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NLP: Natural Language Processing
 Basics of NLP
 NLP Toolkits
 Basic Implementation Example
 Questions?
What is NLP?
 Not:
 Natural Language Programming (NLP)
 Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP)
 “Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of
computer science, artificial intelligence, and
linguistics concerned with the interactions between
computers and human(natural) languages.”
What can’t it do?
 Extract information not understandable or
discernible by “you”.
 Extract deeper meaning.
 Is not a substitute for Regular Expression pattern
Basics of NLP
 Large research field
 From Speech Recognitions to Optical Character Recognition
 Examples:
 Watson (Jeopardy)
 Cleverbot
 Siri/Dragon Speak
 Captcha
 I am only concerned about Information Extraction (IE)
 Sentence detection
 Part of Speech (POS) tagging
 (nouns, verbs, adverbs)
 Named-entity recognition (NER)
 (names, organizations, locations)
 Lemmatisation
 (Walk, walked, walks, walking)
 Relationship extraction
 All possible word relationships
 Parsing
 Determining most probable word relationships
 Coreference
 Linking of references between multiple sentences
What’s the point of all that?
 Help categorize unstructured text into a more
structured format so that discrete information can
more easily be extracted.
NLP Information Extraction Example
“Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a
nonexecutive director Nov. 29.”
NLP Information Extraction Example
POS (Part of Speech) Tagging
 “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.”
Penn Treebank Tagset
 CC Coordinating conjunction e.g. and,but,or...
 CD Cardinal Number
 DT Determiner
 EX Existential there
 FW Foreign Word
 IN Preposision or subordinating conjunction
 JJ Adjective
 JJR Adjective, comparative
 JJS Adjective, superlative
 LS List Item Marker
 MD Modal e.g. can, could, might, may...
 NN Noun, singular or mass
 NNP Proper Noun, singular
 NNPS Proper Noun, plural
 NNS Noun, plural
 PDT Predeterminer e.g. all, both ... when they
precede an article
 POS Possessive Ending e.g. Nouns ending in 's
 PRP Personal Pronoun e.g. I, me, you, he...
 PRP$ Possessive Pronoun e.g. my, your, mine,
 RB Adverb Most words that end in -ly as well
as degree words like quite, too and very
 RBR Adverb, comparative Adverbs with the
comparative ending -er, with a strictly
comparative meaning.
 RBS Adverb, superlative
 RP Particle
 SYM Symbol Should be used for mathematical,
scientific or technical symbols
 TO to
 UH Interjection e.g. uh, well, yes, my...
 VB Verb, base form subsumes imperatives,
infinitives and subjunctives
 VBD Verb, past tense includes the conditional
form of the verb to be
 VBG Verb, gerund or persent participle
 VBN Verb, past participle
 VBP Verb, non-3rd person singular present
 VBZ Verb, 3rd person singular present
 WDT Wh-determiner e.g. which, and that when it
is used as a relative pronoun
 WP Wh-pronoun e.g. what, who, whom...
 WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun e.g.
 WRB Wh-adverb e.g. how, where why
POS Parse Tree
POS Parse Tree
“Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director
Nov. 29.”
( (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NNP Pierre) (NNP Vinken))
(, ,)
(ADJP (NML (CD 61) (NNS years))
(JJ old))
(, ,))
(VP (MD will)
(VP (VB join)
(NP (DT the) (NN board))
(PP-CLR (IN as)
(NP (DT a) (JJ nonexecutive) (NN director)))
(NP-TMP (NNP Nov.) (CD 29))))
(. .)))
NLP Information Extraction Example
POS (Part of Speech) Tagging
 “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.”
NLP Information Extraction Example
NER (Named Entity Recognition) Tagging
 “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.”
NLP Information Extraction Example
 “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.”
Pierre/NNP/PERSON [Pierre]
Vinken/NNP/PERSON [Vinken]
,/,/O [,]
years/NNS/NUMBER [year]
old/JJ/DURATION [old]
,/,/O [,]
will/MD/O [will]
join/VB/O [join]
the/DT/O [the]
board/NN/O [board]
as/IN/O [as]
a/DT/O [a]
nonexecutive/JJ/O [nonexecutive]
director/NN/O [director]
Nov./NNP/DATE [Nov.]
29/CD/DATE [29]
././O [.]
Relationship Parsing
 “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive
director Nov. 29.”
nn(Vinken-1, Pierre-0) [nn modifier]
nsubj(join-8, Vinken-1) [nominal subject]
num(years-4, 61-3) [numeric modifier]
npadvmod(old-5, years-4) [noun phrase adverbial modifier]
amod(Vinken-1, old-5) [adjectival modifier]
aux(join-8, will-7) [auxiliary]
det(board-10, the-9) [determiner]
dobj(join-8, board-10) [direct object]
det(director-14, a-12) [determiner]
amod(director-14, nonexecutive-13) [adjectival modifier]
prep_as(join-8, director-14) [prep_collapsed]
tmod(join-8, Nov.-15) [temporal modifier]
num(Nov.-15, 29-16) [numeric modifier]
Relationship Extraction
 root - root
 dep - dependent
 aux - auxiliary
 auxpass - passive auxiliary
 cop - copula
 arg - argument
 agent - agent
 comp - complement
 acomp - adjectival complement
 attr - attributive
 ccomp - clausal complement with internal
 xcomp - clausal complement with external
 complm - complementizer
 obj - object
• dobj - direct object
• iobj - indirect object
• pobj - object of preposition
 mark - marker (word introducing an advcl )
 rel - relative (word introducing a rcmod )
 subj - subject
 nsubj - nominal subject
• nsubjpass - passive nominal subject
 csubj - clausal subject
• csubjpass - passive clausal subject
 cc - coordination
 conj - conjunct
 expl - expletive (expletive “there”)
 mod - modifier
 abbrev - abbreviation modifier
 amod - adjectival modifier
 appos - appositional modifier
 advcl - adverbial clause modifier
 purpcl - purpose clause modifier
 det - determiner
 predet - predeterminer
 preconj - preconjunct
 infmod - infinitival modifier
 mwe - multi-word expression modifier
 partmod - participial modifier
 advmod - adverbial modifier
 neg - negation modifier
 rcmod - relative clause modifier
 quantmod - quantifier modifier
 nn - noun compound modifier
 npadvmod - noun phrase adverbial modifier
 tmod - temporal modifier
 num - numeric modifier
 number - element of compound number
 prep - prepositional modifier
 poss - possession modifier
 possessive - possessive modifier (’s)
 prt - phrasal verb particle
 parataxis - parataxis
 punct - punctuation
 ref - referent
 sdep - semantic dependent
 xsubj - controlling subject
NLP Toolkits
 41 different toolkits listed in Wikipedia
 Four of the more popular free open source (FOSS) IE
Name Language License Creators
OpenNLP Java
General Architecture for
Text Engineering
GATE open
source community
Natural Language
Toolkit (NLTK)
Stanford NLP Java GPL
The Stanford
Natural Language
Processing Group
NLP Toolkits
 OpenNLP
 Extensive publications
 Corporate Sponsorship
 Java
NLP Toolkits
 General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE)
 Extensive publications
 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to assist in
 Java
 Java Annotation Patterns Engine (JAPE)
NLP Toolkits
 Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK)
 Extensive publications
 Two published documentation books from O’Reilly and Packt
NLP Toolkits
 Stanford Core NLP
 Extensive publications
 Wrappers for Perl, Python, Ruby, and Scala languages
 Plugins for GATE and NLTK
Questions from PROSPR to answer
 From the hand typed Colonoscopy report:
 How many Polyps
 Location of Polyps
 Size of Polyps
Sample Workflow
 Report Definition
 Report Sectionization
 Formatting the Text
 Process the Section
 Further analysis
Report Example
Gastroenterology Laboratory
Patient Name: Susan Storm Richards
Procedure Date: 5/06/2013 15:00:15 PM
MRN: 123456789
Age: 60
Accession #: 123456
Gender: Female
Order #: 123456789
Attending MD: Victor Von Doom MD
Note Status: Finalized
Room: 666
Procedure: Colonoscopy
Referring MD: Reed Richards
Providers: Victor von Doom, MD (Doctor)
Attending Participation: I personally performed the entire procedure.
Medicines: SomeDrug 3 mg IV, OtherDrug 75 micrograms IV
Indications: Screening for colorectal malignant neoplasm
Complications: No immediate complications.
Patient Profile: Refer to note in patient chart for documentation of history and
Procedure: Pre-Anesthesia Assessment:
- PLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. ASA Grade Assessment: II - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint
occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint
occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Findings: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu f ugiat nulla
pariatur. Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colonThe polyps were 30 mm in size. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident,
sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Estimated Blood Loss: Estimated blood loss: none.
Recommendation: - Discharge patient to home (ambulatory).
- High fiber diet indefinitely.
CPT(c) Code(s): --- Technical ---
G0121, Colorectal cancer screening; colonoscopy on individual
not meeting criteria for high risk
CPT Copyright 2010 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved.
The codes documented in this report are preliminary and upon coder review may be revised
to meet current compliance requirements.
Victor von Doom
Victor von Doom, MD
5/6/2013 15:10
This report has been signed electronically.
Number of Addenda: 0
Findings: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex
ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in
reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
nulla pariatur. Three pedunculated polyps were
found in the mid sigmoid colon and in the
proximal ascending colonThe polyps were 30 mm
in size. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id
est laborum.
“ Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid
sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending
colonThe polyps were 30 mm in size. ”
Regex Formatting Text: Removing Spaces
$text =~s/(bd+b)(s)(bmmb)/$1$3/g;
$text =~s/(b[a-z]+)([A-Z])([a-z]+b)/$1.s$2$3/g;
$text =~ s/^s+//;
$text =~ s/s+$//;
Formatted Sample
“Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid
sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colon.
The polyps were 30mm in size.”
NLP Information Extraction Example
Relationship Dependencies
 Original sentence:
Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid
sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colon.
num(polyps-2, Three-0) [numeric modifier]
amod(polyps-2, pedunculated-1) [adjectival
nsubjpass(found-4, polyps-2) [nominal passive
auxpass(found-4, were-3) [passive auxiliary]
det(colon-9, the-6) [determiner]
amod(colon-9, mid-7) [adjectival modifier]
nn(colon-9, sigmoid-8) [nn modifier]
prep_in(found-4, colon-9) [prep_collapsed]
det(proximal-13, the-12) [determiner]
prep_in(found-4, proximal-13) [prep_collapsed]
conj_and(colon-9, proximal-13) [conj_collapsed]
partmod(proximal-13, ascending-14) [participial
dobj(ascending-14, colon-15) [direct object]
 Original sentence:
The polyps were 30mm in size.
det(polyps-1, The-0) [determiner]
nsubj(30mm-3, polyps-1) [nominal subject]
cop(30mm-3, were-2) [copula]
prep_in(30mm-3, size-5) [prep_collapsed]
“Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid
sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colon.
The polyps were 30 mm in size.”
Number of Polyps: 3
Size of Polyps: 30,
Location of Polyps: 1,4,
1 use Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP;
2 use Lingua::EN::Words2Nums;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
5 my $pipeline = new Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP::Pipeline(1);
6 my $text = "Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colonThe polyps were 30 mm in size.";
7 $text =~s/(bd+b)(s)(bmmb)/$1$3/g;
8 $text =~s/(b[a-z]+)([A-Z])([a-z]+b)/$1.s$2$3/g;
9 $text =~ s/^s+//;
10 $text =~ s/s+$//;
11 my $result = $pipeline->process($text);
12 my $polypCount;
13 my $polypSize;
14 my $polypLocation;
15 for my $sentence (@{$result->toArray})
16 {
17 for my $dep (@{$sentence->getDependencies->toArray})
18 {
19 my $relation = $dep->getRelation,
20 my $govern = $dep->getGovernor->getWord,
21 my $depend = $dep->getDependent->getWord;
22 my $num=words2nums($depend);
24 if(($relation eq "num")&&($govern=~/^polyp(|s)$/i))
25 {
26 $polypCount=$num;
27 }
28 if(($relation eq "nsubj")&&($govern=~/^d+mm$/)&&($depend=~/^polyp(|s)$/i))
29 {
30 $govern=~s/mm$//;
31 $polypSize="$govern,";
32 }
33 if(($relation eq "nn")&&($govern=~/^colon$/i)&&($depend=~/sigmoid/i))
34 {
35 $polypLocation="1,";
36 }
37 if(($relation eq "dobj")&&($govern=~/^ascending$/i)&&($depend=~/^colon$/i))
38 {
39 $polypLocation.="4,";
40 }
41 }
42 }
43 print "Number of Polyps:t$polypCountn";
44 print "Size of Polyps:tt$polypSizen";
45 print "Location of Polyps:t$polypLocationn";
Perl Example
F - Score
 Comparison against a manually curated “Gold
 Precision = Proportion of True Positives
 Recall = True Proportion of Actual Positives

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Nlp tech talk

  • 1. Q B R C T E C H T A L K T H O M A S N A T E P E R S O N C L I N I C A L S C I E N C E S P R O S P R C E N T E R A N D Q B R C M A Y 6 , 2 0 1 3 1 NLP: Natural Language Processing
  • 2. 2 Outline  Basics of NLP  NLP Toolkits  Basic Implementation Example  Questions?
  • 3. 3 What is NLP?  Not:  Natural Language Programming (NLP)  Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP)  “Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human(natural) languages.” -Wikipedia
  • 4. 4 What can’t it do?  Extract information not understandable or discernible by “you”.  Extract deeper meaning.  Is not a substitute for Regular Expression pattern matching
  • 5. 5 Basics of NLP  Large research field  From Speech Recognitions to Optical Character Recognition  Examples:  Watson (Jeopardy)  Cleverbot  Siri/Dragon Speak  Captcha  I am only concerned about Information Extraction (IE)  Sentence detection  Part of Speech (POS) tagging  (nouns, verbs, adverbs)  Named-entity recognition (NER)  (names, organizations, locations)  Lemmatisation  (Walk, walked, walks, walking)  Relationship extraction  All possible word relationships  Parsing  Determining most probable word relationships  Coreference  Linking of references between multiple sentences
  • 6. 6 What’s the point of all that?  Help categorize unstructured text into a more structured format so that discrete information can more easily be extracted.
  • 7. 7 NLP Information Extraction Example “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.”
  • 8. 8 NLP Information Extraction Example POS (Part of Speech) Tagging  “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.” Pierre/NNP Vinken/NNP ,/, 61/CD years/NNS old/JJ ,/, will/MD join/VB the/DT board/NN as/IN a/DT nonexecutive/JJ director/NN Nov./NNP 29/CD ./.
  • 9. Penn Treebank Tagset  CC Coordinating conjunction e.g. and,but,or...  CD Cardinal Number  DT Determiner  EX Existential there  FW Foreign Word  IN Preposision or subordinating conjunction  JJ Adjective  JJR Adjective, comparative  JJS Adjective, superlative  LS List Item Marker  MD Modal e.g. can, could, might, may...  NN Noun, singular or mass  NNP Proper Noun, singular  NNPS Proper Noun, plural  NNS Noun, plural  PDT Predeterminer e.g. all, both ... when they precede an article  POS Possessive Ending e.g. Nouns ending in 's  PRP Personal Pronoun e.g. I, me, you, he...  PRP$ Possessive Pronoun e.g. my, your, mine, yours...  RB Adverb Most words that end in -ly as well as degree words like quite, too and very  RBR Adverb, comparative Adverbs with the comparative ending -er, with a strictly comparative meaning.  RBS Adverb, superlative  RP Particle  SYM Symbol Should be used for mathematical, scientific or technical symbols  TO to  UH Interjection e.g. uh, well, yes, my...  VB Verb, base form subsumes imperatives, infinitives and subjunctives  VBD Verb, past tense includes the conditional form of the verb to be  VBG Verb, gerund or persent participle  VBN Verb, past participle  VBP Verb, non-3rd person singular present  VBZ Verb, 3rd person singular present  WDT Wh-determiner e.g. which, and that when it is used as a relative pronoun  WP Wh-pronoun e.g. what, who, whom...  WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun e.g.  WRB Wh-adverb e.g. how, where why
  • 11. 11 POS Parse Tree “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.” ( (S (NP-SBJ (NP (NNP Pierre) (NNP Vinken)) (, ,) (ADJP (NML (CD 61) (NNS years)) (JJ old)) (, ,)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB join) (NP (DT the) (NN board)) (PP-CLR (IN as) (NP (DT a) (JJ nonexecutive) (NN director))) (NP-TMP (NNP Nov.) (CD 29)))) (. .)))
  • 12. 12 NLP Information Extraction Example POS (Part of Speech) Tagging  “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.” Pierre/NNP Vinken/NNP ,/, 61/CD years/NNS old/JJ ,/, will/MD join/VB the/DT board/NN as/IN a/DT nonexecutive/JJ director/NN Nov./NNP 29/CD ./.
  • 13. 13 NLP Information Extraction Example NER (Named Entity Recognition) Tagging  “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.” Pierre/NNP/PERSON Vinken/NNP/PERSON ,/,/O 61/CD/DURATION years/NNS/NUMBER old/JJ/DURATION ,/,/O will/MD/O join/VB/O the/DT/O board/NN/O as/IN/O a/DT/O nonexecutive/JJ/O director/NN/O Nov./NNP/DATE 29/CD/DATE ././O
  • 14. 14 NLP Information Extraction Example Lemmatisation  “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.” Pierre/NNP/PERSON [Pierre] Vinken/NNP/PERSON [Vinken] ,/,/O [,] 61/CD/DURATION [61] years/NNS/NUMBER [year] old/JJ/DURATION [old] ,/,/O [,] will/MD/O [will] join/VB/O [join] the/DT/O [the] board/NN/O [board] as/IN/O [as] a/DT/O [a] nonexecutive/JJ/O [nonexecutive] director/NN/O [director] Nov./NNP/DATE [Nov.] 29/CD/DATE [29] ././O [.]
  • 15. 15 Relationship Parsing  “Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.” nn(Vinken-1, Pierre-0) [nn modifier] nsubj(join-8, Vinken-1) [nominal subject] num(years-4, 61-3) [numeric modifier] npadvmod(old-5, years-4) [noun phrase adverbial modifier] amod(Vinken-1, old-5) [adjectival modifier] aux(join-8, will-7) [auxiliary] det(board-10, the-9) [determiner] dobj(join-8, board-10) [direct object] det(director-14, a-12) [determiner] amod(director-14, nonexecutive-13) [adjectival modifier] prep_as(join-8, director-14) [prep_collapsed] tmod(join-8, Nov.-15) [temporal modifier] num(Nov.-15, 29-16) [numeric modifier]
  • 16. Relationship Extraction  root - root  dep - dependent  aux - auxiliary  auxpass - passive auxiliary  cop - copula  arg - argument  agent - agent  comp - complement  acomp - adjectival complement  attr - attributive  ccomp - clausal complement with internal subject  xcomp - clausal complement with external subject  complm - complementizer  obj - object • dobj - direct object • iobj - indirect object • pobj - object of preposition  mark - marker (word introducing an advcl )  rel - relative (word introducing a rcmod )  subj - subject  nsubj - nominal subject • nsubjpass - passive nominal subject  csubj - clausal subject • csubjpass - passive clausal subject  cc - coordination  conj - conjunct  expl - expletive (expletive “there”)  mod - modifier  abbrev - abbreviation modifier  amod - adjectival modifier  appos - appositional modifier  advcl - adverbial clause modifier  purpcl - purpose clause modifier  det - determiner  predet - predeterminer  preconj - preconjunct  infmod - infinitival modifier  mwe - multi-word expression modifier  partmod - participial modifier  advmod - adverbial modifier  neg - negation modifier  rcmod - relative clause modifier  quantmod - quantifier modifier  nn - noun compound modifier  npadvmod - noun phrase adverbial modifier  tmod - temporal modifier  num - numeric modifier  number - element of compound number  prep - prepositional modifier  poss - possession modifier  possessive - possessive modifier (’s)  prt - phrasal verb particle  parataxis - parataxis  punct - punctuation  ref - referent  sdep - semantic dependent  xsubj - controlling subject
  • 17. 17 NLP Toolkits  41 different toolkits listed in Wikipedia  Four of the more popular free open source (FOSS) IE toolkits  Name Language License Creators OpenNLP Java Apache License 2.0 Online community General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE) Java LGPL GATE open source community Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Python Apache 2.0 Team NLTK Stanford NLP Java GPL The Stanford Natural Language Processing Group
  • 18. 18 NLP Toolkits  OpenNLP  Extensive publications  Corporate Sponsorship  Java
  • 19. 19 NLP Toolkits  General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE)  Extensive publications  Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to assist in development  Java  Java Annotation Patterns Engine (JAPE)
  • 20. 20 NLP Toolkits  Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK)  Extensive publications  Two published documentation books from O’Reilly and Packt
  • 21. 21 NLP Toolkits  Stanford Core NLP  Extensive publications  Wrappers for Perl, Python, Ruby, and Scala languages  Plugins for GATE and NLTK
  • 22. 22 Questions from PROSPR to answer  From the hand typed Colonoscopy report:  How many Polyps  Location of Polyps  Size of Polyps
  • 23. 23 Sample Workflow  Report Definition  Report Sectionization  Formatting the Text  Process the Section  Further analysis
  • 24. Report Example Gastroenterology Laboratory Patient Name: Susan Storm Richards Procedure Date: 5/06/2013 15:00:15 PM MRN: 123456789 Age: 60 Accession #: 123456 Gender: Female Order #: 123456789 Ethnicity: Attending MD: Victor Von Doom MD Note Status: Finalized Room: 666 Procedure: Colonoscopy Referring MD: Reed Richards Providers: Victor von Doom, MD (Doctor) Attending Participation: I personally performed the entire procedure. Medicines: SomeDrug 3 mg IV, OtherDrug 75 micrograms IV Indications: Screening for colorectal malignant neoplasm Complications: No immediate complications. Patient Profile: Refer to note in patient chart for documentation of history and physical. Procedure: Pre-Anesthesia Assessment: - PLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. ASA Grade Assessment: II - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Findings: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu f ugiat nulla pariatur. Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colonThe polyps were 30 mm in size. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Estimated Blood Loss: Estimated blood loss: none. Recommendation: - Discharge patient to home (ambulatory). - High fiber diet indefinitely. CPT(c) Code(s): --- Technical --- G0121, Colorectal cancer screening; colonoscopy on individual not meeting criteria for high risk CPT Copyright 2010 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. The codes documented in this report are preliminary and upon coder review may be revised to meet current compliance requirements. Victor von Doom Victor von Doom, MD 5/6/2013 15:10 This report has been signed electronically. Number of Addenda: 0
  • 25. 25 Sectioned Findings: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colonThe polyps were 30 mm in size. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
  • 26. 26 Sample “ Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colonThe polyps were 30 mm in size. ”
  • 27. 27 Regex Formatting Text: Removing Spaces $text =~s/(bd+b)(s)(bmmb)/$1$3/g; $text =~s/(b[a-z]+)([A-Z])([a-z]+b)/$1.s$2$3/g; $text =~ s/^s+//; $text =~ s/s+$//;
  • 28. 28 Formatted Sample “Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colon. The polyps were 30mm in size.”
  • 29. NLP Information Extraction Example Relationship Dependencies  Original sentence: Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colon. Dependencies: num(polyps-2, Three-0) [numeric modifier] amod(polyps-2, pedunculated-1) [adjectival modifier] nsubjpass(found-4, polyps-2) [nominal passive subject] auxpass(found-4, were-3) [passive auxiliary] det(colon-9, the-6) [determiner] amod(colon-9, mid-7) [adjectival modifier] nn(colon-9, sigmoid-8) [nn modifier] prep_in(found-4, colon-9) [prep_collapsed] det(proximal-13, the-12) [determiner] prep_in(found-4, proximal-13) [prep_collapsed] conj_and(colon-9, proximal-13) [conj_collapsed] partmod(proximal-13, ascending-14) [participial modifier] dobj(ascending-14, colon-15) [direct object]  Original sentence: The polyps were 30mm in size. Dependencies: det(polyps-1, The-0) [determiner] nsubj(30mm-3, polyps-1) [nominal subject] cop(30mm-3, were-2) [copula] prep_in(30mm-3, size-5) [prep_collapsed]
  • 30. 30 Output “Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colon. The polyps were 30 mm in size.” Output Number of Polyps: 3 Size of Polyps: 30, Location of Polyps: 1,4,
  • 31. 1 use Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP; 2 use Lingua::EN::Words2Nums; 3 use strict; 4 use warnings; 5 my $pipeline = new Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP::Pipeline(1); 6 my $text = "Three pedunculated polyps were found in the mid sigmoid colon and in the proximal ascending colonThe polyps were 30 mm in size."; 7 $text =~s/(bd+b)(s)(bmmb)/$1$3/g; 8 $text =~s/(b[a-z]+)([A-Z])([a-z]+b)/$1.s$2$3/g; 9 $text =~ s/^s+//; 10 $text =~ s/s+$//; 11 my $result = $pipeline->process($text); 12 my $polypCount; 13 my $polypSize; 14 my $polypLocation; 15 for my $sentence (@{$result->toArray}) 16 { 17 for my $dep (@{$sentence->getDependencies->toArray}) 18 { 19 my $relation = $dep->getRelation, 20 my $govern = $dep->getGovernor->getWord, 21 my $depend = $dep->getDependent->getWord; 22 my $num=words2nums($depend); 23 24 if(($relation eq "num")&&($govern=~/^polyp(|s)$/i)) 25 { 26 $polypCount=$num; 27 } 28 if(($relation eq "nsubj")&&($govern=~/^d+mm$/)&&($depend=~/^polyp(|s)$/i)) 29 { 30 $govern=~s/mm$//; 31 $polypSize="$govern,"; 32 } 33 if(($relation eq "nn")&&($govern=~/^colon$/i)&&($depend=~/sigmoid/i)) 34 { 35 $polypLocation="1,"; 36 } 37 if(($relation eq "dobj")&&($govern=~/^ascending$/i)&&($depend=~/^colon$/i)) 38 { 39 $polypLocation.="4,"; 40 } 41 } 42 } 43 print "Number of Polyps:t$polypCountn"; 44 print "Size of Polyps:tt$polypSizen"; 45 print "Location of Polyps:t$polypLocationn"; Perl Example
  • 32. 32 F - Score 6/26/2013  Comparison against a manually curated “Gold Standard”  Precision = Proportion of True Positives  Recall = True Proportion of Actual Positives

Editor's Notes

  1. To make the extraction via regular expression pattern matching much easier.
  2. CD Cardinal NumberDT DeterminerIN Preposision or subordinating conjunctionJJ AdjectiveMD Modal e.g. can, could, might, may...NN Noun, singular or massNNP Proper Noun, singularNNS Noun, pluralVB Verb, base form subsumes imperatives, infinitives and subjunctives
  3. CC Coordinating conjunction e.g. and,but,or...CD Cardinal NumberDT DeterminerEX Existential thereFW Foreign WordIN Preposision or subordinating conjunctionJJ AdjectiveJJR Adjective, comparativeJJS Adjective, superlativeLS List Item MarkerMD Modal e.g. can, could, might, may...NN Noun, singular or massNNP Proper Noun, singularNNPS Proper Noun, pluralNNS Noun, pluralPDT Predeterminer e.g. all, both ... when they precede an articlePOS Possessive Ending e.g. Nouns ending in 'sPRP Personal Pronoun e.g. I, me, you, he...PRP$ Possessive Pronoun e.g. my, your, mine, yours...RB Adverb Most words that end in -ly as well as degree words like quite, too and veryRBR Adverb, comparative Adverbs with the comparative ending -er, with a strictly comparative meaning.RBS Adverb, superlativeRP ParticleSYM Symbol Should be used for mathematical, scientific or technical symbolsTO toUH Interjection e.g. uh, well, yes, my...VB Verb, base form subsumes imperatives, infinitives and subjunctivesVBD Verb, past tense includes the conditional form of the verb to beVBG Verb, gerund or persent participleVBN Verb, past participleVBP Verb, non-3rd person singular presentVBZ Verb, 3rd person singular presentWDT Wh-determiner e.g. which, and that when it is used as a relative pronounWP Wh-pronoun e.g. what, who, whom...WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun e.g.WRB Wh-adverb e.g. how, where why
  4. CD Cardinal NumberDT DeterminerIN Preposision or subordinating conjunctionJJ AdjectiveMD Modal e.g. can, could, might, may...NN Noun, singular or massNNP Proper Noun, singularVB Verb, base form subsumes imperatives, infinitives and subjunctives
  5. CD Cardinal NumberDT DeterminerIN Preposision or subordinating conjunctionJJ AdjectiveMD Modal e.g. can, could, might, may...NN Noun, singular or massNNP Proper Noun, singularVB Verb, base form subsumes imperatives, infinitives and subjunctives
  6. Difference between the Number 61 being a Duration and the Number 29 being part of a Date.e.g. You just wanted to extract all the characters in a book.
  7. aux - auxiliaryauxpass - passive auxiliarydobj - direct objectnsubj - nominal subjectnsubjpass - passive nominal subjectconj - conjunctamod - adjectival modifierdet - determinernn - noun compound modifiernpadvmod - noun phrase adverbial modifiertmod - temporal modifiernumber - element of compound numbernum - numeric modifierprep - prepositional modifier
  8. root - rootdep - dependentaux - auxiliaryauxpass - passive auxiliarycop - copulaarg - argumentagent - agentcomp - complementacomp - adjectival complementattr - attributiveccomp - clausal complement with internal subjectxcomp - clausal complement with external subjectcomplm - complementizerobj - objectdobj - direct objectiobj - indirect objectpobj - object of prepositionmark - marker (word introducing an advcl )rel - relative (word introducing a rcmod )subj - subjectnsubj - nominal subjectnsubjpass - passive nominal subjectcsubj - clausal subjectcsubjpass - passive clausal subjectcc - coordinationconj - conjunctexpl - expletive (expletive “there”)mod - modifierabbrev - abbreviation modifieramod - adjectival modifierappos - appositional modifieradvcl - adverbial clause modifierpurpcl - purpose clause modifierdet - determinerpredet - predeterminerpreconj - preconjunctinfmod - infinitival modifiermwe - multi-word expression modifierpartmod - participial modifieradvmod - adverbial modifierneg - negation modifierrcmod - relative clause modifierquantmod - quantifier modifiernn - noun compound modifiernpadvmod - noun phrase adverbial modifiertmod - temporal modifiernum - numeric modifiernumber - element of compound numberprep - prepositional modifierposs - possession modifierpossessive - possessive modifier (’s)prt - phrasal verb particleparataxis - parataxispunct - punctuationref - referentsdep - semantic dependentxsubj - controlling subject
  9. GATE = University of SheffieldTeam NLTK = (6 people from: UT Austin; University of Gothenburg, Sweden; University of Melbourn; University of Sydney; Oslo, Norway; Ekaterinburg, Russia)
  10. root - rootdep - dependentaux - auxiliaryauxpass - passive auxiliarycop - copulaarg - argumentcomp - complementobj - objectdobj - direct objectsubj - subjectnsubj - nominal subjectnsubjpass - passive nominal subjectconj - conjunctmod - modifieramod - adjectival modifierdet - determinerpartmod - participial modifiernn - noun compound modifiernum - numeric modifiernumber - element of compound numberprep - prepositional modifier
  11. Takes about 40 sec to run.