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Naming Services

Directory and Trading Services

Activation Services

Messaging Services

Transaction Services
Naming Services
•      Naming Services in a Nutshell
•      JNDI Naming Services
•      Naming Files
•      CORBA Naming
•      RMI Naming
•      DNS
•      DCOM Naming

 A naming service is the principal mechanism used in distributed and
  nondistributed systems for referring to objects from within your
  applications via a name identifying that object.
 The term name used here typically means a name that is human
  readable or at least easily converted into a human-readable String
 A file system uses filenames when doing out references associated
  with file media to programs requesting access to those files.
Similarly, CORBA clients can use object names to obtain
 handles to CORBA objects, which reference objects that
 may be sitting in some remote system process. These
 name-to-object associations are referred to as name
A name binding is always defined relative to a naming
 context. Here, a naming context encapsulates a domain of
 names in which each name binding in that naming context
 is unique.
use a naming service to either explicitly or implicitly bind
 object references to names and resolve names to objects.
 The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
 component of the J2EE is described as the primary means
 for hooking into naming systems from enterprise Java
To learn:
Naming service–related concepts such as compound and
  composite names, name bindings, naming contexts, and the
  common roles of a name service.
The architecture, API components, and use of Java's framework
  for commonly accessing various naming services via the Java
  Naming and Directory Interface.
Why a file system is a naming service and how to use JNDI to
  access your file system.
The architecture of a CORBA Naming Service (CosNaming) and
  the access of aCosNaming Service via JNDI.
How to access the RMI Registry via JNDI.
How to use JNDI with RMI/IIOP.
The architecture of the Internet's domain name system (DNS)
  and how to look up an IP address given a DNS name.
The DCOM equivalent for implementing the role of a naming
Naming Services in a Nutshell
Naming services provide a way for you to write code
 that refers to objects in a system using human-
 readable names. Names very often have a string form
 enabling you to write code that is more readable, as
 well as providing you with a simple way to obtain an
 initial handle to an object.
Handles, names, and the context in which names are
 scoped are all fundamental concepts relevant to an
 understanding of naming systems.
An object in a system corresponds to an instance in memory or
 some range of addresses relating to some discrete collection of
 functions or data. "Handles" to such objects are often referred to
 as references or pointers
Such handles can be associated with objects residing in a
 process local to your current execution environment or with
 distributed machine.
Handles are often not human readable, frequently are
 numeric by nature, perhaps have some embedded
 communications protocol-specific information, sometimes are
 platform-dependent, and usually are dependent on the current
 execution environment.
A name is simply a logical and generally human-readable value
  for referring to an object in both distributed and nondistributed
  systems. Here are some examples of what a name can be:
    A filename string referring to a file object reference.
    An Internet hostname string referring to a machine on the Internet.
    An object service name referring to a CORBA server object on a remote
Each name is expressed in a syntax understandable by the naming
  system for which it is relevant (for example, the file system, the
  Internet, a CORBA Naming Service). Each naming system has its
  own naming convention syntax for which valid names are
Thus, for example, a Windows file-naming system requires absolute
  filenames to be expressed in terms of a root drive and semicolon
  with directory names separated by backslashes () and ending with
  a filename and extension (for example, C:MyDirmyFile.txt)
Each name- to-object association is typically referred to as a name
For example, given the object instance name hallwayPrinter from
       NetworkPrinter hallwayPrinter = new NetworkPrinter();
Naming Contexts and Systems

Names always have some meaning in a specific
 context. For example, the name "Leesburg"designates
 a U.S. city in the states of Virginia, New Jersey,
 Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Indiana, and Ohio. The
 fully qualified name of "Leesburg, Virginia, USA"
 pinpoints the name "Leesburg" to the context of
 "Virginia, USA."
The same need for referring to names within some
 context also applies to computer systems.
Figure 1. Naming systems
In Figure 1, whereas the name index.html on your computer hosting
 a Web server refers to a specific file you have created in the directory
 C:public_html, this same filename in your Web server's directory
 C:public_htmlsales refers to an entirely different file object. The
 name index.html has to be put in context to determine what specific
 file object is being referenced.
 Each context thus holds a set of name-to-object bindings in which
 the object may be an actual system resource (for example, file
 object) or perhaps another context (that is, a subcontext). Each
 context will have its own standard for naming the objects and
 subcontexts to which it binds names.
 A naming system serves to provide a standard for managing a set of
 contexts with the same naming convention and with similar means
 for binding names to objects and resolving objects to names.
 Many systems such as the Lightweight Directory Access
 Protocol (LDAP), the Network Information System (NIS), and
 the Novell Directory Service (NDS) provide the name binding
 and resolving functionality of naming services
JNDI Naming Services

The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
 provides a standard Java interface-to- naming system
 that can be used with various types of underlying
 naming systems. JNDI can also be used to name and
 reference objects that lie outside of a particular
 naming system.
Furthermore, JNDI also provides interfaces for
 encapsulating and handling events that can be
 generated from a naming service.
JNDI Architecture
As depicted in Figure 2, JNDI is a Java extension and a
 fundamental component of the
J2EE, providing a standard way to interface with many naming
 services and directory services.
JNDI provides a Java API for commonly interfacing with any
 naming or directory service for which there exists an adapter to
 map JNDI API calls to the specific calls provided by the
 particular naming or directory service provider.
All calls to the JNDI API are properly delegates to the particular
 service via the adapter. This adapter is referred to as a Service
 Provider Interface (SPI). SPIs are provided by Sun
The JNDI class libraries are included as a core component of the
 J2EE and the J2SE v1.3.
The JNDI class libraries are partitioned into the following
•     javax.naming: Contains all the core JNDI API classes and
 interfaces used by Java applications needing access to various
 naming services.
• Contains the JNDI API classes
 for performing more sophisticated directory-service
 functionality extending the basic naming-service functionality.
•     javax.naming.event: Contains the JNDI API classes and
 interfaces for providing event notification services for naming
 and directory systems.
•     javax.naming.ldap: Contains the JNDI API classes and
 interfaces for specific support of the more advanced
 management features of the LDAPv3 standard when using the
•     javax.naming.spi: Contains the JNDI SPI classes and
 interfaces for implementers of SPIs to map standard JNDI API
 calls to a particular naming or directory service.
Naming Objects
Before a naming service can be utilized, JNDI clients need to obtain
 handles to an initial JNDI context. Names can then be bound to
 objects, and objects can be looked up relative to such a context
 using standard JNDI interfaces.
Names have a syntax that can be described using regular Java
 String objects or using some of the interfaces provided by JNDI to
 encapsulate names.
JNDI Contexts
    The JNDI client API user will first be required to create a reference to
     an initial context of the naming service of interest.
    This initial context creation process establishes a connection with the
     service when constructed with a set of properties describing the
     specific naming or directory service provider library to use, the URL of
     the naming or directory service process, and perhaps a username and
     user credentials.
    Other properties may also be set whose names are defined as static
     public attributes in the javax.naming.Context interface. A
     javax.naming.InitialContext class implementing the Context
     interface can be used to create an actual handle to a particular naming
     service. The valid static public properties are defined in Table 1.
Out of all properties defined in Table 1, the first two
 PROVIDER_URL) will probably be the most commonly
 used properties in your programs. The creation of an
 InitialContext is therefore typically straightforward:
Properties properties = new Properties();
 "file:C:public_html"); Context     context = new
 Surround the context closing within a finally block to ensure that it is
      catch(NamingException ex){
 Subcontexts can be created and removed using the InitialContext
  createSubcontext()       and     destroySubcontext()       methods,
  respectively. Subcontexts can be looked up by using the lookup()
  method, with the subcontext name defined according to whatever
  naming convention is employed to separate components of the
  name,such as this:
 Context salesBrochureContext = context.lookup("salesbrochures");
JNDI Binding and Lookup
After a context reference is obtained, an object from the server
 side can be bound to the context in a standard fashion using the
 bind() and rebind() methods.
The difference between bind() and rebind() is simply that
 rebind() overwrites any existing bindings, whereas bind()
 throws an exception. As an example of a rebind call, we have
     String eProducts = "eProducts.html";
     Brochure eProductBrochure = new Brochure();
     salesBrochureContext.rebind(eProducts, eProductBrochure);
From the client side, a lookup of a particular object yields a
 reference to that object which is simply cast to the object of the
 appropriate type:
String eProductsName = "salesbrochureseProducts.html";
 Brochure brochure = (Brochure)
JNDI Names
Binding objects to names and looking up objects given a name
 can be accomplished using a String form of a name, as well as
 using a class implementing the javax.naming.Name interface.
A Name is composed of a sequence of name components. Name
 objects provide a more type-safe means to manipulate names
 according to the syntax convention of the particular naming
 system with which the name is associated.
One can add and remove name components as well as
 accomplish other helper operations on names given a Name
 interface implementation.
The CompoundName class implements the Name interface for
 names that are confined within a single hierarchical naming
A set of properties can be passed into the CompoundName
 constructor. These are the valid properties that can be passed
 into the CompoundName constructor:
 jndi.syntax.direction: Parsing direction such as left_to_right, right_to_left, or
 jndi.syntax.separator: Separator to use between name components (for
  example, / or .).
 jndi.syntax.ignorecase: Name components are case-insensitive if true.
 jndi.syntax.escape: Escape string for overriding separators (for example, /).
 jndi.syntax.beginquote: Beginning of quote delimiter.
 jndi.syntax.endquote: Ending of quote delimiter.
 jndi.syntax.beginquote2: Alternative begin quote.
 jndi.syntax.endquote2: Alternative end quote.
 jndi.syntax.separator.typeval: Name-value separators (for example, = as in
 mfg=Dodge).
 jndi.syntax.separator.ava: Name-value pair separator (for example, , as in
 jndi.syntax.trimblanks: Leading and trailing whitespace of a name is trimmed if

 For example, the following String may be parsed into a compound name using
  CompoundName class:
       String name = "PrinterPublicGroup.Printer19";
       CompoundName cName = new CompoundName(name,
JNDI Context Listings
 The contents of a JNDI naming service may also be listed using the list()
  and listBinding() methods defined by the Context interface and
  implemented by InitialContext.
 The list() method requires a name parameter identifying the particular
  context level at which to search for name service bindings. The list()
  method returns a javax.naming.NamingEnumeration of
  javax.naming.NameClassPair objects in which each NameClassPair
  represents an object name and its classname of an object bound at the
  desired context level. For example (exception handling excluded)
 NamingEnumeration namesList = context.list(someContextName);
 while(namesList.hasMore()){
 NameClassPair pair = (NameClassPair); String
  objectName = pair.getName();
 String className = pair.getClassName();
 In addition to returning the object name and its associated classname,
  the listBindings() method call on a context returns the actual bound
  object as well. Given the particular context level to list, the
  listBindings() method returns a NamingEnumeration of javax.naming.
 Binding objects that extend NameClassPair objects with the capability
  to store and retrieve the object bound at the listed context level.
 For example, to retrieve each name, classname, and bound object from
  a NamingEnumeration returned from a listBindings() call, we would
  use this:
 NamingEnumeration namesList =
 while(namesList.hasMore()){
 Binding binding = (Binding);
 String objectName = binding.getName(); String className =
 MyObject obj = (MyObject) binding.getObject();
Referenceable Objects
Aside from binding and looking up object references in a
 naming system using names via JNDI, JNDI also provides
 support for binding and looking up references to objects that sit
 somewhere outside of the naming system (that is, referenceable
A referenceable object, in JNDI lingo, is an object with a
 reference that can be stored in a JNDI service with information
 telling JNDI how to associate lookups for that object to the
 object itself.
Referenceable objects can be useful when an object not
 belonging to any particular naming system needs to be bound
 to a naming service for ease of lookup. Referenceable objects are
 also useful when an object from one naming system needs to be
 bound to an entirely different naming system.
A referenceable object is first created by implementing the
 javax.naming.Referenceable interface. The Referenceable
 interface has one method called getReference(), which returns
 a handle to a javax.naming.Reference object.
For example, some com.beeshirts.customer.Customer class that
 you've defined may implement the getReference() method as
 shown here:
public javax.naming.Reference getReference()
throws NamingException
String className = "com.beeshirts.customer.Customer";
String factoryName =
 "com.beeshirts.customer.CustomerFactory"; String contents =
 this.getAsString(); // Get state as a String
javax.naming.StringRefAddr refAddr
= new javax.naming.StringRefAddr("Customer", contents);
return new javax.naming.Reference(className, refAddr,
 factoryName, null);
 After binding the Customer referenceable object, the naming service
  can reconstruct the object during a lookup by consulting the
  com.beeshirts.customer.CustomerFactory object factory
  implementing the getObjectInstance() method like this (excluding
  error handling):
 public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name objName,
 Context objContext, Hashtable objEnv)
 throws Exception
 javax.naming.Reference reference = (javax.naming.Reference) obj;
 javax.naming.StringRefAddr refAddr
 = (javax.naming.StringRefAddr) reference.get("Customer");
 String contents = (String) refAddr.getContent(); Customer customer=
  new Customer();
 customer.setAsString(contents); // Reconstructs state from a String
  return customer;
Naming Events
 JNDI also now provides (as of JNDI v1.2) an infrastructure for
  encapsulating and handling naming and directory service events.
  Naming and directory services can generate naming- related events
  such as the renaming of an object, the removal or addition of an
  object from or to the naming service, and the state change of an
  object registered with the naming service.
 The javax.naming.event.NamingEvent class represents an event
  that can be generated from a naming service when one of its registered
  objects changes. NamingEvent objects extend the standard
  java.util.EventObject; they have a type and contain an event source,
  SPI-specific change information, and a reference to binding
  information both before and after the event.
 The source of an event is a context implementing the
  javax.naming.event.EventContext interface. An EventContext is
  simply a type of Context that allows for the addition and removal of
  listeners interested in naming events. A special javax.naming.event.
 NamingExceptionEvent event object can also be generated in the
  event of a failure during the generation of a normal naming event for
  notifying naming listeners
 EventContext eventContext = // Construct an event context
  NamespaceChangeListener customerManager = // Construct a listener
  ECT_SCOPE, customerManager);
 Either the javax.naming.event.ObjectChangeListener or the
  javax.naming.event. NamespaceChangeListener sub-interfaces of
  NamingListener typically is implemented to handle generated naming
 The ObjectChangeListener interface is implemented to handle events
  associated with an object's state change
  (NamingEvent.OBJECT_CHANGED), such as attribute addition,
  deletion, or modification, as well as the replacement of an object in
  the naming system.
 The NamespaceChangeListener interface is implemented by those
  objects wanting to handle the addition
  (NamingEvent.OBJECT_ADDED), removal (NamingEvent.
  OBJECT_REMOVED), or renaming
  (NamingEvent.OBJECT_RENAMED) of objects registered with the
  naming service.
 As an example of a naming event listener, the following skeleton structure implements
    methods for handling both object change and namespace change naming events:

   import javax.naming.event.NamespaceChangeListener;
   import javax.naming.event.ObjectChangeListener;
   import javax.naming.event.NamingEvent;
   import javax.naming.event.NamingExceptionEvent;
   public class SampleNamingListener
   implements NamespaceChangeListener, ObjectChangeListener
   {public void objectAdded(NamingEvent namingEvent)
   {
   // Handle object addition
   }public void objectRemoved(NamingEvent namingEvent)
   {
   // Handle object removal
   }public void objectRenamed(NamingEvent namingEvent)
   {
   // Handle object renaming
   }public void objectChanged(NamingEvent namingEvent)
   {
   // Handle object attribute changing
   }public void namingExceptionThrown(NamingExceptionEvent
   namingExceptionEvent)
   {// Handle naming exception
   }}
Naming Files
The file-naming system is the most basic and common naming
 system that computer users encounter. In a file-naming system,
 filenames correspond to the names of the naming service, file-
 system directories correspond to the contexts that make up
 names, and the file objects and descriptors correspond to the
 handles of the system resource of interest.
Different file systems will have different naming syntax
 conventions. Thus, whereas Windows-based file systems use
 the backslash () to separate context-space (that is, directories)
 and components of a name, UNIX-based systems use the
 forward slash (/). Similarly, Windows- based systems ignore
 differences between upper- and lowercase, whereas UNIX-based
 systems are case-sensitive.
File-System Interfaces
Figure 19.6. Traditional Java file-system interfaces.
Before JNDI, the most common and obvious way to
 interact with a file system was to use the classes available
 in the package, as shown in Figure 6. The Java 2.0
 platform has provided many enhancements to the
 package, including a host of new methods added to the class.
The File class encapsulates an interface to a file system's
 files and directory paths. Operations such as file renaming
 and deleting, as well as directory listing, can be achieved
 via the File class. The FileInputStream and
 FileOutputStream classes can be used to create new files,
 as well as populate such files with data or reading files. The
 FileReader and FileWriter classes can also be used to read
 and write character files.
A file-system SPI exists for use with the JNDI API and is freely
 downloadable from the Sun Web site. Many developers may still
 elect to use the core Java support for file manipulation via use of
 the file streaming and reader/writer APIs provided in the
In fact, the JNDI file SPI provided by Sun actually heavily
 depends on the class. However, use of a JNDI file-
 system SPI has its advantages by providing classes and
 interfaces for making file management more flexibly
 independent across different file-system types (depending on
 your underlying SPI implementation), as well as providing a
 standard interface to the file system that can be used even in a
 composite naming scheme.
CORBA Naming
The OMG's CORBA Naming Service (also called Object
 Naming Service and CosNaming) presents the primary and
 standard way for mapping between names and objects on a
The Object Naming Service was proposed by the OMG as a
 means to provide a standard interface to various underlying
 naming services.
It serves as the language-independent and standard way to wrap
 existing name servers for connectivity from various clients.
Although the JNDI API has some similarities to the Java
 mapping of the CORBA Naming Service API, it is not identical.
 your Java client will use JNDI with a CORBA SPI that maps calls
 to a CORBA name server. The server in turn actually maps
 CORBA Naming calls to a naming service that could have been
 directly communicated with from your Java application
CosNaming IDL
 Names in CORBA are sequences of name components.
 A name with a single component is referred to as a simple name,
  whereas a name with more components is called a compound name.
 Name components are defined by an ID and a kind. The "kind"
  attribute of a name simply serves to classify names for use by
  application software. Each ID is unique within a particular naming
 Naming contexts in CORBA contain a list of names that are all
  unique to that context in which each binding has a binding type
  indicating whether the name is bound to either a CORBA object or
  another naming context, do not need to be associated with logical
 Operations on naming contexts include binding and rebinding names
  to objects, resolving objects given a name, unbinding objects, creating
  subcontexts, and listing names associated with the context.
 The CosNaming module shown in Listing 4 defines the CORBA
  Naming Service IDL interfaces.
The CORBA Naming Service specification also
 provides for the efficient representation of names with
 a names library pseudo-IDL (PIDL) specification as
 shown in Listing 5.
The names library is implemented in the CORBA
 client's native language. These client-side libraries
 provide the client with a lightweight means for
 manipulating names in which the names actually refer
 to CORBA pseudo-objects
CosNaming Service Implementations
 The CORBA name service used "CORBA Communications," and "RMI
  Communications," was the transient name service that comes equipped with
  Java IDL and RMI/IIOP.
 The command tnameserv is used to start the CosNaming-compliant name
  service on a particular machine on the default port 900.
 The command-line flag -ORBInitialPort <PortNum> may also be used to run
  the name service on a different port number.
 From within your CORBA client and server applications, a handle to the name
  service can be retrieved using the
  org.omg.CORBA.ORB.resolve_initial_references() method.
 If the name service is run on a new port number other than the default, naming-
  service clients must set the org.omg.CORBA.InitialPort property associated
  with the ORB object.
 The term transient is used in referring to the tnameserv naming service to
  highlight the fact that all name/object binding information is lost whenever the
  naming service terminates. Other naming-service options do exist, however.
Most commercial CORBA vendors provide Java-
 based, CosNaming-compliant naming services such as
IONA Technologies'OrbixWeb Orbix Names
Inprise's VisiBroker Naming Service
Prism Technologies'OpenFusion Naming Service
 usion/products/naming -service.html)
CORBA Naming Interfaces
Figure 7 presents the key programmatic interfaces to a
 CosNaming service. Only key components are shown; the helpers
 and holders associated with the various interfaces are not shown
 to simplify the diagram.
By narrowing an initial reference to the NameService returned
 from the ORB, we can obtain a handle to a NamingContext
 interface like this:
ORB orb = ORB.init(args,null);
org.omg.CORBA.Object namingRef =
NamingContext namingContext =
 A CORBA server can then be registered from the server side by first creating a
 NameComponent array (that is, a CORBA name) and calling bind() or rebind()
  on the NamingContext reference as such:

  MyMessageImpl server = new MyMessageImpl();
  NameComponent nameComponent = new NameComponent("SampleServer",
  NameComponent nameComponent1 = new
  NameComponent("SampleServer2", ""); NameComponent path[] = {
  nameComponent , nameComponent1 }; namingContext.rebind(path, server);

 A CORBA client obtains an initial reference to a naming service in the same
  fashion as a CORBA server. The CORBA client can then use the naming
  context to look up the object reference given the CORBA name as shown here:

 NameComponent nameComponent = new NameComponent("SampleServer",
  ""); NameComponent nameComponent1 = new
  NameComponent("SampleServer2", ""); NameComponent path[] = {
  nameComponent , nameComponent1 };
  MyMessage obj = MyMessageHelper.narrow(namingContext.resolve(path));
JNDI CosNaming SPI
 A CosNaming JNDI SPI exists as part of the J2EE v1.2 and can also be
  downloaded separately for use with the J2SE v1.2. When you interface
  with the CosNaming service directly, you need to understand a host of
  CosNaming-specific APIs.
 By using JNDI with a CosNaming SPI, you are provided with a
  standard way (as a Java developer) to interact with a host of naming-
  service interfaces, and thus it is not necessary to learn all the
  semantics specific to CosNaming.
 The Sample.idl file in Listing 6 exports a simple "Hello-World"
  sample method embedded inside of a Message interface. The
  SampleCosNamingServer of Listing 7 implements this interface and
  also registers the server with a CosNaming server via JNDI.
 After a Message server is bound to two different names from within
  the SampleCosNamingServer.bindWithDifferentNames() method, the
  SampleLookupExample, SampleListAndSearchExample, and
  SampleBindingExample programs are all run to illustrate usage of the
  generic JNDI API with a CosNaming system.
RMI Naming
 RMI also has a means to bind objects to names and look up object
  references via a name. As we saw "RMI Registration" and "RMI
  Lookup," both RMI/JRMP and RMI/IIOP had distinct ways to
  communicate with a naming service. Of course, RMI/IIOP used the
  CosNaming service interfaces. RMI/JRMP used the built-in RMI Registry

  RMI Naming System Interfaces
 The RMI Registry provides a simple mechanism for interfacing with a
  naming service, but it is dependent on RMI/JRMP, which is a Java-
  centric means for distributing objects.
 RMI/IIOP uses a CosNaming server, and thus you can both create
  RMI/IIOP clients to communicate with CORBA servers implemented in
  another language and implement RMI/IIOP servers that can offer their
  services to a language-independent community of CORBA clients.
 The CosNaming service that implements the CORBA Naming Service
  interface and supports the special ORB extensions required of RMI/IIOP.
An RMI Registry JNDI SPI that works with RMI/JRMP is shipped
 with J2EE products and is separately downloadable for use with
 the J2SE v1.2.
RMI/IIOP-based applications can use a CosNaming JNDI SPI.
 Because our sample RMI/IIOP applications are dependent on
 the tnameserv CosNaming service provided with RMI/IIOP,
 our RMI/IIOP applications also depend on use of the
 CosNaming SPI provided by Sun to work with the tnameserv
 CosNaming service.
The RMI interface in Listing 8 exports a simple
 "Hello-World" example RMI method implemented by both the
 RMI/JRMP server (SampleJRMPServerUsingNamingContext) of
 Listing 9 and the RMI/IIOP server (SampleRMIIIOPServer) of
 Listing 10.
 No JNDI SPI for the domain name service existed. This section thus focuses on a
  description of the DNS and describes existing intermediate means for Java
  applications to perform some minimal DNS name management functionality.
  The level of support via Java is currently limited to half-baked, simple lookups.

  The Domain Name System
 The DNS provides a translation of the hierarchically defined machine
  hostnames that we are all familiar with (for example, to and
  from IP addresses (for example,
 DNS names have a syntax convention and map to IP addresses that are logical
  addresses of network devices or hosts. These IP addresses are used by network
  routing elements to determine how to deliver IP-based messages to a host
 By using human-readable and structured names, the task of the developer is
  simplified and less dependent on a priori knowledge of the internals of routing
  tables and machine configurations.
 The names in DNS adhere to the syntax convention of case-insensitive name
  components separated by dots (.). Parsing of the names occurs from right to left
  with the rightmost name component corresponding to a top-level domain
  context. Many organizations use the set of top-level domain names presented in
  Table 2.
 Additionally, a country code can also serve as a top-level domain name, such
  as the code US for United States–based organizations. Names are then created
  according to this standard format:
 <Entity Name>.<Locality>.<State Code>.US
  For example AssuredTech.Leesburg.VA.US

 A subdomain is prepended to a top-level domain name with a dot as a
  separator to formulate a "registered" domain name. Thus, is a
  registered domain with yahoo as the subdomain and com as the top-level
 Regionally designated authority to grant "registered" domain names is
  provided by Internet Resource Registries such as with Network Solutions,
  Inc.'s management of all .com, .net, and .org top-level domains.
 An organization that has registered a domain name with an Internet Resource
  Registry can then create various subdomains for the registered domain name.
  These subdomains can be organized in any way according to the
  organization's liking such as and
  Hostnames for machines within these subdomains can then be assigned. Thus, and

  <Hostname>.< Optional One or More Dot-Separated SubDomains>.<Registered
  Domain Name>
A DNS server can run DNS software offered by various COTS
 packages on various platforms.
A popular implementation for UNIX systems is the Berkley
 Internet Name Domain (BIND) package, which has also been
 ported to Windows platforms (
Each host in the domain must be configured to know the IP
 addresses of the local DNS servers or be configured to refer to a
 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to help
 locate the local DNS servers.
When a TCP/IP request is made with a hostname, the TCP/IP
 protocol consults the DNS server with which it has been
 configured to look up the IP address with the associated
 hostname. If a DNS server cannot resolve a hostname to an IP
 address, it forwards the request to another DNS server.
Java-Based DNS Interfacing

The primary way to interact with the DNS via Java right now is
 by use of the class to look up an IP
 address given a hostname. Three static methods defined on
 InetAddress can be used to return InetAddress object instances:
InetAddress getByName(String hostName) returns a handle to
 an InetAddress object given an IP Address in the form X.X.X.X
 (for example, or a machine name String (for
InetAddress[] getAllByName(String hostName) returns a handle
 to an array of all known InetAddress objects for a particular
 hostName defined as in the getByName() call.
InetAddress getLocalHost() returns a handle to an InetAddress
 object for your local host machine.
After an InetAddress object is returned, the following calls can
 be used to obtain host naming and IP address information for
 use by your applications:
String getHostName() returns a String defining the hostname
 associated with this IP address by performing a DNS lookup.
String getHostAddress() returns a String containing the IP
 address in the form X.X.X.X.
byte[] getAddress() returns a byte array of the IP address in
 network order with byte[0] as the most significant byte.
Thus, the InetAddress.getHostName() call is where the DNS
 lookup really transpires. All three static InetAddress methods
 and the getHostName() method map to native calls from your
 Java platform implementation to your specific machine's DNS
 TCP/IP client libraries.
DCOM Naming
 Although DCOM provides APIs that do support naming of DCOM
  classes and some support for stateful DCOM object naming, the
  mapping of these APIs to Java-based programs has produced a
  somewhat cumbersome, DCOM-equivalent naming service interface.

  DCOM Class Naming with CLSIDs and ProgIDs
 DCOM Class Identifiers (CLSIDs) are used to uniquely identify a particular
  DCOM class. The DCOM class identified by a CLSID refers to a collection of
  DCOM interfaces implemented by that class.
 The DCOM API call uses this
  CLSID when looking up and registering DCOM objects with the Microsoft
  Windows Registry.
 Java-based DCOM server objects can be registered for distributed access using
  the javareg utility with the /surrogate parameter.
 The Java-based DCOM server also needs to be defined with a static final CLSID
  String . General DCOM clients can obtain a pointer to the DCOM object using
  the CLSID passed as a parameter to the CoCreateInstance() DCOM API call.
 Java-based DCOM clients using the Microsoft JVM can simply instantiate an
  instance of the DCOM object (for example, QueryManager ) with the new
  operator and then cast the object to a DCOM interface (for example,
  IQueryManager ):
 IQueryManager query = (IQueryManager) new
The casting to a particular interface by the client also cues the
 Microsoft JVM to call QueryInterface() to determine whether
 such an interface is supported by this DCOM class and to obtain
 the interface reference.
The Windows Registry stores the hostname of the remote
 implementation, as well as the remote implementation
 classname used during a call to CoCreateInstance(). Direct calls
 to the CoCreateInstanceEx() call permit passing of a particular
The COM libraries make calls to the Service Control Manager
 (SCM) to activate the remote object. The SCM on the client
 machine makes a call to the SCM on the server machine. The
 server SCM then uses COM libraries to activate the remote
 object and return the remote reference.
Program identifiers (ProgIDs) can be used to define a
 human-readable name for a DCOM class. ProgIDs follow the
 format <Program>.<Component>.<Version>.
 call takes ProgIDs that map to CLSIDs. Such a CLSID can
 then be used with the CoCreateInstance() API call to
 obtain a handle to the object as shown here:
 String name = "QueryManager.Application";
 myGuid = // set appropriate Guid type
 type = // set type of COM Server objCLSID =;
 Object comObject =, null,
 type, myGUID);
DCOM Object Naming with Monikers
CLSIDs and ProgIDs are useful only for registering and looking
 up DCOM classes and interfaces. Because DCOM objects are
 stateless by default, a different mechanism is needed in order to
 register actual stateful object instances to be retrieved later by a
 distributed DCOM client. To a certain extent, DCOM monikers
 provide this capability.
Monikers in DCOM can be used to obtain a handle to an object
 previously created.The interface used to define a moniker is the interface, as shown in Listing 11.
If a client has a handle to an IMoniker interface, the client can
 refer to an existing server. The IMoniker object consults the COM
 libraries'running object table (ROT) to find an underlying
 reference to the actual running server. If IMoniker can not find a
 server in the ROT, it will create a handle to a new one from a
 persistent     store.   IMoniker     objects    derive    from     a object and can be persisted
The BindToObject() call on an IMoniker object executes the
 bind to a stateful DCOM object. Some predefined IMoniker
 objects are equipped with the COM libraries. Of course, the
 semantics of the BindToObject() call are specific to the object
 implementing the IMoniker interface.
IMonikers can also be associated with a binding context similar
 to the fashion in which names can belong to a naming context.
 IMoniker objects have human-readable display names
 retrievable from the GetDisplayName() call. Displayed moniker
 names are of this general form:
The ParseDisplayName() API call can be used to parse a
 moniker's display name into a DCOM object instance IMoniker
 interface. The ProgID used in the display name is converted to a
 CLSID, and then an IMoniker reference associated with this
 CLSID type is returned.
Naming services fulfill a basic distributed enterprise
 Communications need for mapping between names in a
 context and object references. Given an object reference, a
 server can bind this object to a name in a naming service, and
 given that name, a client can look up the object reference in the
 naming service.
JNDI is a core component of the J2EE that provides a standard
 interface for enterprise Java applications to access naming
 services. JNDI naming- service providers exist for file
 systems, RMI applications, and CORBA programs.
Mapping Internet DNS names to IP addresses is also possible
 from within Java. Finally, DCOM also provides a means for
 mapping between names and object references using its
 communications paradigm. Beyond mere mapping between
 names and objects, characteristics about such objects can
 also be associated with an extended form of naming
 system known as a directory or trading system.

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  • 1. COMMON SERVICES FOR DISTRIBUTED ENTERPRISE COMMUNICATIONS Naming Services Directory and Trading Services Activation Services Messaging Services Transaction Services
  • 2. Naming Services • Naming Services in a Nutshell • JNDI Naming Services • Naming Files • CORBA Naming • RMI Naming • DNS • DCOM Naming  A naming service is the principal mechanism used in distributed and nondistributed systems for referring to objects from within your applications via a name identifying that object.  The term name used here typically means a name that is human readable or at least easily converted into a human-readable String format.  A file system uses filenames when doing out references associated with file media to programs requesting access to those files.
  • 3. Similarly, CORBA clients can use object names to obtain handles to CORBA objects, which reference objects that may be sitting in some remote system process. These name-to-object associations are referred to as name bindings. A name binding is always defined relative to a naming context. Here, a naming context encapsulates a domain of names in which each name binding in that naming context is unique. use a naming service to either explicitly or implicitly bind object references to names and resolve names to objects. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) component of the J2EE is described as the primary means for hooking into naming systems from enterprise Java applications.
  • 4. To learn: Naming service–related concepts such as compound and composite names, name bindings, naming contexts, and the common roles of a name service. The architecture, API components, and use of Java's framework for commonly accessing various naming services via the Java Naming and Directory Interface. Why a file system is a naming service and how to use JNDI to access your file system. The architecture of a CORBA Naming Service (CosNaming) and the access of aCosNaming Service via JNDI. How to access the RMI Registry via JNDI. How to use JNDI with RMI/IIOP. The architecture of the Internet's domain name system (DNS) and how to look up an IP address given a DNS name. The DCOM equivalent for implementing the role of a naming service.
  • 5. Naming Services in a Nutshell Naming services provide a way for you to write code that refers to objects in a system using human- readable names. Names very often have a string form enabling you to write code that is more readable, as well as providing you with a simple way to obtain an initial handle to an object. Handles, names, and the context in which names are scoped are all fundamental concepts relevant to an understanding of naming systems.
  • 6. Handles An object in a system corresponds to an instance in memory or some range of addresses relating to some discrete collection of functions or data. "Handles" to such objects are often referred to as references or pointers Such handles can be associated with objects residing in a process local to your current execution environment or with distributed machine. Handles are often not human readable, frequently are numeric by nature, perhaps have some embedded communications protocol-specific information, sometimes are platform-dependent, and usually are dependent on the current execution environment.
  • 7. Names A name is simply a logical and generally human-readable value for referring to an object in both distributed and nondistributed systems. Here are some examples of what a name can be:  A filename string referring to a file object reference.  An Internet hostname string referring to a machine on the Internet.  An object service name referring to a CORBA server object on a remote machine. Each name is expressed in a syntax understandable by the naming system for which it is relevant (for example, the file system, the Internet, a CORBA Naming Service). Each naming system has its own naming convention syntax for which valid names are expressed. Thus, for example, a Windows file-naming system requires absolute filenames to be expressed in terms of a root drive and semicolon with directory names separated by backslashes () and ending with a filename and extension (for example, C:MyDirmyFile.txt) Each name- to-object association is typically referred to as a name binding. For example, given the object instance name hallwayPrinter from  NetworkPrinter hallwayPrinter = new NetworkPrinter();
  • 8. Naming Contexts and Systems Names always have some meaning in a specific context. For example, the name "Leesburg"designates a U.S. city in the states of Virginia, New Jersey, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Indiana, and Ohio. The fully qualified name of "Leesburg, Virginia, USA" pinpoints the name "Leesburg" to the context of "Virginia, USA." The same need for referring to names within some context also applies to computer systems.
  • 10. In Figure 1, whereas the name index.html on your computer hosting a Web server refers to a specific file you have created in the directory C:public_html, this same filename in your Web server's directory C:public_htmlsales refers to an entirely different file object. The name index.html has to be put in context to determine what specific file object is being referenced.  Each context thus holds a set of name-to-object bindings in which the object may be an actual system resource (for example, file object) or perhaps another context (that is, a subcontext). Each context will have its own standard for naming the objects and subcontexts to which it binds names.  A naming system serves to provide a standard for managing a set of contexts with the same naming convention and with similar means for binding names to objects and resolving objects to names.  Many systems such as the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), the Network Information System (NIS), and the Novell Directory Service (NDS) provide the name binding and resolving functionality of naming services
  • 11. JNDI Naming Services The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) provides a standard Java interface-to- naming system that can be used with various types of underlying naming systems. JNDI can also be used to name and reference objects that lie outside of a particular naming system. Furthermore, JNDI also provides interfaces for encapsulating and handling events that can be generated from a naming service.
  • 13. As depicted in Figure 2, JNDI is a Java extension and a fundamental component of the J2EE, providing a standard way to interface with many naming services and directory services. JNDI provides a Java API for commonly interfacing with any naming or directory service for which there exists an adapter to map JNDI API calls to the specific calls provided by the particular naming or directory service provider. All calls to the JNDI API are properly delegates to the particular service via the adapter. This adapter is referred to as a Service Provider Interface (SPI). SPIs are provided by Sun Microsystems The JNDI class libraries are included as a core component of the J2EE and the J2SE v1.3.
  • 14. The JNDI class libraries are partitioned into the following packages: • javax.naming: Contains all the core JNDI API classes and interfaces used by Java applications needing access to various naming services. • Contains the JNDI API classes for performing more sophisticated directory-service functionality extending the basic naming-service functionality. • javax.naming.event: Contains the JNDI API classes and interfaces for providing event notification services for naming and directory systems. • javax.naming.ldap: Contains the JNDI API classes and interfaces for specific support of the more advanced management features of the LDAPv3 standard when using the LDAP SPI. • javax.naming.spi: Contains the JNDI SPI classes and interfaces for implementers of SPIs to map standard JNDI API calls to a particular naming or directory service.
  • 15. Naming Objects Before a naming service can be utilized, JNDI clients need to obtain handles to an initial JNDI context. Names can then be bound to objects, and objects can be looked up relative to such a context using standard JNDI interfaces. Names have a syntax that can be described using regular Java String objects or using some of the interfaces provided by JNDI to encapsulate names. JNDI Contexts  The JNDI client API user will first be required to create a reference to an initial context of the naming service of interest.  This initial context creation process establishes a connection with the service when constructed with a set of properties describing the specific naming or directory service provider library to use, the URL of the naming or directory service process, and perhaps a username and user credentials.  Other properties may also be set whose names are defined as static public attributes in the javax.naming.Context interface. A javax.naming.InitialContext class implementing the Context interface can be used to create an actual handle to a particular naming service. The valid static public properties are defined in Table 1.
  • 16. Out of all properties defined in Table 1, the first two properties (INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY and PROVIDER_URL) will probably be the most commonly used properties in your programs. The creation of an InitialContext is therefore typically straightforward: Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_F ACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory"); properties.setProperty("PROVIDER_URL", "file:C:public_html"); Context context = new InitialContext(properties);
  • 17.  Surround the context closing within a finally block to ensure that it is called: try{ … } catch(…){ … } finally{ try{ context.close(); } catch(NamingException ex){ … }}  Subcontexts can be created and removed using the InitialContext createSubcontext() and destroySubcontext() methods, respectively. Subcontexts can be looked up by using the lookup() method, with the subcontext name defined according to whatever naming convention is employed to separate components of the name,such as this:  Context salesBrochureContext = context.lookup("salesbrochures");
  • 18. JNDI Binding and Lookup After a context reference is obtained, an object from the server side can be bound to the context in a standard fashion using the bind() and rebind() methods. The difference between bind() and rebind() is simply that rebind() overwrites any existing bindings, whereas bind() throws an exception. As an example of a rebind call, we have this: String eProducts = "eProducts.html"; Brochure eProductBrochure = new Brochure(); … salesBrochureContext.rebind(eProducts, eProductBrochure); From the client side, a lookup of a particular object yields a reference to that object which is simply cast to the object of the appropriate type: String eProductsName = "salesbrochureseProducts.html"; Brochure brochure = (Brochure) context.lookup(eProductsName);
  • 19. JNDI Names Binding objects to names and looking up objects given a name can be accomplished using a String form of a name, as well as using a class implementing the javax.naming.Name interface. A Name is composed of a sequence of name components. Name objects provide a more type-safe means to manipulate names according to the syntax convention of the particular naming system with which the name is associated. One can add and remove name components as well as accomplish other helper operations on names given a Name interface implementation. The CompoundName class implements the Name interface for names that are confined within a single hierarchical naming system. A set of properties can be passed into the CompoundName constructor. These are the valid properties that can be passed into the CompoundName constructor:
  • 20.  jndi.syntax.direction: Parsing direction such as left_to_right, right_to_left, or flat.  jndi.syntax.separator: Separator to use between name components (for example, / or .).  jndi.syntax.ignorecase: Name components are case-insensitive if true.  jndi.syntax.escape: Escape string for overriding separators (for example, /).  jndi.syntax.beginquote: Beginning of quote delimiter.  jndi.syntax.endquote: Ending of quote delimiter.  jndi.syntax.beginquote2: Alternative begin quote.  jndi.syntax.endquote2: Alternative end quote.  jndi.syntax.separator.typeval: Name-value separators (for example, = as in  mfg=Dodge).  jndi.syntax.separator.ava: Name-value pair separator (for example, , as in mfg=Dodge,make=Raider,color=red).  jndi.syntax.trimblanks: Leading and trailing whitespace of a name is trimmed if true.  For example, the following String may be parsed into a compound name using the CompoundName class: String name = "PrinterPublicGroup.Printer19"; CompoundName cName = new CompoundName(name, rmiNamingProperties);
  • 21. JNDI Context Listings  The contents of a JNDI naming service may also be listed using the list() and listBinding() methods defined by the Context interface and implemented by InitialContext.  The list() method requires a name parameter identifying the particular context level at which to search for name service bindings. The list() method returns a javax.naming.NamingEnumeration of javax.naming.NameClassPair objects in which each NameClassPair represents an object name and its classname of an object bound at the desired context level. For example (exception handling excluded)  NamingEnumeration namesList = context.list(someContextName); …  while(namesList.hasMore()){  NameClassPair pair = (NameClassPair); String objectName = pair.getName();  String className = pair.getClassName(); … }
  • 22.  In addition to returning the object name and its associated classname, the listBindings() method call on a context returns the actual bound object as well. Given the particular context level to list, the listBindings() method returns a NamingEnumeration of javax.naming.  Binding objects that extend NameClassPair objects with the capability to store and retrieve the object bound at the listed context level.  For example, to retrieve each name, classname, and bound object from a NamingEnumeration returned from a listBindings() call, we would use this:  NamingEnumeration namesList = context.listBindings(someContextName); …  while(namesList.hasMore()){  Binding binding = (Binding);  String objectName = binding.getName(); String className = binding.getClassName();  MyObject obj = (MyObject) binding.getObject(); … }
  • 23. Referenceable Objects Aside from binding and looking up object references in a naming system using names via JNDI, JNDI also provides support for binding and looking up references to objects that sit somewhere outside of the naming system (that is, referenceable objects). A referenceable object, in JNDI lingo, is an object with a reference that can be stored in a JNDI service with information telling JNDI how to associate lookups for that object to the object itself. Referenceable objects can be useful when an object not belonging to any particular naming system needs to be bound to a naming service for ease of lookup. Referenceable objects are also useful when an object from one naming system needs to be bound to an entirely different naming system. A referenceable object is first created by implementing the javax.naming.Referenceable interface. The Referenceable interface has one method called getReference(), which returns a handle to a javax.naming.Reference object.
  • 24. For example, some com.beeshirts.customer.Customer class that you've defined may implement the getReference() method as shown here: public javax.naming.Reference getReference() throws NamingException { String className = "com.beeshirts.customer.Customer"; String factoryName = "com.beeshirts.customer.CustomerFactory"; String contents = this.getAsString(); // Get state as a String javax.naming.StringRefAddr refAddr = new javax.naming.StringRefAddr("Customer", contents); return new javax.naming.Reference(className, refAddr, factoryName, null); }
  • 25.  After binding the Customer referenceable object, the naming service can reconstruct the object during a lookup by consulting the com.beeshirts.customer.CustomerFactory object factory implementing the getObjectInstance() method like this (excluding error handling):  public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name objName,  Context objContext, Hashtable objEnv)  throws Exception {  javax.naming.Reference reference = (javax.naming.Reference) obj;  javax.naming.StringRefAddr refAddr  = (javax.naming.StringRefAddr) reference.get("Customer");  String contents = (String) refAddr.getContent(); Customer customer= new Customer();  customer.setAsString(contents); // Reconstructs state from a String  return customer; }
  • 26. Naming Events  JNDI also now provides (as of JNDI v1.2) an infrastructure for encapsulating and handling naming and directory service events. Naming and directory services can generate naming- related events such as the renaming of an object, the removal or addition of an object from or to the naming service, and the state change of an object registered with the naming service.  The javax.naming.event.NamingEvent class represents an event that can be generated from a naming service when one of its registered objects changes. NamingEvent objects extend the standard java.util.EventObject; they have a type and contain an event source, SPI-specific change information, and a reference to binding information both before and after the event.  The source of an event is a context implementing the javax.naming.event.EventContext interface. An EventContext is simply a type of Context that allows for the addition and removal of listeners interested in naming events. A special javax.naming.event.  NamingExceptionEvent event object can also be generated in the event of a failure during the generation of a normal naming event for notifying naming listeners
  • 27.  EventContext eventContext = // Construct an event context NamespaceChangeListener customerManager = // Construct a listener eventContext.addNamingListener("AllisonPerrone",EventContext.OBJ ECT_SCOPE, customerManager);  Either the javax.naming.event.ObjectChangeListener or the javax.naming.event. NamespaceChangeListener sub-interfaces of NamingListener typically is implemented to handle generated naming events.  The ObjectChangeListener interface is implemented to handle events associated with an object's state change (NamingEvent.OBJECT_CHANGED), such as attribute addition, deletion, or modification, as well as the replacement of an object in the naming system.  The NamespaceChangeListener interface is implemented by those objects wanting to handle the addition (NamingEvent.OBJECT_ADDED), removal (NamingEvent. OBJECT_REMOVED), or renaming (NamingEvent.OBJECT_RENAMED) of objects registered with the naming service.
  • 28.  As an example of a naming event listener, the following skeleton structure implements methods for handling both object change and namespace change naming events:  import javax.naming.event.NamespaceChangeListener;  import javax.naming.event.ObjectChangeListener;  import javax.naming.event.NamingEvent;  import javax.naming.event.NamingExceptionEvent;  public class SampleNamingListener  implements NamespaceChangeListener, ObjectChangeListener  {public void objectAdded(NamingEvent namingEvent)  {  // Handle object addition  }public void objectRemoved(NamingEvent namingEvent)  {  // Handle object removal  }public void objectRenamed(NamingEvent namingEvent)  {  // Handle object renaming  }public void objectChanged(NamingEvent namingEvent)  {  // Handle object attribute changing  }public void namingExceptionThrown(NamingExceptionEvent  namingExceptionEvent)  {// Handle naming exception  }}
  • 29. Naming Files The file-naming system is the most basic and common naming system that computer users encounter. In a file-naming system, filenames correspond to the names of the naming service, file- system directories correspond to the contexts that make up names, and the file objects and descriptors correspond to the handles of the system resource of interest. Different file systems will have different naming syntax conventions. Thus, whereas Windows-based file systems use the backslash () to separate context-space (that is, directories) and components of a name, UNIX-based systems use the forward slash (/). Similarly, Windows- based systems ignore differences between upper- and lowercase, whereas UNIX-based systems are case-sensitive.
  • 30. File-System Interfaces Figure 19.6. Traditional Java file-system interfaces. Before JNDI, the most common and obvious way to interact with a file system was to use the classes available in the package, as shown in Figure 6. The Java 2.0 platform has provided many enhancements to the package, including a host of new methods added to the class. The File class encapsulates an interface to a file system's files and directory paths. Operations such as file renaming and deleting, as well as directory listing, can be achieved via the File class. The FileInputStream and FileOutputStream classes can be used to create new files, as well as populate such files with data or reading files. The FileReader and FileWriter classes can also be used to read and write character files.
  • 31. JNDI File SPI A file-system SPI exists for use with the JNDI API and is freely downloadable from the Sun Web site. Many developers may still elect to use the core Java support for file manipulation via use of the file streaming and reader/writer APIs provided in the package. In fact, the JNDI file SPI provided by Sun actually heavily depends on the class. However, use of a JNDI file- system SPI has its advantages by providing classes and interfaces for making file management more flexibly independent across different file-system types (depending on your underlying SPI implementation), as well as providing a standard interface to the file system that can be used even in a composite naming scheme.
  • 32. CORBA Naming The OMG's CORBA Naming Service (also called Object Naming Service and CosNaming) presents the primary and standard way for mapping between names and objects on a CORBA ORB. The Object Naming Service was proposed by the OMG as a means to provide a standard interface to various underlying naming services. It serves as the language-independent and standard way to wrap existing name servers for connectivity from various clients. Although the JNDI API has some similarities to the Java mapping of the CORBA Naming Service API, it is not identical. your Java client will use JNDI with a CORBA SPI that maps calls to a CORBA name server. The server in turn actually maps CORBA Naming calls to a naming service that could have been directly communicated with from your Java application
  • 33. CosNaming IDL  Names in CORBA are sequences of name components.  A name with a single component is referred to as a simple name, whereas a name with more components is called a compound name.  Name components are defined by an ID and a kind. The "kind" attribute of a name simply serves to classify names for use by application software. Each ID is unique within a particular naming context.  Naming contexts in CORBA contain a list of names that are all unique to that context in which each binding has a binding type indicating whether the name is bound to either a CORBA object or another naming context, do not need to be associated with logical names.  Operations on naming contexts include binding and rebinding names to objects, resolving objects given a name, unbinding objects, creating subcontexts, and listing names associated with the context.  The CosNaming module shown in Listing 4 defines the CORBA Naming Service IDL interfaces.
  • 34. The CORBA Naming Service specification also provides for the efficient representation of names with a names library pseudo-IDL (PIDL) specification as shown in Listing 5. The names library is implemented in the CORBA client's native language. These client-side libraries provide the client with a lightweight means for manipulating names in which the names actually refer to CORBA pseudo-objects
  • 35. CosNaming Service Implementations  The CORBA name service used "CORBA Communications," and "RMI Communications," was the transient name service that comes equipped with Java IDL and RMI/IIOP.  The command tnameserv is used to start the CosNaming-compliant name service on a particular machine on the default port 900.  The command-line flag -ORBInitialPort <PortNum> may also be used to run the name service on a different port number.  From within your CORBA client and server applications, a handle to the name service can be retrieved using the org.omg.CORBA.ORB.resolve_initial_references() method.  If the name service is run on a new port number other than the default, naming- service clients must set the org.omg.CORBA.InitialPort property associated with the ORB object.  The term transient is used in referring to the tnameserv naming service to highlight the fact that all name/object binding information is lost whenever the naming service terminates. Other naming-service options do exist, however.
  • 36. Most commercial CORBA vendors provide Java- based, CosNaming-compliant naming services such as these: IONA Technologies'OrbixWeb Orbix Names ( Inprise's VisiBroker Naming Service ( Prism Technologies'OpenFusion Naming Service ( usion/products/naming -service.html)
  • 37. CORBA Naming Interfaces Figure 7 presents the key programmatic interfaces to a CosNaming service. Only key components are shown; the helpers and holders associated with the various interfaces are not shown to simplify the diagram. By narrowing an initial reference to the NameService returned from the ORB, we can obtain a handle to a NamingContext interface like this: ORB orb = ORB.init(args,null); org.omg.CORBA.Object namingRef = orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService"); NamingContext namingContext = NamingContextHelper.narrow(namingRef);
  • 38.  A CORBA server can then be registered from the server side by first creating a  NameComponent array (that is, a CORBA name) and calling bind() or rebind() on the NamingContext reference as such: MyMessageImpl server = new MyMessageImpl(); NameComponent nameComponent = new NameComponent("SampleServer", ""); NameComponent nameComponent1 = new NameComponent("SampleServer2", ""); NameComponent path[] = { nameComponent , nameComponent1 }; namingContext.rebind(path, server);  A CORBA client obtains an initial reference to a naming service in the same fashion as a CORBA server. The CORBA client can then use the naming context to look up the object reference given the CORBA name as shown here:  NameComponent nameComponent = new NameComponent("SampleServer", ""); NameComponent nameComponent1 = new NameComponent("SampleServer2", ""); NameComponent path[] = { nameComponent , nameComponent1 }; MyMessage obj = MyMessageHelper.narrow(namingContext.resolve(path));
  • 39. JNDI CosNaming SPI  A CosNaming JNDI SPI exists as part of the J2EE v1.2 and can also be downloaded separately for use with the J2SE v1.2. When you interface with the CosNaming service directly, you need to understand a host of CosNaming-specific APIs.  By using JNDI with a CosNaming SPI, you are provided with a standard way (as a Java developer) to interact with a host of naming- service interfaces, and thus it is not necessary to learn all the semantics specific to CosNaming.  The Sample.idl file in Listing 6 exports a simple "Hello-World" sample method embedded inside of a Message interface. The SampleCosNamingServer of Listing 7 implements this interface and also registers the server with a CosNaming server via JNDI.  After a Message server is bound to two different names from within the SampleCosNamingServer.bindWithDifferentNames() method, the SampleLookupExample, SampleListAndSearchExample, and SampleBindingExample programs are all run to illustrate usage of the generic JNDI API with a CosNaming system.
  • 40. RMI Naming  RMI also has a means to bind objects to names and look up object references via a name. As we saw "RMI Registration" and "RMI Lookup," both RMI/JRMP and RMI/IIOP had distinct ways to communicate with a naming service. Of course, RMI/IIOP used the CosNaming service interfaces. RMI/JRMP used the built-in RMI Registry interfaces. RMI Naming System Interfaces  The RMI Registry provides a simple mechanism for interfacing with a naming service, but it is dependent on RMI/JRMP, which is a Java- centric means for distributing objects.  RMI/IIOP uses a CosNaming server, and thus you can both create RMI/IIOP clients to communicate with CORBA servers implemented in another language and implement RMI/IIOP servers that can offer their services to a language-independent community of CORBA clients.  The CosNaming service that implements the CORBA Naming Service interface and supports the special ORB extensions required of RMI/IIOP.
  • 41. JNDI RMI SPI An RMI Registry JNDI SPI that works with RMI/JRMP is shipped with J2EE products and is separately downloadable for use with the J2SE v1.2. RMI/IIOP-based applications can use a CosNaming JNDI SPI. Because our sample RMI/IIOP applications are dependent on the tnameserv CosNaming service provided with RMI/IIOP, our RMI/IIOP applications also depend on use of the CosNaming SPI provided by Sun to work with the tnameserv CosNaming service. The RMI interface in Listing 8 exports a simple "Hello-World" example RMI method implemented by both the RMI/JRMP server (SampleJRMPServerUsingNamingContext) of Listing 9 and the RMI/IIOP server (SampleRMIIIOPServer) of Listing 10.
  • 42. DNS  No JNDI SPI for the domain name service existed. This section thus focuses on a description of the DNS and describes existing intermediate means for Java applications to perform some minimal DNS name management functionality. The level of support via Java is currently limited to half-baked, simple lookups. The Domain Name System  The DNS provides a translation of the hierarchically defined machine hostnames that we are all familiar with (for example, to and from IP addresses (for example,  DNS names have a syntax convention and map to IP addresses that are logical addresses of network devices or hosts. These IP addresses are used by network routing elements to determine how to deliver IP-based messages to a host machine.  By using human-readable and structured names, the task of the developer is simplified and less dependent on a priori knowledge of the internals of routing tables and machine configurations.  The names in DNS adhere to the syntax convention of case-insensitive name components separated by dots (.). Parsing of the names occurs from right to left with the rightmost name component corresponding to a top-level domain context. Many organizations use the set of top-level domain names presented in Table 2.
  • 43.  Additionally, a country code can also serve as a top-level domain name, such as the code US for United States–based organizations. Names are then created according to this standard format:  <Entity Name>.<Locality>.<State Code>.US For example AssuredTech.Leesburg.VA.US  A subdomain is prepended to a top-level domain name with a dot as a separator to formulate a "registered" domain name. Thus, is a registered domain with yahoo as the subdomain and com as the top-level domain.  Regionally designated authority to grant "registered" domain names is provided by Internet Resource Registries such as with Network Solutions, Inc.'s management of all .com, .net, and .org top-level domains.  An organization that has registered a domain name with an Internet Resource Registry can then create various subdomains for the registered domain name. These subdomains can be organized in any way according to the organization's liking such as and Hostnames for machines within these subdomains can then be assigned. Thus, and <Hostname>.< Optional One or More Dot-Separated SubDomains>.<Registered Domain Name>
  • 44. A DNS server can run DNS software offered by various COTS packages on various platforms. A popular implementation for UNIX systems is the Berkley Internet Name Domain (BIND) package, which has also been ported to Windows platforms ( Each host in the domain must be configured to know the IP addresses of the local DNS servers or be configured to refer to a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to help locate the local DNS servers. When a TCP/IP request is made with a hostname, the TCP/IP protocol consults the DNS server with which it has been configured to look up the IP address with the associated hostname. If a DNS server cannot resolve a hostname to an IP address, it forwards the request to another DNS server.
  • 45. Java-Based DNS Interfacing The primary way to interact with the DNS via Java right now is by use of the class to look up an IP address given a hostname. Three static methods defined on InetAddress can be used to return InetAddress object instances: InetAddress getByName(String hostName) returns a handle to an InetAddress object given an IP Address in the form X.X.X.X (for example, or a machine name String (for example, InetAddress[] getAllByName(String hostName) returns a handle to an array of all known InetAddress objects for a particular hostName defined as in the getByName() call. InetAddress getLocalHost() returns a handle to an InetAddress object for your local host machine.
  • 46. After an InetAddress object is returned, the following calls can be used to obtain host naming and IP address information for use by your applications: String getHostName() returns a String defining the hostname associated with this IP address by performing a DNS lookup. String getHostAddress() returns a String containing the IP address in the form X.X.X.X. byte[] getAddress() returns a byte array of the IP address in network order with byte[0] as the most significant byte. Thus, the InetAddress.getHostName() call is where the DNS lookup really transpires. All three static InetAddress methods and the getHostName() method map to native calls from your Java platform implementation to your specific machine's DNS TCP/IP client libraries.
  • 47. DCOM Naming  Although DCOM provides APIs that do support naming of DCOM classes and some support for stateful DCOM object naming, the mapping of these APIs to Java-based programs has produced a somewhat cumbersome, DCOM-equivalent naming service interface. DCOM Class Naming with CLSIDs and ProgIDs  DCOM Class Identifiers (CLSIDs) are used to uniquely identify a particular DCOM class. The DCOM class identified by a CLSID refers to a collection of DCOM interfaces implemented by that class.  The DCOM API call uses this CLSID when looking up and registering DCOM objects with the Microsoft Windows Registry.  Java-based DCOM server objects can be registered for distributed access using the javareg utility with the /surrogate parameter.  The Java-based DCOM server also needs to be defined with a static final CLSID String . General DCOM clients can obtain a pointer to the DCOM object using the CLSID passed as a parameter to the CoCreateInstance() DCOM API call.  Java-based DCOM clients using the Microsoft JVM can simply instantiate an instance of the DCOM object (for example, QueryManager ) with the new operator and then cast the object to a DCOM interface (for example, IQueryManager ):  IQueryManager query = (IQueryManager) new com.beeshirts.QueryManager();
  • 48. The casting to a particular interface by the client also cues the Microsoft JVM to call QueryInterface() to determine whether such an interface is supported by this DCOM class and to obtain the interface reference. The Windows Registry stores the hostname of the remote implementation, as well as the remote implementation classname used during a call to CoCreateInstance(). Direct calls to the CoCreateInstanceEx() call permit passing of a particular hostname. The COM libraries make calls to the Service Control Manager (SCM) to activate the remote object. The SCM on the client machine makes a call to the SCM on the server machine. The server SCM then uses COM libraries to activate the remote object and return the remote reference. Program identifiers (ProgIDs) can be used to define a human-readable name for a DCOM class. ProgIDs follow the format <Program>.<Component>.<Version>.
  • 49. The DCOM CLSIDFromProgID() API call takes ProgIDs that map to CLSIDs. Such a CLSID can then be used with the CoCreateInstance() API call to obtain a handle to the object as shown here: String name = "QueryManager.Application"; myGuid = // set appropriate Guid type type = // set type of COM Server objCLSID =; Object comObject =, null, type, myGUID);
  • 50. DCOM Object Naming with Monikers CLSIDs and ProgIDs are useful only for registering and looking up DCOM classes and interfaces. Because DCOM objects are stateless by default, a different mechanism is needed in order to register actual stateful object instances to be retrieved later by a distributed DCOM client. To a certain extent, DCOM monikers provide this capability. Monikers in DCOM can be used to obtain a handle to an object previously created.The interface used to define a moniker is the interface, as shown in Listing 11. If a client has a handle to an IMoniker interface, the client can refer to an existing server. The IMoniker object consults the COM libraries'running object table (ROT) to find an underlying reference to the actual running server. If IMoniker can not find a server in the ROT, it will create a handle to a new one from a persistent store. IMoniker objects derive from a object and can be persisted
  • 51. The BindToObject() call on an IMoniker object executes the bind to a stateful DCOM object. Some predefined IMoniker objects are equipped with the COM libraries. Of course, the semantics of the BindToObject() call are specific to the object implementing the IMoniker interface. IMonikers can also be associated with a binding context similar to the fashion in which names can belong to a naming context. IMoniker objects have human-readable display names retrievable from the GetDisplayName() call. Displayed moniker names are of this general form: <TypeName>:<InstanceName>. The ParseDisplayName() API call can be used to parse a moniker's display name into a DCOM object instance IMoniker interface. The ProgID used in the display name is converted to a CLSID, and then an IMoniker reference associated with this CLSID type is returned.
  • 52. Conclusions Naming services fulfill a basic distributed enterprise Communications need for mapping between names in a context and object references. Given an object reference, a server can bind this object to a name in a naming service, and given that name, a client can look up the object reference in the naming service. JNDI is a core component of the J2EE that provides a standard interface for enterprise Java applications to access naming services. JNDI naming- service providers exist for file systems, RMI applications, and CORBA programs. Mapping Internet DNS names to IP addresses is also possible from within Java. Finally, DCOM also provides a means for mapping between names and object references using its communications paradigm. Beyond mere mapping between names and objects, characteristics about such objects can also be associated with an extended form of naming system known as a directory or trading system.