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A GLOBAL Computershare Company
Marketing technology
& automation to power
your marketing machine
Creative thinking,
strategic results
At Pepper, we truly do walk the walk and talk the
talk—meaning our tagline creative thinking, strategic
results actually is the way we do business. Follow this
guide, and you’ll see how to put calculated strategy
behind every creative idea. Here, we take a look at
what goes on behind the scenes—the technology
that drives marketing today, making campaigns
more precise so your marketing machine can keep
producing great work that gets noticed.
Marketing Evolution
How technology has paved the way
According to Gartner, by 2017 the CMO
will be responsible for more technology
spending than the CIO.1
It’s no secret that customer data is exploding,
and marketers need to figure out not just how
to harness and manage it, but how to use
it to make smart decisions. On top of that,
today’s customers have more control over
how they engage with brands (and through
which channels they engage) than ever
before. They’re self-educated. They’re socially
connected. And they access information
from wherever they can find it most easily—
making marketers’ jobs harder and much
more complex.
As a result, IT and marketing end up having to
collaborate. In what Forrester dubs the Age of
the Customer, this paradigm shift takes the
competitive landscape, “from one in which
operational and informational advantages drive
power to one in which obsessing about your
customer will set you ahead of your peers.”2
Those in the C-suite have taken notice, too.
IDC predicts that they will demand the CMO
produce a strategy and a plan for how market-
driven data will significantly contribute to
corporate objectives.3
And that’s where your
marketing machine comes in.
The marketing machine
What is happening behind the scenes
When you have technology—specifically automated processes—going on behind the scenes, it
could feel something like a Rube-Goldberg machine—you know, those ones that seemingly make
a simple task much more complex by way of a bunch of goofy gadgets all strung together. In fact,
it’s just the opposite: imagine if you had to do all those automated tasks manually. You’d probably
just… not do them.
What’s more, part of the novelty of a Rube-Goldberg is how cool it looks—a fitting analogy for
what we do as marketers: this machine wouldn’t be able to be so visually stunning without all the
machines working together inside. In the same way, creating standout creative is difficult these
days without using automated processes behind the scenes.
represents Customer
Management (CRM)
technology to help you
organize and manage
contacts, whether
they’re merely leads
or long-term clients.
As social media and
content marketing
continue to grow,
represent social tools
and aggregators
that make it easier
to share content—
whether you’re
pushing it out or
taking it in.
Dividing your contacts
into appropriate
segments and
different contact paths
is precisely what
marketing automation
achieves for you—
shown here, the ball
can fall into one of
three CUPS.
As content continues
to be the crux of
staying relevant,
it’s more and more
important to keep
channels up to date.
represents Content
Management Systems
(CMS), which work
to ensure your web
presence is as current
as possible.
Finally, we look at the
CALENDAR to remind
us of all the project
management software
available to marketing
teams to make sure
the strategists align
with the designers,
the technologists
align with creative and
so on.
Moving parts
Making the machine work
As we zoom in on each piece of the marketing machine, we’ll look at how each part moves to
affect the creative communication you push out. What’s important to note is that these processes
are not mutually exclusive, nor are they necessarily sequentially dependent. In other words,
you don’t need to adopt them all at once and you don’t need to implement them in a certain
order—but having them all employed behind the scenes is what can give your marketing machine
perpetual motion on the backend and positive results on the frontend.
Because it is, more or less, the heart of the operation, marketing
automation—the sorted cups in the machine—lies in the middle of our
marketing machine. By far the most impactful to an organization and
the most difficult to understand, we’ll focus primarily on that part of the
machine as we progress.
Within our machine, marketing automation is at the
center because it most naturally integrates with all
other pieces of the sequence.
Marketing automation
The powerhouse of the technologies and at the heart of today’s and tomorrow’s marketing
machine, marketing automation helps you move leads from the top of the marketing funnel to
the bottom by understanding where buyers are in the buying process and providing them with
what they need at the right time. The goal of marketing automation is to improve the alignment
between sales and marketing, mostly during the passing of leads from marketing to sales.
Key players: Tools like Eloqua, Marketo, HubSpot, SilverPop, Pardot, and more help sort your
contacts (working seamlessly with your CRM solution) into segments based mainly on behavior
so you can push out content (pulled from your communication aggregators or your content
management system) that is relevant to each individual contact at a given time.
Why you need it: Broadly speaking, marketing automation allows for a more individualized
approach to targeting, timing and content. In other words, it brings technology to the way you look
at each and every lead in your database while also helping you:
•	 Develop and implement email marketing campaigns
•	 Automate repetitive business tasks like determining when/how to contact people
•	 Build automated campaigns to increase business sales
•	 Improve metrics like lead conversion rates, average deal size and forecast accuracy4
...and why you’ll fall behind without it: We’ve already discussed that data is not only growing but
also becoming more available to us as marketers. In order to keep moving forward and keep your
efficiencies and efficacies in line with your competition, you need to harness this data and use it
to your advantage. The future looks more reliant on data than ever. IDC predicts that in 2013:3
Moving parts
50% of new marketing
hires will have
technical backgrounds
The CIO will become
more actively involved
with the CMO in all
marketing automation
decisions that have
Automation could
approach 10%
of marketing’s
discretionary budget
in 2013—split 67:33
between marketing
and IT budgets (for
“best practice”
organizations, this will
shift to 50:50 by 2014)
Even when cooperating
with the CIO, many
CMOs will find that
their positions are in
jeopardy as they failed
to produce a robust
data analytics function
(or a game plan to get
High-tech pipeline
conversion metrics
will continue to
improve; expect a
20% improvement
in target-to-deal
ratios and a 10%
reduction in time to
create a customer,
with both due to
better automation
and analytics-driven
process improvement
50% 50:50 20%
How ready are you? So, on the spectrum of marketing automation readiness, where is your
organization? Evaluating yourself on this scale—dubbed the Marketing Mix Optimization (MMO)
Maturity Model by Forester5
will help you figure out what your next steps are in implementing a
solution along with an agency partner or service provider that can automate you:
How it will benefit your next campaign: Of course, automation allows for a more individualized
approach to targeting, timing and content. If an emotional connection is what you’re after, using
automation will help ensure you’re contacting your leads and customers at the right time with the
right content. You’ll see noticeable benefits on both the marketing and the sales sides.
You’re aware of the
need to adapt, but you
lack the organizational
framework, processes,
and infrastructure to
execute. Instead, you make
marketing decisions based
on instinct, competition and
prior budget allocations.
You should focus on
routinizing the gathering and
organization of customer
data sets, evangelizing
the need for a new overall
Companies like yours
establish a fresh framework
that places the customers’
journey at the center. Advice
seekers are not quite ready
to leverage hard data sets
to make decisions but
understand the value of it.
You should focus on
feeding customer data sets
(taken from all sources) to
create a unique view of your
target audience. You are not
mature enough to create
a full-blown automation
model yet.
You are starting to build
quantitative frameworks
to understand how your
marketing efforts perform
as a whole. You collect,
standardize and analyze
data as a stepping stone to
build models that describe
performance of budgets,
tactics and channels.
You should continue to
live and breathe data. Keep
relying on it to validate
investments, quantify
performance and measure
quantitative results of your
You have developed detailed
processes and standards
to collect data and have
marketing technologies that
are fully deployed across the
organization and at partner
You should focus on
increasing speed to insight
and making sure the
planning and budgeting
teams act on the insights
from the model.
Moving parts
•	 Lead scoring and grading, prospect tracking,
and lead nurturing ensure that the right
leads go to the right reps at the right time.
•	 Gives sales the talking points they need with
detailed prospect tracking and analytics.
•	 Frees up time to focus on sales-ready leads
by placing inactive leads on nurturing tracks.
•	 Smart lead capture forms make it easy to
collect the information you need.
•	 Reduces human error and takes the manual
labor out of segmentation and nurturing.
•	 Can increase sales staff productivity.
•	 Since the entire process is fully automated, the
quality and quantity of leads being funneled can be
adjusted by marketing at any time.
•	 Decreases labor cost by automating the process
of qualifying/routing leads and measuring the
effectiveness of campaigns and programs.
•	 Helps manage gaps in content creation and
maintenance by showing which leads need to be
contacted and in what way.
•	 Can increase marketing staff productivity.
Guess-timators Advice seekers Spreadsheet junkies Predictive analyzers
Moving parts
While these technologies are probably already implemented throughout your organization, you
might not have direct access to influence them; however, when you plan your next marketing
campaign or initiative, make sure you explore your capabilities regarding these technologies to
a) make sure these tools are not overlooked and b) ensure optimal dissemination of content.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
These systems—common examples are and CRM solutions from Oracle, SAP
and Microsoft—manage your interactions with customers and prospects. It combines marketing
efforts with business processes to identify and manage valuable relationships. You probably have
a robust CRM solution set up—but it’s important for you as marketers to get involved in how the
system is used. For instance, you can influence how sales follows up with leads generated by
marketing and what their service levels are for various prospects, leads and customers within
the system.
However, despite already having CRM in place, IDC predicts that the demand for greater insight
into the revenue impact of marketing and sales will require that older CRM systems be replaced
this year—so if that change does happen in your organization, it’s important for marketing to be
involved in the discussion.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Four other marketing technologies
to drive your machine
Moving parts
Sharing/communication tools
In a world in which everyone is constantly connected via content, it’s crucial to have the ability to
take in content, share content and push content out. This includes pushing content out via social
media, sharing files with clients and vendors, sharing content internally to increase knowledge
and more. Tools that can help automate the process of sharing and communicating better
•	 App/cloud connectors: Tools and apps that help seamlessly cache your content and let you
choose whether one piece of content will be sent out through just one channel or several.
•	 Social media aggregators: These tools, such as TweetDeck or HootSuite, help aggregate all
feeds so you can take in knowledge and keep your entire marketing organization up to date on
news, trends and new tactics.
•	 Digital asset management: Sharing files and transferring assets is increasingly important
when time is of the essence. These days, you’re late if you’re a few hours behind a trend, let
alone a few days or weeks. So having a way to work with clients and vendors as quickly as
possible is essential. Be careful when choosing a service for file sharing, though—you’ll need
to collaborate with IT to understand if you already have something set up or if you can explore
your own safe file sharing solution.
Sharing/communication tools
Moving parts
Content management systems (CMS)
We all know it’s increasingly imperative to keep content as up to date as possible. Every time
someone visits your website, he or she should be able to find something new. On the other hand,
you don’t want to redesign or rearrange your site to keep it fresh—that’s not only expensive, it
resets the learning curve for your visitors. As an alternative, you can implement a CMS—a tool (or
a way of designing your website) that assists users in adding, editing and managing content.
Using a CMS such as Wordpress, Drupal or Joomla! allows you to maintain a professional, highly
creative and customized look for your visitors—but behind the scenes, content is managed much
more simply, even blog-like or WYSIWYG, allowing you to focus on the creative while automation
drives all content changes.
Of course, using a CMS makes it easier for non-technical users who can have professional
developers create the initial site—and then they themselves can update content whenever
It’s likely you have a CMS that drives your corporate site—it’s your job to make
sure a) content is created to fuel regular updates and b) any minisites, microsites
or campaign-specific sites you build consider using a CMS. In fact, IDC predicts
that in 2013, CMOs will be pragmatic, shifting focus less to be on big platform
projects and more on linking access to audience needs.3
Content management systems (CMS)
Moving parts
Project management software
When time is of the essence, keeping all team members—internally, externally or both—on
the same page helps you plan projects, understand resources, track budgets and calculate
profitability. Using project management tools like SharePoint or Basecamp lets you transparently
manage all campaigns in the back of the machine while integrating creative on the frontend.
Of course it’s easy to see the benefits of organization and scheduling. But as far as its relevance
to the marketing machine, project management helps keep all processes—including the
automated ones—in sync so the creative can more easily align.
Project management software
How the technologies work together
In marketing, final creative is just part of the picture (the part that your audience actually sees)—what marketing
technology and automation does is take care of the rest. There will always be some experimentation involved and
somewhat of a learning curve when adopting new technologies. But the result of implementing them is worth it:
More customized
marketing messages
that can resonate with
more targets (this begs the
question, though: do you
have the resources in place
to create enough content to
serve all of them?).
Quicker time to close
—IDC predicts that
companies can expect a
20% improvement in target-
to-deal ratios and a 10%
reduction in time to create
a customer, with both due
to better automation and
analytics-driven process
Greater efficiency,
as you’re able to do more
with fewer people and
smaller budgets (once the
initial cost of implementing
automated technology is
as a result of adopting data-
driven decision making and
marketing—around 5 or 6%,
according to MIT.6
A GLOBAL Computershare Company
4 	“Marketing Automation 101: Ensuring Early Success with the Basics; Maturing Your Deployment for long-term ROI” by Aberdeen Group, 		
	 June 2010
5	 “Evaluate Your Marketing Optimization Readiness | Assessment: The Marketing Mix Optimization Playbook” by Michael Glantz with Luca S. 		
	 Paderni, Nate Elliott, and Alex Hayes, November 2012
©2013 Pepper. The contents of this document are confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties. All content, ideas and tools within
the offer are the copyrighted works of Pepper and subject to standard copyright law. Any redistribution or reproduction of any materials
herein is subject to approval by Pepper. Some pictures, illustrations and photos may be subject to copyright and trademark rights of third
parties. All registered trademarks are the properties of their individual companies and organizations. All brand names are the
intellectual property of their owners. All registered trademarks are acknowledged, even if they have not been expressly labeled as such.
Pepper, an international marketing and communications agency,
delivers full marketing automation support, from communication
strategy to technical implementation and creative development. This
blend of strategy, technology and creativity enables Pepper’s clients to
engage their targets along the entire lifecycle—from lead generation
and development to CRM activities such as loyalty programs, cross- and
up-selling opportunities and customer retention.
Your Contacts at Pepper:
Markus Dunz (EMEA)
Phone: +49 89 30903 584
Brennen Roberts (USA)
Phone: +1 312 588 4774
Caroline Lim (APAC)
Phone: +65 6635 3939

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Title: Pepper_eBook_marketing_technologies_us

  • 1. A GLOBAL Computershare Company Marketing technology & automation to power your marketing machine
  • 2. 2 Creative thinking, strategic results At Pepper, we truly do walk the walk and talk the talk—meaning our tagline creative thinking, strategic results actually is the way we do business. Follow this guide, and you’ll see how to put calculated strategy behind every creative idea. Here, we take a look at what goes on behind the scenes—the technology that drives marketing today, making campaigns more precise so your marketing machine can keep producing great work that gets noticed. MARKETING TECHNOLOGY & AUTOMATION
  • 3. 3 MARKETING TECHNOLOGY & AUTOMATION Marketing Evolution MARKETING EVOLUTION How technology has paved the way According to Gartner, by 2017 the CMO will be responsible for more technology spending than the CIO.1 It’s no secret that customer data is exploding, and marketers need to figure out not just how to harness and manage it, but how to use it to make smart decisions. On top of that, today’s customers have more control over how they engage with brands (and through which channels they engage) than ever before. They’re self-educated. They’re socially connected. And they access information from wherever they can find it most easily— making marketers’ jobs harder and much more complex. As a result, IT and marketing end up having to collaborate. In what Forrester dubs the Age of the Customer, this paradigm shift takes the competitive landscape, “from one in which operational and informational advantages drive power to one in which obsessing about your customer will set you ahead of your peers.”2 Those in the C-suite have taken notice, too. IDC predicts that they will demand the CMO produce a strategy and a plan for how market- driven data will significantly contribute to corporate objectives.3 And that’s where your marketing machine comes in. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 0101010101010101000110001010100010101 0101010101000110001010100010101 1 CMO
  • 4. 4 MARKETING TECHNOLOGY & AUTOMATION The marketing machine THE MARKETING MACHINE What is happening behind the scenes When you have technology—specifically automated processes—going on behind the scenes, it could feel something like a Rube-Goldberg machine—you know, those ones that seemingly make a simple task much more complex by way of a bunch of goofy gadgets all strung together. In fact, it’s just the opposite: imagine if you had to do all those automated tasks manually. You’d probably just… not do them. What’s more, part of the novelty of a Rube-Goldberg is how cool it looks—a fitting analogy for what we do as marketers: this machine wouldn’t be able to be so visually stunning without all the machines working together inside. In the same way, creating standout creative is difficult these days without using automated processes behind the scenes. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 The ROLODEX represents Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software—the technology to help you organize and manage contacts, whether they’re merely leads or long-term clients. As social media and content marketing continue to grow, CHATTERING TEETH represent social tools and aggregators that make it easier to share content— whether you’re pushing it out or taking it in. Dividing your contacts into appropriate segments and different contact paths is precisely what marketing automation achieves for you— shown here, the ball can fall into one of three CUPS. As content continues to be the crux of staying relevant, it’s more and more important to keep communication channels up to date. The TYPEWRITER represents Content Management Systems (CMS), which work to ensure your web presence is as current as possible. Finally, we look at the CALENDAR to remind us of all the project management software available to marketing teams to make sure the strategists align with the designers, the technologists align with creative and so on.
  • 5. 5 MARKETING TECHNOLOGY & AUTOMATION Moving parts MOVING PARTS Making the machine work As we zoom in on each piece of the marketing machine, we’ll look at how each part moves to affect the creative communication you push out. What’s important to note is that these processes are not mutually exclusive, nor are they necessarily sequentially dependent. In other words, you don’t need to adopt them all at once and you don’t need to implement them in a certain order—but having them all employed behind the scenes is what can give your marketing machine perpetual motion on the backend and positive results on the frontend. Because it is, more or less, the heart of the operation, marketing automation—the sorted cups in the machine—lies in the middle of our marketing machine. By far the most impactful to an organization and the most difficult to understand, we’ll focus primarily on that part of the machine as we progress. Within our machine, marketing automation is at the center because it most naturally integrates with all other pieces of the sequence. MARKETING AUTOMATION
  • 6. 6 Marketing automation The powerhouse of the technologies and at the heart of today’s and tomorrow’s marketing machine, marketing automation helps you move leads from the top of the marketing funnel to the bottom by understanding where buyers are in the buying process and providing them with what they need at the right time. The goal of marketing automation is to improve the alignment between sales and marketing, mostly during the passing of leads from marketing to sales. Key players: Tools like Eloqua, Marketo, HubSpot, SilverPop, Pardot, and more help sort your contacts (working seamlessly with your CRM solution) into segments based mainly on behavior so you can push out content (pulled from your communication aggregators or your content management system) that is relevant to each individual contact at a given time. Why you need it: Broadly speaking, marketing automation allows for a more individualized approach to targeting, timing and content. In other words, it brings technology to the way you look at each and every lead in your database while also helping you: • Develop and implement email marketing campaigns • Automate repetitive business tasks like determining when/how to contact people • Build automated campaigns to increase business sales • Improve metrics like lead conversion rates, average deal size and forecast accuracy4 ...and why you’ll fall behind without it: We’ve already discussed that data is not only growing but also becoming more available to us as marketers. In order to keep moving forward and keep your efficiencies and efficacies in line with your competition, you need to harness this data and use it to your advantage. The future looks more reliant on data than ever. IDC predicts that in 2013:3 MARKETING TECHNOLOGY & AUTOMATION Moving parts 50% of new marketing hires will have technical backgrounds The CIO will become more actively involved with the CMO in all marketing automation decisions that have cross-functional implications Automation could approach 10% of marketing’s discretionary budget in 2013—split 67:33 between marketing and IT budgets (for “best practice” organizations, this will shift to 50:50 by 2014) Even when cooperating with the CIO, many CMOs will find that their positions are in jeopardy as they failed to produce a robust data analytics function (or a game plan to get there) High-tech pipeline conversion metrics will continue to improve; expect a 20% improvement in target-to-deal ratios and a 10% reduction in time to create a customer, with both due to better automation and analytics-driven process improvement 50% 50:50 20%
  • 7. 7 How ready are you? So, on the spectrum of marketing automation readiness, where is your organization? Evaluating yourself on this scale—dubbed the Marketing Mix Optimization (MMO) Maturity Model by Forester5 will help you figure out what your next steps are in implementing a solution along with an agency partner or service provider that can automate you: How it will benefit your next campaign: Of course, automation allows for a more individualized approach to targeting, timing and content. If an emotional connection is what you’re after, using automation will help ensure you’re contacting your leads and customers at the right time with the right content. You’ll see noticeable benefits on both the marketing and the sales sides. You’re aware of the need to adapt, but you lack the organizational framework, processes, and infrastructure to execute. Instead, you make marketing decisions based on instinct, competition and prior budget allocations. You should focus on routinizing the gathering and organization of customer data sets, evangelizing the need for a new overall strategy. Companies like yours establish a fresh framework that places the customers’ journey at the center. Advice seekers are not quite ready to leverage hard data sets to make decisions but understand the value of it. You should focus on feeding customer data sets (taken from all sources) to create a unique view of your target audience. You are not mature enough to create a full-blown automation model yet. You are starting to build quantitative frameworks to understand how your marketing efforts perform as a whole. You collect, standardize and analyze data as a stepping stone to build models that describe performance of budgets, tactics and channels. You should continue to live and breathe data. Keep relying on it to validate investments, quantify performance and measure quantitative results of your campaigns. You have developed detailed processes and standards to collect data and have marketing technologies that are fully deployed across the organization and at partner agencies. You should focus on increasing speed to insight and making sure the planning and budgeting teams act on the insights from the model. MARKETING TECHNOLOGY & AUTOMATION Moving parts SALES BENEFITS MARKETING BENEFITS • Lead scoring and grading, prospect tracking, and lead nurturing ensure that the right leads go to the right reps at the right time. • Gives sales the talking points they need with detailed prospect tracking and analytics. • Frees up time to focus on sales-ready leads by placing inactive leads on nurturing tracks. • Smart lead capture forms make it easy to collect the information you need. • Reduces human error and takes the manual labor out of segmentation and nurturing. • Can increase sales staff productivity. • Since the entire process is fully automated, the quality and quantity of leads being funneled can be adjusted by marketing at any time. • Decreases labor cost by automating the process of qualifying/routing leads and measuring the effectiveness of campaigns and programs. • Helps manage gaps in content creation and maintenance by showing which leads need to be contacted and in what way. • Can increase marketing staff productivity. Guess-timators Advice seekers Spreadsheet junkies Predictive analyzers
  • 8. 8 MARKETING TECHNOLOGY & AUTOMATION Moving parts While these technologies are probably already implemented throughout your organization, you might not have direct access to influence them; however, when you plan your next marketing campaign or initiative, make sure you explore your capabilities regarding these technologies to a) make sure these tools are not overlooked and b) ensure optimal dissemination of content. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) These systems—common examples are and CRM solutions from Oracle, SAP and Microsoft—manage your interactions with customers and prospects. It combines marketing efforts with business processes to identify and manage valuable relationships. You probably have a robust CRM solution set up—but it’s important for you as marketers to get involved in how the system is used. For instance, you can influence how sales follows up with leads generated by marketing and what their service levels are for various prospects, leads and customers within the system. However, despite already having CRM in place, IDC predicts that the demand for greater insight into the revenue impact of marketing and sales will require that older CRM systems be replaced this year—so if that change does happen in your organization, it’s important for marketing to be involved in the discussion. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Four other marketing technologies to drive your machine 1
  • 9. 9 MARKETING TECHNOLOGY & AUTOMATION Moving parts Sharing/communication tools In a world in which everyone is constantly connected via content, it’s crucial to have the ability to take in content, share content and push content out. This includes pushing content out via social media, sharing files with clients and vendors, sharing content internally to increase knowledge and more. Tools that can help automate the process of sharing and communicating better include: • App/cloud connectors: Tools and apps that help seamlessly cache your content and let you choose whether one piece of content will be sent out through just one channel or several. • Social media aggregators: These tools, such as TweetDeck or HootSuite, help aggregate all feeds so you can take in knowledge and keep your entire marketing organization up to date on news, trends and new tactics. • Digital asset management: Sharing files and transferring assets is increasingly important when time is of the essence. These days, you’re late if you’re a few hours behind a trend, let alone a few days or weeks. So having a way to work with clients and vendors as quickly as possible is essential. Be careful when choosing a service for file sharing, though—you’ll need to collaborate with IT to understand if you already have something set up or if you can explore your own safe file sharing solution. Sharing/communication tools 2
  • 10. 10 MARKETING TECHNOLOGY & AUTOMATION Moving parts Content management systems (CMS) We all know it’s increasingly imperative to keep content as up to date as possible. Every time someone visits your website, he or she should be able to find something new. On the other hand, you don’t want to redesign or rearrange your site to keep it fresh—that’s not only expensive, it resets the learning curve for your visitors. As an alternative, you can implement a CMS—a tool (or a way of designing your website) that assists users in adding, editing and managing content. Using a CMS such as Wordpress, Drupal or Joomla! allows you to maintain a professional, highly creative and customized look for your visitors—but behind the scenes, content is managed much more simply, even blog-like or WYSIWYG, allowing you to focus on the creative while automation drives all content changes. Of course, using a CMS makes it easier for non-technical users who can have professional developers create the initial site—and then they themselves can update content whenever necessary. It’s likely you have a CMS that drives your corporate site—it’s your job to make sure a) content is created to fuel regular updates and b) any minisites, microsites or campaign-specific sites you build consider using a CMS. In fact, IDC predicts that in 2013, CMOs will be pragmatic, shifting focus less to be on big platform projects and more on linking access to audience needs.3 Content management systems (CMS) 3
  • 11. 11 MARKETING TECHNOLOGY & AUTOMATION Moving parts Project management software When time is of the essence, keeping all team members—internally, externally or both—on the same page helps you plan projects, understand resources, track budgets and calculate profitability. Using project management tools like SharePoint or Basecamp lets you transparently manage all campaigns in the back of the machine while integrating creative on the frontend. Of course it’s easy to see the benefits of organization and scheduling. But as far as its relevance to the marketing machine, project management helps keep all processes—including the automated ones—in sync so the creative can more easily align. Project management software ASSEMBLING THE MACHINE How the technologies work together In marketing, final creative is just part of the picture (the part that your audience actually sees)—what marketing technology and automation does is take care of the rest. There will always be some experimentation involved and somewhat of a learning curve when adopting new technologies. But the result of implementing them is worth it: More customized marketing messages that can resonate with more targets (this begs the question, though: do you have the resources in place to create enough content to serve all of them?). Quicker time to close —IDC predicts that companies can expect a 20% improvement in target- to-deal ratios and a 10% reduction in time to create a customer, with both due to better automation and analytics-driven process improvement.3 Greater efficiency, as you’re able to do more with fewer people and smaller budgets (once the initial cost of implementing automated technology is recouped). Productivity improvements as a result of adopting data- driven decision making and marketing—around 5 or 6%, according to MIT.6 4
  • 12. A GLOBAL Computershare Company 1 2 3 4 “Marketing Automation 101: Ensuring Early Success with the Basics; Maturing Your Deployment for long-term ROI” by Aberdeen Group, June 2010 5 “Evaluate Your Marketing Optimization Readiness | Assessment: The Marketing Mix Optimization Playbook” by Michael Glantz with Luca S. Paderni, Nate Elliott, and Alex Hayes, November 2012 6 ©2013 Pepper. The contents of this document are confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties. All content, ideas and tools within the offer are the copyrighted works of Pepper and subject to standard copyright law. Any redistribution or reproduction of any materials herein is subject to approval by Pepper. Some pictures, illustrations and photos may be subject to copyright and trademark rights of third parties. All registered trademarks are the properties of their individual companies and organizations. All brand names are the intellectual property of their owners. All registered trademarks are acknowledged, even if they have not been expressly labeled as such. Pepper, an international marketing and communications agency, delivers full marketing automation support, from communication strategy to technical implementation and creative development. This blend of strategy, technology and creativity enables Pepper’s clients to engage their targets along the entire lifecycle—from lead generation and development to CRM activities such as loyalty programs, cross- and up-selling opportunities and customer retention. Your Contacts at Pepper: Markus Dunz (EMEA) Email: Phone: +49 89 30903 584 Brennen Roberts (USA) Email: Phone: +1 312 588 4774 Caroline Lim (APAC) Email: Phone: +65 6635 3939