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TALAT Lecture 1102

                         Environmental Factors
                                 16 pages, 14 figures

                                     Basic Level

          prepared by Geoff Budd, Aluminium Federation, Birmingham

  − to appreciate the importance of aluminium application technologies
  − to aquire a basic knowledge of a major materials industry and the products
     available to manufacturing industry

More specifically, the objectives are
  − to review the environmental factors affecting the aluminium industry and the
     remedial practices followed
  − to describe the concept of a product life cycle and the importance of recycling
  − to describe the secondary aluminium industry, its history, processes, products and
     structure. To outline the methodology used to calculate recycling rates.
  − to summarize the scope and size of the European aluminium industry.

Prerequisites: None

Date of Issue: 1994
 EAA - European Aluminium Association
1102 Environmental Factors

Table of Contents

 1102.01 Industry and the Environment................................................................... 3
   Ecological Concern ...................................................................................................3
   Best Available Technology (BAT)............................................................................4
   Aluminium Industry and the Environment................................................................5
      - Bauxite Mining ................................................................................................... 5
      - Alumina Production............................................................................................ 6
      - Electrolysis ......................................................................................................... 6
 1102.02 Product Life Cycle ....................................................................................... 8
   Environment Protection by Energy Saving ...............................................................8
   Improvements in Production Techniques................................................................10
   Energy Content Reduction and Recycling Rate ......................................................10
 1102.03 Secondary Aluminium............................................................................. 12
   New and Old Scrap .................................................................................................12
   Processing of Scrap .................................................................................................12
 1102.04 Secondary Aluminium Industry............................................................. 14
   The Products............................................................................................................14
   Structure of the Secondary Industry ........................................................................15
   Recycling Rates.......................................................................................................15
 1102.05 List of Figures ............................................................................................ 16

TALAT 1102                                                    2
1102.01 Industry and the Environment

          •   Ecological Concern
          •   Best available technology (BAT)
          •   Aluminium industry and the environment
              − Bauxite mining
              − Alumina production
              − Electrolysis

Ecological Concern

Environmental awareness is largely a feature of the last half of this century. Widespread
debates were common in the 1960s but most of the problems caused by man's
insensitivity to his environment remained unsolved or indeed undiscovered. Smoke and
industrial fog was tackled in several countries with dramatic effects (see also Figure

                                                                                                              90's: GLOBAL

                                                                                             80's: REGIONAL

                     RAW MATERIALS
                                                                           70's: LOCAL

                                                          DISCHARGES TO
                                                          SOIL AND WATER


                Source: B. E. Dahlberg. 1991


                Training in Aluminium Application Technologies
                                                                           Environmental Awareness                           1102.01.01

In the 1970s most attention was focused on the local plant with various industrial
cleaning systems being introduced. Inside the factory a great deal was achieved to
improve working conditions and in the protection of the workers themselves.

In the '80s these concerns became regional. The acid rain debate for example dates from
that decade.

Currently the centre of attention are the global consequences of industrial activity.The
destruction of the tropical rain forest, the depletion of the ozone layer and the
greenhouse effect are of international concern.

TALAT 1102                                                                               3
In all these stages of opinion development the aluminium industry has usually kept
somewhat ahead of the rest of basic manufacturing industry.

There is increasing concern that we utilise all natural resources in a way to ensure
sustainable growth. The reclamation and reuse of materials instead of dumping them has
become an attractive, and in some cases an economic option. Waste, both domestic and
industrial, is an increasing problem and of great public concern.

Best Available Technology (BAT)

Politics follows opinion, so laws have been proposed giving the producers of materials
and products extended responsibilities after they have reached the consumer, and in
some cases even after they have been finally discarded (Figure 1102.01.02).

                                                                 FABRICATION         END PRODUCT   CONSUMER


                 Source: B. E. Dahlberg, 1991

                                                                 Global Consequences                    1102.01.02
                Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

The effect of market forces in the environmental field should not be underestimated.
Effluents and waste almost always involve the loss of valuable raw materials and
energy. Pre-dating the ecology debate by many decades simple self interest achieved
real progress.
These rudimentary pressures led to the concept of the ″best available technology″ (BAT)
which remains the most effective tool in this environmentally aware age. The best
available technology may not suit the idealist. Critics should, however, take into account
the costs of remedial or preventive action and the effect on international

Such a concept (BAT) clearly requires an historical perspective when judging the
performance of a plant at a specific time. What was the BAT when the plant was built
and are more recent innovations of the "bolt on" variety or can they only be applied to a
green field site?

TALAT 1102                                                                     4
Aluminium Industry and the Environment

Whilst this is not the place for detailed consideration of all possible negative, or, indeed,
positive ecological effects, it is possible to summarise the position in the main sectors of
the aluminium industry.

- Bauxite Mining

The main potential problems with bauxite mining are the effects of deforestation (see
Figure 1102.01.03).

                      PROBLEM                                    EFFECT                   BAT
                                                                                                                        BAUXITE MINING.
                       Deforestation                             Regional climate         Planned reinstatement
                       Soil erosion                              Topsoil loss                 ---- " ----

                                                                                                               ALUMINA PRODUCTION
                      SO 2                                       Acid rain                Exhaust neutralisation
                      CO 2                                       Global warming           Improved combustion efficiencies
                      Dust                                       Inconvenience            Better handling to minimise Al 2 O3 loss
                      Red mud                                    Loss of land use         "Dry stacking"
                                                                 during settling

                                                                 Caustic leach            Improved recovery of
                                                                                          process NaOH

                                                                             Ecological Considerations. 1.                       1102.01.03
                Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

A commercially viable deposit will take a minimum of five years to work to exhaustion
of the ore. Mining begins with the removal and storage of the topsoil and overburden on
the first area to be worked. At this initial stage seed is collected from the indigenous
plants and trees for the propagation of seedlings.

As soon as mining has progressed sufficiently reinstatement can commence. The vast
majority of mining areas, over 90%, are restored to the original land use, i.e mining area
reinstatement currently shows 80% restored indigenous forest or scrubland, 11% to
agriculture and pasture, 7% to commercial forest and 2% to industrial and recreational
use. What use is made of restored areas is usually the prerogative of the host country.
Reinstatement will usually be complete within 2 to 3 years of the cessation of mining on
the site.

TALAT 1102                                                                                5
- Alumina Production

The production of alumina from bauxite is a chemical process involving caustic soda
and appreciable process heat. The effects of the generation of heat are common to all
combustion processes such as electrical power generation from coal or oil and the
possible remedies are the same.

The largest amount of heat is used to drive off the chemically combined water in
aluminium hydrate at the final stage of producing alumina. Substantial economies have
been achieved in modern alumina plants by using fluid bed furnaces instead of the
traditional revolving cylindrical kiln.

The red mud residue could provide an ideal material for brick making. Alas most
alumina plants are located in areas where the demand for bricks is very limited. Bricks
are of course heavy and uneconomical to transport long distances. Dry stacking greatly
reduces the area required for storage, minimises the time lag before site restoration and
largely eliminates caustic leach.

- Electrolysis

The electrolytic process again gives rise to some of the same problems with the same
complete or partial remedies. Fluorides, PAH and dross do require comment (see
Figure 1102.01.04).

                       PROBLEM                                    EFFECT                    BAT
                       Fluoride                                   Effect on cattle          Containment of cells & dry scrubbing of
                       emission                                   and vegetation            extracted air to return fluoride to the
                       Dust                                       Inconvenience             Better alumina handling
                       Polycyclic                                 Can cause cancer          Fume collection & treatment in
                       aromatic                                                             carbon plant
                       hydro carbon
                        CO2 /CO                                   Global warming            As for alumina
                        SO2                                       Acid rain                 ---- " ----
                        Dross                                     Noxious fumes             High temperature dross treatment (which
                                                                                            also recovers extra usable Al)

                                                                              Ecological Considerations. 2.                           1102.01.04
                 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

The first two need site monitoring before the smelter is built to establish prevailing
levels - either from natural causes or the then existing environment. Since the lead time
from concept to commissioning can be five to ten years this can be done. Monitoring
will be continued for the entire life of the plant.

TALAT 1102                                                                                  6
The dry scrubbing process involves the use of fresh alumina being used as the active
filter material. It is periodically renewed with the used alumina being fed into the pot
lines thus returning the fluoride to the process.

The dross treatment is highly effective. Indeed, merely covering hot dross in airtight
conditions will eliminate the very acrid smell.

These problems have different impacts on the working environmental, local community,
regionally and globally. For example, the CO2, CO and SO2 contribution by the
aluminium industry is infinitesimal in global terms but possibly measurable at a local
plant level.

A state of the art new plant will beat existing standards and will steadily improve by fine
tuning and feasible new BAT application. A further quantum leap in efficiencies and
emission control may have to wait until the end of the plant's economic life.

Progress in these areas is measurable and a good example can be found in the reduction
of fluoride emissions from Norwegian smelters (Figure 1102.01.05).

                                                                 Norwegian Aluminium Smelters' production and
                                                                 emission of fluorides to the atmosphere 1960-90

                   Specific emission of                                          Collective emission of             Produced aluminium
                fluorides to the atmosphere                                   fluorides to the atmosphere
                 Kg F per t. aluminium                                         1000 tonnes F per year              1000 tonnes per year

                  5.40               4.40              2.20                    0.89    2.24       1.48   0.66      165    510    673      870
                  1960 1970                            1980       1990         1960   1970        1980   1990      1960 1970     1980     1990

                Source: B. E. Dahlberg, 1991

                                                                            Fluorides to the Atmosphere                         1102.01.05
                Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

The specific emission has decreased from 5.4 kg to 0.7 kg per tonne of metal produced.
The total emissions are substantially lower today than 30 years ago, even though the
production of primary aluminium is five to six times greater.

The main semi-fabrication processes used by the industry are very similar to those used
with other metals and thus the problems caused and the effective solutions are similar.

TALAT 1102                                                                                    7
1102.02 Product Life Cycle

          •   Environment protection by energy saving
          •   Improvements in production techniques
          •   Energy content reduction and recycling rate

Environment Protection by Energy Saving

The ecological and environmental story cannot end with the semifabricated product, it
must be followed into the life service of the consumer end product. Different products
have very different life spans, a beverage can might last six weeks from filling to trash
can, an aluminium window perhaps 60 or more years and the aluminium components in
an automobile probably 10/12 years.
During the product service life aluminium will provide various savings: energy related if
the end product is mobile and maintenance savings in the case of the window - say ten
coats of paint and the labour to apply them. In packaging the savings would be in
increased shelf life, lower spoilage or some similar measure.

The energy saving by using lightweight aluminium in transport applications can be
considerable (see Figure 1102.02.01). Total net energy savings over a railcar’s service
life can exceed 1 million KWh, with the aluminium content then available for recycling.
This simplified calculation demonstrates how replacing heavier materials with
aluminium in a metro carriage results in reduced energy consumption. After allowing
for the energy content of the carriage constructional materials overall savings are
achieved in some 3 years.

                                                                      Aluminium in metro carriage
                                      Energy consumption,
                  MWh                 steel carriage
                                      (9.5 tons)
                     100                                                                                   Assumptions:
                                                        80% recycling
                                                        of materials                                  Energy consumption
                                                                                                      Al production        : 40 MWh/ton
                                                       No recycling
                        50                             of materials                                   Energy consumption
                                                                                                      Steel production     : 10 MWh/ton
                                                                1y   2y       3y    4y
                                                                                                      Distance driven      : 115,000 km/year
                                                                          Energy savings each         Distance between
                      -50                                                 year for metro due to       stations             : 1.2 km
                                                                          reduced fuel
                                                                          consumption                 Maximum speed        : 75 km/hour
                   -100                                                                               Acceleration         : 0.92 m/s²
                                                                                                      Retardation          : 1.03 m/s²
                                                         Energy consumption
                   -150                                  aluminium carriage                                                               alu
                                                         (4 tons)
               Source: B. Viig

                                                                                     Energy Calculations                           1102.02.01
               Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

TALAT 1102                                                                                        8
A metro carriage probably has a service life of 30/40 years. Energy savings can of
course be roughly equated with reduced pollution as less energy means less fuel burnt in
the vehicle's engine, or at the electricity generating station.

This example illustrates the proportionate reduction of emissions as a result of reduced
fuel consumption in an automobile, leading to an overall reduction in emissions in only
a few years. The additional energy content of the aluminium is based on the western
world average (i.e. approximately 60% hydro-power) to provide the CO2 figure (Figure

                                                                              100 kg Aluminium in car

                                                                                               Western world average

                                                                  1 2 3 4   5 6   7 8    9 10 11 12 13 14 15                   Year

                                                                                                   CO2 -curve for western world average
                                                                                                         power sources

                  Source: B. Viig

                                                                              CO2 Calculation Example                                 1102.02.02
               Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

The energy breakeven point sees the start of a global benefit. The car user makes
savings from day 1 of his or her ownership (Figure 1102.02.03)! The USA currently
requires new cars to exceed 33 miles per gallon, a figure that may be raised to 40.
Weight reduction is the most straight forward way of achieving this - unless passengers
get much smaller.




                                                                                                            Engine downsized proportionately.
                                                                                                            Car dimensions remain constant,
                                           10                                                               lighter version uses aluminium body
                                                                                                            shell and engine components.



                   WEIGHT IN Kg                                      910                1365


                 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies
                                                                       Lower Weight = Less Fuel Consumption                        1102.02.03

TALAT 1102                                                                                 9
Improvements in Production Techniques

The service life story cannot be complete without mentioning the benefits provided by
the steady improvement in production techniques within the semi-fabricated product

The ability to tighten tolerances, to roll or extrude thinner material and maximise
physical properties have lead to "down gauging". For example this has allowed an
increase in the number of beverage cans produced from a tonne of metal to increase by
some 15% over a relatively short period. Intricate architectural extrusions have shown
similar improvement. The gauge of foil has been progressively reduced, without loss of
properties, by closer rolling control and minor alloy adjustment.

This type of improvement has been encouraged not only by competition from alternative
materials but by competition within the aluminium industry.

Energy Content Reduction and Recycling Rate

No service life history can be complete without consideration of what happens at the
end of a product’s useful life. With aluminium products the high scrap value plays a
deciding role at this point (Figure 1102.02.04).

                                                                   Automotive scrap

                                                                                    Aluminum: $700 per tonne

                                                                                    Rubber: $260 per tonne

                                                                                    Steel: $100 per tonne

                                                                                    Glass: no market
                                                                                    Plastic: no market
                                                                         1991 US prices.


               Training in Aluminium Application Technologies
                                                                Value of Recyclable Materials                  1102.02.04

Aluminium's potential for recycling is virtually inexhaustible and only some 5 per cent
of the energy needed in primary production is required to produce equally usable metal.
Hence the relatively high value of aluminium scrap.

If the scrap return rate on a product reaches 90 per cent, the energy required to produce
new products would be around 15 per cent of that required for products made entirely

TALAT 1102                                                               10
from primary metal (Figure 1102.02.05). That level of performance has been
approached in several countries in the case of cast automobile components.

When energy savings through recycling compound the reductions made by light-
weighting, the time to realize net energy savings is substantially reduced. This effect
was indicated on the metro carriage example (Figure 1102.02.01).




                                                                                                                       RECYCLED AL.

                               40                                                                                      PRIMARY AL.


                                                0            10    20 30    40  50   60  70   80 90             100
                                                                  AMOUNT OF RECYCLED ALUMINIUM %

                                                                  Energy Consumption for the Production of Secondary
                Training in Aluminium Application Technologies       Aluminium Depending on the Recycling Rate

The process (new) scrap generated within the aluminium industry from smelting to
semi-fabrication has always been recovered 100 per cent and frequently re-processed
within the same plant.

A similar recovery is achieved by large users of their process scrap.

TALAT 1102                                                                              11
1102.03 Secondary Aluminium

          •   New and old scrap
          •   Processing of scrap

New and Old Scrap

Aluminium has been recycled since the earliest days of commercial use. A published
reference to the economic advantage has been found dated 1903 concerning domestic
utensils. A large number of secondary refiners have been established, converting new
and old aluminium scrap into foundry ingots (casting alloys), deoxidiser for the steel
industry and into wrought alloy slabs and billets.

A wide variety of scrap is processed. New scrap is that surplus material that arises
during the manufacture and fabrication of aluminium alloys up to the point where they
are sold to the final user. Thus extrusion discards, sheet edge trim, turnings and millings
and drosses could all be described as new scrap. On the other hand, old scrap is
aluminium material that is recovered when an aluminium article has been produced,
used and finally discarded. Such scrap could be a used beverage can, a car cylinder head,
window frames from a demolished building or old electrical conductors.

Most new scrap reaching the secondary industry comes directly from the fabricators. It
is usually of known quality and composition and often uncoated. It can then be melted
down with little preparation, apart perhaps from baling.

Old scrap comes via a very efficient network of metal merchants who have the
technology to recover aluminium from motor vehicles, household appliances etc. This is
often done using heavy equipment such as shredders together with magnetic separators
to remove iron and sink-and-float installations to separate the aluminium from other

Processing of Scrap

Both types of scrap are processed prior to melting to suit any contamination that may be
present. Turnings and millings usually contain oil, water and iron. They are centrifuged
and dried to remove the oil and water and then magnetically separated from the iron.
Used beverage cans are processed to remove the interior lacquer coating and the outside
product display printing inks. This reduces fume emissions and gives pre-heating energy
prior to re-melting.

TALAT 1102                                  12
Several melting processes are used depending on the scrap quality (Figure 1102.03.01).
Clean, uncoated scrap can be melted in a reverberatory furnace (see Figure 1102.03.02);
finely divided scrap, such as turnings, are ideally melted in a coreless induction furnace;
contaminated lower grades of scrap are melted under a flux cover in a rotary furnace
(see Figure 1102.03.03) and scrap components contaminated with other metals such as
steel bolts or studs can be melted in a sloping hearth furnace.

                                                                                        SCRAP                 DOOR



                                                                              Secondary Aluminium:

                Training in Aluminium Application Technologies
                                                                              Sloping Hearth Furnace                       alu

Molten metal fluxing and filtration has been developed to produce aluminium alloys of
the desired composition and quality without undue impact on the environment. Most
modern secondary aluminium melting furnaces are fitted with fabric filters to ensure
that flue gases have a minimal dust content.




                                                                                      NON-WETTING BRICK                  alu

                                                                             Secondary Aluminium:

                                                                        Open Well Reverberatory Furnace
                Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

TALAT 1102                                                                           13



                         CHARGING DOOR                                      ALUMINIUM

                                                                              ROLLER DRIVE

                                                                 Secondary Aluminium: Rotary Furnace   1102.03.03
                Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

1102.04 Secondary Aluminium Industry

          •   The products
          •   Structure of the secondary industry
          •   Recycling rates

The Products

Secondary aluminium refiners convert most of their materials into foundry ingot,
generally based on the aluminium-silicon alloy system with additions of other metals
such as copper and magnesium. These ingots, to recognised national or international
specifications, go into the manufacture of aluminium cast components. Some of this
metal is delivered in a molten form by road tanker to large foundry users thus
eliminating a further remelting operation.

Deoxidiser for the steel industry is supplied in notched bar or granular forms.

Alloy "hardeners" are also produced. These ingots, with a high known percentage
content of alloying metals, are used by other sectors of the aluminium industry such as
primary smelters and wrought remelts.

The reprocessing of used beverage cans (UBCs) is a specialist branch of the industry.
Here UBCs are dealt with in a dedicated facility and the end product is rolling ingot
ready to be reprocessed into can body stock. A modern plant of this kind will treat some

TALAT 1102                                                                     14
50,000 tonnes of UBCs per year (see Figure 1102.04.01); there are between 40 and
50,000 UBCs to the tonne.

                        MELTING FURNACES


                                                                             DECOATER          MAGNETIC

                                                                DEGASSER                DIRECT CHILL
                                                                                        CASTING UNIT              INGOTS

                         TILTING HOLDING                                   FILTRATION

                                                                   Beverage Can Recycling Plant                   1102.04.01
               Training in Aluminium Application Technologies

Until the can market and the UBC recovery infra-structure has developed to a sufficient
size such plants are not a viable proposition. There is at present only one such plant
within Western Europe.

Structure of the Secondary Industry

Secondary aluminium refiners may be integrated into major aluminium companies or
they may be entrepreneurial, independent companies. Because of the rapidly changing
price of aluminium scrap and primary metal and the fluctuating market for foundry
alloys, the refiners need to be very flexible in both buying and selling.

Some countries generate more scrap than the national foundry industries can absorb.
The secondary refiners in these cases need to sell internationally.

Recycling Rates

It has already been noted that new aluminium scrap, being readily identified and within
the control of the industry, has a recycling rate of virtually 100%.
The recycling of old scrap is more interesting and depends on the basis used for
calculating the percentage rate for various types of scrap. Should the recovery of
aluminium scrap from automobiles be measured against shipments of foundry metal to
automobile component suppliers during the current year or, since the average life of a
car is 10/12 years, shipments made 10 years ago?

TALAT 1102                                                                      15
The secondary industry calculates that 63% of available scrap is recovered. Within
Europe there are some 200 such companies who in aggregate ship some 1.7 million
tonnes of secondary products each year.

Many materials have a very high recycling rate; aluminium printing plates and
automobile castings being good examples. The recovery of UBCs varies according to
the national recycling infra-structure and within Europe varies from a few per cent to as
high as 80%. The UK for example with rapidly growing UBC recovery systems expects
to reach 50% by 1996.

The values for other types of packaging are not so good, largely because material such
as foil is thinly spread throughout the population.The problem is one of recovery rather
than technology.

1102.05 List of Figures

Figure No.    Figure Title (Overhead)
1102.01.01    Environmental Awareness
1102.01.02    Global Consequences
1102.01.03    Ecological Considerations 1
1102.01.04    Ecological Considerations 2
1102.01.05    Emission of Fluorides in Relation to Aluminium Production
1102.02.01    Energy Calculations: Aluminium in Metro Carriage
1102.02.02    CO2 Calculation Example
1102.02.03    Lower Weight = Less Fuel Consumption
1102.02.04    Value of Recyclable Materials
1102.02.05    Energy Consumption for the Production of Secondary Aluminium
              depending on the Recycling Rate
1102.03.01    Secondary Aluminium: Sloping Hearth Furnace
1102.03.02    Secondary Aluminium: Open Well Reverberatory Furnace
1102.03.03    Secondary Aluminium: Rotary Furnace
1102.04.01    Beverage Can Recycling Plant

TALAT 1102                                 16

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TALAT Lecture 1102: Environmental Factors

  • 1. TALAT Lecture 1102 Environmental Factors 16 pages, 14 figures Basic Level prepared by Geoff Budd, Aluminium Federation, Birmingham Objectives: − to appreciate the importance of aluminium application technologies − to aquire a basic knowledge of a major materials industry and the products available to manufacturing industry More specifically, the objectives are − to review the environmental factors affecting the aluminium industry and the remedial practices followed − to describe the concept of a product life cycle and the importance of recycling − to describe the secondary aluminium industry, its history, processes, products and structure. To outline the methodology used to calculate recycling rates. − to summarize the scope and size of the European aluminium industry. Prerequisites: None Date of Issue: 1994  EAA - European Aluminium Association
  • 2. 1102 Environmental Factors Table of Contents 1102.01 Industry and the Environment................................................................... 3 Ecological Concern ...................................................................................................3 Best Available Technology (BAT)............................................................................4 Aluminium Industry and the Environment................................................................5 - Bauxite Mining ................................................................................................... 5 - Alumina Production............................................................................................ 6 - Electrolysis ......................................................................................................... 6 1102.02 Product Life Cycle ....................................................................................... 8 Environment Protection by Energy Saving ...............................................................8 Improvements in Production Techniques................................................................10 Energy Content Reduction and Recycling Rate ......................................................10 1102.03 Secondary Aluminium............................................................................. 12 New and Old Scrap .................................................................................................12 Processing of Scrap .................................................................................................12 1102.04 Secondary Aluminium Industry............................................................. 14 The Products............................................................................................................14 Structure of the Secondary Industry ........................................................................15 Recycling Rates.......................................................................................................15 1102.05 List of Figures ............................................................................................ 16 TALAT 1102 2
  • 3. 1102.01 Industry and the Environment • Ecological Concern • Best available technology (BAT) • Aluminium industry and the environment − Bauxite mining − Alumina production − Electrolysis Ecological Concern Environmental awareness is largely a feature of the last half of this century. Widespread debates were common in the 1960s but most of the problems caused by man's insensitivity to his environment remained unsolved or indeed undiscovered. Smoke and industrial fog was tackled in several countries with dramatic effects (see also Figure 1102.01.01). 90's: GLOBAL 80's: REGIONAL RAW MATERIALS 70's: LOCAL ENERGY DISCHARGES TO SOIL AND WATER alu Source: B. E. Dahlberg. 1991 alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Environmental Awareness 1102.01.01 In the 1970s most attention was focused on the local plant with various industrial cleaning systems being introduced. Inside the factory a great deal was achieved to improve working conditions and in the protection of the workers themselves. In the '80s these concerns became regional. The acid rain debate for example dates from that decade. Currently the centre of attention are the global consequences of industrial activity.The destruction of the tropical rain forest, the depletion of the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect are of international concern. TALAT 1102 3
  • 4. In all these stages of opinion development the aluminium industry has usually kept somewhat ahead of the rest of basic manufacturing industry. There is increasing concern that we utilise all natural resources in a way to ensure sustainable growth. The reclamation and reuse of materials instead of dumping them has become an attractive, and in some cases an economic option. Waste, both domestic and industrial, is an increasing problem and of great public concern. Best Available Technology (BAT) Politics follows opinion, so laws have been proposed giving the producers of materials and products extended responsibilities after they have reached the consumer, and in some cases even after they have been finally discarded (Figure 1102.01.02). FABRICATION END PRODUCT CONSUMER RECYCLING Source: B. E. Dahlberg, 1991 alu Global Consequences 1102.01.02 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies The effect of market forces in the environmental field should not be underestimated. Effluents and waste almost always involve the loss of valuable raw materials and energy. Pre-dating the ecology debate by many decades simple self interest achieved real progress. These rudimentary pressures led to the concept of the ″best available technology″ (BAT) which remains the most effective tool in this environmentally aware age. The best available technology may not suit the idealist. Critics should, however, take into account the costs of remedial or preventive action and the effect on international competitiveness. Such a concept (BAT) clearly requires an historical perspective when judging the performance of a plant at a specific time. What was the BAT when the plant was built and are more recent innovations of the "bolt on" variety or can they only be applied to a green field site? TALAT 1102 4
  • 5. Aluminium Industry and the Environment Whilst this is not the place for detailed consideration of all possible negative, or, indeed, positive ecological effects, it is possible to summarise the position in the main sectors of the aluminium industry. - Bauxite Mining The main potential problems with bauxite mining are the effects of deforestation (see Figure 1102.01.03). PROBLEM EFFECT BAT BAUXITE MINING. Deforestation Regional climate Planned reinstatement changes Soil erosion Topsoil loss ---- " ---- ALUMINA PRODUCTION SO 2 Acid rain Exhaust neutralisation CO 2 Global warming Improved combustion efficiencies Dust Inconvenience Better handling to minimise Al 2 O3 loss Red mud Loss of land use "Dry stacking" during settling period Caustic leach Improved recovery of process NaOH alu Ecological Considerations. 1. 1102.01.03 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies A commercially viable deposit will take a minimum of five years to work to exhaustion of the ore. Mining begins with the removal and storage of the topsoil and overburden on the first area to be worked. At this initial stage seed is collected from the indigenous plants and trees for the propagation of seedlings. As soon as mining has progressed sufficiently reinstatement can commence. The vast majority of mining areas, over 90%, are restored to the original land use, i.e mining area reinstatement currently shows 80% restored indigenous forest or scrubland, 11% to agriculture and pasture, 7% to commercial forest and 2% to industrial and recreational use. What use is made of restored areas is usually the prerogative of the host country. Reinstatement will usually be complete within 2 to 3 years of the cessation of mining on the site. TALAT 1102 5
  • 6. - Alumina Production The production of alumina from bauxite is a chemical process involving caustic soda and appreciable process heat. The effects of the generation of heat are common to all combustion processes such as electrical power generation from coal or oil and the possible remedies are the same. The largest amount of heat is used to drive off the chemically combined water in aluminium hydrate at the final stage of producing alumina. Substantial economies have been achieved in modern alumina plants by using fluid bed furnaces instead of the traditional revolving cylindrical kiln. The red mud residue could provide an ideal material for brick making. Alas most alumina plants are located in areas where the demand for bricks is very limited. Bricks are of course heavy and uneconomical to transport long distances. Dry stacking greatly reduces the area required for storage, minimises the time lag before site restoration and largely eliminates caustic leach. - Electrolysis The electrolytic process again gives rise to some of the same problems with the same complete or partial remedies. Fluorides, PAH and dross do require comment (see Figure 1102.01.04). PROBLEM EFFECT BAT ELECTROLYSIS Fluoride Effect on cattle Containment of cells & dry scrubbing of emission and vegetation extracted air to return fluoride to the process Dust Inconvenience Better alumina handling Polycyclic Can cause cancer Fume collection & treatment in aromatic carbon plant hydro carbon (PAH) CO2 /CO Global warming As for alumina SO2 Acid rain ---- " ---- Dross Noxious fumes High temperature dross treatment (which also recovers extra usable Al) alu Ecological Considerations. 2. 1102.01.04 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies The first two need site monitoring before the smelter is built to establish prevailing levels - either from natural causes or the then existing environment. Since the lead time from concept to commissioning can be five to ten years this can be done. Monitoring will be continued for the entire life of the plant. TALAT 1102 6
  • 7. The dry scrubbing process involves the use of fresh alumina being used as the active filter material. It is periodically renewed with the used alumina being fed into the pot lines thus returning the fluoride to the process. The dross treatment is highly effective. Indeed, merely covering hot dross in airtight conditions will eliminate the very acrid smell. These problems have different impacts on the working environmental, local community, regionally and globally. For example, the CO2, CO and SO2 contribution by the aluminium industry is infinitesimal in global terms but possibly measurable at a local plant level. A state of the art new plant will beat existing standards and will steadily improve by fine tuning and feasible new BAT application. A further quantum leap in efficiencies and emission control may have to wait until the end of the plant's economic life. Progress in these areas is measurable and a good example can be found in the reduction of fluoride emissions from Norwegian smelters (Figure 1102.01.05). Norwegian Aluminium Smelters' production and emission of fluorides to the atmosphere 1960-90 Specific emission of Collective emission of Produced aluminium fluorides to the atmosphere fluorides to the atmosphere Kg F per t. aluminium 1000 tonnes F per year 1000 tonnes per year 5.40 4.40 2.20 0.89 2.24 1.48 0.66 165 510 673 870 0.76 1960 1970 1980 1990 1960 1970 1980 1990 1960 1970 1980 1990 Source: B. E. Dahlberg, 1991 alu Fluorides to the Atmosphere 1102.01.05 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies The specific emission has decreased from 5.4 kg to 0.7 kg per tonne of metal produced. The total emissions are substantially lower today than 30 years ago, even though the production of primary aluminium is five to six times greater. The main semi-fabrication processes used by the industry are very similar to those used with other metals and thus the problems caused and the effective solutions are similar. TALAT 1102 7
  • 8. 1102.02 Product Life Cycle • Environment protection by energy saving • Improvements in production techniques • Energy content reduction and recycling rate Environment Protection by Energy Saving The ecological and environmental story cannot end with the semifabricated product, it must be followed into the life service of the consumer end product. Different products have very different life spans, a beverage can might last six weeks from filling to trash can, an aluminium window perhaps 60 or more years and the aluminium components in an automobile probably 10/12 years. During the product service life aluminium will provide various savings: energy related if the end product is mobile and maintenance savings in the case of the window - say ten coats of paint and the labour to apply them. In packaging the savings would be in increased shelf life, lower spoilage or some similar measure. The energy saving by using lightweight aluminium in transport applications can be considerable (see Figure 1102.02.01). Total net energy savings over a railcar’s service life can exceed 1 million KWh, with the aluminium content then available for recycling. This simplified calculation demonstrates how replacing heavier materials with aluminium in a metro carriage results in reduced energy consumption. After allowing for the energy content of the carriage constructional materials overall savings are achieved in some 3 years. Aluminium in metro carriage Energy consumption, MWh steel carriage (9.5 tons) 100 Assumptions: 80% recycling of materials Energy consumption Al production : 40 MWh/ton No recycling 50 of materials Energy consumption Steel production : 10 MWh/ton 1y 2y 3y 4y 0 Distance driven : 115,000 km/year Energy savings each Distance between -50 year for metro due to stations : 1.2 km reduced fuel consumption Maximum speed : 75 km/hour -100 Acceleration : 0.92 m/s² Retardation : 1.03 m/s² Energy consumption -150 aluminium carriage alu (4 tons) Source: B. Viig alu Energy Calculations 1102.02.01 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies TALAT 1102 8
  • 9. A metro carriage probably has a service life of 30/40 years. Energy savings can of course be roughly equated with reduced pollution as less energy means less fuel burnt in the vehicle's engine, or at the electricity generating station. This example illustrates the proportionate reduction of emissions as a result of reduced fuel consumption in an automobile, leading to an overall reduction in emissions in only a few years. The additional energy content of the aluminium is based on the western world average (i.e. approximately 60% hydro-power) to provide the CO2 figure (Figure 1102.02.02). 100 kg Aluminium in car CO2 Western world average 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Year CO2 -curve for western world average power sources Source: B. Viig alu CO2 Calculation Example 1102.02.02 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies The energy breakeven point sees the start of a global benefit. The car user makes savings from day 1 of his or her ownership (Figure 1102.02.03)! The USA currently requires new cars to exceed 33 miles per gallon, a figure that may be raised to 40. Weight reduction is the most straight forward way of achieving this - unless passengers get much smaller. Km/litre 12 11 Engine downsized proportionately. Car dimensions remain constant, 10 lighter version uses aluminium body shell and engine components. 9 8 WEIGHT IN Kg 910 1365 alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Lower Weight = Less Fuel Consumption 1102.02.03 TALAT 1102 9
  • 10. Improvements in Production Techniques The service life story cannot be complete without mentioning the benefits provided by the steady improvement in production techniques within the semi-fabricated product sector. The ability to tighten tolerances, to roll or extrude thinner material and maximise physical properties have lead to "down gauging". For example this has allowed an increase in the number of beverage cans produced from a tonne of metal to increase by some 15% over a relatively short period. Intricate architectural extrusions have shown similar improvement. The gauge of foil has been progressively reduced, without loss of properties, by closer rolling control and minor alloy adjustment. This type of improvement has been encouraged not only by competition from alternative materials but by competition within the aluminium industry. Energy Content Reduction and Recycling Rate No service life history can be complete without consideration of what happens at the end of a product’s useful life. With aluminium products the high scrap value plays a deciding role at this point (Figure 1102.02.04). Automotive scrap Aluminum: $700 per tonne Rubber: $260 per tonne Steel: $100 per tonne Glass: no market Plastic: no market 1991 US prices. alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Value of Recyclable Materials 1102.02.04 Aluminium's potential for recycling is virtually inexhaustible and only some 5 per cent of the energy needed in primary production is required to produce equally usable metal. Hence the relatively high value of aluminium scrap. If the scrap return rate on a product reaches 90 per cent, the energy required to produce new products would be around 15 per cent of that required for products made entirely TALAT 1102 10
  • 11. from primary metal (Figure 1102.02.05). That level of performance has been approached in several countries in the case of cast automobile components. When energy savings through recycling compound the reductions made by light- weighting, the time to realize net energy savings is substantially reduced. This effect was indicated on the metro carriage example (Figure 1102.02.01). 100 80 60 ENERGY RECYCLED AL. ENERGY % CONSUMED 40 PRIMARY AL. 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 AMOUNT OF RECYCLED ALUMINIUM % Energy Consumption for the Production of Secondary alu 1102.02.05 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Aluminium Depending on the Recycling Rate The process (new) scrap generated within the aluminium industry from smelting to semi-fabrication has always been recovered 100 per cent and frequently re-processed within the same plant. A similar recovery is achieved by large users of their process scrap. TALAT 1102 11
  • 12. 1102.03 Secondary Aluminium • New and old scrap • Processing of scrap New and Old Scrap Aluminium has been recycled since the earliest days of commercial use. A published reference to the economic advantage has been found dated 1903 concerning domestic utensils. A large number of secondary refiners have been established, converting new and old aluminium scrap into foundry ingots (casting alloys), deoxidiser for the steel industry and into wrought alloy slabs and billets. A wide variety of scrap is processed. New scrap is that surplus material that arises during the manufacture and fabrication of aluminium alloys up to the point where they are sold to the final user. Thus extrusion discards, sheet edge trim, turnings and millings and drosses could all be described as new scrap. On the other hand, old scrap is aluminium material that is recovered when an aluminium article has been produced, used and finally discarded. Such scrap could be a used beverage can, a car cylinder head, window frames from a demolished building or old electrical conductors. Most new scrap reaching the secondary industry comes directly from the fabricators. It is usually of known quality and composition and often uncoated. It can then be melted down with little preparation, apart perhaps from baling. Old scrap comes via a very efficient network of metal merchants who have the technology to recover aluminium from motor vehicles, household appliances etc. This is often done using heavy equipment such as shredders together with magnetic separators to remove iron and sink-and-float installations to separate the aluminium from other materials. Processing of Scrap Both types of scrap are processed prior to melting to suit any contamination that may be present. Turnings and millings usually contain oil, water and iron. They are centrifuged and dried to remove the oil and water and then magnetically separated from the iron. Used beverage cans are processed to remove the interior lacquer coating and the outside product display printing inks. This reduces fume emissions and gives pre-heating energy prior to re-melting. TALAT 1102 12
  • 13. Several melting processes are used depending on the scrap quality (Figure 1102.03.01). Clean, uncoated scrap can be melted in a reverberatory furnace (see Figure 1102.03.02); finely divided scrap, such as turnings, are ideally melted in a coreless induction furnace; contaminated lower grades of scrap are melted under a flux cover in a rotary furnace (see Figure 1102.03.03) and scrap components contaminated with other metals such as steel bolts or studs can be melted in a sloping hearth furnace. BURNERS CHARGING SCRAP DOOR ALUMINIUM WELL Secondary Aluminium: alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Sloping Hearth Furnace alu 1102.03.01 Molten metal fluxing and filtration has been developed to produce aluminium alloys of the desired composition and quality without undue impact on the environment. Most modern secondary aluminium melting furnaces are fitted with fabric filters to ensure that flue gases have a minimal dust content. BURNER WELL ALUMINIUM NON-WETTING BRICK alu Secondary Aluminium: alu Open Well Reverberatory Furnace 1102.03.02 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies TALAT 1102 13
  • 14. STEEL TYRE BURNER FLUX CHARGING DOOR ALUMINIUM ROLLER DRIVE alu Secondary Aluminium: Rotary Furnace 1102.03.03 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies 1102.04 Secondary Aluminium Industry • The products • Structure of the secondary industry • Recycling rates The Products Secondary aluminium refiners convert most of their materials into foundry ingot, generally based on the aluminium-silicon alloy system with additions of other metals such as copper and magnesium. These ingots, to recognised national or international specifications, go into the manufacture of aluminium cast components. Some of this metal is delivered in a molten form by road tanker to large foundry users thus eliminating a further remelting operation. Deoxidiser for the steel industry is supplied in notched bar or granular forms. Alloy "hardeners" are also produced. These ingots, with a high known percentage content of alloying metals, are used by other sectors of the aluminium industry such as primary smelters and wrought remelts. The reprocessing of used beverage cans (UBCs) is a specialist branch of the industry. Here UBCs are dealt with in a dedicated facility and the end product is rolling ingot ready to be reprocessed into can body stock. A modern plant of this kind will treat some TALAT 1102 14
  • 15. 50,000 tonnes of UBCs per year (see Figure 1102.04.01); there are between 40 and 50,000 UBCs to the tonne. MELTING FURNACES SHREDDER FEED DECOATER MAGNETIC SEPARATOR DEGASSER DIRECT CHILL CASTING UNIT INGOTS TILTING HOLDING FILTRATION FURNACE alu Beverage Can Recycling Plant 1102.04.01 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Until the can market and the UBC recovery infra-structure has developed to a sufficient size such plants are not a viable proposition. There is at present only one such plant within Western Europe. Structure of the Secondary Industry Secondary aluminium refiners may be integrated into major aluminium companies or they may be entrepreneurial, independent companies. Because of the rapidly changing price of aluminium scrap and primary metal and the fluctuating market for foundry alloys, the refiners need to be very flexible in both buying and selling. Some countries generate more scrap than the national foundry industries can absorb. The secondary refiners in these cases need to sell internationally. Recycling Rates It has already been noted that new aluminium scrap, being readily identified and within the control of the industry, has a recycling rate of virtually 100%. The recycling of old scrap is more interesting and depends on the basis used for calculating the percentage rate for various types of scrap. Should the recovery of aluminium scrap from automobiles be measured against shipments of foundry metal to automobile component suppliers during the current year or, since the average life of a car is 10/12 years, shipments made 10 years ago? TALAT 1102 15
  • 16. The secondary industry calculates that 63% of available scrap is recovered. Within Europe there are some 200 such companies who in aggregate ship some 1.7 million tonnes of secondary products each year. Many materials have a very high recycling rate; aluminium printing plates and automobile castings being good examples. The recovery of UBCs varies according to the national recycling infra-structure and within Europe varies from a few per cent to as high as 80%. The UK for example with rapidly growing UBC recovery systems expects to reach 50% by 1996. The values for other types of packaging are not so good, largely because material such as foil is thinly spread throughout the population.The problem is one of recovery rather than technology. 1102.05 List of Figures Figure No. Figure Title (Overhead) 1102.01.01 Environmental Awareness 1102.01.02 Global Consequences 1102.01.03 Ecological Considerations 1 1102.01.04 Ecological Considerations 2 1102.01.05 Emission of Fluorides in Relation to Aluminium Production 1102.02.01 Energy Calculations: Aluminium in Metro Carriage 1102.02.02 CO2 Calculation Example 1102.02.03 Lower Weight = Less Fuel Consumption 1102.02.04 Value of Recyclable Materials 1102.02.05 Energy Consumption for the Production of Secondary Aluminium depending on the Recycling Rate 1102.03.01 Secondary Aluminium: Sloping Hearth Furnace 1102.03.02 Secondary Aluminium: Open Well Reverberatory Furnace 1102.03.03 Secondary Aluminium: Rotary Furnace 1102.04.01 Beverage Can Recycling Plant TALAT 1102 16