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Processing large-scale graphs 
with GoogleTM Pregel 
November 22, 2014 
Frank Celler 
about us 
Frank Celler (@fceller) working on the ArangoDB core 
Michael Hackstein (@mchacki) started an experimental 
implementation of Pregel 
about us 
Frank Celler (@fceller) working on the ArangoDB core 
Michael Hackstein (@mchacki) started an experimental 
implementation of Pregel 
about the talk 
different kinds of graph algorithms 
Pregel example 
Pregel mind set aka Framework 
more examples 
Pregel at ArangoDB 
Started as a side project in free hack time 
Experimental on operational database 
Implemented as an alternative to traversals 
Make use of the 2exibility of JavaScript: 
No strict type system 
No pre-compilation, on-the-2y queries 
Native JSON documents 
Really fast development 
Graph Algorithms 
Pattern matching 
Search through the entire graph 
Identify similar components 
) Touch all vertices and their neighbourhoods 
Graph Algorithms 
Pattern matching 
Search through the entire graph 
Identify similar components 
) Touch all vertices and their neighbourhoods 
De1ne a speci1c start point 
Iteratively explore the graph 
) History of steps is known 
Graph Algorithms 
Pattern matching 
Search through the entire graph 
Identify similar components 
) Touch all vertices and their neighbourhoods 
De1ne a speci1c start point 
Iteratively explore the graph 
) History of steps is known 
Global measurements 
Compute one value for the graph, based on all it’s vertices 
or edges 
Compute one value for each vertex or edge 
) Often require a global view on the graph 
A framework to query distributed, directed graphs. 
Known as “Map-Reduce” for graphs 
Uses same phases 
Has several iterations 
Aims at: 
Operate all servers at full capacity 
Reduce network traZc 
Good at calculations touching all vertices 
Bad at calculations touching a very small number of vertices 
Example – Connected Components 
5 4 
3 4 
active inactive 
3 forward message 2 backward message 
Example – Connected Components 
5 4 
3 4 
active inactive 
3 forward message 2 backward message 
Example – Connected Components 
5 4 
3 4 
active inactive 
3 forward message 2 backward message 
Example – Connected Components 
5 4 
3 4 
active inactive 
3 forward message 2 backward message 
Example – Connected Components 
5 4 
3 4 
active inactive 
3 forward message 2 backward message 
Example – Connected Components 
5 2 
2 4 
active inactive 
3 forward message 2 backward message 
Example – Connected Components 
5 2 
2 4 
active inactive 
3 forward message 2 backward message 
Example – Connected Components 
5 1 
1 4 
active inactive 
3 forward message 2 backward message 
Example – Connected Components 
5 1 
1 4 
active inactive 
3 forward message 2 backward message 
Example – Connected Components 
5 1 
1 4 
active inactive 
3 forward message 2 backward message 
Pregel – Sequence 
Pregel – Sequence 
Pregel – Sequence 
Pregel – Sequence 
Pregel – Sequence 
Worker ^= Map 
“Map” a user-de1ned algorithm over all vertices 
Output: set of messages to other vertices 
Available parameters: 
The current vertex and his outbound edges 
All incoming messages 
Global values 
Allow modi1cations on the vertex: 
Attach a result to this vertex and his outgoing edges 
Delete the vertex and his outgoing edges 
Deactivate the vertex 
Combine ^= Reduce 
“Reduce” all generated messages 
Output: An aggregated message for each vertex. 
Executed on sender as well as receiver. 
Available parameters: 
One new message for a vertex 
The stored aggregate for this vertex 
Typical combiners are SUM, MIN or MAX 
Reduces network traZc 
Activity ^= Termination 
Execute several rounds of Map/Reduce 
Count active vertices and messages 
Start next round if one of the following is true: 
At least one vertex is active 
At least one message is sent 
Terminate if neither a vertex is active nor messages were sent 
Store all non-deleted vertices and edges as resulting graph 
Pregel Questions 
connected components 
page rank 
bipartite matching 
mimum spanning forest 
graph coloring 
shortest paths 
Pagerank for Giraph 
1 public class SimplePageRankComputation extends BasicComputation < 
LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable , DoubleWritable > 
2 public static final int MAX_SUPERSTEPS = 30; 
5 public void compute ( Vertex < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , 
FloatWritable > vertex , Iterable < DoubleWritable > messages ) 
throws IOException { 
6 if ( getSuperstep () >= 1) { 
7 double sum = 0; 
8 for ( DoubleWritable message : messages ) { 
9 sum += message .get (); 
10 } 
11 DoubleWritable vertexValue = new DoubleWritable ((0.15 f / 
getTotalNumVertices ()) + 0.85 f * sum ); 
12 vertex . setValue ( vertexValue ); 
13 } 
14 if ( getSuperstep () < MAX_SUPERSTEPS ) { 
15 long edges = vertex . getNumEdges (); 
16 sendMessageToAllEdges (vertex , new DoubleWritable ( vertex . 
getValue ().get () / edges )); 
17 } else { 
18 vertex . voteToHalt (); 
19 } 
20 } 
22 public static class SimplePageRankWorkerContext extends 
WorkerContext { 
23 @Override 
24 public void preApplication () throws InstantiationException , 
IllegalAccessException { } 
25 @Override 
26 public void postApplication () { } 
27 @Override 
28 public void preSuperstep () { } 
29 @Override 
30 public void postSuperstep () { } 
31 } 
33 public static class SimplePageRankMasterCompute extends 
DefaultMasterCompute { 
34 @Override 
35 public void initialize () throws InstantiationException , 
IllegalAccessException { 
36 } 
37 } 
38 public static class SimplePageRankVertexReader extends 
GeneratedVertexReader < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , 
FloatWritable > { 
39 @Override 
40 public boolean nextVertex () { 
41 return totalRecords > recordsRead ; 
42 } 
44 @Override 
45 public Vertex < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable > 
getCurrentVertex () throws IOException { 
46 Vertex < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable > vertex 
= getConf (). createVertex (); 
47 LongWritable vertexId = new LongWritable ( 
48 ( inputSplit . getSplitIndex () * totalRecords ) + 
recordsRead ); 
49 DoubleWritable vertexValue = new DoubleWritable ( vertexId . 
get () * 10d); 
50 long targetVertexId = ( vertexId .get () + 1) % ( inputSplit . 
getNumSplits () * totalRecords ); 
51 float edgeValue = vertexId . get () * 100 f; 
52 List <Edge < LongWritable , FloatWritable >> edges = Lists . 
newLinkedList (); 
53 edges .add ( EdgeFactory . create (new LongWritable ( 
targetVertexId ), new FloatWritable ( edgeValue ))); 
54 vertex . initialize ( vertexId , vertexValue , edges ); 
55 ++ recordsRead ; 
56 return vertex ; 
57 } 
58 } 
60 public static class SimplePageRankVertexInputFormat extends 
GeneratedVertexInputFormat < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , 
FloatWritable > { 
61 @Override 
62 public VertexReader < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , 
FloatWritable > createVertexReader ( InputSplit split , 
TaskAttemptContext context ) 
63 throws IOException { 
64 return new SimplePageRankVertexReader (); 
65 } 
66 } 
68 public static class SimplePageRankVertexOutputFormat extends 
TextVertexOutputFormat < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , 
FloatWritable > { 
69 @Override 
70 public TextVertexWriter createVertexWriter ( 
TaskAttemptContext context ) throws IOException , 
InterruptedException { 
71 return new SimplePageRankVertexWriter (); 
72 } 
74 public class SimplePageRankVertexWriter extends 
TextVertexWriter { 
75 @Override 
76 public void writeVertex ( Vertex < LongWritable , 
DoubleWritable , FloatWritable > vertex ) throws 
IOException , InterruptedException { 
77 getRecordWriter (). write ( new Text ( vertex . getId (). 
toString ()), new Text ( vertex . getValue (). toString ())) 
78 } 
79 } 
80 } 
81 }
Pagerank for TinkerPop3 
1 public class PageRankVertexProgram implements VertexProgram < 
Double > { 
2 private MessageType . Local messageType = MessageType . Local .of 
(() -> GraphTraversal .< Vertex >of (). outE ()); 
3 public static final String PAGE_RANK = Graph .Key . hide (" gremlin 
. pageRank "); 
4 public static final String EDGE_COUNT = Graph .Key . hide (" 
gremlin . edgeCount "); 
5 private static final String VERTEX_COUNT = " gremlin . 
pageRankVertexProgram . vertexCount "; 
6 private static final String ALPHA = " gremlin . 
pageRankVertexProgram . alpha "; 
7 private static final String TOTAL_ITERATIONS = " gremlin . 
pageRankVertexProgram . totalIterations "; 
8 private static final String INCIDENT_TRAVERSAL = " gremlin . 
pageRankVertexProgram . incidentTraversal "; 
9 private double vertexCountAsDouble = 1; 
10 private double alpha = 0.85 d; 
11 private int totalIterations = 30; 
12 private static final Set <String > COMPUTE_KEYS = new HashSet <>( 
Arrays . asList ( PAGE_RANK , EDGE_COUNT )); 
14 private PageRankVertexProgram () {} 
16 @Override 
17 public void loadState ( final Configuration configuration ) { 
18 this . vertexCountAsDouble = configuration . getDouble ( 
VERTEX_COUNT , 1.0 d); 
19 this . alpha = configuration . getDouble (ALPHA , 0.85 d); 
20 this . totalIterations = configuration . getInt ( 
21 try { 
22 if ( configuration . containsKey ( INCIDENT_TRAVERSAL )) { 
23 final SSupplier < Traversal > traversalSupplier = 
VertexProgramHelper . deserialize ( configuration , 
24 VertexProgramHelper . verifyReversibility ( 
traversalSupplier .get ()); 
25 this . messageType = MessageType . Local .of (( SSupplier ) 
traversalSupplier ); 
26 } 
27 } catch ( final Exception e) { 
28 throw new IllegalStateException (e. getMessage () , e); 
29 } 
30 } 
32 @Override 
33 public void storeState ( final Configuration configuration ) { 
34 configuration . setProperty ( GraphComputer . VERTEX_PROGRAM , 
PageRankVertexProgram . class . getName ()); 
35 configuration . setProperty ( VERTEX_COUNT , this . 
vertexCountAsDouble ); 
36 configuration . setProperty (ALPHA , this . alpha ); 
37 configuration . setProperty ( TOTAL_ITERATIONS , this . 
totalIterations ); 
38 try { 
39 VertexProgramHelper . serialize ( this . messageType . 
getIncidentTraversal () , configuration , 
40 } catch ( final Exception e) { 
41 throw new IllegalStateException (e. getMessage () , e); 
42 } 
43 } 
45 @Override 
46 public Set <String > getElementComputeKeys () { 
47 return COMPUTE_KEYS ; 
48 } 
50 @Override 
51 public void setup ( final Memory memory ) { 
53 } 
55 @Override 
56 public void execute ( final Vertex vertex , Messenger <Double > 
messenger , final Memory memory ) { 
57 if ( memory . isInitialIteration ()) { 
58 double initialPageRank = 1.0d / this . vertexCountAsDouble 
59 double edgeCount = Double . valueOf (( Long ) this . 
messageType . edges ( vertex ). count (). next ()); 
60 vertex . singleProperty ( PAGE_RANK , initialPageRank ); 
61 vertex . singleProperty ( EDGE_COUNT , edgeCount ); 
62 messenger . sendMessage ( this . messageType , initialPageRank 
/ edgeCount ); 
63 } else { 
64 double newPageRank = StreamFactory . stream ( messenger . 
receiveMessages ( this . messageType )). reduce (0.0d, (a, 
b) -> a + b); 
65 newPageRank = ( this . alpha * newPageRank ) + ((1.0 d - this 
. alpha ) / this . vertexCountAsDouble ); 
66 vertex . singleProperty ( PAGE_RANK , newPageRank ); 
67 messenger . sendMessage ( this . messageType , newPageRank / 
vertex .<Double > property ( EDGE_COUNT ). orElse (0.0 d)); 
68 } 
69 } 
71 @Override 
72 public boolean terminate ( final Memory memory ) { 
73 return memory . getIteration () >= this . totalIterations ; 
74 } 
75 }
Pagerank for ArangoDB 
1 var pageRank = function (vertex , message , global ) { 
2 var total = global . vertexCount ; 
3 var edgeCount = vertex . _outEdges . length ; 
4 var alpha = global . alpha ; 
5 var sum = 0, rank = 0; 
6 if ( global . step > 0) { 
7 while ( message . hasNext ()) { 
8 sum += message . next (). data ; 
9 } 
10 rank = alpha * sum + (1- alpha ) / total ; 
11 } else { 
12 rank = 1 / total ; 
13 } 
14 vertex . _setResult ( rank ); 
15 if ( global . step < global . MAX_STEPS ) { 
16 var send = rank / edgeCount ; 
17 while ( vertex . _outEdges . hasNext ()) { 
18 message . sendTo ( vertex . _outEdges . next (). edge . 
_getTarget () , send ); 
19 } 
20 } else { 
21 vertex . _deactivate (); 
22 } 
23 }; 
Pregel Questions 
connected components 
page rank 
bipartite matching 
mimum spanning forest 
graph coloring 
shortest paths 
Bipartite Matching 
Bipartite Matching 
Pregel Questions 
connected components 
page rank 
bipartite matching 
mimum spanning forest 
graph coloring 
shortest paths 
Thank You 
Twitter: @arangodb 
Github: triagens/ArangoDB 
Google Group: arangodb 
IRC: arangodb 

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Processing Large Graphs with Pregel

  • 1. Processing large-scale graphs , with GoogleTM Pregel November 22, 2014 Frank Celler @fceller
  • 2. About about us Frank Celler (@fceller) working on the ArangoDB core Michael Hackstein (@mchacki) started an experimental implementation of Pregel 1
  • 3. About about us Frank Celler (@fceller) working on the ArangoDB core Michael Hackstein (@mchacki) started an experimental implementation of Pregel about the talk different kinds of graph algorithms Pregel example Pregel mind set aka Framework more examples 1
  • 4. Pregel at ArangoDB Started as a side project in free hack time Experimental on operational database Implemented as an alternative to traversals Make use of the 2exibility of JavaScript: No strict type system No pre-compilation, on-the-2y queries Native JSON documents Really fast development 2
  • 5. Graph Algorithms Pattern matching Search through the entire graph Identify similar components ) Touch all vertices and their neighbourhoods 3
  • 6. Graph Algorithms Pattern matching Search through the entire graph Identify similar components ) Touch all vertices and their neighbourhoods Traversals De1ne a speci1c start point Iteratively explore the graph ) History of steps is known 3
  • 7. Graph Algorithms Pattern matching Search through the entire graph Identify similar components ) Touch all vertices and their neighbourhoods Traversals De1ne a speci1c start point Iteratively explore the graph ) History of steps is known Global measurements Compute one value for the graph, based on all it’s vertices or edges Compute one value for each vertex or edge ) Often require a global view on the graph 3
  • 8. Pregel A framework to query distributed, directed graphs. Known as “Map-Reduce” for graphs Uses same phases Has several iterations Aims at: Operate all servers at full capacity Reduce network traZc Good at calculations touching all vertices Bad at calculations touching a very small number of vertices 4
  • 9. Example – Connected Components 1 1 2 2 5 7 7 5 4 3 4 3 6 6 active inactive 3 forward message 2 backward message 5
  • 10. Example – Connected Components 1 1 2 2 5 7 7 5 6 7 5 4 3 4 3 6 6 4 2 3 4 active inactive 3 forward message 2 backward message 5
  • 11. Example – Connected Components 1 1 2 2 5 7 7 5 6 7 5 4 3 4 3 6 6 4 2 3 4 active inactive 3 forward message 2 backward message 5
  • 12. Example – Connected Components 1 1 2 2 5 6 7 5 6 5 5 4 3 4 3 5 6 3 1 2 2 active inactive 3 forward message 2 backward message 5
  • 13. Example – Connected Components 1 1 2 2 5 6 7 5 6 5 5 4 3 4 3 5 6 3 1 2 2 active inactive 3 forward message 2 backward message 5
  • 14. Example – Connected Components 1 1 1 2 5 5 7 5 2 2 4 3 5 6 1 1 2 2 active inactive 3 forward message 2 backward message 5
  • 15. Example – Connected Components 1 1 1 2 5 5 7 5 2 2 4 3 5 6 1 1 2 2 active inactive 3 forward message 2 backward message 5
  • 16. Example – Connected Components 1 1 1 2 5 5 7 5 1 1 4 3 5 6 1 1 active inactive 3 forward message 2 backward message 5
  • 17. Example – Connected Components 1 1 1 2 5 5 7 5 1 1 4 3 5 6 1 1 active inactive 3 forward message 2 backward message 5
  • 18. Example – Connected Components 1 1 1 2 5 5 7 5 1 1 4 3 5 6 active inactive 3 forward message 2 backward message 5
  • 24. Worker ^= Map “Map” a user-de1ned algorithm over all vertices Output: set of messages to other vertices Available parameters: The current vertex and his outbound edges All incoming messages Global values Allow modi1cations on the vertex: Attach a result to this vertex and his outgoing edges Delete the vertex and his outgoing edges Deactivate the vertex 7
  • 25. Combine ^= Reduce “Reduce” all generated messages Output: An aggregated message for each vertex. Executed on sender as well as receiver. Available parameters: One new message for a vertex The stored aggregate for this vertex Typical combiners are SUM, MIN or MAX Reduces network traZc 8
  • 26. Activity ^= Termination Execute several rounds of Map/Reduce Count active vertices and messages Start next round if one of the following is true: At least one vertex is active At least one message is sent Terminate if neither a vertex is active nor messages were sent Store all non-deleted vertices and edges as resulting graph 9
  • 27. Pregel Questions connected components page rank bipartite matching semi-clustering mimum spanning forest graph coloring shortest paths 10
  • 32. Pagerank for Giraph 12 1 public class SimplePageRankComputation extends BasicComputation < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable , DoubleWritable > { 2 public static final int MAX_SUPERSTEPS = 30; 34 @Override 5 public void compute ( Vertex < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable > vertex , Iterable < DoubleWritable > messages ) throws IOException { 6 if ( getSuperstep () >= 1) { 7 double sum = 0; 8 for ( DoubleWritable message : messages ) { 9 sum += message .get (); 10 } 11 DoubleWritable vertexValue = new DoubleWritable ((0.15 f / getTotalNumVertices ()) + 0.85 f * sum ); 12 vertex . setValue ( vertexValue ); 13 } 14 if ( getSuperstep () < MAX_SUPERSTEPS ) { 15 long edges = vertex . getNumEdges (); 16 sendMessageToAllEdges (vertex , new DoubleWritable ( vertex . getValue ().get () / edges )); 17 } else { 18 vertex . voteToHalt (); 19 } 20 } 21 22 public static class SimplePageRankWorkerContext extends WorkerContext { 23 @Override 24 public void preApplication () throws InstantiationException , IllegalAccessException { } 25 @Override 26 public void postApplication () { } 27 @Override 28 public void preSuperstep () { } 29 @Override 30 public void postSuperstep () { } 31 } 32 33 public static class SimplePageRankMasterCompute extends DefaultMasterCompute { 34 @Override 35 public void initialize () throws InstantiationException , IllegalAccessException { 36 } 37 } 38 public static class SimplePageRankVertexReader extends GeneratedVertexReader < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable > { 39 @Override 40 public boolean nextVertex () { 41 return totalRecords > recordsRead ; 42 } 44 @Override 45 public Vertex < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable > getCurrentVertex () throws IOException { 46 Vertex < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable > vertex = getConf (). createVertex (); 47 LongWritable vertexId = new LongWritable ( 48 ( inputSplit . getSplitIndex () * totalRecords ) + recordsRead ); 49 DoubleWritable vertexValue = new DoubleWritable ( vertexId . get () * 10d); 50 long targetVertexId = ( vertexId .get () + 1) % ( inputSplit . getNumSplits () * totalRecords ); 51 float edgeValue = vertexId . get () * 100 f; 52 List <Edge < LongWritable , FloatWritable >> edges = Lists . newLinkedList (); 53 edges .add ( EdgeFactory . create (new LongWritable ( targetVertexId ), new FloatWritable ( edgeValue ))); 54 vertex . initialize ( vertexId , vertexValue , edges ); 55 ++ recordsRead ; 56 return vertex ; 57 } 58 } 59 60 public static class SimplePageRankVertexInputFormat extends GeneratedVertexInputFormat < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable > { 61 @Override 62 public VertexReader < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable > createVertexReader ( InputSplit split , TaskAttemptContext context ) 63 throws IOException { 64 return new SimplePageRankVertexReader (); 65 } 66 } 67 68 public static class SimplePageRankVertexOutputFormat extends TextVertexOutputFormat < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable > { 69 @Override 70 public TextVertexWriter createVertexWriter ( TaskAttemptContext context ) throws IOException , InterruptedException { 71 return new SimplePageRankVertexWriter (); 72 } 73 74 public class SimplePageRankVertexWriter extends TextVertexWriter { 75 @Override 76 public void writeVertex ( Vertex < LongWritable , DoubleWritable , FloatWritable > vertex ) throws IOException , InterruptedException { 77 getRecordWriter (). write ( new Text ( vertex . getId (). toString ()), new Text ( vertex . getValue (). toString ())) ; 78 } 79 } 80 } 81 }
  • 33. Pagerank for TinkerPop3 13 1 public class PageRankVertexProgram implements VertexProgram < Double > { 2 private MessageType . Local messageType = MessageType . Local .of (() -> GraphTraversal .< Vertex >of (). outE ()); 3 public static final String PAGE_RANK = Graph .Key . hide (" gremlin . pageRank "); 4 public static final String EDGE_COUNT = Graph .Key . hide (" gremlin . edgeCount "); 5 private static final String VERTEX_COUNT = " gremlin . pageRankVertexProgram . vertexCount "; 6 private static final String ALPHA = " gremlin . pageRankVertexProgram . alpha "; 7 private static final String TOTAL_ITERATIONS = " gremlin . pageRankVertexProgram . totalIterations "; 8 private static final String INCIDENT_TRAVERSAL = " gremlin . pageRankVertexProgram . incidentTraversal "; 9 private double vertexCountAsDouble = 1; 10 private double alpha = 0.85 d; 11 private int totalIterations = 30; 12 private static final Set <String > COMPUTE_KEYS = new HashSet <>( Arrays . asList ( PAGE_RANK , EDGE_COUNT )); 13 14 private PageRankVertexProgram () {} 15 16 @Override 17 public void loadState ( final Configuration configuration ) { 18 this . vertexCountAsDouble = configuration . getDouble ( VERTEX_COUNT , 1.0 d); 19 this . alpha = configuration . getDouble (ALPHA , 0.85 d); 20 this . totalIterations = configuration . getInt ( TOTAL_ITERATIONS , 30); 21 try { 22 if ( configuration . containsKey ( INCIDENT_TRAVERSAL )) { 23 final SSupplier < Traversal > traversalSupplier = VertexProgramHelper . deserialize ( configuration , INCIDENT_TRAVERSAL ); 24 VertexProgramHelper . verifyReversibility ( traversalSupplier .get ()); 25 this . messageType = MessageType . Local .of (( SSupplier ) traversalSupplier ); 26 } 27 } catch ( final Exception e) { 28 throw new IllegalStateException (e. getMessage () , e); 29 } 30 } 32 @Override 33 public void storeState ( final Configuration configuration ) { 34 configuration . setProperty ( GraphComputer . VERTEX_PROGRAM , PageRankVertexProgram . class . getName ()); 35 configuration . setProperty ( VERTEX_COUNT , this . vertexCountAsDouble ); 36 configuration . setProperty (ALPHA , this . alpha ); 37 configuration . setProperty ( TOTAL_ITERATIONS , this . totalIterations ); 38 try { 39 VertexProgramHelper . serialize ( this . messageType . getIncidentTraversal () , configuration , INCIDENT_TRAVERSAL ); 40 } catch ( final Exception e) { 41 throw new IllegalStateException (e. getMessage () , e); 42 } 43 } 44 45 @Override 46 public Set <String > getElementComputeKeys () { 47 return COMPUTE_KEYS ; 48 } 49 50 @Override 51 public void setup ( final Memory memory ) { 52 53 } 54 55 @Override 56 public void execute ( final Vertex vertex , Messenger <Double > messenger , final Memory memory ) { 57 if ( memory . isInitialIteration ()) { 58 double initialPageRank = 1.0d / this . vertexCountAsDouble ; 59 double edgeCount = Double . valueOf (( Long ) this . messageType . edges ( vertex ). count (). next ()); 60 vertex . singleProperty ( PAGE_RANK , initialPageRank ); 61 vertex . singleProperty ( EDGE_COUNT , edgeCount ); 62 messenger . sendMessage ( this . messageType , initialPageRank / edgeCount ); 63 } else { 64 double newPageRank = StreamFactory . stream ( messenger . receiveMessages ( this . messageType )). reduce (0.0d, (a, b) -> a + b); 65 newPageRank = ( this . alpha * newPageRank ) + ((1.0 d - this . alpha ) / this . vertexCountAsDouble ); 66 vertex . singleProperty ( PAGE_RANK , newPageRank ); 67 messenger . sendMessage ( this . messageType , newPageRank / vertex .<Double > property ( EDGE_COUNT ). orElse (0.0 d)); 68 } 69 } 70 71 @Override 72 public boolean terminate ( final Memory memory ) { 73 return memory . getIteration () >= this . totalIterations ; 74 } 75 }
  • 34. Pagerank for ArangoDB 1 var pageRank = function (vertex , message , global ) { 2 var total = global . vertexCount ; 3 var edgeCount = vertex . _outEdges . length ; 4 var alpha = global . alpha ; 5 var sum = 0, rank = 0; 6 if ( global . step > 0) { 7 while ( message . hasNext ()) { 8 sum += message . next (). data ; 9 } 10 rank = alpha * sum + (1- alpha ) / total ; 11 } else { 12 rank = 1 / total ; 13 } 14 vertex . _setResult ( rank ); 15 if ( global . step < global . MAX_STEPS ) { 16 var send = rank / edgeCount ; 17 while ( vertex . _outEdges . hasNext ()) { 18 message . sendTo ( vertex . _outEdges . next (). edge . _getTarget () , send ); 19 } 20 } else { 21 vertex . _deactivate (); 22 } 23 }; 14
  • 35. Pregel Questions connected components page rank bipartite matching semi-clustering mimum spanning forest graph coloring shortest paths 15
  • 38. Pregel Questions connected components page rank bipartite matching semi-clustering mimum spanning forest graph coloring shortest paths 17
  • 39. Thank You Twitter: @arangodb Github: triagens/ArangoDB Google Group: arangodb IRC: arangodb 18