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Sales Change
Sell Smarter. Manage Better.

Sales Change Management
      The TAS Group publishes a range of White Papers on         Since the understanding and mastery of change is so
      best practices in Sales Process, Sales Methodology and     fundamental to sales improvement, it seems right that
      Sales Technology. All are focused on enabling – and        a White Paper should be devoted to the mechanics
      hopefully inspiring – the global selling community to      of change and to the conditions and commitment
      improve their sales performance.                           that needs to be in place for it to happen. Literally
                                                                 thousands of publications have gone before this one,
      At the heart of all of these White Papers, and at          with the same noble intent, and still our industry
      the heart of sales performance, effectiveness or           recognizes the primacy of change management yet at
      productivity improvement, is the simple but elusive        the same time still struggles with it.
      factor that this involves changing the behavior of sales
      professionals and leaders, and managing that change        This White Paper covers sales change management. It
      successfully over time. Changing your behavior is hard,    levers off some excellent research and publications in
      as you need patience and determination in the early        this space, and uses them to delve into why change is
      days as your normal levels of productivity dip while       not successful, and what factors and conditions need
      you acquire the new way of doing things. You need to       to be in place when change is successful.
      see early benefits too, which encourages you to fully
      adopt the new behavioral skills and move down the          As with any of our White Papers, there will be a
      path towards mastery of the ‘new way’ and of sales         big variance in the seniority and experience of
      improvement. This also assumes that a raft of variables    the readership. This White Paper aims to provide
      in your colleagues, managers, leaders and organization     something for the complete range of requirements,
      is also favorably disposed to your success.                but if you want to dig deeper or move wider, we urge
                                                                 you to get in touch with us individually. You can do this
                                                                 via email to:

In 1996, John P. Kotter, leadership and change guru and          In 2008, a McKinsey survey of 3,199 executives around the
Emeritus Professor at Harvard Business School, published         world found, much as Kotter did, that only one transformation
Leading Change. The research that Kotter drew on showed          program in three is a success. Kotter identified a number of
that only 30 percent of change execution programs succeed.       factors that contributed to the 7 out of 10 programs failing,
Nothing has changed in the decade and a half since Leading       and we explore these below.

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Allowing Too Much Complacency                                       The TAS Group approach: as part of our Change Execution
Kotter attributes the biggest flaw to executing change              Process for sales academies or sales effectiveness programs,
successfully in jumping into a program or initiative without        we incorporate Executive Alignment Workshops and
instilling enough urgency and excitement in managers and            Management Alignment Workshops, so that sales managers
employees. This is especially true for first-line sales managers    and leaders agree on what the sales organization is trying to
in charge of a team. Our own numerous transformation                accomplish, and how it will accomplish it, and understand the
engagements with customers over the years have confirmed            importance of bringing every one of their sales people along
that the first-line sales manager is the critical cog in the        the same journey before the training begins.
machine for transforming sales behavior; successful
transformation requires them to lead by example. Managers
therefore need to be more knowledgeable, internalize the            Failing to Build a Substantial Coalition
expected behavior change and adopt it as the accepted way           We’ve already stated that change will fail without getting the
to coach and manage their business.                                 sales manager adopting and coaching the desired behaviors.
                                                                    It is also stated that change will fail without the buy-in of the
Transformations are never achieved when people don’t                head of the business, but really this is true for all senior level
understand why the change is necessary, and what                    personnel within the business and the sales organization.
the objectives are for the change. This area is often               Inversely, an executive sponsor alone will not be able to create
underestimated. Sales people need to understand what is             the needed change. Invoking the Buckminster Fuller theory of
driving the change, what specific problems it is solving, and       the ‘trim tab’ effect, you need 5% of people that have the right
what goals this will accomplish. They need to be ‘clued up’         balance of power and / or influence to lead the change and
and ‘fired up’ about the changes. Complacency kills any sales       mobilize 20% of the population.
training or other change initiative, and creates a ‘flavor of the
month’ phenomenon. This will delay the impact beyond the            In order for the transformation effort to be successful, the VP
point of any effectiveness or competitive advantage.                of Sales, VP of Sales Operations / Effectiveness / Learning and
                                                                    Development, and the sales managers need to be aligned
To use a sporting analogy, when Tiger Woods decided to              and work as a team and a committed force for change.
change his golf swing, his immediate performance slipped            Realistically, you will not always get all senior people onside
for a few tournaments, but then he went on to win back-to-          at first. If you’re serious about your initiative, and it’s critical
back-to-back tournaments and arguably enjoyed the best              to your growth, you should focus on the people that carry
performances of his career. He achieved this through a great        enough power and / or influence to lead and be the change
deal of coaching and support, as well as understanding              agents.
of where he wanted to get to, accompanied by a sense of
urgency to make these changes in order to remain head and           When a sales transformation has been successful, it’s when
shoulders above the competition.                                    the coalition has had influence and momentum. This comes
                                                                    from their formal seniority in the business, the knowledge
Conversely, when leadership or management – perhaps                 and skills they have, their reputation within the business, the
conscious of this – show a lack of patience and rush into           relationship they have with their peers and the sales teams,
the program, this can often create a sense of anxiety in the        and their own natural capacity to lead. You can’t do this on
sales organization which simply reinforces the resistance to        your own, no matter how many of these boxes you check,
change. When the sense of urgency and purpose is correctly          unless your sales organization is very small. You need to build
communicated to people, and instilled in them, then they            your coalition.
understand the payback from making the necessary sacrifices
to change and are more amenable and ready to learn, apply           The TAS Group approach: as part of our Change Execution
and adopt.                                                          Process, we coach sales leadership on the management
                                                                    performance processes for getting and keeping support and
                                                                    momentum for a sales initiative. This helps leaders agree sales
                                                                    initiative objectives with management, communicate them,
                                                                    and watch out for and correct the warning signs.

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Underestimating the Need for a Clear Vision                                Communicating is about leading by example, both in what
You have to have an idea of where you’re going when you                    you say and how you act, and it is more important that you
embark on a journey, or else how will you know when you’ve                 ‘walk the walk’ than ‘talk the talk’. Sales leaders and managers
got there? Nothing could be truer for sales transformation,                who do not back up the vision with their own behavior will
where you have your investments and all your profit-making                 quickly dismantle any edifice that you have sought to build
assets – in the form of your sales producers – at stake. Vision            up for your sales initiative.
is a key catalyst for change because it paints a picture of what
we can be if we all make the commitment. Vision helps to                   The TAS Group approach: our Customer Success Charter is
get people behind the cause and inspires them to see the                   an integral part of our Change Execution process, and helps
personal, emotional and financial benefits of taking the tough             businesses to frame what success looks like for their sales
path that leads to improved sales performance.                             initiative. A key part of this is how you will communicate the
                                                                           vision of the initiative, and we can provide you with structured
If the vision is lacking – either it’s not there at all, or it’s not the   examples and templates to help you with the communication
right vision – your sales change program can result in wasted              process.
energies, lost time and dwindling morale. This throws the
risk of change into stark relief, because if you sacrifice the             Permitting Roadblocks Against the Vision
time trying to change behaviors and you fail, you incur fewer              Even when your leadership, management and sales teams
revenues than if your teams had been continuing to sell under              are on board with the vision, roadblocks can arise. This is
status quo conditions. Your initiative is viewed as a series of            inevitable when a major sales change involves and affects so
tactical blunders rather than a strategic masterstroke.                    many people. It is essential that you remove the roadblocks,
                                                                           since otherwise they will become a huge demotivator.
The TAS Group approach: our sales effectiveness programs                   Roadblocks will come from several people and perspectives,
are built around sales transformation as a process, not a series           and it is crucial to understand its root cause. All too often,
of one-off events. Our focus is on keeping your sales teams                the feedback provided is taken at face value, and that is what
productive as they transition their sales behavior from the                ‘permitting roadblocks against the vision’ means.
current levels to their improved levels.
                                                                           We can categorize roadblock root causes in 4 ways:
Failing to Clearly Communicate the Vision                                  Understanding, Habit, Attitude, and Structure.
Having the vision is one thing, but you have to be able to
communicate it – early, well, and often – to give the expected             Understanding: Your sales people must fully understand
changes any chance of taking hold. Your sales people                       the why, what, how and when of the change management
have to be able and willing to change, and even if they are                exercise. You should provide solid explanations and equip
underperforming at the moment, they may be unwilling to                    them with the knowledge of what you are asking them to
change their behavior if they don’t understand and fully buy               do and why. The vehicles for this are sales methodology,
into what the change is designed to do, why they should do it,             definitions and terminology, processes, sales technology
and how they will benefit if they do it well.                              and so on. The recommended process here should be: train,
                                                                           teach, tell, read, re-teach, re-explain etc. Do not underestimate
Your sales managers and sales people need to believe that                  the process in which people understand things. Sending
the benefits of your sales initiative outweigh the effort and              an email and expecting it to be read, digested, retained and
hardship of undertaking it. They also need to believe that the             understood does not work. People learn at different paces
initiative has a good chance of success, and unfortunately                 and it is critical to watch for it and make allowances for it.
your communication task is made harder if your organization
has a history of unsuccessful initiatives and people who are
inured against future programs.

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Habit: Your sales people need to acquire the knowledge                Even more dangerous, if you don’t have the quick wins under
for it to become a habit. For it to become a habit, they need         your belt, then you run the risk of complacency or even active
to take the knowledge they acquired, and practise it over             resistance setting in. Short-term wins have to be focused on
time. As the Greek philospher Aristotle said; “We are what            the behavioral changes you are looking to engender in your
we repeatedly do.“ Excellence is not an act, but a habit. This        sales managers and sales people. It is these early signs of
is echoed by older, seminal research called the ‘21 Day Habit         behavioral change that will lead to the later signs of success,
Theory,’ developed by Dr. Maxwell Maltz in his book ‘Psycho-          in the form of revenue improvement, and better sales velocity.
Cybernetics.’ He found that our brains do not accept new data         Using the new sales language correctly, adhering to a new
for a change of habit until it is repeated each day for 21 days.      sales system, withdrawing from deals that are a bad fit to the
                                                                      business, completing opportunity plans for all opportunity
Attitude: Your sales people may have the knowledge, the               plans, and carrying out opportunity reviews are all examples
skills, and the mastery of the behavior, yet from an attitude         of the right kinds of behaviors that you should reward and
standpoint, if they don’t buy into the value, they won’t              celebrate early.
adopt the change. Attitude dictates our behavior, and to
understand the true attitudinal barriers or resistance to             The TAS Group approach: our Customer Success Charter
change, it is important to dig below the surface to understand        provides the framework for businesses to agree what success
the underlying fears and perceptions. If there is resistance, it is   looks like for their sales initiative. It’s expressed in revenue
shaped by the way that we perceive the change and its effect          objectives, and non-revenue (i.e. behavioral) objectives. The
on us. If the resistance is not understood or addressed, we will      Change Execution Process is the vehicle for delivering on
not be able to modify behaviors because we did not address            the Customer Success Charter and monitoring, recording,
their attitude or perception about the change. Archaic carrot         reviewing, correcting and celebrating progress toward the
and stick theories do not suffice. To change mindset, leaders         vision.
need to leverage a number of conditions for change which
we will come to later in this White Paper.                            Declaring Victory Too Quickly
                                                                      Changing sales behavior is a battle, and the war is never
Structure: Your sales people need to be convinced that                over. Celebrating the early wins is essential, but declaring
all the framework elements that go into enabling them to              that you’re almost at the finish line reveals the ignorance of
perform the desired behavior are in place. These elements             managing change as a never-ending wheel. You hear the
are numerous, but they include the compensation plan,                 phrase ‘making it part of their sales DNA’ a lot in sales training,
the supporting systems, and making sure the deal reviews,             which evokes the idea that a new way of selling has become
management reviews and other internal processes connect to            embraced to such a degree that it is part of the sales person’s
the new way of doing business.                                        core, part of who they are.

Not Planning and Not Getting Short-Term Wins                          To become this deeply absorbed into the organization’s way
Implementing a major sales change exercise is a major                 of working takes a long, long time and requires unending
undertaking. It takes time, and should be viewed as a                 commitment from the business, since the sales organization
process, not a one-off event. Sometimes it’s difficult to see if a    is constantly changing with people entering or exiting the
change in selling behavior is producing results, as some sales        business. This might take years, and any new sales initiative
organizations have very long sales cycles and it can take a           less than a year old is still vulnerable to resistance, apathy, and
while – sometimes too long – for the results to come through.         outright aggression.

It is important to set early milestones to celebrate and build        It is important to take the long view, once you understand the
confidence and momentum along the way. Splitting up the               scope of what you are trying to do when you instigate a new
journey into more achievable sections is essential, otherwise         way of selling. If your timeframes are too short, your changes
people won’t embark on the journey; all they see is the finish        won’t stick. It’s no use pulling up the plant every so often to
line way off in the distance.                                         see if the roots have grown.

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You must be on your guard against indicators that give you                   In order to do this, you must communicate to people the
a false sense of progress. These can either be the indicators                connection between the changes they made and the benefits
themselves, or they can be people with an agenda to force                    that resulted, so that they understand the connection. Calling
that is either for or against the initiative. Pro-change initiators          out examples of the specific behaviors and mindset people
may be too keen to look for kudos, and politically minded                    adopted that led to improved performance is key. When
resistors may join in the celebrations and push for the training             you’ve got this far, you want to make sure people are not
work to stop before the new ways of working have taken root.                 making the wrong connection for success and consequently
                                                                             developing the wrong behaviors.
The TAS Group approach: our Change Execution Process
provides the structure for you to monitor behavioral                         Lastly, and most importantly, you need to take time to ensure
compliance and record your pre-sales initiative baseline, and                that your crucial agents of change, namely your front-line
your actual results against target results over quarters and                 sales managers, are still walking the walk, and are living,
years so that you stay the course.                                           breathing examples to new and seasoned sales people of the
                                                                             ‘way of we sell round here’.
Not Anchoring Changes in the Corporate Culture
Once the communication, encouragement and the right                          The TAS Group approach: we do not vacate the premises
kind of pressure have been applied for long enough, the                      once your sales training or the workshop-driven aspects
changed behaviors become the accepted way of working.                        of a sales initiative have taken place. We hold ourselves
Until this happens, there is always the risk of the train slowing            accountable for your success and in our Change Execution
down, stopping, or being derailed. Once the new culture                      Process we continue to be stakeholders throughout your
is said to be the current corporate culture, then the change                 partnership with us.
management exercise can be deemed a success.

The seven-tenths failure rate is sufficiently disastrous for us              multiple pieces of research to explore why transformation
to dig a little deeper, since it should help inform your own                 efforts fail. As we have seen, a range of issues contribute to
transformation efforts. Organizational behavior consultant                   this, in the following proportions:
Pete Abilla, in his blog, also draws on

                            Factors contributing to failure %

                                                                                            All other obstacles

                               72% of change               14%         39%                  Inadequate resources
                             failures are due to                                            or budget
                            organizational issues         14%                               Manangement behavior
                                                                                            not supportive of change
                                                                      33%                   Employee resistance
                                                                                            to change

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In the sales organizational context, 72% of the failure rate                    •	 Informal ‘how things get done’ remain inconsistent
is due to organizations issues, i.e. sales professionals or                        with espoused values
sales managers, and not to a lack of resources, as might                        •	 Change champions lose interest and move to the ’next’
be expected. Abilla outlines the typical characteristics in                        change program
transformational failures, which have some pertinent parallels                  •	 Leaders charged with implementing the change do
with the Kotter findings:                                                          not possess the requisite knowledge, skills and abilities
     •	 No obvious connection to outcomes that the
        organization values                                                 We now have a comprehensive list of symptoms and factors
     •	 Aspirations of the organization are not clear, concise or           of failure in sales change management. Let’s flip the coin
        communicated                                                        over and analyze what needs to be in place for us to end up
     •	 Desired behaviors are not role-modeled, trained or                  in the happy place of the 30% of sales change management
        reinforced                                                          initiatives that are successful.
     •	 Top team is not aligned

First and foremost, you need to plan the transformation.                    conditions – each of which need to be independently
Too often, organizations underestimate what is involved in                  acknowledged by sales people – that must be in place
conditioning behavior change. The key is to identify which                  for staff to change their behavior. We have taken those
are the right levers to condition the change. In the course of              four conditions and broken out one of them to make five
analyzing why change management programs fail, we have                      conditions that should be place in order for sales change to
already indirectly addressed what needs to happen for them                  take place.
to succeed.
                                                                            At their core is the notion that in order for you to change
In this White Paper we have already leaned heavily on                       people’s behavior, you have to change their mindset, or
eminent research in this area, and we are once again indebted               attitude, first. Sales people submit willingly and with an
to the work that has gone before. In particular, a piece of                 open mind to training if they understand why change is
research from McKinsey Quarterly is particularly instructive.               necessary and agree with it to a sufficient degree. We present
In June 2003 Emily Lawson and Colin Price published ‘The                    below, therefore, the five conditions for successful change
Psychology of Change Management’, which outlined four                       management.

                                                            Reinforcement                             Sponsorship
                                           Purpose                                   Skills

                                     Role Models                                       Processess

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Condition 1: A Purpose to Believe In                               Condition 4: The Skills Required for Change
Sales people need to believe in the overall purpose of the         Sales leaders need to focus on sales managers and sales
change management initiative, and you will only achieve this       people being instructed in how to make the sales training
through a robust communication plan. Within this plan you          work for their situation, their Opportunities and their
need to address these critical components:                         Accounts. This takes time. In addition, the teaching needs
    •	 Why is this transformation necessary (for the industry,     to be broken down into digestible chunks to aid absorption.
       the organization, the sales people, their customers)?       Also, once the new way of working has been learned, it is best
    •	 What are the problems this initiative will solve? It is     cemented by applying the knowledge straight away to real
       important to clearly call out the problems preventing       Opportunities and Accounts. Inversely, considering the two
       them from achieving their transformational goals            previous conditions (role models and reinforcement systems),
    •	 How is this initiative going to help achieve the desired    sales leaders need to acquire the appropriate level of skills to
       outcome of the transformation?                              coach and sustain the transformation.
    •	 What are the short, medium, and long-term results
       expected out of this initiative?                            Condition 5: Process, Process, Process
    •	 What must change as a result of this initiative?            In our view, processes – and the connection to them – need to
    •	 What’s in it for them – what do they gain, what do they     be brought out into a separate condition for successful sales
       lose?                                                       transformation. Sales methodology, sales process and sales
                                                                   technology need to be connected explicitly to the internal
You should package the components in a compelling story            processes that a sales organization follows to run its business.
that your sales people can identify with.                          If your sales people have to make the connection themselves
                                                                   between the new behaviors and their ongoing day-to-day
Condition 2: Consistent Role Models                                activities, it is highly unlikely you will see the sustained
Role models significantly affect behavior change in sales          behavior change you’re looking for.
organizations, as much as the four other conditions put
together. The peer group to which the sales person belongs         Sales managers and sales people need to establish the
– typically the sales team – also affects it. For this reason,     connection between new behaviors and internal processes
individual role models, particularly individuals with rank and /   to the same degree that the other four conditions need to be
or influence (in other words sales leaders and sales managers)     satisfied, in order to effect the attitudinal change in your sales
need to internalize the desired language and behavior in           organization that drive the new (and hopefully lasting) sales
order for the change in the sales teams to be prevalent,           behaviors.
profound and lasting.

Condition 3: Reinforcement Systems
Sales coaching, performance measurement and rewards or
recognition need to be aligned to the new sales behavior.
When a company’s goals for new behavior are not reinforced,
too much erosion occurs after training, and there is not
enough momentum to sustain the change. Furthermore,
structures that initially reinforce the new behavior do not
guarantee that it will be sustained. They need to be supported
by changes that complement the other four conditions.

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Much of the research explored in this White Paper, combined                            •	 Align: Securing agreement and buy-in from all
with over two decades of experience implementing sales                                    stakeholders to the initiative
academies and sales transformation programs for companies                              •	 Deploy: Implementing Dealmaker
and enterprises, inform our globally proven sales change                               •	 Learn: Using blended learning (including e-learning
management process, which we call the Dealmaker Change                                    curricula, interactive web-based sessions and self-study
Execution Process. Dealmaker is an integrated sales approach                              assignments) to acquire the knowledge and concepts
with learning and best practices constantly reinforced                                 •	 Apply: Applying the acquired concepts to live accounts
through its everyday use. It comprises a proven methodology                               and opportunities in a workshop environment
and optimized sales processes, embedded into on-demand                                 •	 Measure and Coach: Coach the process, method, and
sales performance automation technology, with effective on-                               software into the working practices of the customer’s
the-job sales training and reinforced by expert tuition. Since                            team; realize quick wins
sales effectiveness is a continual process, Dealmaker breaks                           •	 Sustain: Secure ongoing, long-term performance
down the critical elements of the process into the following                              and productivity, inspecting and exhibiting the right
eight stages, split across four phases: planning, delivery,                               behaviors at all levels
adoption and sustainment.
                                                                                 For more detail on the Dealmaker Change Execution Process,
    •	 Define: Defining the customer’s key business                              which is designed to secure the conditions for successful sales
       requirements and associated challenges                                    change management outlined in this White Paper, please
    •	 Design: Designing the solution to address the                             see the services section of our website or contact us at info@
       customer’s requirements                                         


                    Define        Design        Align         Deploy                           Learn
                    Objectives    Solution    Stakeholders    Dealmaker                     Virtual Learning

                                                              Coach Me                                                Apply
                                                             Sales Management,                                       Case Studies,
                                                               Reinforcement                                         Workshops,
                                                                and Coach Me                                       Dealmaker Usage


                                                                                             Reporting and
                                                                   O                           Predictive

                                                                       M                     Sales Analytics
                                                                                           IO N

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      Improving sales performance is about recognizing and        our Change Execution Process. It espouses the lessons
      managing change. Research has shown that seven              gleaned from the research presented in this document,
      out of every ten change initiatives fail, and this losing   and provides for the businesses who partner with us
      record has remained consistent over time. A variety         a foundation on which to successfully transform their
      of factors, many of them rooted in the way people are,      selling activities and sales velocity.
      contribute to this failure rate, and they are as true for
      sales effectiveness initiatives in sales organizations as   If you wish to find out more about The TAS Group’s
      they are for other change programs in businesses of all     sales performance offerings, or anything else discussed
      sizes and industries.                                       in this White Paper, please contact us at
      Research has also identified four conditions that need
      to be present for a change management exercise to           Recommended further resources:
      succeed, and we break up one of these conditions to             •	 The TAS Group White Paper – Evaluating Sales
      make five conditions for success in the selling context.           Training Programs
      When you understand the psychological implications              •	 The TAS Group White Paper – Establishing
      of change, this provides additional insights to further            Lasting Changes in the Sales and Marketing
      inform how you lay the groundwork for the conditions.              Enterprise
                                                                      •	 Dealmaker Genius – Generates customized sales
      The TAS Group has worked with some of the world’s                  processes in a matter of minutes
      most admired selling enterprises for more than 20               •	 Dealmaker Index - Evaluates your company’s
      years, and from this experience has established a                  sales process, as well as your own, so you can
      proven change management template which we call                    see how they stack up against others

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The TAS Group helps sales professionals sell smarter and manage better. Through a unique combination of deep sales
methodologies and intelligent software applications, customers achieve measureable results including increases in win
rates, deal sizes and qualified opportunities, as well as decreases in sales cycle length. According to the Aberdeen Group,
customers of The TAS Group realize 21 percent greater attainment of sales quotas.

Dealmaker® intelligent software is the engine driving revenue growth and sustained adoption of improved sales

The TAS Group has helped more than 850,000 sales professionals in more than 65 countries, from small private
companies to market leaders. For more information visit and read the dealmaker365 blog

Dealmaker software from The TAS Group delivers real-time opportunity and account management, intelligent
deal coaching, accurate sales forecasts, smart playbooks, self-paced learning, and predictive analytics, resulting in
measurable sales growth.

Dealmaker can be delivered as a standalone application or can be integrated with Salesforce CRM, Microsoft Dynamics
CRM, Oracle CRM On Demand, Oracle’s Siebel CRM and SAP CRM, or with any third party software application through
the Dealmaker API. For more information visit

Copyright © The TAS Group. All rights reserved. This briefing is for customer use only and no usage rights are conveyed. Nothing herein may be reproduced in any form without written permission of The TAS Group.

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Sales White Paper: Sales Change Management

  • 2. Sell Smarter. Manage Better. Sales Change Management INTRODUCTION The TAS Group publishes a range of White Papers on Since the understanding and mastery of change is so best practices in Sales Process, Sales Methodology and fundamental to sales improvement, it seems right that Sales Technology. All are focused on enabling – and a White Paper should be devoted to the mechanics hopefully inspiring – the global selling community to of change and to the conditions and commitment improve their sales performance. that needs to be in place for it to happen. Literally thousands of publications have gone before this one, At the heart of all of these White Papers, and at with the same noble intent, and still our industry the heart of sales performance, effectiveness or recognizes the primacy of change management yet at productivity improvement, is the simple but elusive the same time still struggles with it. factor that this involves changing the behavior of sales professionals and leaders, and managing that change This White Paper covers sales change management. It successfully over time. Changing your behavior is hard, levers off some excellent research and publications in as you need patience and determination in the early this space, and uses them to delve into why change is days as your normal levels of productivity dip while not successful, and what factors and conditions need you acquire the new way of doing things. You need to to be in place when change is successful. see early benefits too, which encourages you to fully adopt the new behavioral skills and move down the As with any of our White Papers, there will be a path towards mastery of the ‘new way’ and of sales big variance in the seniority and experience of improvement. This also assumes that a raft of variables the readership. This White Paper aims to provide in your colleagues, managers, leaders and organization something for the complete range of requirements, is also favorably disposed to your success. but if you want to dig deeper or move wider, we urge you to get in touch with us individually. You can do this via email to: WHY CHANGE FAILS In 1996, John P. Kotter, leadership and change guru and In 2008, a McKinsey survey of 3,199 executives around the Emeritus Professor at Harvard Business School, published world found, much as Kotter did, that only one transformation Leading Change. The research that Kotter drew on showed program in three is a success. Kotter identified a number of that only 30 percent of change execution programs succeed. factors that contributed to the 7 out of 10 programs failing, Nothing has changed in the decade and a half since Leading and we explore these below. Change. Share this White Paper! Copyright © The TAS Group. All rights reserved. 1
  • 3. Sell Smarter. Manage Better. Allowing Too Much Complacency The TAS Group approach: as part of our Change Execution Kotter attributes the biggest flaw to executing change Process for sales academies or sales effectiveness programs, successfully in jumping into a program or initiative without we incorporate Executive Alignment Workshops and instilling enough urgency and excitement in managers and Management Alignment Workshops, so that sales managers employees. This is especially true for first-line sales managers and leaders agree on what the sales organization is trying to in charge of a team. Our own numerous transformation accomplish, and how it will accomplish it, and understand the engagements with customers over the years have confirmed importance of bringing every one of their sales people along that the first-line sales manager is the critical cog in the the same journey before the training begins. machine for transforming sales behavior; successful transformation requires them to lead by example. Managers therefore need to be more knowledgeable, internalize the Failing to Build a Substantial Coalition expected behavior change and adopt it as the accepted way We’ve already stated that change will fail without getting the to coach and manage their business. sales manager adopting and coaching the desired behaviors. It is also stated that change will fail without the buy-in of the Transformations are never achieved when people don’t head of the business, but really this is true for all senior level understand why the change is necessary, and what personnel within the business and the sales organization. the objectives are for the change. This area is often Inversely, an executive sponsor alone will not be able to create underestimated. Sales people need to understand what is the needed change. Invoking the Buckminster Fuller theory of driving the change, what specific problems it is solving, and the ‘trim tab’ effect, you need 5% of people that have the right what goals this will accomplish. They need to be ‘clued up’ balance of power and / or influence to lead the change and and ‘fired up’ about the changes. Complacency kills any sales mobilize 20% of the population. training or other change initiative, and creates a ‘flavor of the month’ phenomenon. This will delay the impact beyond the In order for the transformation effort to be successful, the VP point of any effectiveness or competitive advantage. of Sales, VP of Sales Operations / Effectiveness / Learning and Development, and the sales managers need to be aligned To use a sporting analogy, when Tiger Woods decided to and work as a team and a committed force for change. change his golf swing, his immediate performance slipped Realistically, you will not always get all senior people onside for a few tournaments, but then he went on to win back-to- at first. If you’re serious about your initiative, and it’s critical back-to-back tournaments and arguably enjoyed the best to your growth, you should focus on the people that carry performances of his career. He achieved this through a great enough power and / or influence to lead and be the change deal of coaching and support, as well as understanding agents. of where he wanted to get to, accompanied by a sense of urgency to make these changes in order to remain head and When a sales transformation has been successful, it’s when shoulders above the competition. the coalition has had influence and momentum. This comes from their formal seniority in the business, the knowledge Conversely, when leadership or management – perhaps and skills they have, their reputation within the business, the conscious of this – show a lack of patience and rush into relationship they have with their peers and the sales teams, the program, this can often create a sense of anxiety in the and their own natural capacity to lead. You can’t do this on sales organization which simply reinforces the resistance to your own, no matter how many of these boxes you check, change. When the sense of urgency and purpose is correctly unless your sales organization is very small. You need to build communicated to people, and instilled in them, then they your coalition. understand the payback from making the necessary sacrifices to change and are more amenable and ready to learn, apply The TAS Group approach: as part of our Change Execution and adopt. Process, we coach sales leadership on the management performance processes for getting and keeping support and momentum for a sales initiative. This helps leaders agree sales initiative objectives with management, communicate them, and watch out for and correct the warning signs. Share this White Paper! Copyright © The TAS Group. All rights reserved. 2
  • 4. Sell Smarter. Manage Better. Underestimating the Need for a Clear Vision Communicating is about leading by example, both in what You have to have an idea of where you’re going when you you say and how you act, and it is more important that you embark on a journey, or else how will you know when you’ve ‘walk the walk’ than ‘talk the talk’. Sales leaders and managers got there? Nothing could be truer for sales transformation, who do not back up the vision with their own behavior will where you have your investments and all your profit-making quickly dismantle any edifice that you have sought to build assets – in the form of your sales producers – at stake. Vision up for your sales initiative. is a key catalyst for change because it paints a picture of what we can be if we all make the commitment. Vision helps to The TAS Group approach: our Customer Success Charter is get people behind the cause and inspires them to see the an integral part of our Change Execution process, and helps personal, emotional and financial benefits of taking the tough businesses to frame what success looks like for their sales path that leads to improved sales performance. initiative. A key part of this is how you will communicate the vision of the initiative, and we can provide you with structured If the vision is lacking – either it’s not there at all, or it’s not the examples and templates to help you with the communication right vision – your sales change program can result in wasted process. energies, lost time and dwindling morale. This throws the risk of change into stark relief, because if you sacrifice the Permitting Roadblocks Against the Vision time trying to change behaviors and you fail, you incur fewer Even when your leadership, management and sales teams revenues than if your teams had been continuing to sell under are on board with the vision, roadblocks can arise. This is status quo conditions. Your initiative is viewed as a series of inevitable when a major sales change involves and affects so tactical blunders rather than a strategic masterstroke. many people. It is essential that you remove the roadblocks, since otherwise they will become a huge demotivator. The TAS Group approach: our sales effectiveness programs Roadblocks will come from several people and perspectives, are built around sales transformation as a process, not a series and it is crucial to understand its root cause. All too often, of one-off events. Our focus is on keeping your sales teams the feedback provided is taken at face value, and that is what productive as they transition their sales behavior from the ‘permitting roadblocks against the vision’ means. current levels to their improved levels. We can categorize roadblock root causes in 4 ways: Failing to Clearly Communicate the Vision Understanding, Habit, Attitude, and Structure. Having the vision is one thing, but you have to be able to communicate it – early, well, and often – to give the expected Understanding: Your sales people must fully understand changes any chance of taking hold. Your sales people the why, what, how and when of the change management have to be able and willing to change, and even if they are exercise. You should provide solid explanations and equip underperforming at the moment, they may be unwilling to them with the knowledge of what you are asking them to change their behavior if they don’t understand and fully buy do and why. The vehicles for this are sales methodology, into what the change is designed to do, why they should do it, definitions and terminology, processes, sales technology and how they will benefit if they do it well. and so on. The recommended process here should be: train, teach, tell, read, re-teach, re-explain etc. Do not underestimate Your sales managers and sales people need to believe that the process in which people understand things. Sending the benefits of your sales initiative outweigh the effort and an email and expecting it to be read, digested, retained and hardship of undertaking it. They also need to believe that the understood does not work. People learn at different paces initiative has a good chance of success, and unfortunately and it is critical to watch for it and make allowances for it. your communication task is made harder if your organization has a history of unsuccessful initiatives and people who are inured against future programs. Share this White Paper! Copyright © The TAS Group. All rights reserved. 3
  • 5. Sell Smarter. Manage Better. Habit: Your sales people need to acquire the knowledge Even more dangerous, if you don’t have the quick wins under for it to become a habit. For it to become a habit, they need your belt, then you run the risk of complacency or even active to take the knowledge they acquired, and practise it over resistance setting in. Short-term wins have to be focused on time. As the Greek philospher Aristotle said; “We are what the behavioral changes you are looking to engender in your we repeatedly do.“ Excellence is not an act, but a habit. This sales managers and sales people. It is these early signs of is echoed by older, seminal research called the ‘21 Day Habit behavioral change that will lead to the later signs of success, Theory,’ developed by Dr. Maxwell Maltz in his book ‘Psycho- in the form of revenue improvement, and better sales velocity. Cybernetics.’ He found that our brains do not accept new data Using the new sales language correctly, adhering to a new for a change of habit until it is repeated each day for 21 days. sales system, withdrawing from deals that are a bad fit to the business, completing opportunity plans for all opportunity Attitude: Your sales people may have the knowledge, the plans, and carrying out opportunity reviews are all examples skills, and the mastery of the behavior, yet from an attitude of the right kinds of behaviors that you should reward and standpoint, if they don’t buy into the value, they won’t celebrate early. adopt the change. Attitude dictates our behavior, and to understand the true attitudinal barriers or resistance to The TAS Group approach: our Customer Success Charter change, it is important to dig below the surface to understand provides the framework for businesses to agree what success the underlying fears and perceptions. If there is resistance, it is looks like for their sales initiative. It’s expressed in revenue shaped by the way that we perceive the change and its effect objectives, and non-revenue (i.e. behavioral) objectives. The on us. If the resistance is not understood or addressed, we will Change Execution Process is the vehicle for delivering on not be able to modify behaviors because we did not address the Customer Success Charter and monitoring, recording, their attitude or perception about the change. Archaic carrot reviewing, correcting and celebrating progress toward the and stick theories do not suffice. To change mindset, leaders vision. need to leverage a number of conditions for change which we will come to later in this White Paper. Declaring Victory Too Quickly Changing sales behavior is a battle, and the war is never Structure: Your sales people need to be convinced that over. Celebrating the early wins is essential, but declaring all the framework elements that go into enabling them to that you’re almost at the finish line reveals the ignorance of perform the desired behavior are in place. These elements managing change as a never-ending wheel. You hear the are numerous, but they include the compensation plan, phrase ‘making it part of their sales DNA’ a lot in sales training, the supporting systems, and making sure the deal reviews, which evokes the idea that a new way of selling has become management reviews and other internal processes connect to embraced to such a degree that it is part of the sales person’s the new way of doing business. core, part of who they are. Not Planning and Not Getting Short-Term Wins To become this deeply absorbed into the organization’s way Implementing a major sales change exercise is a major of working takes a long, long time and requires unending undertaking. It takes time, and should be viewed as a commitment from the business, since the sales organization process, not a one-off event. Sometimes it’s difficult to see if a is constantly changing with people entering or exiting the change in selling behavior is producing results, as some sales business. This might take years, and any new sales initiative organizations have very long sales cycles and it can take a less than a year old is still vulnerable to resistance, apathy, and while – sometimes too long – for the results to come through. outright aggression. It is important to set early milestones to celebrate and build It is important to take the long view, once you understand the confidence and momentum along the way. Splitting up the scope of what you are trying to do when you instigate a new journey into more achievable sections is essential, otherwise way of selling. If your timeframes are too short, your changes people won’t embark on the journey; all they see is the finish won’t stick. It’s no use pulling up the plant every so often to line way off in the distance. see if the roots have grown. Share this White Paper! Copyright © The TAS Group. All rights reserved. 4
  • 6. Sell Smarter. Manage Better. You must be on your guard against indicators that give you In order to do this, you must communicate to people the a false sense of progress. These can either be the indicators connection between the changes they made and the benefits themselves, or they can be people with an agenda to force that resulted, so that they understand the connection. Calling that is either for or against the initiative. Pro-change initiators out examples of the specific behaviors and mindset people may be too keen to look for kudos, and politically minded adopted that led to improved performance is key. When resistors may join in the celebrations and push for the training you’ve got this far, you want to make sure people are not work to stop before the new ways of working have taken root. making the wrong connection for success and consequently developing the wrong behaviors. The TAS Group approach: our Change Execution Process provides the structure for you to monitor behavioral Lastly, and most importantly, you need to take time to ensure compliance and record your pre-sales initiative baseline, and that your crucial agents of change, namely your front-line your actual results against target results over quarters and sales managers, are still walking the walk, and are living, years so that you stay the course. breathing examples to new and seasoned sales people of the ‘way of we sell round here’. Not Anchoring Changes in the Corporate Culture Once the communication, encouragement and the right The TAS Group approach: we do not vacate the premises kind of pressure have been applied for long enough, the once your sales training or the workshop-driven aspects changed behaviors become the accepted way of working. of a sales initiative have taken place. We hold ourselves Until this happens, there is always the risk of the train slowing accountable for your success and in our Change Execution down, stopping, or being derailed. Once the new culture Process we continue to be stakeholders throughout your is said to be the current corporate culture, then the change partnership with us. management exercise can be deemed a success. MORE ON THE ROOTS OF FAILURE The seven-tenths failure rate is sufficiently disastrous for us multiple pieces of research to explore why transformation to dig a little deeper, since it should help inform your own efforts fail. As we have seen, a range of issues contribute to transformation efforts. Organizational behavior consultant this, in the following proportions: Pete Abilla, in his blog, also draws on Factors contributing to failure % All other obstacles 72% of change 14% 39% Inadequate resources failures are due to or budget organizational issues 14% Manangement behavior not supportive of change 33% Employee resistance to change Share this White Paper! Copyright © The TAS Group. All rights reserved. 5
  • 7. Sell Smarter. Manage Better. In the sales organizational context, 72% of the failure rate • Informal ‘how things get done’ remain inconsistent is due to organizations issues, i.e. sales professionals or with espoused values sales managers, and not to a lack of resources, as might • Change champions lose interest and move to the ’next’ be expected. Abilla outlines the typical characteristics in change program transformational failures, which have some pertinent parallels • Leaders charged with implementing the change do with the Kotter findings: not possess the requisite knowledge, skills and abilities • No obvious connection to outcomes that the organization values We now have a comprehensive list of symptoms and factors • Aspirations of the organization are not clear, concise or of failure in sales change management. Let’s flip the coin communicated over and analyze what needs to be in place for us to end up • Desired behaviors are not role-modeled, trained or in the happy place of the 30% of sales change management reinforced initiatives that are successful. • Top team is not aligned CONDITIONS FOR SUCCESSFUL SALES CHANGE MANAGEMENT First and foremost, you need to plan the transformation. conditions – each of which need to be independently Too often, organizations underestimate what is involved in acknowledged by sales people – that must be in place conditioning behavior change. The key is to identify which for staff to change their behavior. We have taken those are the right levers to condition the change. In the course of four conditions and broken out one of them to make five analyzing why change management programs fail, we have conditions that should be place in order for sales change to already indirectly addressed what needs to happen for them take place. to succeed. At their core is the notion that in order for you to change In this White Paper we have already leaned heavily on people’s behavior, you have to change their mindset, or eminent research in this area, and we are once again indebted attitude, first. Sales people submit willingly and with an to the work that has gone before. In particular, a piece of open mind to training if they understand why change is research from McKinsey Quarterly is particularly instructive. necessary and agree with it to a sufficient degree. We present In June 2003 Emily Lawson and Colin Price published ‘The below, therefore, the five conditions for successful change Psychology of Change Management’, which outlined four management. Executive Reinforcement Sponsorship and Recoginition Purpose Skills Attitude Role Models Processess Behavior Share this White Paper! Copyright © The TAS Group. All rights reserved. 6
  • 8. Sell Smarter. Manage Better. Condition 1: A Purpose to Believe In Condition 4: The Skills Required for Change Sales people need to believe in the overall purpose of the Sales leaders need to focus on sales managers and sales change management initiative, and you will only achieve this people being instructed in how to make the sales training through a robust communication plan. Within this plan you work for their situation, their Opportunities and their need to address these critical components: Accounts. This takes time. In addition, the teaching needs • Why is this transformation necessary (for the industry, to be broken down into digestible chunks to aid absorption. the organization, the sales people, their customers)? Also, once the new way of working has been learned, it is best • What are the problems this initiative will solve? It is cemented by applying the knowledge straight away to real important to clearly call out the problems preventing Opportunities and Accounts. Inversely, considering the two them from achieving their transformational goals previous conditions (role models and reinforcement systems), • How is this initiative going to help achieve the desired sales leaders need to acquire the appropriate level of skills to outcome of the transformation? coach and sustain the transformation. • What are the short, medium, and long-term results expected out of this initiative? Condition 5: Process, Process, Process • What must change as a result of this initiative? In our view, processes – and the connection to them – need to • What’s in it for them – what do they gain, what do they be brought out into a separate condition for successful sales lose? transformation. Sales methodology, sales process and sales technology need to be connected explicitly to the internal You should package the components in a compelling story processes that a sales organization follows to run its business. that your sales people can identify with. If your sales people have to make the connection themselves between the new behaviors and their ongoing day-to-day Condition 2: Consistent Role Models activities, it is highly unlikely you will see the sustained Role models significantly affect behavior change in sales behavior change you’re looking for. organizations, as much as the four other conditions put together. The peer group to which the sales person belongs Sales managers and sales people need to establish the – typically the sales team – also affects it. For this reason, connection between new behaviors and internal processes individual role models, particularly individuals with rank and / to the same degree that the other four conditions need to be or influence (in other words sales leaders and sales managers) satisfied, in order to effect the attitudinal change in your sales need to internalize the desired language and behavior in organization that drive the new (and hopefully lasting) sales order for the change in the sales teams to be prevalent, behaviors. profound and lasting. Condition 3: Reinforcement Systems Sales coaching, performance measurement and rewards or recognition need to be aligned to the new sales behavior. When a company’s goals for new behavior are not reinforced, too much erosion occurs after training, and there is not enough momentum to sustain the change. Furthermore, structures that initially reinforce the new behavior do not guarantee that it will be sustained. They need to be supported by changes that complement the other four conditions. Share this White Paper! Copyright © The TAS Group. All rights reserved. 7
  • 9. Sell Smarter. Manage Better. SALES CHANGE MANAGEMENT WITH THE TAS GROUP AND DEALMAKER Much of the research explored in this White Paper, combined • Align: Securing agreement and buy-in from all with over two decades of experience implementing sales stakeholders to the initiative academies and sales transformation programs for companies • Deploy: Implementing Dealmaker and enterprises, inform our globally proven sales change • Learn: Using blended learning (including e-learning management process, which we call the Dealmaker Change curricula, interactive web-based sessions and self-study Execution Process. Dealmaker is an integrated sales approach assignments) to acquire the knowledge and concepts with learning and best practices constantly reinforced • Apply: Applying the acquired concepts to live accounts through its everyday use. It comprises a proven methodology and opportunities in a workshop environment and optimized sales processes, embedded into on-demand • Measure and Coach: Coach the process, method, and sales performance automation technology, with effective on- software into the working practices of the customer’s the-job sales training and reinforced by expert tuition. Since team; realize quick wins sales effectiveness is a continual process, Dealmaker breaks • Sustain: Secure ongoing, long-term performance down the critical elements of the process into the following and productivity, inspecting and exhibiting the right eight stages, split across four phases: planning, delivery, behaviors at all levels adoption and sustainment. For more detail on the Dealmaker Change Execution Process, • Define: Defining the customer’s key business which is designed to secure the conditions for successful sales requirements and associated challenges change management outlined in this White Paper, please • Design: Designing the solution to address the see the services section of our website or contact us at info@ customer’s requirements DEL IVE RY Define Design Align Deploy Learn Objectives Solution Stakeholders Dealmaker Virtual Learning System Coach Me Apply Sales Management, Case Studies, Reinforcement Workshops, and Coach Me Dealmaker Usage Measure Dealmaker CU Reporting and O Predictive ST M Sales Analytics ER AD OPT IO N Share this White Paper! Copyright © The TAS Group. All rights reserved. 8
  • 10. Sell Smarter. Manage Better. SUMMARY Improving sales performance is about recognizing and our Change Execution Process. It espouses the lessons managing change. Research has shown that seven gleaned from the research presented in this document, out of every ten change initiatives fail, and this losing and provides for the businesses who partner with us record has remained consistent over time. A variety a foundation on which to successfully transform their of factors, many of them rooted in the way people are, selling activities and sales velocity. contribute to this failure rate, and they are as true for sales effectiveness initiatives in sales organizations as If you wish to find out more about The TAS Group’s they are for other change programs in businesses of all sales performance offerings, or anything else discussed sizes and industries. in this White Paper, please contact us at Research has also identified four conditions that need to be present for a change management exercise to Recommended further resources: succeed, and we break up one of these conditions to • The TAS Group White Paper – Evaluating Sales make five conditions for success in the selling context. Training Programs When you understand the psychological implications • The TAS Group White Paper – Establishing of change, this provides additional insights to further Lasting Changes in the Sales and Marketing inform how you lay the groundwork for the conditions. Enterprise • Dealmaker Genius – Generates customized sales The TAS Group has worked with some of the world’s processes in a matter of minutes most admired selling enterprises for more than 20 • Dealmaker Index - Evaluates your company’s years, and from this experience has established a sales process, as well as your own, so you can proven change management template which we call see how they stack up against others Share this White Paper! Copyright © The TAS Group. All rights reserved. 9
  • 11. ABOUT THE TAS GROUP  The TAS Group helps sales professionals sell smarter and manage better. Through a unique combination of deep sales methodologies and intelligent software applications, customers achieve measureable results including increases in win rates, deal sizes and qualified opportunities, as well as decreases in sales cycle length. According to the Aberdeen Group, customers of The TAS Group realize 21 percent greater attainment of sales quotas. Dealmaker® intelligent software is the engine driving revenue growth and sustained adoption of improved sales practices. The TAS Group has helped more than 850,000 sales professionals in more than 65 countries, from small private companies to market leaders. For more information visit and read the dealmaker365 blog at ABOUT DEALMAKER Dealmaker software from The TAS Group delivers real-time opportunity and account management, intelligent deal coaching, accurate sales forecasts, smart playbooks, self-paced learning, and predictive analytics, resulting in measurable sales growth. Dealmaker can be delivered as a standalone application or can be integrated with Salesforce CRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Oracle CRM On Demand, Oracle’s Siebel CRM and SAP CRM, or with any third party software application through the Dealmaker API. For more information visit Copyright © The TAS Group. All rights reserved. This briefing is for customer use only and no usage rights are conveyed. Nothing herein may be reproduced in any form without written permission of The TAS Group.