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Grammarware Memes
   Eelco Visser & Guido Wachsmuth
Spoofax Language Workbench
WebDSL Web Programming Language

  define page post(p: Post, title: String) {
    init{ p.update(); }
    title{ output(p.title) }
      placeholder view { postView(p) }

  define ajax postView(p: Post) {
    pageHeader2{ output(p.title) }
    postBodyLayout(p) {
Researchr Bibliography Management System
WebLab Programming Education on the Web
Some Philosophical Considerations
Grammarware vs Modelware?

 GPCE                   MODELS
OOPSLA                   ICMT
Grammarware vs Modelware?

 GPCE                   MODELS
OOPSLA                   ICMT
Functional vs Object-Oriented vs
            Logic vs ...
Remember the Programming Language Wars?

    ICFP                     OOPSLA
Remember the Programming Language Wars?

    ICFP         GPCE        OOPSLA
Scala: Object-Oriented or

‘closure’: a purely functional feature?
X-ware is a Memeplex

memeplex: selection of memes from the meme pool
What is Grammarware?
Grammarware is about
  (Parsing) Text

               module users

               imports library

               entity User {
                 email    : String
                 password : String
                 isAdmin : Bool
Grammarware is about
, [ Imports("library")
  , Entity(
    , [ Property("email", Type("String"))
      , Property("password", Type("String"))
      , Property("isAdmin", Type("Bool"))
Grammarware: Text & Structure
Grammarware is about Transformation
Source to Source Transformation
Source to Source Transformation
Transformation & Analysis

  name resolution

    type checking


  code generation
Some Memes from
the Spoofax Memeplex
EnFun: Entities with Functions
 module blog
   entity String {
     function plus(that:String): String
   entity Bool { }
   entity Set<T> {
     function add(x: T)
     function remove(x: T)
     function member(x: T): Bool
   entity Blog {
     posts : Set<Post>
     function newPost(): Post {
       var p : Post :=;
   entity Post {
     title : String
Signature & Terms

  Module : ID * List(Definition) -> Module
  Imports : ID -> Definition

         , [Imports("library"),
Entities & Properties

  Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition
  Type   : ID -> Type
  New    : Type -> Exp

  Property     : ID * Type -> Property
  This         : Exp
  PropAccess   : Exp * ID -> Exp

, [ Imports("library")
  , Entity("User"
    , [ Property("email",    Type("String"))
      , Property("password", Type("String"))
      , Property("isAdmin", Type("Bool"))])])
Constants & Operators & Variables
constructors                           constructors
  String : STRING -> Exp                 Geq    : Exp     * Exp ->   Exp
  Int    : INT -> Exp                    Leq    : Exp     * Exp ->   Exp
  False : Exp                            Gt     : Exp     * Exp ->   Exp
  True   : Exp                           Lt     : Exp     * Exp ->   Exp
                                         Eq     : Exp     * Exp ->   Exp
                                         Mul    : Exp     * Exp ->   Exp
                                         Minus : Exp      * Exp ->   Exp
                                         Plus   : Exp     * Exp ->   Exp
                                         Or     : Exp     * Exp ->   Exp
                                         And    : Exp     * Exp ->   Exp
                                         Not    : Exp     -> Exp

                             VarDecl       :   ID * Type -> Stat
                             VarDeclInit   :   ID * Type * Exp -> Stat
                             Assign        :   Exp * Exp -> Stat
                             Var           :   ID -> Exp
Statements & Functions

  Exp    : Exp -> Stat
  Block : List(Stat) -> Stat
  Seq    : List(Stat) -> Stat
  While : Exp * List(Stat) -> Stat
  IfElse : Exp * List(Stat) * List(ElseIf) * Option(Else) -> Stat
  Else   : List(Stat) -> Else
  ElseIf : Exp * List(Stat) -> ElseIf

  FunDef   :   ID * List(Arg) * Type * List(Stat) -> Property
  FunDecl :    ID * List(Arg) * Type -> Property
  Arg      :   ID * Type -> Arg
  Return   :   Exp -> Stat
  MethCall :   Exp * ID * List(Exp) -> Exp
  ThisCall :   ID * List(Exp) -> Exp
Transformation by Strategic Rewriting


     Plus(e1, e2) -> MethCall(e1, "plus", [e2])

     Or(e1, e2) -> MethCall(e1, "or", [e2])

   desugar :
     VarDeclInit(x, t, e) ->
     Seq([VarDecl(x, t),
          Assign(Var(x), e)])


   desugar-all = topdown(repeat(desugar))
Return-Lifting Applied

function fact(n: Int): Int {       function fact(n: Int): Int {
                                     var res: Int;
    if(n == 0) {                     if(n == 0) {
      return 1;                        res := 1;
    } else {                         } else {
      return this * fact(n - 1);       res := this * fact(n - 1);
    }                                }
                                     return res;
}                                  }
Return-Lifting Rules


  lift-return-all =
    alltd(lift-return; normalize-all)

  lift-return :
    FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), stat1*) ->
    FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), Seq([
      VarDecl(y, t),
    where y := <new>;
          stat2* := <alltd(replace-return(|y))> stat1*

  replace-return(|y) :
    Return(e) -> Assign(y, e)
Seq Normalization


  normalize-all = innermost-L(normalize)

rules // seq lifting

  normalize :
    [Seq(stat1*) | stat2*@[_|_]] -> [Seq([stat1*,stat2*])]

  normalize :
    [stat, Seq(stat*)] -> [Seq([stat | stat*])]

  normalize :
    Block([Seq(stat1*)]) -> Block(stat1*)

  normalize :
    FunDef(x, arg*, t, [Seq(stat*)]) -> FunDef(x, arg*, t, stat*)

Small Step Operational Semantics

rules // driver

    steps = repeat(step)
      State([Frame(fn, this, slots, cont)|f*], heap) ->
      State(stack', heap')
      cont' := <eval> cont;
      stack' := <update-stack (|...)> [Frame(..., cont')|f*];
      heap' := <update-heap(|...)> heap
Small Step Operational Semantics

eval(|this, slots, heap):
	 Var(x) -> val
	 where val := <lookup> (x, slots)
eval(|this, slots, heap):
	 PropAccess(Ptr(p), prop) -> val
	 	 Object(_, props) 	:= <lookup> (p, heap);
	 	 val	 	 	 	 	 	 := <lookup> (prop, props)
From Text to Structure
Declarative Syntax Definition

                              Entity("User", [
                                 Property("first", Type("String")),
                                 Property("last", Type("String"))

    Entity   : ID * List(Property) -> Definition
    Type     : ID                  -> Type
    Property : ID * Type           -> Property
Declarative Syntax Definition

entity User {                 Entity("User", [
  first : String                 Property("first", Type("String")),
  last   : String                Property("last", Type("String"))
}                             ])

    Entity   : ID * List(Property) -> Definition
    Type     : ID                  -> Type
    Property : ID * Type           -> Property
Declarative Syntax Definition

context-free syntax
  "entity" ID "{" Property* "}" -> Definition {"Entity"}
  ID                            -> Type       {"Type"}
  ID ":" Type                   -> Property   {"Property"}

entity User {                 Entity("User", [
  first : String                 Property("first", Type("String")),
  last   : String                Property("last", Type("String"))
}                             ])

    Entity   : ID * List(Property) -> Definition
    Type     : ID                  -> Type
    Property : ID * Type           -> Property
Declarative Syntax Definition

context-free syntax
  "entity" ID "{" Property* "}" -> Definition {"Entity"}
  ID                            -> Type       {"Type"}
  ID ":" Type                   -> Property   {"Property"}

entity User {                 Entity("User", [
  first : String                 Property("first", Type("String")),
  last   : String                Property("last", Type("String"))
}                             ])

    Entity   : ID * List(Property) -> Definition
    Type     : ID                  -> Type
    Property : ID * Type           -> Property
Context-free Syntax
context-free syntax                 constructors
  "true"       -> Exp   {"True"}      True   : Exp
  "false"      -> Exp   {"False"}     False : Exp
  "!" Exp      -> Exp   {"Not"}       Not    : Exp -> Exp
  Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp   {"And"}       And    : Exp * Exp -> Exp
  Exp "||" Exp -> Exp   {"Or"}        Or     : Exp * Exp -> Exp
Lexical Syntax
context-free syntax                 constructors
  "true"       -> Exp   {"True"}      True   : Exp
  "false"      -> Exp   {"False"}     False : Exp
  "!" Exp      -> Exp   {"Not"}       Not    : Exp -> Exp
  Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp   {"And"}       And    : Exp * Exp -> Exp
  Exp "||" Exp -> Exp   {"Or"}        Or     : Exp * Exp -> Exp

lexical syntax                      constructors
  [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* -> ID         : String -> ID
  "-"? [0-9]+          -> INT        : String -> INT
  [ tnr]           -> LAYOUT

           scannerless generalized (LR) parsing
context-free syntax                        constructors
  "true"       -> Exp   {"True"}             True   : Exp
  "false"      -> Exp   {"False"}            False : Exp
  "!" Exp      -> Exp   {"Not"}              Not    : Exp -> Exp
  Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp   {"And"}              And    : Exp * Exp -> Exp
  Exp "||" Exp -> Exp   {"Or"}               Or     : Exp * Exp -> Exp

          isPublic || isDraft && (author == principal())

   And(Or(Var("isPublic"), Var("isDraft")),
       Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", []))),
      And(Var("isDraft"), Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", []))))
Disambiguation by Encoding Precedence
context-free syntax                      constructors
  "true"       -> Exp   {"True"}           True   : Exp
  "false"      -> Exp   {"False"}          False : Exp
  "!" Exp      -> Exp   {"Not"}            Not    : Exp -> Exp
  Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp   {"And"}            And    : Exp * Exp -> Exp
  Exp "||" Exp -> Exp   {"Or"}             Or     : Exp * Exp -> Exp

context-free syntax
  "(" Exp ")"    ->   Exp0   {bracket}
  "true"         ->   Exp0   {"True"}
  "false"        ->   Exp0   {"False"}
  Exp0           ->   Exp1
  "!" Exp0       ->   Exp1   {"Not"}
  Exp1           ->   Exp2
  Exp1 "&&" Exp2 ->   Exp2   {"And"}
  Exp2           ->   Exp3
  Exp2 "||" Exp3 ->   Exp3   {"Or"}
Declarative Disambiguation
context-free syntax
  "true"       -> Exp {"True"}
  "false"      -> Exp {"False"}
  "!" Exp      -> Exp {"Not"}
  Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And", left}
  Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or", left}
  "(" Exp ")" -> Exp {bracket}
context-free priorities
  {left: Exp.Not} >
  {left: Exp.Mul} >
  {left: Exp.Plus Exp.Minus} >
  {left: Exp.And} >
  {non-assoc: Exp.Eq Exp.Lt Exp.Gt Exp.Leq Exp.Geq}

isPublic || isDraft && (author == principal())

                    Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", []))))
Generating Text from Structure
Code Generation by String Concatenation

   Property(x, Type(t)) -> <concat-strings>[
     "private ", t, " ", x, ";nn",
     "public ", t, " get_", x, " {n",
     "    return ", x, ";n",
     "public void set_", x, " (", t, " ", x, ") {n",
     "    this.", x, " = ", x, ";n",
String Interpolation Templates

    Property(x, Type(t)) -> $[
      private [t] [x];

        public [t] get_[x] {
          return [x];

        public void set_[x] ([t] [x]) {
          this.[x] = [x];
Code Generation by
Model Transformation
Generating Structured Representations

  Property(x, Type(t)) -> [
    Field([Private()], Type(t), Var(x)),

      Method([Public()], Type(t), $[get_[x]], [], [

      Method([Public()], None(), $[set_[x]], [Param(Type(t), x)], [
         Assign(FieldAccess(This(), x), Var(x))
Concrete Object Syntax

   Property(x, Type(t)) -> |[
    private t x;

        public t get_#x {
            return x;

        public void set_#x (t x) {
            this.x = x;
Rewriting with Concrete Object Syntax

  module desugar

  imports Enfun


    desugar-all = topdown(repeat(desugar))

    desugar: |[ !e       ]| -> |[ e.not() ]|
    desugar: |[ e1 && e2 ]| -> |[ e1.and(e2) ]|
    desugar: |[ e1 || e2 ]| -> |[ e1.or(e2) ]|

    desugar: |[ e1 +   e2 ]| -> |[ ]|
    desugar: |[ e1 *   e2 ]| -> |[ e1.times(e2) ]|
    desugar: |[ e1 -   e2 ]| -> |[ e1.minus(e2) ]|
Rewriting with Concrete Object Syntax

lift-return-cs :
  |[ function x(arg*) : t { stat1* } ]| ->
  |[ function x(arg*): t {
       var y : t;
       ( stat2* )
       return y;
     } ]|
  where y := <new>;
        stat2* := <alltd(replace-return(|y))> stat1*

         lift-return :
           FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), stat1*) ->
           FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), Seq([
             VarDecl(y, t),
           where y := <new>;
                 stat2* := <alltd(replace-return(|y))> stat1*
Pretty-Printing by
Model Transformation
Code Formatting
module users
  entity String { }
  entity User { first : String last : String }

                                                   module users
       , [ Entity("String", None(), None(), [])
         , Entity(                                 entity String   {
           , [ Property("first", Type("String"))
             , Property("last", Type("String"))
             ]                                     entity User {
           )                                         first : String
                                                     last : String
Pretty-Printer Specification

prettyprint-Definition :
  Entity(x, prop*) ->
    [ H([SOpt(HS(), "0")]
       , [ S("entity ")
         , <pp-one-Z(prettyprint-ID)> x
         , S(" {")
     , <pp-indent(|"2")> [<pp-V-list(prettyprint-Property)> p*]
     , H([SOpt(HS(), "0")], [S("}")]
Structure Editors
Editors with Syntactic Completion
Completion Templates


  completion template Definition : "entity ID { }" =
    "entity " <ID:ID> " {nt" (cursor) "n}" (blank)

  completion template Type : "ID" =

  completion template Property : "ID : ID " =
    <ID:ID> " : " <ID:Type> (blank)
Syntax Templates: Structure + Layout
                                    context-free syntax
                                      "entity" ID "{" Property* "}" -> Definition {"Entity"}
                                      ID                            -> Type       {"Type"}
                                      ID ":" Type                   -> Property   {"Property"}

                                        Entity   : ID * List(Property) -> Definition
  Definition.Entity = <                 Type     : ID                  -> Type
                                        Property : ID * Type           -> Property
    entity <ID> {
      <Property*; separator="n">
    }                                 completion template Definition : "entity ID { }" =

  >                                     "entity " <ID:ID> " {nt" (cursor) "n}" (blank)

                                      completion template Type : "ID<>" =
                                        <ID:ID> "<" <:Type> ">"

  Type.Type = <<ID>>                  completion template Property : "ID : ID " =
                                        <ID:ID> " : " <ID:Type> (blank)

  Property.Property = <
                                    prettyprint-Definition =
    <ID> : <Type>                     ?Entity(x, prop*)
                                      ; ![ H(

  >                                           [SOpt(HS(), "0")]
                                           , [ S("entity ")
                                              , <pp-one-Z(prettyprint-ID)> x
                                              , S(" {")
                                         , <pp-indent(|"2")> [<pp-V-list(prettyprint-Property)> p*]
                                         , H([SOpt(HS(), "0")], [S("}")]
Type Checking
Example: Checking Method Calls

module renaming

  entity String {
    function plus(that:String): String { ... }

  entity User {
    firstName : String
    lastName : String
    fullName : String
    function rename(first: String, last: String) {
      fullName :=;          // argument has wrong type
      fullName :=;           // too few arguments
      fullName :=, last); // too many arguments
      fullName :=;       // correct
Constraint Checks

rules // errors

  type-error :
    (e, t) -> (e, $[Type [<pp>t] expected instead of [<pp>t']])
    where <type-of> e => t'; not(<subtype>(t', t))

rules // functions

    |[ e.x(e*) ]| -> (x, $[Expects [m] arguments, found [n]])
    where <lookup-type> x => (t*, t);
          <length> e* => n; <length> t* => m;
          not(<eq>(m, n))

    |[ e.x(e*) ]| -> <zip; filter(type-error)> (e*, t*)
    where <lookup-type> x => (t*, t)
Type Analysis

rules // constants

  type-of   :   |[ true ]|    ->   TypeBool()
  type-of   :   |[ false ]|   ->   TypeBool()
  type-of   :   Int(i)        ->   TypeInt()
  type-of   :   String(x)     ->   TypeString()
Types of Names

rules // names

  type-of :
    Var(x) -> <lookup-type> x

  type-of :
    |[ e.x ]| -> t
    where <lookup-type> x => t

  type-of :
    |[ e.x(e*) ]| -> t
    where <lookup-type> x => (t*, t)

  type-of :
    |[ f(e*) ]| -> t
    where <lookup-type> f => (t*, t)
Analysis: Name Resolution

Definitions and References


  test type refers to entity [[
    module test
    entity [[String]] { }
    entity User {
      first : [[String]]
      last : String
  ]] resolve #2 to #1
From Tree to Graph

, [ Entity("String", [])
  , Entity(
    , [ Property("first",   )
      , Property("last",    )
Unique Names

  "users"{[Module(), "users"]}
  , [ Entity("String"{[Type(), "String", "users"]}, [])
    , Entity(
        "User"{[Type(), "User", "users"]}
      , [ Property(
            "first"{[Property(), "first", "User", "users"]}
          , Type("String"{[Type(), "String", "users"]}))
        , Property(
            "last"{[Property(), "last", "User", "users"]}
          , Type("String"{[Type(), "String", "users"]}))

      + index mapping unique names to values
Spoofax Name Binding Language
      namespaces Module Type             See the full story in
                                          SLE talk on Friday

        Entity(c, _) :
          defines Type c
        Type(x, _) :
          refers to Type x
        Module(m, _) :
          defines Module m
          scopes Type
        Imports(m) :
          imports Type from Module m

  abstract from name resolution algorithmics

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Grammarware Memes

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  • 4. WebDSL Web Programming Language define page post(p: Post, title: String) { init{ p.update(); } title{ output(p.title) } bloglayout({ placeholder view { postView(p) } postComments(p) } } define ajax postView(p: Post) { pageHeader2{ output(p.title) } postBodyLayout(p) { postContent(p) postExtendedContent(p) postActions(p) } }
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  • 16. Grammarware is about (Parsing) Text module users imports library entity User { email : String password : String isAdmin : Bool }
  • 17.
  • 18. Grammarware is about Structure Module( "users" , [ Imports("library") , Entity( "User" , [ Property("email", Type("String")) , Property("password", Type("String")) , Property("isAdmin", Type("Bool")) ] ) ] )
  • 19. Grammarware: Text & Structure
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  • 21. Source to Source Transformation
  • 22. Source to Source Transformation
  • 23. Transformation & Analysis name resolution type checking desugaring code generation
  • 24. Some Memes from the Spoofax Memeplex
  • 25. EnFun: Entities with Functions module blog entity String { function plus(that:String): String } entity Bool { } entity Set<T> { function add(x: T) function remove(x: T) function member(x: T): Bool } entity Blog { posts : Set<Post> function newPost(): Post { var p : Post :=; posts.add(p); } } entity Post { title : String }
  • 27. Signature & Terms constructors Module : ID * List(Definition) -> Module Imports : ID -> Definition Module( "application" , [Imports("library"), Imports("users"), Imports("frontend")] )
  • 28. Entities & Properties constructors Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition Type : ID -> Type New : Type -> Exp constructors Property : ID * Type -> Property This : Exp PropAccess : Exp * ID -> Exp Module("users" , [ Imports("library") , Entity("User" , [ Property("email", Type("String")) , Property("password", Type("String")) , Property("isAdmin", Type("Bool"))])])
  • 29. Constants & Operators & Variables constructors constructors String : STRING -> Exp Geq : Exp * Exp -> Exp Int : INT -> Exp Leq : Exp * Exp -> Exp False : Exp Gt : Exp * Exp -> Exp True : Exp Lt : Exp * Exp -> Exp Eq : Exp * Exp -> Exp Mul : Exp * Exp -> Exp Minus : Exp * Exp -> Exp Plus : Exp * Exp -> Exp Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp And : Exp * Exp -> Exp Not : Exp -> Exp constructors VarDecl : ID * Type -> Stat VarDeclInit : ID * Type * Exp -> Stat Assign : Exp * Exp -> Stat Var : ID -> Exp
  • 30. Statements & Functions constructors Exp : Exp -> Stat Block : List(Stat) -> Stat Seq : List(Stat) -> Stat While : Exp * List(Stat) -> Stat IfElse : Exp * List(Stat) * List(ElseIf) * Option(Else) -> Stat Else : List(Stat) -> Else ElseIf : Exp * List(Stat) -> ElseIf constructors FunDef : ID * List(Arg) * Type * List(Stat) -> Property FunDecl : ID * List(Arg) * Type -> Property Arg : ID * Type -> Arg Return : Exp -> Stat MethCall : Exp * ID * List(Exp) -> Exp ThisCall : ID * List(Exp) -> Exp
  • 32. Transformation by Strategic Rewriting rules desugar: Plus(e1, e2) -> MethCall(e1, "plus", [e2]) desugar: Or(e1, e2) -> MethCall(e1, "or", [e2]) desugar : VarDeclInit(x, t, e) -> Seq([VarDecl(x, t), Assign(Var(x), e)]) strategies desugar-all = topdown(repeat(desugar))
  • 33. Return-Lifting Applied function fact(n: Int): Int { function fact(n: Int): Int { var res: Int; if(n == 0) { if(n == 0) { return 1; res := 1; } else { } else { return this * fact(n - 1); res := this * fact(n - 1); } } return res; } }
  • 34. Return-Lifting Rules rules lift-return-all = alltd(lift-return; normalize-all) lift-return : FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), stat1*) -> FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), Seq([ VarDecl(y, t), Seq(stat2*), Return(Var(y)) ])) where y := <new>; stat2* := <alltd(replace-return(|y))> stat1* replace-return(|y) : Return(e) -> Assign(y, e)
  • 35. Seq Normalization strategies normalize-all = innermost-L(normalize) rules // seq lifting normalize : [Seq(stat1*) | stat2*@[_|_]] -> [Seq([stat1*,stat2*])] normalize : [stat, Seq(stat*)] -> [Seq([stat | stat*])] normalize : Block([Seq(stat1*)]) -> Block(stat1*) normalize : FunDef(x, arg*, t, [Seq(stat*)]) -> FunDef(x, arg*, t, stat*)
  • 37. Small Step Operational Semantics rules // driver steps = repeat(step) step: State([Frame(fn, this, slots, cont)|f*], heap) -> State(stack', heap') where cont' := <eval> cont; stack' := <update-stack (|...)> [Frame(..., cont')|f*]; heap' := <update-heap(|...)> heap
  • 38. Small Step Operational Semantics eval(|this, slots, heap): Var(x) -> val where val := <lookup> (x, slots) eval(|this, slots, heap): PropAccess(Ptr(p), prop) -> val where Object(_, props) := <lookup> (p, heap); val := <lookup> (prop, props)
  • 39. From Text to Structure
  • 40. Declarative Syntax Definition Entity("User", [ Property("first", Type("String")), Property("last", Type("String")) ]) signature constructors Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition Type : ID -> Type Property : ID * Type -> Property
  • 41. Declarative Syntax Definition entity User { Entity("User", [ first : String Property("first", Type("String")), last : String Property("last", Type("String")) } ]) signature constructors Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition Type : ID -> Type Property : ID * Type -> Property
  • 42. Declarative Syntax Definition context-free syntax "entity" ID "{" Property* "}" -> Definition {"Entity"} ID -> Type {"Type"} ID ":" Type -> Property {"Property"} entity User { Entity("User", [ first : String Property("first", Type("String")), last : String Property("last", Type("String")) } ]) signature constructors Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition Type : ID -> Type Property : ID * Type -> Property
  • 43. Declarative Syntax Definition context-free syntax "entity" ID "{" Property* "}" -> Definition {"Entity"} ID -> Type {"Type"} ID ":" Type -> Property {"Property"} entity User { Entity("User", [ first : String Property("first", Type("String")), last : String Property("last", Type("String")) } ]) signature constructors Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition Type : ID -> Type Property : ID * Type -> Property
  • 44. Context-free Syntax context-free syntax constructors "true" -> Exp {"True"} True : Exp "false" -> Exp {"False"} False : Exp "!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"} Not : Exp -> Exp Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"} And : Exp * Exp -> Exp Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"} Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp
  • 45. Lexical Syntax context-free syntax constructors "true" -> Exp {"True"} True : Exp "false" -> Exp {"False"} False : Exp "!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"} Not : Exp -> Exp Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"} And : Exp * Exp -> Exp Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"} Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp lexical syntax constructors [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* -> ID : String -> ID "-"? [0-9]+ -> INT : String -> INT [ tnr] -> LAYOUT scannerless generalized (LR) parsing
  • 46. Ambiguity context-free syntax constructors "true" -> Exp {"True"} True : Exp "false" -> Exp {"False"} False : Exp "!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"} Not : Exp -> Exp Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"} And : Exp * Exp -> Exp Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"} Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp isPublic || isDraft && (author == principal()) amb([ And(Or(Var("isPublic"), Var("isDraft")), Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", []))), Or(Var("isPublic"), And(Var("isDraft"), Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", [])))) ])
  • 47. Disambiguation by Encoding Precedence context-free syntax constructors "true" -> Exp {"True"} True : Exp "false" -> Exp {"False"} False : Exp "!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"} Not : Exp -> Exp Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And"} And : Exp * Exp -> Exp Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or"} Or : Exp * Exp -> Exp context-free syntax "(" Exp ")" -> Exp0 {bracket} "true" -> Exp0 {"True"} "false" -> Exp0 {"False"} Exp0 -> Exp1 "!" Exp0 -> Exp1 {"Not"} Exp1 -> Exp2 Exp1 "&&" Exp2 -> Exp2 {"And"} Exp2 -> Exp3 Exp2 "||" Exp3 -> Exp3 {"Or"}
  • 48. Declarative Disambiguation context-free syntax "true" -> Exp {"True"} "false" -> Exp {"False"} "!" Exp -> Exp {"Not"} Exp "&&" Exp -> Exp {"And", left} Exp "||" Exp -> Exp {"Or", left} "(" Exp ")" -> Exp {bracket} context-free priorities {left: Exp.Not} > {left: Exp.Mul} > {left: Exp.Plus Exp.Minus} > {left: Exp.And} > {non-assoc: Exp.Eq Exp.Lt Exp.Gt Exp.Leq Exp.Geq} isPublic || isDraft && (author == principal()) Or(Var("isPublic"), And(Var("isDraft"), Eq(Var("author"), ThisCall("principal", []))))
  • 49. Generating Text from Structure
  • 50. Code Generation by String Concatenation to-java: Property(x, Type(t)) -> <concat-strings>[ "private ", t, " ", x, ";nn", "public ", t, " get_", x, " {n", " return ", x, ";n", "}n", "public void set_", x, " (", t, " ", x, ") {n", " this.", x, " = ", x, ";n", "}" ]
  • 51. String Interpolation Templates to-java: Property(x, Type(t)) -> $[ private [t] [x]; public [t] get_[x] { return [x]; } public void set_[x] ([t] [x]) { this.[x] = [x]; } ]
  • 52. Code Generation by Model Transformation
  • 53. Generating Structured Representations to-java: Property(x, Type(t)) -> [ Field([Private()], Type(t), Var(x)), Method([Public()], Type(t), $[get_[x]], [], [ Return(Var(x)) ]), Method([Public()], None(), $[set_[x]], [Param(Type(t), x)], [ Assign(FieldAccess(This(), x), Var(x)) ]) ]
  • 54. Concrete Object Syntax to-java: Property(x, Type(t)) -> |[ private t x; public t get_#x { return x; } public void set_#x (t x) { this.x = x; } ]|
  • 55. Rewriting with Concrete Object Syntax module desugar imports Enfun strategies desugar-all = topdown(repeat(desugar)) rules desugar: |[ !e ]| -> |[ e.not() ]| desugar: |[ e1 && e2 ]| -> |[ e1.and(e2) ]| desugar: |[ e1 || e2 ]| -> |[ e1.or(e2) ]| desugar: |[ e1 + e2 ]| -> |[ ]| desugar: |[ e1 * e2 ]| -> |[ e1.times(e2) ]| desugar: |[ e1 - e2 ]| -> |[ e1.minus(e2) ]|
  • 56. Rewriting with Concrete Object Syntax lift-return-cs : |[ function x(arg*) : t { stat1* } ]| -> |[ function x(arg*): t { var y : t; ( stat2* ) return y; } ]| where y := <new>; stat2* := <alltd(replace-return(|y))> stat1* lift-return : FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), stat1*) -> FunDef(x, arg*, Some(t), Seq([ VarDecl(y, t), Seq(stat2*), Return(Var(y)) ])) where y := <new>; stat2* := <alltd(replace-return(|y))> stat1*
  • 58. Code Formatting module users entity String { } entity User { first : String last : String } Module( "demo1" module users , [ Entity("String", None(), None(), []) , Entity( entity String { "User" } , [ Property("first", Type("String")) , Property("last", Type("String")) ] entity User { ) first : String ] ) last : String }
  • 59. Pretty-Printer Specification prettyprint-Definition : Entity(x, prop*) -> [ H([SOpt(HS(), "0")] , [ S("entity ") , <pp-one-Z(prettyprint-ID)> x , S(" {") ] ) , <pp-indent(|"2")> [<pp-V-list(prettyprint-Property)> p*] , H([SOpt(HS(), "0")], [S("}")] ) ]
  • 63. Completion Templates completions completion template Definition : "entity ID { }" = "entity " <ID:ID> " {nt" (cursor) "n}" (blank) completion template Type : "ID" = <ID:ID> completion template Property : "ID : ID " = <ID:ID> " : " <ID:Type> (blank)
  • 64. Syntax Templates: Structure + Layout context-free syntax "entity" ID "{" Property* "}" -> Definition {"Entity"} ID -> Type {"Type"} ID ":" Type -> Property {"Property"} templates signature constructors Entity : ID * List(Property) -> Definition Definition.Entity = < Type : ID -> Type Property : ID * Type -> Property entity <ID> { <Property*; separator="n"> completions } completion template Definition : "entity ID { }" = > "entity " <ID:ID> " {nt" (cursor) "n}" (blank) completion template Type : "ID<>" = <ID:ID> "<" <:Type> ">" Type.Type = <<ID>> completion template Property : "ID : ID " = <ID:ID> " : " <ID:Type> (blank) Property.Property = < prettyprint-Definition = <ID> : <Type> ?Entity(x, prop*) ; ![ H( > [SOpt(HS(), "0")] , [ S("entity ") , <pp-one-Z(prettyprint-ID)> x , S(" {") ] ) , <pp-indent(|"2")> [<pp-V-list(prettyprint-Property)> p*] , H([SOpt(HS(), "0")], [S("}")] ) ]
  • 66. Example: Checking Method Calls module renaming entity String { function plus(that:String): String { ... } } entity User { firstName : String lastName : String fullName : String function rename(first: String, last: String) { fullName :=; // argument has wrong type fullName :=; // too few arguments fullName :=, last); // too many arguments fullName :=; // correct } }
  • 67. Constraint Checks rules // errors type-error : (e, t) -> (e, $[Type [<pp>t] expected instead of [<pp>t']]) where <type-of> e => t'; not(<subtype>(t', t)) rules // functions constraint-error: |[ e.x(e*) ]| -> (x, $[Expects [m] arguments, found [n]]) where <lookup-type> x => (t*, t); <length> e* => n; <length> t* => m; not(<eq>(m, n)) constraint-error: |[ e.x(e*) ]| -> <zip; filter(type-error)> (e*, t*) where <lookup-type> x => (t*, t)
  • 68. Type Analysis rules // constants type-of : |[ true ]| -> TypeBool() type-of : |[ false ]| -> TypeBool() type-of : Int(i) -> TypeInt() type-of : String(x) -> TypeString()
  • 69. Types of Names rules // names type-of : Var(x) -> <lookup-type> x type-of : |[ e.x ]| -> t where <lookup-type> x => t type-of : |[ e.x(e*) ]| -> t where <lookup-type> x => (t*, t) type-of : |[ f(e*) ]| -> t where <lookup-type> f => (t*, t)
  • 71. Definitions and References definition test type refers to entity [[ module test entity [[String]] { } entity User { first : [[String]] last : String } ]] resolve #2 to #1 reference
  • 72. From Tree to Graph Module( "test" , [ Entity("String", []) , Entity( "User" , [ Property("first", ) , Property("last", ) ] ) ] )
  • 73. Unique Names Module( "users"{[Module(), "users"]} , [ Entity("String"{[Type(), "String", "users"]}, []) , Entity( "User"{[Type(), "User", "users"]} , [ Property( "first"{[Property(), "first", "User", "users"]} , Type("String"{[Type(), "String", "users"]})) , Property( "last"{[Property(), "last", "User", "users"]} , Type("String"{[Type(), "String", "users"]})) ] ) ] ) + index mapping unique names to values
  • 74. Spoofax Name Binding Language namespaces Module Type See the full story in SLE talk on Friday rules Entity(c, _) : defines Type c Type(x, _) : refers to Type x Module(m, _) : defines Module m scopes Type Imports(m) : imports Type from Module m abstract from name resolution algorithmics