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The Mao Model
research for
behavior change
Sebastian Deterding (@dingstweets)
February 3, 2012, Dublin

Swelter more steel to accelerate
the establishment of socialism!
 Design               The MAO Model                Coda
    1                      3                        5

             2                            4
        The Problem                   The Method
    1                 The MAO Model                Coda
                           3                        5

             2                            4
        The Problem                   The Method
From Usability to Motivation
Persuasive Design
Design to change attitudes
and behaviors
»Behavior is our

  Robert Fabricant
  interaction’09 (2009)
Why care?
Reason #1
Business has
the great beyond


New differentiators
              health   eco/green

New markets
Retweet!     Bookmark!              Tag!
  Like!    Design!

 Mark as Spam!
                 Buy!         Forward!
     Subscribe!   Add friend!       Share!
   Digg!    Answer!         Vote!

 New business models & goals
Reason #2
Our idea of the
human condition
has changed.

Then: The Rational Actor
(It shaped our work as well)
Now:   e Social Animal
Rational Actor               Social Animal

Individualist, detached        Social, embodied

                          Many (also intrinsic, social)
 Material self-interest

                           Biases, emotions, habits,
 Cool calculating ratio        social & material

Conscious information-
                            Unconscious processes
A g d workin model
e Rider
  Conscious, deliberate reasoning
Needs goals and plans to get somewhere
   Quickly tired from heavy steering
            Often not alert

e Elephant
Emotions, habits, automatic processes
Has a mind of its own (really in charge)
      Lives in the here and now
         Training takes time

e Jungle
Social and material environment
  Arouses the elephant (mice!)
Makes things harder/easier to reach
    Can be cultivated by rider
       Where the herd lives

    on r
  ti o
 a t
R c

   Ignorin the elephant and the r m
 Design           The MAO Model                Coda
    1                   3                       5

             2                    The Method

    The Problem
We have t l sets ...
… but no real constru ion plan.
what we warn all clients of:
»A solution in search
of a problem«
»This might also persuade users.«

»What drives and stops Peter to
do X at point Y?«


                                     trigger threshold


             e Fog Behavior Model?
„Pleasure/pain, hope/fear, acceptance/rejection“
               is a private theory out of sync with motivation
               research; ignores attitudes and affects


                                                                  trigger threshold


             e Fog Behavior Model?
Ignores self-efficacy, learning,
                                     understanding. Quote: „Most people
                                     resist learning new things. That’s
                                     just how we are as humans:
                                     lazy“ (which is untrue)


                                                     trigger threshold


             e Fog Behavior Model?
Ignores intention, goal-
                                     setting, mindfulness


                                                          trigger threshold


             e Fog Behavior Model?
o gg

 In     ort: We‘re mi in a rider here!
A ion is me   , emergent, situated
and we‘d still like to know:
What are the relevant
motivators, enablers,
triggers for Peter to do
X in situation Y?
                      The Mao Model
                           3                       Coda
    1                                               5

             2                            4
        The Problem                   The Method
Pushing action
forward (or back)
Affording and
constraining action
Finding the right/
critical moments

           “Stopwatch” symbol is by The Noun Project from collection.
wa er
be ad

Pushing action
forward (or back)
Love manual labor!
»Put hot triggers in the
path of motivated people.«

   BJ Fogg
   the new rules of persuasion (2009)
»I‘m not convinced.«
St 1

Make people aware
St 2

Help people understand
<Insert influence here>
Social Proof,

  Social Proof

St 3

Make people care
Appeal to motivational needs
Create need-satisfying experiences




      ton                                                    ition
                                                        co gn
              y                                      Re

            nce                                       Powe
    pe   te                                                     r
Com                         physical







      ton                                                    ition
                                                        co gn
              y                                      Re

            nce                                       Powe
    pe   te                                                     r
Com                         physical



That tricky beast, autonomy
Lynde Kintner, Smart Sex.
Acknowledge and defuse FUDs
Use (or remove) social norms
Motivation, in summary
    knowledge         Build awareness, form mental models

attitudes, emotions Connect to emotions & values

   motivations        Appeal to & satisfy needs

       fears          Acknowledge & defuse fears

   social norms       Use or shift contexts
Affording and
Train strictly and be well-prepared
for the battle against invaders!
Support visioning
Support visioning
Guide goal and implementation planning
Guide goal and implementation planning
Oh, there‘s

             CRAVING !!!“

»With an aesthetic of convenience,
you will never instill change.
What you need, rather, is an
aesthetic of friction.«

    Marc Hassenzahl
    towards an aesthetic of friction (2011)
Cultivate mindfulness and willpower
Kehr, F., Hassenzahl, M., Laschke, M., & Diefenbach, S. (2012). A transformational product to improve self-control
strength: the Chocolate Machine. Proc. of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems.
Strengthen self-efficacy
Model the behavior
Provide fast experiences of success
Defuse guilt & frustration
Build knowledge and skills
Make it easy (or hard ^_^)
Ensure necessary resources
Shape new habits
Routines support habituation
Defaults support habituation
Train ready-to-hand alternative actions
»Free choice means having at
least one other way.«

   Moshé Feldenkrais
   the elusive obvious (1981)
Provide social support
Ability, in summary
   goal-setting      Support visioning, goals, planning

 mindfulness, will   Train the rider‘s strength

   self-efficacy     Model, afford successes, forgive failures

      ability        Train, improve usability & resources

       habit         Repetition until ready-to-hand/automatic

  social support     Providing social support
Finding the right/
critical moments

           “Stopwatch” symbol is by The Noun Project from collection.
obey commands at any time!
The Opportune Moment
Providing a catalyst when
people are motivated, able, and
have the opportunity to act.
Opportunities over time

           biography        Breakdowns, periods

        service lifecycle   Steps (one-time/repeat)

           routines         Month, week, day, ...

        service episode     User flow, interface

Biographic turning points
Service lifecycle
Routines: Workday
Routines: Craving cycle
Service episode: Restaurant
Service episode: Interface
Always Be Closing
No time?
Make a future appointment
Allow completion in chunks
Don‘t disturb current goals
Opportunities in space
The Opportune Moment
Providing a catalyst when
people are motivated, able, and
have the opportunity to act.
What did I want?
»After surveying the experimental findings,
one begins to wonder how people manage
to get on in their daily lives at all. ... People
are able to get on because they “offload” an
enormous amount of practical reasoning
onto their environment.«

     Joseph Heath and Joel Anderson
     procrastination and the extended will (2010)
Create wanted cues
Created wanted cues
Remove unwanted external cues
Remove unwanted external cues
Create Re-Minders
Opportunity, in summary
      time      Find rhythms & timings

     space      Find spaces for action

     cues       Create wanted, remove unwanted

   re-minders   Give the rider a chance
 Design               The MAO Model                Coda
    1                      3                        5

        The Problem                       4
                                      The Method
First, a nagging problem
»Nisbett and Wilson are not skeptics
about introspective report of conscious
experiences. They are skeptics about
introspective knowledge of the causes of
those experiences.«

    Eric Schwitzgebel
    the nisbett-wilson myth (2006)
The limits of self-report
We can report recent experiences,
general beliefs, attitudes, values
Stick to actual, current/recent experiences
We fail at detailed memory, future action,
irrelevant things, unconscious processes
Ask for connected attitudes, values, needs,
but don‘t jump to conclusions
St 1
       Define & ma           ange goals
  Be specific: »Become a better person«
  doesn‘t work
  Map out chain of behaviors & actors to
  structure and/or focus research
  If you replace an old behavior, you need to
  study & address both old and new
Behavior chain: Eating healthy

Behavior chain: Eating healthy


Behavior chain: Eating healthy

                  cook       eat
                 healthy   healthy
                  food      food

Behavior chain: Eating healthy

          shop      cook       eat
         healthy   healthy   healthy
          food      food      food

Behavior chain: Eating healthy

                shop      cook       eat
plan healthy
               healthy   healthy   healthy
                food      food      food

Behavior chain: Eating healthy

                shop      cook       eat
plan healthy
               healthy   healthy   healthy
                food      food      food

  actor a                            avoid
  actor b
St 2
       Recruit participants
  People using your service/performing
  your activity (or broaden to comparable
  Look for people who just did it and ...
  … failed/aborted (what kept them?)
  … succeeded (what enabled them?)
St 3

  Gather data
St 3
       Gather data
  Stick to actual experiences with ...
  Experience Sampling
  True Intent/Voice of Customer
  Shadowing/Contextual Inquiry
  Interviews with participants that recently
  engaged in the activity in question




          Use laddering
Find the template
     online at
St 4
       Analyse the data
  Analyse, aggregate and identify key
  issues, looking for ...
  … aligning drivers and obstacles
  … things mentioned repeatedly
  … things that separate successful and
  unsuccessful cases
  … things that are interdependent or
  »root causes«
St 5
 How might we address ...

       key obstacle/
        opportunity      (, using    pattern/card/lens       )

 to achieve            Put desired change here           ?
St 5
 How might we address ...

       key obstacle/
        opportunity      (, using    pattern/card/lens       )

 to achieve            Put desired change here           ?
St 5
 How might we address ...

       key obstacle/
        opportunity      (, using    pattern/card/lens       )

 to achieve            Put desired change here           ?
St 6
         Make a detail analysis

                                  send      see
       whom to    write invite
                                 invite   invite

        sign        explore      accept    open
         up         service      invite   invite
St 6
       Make a detail analysis


         Motivation                 whom to

St 6
       Make a detail analysis
  Take your customer journey/behavior
  chain/screen flow/…, ask at each step:
  What is the relevant action?
  Is this the right moment? Are there
  unmet preconditions, better moments?
  What is de/motivating, en/disabling,
  Ideate for each step if necessary
St 7

  Map a journey over time
e Path
Designing change over time,
       step by step

»It takes an average 66 days
to form a new habit.«

   Phillippa Lally et al.
   how are habits formed (2009)
 Design               The MAO Model                 5
    1                      3

             2                            4
        The Problem                   The Method
#1 way

       A ion is me   , emergent, situated

ange starts with understandin the problem
  Designed by Sebastian Deterding/coding conduct
                                            p. 1

                                                              Key drivers                            Behavior                          Key obstacles
  Licensed under cb

                                                                                                        Self-e cacy


                                                                                                       Social support
 Motivation Ability Opportunity Analysis



                                                                                                        Social norms
                                                                                             Opportune Moments
                                                          Biography              Service lifecycle                          Routines                      Service episode
#2 way
  ea                                                  k
»These are two types of change: one that
occurs within a given system which itself
remains unchanged, and one whose
occurrence changes the system itself. ...
Second-order change is thus change of

      Paul Watzlawick et al.
      change (1974: 10-11)
#2 tion

      Dou you build crutches …
… if you could build ladders?
»The ethical imperative:
Act always so as to increase
the number of choices.«

    Heinz von Foerster
    on constructing a reality (1973)
#2 tion

      Do you seek the right change?
When discipline is reinforced,
revolution cannot fail!
»(A) person having a nightmare can do many
things in his dream – run, hide, fight, scream,
jump off a cliff, etc. – but no change from any
one of these behaviours to another would
ever terminate that nightmare. ... The only
way out of a dream involves a change from
dreaming to waking.«

       Paul Watzlawick et al.
       change (1974: 10-11)
Thank You.
If you liked this, you will enjoy ...

       don‘t play games with me!
       Promises and Pitfalls of Gameful Design
If you liked this, you will enjoy ...

       persuasive design
       or: The Fine Art of Separating People from their Bad
If you liked this, you will enjoy ...

       meaningful play
       Getting »Gamification« Right
Some References
Ariely, D. (2010). Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions. New
York: Harper Perennial.
Benkler, Y. (2011). The Penguin and the Leviathan: How Cooperation Trumps Over Self-
Interest. London: Penguin.
Brooks, D. (2012). The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and
Achievement. New York: Random House.
Christakis, N.A. & Fowler, J.H. (2009). Connected: The Suprising Power of Our Social
Networks and How They Change Our Lives. New York: Litle, Brown and Company.
Damasio, A. (2005). Descarte‘s Error. Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. London:
Fogg, B.J. (2009). A behavior model for persuasive design. Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Persuasive Technology.
Grist, M. (2010). STEER: Mastering Our Behaviour Through Instinct, Environment and Reason.
London: The RSA.
Heath, C. & Heath, D. (2010). Switch: How to Change When Change is Hard. New York:
Broadway Books.
More References
Kahnemann, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
Michie, S., van Starlen, M.M. & West, R. (2011). The behaviour change wheel: A new method
for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions. Implementation Science
Ölander, F. & Thogersen, J. (1995). Understanding of consumer behaviour as a prerequisite
for environmental protection. Journal of Consumer Policy 18,4, 345-385.
Pink, D. (2009). Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. London: Penguin.
Rowson, J. (2011). Transforming Behaviour Change: Beyond Nudge and Neuromania.
London: The RSA.
Thaler, R.H. & Sunstein, C. (2008). Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and
Happiness. London: Penguin.
Watzlawick, P., Weakland, J. & Fish, M.D. (1974). Change. Principles of Problem Formation
and Problem Resolution. W.W. Norton: New York.
Even More References
The Chocolate Machine: Kehr, F., Hassenzahl, M., Laschke, M., & Diefenbach, S. (2012). A
transformational product to improve self-control strength: the Chocolate Machine. Proc. of the
SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems.
Motivation and Emotion: Reeve, J. (2009). Understanding Motivation and Emotion, 5th. Ed.
Hoboken; John Wiley.
Implementation Intentions: Gollwitzer,P. M. (1999). Implementation Intentions: Strong Effects
of Simple Plans. American Psychologist 54,7.
Willpower is depleted and trainable: Baumeister, R.; J. Tierny (2011). Willpower: Rediscovering
the Greatest Human Strength. New York: Penguin.
Mindfulness and smoking cessation: Brewer, J.A. et. al. (2011). Mindfulness training for
smoking cessation: results from a randomized controlled trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Everyday willpower: Hofmann, W., Baumeister, R. F., Förster, G. & Vohs, K. D. (2012). Everyday
temptations: An experience sampling study of desire, conflict, and self-control. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, online first.
Image credits
Most images are cc-licensed images taken from flickr. In those cases, attribution and link to
the original photo are given on the respective slide.
All Mao posters are from the excellent
»Daddy, drink two glasses of water first« image of Android app is © Rajat Paharia and used
with kind permission.
»Increasing motivation, removing friction« illustration is taken from Stephen Anderson‘s
presentation The Art and Science of Seductive Interactions and used with kind permission.
Find the template
     online at

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The MAO Model: Research for Behavior Change.

  • 1. The Mao Model research for behavior change Sebastian Deterding (@dingstweets) Interaction’12 February 3, 2012, Dublin cb
  • 3. Swelter more steel to accelerate the establishment of socialism!
  • 4. Persuasive Design The MAO Model Coda 1 3 5 2 4 The Problem The Method
  • 5. Persuasive Design 1 The MAO Model Coda 3 5 2 4 The Problem The Method
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. From Usability to Motivation
  • 10. Persuasive Design Design to change attitudes and behaviors
  • 11. »Behavior is our medium.« Robert Fabricant interaction’09 (2009)
  • 12.
  • 15. the great beyond utility usability New differentiators
  • 16. self- health eco/green improvement New markets
  • 17. Retweet! Bookmark! Tag! Comment! Like! Design! Curate! Upload! Mark as Spam! Buy! Forward! Invite! Subscribe! Add friend! Share! Digg! Answer! Vote! New business models & goals
  • 18. Reason #2 Our idea of the human condition has changed.
  • 20. (It shaped our work as well)
  • 21. Now: e Social Animal
  • 22. Rational Actor Social Animal Individualist, detached Social, embodied Many (also intrinsic, social) Material self-interest motivations Biases, emotions, habits, Cool calculating ratio social & material environment Conscious information- Unconscious processes processing
  • 23. A g d workin model
  • 24. e Rider Conscious, deliberate reasoning Needs goals and plans to get somewhere Quickly tired from heavy steering Often not alert
  • 25. e Elephant Emotions, habits, automatic processes Has a mind of its own (really in charge) Lives in the here and now Training takes time
  • 26. e Jungle Social and material environment Arouses the elephant (mice!) Makes things harder/easier to reach Can be cultivated by rider Where the herd lives
  • 27. al on r ti o a t R c A Ignorin the elephant and the r m
  • 28. Persuasive Design The MAO Model Coda 1 3 5 4 2 The Method The Problem
  • 29. We have t l sets ...
  • 30. … but no real constru ion plan.
  • 31. what we warn all clients of: »A solution in search of a problem«
  • 32. Not »This might also persuade users.« But »What drives and stops Peter to do X at point Y?«
  • 33. motivation trigger trigger threshold ability e Fog Behavior Model?
  • 34. „Pleasure/pain, hope/fear, acceptance/rejection“ is a private theory out of sync with motivation research; ignores attitudes and affects motivation trigger trigger threshold ability e Fog Behavior Model?
  • 35. Ignores self-efficacy, learning, understanding. Quote: „Most people resist learning new things. That’s just how we are as humans: lazy“ (which is untrue) motivation trigger trigger threshold ability e Fog Behavior Model?
  • 36. Ignores intention, goal- setting, mindfulness motivation trigger trigger threshold ability e Fog Behavior Model?
  • 37. o gg F In ort: We‘re mi in a rider here!
  • 38. A ion is me , emergent, situated
  • 41. and we‘d still like to know: What are the relevant motivators, enablers, triggers for Peter to do X in situation Y?
  • 42. Persuasive The Mao Model Design 3 Coda 1 5 2 4 The Problem The Method
  • 46. opportunity Finding the right/ critical moments “Stopwatch” symbol is by The Noun Project from collection.
  • 47. wa er be ad re Re
  • 50. Love manual labor!
  • 51. »Put hot triggers in the path of motivated people.« BJ Fogg the new rules of persuasion (2009)
  • 52. »I‘m not convinced.«
  • 53. ep St 1 # Make people aware
  • 54. ep St 2 # Help people understand
  • 57. Social Proof, Authority Liking Social Proof Facts
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60. ep St 3 # Make people care
  • 63. Rel ing ated ong nes Bel Au s ton ition om co gn y Re psycholo social gical nce Powe pe te r Com physical Hu x Se ng Thirst er
  • 64. Rel ing ated ong nes Bel Au s ton ition om co gn y Re psycholo social gical nce Powe pe te r Com physical Hu x Se ng Thirst er
  • 65. That tricky beast, autonomy
  • 66. Lynde Kintner, Smart Sex.
  • 67. Acknowledge and defuse FUDs
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71. Use (or remove) social norms
  • 72. Motivation, in summary knowledge Build awareness, form mental models attitudes, emotions Connect to emotions & values motivations Appeal to & satisfy needs fears Acknowledge & defuse fears social norms Use or shift contexts
  • 75. Train strictly and be well-prepared for the battle against invaders!
  • 76. Support visioning
  • 77. Support visioning
  • 78. Guide goal and implementation planning
  • 79. Guide goal and implementation planning
  • 80. Oh, there‘s craving. Interesting. Mindfulness
  • 81. “MUST - RESIST - CRAVING !!!“ Willpower
  • 82. Willpower
  • 83. »With an aesthetic of convenience, you will never instill change. What you need, rather, is an aesthetic of friction.« Marc Hassenzahl towards an aesthetic of friction (2011)
  • 84. Cultivate mindfulness and willpower Kehr, F., Hassenzahl, M., Laschke, M., & Diefenbach, S. (2012). A transformational product to improve self-control strength: the Chocolate Machine. Proc. of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems.
  • 85. Strengthen self-efficacy
  • 88. Defuse guilt & frustration
  • 90. Make it easy (or hard ^_^)
  • 92. Shape new habits
  • 96. »Free choice means having at least one other way.« Moshé Feldenkrais the elusive obvious (1981)
  • 98. Ability, in summary goal-setting Support visioning, goals, planning mindfulness, will Train the rider‘s strength self-efficacy Model, afford successes, forgive failures ability Train, improve usability & resources habit Repetition until ready-to-hand/automatic social support Providing social support
  • 99. opportunity Finding the right/ critical moments “Stopwatch” symbol is by The Noun Project from collection.
  • 100.
  • 101. obey commands at any time!
  • 103.
  • 104. The Opportune Moment Providing a catalyst when people are motivated, able, and have the opportunity to act.
  • 105. Opportunities over time macro biography Breakdowns, periods service lifecycle Steps (one-time/repeat) routines Month, week, day, ... service episode User flow, interface micro
  • 108. Routines: Workday
  • 112.
  • 115. Defer
  • 116. Make a future appointment
  • 120.
  • 121. The Opportune Moment Providing a catalyst when people are motivated, able, and have the opportunity to act.
  • 122. What did I want?
  • 123. »After surveying the experimental findings, one begins to wonder how people manage to get on in their daily lives at all. ... People are able to get on because they “offload” an enormous amount of practical reasoning onto their environment.« Joseph Heath and Joel Anderson procrastination and the extended will (2010)
  • 124. Create wanted cues
  • 127. Remove unwanted external cues
  • 129. Create Re-Minders
  • 130. Opportunity, in summary time Find rhythms & timings space Find spaces for action cues Create wanted, remove unwanted re-minders Give the rider a chance
  • 131. Persuasive Design The MAO Model Coda 1 3 5 2 The Problem 4 The Method
  • 132. First, a nagging problem
  • 133. »Nisbett and Wilson are not skeptics about introspective report of conscious experiences. They are skeptics about introspective knowledge of the causes of those experiences.« Eric Schwitzgebel the nisbett-wilson myth (2006)
  • 134. The limits of self-report We can report recent experiences, general beliefs, attitudes, values Stick to actual, current/recent experiences We fail at detailed memory, future action, irrelevant things, unconscious processes Ask for connected attitudes, values, needs, but don‘t jump to conclusions
  • 135. ep St 1 # Define & ma ange goals Be specific: »Become a better person« doesn‘t work Map out chain of behaviors & actors to structure and/or focus research If you replace an old behavior, you need to study & address both old and new
  • 136. Behavior chain: Eating healthy eat healthy food
  • 137. Behavior chain: Eating healthy eat healthy food avoid mindless snacking
  • 138. Behavior chain: Eating healthy cook eat healthy healthy food food avoid mindless snacking
  • 139. Behavior chain: Eating healthy shop cook eat healthy healthy healthy food food food avoid mindless snacking
  • 140. Behavior chain: Eating healthy shop cook eat plan healthy healthy healthy healthy meals food food food avoid mindless snacking
  • 141. Behavior chain: Eating healthy shop cook eat plan healthy healthy healthy healthy meals food food food actor a avoid mindless snacking actor b
  • 142. ep St 2 # Recruit participants People using your service/performing your activity (or broaden to comparable cases) Look for people who just did it and ... … failed/aborted (what kept them?) … succeeded (what enabled them?)
  • 143. ep St 3 # Gather data
  • 144. ep St 3 # Gather data Stick to actual experiences with ... Experience Sampling True Intent/Voice of Customer Shadowing/Contextual Inquiry Interviews with participants that recently engaged in the activity in question
  • 145. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Use laddering Laddering
  • 146.
  • 147.
  • 148.
  • 149. Find the template online at maomodel
  • 150. ep St 4 # Analyse the data Analyse, aggregate and identify key issues, looking for ... … aligning drivers and obstacles … things mentioned repeatedly … things that separate successful and unsuccessful cases … things that are interdependent or »root causes«
  • 151. ep St 5 # Ideate How might we address ... Put Put key obstacle/ opportunity (, using pattern/card/lens ) here here to achieve Put desired change here ?
  • 152. ep St 5 # Ideate How might we address ... Put Put key obstacle/ opportunity (, using pattern/card/lens ) here here to achieve Put desired change here ?
  • 153. ep St 5 # Ideate How might we address ... Put Put key obstacle/ opportunity (, using pattern/card/lens ) here here to achieve Put desired change here ?
  • 154. ep St 6 # Make a detail analysis choose send see whom to write invite invite invite invite sign explore accept open up service invite invite
  • 155. ep St 6 # Make a detail analysis Ability choose Motivation whom to invite Opportunity
  • 156. ep St 6 # Make a detail analysis Take your customer journey/behavior chain/screen flow/…, ask at each step: What is the relevant action? Is this the right moment? Are there unmet preconditions, better moments? What is de/motivating, en/disabling, cueing? Ideate for each step if necessary
  • 157. ep St 7 # Map a journey over time
  • 159. e Path Designing change over time, step by step Maintenance
  • 160. »It takes an average 66 days to form a new habit.« Phillippa Lally et al. how are habits formed (2009)
  • 161. Coda Persuasive Design The MAO Model 5 1 3 2 4 The Problem The Method
  • 162. #1 way kea Ta A ion is me , emergent, situated
  • 163. ange starts with understandin the problem Designed by Sebastian Deterding/coding conduct p. 1 Key drivers Behavior Key obstacles Licensed under cb Ability Ability Ability Self-e cacy Mindfulness/grit Obstacles Knowlegde/skill/usability Drivers Habits Resources Social support Motivation Motivation Motivation Motivation Ability Opportunity Analysis Awareness Attitudes/emotions Obstacles Goals Drivers Motivations Fears Social norms Opportune Moments Biography Service lifecycle Routines Service episode #2 way ea k Ta
  • 164. »These are two types of change: one that occurs within a given system which itself remains unchanged, and one whose occurrence changes the system itself. ... Second-order change is thus change of change.« Paul Watzlawick et al. change (1974: 10-11)
  • 165. #2 tion es qu Dou you build crutches …
  • 166.
  • 167. … if you could build ladders?
  • 169. »The ethical imperative: Act always so as to increase the number of choices.« Heinz von Foerster on constructing a reality (1973)
  • 170. #2 tion es qu Do you seek the right change? business/small-painless-behaviour-change
  • 171. When discipline is reinforced, revolution cannot fail!
  • 172. »(A) person having a nightmare can do many things in his dream – run, hide, fight, scream, jump off a cliff, etc. – but no change from any one of these behaviours to another would ever terminate that nightmare. ... The only way out of a dream involves a change from dreaming to waking.« Paul Watzlawick et al. change (1974: 10-11)
  • 173. Thank You. @dingstweets
  • 174. If you liked this, you will enjoy ... don‘t play games with me! Promises and Pitfalls of Gameful Design
  • 175. If you liked this, you will enjoy ... persuasive design or: The Fine Art of Separating People from their Bad Behaviours
  • 176. If you liked this, you will enjoy ... meaningful play Getting »Gamification« Right
  • 177. Some References Ariely, D. (2010). Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions. New York: Harper Perennial. Benkler, Y. (2011). The Penguin and the Leviathan: How Cooperation Trumps Over Self- Interest. London: Penguin. Brooks, D. (2012). The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement. New York: Random House. Christakis, N.A. & Fowler, J.H. (2009). Connected: The Suprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Change Our Lives. New York: Litle, Brown and Company. wcgnW2 Damasio, A. (2005). Descarte‘s Error. Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. London: Penguin. Fogg, B.J. (2009). A behavior model for persuasive design. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Persuasive Technology. Grist, M. (2010). STEER: Mastering Our Behaviour Through Instinct, Environment and Reason. London: The RSA. Heath, C. & Heath, D. (2010). Switch: How to Change When Change is Hard. New York: Broadway Books.
  • 178. More References Kahnemann, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. ymB3rc Michie, S., van Starlen, M.M. & West, R. (2011). The behaviour change wheel: A new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions. Implementation Science 6,42. Ölander, F. & Thogersen, J. (1995). Understanding of consumer behaviour as a prerequisite for environmental protection. Journal of Consumer Policy 18,4, 345-385. Pink, D. (2009). Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. London: Penguin. Rowson, J. (2011). Transforming Behaviour Change: Beyond Nudge and Neuromania. London: The RSA. Thaler, R.H. & Sunstein, C. (2008). Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness. London: Penguin. Watzlawick, P., Weakland, J. & Fish, M.D. (1974). Change. Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution. W.W. Norton: New York.
  • 179. Even More References The Chocolate Machine: Kehr, F., Hassenzahl, M., Laschke, M., & Diefenbach, S. (2012). A transformational product to improve self-control strength: the Chocolate Machine. Proc. of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. Motivation and Emotion: Reeve, J. (2009). Understanding Motivation and Emotion, 5th. Ed. Hoboken; John Wiley. Implementation Intentions: Gollwitzer,P. M. (1999). Implementation Intentions: Strong Effects of Simple Plans. American Psychologist 54,7. Willpower is depleted and trainable: Baumeister, R.; J. Tierny (2011). Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength. New York: Penguin. Mindfulness and smoking cessation: Brewer, J.A. et. al. (2011). Mindfulness training for smoking cessation: results from a randomized controlled trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 119,1-2. Everyday willpower: Hofmann, W., Baumeister, R. F., Förster, G. & Vohs, K. D. (2012). Everyday temptations: An experience sampling study of desire, conflict, and self-control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, online first.
  • 180. Image credits Most images are cc-licensed images taken from flickr. In those cases, attribution and link to the original photo are given on the respective slide. All Mao posters are from the excellent »Daddy, drink two glasses of water first« image of Android app is © Rajat Paharia and used with kind permission. »Increasing motivation, removing friction« illustration is taken from Stephen Anderson‘s presentation The Art and Science of Seductive Interactions and used with kind permission.
  • 181. Find the template online at maomodel