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英文名詞            中文             同義字/解釋           CBK
acquisition(1)    取得        acquiring                TNS
acquisition(2)    採購        procurement              AS
acrylic           壓克力                                PES
act               法;法案                                ALL
                            to deal with;to take care
address         解決;處理                                 ALL
administrative              of
                行政法         如:國家賠償法,廣電法               LRCI
admissibility                                      LRCI
aggrieved party 權利受損方                              LRCI
appropriation   佔用                                 TNS
articulate      清楚陳述    express clearly            LRCI
asbesto         石棉                                 BCDR
attenuation     (訊號)衰減                             TNS
auspice         支援      support                    LRCI
authority       法源                                 LRCI
avalanche       雪崩                                 CRYP
barbed wire     有刺鐵絲網                              PES
                        (input validation)The sum
                        of a particular field in a
                        collection of items used
                        as a control total to
batch total                                        AS
                批次總數    ensure that all data has
                        been entered,also called
                        "control totals"

                          methodology that
                  最佳實務;最佳 represents the most        ISRM
best practice
                  實施範例    effective way of           SAD
                          achieving a specific
Board of
                  董事會                                ISRM
bolt              (門)門閂                              PES
buffer overflow   緩衝區溢位
canon             原則        priciple;rule            ISRM
carte blanche     恣意妄為                               LRCI
cascading error 連鎖錯誤                                 OPS
case law        判例法                                  LRCI
catch-22        很難解決的                                LRCI
                       Common Criteria
CCRA                   Recognition                   SAD

central office   電信機房      CO,離終端用戶最近的電信機房 TNS

circuit appellate 巡迴受理上訴
court             法院

civil law        大陸法;成文法                             LRCI

clerics          聖職人員                                LRCI
Code of
                 實務準則                                ISRM
codify           編成法典                                LRCI
CoE              歐洲理事會                               LRCI
coherent         一致的       consistent with others    TNS
                           all parts fit together well
cohesive         內聚的                                   SAD
                           and form a united whole
collusion      共同密謀        conspiracy
               對號鎖                                     PES
commensurate               in proportion to          TNS
common law                                           LRCI
commonwealth 公眾利益                                    ISRM
compartmentali             divide in to separate
               區隔                                    ISRM
zation                     groups
compromise     危及          jeopardize                ISRM
condensation   冷凝                                    OPS
consolidate    集中                                    TNS
               前後關係        relation;connection
context                                              ALL
               環境;狀況       situation;background
contigency     緊急事件        emergency;incident        TNS
contractor       承包商                               ISRM
contrast         反差      深色與淺色間的對比                 PES
control          控制措施                               ALL
convertible              有人可在一定的期間後,把公司 ISRM
cordon off       封鎖                                 BCDR
courses of
                 行動指導方針                             ALL
action                   data for identication and
                         authentication, e.g. login
credentials              ID and password, digital AC
                         certificate, biometric
criminal law     刑法                                 LRCI
criminalistic            criminalistics:犯罪偵查學       LRCI
crusation        因果關係                               LRCI
cuneiform        楔形文字                               CRYP
custodian        管理人                                ISRM
customary law    習慣法                                LRCI
cyber squatter   網路蟑螂                               TNS
cylinder         鎖心                                 PES
deadbolt lock    門閂鎖                                PES
debriefing       報告      reporting                  LRCI
decommission     解除                                 BCDR
defendant        被告                                 LRCI
degaussing       消磁      erasure                    OPS
demographic      人口統計                               AC
deontology       道德標準論                              ISRM
Diode Lasers     雷射二極體                              TNS
                 指向型天線                             TNS
discernible      明顯的       apparent                CRYP
                 懲處                                ISRM
                           not decided by rules but
discretionary                                       AC
                           by people
discriminating  有能力判斷的 able to judge              PES
dismiss         不受理                               LRCI
door jamb       (門)邊框                             PES
drop ceiling                                      PES
dual-use goods 軍民兩用商品                             CRYP
                        A company practices
                        DUE CARE by
                        developing security
                        policies, procedures,
                        and standards. Due care
                        shows that a company
                        has taken responsibility
due care                for the activities that
                        take place within the
                        corporation and has
                        taken the necessary
                        steps to help protect the
                        company, tis resources,
                        and employees from
                        DUE DILIGENCE
                        possible risks. is
                        practiced by activities
                        that make sure that the
due diligence           protection mechanisms
                        are continually
                        maintained and
dumpster diving         scavenge                  AC
eclectic        包羅萬象的   diverse                   LRCI
egress          外出      exit
Egyptian        古埃及象形文
hieroglyphics   字
                         electromagnetic        PES
EMI              電磁干擾
                         inteference            TNS
                 拜占庭帝國                          LRCI
enablers         主要推動者   champion
enactment        法令制定                           LRCI
enlightened self-
                  開明的利己   「開明的利己」            ISRM
                          (enlightened self-
EOC                                                BCDR
escalate/escalat          入侵系統後,由一般用戶權權限 AC
ion(1)                    提昇至管理者權限       TNS
ion(2)(事件)等級提                                      LRCI
espionage        刺探       spying                   PES
ethereal         抽象       abstract                 LRCI
                 疏散集結點                             PES
assembly point
exculpatory      無罪證明之證
evidence         據
extradition      引渡                                LRCI
facility(1)      建築物      premise, building        PES
                          telecommunication and
facility(2)      基礎設施                              TNS
                          network infrastructure
fail-secure      預設關閉     fail-closed              AS
fail-safe        預設開放     fail-open, fail-soft     PES
fallacy          謬誤       misconception            ISRM
                 非法拘禁                              LRCI
                        someone who has legal
                        control of the money or
                        property belonging to
fiduciary        受信託人   other people, a         LCRI
                        company, or an
                        organization (Longman
                 聯邦資訊處理 Federal Information
FIPS                                            CRYP
                 標準     Processing Standard
flood lighting   投射照明                           PES
                 日光燈                                PES
foil             阻擾      thwart;stop                CRYP
frame of
                 參照標準                               SAD
funnel           漏斗狀的                               PES
G-8              八國高峰會議                             SAD
general ledger   總帳                                 SAD
geopolitical     地理政治學的                             BCDR
gift voucher     禮券                                 ISRM
glare lighting                                      PES
                 PC 包覆玻璃 PC-glass-PC                PES
governance       治理                                 ISRM
hacktivism       駭客行動主義 hacking and activism        ISRM
                        (input validation)a batch
hash total       雜湊總收   total done on a             AS
                        meaningless field.
head-end         有線電視機房                             TNS
hedge            圍籬     fence                       PES
holistic         全面的    comprehensive;overall       ISRM
hollow-core      空心的                                PES
HVAC                                                PES
incarceration    監禁                                 LRCI
infestation      寄生蟲                                BCDR
infliction       施加                                 LRCI
infringement     違反                                 LRCI
ingress          進入     enter
inrush current   瞬間電流                               PES
                 保費                                 ISRM
interference     干擾;雜訊     noise                    PES
Islamic law      伊斯蘭教法     Sharia                   LRCI
Israili law      猶太教法      Talmudic law             LRCI
judge            法官                                 LRCI
jurisprudence       法律體系       legal system             LRCI
jury                陪審團                                 LRCI
                               prove it's reasonable or
justify             證明…合理                               ALL
                    零庫存                                 BCDR
laminated glass     膠合玻璃       glass-PVC-glass          PES
larceny             偷竊         stealing                 LRCI
large bank
                    大批採購                                ISRM
least privilege
LED                 發光二極體      Light Emitting Diode     TNS            有助於..                 ISRM
leveler             校準                                  ISRM
liability                      legal resposibility      LCRI
ligitimacy          合法性                                 ISRM
literary            文學的                                 LRCI
litigation          訴訟         lawsuit                  TNS
loading dock        載(卸)貨區                              PES
local loop                     last mile                TNS
local trial court   地方初審法院                              LRCI
                               of core business
                               capabilities that allow an
logical                        enterprise to advance its
groupings                      level of maturity and
                               agility in achieving its
                               business goals
                    治安法庭       如:交通裁決所                    LRCI
                    磁域                                    OPS
malpractice         業務過失                                  LRCI
                               enforce;make sth.
mandate             強制                                    ISRM
                    主契約                                   LRCI
Matrimonial         婚姻相關的                                 LRCI
Mdus Operandi 犯罪手法特徵 MO                        LRCI
Mesopotamian                                   CRYP
MLAT           法律互助條約                          LRCI
mock disaster  模擬災難                            BCDR
modular        同餘算數;模算
arithmetic     數
               同餘指數運算                          CRYP
Assistance     多邊協助條約
NDA            保密切結書                           ISRM
need to know
negligence        疏失                           LRCI
negotiable                (endorsement)將權利轉移   ISRM
                  不成文法                         LRCI
novel             新的      new                  LRCI
nuisance          騒擾;妨礙                        LRCI
obscurity                                      SAD
OECD                                           LRCI
                  全向型天線                        TNS
overarching     涵蓋一切的                          ISRM
                巴黎公約                           LRCI
perimeter                boundary;border
photoelectric   光電的                            PES
piggyback       尾隨       tailgate              PES
plantiff        原告                             LRCI
polycarbonate 強化塑膠       PC                    PES
polymorphism(1) (OOP)多型                        AS
polymorphism(2               self-encryption;self-
               (Virus)多型                               AS
)                            garbling
precedent      判例            case                      LRCI
                             first-order logic
                             extending propositional
                             logic(命題邏輯) ability to
                    數理邏輯     express relations         SAD
                             between individuals (e.g.
                             people, numbers, and
                             "things") more generally.
                    壓力感知                               PES
pricipal            當事人                                AC
                             The process of adding
                             identities to an identity
provision           配發       store and establishing    AC
                             initial credentials and
                             entitlements for them.
                    近似原因                               LRCI
                             Old Telephone
PSTN                類比電話網路                             TNS
                             Service;Post Office
                             Service);Analog Voice
Public Relations    公關                                 BCDR
purport             宣稱       claim                     AS
Qur'an              可蘭經                                LRCI
raised floor        高架地板                               PES
raw material        原物料                                BCDR
Real Property       房地產權                               LRCI
reference           推薦函      recommendation letter ISRM
refresher trainig   在職訓練                               ISRM
                    規程、規則、   在美國係指由行政機關制定頒布
                    細則、辦法、   之法規;我國中央法規標準法第
                    綱要、標準、   三條所定由各機關發布之命令類
                    準則       同
rehearse            排演                                 BCDR
resonable expectation of
REP           合理隱私權                                 LRCI
reprimand     譴責         official blame             ISRM
                         "Resilience is the ability
                         of the network to
                         provide and maintain an
                         acceptable level of
resilience    存活性                                   TNS
                         service in the face of
                         various faults and
                         challenges to normal
restitution   賠償;罰鍰                                 LRCI
retractable   可撤除的                                  PES
retribution   懲罰         punishment                 TNS
              射頻(無線電     radio frequency            PES
              波)干擾       interference               TNS
rollback                 back out;fall back       ALL
rollout       軟體派送安裝     deployment               OPS
rouge         私接;私用      unauthorized             ALL
Sabbath       安息日                                 LRCI
sag           電壓驟降       dip                      PES
salt          亂數值        random value
salvage       搶救                                  BCDR
scrambled     攪亂的                                 CRYP
              美國證券管理 Securities and Exchange
SEC                                          SAD
              委員會    Commission
seclusion     隔離區                            LRCI
                  安全調查                          ISRM
                       segregation of
separation of                                   ISRM
                       duties;dual control;two-
duties                                          AC
                       man control
severity          嚴重等級
sewage system 污水處理系統                            PES
share certificate 股票證書 (*shareholder)的法定正式文 ISRM
solar window
                  隔熱貼紙                                   PES
solid-core        實心的                                    PES
sovereign         國家                                     LRCI
                             interpret in a particular
spin              詮釋                                     LRCI
stalking          圖謀不軌                                   LRCI

standby lighting 備用/輔助照明                                 PES

                  督導委員會                                  BCDR
streamline        使…有效率      make efficient              AC
strike(of lock)   (門)鎖孔                                  PES
subject matter
                  專業人士       domain expert               ALL
                  接班計畫                                   BCDR
Sunnah            聖行                                     LRCI
supplier          供應商                                    ISRM
surge             (電壓)突波                                 PES
                  突波抑制器                                  PES
surreptitious     秘密的    secret
suspension        停職                                     ISRM
TCO               整體擁有成本 total cost of ownership
teleology         結果論                                    ISRM
tempered glass    強化玻璃                                   PES
termination       離職                                     ISRM
terms and
threshold         門檻值        clipping level
Time and
tort law          侵權法                                    LRCI
transient                                                PES
trepass           侵入                                     LRCI
triage           分類                             LRCI
trip lighting    感應式照明                          PES
tsunami          海嘯                             BCDR
tumbler          鎖的制動栓                          PES
tunnel(1)        通道                             TNS
tunnel(2)                                       AS
ultrasonic       超音波                            PES
utilitarianism   功利主義                           ISRM
                        Utilities are programs,
                        such as who and date,
                        you can run or execute.
                 作業系統內建                          AS
Utility(1)              Usually, this type of
                 的程式                             SAD
                        programs are an integral
                        part of the operating
                        Public utilities, water,
Utility(2)       水電設施                            PES
                        electricity, gas, etc.
vandalism(1)     故意破壞   damage                   PES
vandalism(2)     網頁置換   defacement               AS
vendor           供貨商                             ISRM
Vital Records
waiver          放棄                              LRCI
window security
                防爆貼紙                            PES
wired glass     網狀玻璃                            PES
wordaround                                      OPS
總頁數 頁數
 299 24
 299 24
 180 36

 473    12

 501    76

 482    32
 301    27
 498    68
 256    13
 308    45
 498    68
 470     7
  116   26
 169    14

 404    40

  17     8
 197     5

  17     8
 173    23
  66    15
 384    13
  49    74
 481    29
450   38
471    8
503   79

234   79

328   83

470    7

469    6

474   15
 17    8
470    7
484   36
297   21
200    10
 29   31
 62    7
174   24


469    6

 49   74
 46   65
 50    78
434     7
346   116

356   130
29    30
172    20

 41    54

264    28

 75    34

472    10

497    67

472     11
105      5
 27    26
474    15
356   130
173    23
174    24
485    38
275    49
472     11
436    12
 75    34
 48    71
310    49
321    71
112    19
 28    29
 81    44
175   27
472    11
173   23

177   30

144   82

 60    3
482   32

 60    3
483   33

 67   16
492   56

105    5
474   15

479   26
48    70

 264    28

  94    64
 301    27

 486    41

 166     8
 482    31
 182    38

 502    77

 484    36

 420    72
  175   26
   88   56
   48   72
 472    11

 123    38

 173    22
186    43
 113   20
199     8
168    13
209    29
239    89
255    12
  41   54

173    22

180    36
 15     4
 48    72

404    40

330    88
168    13
 18    10
180    36
181    37
472    10
255    12
472    11
472    11

186    43
 36    45
186    43
474    15
474    15
471     8
471    8
471    8

252    6
180   36
483   34
 23    19
 29   31
 62    7
310   49
 36   45
 24   21

 36    45
476    20
356   130
180    36

330   87

470    7

470     7
436    12
472    11
 22    16
479   25
472   10
500   73

105    5

468    3
271   41

123   38

149   92

 28   28
 29   31
 62    7
482   31

 41   54

470    7
477   21
472   11

216   43

480   28

321   71
 15    4
477   22

170   16

472    11
180   36
382   10
390   20
470    7

236   83

170   16
 75   34

 74   32

472    11

303    32
316    61
328    83
363   139

265   29
392   23
474   15
185   42
255   12
472   10
 28   28
 22   16

271    41
481   29
 22    16

289    5

472    10
169    15
360   134
186    43
307    46

455   47

474   15
186   43
 69   22
273   46
107    9

209   29

472    11
 28   28
 29    31
 62     7

166    7

 41   54
180   36
180   36
477   21
471    8
484   35

173   22

252    6
 74   31
173   23

265   29
474   15
 29   30
186   43
186   43

 28   29

 48   71
180   36
 67   16
321   71
 28   29

472   10

186   43

472   11
485    38
173    22
255    12
173    23
346   116

390   20

170   16
 48   71

213   63

166    7
166    7
417   69
 29   30

481   29
180   36
180   36

449   37


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中英對照表 V1.7

  • 1. 英文名詞 中文 同義字/解釋 CBK acquisition(1) 取得 acquiring TNS acquisition(2) 採購 procurement AS acrylic 壓克力 PES 在英美國家,係指須由國會經過 act 法;法案 ALL 立法程序通過之成文法律 to deal with;to take care address 解決;處理 ALL administrative of 行政法 如:國家賠償法,廣電法 LRCI law 被(法庭)採納 admissibility LRCI 接受 aggrieved party 權利受損方 LRCI appropriation 佔用 TNS articulate 清楚陳述 express clearly LRCI asbesto 石棉 BCDR attenuation (訊號)衰減 TNS auspice 支援 support LRCI authority 法源 LRCI avalanche 雪崩 CRYP barbed wire 有刺鐵絲網 PES (input validation)The sum of a particular field in a collection of items used as a control total to batch total AS 批次總數 ensure that all data has been entered,also called "control totals" methodology that 最佳實務;最佳 represents the most ISRM best practice 實施範例 effective way of SAD achieving a specific Board of 董事會 ISRM Directors bolt (門)門閂 PES AC buffer overflow 緩衝區溢位 AS canon 原則 priciple;rule ISRM carte blanche 恣意妄為 LRCI
  • 2. cascading error 連鎖錯誤 OPS case law 判例法 LRCI catch-22 很難解決的 LRCI 資安產品共同 Common Criteria 準則驗證證明 CCRA Recognition SAD 書相互承認協 Arrangement 議 central office 電信機房 CO,離終端用戶最近的電信機房 TNS circuit appellate 巡迴受理上訴 LRCI court 法院 civil law 大陸法;成文法 LRCI clerics 聖職人員 LRCI Code of 實務準則 ISRM Practice codify 編成法典 LRCI CoE 歐洲理事會 LRCI coherent 一致的 consistent with others TNS all parts fit together well cohesive 內聚的 SAD and form a united whole ISRM collusion 共同密謀 conspiracy AC combination 對號鎖 PES lock 對等的;成比例 commensurate in proportion to TNS 的 海洋法;普通 common law LRCI 法;英美法 commonwealth 公眾利益 ISRM compartmentali divide in to separate 區隔 ISRM zation groups compromise 危及 jeopardize ISRM condensation 冷凝 OPS consolidate 集中 TNS 前後關係 relation;connection context ALL 環境;狀況 situation;background contigency 緊急事件 emergency;incident TNS
  • 3. contractor 承包商 ISRM contrast 反差 深色與淺色間的對比 PES countermeasure;safegu control 控制措施 ALL ard;measure 例如:公司債有時會規定債券持 (商業)可轉換 convertible 有人可在一定的期間後,把公司 ISRM 的 債轉換成發行公司的股票 cordon off 封鎖 BCDR courses of 行動指導方針 ALL action data for identication and authentication, e.g. login 身份識別及認 credentials ID and password, digital AC 證 certificate, biometric data criminal law 刑法 LRCI 犯罪偵查的;刑 criminalistic criminalistics:犯罪偵查學 LRCI 事的 crusation 因果關係 LRCI cuneiform 楔形文字 CRYP custodian 管理人 ISRM customary law 習慣法 LRCI cyber squatter 網路蟑螂 TNS cylinder 鎖心 PES deadbolt lock 門閂鎖 PES debriefing 報告 reporting LRCI decommission 解除 BCDR defendant 被告 LRCI degaussing 消磁 erasure OPS demographic 人口統計 AC deontology 道德標準論 ISRM Diode Lasers 雷射二極體 TNS directional 指向型天線 TNS antenna discernible 明顯的 apparent CRYP disciplinary 懲處 ISRM action not decided by rules but discretionary AC by people
  • 4. discriminating 有能力判斷的 able to judge PES dismiss 不受理 LRCI door jamb (門)邊框 PES 吊頂(輕鋼架) drop ceiling PES 天花板 dual-use goods 軍民兩用商品 CRYP A company practices DUE CARE by developing security policies, procedures, and standards. Due care shows that a company has taken responsibility AC due care for the activities that LCRI take place within the corporation and has taken the necessary steps to help protect the company, tis resources, and employees from DUE DILIGENCE possible risks. is practiced by activities that make sure that the AC due diligence protection mechanisms LCRI are continually maintained and operational. dumpster diving scavenge AC eclectic 包羅萬象的 diverse LRCI egress 外出 exit Egyptian 古埃及象形文 CRYP hieroglyphics 字 electromagnetic PES EMI 電磁干擾 inteference TNS Emperor 拜占庭帝國 LRCI Justinian enablers 主要推動者 champion enactment 法令制定 LRCI
  • 5. 如果利益他人可導致己利,那麼 利己主義者也會勉力為之,是為 enlightened self- 開明的利己 「開明的利己」 ISRM interest (enlightened self- interest) 災難應變指揮 EOC BCDR 中心 escalate/escalat 入侵系統後,由一般用戶權權限 AC 提昇權限 ion(1) 提昇至管理者權限 TNS escalate/escalat ion(2)(事件)等級提 LRCI 昇 espionage 刺探 spying PES ethereal 抽象 abstract LRCI evacuation 疏散集結點 PES assembly point exculpatory 無罪證明之證 LRCI evidence 據 extradition 引渡 LRCI facility(1) 建築物 premise, building PES telecommunication and facility(2) 基礎設施 TNS network infrastructure ISRM fail-secure 預設關閉 fail-closed AS fail-safe 預設開放 fail-open, fail-soft PES AC fallacy 謬誤 misconception ISRM false 非法拘禁 LRCI imprisonment someone who has legal control of the money or property belonging to fiduciary 受信託人 other people, a LCRI company, or an organization (Longman Advanced) 聯邦資訊處理 Federal Information FIPS CRYP 標準 Processing Standard flood lighting 投射照明 PES
  • 6. fluorescent 日光燈 PES lighting foil 阻擾 thwart;stop CRYP frame of 參照標準 SAD reference funnel 漏斗狀的 PES G-8 八國高峰會議 SAD general ledger 總帳 SAD geopolitical 地理政治學的 BCDR gift voucher 禮券 ISRM 强力(炫光)照 glare lighting PES 明 glass-clad PC 包覆玻璃 PC-glass-PC PES polycarbonate governance 治理 ISRM hacktivism 駭客行動主義 hacking and activism ISRM (input validation)a batch hash total 雜湊總收 total done on a AS meaningless field. head-end 有線電視機房 TNS hedge 圍籬 fence PES holistic 全面的 comprehensive;overall ISRM hollow-core 空心的 PES Heat,Ventilation,Air- HVAC PES Conditioner incarceration 監禁 LRCI infestation 寄生蟲 BCDR infliction 施加 LRCI infringement 違反 LRCI ingress 進入 enter inrush current 瞬間電流 PES insurance 保費 ISRM premium interference 干擾;雜訊 noise PES Islamic law 伊斯蘭教法 Sharia LRCI Israili law 猶太教法 Talmudic law LRCI judge 法官 LRCI
  • 7. jurisprudence 法律體系 legal system LRCI jury 陪審團 LRCI prove it's reasonable or justify 證明…合理 ALL necessary just-in-time 零庫存 BCDR inventory laminated glass 膠合玻璃 glass-PVC-glass PES larceny 偷竊 stealing LRCI large bank 大批採購 ISRM purchase ISRM least privilege AC LED 發光二極體 Light Emitting Diode TNS 有助於.. ISRM leveler 校準 ISRM (法律)責任;義 liability legal resposibility LCRI 務 ligitimacy 合法性 ISRM literary 文學的 LRCI litigation 訴訟 lawsuit TNS loading dock 載(卸)貨區 PES 終端用戶至機 local loop last mile TNS 房的線路 local trial court 地方初審法院 LRCI of core business capabilities that allow an logical enterprise to advance its groupings level of maturity and agility in achieving its business goals Magistrate's 治安法庭 如:交通裁決所 LRCI Court magnetic 磁域 OPS domain malpractice 業務過失 LRCI enforce;make sth. mandate 強制 ISRM mandatory master 主契約 LRCI agreement Matrimonial 婚姻相關的 LRCI
  • 8. Mdus Operandi 犯罪手法特徵 MO LRCI 美索不達米亞 Mesopotamian CRYP 的 MLAT 法律互助條約 LRCI mock disaster 模擬災難 BCDR modular 同餘算數;模算 CRYP arithmetic 數 modular 同餘指數運算 CRYP exponentiation Multilateral Assistance 多邊協助條約 Treaty NDA 保密切結書 ISRM ISRM need to know AC negligence 疏失 LRCI 指經由交付(delivery)或背書 (商業)可轉讓 negotiable (endorsement)將權利轉移 ISRM 的 給另一人 non-statuary 不成文法 LRCI law novel 新的 new LRCI nuisance 騒擾;妨礙 LRCI 隱藏不為人知 obscurity SAD 的 經濟合作發展 OECD LRCI 組織 omnidirectional 全向型天線 TNS antenna overarching 涵蓋一切的 ISRM Paris 巴黎公約 LRCI Convention (建築物/網路) perimeter boundary;border 邊界 photoelectric 光電的 PES piggyback 尾隨 tailgate PES plantiff 原告 LRCI polycarbonate 強化塑膠 PC PES polymorphism(1) (OOP)多型 AS
  • 9. polymorphism(2 self-encryption;self- (Virus)多型 AS ) garbling precedent 判例 case LRCI first-order logic extending propositional logic(命題邏輯) ability to predicate 數理邏輯 express relations SAD calculus between individuals (e.g. people, numbers, and "things") more generally. pressure 壓力感知 PES sensitive pricipal 當事人 AC The process of adding identities to an identity provision 配發 store and establishing AC initial credentials and entitlements for them. proximate 近似原因 LRCI cause Telephone Newwork;POTS(Plain Old Telephone PSTN 類比電話網路 TNS Service;Post Office Telephone Service);Analog Voice Public Relations 公關 BCDR purport 宣稱 claim AS Qur'an 可蘭經 LRCI raised floor 高架地板 PES raw material 原物料 BCDR Real Property 房地產權 LRCI reference 推薦函 recommendation letter ISRM refresher trainig 在職訓練 ISRM 規程、規則、 在美國係指由行政機關制定頒布 細則、辦法、 之法規;我國中央法規標準法第 regulations 綱要、標準、 三條所定由各機關發布之命令類 準則 同 rehearse 排演 BCDR
  • 10. resonable expectation of REP 合理隱私權 LRCI privacy reprimand 譴責 official blame ISRM "Resilience is the ability of the network to provide and maintain an acceptable level of resilience 存活性 TNS service in the face of various faults and challenges to normal operation. restitution 賠償;罰鍰 LRCI retractable 可撤除的 PES retribution 懲罰 punishment TNS 射頻(無線電 radio frequency PES RFI 波)干擾 interference TNS 回復前一個狀 rollback back out;fall back ALL 態 rollout 軟體派送安裝 deployment OPS rouge 私接;私用 unauthorized ALL Sabbath 安息日 LRCI sag 電壓驟降 dip PES AC salt 亂數值 random value CT salvage 搶救 BCDR scrambled 攪亂的 CRYP 美國證券管理 Securities and Exchange SEC SAD 委員會 Commission seclusion 隔離區 LRCI security 安全調查 ISRM clearances segregation of separation of ISRM duties;dual control;two- duties AC man control severity 嚴重等級 sewage system 污水處理系統 PES 由股票發行公司發給其股東 share certificate 股票證書 (*shareholder)的法定正式文 ISRM 件
  • 11. solar window 隔熱貼紙 PES films solid-core 實心的 PES sovereign 國家 LRCI interpret in a particular spin 詮釋 LRCI way stalking 圖謀不軌 LRCI standby lighting 備用/輔助照明 PES steering 督導委員會 BCDR committee streamline 使…有效率 make efficient AC strike(of lock) (門)鎖孔 PES subject matter 專業人士 domain expert ALL expert succession 接班計畫 BCDR planning Sunnah 聖行 LRCI supplier 供應商 ISRM surge (電壓)突波 PES surge 突波抑制器 PES suppressor surreptitious 秘密的 secret suspension 停職 ISRM TCO 整體擁有成本 total cost of ownership teleology 結果論 ISRM tempered glass 強化玻璃 PES AC TEMPEST TNS termination 離職 ISRM terms and 條款 conditions threshold 門檻值 clipping level Time and 出勤管理 Attendance tort law 侵權法 LRCI (電壓,電流)瞬 transient PES 間變化 trepass 侵入 LRCI
  • 12. triage 分類 LRCI trip lighting 感應式照明 PES tsunami 海嘯 BCDR tumbler 鎖的制動栓 PES tunnel(1) 通道 TNS (Virus)攔截 tunnel(2) AS 系統呼叫 ultrasonic 超音波 PES utilitarianism 功利主義 ISRM Utilities are programs, such as who and date, you can run or execute. 作業系統內建 AS Utility(1) Usually, this type of 的程式 SAD programs are an integral part of the operating system. Public utilities, water, Utility(2) 水電設施 PES electricity, gas, etc. vandalism(1) 故意破壞 damage PES vandalism(2) 網頁置換 defacement AS vendor 供貨商 ISRM Vital Records waiver 放棄 LRCI window security 防爆貼紙 PES films wired glass 網狀玻璃 PES 暫時解決的方 wordaround OPS 法
  • 13. 總頁數 頁數 299 24 299 24 180 36 473 12 501 76 482 32 301 27 498 68 256 13 308 45 498 68 470 7 116 26 169 14 404 40 17 8 197 5 17 8 173 23 66 15 384 13 49 74 481 29
  • 14. 450 38 471 8 503 79 234 79 328 83 470 7 469 6 474 15 17 8 470 7 484 36 297 21 200 10 29 31 62 7 174 24 297 469 6 49 74 46 65 50 78 434 7 346 116 356 130
  • 15. 29 30 172 20 n/a 41 54 264 28 75 34 472 10 497 67 472 11 105 5 27 26 474 15 356 130 173 23 174 24 485 38 275 49 472 11 436 12 75 34 48 71 310 49 321 71 112 19 28 29 81 44
  • 16. 175 27 472 11 173 23 177 30 144 82 60 3 482 32 60 3 483 33 67 16 492 56 105 5 43 186 45-4 308 6 474 15 479 26
  • 17. 48 70 264 28 94 64 301 27 486 41 166 8 482 31 182 38 502 77 484 36 16,47 420 72 175 26 88 56 48 72 472 11 123 38 173 22
  • 18. 186 43 113 20 199 8 168 13 209 29 239 89 255 12 41 54 173 22 180 36 15 4 48 72 404 40 330 88 168 13 18 10 180 36 181 37 472 10 255 12 472 11 472 11 186 43 36 45 186 43 474 15 474 15 471 8
  • 19. 471 8 471 8 252 6 180 36 483 34 23 19 29 31 62 7 310 49 36 45 24 21 36 45 476 20 356 130 180 36 330 87 470 7 470 7 436 12 472 11 22 16 479 25 472 10
  • 20. 500 73 105 5 468 3 271 41 123 38 149 92 28 28 29 31 62 7 482 31 41 54 470 7 477 21 472 11 216 43 480 28 321 71 15 4 477 22 170 16 472 11 180 36 382 10
  • 21. 390 20 470 7 236 83 170 16 75 34 74 32 472 11 303 32 316 61 328 83 363 139 265 29 392 23 474 15 185 42 255 12 472 10 28 28 22 16 271 41
  • 22. 481 29 22 16 289 5 472 10 169 15 360 134 186 43 307 46 455 47 474 15 186 43 69 22 65 273 46 107 9 209 29 472 11 28 28 29 31 62 7 166 7 41 54
  • 23. 180 36 180 36 477 21 471 8 484 35 173 22 252 6 74 31 173 23 265 29 474 15 29 30 186 43 186 43 28 29 48 71 180 36 67 16 321 71 28 29 472 10 186 43 472 11
  • 24. 485 38 173 22 255 12 173 23 346 116 390 20 170 16 48 71 213 63 166 7 166 7 417 69 29 30 481 29 180 36 180 36 449 37
  • 28.