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Salicylic Acid Methyltransferase in Asclepias Curassavica and
Associated Protein Structure to Function Analysis
Department of Biology, Western Michigan University. 1903 West Michigan Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49008
All living organisms contain DNA that encodes for their development and
function; their genetic code. Simply, DNA is transcribed to mRNA, which is
translated into protein. This study looks into a protein in the class of O-
methyltransferases, salicylic acid methyltransferase (SAMT). Methyltransferase
proteins are responsible for the tastes and aromas of many plants. SAMT
proteins use salicylic acid, a cellular plant chemical defense molecule, as a
substrate. This study focuses on a specific milkweed species, Asclepias
curassavica, and it’s SAMT gene. The gene was extracted from leaf tissue,
amplified, cloned into a vector plasmid, and assayed for expression
characteristics. The data gathered on the SAMT substrate binding preference of
this individual species, A.curassavica, contributed to an overall pool of SAMT
data from a variety of plant species. I was able to create a phylogenetic tree of
protein gene sequence relationships and associated protein substrate preference
to salicylic acid (SA) and benzoic acid (BA). From our data gathered on SAMT
nucleotide sequencing and preferred substrates, I could test hypotheses on
protein structure as related to function.
Keywords: methyltransferase, milkweed, SAMT, Asclepias curassavica, salicylic acid
1. Introduction
DNA encodes for development and function of all living organisms.
Transcription of DNA to mRNA, followed by translation to make protein is the
bases of all molecular biology. Proteins, the products of this biological process,
serve many roles and functions. For instance, a protein in a plant may have an
enzymatic relationship with a certain substrate and the product of that reaction
leads to an expression of pink petals, or a number of other phenotypic
In this study, I will look at the reaction that produces methyl salicylate
(MeSA). Caffeine, theobromine in chocolate, the sent of wintergreen, and many
other lovely plant volatiles are the results of this reaction (Tieman et al. 2010).
MeSA is created by the methylation of salicylic acid (SA) by a certain enzyme in
the class of O-methyltransferase proteins (Tieman et al. 2010). Salicylic Acid
Methyltransferase (SAMT) is the protein that carries out this methylation by
binding S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM) to SA and catalyzing a reaction. Salicylic
acid is a phytohormone that contributes to pest and pathogen defense in plants
and SAM is the methyl group donor (Effmert 2005).
This study looks into the methylation of salicylic acid in the milkweed
species Asclepias curassavica. The methylation of salicylic acid allows the
compound to become volatile (Wason et al. 2013). It is believed that this volatile
methyl salicylate molecule leaves its host plant and lands on a neighboring plant
in the same population, where it is then demethylated. This increases the cellular
concentration of SA in the neighboring plant, which plays a crucial role in
activating pathogen immunity resistance (Dempsey et al 2011). MeSA and SA
both play a role in a plants pest and pathogen resistance response pathway
(Zhao 2010 insects).
Methyltransferases are characterized by their active sites. These active
sites have conserved motifs that always bind SAM, but show variation in binding
methylation substrate (Zubieta et al 2003). This study seeks to address two
hypotheses. The null hypothesis being there is no relationship between protein
amino acid active site sequence and an associated preference for methylation
substrate. The alternative hypothesis being there is a significant relationship
between protein amino acid active site sequence and an associated preference
for methylation substrate.
2. Methods
2.1 Bioinformatics
In order to begin this study I needed to obtain certain bioinformatics. I
used the websites <GenBank> and <1KP> to do this. GenBank was used to
retrieve nucleic acid and amino acid sequence information on the SAMT gene.
1KP was used to preform a comparison using the already known sequence for
Clarkia brewereii by running a statistical prediction algorithm called BLAST. To
begin to understand the function of my gene, I used the computer program
Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony to align my protein nucleotide sequence
with other proteins that have already been studied. The program created a
phylogenetic tree of relation.
2.2 RNA Extraction and PCR
When extracting for RNA, different tissues of the same plant express
different transcriptomes. This study attempted to extract RNA form both flower
and leaf tissue of milkweed using the Quick-Start Protocol with the RNeasy Plant
Mini Kit. To amplify the SAMT encoding gene I needed to run RT-PCR on the
extracted RNA. However, in order to do this I needed to design gene specific
primers for PCR. The primers needed to be between 20 and 30 base pairs long
with high G and C nucleotide content, especially crucial at the end of the primer.
These two nucleotides have three hydrogen bonds for greater stability. I had my
desired primers synthesized by Integrated DNA Technologies. My primers 1 and
2 were 24 and 23 base pairs long respectively and are listed here:
Primer 2: 5’- AAG CCT TCT TTT CAT GGA AAC AG -3’
The next step was to preform reverse transcriptase (RT) single-strand
cDNA synthesis on the extracted RNA using the Invitrogen First-Strand cDNA
Synthesis protocol. This protocol calls for the gene specific primers to be diluted
to 100uM solution from the primer we designed and received in dehydrated form.
I used my primer 1 because it is complementary to the sscDNA and binds to the
RNA we have for reverse transcriptase. After generating sscDNA with my desired
gene, it needed to be amplified so I could work with it. I used the Invitrogen PCR
Reaction protocol to do this. Again, I needed to use the 100uM primer solution
and dilute that further to get to 2pmol/uL. To do this, I added 49uL of water to 1uL
of our 100 uM primer solution.
2.3 Gel Purification, Adenylation, and Cloning
To isolate only the desired length DNA form the PCR product I ran an
electrophoresis gel. I used a UV light box to illuminate our desired DNA and cut it
out from the gel. It is worth noting that using an adjustable intensity UV light box
on the lowest possible setting is best to reduce the possibility of mutation to the
PCR DNA product. I purified the DNA from the agarose gel using the QIAEXII
Gel Extraction Protocol.
In order for our DNA product to be properly inserted into our vector
plasmid it had to be adenylated. This acetylation process added multiple A
nucleotides to the 3’ end of the DNA, which allowed it to be inserted at the
vectors T nucleotide 5’ overhangs. This was done using the Invitrogen pTrcHis
and pTrcHis2 TOPO TA Expression Kit for Cloning and Transformation protocol.
I used 4uL of my PCR sample and 1uL of TOPO vector, for a total of 5uL.
Only 2uL of the 5uL adenylation product was used in the transformation
reaction. LB plates were created using the recipe on page 19 of the TOPO
Cloning protocol packet and then cultured. Ampicillin was added to the LB at a
1uL concentration. Plates were incubated and allowed to grow at 37oC for 24
hours. I selected 6 colonies to streak out further and produce larger cultures. I
used the same LB agar plates with ampicillin to streak the selected larger
colonies and again incubated at 37oc for 24 hours.
2.4 Screening and GC-MS
After streaking, selected colonies were grown in LB broth for use in the
QIAGEN Quick-Start Protocol QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit. This was done to see if
our gene insert was transformed into the vector plasmid in the correct sense
orientation. I had to check our culture growth to be at an optimum optical
density, OD=600. Once this density was reached, I added IPTG to the culture
flask and protein expression was done at room temperature for one hour. 1ml of
50mM salicylic acid and 1mL of 50mM benzoic acid were added for equal
concentrations. Cells were pelleted in a refrigerated centrifuge and the
supernatant was collected in a new microcentrifuge tube. 4mL of hexane was
added to the solution in order to pull all non-polar products out for analysis. This
hexane phase layer was collected via pipette and analyzed using GC-MS.
To preform a statistical analysis on our hypotheses, I used a chi-square
statistical test. Observed values (O) are tested against expected values (E) for
each sequence classification and associated substrate preference. The formula
for this relationship is as follows:
In this test, I could either accept the null hypothesis, or reject the null
hypothesis by falsification and accept an alternative hypothesis. To find expected
values I used the total value for sequence type, multiplied by the value for
associated substrate preference, and divided by the grand total (See Table 1).
The degrees of freedom for this test were one.
3. Results
After running the bioinformatics, Asclepias curisavica had exact matching
sequences in the binding motifs for the SAMT protein. The results for Asclepias
curisavica were; 22-S / 57-D / 98,99-D,L / 129,130-S,F. The salicylate binding
motifs were; 25-Q / 145,146,147,148,149,150,151-S,S,Y,S,L,M,W,L,S / 210-L /
225,226-I,W, / 308,309,310,311-M,R,A,V. Looking at each of these motifs, there
are a few that draw significant attention. At amino acid sequence number 147
there is a Tyrosine (Y) that fills up much of the active site. This leaves any
substrate larger than salicylic acid unfavorable to bind to that site. Another
notable sequence is the –M,W,L,S- site, which is a active site that has been
studied by others and shows preference for salicylic acid. Also, my amino acid
has 150-Met, 225-Ile, 308-Met, 347-Phe, and 349-Asn, which all point to salicylic
acid substrate methylation preference.
I was able to extract RNA from both flower and leaf tissues of Asclepias
curassavica. RNA concentration extracted from flower tissue was very low, as
shown by gel electrophoresis (See figure 1). RNA concentration from leaf tissue
was higher then flowers, but still faint (See figure 2). As I proceeded with the
study using leaf tissue products, I found that the RNA extracted did not contain
any of the desired SAMT genes to be amplified by PCR (See figure 3). A final
RNA extraction from leaf tissue that had been treated with salicylic acid had a
high concentration and also had the desired SAMT gene (See figure 4). After
screening my colonies, I had one with the SAMT gene inserted in the sense
orientation (See figure 5). This sense orientation and correct base pair length
allowed me to use that colony to preform our enzyme assay and expression.
My cloning and streaking plates tuned out well. I had many
transformations of colonies onto my LB plates (See figure 6). I was able to streak
my selected colonies for gene insert orientation screening (See figure 6). The
results from my GC-MS were very promising to see. It showed that my protein
did show preference for methylation of salicylic acid to benzoic acid.
Comparisons were made by relative areas under both MeSA and MeBA peaks
(See figures 8 and 9). MeSA had a total area of 45,684,275 and MeBA had a
total area of only 414,517. SA was my SAMT’s preferred substrate by 100-fold.
Figure 10 shows our negative control GC-MS sample. With the negative control
we did everything the same in the protocols leading up to expression analysis,
only differing by using a vector plasmid with the SAMT insert in the antisense
orientation (See figure 10).
The statistical analysis of my data gave a chi-squared value of 12.1. With
one degree of freedom, the result was p < 0.001. This means my results were
highly significant. We can apply this to our hypotheses by stating; the variance in
our data suggests that SAMT active site amino acid sequence does correlate
with preference for certain methylation substrates. Further, our data suggests
that the amino acid sequence –MWLS- most commonly binds salicylic acid into
the SAMT active site for methylation.
4. Discussion
Certain amino acid sequences in the active sites of SAMT seem to
correlate with the methylation of certain substrates. Differences in amino acid
active site sequences leave some substrate binding pockets more apt to prefer
salicylic acid methylation to benzoic acid methylation. This substrate preference
leads to profound differences in cellular molecular composition, which may lead
to multiple different responses and functions. However, certain differences in
amino acid active site sequences, ones that leave very similar active site
pockets, seem to have little effect of substrate preference.
From our chi-square statistical analysis we can reject our null hypothesis
that amino acid sequence in SAMT active sites has no correlation with preferred
methylation substrates and accept our alternative hypothesis that amino acid
sequence in SAMT active sites does in fact show preference for certain
methylation substrates. More so, that a –MLWS- active site in SAMT will encode
for salicylic acid methylation substrate preference.
For future research, I would suggest to expand on the number of species
for which SAMT genes are not yet known. Gathering more data on protein amino
acid active site sequences will lead to more insight on sequence to predicted
function characteristics.
An area I am interested in further researching is the relationship between
insect herbivory loads on milkweed species and the effect on both salicylic acid
and methyl salicylate levels in plant tissues. If SA levels increase, is there an
increased activity of SAMT. Further, are there favorable planting conditions
where cellular concentrations of SA or other glycosides are increased for pest
and pathogen resistance?
Dempsey, D.A., et. al. (2011). Salicylic Acid Biosynthesis and Metabolism. The
American Society of Plant Biologists.
Effmert, U., et. al. (2005). Floral benzenoid carboxyl methyltransferases: From in vitro to
in planta function. Phytochemistry. 66: 1211-1230.
Tieman, D., et al. (2010). Functional analysis of a tomato salicylic acid methyl
transferase and its role in synthesis of the flavor volatile methyl salicylate.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, The Plant Journal, 62: 113–123.
Wason, E.L., et. al. (2013). A Genetically-Based Latitudinal Cline in the Emission of
Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatile Organic Compounds. Journal of Chemical
Ecology. 39: 1101–1111.
  Zhao, N., et. al. (2010). Biosynthesis and emission of insect-induced methyl salicylate
and methyl benzoate from rice. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 48: 279-287.
Zubieta, C., et. al. (2003). Structural Basis for Substrate Recognition in the
Salicylic Acid Carboxyl Methyltransferase Family. Plant Cell, 15(8): 1704–1716.

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Analysis of Salicylic Acid Methyltransferase in Asclepias Curassavica

  • 1. Salicylic Acid Methyltransferase in Asclepias Curassavica and Associated Protein Structure to Function Analysis WESTON D. HILLIER Department of Biology, Western Michigan University. 1903 West Michigan Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Abstract All living organisms contain DNA that encodes for their development and function; their genetic code. Simply, DNA is transcribed to mRNA, which is translated into protein. This study looks into a protein in the class of O- methyltransferases, salicylic acid methyltransferase (SAMT). Methyltransferase proteins are responsible for the tastes and aromas of many plants. SAMT proteins use salicylic acid, a cellular plant chemical defense molecule, as a substrate. This study focuses on a specific milkweed species, Asclepias curassavica, and it’s SAMT gene. The gene was extracted from leaf tissue, amplified, cloned into a vector plasmid, and assayed for expression characteristics. The data gathered on the SAMT substrate binding preference of this individual species, A.curassavica, contributed to an overall pool of SAMT data from a variety of plant species. I was able to create a phylogenetic tree of protein gene sequence relationships and associated protein substrate preference to salicylic acid (SA) and benzoic acid (BA). From our data gathered on SAMT nucleotide sequencing and preferred substrates, I could test hypotheses on protein structure as related to function. Keywords: methyltransferase, milkweed, SAMT, Asclepias curassavica, salicylic acid
  • 2. 1. Introduction DNA encodes for development and function of all living organisms. Transcription of DNA to mRNA, followed by translation to make protein is the bases of all molecular biology. Proteins, the products of this biological process, serve many roles and functions. For instance, a protein in a plant may have an enzymatic relationship with a certain substrate and the product of that reaction leads to an expression of pink petals, or a number of other phenotypic expressions. In this study, I will look at the reaction that produces methyl salicylate (MeSA). Caffeine, theobromine in chocolate, the sent of wintergreen, and many other lovely plant volatiles are the results of this reaction (Tieman et al. 2010). MeSA is created by the methylation of salicylic acid (SA) by a certain enzyme in the class of O-methyltransferase proteins (Tieman et al. 2010). Salicylic Acid Methyltransferase (SAMT) is the protein that carries out this methylation by binding S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM) to SA and catalyzing a reaction. Salicylic acid is a phytohormone that contributes to pest and pathogen defense in plants and SAM is the methyl group donor (Effmert 2005). This study looks into the methylation of salicylic acid in the milkweed species Asclepias curassavica. The methylation of salicylic acid allows the compound to become volatile (Wason et al. 2013). It is believed that this volatile methyl salicylate molecule leaves its host plant and lands on a neighboring plant in the same population, where it is then demethylated. This increases the cellular concentration of SA in the neighboring plant, which plays a crucial role in activating pathogen immunity resistance (Dempsey et al 2011). MeSA and SA
  • 3. both play a role in a plants pest and pathogen resistance response pathway (Zhao 2010 insects). Methyltransferases are characterized by their active sites. These active sites have conserved motifs that always bind SAM, but show variation in binding methylation substrate (Zubieta et al 2003). This study seeks to address two hypotheses. The null hypothesis being there is no relationship between protein amino acid active site sequence and an associated preference for methylation substrate. The alternative hypothesis being there is a significant relationship between protein amino acid active site sequence and an associated preference for methylation substrate. 2. Methods 2.1 Bioinformatics In order to begin this study I needed to obtain certain bioinformatics. I used the websites <GenBank> and <1KP> to do this. GenBank was used to retrieve nucleic acid and amino acid sequence information on the SAMT gene. 1KP was used to preform a comparison using the already known sequence for Clarkia brewereii by running a statistical prediction algorithm called BLAST. To begin to understand the function of my gene, I used the computer program Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony to align my protein nucleotide sequence with other proteins that have already been studied. The program created a phylogenetic tree of relation.
  • 4. 2.2 RNA Extraction and PCR When extracting for RNA, different tissues of the same plant express different transcriptomes. This study attempted to extract RNA form both flower and leaf tissue of milkweed using the Quick-Start Protocol with the RNeasy Plant Mini Kit. To amplify the SAMT encoding gene I needed to run RT-PCR on the extracted RNA. However, in order to do this I needed to design gene specific primers for PCR. The primers needed to be between 20 and 30 base pairs long with high G and C nucleotide content, especially crucial at the end of the primer. These two nucleotides have three hydrogen bonds for greater stability. I had my desired primers synthesized by Integrated DNA Technologies. My primers 1 and 2 were 24 and 23 base pairs long respectively and are listed here: Primer 1: 5’- ATG GAA GTT GTT GAA GTT CTT CAC -3’ Primer 2: 5’- AAG CCT TCT TTT CAT GGA AAC AG -3’ The next step was to preform reverse transcriptase (RT) single-strand cDNA synthesis on the extracted RNA using the Invitrogen First-Strand cDNA Synthesis protocol. This protocol calls for the gene specific primers to be diluted to 100uM solution from the primer we designed and received in dehydrated form. I used my primer 1 because it is complementary to the sscDNA and binds to the RNA we have for reverse transcriptase. After generating sscDNA with my desired gene, it needed to be amplified so I could work with it. I used the Invitrogen PCR Reaction protocol to do this. Again, I needed to use the 100uM primer solution and dilute that further to get to 2pmol/uL. To do this, I added 49uL of water to 1uL of our 100 uM primer solution.
  • 5. 2.3 Gel Purification, Adenylation, and Cloning To isolate only the desired length DNA form the PCR product I ran an electrophoresis gel. I used a UV light box to illuminate our desired DNA and cut it out from the gel. It is worth noting that using an adjustable intensity UV light box on the lowest possible setting is best to reduce the possibility of mutation to the PCR DNA product. I purified the DNA from the agarose gel using the QIAEXII Gel Extraction Protocol. In order for our DNA product to be properly inserted into our vector plasmid it had to be adenylated. This acetylation process added multiple A nucleotides to the 3’ end of the DNA, which allowed it to be inserted at the vectors T nucleotide 5’ overhangs. This was done using the Invitrogen pTrcHis and pTrcHis2 TOPO TA Expression Kit for Cloning and Transformation protocol. I used 4uL of my PCR sample and 1uL of TOPO vector, for a total of 5uL. Only 2uL of the 5uL adenylation product was used in the transformation reaction. LB plates were created using the recipe on page 19 of the TOPO Cloning protocol packet and then cultured. Ampicillin was added to the LB at a 1uL concentration. Plates were incubated and allowed to grow at 37oC for 24 hours. I selected 6 colonies to streak out further and produce larger cultures. I used the same LB agar plates with ampicillin to streak the selected larger colonies and again incubated at 37oc for 24 hours. 2.4 Screening and GC-MS After streaking, selected colonies were grown in LB broth for use in the QIAGEN Quick-Start Protocol QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit. This was done to see if
  • 6. our gene insert was transformed into the vector plasmid in the correct sense orientation. I had to check our culture growth to be at an optimum optical density, OD=600. Once this density was reached, I added IPTG to the culture flask and protein expression was done at room temperature for one hour. 1ml of 50mM salicylic acid and 1mL of 50mM benzoic acid were added for equal concentrations. Cells were pelleted in a refrigerated centrifuge and the supernatant was collected in a new microcentrifuge tube. 4mL of hexane was added to the solution in order to pull all non-polar products out for analysis. This hexane phase layer was collected via pipette and analyzed using GC-MS. To preform a statistical analysis on our hypotheses, I used a chi-square statistical test. Observed values (O) are tested against expected values (E) for each sequence classification and associated substrate preference. The formula for this relationship is as follows: In this test, I could either accept the null hypothesis, or reject the null hypothesis by falsification and accept an alternative hypothesis. To find expected values I used the total value for sequence type, multiplied by the value for associated substrate preference, and divided by the grand total (See Table 1). The degrees of freedom for this test were one. 3. Results After running the bioinformatics, Asclepias curisavica had exact matching sequences in the binding motifs for the SAMT protein. The results for Asclepias curisavica were; 22-S / 57-D / 98,99-D,L / 129,130-S,F. The salicylate binding
  • 7. motifs were; 25-Q / 145,146,147,148,149,150,151-S,S,Y,S,L,M,W,L,S / 210-L / 225,226-I,W, / 308,309,310,311-M,R,A,V. Looking at each of these motifs, there are a few that draw significant attention. At amino acid sequence number 147 there is a Tyrosine (Y) that fills up much of the active site. This leaves any substrate larger than salicylic acid unfavorable to bind to that site. Another notable sequence is the –M,W,L,S- site, which is a active site that has been studied by others and shows preference for salicylic acid. Also, my amino acid has 150-Met, 225-Ile, 308-Met, 347-Phe, and 349-Asn, which all point to salicylic acid substrate methylation preference. I was able to extract RNA from both flower and leaf tissues of Asclepias curassavica. RNA concentration extracted from flower tissue was very low, as shown by gel electrophoresis (See figure 1). RNA concentration from leaf tissue was higher then flowers, but still faint (See figure 2). As I proceeded with the study using leaf tissue products, I found that the RNA extracted did not contain any of the desired SAMT genes to be amplified by PCR (See figure 3). A final RNA extraction from leaf tissue that had been treated with salicylic acid had a high concentration and also had the desired SAMT gene (See figure 4). After screening my colonies, I had one with the SAMT gene inserted in the sense orientation (See figure 5). This sense orientation and correct base pair length allowed me to use that colony to preform our enzyme assay and expression. My cloning and streaking plates tuned out well. I had many transformations of colonies onto my LB plates (See figure 6). I was able to streak my selected colonies for gene insert orientation screening (See figure 6). The results from my GC-MS were very promising to see. It showed that my protein
  • 8. did show preference for methylation of salicylic acid to benzoic acid. Comparisons were made by relative areas under both MeSA and MeBA peaks (See figures 8 and 9). MeSA had a total area of 45,684,275 and MeBA had a total area of only 414,517. SA was my SAMT’s preferred substrate by 100-fold. Figure 10 shows our negative control GC-MS sample. With the negative control we did everything the same in the protocols leading up to expression analysis, only differing by using a vector plasmid with the SAMT insert in the antisense orientation (See figure 10). The statistical analysis of my data gave a chi-squared value of 12.1. With one degree of freedom, the result was p < 0.001. This means my results were highly significant. We can apply this to our hypotheses by stating; the variance in our data suggests that SAMT active site amino acid sequence does correlate with preference for certain methylation substrates. Further, our data suggests that the amino acid sequence –MWLS- most commonly binds salicylic acid into the SAMT active site for methylation. 4. Discussion Certain amino acid sequences in the active sites of SAMT seem to correlate with the methylation of certain substrates. Differences in amino acid active site sequences leave some substrate binding pockets more apt to prefer salicylic acid methylation to benzoic acid methylation. This substrate preference leads to profound differences in cellular molecular composition, which may lead to multiple different responses and functions. However, certain differences in
  • 9. amino acid active site sequences, ones that leave very similar active site pockets, seem to have little effect of substrate preference. From our chi-square statistical analysis we can reject our null hypothesis that amino acid sequence in SAMT active sites has no correlation with preferred methylation substrates and accept our alternative hypothesis that amino acid sequence in SAMT active sites does in fact show preference for certain methylation substrates. More so, that a –MLWS- active site in SAMT will encode for salicylic acid methylation substrate preference. For future research, I would suggest to expand on the number of species for which SAMT genes are not yet known. Gathering more data on protein amino acid active site sequences will lead to more insight on sequence to predicted function characteristics. An area I am interested in further researching is the relationship between insect herbivory loads on milkweed species and the effect on both salicylic acid and methyl salicylate levels in plant tissues. If SA levels increase, is there an increased activity of SAMT. Further, are there favorable planting conditions where cellular concentrations of SA or other glycosides are increased for pest and pathogen resistance?                        
  • 10. APPENDIX           (Figure  1:  First  RNA  extraction  from  Asclepias  curassavica  leaf  tissue  agarose  gel   electrophoresis  analysis.)       (Figure  2:  Second  RNA  extraction  form  Asclepias  curassavica  flower  tissue.  Agarose   gel  electrophoresis  shows  both  flower  and  leaf  in  lanes  4  and  2  respectively.)  
  • 11.     (Figure  3:  Agarose  gel  electrophoresis  on  the  RT-­‐PCR  product.  My  sample  was   loaded  in  well  3,  with  no  product  visible.)       (Figure  4:  Agarose  gel  electrophoresis  of  RNA  extraction  from  salicylic  acid   treatment  of  Asclepias  curassavica  leaf  tisse.  My  sample  was  loaded  into  well  4,  with   a  strong  concentration  of  product.)    
  • 12.   (Figure  5:  Agarose  gel  electrophoresis  image  of  my  RT-­‐PCR  product  using  my   salicylic  acid  treatment  RNA.  I  loaded  two  wells,  in  the  brackets.)       (Figure  6:  These  are  my  plated  colonies.  The  top  four  are  my  RT-­‐PCR  product  that   has  been  put  into  the  vector  plasmid  and  grown  on  LB  agar  ampicillin  plates.  The   bottom  plate  is  of  six  colonies  that  were  chosen  to  be  streaked.)  
  • 13.   (Figure  7:  This  is  the  gel  electrophoresis  image  of  the  cloning  test.  I  took  three  of  my   streaked  c…………….)       (Figure  8:  This  shows  the  summary  of  our  GC-­‐Mas  Spec.  Peak  1  corresponds  to   MeBA  and  peak  2  corresponds  to  MeSA.  Each  molecule  is  given  the  time  it  appeared   along  with  the  total  area  under  each  peak.)  
  • 14.   (Figure  9:  This  is  the  GC-­‐MS  overall  results.  Both  benzoic  acid  and  salicylic  acid   peaks  are  shown  in  relation  to  another  in  abundance  and  time  released.)         (Figure  10:  This  is  the  GC-­‐MS  results  of  the  negative  control.  Our  negative  control   was  an  anti-­‐sense  gene  plasmid  insert.)        
  • 15.   (Figure  11:  This  is  the  phylogenic  tree  from  our  SAMT  gene  sequencing  and  protein   assay  expression.  Substrate  methylation  preferences  to  salicylic  acid  and  benzoic   acid  are  given  to  the  right  of  each  species.)       (Table  1:  The  table  below  shows  the  values  for  my  chi-­‐squared  statistical  test.  Green   numbers  represent  observed  values  and  red  numbers  represent  expected  values.)            
  • 16. BIBLIOGRAPHY         Dempsey, D.A., et. al. (2011). Salicylic Acid Biosynthesis and Metabolism. The American Society of Plant Biologists.   Effmert, U., et. al. (2005). Floral benzenoid carboxyl methyltransferases: From in vitro to in planta function. Phytochemistry. 66: 1211-1230. Tieman, D., et al. (2010). Functional analysis of a tomato salicylic acid methyl transferase and its role in synthesis of the flavor volatile methyl salicylate. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, The Plant Journal, 62: 113–123.   Wason, E.L., et. al. (2013). A Genetically-Based Latitudinal Cline in the Emission of Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatile Organic Compounds. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 39: 1101–1111.  Zhao, N., et. al. (2010). Biosynthesis and emission of insect-induced methyl salicylate and methyl benzoate from rice. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 48: 279-287.   Zubieta, C., et. al. (2003). Structural Basis for Substrate Recognition in the Salicylic Acid Carboxyl Methyltransferase Family. Plant Cell, 15(8): 1704–1716.