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     Ahmed Mowafy Ibrahim
Resident of obstetrics and gynecology
      Qena University Hospital
       South Valley University
List of Content
 Definition
 Historical Aspects
 Incidence
 Indications and contraindications
 Classifications
 Operative techniques
 Complications
 C.S versus V.D
 RCOG Guidlines
 It is the delivery of the fetus through an incision in
  the abdominal wall (laparotomy) and uterine wall
  (hysterotomy) after the age of viability.

 It is the third common surgical operation in the
 world. (WHO 2006)
   1st is appendicectomy
   2nd is cataract surgery
   3rd is cesarean section
Historical Aspects
 Cesarean section has been part of human culture
  since ancient times and there are tales in both
  Western and non-Western cultures
 Numerous references to cesarean section appear in
  ancient Hindu, Egyptian, Grecian, Roman, and other
  European folklore depict the procedure on apparently
  dead women.
Historical Aspects
 In the ancient roman age. The king numa pomphilus
  (2nd king of Rome 762 – 715 B.C) issued a group of
  laws called “Lex Regia” which prevent to bury a dead
  pregnant women before the child had been extracted
  from her abdomen.
 In the age of Julius Cesar this law became known as
  “Lex Césara” and hence the name cesarean … The
  legend that the Cesar himself was born by this way is
  not sure.
 Others say that the word cesarean is derived from the
  latin word “caedere” whisch means “to cut”.
Historical Aspects
 Year 1500 : Jacob Neufer, a Carpenter asked
  permission of local mayer to cut open abdomen of his
  wife who was in prolonged labor with his saw. First
  request was not granted. He went second time and his
  request was granted. He opened his wife abdomen.
 The term “Caesarian section” was first used by “James
  Gullimeau”, in his midwifery book published in 1598.
Historical Aspects
 Lots of attempts were carried out in the 19th century
  but the majority failed
 Year 1876: Eduardo Porro an Italian obstetrician
  introduced a technique of amputation of body of
  uterus after C.S. at this time this technique achieved a
  major imrovement of abdominal delivery. Even to day
  Caesarian hysterectomy is called Porro’s section.
Historical Aspects
 In the second half of the 19th century cesarean
  section became a possible method in treatment of
  major obstetric problems due to:
1. Introduction of ether anesthesia
2. Carbolic acid antisepsis
3. Technique of suturing the uterus introduced by
   Sanger in 1882
Historical Aspects
 1912: Lower segment caesarian segment section was
  first performed by Kronig and latter by Monro kerr.
  and popularized in the USA by DeLee in 1922.
 1926: The transverse uterine incision was described
  by Munro Kerr
Historical Aspects
 With further improvement in antibiotic therapy ,
 blood transfusion and attention to fine operative
 details the cesarean section is rising since the
 nineteen sixties to present time .
 It is the third common surgical operation in the world
 (WHO 2006) .
   1st is appendicectomy
   2nd is cataract surgery
   3rd is cesarean section

 20% - 25% of deliveries anually by C.S.
 In USA the incidence increased from 4.5% in 1965 to
 25% in 1988 then declines to 20.7% in 1996 due to
 increased VBAC.
 Causes of increased incidence :
1. Attempt to  perinatal mortality
2. Medical malpractice
3.  use of midpelvic ventose and forceps
4.  use of electronic fetal monitorng
5. Delivering most of breech presentation by C.S
6. Repeat CS
7. Non-medical consideration of obstetrician
8. Women selection (C.S on demand)
 Causes of increased incidence :
9. In western societies , women marry late and end in
   becoming elderly primigravida this  the need for
 Situation in Egypt :
1. National income can not afford having one-third of
   annual birth by C.S
2. Difficulties in availability of blood banks,
   anesthesiology and incubators
3. The increased need for repeat C.S
4. Maternal mortality and morbidity is higher in C.S
   than vaginal delivery especially with repeat C.S
   when not all facilities are available
 How to  the increased C.S rate ?
1. Training and education of obstetricians.
2. Encouraging VBAC
3. Obstetrician should be encouraged to give the
   patient a full operative report about C.S including
   the indication and complications occurred during the
I. Maternal indications

II. Fetal indications

III.Feto-maternal indications
I. Maternal indications :
   Birth canal obstruction:
      1. Contracted pelvis
      2. Soft tissue obstruction.
      3. Abdominal cerclage operation

   herpes simplex virus :
    to decrease the risk of intrapartum transmission

   Gynecologic operations :
    o Rpair of vesico-vaginal fistula
    o Fothergill’s operation
    o Repair of stress incontinence
I. Maternal indications :
   Third trimester bleeding
    1. Placenta previa
    2. Placental abruption

   Maternal disease:
    Indicated but difficult delivery:
      o hypertensive disorders

      o D.M

      o IUGR
I. Maternal indications :
   Uterine scar with weak myometrium:
  1. Myomectomy with opening of the cavity.
  2. Hysterotomy
  3. Cesarean section scar in the following conditions
     Decision During labour:
     a. Signs and symptoms of uterine scar dehiscence.
     b. Arrest of satisfactory progress during labor.
     c. Development of fetal distress during labour
I. Maternal indications :
   Uterine scar with weak myometrium:
    3. Cesarean section scar in the following conditions
        Decision before labour:
       a. previous classic C.S.
       b. Previous uterine rupture
       c. previous vertical LSCS that extended into the
          upper uterine segment.
       d. previous LSCS that extended laterally or
       e. recurrent indication for C.S
       f. multiple pregnancy.
II. Fetal indications :
   Fetal Asphyxia: fetal scalp pH <7.2.
   Malpresentation: examples
   1. Occipto-posterior position (DTA , POP)
   2. Face presentation: all cases of M.P. and impacted
      cases of M.A. position.
   3. Breech presentation
   4. Brow presentation
   5. Cord presentation and prolapse if fetus is living
II. Fetal indications :
   Fetal anomalies:
  1. Hydrocephalus:
  2. Abdominal wall defects e.g. omphalocele to avoid its
     rupture during vaginal delivery.
   Abnormal fetal weight:
  1. Fetal macrosomia >4500gm.
  2. Low-birth weight infant: < 1500 gm.
   A precious baby:
  1. Elderly primigravida.
  2. Bad obstetric history.
  3. Long period of infertility
  1. Arrest of labour " dystocia“.
  2. Failed induction of labour.
  3. Inadequate uterine contractility despite oxytocin
  4. Arrest of cervical dilatation or fetal descent.
  5. Impending rupture uterus.
 Most common indications for C.S.:-
1. Repeat C.S
2. Severe degree contracted pelvis.
3. Malpresentations
4. Fetal distress
5. Woman demand (elective C.S)
 Absolute indications of C.S :
1. Previous classic C.S. or CS extending to upper
2.   Previous ≥2 LSCS
3.   Previous LSCS with malpresentation
4.   Previous repair of vesicovaginal fistula
5.   Extreme degree of contracted pelvis
6.   Placenta previa centralis
 C.S should be performed on dead fetus in the
 following conditions ( SAME ABSOLUTE INDICATIONS )
 1. Severe degree of contracted pelvis
 2. Placenta previa centralis
 3. Presence of abdominal cerclage
 4. Soft tissue obstruction
 5. Previous 2 or more C.S
 6. Prvious repair of vesicovaginal fistula
Classifications and Types of CS
According to Urgency :
RCOG classification of CS according to urgency

             Proposed by “Lucas et al “ April 2010
Classifications and Types of CS
According to Urgency :
 Category I → Emergency CS :
Immediate threat to life of woman or fetus
 Category II → Urgent CS :
Maternal or fetal compromise which is not immediately life-
 Category III → Scheduled CS :
Needing early delivery but no maternal or fetal compromise
 Category IV → Elective CS :
At optimal time for woman and maternity team
Classifications and Types of CS
According to gestational age:
Before the age of viability → hysterotomy
After the age of viability → cesarean section

According to uterine incision:
 Transverse LSCS (Kerr incision)
 Vertical LSCS (De-Lee incision)
 Upper segment C.S.
 Others : Inverted –T , Hockey- stick incision
     Ahmed Mowafy Ibrahim
Resident of obstetrics and gynecology
      Qena University Hospital
       South Valley University
List of Content
 Definition 
 Historical Aspects 
 Incidence 
 Indications and contraindications 
 Classifications 
 Operative techniques
 Complications
 C.S versus V.D
 RCOG Guidlines
Operative Techniques
Before CS you should :
 Take a patient consent
 Be sure that FHS are still audible
 Be sure that the indication is still valid
 Do routine U/S → (site of placenta - presenting part)
 Do preoperative testing (HB , Co-agulation profile )
 Ensure availability of blood
 Be sure that neonatal resuscitation team is available
 Give IV fluids (preload)
 Give a prophylactic antibiotics
 Fix a Foley’s catheter in the bladder
Operative Techniques
Steps :
I. Position
II. Anesthesia
III. Surgical draping
IV. Abdominal wall incision
V. Uterine wall incision
VI. Extraction of the fetus and afterbirth
VII.Repair of uterine wall
VIII.Repair of abdominal wall incision
Operative Techniques
I. Position
 a. Supine
 b. 15 left lateral tilt of theatre table
Operative Techniques
II. Anesthesia
 II.    general
 III.   spinal
 IV.    Epidural
 V.     Combined spinal and epidural
 VI.    local
Operative Techniques
II. Anesthesia
Spinal anesthesia :
1. Simple and rapid onset
2. Minimal fetal exposure to drug . Allow time for careful
      abdominal wall incision and good haemostasis
3.    Does not cause uterine atony
4.    Patient is awake and take part in birth occasion
5.    Small doses of intrathecal morphia could be given to ensure
      post-operative analgesia
6.    Avoidance of complication of
     general anesthesia uterine atony and
     pulmonary aspiration
Operative Techniques
II. Anesthesia
Spinal anesthesia :
Disadvantages :
1.   Hypotension
2.   intrapartum nausea and vomitting
3.   spinal headache
4.   Post-operative shivering
Operative Techniques
II. Anesthesia
Epidural anesthesia :
1. Less incidence of hypotension because of slow onset of
   sympathetic block
2. Less incidence of spinal headache
3. Allow repeated administration through epidural catheter if the
   surgery is prolonged
4. Epidural catheter allow administration of post-operative
Operative Techniques
II. Anesthesia
contra indication to regional anesthesia (spinal – epidural) :
1. Severe maternal hypertension
2. Severe hypovolemia
3. Hypotension due to any cause
4. Morbid obesity
5. Tocolysis with terbutaline
6. Congenital maternal heart disease where hypotension increase
   rt. to lt. shunt
7. Coagulation disorders
8. Emergency CS
9. Patient refusal
Operative Techniques
II. Anesthesia
General anesthesia :
1.   Can be given quikly (suitable for emergency CS)
2.   Blood pressure and breathing are easily controlled
3.   Better with bleeding and clotting abnormalities
4.   Better in patient with psychological problems
5.   Can be used in presence of infection that can spread to spinal
Operative Techniques
II. Anesthesia
General anesthesia :
1. Extraction of the fetus should be within 15 min. Nitous oxide
   can cross placental blood barrier cardiodepressant effect on the
2. Acid aspiration syndrome
3. High incidence of uterine atony (Effect of halothan)
4. The patient doses not take apart in birth occasion
Operative Techniques
II. Anesthesia
Local anesthesia (extremely rare):
Patient with bad general condition that not suitable neither to
general nor to regional anesthesia ; severe coagulopathy , difficult
airway with the following precautions
1. Midline incision
2. No exteriorisation of the uterus

1. Need long time
2. Patient discomfort
3. Does not provide satisfactory operating conditions
Operative Techniques
III.Surgical draping and toweling

Apply antiseptic solution three times to the incision site using a
high-level disinfected ring forceps and cotton or gauze swab then
toweling that allows good exposure
Operative Techniques
IV.Abdominal wall incision
a. Longtudinal abdominal incisions
Sub-umblical vertical midline incision

b. Transverse abdominal Incisionc
  1. Pfannenstiel incision
  2. Joel Cohen incision
  3. Maylard incision
  4. Cherny incision
Operative Techniques
IV.Abdominal wall incision
Operative Techniques
IV.Abdominal wall incision
Pfannenstiel incision:
Low transverse incision that curves gently upward, placed in a
natural skin fold, this incision is located two finger breadths above
the pubic symphysis
1. Early movement of the patient
2. Excellent cosmetic results
3. Less incidence of incisional hernia
1. More bleeding
2. Limited exposure of adnexae
Operative Techniques
IV.Abdominal wall incision
Sub-umblical vertical midline incision
The incision is made in the midline extending tow fingers below
the umblicus to the symphysis pubis
1. Takes less time
2. Less bleeding
3. Good exposure of pelvic viscera and adnexae
1. Higher incidence of wound infection
2. Poor cosmetic result
3. Higher incidence of Hernia
Operative Techniques
V. Uterine wall incision
 1. Low transverse incision
 2. Classical incision
 3. Low vertical incision
 4. J-shaped incision
 5. T-shaped incision
Operative Techniques
V. Uterine wall incision
Operative Techniques
V. Uterine wall incision
 Differences between upper & Lower uterine segment
                     Upper segment                Lower segment
Perit. covering         Firmly attached                Loosely attached

Muscle layer       Thick ; arranged in 3 layers    Thin ; arranged in 2 layers
                     outer longtudinal , inner    outer longtudinal and inner
                        circular and middle                  circular
                    interlacing fibers forming
                     figure of 8 around blood
decidua                 Well developed                 Poorly developed

Fet. membranes          Firmly attached                Loosely attached

Role in labour       Active ; contraction +           Passive ; stretched
Operative Techniques
V. Uterine wall incision
   1. Low transverse lower segment incision (standard)
                             ( kerr incision )
1. Easy to perform.
2. Less bleeding.
3. Easier to repair.
4. If infection occurs, it is limited to
   extraperitoneal space.
5. Lower incidence of ileus, intestinal obstruction
6. Lower incidence of adhesions to intestine and omentum
Operative Techniques
V. Uterine wall incision
   1. Low transverse lower segment incision (standard)
7. Better healing =lower risk of rupture as:
  a. Proper coaptation of the edges during suturing as they are
  b.   LUS contains more fibrous tissue - easy placement of sutures
       without cutting.
  c.   Not subjected to stresses during healing
  d.   Lower possibility of placental implantation on LUS.
  e.   Less tension on it in future pregnancies.
Operative Techniques
V. Uterine wall incision
     2. Upper segment (classical type) → rarely used
Indications :
1. Difficult access to lower segment due to presence of ( fibroids ,
     varicose veins and extensive adhesions )
2.   Repaired vesicovaginal fistula
3.   Impacted shoulder presentation
4.   Postmortem C.S
5.   Cancer cervix
Operative Techniques
V. Uterine wall incision
  3. Low vertical incision (De-Lee incision)
Indications :
1.Underdeveloped lower uterine segment (Preterm fetus)
2.Transverse lie with back down.
4.Varicosities on LUS
5.Contraction ring
Operative Techniques
VI.Extraction of the fetus and afterbirth
Operative Techniques
VII.Aspirate nose and mouth of newborn
VIII.Cord Clamping
  Delayed cord clamping benefits include:
  1. decreased neonatal anaemia
  2. Better systemic and pulmonary perfusion
  3. better breastfeeding outcomes
  4. Decrease incidence of neonatal jundice

IX.Give Newborn To Pediatrician
X. Repair of uterine wall incision
XI.Repair of abdominal incision
I. Intra opertaive complications

II. Early postoperative complications

III.Delayed " long-term“ complications
I. Intra opertaive complications
 A. Anesthetic
 1.   usually with general anesthesia
 2.   failure of endotracheal intubation
 3.   inhalation of gastric contents "Mendelson syndrome “
 4.   amniotic fluid embolism
 5.   cardiac arrest
 6.   severe convulsions.

 B. Bleeding:
 more than the average (1000 ml)
 Failure of blood coagulation mechanisms: DIC, HELLP syndrome
I. Intra opertaive complications
   C. Uterine abnormalities:
     1. Atony.
     2. Uterine incision:
        Lateral extension to uteine vessels.
        Downward extension to cervix, vagina, or bladder.

     3. Presence of uterine myomata.
     D. Placental abnormalities:
          Placenta previa.
          Abruptio placentae
          Incomplete removal of the placenta: accreta, anomalies.
I. Intra opertaive complications
   E. Trauma:
  Urinary tract injury:
      Bladder injury: due to
       o Difficult dissection off the lower uterine segment

       o Bladder trauma during uterine incision

       o Extension of uterine incision to the bladder

      Ureteric injury: due to
       o Extension of the uterine incision.

       o Secondary to hemostatic sutures in the base of the broad
I. Intra opertaive complications
   E. Trauma:
  Bowel injury: Due to
        Blunt dissection of thick adhesions due to previous
         surgery, PID.
        Putting a clamp on the bowel.
        Needle or suture passing through it.
        Sharp dissection by a scalpel or scissors.
II. Early postoperative complications
 1. Post anesthetic complications:
    Respiration difficulties.

    Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction.

    Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism

 2. Uterine bleeding: reactionary or secondary.
 3. Trauma: fistula.
 4. Infection: endometritis, peritonitis, cystitis, chest infection,
    wound infection.
 5. Psychological complications.
III.Delayed " long-term“ complications
  1. Adhesions:
     • Tubo-peritonal leading to infertility.
     • Bladder adhesions making subsequent surgeries difficult.
     • Intrauterine adhesions if the anterior and posterior walls
        of the uterus were sutured together Asherman syndrome.
     • Intestinal adhesions leading to intestinal obstruction
     • Chronic pelvic pain
  2. Weak uterus:
     • Perforation if D&C is done in the presence of a weak scar.
     • Rupture of the uterus at the site of the scar in future
  3. Risk of incisional hernia.
  4. Higher risk of placenta accreta.
Vaginal Birth After CS “VBAC”
 Definition :
It is the trial of vaginal birth after C.S. in
previous pregnancy.
• In the past → once cesarean, always cesarean
• Now → Once CS always hospital delivery

• Risk of uterine dehiscence of LSCS is 0.2%
Vaginal Birth After CS “VBAC”
 Conditions that should be fulfilled before trial of VBAC
  A. Non-recurrent indication.
  B. Previous C.S.:
    o Known type; single transverse LSCS type.
    o Proper surgical technique: use of delayed absorbable
      sutures is preferred.
    o Smooth postoperative course. No infection.
    o A long interval between C.S. and current pregnancy.
  C. Current pregnancy:
    o Single fetus.
    o Vertex presentation.
    o Average fetal weight.
    o No medical risks.
    o No other indication for C.S
Vaginal Birth After CS “VBAC”
 Conditions that should be fulfilled before trial of VBAC
  D. Competent obstetrician to follow the patient in a well-
     equipped hospital capable of performing urgent C.S. once
     uterine dehiscence is detected.
    1. Available anesthesia
    2. Good nursing
    3. Available operation room
    4. Available blood
    5. Available neonatal resuscitation team
Vaginal Delivery vs CS
 Fetal outcome
Vaginal Delivery vs CS
 Maternal outcome
1.    Physical problems in mothers: due possible complications
2.    Hospitalization of mothers: If a woman has a cesarean there is
      a more hospital stay
3.    Breastfeeding: Recovery from surgery poses challenges for
      getting breastfeeding under way, and a baby who was born by
      cesarean is less likely to be breastfed and get the benefits of
4.     Health of babies: Babies born by cesarean are more likely to:
     a. be cut during the surgery (usually minor)
     b. have breathing difficulties around the time of birth
     c. experience asthma in childhood and in adulthood.
Vaginal Delivery vs CS
 Maternal outcome
5.     Future reproductive problems for mothers:
     a. ectopic pregnancy: pregnancies that develop outside her
          uterus or within the scar
     b. reduced fertility, due to either less ability to become
          pregnant again or less desire to do so
     c. placenta previa: the placenta attaches near or over the
          opening to her cervix
     d. placenta accreta: the placenta grows through the lining of
          the uterus and into or through the muscle of the uterus
     e. placental abruption: the placenta detaches from the uterus
          before the baby is born
     f. rupture of the uterus: the uterine scar gives way during
          pregnancy or labor.
RCOG Guidelines
 Timing of planned CS
The risk of respiratory morbidity is increased in babies born by CS
before labour, but this risk decreases significantly after 39 weeks.
Therefore planned CS should not routinely be carried out before 39

 Delivery time for emergency CS
Delivery at emergency CS for maternal or fetal compromise should
be accomplished as quickly as possible, taking into account that
rapid delivery has the potential to do harm. A decision-to-delivery
interval of less than 30 minutes is not in itself critical in influencing
baby outcome, but remains an audit standard for response to
emergencies within maternity services.
RCOG Guidelines
 Preoperative testing and preparation for CS
 grouping and saving of serum
 cross-matching of blood
 a clotting screen
 preoperative ultrasound for localisation of placenta

 Anesthesia for CS
 Pregnant women having a CS should be given information on
  different types of post-
 Women who are having a CS should be offered regional
  anaesthesia because it is safer and results in less maternal and
  neonatal morbidity than general anaesthesia. This includes
  women who have a diagnosis of placenta praevia.
RCOG Guidelines
 Maternal request for CS ( C.S on demand )
 When a woman requests a CS in the absence of an identifiable
  reason, the overall benefits and risks of CS compared with
  vaginal birth should be discussed and recorded.
 When a woman requests a CS because she has a fear of
  childbirth, she should be offered counseling (such as cognitive
  behavioural therapy) to help her to address her fears in a
  supportive manner, because this results in reduced fear of pain in
  labour and shorter labour.
 An obstetrician has the right to decline a request for CS in the
  absence of an identifiable reason. However the woman’s
  decision should be respected and she should be referred for a
  second opinion.
RCOG Guidelines
 Abdominal-wall incision
  CS should be performed using a transverse abdominal incision
  because this is associated with less postoperative pain and an
  improved cosmetic effect compared to a midline

 Use of separate surgical knives
  The use of separate surgical knives to incise the skin and the
  deeper tissues at CS is not recommended because it does not
  decrease wound infection.
RCOG Guidelines
 Uterine dissection
  When there is a well formed lower uterine segment, blunt
  rather than sharp extension of the uterine incision should be
  used as it reduces blood loss, incidence of postpartum
  hemorrhage and the need for transfusion at CS.

 Cord clamping
  Suggested benefits of delayed cord clamping include decreased
  neonatal anaemia; better systemic and pulmonary perfusion;
  and better breastfeeding outcomes. Possible harms are
  polycythaemia, hyperviscosity, hyperbilirubinaemia, transient
  tachypnoea of the newborn and risk of maternal fetal
  transfusion in rhesus negative women
RCOG Guidelines
 Use of uterotonics
  Oxytocin 5 IU by slow intravenous injection should be used at CS
  to encourage contraction of the uterus and to decrease blood

 Method of placental removal
  At CS, the placenta should be removed using controlled cord
  traction and not manual removal as this reduces the risk of
RCOG Guidelines
 Exteriorisation of the uterus
  Intraperitoneal repair of the uterus at CS should be undertaken.
  Exteriorisation of the uterus is not recommended because it is
  associated with more pain and does not improve operative
  outcomes such as haemorrhage and infection.

 One- vs. two-layer closure of uterus
  The effectiveness and safety of single layer closure of the
  uterine incision is uncertain.
  Except within a research context the uterine incision should be
  sutured with two layers
RCOG Guidelines
 Closure of the peritoneum
  Neither the visceral nor parietal peritoneum should be sutured
  at CS as this reduces operating time, the need for postoperative
  analgesia and improves maternal satisfaction.

 Closure of subcutaneous tissue
  Routine closure of the subcutanoues tissue space should not be
  used, unless the woman has more than 2 cm subcutaneous fat,
  because it does not reduce the incidence of wound infection.
RCOG Guidelines
 Hospital stay after C.S
  Length of hospital stay is likely to be longer after a CS (an
  average of 3–4 days) than after a vaginal birth (average 1–2
  days). However, women who are recovering well, are apyrexial
  and do not have complications following CS should be offered
  early discharge (after 24 hours) from hospital and follow up at
  home, because this is not associated with more infant or
  maternal readmissions.
Cesarean section
Cesarean section
Cesarean section

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Cesarean section

  • 1.
  • 2. By Ahmed Mowafy Ibrahim Resident of obstetrics and gynecology Qena University Hospital South Valley University
  • 3. List of Content  Definition  Historical Aspects  Incidence  Indications and contraindications  Classifications  Operative techniques  Complications  C.S versus V.D  VBAC  RCOG Guidlines
  • 4. Definition  It is the delivery of the fetus through an incision in the abdominal wall (laparotomy) and uterine wall (hysterotomy) after the age of viability.  It is the third common surgical operation in the world. (WHO 2006)  1st is appendicectomy  2nd is cataract surgery  3rd is cesarean section
  • 5.
  • 6. Historical Aspects  Cesarean section has been part of human culture since ancient times and there are tales in both Western and non-Western cultures  Numerous references to cesarean section appear in ancient Hindu, Egyptian, Grecian, Roman, and other European folklore depict the procedure on apparently dead women.
  • 7. Historical Aspects  In the ancient roman age. The king numa pomphilus (2nd king of Rome 762 – 715 B.C) issued a group of laws called “Lex Regia” which prevent to bury a dead pregnant women before the child had been extracted from her abdomen.  In the age of Julius Cesar this law became known as “Lex Césara” and hence the name cesarean … The legend that the Cesar himself was born by this way is not sure.  Others say that the word cesarean is derived from the latin word “caedere” whisch means “to cut”.
  • 8. Historical Aspects  Year 1500 : Jacob Neufer, a Carpenter asked permission of local mayer to cut open abdomen of his wife who was in prolonged labor with his saw. First request was not granted. He went second time and his request was granted. He opened his wife abdomen.  The term “Caesarian section” was first used by “James Gullimeau”, in his midwifery book published in 1598.
  • 9. Historical Aspects  Lots of attempts were carried out in the 19th century but the majority failed  Year 1876: Eduardo Porro an Italian obstetrician introduced a technique of amputation of body of uterus after C.S. at this time this technique achieved a major imrovement of abdominal delivery. Even to day Caesarian hysterectomy is called Porro’s section.
  • 10. Historical Aspects  In the second half of the 19th century cesarean section became a possible method in treatment of major obstetric problems due to: 1. Introduction of ether anesthesia 2. Carbolic acid antisepsis 3. Technique of suturing the uterus introduced by Sanger in 1882
  • 11. Historical Aspects  1912: Lower segment caesarian segment section was first performed by Kronig and latter by Monro kerr. and popularized in the USA by DeLee in 1922.  1926: The transverse uterine incision was described by Munro Kerr
  • 12. Historical Aspects  With further improvement in antibiotic therapy , blood transfusion and attention to fine operative details the cesarean section is rising since the nineteen sixties to present time .
  • 13.
  • 14. Incidence  It is the third common surgical operation in the world (WHO 2006) .  1st is appendicectomy  2nd is cataract surgery  3rd is cesarean section  20% - 25% of deliveries anually by C.S.  In USA the incidence increased from 4.5% in 1965 to 25% in 1988 then declines to 20.7% in 1996 due to increased VBAC.
  • 15. Incidence  Causes of increased incidence : 1. Attempt to  perinatal mortality 2. Medical malpractice 3.  use of midpelvic ventose and forceps 4.  use of electronic fetal monitorng 5. Delivering most of breech presentation by C.S 6. Repeat CS 7. Non-medical consideration of obstetrician 8. Women selection (C.S on demand)
  • 16. Incidence  Causes of increased incidence : 9. In western societies , women marry late and end in becoming elderly primigravida this  the need for C.S
  • 17. Incidence  Situation in Egypt : 1. National income can not afford having one-third of annual birth by C.S 2. Difficulties in availability of blood banks, anesthesiology and incubators 3. The increased need for repeat C.S 4. Maternal mortality and morbidity is higher in C.S than vaginal delivery especially with repeat C.S when not all facilities are available
  • 18. Incidence  How to  the increased C.S rate ? 1. Training and education of obstetricians. 2. Encouraging VBAC 3. Obstetrician should be encouraged to give the patient a full operative report about C.S including the indication and complications occurred during the operation
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  • 21. Indications I. Maternal indications II. Fetal indications III.Feto-maternal indications
  • 22. Indications I. Maternal indications :  Birth canal obstruction: 1. Contracted pelvis 2. Soft tissue obstruction. 3. Abdominal cerclage operation  herpes simplex virus : to decrease the risk of intrapartum transmission  Gynecologic operations : o Rpair of vesico-vaginal fistula o Fothergill’s operation o Repair of stress incontinence
  • 23. Indications I. Maternal indications :  Third trimester bleeding 1. Placenta previa 2. Placental abruption  Maternal disease: Indicated but difficult delivery: o hypertensive disorders o D.M o IUGR
  • 24. Indications I. Maternal indications :  Uterine scar with weak myometrium: 1. Myomectomy with opening of the cavity. 2. Hysterotomy 3. Cesarean section scar in the following conditions  Decision During labour: a. Signs and symptoms of uterine scar dehiscence. b. Arrest of satisfactory progress during labor. c. Development of fetal distress during labour
  • 25. Indications I. Maternal indications :  Uterine scar with weak myometrium: 3. Cesarean section scar in the following conditions  Decision before labour: a. previous classic C.S. b. Previous uterine rupture c. previous vertical LSCS that extended into the upper uterine segment. d. previous LSCS that extended laterally or downwards. e. recurrent indication for C.S f. multiple pregnancy.
  • 26. Indications II. Fetal indications :  Fetal Asphyxia: fetal scalp pH <7.2.  Malpresentation: examples 1. Occipto-posterior position (DTA , POP) 2. Face presentation: all cases of M.P. and impacted cases of M.A. position. 3. Breech presentation 4. Brow presentation 5. Cord presentation and prolapse if fetus is living
  • 27. Indications II. Fetal indications :  Fetal anomalies: 1. Hydrocephalus: 2. Abdominal wall defects e.g. omphalocele to avoid its rupture during vaginal delivery.  Abnormal fetal weight: 1. Fetal macrosomia >4500gm. 2. Low-birth weight infant: < 1500 gm.  A precious baby: 1. Elderly primigravida. 2. Bad obstetric history. 3. Long period of infertility
  • 28. Indications III. FETOMATERNAL INDICATIONS: 1. Arrest of labour " dystocia“. 2. Failed induction of labour. 3. Inadequate uterine contractility despite oxytocin administration. 4. Arrest of cervical dilatation or fetal descent. 5. Impending rupture uterus.
  • 29. Indications  Most common indications for C.S.:- 1. Repeat C.S 2. Severe degree contracted pelvis. 3. Malpresentations 4. Fetal distress 5. Woman demand (elective C.S)
  • 30. Indications  Absolute indications of C.S : 1. Previous classic C.S. or CS extending to upper segment 2. Previous ≥2 LSCS 3. Previous LSCS with malpresentation 4. Previous repair of vesicovaginal fistula 5. Extreme degree of contracted pelvis 6. Placenta previa centralis
  • 31. Contraindications “ THERE IS NO CONTRAINDICATIONS TO C.S. IF THE FETUS IS LIVING “  C.S should be performed on dead fetus in the following conditions ( SAME ABSOLUTE INDICATIONS ) 1. Severe degree of contracted pelvis 2. Placenta previa centralis 3. Presence of abdominal cerclage 4. Soft tissue obstruction 5. Previous 2 or more C.S 6. Prvious repair of vesicovaginal fistula
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  • 33. Classifications and Types of CS According to Urgency : RCOG classification of CS according to urgency Proposed by “Lucas et al “ April 2010
  • 34. Classifications and Types of CS According to Urgency :  Category I → Emergency CS : Immediate threat to life of woman or fetus  Category II → Urgent CS : Maternal or fetal compromise which is not immediately life- threatening  Category III → Scheduled CS : Needing early delivery but no maternal or fetal compromise  Category IV → Elective CS : At optimal time for woman and maternity team
  • 35. Classifications and Types of CS According to gestational age: Before the age of viability → hysterotomy After the age of viability → cesarean section According to uterine incision:  Transverse LSCS (Kerr incision)  Vertical LSCS (De-Lee incision)  Upper segment C.S.  Others : Inverted –T , Hockey- stick incision
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  • 37. By Ahmed Mowafy Ibrahim Resident of obstetrics and gynecology Qena University Hospital South Valley University
  • 38. List of Content  Definition   Historical Aspects   Incidence   Indications and contraindications   Classifications   Operative techniques  Complications  C.S versus V.D  VBAC  RCOG Guidlines
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  • 40. Operative Techniques Before CS you should :  Take a patient consent  Be sure that FHS are still audible  Be sure that the indication is still valid  Do routine U/S → (site of placenta - presenting part)  Do preoperative testing (HB , Co-agulation profile )  Ensure availability of blood  Be sure that neonatal resuscitation team is available  Give IV fluids (preload)  Give a prophylactic antibiotics  Fix a Foley’s catheter in the bladder
  • 41. Operative Techniques Steps : I. Position II. Anesthesia III. Surgical draping IV. Abdominal wall incision V. Uterine wall incision VI. Extraction of the fetus and afterbirth VII.Repair of uterine wall VIII.Repair of abdominal wall incision
  • 42. Operative Techniques I. Position a. Supine b. 15 left lateral tilt of theatre table
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  • 44. Operative Techniques II. Anesthesia II. general III. spinal IV. Epidural V. Combined spinal and epidural VI. local
  • 45. Operative Techniques II. Anesthesia Spinal anesthesia : Advantages: 1. Simple and rapid onset 2. Minimal fetal exposure to drug . Allow time for careful abdominal wall incision and good haemostasis 3. Does not cause uterine atony 4. Patient is awake and take part in birth occasion 5. Small doses of intrathecal morphia could be given to ensure post-operative analgesia 6. Avoidance of complication of general anesthesia uterine atony and pulmonary aspiration
  • 46. Operative Techniques II. Anesthesia Spinal anesthesia : Disadvantages : 1. Hypotension 2. intrapartum nausea and vomitting 3. spinal headache 4. Post-operative shivering
  • 47. Operative Techniques II. Anesthesia Epidural anesthesia : Advantages 1. Less incidence of hypotension because of slow onset of sympathetic block 2. Less incidence of spinal headache 3. Allow repeated administration through epidural catheter if the surgery is prolonged 4. Epidural catheter allow administration of post-operative analgesia
  • 48. Operative Techniques II. Anesthesia contra indication to regional anesthesia (spinal – epidural) : 1. Severe maternal hypertension 2. Severe hypovolemia 3. Hypotension due to any cause 4. Morbid obesity 5. Tocolysis with terbutaline 6. Congenital maternal heart disease where hypotension increase rt. to lt. shunt 7. Coagulation disorders 8. Emergency CS 9. Patient refusal
  • 49. Operative Techniques II. Anesthesia General anesthesia : advantages 1. Can be given quikly (suitable for emergency CS) 2. Blood pressure and breathing are easily controlled 3. Better with bleeding and clotting abnormalities 4. Better in patient with psychological problems 5. Can be used in presence of infection that can spread to spinal area
  • 50. Operative Techniques II. Anesthesia General anesthesia : disadvantages 1. Extraction of the fetus should be within 15 min. Nitous oxide can cross placental blood barrier cardiodepressant effect on the fetus 2. Acid aspiration syndrome 3. High incidence of uterine atony (Effect of halothan) 4. The patient doses not take apart in birth occasion
  • 51. Operative Techniques II. Anesthesia Local anesthesia (extremely rare): Indications Patient with bad general condition that not suitable neither to general nor to regional anesthesia ; severe coagulopathy , difficult airway with the following precautions 1. Midline incision 2. No exteriorisation of the uterus Drawbacks 1. Need long time 2. Patient discomfort 3. Does not provide satisfactory operating conditions
  • 52. Operative Techniques III.Surgical draping and toweling Apply antiseptic solution three times to the incision site using a high-level disinfected ring forceps and cotton or gauze swab then toweling that allows good exposure
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  • 54. Operative Techniques IV.Abdominal wall incision a. Longtudinal abdominal incisions Sub-umblical vertical midline incision b. Transverse abdominal Incisionc 1. Pfannenstiel incision 2. Joel Cohen incision 3. Maylard incision 4. Cherny incision
  • 56. Operative Techniques IV.Abdominal wall incision Pfannenstiel incision: Low transverse incision that curves gently upward, placed in a natural skin fold, this incision is located two finger breadths above the pubic symphysis Advantages: 1. Early movement of the patient 2. Excellent cosmetic results 3. Less incidence of incisional hernia Disadvantages: 1. More bleeding 2. Limited exposure of adnexae
  • 57. Operative Techniques IV.Abdominal wall incision Sub-umblical vertical midline incision The incision is made in the midline extending tow fingers below the umblicus to the symphysis pubis Advantages: 1. Takes less time 2. Less bleeding 3. Good exposure of pelvic viscera and adnexae Disadvantages: 1. Higher incidence of wound infection 2. Poor cosmetic result 3. Higher incidence of Hernia
  • 58. Operative Techniques V. Uterine wall incision 1. Low transverse incision 2. Classical incision 3. Low vertical incision 4. J-shaped incision 5. T-shaped incision
  • 60. Operative Techniques V. Uterine wall incision Differences between upper & Lower uterine segment Upper segment Lower segment Perit. covering Firmly attached Loosely attached Muscle layer Thick ; arranged in 3 layers Thin ; arranged in 2 layers outer longtudinal , inner outer longtudinal and inner circular and middle circular interlacing fibers forming figure of 8 around blood vessels decidua Well developed Poorly developed Fet. membranes Firmly attached Loosely attached Role in labour Active ; contraction + Passive ; stretched retraction
  • 61. Operative Techniques V. Uterine wall incision 1. Low transverse lower segment incision (standard) ( kerr incision ) Advantages: 1. Easy to perform. 2. Less bleeding. 3. Easier to repair. 4. If infection occurs, it is limited to extraperitoneal space. 5. Lower incidence of ileus, intestinal obstruction 6. Lower incidence of adhesions to intestine and omentum
  • 62. Operative Techniques V. Uterine wall incision 1. Low transverse lower segment incision (standard) Advantages: 7. Better healing =lower risk of rupture as: a. Proper coaptation of the edges during suturing as they are thin. b. LUS contains more fibrous tissue - easy placement of sutures without cutting. c. Not subjected to stresses during healing d. Lower possibility of placental implantation on LUS. e. Less tension on it in future pregnancies.
  • 63. Operative Techniques V. Uterine wall incision 2. Upper segment (classical type) → rarely used Indications : 1. Difficult access to lower segment due to presence of ( fibroids , varicose veins and extensive adhesions ) 2. Repaired vesicovaginal fistula 3. Impacted shoulder presentation 4. Postmortem C.S 5. Cancer cervix
  • 64. Operative Techniques V. Uterine wall incision 3. Low vertical incision (De-Lee incision) Indications : 1.Underdeveloped lower uterine segment (Preterm fetus) 2.Transverse lie with back down. 3.Hydrocephalus. 4.Varicosities on LUS 5.Contraction ring
  • 65. Operative Techniques VI.Extraction of the fetus and afterbirth
  • 66. Operative Techniques VII.Aspirate nose and mouth of newborn VIII.Cord Clamping Delayed cord clamping benefits include: 1. decreased neonatal anaemia 2. Better systemic and pulmonary perfusion 3. better breastfeeding outcomes 4. Decrease incidence of neonatal jundice IX.Give Newborn To Pediatrician X. Repair of uterine wall incision XI.Repair of abdominal incision
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  • 69. Complications I. Intra opertaive complications II. Early postoperative complications III.Delayed " long-term“ complications
  • 70. Complications I. Intra opertaive complications A. Anesthetic 1. usually with general anesthesia 2. failure of endotracheal intubation 3. inhalation of gastric contents "Mendelson syndrome “ 4. amniotic fluid embolism 5. cardiac arrest 6. severe convulsions. B. Bleeding: more than the average (1000 ml) Failure of blood coagulation mechanisms: DIC, HELLP syndrome
  • 71. Complications I. Intra opertaive complications C. Uterine abnormalities: 1. Atony. 2. Uterine incision:  Lateral extension to uteine vessels.  Downward extension to cervix, vagina, or bladder. 3. Presence of uterine myomata. D. Placental abnormalities:  Placenta previa.  Abruptio placentae  Incomplete removal of the placenta: accreta, anomalies.
  • 72. Complications I. Intra opertaive complications E. Trauma:  Urinary tract injury:  Bladder injury: due to o Difficult dissection off the lower uterine segment o Bladder trauma during uterine incision o Extension of uterine incision to the bladder  Ureteric injury: due to o Extension of the uterine incision. o Secondary to hemostatic sutures in the base of the broad ligament.
  • 73. Complications I. Intra opertaive complications E. Trauma:  Bowel injury: Due to  Blunt dissection of thick adhesions due to previous surgery, PID.  Putting a clamp on the bowel.  Needle or suture passing through it.  Sharp dissection by a scalpel or scissors.
  • 74. Complications II. Early postoperative complications 1. Post anesthetic complications:  Respiration difficulties.  Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction.  Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism 2. Uterine bleeding: reactionary or secondary. 3. Trauma: fistula. 4. Infection: endometritis, peritonitis, cystitis, chest infection, wound infection. 5. Psychological complications.
  • 75. Complications III.Delayed " long-term“ complications 1. Adhesions: • Tubo-peritonal leading to infertility. • Bladder adhesions making subsequent surgeries difficult. • Intrauterine adhesions if the anterior and posterior walls of the uterus were sutured together Asherman syndrome. • Intestinal adhesions leading to intestinal obstruction • Chronic pelvic pain 2. Weak uterus: • Perforation if D&C is done in the presence of a weak scar. • Rupture of the uterus at the site of the scar in future pregnancies. 3. Risk of incisional hernia. 4. Higher risk of placenta accreta.
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  • 77. Vaginal Birth After CS “VBAC”  Definition : It is the trial of vaginal birth after C.S. in previous pregnancy. • In the past → once cesarean, always cesarean • Now → Once CS always hospital delivery • Risk of uterine dehiscence of LSCS is 0.2%
  • 78. Vaginal Birth After CS “VBAC”  Conditions that should be fulfilled before trial of VBAC A. Non-recurrent indication. B. Previous C.S.: o Known type; single transverse LSCS type. o Proper surgical technique: use of delayed absorbable sutures is preferred. o Smooth postoperative course. No infection. o A long interval between C.S. and current pregnancy. C. Current pregnancy: o Single fetus. o Vertex presentation. o Average fetal weight. o No medical risks. o No other indication for C.S
  • 79. Vaginal Birth After CS “VBAC”  Conditions that should be fulfilled before trial of VBAC D. Competent obstetrician to follow the patient in a well- equipped hospital capable of performing urgent C.S. once uterine dehiscence is detected. 1. Available anesthesia 2. Good nursing 3. Available operation room 4. Available blood 5. Available neonatal resuscitation team
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  • 81. Vaginal Delivery vs CS  Fetal outcome
  • 82. Vaginal Delivery vs CS  Maternal outcome 1. Physical problems in mothers: due possible complications 2. Hospitalization of mothers: If a woman has a cesarean there is a more hospital stay 3. Breastfeeding: Recovery from surgery poses challenges for getting breastfeeding under way, and a baby who was born by cesarean is less likely to be breastfed and get the benefits of breastfeeding. 4. Health of babies: Babies born by cesarean are more likely to: a. be cut during the surgery (usually minor) b. have breathing difficulties around the time of birth c. experience asthma in childhood and in adulthood.
  • 83. Vaginal Delivery vs CS  Maternal outcome 5. Future reproductive problems for mothers: a. ectopic pregnancy: pregnancies that develop outside her uterus or within the scar b. reduced fertility, due to either less ability to become pregnant again or less desire to do so c. placenta previa: the placenta attaches near or over the opening to her cervix d. placenta accreta: the placenta grows through the lining of the uterus and into or through the muscle of the uterus e. placental abruption: the placenta detaches from the uterus before the baby is born f. rupture of the uterus: the uterine scar gives way during pregnancy or labor.
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  • 86. RCOG Guidelines  Timing of planned CS The risk of respiratory morbidity is increased in babies born by CS before labour, but this risk decreases significantly after 39 weeks. Therefore planned CS should not routinely be carried out before 39 weeks.  Delivery time for emergency CS Delivery at emergency CS for maternal or fetal compromise should be accomplished as quickly as possible, taking into account that rapid delivery has the potential to do harm. A decision-to-delivery interval of less than 30 minutes is not in itself critical in influencing baby outcome, but remains an audit standard for response to emergencies within maternity services.
  • 87. RCOG Guidelines  Preoperative testing and preparation for CS  grouping and saving of serum  cross-matching of blood  a clotting screen  preoperative ultrasound for localisation of placenta  Anesthesia for CS  Pregnant women having a CS should be given information on different types of post-  Women who are having a CS should be offered regional anaesthesia because it is safer and results in less maternal and neonatal morbidity than general anaesthesia. This includes women who have a diagnosis of placenta praevia.
  • 88. RCOG Guidelines  Maternal request for CS ( C.S on demand )  When a woman requests a CS in the absence of an identifiable reason, the overall benefits and risks of CS compared with vaginal birth should be discussed and recorded.  When a woman requests a CS because she has a fear of childbirth, she should be offered counseling (such as cognitive behavioural therapy) to help her to address her fears in a supportive manner, because this results in reduced fear of pain in labour and shorter labour.  An obstetrician has the right to decline a request for CS in the absence of an identifiable reason. However the woman’s decision should be respected and she should be referred for a second opinion.
  • 89. RCOG Guidelines  Abdominal-wall incision CS should be performed using a transverse abdominal incision because this is associated with less postoperative pain and an improved cosmetic effect compared to a midline  Use of separate surgical knives The use of separate surgical knives to incise the skin and the deeper tissues at CS is not recommended because it does not decrease wound infection.
  • 90. RCOG Guidelines  Uterine dissection When there is a well formed lower uterine segment, blunt rather than sharp extension of the uterine incision should be used as it reduces blood loss, incidence of postpartum hemorrhage and the need for transfusion at CS.  Cord clamping Suggested benefits of delayed cord clamping include decreased neonatal anaemia; better systemic and pulmonary perfusion; and better breastfeeding outcomes. Possible harms are polycythaemia, hyperviscosity, hyperbilirubinaemia, transient tachypnoea of the newborn and risk of maternal fetal transfusion in rhesus negative women
  • 91. RCOG Guidelines  Use of uterotonics Oxytocin 5 IU by slow intravenous injection should be used at CS to encourage contraction of the uterus and to decrease blood loss  Method of placental removal At CS, the placenta should be removed using controlled cord traction and not manual removal as this reduces the risk of endometritis.
  • 92. RCOG Guidelines  Exteriorisation of the uterus Intraperitoneal repair of the uterus at CS should be undertaken. Exteriorisation of the uterus is not recommended because it is associated with more pain and does not improve operative outcomes such as haemorrhage and infection.  One- vs. two-layer closure of uterus The effectiveness and safety of single layer closure of the uterine incision is uncertain. Except within a research context the uterine incision should be sutured with two layers
  • 93. RCOG Guidelines  Closure of the peritoneum Neither the visceral nor parietal peritoneum should be sutured at CS as this reduces operating time, the need for postoperative analgesia and improves maternal satisfaction.  Closure of subcutaneous tissue Routine closure of the subcutanoues tissue space should not be used, unless the woman has more than 2 cm subcutaneous fat, because it does not reduce the incidence of wound infection.
  • 94. RCOG Guidelines  Hospital stay after C.S Length of hospital stay is likely to be longer after a CS (an average of 3–4 days) than after a vaginal birth (average 1–2 days). However, women who are recovering well, are apyrexial and do not have complications following CS should be offered early discharge (after 24 hours) from hospital and follow up at home, because this is not associated with more infant or maternal readmissions.