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An	Uncertainty-Aware	Approach	to	Optimal	
Configuration	of	Stream	Processing	Systems	
Pooyan Jamshidi
(joint work work Giuliano Casale)
Imperial College London
University of Bern
1st Nov 2016
1- Many different
Parameters =>
- large state space
- interactions
2- Defaults are
typically used =>
- poor performance
0 1 2 3 4 5
average read latency (µs) ×10
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
average read latency (µs)
(a) cass-20 (b) cass-10
Best configurations
Worst configurations
Experiments on
Apache Cassandra:
- 6 parameters, 1024 configurations
- Average read latency
- 10 millions records (cass-10)
- 20 millions records (cass-20)
Motivation	(Apache	Storm)
number of counters
number of splitters
Cubic Interpolation Over Finer Grid
243 684 10125 14166 18
In our experiments we
observed improvement
up to 100%
is denoted by f(x). Throughout, we assume
ncy, however, other metrics for response may
re consider the problem of finding an optimal
that globally minimizes f(·) over X:
= arg min
f(x) (1)
esponse function f(·) is usually unknown or
n, i.e., yi = f(xi), xi ⇢ X. In practice, such
may contain noise, i.e., yi = f(xi) + ✏. The
of the optimal configuration is thus a black-
on program subject to noise [27, 33], which
harder than deterministic optimization. A
n is based on sampling that starts with a
pled configurations. The performance of the
sociated to this initial samples can deliver
tanding of f(·) and guide the generation of
of samples. If properly guided, the process
ration-evaluation-feedback-regeneration will
tinuously, (ii) Big Data systems are d
frameworks (e.g., Apache Hadoop, S
on similar platforms (e.g., cloud clust
versions of a system often share a sim
To the best of our knowledge, only
the possibility of transfer learning in
The authors learn a Bayesian networ
of a system and reuse this model fo
systems. However, the learning is lim
the Bayesian network. In this paper,
that not only reuse a model that has b
but also the valuable raw data. There
to the accuracy of the learned model
consider Bayesian networks and inste
2.4 Motivation
A motivating example. We now
points on an example. WordCount (cf.
benchmark [12]. WordCount features
(Xi). In general, Xi may either indicate (i) integer vari-
such as level of parallelism or (ii) categorical variable
as messaging frameworks or Boolean variable such as
ng timeout. We use the terms parameter and factor in-
angeably; also, with the term option we refer to possible
s that can be assigned to a parameter.
assume that each configuration x 2 X in the configura-
pace X = Dom(X1) ⇥ · · · ⇥ Dom(Xd) is valid, i.e., the
m accepts this configuration and the corresponding test
s in a stable performance behavior. The response with
guration x is denoted by f(x). Throughout, we assume
f(·) is latency, however, other metrics for response may
ed. We here consider the problem of finding an optimal
guration x⇤
that globally minimizes f(·) over X:
= arg min
f(x) (1)
fact, the response function f(·) is usually unknown or
ally known, i.e., yi = f(xi), xi ⇢ X. In practice, such
it still requires hundr
per, we propose to ad
with the search e ci
than starting the sear
the learned knowledg
software to accelerate
version. This idea is i
in real software engin
in DevOps di↵erent
tinuously, (ii) Big Da
frameworks (e.g., Ap
on similar platforms (
versions of a system o
To the best of our k
the possibility of tran
The authors learn a B
of a system and reus
systems. However, the
his configuration and the corresponding test
le performance behavior. The response with
is denoted by f(x). Throughout, we assume
ncy, however, other metrics for response may
e consider the problem of finding an optimal
that globally minimizes f(·) over X:
= arg min
f(x) (1)
esponse function f(·) is usually unknown or
, i.e., yi = f(xi), xi ⇢ X. In practice, such
may contain noise, i.e., yi = f(xi) + ✏. The
f the optimal configuration is thus a black-
n program subject to noise [27, 33], which
harder than deterministic optimization. A
n is based on sampling that starts with a
pled configurations. The performance of the
sociated to this initial samples can deliver
tanding of f(·) and guide the generation of
of samples. If properly guided, the process
ation-evaluation-feedback-regeneration will
erge and the optimal configuration will be
r, a sampling-based approach of this kind can
in DevOps di↵erent versions of a system is delivere
tinuously, (ii) Big Data systems are developed using s
frameworks (e.g., Apache Hadoop, Spark, Kafka) an
on similar platforms (e.g., cloud clusters), (iii) and di↵
versions of a system often share a similar business log
To the best of our knowledge, only one study [9] ex
the possibility of transfer learning in system configur
The authors learn a Bayesian network in the tuning p
of a system and reuse this model for tuning other s
systems. However, the learning is limited to the struct
the Bayesian network. In this paper, we introduce a m
that not only reuse a model that has been learned prev
but also the valuable raw data. Therefore, we are not li
to the accuracy of the learned model. Moreover, we d
consider Bayesian networks and instead focus on MT
2.4 Motivation
A motivating example. We now illustrate the pre
points on an example. WordCount (cf. Figure 1) is a p
benchmark [12]. WordCount features a three-layer arc
ture that counts the number of words in the incoming s
A Processing Element (PE) of type Spout reads the
havior. The response with
. Throughout, we assume
metrics for response may
blem of finding an optimal
nimizes f(·) over X:
f(x) (1)
(·) is usually unknown or
xi ⇢ X. In practice, such
i.e., yi = f(xi) + ✏. The
figuration is thus a black-
t to noise [27, 33], which
ministic optimization. A
mpling that starts with a
. The performance of the
itial samples can deliver
d guide the generation of
perly guided, the process
in DevOps di↵erent versions of a system is delivered co
tinuously, (ii) Big Data systems are developed using simila
frameworks (e.g., Apache Hadoop, Spark, Kafka) and ru
on similar platforms (e.g., cloud clusters), (iii) and di↵eren
versions of a system often share a similar business logic.
To the best of our knowledge, only one study [9] explore
the possibility of transfer learning in system configuratio
The authors learn a Bayesian network in the tuning proce
of a system and reuse this model for tuning other simila
systems. However, the learning is limited to the structure
the Bayesian network. In this paper, we introduce a metho
that not only reuse a model that has been learned previous
but also the valuable raw data. Therefore, we are not limite
to the accuracy of the learned model. Moreover, we do no
consider Bayesian networks and instead focus on MTGPs.
2.4 Motivation
A motivating example. We now illustrate the previou
points on an example. WordCount (cf. Figure 1) is a popula
benchmark [12]. WordCount features a three-layer archite
Partially known
Measurements subject to noise
Configuration space
Non-linear	interactions
0 5 10 15 20
Number of counters
number of counters
number of splitters
Cubic Interpolation Over Finer Grid
243 684 10125 14166 18
Response surface is:
- Non-linear
- Non convex
- Multi-modal
The	measurements	are	subject	to	variability
wc wc+rs wc+sol 2wc 2wc+rs+sol
The scale of
measurement variability
is different in different
(heteroscedastic noise)
at points x that has been
here consider the problem
that minimizes f over
w experiments as possible:
f(x) (1)
) is usually unknown or
xi ⇢ X. In practice, such
.e., yi = f(xi) + ✏i. Note
ly partially-known, finding
kbox optimization problem
noise. In fact, the problem
on-convex and multi-modal
P-hard [36]. Therefore, on
locate a global optimum,
st possible local optimum
It shows the non-convexity, multi-modality and the substantial
performance difference between different configurations.
0 5 10 15 20
Number of counters
Fig. 3: WordCount latency, cut though Figure 2.
demonstrates that if one tries to minimize latency by acting
just on one of these parameters at the time, the resulting
BO4CO	architecture
Optimisation Tool
Deployment Service
Data Preparation
Experimental Suite
Data Broker
experiment time
polling interval
GP model
System Under Test
Technology Interface
GP	for	modeling	blackbox response	function
true function
GP mean
GP variance
selected point
mposed by its prior mean (µ(·) : X ! R) and a covariance
nction (k(·, ·) : X ⇥ X ! R) [41]:
y = f(x) ⇠ GP(µ(x), k(x, x0
)), (2)
here covariance k(x, x0
) defines the distance between x
d x0
. Let us assume S1:t = {(x1:t, y1:t)|yi := f(xi)} be
e collection of t experimental data (observations). In this
mework, we treat f(x) as a random variable, conditioned
observations S1:t, which is normally distributed with the
lowing posterior mean and variance functions [41]:
µt(x) = µ(x) + k(x)|
(K + 2
I) 1
(y µ) (3)
t (x) = k(x, x) + 2
I k(x)|
(K + 2
I) 1
k(x) (4)
here y := y1:t, k(x)|
= [k(x, x1) k(x, x2) . . . k(x, xt)],
:= µ(x1:t), K := k(xi, xj) and I is identity matrix. The
ortcoming of BO4CO is that it cannot exploit the observa-
ns regarding other versions of the system and as therefore
nnot be applied in DevOps.
2 TL4CO: an extension to multi-tasks
uses MTGPs that exploit observations from other
evious versions of the system under test. Algorithm 1
fines the internal details of TL4CO. As Figure 4 shows,
4CO is an iterative algorithm that uses the learning from
her system versions. In a high-level overview, TL4CO: (i)
ects the most informative past observations (details in
ction 3.3); (ii) fits a model to existing data based on kernel
arning (details in Section 3.4), and (iii) selects the next
ork are based on tractable linear algebra.
evious work [21], we proposed BO4CO that ex-
task GPs (no transfer learning) for prediction of
tribution of response functions. A GP model is
y its prior mean (µ(·) : X ! R) and a covariance
·, ·) : X ⇥ X ! R) [41]:
y = f(x) ⇠ GP(µ(x), k(x, x0
)), (2)
iance k(x, x0
) defines the distance between x
us assume S1:t = {(x1:t, y1:t)|yi := f(xi)} be
n of t experimental data (observations). In this
we treat f(x) as a random variable, conditioned
ons S1:t, which is normally distributed with the
sterior mean and variance functions [41]:
µ(x) + k(x)|
(K + 2
I) 1
(y µ) (3)
k(x, x) + 2
I k(x)|
(K + 2
I) 1
k(x) (4)
1:t, k(x)|
= [k(x, x1) k(x, x2) . . . k(x, xt)],
, K := k(xi, xj) and I is identity matrix. The
of BO4CO is that it cannot exploit the observa-
ng other versions of the system and as therefore
pplied in DevOps.
CO: an extension to multi-tasks
uses MTGPs that exploit observations from other
1- mean estimates + variance
2- all computations are linear algebra
3- good estimations when few data
Sparsity	of	Effects
• Correlation-based
feature selector
• Merit	is	used	to	select	
subsets	that	are	highly	
correlated	with	the	
response	variable	
• At most 2-3 parameters
were strongly interacting
with each other
TABLE I: Sparsity of effects on 5 experiments where we have varied
different subsets of parameters and used different testbeds. Note that
these are the datasets we experimentally measured on the benchmark
systems and we use them for the evaluation, more details including
the results for 6 more experiments are in the appendix.
Topol. Parameters Main factors Merit Size Testbed
1 wc(6D)
1-spouts, 2-max spout,
3-spout wait, 4-splitters,
5-counters, 6-netty min wait
{1, 2, 5} 0.787 2880 C1
2 sol(6D)
1-spouts, 2-max spout,
3-top level, 4-netty min wait,
5-message size, 6-bolts
{1, 2, 3} 0.447 2866 C2
3 rs(6D)
1-spouts, 2-max spout,
3-sorters, 4-emit freq,
5-chunk size, 6-message size
{3} 0.385 3840 C3
4 wc(3D)
1-max spout, 2-splitters,
3-counters {1, 2} 0.480 756 C4
5 wc(5D)
1-spouts, 2-splitters,
4-buffer-size, 5-heap
{1} 0.851 1080 C5
Experiments on:
1. C1: OpenNebula (X)
2. C2: Amazon EC2 (Y)
3. C3: OpenNebula (3X)
4. C4: Amazon EC2 (2Y)
5. C5: Microsoft Azure (X)
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
x1 x2 x3 x4
true function
GP surrogate
mean estimate
Fig. 5: An example of 1D GP model: GPs provide mean esti-
mates as well as the uncertainty in estimations, i.e., variance.
Optimisation Tool
Deployment Service
Data Preparation
Experimental Suite
Data Broker
experiment time
polling interval
GP model
System Under Test
Technology Interface
Algorithm 1 : BO4CO
Input: Configuration space X, Maximum budget Nmax, Re-
sponse function f, Kernel function K✓, Hyper-parameters
✓, Design sample size n, learning cycle Nl
Output: Optimal configurations x⇤
and learned model M
1: choose an initial sparse design (lhd) to find an initial
design samples D = {x1, . . . , xn}
2: obtain performance measurements of the initial design,
yi f(xi) + ✏i, 8xi 2 D
3: S1:n {(xi, yi)}n
i=1; t n + 1
4: M(x|S1:n, ✓) fit a GP model to the design . Eq.(3)
5: while t  Nmax do
6: if (t mod Nl = 0) ✓ learn the kernel hyper-
parameters by maximizing the likelihood
7: find next configuration xt by optimizing the selection
criteria over the estimated response surface given the data,
xt arg maxxu(x|M, S1:t 1) . Eq.(9)
8: obtain performance for the new configuration xt, yt
f(xt) + ✏t
9: Augment the configuration S1:t = {S1:t 1, (xt, yt)}
10: M(x|S1:t, ✓) re-fit a new GP model . Eq.(7)
11: t t + 1
12: end while
13: (x⇤
, y⇤
) = min S1:Nmax
14: M(x)
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Selection Criteria
(b) Sequential Design
(a) Design of Experiment
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
configuration domain
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
true response function
GP fit
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
criteria evaluation
new selected point
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
new GP fit
Acquisition function:
O then fits a GP model to
elief about the underlying
rithm 1). The while loop in
belief until the budget runs
:t = {(xi, yi)}t
i=1, where
a prior distribution Pr(f)
1:t|f) form the posterior
) Pr(f).
ions [37], specified by its
iance (see Section III-E1):
), k(x, x0
)), (3)
µt(x) = µ(x) + k(x)|
(K + 2
I) 1
(y µ) (7)
t (x) = k(x, x) + 2
I k(x)|
(K + 2
I) 1
k(x) (8)
These posterior functions are used to select the next point xt+1
as detailed in Section III-C.
C. Configuration selection criteria
The selection criteria is defined as u : X ! R that selects
xt+1 2 X, should f(·) be evaluated next (step 7):
xt+1 = argmax
u(x|M, S1:t) (9)
Spout A Bolt A Bolt B
socket socket
out queue in queue
Worker A Worker B Worker C
out queue in queue
Kafka Spout Splitter Bolt Counter Bolt
(sentence) (word)
[paintings, 3]
[poems, 60]
[letter, 75]
Kafka Topic
Stream to
Kafka Spout
Ranking Bolt
topics)Kafka Topic
Twitter to
Twitter Stream
Storm Architecture
Word Count Architecture
• CPU intensive
Rolling Sort Architecture
• Memory intensive
• Fraud detection
• Trending topics
Experimental	results
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) WordCount(3D) (b) WordCount(5D)
- 30 runs, report average performance
- Yes, we did full factorial
measurements and we know where
global min is…
Experimental	results
0 50 100 150 200
0 50 100 150 200
(a) SOL(6D) (b) RollingSort(6D)
Experimental	results
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) Branin(2D) (b) Dixon(2D)
Model	accuracy	(comparison	with	polynomial	regression	models)
BO4CO polyfit1 polyfit2 polyfit3 polyfit4 polyfit5
Prediction	accuracy	over	time
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Exploitation	vs	exploration
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
the next configuration to measure. Intuitively,
lect the minimum response. This is done using
ction u : X ! R that determines xt+1 2 X,
e evaluated next as:
xt+1 = argmax
u(x|M, S1
1:t) (11)
on criterion depends on the MTGP model M
h its predictive mean µt(xt) and variance 2
t (xt)
on observations S1
1:t. TL4CO uses the Lower
ound (LCB) [24]:
B(x|M, S1
1:t) = argmin
µt(x)  t(x), (12)
xploitation-exploration parameter. For instance,
to find a near optimal configuration we set a
 to take the most out of the predictive mean.
e are looking for a globally optimum one, we can
ue in order to skip local minima. Furthermore,
ted over time [22] to perform more explorations.
ws that in TL4CO,  can start with a relatively
at the early iterations comparing to BO4CO
mer provides a better estimate of mean and
xt+1 = argmax
u(x|M, S1
1:t) (11)
e selection criterion depends on the MTGP model M
through its predictive mean µt(xt) and variance 2
t (xt)
tioned on observations S1
1:t. TL4CO uses the Lower
dence Bound (LCB) [24]:
uLCB(x|M, S1
1:t) = argmin
µt(x)  t(x), (12)
 is a exploitation-exploration parameter. For instance,
require to find a near optimal configuration we set a
alue to  to take the most out of the predictive mean.
ver, if we are looking for a globally optimum one, we can
high value in order to skip local minima. Furthermore,
be adapted over time [22] to perform more explorations.
e 6 shows that in TL4CO,  can start with a relatively
r value at the early iterations comparing to BO4CO
the former provides a better estimate of mean and
ore contains more information at the early stages.
4CO output. Once the Nmax di↵erent configurations of
ystem under test are measured, the TL4CO algorithm
nates. Finally, TL4CO produces the outputs including
ptimal configuration (step 14 in Algorithm 1) as well
Runtime	overhead
0 20 40 60 80 100
WordCount (3D)
WordCount (6D)
SOL (6D)
RollingSort (6D)
WordCount (5D)
- The computation time in larger
datasets is higher than those with
less data and lower.
- The computation time increases
over time since the matrix size for
Cholesky inversion gets larger.
mean is shown in yellow and the 95% confidence interval at
each point in the shaded red area. The stars indicate ex-
perimental measurements (or observation interchangeably).
Some points x 2 X have a large confidence interval due to
lack of observations in their neighborhood, while others have
a narrow confidence. The main motivation behind the choice
of Bayesian Optimization here is that it o↵ers a framework
in which reasoning can be not only based on mean estimates
but also the variance, providing more informative decision
making. The other reason is that all the computations in
this framework are based on tractable linear algebra.
In our previous work [21], we proposed BO4CO that ex-
ploits single-task GPs (no transfer learning) for prediction of
posterior distribution of response functions. A GP model is
composed by its prior mean (µ(·) : X ! R) and a covariance
function (k(·, ·) : X ⇥ X ! R) [41]:
y = f(x) ⇠ GP(µ(x), k(x, x0
)), (2)
where covariance k(x, x0
) defines the distance between x
and x0
. Let us assume S1:t = {(x1:t, y1:t)|yi := f(xi)} be
the collection of t experimental data (observations). In this
framework, we treat f(x) as a random variable, conditioned
on observations S1:t, which is normally distributed with the
following posterior mean and variance functions [41]:
µt(x) = µ(x) + k(x)|
(K + 2
I) 1
(y µ) (3)
t (x) = k(x, x) + 2
I k(x)|
(K + 2
I) 1
k(x) (4)
where y := y1:t, k(x)|
= [k(x, x1) k(x, x2) . . . k(x, xt)],
n approach using a 1-dimensional response. The
blue is the unknown true response, whereas the
hown in yellow and the 95% confidence interval at
t in the shaded red area. The stars indicate ex-
al measurements (or observation interchangeably).
nts x 2 X have a large confidence interval due to
servations in their neighborhood, while others have
confidence. The main motivation behind the choice
an Optimization here is that it o↵ers a framework
easoning can be not only based on mean estimates
he variance, providing more informative decision
The other reason is that all the computations in
ework are based on tractable linear algebra.
previous work [21], we proposed BO4CO that ex-
le-task GPs (no transfer learning) for prediction of
distribution of response functions. A GP model is
by its prior mean (µ(·) : X ! R) and a covariance
k(·, ·) : X ⇥ X ! R) [41]:
y = f(x) ⇠ GP(µ(x), k(x, x0
)), (2)
variance k(x, x0
) defines the distance between x
Let us assume S1:t = {(x1:t, y1:t)|yi := f(xi)} be
tion of t experimental data (observations). In this
k, we treat f(x) as a random variable, conditioned
ations S1:t, which is normally distributed with the
Correlations:	SPS	experiments
2 5
3 104
5 15
2 53 104
5 156
number of countersnumber of splitters number of countersnumber of splitters
3 5
4 10
5 15
2 53
5 156
(a) WordCount v1
(b) WordCount v2
(c) WordCount v3 (d) WordCount v4
(e) Pearson correlation coefficients
(g) Measurement noise across WordCount versions
(f) Spearman correlation coefficients
correlation coefficient
v1 v2 v3 v4
hardware change
Table 1: My caption
v1 v2 v3 v4
v1 1 0.41 -0.46 -0.50
v2 7.36E-06 1 -0.20 -0.18
v3 6.92E-07 0.04 1 0.94
v4 2.54E-08 0.07 1.16E-52 1
Table 2: My caption
v1 v2 v3 v4
v1 1 0.49 -0.51 -0.51
v2 5.50E-08 1 -0.2793 -0.24
v3 1.30E-08 0.003 1 0.88
v4 1.40E-08 0.01 8.30E-36 1
Table 3: My caption
ver. µ µ
v1 516.59 7.96 64.88
v1 v2 v3 v4
v1 1 0.41 -0.46 -0.50
v2 7.36E-06 1 -0.20 -0.18
v3 6.92E-07 0.04 1 0.94
v4 2.54E-08 0.07 1.16E-52 1
Table 2: My caption
v1 v2 v3 v4
v1 1 0.49 -0.51 -0.51
v2 5.50E-08 1 -0.2793 -0.24
v3 1.30E-08 0.003 1 0.88
v4 1.40E-08 0.01 8.30E-36 1
Table 3: My caption
ver. µ µ
v1 516.59 7.96 64.88
v2 584.94 2.58 226.32
v3 654.89 13.56 48.30
v4 1125.81 16.92 66.56
- Different correlations
- Different optimum
- Different noise level
- Different	versions	are	continuously	delivered	(daily	basis).
- Big	Data	systems	are	developed	using	similar	frameworks	
(Apache	Storm,	Spark,	Hadoop,	Kafka,	etc).
- Different	versions	share	similar	business	logics.
Solution:	Transfer	Learning	for	Configuration	Optimization
Configuration Optimization
(version j=M)
Initial Design
Model Fit
Next Experiment
Model Update
Budget Finished
Configuration Optimization
(version j=N)
Initial Design
Model Fit
Next Experiment
Model Update
Budget Finished
select data
for training
GP model hyper-parameters
store filter
The	case	where	we	learn	from	correlated	responses
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
(a) 3 sample response functions
configuration domain
(b) GP fit for (1) ignoring observations for (2),(3)
not informative
(c) multi-task GP fit for (1) by transfer learning from (2),(3)
highly informative
GP prediction mean
GP prediction variance
probability distribution
of the minimizers
Comparison	with	default	and	expert	prescription
0 500 1000 1500
Throughput (ops/sec)
BO4CO after
20 iterations TL4CO after
20 iterations
TL4CO after
100 iterations
0 500 1000 1500
Throughput (ops/sec)
Default configuration
by expert
TL4CO after
100 iterations
BO4CO after
100 iterations
Default configuration
by expert
Prediction	accuracy	over	time
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
PRIM (a) (b)
Entropy	of	the	density	function	of	the	minimizers
0 20 40 60 80 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Branin Hartmann WC(3D) SOL(6D) WC(5D)Dixon WC(6D) RS(6D) cass-20
he knowledge about the location of optimum configura-
is summarized by the approximation of the conditional
ability density function of the response function mini-
rs, i.e., X⇤
= Pr(x⇤
|f(x)), where f(·) is drawn from
MTGP model (cf. solid red line in Figure 5(b,c)). The
opy of the density functions in Figure 5(b,c) are 6.39,
so we know more information about the latter.
he results in Figure 19 confirm that the entropy measure
e minimizers with the models provided by TL4CO for all
datasets (synthetic and real) significantly contains more
mation. The results demonstrate that the main reason
finding quick convergence comparing with the baselines
at TL4CO employs a more e↵ective model. The results
igure 19(b) show the change of entropy of X⇤
over time
WC(5D) dataset. First, it shows that in TL4CO, the
opy decreases sharply. However, the overall decrease of
opy for BO4CO is slow. The second observation is that
storing K
making th
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Knowledge about the location of the minimizer
Ø Be	aware	of	Uncertainty
- By	quantifying the	uncertainty
- Make	decisions	taking	into	account	the	right	level	of	uncertainty	(homoscedastic	vs	
- Uncertainty	sometimes	helps	(models	that	provide	an	estimation	of	the	uncertainty	
are	typically	more	informative)
- By	exploiting	this	knowledge	you	can	only	explore	interesting	zones	rather	than	
learning	the	whole	performance	function
Ø You	can	learn	from	operational	data
- Not	only	from	the	current	version,	but	from	previous	measurements	as	well
- Use	the	learning	from	past	measurements	as	prior	knowledge
- Too	much	data can	be	also	harmful,	it	would	slow	down	or	blur	the	proper	learning	
(negative	transfer)
-BO4CO as a part of DevOps pipeline in H2020 DICE
-BO4CO is being acquired by TATA (TCS)
Big	Data	Technologies
Cloud	(Priv/Pub)
Sim Ver Opt
DDSM																			TOSCAMethodology
Deploy Config Test
Iter.	Enh.
Data	Intensive	Application	(DIA)
Cont.Int. Fault	Inj.
WP1 WP6	- Demonstrators
Code and data:
Submit	to	SEAMS	2017
- Any	work	on	Self-*
- Abstract	Submission:	6	Jan,	2017	(firm)	
- Paper	Submission:	13	Jan,	2017	(firm)
- Page	limit:	
- Long:	10+2,	
- New	ideas	and	tools:	6+1		
- More	info:
- Symposium:	22-23	May,	2017
- We	accept	artifacts	submissions	(tool,	data,	model)
	International	Symposium	on	Software	Engineering	for	Adaptive	and	Self-Managing	Systems	
Buenos	Aires,	Argentina,	May	22-23,	2017,	 	
Call	for	Papers	
Self-adaptation	and	self-management	are	key	objectives	in	many	modern	and	emerging	software	systems,	including	
the	industrial	internet	of	things,	cyber-physical	systems,	cloud	computing,	and	mobile	computing.	These	systems	must	
be	able	to	adapt	themselves	at	run	time	to	preserve	and	optimize	their	operation	in	the	presence	of	uncertain	changes	
in	their	operating	environment,	resource	variability,	new	user	needs,	attacks,	intrusions,	and	faults.		
Approaches	to	complement	software-based	systems	with	self-managing	and	self-adaptive	capabilities	are	an	important	
area	of	research	and	development,	offering	solutions	that	leverage	advances	in	fields	such	as	software	architecture,	
fault-tolerant	 computing,	 programming	 languages,	 robotics,	 and	 run-time	 program	 analysis	 and	 verification.	
Additionally,	 research	 in	 this	 field	 is	 informed	 by	 related	 areas	 like	 biologically-inspired	 computing,	 artificial	
intelligence,	machine	learning,	control	systems,	and	agent-based	systems.	The	SEAMS	symposium	focuses	on	applying	
software	engineering	to	these	approaches,	including	methods,	techniques,	and	tools	that	can	be	used	to	support	self-*	
properties	like	self-adaptation,	self-management,	self-healing,	self-optimization,	and	self-configuration.	
The	objective	of	SEAMS	is	to	bring	together	researchers	and	practitioners	from	diverse	areas	to	investigate,	discuss,	
and	examine	the	fundamental	principles,	state	of	the	art,	and	critical	challenges	of	engineering	self-adaptive	and	self-
managing	systems.	
Topics	of	Interest:	All	topics	related	to	engineering	self-adaptive	and	self-managing	systems,	including:		
Foundational	Concepts	
• self-*	properties	
• control	theory	
• algorithms		
• decision-making	and	planning	
• managing	uncertainty	
• mixed-initiative	and	human-in-the-loop	systems	
• formal	notations	for	modeling	and	analyzing	self-*	
• programming	language	support	for	self-adaptation	
Constructive	methods	
• requirements	elicitation	techniques	
• reuse	support	(e.g.,	patterns,	designs,	code)	
• architectural	techniques	
• legacy	systems	
Analytical	Methods	for	Self-Adaptation	and	-Management	
• evaluation	and	assurance	
• verification	and	validation		
• analysis	and	testing	frameworks	
Application	Areas	
• Industrial	internet	of	things	
• Cyber-physical	systems	
• Cloud	computing	
• Mobile	computing	
• Robotics	
• Smart	user	interfaces	
• Security	and	privacy	
• Wearables	and	ubiquitous/pervasive	systems	
Artifacts*	and	Evaluations	
• model	problems	and	exemplars	
• resources,	metrics,	or	software	that	can	be	used	to	
compare	self-adaptive	approaches	
• experiences	in	applying	tools	to	real	problems	
Paper	Submission	Details	
Further	Information	
Symposia-related	email	should	be	addressed	to:		
Important	Dates:	
Abstract	Submission:	6	Jan,	2017	(AoE,firm)	
Paper	Submission:	13	Jan,	2017	(AoE,firm)	
Notification:	21	February,	2017	
Camera	ready:	6	Mar,	2017	
SEAMS	solicits	three	types	of	papers:	long	papers	(10	pages	for	the	main	text,	inclusive	of	figures,	tables,	appendices,	
etc.;	references	may	be	included	in	up	to	two	additional	pages),	short	papers	for	new	ideas	and	early	results	(6	pages	+	
1	 for	 references)	 and	 artifact	 papers	 (6	 pages	 +	 1	 reference).	 Long	 papers	 should	 clearly	 describe	 innovative	 and	
original	research	or	explain	how	existing	techniques	have	been	applied	to	real-world	examples.	Short	papers	should	
describe	novel	and	promising	ideas	and/or	techniques	that	are	in	an	early	stage	of	development.		Artifact	papers	must	
describe	why	and	how	the	accompanying	artifact	may	be	useful	for	the	broader	community.	Papers	must	not	have	
been	previously	published	or	concurrently	submitted	elsewhere.	Papers	must	conform	to	IEEE	formatting	guidelines	
(see	 ICSE	 2017	 style	 guidelines),	 and	 submitted	 via	 EasyChair.	 Accepted	 papers	 will	 appear	 in	 the	 symposium	
proceedings	that	will	be	published	in	the	ACM	and	IEEE	digital	libraries.	Accepted	artifact	papers	will	also	be	archived	
on	the	Dagstuhl	Artifacts	Series	(DARTS).	
*There	will	be	a	specific	session	to	be	dedicated	to	artifacts	that	may	be	useful	for	the	community	as	a	
whole.	Please	see	for	more	details.		
Selected	papers	will	be	invited	to	submit	to	the	ACM	Transactions	on	Autonomous	and	Adaptive	Systems	(TAAS).		
General Chair
David Garlan, USA
Program Chair
Bashar Nuseibeh, UK & Ireland
Artifacts Chair
Javier Cámara, USA
Publicity Chair
Pooyan Jamshidi, UK
Local Chair
Nicolás D’Ippolito, Argentina
Program Committee
Dalal Alrajeh, UK
Jesper Andersson, Sweden
Rami Bahsoon, UK
Arosha Bandara, UK
Luciano Baresi, Italy
Jacob Beal, USA
Nelly Bencomo, UK
Amel, Bennaceur, UK
Victor Braberman, Argentina
Tomas Bures, Czech Republic
Radu Calinescu, UK
Javier Camara, USA
Betty Cheng, USA
Siobhán Clarke, Ireland
Rogério de Lemos, UK
Elisabetta di Nitto, Italy
Nicolás D’Ippolito, Argentina
Ada Diaconescu, France
Gregor Engels, Germany
Antonio Filieri, UK
Erik Fredericks, USA
Holger Giese, Germany
Hassan Gomaa, USA
Joel Greenyer, Germany
Mark Harman, UK
Valerie Issarny, France
Pooyan Jamshidi, UK
Jean-Marc Jézéquel, France
Samuel Kounev, Germany
Philippe Lalanda, France
Seok–Won Lee, South Korea
Marin Litoiu, Canada
Xiaoxing Ma, China
Martina Maggio, Sweden
Sam Malek, USA
Nenad Medvidovic, USA
Hausi Müller, Canada
Henry Muccini, Italy
John Mylopoulos, Canada
Ingrid Nunes, Brazil
Liliana Pasquale, Ireland
Patrizio Pelliccione, Sweden
Xin Peng, China
David Rosenblum, Singapore
Bradley Schmerl, USA
Hella Seebach, Germany
Amir Molzam Sharifloo, Germany
Vitor Silva Sousa, Brazil
Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Sweden
Ladan Tahvildari, Canada
Kenji Tei, Japan
Axel van Lamsweerde, Belgium
Giuseppe Valetto, Italy
Mirko Viroli, Italy
Danny Weyns, Belgium
Yijun Yu, UK
Artifact Evaluation Committee
Konstantinos Angelopoulos, UK
Nuno Antunes, Portugal
Amel Bennaceur, UK
Javier Cámara, USA
Ilias Gerostathopoulos, Germany
Mahmoud Hammad, USA
Muhammad Usman Iftikhar, Sweden
Ashutosh Pandey, USA
Roykrong Sukkerd, USA
Christos Tsigkanos, Italy

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Continuous Architecting of Stream-Based Systems

  • 1. An Uncertainty-Aware Approach to Optimal Configuration of Stream Processing Systems Pooyan Jamshidi (joint work work Giuliano Casale) Imperial College London University of Bern 1st Nov 2016
  • 2. Motivation 1- Many different Parameters => - large state space - interactions 2- Defaults are typically used => - poor performance
  • 3. Motivation 0 1 2 3 4 5 average read latency (µs) ×10 4 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 observations 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 average read latency (µs) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 observations 1 1 (a) cass-20 (b) cass-10 Best configurations Worst configurations Experiments on Apache Cassandra: - 6 parameters, 1024 configurations - Average read latency - 10 millions records (cass-10) - 20 millions records (cass-20)
  • 4. Motivation (Apache Storm) number of counters number of splitters latency(ms) 100 150 1 200 250 2 300 Cubic Interpolation Over Finer Grid 243 684 10125 14166 18 In our experiments we observed improvement up to 100%
  • 5. Goal is denoted by f(x). Throughout, we assume ncy, however, other metrics for response may re consider the problem of finding an optimal ⇤ that globally minimizes f(·) over X: x⇤ = arg min x2X f(x) (1) esponse function f(·) is usually unknown or n, i.e., yi = f(xi), xi ⇢ X. In practice, such may contain noise, i.e., yi = f(xi) + ✏. The of the optimal configuration is thus a black- on program subject to noise [27, 33], which harder than deterministic optimization. A n is based on sampling that starts with a pled configurations. The performance of the sociated to this initial samples can deliver tanding of f(·) and guide the generation of of samples. If properly guided, the process ration-evaluation-feedback-regeneration will tinuously, (ii) Big Data systems are d frameworks (e.g., Apache Hadoop, S on similar platforms (e.g., cloud clust versions of a system often share a sim To the best of our knowledge, only the possibility of transfer learning in The authors learn a Bayesian networ of a system and reuse this model fo systems. However, the learning is lim the Bayesian network. In this paper, that not only reuse a model that has b but also the valuable raw data. There to the accuracy of the learned model consider Bayesian networks and inste 2.4 Motivation A motivating example. We now points on an example. WordCount (cf. benchmark [12]. WordCount features (Xi). In general, Xi may either indicate (i) integer vari- such as level of parallelism or (ii) categorical variable as messaging frameworks or Boolean variable such as ng timeout. We use the terms parameter and factor in- angeably; also, with the term option we refer to possible s that can be assigned to a parameter. assume that each configuration x 2 X in the configura- pace X = Dom(X1) ⇥ · · · ⇥ Dom(Xd) is valid, i.e., the m accepts this configuration and the corresponding test s in a stable performance behavior. The response with guration x is denoted by f(x). Throughout, we assume f(·) is latency, however, other metrics for response may ed. We here consider the problem of finding an optimal guration x⇤ that globally minimizes f(·) over X: x⇤ = arg min x2X f(x) (1) fact, the response function f(·) is usually unknown or ally known, i.e., yi = f(xi), xi ⇢ X. In practice, such it still requires hundr per, we propose to ad with the search e ci than starting the sear the learned knowledg software to accelerate version. This idea is i in real software engin in DevOps di↵erent tinuously, (ii) Big Da frameworks (e.g., Ap on similar platforms ( versions of a system o To the best of our k the possibility of tran The authors learn a B of a system and reus systems. However, the his configuration and the corresponding test le performance behavior. The response with is denoted by f(x). Throughout, we assume ncy, however, other metrics for response may e consider the problem of finding an optimal ⇤ that globally minimizes f(·) over X: x⇤ = arg min x2X f(x) (1) esponse function f(·) is usually unknown or , i.e., yi = f(xi), xi ⇢ X. In practice, such may contain noise, i.e., yi = f(xi) + ✏. The f the optimal configuration is thus a black- n program subject to noise [27, 33], which harder than deterministic optimization. A n is based on sampling that starts with a pled configurations. The performance of the sociated to this initial samples can deliver tanding of f(·) and guide the generation of of samples. If properly guided, the process ation-evaluation-feedback-regeneration will erge and the optimal configuration will be r, a sampling-based approach of this kind can in DevOps di↵erent versions of a system is delivere tinuously, (ii) Big Data systems are developed using s frameworks (e.g., Apache Hadoop, Spark, Kafka) an on similar platforms (e.g., cloud clusters), (iii) and di↵ versions of a system often share a similar business log To the best of our knowledge, only one study [9] ex the possibility of transfer learning in system configur The authors learn a Bayesian network in the tuning p of a system and reuse this model for tuning other s systems. However, the learning is limited to the struct the Bayesian network. In this paper, we introduce a m that not only reuse a model that has been learned prev but also the valuable raw data. Therefore, we are not li to the accuracy of the learned model. Moreover, we d consider Bayesian networks and instead focus on MT 2.4 Motivation A motivating example. We now illustrate the pre points on an example. WordCount (cf. Figure 1) is a p benchmark [12]. WordCount features a three-layer arc ture that counts the number of words in the incoming s A Processing Element (PE) of type Spout reads the havior. The response with . Throughout, we assume metrics for response may blem of finding an optimal nimizes f(·) over X: f(x) (1) (·) is usually unknown or xi ⇢ X. In practice, such i.e., yi = f(xi) + ✏. The figuration is thus a black- t to noise [27, 33], which ministic optimization. A mpling that starts with a . The performance of the itial samples can deliver d guide the generation of perly guided, the process in DevOps di↵erent versions of a system is delivered co tinuously, (ii) Big Data systems are developed using simila frameworks (e.g., Apache Hadoop, Spark, Kafka) and ru on similar platforms (e.g., cloud clusters), (iii) and di↵eren versions of a system often share a similar business logic. To the best of our knowledge, only one study [9] explore the possibility of transfer learning in system configuratio The authors learn a Bayesian network in the tuning proce of a system and reuse this model for tuning other simila systems. However, the learning is limited to the structure the Bayesian network. In this paper, we introduce a metho that not only reuse a model that has been learned previous but also the valuable raw data. Therefore, we are not limite to the accuracy of the learned model. Moreover, we do no consider Bayesian networks and instead focus on MTGPs. 2.4 Motivation A motivating example. We now illustrate the previou points on an example. WordCount (cf. Figure 1) is a popula benchmark [12]. WordCount features a three-layer archite Partially known Measurements subject to noise Configuration space
  • 6. Non-linear interactions 0 5 10 15 20 Number of counters 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Latency(ms) splitters=2 splitters=3 number of counters number of splitters latency(ms) 100 150 1 200 250 2 300 Cubic Interpolation Over Finer Grid 243 684 10125 14166 18 Response surface is: - Non-linear - Non convex - Multi-modal
  • 7. The measurements are subject to variability wc wc+rs wc+sol 2wc 2wc+rs+sol 10 1 10 2 Latency(ms) The scale of measurement variability is different in different deployments (heteroscedastic noise) at points x that has been here consider the problem x⇤ that minimizes f over w experiments as possible: f(x) (1) ) is usually unknown or xi ⇢ X. In practice, such .e., yi = f(xi) + ✏i. Note ly partially-known, finding kbox optimization problem noise. In fact, the problem on-convex and multi-modal P-hard [36]. Therefore, on locate a global optimum, st possible local optimum udget. It shows the non-convexity, multi-modality and the substantial performance difference between different configurations. 0 5 10 15 20 Number of counters 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Latency(ms) splitters=2 splitters=3 Fig. 3: WordCount latency, cut though Figure 2. demonstrates that if one tries to minimize latency by acting just on one of these parameters at the time, the resulting
  • 8. BO4CO architecture Configuration Optimisation Tool performance repository Monitoring Deployment Service Data Preparation configuration parameters values configuration parameters values Experimental Suite Testbed Doc Data Broker Tester experiment time polling interval configuration parameters GP model Kafka System Under Test Workload Generator Technology Interface Storm Cassandra Spark
  • 9. GP for modeling blackbox response function true function GP mean GP variance observation selected point true minimum mposed by its prior mean (µ(·) : X ! R) and a covariance nction (k(·, ·) : X ⇥ X ! R) [41]: y = f(x) ⇠ GP(µ(x), k(x, x0 )), (2) here covariance k(x, x0 ) defines the distance between x d x0 . Let us assume S1:t = {(x1:t, y1:t)|yi := f(xi)} be e collection of t experimental data (observations). In this mework, we treat f(x) as a random variable, conditioned observations S1:t, which is normally distributed with the lowing posterior mean and variance functions [41]: µt(x) = µ(x) + k(x)| (K + 2 I) 1 (y µ) (3) 2 t (x) = k(x, x) + 2 I k(x)| (K + 2 I) 1 k(x) (4) here y := y1:t, k(x)| = [k(x, x1) k(x, x2) . . . k(x, xt)], := µ(x1:t), K := k(xi, xj) and I is identity matrix. The ortcoming of BO4CO is that it cannot exploit the observa- ns regarding other versions of the system and as therefore nnot be applied in DevOps. 2 TL4CO: an extension to multi-tasks TL4CO 1 uses MTGPs that exploit observations from other evious versions of the system under test. Algorithm 1 fines the internal details of TL4CO. As Figure 4 shows, 4CO is an iterative algorithm that uses the learning from her system versions. In a high-level overview, TL4CO: (i) ects the most informative past observations (details in ction 3.3); (ii) fits a model to existing data based on kernel arning (details in Section 3.4), and (iii) selects the next ork are based on tractable linear algebra. evious work [21], we proposed BO4CO that ex- task GPs (no transfer learning) for prediction of tribution of response functions. A GP model is y its prior mean (µ(·) : X ! R) and a covariance ·, ·) : X ⇥ X ! R) [41]: y = f(x) ⇠ GP(µ(x), k(x, x0 )), (2) iance k(x, x0 ) defines the distance between x us assume S1:t = {(x1:t, y1:t)|yi := f(xi)} be n of t experimental data (observations). In this we treat f(x) as a random variable, conditioned ons S1:t, which is normally distributed with the sterior mean and variance functions [41]: µ(x) + k(x)| (K + 2 I) 1 (y µ) (3) k(x, x) + 2 I k(x)| (K + 2 I) 1 k(x) (4) 1:t, k(x)| = [k(x, x1) k(x, x2) . . . k(x, xt)], , K := k(xi, xj) and I is identity matrix. The of BO4CO is that it cannot exploit the observa- ng other versions of the system and as therefore pplied in DevOps. CO: an extension to multi-tasks uses MTGPs that exploit observations from other Motivations: 1- mean estimates + variance 2- all computations are linear algebra 3- good estimations when few data
  • 10. Sparsity of Effects • Correlation-based feature selector • Merit is used to select subsets that are highly correlated with the response variable • At most 2-3 parameters were strongly interacting with each other TABLE I: Sparsity of effects on 5 experiments where we have varied different subsets of parameters and used different testbeds. Note that these are the datasets we experimentally measured on the benchmark systems and we use them for the evaluation, more details including the results for 6 more experiments are in the appendix. Topol. Parameters Main factors Merit Size Testbed 1 wc(6D) 1-spouts, 2-max spout, 3-spout wait, 4-splitters, 5-counters, 6-netty min wait {1, 2, 5} 0.787 2880 C1 2 sol(6D) 1-spouts, 2-max spout, 3-top level, 4-netty min wait, 5-message size, 6-bolts {1, 2, 3} 0.447 2866 C2 3 rs(6D) 1-spouts, 2-max spout, 3-sorters, 4-emit freq, 5-chunk size, 6-message size {3} 0.385 3840 C3 4 wc(3D) 1-max spout, 2-splitters, 3-counters {1, 2} 0.480 756 C4 5 wc(5D) 1-spouts, 2-splitters, 3-counters, 4-buffer-size, 5-heap {1} 0.851 1080 C5 102 s) Experiments on: 1. C1: OpenNebula (X) 2. C2: Amazon EC2 (Y) 3. C3: OpenNebula (3X) 4. C4: Amazon EC2 (2Y) 5. C5: Microsoft Azure (X)
  • 11. -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 x1 x2 x3 x4 true function GP surrogate mean estimate observation Fig. 5: An example of 1D GP model: GPs provide mean esti- mates as well as the uncertainty in estimations, i.e., variance. Configuration Optimisation Tool performance repository Monitoring Deployment Service Data Preparation configuration parameters values configuration parameters values Experimental Suite Testbed Doc Data Broker Tester experiment time polling interval configuration parameters GP model Kafka System Under Test Workload Generator Technology Interface Storm Cassandra Spark Algorithm 1 : BO4CO Input: Configuration space X, Maximum budget Nmax, Re- sponse function f, Kernel function K✓, Hyper-parameters ✓, Design sample size n, learning cycle Nl Output: Optimal configurations x⇤ and learned model M 1: choose an initial sparse design (lhd) to find an initial design samples D = {x1, . . . , xn} 2: obtain performance measurements of the initial design, yi f(xi) + ✏i, 8xi 2 D 3: S1:n {(xi, yi)}n i=1; t n + 1 4: M(x|S1:n, ✓) fit a GP model to the design . Eq.(3) 5: while t  Nmax do 6: if (t mod Nl = 0) ✓ learn the kernel hyper- parameters by maximizing the likelihood 7: find next configuration xt by optimizing the selection criteria over the estimated response surface given the data, xt arg maxxu(x|M, S1:t 1) . Eq.(9) 8: obtain performance for the new configuration xt, yt f(xt) + ✏t 9: Augment the configuration S1:t = {S1:t 1, (xt, yt)} 10: M(x|S1:t, ✓) re-fit a new GP model . Eq.(7) 11: t t + 1 12: end while 13: (x⇤ , y⇤ ) = min S1:Nmax 14: M(x) -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Configuration Space Empirical Model 2 4 6 8 10 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 160 140 120 100 80 60 180 Experiment (exhastive) Experiment Experiment 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Selection Criteria (b) Sequential Design (a) Design of Experiment
  • 12. -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 configuration domain responsevalue -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 true response function GP fit -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 criteria evaluation new selected point -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 new GP fit Acquisition function: O then fits a GP model to elief about the underlying rithm 1). The while loop in belief until the budget runs :t = {(xi, yi)}t i=1, where a prior distribution Pr(f) 1:t|f) form the posterior ) Pr(f). ions [37], specified by its iance (see Section III-E1): ), k(x, x0 )), (3) where µt(x) = µ(x) + k(x)| (K + 2 I) 1 (y µ) (7) 2 t (x) = k(x, x) + 2 I k(x)| (K + 2 I) 1 k(x) (8) These posterior functions are used to select the next point xt+1 as detailed in Section III-C. C. Configuration selection criteria The selection criteria is defined as u : X ! R that selects xt+1 2 X, should f(·) be evaluated next (step 7): xt+1 = argmax x2X u(x|M, S1:t) (9)
  • 13. Logical View Physical View pipe Spout A Bolt A Bolt B socket socket out queue in queue Worker A Worker B Worker C out queue in queue Kafka Spout Splitter Bolt Counter Bolt (sentence) (word) [paintings, 3] [poems, 60] [letter, 75] Kafka Topic Stream to Kafka File (sentence) (sentence) (sentence) Kafka Spout RollingCount Bolt Intermediate Ranking Bolt (hashtags) (hashtag, count) Ranking Bolt (ranking) (trending topics)Kafka Topic Twitter to Kafka (tweet) Twitter Stream (tweet) (tweet) Storm Architecture Word Count Architecture • CPU intensive Rolling Sort Architecture • Memory intensive Applications: • Fraud detection • Trending topics
  • 14. Experimental results 0 20 40 60 80 100 Iteration 10 -3 10-2 10-1 100 101 10 2 103 10 4 AbsoluteError BO4CO SA GA HILL PS Drift 0 20 40 60 80 100 Iteration 10 -2 10-1 100 101 102 10 3 AbsoluteError BO4CO SA GA HILL PS Drift (a) WordCount(3D) (b) WordCount(5D) - 30 runs, report average performance - Yes, we did full factorial measurements and we know where global min is…
  • 15. Experimental results 0 50 100 150 200 Iteration 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 101 10 2 10 3 104 AbsoluteError BO4CO SA GA HILL PS Drift 0 50 100 150 200 Iteration 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 101 10 2 10 3 104 AbsoluteError BO4CO SA GA HILL PS Drift (a) SOL(6D) (b) RollingSort(6D)
  • 16. Experimental results 0 20 40 60 80 100 Iteration 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 AbsoluteError BO4CO SA GA HILL PS Drift 0 20 40 60 80 100 Iteration 10-2 10 -1 100 10 1 AbsoluteError BO4CO SA GA HILL PS Drift (a) Branin(2D) (b) Dixon(2D)
  • 17. Model accuracy (comparison with polynomial regression models) BO4CO polyfit1 polyfit2 polyfit3 polyfit4 polyfit5 10 -10 10 -8 10 -6 10 -4 10 -2 10 0 10 2 AbsolutePercentageError[%]
  • 18. Prediction accuracy over time 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Iteration 10 1 10 2 10 3 PredictionError BO4CO polyfit1 M5Tree RegressionTree M5Rules LWP(GAU) PRIM
  • 19. Exploitation vs exploration 0 20 40 60 80 100 Iteration 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 AbsoluteError BO4CO(adaptive) BO4CO(µ:=0) BO4CO(κ:=0.1) BO4CO(κ:=1) BO4CO(κ:=6) BO4CO(κ:=8) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Iteration 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 Kappa ϵ=1 ϵ=0.1 ϵ=0.01 the next configuration to measure. Intuitively, lect the minimum response. This is done using ction u : X ! R that determines xt+1 2 X, e evaluated next as: xt+1 = argmax x2X u(x|M, S1 1:t) (11) on criterion depends on the MTGP model M h its predictive mean µt(xt) and variance 2 t (xt) on observations S1 1:t. TL4CO uses the Lower ound (LCB) [24]: B(x|M, S1 1:t) = argmin x2X µt(x)  t(x), (12) xploitation-exploration parameter. For instance, to find a near optimal configuration we set a  to take the most out of the predictive mean. e are looking for a globally optimum one, we can ue in order to skip local minima. Furthermore, ted over time [22] to perform more explorations. ws that in TL4CO,  can start with a relatively at the early iterations comparing to BO4CO mer provides a better estimate of mean and xt+1 = argmax x2X u(x|M, S1 1:t) (11) e selection criterion depends on the MTGP model M through its predictive mean µt(xt) and variance 2 t (xt) tioned on observations S1 1:t. TL4CO uses the Lower dence Bound (LCB) [24]: uLCB(x|M, S1 1:t) = argmin x2X µt(x)  t(x), (12)  is a exploitation-exploration parameter. For instance, require to find a near optimal configuration we set a alue to  to take the most out of the predictive mean. ver, if we are looking for a globally optimum one, we can high value in order to skip local minima. Furthermore, be adapted over time [22] to perform more explorations. e 6 shows that in TL4CO,  can start with a relatively r value at the early iterations comparing to BO4CO the former provides a better estimate of mean and ore contains more information at the early stages. 4CO output. Once the Nmax di↵erent configurations of ystem under test are measured, the TL4CO algorithm nates. Finally, TL4CO produces the outputs including ptimal configuration (step 14 in Algorithm 1) as well
  • 20. Runtime overhead 0 20 40 60 80 100 Iteration 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 ElapsedTime(s) WordCount (3D) WordCount (6D) SOL (6D) RollingSort (6D) WordCount (5D) - The computation time in larger datasets is higher than those with less data and lower. - The computation time increases over time since the matrix size for Cholesky inversion gets larger. mean is shown in yellow and the 95% confidence interval at each point in the shaded red area. The stars indicate ex- perimental measurements (or observation interchangeably). Some points x 2 X have a large confidence interval due to lack of observations in their neighborhood, while others have a narrow confidence. The main motivation behind the choice of Bayesian Optimization here is that it o↵ers a framework in which reasoning can be not only based on mean estimates but also the variance, providing more informative decision making. The other reason is that all the computations in this framework are based on tractable linear algebra. In our previous work [21], we proposed BO4CO that ex- ploits single-task GPs (no transfer learning) for prediction of posterior distribution of response functions. A GP model is composed by its prior mean (µ(·) : X ! R) and a covariance function (k(·, ·) : X ⇥ X ! R) [41]: y = f(x) ⇠ GP(µ(x), k(x, x0 )), (2) where covariance k(x, x0 ) defines the distance between x and x0 . Let us assume S1:t = {(x1:t, y1:t)|yi := f(xi)} be the collection of t experimental data (observations). In this framework, we treat f(x) as a random variable, conditioned on observations S1:t, which is normally distributed with the following posterior mean and variance functions [41]: µt(x) = µ(x) + k(x)| (K + 2 I) 1 (y µ) (3) 2 t (x) = k(x, x) + 2 I k(x)| (K + 2 I) 1 k(x) (4) where y := y1:t, k(x)| = [k(x, x1) k(x, x2) . . . k(x, xt)], n approach using a 1-dimensional response. The blue is the unknown true response, whereas the hown in yellow and the 95% confidence interval at t in the shaded red area. The stars indicate ex- al measurements (or observation interchangeably). nts x 2 X have a large confidence interval due to servations in their neighborhood, while others have confidence. The main motivation behind the choice an Optimization here is that it o↵ers a framework easoning can be not only based on mean estimates he variance, providing more informative decision The other reason is that all the computations in ework are based on tractable linear algebra. previous work [21], we proposed BO4CO that ex- le-task GPs (no transfer learning) for prediction of distribution of response functions. A GP model is by its prior mean (µ(·) : X ! R) and a covariance k(·, ·) : X ⇥ X ! R) [41]: y = f(x) ⇠ GP(µ(x), k(x, x0 )), (2) variance k(x, x0 ) defines the distance between x Let us assume S1:t = {(x1:t, y1:t)|yi := f(xi)} be tion of t experimental data (observations). In this k, we treat f(x) as a random variable, conditioned ations S1:t, which is normally distributed with the
  • 21. Correlations: SPS experiments 100 150 1 200 250 Latency(ms) 300 2 5 3 104 5 15 6 14 16 18 20 1 22 24 26 Latency(ms) 28 30 32 2 53 104 5 156 number of countersnumber of splitters number of countersnumber of splitters 2.8 2.9 1 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 2 Latency(ms) 3.4 3.5 3.6 3 5 4 10 5 15 6 1.2 1.3 1.4 1 1.5 1.6 1.7 Latency(ms) 1.8 1.9 2 53 104 5 156 (a) WordCount v1 (b) WordCount v2 (c) WordCount v3 (d) WordCount v4 (e) Pearson correlation coefficients (g) Measurement noise across WordCount versions (f) Spearman correlation coefficients correlation coefficient p-value v1 v2 v3 v4 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Latency(ms) hardware change softwarechange Table 1: My caption v1 v2 v3 v4 v1 1 0.41 -0.46 -0.50 v2 7.36E-06 1 -0.20 -0.18 v3 6.92E-07 0.04 1 0.94 v4 2.54E-08 0.07 1.16E-52 1 Table 2: My caption v1 v2 v3 v4 v1 1 0.49 -0.51 -0.51 v2 5.50E-08 1 -0.2793 -0.24 v3 1.30E-08 0.003 1 0.88 v4 1.40E-08 0.01 8.30E-36 1 Table 3: My caption ver. µ µ v1 516.59 7.96 64.88 v1 v2 v3 v4 v1 1 0.41 -0.46 -0.50 v2 7.36E-06 1 -0.20 -0.18 v3 6.92E-07 0.04 1 0.94 v4 2.54E-08 0.07 1.16E-52 1 Table 2: My caption v1 v2 v3 v4 v1 1 0.49 -0.51 -0.51 v2 5.50E-08 1 -0.2793 -0.24 v3 1.30E-08 0.003 1 0.88 v4 1.40E-08 0.01 8.30E-36 1 Table 3: My caption ver. µ µ v1 516.59 7.96 64.88 v2 584.94 2.58 226.32 v3 654.89 13.56 48.30 v4 1125.81 16.92 66.56 - Different correlations - Different optimum Configurations - Different noise level
  • 23. Solution: Transfer Learning for Configuration Optimization Configuration Optimization (version j=M) performance measurements Initial Design Model Fit Next Experiment Model Update Budget Finished performance repository Configuration Optimization (version j=N) Initial Design Model Fit Next Experiment Model Update Budget Finished select data for training GP model hyper-parameters store filter
  • 24. The case where we learn from correlated responses -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 (a) 3 sample response functions configuration domain responsevalue (1) (2) (3) observations (b) GP fit for (1) ignoring observations for (2),(3) LCB not informative (c) multi-task GP fit for (1) by transfer learning from (2),(3) highly informative GP prediction mean GP prediction variance probability distribution of the minimizers
  • 25. Comparison with default and expert prescription 0 500 1000 1500 Throughput (ops/sec) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Averagereadlatency(µs) ×10 4 TL4CO BO4CO BO4CO after 20 iterations TL4CO after 20 iterations TL4CO after 100 iterations 0 500 1000 1500 Throughput (ops/sec) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Averagewritelatency(µs) TL4CO BO4CO Default configuration Configuration recommended by expert TL4CO after 100 iterations BO4CO after 100 iterations Default configuration Configuration recommended by expert
  • 26. Prediction accuracy over time 0 20 40 60 80 100 Iteration 10-4 10-3 10 -2 10 -1 100 101 PredictionError(RMSE) T=2,m=100 T=2,m=200 T=2,m=300 T=3,m=100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Iteration 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 PredictionError(RMSE) TL4CO polyfit1 polyfit2 polyfit4 polyfit5 M5Tree M5Rules PRIM (a) (b)
  • 27. Entropy of the density function of the minimizers 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Entropy T=1(BO4CO) T=2,m=100 T=2,m=200 T=2,m=300 T=2,m=400 T=3,m=100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 6 8 10 BO4CO TL4CO Entropy Iteration Branin Hartmann WC(3D) SOL(6D) WC(5D)Dixon WC(6D) RS(6D) cass-20 he knowledge about the location of optimum configura- is summarized by the approximation of the conditional ability density function of the response function mini- rs, i.e., X⇤ = Pr(x⇤ |f(x)), where f(·) is drawn from MTGP model (cf. solid red line in Figure 5(b,c)). The opy of the density functions in Figure 5(b,c) are 6.39, so we know more information about the latter. he results in Figure 19 confirm that the entropy measure e minimizers with the models provided by TL4CO for all datasets (synthetic and real) significantly contains more mation. The results demonstrate that the main reason finding quick convergence comparing with the baselines at TL4CO employs a more e↵ective model. The results igure 19(b) show the change of entropy of X⇤ over time WC(5D) dataset. First, it shows that in TL4CO, the opy decreases sharply. However, the overall decrease of opy for BO4CO is slow. The second observation is that TL4CO variance, storing K making th 5. DIS 5.1 Be TL4CO experimen practice. than thre the system our appro Knowledge about the location of the minimizer
  • 28. Takeaways Ø Be aware of Uncertainty - By quantifying the uncertainty - Make decisions taking into account the right level of uncertainty (homoscedastic vs heteroscedastic) - Uncertainty sometimes helps (models that provide an estimation of the uncertainty are typically more informative) - By exploiting this knowledge you can only explore interesting zones rather than learning the whole performance function Ø You can learn from operational data - Not only from the current version, but from previous measurements as well - Use the learning from past measurements as prior knowledge - Too much data can be also harmful, it would slow down or blur the proper learning (negative transfer)
  • 29. Acknowledgement: -BO4CO as a part of DevOps pipeline in H2020 DICE -BO4CO is being acquired by TATA (TCS) Big Data Technologies Cloud (Priv/Pub) ` DICE IDE Profile Plugins Sim Ver Opt DPIM DTSM DDSM TOSCAMethodology Deploy Config Test M o n Anomaly Trace Iter. Enh. Data Intensive Application (DIA) Cont.Int. Fault Inj. WP4 WP3 WP2 WP5 WP1 WP6 - Demonstrators Code and data:
  • 30. Submit to SEAMS 2017 - Any work on Self-* - Abstract Submission: 6 Jan, 2017 (firm) - Paper Submission: 13 Jan, 2017 (firm) - Page limit: - Long: 10+2, - New ideas and tools: 6+1 - More info: - Symposium: 22-23 May, 2017 - We accept artifacts submissions (tool, data, model) 12th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 22-23, 2017, Call for Papers Self-adaptation and self-management are key objectives in many modern and emerging software systems, including the industrial internet of things, cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, and mobile computing. These systems must be able to adapt themselves at run time to preserve and optimize their operation in the presence of uncertain changes in their operating environment, resource variability, new user needs, attacks, intrusions, and faults. Approaches to complement software-based systems with self-managing and self-adaptive capabilities are an important area of research and development, offering solutions that leverage advances in fields such as software architecture, fault-tolerant computing, programming languages, robotics, and run-time program analysis and verification. Additionally, research in this field is informed by related areas like biologically-inspired computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, control systems, and agent-based systems. The SEAMS symposium focuses on applying software engineering to these approaches, including methods, techniques, and tools that can be used to support self-* properties like self-adaptation, self-management, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-configuration. The objective of SEAMS is to bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse areas to investigate, discuss, and examine the fundamental principles, state of the art, and critical challenges of engineering self-adaptive and self- managing systems. Topics of Interest: All topics related to engineering self-adaptive and self-managing systems, including: Foundational Concepts • self-* properties • control theory • algorithms • decision-making and planning • managing uncertainty • mixed-initiative and human-in-the-loop systems Languages • formal notations for modeling and analyzing self-* properties • programming language support for self-adaptation Constructive methods • requirements elicitation techniques • reuse support (e.g., patterns, designs, code) • architectural techniques • legacy systems Analytical Methods for Self-Adaptation and -Management • evaluation and assurance • verification and validation • analysis and testing frameworks Application Areas • Industrial internet of things • Cyber-physical systems • Cloud computing • Mobile computing • Robotics • Smart user interfaces • Security and privacy • Wearables and ubiquitous/pervasive systems Artifacts* and Evaluations • model problems and exemplars • resources, metrics, or software that can be used to compare self-adaptive approaches • experiences in applying tools to real problems Paper Submission Details Further Information Symposia-related email should be addressed to: Important Dates: Abstract Submission: 6 Jan, 2017 (AoE,firm) Paper Submission: 13 Jan, 2017 (AoE,firm) Notification: 21 February, 2017 Camera ready: 6 Mar, 2017 SEAMS solicits three types of papers: long papers (10 pages for the main text, inclusive of figures, tables, appendices, etc.; references may be included in up to two additional pages), short papers for new ideas and early results (6 pages + 1 for references) and artifact papers (6 pages + 1 reference). Long papers should clearly describe innovative and original research or explain how existing techniques have been applied to real-world examples. Short papers should describe novel and promising ideas and/or techniques that are in an early stage of development. Artifact papers must describe why and how the accompanying artifact may be useful for the broader community. Papers must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere. Papers must conform to IEEE formatting guidelines (see ICSE 2017 style guidelines), and submitted via EasyChair. Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings that will be published in the ACM and IEEE digital libraries. Accepted artifact papers will also be archived on the Dagstuhl Artifacts Series (DARTS). *There will be a specific session to be dedicated to artifacts that may be useful for the community as a whole. Please see for more details. Selected papers will be invited to submit to the ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS). General Chair David Garlan, USA Program Chair Bashar Nuseibeh, UK & Ireland Artifacts Chair Javier Cámara, USA Publicity Chair Pooyan Jamshidi, UK Local Chair Nicolás D’Ippolito, Argentina Program Committee Dalal Alrajeh, UK Jesper Andersson, Sweden Rami Bahsoon, UK Arosha Bandara, UK Luciano Baresi, Italy Jacob Beal, USA Nelly Bencomo, UK Amel, Bennaceur, UK Victor Braberman, Argentina Tomas Bures, Czech Republic Radu Calinescu, UK Javier Camara, USA Betty Cheng, USA Siobhán Clarke, Ireland Rogério de Lemos, UK Elisabetta di Nitto, Italy Nicolás D’Ippolito, Argentina Ada Diaconescu, France Gregor Engels, Germany Antonio Filieri, UK Erik Fredericks, USA Holger Giese, Germany Hassan Gomaa, USA Joel Greenyer, Germany Mark Harman, UK Valerie Issarny, France Pooyan Jamshidi, UK Jean-Marc Jézéquel, France Samuel Kounev, Germany Philippe Lalanda, France Seok–Won Lee, South Korea Marin Litoiu, Canada Xiaoxing Ma, China Martina Maggio, Sweden Sam Malek, USA Nenad Medvidovic, USA Hausi Müller, Canada Henry Muccini, Italy John Mylopoulos, Canada Ingrid Nunes, Brazil Liliana Pasquale, Ireland Patrizio Pelliccione, Sweden Xin Peng, China David Rosenblum, Singapore Bradley Schmerl, USA Hella Seebach, Germany Amir Molzam Sharifloo, Germany Vitor Silva Sousa, Brazil Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Sweden Ladan Tahvildari, Canada Kenji Tei, Japan Axel van Lamsweerde, Belgium Giuseppe Valetto, Italy Mirko Viroli, Italy Danny Weyns, Belgium Yijun Yu, UK Artifact Evaluation Committee Konstantinos Angelopoulos, UK Nuno Antunes, Portugal Amel Bennaceur, UK Javier Cámara, USA Ilias Gerostathopoulos, Germany Mahmoud Hammad, USA Muhammad Usman Iftikhar, Sweden Ashutosh Pandey, USA Roykrong Sukkerd, USA Christos Tsigkanos, Italy Co-locatedwith