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Maven Plugins EvgenyGoldin <groupId>com.goldin.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-xyz-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.2.2</version>
maven-copy-plugin Copies, packs, unpacks, downloads, uploads ..  .. files, archives, Maven <dependencies> maven-properties-plugin Creates new Maven properties at run-time .. .. evaluating Groovy expressions!  maven-jenkins-plugin Generates Hudson/Jenkins jobs Organizes them hierarchically in a single POM
maven-assert-plugin Verifies files exist, properties defined, etc. Verifies any Groovy expression! maven-mail-plugin Sends e-mails with attachments from Maven Works great for build-time reports maven-spring-batch-plugin Invokes Spring Batch job as part of Maven build
Copies, packs, unpacks, downloads, uploads ..  .. files, archives, Maven <dependencies> Filters and replaces content Updates archives Unpacks Zip entries Downloads and uploadsfrom/to HTTP, SCP, FTP Built-in Groovy support
<groupId>com.goldin.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-copy-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.2.2</version>
<configuration>: <configuration> <resources>         <resource>..</resource>         <resource>..</resource> </resources> <configuration>
Copy files: <resource> <targetPath>target directory</targetPath> <directory>base directory</directory> <include>**/*.xml, *.txt, **/lib/*.jar</include> <exclude>**/*-template.xml</exclude> </resource>
Copy file: <resource>     <targetPath>target directory</targetPath> <file>file to copy</file> </resource>
Filter files: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <directory>..</directory>     <include>..</include> <filtering>true</filtering> </resource>
Replace content – single <replace>: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <file>..</file> <replace>         <from>regular expression</from>         <to>replacement  content</to>     </replace> </resource>
Replace content - multiple <replaces>: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <file>..</file> <replaces>         <replace>..</replace>         <replace>..</replace>     </replaces> </resource>
<filter> + <replace>: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <file>..</file> <filtering>true</filtering> <replace>..</replaces> </resource>
Copy <dependency>: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath> <dependency>         <groupId>..</groupId>         <artifactId>..</artifactId> </dependency> </resource>
Copy <dependencies>: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath> <dependencies>         <dependency>..</dependency>         <dependency>..</dependency> </dependencies> </resource>
Pack archive: <resource>     <targetPath>path/</targetPath>     <directory>..</directory>     <include>..</include> <pack>true</pack> </resource>
Formats supported: Zip, jar, war, ear, hpi Tar, tar.gz, tgz Tar.bz2, tzp, tbz2 Ant + TrueZip
Update archive: <resource>     <targetPath>path/</targetPath>     <directory>..</directory>     <include>..</include>     <pack>true</pack>     <update>true</update> </resource>
Attachartifact: <resource>     <targetPath>path/</targetPath>     <directory>..</directory>     <include>..</include>     <pack>true</pack>     <attachArtifact>true</attachArtifact> </resource>
Deployartifact: <resource>     <targetPath>path/</targetPath>     <directory>..</directory>     <include>..</include>     <pack>true</pack> <deploy>repoUrl|groupId|artifactId|version</deploy> </resource>
Unpack archive: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <file>some/</directory>     <unpack>true</unpack> </resource>
Formats supported: Zip, jar, war, ear, hpi Tar, tar.gz, tgz Tar.bz2, tzp, tbz2 Ant + TrueZip
Unpack archives: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <directory>..</directory>     <include>*.jar, *.zip, *.tar.gz</include>     <unpack>true</unpack> </resource>
Unpack <dependency>: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath> <dependency>         <groupId>..</groupId>         <artifactId>..</artifactId> </dependency>     <unpack>true</unpack> </resource>
Unpack <dependencies>: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath> <dependencies>         <dependency>..</dependency>         <dependency>..</dependency> </dependencies>     <unpack>true</unpack> </resource>
Unpack Zip entry: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <file>path/</file> <zipEntry>entry/path/file.txt</zipEntry>     <unpack>true</unpack> </resource>
Unpack Zip entries (1): <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <file>path/</file> <zipEntry>entry/**/*.txt</zipEntry>     <unpack>true</unpack> </resource>
Unpack Zip entries (2): <resource>     <zipEntries> <zipEntry>..</zipEntry> <zipEntry>..</zipEntry> </zipEntries>     <unpack>true</unpack> </resource>
Download files – network drive: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath> <directory>networkrive</directory>     <include>..</include>     <exclude>..</exclude> </resource>
Download file – HTTP: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath> <file>http://host/file</file> </resource>
Download file – SCP: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <directory>scp://user:pass@host:/file</directory> </resource>
Download files – FTP: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <directory>ftp://user:pass@host:/path</directory> <include>..</include> <exclude>..</exclude> </resource>
Download files – FTP + wget: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <directory>ftp://user:pass@host:/path</directory> <include>..</include> <wget>wget.exe</wget> </resource>
Download + unpack: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     http / scp / ftp <unpack>true</unpack> </resource>
Upload files – network drive: <resource>     <targetPath>networkrive</targetPath>     <directory>..</directory>     <include>..</include> </resource>
Upload files – SCP: <resource>     <targetPath>scp://user:pass@host:/dir</targetPath>     <directory>..</directory>     <include>..</include> </resource>
Upload files – FTP: <resource>     <targetPath>ftp://user:pass@host:/dir</targetPath>     <directory>..</directory>     <include>..</include> </resource>
Delete files: <resource>     <directory>..</directory>     <include>..</include> <clean>true</clean>     <cleanEmptyDirectories>true</cleanEmptyDirectories> </resource>
Create file (= copy other file + <replace>): <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     <file>${project.basedir}/pom.xml</file> <replace><to>new content</to></replace>     <destFileName>newName.txt</destFileName> </resource>
Create directory: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath> <mkdir>true</mkdir> </resource>
Groovy support - <runIf>: <configuration> <runIf>{{ Groovy Expression }}</runIf>     <resource> <runIf>{{ Groovy Expression }}</runIf>         // Boolean.valueOf( String.valueOf( returnValue ))     </resource> </configuration>
Groovy support - <description>: <resource>     <description>Time: {{ new Date() }}</description>     …     </resource> Logs <resource> start, end, and execution time in ms.
Groovy support - <replace>: <resource>     …     <replace> <to>File updated at: {{ new Date() }}</to>         <groovy>true</groovy>     </replace> </resource>
Groovy support – FTP download + <listFilter>: <resource>     FTP download     <wget>wget.exe</wget> <listFilter>{{ files.keySet().findAll{ .. }  }}</listFilter> </resource> Filters files to download.
Groovy support - <filter>: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     … <filter>{{ files.findAll{ .. }  }}</filter> </resource> Filters files to copy, pack, unpack, etc.
Groovy support - <process>: <resource>     <targetPath>..</targetPath>     … <process>{{ println “Files: $files” }}</process> </resource> Processes files after they are copied, packed, etc.
Groovy support - context: “project” - org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject “session” - org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession “mavenVersion” All Maven and System properties <this-property> => “thisProperty” “”          => “osName” {{ new File( project.basedir, “pom.xml” ) }}
Creates new Mavenpropertiesatrun time ..  .. evaluatingGroovy expressions! Works best in combinationwith <runIf> Allowscreatingdynamic content for the mail plugin
<groupId>com.goldin.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-properties-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.2.2</version>
<configuration>: <configuration>     <properties> <property>..</property> <property>..</property>     </properties> </configuration>
<property>: <property>     <name>propertyTrue</name> <value>{{ 't' + 'r' + 'u' + 'e' }}</value> </property> … <runIf>{{ propertyTrue }}</runIf> <runIf>{{ ! Boolean.valueOf( propertyTrue ) }}</runIf>
Groovycontext: “project” - org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject “session” - org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession “mavenVersion” All Maven and System properties <this-property> => “thisProperty” “”          => “osName” {{ project.basedir.canonicalPath }}
Generates Hudson/Jenkins jobs Definesthem in a single POM Jobs canformhierarchicall groups (reuse!) Supports jobs invocation Supports Artifactory deployment
<groupId>com.goldin.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-jenkins-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.2.2</version>
<configuration> : <configuration>     <outputDirectory>.jenkins/jobs</outputDirectory>     <jobs> <job>..</job> <job>..</job>     </jobs> </configuration>
<job> : <job> <id>jobName</id>     <mavenName>apache-maven-2.2.1</mavenName> <mavenOpts>-Xmx256m</mavenOpts>     <mavenGoals>–e –B –U clean install</mavenGoals>     … </job>
<job> : <jdkName> <pom> <repositories> <privateRepository> <mail> … All standard job configuration options.
Extending <job> (1): <job> <id>baseJob</id> <abstract>true</abstract>     <jdkName>..</jdkName>        <mavenName>..</mavenName>     <mavenGoals>..</mavenGoals> </job>
Extending <job> (2): <job>     <id>jobName</id> <parent>baseJob</parent>     <repository>..</repository> </job> Only job-specific values are specified.
Description Table:
Invoking jobs: <job>     <id>jobName</id>… <invoke>         <jobs>jobA, jobB, jobC</jobs>     </invoke> </job>
Invoking jobs - conditions: <invoke>     <jobs>jobA, jobB, jobC</jobs>     <always>false</always> <stable>true</stable> <unstable>false</unstable> <failed>false</failed> </invoke>
Artifactory deployment: <job> <artifactory>         <name>http://host/artifactory</name>         <user>deployer</user>         <scrambledPassword>..</scrambledPassword> </artifactory> </job>
Environments supported: SCM: Subversion, Git, CVS, NullSCM (none) Maven jobs Free-style jobs Plugins required: “Parameterized Trigger Plugin” v2.4 or higher “ArtifactoryPlugin” v1.3.4 or higher
Build assertions! Propertiesdefined Files exist Directories identical Groovy expressions evaluate to true Wasdriven by plugins tests
<groupId>com.goldin.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-assert-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.2.2</version>
<configuration> : <configuration>     <assertProperties>..</assertProperties>     <assertFiles>..</assertFiles>     <assertEqual>..</assertEqual>     <assertGroovy>..</assertGroovy> </configuration>
<assertProperties> : <assertProperties>     job-parameter     BUILD_NUMBER     JENKINS_URL </assertProperties> Makes sure all job parameters are specified.
<assertFiles> : <assertFiles>     ${data-files}/*.xml     ${}/setup.tar.gz     ${}/ini </assertFiles> Makes sure all files and directories are created.
<assertEqual> : <assertEqual>      ${dir}/expected|${outputDir}/result     ${dir}/expected|${outputDir}/result|**/*.xml </assertEqual> Makes sure directories are identical (+/- pattern).
<assertGroovy> : <assertGroovy>  project.basedir.directorySize() > 0     timestamp ==~ /^{2} + {4}, {2}:{2}:{2}$/ </assertGroovy> Evaluates «assertline» for each line (power assert!)
Groovycontext: File.directorySize() Object.splitWith() – see GCommons “project” - org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject “session” - org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession “mavenVersion” All Maven and System properties
Sends e-mails with attachments from Maven Works great for build-time reports Properties plugin allows for dynamic content
<groupId>com.goldin.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-mail-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.2.2</version>
<configuration>: <configuration> <smtp>..</smtp>     <from>..</from>     <mails><to>..</to></mails>     <subject>..</subject>     <text>..</text> </configuration>
<mails>: <mails> <to>user@mail; user2@mail</to> <cc>User Name &lt;user@mail&gt;;</cc> <bcc>..</bcc> </mails> Use &lt;user@mail&gt; or CDATA Addresses are «;»-separated to allowspaces in names
Attaching files: <configuration> <textFile>..</textFile> <files>         <file>..</file>         <file>..</file> </files> </configuration>
Invokes SpringBatch job as part of Maven build Maven is a good platform for batch processes!
<groupId>com.goldin.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-spring-batch-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.2.2</version>
<configuration>: <configuration> <jobId>jobId</jobId>     <configLocations> classpath:/springbatch/infra/job-launcher.xml file:/job/context.xml     </configLocations> </configuration>
Properties: <configuration> <props>         name = value classpath:/springbatch/infra/ file:/job/ </props> </configuration> @evgeny_goldin

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