiate anticoagulant activity of warfarin  displace the protein-bound drug  free from   inhibit metabolism by hepatic microsomal enzyme - they should used with caution, especially in the elderly  COX-2 selective inhibitors have no effect on platelet function even in supra-therapeutic doses : lack of COX-2 in platelet
  • 25. To xic ity : He p a tic to xic ity  Minor increase in hepatic enzymes  Hepatocellular injury  Mechanism is not clear - seems to be immunologic or metabolic - dose-related toxicity : aspirin and acetaminophen To xic ity : Effe c ts o n b o n e h e a lin g  NSAIDs inhibit bone healing? - NSAIDs 가 fracture healing 에 영향을 준다는 보고와 관련이 없다는 상반되는 보고들이 함께 존재 - 관련이 있다는 보고 중 lumbar fusion fail 보고가 있 음 - COX-2 inhibitor 가 non-selective NSAIDs 보다
  • 26. To xic ity As p irin - in d uc e d As thm a  About 10% of asthmatics  Not a true allergy, skin test : negative  Blocking of COX pathway  lipooxygenase pathway   leukotriene C4 and other leukotriene   severe bronchospasm  COX-2 selective inhibitor - 이론상 bronchospasm 유발하지 않음 - 몇몇 연구가 이를 뒷받침하고 있음
  • 27. S p e c ific Drug s Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture Salicylates  Aspirin - dose   elimination half life  - peak blood levels a hour after an oral dose - Reye’s syndrome : limited use in children  Diflunisal  Choline magnesium trisalicylate and salsalate
  • 28. S p e c ific Drug s Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture Acetaminophen  Analgesic and Antipyretic Ceiling effect  Inhibition central prostaglandin synthesis 증가하다가 약물의 농도가 증가할수록 효과도 어느 순간부터 농도가 증가해도 효과는 (endogenous pyrogen) 그대로이거나 아주 조금만 증가하는 현상  direct action 하지만 이 시점 이후에도 부작용은 계속 증가한다 on hypothalamic heat-regulating centers  No significant peripheral prostaglandin synthesis  Little additional benefit is seen at dose above 650 mg  Almost entirely metabolized in the liver  Minor metabolites are responsible for hepatotoxicity seen in overdose
  • 29. S p e c ific Drug s Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture Acetic Acid Derivatives (1)  Indomethacin : side effects , clinical use is limited  Sulindac : relatively lower GI toxicity  Etodolac : fewer side effects, notable COX-2 selectivity  Ketorolac : the only parenteral NSAID in USA - anti-inflammatory - analgesic (naproxen 의 50 배 ), antipyretic (aspirin 의 20 배) - for moderate postoperative pain treatment : morphin 과 유사한 진통 효과를 보이면서 부작용은 적음 - potential alternative to fentanyl for intra-operative use - oral ketorolac : GI toxicity 때문에 사용이 제한됨
  • 30. S p e c ific Drug s Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture Acetic Acid Derivatives (2)  Diclofenac : parenteral use in Europe - high first-pass effect  low oral bioavailability - higher incidence of hepatotoxicity Propionic Acid Derivatives  Ibuprofen, fenoprofen, ketoprofen, flubiprofen, naproxen
  • 31. S p e c ific Drug s Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture Oxicam Derivatives  Piroxicam - time to peak concentration  time to achieve steady-state  - elimination half-life  -  allow once-daily dosing  Meroxicam Pyrazolone Derivatives  Phenylbutazone - very effective antiinflammatory and analgesic - aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis
  • 32. S p e c ific Drug s Cla s s ific a tio n b y c he m ic a l s truc ture Anthranilic Acid Derivatives  Mefenamic acid : severe pancytopenia  Meclofenamate : a high incidence of GI toxicity Naphthyalkanones  Nabumetone - relative COX-2 selectivity - “non-acidic” chemical structure : minimal topical injury to the gastric mucosa
  • 33. Hig hly S e le c tive COX- 2 In hib ito rs Celecoxib, Rofecoxib, Valdecoxib, Etoricoxib, Lumericoxib  Do not inhibit COX-1 in supra-therapeutic concentrations  GI morbidity  & Effects on platelet function   Effects on Bone healing ?  Renal effects : the same as nonselective NSAIDs  Antiinflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic  Lower dose for chronic pain & higher dose for acute pain Bioavailability Half-life Higher affinity to Rofecoxib 0.93 11 hours COX-2 enzyme Celecoxib 17 hoursOnce-daily single dose Valdecoxib 0.83 8.11 hours
  • 34. Hig hly S e le c tive COX- 2 In hib ito rs Celecoxib, Rofecoxib, Valdecoxib, Etoricoxib, Lumericoxib  Parecoxib - the only parenteral COX-2-selective inhibitor - 간에서 valdecoxib 으로 전환되어 작용함 - ketorolac 과 유사한 효과가 있으면서 부작용은 적음  Rofecoxib - nonfatal MI, hypertension, peripheral edema 등의 발병률이 증가한다는 보고들이 있음 - high dose 에서만 증가한다는 보고와 high dose & low dose 상관없이 증가한다는 보고들이 함께 공존 - 기전은 아직 밝혀지지 않음 - 다른 COX-2 inhibitor 에서는 아직까지 MI 나 HTN 이 증가한다는 보고는 없었음
  • 35. Combination Drugs  In an effort to enhance the efficacy and safety  Ibuprofen + hydrocodone  Diclofenac + misoprostol  Caffeine + aspirin / acetaminophen / ibuprofen Role in Acute Pain Management  NSAIDs play a key role in acute pain management  Synergy to opioid analgesia - 진통 효과 과 - opioid 투여 용량을 감소시켜서 opioid 로 인한 부작용 용
  • 36. Role in Acute Pain Management Dosing  Dose-response relationship up to ceiling effect in terms of analgesic efficacy  For chronic use  the lowest effective dose  When attempting to decrease postoperative opioid use and prevent severe pain  the maximum dose - 불충분한 용량 투여 시 진통 효과 onset time 이 훨씬 길어진 다 - sedation, nausea, respiratory depression 부작용이 없으므로 최대 용량을 투여해도 문제가 되지 않는다
  • 37. Role in Acute Pain Management Timing  진통제를 수술 전에 주는가 후에 주는가 자체가 질병의 경과에 크게 중요한 것은 아니나 환자의 만족도를 고려한다면 통증 경험 전에 주는 것이 훨씬 좋다  NSAIDs 는 sedation 이나 respiratory depression 의 부작용이 없기 때문 에 마취 전이나 마취 도중 또는 마취에서 깨어나기 바로 전에 주어도 괜찮으며 부분 마취 또는 국소 마취 중 어느 때에 투여해도 괜찮다
  • 38. Role in Acute Pain Management Toxicity  Antiplatelet effect & bleeding - 이러한 문제 때문에 수술 전 , 중 , 후에 NSAIDs 투여를 꺼려 할 수 있다 - 하지만 COX-2-selective inhibitor 를 투여함으로 해결 가능하 다  Renal toxicity - 마취로 인한 renal blood flow 감소 , 수술로 인한 출혈 , renal toxic agent (aminoglycoside, radiographic dyes 등 ) 의 투여는 NSAIDs renal toxicity 의 위험을 증가시킨다 - 신기능 부전 환자나 single kidney 환자에게는 NSAIDs 투여 를
  • 39. KEY POINTS  NSAIDs are antihyperalgesic and analgesic compounds - cyclooxygenase inhibition  prostaglandin synthesis  - largely based on actions in the CNS - peripheral mechanism : synergistic - analgesic benefits are not necessarily related to their anti-inflammatory capabilities  COX-1 : constitutive - protecting GI mucosa, facilitating platelet aggregation  COX-2 : inducible - involved in pain and inflammation
  • 40. KEY POINTS  Nonselective NSAID toxicity - NSAIDs gastropathy and gastroduodenal ulcers - reduced platelet aggregation - aspirin-induced asthma  Both nonselective NSAID and selective COX-2 toxicity - reduced renal function - reduced bone healing - rare hepatic toxicity  NSAIDs are extremely effective in enhancing opioid analgesia postoperatively - reducing opioid requirement - providing better pain control