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Drahcir Parson
Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson

     I am not a psychologist. If you have mental problems please seek
help from a professional. Many of the things I write about are pieces of
the puzzle I may have read out of other books or learned in my various
conversations or experiences in life. Whenever I can give specific credit
to those authors that I remember I will. If not I'll tell you straight up, “I
once read somewhere or I once heard....etc.”


                                       Drahcir Parson
                                       Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson


Chapter 1 - Belief in Your Goals

Chapter 2 Your Self Image

Chapter 3       It's You vs You
(Don't Sabotage Your Own Dreams)

Chapter 4 Program your mental computer

Chapter 5       Engage Your Desired Lifestyle

Bonus Chapter      -   Life Customizing exercises

               $3 million lottery win
                create your day
Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today                                                   Drahcir Parson
                                                                   Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson


 “From a sperm cell I had to race against billions in order to make it inside my mother's womb to be
                  born. Since I can beat those odds I am already a champion! “

        I wrote this e-book as a reminder to myself to stay focused. It is my reference whenever I need
to refocus from life's many attention grabbing distractions. From people wanting to conversate about
how messed up the world is to my own negative self talk. I must not allow those negative voices to
have any influence over my state of mind or decisions at all. This is my short and sweet motivator.
        The acronym for FOCUS is to Follow One Course Until Successful. For the purpose of this
guide we will mainly be focusing on the self image. You have to create that picture of the best you
performing perfectly at what you want to do and who you want to be in this life. See yourself already
as the person you intend to be and believe that person is YOU. You are already a champion.
       You may have heard this all before but need to hear it in a different way before it resonates with
you to get you to act on it. I'm specifically sharing what works for me. In fact I wrote 'Upgrade your
lifestyle Today' to myself. 'Today' is important because the mind only understands the here and right
now. Try to emotionally experience your vision as if it is your actual day to day reality. (See create
your day in bonus chapter) These are the mental tools I'm actually using to achieve the lifestyle I want
to live with amazing results. This is a success program that gives you the control on how you perceive
yourself and the world around you. What you see is what you get. I've upgraded my mental software
that has improved how I operate my life. Now I can kick my feet up and enjoy life without stress.
        This guide is short and to the point but at the end of the day it's incomplete without your
feedback from the exercises. You have to be a co-writer of your new software because only you can
know how you desire your life to operate on a day to day basis.
        At the end of each chapter I will show you pieces of the billion dollar program in the form of
an auto suggestion that I've downloaded onto my self image. An auto suggestion is a concept I learned
from reading the book 'Think and grow rich' by Napoleon Hill. An auto suggestion is an image,
concept, or belief of a chief aim in your life similar to a target destination on a GPS.
         It doesn't matter how big your goal is. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference
between a million dollars or a cup of coffee. All your mind knows once you give it a destination is to
creatively navigate toward the destination on the shortest possible route with the least amount of
resistance until it arrives. All you have to do is concentrate on your vision. The more clear the mental
picture and the more intense the emotional joy of your goal, the faster it transforms itself into a
physical reality in your life.
Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today                                                    Drahcir Parson
                                                                    Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson

Chapter 1 - Belief in Your Goals

                              “You can never outperform your self image.”

        In order to upgrade your lifestyle you must believe that you are the type of person capable of
achieving your goals. You have to envision your self living the exact life you want to live performing
perfectly in every aspect. Your mind is like a thermometer. It holds to a set goal or setting. For
example: Set at 60 degrees, if it goes up to 70 degrees, air kicks in to bring it down. If it drops below,
the generator kicks on for heat. How you see yourself is adjusting who you are. Set hire standards for
yourself. Your self image and success mechanism (what pushes you) go into action for you much faster
when you believe in a goal and show a commitment towards it.
        Convince yourself that you are the type of person that you need to be in order to achieve your
goals. Then do what needs to get done. This is the compelling reason it takes to push through those
times when you just don't feel like doing anything, but you must. Build your character. You can't just sit
around and do nothing with such a big personal goal to accomplish staring you right in the face. Raise
your personal standards.

       Visualize (Place your order with the universe)

“The universe we live in is like a catalog that you get to just flip through to order any experience you
would like to have, the people you want to have around you, this product, that service etc.”
                                                                                            The Secret

        The world is like a catalog. Flip through it to find whatever you desire and place your order.
Upgrading your lifestyle is all about programming your super mental computer to complete the tasks
that add up to your goal. All you have to do is start using your own imagination to visualize the person
you want to be living the lifestyle you want to live and already having everything in the world you
want. Step into your own movie and see it through the eyes of the main star. You! Or you can do a
mental rehearsal and see yourself living the lifestyle you want as if your in the audience watching your
own movie on the big screen.
        We've all heard the saying, “Life is what you make it.” Well don't let it go over your head like it
went over mine for so many years. As you make the journey, you will change, and your goals may
change too. Maybe even far better than you could have ever imagined.
        I once read somewhere that the important thing is to be in the game, pursuing a goal, writing
your own life story. Use your imagination to take your goal for a test-drive. Visualize yourself going
after this goal with all the luxury possessions and people you want around you at places you want to be.
How does that feel to you? If you have any doubts as to whether the goal is worth going after than it's
Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today                                                   Drahcir Parson
                                                                   Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson

probably not.
        Most goals come with a stamp of approval that gives you that gut feeling of, “Yes, this is what I
want, definitely.” Now ask yourself, “What's the worst that could happen if I go after this goal with all
I've got and don't achieve it?” Am I going to die? NO! Am I going to suffer from a major illness? No!
Than it's a go! Most of the time, the worst that could happen when you pursue a goal is ten times better
than the best that could happen if you don't pursue any goals at all.
        Your life right now is made up of your past beliefs, decisions, and actions. So if you don't like
the direction your life is currently going in just make up your mind to change it. I know this sounds so
simple but look at the words 'make up ' your mind. Make up is used to make faces appear more
attractive. Yes even some male movie stars use make up in their films, especially if they need to appear
younger, older or as a monster etc. The point here is that like using make up to manipulate appearances,
you can put make up on your current reality by painting a more attractive mental picture in your head
of the lifestyle you want to live. Just 'make up' your mind.
        Take a good look at your current reality to see where your thoughts have gotten you to this
point. Now overlap that with a virtual reality you would rather be living. Make your vision
holographic. That concerns location, personal belongings, and people you want around you. If you are
having trouble with this just imagine your role models or people whom you admire doing whatever it
may be that you want then remove them and enter yourself .
Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today                                                      Drahcir Parson
                                                                      Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson

Chapter 2        Your Self Image

Create a vision board

        I have a vision board. Actually it's a wall full of images that I tacked up. I either cut them out of
magazines or printed them out off of Google images and taped them up. The point is to just take
whatever images you want of whatever, whoever, or wherever you want and just claim them as yours
in your own mind. Whichever image that gives you an emotional reaction of, “Oh yeah that's mine.”
Motivational speaker Doug Stevenson once said, “Emotion is the fast lane to the brain.” I just stand
there glossing over all the images and start getting excited by how I'm going to feel when for instance
my family comes over to my mansion for a family affair or I ride up to an event in my brand new Rolls
Royce. And my driver lets my stunning date and myself out of the back seats.
        The list goes on and on down to the pictures of places I want to visit around the world and have
other houses when I feel like living there. I have one image of a packed stadium full of fans and a lit up
stage to perform my rap songs about good living. Of course I'm the star. This is free besides the few
minutes you take out of your day to invest in your dreams and goals. After you keep feeding and
strengthening the successful image of yourself in your mind for 15 to 25 minutes with this exercise,
you will start feeling excited by the thoughts of actually having your desired lifestyle. Start acting as if
you already have what you desire. Today!
        The truth is we all have a success mechanism that is controlled by our self image. So the minute
you start seeing yourself as the type of person who already has (today) and deserves the lifestyle you
want then your mind will begin to feed your brain creative ideas to actually get what you want. All you
need is the confidence to act on those ideas. Universal forces are responding to the thoughts that you
send out. The universe will rearrange itself to make it happen. It says in 'Think and grow rich' that any
desire that you persistently hold in your mind will eventually seek expression through some practical
means of attaining the object. You will attract the forces you need to use and the cooperation of other
people. You don't need to know how but you will magnetically attract the way. You will get ideas that
you must have courage to act on immediately. And you will cause others to believe in you because of
the passion you believe in yourself with. Passion is contagious.
        Unfortunately your self image also has an automatic failure mechanism that kicks in whenever
you start to worry, have doubts, or engage in negative conversation or self talk. Habits are difficult to
break so the above bad habits must be replaced by the new software that you are going to program
onto your upgraded self image today.

Your Self Image must believe that you can do it in order to activate peak performance
                   in the daily tasks which add up to your goal.

        PROGRAM: Within three years I will have in my possession $1,000,000,000 (One billion
dollars) which will come to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim.
Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today                                                        Drahcir Parson
                                                                        Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson

Chapter 3           - It's You vs You
(Don't Sabotage Your Own Dreams)

                “What some call failure is really only feedback”

         This will be a short chapter because I will not dwell on the negative. I will touch on what it is
and how it affects our goals and how we can overcome it then get back to customizing our lifestyles to
the way we want to live. You know the negative self talk. That inner voice that convinces you that,
“your ideas are not so great” or that “you're just not good enough to accomplish what you're thinking
         We all create our own destiny whether positive or negative. If you say it's hard it's hard. If you
say you can't you can't. Growing up I heard many pastors preach from the bible that 'the power of life
and death are in the tongue.' What you say becomes true for you. Why not choose to see the bright side
of situations in your life? You get to choose so why would you choose the bad side of life? Choose the
best perspective for your life. Whatever you perceive and believe, you will achieve.
         Make a living doing what you love to do. Let your happiness be your navigation system.
Negativity is like a glitch in the matrix. When you start to worry or be fearful let that be a warning that
you are going in the wrong direction. If you're not following your joy, peace of mind, or ecstasy than
you're going off track. Catch yourself and re-route your thinking. When everything is going good
negativity tries to creep its ugly head in so don't allow it to. Ignore it and continue to enjoy your
         Overcome doubt, fear, and rejection by failing your way to success. Learn what not to do from
your mistakes. Make more mistakes to learn more lessons faster. Push the guardrails of your comfort
zone and expand your possibilities as you go out into the world and collect experiences as evidence of
the life you desire. Forgive yourself and others. You will not succeed if you feel so guilty about
something about yourself that you feel you don't deserve success. You will not succeed if you hold
resentment in your heart towards others. Nobody is perfect. Nobody is perfect. Did I say nobody is

        Two more quick things before we switch back to where we need to be.

         #1 Don't engage in negative conversations. Either try to steer it in a more positive direction or
cut it short somehow. Complaining is contagious.

       #2 Stop saying, “It is what it is” because in all reality It is what you say it is. Start saying, “It is
what I say it is!”
Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today                                                    Drahcir Parson
                                                                    Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson

Chapter 4 -Program your mental computer
                                     “Goals form the basis of a strategy.”

        Take a minute to think of all the wealth and luxury you now possess. In many ways you are
already living better than kings and queens of great civilizations throughout history. Let's assume that
you have a television, a plumbing system with hot and cold running water, and access to the World
Wide Web where almost anything you can imagine and more is literally at your fingertips. How much
gold would that have cost Queen Elizabeth or Alexander the Great? How many warriors would their
armies have killed to own an airplane to travel? Instead it took months to sail across the seas where
many crew members lost their lives along the way?
        Along with working out your body there are mental exercises that you must learn and continue
to do in order to maintain the success muscles (self image) you're about to build. At the end of this
guide there are some bonus 'Life Customizing Exercises' for you to do when you find the time to
develop your success muscles (self image)..
        Start with the end result that you want in mind and then set reasonable goals on the path to the
bigger picture. What you can potentially accomplish is unlimited. However, what you actually
accomplish is based on the thoughts and actions that you think and make.
        The method you employ to upgrade your lifestyle is a secret because it can only be discovered
by you. You must also believe that you are already actually the person you desire to be. It may sound
weird but I highly suggest that you not judge the process of this method but instead judge the results.
There is a constant discussion going on between your brain and your mind. The mind understands
images. The brain understands questions and answers. They both understand the emotions you get
from both. So as you come up with answers to the questions ahead, your mind will create pictures.
These pictures are like little puzzle pieces that add up to the box cover -bigger picture of the best you.
In order to download the success software into your self image you first need to know what success
means, feels, and looks like to you. So without further delay....

What do you really want out of life? You don't have to write this down right now but I do
recommend that you do when you can take some time out to work on yourself. Right now we just want
to get your mind looking in the best direction of where you want your life to go. Success means
different things to different people. Not every body wants more money. Research shows that anything
over $75k a year is excessive and becomes a hassle to manage. (Not a problem I wouldn't like having
LOL!) Some people just want more time to spend with their family so if they can just figure out how
to make the same amount of money in less time that would be a major lifestyle upgrade.
        What would be the ideal situation for you? If you could design the perfect life for yourself what
would it be? Do you want to be debt free? Have a huge retirement? Pay for your kids college?
Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today                                                     Drahcir Parson
                                                                     Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
        Draw out the picture of your goal and utilize all your senses either through your own eyes or on
a large mental movie screen starring YOU! Feel it, See it, touch it, smell it, and hear it. Ask yourself
why you want these things in your life? If it's to be more happy ask yourself what is more happy? What
does happy mean to you? Knowing the 'why?' behind what you desire in life is the shortest and fastest
way to get there. Start off with “reasonable goals” that you can obtain within a few short weeks then
graduate to months then years so you can focus on one thing at a time. Accomplishing smaller goals
recharges and motivates you to accomplish more. Start with just paying rent or mortgage on time.
Then either saving up for a down payment or paying off your house, etc.

What's a career goal that fits in with your life goals?
 More income? Shorter work days/weeks? Manager position or executive of the company? Working at

What are your resources?
What people do you know? What tools do you use/know how to use?
What things do you need?---specific tools- internet, a website, a car, a higher paying job, a sponsor?
What are your skills and interests?
What can you do right now? What will you need to learn? What can you outsource for hire?

        Now, based on all of the above answers put together a 'to-do' list and prioritize your to do list in
numerical order of importance. Number one being most important, number two, three etc. down to the
least important. Don't get distracted away from the items on your to do list. Get each one done. And
don't be tempted to start working on number 4 on your list when you haven't completed number 2.
Remember it's prioritized! Knock down your list step by step. First things first.

Note: Get rid of all negative people, places, and things (or information) you don't need or put them to
the side until you're successful.

PROGRAM: In return for a billion dollars I will give the most efficient service of which I am
capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity and the best possible quality of service as a sales
representative of my own corporations.
Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today                                                      Drahcir Parson
                                                                      Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson

Chapter 5   - Engage Your Desired Lifestyle
       Gather experiences as evidence of your upgraded lifestyle.

         Test-drive the luxury car, go price the jewelry that compliments your unique style, walk through
the property for sale that you would love to purchase and act as if you have the funds available now to
pay for the titles of ownership with a cashier's check etc. You can do most of this virtually online but
it's better to feel the prestige the salesman treats you with as they try to get you to buy with all the cash
they believe you have. Big self esteem booster!

       Research your ideas and interests (Google, Youtube, etc.)

        This is another time when your prioritized to-do list is very important. Millions of marketers
will be screaming for your attention or trying to convince you they have a better way of doing what
you're attempting. This is acting class and you're rehearsing for the role of the best you. Your place of
rehearsal is out in the real world. So act as if you are already living your upgraded lifestyle today.

       PROGRAM: I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this billion dollars and I
will follow that plan when it is received.
Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today                                        Drahcir Parson
                                                        Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson

Bonus Chapter- Life Customizing Exercises

      These are exercises that I've done myself and I highly recommend taking the
time out to do them. They are very fun and empowering. Always put the date at
the top right hand corner to measure your progress and ambition at a given time.
After a while you may need to update these exercises. You may be surprised at how
small your biggest goals once were.

                               $3 Million lottery win

      Suppose if you will that you are at the lottery building collecting on your
winning $3 million dollar lottery ticket. Before you receive the check you must
agree to one condition. You must spend all the money within one year or whatever
you have left will be canceled. You must make a list of what you buy along with the
price for each transaction with a receipt to prove it. Once you have your list with
the costs adding up to $3 million dollars you have to prioritize each item you
bought according to importance. For example: I put as my number one priority -
#1- expand my small businesses with$400,000. #2- Invest $1 million in real estate
property. #3- spend $300,000 on a house...etc. This should let you know what's truly
important to you at the time.

                               Create your day

      Simply write down whatever time you wish to be able to wake up in the
morning to start your day. List whatever it is you would love to do throughout the
day and night with whomever you want wherever you would like until it's time to
go back to bed. Make sure you write the time before each different activity.
Or like me since money is not an issue you do what you feel like doing at the time
all day until you go to sleep.
Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today                                 Drahcir Parson
                                                 Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson

Note: This guide is for you to find out specifically what will be the best
moves for you to make in order to upgrade your lifestyle. However, if you
want to find out how I make money with these e-books to upgrade my
lifestyle, click the e-books below if you are viewing this online:

The Complete Guide to Profit on Ebooks

BigMoney Writing Little Books

Real Fast Book Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Without the Bull...t

      These ebooks will explain step-by-step from creating ebooks to
setting up free accounts with Clickbank and to sell your
ebooks and setting up a PayPal account to accept payment for your
material (Free). Or you can sell other authors ebooks and get paid
through what's known as affiliate marketing.
      Friend request me on Facebook if you are not already my friend
and share this e-book. Email me at with any
questions concerning what you're interested in. I'll be glad to answer
with a suggestion in that direction for you. Until then enjoy your
upgraded way of thinking/living.

                                                       Drahcir Parson
                                           Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson

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Upgrade your lifestyle today

  • 2. Disclaimer I am not a psychologist. If you have mental problems please seek help from a professional. Many of the things I write about are pieces of the puzzle I may have read out of other books or learned in my various conversations or experiences in life. Whenever I can give specific credit to those authors that I remember I will. If not I'll tell you straight up, “I once read somewhere or I once heard....etc.” Peace Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson
  • 3. Contents Introduction Chapter 1 - Belief in Your Goals Chapter 2 Your Self Image Chapter 3 It's You vs You (Don't Sabotage Your Own Dreams) Chapter 4 Program your mental computer Chapter 5 Engage Your Desired Lifestyle Bonus Chapter - Life Customizing exercises $3 million lottery win create your day
  • 4. Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson Introduction “From a sperm cell I had to race against billions in order to make it inside my mother's womb to be born. Since I can beat those odds I am already a champion! “ Anonymous I wrote this e-book as a reminder to myself to stay focused. It is my reference whenever I need to refocus from life's many attention grabbing distractions. From people wanting to conversate about how messed up the world is to my own negative self talk. I must not allow those negative voices to have any influence over my state of mind or decisions at all. This is my short and sweet motivator. The acronym for FOCUS is to Follow One Course Until Successful. For the purpose of this guide we will mainly be focusing on the self image. You have to create that picture of the best you performing perfectly at what you want to do and who you want to be in this life. See yourself already as the person you intend to be and believe that person is YOU. You are already a champion. You may have heard this all before but need to hear it in a different way before it resonates with you to get you to act on it. I'm specifically sharing what works for me. In fact I wrote 'Upgrade your lifestyle Today' to myself. 'Today' is important because the mind only understands the here and right now. Try to emotionally experience your vision as if it is your actual day to day reality. (See create your day in bonus chapter) These are the mental tools I'm actually using to achieve the lifestyle I want to live with amazing results. This is a success program that gives you the control on how you perceive yourself and the world around you. What you see is what you get. I've upgraded my mental software that has improved how I operate my life. Now I can kick my feet up and enjoy life without stress. This guide is short and to the point but at the end of the day it's incomplete without your feedback from the exercises. You have to be a co-writer of your new software because only you can know how you desire your life to operate on a day to day basis. At the end of each chapter I will show you pieces of the billion dollar program in the form of an auto suggestion that I've downloaded onto my self image. An auto suggestion is a concept I learned from reading the book 'Think and grow rich' by Napoleon Hill. An auto suggestion is an image, concept, or belief of a chief aim in your life similar to a target destination on a GPS. It doesn't matter how big your goal is. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between a million dollars or a cup of coffee. All your mind knows once you give it a destination is to creatively navigate toward the destination on the shortest possible route with the least amount of resistance until it arrives. All you have to do is concentrate on your vision. The more clear the mental picture and the more intense the emotional joy of your goal, the faster it transforms itself into a physical reality in your life.
  • 5. Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson Chapter 1 - Belief in Your Goals “You can never outperform your self image.” In order to upgrade your lifestyle you must believe that you are the type of person capable of achieving your goals. You have to envision your self living the exact life you want to live performing perfectly in every aspect. Your mind is like a thermometer. It holds to a set goal or setting. For example: Set at 60 degrees, if it goes up to 70 degrees, air kicks in to bring it down. If it drops below, the generator kicks on for heat. How you see yourself is adjusting who you are. Set hire standards for yourself. Your self image and success mechanism (what pushes you) go into action for you much faster when you believe in a goal and show a commitment towards it. Convince yourself that you are the type of person that you need to be in order to achieve your goals. Then do what needs to get done. This is the compelling reason it takes to push through those times when you just don't feel like doing anything, but you must. Build your character. You can't just sit around and do nothing with such a big personal goal to accomplish staring you right in the face. Raise your personal standards. Visualize (Place your order with the universe) “The universe we live in is like a catalog that you get to just flip through to order any experience you would like to have, the people you want to have around you, this product, that service etc.” The Secret The world is like a catalog. Flip through it to find whatever you desire and place your order. Upgrading your lifestyle is all about programming your super mental computer to complete the tasks that add up to your goal. All you have to do is start using your own imagination to visualize the person you want to be living the lifestyle you want to live and already having everything in the world you want. Step into your own movie and see it through the eyes of the main star. You! Or you can do a mental rehearsal and see yourself living the lifestyle you want as if your in the audience watching your own movie on the big screen. We've all heard the saying, “Life is what you make it.” Well don't let it go over your head like it went over mine for so many years. As you make the journey, you will change, and your goals may change too. Maybe even far better than you could have ever imagined. I once read somewhere that the important thing is to be in the game, pursuing a goal, writing your own life story. Use your imagination to take your goal for a test-drive. Visualize yourself going after this goal with all the luxury possessions and people you want around you at places you want to be. How does that feel to you? If you have any doubts as to whether the goal is worth going after than it's
  • 6. Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson probably not. Most goals come with a stamp of approval that gives you that gut feeling of, “Yes, this is what I want, definitely.” Now ask yourself, “What's the worst that could happen if I go after this goal with all I've got and don't achieve it?” Am I going to die? NO! Am I going to suffer from a major illness? No! Than it's a go! Most of the time, the worst that could happen when you pursue a goal is ten times better than the best that could happen if you don't pursue any goals at all. Your life right now is made up of your past beliefs, decisions, and actions. So if you don't like the direction your life is currently going in just make up your mind to change it. I know this sounds so simple but look at the words 'make up ' your mind. Make up is used to make faces appear more attractive. Yes even some male movie stars use make up in their films, especially if they need to appear younger, older or as a monster etc. The point here is that like using make up to manipulate appearances, you can put make up on your current reality by painting a more attractive mental picture in your head of the lifestyle you want to live. Just 'make up' your mind. Take a good look at your current reality to see where your thoughts have gotten you to this point. Now overlap that with a virtual reality you would rather be living. Make your vision holographic. That concerns location, personal belongings, and people you want around you. If you are having trouble with this just imagine your role models or people whom you admire doing whatever it may be that you want then remove them and enter yourself .
  • 7. Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson Chapter 2 Your Self Image Create a vision board I have a vision board. Actually it's a wall full of images that I tacked up. I either cut them out of magazines or printed them out off of Google images and taped them up. The point is to just take whatever images you want of whatever, whoever, or wherever you want and just claim them as yours in your own mind. Whichever image that gives you an emotional reaction of, “Oh yeah that's mine.” Motivational speaker Doug Stevenson once said, “Emotion is the fast lane to the brain.” I just stand there glossing over all the images and start getting excited by how I'm going to feel when for instance my family comes over to my mansion for a family affair or I ride up to an event in my brand new Rolls Royce. And my driver lets my stunning date and myself out of the back seats. The list goes on and on down to the pictures of places I want to visit around the world and have other houses when I feel like living there. I have one image of a packed stadium full of fans and a lit up stage to perform my rap songs about good living. Of course I'm the star. This is free besides the few minutes you take out of your day to invest in your dreams and goals. After you keep feeding and strengthening the successful image of yourself in your mind for 15 to 25 minutes with this exercise, you will start feeling excited by the thoughts of actually having your desired lifestyle. Start acting as if you already have what you desire. Today! The truth is we all have a success mechanism that is controlled by our self image. So the minute you start seeing yourself as the type of person who already has (today) and deserves the lifestyle you want then your mind will begin to feed your brain creative ideas to actually get what you want. All you need is the confidence to act on those ideas. Universal forces are responding to the thoughts that you send out. The universe will rearrange itself to make it happen. It says in 'Think and grow rich' that any desire that you persistently hold in your mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of attaining the object. You will attract the forces you need to use and the cooperation of other people. You don't need to know how but you will magnetically attract the way. You will get ideas that you must have courage to act on immediately. And you will cause others to believe in you because of the passion you believe in yourself with. Passion is contagious. Unfortunately your self image also has an automatic failure mechanism that kicks in whenever you start to worry, have doubts, or engage in negative conversation or self talk. Habits are difficult to break so the above bad habits must be replaced by the new software that you are going to program onto your upgraded self image today. Your Self Image must believe that you can do it in order to activate peak performance in the daily tasks which add up to your goal. PROGRAM: Within three years I will have in my possession $1,000,000,000 (One billion dollars) which will come to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim.
  • 8. Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson Chapter 3 - It's You vs You (Don't Sabotage Your Own Dreams) “What some call failure is really only feedback” This will be a short chapter because I will not dwell on the negative. I will touch on what it is and how it affects our goals and how we can overcome it then get back to customizing our lifestyles to the way we want to live. You know the negative self talk. That inner voice that convinces you that, “your ideas are not so great” or that “you're just not good enough to accomplish what you're thinking about.” We all create our own destiny whether positive or negative. If you say it's hard it's hard. If you say you can't you can't. Growing up I heard many pastors preach from the bible that 'the power of life and death are in the tongue.' What you say becomes true for you. Why not choose to see the bright side of situations in your life? You get to choose so why would you choose the bad side of life? Choose the best perspective for your life. Whatever you perceive and believe, you will achieve. Make a living doing what you love to do. Let your happiness be your navigation system. Negativity is like a glitch in the matrix. When you start to worry or be fearful let that be a warning that you are going in the wrong direction. If you're not following your joy, peace of mind, or ecstasy than you're going off track. Catch yourself and re-route your thinking. When everything is going good negativity tries to creep its ugly head in so don't allow it to. Ignore it and continue to enjoy your moment. Overcome doubt, fear, and rejection by failing your way to success. Learn what not to do from your mistakes. Make more mistakes to learn more lessons faster. Push the guardrails of your comfort zone and expand your possibilities as you go out into the world and collect experiences as evidence of the life you desire. Forgive yourself and others. You will not succeed if you feel so guilty about something about yourself that you feel you don't deserve success. You will not succeed if you hold resentment in your heart towards others. Nobody is perfect. Nobody is perfect. Did I say nobody is perfect? Two more quick things before we switch back to where we need to be. #1 Don't engage in negative conversations. Either try to steer it in a more positive direction or cut it short somehow. Complaining is contagious. #2 Stop saying, “It is what it is” because in all reality It is what you say it is. Start saying, “It is what I say it is!”
  • 9. Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson Chapter 4 -Program your mental computer “Goals form the basis of a strategy.” Take a minute to think of all the wealth and luxury you now possess. In many ways you are already living better than kings and queens of great civilizations throughout history. Let's assume that you have a television, a plumbing system with hot and cold running water, and access to the World Wide Web where almost anything you can imagine and more is literally at your fingertips. How much gold would that have cost Queen Elizabeth or Alexander the Great? How many warriors would their armies have killed to own an airplane to travel? Instead it took months to sail across the seas where many crew members lost their lives along the way? Along with working out your body there are mental exercises that you must learn and continue to do in order to maintain the success muscles (self image) you're about to build. At the end of this guide there are some bonus 'Life Customizing Exercises' for you to do when you find the time to develop your success muscles (self image).. Start with the end result that you want in mind and then set reasonable goals on the path to the bigger picture. What you can potentially accomplish is unlimited. However, what you actually accomplish is based on the thoughts and actions that you think and make. The method you employ to upgrade your lifestyle is a secret because it can only be discovered by you. You must also believe that you are already actually the person you desire to be. It may sound weird but I highly suggest that you not judge the process of this method but instead judge the results. There is a constant discussion going on between your brain and your mind. The mind understands images. The brain understands questions and answers. They both understand the emotions you get from both. So as you come up with answers to the questions ahead, your mind will create pictures. These pictures are like little puzzle pieces that add up to the box cover -bigger picture of the best you. In order to download the success software into your self image you first need to know what success means, feels, and looks like to you. So without further delay.... What do you really want out of life? You don't have to write this down right now but I do recommend that you do when you can take some time out to work on yourself. Right now we just want to get your mind looking in the best direction of where you want your life to go. Success means different things to different people. Not every body wants more money. Research shows that anything over $75k a year is excessive and becomes a hassle to manage. (Not a problem I wouldn't like having LOL!) Some people just want more time to spend with their family so if they can just figure out how to make the same amount of money in less time that would be a major lifestyle upgrade. What would be the ideal situation for you? If you could design the perfect life for yourself what would it be? Do you want to be debt free? Have a huge retirement? Pay for your kids college?
  • 10. Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Draw out the picture of your goal and utilize all your senses either through your own eyes or on a large mental movie screen starring YOU! Feel it, See it, touch it, smell it, and hear it. Ask yourself why you want these things in your life? If it's to be more happy ask yourself what is more happy? What does happy mean to you? Knowing the 'why?' behind what you desire in life is the shortest and fastest way to get there. Start off with “reasonable goals” that you can obtain within a few short weeks then graduate to months then years so you can focus on one thing at a time. Accomplishing smaller goals recharges and motivates you to accomplish more. Start with just paying rent or mortgage on time. Then either saving up for a down payment or paying off your house, etc. What's a career goal that fits in with your life goals? More income? Shorter work days/weeks? Manager position or executive of the company? Working at home? What are your resources? What people do you know? What tools do you use/know how to use? What things do you need?---specific tools- internet, a website, a car, a higher paying job, a sponsor? What are your skills and interests? What can you do right now? What will you need to learn? What can you outsource for hire? Now, based on all of the above answers put together a 'to-do' list and prioritize your to do list in numerical order of importance. Number one being most important, number two, three etc. down to the least important. Don't get distracted away from the items on your to do list. Get each one done. And don't be tempted to start working on number 4 on your list when you haven't completed number 2. Remember it's prioritized! Knock down your list step by step. First things first. Note: Get rid of all negative people, places, and things (or information) you don't need or put them to the side until you're successful. PROGRAM: In return for a billion dollars I will give the most efficient service of which I am capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity and the best possible quality of service as a sales representative of my own corporations.
  • 11. Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson Chapter 5 - Engage Your Desired Lifestyle Gather experiences as evidence of your upgraded lifestyle. Test-drive the luxury car, go price the jewelry that compliments your unique style, walk through the property for sale that you would love to purchase and act as if you have the funds available now to pay for the titles of ownership with a cashier's check etc. You can do most of this virtually online but it's better to feel the prestige the salesman treats you with as they try to get you to buy with all the cash they believe you have. Big self esteem booster! Research your ideas and interests (Google, Youtube, etc.) This is another time when your prioritized to-do list is very important. Millions of marketers will be screaming for your attention or trying to convince you they have a better way of doing what you're attempting. This is acting class and you're rehearsing for the role of the best you. Your place of rehearsal is out in the real world. So act as if you are already living your upgraded lifestyle today. PROGRAM: I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this billion dollars and I will follow that plan when it is received.
  • 12. Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson Bonus Chapter- Life Customizing Exercises These are exercises that I've done myself and I highly recommend taking the time out to do them. They are very fun and empowering. Always put the date at the top right hand corner to measure your progress and ambition at a given time. After a while you may need to update these exercises. You may be surprised at how small your biggest goals once were. $3 Million lottery win Suppose if you will that you are at the lottery building collecting on your winning $3 million dollar lottery ticket. Before you receive the check you must agree to one condition. You must spend all the money within one year or whatever you have left will be canceled. You must make a list of what you buy along with the price for each transaction with a receipt to prove it. Once you have your list with the costs adding up to $3 million dollars you have to prioritize each item you bought according to importance. For example: I put as my number one priority - #1- expand my small businesses with$400,000. #2- Invest $1 million in real estate property. #3- spend $300,000 on a house...etc. This should let you know what's truly important to you at the time. Create your day Simply write down whatever time you wish to be able to wake up in the morning to start your day. List whatever it is you would love to do throughout the day and night with whomever you want wherever you would like until it's time to go back to bed. Make sure you write the time before each different activity. Or like me since money is not an issue you do what you feel like doing at the time all day until you go to sleep.
  • 13. Upgrade Your Lifestyle Today Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson Note: This guide is for you to find out specifically what will be the best moves for you to make in order to upgrade your lifestyle. However, if you want to find out how I make money with these e-books to upgrade my lifestyle, click the e-books below if you are viewing this online: The Complete Guide to Profit on Ebooks BigMoney Writing Little Books Real Fast Book Marketing Affiliate Marketing Without the Bull...t These ebooks will explain step-by-step from creating ebooks to setting up free accounts with Clickbank and to sell your ebooks and setting up a PayPal account to accept payment for your material (Free). Or you can sell other authors ebooks and get paid through what's known as affiliate marketing. Friend request me on Facebook if you are not already my friend and share this e-book. Email me at with any questions concerning what you're interested in. I'll be glad to answer with a suggestion in that direction for you. Until then enjoy your upgraded way of thinking/living. Drahcir Parson Facebook/Drahcir 'Drac' Parson